Dex Tracker .011 beta (tracker for csound) released

2006-12-11 Thread edexter
Dex Tracker beta .11 is out new features include a code generater for a

simple sampler
utilities for combing all files in a .csd/.orc A utility to remove all
instruments from a orc/sco
combination. The ability to place a help file in a .html or .txt file
(other formats may be added
later). The ability to use the old winsound from csound 4 (some
assembly required). A handfull
of instrumets that are already set up for use in the tracker. public
domain tools Harmonise used
to generate score files and space a file generator to be used with
gen28 and to be used with
csound opcode space are included in this version. csound command line
help and csound
utility list have been added as tools along with the command line.

Files required to run the project are on the homepage.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Paddy wrote:

I pity the hoplelessly anti-intellectual douche-bag who inflicted this
undergraduate misfeature upon the programming language.

This must be some unofficial patch that still has a hope of being shot
down in flames, right?


play video file

2006-12-11 Thread fabri16
plase take me a simple code for a run a video file with tkinter???

or pymedia...




doubt in curses module

2006-12-11 Thread pradeep kumar

iam new to python. i want to use function keys in my program, so i went
through the curses module, but in that module it shows a different window
object and after pressing the our desired function key in it, that will
return the ascii value of that key to the command prompt.
so, i want to hide or dissable the window object, can anyone tell me how it
will be possible...
it is very urgent

Re: need guidance on sending emails with attachment with python.

2006-12-11 Thread krishnakant Mane
hi jonathan,
it is understandable from your point of view I wont say you were rood.
but my question was different.
I am very new to doing programmed emails.
all I need to know is that will I need to use outlook or any thing to
send emails to pop3 or smtp?
I want to know because I wont like to make use of outlook or any thing
to do my work.
I know the python libraries are there but I want to know what these
libraries will make use of on my windows machine.


2006-12-11 Thread aine_canby
The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is
Null. This has only started happening since I started working with
Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?





Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ravi Teja

Kaz Kylheku wrote:
 Paddy wrote:

 I pity the hoplelessly anti-intellectual douche-bag who inflicted this
 undergraduate misfeature upon the programming language.

 This must be some unofficial patch that still has a hope of being shot
 down in flames, right?

Sour grapes. Eh :-)
Or were you going to follow up with some intellectual argument to
support your adjectives?

1. pity
2. hopelessly
3. anti-intellectual
4. douche-bag
5. inflicted
6. undergraduate
7. misfeature
8. unofficial patch
9. shot down in flames

That's a lot of hate in 2 sentences for judging a novel feature you
barely came across.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Juan R.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:
 - Lisp is hard to learn (because of all those parenthesis)

I cannot understand why. It is like if you claim that packaging things
in boxes is difficult to learn.

HTML and XML have more brackets than LISP (usually double) for
structuring data and everyone has learned HTML.


Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread Duncan Booth

 The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is

I'll guess you mean None rather than Null.

 This has only started happening since I started working with
 Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?
You could give it a fallback value:

uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())

or even just:

uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or 'ascii')

which should be the same in all reasonable universes (although I did get 
bitten recently when someone had changed the default encoding in a system).

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Kaz Kylheku
Paddy wrote:
 Does Lisp have a doctest-like module as part of its standard

No, and it never will.

The wording you are using betrays cluelessness. Lisp is an ANSI
standard language. Its distribution is a stack of paper.

There isn't a ``standard distribution'' of Lisp any more than there is
such a thing of C++.

 There are advantages to
 doctest being one of Pythons standard modules.

There are also advantages in being able to tell idiots who have
terrible language extension ideas that they can simply roll their own
crap---and kindly keep it from spreading.

This is generally what happens in intelligent, mature programming
language communities. For instance, whenever someone comes along who
thinks he has a great idea for the C programming language, the standar
answer is: Wonderful! Implement the feature into a major compiler like
GCC, to show that it's feasible. Gain some experience with it in some
community of users, work out any wrinkles, and then come back.

In the Lisp community, we can do one better than that by saying: Your
feature can be easily implemented in Lisp and loaded by whoever wants
to use it. So, i.e. don't bother.

Lisp disarms the nutjobs who want to inflict harm on the world by
fancying themselves as programming language designers. They are reduced
to the same humble level as other software developers, because the best
they can do is write something which is just optionally loaded like any
other module, and easily altered beyond their original design or
rejected entirely. Those who are not happy with the lack of worship run
off an invent shitty little languages for hordes of newbies, being
careful that in the designs of those languages, they don't introduce
anything from Lisp which would land them in the same predicament from
which they escaped.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Tim Peters

[Kaz Kylheku]
 I pity the hoplelessly anti-intellectual douche-bag who inflicted this
 undergraduate misfeature upon the programming language.

As a blind misshapen dwarf, I get far too much pity as it is, but I
appreciate your willingness to share yours.  If you like, feel free to
give this precious gift to another.  I get the impression that pity is
something you don't feel often, and it would be a shame to waste it.

 This must be some unofficial patch that still has a hope of being shot
 down in flames, right?

Alas, no.  It was secretly snuck into Python's standard library in the
2.1 release (2001), and although we've done our best to hide it, it's
widely used now.  Strangely enough, it's especially popular among
intellectuals ;-)

Re: play video file

2006-12-11 Thread Godson

On 11 Dec 2006 00:10:59 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

plase take me a simple code for a run a video file with tkinter???

or pymedia...




It cant be more simple than this but with pygame! most of the pymedia
examples use pygame for overlay.

from pygame import display,movie

overlay = display.set_mode((800,600))
Godson Gera,


2006-12-11 Thread fabri16

ho creato i tasti con le immagini

def creaImmagine(self):
  img = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.ico1)
  b = tk.Button(root, image=img, command=self.allaPressione)
  b.configure (width=80, height=80)
  b.image = img

mi resta solo un problema.. questo metodo viene richamato più volte,
ma i tasti non vengono sovrasritti bensì aggiunti (a sinistra).

come faccio per sovrascriverli?
ho provato con destroy, ma finisce che non mi crea neppure l'immagine.

oppure senza sovrascriverli mi basterebbe cambiare l'immagine
all'interno (ma credo che il modo migliore sia sovrascriverli).

ah...prima che mi scordi..  windows e tkinter.




Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread aine_canby
Duncan Booth skrev:


  The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is

 I'll guess you mean None rather than Null.

  This has only started happening since I started working with
  Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?
 You could give it a fallback value:

 uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())

 or even just:

 uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or 'ascii')

 which should be the same in all reasonable universes (although I did get
 bitten recently when someone had changed the default encoding in a system).

Thanks for your help. The problem now is that I cant enter the Swedish
characters åöä etc without getting the following error -

Enter word Påe
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\workspace\simple\src\, line
25, in module
  File C:\Documents and Settings\workspace\simple\src\, line
192, in Test
uni=unicode(word,sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position 1:
ordinal not in range(128)

The call to sys.getdefaultencoding() returns ascii. Since I can enter
the characters åöä on the command line in Pydef/Eclipse doesn't that
mean that the stdin is not ascii? What should I do?

Thanks again,



Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is
 Null. This has only started happening since I started working with
 Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?

That's a problem with pydev, where the standard machinery to determine
the terminal's encoding fail.

I have no idea yet how to fix this.


wxPython: Icon aus base64 decoded Image

2006-12-11 Thread Roland Rickborn
Hallo zusammen,

in meine Anwendung ist ein Bild eingebettet und oben in der Leiste soll
ein Icon erscheinen.
Ausserdem will ich nur _eine_ Datei ausgeben, also ohne zusärtliche
Bild-Dateien etc.

Dazu habe ich das Bild in base64 codiert und als String im Skript
gespeichert, siehe unten. Beim Ausführen des Skripts wird dieser
String decodiert, in ein Image umgewandelt und als Bitmap dargestellt.
Funzt prima.

# Base64 codiertes Bild, einmalig ausserhalb des Skripts
import base64
file = open('smallPic.png',rb)
pic =
pic_b64 = pic.encode(base64)
# ergibt einen String wie 'iVBORw0KGgoTkSuQmCC\n'

# Danach im Skript:
self.staticImage =
self.staticBitmap =
  name='staticBitmap3', parent=self.panel1, pos=wx.Point(8,
  size=wx.Size(168, 72), style=0)

Wie gesagt, funkzt  prima!

Und jetzt das Icon:
# Base64 codiertes Bild, einmalig ausserhalb des Skripts
import base64
file = open('smallIcon.ico',rb)
ico =
ico_b64 = ico.encode(base64)
# ergibt einen String wie

# Danach im Skript:
icon = base64.b64decode(ico_b64)
self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO))

-- Fehler beim Start der Anwendung: Failed to load icom from the

Wo ist der Fehler und was muss ich machen, damit das Icon angezeigt

Besten Dank und schöne Grüsse,


E-Mail-Adresse ist reply-fähig, wird aber nicht gelesen.
Besser: r_2 bei Ge Em Ix oder hier in der NG


Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread Duncan Booth

 The call to sys.getdefaultencoding() returns ascii. Since I can enter
 the characters åöä on the command line in Pydef/Eclipse doesn't that
 mean that the stdin is not ascii? What should I do?
I think that depends on what sort of script you are writing.

If it is just something for personal use on a single machine, or if you 
know that the same encoding is going to be used on all systems where you 
have this problem, then you could hardwire the encoding to whatever it 
should be (maybe 'latin1').

If it is to be used across a variety of systems with different encodings 
then you'll have to figure out some way to find the correct encoding.


2006-12-11 Thread fabri16

ho creato i tasti con le immagini

def creaImmagine(self):
  img = tk.PhotoImage(file=self.ico1)
  b = tk.Button(root, image=img, command=self.allaPressione)
  b.configure (width=80, height=80)
  b.image = img

mi resta solo un problema.. questo metodo viene richamato più volte,
ma i tasti non vengono sovrasritti bensì aggiunti (a sinistra).

come faccio per sovrascriverli?
ho provato con destroy, ma finisce che non mi crea neppure l'immagine.

oppure senza sovrascriverli mi basterebbe cambiare l'immagine
all'interno (ma credo che il modo migliore sia sovrascriverli).

ah...prima che mi scordi..  windows e tkinter.




Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread aine_canby

Duncan Booth skrev:


  The call to sys.getdefaultencoding() returns ascii. Since I can enter
  the characters åöä on the command line in Pydef/Eclipse doesn't that
  mean that the stdin is not ascii? What should I do?
 I think that depends on what sort of script you are writing.

 If it is just something for personal use on a single machine, or if you
 know that the same encoding is going to be used on all systems where you
 have this problem, then you could hardwire the encoding to whatever it
 should be (maybe 'latin1').

 If it is to be used across a variety of systems with different encodings
 then you'll have to figure out some way to find the correct encoding.

Yeah I'm only learning python so I think I can go with latin1.




Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread Leo Kislov

 Duncan Booth skrev:

   The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is
  I'll guess you mean None rather than Null.
   This has only started happening since I started working with
   Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?
  You could give it a fallback value:
  uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())
  or even just:
  uni = unicode(word, sys.stdin.encoding or 'ascii')
  which should be the same in all reasonable universes (although I did get
  bitten recently when someone had changed the default encoding in a system).

 Thanks for your help. The problem now is that I cant enter the Swedish
 characters åöä etc without getting the following error -

 Enter word Påe
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Documents and Settings\workspace\simple\src\, line
 25, in module
   File C:\Documents and Settings\workspace\simple\src\, line
 192, in Test
 uni=unicode(word,sys.stdin.encoding or sys.getdefaultencoding())
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position 1:
 ordinal not in range(128)

 The call to sys.getdefaultencoding() returns ascii. Since I can enter
 the characters åöä on the command line in Pydef/Eclipse doesn't that
 mean that the stdin is not ascii? What should I do?

