python-dev Summary for 2006-08-16 through 2006-08-31

2006-10-18 Thread steven . bethard
python-dev Summary for 2006-08-16 through 2006-08-31

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Python communnity buildbots

Want to make sure your package works with the latest and greatest development 
and release versions of Python? Thanks to Grig Gheorghiu, you can add your test 
suite to the `Python community buildbots`_ and the results of these tests will 
show up on the `Python buildbot results page`_.

.. _Python community buildbots:
.. _Python buildbot results page:

Contributing thread:

- `link to community buildbot?`__


Fast subclass testing

Neal Norwitz was playing around with a patch that would make subclass testing 
for certain builtin types faster by stealing some bits from tp_flags. Georg 
Brandl thought this could be useful for exception handling in Python 3000 when 
all exceptions must be subclasses of BaseException. Guido also liked the patch 
and suggested it be checked into the `Python 3000 branch`_.

.. _Python 3000 branch:

Contributing thread:

- `Type of range object members`__

gcc 4.2 and integer overflows

Jack Howarth pointed out that intobject.c was using the test ``x  0  x == 
-x`` to determine if the signed integer ``x`` was the most negative integer on 
the platform. However, the C standard says overflow is undefined, so despite 
this code actually working on pretty much all known hardware, `gcc 4.2 assumes 
that overflow won't happen`_ and so optimizes away the entire clause. David 
Hopwood and Tim Peters provided a patch that casts ``x`` to an unsigned long 
(the unnecessary ``0`` is to make the Microsoft compilers happy)::

x  0  (unsigned long)x == 0-(unsigned long)x

.. _gcc 4.2 assumes that overflow won't happen:

Contributing thread:

- `gcc 4.2 exposes signed integer overflows`__

Python and 64-bit machines

Thomas Heller explained that the _ctypes extension module was still a fair ways 
from building on Win64 and had to be removed from the installer for that 
platform. There was some discussion about in general how experimental the 
Win64 build of Python was, but Martin v. Lowis explained that despite the 
compiler warnings, Python has been running mostly fine on Win64 since version 
2.4. In fact, Python has been running in 64-bit machines since 1993 (when Tim 
Peters ported it to 64-bit Crays) though of course not with the support that 
Python 2.5 brought through the Py_ssize_t changes.

Contributing thread:

- `ctypes and win64`__

Guidelines for submitting bugs and patches

Brett Cannon put together a rewrite of the `bug and patch guidelines`_.  The 
bug guidelines now includes sections on how to:

* Get a SourceForge account
* Start a new bug
* Specify the Python version
* Specify special settings for your Python interpreter
* Give sample code to reproduce bug
* Submit!
* Respond to requests from developers

And the patch guidelines now includes sections on how to:

* Read the Developer Intro to understand the scope of your proposed change
* Add the appropriate unit tests
* Add the proper document changes
* Make your code follow the style guidelines
* Generate a patch
* Create a tracker item on SourceForge
* Reference the patch in proper bug reports
* Wait for a developer to contact you

At Chad Whitacre's suggestion, Brett also included a section on the 5-for-1 
rule, where some python-devvers have agreed to review your one patch if you 
post reviews of five others.

The updates had not been posted to at the time of this summary.

.. _bug and patch guidelines:

Contributing threads:

- `draft for bug guidelines`__
- `draft of patch guidelines`__

Corner cases for continue/finally

Dino Viehland pointed out an odd corner case with ``continue`` in a ``finally`` 
clause that was causing Python to crash::

for abc in range(10):
try: pass

Re: Plotting histograms

2006-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks Robert,

My previous problem is solved(I was using 'from matplotlib.pylab import
*') but now I am facing another problem. I want to plot the histogram
of eigenvalues calculated and I am using the following code:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pylab

ra = numpy.random
la = numpy.linalg

A = ra.standard_normal((n,n))
S = (A + numpy.transpose(A))/(2*n^(1/2))

eig = la.eigvals(S)

[N,x]=pylab.hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram

But again it is giving some error, which is given below:

File C:\Documents and Settings\amitsoni\Desktop\New
Folder\wignerpython, line 15, in module
[N,x]=pylab.hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram
ValueError: too many values to unpack

Can anyone help me out with this??


Robert Kern wrote:
  hi, I have some values(say from -a to a) stored in a vector and I want
  to plot a histogram for those values. How can I get it done in python.
  I have installed and imported the Matplotlib package but on executing
  the code
  [N,x]=hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram
   I am getting an error saying   NameError: name 'hist' is not

 I presume what you did was something like this:

from matplotlib import pylab
[N,x] = hist(eig, 10)

 What you actually want is this:

from matplotlib import pylab
[N,x] = pylab.hist(eig, 10)

 Or, if you're at the interactive prompt (but remember that it is inadvisable 
 do so in modules):

from matplotlib.pylab import *
[N,x] = hist(eig, 10)

 You will probably want to review the section of the tutorial on importing
 modules if you don't understand the differences.

 Robert Kern

 I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
   that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it 
   an underlying truth.
-- Umberto Eco


Re: string splitting

2006-10-18 Thread George Sakkis

 I have thousands of files that look something like this:


 I need to extract the string between the *last* underscore and the
 So based on the files above, I want returned:

def extract(s):
return s[s.rfind('_')+1:s.rfind('.')]



Re: I would like write some data recovery software

2006-10-18 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], gel wrote:

 Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On 17 Oct 2006 20:18:40 -0700, gel [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed
 the following in comp.lang.python:

 […] You also need very good documentation of the file system […]
 Yes, OK I guess NTFS would be of most interest to me.

Then you'll have a hard time because NTFS specs are not available for
free.  Just reverse engineered stuff.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Plotting histograms

2006-10-18 Thread Robert Kern
 Thanks Robert,
 My previous problem is solved(I was using 'from matplotlib.pylab import
 *') but now I am facing another problem. I want to plot the histogram
 of eigenvalues calculated and I am using the following code:
 import numpy
 from matplotlib import pylab
 ra = numpy.random
 la = numpy.linalg
 A = ra.standard_normal((n,n))
 S = (A + numpy.transpose(A))/(2*n^(1/2))

Note that this line won't do what you think it does. First, one integer divided 
by another integer returns an integer, so (1/2) == 0. Also, ^ is not 
exponentiation but bitwise XOR. Use ** for exponentiation. However, in this 
case, you should use numpy.sqrt().

 eig = la.eigvals(S)
 [N,x]=pylab.hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram
 But again it is giving some error, which is given below:
 File C:\Documents and Settings\amitsoni\Desktop\New
 Folder\wignerpython, line 15, in module
 [N,x]=pylab.hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram
 ValueError: too many values to unpack
 Can anyone help me out with this??

pylab.hist() does not return two values, it returns three. Sorry I didn't catch 
that earlier.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
  an underlying truth.
   -- Umberto Eco


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lee Harr wrote:

 But what if I have a whole bunch of these pwm properties?
 I made this:
 class RC(object):
 def _makeprop(name):
 prop = '_%s' % name
 def _set(self, v):
 v_new = v % 256
 setattr(self, prop, v_new)
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self, prop)
 return property(_get, _set)
 pwm01 = _makeprop('pwm01')
 pwm02 = _makeprop('pwm02')
 Not too bad, except for having to repeat the name.
 I would like to just have a list of pwm names and
 have them all set up like that. It would be nice if
 each one was set to a default value of 127 also
 Any thoughts?

Use `__getattr__()` and `__setattr__()` methods and a dictionary of names
mapped to values and another that maps the names to default values for the
modulo operation.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Python wrapper for C++ core

2006-10-18 Thread Carl Banks
 Hi All

 Apologies in advance for the pretty basic question - but I can't seem
 to find an answer anywhere else.

 I am developing a fluid sim in C++ and have heard that many people use
 Python in conjunction with C++ for this sort of thing (especially in
 games dev).

 What I can't understand why you would want to do this. Obviously the
 core would be written in C++ (for my purposes anyway) so what parts
 would be written in Python? What is the benefit, in this situation, of
 using Python instead of C++?

I see fluid sim and games dev in the same post, which kind of makes
me scratch my head.  What would you need fluid sim for in a game?
Maybe it's a flight sim; I suppose now computers are fast enough to
attempt a low-fidelity CFD (computational fluid dynamics) in real time.
 (Or maybe you mean something different by fluid sim, like a puzzle
game involving valves or something.)

Anyways, combining Python with C is useful for all kinds of
applications, not just games and simulations, because Python has
different strengths than C.  C is faster and can inteface easily with
hardware and the OS; Python is better at pretty much everything else.
It takes care of a lot of stuff you'd have to do yourself in C.

Speaking as someone who studied a lot of CFD in college, I think Python
in particularly is very useful for extreme numerical work.  (If that's
not what you're talking about, never mind the rest of the post.)

The people who do fluid simulations are engineers (classical sense),
not programmers.  These people do NOT like to program.  They like to
fiddle with arrays and do arithmetic; stuff like memory management,
input/output, and other computer-science-ish tasks are a pain in the
neck.  Time spent doing that kind of stuff is time not spent doing
useful things like hand-optimizing the hell out of the numerical code.

