[ANN] logilab-astng 0.16.1

2006-09-26 Thread Sylvain Thénault

Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce the 0.16.1 release of Logilab astng package.
This release include some major bug fixes (pylint crashs, 2.5 compatibility)
and have tests passing from python 2.3 to python 2.5 :). You're higly encouraged
to upgrade if you're currently using the 0.16.0 release.

What's new ?

* python 2.5 support, patch provided by Marien Zwart
* fix [Class|Module].block_range method (this fixes pylint's inline
  disabling of messages on classes/modules)
* handle class.__bases__ and class.__mro__ (proper metaclass handling
  still needed though)
* drop python2.2 support: remove code that was working around python2.2
* fixed generator expression scope bug
* patch transformer to extract correct line information

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LOGILAB provides services in the fields of XML techniques and advanced
computing (implementation of intelligent agents, knowledge management,
natural language processing, statistical analysis, data mining, etc.),
and also trainings on Python, XML, UML, Object Oriented design, design
patterns use and other cutting edge topics. To know more about
Logilab, visit http://www.logilab.com/.

Logilab is also a strong supporter of the Free Software movement, and an
active member of the Python and Debian communities. Logilab's open 
source projects can be found on http://www.logilab.org/.
Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Zope, Plone, Debian:  http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:   http://www.logilab.fr/services
Python et calcul scientifique:   http://www.logilab.fr/science


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[ANN] logilab-common 0.19.2

2006-09-26 Thread Sylvain Thénault

Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce the 0.19.2 release of Logilab common package.
This release include some bug fixes and have tests passing from python 2.3
to python 2.5 :). You may be surprised by the version number since we have 
been missing public annoucements recently. To quote Alexandre, we got a bit 
sloppy in the public part of our release process, and the mails did not 
fly... Hopefuly we'll be better on this in a near future. Take a look at
the change log to get information about what's changed in the recent
discret versions.

What's new ?

* testlib:
  - fixed a bug in find_test making it returns some bad test names
  - new assertIsInstance method on TestCase
* optik_ext: make it works if mx.DateTime is not installed, in which case
  the date type option won't be available
* test fixes

What is common ?

logilab-common is a collection of low-level Python packages and modules,
 designed to ease:
  * handling command line options and configuration files
  * writing interactive command line tools
  * manipulation files and character strings
  * interfacing to OmniORB
  * generating of SQL queries
  * running unit tests
  * manipulating tree structures
  * accessing RDBMS (currently postgreSQL, mysql and sqlite)
  * generating text and HTML reports
  * logging

Home page



Mailing list


LOGILAB provides services in the fields of XML techniques and advanced
computing (implementation of intelligent agents, knowledge management,
natural language processing, statistical analysis, data mining, etc.),
and also trainings on Python, XML, UML, Object Oriented design, design
patterns use and other cutting edge topics. To know more about
Logilab, visit http://www.logilab.com/.

Logilab is also a strong supporter of the Free Software movement, and an
active member of the Python and Debian communities. Logilab's open 
source projects can be found on http://www.logilab.org/.
Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Zope, Plone, Debian:  http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:   http://www.logilab.fr/services
Python et calcul scientifique:   http://www.logilab.fr/science


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IMDbPY 2.7

2006-09-26 Thread Davide Alberani
IMDbPY 2.7 is available (tgz, deb, rpm, exe) from:

IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of
the IMDb movie database about both movies and people.

With this release some major bugs were fixed, especially in the http
and mobile data access systems; searches which return a lot of
results are handled gracefully.

Platform-independent and written in pure Python (and few C lines), it
can retrieve data from both the IMDb's web server and a local copy of
the whole database.

IMDbPY package can be very easily used by programmers and developers
to provide access to the IMDb's data to their programs.
Some simple example scripts are included in the package; other
IMDbPY-based programs are available from the home page.

Davide Alberani [EMAIL PROTECTED] [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Sep 27)

2006-09-26 Thread Cameron Laird
QOTW:  It's not out of the kindness of our hearts that we help.  Heck, I
don't know what it is.  Probably I just like reading my own drivel on the
internet and occasionally helping others is a good excuse. - Neil Cerutti

Well, if you're only watching mtv, it's easy to think that there's 
obviously not much demand fr country singers, blues musicians, British
hard rock bands, or melodic death metal acts. - Fredrik Lundh

std{in,out,err} are easier than people realize:

Skip, Amaury, and Bruno illustrate that, yes, there *is* a
purpose to for's else:


Thanks to Connelly Barnes for the autoimp module:


Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:

Python.org's Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url
Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new)
World-Wide Web articles related to Python.
While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL
are utterly different in their technologies and generally in
their results.

For far, FAR more Python reading than any one mind should
absorb, much of it quite interesting, several pages index
much of the universe of Pybloggers.

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.


Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher, and Tony Meyer continue the marvelous
tradition early borne by Andrew Kuchling, Michael Hudson and Brett
Cannon of intelligently summarizing action on the python-dev mailing
list once every other week.

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

Kurt B. Kaiser publishes a weekly report on faults and patches.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available are
For more, see
The old Python To-Do List now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation.

The online Python Journal is posted at pythonjournal.cognizor.com.
welcome submission of material that helps people's understanding
of Python use, and offer Web presentation of your work.

del.icio.us presents an intriguing approach to reference commentary.
It already aggregates quite a bit of Python 

London Python Meetup, Wednesday the 4th of October

2006-09-26 Thread Simon Brunning
I'm organising another London Python meetup at The Stage Door,
Waterloo, London SE1 8QA (see http://tinyurl.com/ko27s) for
Wednesday the 4th of October, anytime after work. Hope to see you

Simon B,

Support the Python Software Foundation:

cx_Oracle 4.2.1

2006-09-26 Thread Anthony Tuininga
What is cx_Oracle?

cx_Oracle is a Python extension module that allows access to Oracle and
conforms to the Python database API 2.0 specifications with a few

Where do I get it?


What's new?

1) Added additional type (NCLOB) to handle CLOBs that use the national
character set as requested by Chris Dunscombe.
2) Added support for returning cursors from functions as requested by
3) Added support for getting/setting the get mode on session pools
as requested by Anand Aiyer.
4) Added support for binding subclassed cursors.
5) Fixed binding of decimal objects with absolute values less than 0.1.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Pydev 1.2.4 Released

2006-09-26 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.2.4 have been released

Details on Pydev Extensions: http://www.fabioz.com/pydev
Details on Pydev: http://pydev.sf.net 
Details on its development: http://pydev.blogspot.com

Release Highlights in Pydev Extensions:

* Code analysis: analysis on imported modules do no longer give you errors on
 * classes that have __getattribute__ or __getattr__ overriden
 * assigns that are initially None
 * assigns to a function call and not a class definition

* Completions for parameters in a context-insensitive way, looking for
all the methods/attributes declared in classes available to the project
(after 3 chars)

Release Highlights in Pydev:

* Completions for parameters based on the tokens that were defined for it in a given context
* Removed the default PyLint options, because its command-line interface changed (that was crashing PyLint in newer versions)
* Changed the grammar so that 'yield' is correctly parsed as an _expression_
* Giving better error message when external file is opened without any interpreter selected
* Icons for the builtins gotten on large libraries (such as wx -- it was optimized not to do that before)
* Adding jars relative to the project now works correctly
* Patched (Kovan): The debugger is now able to get the variables in a context when handling negative payloads

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: ctypes question about call by reference

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Sunday 24/9/2006 15:49, Lawrence Oluyede wrote:

 Is it at all possbile to use a struct without defining it with ctypes?

If you want to use it you have to define it somewhere...

If it's an opaque thing, totally managed by the external code, yes 
- treat it as a pointer.
That is, if you never have to access its fields, or create/destroy it 
in the python code (using an external function would be ok).

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 yield dict(zip(Fields, NextRow))

the OP didn't ask for a field name = value mapping, though.



Re: Python CTypes translation of (pv != NULL)

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Monday 25/9/2006 21:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Q: The C idea of (pv != NULL) is said most directly in Python ctypes

Perhaps reading the ctypes tutorial? (both in the 2.5 docs and in 

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 the OP didn't ask for a field name = value mapping, though.

footnote: but for those who want that, I strongly recommend using 
something like Greg Stein's dtuple module:




Query regarding grep!!