The workaround in your case is:

in the beginning of your program:

import sys
if hasattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding'):
console_encoding = sys.stdin.encoding
import locale
locale_name, console_encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()

and later:

uni = unicode(word, console_encoding)

But don't think it's portable, if you use other IDE or OS, it may not
work. It would be better if PyDev implemented sys.stdin.encoding

  -- Leo


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Timofei Shatrov
On 11 Dec 2006 00:27:28 -0800, Ravi Teja [EMAIL PROTECTED] tried to
confuse everyone with this message:

That's a lot of hate in 2 sentences for judging a novel feature you
barely came across.

But, you have to admit that it looks horrible (at least at the first glance). If
there's some programming style that I absolutely can't stand, it would be the
one where programmer writes a huge block of commentary describing what a
function does, followed by one-liner of code, which contains the same amount of
information in itself. With doctest it is even worse, because examples also
contain superfluous information. Everyone can just copy-paste the code in REPL
and see what happens when you execute it. Besides that, there are many reasons
why tests should be stored in a separate file, or at least not in the same
function that they are testing.

Also Wikipedia article contains some Cons of doctest that look pretty nasty:

* Large numbers of tests in a docstring can become unwieldy. docstrings
should be pruned and excised tests put in external file(s).
* Tests producing large amounts of output make for large docstrings.
* Debugging integration is far from perfect
* 'print' (or 'trace') debugging is not possible (because it intervenes with
the test result)
* Test setup has to be either copied or hidden away from the test, making
the overall environment harder to understand.
* Many of the complex assertions of existing unit tests frameworks do not
exist, (e.g. assertRaises, assertEquals, assertAlmostEqual, ...), although some
are not necessary.
* Failing assertions are very hard to debug (Especially in Web applications
if the expected result is a web page with a lot of HTML)

It's not surprising that no one uses this stuff for serious work.

|Don't believe this - you're not worthless  ,
|It's us against millions and we can't take them all... |  ue il   |
|But we can take them on!   | @ma  |
|   (A Wilhelm Scream - The Rip)|__|

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Cliff Wells
On Sun, 2006-12-10 at 01:28 -0800, Kay Schluehr wrote:

 Who really wants to write web apps? Web apps are just an excuse for
 Pythonistas to write web frameworks.

I've been lurking, waiting for the right moment to toss in my two cents,
and finally, and here it is.

I've been using Python heavily for many years (since late 1.5.1) and
frankly I've gotten a bit bored with it.  I think your statement
indirectly (and unintentionally I'm sure) sums up why.   Python is
certainly pragmatic.  Python has *everything* you'd want for writing
applications: extensive libraries, flexibility, etc.  

Unfortunately, writing applications is boring. 

The way I like to overcome this boredom (and hence stay productive) is
by writing clever code.  I don't mean obfuscated one-liners (although
I'm guilty of that too), rather I mean generalizing code, creating
frameworks and then developing the application in that framework, that
sort of thing.  Python has been pretty good for me so far in keeping the
ceiling high enough that I could stretch but not bump my head too often.
I suspect I'm not alone in this need (hence the unusual number of web
frameworks written in Python).   

However lately I've noticed that the ceiling is quite apparent: Python
programmers are free to define DSL's via functions, classes, clever
operator overloading, etc, but not in the one way that actually makes
them really interesting: macros.
It might be true that macros would make it more difficult for someone
else to understand my code (although I doubt much more than say, Zope or
Twisted, or any of the popular ORMs floating about).   Regardless, let's
take a moment to consider another point of view: I. DON'T. CARE.  That's
right.  I don't care if anyone else can read it.  Frankly I may not even
care if *I* can read it in a year.   Every year I look back at what I've
written the previous year and think about how much better I could have
done it *this* year.  This has gone on for over twenty years now and I
suspect that if that fact ever changed it would probably be time for me
to retire from programming as I'd have stopped learning (or would at
least be bored out of my mind).

The majority of code is throwaway.  That is, whatever need it was
written to fulfill will cease to exist, the coder will think of some
brilliant new approach that requires a major rewrite, another programmer
with different ideas will rewrite it from the ground up (probably in a
new language), a library will appear that renders it moot, etc, etc.
While I'm sure there is a huge base of ancient code out there somewhere,
faithfully powering our banks and dams and pushing fractions of pennies
about, I simply don't care.  Someone may have to read it, please god
don't let it be me.  I don't care about old application code.  It's
effing boring.  I don't just program because it pays the bills.  I
program because I *like to program*.   That means not having arbitrary
limits to what I can express so that some hypothetical 8th grader can
come along in some future decade and grok some one-off program I hacked
together over a weekend.   If I write code during a drunken binge, then
dammit, I'll run that code in another drunken binge.  If not, then I'll
damn well rewrite it when I'm sober.   I neither want nor need moral
programming imperatives handed down from above.   I will write crappy
code whenever I damn well feel like it.  If I learn something from it,
all the better.  If not, well that's my choice as an adult to take that

There is lots of talk about how, if Python had macros, everyone would
create their own mini-languages and it would be a virtual Tower of
Babel, etc, etc.  Perhaps.  But of course, given how much syntax Python
has grown since 1.5 (most of which is there to compensate for
statement-oriented syntax and lack of macros) I'd suggest that perhaps
the tower is already being built directly into the language.

As an aside, it's pretty sad when many of the c.l.lisp folks on this
thread seem more polite in general than the crowd.   Lisp may
have expression-based syntax and macros, but it's also got Eric Naggum.
If we can't have the nice features of Lisp, let's at least not adopt its


P.S.  As a disclaimer, I *have* had a few beers tonight already and
have, in fact, been binge-coding, so if this seems like a rant, I
reserve the right to deny all knowledge of anything I may have written
up to this point. 


Re: sys.stdin.encoding

2006-12-11 Thread Leo Kislov

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
  The following line in my code is failing because sys.stdin.encoding is
  Null. This has only started happening since I started working with
  Pydef in Eclipse SDK. Any ideas?

 That's a problem with pydev, where the standard machinery to determine
 the terminal's encoding fail.

 I have no idea yet how to fix this.

Environmental variable TERMENCODING ? Heck, maybe this will catch on
and will be used by other languages, libraries, terminals, etc. It's
not really Python only problem.

  -- Leo


Avoiding invalid literal for int() exception

2006-12-11 Thread aine_canby
 v = raw_input(Enter: )
Enter: kjjkj
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'kjjkj'

In my program I need to be able to enter char strings or int strings on
the command line. Then I use an if-elif structure to establish which is
which. For example -

if uniList[0].lower() in (e,exit): # uniList stores a unicode
string origionally taken from stdin
elif uniList[0].lower() in (h,help):
elif uniList[0].lower() in (p,pass):
elif int(uniList[0]) in range(0,10):

How could I avoid the ValueError exception if uniList[0] == Åker? I
was thinking of having something like -

formatError = False
  iVal = int(uniList[0])
  if iVal not in range range(0,10):
formatError = True
catch ValueError:
  iVal = -1

if uniList[0].lower() in (e,exit): # uniList stores a unicode
string origionally taken from stdin
elif uniList[0].lower() in (h,help):
elif uniList[0].lower() in (p,pass):
elif iVal != -1 and not formatError:
elif not formatError:
print Enter numbers between 0 and 10...

 Is this the correct way to do this in your opinion? Sorry, I'm totally
new to python and exceptions.




Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Michele Simionato
Timofei Shatrov wrote:
 It's not surprising that no one uses this stuff for serious work.

Well, I replaced all my unittests with doctests long ago, and I am not
the only one following this way
(see the Zope 3 project for instance).

  Michele Simionato


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread greg
 compilers are GREATLY facilitated by having a
 macro facility because (at first blush) all you need to do is to
 macro-expand down to something you know how to turn into code.

There's no way you could compile Python to efficient
machine code just by macro expansion. You'd also need
some very heavy-duty type inferencing.

Python is extremely dynamic, even more so than Lisp.
That's why compiling Python is hard, not because it
doesn't have macros.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread greg
Ken Tilton wrote:

 But with Lisp one does not have to clean up the indentation manually 
 after thrashing away at ones code.

That's not how I would describe the experience
I have when I'm editing Python code.

When moving a set of statements in Python, you
are usually selecting a set of complete lines,
cutting them out and then pasting them in
between two other lines somewhere else.

Having done that, the lines you've just pasted
in are selected. Now it's just a matter of
using using your editor's block-shifting commands
to move them left or right until they're in
the correct horizontal position.

I find this to be quite a smooth and natural
process -- no thrashing involved at all.

Having edited both Lisp and Python code fairly
extensively, I can't say that I find editing
Python code to be any more difficult or error

On the plus side, Python makes less demands on the
capabilities of the editor. All you really need
is block-shifting commands. Bracket matching is
handy for expressions but not vital, and you
certainly don't need bracket-based auto-indenting.


How do I edit a PythonWin path to import custom built modules???

2006-12-11 Thread mohan
Hi Guys,

I've been using the following IDE,

Pythonwin - Python IDE and GUI Framework for Windows.

Copyright 1994-2001 Mark Hammond 

With respect to my work, I had created my own modules (.py files) in
drives and folders other than the python root. I know that if I need to
import these modules, I need to specify the path of the directory where
I've put my modules. I've tried the Edit Python Path sub menu in the
menu Tools of PythonWin, but I could not add a new path i.e.-

Could any one please let me know how could I add a new path to access
my own modules.

Thanks in advance,
Mohan Swaminathan.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Ravi Teja

Timofei Shatrov wrote:
 But, you have to admit that it looks horrible (at least at the first glance). 
 there's some programming style that I absolutely can't stand, it would be the
 one where programmer writes a huge block of commentary describing what a
 function does, followed by one-liner of code

You Sir, are no fan of Literate Programming :-).

 information in itself. With doctest it is even worse, because examples also
 contain superfluous information. Everyone can just copy-paste the code in REPL
 and see what happens when you execute it.

And doctest automates such REPL tests. Like macros, don't knock it till
you try it.

 Besides that, there are many reasons
 why tests should be stored in a separate file, or at least not in the same
 function that they are testing.

You need not have doctest as a part of source code. You can also create
a separate documentation file that contains prose as well as tests

Combine it with ReStructured Text and you have a wonderful
documentation and testing solution in one place. Personally, I like
this a lot better than Javadoc style documentation where usage examples
are often absent.

 Also Wikipedia article contains some Cons of doctest that look pretty nasty:

Of course, doctest is hardly the ultimate testing solution. But it does
an admirable job for many cases where you don't need to setup elaborate

 It's not surprising that no one uses this stuff for serious work.

I have seen enough libraries that use doctest. Zope, Twisted and Paste
are some of the popular Python projects in that use it. Epydoc supports
it as well.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paddy

On Dec 11, 8:07 am, Kaz Kylheku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paddy wrote: pity the hoplelessly 
  anti-intellectual douche-bag who inflicted this
 undergraduate misfeature upon the programming language.
Oh wow! So much invective. So little reason.
Doctest is very easy to try.
1/ Get python installed on your machine:
2/ Use a tutorial to get up to speed in Python:
3/ Try Doctest.

 This must be some unofficial patch that still has a hope of being shot
 down in flames, right?
Try doctest and you will see why it is not.

- Paddy.


Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-11 Thread greg
Russ wrote:
 The copy by reference semantics of Python give it great
 efficiency but are also its achille's heel for tough-to-find bugs.

You need to stop using the term copy by reference,
because it's meaningless. Just remember that assignment
in Python is always reference assignment. If you want
something copied, you need to be explicit about it.

 I later discovered that a
 particularly nasty bug was due to the fact that my constructor copied
 the initializing list by reference.

The reason you made that mistake was that you were
using the wrong mental model for how assignment works
in Python -- probably one that you brought over from
some other language.

When you become more familiar with Python, you won't
make mistakes like that anywhere near as often. And
if you do, you'll be better at recognising the
symptoms, so the cause won't be hard to track down.

 So a fundamental question in Python, it seems to me, is when to take
 the performance hit and use copy or deepcopy.

Again, this is something you'll find easier when
you've had more experience with Python. Generally,
you only need to copy something when you want an
independent object that you can manipulate without
affecting anything else, although that probably
doesn't sound very helpful.