Python (even with Numeric) is simply too slow for high-end CFD
applications, so the numerical part is almost always written in C or
Fortran.  But C and Fortran are terrible languages to do things like
memory management and I/O in.  Python, OTOH, is terrific for these
things.  It's a great language for people who don't like to program.
Comparable languages such as Ruby are also good for I/O and stuff, but
I think Python's the best of all for numerical work:

1. Large support community
2. Large standard library and lots of third-party packages out there,
addresses all kinds of needs
3. A very spiffy package, pyfort, to interface with Fortran, which can
also works for C functions that act like Fortran (which is often the
case in a numerical application).  Relatively straightforward general
interface to C if pyfort won't do.
4. numpy, a very good, well-maintained package which allows Python
programs to operate on arrays directly (useful for tasks that don't
need to be hyper-optimized).
5. Superficially similar to C and Fortran, which is no small thing for



Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato
Lee Harr wrote:
 I understand how to create a property like this:

 class RC(object):
 def _set_pwm(self, v):
 self._pwm01 = v % 256
 def _get_pwm(self):
 return self._pwm01
 pwm01 = property(_get_pwm, _set_pwm)

 But what if I have a whole bunch of these pwm properties?

 I made this:

 class RC(object):
 def _makeprop(name):
 prop = '_%s' % name
 def _set(self, v):
 v_new = v % 256
 setattr(self, prop, v_new)
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self, prop)
 return property(_get, _set)

 pwm01 = _makeprop('pwm01')
 pwm02 = _makeprop('pwm02')

 Not too bad, except for having to repeat the name.

 I would like to just have a list of pwm names and
 have them all set up like that. It would be nice if
 each one was set to a default value of 127 also

 Any thoughts?

Yes, what about this?

import sys

def defprop(name, default=127):
loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
prop = '_%s' % name
def _set(self, v):
v_new = v % 256
setattr(self, prop, v_new)
def _get(self):
return getattr(self, prop, default)
loc[name] = property(_get, _set)

class RC(object):

rc = RC()

print rc.pwm01 # 127
print rc.pwm02 # 127
rc.pwm02 = 1312
print rc.pwm02 # 32

This is a bit hackish, but I would prefer this over a metaclass
solution. since it does not add
any hidden magic to your class.

  Michele Simionato


Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Adam

I put together the following module today and would like some feedback on any 
obvious problems.  Or even opinions of weather or not it is a good approach.

While collating is not a difficult thing to do for experienced programmers, I 
have seen quite a lot of poorly sorted lists in commercial applications, so it 
seems it would be good to have an easy to use ready made API for collating.

I tried to make this both easy to use and flexible.  My first thoughts was to 
try and target actual uses such as Phone directory sorting, or Library sorting, 
etc., but it seemed using keywords to alter the behavior is both easier and 

I think the regular expressions I used to parse leading and trailing numerals 
could be improved. They work, but you will probably get inconsistent results if 
the strings are not well formed.  Any suggestions on this would be appreciated.

Should I try to extend it to cover dates and currency sorting?  Probably those 
types should be converted before sorting, but maybe sometimes it's useful
not to?

Another variation is collating dewy decimal strings.  It should be easy to add 
if someone thinks that might be useful.

I haven't tested this in *anything* yet, so don't plug it into production code 
of any type.  I also haven't done any performance testing.

See the doc tests below for examples of how it's used.

Ron Adam

 A general purpose configurable collate module.

 Collation can be modified with the following keywords:

 CAPS_FIRST  - Aaa, aaa, Bbb, bbb
 HYPHEN_AS_SPACE - Don't ignore hyphens
 UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE - Underscores as white space
 IGNORE_LEADING_WS   - Disregard leading white space
 NUMERICAL   - Digit sequences as numerals
 COMMA_IN_NUMERALS   - Allow commas in numerals

 * See doctests for examples.

 Author: Ron Adam, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 10/18/2006

import re
import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')  # use current locale settings

#  The above line may change the string constants from the string
#  module.  This may have unintended effects if your program
#  assumes they are always the ascii defaults.


class Collate(object):
  A general purpose and configurable collator class.
 def __init__(self, flag):
 self.flag = flag
 def transform(self, s):
  Transform a string for collating.
 if self.flag  CAPS_FIRST:
 s = s.swapcase()
 if self.flag  HYPHEN_AS_SPACE:
 s = s.replace('-', ' ')
 if self.flag  UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE:
 s = s.replace('_', ' ')
 if self.flag  IGNORE_LEADING_WS:
 s = s.strip()
 if self.flag  NUMERICAL:
 if self.flag  COMMA_IN_NUMERALS:
 rex = re.compile('^(\d*\,?\d*\.?\d*)(\D*)(\d*\,?\d*\.?\d*)', 
 rex = re.compile('^(\d*\.?\d*)(\D*)(\d*\.?\d*)', re.LOCALE)
 slist = rex.split(s)
 for i, x in enumerate(slist):
 if self.flag  COMMA_IN_NUMERALS:
 x = x.replace(',', '')
 slist[i] = float(x)
 slist[i] = locale.strxfrm(x)
 return slist
 return locale.strxfrm(s)

 def __call__(self, a, b):
  This allows the Collate class work as a sort key.

 USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
 return cmp(self.transform(a), self.transform(b))

def collate(slist, flags=0):
  Collate list of strings in place.
 return slist.sort(Collate(flags))

def collated(slist, flags=0):
  Return a collated list of strings.

 This is a decorate-undecorate collate.
 collator = Collate(flags)
 dd = [(collator.transform(x), x) for x in slist]
 return list([B for (A, B) in dd])

def _test():

 Sort (and sorted) normally order all words beginning with caps
 before all words beginning with lower case.

  t = ['tuesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'monday']
  sorted(t) # regular sort
 ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'monday', 'tuesday']

 Locale collation puts words beginning with caps after words
 beginning with lower case of the same letter.

 ['monday', 'Monday', 'tuesday', 'Tuesday']

 The CAPS_FIRST option can be used to put all words beginning
 with caps after words beginning in lowercase of the same letter.

  collated(t, CAPS_FIRST)
 ['Monday', 'monday', 'Tuesday', 'tuesday']

 The HYPHEN_AS_SPACE option causes hyphens to be equal to space.

  t = ['a-b', 'b-a', 'aa-b', 'bb-a']

Re: I would like write some data recovery software

2006-10-18 Thread Laurent Pointal
gel a écrit :
 I would like to write some data recovery software as a learning thing.
 The sort of thing that you would use to recover data from a currupt HDD
 or floppy etc.  I would like to be pointed in the right direction as
 far as modules to use and suggested approaches.

Once you get a way to access the bytes to recover... the Hachoir library
can be interresting as a model to map structures on these data.



What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-18 Thread exhuma.twn
Hi all,

yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
So if someone knows where I can find a mirror of RuleDispatch I would
be very grateful.




Re: People's names (was Re: sqlite3 error)

2006-10-18 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Florian Diesch [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

In Germany von is just a part of the name since 1919 when the nobility
was abolished by law. 

Thanks - was not aware of this - 1919 - just after the Great War, 1914-1918...

- Hendrik


[OT] a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.


I'm trying to get working an assertion which filter address from some domain 
but if it's prefixed by '.com'.
Even trying to put the result in a negate test I can't get the wanted result.

The tought in program term :

 def filter(adr):
... import re
... allow = re.compile('.*\.my(|$)')
... deny = re.compile('.*\.com\.my(|$)')
... cnt = 0
... if cnt += 1
... if cnt += 1
... return cnt
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')

Seem that I miss some better regex implementation to avoid that both of the 
filters taking action. I'm thinking of lookbehind (negative or positive) 
option, but I think I couldn't realize it yet.
I think the compilation should either allow have no '.com' before '.my' or 
deny should have _only_ '.com' before '.my'. Sorry I don't get the correct 
sintax to do it.

Suggestions are welcome.



Re: Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Adam


Changed the collate() function to return None the same as sort() since it is an 
in place collate.

A comment in _test() doctests was reversed.  CAPS_FIRST option puts words 
beginning with capitals before, not after, words beginning with lower case of 
the same letter.

It seems I always find a few obvious glitches right after I post something.  ;-)


Re: [OT] a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fulvio wrote:

 ... if cnt += 1
 ... if cnt += 1

hint: under what circumstances are cnt decremented in the above snippet?



RE: Where to find pydoc?

2006-10-18 Thread Wijaya Edward

Can you be specific on which URLs can I find python-tools.
Cause I tried the one under easy_install, I still can't find it.
Thanks and hope to hear from you again.
-- Edward WIJAYA

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Fredrik Lundh
Sent: Mon 10/16/2006 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Where to find pydoc?

look for python-tools or a similar package in your favourite package



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How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Jia Lu
Hi all

 I have a list like:

[1, 2, 3]
[2, 3]

I want to get a string 2 3

'[2, 3]'

How can I do that ?



Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Theerasak Photha
On 18 Oct 2006 00:20:50 -0700, Jia Lu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to get a string 2 3

 '[2, 3]'

 How can I do that ?

' '.join(str(i) for i in list[1:])

-- Theerasak

Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Jia Lu wrote:
 Hi all
  I have a list like:
 [1, 2, 3]
 [2, 3]
 I want to get a string 2 3
 '[2, 3]'
 How can I do that ?

 .join(str(x) for x in list)



Re: stdout not flushed before os.execvp()

2006-10-18 Thread Fulvio
On Wednesday 18 October 2006 00:25, Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 |feature.  the exec system call operates on a lower level than the
 |stdio buffering system.

I did in this manner:

for exe in ('imap4', 'pop3'):
if exe in cfgfil[optsrv + '.protocol']:
exe = exe[:4]; exe = 'call_func = _call_' + exe.upper() \
 + '(setting)'
exec exe
except ProtocolError:
call_func = '#ERROR 02 = Protocol failed with %s' %optsrv

exists it a different way to do it?


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Carl Banks

Lee Harr wrote:
 I understand how to create a property like this:

 class RC(object):
 def _set_pwm(self, v):
 self._pwm01 = v % 256
 def _get_pwm(self):
 return self._pwm01
 pwm01 = property(_get_pwm, _set_pwm)

 But what if I have a whole bunch of these pwm properties?

 I made this:

 class RC(object):
 def _makeprop(name):
 prop = '_%s' % name
 def _set(self, v):
 v_new = v % 256
 setattr(self, prop, v_new)
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self, prop)
 return property(_get, _set)

 pwm01 = _makeprop('pwm01')
 pwm02 = _makeprop('pwm02')

 Not too bad, except for having to repeat the name.

 I would like to just have a list of pwm names and
 have them all set up like that. It would be nice if
 each one was set to a default value of 127 also

 Any thoughts?

The metaclass solution.  I use this idiom occasionally, whenever I want
to fiddle with the class dict before letting the type constructor at

class mod256metatype(type):
def __new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict):
for sym in clsdict.get('__mod256__',()):
prop = '_%s'  % sym
def _set(self,v):
def _get(self):
return getattr(self,prop)
clsdict[sym] = property(_get,_set)
return type.__new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict)

class RC(object):
__metaclass__ = mod256metatype
__mod256__ = [pwm01,pwm02]



Re: Where to find pydoc?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Wijaya Edward wrote:

 Can you be specific on which URLs can I find python-tools.
 Cause I tried the one under easy_install, I still can't find it.

it's an RPM.  you should be able to get it from where you get other 
RedHat packages.



Re: [OT] a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Adam
Fulvio wrote:
 Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
 I'm trying to get working an assertion which filter address from some domain 
 but if it's prefixed by '.com'.
 Even trying to put the result in a negate test I can't get the wanted result.
 The tought in program term :
 def filter(adr):
 ... import re
 ... allow = re.compile('.*\.my(|$)')
 ... deny = re.compile('.*\.com\.my(|$)')
 ... cnt = 0
 ... if cnt += 1
 ... if cnt += 1
 ... return cnt
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
 filter('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
 Seem that I miss some better regex implementation to avoid that both of the 
 filters taking action. I'm thinking of lookbehind (negative or positive) 
 option, but I think I couldn't realize it yet.
 I think the compilation should either allow have no '.com' before '.my' or 
 deny should have _only_ '.com' before '.my'. Sorry I don't get the correct 
 sintax to do it.
 Suggestions are welcome.

Instead of using two separate if's, Use an if - elif and be sure to test the 
narrower filter first.  (You have them in the correct order) That way it will 
skip the more general filter and not increment cnt twice.

It's not exactly clear on what output you are seeking.  If you want 0 for not 
filtered and 1 for filtered, then look to Freds Hint.

Or are you writing a test at the moment, a 1 means it only passed one filter so 
you know your filters are working as designed?

Another approach would be to assign values for filtered, accepted, and 
and set those accordingly instead of incrementing and decrementing a counter.



Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Jia Lu wrote:

 Hi all
  I have a list like:
 [1, 2, 3]
 [2, 3]
 I want to get a string 2 3
 '[2, 3]'
 How can I do that ?



Re: Looking for assignement operator

2006-10-18 Thread Tommi
Could the traits package be of help?

Alexander Eisenhuth wrote:

 is there a assignement operator, that i can overwrite?

 class MyInt:
   def __init__(self, val):
   assert(isinstance(val, int))
   self._val = val

 a = MyInt(10)

 # Here i need to overwrite the assignement operator
 a = 12


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread George Sakkis
Michele Simionato wrote:

 Lee Harr wrote:
  I understand how to create a property like this:
  class RC(object):
  def _set_pwm(self, v):
  self._pwm01 = v % 256
  def _get_pwm(self):
  return self._pwm01
  pwm01 = property(_get_pwm, _set_pwm)
  But what if I have a whole bunch of these pwm properties?
  I made this:
  class RC(object):
  def _makeprop(name):
  prop = '_%s' % name
  def _set(self, v):
  v_new = v % 256
  setattr(self, prop, v_new)
  def _get(self):
  return getattr(self, prop)
  return property(_get, _set)
  pwm01 = _makeprop('pwm01')
  pwm02 = _makeprop('pwm02')
  Not too bad, except for having to repeat the name.
  I would like to just have a list of pwm names and
  have them all set up like that. It would be nice if
  each one was set to a default value of 127 also
  Any thoughts?

 Yes, what about this?

 import sys

 def defprop(name, default=127):
 loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
 prop = '_%s' % name
 def _set(self, v):
 v_new = v % 256
 setattr(self, prop, v_new)
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self, prop, default)
 loc[name] = property(_get, _set)

 class RC(object):

 rc = RC()

 print rc.pwm01 # 127
 print rc.pwm02 # 127
 rc.pwm02 = 1312
 print rc.pwm02 # 32

 This is a bit hackish, but I would prefer this over a metaclass
 solution. since it does not add
 any hidden magic to your class.

Why is this less hidden or magical than a metaclass ? I'd prefer the
following instead:

from itertools import chain, izip, repeat

def ByteProperties(*names, **defaulted_names):
def byte_property(name, default):
return property(lambda self: getattr(self, name, default),
lambda self,v: setattr(self, name, v%256))
def make_class(clsname, bases, dict):
for name,default in chain(izip(names, repeat(127)),
assert name not in dict # sanity check
dict[name] = byte_property('_'+name, default)
return type(clsname,bases,dict)
return make_class

class RC(object):
__metaclass__ = ByteProperties('pwm01', pwm02=64)

rc = RC()
print rc.pwm01, rc.pwm02 # 127 64
rc.pwm01 = 1312
print rc.pwm01, rc.pwm02  # 32 64



Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread George Sakkis
Carl Banks wrote:
 Lee Harr wrote:
  I understand how to create a property like this:
  class RC(object):
  def _set_pwm(self, v):
  self._pwm01 = v % 256
  def _get_pwm(self):
  return self._pwm01
  pwm01 = property(_get_pwm, _set_pwm)
  But what if I have a whole bunch of these pwm properties?
  I made this:
  class RC(object):
  def _makeprop(name):
  prop = '_%s' % name
  def _set(self, v):
  v_new = v % 256
  setattr(self, prop, v_new)
  def _get(self):
  return getattr(self, prop)
  return property(_get, _set)
  pwm01 = _makeprop('pwm01')
  pwm02 = _makeprop('pwm02')
  Not too bad, except for having to repeat the name.
  I would like to just have a list of pwm names and
  have them all set up like that. It would be nice if
  each one was set to a default value of 127 also
  Any thoughts?

 The metaclass solution.  I use this idiom occasionally, whenever I want
 to fiddle with the class dict before letting the type constructor at

 class mod256metatype(type):
 def __new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict):
 for sym in clsdict.get('__mod256__',()):
 prop = '_%s'  % sym
 def _set(self,v):
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self,prop)
 clsdict[sym] = property(_get,_set)
 return type.__new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict)

 class RC(object):
 __metaclass__ = mod256metatype
 __mod256__ = [pwm01,pwm02]

There's a subtle common bug here: all _get and _set closures will refer
to the last property only. You have to remember to write def
_set(self,v,prop=prop) and similarly for _get to do the right thing.
By the way, I can't think of a case where the current behavior (i.e.
binding the last value only) is the desired one. Is this just an
implementation wart or am I missing something ?



Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Adam
Jia Lu wrote:
 Hi all
  I have a list like:
 [1, 2, 3]
 [2, 3]
 I want to get a string 2 3
 '[2, 3]'
 How can I do that ?

Just to be different from the other suggestions...

  a = [1, 2, 3]
  str(a[1:]).strip('[]').replace(',', '')
'2 3'

By the way.  It's a good idea to try not to use 'list' or other built-in names 
for your own objects.  Best to start with good habits so that you avoid odd 
to find bugs later.



Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread neoedmund

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 neoedmund wrote:
  So I can reuse a method freely only if it's worth reusing.
  For the word inheritance, in some aspect, meanings reuse the super
  class, with the condition: must reuse everything from super class.

 Not really. In fact, inheritance *is* a special case of
 composition/delegation. A 'child' class is a class that has references
 to other classes - it's 'parents' -, and  then attributes that are not
 found in the instance or child class are looked up in the parents
 (according to mro rules in case of multiple inheritance). And that's all
 there is.

  It's lack of a option to select which methods are to be reused.

 Methods not redefined in the 'child' class or it's instance are
 'reusable'. Now they are only effectively 'reused' if and when called by
 client code. So the 'option to select which methods are to be reused' is
 mostly up to both the 'child' class and code using it.

  this is something should be improved for general OOP i think.
  So to answer  What is your problem with having the other extra methods
  too ?,
  in real life, a class is not defined so well that any method is needed
  by sub-class.

 Then perhaps is it time to refactor. A class should be a highly cohesive
 unit. If you find yourself needing only a specific subset of a class, it
 may be time to extract this subset in it's own class. Given Python's
 support for both multiple inheritance and composition/delegation, it's
 usually a trivial task (unless you already mixed up too many orthogonal
 concerns in your base class...).

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

ivestgating the web, i found something similiar with my approch:
Duck-typing avoids tests using type() or isinstance(). Instead, it
typically employs hasattr() tests


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato
George Sakkis wrote:

 Why is this less hidden or magical than a metaclass ?

Because it does not use inheritance. It is not going to create
properties on subclasses without
you noticing it. Also, metaclasses are brittle: try to use them with
__slots__, or with non-standard
classes (i.e. extensions classes), or try to use multiple metaclasses.
I wrote a paper
about metaclasses abuses which should be published soon or later; you
can see the draft

Michele Simionato


Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
neoedmund wrote:

 ivestgating the web, i found something similiar with my approch:
 Duck-typing avoids tests using type() or isinstance(). Instead, it
 typically employs hasattr() tests

that's not entirely correct, though: in Python, duck-typing typically 
uses Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission (EAFP), aka Just Do 
It, rather than Look Before You Leap (LBYL).



Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread neoedmund

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 neoedmund wrote:
  So I can reuse a method freely only if it's worth reusing.
  For the word inheritance, in some aspect, meanings reuse the super
  class, with the condition: must reuse everything from super class.

 Not really. In fact, inheritance *is* a special case of
 composition/delegation. A 'child' class is a class that has references
 to other classes - it's 'parents' -, and  then attributes that are not
 found in the instance or child class are looked up in the parents
 (according to mro rules in case of multiple inheritance). And that's all
 there is.

  It's lack of a option to select which methods are to be reused.

 Methods not redefined in the 'child' class or it's instance are
 'reusable'. Now they are only effectively 'reused' if and when called by
 client code. So the 'option to select which methods are to be reused' is
 mostly up to both the 'child' class and code using it.

  this is something should be improved for general OOP i think.
  So to answer  What is your problem with having the other extra methods
  too ?,
  in real life, a class is not defined so well that any method is needed
  by sub-class.

 Then perhaps is it time to refactor. A class should be a highly cohesive
 unit. If you find yourself needing only a specific subset of a class, it
 may be time to extract this subset in it's own class. Given Python's
 support for both multiple inheritance and composition/delegation, it's
 usually a trivial task (unless you already mixed up too many orthogonal
 concerns in your base class...).

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

I donnot agree with your it's time to refactory very much, man has
probly never has time to do such things. suppose a system is working
soundly, you maybe has no time or motivation to do refactory instead of
having a vocation to a island. it's easy to say, at lease myself has
not the experience to do such things, :-)


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato
George Sakkis wrote:

 from itertools import chain, izip, repeat

 def ByteProperties(*names, **defaulted_names):
 def byte_property(name, default):
 return property(lambda self: getattr(self, name, default),
 lambda self,v: setattr(self, name, v%256))
 def make_class(clsname, bases, dict):
 for name,default in chain(izip(names, repeat(127)),
 assert name not in dict # sanity check
 dict[name] = byte_property('_'+name, default)
 return type(clsname,bases,dict)
 return make_class

 class RC(object):
 __metaclass__ = ByteProperties('pwm01', pwm02=64)

Notice that you are NOT using a custom metaclass here, you are just
using the metaclass hook
and you will avoid all issues of custom metaclasses. This is exactly
the approach I advocate
in the paper I referred before, so I think your solution is pretty safe
in that respect. Still I
think in this particular problem avoiding the __metaclass__ at all is
possible and it should be
preferred, just for sake of simplicity, not of safety).

 Michele Simionato



Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Carl Banks

George Sakkis wrote:
 Michele Simionato wrote:
  import sys
  def defprop(name, default=127):
  loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
  prop = '_%s' % name
  def _set(self, v):
  v_new = v % 256
  setattr(self, prop, v_new)
  def _get(self):
  return getattr(self, prop, default)
  loc[name] = property(_get, _set)
  class RC(object):
  rc = RC()
  print rc.pwm01 # 127
  print rc.pwm02 # 127
  rc.pwm02 = 1312
  print rc.pwm02 # 32
  This is a bit hackish, but I would prefer this over a metaclass
  solution. since it does not add
  any hidden magic to your class.

 Why is this less hidden or magical than a metaclass ?

Devil's Advocate: he did say hidden magic TO YOUR CLASS.

If you use a (real) metaclass, then you have the icky feeling of a
class permanently tainted by the unclean metaclass (even though the
metaclass does nothing other than touch the class dict upon creation);
whereas if you use Michele Simionato's hack, the icky feeling of using
a stack frame object goes away after the property is created: you are
left with a clean untainted class.

Personally, the former doesn't make me feel icky at all.

Carl Banks


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato
Carl Banks wrote:
 Devil's Advocate: he did say hidden magic TO YOUR CLASS.

 If you use a (real) metaclass, then you have the icky feeling of a
 class permanently tainted by the unclean metaclass (even though the
 metaclass does nothing other than touch the class dict upon creation);
 whereas if you use Michele Simionato's hack, the icky feeling of using
 a stack frame object goes away after the property is created: you are
 left with a clean untainted class.

Yep, exactly.

 Personally, the former doesn't make me feel icky at all.

Please, do this experiment: take all classes defined in the Python
standard library and add
to them a custom do-nothing metaclass. See what happens.

 Michele Simionato


Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Carl Banks
George Sakkis wrote:
 There's a subtle common bug here: all _get and _set closures will refer
 to the last property only. You have to remember to write def
 _set(self,v,prop=prop) and similarly for _get to do the right thing.

Sorry.  My mistake.

 By the way, I can't think of a case where the current behavior (i.e.
 binding the last value only) is the desired one. Is this just an
 implementation wart or am I missing something ?

def some_function(a):
def printvars():
print DEBUG: %r,%r,%r % (a,b,i)
for i in some_range():
b = something(i)

If you fix the value of the closure at function definition time,
printvars() above doesn't work.  One way or another, someone's going to
get surprised.  Better to let it be the experts.



Re: Looking for assignement operator

2006-10-18 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Tommi wrote:
(please don't top-post - corrected)
 Alexander Eisenhuth wrote:

 is there a assignement operator, that i can overwrite?

 class MyInt:
  def __init__(self, val):
  assert(isinstance(val, int))
  self._val = val

 a = MyInt(10)

 # Here i need to overwrite the assignement operator
 a = 12

 Could the traits package be of help?

How could it help ?

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: dynamic module loading via __import__, nonetype?

2006-10-18 Thread John Allman
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Monday 16/10/2006 13:33, John Allman wrote:
 If i manually import a module, this method works a treat, however if i
 attempt to dynamically load a module at runtime the create method fails
 with the following error:

 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
 Can you cut down a reproducible test case, with *only* this behavior and
 nothing more?

Hi Gabriel

Thanks for the reply. I actually spotted my error (simple, stupid that i
hadn't noticed). I had the create method creating an object if it could
find a suitable class and importing a suitable class if it couldn't find
one. I rather stupidly forgot to actually create an object after
importing the class!

I was completely stuck - it's amazing what a night's sleep will do for you!



Re: a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Rob Wolfe

Fulvio wrote:

 I'm trying to get working an assertion which filter address from some domain
 but if it's prefixed by '.com'.
 Even trying to put the result in a negate test I can't get the wanted result.


 Seem that I miss some better regex implementation to avoid that both of the
 filters taking action. I'm thinking of lookbehind (negative or positive)
 option, but I think I couldn't realize it yet.
 I think the compilation should either allow have no '.com' before '.my' or
 deny should have _only_ '.com' before '.my'. Sorry I don't get the correct
 sintax to do it.

 Suggestions are welcome.