2006-09-26 Thread bhavya sg

 I saw in PEP4 of python 2.5 that grep module has gone
obsolete in perl 2.5. But I am not able to find an
alternative for that.My doubt is are the other forms
of grep like egrep and ggrep be used instead?

Yahoo! India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel G

At Monday 25/9/2006 11:08, Jon Ribbens wrote:

 What precisely do you think it would break?

 existing code, and existing tests.

I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
existing code? Can you come up with an example, or even an
explanation of how it *could* break existing code?

FWIW, a *lot* of unit tests on *my* generated html code would break, 
and I imagine a *lot* of other people's code would break too. So 
changing the defaults is not a good idea.
But if you want, import this on sitecustomize.py and pretend it said 

import cgi
cgi.escape.func_defaults = (True,)
del cgi

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Query regarding grep!!

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
bhavya sg wrote:

  I saw in PEP4 of python 2.5 that grep module has gone
 obsolete in perl 2.5. But I am not able to find an
 alternative for that.

the grep module has been deprecated for ages (it's been in the lib-old 
non-standard library since at least Python 2.1).  The old grep module 
depends on the regex module, which has been deprecated since Python 1.6, 
and which was finally removed in Python 2.5.

  My doubt is are the other forms of grep like egrep and ggrep be used 

there are no such modules in Python, afaik.

(and that's a question, not a doubt, right?)

if you have Python code that uses the grep module, you can replace it 
with something like:

 import re

 def simple_grep(filename, pattern):
 find = re.compile(pattern).search
 for index, line in open(filename):
 if find(line):
 print filename, index, line[:-1]

where pattern is an RE-style pattern, not a REGEX-style pattern (see the 
RE documentation for details).



Re: Timeline for Python?

2006-09-26 Thread wesley chun
 From: Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, Sep 23 2006 12:03 pm

 i cover through 2.5, but also include stuff that have
 already been slated for 2.6 and 2.7.

 and what would that be?  target versions in the PEP:s are usually just
 wild guesses...

true, and it's obviously a *bad* idea to be wrong.
i don't have easy access to where in the manuscript
i've made such annotations, however, there are some
minor things which i'm reasonably sure will be in 2.6:

- 'as' becomes a keyword
- catching of string exceptions generates a warning (in 2.5, raising
of string exceptions generates a warning)
- the 'with' statement, introduced under __future__ in 2.5, becomes standard
- intra-package imports not using the relative import syntax will
generate a warning

i'm sure all you dev folks will let me know where
i've hung myself.  i can always make an errata
correction on the book's website as with any other
problems that people find.

however, the main point of my reply is really that
i've tried hard to make the book to be as version-
independent as much as possible.  the added bonus
is for those who *are* locked into specific (pre-
sumably older) versions to know about features that
were added to, altered in, or removed from Python
and for which releases those updates were first
introduced to the public.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun :: wescpy-at-gmail.com
python training and technical consulting
cyberweb.consulting : silicon valley, ca

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Steve Holden
Jon Ribbens wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
Now you're just being ridiculous. In this thread you have been rude,
evasive, insulting, vague, hypocritical, and have failed to answer
substantive points in favour of sarcastic and erroneous sniping - I'd
suggest it's you that needs to worry about being taken seriously.

Actually, at least in the context of this mailing list, Fredrik doesn't 
have to worry about that at all. Why? Because he is one of the most 
prolific contributers to the Python language and libraries
 I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
 obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
 was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
 and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
 at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)

I generally find that Fredrik's rudeness quotient is satisfactorily 
biased towards discouraging ill-informed comment. As far as rudeness 
goes, I've found your approach to this discussion to be pretty 
obnoxious, and I'm generally know as someone with a high tolerance for 
idiotic behaviour.

If your intention was to troll you could not have crafted your 
contributions in a better way.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Steve Holden
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve
 Holden wrote:
When you use the DB API correctly and paramterise your queries you still
need to quote wildcards in search arguments, but you absolutely
shouldn't quote the other SQL specials.

That's what parameterised queries are for on the first place...
 So you're suggesting I quote the wildcards, then rely on autoquoted
 parameters to handle the rest? Unfortunately, that's stupid mistake number

Ah, so your quoting function will deduce the context in which arguments 
intended for parameter substitution in the query will be used? Or are 
you suggesting that it's unwise to rely on autoquoted parameters? That 
could have a serious impact on the efficiency of some repeated queries.

I find it difficult to take your argument seriously. Are you doing this 
just to be obnoxious, or do you have a genuine point to make?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Dan Bishop
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
 Lundh wrote:

  Max M wrote:
  It also makes the  escaped html harder to read for standard cases.
  and slows things down a bit.
  (cgi.escape(s, True) is slower than cgi.escape(s), for reasons that are
  obvious for anyone who's looked at the code).

 What you're doing is adding to the reasons why the existing cgi.escape
 function is stupidly designed and implemented. The True case is by far the
 most common, so to make that the slow case, as well as being the
 non-default case, is doubly brain-dead.

How exactly would you make s = s.replace('',quot;) faster than
*not* doing the replacement?


Re: accepts decorator

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Monday 25/9/2006 21:58, urielka wrote:

i think i got what the * and ** mean.
*args mean arguments that are assigned by position(that is why *arg is
a tuple)
**kwds mean arguments that are assigned using equals a=2,b=3 (that is
why **kwds i a dict)
but why self is in *args and other thing goes to **kwds? even if not
assigned using equals

For these elemental things you should start by reading the Python 
tutorial included with the documentation - it's easy.
And for decorators, this is a good text 
http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/~micheles/python/documentation.html which 
supplements the Python docs.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Duncan Booth
Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (cgi.escape(s, True) is slower than cgi.escape(s), for reasons that
 are obvious for anyone who's looked at the code).
 What you're doing is adding to the reasons why the existing cgi.escape
 function is stupidly designed and implemented. The True case is by far
 the most common, so to make that the slow case, as well as being the
 non-default case, is doubly brain-dead.

It is slightly slower because it does more. Both cases are about 15 times 
faster than the regular expression implementation someone posted to this 
thread yesterday.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Duncan Booth
Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth
 If I have a unicode string such as: u'\u201d' (right double quote),
 then I want that encoded in my html as '#8221;' (or rdquo; but the
 numeric form is better).
 Right-double-quote is not an HTML special, so there's no need to quote
 it. I'm only concerned here with characters that have special meanings
 in HTML markup.

There is no need to quote  or ' either except in particular situations.

Would you care to suggest how you get a right double quote into any iso-
8859-1 encoded web page without quoting it? Even if the page is utf-8 
encoded quoting it can be a good idea.

 There should be a one-stop shop where I can take my unicode text and
 convert it into something I can safely insert into a generated html
 page; at present I need to call both cgi.escape and s.encode to get
 the desired effect.
 What you're really asking for is a version of cgi.escape that a) fixes
 the bugs discussed in this thread, and b) copes with different
 encodings while doing so.
 To handle b), you would need to pass it some indication of what the
 encoding of the string is. In any case, converting a literal
 right-double-quote to #8221; is not relevant to the purpose of
You don't seem to understand about html entity escapes. #8221; is a valid 
way to express right double quote whatever the page encoding. There is no 
need to know the encoding of the page in order to escape entities, just 
escape anything which can be problematic.

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
Lundh wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 yield dict(zip(Fields, NextRow))
 the OP didn't ask for a field name = value mapping, though.

What other kind of mapping could you produce?

Re: Extend file type

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
abcd wrote:

 Any ideas what methods the stdout (and I guess stderr) of Popen objects
 from subprocess call?

the external process only sees OS-level file handles (the number you get 
from the fileno() method on your file objects), not Python objects.  no 
matter how you override things in your process, you cannot make your OS 
pretend that the other process is written in Python...



Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 o cgi.escape is not meant for serious web application development,
 What is it meant for then?  Why should the library ever implement
 anything in a half-assed way unsuitable for serious application
 development, if it can supply a robust implementation instead?

I'd have to dig through the revision history to be sure, but I imagine 
that cgi.escape was originally only used in the cgi module (and there 
only in it's various print_* functions). Then it started being used by 
other core Python modules e.g. cgitb, DocXMLRPCServer.

The mistake, if there was one, was probably that escape wasn't spelled 
_escape and got documented in the LaTeX documentation system.

All of this is just speculation though.


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread George Sakkis
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  you're not the designer...