In your vector example, it depends on whether you
want your vectors to be mutable or immutable. It
sounds like you were treating them as mutable, i.e.
able to be modified in-place. In that case, each
vector obviously needs to be a new object with the
initial values copied into it.

The alternative would be to treat your vectors as
immutable, i.e. once created you never change their
contents, and any operation, such as adding two
vectors, produces a new vector holding the result.
In that case, two vectors could happily share a
reference to a list of values (as long as there is
nothing else that might modify the contents of the


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Alex Mizrahi
(message (Hello 'Paul)
(you :wrote  :on '(10 Dec 2006 21:06:56 -0800))

 ?? read the book.

 PR Which book?

Paul Graham's On Lisp.

or just refreshing your knowledge about CPS transformaction might be 
i've found very good explanation of CPS transformaction in the book 
Programming Languages:Application and Interpretation
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Brown University

it's not Common Lisp but  Scheme though, but it's very interesting since it 
shows how continuations can be used for better web programming.

both books are available online.

 ?? but once you convert it to CPS, you just operate with closures. stack
 ?? is just a lexical variables caught into closure. do you know what does
 ?? CPS mean at all??

 PR I once understood the basic notion but confess to have never been
 PR clear on the fine points.  However, I don't see how you can do it with
 PR CL closures since CL semantics do not guarantee tail recursion
 PR optimization.  If you code a loop with closures and CPS, you will blow
 PR the stack.

most CL implementation do tail call optimization, unless you're running 
debug mode -- in that case you'd prefer full stack.
however, it's possible to implement tail call optimizations in non-tail-call 
optimizing language. i think it's called trampolined style.
example can be found in PAIP book: interpreter of Scheme is implemented in 
Common Lisp.
CPS transformation found in ARNESI implements that -- you might notice on 
the macroexpansion i've showed in prev example function drive-cps. it's 
defined following way:

(defun drive-cps (cps-lambda)
  (catch 'done
(loop for f = cps-lambda then (funcall f

additional (lambda () ...) is inserted in the code to delay evaluation. code 
becomes like this:

  (lambda () (block2))

thus for each CPS tear-point it's able to throw stale stack frames away.
here's an example of CPS-transformed eternal loop

(macroexpand '(with-call/cc (loop for i upfrom 1 do (print i) do (call/cc 
(lambda (cont) cont)

 (LET ((#:CPS-LET-I-1712 1))
   (PRINT #:CPS-LET-I-1712)
   (LAMBDA ()
(LAMBDA (#:V-1717)
  (DECLARE (IGNORE #:V-1717))
(SETQ #:CPS-LET-I-1712
(1+ #:CPS-LET-I-1712)))

(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity) 


Re: Avoiding invalid literal for int() exception

2006-12-11 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], aine_canby

 elif uniList[0].lower() in (p,pass):
 elif int(uniList[0]) in range(0,10):

Replace this line with:

elif uniList[0].isdigit() and 0 = int(uniList[0])  10:


You may want to give `uniList[0]` a name before entering the
``if``/``elif`` construct to avoid accessing the first element over and

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Avoiding invalid literal for int() exception

2006-12-11 Thread John Machin

  v = raw_input(Enter: )
 Enter: kjjkj
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'kjjkj'

 In my program I need to be able to enter char strings or int strings on
 the command line. Then I use an if-elif structure to establish which is
 which. For example -

 if uniList[0].lower() in (e,exit): # uniList stores a unicode
 string origionally taken from stdin
 elif uniList[0].lower() in (h,help):
 elif uniList[0].lower() in (p,pass):
 elif int(uniList[0]) in range(0,10):

 How could I avoid the ValueError exception if uniList[0] == Åker? I
 was thinking of having something like -

 formatError = False
   iVal = int(uniList[0])
   if iVal not in range range(0,10):
 formatError = True
 catch ValueError:

Perhaps you meant
except ValueError:

   iVal = -1

Consider using uniList[0].isdigit() -- see



Re: Avoiding invalid literal for int() exception

2006-12-11 Thread aine_canby

John Machin skrev:

   v = raw_input(Enter: )
  Enter: kjjkj
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
  ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'kjjkj'
  In my program I need to be able to enter char strings or int strings on
  the command line. Then I use an if-elif structure to establish which is
  which. For example -
  if uniList[0].lower() in (e,exit): # uniList stores a unicode
  string origionally taken from stdin
  elif uniList[0].lower() in (h,help):
  elif uniList[0].lower() in (p,pass):
  elif int(uniList[0]) in range(0,10):
  How could I avoid the ValueError exception if uniList[0] == Åker? I
  was thinking of having something like -
  formatError = False
iVal = int(uniList[0])
if iVal not in range range(0,10):
  formatError = True
  catch ValueError:

 Perhaps you meant
 except ValueError:

iVal = -1

 Consider using uniList[0].isdigit() -- see

Yes, thanks for your help.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Alex Mizrahi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  PR Which book?
 Paul Graham's On Lisp.

Oh ok, someone mentioned that was online, and I just bookmarked it.
I'll look at it when I'm more awake.

 Programming Languages:Application and Interpretation
 Shriram Krishnamurthi
 Brown University
 it's not Common Lisp but  Scheme though, but it's very interesting since it 
 shows how continuations can be used for better web programming.

Scheme probably makes more sense for this type of book--it's simpler than CL.

 most CL implementation do tail call optimization, unless you're running 
 debug mode -- in that case you'd prefer full stack.

I'd rather stick to what the CL standard says, rather than what some
implementation might happen to do.  CL does not guarantee TCO so these
code transformation schemes mustn't rely on it.

 optimizing language. i think it's called trampolined style.
 example can be found in PAIP book: interpreter of Scheme is implemented in 

This book doesn't seem to be online.  But anyway I think you mean,
compile the Scheme code into one giant CL function, which is no longer
really a clean mapping of Scheme to CL, it's just writing an
interpreter.  And I think that interpreter has to do its own
management of environments rather than letting the CL runtime do it.
So basically it says CL is turing-complete and can do everything,
which we already knew ;-).

 (defun drive-cps (cps-lambda)
   (catch 'done
 (loop for f = cps-lambda then (funcall f

Part of the problem I'm having with these examples is I don't know all
the different macros being used.  But I think I understand one part of
what was confusing me before: your call/cc macros depend on a
nonstandard feature of some CL implementations.  You can't write a
call/cc macro in standard CL--you instead have to write something that
transforms the entire program.

I think even with TCO though, you still can't do coroutines with CL
macros (but you can do them with real call/cc).  The point is that you
have to do something like TCO on calls that are not tail calls and
actually have to return.  You again have to transform the whole
program, not just expand a call/cc macro locally inside functions that
use it.

Pb ReportLab (

2006-12-11 Thread M�ta-MCI

I try to generate PDF from Python 2.5 + ReporLab_lib, and, I have:

C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
integer overflow masking is deprecated
  stm.write(pack(LLL, checksum, offset, len(data)))
C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
integer overflow masking is deprecated
  stm.write(pack('L', checksum))

(note : the same script run Ok with Python 2.4.3)

One idea?

Thanks you by advance

Michel Claveau


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread rdiaz02
Maybe this was already mentioned in this thread and I didn't see it.
Anyway, I find that Scheme (so I am talking about Scheme as a member of
the lisp family) has  pedagogical advantages over Python.

1. There are a range of excellent books that will introduce not just
Scheme but programming and computer science to audiences with varied
background and previous programming experience.

1.1. I do not know of any Python equivalents to The Little Schemer
and The Seasoned Schemer. These teach you recursion and the art of
scheme programming. I think Core Python Programming (and, to a
lesser extent, Learning Python) might teach some of the art of
python programming, but the focus, style, and effectivenes are quite
different (and, I'd say, not as successful; you can read the little
schemer in a couple of long train commutes; there is no way you can do
that with Core Python Programming.). Sure, the style of The little
Schemer is not for everyone.

1.2. How to design programs is obviously a much broader,
comprehensive, detailed, and far-reaching textbook than (the nice) How
to think like a computer scientist; learning with Python.

1.3. SICP has no counterpart in the Python world. I've read some people
have taught SICP like using Python (and that there is a new course at
MIT, taught by Abelson and/or Sussman, that will use Python, not
Scheme; but this is not a course that really substitutes the original
for which SICP was written). But SICP remains SICP. It'd be nice to see
something similar in Python.

1.4. More advanced material is available as Programming Languages:
Application and Interpretation (Krishnamurthi). I know of no Python
counterpart in the range and depth of topics covered.

1.5. Last, but not least, lots of this material is available on-line.
So you can check it out before buying the dead-tree version.

2. PLT scheme and Dr. Scheme are a wonderful learning environment for
Scheme, with no equivalent in Python. Its not just the great debugging
and tracing facilities, but also who you can restrict the language you
use to concentrate on some key features, so as to build incrementally
(to avoid the forest from preventing you to see some specific trees).
Interestingly, I think there has been at least one attempt to build
something similar for Python on top of Dr. Scheme (in PyCon 2004 or

3. Schemers (some Schemers at least) are making a strong effort to
teach CS to audiences of varied backgrounds and experiences. They even
have a sequence that starts from basically 0, teaches you Scheme, and
ends up including Java (I guess this is catering to the but I really
need Java to get a job when I get out of here!). That Scheme is way
ahead of Python in this area I think has been recognized by relevant
members of the Python community (comp.lnag.python not long ago).

4. Python, instead, has the wealth of nutshells, pocket guides,
etc. Which are fine (I always have my Ptyhon in a Nuthsell and Python
Pocket Reference nearby when writing Python). But I doubt these books
really teach you basic computer science as the above do. They are of
the applied kind (and here probably the only Lisp coutnerpart might be
Practical Common Lisp).

Why does all this matters (or at least matters to me, who am
considering moving most of my programming from Python to Scheme and

a) If the issue of teaching programming to a kid/adolescent arises, I'd
definitely have a lot more resources, which also teach much more than
just a language, if I choose Scheme. (And, no, I do not think a
parenthesis is inherently more scary than a tab for someone who is new
to both).

b) I have no formal CS training; I am a biologist and statistician by
training and have used Basic, C/C++, Pascal, Fortran, R (oh, and RPL,
that minor language of the HP48 calc., which I used extensively for 18
months for writing lots of animal behavior recording programs). But
once and for all, I'd like to learn some basic CS, while learning how
to use a language. I have a strong feeling that, with the Scheme route,
this will be fulfilled. Not with Python. (Sure, this is also fulfilled
with Mozart/Oz and Concepts and Techniques and Models of Comp.
Progr., but Mozart/Oz does not seem as ready for the types of projects
I work on and there are speed issues). The first three chapters of SICP
and the first four chapters of CTM so far have really been
mind-expanding. None of the Python books I've read have felt anyway
similar (Python has felt cozy, nice, easy to use; not eye opening).

c) Now, if Scheme/CL were just toy languages we could dismiss all the
above by saying we are not talking about why kids learn XYZ, nor why
CS ignorants like you prefer to be spoon fed basic CS concepts by
learning language UVW. But of course, I think that neither Scheme nor
CL are just toy languages.

Just my 2 cents.



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Michele Simionato
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Alex Mizrahi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Programming Languages:Application and Interpretation
  Shriram Krishnamurthi
  Brown University
 This book doesn't seem to be online.

   Michele Simionato


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Programming Languages:Application and Interpretation
   Shriram Krishnamurthi
   Brown University
  This book doesn't seem to be online.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Dmitry V. Gorbatovsky

I challenge anyone making psychological
 claims about language X (for any X) being easier to either
 read/learn/use than language Y (for any Y) to come up with any valid
 evidence whatever. 
Put aside,that I don't understand meaning of term
psychological claim in that context.
It is obvious that different
medium of information exchange provides
different levels of readability for humans.
And accordingly easier/harder to learn/use.

Regards, Dmitry

Re: need guidance on sending emails with attachment with python.