Try this:

def filter(adr):# note that filter is a builtin function also
import re

allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
deny = re.compile(r'.*\.com\.my(|$)')
cnt = 0
if cnt += 1
if cnt += 1
return cnt



Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Carl Banks

Michele Simionato wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:
  Devil's Advocate: he did say hidden magic TO YOUR CLASS.
  If you use a (real) metaclass, then you have the icky feeling of a
  class permanently tainted by the unclean metaclass (even though the
  metaclass does nothing other than touch the class dict upon creation);
  whereas if you use Michele Simionato's hack, the icky feeling of using
  a stack frame object goes away after the property is created: you are
  left with a clean untainted class.

 Yep, exactly.

  Personally, the former doesn't make me feel icky at all.

 Please, do this experiment: take all classes defined in the Python
 standard library and add
 to them a custom do-nothing metaclass. See what happens.

Do you expect the result to be better or worse than if you applied
stack frame hacks to the whole library?

Come on, I don't think anyone's under the impression we're being
indiscriminate here.

Carl Banks

(BTW, most of the standard library still uses old-style classes.)


Wax: problem subclassing TextBox

2006-10-18 Thread alex23
Hey everyone,

I've just started looking at Wax and have hit a problem I can't
explain. I want an app to respond to every character input into a

Here's a simple, working example:

from wax import *

class MainFrame(VerticalFrame):
  def Body(self): = TextBox(self) = self.OnChar
self.AddComponent(, expand='h', border=5)

  def OnChar(self, event):
print 'OnChar:', event.GetKeyCode()

app = Application(MainFrame)

This displays a TextBox and entering abcd results in:

  OnChar: 97
  OnChar: 98
  OnChar: 99
  OnChar: 100

Rather than defining the OnChar hook on the main frame, though, it
makes more sense (to me) to be defined on the TextBox itself, so I
tried subclassing it as follows:

class NewTextBox(TextBox):
  def OnChar(self, event):
print 'on char', event.GetKeyCode()

class MainFrame(VerticalFrame):
  def Body(self): = NewTextBox(self)
self.AddComponent(, expand='h', border=5)

With the same input of 'abcd', I get the following:
  on char 97
  on char 97
  on char 98
  on char 98
  on char 99
  on char 99
  on char 100
  on char 100

As I understand it, event.Skip() should propagate the event up the
inheritance chain, but I don't see how that would result in
NewTextBox.OnChar being called _twice_ for each input. Stopping the
event there by removing the event.Skip() does result in only one 'on
char XX' line for each character, but also stops _all_ OnChar actions
for the TextBox - such as updating the value and displaying it - and I
really don't want to have to reimplement the full functionality just to
prevent this.

Is there something glaringly obvious that I'm doing wrong in the above

Thanks for any help...

- alex23


RE: making a valid file name...

2006-10-18 Thread Matthew Warren
 Hi I'm writing a python script that creates directories from user
 Sometimes the user inputs characters that aren't valid 
 characters for a
 file or directory name.
 Here are the characters that I consider to be valid characters...
 valid =
 ':./,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
 if I have a string called fname I want to go through each character in
 the filename and if it is not a valid character, then I want 
 to replace
 it with a space.
 This is what I have:
 def fixfilename(fname):
   valid =
 ':.\,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
   for i in range(len(fname)):
   if valid.find(fname[i])  0:
   fname[i] = ' '
return fname
 Anyone think of a simpler solution?

I got;

 import re
 valid=':./,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
 goodfilename=re.sub('[^'+valid+']',' ',badfilename)
'   ^  ^   ^ihgeroighroeig3645^  ^ knovin98u4 346 1461461'

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Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato
Carl Banks wrote:
 Come on, I don't think anyone's under the impression we're being
 indiscriminate here.

Ok, but I don't  think that in the case at hand we should recommend a

   Michele Simionato


Re: Book about database application development?

2006-10-18 Thread Paul Boddie
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

  Python has a half dozen GUI toolkits, and multiple adapters for
 databases (some don't even follow DB-API2 specs). All independently
 written. So no, you are not going to find, say, a grid widget that
 automatically links to a database table/view/cursor, with bi-directional

Aren't we going round in circles here? There presumably are grid
widgets connected to database tables/views/cursors, if only exposed via
user interface toolkits and other frameworks such as PyQt, Dabo and so
on, but I thought the questioner wanted to know how to implement these
things from the ground up.



Re: Python Web Site?

2006-10-18 Thread Christophe
*% a écrit :
 Is there a problem with the Python and wxPython web sites?  I cannot
 seem to get them up, and I am trying to find some documentation...

All the sites hosted on sourceforge that rely on their vhost computer ( 
ie, site hosted on sourceforge that do not display the 
address ) are broken. You get a blank page instead. works doesn't work

It has been like that for a few hours already.

Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread Ben Finney
neoedmund [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  neoedmund wrote:
   in real life, a class is not defined so well that any method is
   needed by sub-class.
  Then perhaps is it time to refactor. A class should be a highly
  cohesive unit. If you find yourself needing only a specific subset
  of a class, it may be time to extract this subset in it's own

 I donnot agree with your it's time to refactory very much, man has
 probly never has time to do such things.

I respectfully suggest that the *reason* you find yourself with little
time to refactor is probably related to the fact that you *need* to
refactor. If your code is crufty and poorly-designed, it is costing
you every time you need to maintain it.

Would it help if we called it preventative maintenance?

 \I bought a dog the other day. I named him Stay. It's fun to |
  `\ call him. 'Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!' He went insane. |
_o__)  Now he just ignores me and keeps typing.  -- Steven Wright |
Ben Finney


Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2006-10-18, neoedmund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ivestgating the web, i found something similiar with my approch:
 Duck-typing avoids tests using type() or isinstance(). Instead, it
 typically employs hasattr() tests

It's pity it didn't get called quack typing. One ckecks if
some unknown noun can quack, not if a duck can do something

Neil Cerutti

portable extensions options for external libraries

2006-10-18 Thread Alexandre Guimond

I want to create a portable file for windows / linux for an
extension package that i need to link with external libraries (gsl and
boost). on windows i do something like this:

imaging = Extension( 'pyag.imaging._imaging',
 sources = ( glob.glob(
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.cpp' ) +
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.h' ) ),
 include_dirs = ( get_numpy_include_dirs() +
  [ 'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/',
Files/GnuWin32/include'] ),
 library_dirs = [ 'C:/Program Files/GnuWin32/lib'
 libraries = [ 'libgsl', 'libgslcblas' ] )

obviously, the paths could vary. on unix, i need something like:

imaging = Extension( 'pyag.imaging._imaging',
 sources = ( glob.glob(
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.cpp' ) +
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.h' ) ),
 include_dirs = ( get_numpy_include_dirs() +
  [ 'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/' ] )

so my question is: what is the right way of specifying extensions
options (include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs) so that they are
portable between windows and linux? i'm thinking environment variables.
Though fairly easy to do, i was wondering if python/distutils provided
something more convenient, like searching through common directories,
though those aren't very standard on windows? Optimally, i would like
to have something like:

imaging = Extension( 'pyag.imaging._imaging',
 sources = ( glob.glob(
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.cpp' ) +
'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/*.h' ) ),
 include_dirs = ( get_numpy_include_dirs() +
  [ 'Source/pyag/imaging/Src/' ] +
boost_include_dirs +
gsl_include_dirs ),
 library_dirs = boost_library_dirs +
 libraries = boost_libraries + gsl_libraries )

thx for any help.



matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Sssasss
hi evrybody!

I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
doesn't work.
Could you explain me?

def multmat(A,B):
if len(A)!=len(B): return error
for i in range(len(A)): D.append(0)
for i in range(len(A)): C.append(D)
for i in range(len(A)):
for j in range(len(A)):
for k in range(len(A)):
print C[i][j]
print C[i]
return C

when i use it on :

I get :
[2, 3, 4]
[7, 11, 10]
[11, 16, 17]
[[11, 16, 17], [11, 16, 17], [11, 16, 17]]

thank you


Re: making a valid file name...

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Matthew Warren wrote:

 import re
 valid=':./,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
 goodfilename=re.sub('[^'+valid+']',' ',badfilename)

to create arbitrary character sets, it's usually best to run the character 
string through
re.escape() before passing it to the RE engine.



Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sssasss wrote:

 I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
 doesn't work.

 def multmat(A,B):
if len(A)!=len(B): return error
for i in range(len(A)): D.append(0)
for i in range(len(A)): C.append(D)

append doesn't copy data, so you're basically adding len(A) references to
the same D list to C.  for more on this, see:



Re: Plotting histograms

2006-10-18 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
 hi, I have some values(say from -a to a) stored in a vector and I want
 to plot a histogram for those values. How can I get it done in python.
 I have installed and imported the Matplotlib package but on executing
 the code
 [N,x]=hist(eig, 10) # make a histogram
 I am getting an error saying   NameError: name 'hist' is not
 Is there any other way to plot histograms over a given range?

 # create random vector
... from random import randrange
 a = 5
 v = [randrange(-a, a+1) for i in xrange(100)]

 # print histogram
... for i in range(-a, a+1):
... print %+d %s % (i, '*' * v.count(i))
-5 *
-4 *
-3 *
-2 **
-1 **
+0 *
+2 ***
+3 *

Roberto Bonvallet

Re: Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-18 Thread georgeryoung

On Oct 18, 2:42 am, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I put together the following module today and would like some feedback on any
 obvious problems.  Or even opinions of weather or not it is a good approach.
 def __call__(self, a, b):
  This allows the Collate class work as a sort key.

 USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
 return cmp(self.transform(a), self.transform(b))

You document _call__ as useful for the key keyword to sort, but you
implement it for the cmp keyword.  The key allows much better
performance, since it's called only once per value.  Maybe just :
return self.transform(a)

-- George


Re: making a valid file name...

2006-10-18 Thread Fabio Chelly
You should use the s.translate()
It's 100x faster:

#Creates the translation table
ValidChars = :./,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
InvalidChars = .join([chr(i) for i in range(256) if not 
chr(i).lower() in ValidChars])
TranslationTable = .join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])

def valid_filename(fname):
  return fname.translate(TranslationTable, InvalidChars)

 valid =
 ':./,^0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '
 if I have a string called fname I want to go through each character in
 the filename and if it is not a valid character, then I want 
 to replace
 it with a space.

Ceci est une signature automatique de MesNews.
Site :


Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Sssasss

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Sssasss wrote:

  I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
  doesn't work.
  def multmat(A,B):
 if len(A)!=len(B): return error
 for i in range(len(A)): D.append(0)
 for i in range(len(A)): C.append(D)

 append doesn't copy data, so you're basically adding len(A) references to
 the same D list to C.  for more on this, see:

Ok!! Tank you very much, i understand now.




2006-10-18 Thread Neil Cerutti
Perhaps I'm just bad at searching for bugs, but anyhow, I wanted
to know what you all thought about the following behavior.

A quick search of pydev archives yielded a nice wrapper to apply
to streams to perform decoding and encoding behind the scenes.
Assuming I get the correct encodings from somewhere (that's a
whole 'nother thread):

Here's the docs:

EncodedFile( file, input[, output[, errors]]) 

  Return a wrapped version of file which provides transparent
  encoding translation. 

  Strings written to the wrapped file are interpreted according
  to the given input encoding and then written to the original
  file as strings using the output encoding. The intermediate
  encoding will usually be Unicode but depends on the specified

  If output is not given, it defaults to input. 

  errors may be given to define the error handling. It defaults
  to 'strict', which causes ValueError to be raised in case an
  encoding error occurs. 

Base on that, I wrote the following code at startup:

  sys.stdout = codecs.EncodedFile(sys.stdout, 'latin-1', 'cp437')
  sys.stdin = codecs.EncodedFile(sys.stdin, 'cp437', 'latin-1')

Now my application never returns from its first call to

It turns out to be troublesome for my case because the
EncodedFile object translates calls to readline into calls to

I believe it ought to raise a NotImplemented exception when
readline is called. 

As it is it silently causes interactive applications to
apparently hang forever, and breaks the line-buffering
expectation of non-interactive applications.

If raising the exception is too much to ask, then at least it
should be documented better.

Neil Cerutti
The choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys
sinning to join the choir. --Church Bulletin Blooper

Re: python's OOP question

2006-10-18 Thread Peter Otten
Neil Cerutti wrote:

 On 2006-10-18, neoedmund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ivestgating the web, i found something similiar with my approch:
 Duck-typing avoids tests using type() or isinstance(). Instead, it
 typically employs hasattr() tests
 It's pity it didn't get called quack typing. 

That's because the quacks prescribe static typing.



Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-18 14:15:17 +0200, Sssasss wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Sssasss wrote:
   I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
   doesn't work.
   def multmat(A,B):
  if len(A)!=len(B): return error
  for i in range(len(A)): D.append(0)
  for i in range(len(A)): C.append(D)
  append doesn't copy data, so you're basically adding len(A) references to
  the same D list to C.  for more on this, see:
 Ok!! Tank you very much, i understand now.

You might also want to look at numpy/numarray.


MemoryError - IMAP retrieve self._sock.recv(recv_size)

2006-10-18 Thread Stephen G
Hi there.  I have been receiving MemoryErrors using the Windows version of 
Python 2.5.  The script I have written times the sending and the reception of 
emails with various attachments.

I get many exceptions when using the IMAP downloads.  This happens randomly; 
sometimes the file downloads OK, and other times no. 

Using an exception and traceback function, I can see the following...

no args
  File C:\Documents and Settings\root\Desktop\TMO\Python 
scripts\, line 263, in main
typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 437, in fetch
typ, dat = self._simple_command(name, message_set, message_parts)

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1055, in _simple_command
return self._command_complete(name, self._command(name, *args))

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 885, in _command_complete
typ, data = self._get_tagged_response(tag)

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 986, in _get_tagged_response

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 948, in _get_response
data =

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 236, in read

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 308, in read
data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)

Is this a know bug or is there something I can do to work around this?




Re: MemoryError - IMAP retrieve self._sock.recv(recv_size)

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Stephen G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get many exceptions when using the IMAP downloads.  This happens
 randomly; sometimes the file downloads OK, and other times no.

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 308, in read
data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)

 Is this a know bug or is there something I can do to work around this?

looks like this

or some variation thereof.



Re: Numpy-f2py troubles

2006-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Andrea,

you should post this to the numpy list:

Cheers! Bernhard

Andrea Gavana schrieb:

 Hello NG,

 I am using the latest Numpy release 1.0rc2 which includes F2PY. I
 have switched to Python 2.5 so this is the only alternative I have
 (IIUC). With Python 2.4, I was able to build a very simple fortran
 extension without problems.

 My extension contains 4 subroutines that scan a file and do simple operations.
 Now, attempting to run the second subroutine as:

 dprops, dwgnames, dunits = readsmspec.readsmspec(smspec, dimens)

 Prompt a ValueError from Python:

   File D:\MyProjects\Carolina\, line 894, in ReadSMSPECFile
 dprops, dwgnames, dunits = readsmspec.readsmspec(smspec, dimens)
 ValueError: data type must provide an itemsize

 ?!? I have never seen anything like that and googling around didn't
 give me any answer. The function accepts two inputs:

 - smspec: a filename, maximum 1000 characters long
 - dimens: an integer

 and returns 3 array of chars, each of them with size (8, dimens). Does
 anyone know what I may be doing wrong?

 Thank you very much for every pointer.


 Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality.


Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread David
Il 18 Oct 2006 04:17:29 -0700, Sssasss ha scritto:

 hi evrybody!
 I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
 doesn't work.
Can I suggest a little bit less cumbersome algorithm?

def multmat2(A,B):
if len(A)!=len(B): return error   # this check is not enough!
n = range(len(A))
C = []
for i in n:
C.append([0]*len(A))  # add a row to C
for j in n:
a = A[i]# get row i from A
b = [row[j] for row in B] # get col j from B
C[i][j] = sum([x*y for x,y in zip(a,b)])
return C


Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
Sssasss wrote:
 hi evrybody!
 I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
 doesn't work.
 Could you explain me?
 def multmat(A,B):
if len(A)!=len(B): return error

Wrong validation here:  you _can_ multiply two matrices with a different
number of rows!  And instead of returning error you should raise an


I suggest using a linear algebra package, but if you insist in using lists
of lists:

 b = [[1, 2, 3,  4],
...  [4, 5, 6,  7],
...  [7, 8, 9, 10]]
 a = [[1, 2, 3],
...  [4, 5, 6]]
 ab = [[sum(i*j for i, j in zip(row, col)) for col in zip(*b)] for row in a]
[[30, 36, 42, 48], [66, 81, 96, 111]]

Straightforward from the definition of matrix multiplication.
Roberto Bonvallet

Re: How to convert this list to string?

2006-10-18 Thread Jia Lu
Thank you very much. I memoed all you views.



PIL: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
I have PIL 1.1.5 on python 2.4.1 and I am attempting to get a smaller
(file size) of an image.

for example:
im = ImageGrab.grab() about 1.7mb   about 290kb

anyways I want to save the image as a GIF, but not have it be so
largeso I thought that the Image.draft method would be what I

im.draft(mode, size)

Configures the image file loader so it returns a version of the image
that as closely as possible matches the given mode and size. For
example, you can use this method to convert a colour JPEG to greyscale
while loading it, or to extract a 128x192 version from a PCD file.

.what 'modes' can I use?  or is there another way to shrink the
size of the image (other than resizing it)?



Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
abcd wrote:

I have PIL 1.1.5 on python 2.4.1 and I am attempting to get a smaller
 (file size) of an image.

 for example:
 im = ImageGrab.grab() about 1.7mb   about 290kb

 anyways I want to save the image as a GIF, but not have it be so
 largeso I thought that the Image.draft method would be what I

GIF is horribly unsuitable for screenshots on modern machines.  have you
considered using PNG ?

or even better, Flash?

here's a tool that lets you use VNC to capture the screen, and then convert
the result to a flash animation:

 im.draft(mode, size)

 Configures the image file loader so it returns a version of the image
 that as closely as possible matches the given mode and size. For
 example, you can use this method to convert a colour JPEG to greyscale
 while loading it, or to extract a 128x192 version from a PCD file.

note the use of the words loader and loading.  draft is used to speed things
up when loading images, not compress things when storing them.



Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 GIF is horribly unsuitable for screenshots on modern machines.  have you
 considered using PNG ?

 or even better, Flash?

well I am trying to take screenshots and make them into an animated
GIF, however, putting them into a Flash movie would be coolany idea
how to go about doing either with python?  (windows, possibly linux


Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
abcd wrote:

 or even better, Flash?

 well I am trying to take screenshots and make them into an animated
 GIF, however, putting them into a Flash movie would be coolany idea
 how to go about doing either with python?  (windows, possibly linux

to repeat myself:

here's a tool that lets you use VNC to capture the screen, and then convert
the result to a flash animation:



Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
oh and vnc2swf would not be an option, i cant be setting up a vnc
server, etc.  just need to use python (and necessary packages).

animated gif would probably be best i am assuming.


Re: Restart a Python COM Server

2006-10-18 Thread m . errami
well thank you for your help (merci pour ton aide!)

MC wrote:

 It is the normal behavior of COM.

 Note that, Python being dynamic, you can modify Python script, OF THE
 INTERIOR, during execution.
 Michel Claveau


Win32 python and excel macros

2006-10-18 Thread michael . pearmain
Hi Experts,

Looking for a very quick bit on of advice on how to make some python
code run.  I'm a newbie to both VBA and Python, so i apologise if this
is very easy but i'm about to tear my hair out after googling for the
last 3 days.

I have written a large python script which inside of it creates an
Excel table, the name of this file and how many objects can change for
each project i run.

I have then written a VBA script which takes the info from Excel and
drops it into a PowerPoint Pres.

Both of these procedures work fine, but i am coming unstuck when i try
to apply the macro, (or .xla) file to the new tables autmatically.  Can
anyone give me any guidance on this?

The macro is called sub is CTP and the add-in file is CTP.XLA

Below is the code i've managed to 'Stick' together


import win32com.client
xl = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)
ppt = win32com.client.Dispatch(PowerPoint.Application)
xl.Visible = 1 #open MS Excel
ppt.Visible = 1 #open MS Powerpoint
xl.Workbooks.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic files\\big
output.xls') #A table for a project
xl.Workbooks.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic
files\\CTP.xla') # Stored macro add-in
ppt.Presentations.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic
files\\Basic Template.ppt')
xl.Application.ExecuteExcel4macro('CTP!CTP.xla()[big output.XLS]')


Python RPM package arch compatability

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
Hello all,

A quick question if I may.  I'm running RHEL 4 on a x86_64 and I'm
curious if any of the packages at would suite my

If they don't can I simply build from source and not overwrite
/usr/bin/Python (for the same reasons as listed at the above mentioned

Christopher Taylor

Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 to repeat myself:

 here's a tool that lets you use VNC to capture the screen, and then 
 the result to a flash animation:


is there a way to make animated GIFs with python?  vnc2swf is to much
for what i was hoping.  i have no problem with installing python
packages, but having to use VNC is a bit much.



Re: Save/Store whole class (or another object) in a file

2006-10-18 Thread alexLIGO

thanks for the reply,but unfortunately this does not work with the type
of classes I am dealing with. When trying to pickle the class I get the
following error:

 File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 76, in _reduce_ex
raise TypeError(a class that defines __slots__ without 
TypeError: a class that defines __slots__ without defining __getstate__
cannot be pickled

So there is something missing in this class? Or any other idea how to
do this?


Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
  is it possible in python (with/without matplotlib, numpy etc) to
  store a whole class with its data into a file

 Check out the pickle module.
 Sybren Stüvel
 Stüvel IT -


Re: Python RPM package arch compatability

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Christopher Taylor wrote:

 A quick question if I may.  I'm running RHEL 4 on a x86_64 and I'm
 curious if any of the packages at would suite my

 If they don't can I simply build from source and not overwrite
 /usr/bin/Python (for the same reasons as listed at the above mentioned

if you use make altinstall instead of make install, the installation 
process will
only install a pythonX.Y binary (e.g. python2.5).



How to execute a linux command by python?

2006-10-18 Thread haishan chang
How to execute a linux command by python?
for example: execute ls or useradd oracle
Who can help me? thank you!

Re: Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-18 Thread Ron Adam
 On Oct 18, 2:42 am, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I put together the following module today and would like some feedback on any
 obvious problems.  Or even opinions of weather or not it is a good approach.
  def __call__(self, a, b):
   This allows the Collate class work as a sort key.
  USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
  return cmp(self.transform(a), self.transform(b))
 You document _call__ as useful for the key keyword to sort, but you
 implement it for the cmp keyword.  The key allows much better
 performance, since it's called only once per value.  Maybe just :
 return self.transform(a)
 -- George

Thanks,  I changed it to the following...

 def __call__(self, a):
  This allows the Collate class work as a sort key.

 USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
 return self.transform(a)

And also changed the sort call here ...

def collate(slist, flags=0):
  Collate list of strings in place.

Today I'll do some performance tests to see how much faster it is for moderate 
sized lists.



Re: Python RPM package arch compatability

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
So just build it from source and use make altinstall instead?  That simple huh?

Will I need to do anything else to make sure things are put in their
correct place?

Christopher Taylor

On 10/18/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christopher Taylor wrote:

  A quick question if I may.  I'm running RHEL 4 on a x86_64 and I'm
  curious if any of the packages at would suite my
  If they don't can I simply build from source and not overwrite
  /usr/bin/Python (for the same reasons as listed at the above mentioned

 if you use make altinstall instead of make install, the installation 
 process will
 only install a pythonX.Y binary (e.g. python2.5).




Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
   in other posts you have mentioned the use of gifmaker.  i have tried
that with the following:

I am using from PIL v1.1.5 on python 2.4.1.


import ImageGrab, gifmaker

seq = []

while keepOnGoing:
im = ImageGrab.grab()

fp = open(out.gif, wb)
gifmaker.makedelta(fp, seq)


however I am getting this error:

Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File c:\Python24\lib\, line 442, in __bootstrap
  File c:\, line 10, in run
gifmaker.makedelta(fp, seq)
  File c:\, line 79, in makedelta
for s in getheader(im) + getdata(im):
  File c:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\PIL\, line 383,
in getdata
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [(gif, (0,0)+im.size, 0,
KeyError: 'RGB'

Any ideas?  Basically I want to make an animated GIF out of a bunch of
images taken using the ImageGrab module.


Re: Save/Store whole class (or another object) in a file

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 thanks for the reply,but unfortunately this does not work with the type
 of classes I am dealing with. When trying to pickle the class I get the
 following error:

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 76, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError(a class that defines __slots__ without 
 TypeError: a class that defines __slots__ without defining __getstate__
 cannot be pickled

 So there is something missing in this class?

did you remember to read the error message before posting ?



Re: MemoryError - IMAP retrieve self._sock.recv(recv_size)

2006-10-18 Thread Stephen G

Thanks for the response.  I did see that, but having been dated 2005 I thought 
that it might have been patched.  I am also sometimes getting the same problem 
with the module.  T

his may have to do with the interaction between Python and the mobile 
optimization client that I am testing.  I do not see this problem when using 
Internet Explorer and the optimization client, nor is there a problem when 
using Python and no optimization client.  I am working with the optimization 
client vendor to have them test my Python script with their product.  This 
problem is intermittent with the optimization client which is annoying since 
most of the time it works.

Iteration Number 12
18/10/2006 14:01:23
Error: problem downloading 3MB.doc

no args
  File C:\Documents and Settings\root\Desktop\TMO\Python 
scripts\, line 130, in main
urllib.urlretrieve(total_URL, downloaded_file)

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 89, in urlretrieve
return _urlopener.retrieve(url, filename, reporthook, data)

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 248, in retrieve
block =

  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 308, in read
data = self._sock.recv(recv_size)

I am hesitant to make any changes to the python libraries as I need to 
distribute these scripts with a standard Python install.  I guess an other 
option is to try and learn something like Perl and recode all the test 


Re: Restart a Python COM Server

2006-10-18 Thread olsongt

 Hello all.
 I am desperately in need for you help guys. Here is the story:
 1- I have created a small simple COM serve with python (along the lines
 read in Win32 Programming with python).
 2- If I start the server and call a function from VBE everything works
 3- I then want to modify the function in the python COM server
 4- I unregister the server and register it again hoping the changes
 will take effect
 5- I make call to the function from VBE but the it seems that VBE
 doesn't reload/refresh the reference to the server.
 So I do I get VBE to point to the last version of the server? If I
 close VBE and reload it then it works. But I think there is probably a
 smarter way. Please, tell me there is!
 Few posts deal with the issue, but so far I couldn't find anything
 about it...

 Thanx all

I don't know how well this works for python-based COM components, but
the general fix is to setup a Component Services package.  This creates
a proxy component which can be independently killed from the Component
Services management console.