 I don't have to be. Whoever the designer was, they had not properly thought
 through the uses of this function. That's quite obvious already, to anybody
 who works with HTML a lot. So the function is broken and needs to be fixed.

 If you're worried about changing the semantics of a function that keeps the
 same cgi.escape name, then fine. We delete the existing function and add
 a new, properly-designed one. _That_ will be a wake-up call to all the
 users of the existing function to fix their code.

Wow. Are you always that arrogant for things you know very little
about, or just plain stupid ?


Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Steve Holden
Frank Millman wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Frank Millman wrote:

I am reminded of a spoof Latin motto from the days of my youth -


isn't that usually written

Illegitimi non carborundum


or is that just due to differences between british latin and american latin ?

 or my bad memory - my youth was a long time ago :-)
You were lucky, you *had* a youth [... etc.]

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Brian Quinlan
Jon Ribbens wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Brian Quinlan wrote:
 A summary of this pointless argument:
 Your summary seems pretty reasonable, but please note that later on,
 the thread was not about cgi.escape escaping (or not) quote
 characters (as described in your summary), but about Fredrik arguing,
 somewhat incoherently, that it should have to take character encodings
 into consideration.

And, of course, about you telling people that their explanations are not 
good enough :-)

BTW, I am curious about how you do unit testing. The example that I used 
in my summary is a very common pattern but would break in cgi.escape 
changed it's semantics. What do you do instead?


Re: Makin search on the other site and getting data and writing in xml

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Google don't define automated queryit, and I don't think they can.

the phrases they use are well understood in the SE business.  that's 
good enough for everyone involved (including courts; see below).

 (What on earth is meta-searching? If you're going to use terms which
 don't have a commonly understood meaning, define what they mean.)


 If I want to search for foo, and I type foo into the Firefox search
 box, is that an automated query?

nope.  unless you're a robot.

 What if I type gg: foo into Konqueror's address bar, which expands to
 http://www.google.com/search?q=foo;? Is it okay if I type the URL by hand

nope.  unless you're a robot.

 Can I use the browser to save the search page to a local HTML file? If
 Google says no, how can they possibly hope to stop me?

what you do with the search results once you've gotten them is outside 
the scope of that clause.

 What if I type this command into my shell?
 elinks --dump http://www.google.com/search?q=foo;  output.html
 What if I type
 wget http://www.google.com/search?q=foo;
 into the shell? Surely that's no more automated than typing foo
 into Google's search box.

neither is automated, unless you're a robot.

 Where is the line I must not cross?

letting a program generate search requests based on something other than 
human wants to find something and types some keywords into a prompt 

 And that, it seems to me, is what the Original Poster wanted.

the OP wanted to read keywords from a text file generated in some 
unknown fashion.  that's bot behaviour, not human behaviour.

 Of course, what I think isn't important. If Google wants to write legal
 contracts that won't stand up in court (speaking as somebody who isn't a
 lawyer and whose legal advice is worthless)

well, here's some random guy who didn't understand the terms used in 
the contract isn't a valid defense in court; courts are more interested 
in whether people with experience from the relevant field can reasonably 
be expected to understand the contract.  but this isn't about court 
cases, of course; it's about getting banned by Google for abusing their 



Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 well, if you're only watching mtv, it's easy to think that there's 
 obviously not much demand for country singers, blues musicians, British 
 hard rock bands, or melodic death metal acts.

These days its even hard to get the idea that there is a demand of boy 
bands, rnb, euro trash or any other popular music when watching it.

But make sure you polish your mechanics degrees, there sure is to pimp 
something out there, and training a head-butt also will do you good...



Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], I wrote:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
 Lundh wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 yield dict(zip(Fields, NextRow))
 the OP didn't ask for a field name = value mapping, though.
 What other kind of mapping could you produce?

All right, sorry, looks like they want to load the entire table into RAM and
key it off the first field. Kind of defeats the point of having SQL, but
there you go...

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Georg Brandl
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Max M wrote:
 Lawrence is right that the escape method doesn't work the way he expects
 it to.
 Rewriting a library module simply because a developer is surprised is a
 *very* bad idea.
 I'm not surprised. Disappointed, yes. Verging on disgust at some comments in
 this thread, yes. But surprised is what a lot of users of the existing
 cgi.escape function are going to be when they discover their code isn't
 doing what they thought it was.

Why should they be surprised? The documentation states clearly what cgi.escape()
does (as does the docstring).


Re: Makin search on the other site and getting data and writing in xml

2006-09-26 Thread Steve Holden
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:51:55 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

You may not send automated queries of any sort to Google's system 
 without express
permission in advance from Google.
 I'm not just being a pedantic weasel here, but what's an automated query?
 Google's ToS is a legal document (maybe), and if both parties don't agree
 on the meanings of terms, well, then it is a lousy legal document and a
 recipe for trouble.
 Google don't define automated queryit, and I don't think they can. In
 fact, the closest they come to defining it is to list three things they
 want to prevent, NONE of which have anything to do with the distinction
 between automated and non-automated.

The fact remains that Google can chop your searching ability off at the 
knees if *they* determine that you have broken the terms of service, so 
whether you agree or not becomes slightly academic.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve
Holden wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve
 Holden wrote:
When you use the DB API correctly and paramterise your queries you still
need to quote wildcards in search arguments, but you absolutely
shouldn't quote the other SQL specials.

That's what parameterised queries are for on the first place...
 So you're suggesting I quote the wildcards, then rely on autoquoted
 parameters to handle the rest? Unfortunately, that's stupid mistake
 number 2.
 Ah, so your quoting function will deduce the context in which arguments
 intended for parameter substitution in the query will be used? Or are
 you suggesting that it's unwise to rely on autoquoted parameters?

No, I'm saying it's _incorrect_ to use the existing autoquoting mechanism in
combination with a separate function that escapes the wildcards. I
previously described the two stupid mistakes that can arise from having a
separate function for doing just the wildcard quoting: this is the second

 That could have a serious impact on the efficiency of some repeated

Correctness comes before efficiency. It's no point doing it quickly if
you're doing it wrong.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
 Lundh wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 Georg Brandl wrote:

 A function is broken if its implementation doesn't match the

 or if it doesn't match the designer's intent.  cgi.escape is old
 enough that we would have noticed that, by now...

 _We_ certainly have noticed it.
 you're not the designer...
 I don't have to be. Whoever the designer was, they had not properly
 thought through the uses of this function. That's quite obvious already,
 to anybody who works with HTML a lot. So the function is broken and needs
 to be fixed.
 If you're worried about changing the semantics of a function that keeps
 the same cgi.escape name, then fine. We delete the existing function
 and add a new, properly-designed one. _That_ will be a wake-up call to
 all the users of the existing function to fix their code.
 What about the users who don't need to fix their code since it's working
 fine and flawlessly with the current cgi.escape?

They're just lucky. I guess, that the bugs haven't bitten them--yet.

Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steve Holden wrote:

 Ah, so your quoting function will deduce the context in which arguments 
 intended for parameter substitution in the query will be used? Or are 
 you suggesting that it's unwise to rely on autoquoted parameters? That 
 could have a serious impact on the efficiency of some repeated queries.

but people wouldn't use Python if they cared about efficiency



Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gabriel G

 At Monday 25/9/2006 11:08, Jon Ribbens wrote:
  What precisely do you think it would break?
  existing code, and existing tests.

I'm sorry, that's not good enough. How, precisely, would it break
existing code? Can you come up with an example, or even an
explanation of how it *could* break existing code?
 FWIW, a *lot* of unit tests on *my* generated html code would break...

Why did you write your code that way?


Re: accepts decorator

2006-09-26 Thread urielka
hehe i saw that,that is what made my understand it.
the decorator now works.
let say i have a function decorated with two decorators:

def myfunc(a,b):

how can i make the two decorators into one(note:one get parameters and
the other doesn`t)


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Max M wrote:
 Lawrence is right that the escape method doesn't work the way he expects
 it to.
 Rewriting a library module simply because a developer is surprised is a
 *very* bad idea.
 I'm not surprised. Disappointed, yes. Verging on disgust at some comments
 in this thread, yes. But surprised is what a lot of users of the
 existing cgi.escape function are going to be when they discover their
 code isn't doing what they thought it was.
 Why should they be surprised? The documentation states clearly what
 cgi.escape() does (as does the docstring).