2006-12-11 Thread Bernard
here's the function I've been using for while :P

import smtplib
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate
from email import Encoders

def sendMail(arrRecipients, sender, subject, message, files=[]):
 Sends email with attachements 
# SMTP address
smtpserver = '' # provide a smtp here in string format
# authentification section
AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
smtpuser = ''  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
smtppass = ''  # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here

# Building the body of the email
mssg = MIMEMultipart()
mssg['From'] = sender
mssg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(arrRecipients)
mssg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
mssg['Subject'] = subject
mssg.attach( MIMEText(message) )

# attachments
for file in files:
part = MIMEBase('application', octet-stream)
part.set_payload( open(file,rb).read() )
part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;
filename=%s' % os.path.basename(file))

session = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
session.login(smtpuser, smtppass)
smtpresult = session.sendmail(sender, arrRecipients,

if smtpresult:
errstr = 
for recip in smtpresult.keys():
errstr = Could not delivery mail to: %s

Server said: %s

%s % (recip, smtpresult[recip][0], smtpresult[recip][1], errstr)
raise smtplib.SMTPException, errstr

krishnakant Mane a écrit :

 I am a bit confused.
 I want to make a program that will take some data from a database and
 make a string of text.  and send it to the respective email id of a
 next I also want to send an attachment of a photo along with the email.
 I will be required to make this program run on windows xp.
 can some one guide me as to how I can achieve this?
 what I will need on windows to send emails?
 I believe yahoo, gmail, rediff and msn supports pop3 and smtp?
 correct me if I am wrong on this.
 secondly what library is used on windows to do this?
 I know there must be python libraries to do this,
 but apart from that I don't know what all I will need on my windows
 machine to send emails to mostly yahoo, gmail and msn.
 Please give me some idea about it.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Alex Mizrahi
(message (Hello 'Paul)
(you :wrote  :on '(11 Dec 2006 04:14:20 -0800))

 ?? optimizing language. i think it's called trampolined style.
 ?? example can be found in PAIP book: interpreter of Scheme is 
implemented in

 PR This book doesn't seem to be online.  But anyway I think you mean,
 PR compile the Scheme code into one giant CL function, which is no longer
 PR really a clean mapping of Scheme to CL, it's just writing an
 PR interpreter.  And I think that interpreter has to do its own
 PR management of environments rather than letting the CL runtime do it.
 PR So basically it says CL is turing-complete and can do everything,
 PR which we already knew ;-).

point is that writting some custom interpreter in CL is very easy AND you 
can still use all other features of CL AND communicate with other DSLs.

 PR the different macros being used.  But I think I understand one part of
 PR what was confusing me before: your call/cc macros depend on a
 PR nonstandard feature of some CL implementations.

no, it's standard Common Lisp. it's an ARNESI library. it's very standard --  
i was able to run non-modified code in Armed Bear Common Lisp implementation 
(it's running on JVM), that is very new and does not fully support the 
standard -- but nevertheless, CPS code runs out of the box on it.

 PR   You can't write a call/cc macro in standard CL--you instead have to
 PR write something that transforms the entire program.

yes, i cannot write just call/cc -- i should wrap code into with-call/cc. 
with-call/cc macro performs transformation of the code to CPS -- and then 
call/cc is enabled.
i can enable call/cc for specific functions -- i define them with defun/cc 
instead of defun. so, i can define both normal CL functions and call/cc 
enabled functions. typically, call/cc is required only in a few pieces of 
program where interrupts come, so it's OK.

if i'm going to support generators, i only need to run CPS tranformation on 
the body of generator function -- that will tear it in yield points.

 PR I think even with TCO though, you still can't do coroutines with CL
 PR macros (but you can do them with real call/cc).  The point is that you
 PR have to do something like TCO on calls that are not tail calls and
 PR actually have to return.  You again have to transform the whole
 PR program, not just expand a call/cc macro locally inside functions that
 PR use it.

i think only functions that are coroutines should be fully transformed.

(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity) 


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread André Thieme
Steven D'Aprano schrieb:
 On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 14:57:08 -0500, Bill Atkins wrote:
 Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There is just not that much boilerplate in Python code, so there's
 not so much need to hide it.
 Well, of course there is.  There are always going to be patterns in
 the code you write that could be collapsed.  Language has nothing to
 do with it; Lisp without macros would still be susceptible to

 Here's a concrete example:

   (let ((control-code (read-next-control-code connection)))
 (ecase control-code
 (kill-connection connection)
 (throw :broken-by-client))
 (send-status-summary connection))
   ((+noop+ +keep-alive+
   ;; +X+ indicates a constant
 Eight lines, excluding the comment, and it doesn't handle the case where
 control-code is not one of +break+, +status+, +noop+ or +keep-alive+,
 although the ecase macro does. And how many lines of code is ecase?
 All of that
 boilerplate is handled by the macro.  In Python, I would need to do
 something like:

   control_code = connection.read_next_control_code()
   if control_code == +break+:
 throw blah
   else if control_code == +status+:
   else if control_code == +noop+ || control_code == +keep_alive+:
 error CONTROL_CODE fell through conditional cascade; was not one of 
 Your Python syntax is rather wonky, but that's incidental.
 Nine lines, including handling the case where control_code is none of the
 four constants. Ten if you add the pass statement that it actually
 needs. And it is completely self-contained, with no external functions or
 macros to understand.

Counting source lines is not the important thing. Look at the complexity
and the number of tokens.
The Lisp code is easier, because it is more abstract. You are closer in
saying what you want.

Counting tokens:
(let ((control-code (read-next-control-code connection)))   4
   (ecase control-code   2
   (kill-connection connection)  2
   (throw :broken-by-client))2
 (+status+   1
   (send-status-summary connection)) 2
 ((+noop+ +keep-alive+   2

control_code = connection.read_next_control_code()  4
if control_code == +break+: 4
   connection.kill() 2
   throw blah2
else if control_code == +status+:   4
   connection.send_status_summary()  2
else if control_code == +noop+ || control_code == +keep_alive+: 8
else:   1
   error CONTROL_CODE fell through conditional cascade; 2
   was not one of +BREAK+, +STATUS+, +NOOP+, +KEEP_ALIVE+
plus a pass, would make 30 vs 16  Brain-units.


Re: Pb ReportLab (

2006-12-11 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

 I try to generate PDF from Python 2.5 + ReporLab_lib, and, I have:
 C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
 integer overflow masking is deprecated
   stm.write(pack(LLL, checksum, offset, len(data)))
 C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
 integer overflow masking is deprecated
   stm.write(pack('L', checksum))

Does the PDF generation work?  Those are just warnings.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-11 Thread Jon Harrop
 On 10.12.2006, at 11:23, Jon Harrop wrote:
 F# addresses this by adding operator overloading. However, you have
 to add more type annotations...
 That sounds interesting, but I'd have to see this in practice to form
 an opinion. As long as F# is a Windows-only language, I am not
 interested in it anyway.

F# runs under Linux with Mono.

 OCaml already supports 9 architectures and optimised to AMD64
 earlier than gcc. How many do you want?
 It's not a matter of number, it's a matter of availability when new
 processors appear on the market. How much time passes on average
 between the availability of a new processor type and the availability
 of a native code compiler for OCaml?

OCaml had AMD64 support before many other language. It had a better
optimiser before gcc...

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Alex Mizrahi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  PR the different macros being used.  But I think I understand one part of
  PR what was confusing me before: your call/cc macros depend on a
  PR nonstandard feature of some CL implementations.
 no, it's standard Common Lisp. it's an ARNESI library. it's very standard --  

The ARNESI doc at:


By transforming common lisp code into CPS we allow a restricted form
of CALL/CC. While we use the name call/cc what we actually provide is
more like the shift/reset operators (where with-call/cc is reset and
call/cc is shift).

I don't know what shift/reset are but the above says that call/cc in
the Scheme sense is not really implemented.  There are also a bunch of
limitations on what can be in the call/cc body, e.g. you can't use

Anyway, the nonstandard feature is tail call optimization, if you're
turning continuations into closures, and that's just for the simple
case of dealing with loops written in CPS.  E.g.: if you write

   (defun sum_to_n (n optional (acc 0))
  ;; (sum_to_n n) computes sum of integers from 0 to n
  (if (= n 0)
  (sum_to_n (- 1 n) (+ n acc

This function is properly tail recursive (unless I messed up) so with

   (sum_to_n 100)

the CPS version is supposed to return the right answer if you wait
long enough.  It is not allowed to overflow the stack.  This is
guaranteed to work in Scheme but is not guaranteed in CL.  And as I
think we agree, with coroutines it gets even worse.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(defun sum_to_n (n optional (acc 0))
   ;; (sum_to_n n) computes sum of integers from 0 to n
   (if (= n 0)
   (sum_to_n (- 1 n) (+ n acc

Of course meant:

(defun sum_to_n (n optional (acc 0))
   ;; (sum_to_n n) computes sum of integers from 0 to n
   (if (= n 0)
   (sum_to_n (- 1 n) (+ n acc

I've made that same error several times in Haskell as well.  I'm not
used to this.

Re: Pb ReportLab (

2006-12-11 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Méta-MCI wrote:

 I try to generate PDF from Python 2.5 + ReporLab_lib, and, I have:
 C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
 integer overflow masking is deprecated
   stm.write(pack(LLL, checksum, offset, len(data)))
 C:\Python25\reportlab\pdfbase\ DeprecationWarning: struct 
 integer overflow masking is deprecated
   stm.write(pack('L', checksum))
 (note : the same script run Ok with Python 2.4.3)
 One idea?

it's a deprecation warning.  the code runs under Python 2.5, but will 
probably break in future releases.  check with the reportlab folks for 

if you want to turn the messages off, use the filterwarnings function in 
the warnings module (see the docs for details).



Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-11 Thread Jon Harrop
Carl Banks wrote:
 Jon Harrop wrote:
 What about translating the current Python interpreter into a language
 with a GC, like MLton-compiled SML? That would probably make it much
 faster, more reliable and easier to develop.
 I doubt it would work too well.  MLton-compiled SML's semantics differ
 from Python's in subtle ways, and covering the edge cases usually means
 you have to do all the stuff you thought you would avoid by using
 another dynamically-typed language.   Translating MTton-compiled SML
 integers to Python ints would work probably 99 percent of the time, but
 in the end you'd essentially have to reimplement the Python int type.
 If you're going to go through all that work, you might as well
 translate it to C or directly to machine code.

That's not what I meant. I was referring to translating the Python
_interpreter_ into another language, not translating Python programs into
other languages. MLton-compiled SML is especially fast at symbolic
manipulation, e.g. interpreters, so it will be probably be as fast or
faster than the current Python interpreter. Then you can start boiling the
interpreter down, removing the GC for a start because MLton already has a
much better GC...

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 F# runs under Linux with Mono.

Interesting, where do I get it, and is there source?  I've never been
interested in Mono but maybe this is a reason.  How does the compiled
code compare to OCaml or MLton code?

Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That's not what I meant. I was referring to translating the Python
 _interpreter_ into another language, not translating Python programs into
 other languages. MLton-compiled SML is especially fast at symbolic
 manipulation, e.g. interpreters, so it will be probably be as fast or
 faster than the current Python interpreter. Then you can start boiling the
 interpreter down, removing the GC for a start because MLton already has a
 much better GC...

Well, work is already under way (already mentioned) to implement
Python in Python, including a reasonable compiler (Psyco).  

The big deficiency of MLton from a concurrency perspective is
inability to use multiprocessors.  Of course CPython has the same
deficiency.  Same with OCaml.  Is the ML community trying to do
anything about this?

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread philip . armitage
Juan R. wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:
  - Lisp is hard to learn (because of all those parenthesis)

 I cannot understand why. It is like if you claim that packaging things
 in boxes is difficult to learn.

 HTML and XML have more brackets than LISP (usually double) for
 structuring data and everyone has learned HTML.

I think maybe you missed the point I was making.

To make it clearer I'm saying that the arguments that are being made
over and over again against Lisp in this thread have been the
antithesis of my experience since moving from Python to Lisp.