Re: a little about regex

2006-10-18 Thread Ant
Rob Wolfe wrote:
 def filter(adr):# note that filter is a builtin function also
 import re

 allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
 deny = re.compile(r'.*\.com\.my(|$)')
 cnt = 0
 if cnt += 1
 if cnt += 1
 return cnt

Which makes the 'deny' code here redundant so in this case the function
could be reduced to:

import re

def allow(adr):# note that filter is a builtin function also
allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
return True
return False

Though having the explicit allow and deny expressions may make what's
going on clearer than the fairly esoteric negative lookbehind.


Re: How to execute a linux command by python?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
haishan chang wrote:

 How to execute a linux command by python?
 for example: execute ls  or useradd oracle
 Who can help me?

start here:



Re: MemoryError - IMAP retrieve self._sock.recv(recv_size)

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Stephen G wrote:

 I am hesitant to make any changes to the python libraries as
  I need to distribute these scripts with a standard Python install.

well, you could at least check if the suggestions in that thread makes 
the problem go away...

(if so, shipping a patched version with your program is trivial).



Re: Save/Store whole class (or another object) in a file

2006-10-18 Thread Michele Simionato

 thanks for the reply,but unfortunately this does not work with the type
 of classes I am dealing with. When trying to pickle the class I get the
 following error:

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 76, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError(a class that defines __slots__ without 
 TypeError: a class that defines __slots__ without defining __getstate__
 cannot be pickled

 So there is something missing in this class? Or any other idea how to
 do this?


yes, read the documentation:

 Michele Simionato



2006-10-18 Thread Lad
How can I add two dictionaries into one?

I need

the result {'a':1,'b':2}.

Is it possible?

Thank you


Re: How to execute a linux command by python?

2006-10-18 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 start here:

make sure you skim though the *entire* list.  when you've done that, see 
the process management section in the os module documentation (make 
sure to read the entire page before you decide which API to use), and 
also the subprocess module documentation.



Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Simon Brunning
On 18 Oct 2006 08:24:27 -0700, Lad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I add two dictionaries into one?

 I need

 the result {'a':1,'b':2}.

{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Simon B

Re: doctest quiet again before exit how

2006-10-18 Thread p . lavarre
 ... every run of doctest after the first is verbose ...
 *** DocTestRunner.merge: '__main__' in both testers; summing outcomes.

Another path to the same bug:

import doctest
print doctest.testfile(__file__, verbose=False)
print doctest.testfile(__file__, verbose=False)

Mystifiedly yours, rank Python newbie, Pat LaVarre


Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Gary Herron
Lad wrote:
 How can I add two dictionaries into one?

 I need

 the result {'a':1,'b':2}.

 Is it possible?

 Thank you

Yes, use update.  Beware that this modifies a dictionary in place rather
than returning a new dictionary.

{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Gary Herron


Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Tim Chase
 How can I add two dictionaries into one?
 I need
 the result {'a':1,'b':2}.




Re: Win32 python and excel macros

2006-10-18 Thread John Coleman

 Hi Experts,

 Looking for a very quick bit on of advice on how to make some python
 code run.  I'm a newbie to both VBA and Python, so i apologise if this
 is very easy but i'm about to tear my hair out after googling for the
 last 3 days.

 I have written a large python script which inside of it creates an
 Excel table, the name of this file and how many objects can change for
 each project i run.

 I have then written a VBA script which takes the info from Excel and
 drops it into a PowerPoint Pres.

 Both of these procedures work fine, but i am coming unstuck when i try
 to apply the macro, (or .xla) file to the new tables autmatically.  Can
 anyone give me any guidance on this?

 The macro is called sub is CTP and the add-in file is CTP.XLA

 Below is the code i've managed to 'Stick' together


 import win32com.client
 xl = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)
 ppt = win32com.client.Dispatch(PowerPoint.Application)
 xl.Visible = 1 #open MS Excel
 ppt.Visible = 1 #open MS Powerpoint
 xl.Workbooks.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic files\\big
 output.xls') #A table for a project
 xl.Workbooks.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic
 files\\CTP.xla') # Stored macro add-in
 ppt.Presentations.Open('Z:\\projects\\surveys\\SPSS - Generic
 files\\Basic Template.ppt')
 xl.Application.ExecuteExcel4macro('CTP!CTP.xla()[big output.XLS]')

It doesn't really make sense to apply a *file* to a *file*  - you apply
a sub or function in that file to a range in the other file (I'm
assuming that your table is stored as a range of cells). What
ExcecuteExcel4Macro is expecting as input is a string along the lines
'CTP!MacroName(Workbooks(big output).Range(A1:C100))'
(experiment with using  instead of  since VBA requires embedded  to
be escaped by  - but since you are writing this in Python it might
not be necessary). Maybe experiment with writing a VBA macro in Excel
which can successfuly launch the macro you need and then translate the
appropriate snippet to your python script. Also - are you sure that the
add-in macro is an old-style Excel4 macro? That would make it about 10
years old or deliberately retro. If not - the run method might be more

You should probably open the workbooks in such a way that big
output.xls is the active workbook (and not ctp.xla) since most add-ins
assume that the calling workbook is the active workbook (although - I
don't know how an old-style pre-VBA Excel4 macro handled things). Thus
you would probably want to open big output.xls last (or use
xl.Application.Workbooks(big output).Activate ) to make sure that it
is the active workbook. Also - do you even have to open ctp.xla
explicitly? If it is an installed add-in then that line might be

A final potential problem is that big output.xls might require a
reference to ctp.xla. This sometimes happens when you try to invoke
add-in code from another VBA project - but I would think that the
ExecuteExcel4macro would bypass that.

I can't comment on the python part of the equation - I am a complete
newbie there.

You might consider reposting this in microsoft.public.excel.programming
since many of the regular posters there know a lot about automating
Excel from scripting languages. They could at least help you with the
VBA side of the equation.

I hope that my random thoughts don't misguide you too much.

-John Coleman


Re: Win32 python and excel macros

2006-10-18 Thread Mike P
Thanks for your advice on this matter,

I'm actually using Excel 2003!! so it shows how much i know!

i did manage to get the prog to run with the line

but it didn't do anything... i'm guessing it is along the lines of wht
you were saying earlier about big output being the active worksheet.

I'll give that a go now

Thanks for the advice



Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Boris Borcic

dict(a.items() + b.items())

Lad wrote:
 How can I add two dictionaries into one?
 I need
 the result {'a':1,'b':2}.
 Is it possible?

Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:24:27 -0700, Lad wrote:

 How can I add two dictionaries into one?
 I need
 the result {'a':1,'b':2}.
 Is it possible?

What should the result be if both dictionaries have the same key?

a={'a':1, 'b'=2}

should the result be:
{'a':1, 'b'=2}  # keep the existing value
{'a':1, 'b'=3}  # replace the existing value
{'a':1, 'b'=[2, 3]}  # keep both values
or something else?

Other people have already suggested using the update() method. If you want
more control, you can do something like this:

def add_dict(A, B):
Add dictionaries A and B and return a new dictionary.
C = A.copy()  # start with a copy of A
for key, value in B.items():
if C.has_key(key):
raise ValueError(duplicate key '%s' detected! % key)
C[key] = value
return C



Re: Win32 python and excel macros

2006-10-18 Thread Mike P
After just running trying that update it hits the macro perfectly but
hten i get an error message after i type in a couple of values.. as per

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 148, in ?
  File COMObject unknown, line 14, in Run
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
258, in _ApplyTypes_
result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, wFlags, retType,
argTypes) + args)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None,
None, None, 0, -2146827284), None)

I know you said you didn't know much about python, so if any other
experts outthere can give me a clue.. i'll be very appreciative



Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread Brett Hoerner
abcd wrote:

Are you sure you can't use VNC?  An animated GIF based on full-screen
grabs will be amazingly huge and have very low color quality at the
same time.

Installing VNC on Windows should take you about 30 seconds, honest.

Or is this for some sort of project where you can't use anything but
CPython software...?

Brett Hoerner


Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-18 Thread Christopher Taylor
Hello all,

Being relatively new to linux I'm a little confused about what options
I need to use to build python from source.

Currently, I have python installed as part of the inital RHEL4 load
located at /usr/bin/Python and /usr/bin/Python2.3 .  Some of the files
are located in /usr/lib64/Python2.3 and in /usr/lib/Python2.3 .
Please let me know if you need dir lsitings.

I'm trying to compile from source and plan on using the
--enable-unicode=ucs4 option for the configure script due to some RHEL
messing around with Tcl/Tk.

*** How do I get make altinstall to put the appropriate files in
/usr/lib64/Python2.4 and /usr/lib/Python2.4 respectively ? ***

Christopher Taylor

Re: Image.draft -- what are the modes that I can use?

2006-10-18 Thread abcd
Brett Hoerner wrote:
 Are you sure you can't use VNC?  An animated GIF based on full-screen
 grabs will be amazingly huge and have very low color quality at the
 same time.

 Installing VNC on Windows should take you about 30 seconds, honest.

 Or is this for some sort of project where you can't use anything but
 CPython software...?
 Brett Hoerner

the latter.


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