Documentation frequently states stupid things. Doesn't mean it should be
treated as sacrosanct.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Georg Brandl
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
 Lundh wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 Georg Brandl wrote:

 A function is broken if its implementation doesn't match the

 or if it doesn't match the designer's intent.  cgi.escape is old enough
 that we would have noticed that, by now...

 _We_ certainly have noticed it.
 you're not the designer...
 I don't have to be. Whoever the designer was, they had not properly thought
 through the uses of this function. That's quite obvious already, to anybody
 who works with HTML a lot. So the function is broken and needs to be fixed.
 If you're worried about changing the semantics of a function that keeps the
 same cgi.escape name, then fine. We delete the existing function and add
 a new, properly-designed one. _That_ will be a wake-up call to all the
 users of the existing function to fix their code.

What about the users who don't need to fix their code since it's working fine
and flawlessly with the current cgi.escape?


Re: How to run in background?

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Monday 25/9/2006 09:02, billie wrote:

Hi all. I know that it's possible to automatically run a Python program
in background by giving it the pyw extension.
This is useful when I release a source ditribution of my program.
How could it be possible to do the same thing with an .exe file
compiled with py2exe extension? Do I have to write a batch script

I don't remember the details, but in your setup.py replace: 
console=myscript.py to windows=myscript.py (or maybe 
noconsole=myscript.py? I dont remember, but look at the distutils docs)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: QOTW (was Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?)

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Aahz enlightened us with:
 Fredrik Lundh  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

well, if you're only watching mtv, it's easy to think that there's
obviously not much demand for country singers, blues musicians,
British hard rock bands, or melodic death metal acts.

 Any other votes for this being QOTW?

+1 here

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

  Kind of defeats the point of having SQL, but there you go...

there are plenty of reasons to use Python data structures instead of the 
SQL engine for data crunching.  especially if you care about efficiency.



Re: SimpleXMLRPCServer and socket

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Juju wrote:

 But I still have a little question :
 How can I do to know which method I should override to make the things work ?
 Usually, I look at python.org but in this case, I couldn't find what
 I was looking for.  Finally, I had to look at the source files to under-
  stand what I should do.

the SocketServer framework is a bit underdocumented, indeed.

it would be a nice subject for an extended howto document, I think (cf. 
http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/ ).  any volunteers ?

on the other hand, the code is stable, and it's not going anywhere, so 
reading the source is perfectly okay.



Re: IDLE - Customizing output format

2006-09-26 Thread James Stroud
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 IDLE has an output format like this:

 type 'object'
 type 'type'
 type 'type'

 How can I customize it to become like that:

  type 'object'
  type 'type'
  type 'type'

 or that:

: type 'object'
: type 'type'
: type 'type'

 (preferably without modifying code)
 I assume this is not possible.
 I am wondering that other users are not annoyed by this reduced

I'm sure its quite unpopular to agree with you, but I do. I am 
tremendously annoyed the format of the interactive interpreter. Lovely 
would be output as you describe, but with the option, when selecting for 
copy-paste, to include the prompts and/or your suggested whitespace 
margin (e.g. select in doctest mode).


Re: SimpleXMLRPCServer and socket

2006-09-26 Thread Juju

2006/9/25, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I don't have time to dig deeper into this right now, but this post might
 be helpful:


I tried to override the verify_request method, it managed to get the
ClientAddress, but in this method, the Server is not yet Multithreaded
so I couldn't detect which ClientAddress correspond to which Thread.

So I look more closely at the code (TCPServer, SimpleXMLRPCServer...)
and I finally manage to do what I wanted to do, with overriding the
finish_request method and storing the ClientAddresses in a dict
(with the Thread ID as the key) :

def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
  # Override the finish_request to collect the client address
  SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.finish_request(self, request,

And now it works !

But I still have a little question :

How can I do to know which method I should override to make the things work ?

Usually, I look at python.org but in this case, I couldn't find what
I was looking for.
Finally, I had to look at the source files to understand what I should do.

Thanks in advance...

 (if not, follow up to c.l.python)

 cheers /F


Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Monday 25/9/2006 20:09, walterbyrd wrote:

I do.

If so, I doubt there are many.

That's why they get well paid :)
(uhm, not really... :( )

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Query regarding grep!!

2006-09-26 Thread Nick Vatamaniuc
Of course you can always use grep as an external process (if the OS has
it). For example:

In [1]: import subprocess

In [2]: out=subprocess.Popen( 'grep -i blah ./tmp/*',
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ).communicate()[0]

In [3]: out
Out[3]: './tmp/ex.tex:Blah blah blah...\n'

-Nick V.

bhavya sg wrote:

  I saw in PEP4 of python 2.5 that grep module has gone
 obsolete in perl 2.5. But I am not able to find an
 alternative for that.My doubt is are the other forms
 of grep like egrep and ggrep be used instead?


 Yahoo! India Answers: Share what you know. Learn something new


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:

 The spurious escaping of the apostrophe does no harm, but spuriously
 escaping a newline makes the select match the letter 'n' insteal of
 matching a newline.

And how would you get my QuoteSQL routine, as written, to make the same
mistake you did?

Re: Extend file type

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
abcd enlightened us with:
 Any suggestions on how to find out?  I did try adding to MyFile

 def __call__(self, *args):
 print calling:, args
 return file.__call__(self, *args)

 but I never see that either.

I don't know the answer to your problem, but I can explain why this
doesn't work. __call__ is used when an instance if MyFile is called as
if it were a function:

mf = MyFile(blabla)

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 What other kind of mapping could you produce?

and here we go again.  how about reading the code the OP posted, or the 
first few followups?



Surprise using the 'is' operator

2006-09-26 Thread codefire
I thought the 'is' operator was used to identify identical objects,
whereas the '==' operator checked equality. Well, I got a surprise

IDLE 1.1.3
 a = 10
 b = a
 a is b
 a == b
 c = 10
 a == c
 a is c

I was NOT expecting the last statement to return True!

What am I missing?



Re: Makin search on the other site and getting data and writing in xml

2006-09-26 Thread altemurbugra

www.onelook.com, for example


[ANN] logilab-astng 0.16.1

2006-09-26 Thread Sylvain Thénault

Hi there !

I'm pleased to announce the 0.16.1 release of Logilab astng package.
This release include some major bug fixes (pylint crashs, 2.5 compatibility)
and have tests passing from python 2.3 to python 2.5 :). You're higly encouraged
to upgrade if you're currently using the 0.16.0 release.

What's new ?

* python 2.5 support, patch provided by Marien Zwart
* fix [Class|Module].block_range method (this fixes pylint's inline
  disabling of messages on classes/modules)
* handle class.__bases__ and class.__mro__ (proper metaclass handling
  still needed though)
* drop python2.2 support: remove code that was working around python2.2
* fixed generator expression scope bug
* patch transformer to extract correct line information

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LOGILAB provides services in the fields of XML techniques and advanced
computing (implementation of intelligent agents, knowledge management,
natural language processing, statistical analysis, data mining, etc.),
and also trainings on Python, XML, UML, Object Oriented design, design
patterns use and other cutting edge topics. To know more about
Logilab, visit http://www.logilab.com/.

Logilab is also a strong supporter of the Free Software movement, and an
active member of the Python and Debian communities. Logilab's open 
source projects can be found on http://www.logilab.org/.
Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Zope, Plone, Debian:  http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:   http://www.logilab.fr/services
Python et calcul scientifique:   http://www.logilab.fr/science


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sybren Stuvel wrote:

 I'm suggesting functions based on the role of the string they need to
 escape, not the characters in that string.
 1) Quoting of wildcard strings for a query using LIKE etc.
 2) Quoting of values for putting into queries.

it's actually quite amusing that some people have such a hard time 
developing a conceptual model that actually matches the underlying 
architecture and the information model.  and it's usually the same 
people that end up arguing for hypergeneralization.

it's about data, folks, not syntax artifacts.



Re: I need some help with a regexp please

2006-09-26 Thread Frederic Rentsch
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On 25 Sep 2006 10:25:01 -0700, codefire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

 Yes, I didn't make it clear in my original post - the purpose of the
 code was to learn something about regexps (I only started coding Python
 last week). In terms of learning a little more the example was
 successful. However, creating a full email validator is way beyond me -
 the rules are far too complex!! :)

   I've been doing small things in Python for over a decade now
 (starting with the Amiga port)...