I just prefer personal experience to popular misconceptions :-)



A Call to Arms for Python Advocacy

2006-12-11 Thread Jeff Rush
As the Python Advocacy Coordinator, I've put up some wiki pages on the Python 
website for which I'm soliciting ideas, writing and graphics.  Some of the 
material exists scattered about and just needs locating and organizing.

First there is a need for whitepapers and flyers - I've put up a list of 
suggested topics w/notes at:

And there are fields for signing up for specific documents.  We also have a 
page of possible magazine articles if that's more your style:

These works are to be formed into advocacy kits for various audiences.  So far 
we have the following ideas for kits:

   - College Student's Python Advocacy Kit
   - IT Department Python Advocacy Kit
   - University Educator's Python Advocacy Kit
   - K-12 Educator's Python Advocacy Kit
   - Research Lab Python Advocacy Kit

The table of contents for the various kits can be found at:

Did we miss your kit?  And what would you include in any of these?

Next, we are seeking reusable/retargetable teaching materials, such as those 
under a Creative Commons license.  We need slide presentations and class 
handouts.  Now I know there are a great many slide presentations on the web 
about Python.  I can google them all but we're not looking for just any 
presentation, we're looking for the best of field.  You can find the 
collection point at:

Last, perhaps you can dash off an idea or two for promotional merchandise. 
This could be the usuals like shirts but also posters, bumper stickers and 
buttons.  What would you like to have?  And with what graphics or slogans?  We 
can reuse some of the slogans from the PyCon Slogan Contest, but are there 

Our collection point for promo item ideas is at:

All materials will be credited to the authors to the extent possible by the 
delivery media.  Make your mark.

Python Advocacy Coordinator

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread André Thieme
Steven D'Aprano schrieb:

 With Lisp macros, even that isn't guaranteed. Now, if Lispers would say
 Oh yes, macros give you great power, and with great power comes great
 responsibility. Be careful.

Well, macros are one (big) thing that Lisp has and which many other
languages don't have. Their are other things too, and some of them are
in Python as well, which is a very nice scripting language.

Often macros save just some bits of code. Saving one loc is not much you
might say. But think about it the other way around.
How would you like it to call doodleShooble() each time before you use
the if statement? Of course you would not like it. The good thing about
Lisp is, that you can eliminate this pattern.

Apropos pattern.. most design patterns are not (very) visible in Lisp.
Many of them can be abstracted away with macros+functional programming.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread André Thieme
Bill Atkins schrieb:
 Bill Atkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 every corner of the language?  Please.  Why are you so post-happy
 when it's quite obvious that you don't know enough about Lisp to
 attack it?
 In addition to macros that define classes or methods, a common macro
 is the WITH-* macro, which sets up some kind of context, runs the body
 inside that context, and then does some cleanup.
 For example, my Lisp vendor, LispWorks, provides the macro MP:WITH-LOCK :
 (mp:with-lock (*the-big-lock*)
 The generated first seizes a process lock called *THE-BIG-LOCK*, runs
 the code in the body and then releases the lock.  I never have to
 worry that I've taken a lock without releasing it, because LispWorks
 has encoded that behaviour into MP:WITH-LOCK (and if they handn't,
 this macro is trivial to write).
 Now I can tell if I'm keeping a lock around too long because all the
 code that appears inside this WITH-LOCK is all the code that I'm
 locking.  Further, the generated code is surrounded by an
 UNWIND-PROTECT, which means that if an error is raised or anything
 abnormal happens in the dynamic scope of the UNWIND-PROTECT, Lisp will
 run cleanup code as it flees back up the stack.  So if there is an
 error in my code, it does not prevent other processes from seizing
 that lock, because it will be released as the error is signaled.
 Here is the expansion:
 CL-USER 7  (write (macroexpand '(mp:with-lock (*the-big-lock*)
:pretty t :case :downcase)
 (let ((#:g17553 *the-big-lock*))
   (when (mp:process-lock #:g17553)
 (progn (do-something-atomic) (something-else) (almost-odone))
   (mp::in-process-unlock #:g17553

Now it happens what Graham described. The blub programmer will explain
that this is not needed, because he can do the same thing in blub.

In Python you could write a function withLock that takes a lock and a
Then you can say
def throwAway001():

withLock(theBigLock, throwAway001)

or maybe

  lambda ():

So Lisp saves you the lambda (): or def throwAway001():.
That is nice I would say. Why write it if the computer could do that for


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Bill Atkins
Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


  Python has to rely more on using the right algorithm...

 This sound familiar: Macros are dangerous!
 Yes. I changed my opinion on advocating Python having macros in one
 of our long threads on the subject. Maintainance counts.

Yes, it does, but that should take you to exactly the opposite

 Compilers make you lazy.
 This is new to me. In fact, for the compiled languages available to me.
 Using them *first* would be the difficult choice.

These are not real sentences, but if you're saying that compiled
languages make programming more difficult, then you're simply using
the wrong compiled languages.  Lisp is a dynamic language that also
supports compilation to native code.

 Unlike Lisp, Python does not have a ubiquitous compiler. It is
 made to interface nicely with compiled languages. Other compiled

What on earth does this mean?  You're saying that because Python
doesn't have a compiler, it can interface more easily to compiled
languages?  That's nonsense.

Further, most Lisp implementations support an interface to C that
doesn't require you to write and compile C code in order to use C
extensions in Lisp.  Can Python do the same more nicely than Lisp?

 language users see the need for dynamic interpreted languages like
 Python and maintain links Python such as the Boost Python C++
 wrapper. IronPython for .NET, Jython for Java.
 Lisp is its own interpreter and compiler, which should be a great
 advantage, but only if you don't make the mistake of ignoring the
 wealth of code out there that is written in other languages.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread André Thieme
Paul Rubin schrieb:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Now, if you want to tell me that, despite all the talk, Lisp coders don't
 actually create new syntax or mini-languages all that often, that they
 just use macros as functions, then the question becomes: why do you need
 macros then if you are just using them as functions? Why not use functions?
 Macros let you write what amounts to functions that don't evaluate
 their arguments.  Think of the endless clpy wars over the ternary
 conditional operator.  You want to write something like
def ternary(test, iftrue, iffalse):
   if test: return iftrue
   else iffalse
 but because of side effects, you don't want
a = cond(test, f(x), g(x)) 
 to evaluate both f and g.  That is trivial to do with a macro but
 can't be done with a function.

I think you could do that with functional programming.
You can protect the evaluation by encapsulating the args in a function

def f_Args(x):
   return x

def g_Args(x):
   return x

and then
a = cond(test, f, g, f_Args(x), g_Args(x))

if you adopt cond. But of course it is getting ugly.
So a macro can free you from this extra code.


Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-11 Thread Beliavsky

Carl Banks wrote:
 Niels L Ellegaard wrote:
  Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
   Ellegaard wrote:
I have been using scipy for some time now, but in the beginning I made
a few mistakes with copying by reference.
   But copying by reference is the way Python works.  Python never copies
   objects unless you explicitly ask for it.  So what you want is a warning
   for *every* assignment.
  Maybe I am on the wrong track here, but just to clarify myself:
  I wanted  a each object to know whether or not it was being referred to
  by a living object, and I wanted to warn the user whenever he tried to
  change an object that was being refered to by a living object.

 This really wouldn't work, trust us.  Objects do not know who
 references them, and are not notified when bound to a symbol or added
 to a container.  However, I do think you're right about one thing: it
 would be nice to have a tool that can catch errors of this sort, even
 if it's imperfect (as it must be).

 ISTM the big catch for Fortran programmers is when a mutable container
 is referenced from multiple places; thus a change via one reference
 will confusingly show up via the other one.

As a Fortranner, I agree. Is there an explanation online of why Python
treats lists the way it does? I did not see this question in the Python
FAQs at .

Here is a short Python code and a Fortran 95 equivalent.

a= [1]
c= a[:]
b= a
b[0] = 10
print a,b,c

output: [10] [10] [1]

program xalias
implicit none
integer, target  :: a(1)
integer:: c(1)
integer, pointer :: b(:)
a =  [1]
c =   a
b =  a
b(1) = 10
end program xalias

output: 10 10 1

It is possible to get similar behavior when assigning an array (list)
in Fortran as in Python, but one must explicitly use a pointer and =
instead of =. This works well IMO, causing fewer surprises, and I
have never heard Fortranners complain about it.

Another way of writing the Fortran code so that a and b occupy the
same memory is to use EQUIVALENCE.

program xequivalence
implicit none
integer :: a(1),b(1)
integer :: c(1)
equivalence (a,b)
a=  [1]
c=   a
b=   a
b(1) = 10
end program xequivalence

output: 10 10 1

EQUIVALENCE is considered a harmful feature of early FORTRAN .


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Bill Atkins
greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 compilers are GREATLY facilitated by having a
 macro facility because (at first blush) all you need to do is to
 macro-expand down to something you know how to turn into code.

 There's no way you could compile Python to efficient
 machine code just by macro expansion. You'd also need
 some very heavy-duty type inferencing.

When I used to use Ruby a lot, I believed this line that the Ruby
community fed itself (and apparently Python feeds itself as well):
Ruby/Python has to be interpreted because it's too dynamic.  This is
wrong, of course.  A compiler shifts a lot of decisions that an
interpreter would have to make at runtime to compile-time.  There is
no reason a dynamic language can't enjoy this efficiency.  On the
other hand, if Python is doing a hash lookup on every function call,
as Alex Mizrahi claims, compilation may not do much to smooth over
such awkwardness.

 Python is extremely dynamic, even more so than Lisp.
 That's why compiling Python is hard, not because it
 doesn't have macros.

Uh huh.  More so than Lisp?  Just making stuff up now?

Despite its dynamism, Lisp is quite compilable.  For example, I can
redefine classes, functions, macros, etc. at runtime and compiled code
referring to the old code will still work.  You are conflating
dynamism with interpretedness, and that's incorrect.

Newbie: Installing packages on windows

2006-12-11 Thread bg_ie

I'm reading the python tutorials on, but I'm still not
sure how install a package. I have downloaded pylint in zip form from, but I'm unsure what to do with it. The file I wish to
test (i.e. the file I have writen myself) is located in C:\Python25\

Hope you can help,



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Bill Atkins
greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When moving a set of statements in Python, you
 are usually selecting a set of complete lines,
 cutting them out and then pasting them in
 between two other lines somewhere else.

You're missing Ken's point, which is that in Lisp an s-expression
represents a single concept - I can cut out the second form of an IF
and know that I'm cutting the entire test-form.  I don't have to
choose the correct set of complete lines to correctly move code

 Having edited both Lisp and Python code fairly
 extensively, I can't say that I find editing
 Python code to be any more difficult or error

How extensively?

 On the plus side, Python makes less demands on the
 capabilities of the editor. All you really need
 is block-shifting commands. Bracket matching is
 handy for expressions but not vital, and you
 certainly don't need bracket-based auto-indenting.

Oh, please.  So we should restrict the power of the languages we
choose just to make sure that our code can be edited in Notepad?

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Juan R.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:

 Juan R. wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:
   - Lisp is hard to learn (because of all those parenthesis)
  I cannot understand why. It is like if you claim that packaging things
  in boxes is difficult to learn.
  HTML and XML have more brackets than LISP (usually double) for
  structuring data and everyone has learned HTML.

 I think maybe you missed the point I was making.

Yes i did, sorry

 To make it clearer I'm saying that the arguments that are being made
 over and over again against Lisp in this thread have been the
 antithesis of my experience since moving from Python to Lisp.

 I just prefer personal experience to popular misconceptions :-)

I often count 'parentheses' used in other approaches.

E.g. the LISP-based

   [TITLE Test page]]

is SLiP (Python)

title(): Test page

5 (
5 )
1 @
1 :

4 (
4 )
1 =
4 :


Re: alternate language

2006-12-11 Thread Lou Pecora
 Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what is a good alternate language to learn? i just want something to expand
 my mind and hopefully reduce or delay any chance of alzheimer's. i would
 especially like to hear from those of you who learned python _before_ these
 haskell, erlang, ocaml, mozart/oz, rebel, etc.

I have no experience with any of these.  Of course, now I will give my 
opinions.  :-)  Just based on my experience with Python, C, C++, BASIC 
(several flavors), Fortran 77 (mostly).
 i don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of
 the following:
 interactive interpreter

Python has several.

 batteries included

Not sure what you mean here.  Certainly the standard Python packages 
would offer you an immediately usable Python from Terminal and some 
other interpreters.  But there are LOTS of add-ons available.  A big 
plus with Open Source.  Keeping them coordinated is a task, though (a 
big minus with Open Source).  Overall, I haven't had to mess too much to 
get lots of usability from Python, especially for Scientific computing.

 can integrate with c

Yes. Several approaches, but none trivial.

 compiles to native code


 can use a gui toolkit such as wx

Yep.  Wx is here for Python.  Also a book on it by Rappin and Dunn 
(Manning , publ. 2006)

 doesn't take 60 hour weeks over years to master

You'll be writing code on day 1. Useful code, too.  Very, very nice 
language to learn and use.  I recommend Python in a Nutshell by Martelli 
(O'Reilly Publ.) to read as you learn.  Lots of online tutorials.  See, SourceForge and google.  I think you can get pretty good at 
Python coding in a month or so.  

Along with Perl and Ruby, Python is really a very popular 
interpreted/scripting language rather than a niche language (which I 
think most of the ones you mentioned are somewhat niche).  That means 
there's a big, helpful community out there to talk to and lots of code 
available.  I do all my new coding in it and then when I need speed in 
some routine I rewrite it in C as a Python extension.  I can develop 
many times faster than I could in C/C++ or Fortran or BASIC (even).  I 
cannot compare, however, to the languages you mentioned.  Sorry.

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Kay Schluehr

 Now, speaking as a scientist, permit me to make a small practical
 suggestion: Why not just figure out a way to simplify some brand of
 Python -- make parens (or whatever) optionally replace whitespace and
 line breaks as syntax -- and then add a simple macro facility -- macros
 are actually a very simple extension if you have homogenous syntax,
 homogenizing your syntax to the point where macros are possible is the
 hard part -- and just see what happens.

The problem is not so much to add a macro facility ( or source
transformer ) but to soften it and make the macro facility actually
*simple* to use. Note that you don't need to replace whitespaces. The
Python parser is LL(1) and whitespace is almost completely abstracted
away once the Python source was tokenized successfully ( there is
exactly one non-terminal in the Python grammar, the suite NT, that
uses INDENT and DEDENT as moral equivalents for left- and right parens
). Note also that a homogenous syntax is not that important when
analyzing parse trees ( on the contrary, the more different structures
the better ) but when synthesizing new ones by fitting different
fragments of them together.

There are two basic approaches. In one you start with a piece of source
code ( a template ) and enhance the source description slightly with
somewhat like template parameters that keep source fragments and expand
them. In this case you also need an unquoting mechanism or a way to
evaluate code within the template. The second approach acts with high
level wrappers of more low level source trees ( just like ASTs are high
level wrappers of concrete syntax trees in most languages ). In Python
one might even use operator overloading to hide the AST structure and
provide a more convenient syntax.

But this only describes the transformational aspect. The definitional
part is not less important. I try to consider a grammar description of
a full programming language as as script in an own little language (
actually it is and the grammars grammar is often just an EBNF grammar
description ). This however presumes that enhancing grammars to enhance
languages is a reasonable approach not just in a Lex-Yacc ( or ANTLR )
setting. The next question concerns compositionality of language
enhancements or composition of even completely independent language
definitions and transformers both on source and on binary level. While
this is not feasible in general without creating ambiguities, I believe
this problem can be reduced to ambiguity detection in the underlying

 One of two general things are
 likely to happen: Either people will not use them, and they will
 languish and die, and then at least you can say; Been there, done
 that to the Lisp community. Or, more likely, the some subset of the
 Python community will get it, and will figure out how useful they are,
 although it might take some time. And then you might find yourself with
 a wonderful new tool.

I think so too.

 You might even get a compiler out of the deal, at
 a pretty low cost, too! If you get macros, and get a compiler, I'm
 pretty sure that you will have no problem winning over the Lisp
 community, who would LOVE to have your extensive libraries, and that
 you will probably be able to maintain and improve your flagging
 position wrt Ruby (which, according to Matz, is more-or-less just Lisp
 w/o macros.)

Just a moment ago you called programmers of other languages flies
which I found annoying and now you offer LOVE in big letters? I don't
even think the competition to Ruby matters. Once an easy to use
metaprogramming system could be done for Python it could be ported with
some adaptions to other languages with more complicated syntax ( non
LL(1) parsable ).



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paddy

On Dec 11, 2:17 pm, Bill Atkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Python has to rely more on using the right algorithm...

  This sound familiar: Macros are dangerous!
  Yes. I changed my opinion on advocating Python having macros in one
  of our long threads on the subject. Maintainance counts.Yes, it does, but 
  that should take you to exactly the opposite
I won't duplicate the arguments against macros made elsewhere in the

  Compilers make you lazy.
  This is new to me. In fact, for the compiled languages available to me.
  Using them *first* would be the difficult choice.These are not real 
  sentences, but if you're saying that compiled
 languages make programming more difficult, then you're simply using
 the wrong compiled languages.  Lisp is a dynamic language that also
 supports compilation to native code.
Lisp was not a compiled language available to me, and even after my use
of Cadence Skill, I would not consider Lisp for writing an extension
unless Lisp had a library close to what I wanted, and there was a good
way to link
Python to the compiled Lisp code.

  Unlike Lisp, Python does not have a ubiquitous compiler. It is
  made to interface nicely with compiled languages. Other compiledWhat on 
  earth does this mean?  You're saying that because Python
 doesn't have a compiler, it can interface more easily to compiled
 languages?  That's nonsense.
No. I am saying that *because* it does not have a compiler, it has been
*made to* integrate nicely with compiled languages; and further, I am
saying that because some compiled language package maintainers see the
advantages of using dynamic languages, they support Python integration.

 Further, most Lisp implementations support an interface to C that
 doesn't require you to write and compile C code in order to use C
 extensions in Lisp.  Can Python do the same more nicely than Lisp?
Python does the same. It might well be nicer but I do not know how Lisp
does this.
(The last is used within Apple for some aspects of development).
The above list is not exhaustive

  language users see the need for dynamic interpreted languages like
  Python and maintain links Python such as the Boost Python C++
  wrapper. IronPython for .NET, Jython for Java.
  Lisp is its own interpreter and compiler, which should be a great
  advantage, but only if you don't make the mistake of ignoring the
  wealth of code out there that is written in other languages.

- Paddy.


Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-11 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Beliavsky wrote:

 ISTM the big catch for Fortran programmers is when a mutable container
 is referenced from multiple places; thus a change via one reference
 will confusingly show up via the other one.
 As a Fortranner, I agree. Is there an explanation online of why Python
 treats lists the way it does? I did not see this question in the Python
 FAQs at .

This question sounds as if lists are treated somehow special.  They are
treated like any other object in Python.  Any assignment binds an object
to a name or puts a reference into a container object.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Bill Atkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  There's no way you could compile Python to efficient
  machine code just by macro expansion. You'd also need
  some very heavy-duty type inferencing.
 When I used to use Ruby a lot, I believed this line that the Ruby
 community fed itself (and apparently Python feeds itself as well):
 Ruby/Python has to be interpreted because it's too dynamic. 

I don't think you can reasonably compile Python just by what we'd
usually call macro expansion.  You need fancier compiler techniques.

  Python is extremely dynamic, even more so than Lisp.
  That's why compiling Python is hard, not because it
  doesn't have macros.
 Uh huh.  More so than Lisp?  Just making stuff up now?

Python is more dynamic than Lisp.  

 Despite its dynamism, Lisp is quite compilable.

Yes.  Lisp is dynamic, but less so than Python.  And not by
coincidence, Lisp is more compilable than Python.

 For example, I can redefine classes, functions, macros, etc. at
 runtime and compiled code referring to the old code will still work.
 You are conflating dynamism with interpretedness, and that's

If you say foo.frob() in Python, that's supposed to look up 'frob' in
a dictionary hanging off of foo.  You can modify the contents of this
dictionary any time you want.  The Lisp equivalent would be some
generic function (frob foo) that you define with CLOS in the usual
way, but then there's some hashtable that lets you redefine frob at
any time by modifying it (i.e. just a normal hashtable that you poke
with setf, no special notification to the class system).  This can
happen anywhere in the code, in another thread, or whatever.  You can
even replace that hashtable with another hashtable.  You can also
insert (at any time) a __getattr__ method into foo's class, that is a
user-supplied function that replaces the hash lookup.  

This stuff is all quite hard to optimize the way CLOS can be
optimized.  I'd like to hope Python tones down these aspects of its
dynamism as it continues to evolve.

Re: How do I edit a PythonWin path to import custom built modules???

2006-12-11 Thread BartlebyScrivener
mohan wrote:

 I had created my own modules (.py files) in
 drives and folders other than the python root.

Probably easiest if you keep them all in one place. Then add that
place to your path by going into Control
Panel|System|Advanced|Environment Variables and adding the path to the
path variable.

Hope that helps.



Encapsulating conditional execution based on list membership - how do you do it?

2006-12-11 Thread metaperl
I have a series of scripts which retrieve files. None of these scripts
should continue if the file to be retrieved already exists in the
archive. Here is the code:

if f in path('*'):
print f, exists in archive. Not continuing
sys.exit() is a class which gives me object-oriented access to the
filesystem directories that will be manipulated by the script. E.g. is a string which refers to a certain directory.
Initializing this object initializes all the members (input, archive,
output, workfiles) and makes all the correct directories.

ok, so I'm thinking of adding a method to the storage class so I can do
this:, print_msg=True) and sys.exit()

but really there is no need to hardcode which storage directory. So I'm
thinking:'archive', f, print_msg=Tree) and sys.exit()

Is that the best solution you can think of?


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kay Schluehr

 Once an easy to use metaprogramming system could be done for Python it
 could be ported with some adaptions to other languages with more
 complicated syntax ( non LL(1) parsable ).

FYI: Here's how Nemerle does macros:

I guess you can't really transform Nemerle into a completely different
language, but it is at least interesting to see such a feature in language
with a more complex syntax than Lisp.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

ElementTree, XML and Unicode -- C0 Controls

2006-12-11 Thread Sébastien Boisgérault
Hi all,

The unicode code points in the -001F range --
except newline, tab, carriage return -- are not legal
XML 1.0 characters.

Attempts to serialize and deserialize such strings
with ElementTree will fail:

 elt = Element(root, char=u\u)
 xml = tostring(elt)
'root char=\x00 /'
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 1,
column 12

Good ! But I was expecting a failure *earlier*, in
the tostring function -- I basically assumed that
ElementTree would refuse to generate a XML
fragment that is not well-formed.

Could anyone comment on the rationale behind
the current behavior ? Is it a performance issue,
the search for non-valid unicode code points being
too expensive ?




SSH File Transfer Protocol or SFTP

2006-12-11 Thread Lad
Is there a module in Python available that I can use for uploading
files via
  SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)?
Or do you think that FTP protocol for files uploading  is OK?
Thank you for replies


Re: SSH File Transfer Protocol or SFTP

2006-12-11 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On 11 Dec 2006 07:29:27 -0800, Lad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a module in Python available that I can use for uploading
files via
  SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)?
Or do you think that FTP protocol for files uploading  is OK?
Thank you for replies

Twisted Conch includes support for both SFTP servers and clients.


Rinning Excel macro's with Jython?

2006-12-11 Thread smkhalamayzer
Is there a way to run Excel macro's with jython? Similar to the
win32com in python? Thank you.