   I still don't touch regular expressions... They may be fast, but to
 me they are just as much line noise as PERL... I can usually code a
 partial parser faster than try to figure out an RE.
If I may add another thought along the same line: regular expressions 
seem to tend towards an art form, or an intellectual game. Many 
discussions revolving around regular expressions convey the impression 
that the challenge being pursued is finding a magic formula much more 
than solving a problem. In addition there seems to exist some code of 
honor which dictates that the magic formula must consist of one single 
expression that does it all. I suspect that the complexity of one single 
expression grows somehow exponentially with the number of 
functionalities it has to perform and at some point enters a gray zone 
of impending conceptual intractability where the quest for the magic 
formula becomes particularly fascinating. I also suspect that some 
problems are impossible to solve with a single expression and that no 
test of intractability exists other than giving up after so many hours 
of trying.
With reference to the OP's question, what speaks against passing his 
texts through several simple expressions in succession? Speed of 
execution? Hardly. The speed penalty would not be perceptible. 
Conversely, in favor of multiple expressions speaks that they can be 
kept simple and that the performance of the entire set can be 
incrementally improved by adding another simple expression whenever an 
unexpected contingency occurs, as they may occur at any time with 
informal systems. One may not win a coding contest this way, but saving 
time isn't bad either, or is even better.



Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread MaR

  walterbyrd wrote:
   If so, I doubt there are many.

My share of the waterfall :o)

I do earn my (preposterously nice *wink*) salary from doing *all* major
efforts, at the company I work for, in Python.
Not only that, since I started out here some 5 years ago, nearly all
software development of new thingys have moved to.. right! Python! That
adds three more people.
(We do use some Java for PDA's and also C++, the last just for
maintenance of older SW)
And even more, some of our PLC programmers use Python to auto-render
PLC code for Siemens(!), significantly increasing their productivity in
each and every project.

So I guess you just have to listen in on the right frequencies *wink



Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Lawrence D'Oliveiro enlightened us with:
 The trouble with this is that, instead of offering extra functionality, it
 leaves the door open to making two stupid mistakes:

 2) quoting of wildcards BEFORE quoting of non-wildcards

Why is this a stupid mistake in your view? Please explain this in
detail, because I think it's a proper way of doing it.

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Printing a percent sign

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John
Machin wrote:

 1. Reasoning: How do you get a literal ' into an SQL string constant?
 How do you get a literal \ into a Python string constant? How do you
 get a literal $ into some *x shell command lines? Do you detect a

None of which applies to escaping of % characters in format strings.

Re: concat next line with previous

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
 what is the python way to concat 2 lines eg

concated = line1 + line2

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Talking to marketing people about Python

2006-09-26 Thread codefire

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

   Unfortunately, if management goes further down the page, they find
 Ruby and D (when did that get out) both rated so many up arrows they
 had to use shorthand notation to represent 14 arrows...

Yes, there is no doubt Ruby is gaining traction - mostly due to the
success of Ruby on Rails. I was in the Ruby community in the very early
days and it was like being in a quiet backwater. As soon as ROR came on
the scene the whole thing just exploded.

I chose Python over Ruby because it has more maturity and stability (in
terms of the product). Python does the job and does it well and is
steadily growing and improving.

D has been around for several years at least. It doesn't really compete
with Python though. But not sure if it would be suitable for the
product mentioned at the start of this thread.



Re: where are isinstance types documented?

2006-09-26 Thread John Machin
codefire wrote:

 I'm using the isinstance built-in function. I've found the docs for it,
 but there are no docs on the supported types.

It supports *all* types.

 For example isinstance(a, int) works fine but isinstance(s, string)
 doesn't - because 'string is not known'.

That's because there is no built-in type called string.

 I do know how to import the types module and then use defined types
 such as 'types.StringType' - but the documentation says that from 2.2
 this is not the preferred way.

 So, where's the documentation for types I can use with isinstance, such
 as 'int'?

This is must-read stuff, but doesn't give the actual type names:
What you are looking for is this:
which is also must-read, but you may find it faster to use the Who's
your father? technique on a known instance:

|  type([])
| type 'list'
|  type('')
| type 'str'
|  type(u'')
| type 'unicode'
|  isinstance('foo', str)
| True
|  isinstance('foo', unicode)
| False

Who's your grandfather? can be useful, too:

|  str.__mro__
| (type 'str', type 'basestring', type 'object')
|  isinstance('foo', basestring)
| True
|  isinstance(u'u2', basestring)
| True



Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fredrik
Lundh wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
   SQL databases like MySQL are _designed_ for efficiency.
 unlike the Python data types, you mean ?

Did I say it was unlike anything?

Re: Verify an e-mail-adress - syntax and dns

2006-09-26 Thread Christophe
Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
 On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 16:11:38 +0200, Christophe wrote:
 This is useless AND annoying at the same time.
 But people like us don't screw up our email address in the first place,
 and if we do, we know how to fix it. Not everybody is like us.

So you say that the better answer is not to teach them to be careful 
when they fill those forms. It's to annoy them and teach them to 
copypaste mistakes instead!

Besides, what is so special with electronic forms that we have to go 
through all kind of tricks to make sure the user doesn't make mistakes 
when regular paper forms just assume the user will be careful when he 
fills it? Must be some kind of IQ draining field emited by all the 
computers which only computer experts are immune to :D

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

  SQL databases like MySQL are _designed_ for efficiency.

unlike the Python data types, you mean ?



Re: Printing a percent sign

2006-09-26 Thread John Machin

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John
 Machin wrote:

  1. Reasoning: How do you get a literal ' into an SQL string constant?
  How do you get a literal \ into a Python string constant? How do you
  get a literal $ into some *x shell command lines? Do you detect a

 None of which applies to escaping of % characters in format strings.

What I had in mind was:

where surname = 'O''REILLY'
install_dir = C:\\Python25
print The interest rate is %.2f%% p.a. % (rate * 100.0)

the common pattern being that the problem character is doubled.


Re: Surprise using the 'is' operator

2006-09-26 Thread Christophe
codefire a écrit :
 I thought the 'is' operator was used to identify identical objects,
 whereas the '==' operator checked equality. Well, I got a surprise
 IDLE 1.1.3
 a = 10
 b = a
 a is b
 a == b
 c = 10
 a == c
 a is c
 I was NOT expecting the last statement to return True!

The answer is : Why not? Does it even matter for integers? Never use 
is on integers, always == ( and on strings too for that matter )

Re: Surprise using the 'is' operator

2006-09-26 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
codefire wrote:

 I thought the 'is' operator was used to identify identical objects,
 whereas the '==' operator checked equality. Well, I got a surprise
 IDLE 1.1.3
 a = 10
 b = a
 a is b
 a == b
 c = 10
 a == c
 a is c

 I was NOT expecting the last statement to return True!
 What am I missing?

One of the most severely beaten dead horses of python - small integers are
cached by the interpreter. Maybe. Thus the above results.

Google for a bazillion discussions on this.


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sybren Stuvel

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro enlightened us with:
 The trouble with this is that, instead of offering extra functionality,
 it leaves the door open to making two stupid mistakes:

 2) quoting of wildcards BEFORE quoting of non-wildcards
 Why is this a stupid mistake in your view? Please explain this in
 detail, because I think it's a proper way of doing it.

Because quoting the wildcards introduces backslash specials before each
wildcard. Quoting non-wildcards then causes those backslashes to be
doubled, which means they escape themselves instead of the wildcards.

Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
 I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
 obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
 was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
 and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
 at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)
 I generally find that Fredrik's rudeness quotient is satisfactorily 
 biased towards discouraging ill-informed comment.

It's a pity he's being rude when presented with well-informed comment

 As far as rudeness goes, I've found your approach to this discussion
 to be pretty obnoxious, and I'm generally know as someone with a
 high tolerance for idiotic behaviour.

Why do you say that? I have confined myself to simple logical
arguments, and been frankly very restrained when presented with
rudeness and misunderstanding from other thread participants.
In what way should I have modified my postings?

Re: newbe's re question

2006-09-26 Thread Frederic Rentsch
 Frederic Rentsch wrote:
 These are csound files.  Csound recently added python as a scripting
 language and is allowing also allowing csound calls from outside of
 csound.  The nice thing about csound is that instead of worrying about
 virus and large files it is an interpiter and all the files look
 somewhat like html.  4,000 virus free instruments for $20 is available
 http://www.csounds.com and the csound programming book is also
 available.  The downside is that csound is can be realy ugly looking
 (that is what I am trying to change) and it lets you write ugly looking
 song code that is almost unreadable at times (would look nice in a

snip snip snip snip snip .

 I was hoping to add and remove instruments..  although the other should
 go into my example file because it will come in handy at some point.
 It would also be cool to get a list of instruments along with any
 comment line if there is one into a grid but that is two different




Below the dotted line there are two functions.
  csound_filter () extracts and formats instrument blocks from 
csound files and writes the output to another file. (If called without 
an output file name, the output displays on the screen).
  The second function, make_instrument_dictionaries (), takes the 
file generated by the first function and makes two dictionaries. One of 
them lists instrument ids keyed on instrument description, the other one 
does it the other way around, listing descriptions by instrument id. 
Instrument ids are file name plus instrument number.
  You cannot depend on this system to function reliably, because it 
extracts information from comments. I took my data from 
ems.music.utexas.edu/program/mus329j/CSPrimer.pdf the author of which 
happens to lead his instrument blocks with a header made up of comment 
lines, the first of which characterizes the block. That first line I use 
to make the dictionaries. If your data doesn't follow this practice, 
then you may not get meaningful dictionaries and are in for some 
hacking. In any case, this doesn't look like a job that can be fully 
automated. But if you can build your data base with a manageable amount 
of manual work you should be okay.
  The SE filter likewise works depending on formal consistency with 
my sample. If it fails, you may have to either tweak it or move up to a 
  I'll be glad to provide further assistance to the best of my 
knowledge. But you will have to make an effort to express yourself 
intelligibly. As a matter of fact the hardest part of proposing 
solutions to your problem is guessing what your problem is. I suggest 
you do this: before you post, show the message to a good friend and edit 
it until he understands it.



def csound_filter (csound_file_name, 
name_of_formatted_instrument_blocks_file = sys.stdout):

  This function filters and formats instrument blocks out of a 
csound file.

  csound_formatter (csound_file_name, 
  csound_formatter (csound_file_name) # Single argument: screen output


   import SE
   Instruments_Filter = SE.SE ('EAT ~;.*~==(10) 

   INDENT  = 10

   def format ():
  for l in instruments_file:
 line = l.strip ()
 if line == '':
out_file.write ('\n')
if line [0] == ';':   # Comment line
   out_file.write ('%s\n' % line)
   code = comment = ''
   if line [-1] == ':':   # Label
  out_file.write ('%s\n' % line)
  if ';' in line:
 code, comment = line.split (';')
 out_file.write ('%*s%-*s;%s\n' % (INDENT, '', 
CODE_LENGTH, code, comment))
 out_file.write ('%*s%s\n' % (INDENT, '', line))

   instruments_file_name = Instruments_Filter (csound_file_name)
   instruments_file = file (instruments_file_name, 'w+a')
   if name_of_formatted_instrument_blocks_file != sys.stdout:
  out_file = file (name_of_formatted_instrument_blocks_file, 'wa')
  owns_out_file = True
  out_file = name_of_formatted_instrument_blocks_file
  owns_out_file = False

   format ()
   if owns_out_file: out_file.close ()

def make_instrument_dictionaries (name_of_formatted_instrument_blocks_file):

  This function takes a file made by the previous function and 
generates two dictionaries.
  One records instrument ids by description. The other one 
instrument descriptions by id.
  Instrument ids are made up of file name and instrument number. 
  If these two 

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Simon Brunning
On 9/26/06, Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All right, sorry, looks like they want to load the entire table into RAM and
 key it off the first field. Kind of defeats the point of having SQL, but
 there you go...

Keeping an in-memory cache of small, unchanging, frequently-read
tables is a very common, and often very effective performance tweak in
database driven systems.

Simon B,

Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Paul Boddie
George Sakkis wrote:

[Oslo, Norway short of 300-500 Java developers]

 Um, how many of these lots of Java developers looking for work live
 in, or are willing to relocate to, Oslo?

Well, I really meant to say that the lots of Java developers I've
seen actually are in Oslo. Certainly, every time this topic comes up in
some article, people tend to complain about a mismatch between employer
claims and their own experiences trying to get hired, and there
wouldn't be much of a debate if those people were not within commuting

 Another point might be that many ads prefix the offered position with 
 senior, and my
 guess is that most of those looking for work don't really qualify, for any 
 definition of senior.

It's quite possible that a lot of the people out in the job market
don't have the experience with Java that employers supposedly demand,
although in many cases that isn't anything to do with how long they've
been in the business (one definition of senior). However, I'd
question the need only for senior developers in a market for a
particular technology, since it would suggest that either everyone
seems to think that they're doing rocket science, or the technology
isn't the most appropriate or efficient way to do the work (especially
given the supposed lack of developers).

However, knowing the corporate/political undercurrents behind some of
these recruitment advertorials, I might suggest that many of these
supposedly available Java positions don't actually exist. If the
handful of advertised Python positions do actually exist, on the other
hand, we can at least estimate the prospects of Python practitioners
with more certainty.



Re: Surprise using the 'is' operator

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
codefire wrote:

 I was just trying to check if objects were the same (object), didn't
 know Integers were a special case.

they're not, really; is works the same way for all objects.

when you ask for a new immutable object, a Python implementation may 
always reuse an existing object, if it wants to.

the CPython implementation does this for small integers, booleans, None, 
empty tuples, certain strings, type objects, etc.  this also applies to 
library code; for example, string methods often return a reference to 
self if the method didn't actually change anything.



Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Jon Ribbens  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:
 I guess you've never seen anyone write tests which retrieve some generated 
 html and compare it against the expected value. If the page contains any 
 unescaped quotes then this change would break it.
You're right - I've never seen anyone do such a thing. It sounds like
a highly dubious and very fragile sort of test to me, of very limited

So what sort of test would you use, that doesn't involve comparing
actual output against expected output?

\S -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chaos.org.uk/~sion/
  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Gerald Klix
AOL^H^H^H, me too.
And it's paid better than C++ programming.


Gabriel Genellina schrieb:
 At Monday 25/9/2006 20:09, walterbyrd wrote:
 I do.
 If so, I doubt there are many.
 That's why they get well paid :)
 (uhm, not really... :( )
 Gabriel Genellina
 Softlab SRL

 Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
 Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
 está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
 ¡Probalo ya! http://www.yahoo.com.ar/respuestas


Re: Makin search on the other site and getting data and writing in xml

2006-09-26 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 www.onelook.com, for example

Can you send me the list of words in the index? May I extract it from your
 No, sorry. If you're thinking about writing a script to systematically copy
OneLook.com's word list, please don't. It's not yours to copy, for one
thing. But also, it wastes tremendous bandwidth and slows things down for
other users. We have software in place to detect the abuse of our service
and we'll alert your ISP if you violate our trust in you. If you're looking
for a decent-sized downloadable word list, try WordNet, which offers that
and much more. If you're working on a project for school or academic
research, let us know and we might be able to help steer you in the right

Consider this: if you'd offered the courtesy of a occasional lemonade for
you neighbours, does that mean that you like them stomping around in your

Nearly all of sites that offer a service like this will have policies of
that kind. So - get a grip, stop shouting, and start thinking if what you
are trying to do is legal or social. If not, and you don't care - be my
guest, but don't ask for help here!


Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Georg Brandl
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Georg Brandl wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Max M wrote:
 Lawrence is right that the escape method doesn't work the way he expects
 it to.
 Rewriting a library module simply because a developer is surprised is a
 *very* bad idea.
 I'm not surprised. Disappointed, yes. Verging on disgust at some comments
 in this thread, yes. But surprised is what a lot of users of the
 existing cgi.escape function are going to be when they discover their
 code isn't doing what they thought it was.
 Why should they be surprised? The documentation states clearly what
 cgi.escape() does (as does the docstring).
 Documentation frequently states stupid things. Doesn't mean it should be
 treated as sacrosanct.

That's not the point. The point is that someone using cgi.escape() will hardly
be surprised of what it does and doesn't do.


Re: ruby %w equivalent

2006-09-26 Thread Antoine De Groote
Antoine De Groote wrote:
 Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * John Machin (24 Sep 2006 15:32:20 -0700)
 Antoine De Groote wrote:
 is there a python equivalent for the ruby %w operator?
 %w{a b c} creates an array with strings a, b, and c in ruby...

 |  a b c.split()
 | ['a', 'b', 'c']

 ... appears to match your single example.