Re: SSH File Transfer Protocol or SFTP

2006-12-11 Thread Jan Dries
Lad wrote:
 Is there a module in Python available that I can use for uploading
 files via
   SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)?
 Or do you think that FTP protocol for files uploading  is OK?
 Thank you for replies

You probably want Paramiko ( It provides 
extensive support for the SSH protocol, and ships with, among other 
things, a sample script demonstrating SFTP.



Re: Pyparsing troubles

2006-12-11 Thread Harry George

 I have written a small pyparsing parser to recognize dates in the style
 november 1st. I wrote something to the effect of:
 expression = task + date
 and tried to parse Doctor's appointment on november 1st, hoping that
 task would be Doctor's appointment and date would be on november
 1st (the parser does match on november 1st to date). I have set
 task as Regex(.*?), ZeroOrMore(Word(alphas)), etc, but I can't get it
 to match, it matches everything to task and ignores date until it gets
 to the end of the string.
 Can anyone help?

As described, this is a Natural Language Programming (NLP) problem,
which means you will have a lot more trouble with understanding what
you want to do than in coding it.  Also, dates are notoriously tough
to parse, because of so many variants, so there are libraries to do
just that.

If you want to tackle it systematically:

1. Get a corpus of texts which illustrate the ways the users might
   state the date.  E.g., 2006-11-01, 1-Nov-06, November 1,
   Nov. first, first of November, 10 days prior to Veterans Day,
   next week, .

2. If you can control the input, much better.  Either by a form which
   forces specific values for day, month, year, hour, minute, or by
   requiring IETF format (-mm-ddThh:mm:ss).

3. Determine the syntax rules for each example.  If possible, abstract
   these to general rules which work on more than one example.

4. At this point, you should know enough to decide if it is a:

a) Regular expression, parseable with a regexp engine

b) Context Free Grammar (CFG), parseable with a LL(1) or LALR(1) parser.

c) Context Dependent Grammar, parseable with an ad hoc parser with special 

d) Free text, not parseable in the normal sense, but perhaps
understandable with statistical analysis NLP techniques.

f) Hodgepodge not amenable to machine analysis.

5. Then we could look at using pyparser.  But we'd have to see
   the pyparser code you tried.

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Espen Vestre
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you say foo.frob() in Python, that's supposed to look up 'frob' in
 a dictionary hanging off of foo.  You can modify the contents of this
 dictionary any time you want.  

You can redefine CLOS methods at run time any time you like, so this
doesn't make Python more /dynamic/ than CLOS. Maybe you should replace
more dynamic with less managable, if that's what you mean?

Re: ElementTree, XML and Unicode -- C0 Controls

2006-12-11 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sébastien Boisgérault wrote:

 Could anyone comment on the rationale behind
 the current behavior ? Is it a performance issue,
 the search for non-valid unicode code points being
 too expensive ?

the default serializer doesn't do any validation or well-formedness checks at 
all; it assumes
that you know what you're doing.



Re: SSH File Transfer Protocol or SFTP

2006-12-11 Thread Avell Diroll
Lad wrote:
 Is there a module in Python available that I can use for uploading
 files via
   SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)?
 Or do you think that FTP protocol for files uploading  is OK?
 Thank you for replies

I believe there are many of those, personally  i am using paramiko :



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Jan Dries
Bill Atkins wrote:
 greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On the plus side, Python makes less demands on the
 capabilities of the editor. All you really need
 is block-shifting commands. Bracket matching is
 handy for expressions but not vital, and you
 certainly don't need bracket-based auto-indenting.
 Oh, please.  So we should restrict the power of the languages we
 choose just to make sure that our code can be edited in Notepad?

Perhaps not. The use of a decent editor seems a fair requirement for any 
language. But one of the things that I dislike about Java, .NET and to 
some extent XML (XML Schema for instance), is that the only way to 
really be productive in these languages/environments is to use tools 
that generate or otherwise manage huge amounts of code for you based on 
whatever GUI settings. If the language is so complex or verbose that you 
can't really use it without a GUI tool, then why bother having a 
language in the first place. Furthermore these tools are typically 
expensive and to run comfortably they require more processing power and 
memory than the lightweight ultra-portable type laptops that I like so 
much can provide.

I can't speak about Lisp, but the great thing about Python, IMHO, is 
that you can get quite far with not much more than Notepad. I find this 
important because I find GUIs a very tedious and ineffective way to 
describe whatever it is that I am trying to implement.

Perhaps I'm just getting old ...


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Kay Schluehr

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch schrieb:

 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kay Schluehr

  Once an easy to use metaprogramming system could be done for Python it
  could be ported with some adaptions to other languages with more
  complicated syntax ( non LL(1) parsable ).

 FYI: Here's how Nemerle does macros:

 I guess you can't really transform Nemerle into a completely different
 language, but it is at least interesting to see such a feature in language
 with a more complex syntax than Lisp.

   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Hi Mark, there are quite a lot of meta programming systems ( MPS ) for
non Lispy languages (  O'Caml, Haskell, Java of course and also Dylan
as a member of the Lisp family with non homogenous syntax ). I hope I
will find time in the new year to review and compare them to the
grammar based approach I described in the grandparent post and follow
myself with EasyExtend for Python - which is *radical* and somewhat
in between a language specific MPS and Lex/Yacc. The idea to separate
the MPS from the host language but providing a multi-language framework
is somewhat complementary to that of PyPy that is a framework that
supports several backends for one language.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Espen Vestre [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If you say foo.frob() in Python, that's supposed to look up 'frob' in
  a dictionary hanging off of foo.  You can modify the contents of this
  dictionary any time you want.  
 You can redefine CLOS methods at run time any time you like, so this
 doesn't make Python more /dynamic/ than CLOS. Maybe you should replace
 more dynamic with less managable, if that's what you mean?

Can you redefine CLOS methods without calling CLOS functions that tell
the object system what to expect (so it can do things like update the
MRO cache)?  I.e. can you redefine them by poking some random
dictionary?  You can in Python.  I don't claim that's a good thing.

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Paul Rubin
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 FYI: Here's how Nemerle does macros:
 I guess you can't really transform Nemerle into a completely different
 language, but it is at least interesting to see such a feature in language
 with a more complex syntax than Lisp.

Nobody seems to concerned that Haskell lacks macros.  What's up with that?

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bill Atkins wrote:
  On the plus side, Python makes less demands on the
  capabilities of the editor. All you really need
  is block-shifting commands. Bracket matching is
  handy for expressions but not vital, and you
  certainly don't need bracket-based auto-indenting.

 Oh, please.  So we should restrict the power of the languages we
 choose just to make sure that our code can be edited in Notepad?

In the real world, it's a non-negligible consideration, IMO.  I find
myself needing to write code on machines that aren't my usual dev
machine at least a couple of times a year, and not having to install a
particular editor is nice (especially in terms of keeping the
modifications to someone else's machine down to a minimum).

It's hardly a dealbreaker for a particular language, but it's far from


Help with weave.blitz()

2006-12-11 Thread monkeyboy

I'm a new scipy user, and I'm trying to speed up some array code with
weave. I'm running xp with gcc from cgywin, and scipy.weave.test()
returns an OK status.

I'm trying to speed up the code below. I've found a couple of examples
of weave on the web, and I think it should be straight forward, but I
keep getting the following error when calling weave.blitz(expr). It's
complaining about the variable being assigned, I've tried listing it in
the blitz call with no luck.

Any help is appreciated.

PS I've also posted to

Thank you,



Traceback (most recent call last):
 File D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/,
line 436, in -toplevel-
 File C:\Python24\Lib\hotshot\, line 76, in runcall
   return self._prof.runcall(func, args, kw)
 File D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/,
line 383, in main
 File D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/,
line 136, in findw
 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\weave\, line
35, in blitz
   if check_size and not
 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\weave\, line
51, in check_expr
 File string, line 1
   wnext[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] =( alpha * w[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] + ax *
(w[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2] + w[1:grows-1,2:gcols]) +
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


def findw(wnext,wprior,phiprior,uprior,vprior):
   #format here is x[i,j] where i's are rows, j's columns, use flipud()
to get the
   #print out consistent with the spacial up-down directions

   #assign local names that are more
   #inline with the class notation
   w = wprior
   phi = phiprior
   u = uprior
   v = vprior

   #three of the BC are known so just set them
   #symetry plane
   wnext[0,0:gcols] = 0.0

   #upper wall
   wnext[gN,0:gcols] = 2.0/gdy**2 * (phi[gN,0:gcols] -

   #inlet, off the walls
   wnext[1:grows-1,0] = 0.0

   upos = where(u0)
   vpos = where(v0)

   Sx = ones_like(u)
   Sx[upos] = 0.0
   xSx = 1.0 - Sx

   Sy = ones_like(v)
   Sy[vpos] = 0.0
   ySy = 1.0 - Sy

   uw = u*w
   vw = v*w

   ax = gnu*gdt/gdx**2
   ay = gnu*gdt/gdy**2
   dtdx = gdt/gdx
   dtdy = gdt/gdy

   alpha = (1.0 - 2.0*ax - 2.0*ay)

   #interior nodes
   expr =  \
   wnext[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] =( alpha * w[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] + ax *
(w[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2] + w[1:grows-1,2:gcols]) +
 ay * (w[0:grows-2,1:gcols-1] +
w[2:grows,1:gcols-1]) -
 dtdx * (xSx[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(uw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] - uw[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2]) -
 Sx[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(uw[1:grows-1,2:gcols] - uw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1])) -
 dtdy * (ySy[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(vw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] - vw[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2]) -
 Sy[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(vw[1:grows-1,2:gcols] - vw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1])) )



##for j in range(1,gasizej-1):
##for i in range(1,gasizei-1):
##wnext[i,j] =( w[i,j] + gnu*gdt/gdx**2 * (w[i,j-1] -
2.0*w[i,j] + w[i,j+1]) +
##  gnu*gdt/gdy**2 * (w[i-1,j] - 2.0*w[i,j] +
w[i+1,j]) -
##  (1.0 - Sx[i,j]) * gdt/gdx * (uw[i,j] -
uw[i,j-1]) -
##  Sx[i,j] * gdt/gdx * (uw[i,j+1] - uw[i,j]) -
##  (1.0 - Sy[i,j]) * gdt/gdy * (vw[i,j] -
vw[i-1,j]) -
##  Sy[i,j] * gdt/gdy * (vw[i+1,j] - vw[i,j]) )

##print ***wnext
##print i: , i, j: , j, wnext[i,j]: , wnext[i,j]

   #final BC at outlet, off walls
   wnext[1:grows-1,gM] = wnext[1:grows-1,gM-1]


Re: alternate language

2006-12-11 Thread Aahz
Lou Pecora  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what is a good alternate language to learn? i just want something to expand
 my mind and hopefully reduce or delay any chance of alzheimer's. i would
 especially like to hear from those of you who learned python _before_ these
 haskell, erlang, ocaml, mozart/oz, rebel, etc.

I have no experience with any of these.  Of course, now I will give my 
opinions.  :-)  Just based on my experience with Python, C, C++, BASIC 
(several flavors), Fortran 77 (mostly).
 i don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of
 the following:
 interactive interpreter

Python has several.

Um...  I think the original poster is saying that he already knows Python
and wants to learn another language.  He particularly wants opinions from
other people who have learned these languages *after* learning Python.

Member of the Groucho Marx Fan Club  

Help with install python-mysql lib on OS X

2006-12-11 Thread scum
How do you install MySQL-python on a PPC OS X 10.4 machine
with MySQL 4.1?

And I know about the precompiled binary at  I'm just
sick of getting
this warning

Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import _mysql

__main__:1: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module
_mysql: This Python has API version 1013, module _mysql has version


RE: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Michael . Coll-Barth

After 394 postings in this thread, you all have convinced me.  I am dropping 
all of my python code and switching to Lisp.


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Re: wxPython: Icon aus base64 decoded Image

2006-12-11 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Roland Rickborn wrote:

 Wo ist der Fehler und was muss ich machen, damit das Icon
 angezeigt wird?