 Something wrong with list('abc')? Or is it too simple?!

 As far as I can tell this works for single characters only. You're not 
 able to split words, as in one two three.split().

And this is what Georg Brandl already posted. Sorry!

Re: where are isinstance types documented?

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
codefire enlightened us with:
 I'm using the isinstance built-in function. I've found the docs for
 it, but there are no docs on the supported types.

All types/classes are supported.

 For example isinstance(a, int) works fine but isinstance(s, string)
 doesn't - because 'string is not known'.

That is because 'string' is not a class:

print abc.__class__.__name__

The name is 'str', not 'string'.

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Makin search on the other site and getting data and writing in xml

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 www.onelook.com, for example

this is usenet; you don't own the threads you start.  if there's a 
subthread that you don't find relevant to your original question, just 
ignore it.



Re: I need some help with a regexp please

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Frederic Rentsch wrote:

 If I may add another thought along the same line: regular expressions 
 seem to tend towards an art form, or an intellectual game. Many 
 discussions revolving around regular expressions convey the impression 
 that the challenge being pursued is finding a magic formula much more 
 than solving a problem. In addition there seems to exist some code of 
 honor which dictates that the magic formula must consist of one single 
 expression that does it all.

hear! hear!

for dense guys like myself, regular expressions work best if you use 
them as simple tokenizers, and they suck pretty badly if you're trying 
to use them as parsers.

and using a few RE:s per problem (or none at all) is a perfectly good 
way to get things done.



Re: SSL meta data

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], BerndWill wrote:

 The only solution from me and my colleagues view (as poor at it sounds)
 is to setup a little python script pinging an amount of about 2.000
 servers in daily intervals checking for the validity of those SSL

There's no need to check each server more than once. It gives you its
certificate, you check the expiry date, save that in a database, and you
don't have to worry until the expiry date comes close, when it's time to
notify somebody to organize a renewal.

Re: concat next line with previous

2006-09-26 Thread Simon Brunning
On 26 Sep 2006 03:16:25 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 what is the python way to concat 2 lines eg

 line  1 with some text
 line 2 with some text

 i want to bring line 2 up , such that i get one whole string.

 line  1 with some text line 2 with some text

line1 = line  1 with some text
line2 = line 2 with some text

# Simplest way:

line3 = line1 + line2

# More general - joining a sequence of strings, with delimiter

lines = [line1, line2]
line3 = , .join(lines)

Simon B,

Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Lawrence D'Oliveiro enlightened us with:
 You're proposing two separate functions:

 1) quoting of non-wildcard specials
 2) quoting of wildcard specials

I'm suggesting functions based on the role of the string they need to
escape, not the characters in that string.

1) Quoting of wildcard strings for a query using LIKE etc.
2) Quoting of values for putting into queries.

You only need the first one, since every database interface that
follows PEP 249.

 I guess I don't have a strong preference for which way we do it, but
 I would suggest confining our discussion to non-stupid solutions.

Good suggestion. I'd say, write a function that escapes for use in
LIKE queries, and leave the other quoting to the database interface.

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

Re: Algorithm Question

2006-09-26 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andrew McLean wrote:

 I have the ability to query a database in a legacy system and extract
 records which match a particular pattern. Specifically, I can perform
 queries for records that contain a given search term as a sub-string of
 a particular column.

What are the constraints on search terms? Are you allowed to specify the
null search term, which would match everything?

Re: Logfile analysing with pyparsing

2006-09-26 Thread Nick Vatamaniuc
You can parse it just once, you just have to setup your data structure
(the structure of your XML schema) and fill it up as you parse.

For example, you can represent you data structure as a dictionaries in

 MID : {
   ' timestamp' : TIMESTAMP,
   'tolist':[TO1, TO2, ... ],
   'qids': [QID1, QID2, ...],

Note: I inferred this from your XML.

Then as you parse each record(line?)  identify what token is what and
fill in the corresponding data structure. So if you pass by a line that
has the message_id, queue_id and a send_to fields, check if the
corresponding message_id dictionary has been created (if not do so) and
fill in what you just found out. Later on you might see another record
that will help you fill in other information regarding this particular
message_id (such as a 'timestamp' or a 'from' field).

Then translating the data into XML should be fairly easy.

Note: I am not familiar with the syntax of the mail log so I presented
a general idea only. My assumptions about the syntax might have been

Hope this helps,

Nick Vatamaniuc

Andi Clemens wrote:

 we had some problems in the last weeks with our mailserver.
 Some messages were not delivered and we wanted to know why.
 But looking through the logfile is a time consuming process.
 So I wanted to write a parser to analyse the logs and parse them as XML.

 But I have never written a parser before and know I'm sitting in front
 of the logfile trying to write the grammar for pyparsing.

 First of all I need to know if it is possible to parse that kind of info
 into XML.
 Here is an excerpt of the logfile lines I'm interested in:

 Sep 18 04:15:22 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[12103]: 755387301:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:22 mailrelay spamd[1364]: spamd: processing message
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] for nobody:65534
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay spamd[1364]: spamd: result: Y 15 -

 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[12074]: DA1431965E:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[13057]: EF90720AD:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/smtp[10879]: EF90720AD:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=[],
 delay=1, status=sent (250 2.6.0
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Queued mail for delivery)

 They are filtered by message-id, so all these lines above have
 something to do with the message

 The original logfile is about 25 MB big, so I can't post all of the
 lines of course ;-)

 Looking at these lines I realized that there are Queue IDs:

 Filtering the log for these IDs results in the following lines:

 Sep 18 02:15:11 mailrelay postfix/smtpd[10841]: 755387301:
 Sep 18 04:15:22 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[12103]: 755387301:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:22 mailrelay postfix/qmgr[11082]: 755387301:
 from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=8152, nrcpt=7 (queue active)
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/pipe[11659]: 755387301:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=procmail, delay=14, status=sent (filter)
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/pipe[11659]: 755387301:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=procmail, delay=14, status=sent (filter)
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/pipe[11659]: 755387301:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=procmail, delay=14, status=sent (filter)
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/pipe[11659]: 755387301:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=procmail, delay=14, status=sent (filter)
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/qmgr[11082]: 755387301: removed

 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/pickup[13175]: DA1431965E: uid=65534
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[12074]: DA1431965E:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/qmgr[11082]: DA1431965E:
 from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=11074, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/smtp[11703]: DA1431965E:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=localhost[],
 delay=1, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as EF90720AD)
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/qmgr[11082]: DA1431965E: removed

 Sep 18 04:15:25 mailrelay postfix/smtpd[11704]: EF90720AD:
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/cleanup[13057]: EF90720AD:
 message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/smtp[11703]: DA1431965E:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=localhost[],
 delay=1, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as EF90720AD)
 Sep 18 04:15:26 mailrelay postfix/qmgr[11082]: EF90720AD:

concat next line with previous

2006-09-26 Thread s99999999s2003
what is the python way to concat 2 lines eg

line  1 with some text
line 2 with some text

i want to bring line 2 up , such that i get one whole string.

line  1 with some text line 2 with some text


Re: where are isinstance types documented?

2006-09-26 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh wrote:


footnote: to simplify, there's also a basestring base class that can 
be used to check for either str or unicode:

 isinstance(obj, basestring)

is equivalent to

 isinstance(obj, (str, unicode))



Re: where are isinstance types documented?

2006-09-26 Thread Simon Brunning
On 9/26/06, Simon Brunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26 Sep 2006 02:59:07 -0700, codefire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For example isinstance(a, int) works fine but isinstance(s, string)
  doesn't - because 'string is not known'.

 In this case, you want str rather than string.

A couple of points to consider:

Firstly, do you really need to use isinstance() at all? It's often not
necessary. Consider a duck-typing approach instead - i.e. to just try
using the object as a string, and to deal with exceptions arising from
the possibility that it isn't. This approach would allow string-like
objects as well as real strings.

Secondly, if you *really* want to use isinstance(), basestring is
the super-type of both str and unicode, so it's more likely to be
what you want.

Simon B,

[ANN] pylint 0.12.1

2006-09-26 Thread Sylvain Thénault

Hi there !

I'm very pleased to announce the 0.12.1 release of PyLint.
This release includes some bug fixes and have tests passing from python 2.3
to python 2.5 :). You may be surprised by the version number since we have
been missing public annoucements recently, and the 0.12.0 version has not 
really been announced. To quote Alexandre, we got a bit sloppy in the public 
part of our release process, and the mails did not fly... Hopefuly we'll be 
better on this in a near future. Anyway there has been a lot of usability 
changes and a lot of bug fixes making pylint more stable (at least since
the type inference has been introduced...) and nicer to configure and use, so
please upgrade to this version, along with the latest logilab-common and
logilab-astng version (this relelase of pylint actually depends on 
astng = 0.16.1). I hope you'll enjoy this release and would like to thanks
everybody who contribute to pylint/astng by sending feedback or even better
patch on the mailing list :) Enjoy !

What's new ?

:Changes in 0.12.1
* fixed python = 2.4 format false positive with multiple lines statement
* fixed some 2.5 issues
* fixed generator expression scope bug (depends on astng 0.16.1)
* stop requiring __revision__

:Changes in 0.12:
* usability changes:
  - parseable, html and color options are now handled by a single 
output-format option
  - enable-checkerid and disable-all options are now handled by 
two (exclusive) enable-checker and disable-checker options 
taking a comma separated list of checker names as value
  - renamed debug-mode option to errors-only
* started a reference user manual
* new W0212 message for access to protected member from client code
  (close #14081)
* new W0105 and W0106 messages extracted from W0104 (statement seems
  to have no effect) respectivly when the statement is actually string
  (that's sometimes used instead of comments for documentation) or an
  empty  statement generated by a useless semicolumn
* reclassified W0302 to C0302
* fix so that global messages are not anymore connected to the last
  analyzed module (close #10106)
* fix some bugs related to local disabling of messages
* fix cr/lf pb when generating the rc file on windows platforms

What is pylint ?

Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfy a coding
standard. Pylint can be seen as another pychecker since nearly all
tests you can do with pychecker can also be done with Pylint. But
Pylint offers some more features, like checking line-code's length,
checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding
standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented,
and much more (see http://www.logilab.org/projects/pylint/ for the
complete check list). The big advantage with Pylint is that it is
highly configurable, customizable, and you can easily write a small
plugin to add a personal feature.

The usage it quite simple :

$ pylint mypackage.mymodule

This command will output all the errors and warnings related to the
tested code (here : mypackage.mymodule), will dump a little summary at
the end, and will give a mark to the tested code.

Pylint is free software distributed under the GNU Public Licence.

Home page



Mailing list

Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Zope, Plone, Debian:  http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:   http://www.logilab.fr/services
Python et calcul scientifique:   http://www.logilab.fr/science


identifying new not inherited methods

2006-09-26 Thread malkarouri

I am writing a library in which I need to find the names of methods
which are implemented in a class, rather than inherited from another
class. To explain more, and to find if there is another way of doing
it, here is what I want to do: I am defining two classes, say A and B,

class A(object):
def list_cmds(self):
'implementation needed'
def __init__(self):
... (rest of class)

class B(A):
def cmd1(self, args):
def cmd2(self, args):

I need an implementation of list_cmds in A above so that I can get a

['cmd1','cmd2']#order not important

I will be happy if anybody can point to me any way of doing it, using
class attributes, metaclasses or otherwise. What I don't want to do is
modifying class B, which contains just the cmds, if possible.

Many thanks in advance.



Re: Printing a percent sign

2006-09-26 Thread John Machin

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John
 Machin wrote:

  Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
  In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John
  Machin wrote:
   1. Reasoning: How do you get a literal ' into an SQL string constant?
   How do you get a literal \ into a Python string constant? How do you
   get a literal $ into some *x shell command lines? Do you detect a
  None of which applies to escaping of % characters in format strings.
  What I had in mind was:
  where surname = 'O''REILLY'
  install_dir = C:\\Python25
  print The interest rate is %.2f%% p.a. % (rate * 100.0)
  the common pattern being that the problem character is doubled.

 Which doesn't apply to the $ character in *nix shell command lines.

I'll take your word for it; it's been quite a while :-) *Something* in
the dim dark past worked like that; I thought maybe I was thinking of
m4, but that gets by without doubling.

Your score so far is 1 out of 3; you have two more to go to match your
original assertion  None of which applies



Re: A critique of cgi.escape

2006-09-26 Thread Steve Holden
Jon Ribbens wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Holden wrote:
I would have hoped that people don't treat that as a licence to be
obnoxious, though. I am aware of Fredrik's history, which is why I
was somewhat surprised and disappointed that he was being so rude
and unpleasant in this thread. He is not living up to his reputation
at all. Maybe he's having a bad day ;-)

I generally find that Fredrik's rudeness quotient is satisfactorily 
biased towards discouraging ill-informed comment.
 It's a pity he's being rude when presented with well-informed comment
As far as rudeness goes, I've found your approach to this discussion
to be pretty obnoxious, and I'm generally know as someone with a
high tolerance for idiotic behaviour.
 Why do you say that? I have confined myself to simple logical
 arguments, and been frankly very restrained when presented with
 rudeness and misunderstanding from other thread participants.
 In what way should I have modified my postings?

Please allow me to apologise. I have clearly been confusing you with 
someone else. A review of your contributions to the thread confirms your 

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Skype: holdenweb   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
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Re: Printing a percent sign

2006-09-26 Thread John Machin

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 John Machin wrote:

  I'll take your word for it; it's been quite a while :-) *Something* in
  the dim dark past worked like that


Bingo! Actually, double bingo!!

From the docs for GNU Make:

Because dollar signs are used to start make variable references, if you
really want a dollar sign in a target or prerequisite you must write
two of them, `$$' (see How to Use Variables). If you have enabled
secondary expansion (see Secondary Expansion) and you want a literal
dollar sign in the prerequisites lise [sic], you must actually write
four dollar signs (`').



Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread walterbyrd
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 someone just posted this

   Site  Perl  Python
   Hotjobs   2756   655
   Monster  1000   317
   Dice  4828   803

From what I have seen, most of listings are not for python developers.
Rather they list python as a nice to have as an extra skill. Same
goes for perl.

For example, sys admin jobs often list every scripting language the job
writer can think of. There seem to be very few jobs where perl, or
python, are the primary skills being sought.


Re: where are isinstance types documented?

2006-09-26 Thread Duncan Booth
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It is also worth mentioning that you can use isinstance(a, basestring) as 
a way to check for either string type although, of course, isinstance(a, 
(str, unicode)) also works.

So far as I know there is no practical use for basestring other than using 
it in isinstance.

Re: Surprise using the 'is' operator

2006-09-26 Thread codefire

OK thanks guys.

I was just trying to check if objects were the same (object), didn't
know Integers were a special case.



Re: Ordered dicts

2006-09-26 Thread Neil Cerutti
 I have found that in certain situations ordered dicts are
 useful. I use an Odict class written in Python by ROwen that I
 have improved and updated some for personal use.

 So I'm thinking about a possible C version of Odict (maybe fit
 for the collections module).

Check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyavl/ for a probably
useful sorted mapping type, already implemented in C as an
extension module.

However, I haven't tried it myself.

Neil Cerutti
We're going to be exciting.  Of course, it was exciting when the
Titanic went down. --Bob Weiss

Re: Remap Mysql tuple to dictionary

2006-09-26 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 SQL databases like MySQL are _designed_ for efficiency.

Efficiency with respect to what? That statement is plain wrong. They are
designed for a pretty general case of data storage efficiency, in the
domain of relational algebra. And for a lot of use-cases, they offer a good
ratio of ease-of-use, speed and reliability and the overhead they

But there are lots of cases where hand-tailored data structures - in python
as well as in C - are way better suited. Think of graph representations for
example, especially for reachability queries and the like. Does google use
ORACLE (or whatever DB) for their index? Nope.

So - without knowing the usecase,

All right, sorry, looks like they want to load the entire table into RAM and
key it off the first field. Kind of defeats the point of having SQL, but
there you go...

is a pretty strong thing to say. 


Re: QuoteSQL

2006-09-26 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Lawrence D'Oliveiro enlightened us with:
 Because quoting the wildcards introduces backslash specials before
 each wildcard. Quoting non-wildcards then causes those backslashes
 to be doubled, which means they escape themselves instead of the

I don't know about other DBMSes, but in PostgreSQL you can use any
escape character for the pattern, check out

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT - http://www.stuvel.eu/

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