I'm sorry that I can't help you, but you'll probably get more
answers if you write again in English (this is comp.lang.python).



BOFH excuse #126:

it has Intel Inside


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Fred Gilham

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 André Thieme [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Instead of   function = memoize(function)
 one could just say: memoize(function).

 In Python you'd say

def function(): ...

But in Lisp you'd write the function, say, Damn, I need to memoize
this sucker, and evaluate

(memoize 'function)

and the function would be memoized.

I suspect you could even do this while the program was running from
something like SLIME.  Basically the memoize macro changes the
function cell of the symbol, so from that point all the calls to the
function would be to the memoized version.

One of the authors of the Daniel Bell volume says, in horror and
astonishment, that the radical right intends to repeal the twentieth
century. Heaven forfend! Who would want to repeal the twentieth
century, the century of horror, the century of collectivism, the
century of mass destruction and genocide, who would want to repeal
that!   -- Murray Rothbard

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kay Schluehr wrote:

[Interesting and useful analysis of issues in language homogenization

  You might even get a compiler out of the deal, at
  a pretty low cost, too! If you get macros, and get a compiler, I'm
  pretty sure that you will have no problem winning over the Lisp
  community, who would LOVE to have your extensive libraries, and that
  you will probably be able to maintain and improve your flagging
  position wrt Ruby (which, according to Matz, is more-or-less just Lisp
  w/o macros.)

 Just a moment ago you called programmers of other languages flies
 which I found annoying and now you offer LOVE in big letters?

Since everyone seems to have taken offence and this remark, let me
hereby apologize for the unintended implication. For the record, I
quote myself in full:

 Common) Lisp is the only industrial strength language with both pure
 compositionality and a real compiler. What Python has is stupid slogans
 (It fits your brain. Only one way to do things.) and an infinite
 community of flies that, for some inexplicable reason, believe these
 stupid slogns. These flies are, however, quite useful because they
 produce infinite numbers of random libraries, some of which end up
 being useful. But consider: Tcl replaced Csh, Perl replaced Tcl, Python
 is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more
 rapidly replacing Python. Each is closer to Lisp than the last; the
 world is returning to Lisp and is dragging the flies with it.
 Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring with
 them their infinite number of random libraries, and then things will be
 where they should have been 20 years ago, but got sidetracked by Tcl
 and other line noise.

I've already admitted that this was both a poor choice of words and, as
pointed out by Carl, an ad hominem argument. However, if you read the
whole thing you'll see that I'm really railing against the silly It
fits your brain and Only one way to do things marketing hype, and
programmers who seem to swallow and repeat it, not programmers in
general, nor even python programmers in general. In the last part it
say: Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring
with them their infinite number of random libraries, ... Note that I'm
looking forward to this! So, although flies was a poor choice of
words, for which I whole heartedly apologize to those who might have
taken offence (and I do understand the reading and why you might take
offense at this given the context!), what I meant to say was: Hey, all
you busy little pythonistas creating a million interesting libraries
(and some not, but that's fine) come over here and help do that for our
language too!

Maybe beavers would have been a better animal. Mea Culpa!

Regardless, the topic of the rest our conversation -- how to put macros
and a compiler into Python -- stands as an interesting possibility
because it would enable us to come to you rather than the other way
around -- I'd be happy either way.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread Michael Livshin
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Nobody seems to concerned that Haskell lacks macros.  What's up with

Haskell is lazy, so it doesn't need macros (well, it would be more
accurate to say that by not evaluating function arguments until they
are needed it makes many of the usual macro usecases moot).

lazyness has a nontrivial cost, however, both runtime and cognitive.

hoping he's not answering a rhetorical question,

I'm on a seafood diet -- I see food and I eat it.   -- anonymous

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-11 Thread André Thieme
Steven D'Aprano schrieb:
 On Sat, 09 Dec 2006 22:41:12 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
 I know that. It was more of a rhetorical question -- Lispers are either
 trying to emphasis the radical nature of what you can do with macros, or
 understate it and make them seem just like functions. 
 Yep, both. The first is rare. CLOS is one, my Cells (ported this summer 
 to PyCells as part of SoC 2006) is another. The latter is the norm.
 If macros' advanced usage is rare, and most usage of macros could be done
 by functions, then maybe that explains why so many coders don't miss them.

You can't do with functions what you can do with macros.
Macros are just parameterized code. A template. Compare it with HTML

Your name is ?py print name.getUser(loggedInUser) ?.br

The page that arrives the user does not include any template code anymore.
Just plain html.
Same happens with Lisp macros. After compilation (preprocessing the
html template by Zope) there are no macros left.
So in the end you have just some Lisp functions. So one does not *need*
macros, in the sense of turing completeness. But at the same time one
can meet lots of places where templates can make sense and where they
are used. Even the programmers of Zope thought of them as a plus for

In Lisp you don't always design one huge macro after the other, which
really saves a lot of code. Many macros save one or two short lines of
code. This might sound not important. But it sums up.
Somewhere else I asked you to imagine how you would like it if you had
to call doodleBoodle() before each if-statement to make it work. That
would be plain stupid if you had to. So if you meet something in code
that you use several times, then you factor that repeating block of
code out into a function that takes another function which will get
called in the right environment.
And macros help here only to save one or two loc. But as I said, it
sums up.


Re: alternate language

2006-12-11 Thread Lou Pecora

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Lou Pecora  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  what is a good alternate language to learn? i just want something to expand
  my mind and hopefully reduce or delay any chance of alzheimer's. i would
  especially like to hear from those of you who learned python _before_ these
  haskell, erlang, ocaml, mozart/oz, rebel, etc.
 I have no experience with any of these.  Of course, now I will give my 
 opinions.  :-)  Just based on my experience with Python, C, C++, BASIC 
 (several flavors), Fortran 77 (mostly).
  i don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of
  the following:
  interactive interpreter
 Python has several.
 Um...  I think the original poster is saying that he already knows Python
 and wants to learn another language.  He particularly wants opinions from
 other people who have learned these languages *after* learning Python.

Oh...never mind.  :-)

-- Lou Pecora  (my views are my own) REMOVE THIS to email me.

Re: Newbie: Installing packages on windows

2006-12-11 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I'm reading the python tutorials on, but I'm still not
 sure how install a package. I have downloaded pylint in zip form from, but I'm unsure what to do with it. The file I wish to
 test (i.e. the file I have writen myself) is located in C:\Python25\

step 1: look for a README file in the ZIP archive, and follow the 
instructions in that file.



Re: alternate language

2006-12-11 Thread Michele Simionato

Bryan wrote:
 what is a good alternate language to learn? i just want something to expand
 my mind and hopefully reduce or delay any chance of alzheimer's. i would
 especially like to hear from those of you who learned python _before_ these

 haskell, erlang, ocaml, mozart/oz, rebel, etc.

 i don't require any of these features, but extra browny points for any of
 the following:

 interactive interpreter
 batteries included
 can integrate with c
 compiles to native code
 can use a gui toolkit such as wx
 doesn't take 60 hour weeks over years to master

Chicken Scheme:
(not sure about wx, but there are various GUI wrappers available)

Michele Simionato


How can I get involved

2006-12-11 Thread Prateek
Hey all,

I'm messaging this group for the first time. Basically I've been a
(pretty intensive) Python programmer for the past 2 years. I started a
software company which has just released an SDK (v1.0b - developer
preview) for developing web applications in Python.

Key points:
1) It comes with a non-relational schema-free database we designed
2) The application server is based on CherryPy
3) The UI engine is XSLT based (but it also supports Cheetah and
Clearsilver via plugins - out of the box)

Basically, I really love the language and I'm looking for ways to get
involved in the community and contribute.

My past (pre-Python) experience has been mainly in web-technologies -
Java, PHP, ASP and a little bit of C.

Any ideas?


os.popen3 hangs in Windows XP SP1, SP2. Python 2.5 2.4. Consistent test case.

2006-12-11 Thread Pierre Rouleau
Hi all,

I have a consistent test case where os.popen3() hangs in Windows.  The
system hangs when retrieving the lines from the child process stdout.
I know there were several reports related to os.popen3() hanging under
Windows in this group before.

I stumbled on a case where a piece of code works in some occasions and
hangs consistently given different data. It performs exactly the same
on 3 different computers running Windows:

- computer 1: XP, SP1, Python 2.4.3
- computer 2: XP, SP2, Python 2.4.3
- computer 3: XP, SP2, Python 2.5

I know that a bug

related to popen3 hanging was opened and closed as 'not-a-bug'.
However I think that the test case I have is not a application problem
(a deadlock) and is a true problem with popen3() under Windows (but I
could be wrong.)

What I have is:

-  a test script:
   - It uses to execute unit tests: it runs:
   -, a test script for :
  -,  a modified version of Mark Pilgrims's
module, I used to test nosetests.

The test case I have is a short program that invokes nosetests to run a

- The script is executed on the command line with::

 topen test_roman

- executes

stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3('nosetests --nocapture

- The program runs properly if it then executes the following code
right after the call to os.popen3()::

stderr_lines = list(stderr)
pgm_exit_code = stdout.close() or 0

- The program hangs when it tries to read stdout (**but only ** when it
is running nosetests for the The code following the
call to os.popen3() is::

   for line in stdout:
sys.stdout.write(line)  # prints almost all nosetests
stdout lines except for some at the end!
   # then it HANGS.
stderr_lines = list(stderr)
pgm_exit_code = stdout.close() or 0

Note that it also hangs if executes:

  stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3('nosetests test_roman')

Or if I modify the print statements inside, the unit test
scrip executed by
I also tried changing the order of the closing of the stream (like
doing stdin.close() right after the popen3() call).  No impact.

Note that popen3() call does not hang if topen runs other unit test
scripts i have.


- Can any one see a problem with the order of execution that could
cause a deadlock here ( code posted below)?
- Should I post a new Python bug, providing the complete test code or,
re-open the above mentioned bug?


import sys
import os

# p o p e n 3 ( ) -- Execute a popen3 command --
# ^^^
def popen3(command,
default_stderr_value=None) :

pgm_exit_code = 0
stdout_value, stderr_value = default_stdout_value,
stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(command)
if stdout_parser:
stdout_value = stdout_parser(stdout)
if stderr_parser:
stderr_value = stderr_parser(stderr)
pgm_exit_code = stdout.close() or 0
return (stdout_value, stderr_value, pgm_exit_code)


cmd1 = 'nosetests ' + sys.argv[1]
cmd2 = 'nosetests --nocapture ' + sys.argv[1]

def print_stream(stream):
for line in stream:

print '- CMD 1 , no stdout print : does not hang '
stdout, stderr_lines, pgm_exit_code = popen3(cmd1, None, list)
print 'stderr_lines: ', stderr_lines
print 'program exit code : ', pgm_exit_code

print '- CMD 2 : HANGS after printing almost all stdout -'
stdout, stderr_lines, pgm_exit_code = popen3(cmd2, print_stream, list)
print 'stderr_lines: ', stderr_lines
print 'program exit code : ', pgm_exit_code

print '- CMD 1 , stdout print : HANGS ---'
stdout, stderr_lines, pgm_exit_code = popen3(cmd1, print_stream, list)
print 'stderr_lines: ', stderr_lines
print 'program exit code : ', pgm_exit_code



Pierre Rouleau


Re: Automatic debugging of copy by reference errors?

2006-12-11 Thread Russ

greg wrote:

 You need to stop using the term copy by reference,
 because it's meaningless. Just remember that assignment

I agree that copy by reference is a bad choice of words. I meant pass
by reference and assign by reference. But the effect is to make a
virtual copy, so although the phrase is perhaps misleading, it is not


 Again, this is something you'll find easier when
 you've had more experience with Python. Generally,
 you only need to copy something when you want an
 independent object that you can manipulate without
 affecting anything else, although that probably
 doesn't sound very helpful.

Yes, I realize that, but deciding *when* you need a copy is the hard


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