ANN: eric3 3.9.3 released

2006-12-23 Thread Detlev Offenbach

this is to inform you about the availability of eric3 version 3.9.3. This
release fixes a few bugs and enhances compatibility with subversion 1.4.

It is available via

What is eric3?
eric3 is an IDE for Python and Ruby. It is written using Python, PyQt and
QScintilla. eric3 includes debuggers for the a.m. languages, interfaces
to subversion and cvs, integration of the Qt tools and many more. For
details please see the eric home page at

Detlev Offenbach

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: PyTables 1.4 (A Hierarchical Database) released!

2006-12-23 Thread Francesc Altet
 Announcing PyTables 1.4

PyTables is a library for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to
efficiently cope with extremely large amounts of data with support for
full 64-bit file addressing.  It is based on the HDF5 library for doing
the I/O and leverages the numarray/NumPy/Numeric packages so as to
deliver the data to the end user in convenient in-memory containers.

This is a new major release of PyTables, and probably the last major one
of the 1.x series (i.e. with numarray at the core). On it, we have
implemented better code to deal with table buffers, enhanced the
capability for reading native HDF5 files, enhanced support for 64-bit
platforms (but not with Python 2.5: see ``Special Warning`` section
below), better support for AIX, optional automatic parent creation and
the traditional amount of bug fixes.

Go to the PyTables web site for downloading the beast:

or keep reading for more info about the new features and bugs fixed.

Changes more in depth


- Table buffers code refactored: now each Row read iterator has its own
  buffers, completely independent of their table (although write
  iterators still share a single buffer in the same table). This
  separation makes the logic of buffering much more clear and less prone
  to errors (in fact, some of them have been solved).  Performance and
  memory consumption are more or less equal than before.

- When flushing the complete file (i.e. when calling File.flush()), only
  the buffers of those nodes that are alive (i.e. referenced from user
  code) are actually flushed. This brings much better efficiency (and
  also stability) to situations where one has to flush (and hence,
  close) files with many nodes on it.

- Better support for AIX by renaming the internal LONLONG_MAX C constant
  (it was used internally by the xlc compiler). Thanks to Brian Granger
  for the report.

- Added optional automatic parent creation support during node creation,
  copying and moving operations.  See the release notes for more

- Improved support for Python2.4 and 64-bit platforms (but beware, there
  are still known issues when using Python2.5 in combination with 64-bit
  platforms). Thanks to Gerard Vermeulen for his patches for Win64

- Implemented a workaround for a leak present in numarray -- Numeric
  conversions when using the array protocol, as can be seen in:

  The workaround can potentially be far slower than the array protocol
  (because a copy of the arrays is always made), but at least the new
  code doesn't leak anymore.

Bug fixes:

- Previously, when the size for memory compounds type was less than the
  size of the type on disk (for example, when one have padding or
  aligned fields), PyTables was unable to read info on them. This has
  been fixed. This allows reading general compound types in HDF5 files
  written with other tools than PyTables.

- When many tables with indexed columns were created simultaneously, a
  bug make PyTables to crash. This has been fixed (for more info, see
  bug #26).

- Fixed a typo in the code that prevented recognizing complex data in
  non-PyTables files.

- Table.createIndex() now refuses to index complex columns.

- Now, it is possible to index several nested columns that hangs from
  the same column parent. Fixes bug #24.

- Fixed a typo in nctoh5 utility that prevented using filters
  properly. Thanks to Lou Wicker for reporting this.

- When setting/appending an array in-memory to an Array (or descendant)
  object and they have mismatched byteorders, the array was set/appended
  without being byteswapped first. This has been fixed. Thanks to Elias
  Collas for the report.

Deprecated features:

- None

Backward-incompatible changes:

- Please, see ``RELEASE-NOTES.txt`` file.

Special Warning for Python 2.5 and 64-bit platforms users

Unfortunately, and due to problems with the combination numarray 1.5.2,
Python2.5 and 64-bit platforms, PyTables cannot be safely used yet in
such scenario.  This will be solved either when numarray can address
this issue (hopefully with numarray 1.5.3), or when PyTables 2.x series
(with NumPy at its core) will be out.

Important note for Windows users

If you are willing to use PyTables with Python 2.4 or 2.5 in Windows
platforms, you will need to get the HDF5 library compiled for MSVC 7.1,
aka .NET 2003.  It can be found at:

Users of Python 2.3 on Windows will have to download the version of HDF5
compiled with MSVC 6.0 available in:


This version has been extensively checked on quite a few platforms, like
Linux on 

Re: Retrieve Tkinter listbox item by string, not by index

2006-12-23 Thread Godson

On 12/23/06, Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to set the active item in a Tkinter listbox to my
application's currently-defined default font.

Here's how I get the fonts loaded into the listbox:


   for item in self.fonts:
 self.fontlist.insert(END, item)   #self.fontlist is the
ListBox instance

So far, so good. But I don't know how to set the active selection in the
listbox to the default font. All the methods for getting or setting a
selection in the listbox are based on index, not a string. And using
standard list search methods like this:

if Courier in self.fontlist:
 print list contains, value
 print value, not found

returns an error:

TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

So I'm stuck. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

to me self.fontlist to be a Listbox instance so you cant do a list search on
it, to get current selection from a list box use curselection method Listbox


returns a list of index numbers of  currently selected items in a list box,
following link has more to say on this

Godson Gera,

Re: httplib and socket.getaddrinfo

2006-12-23 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Saturday 23/12/2006 04:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I noticed the following lines from the connect() method of the
HTTPConnection class within httplib:

for res in socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, 0,
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res

This led me to the docs that describe the socket.getaddrinfo() method:

Which leads me to these questions:
1) Is it correct to infer from the Resolves the host/port argument,
into a sequence of 5-tuples that contain all the necessary argument for
the sockets manipulation description in the docs (in particular the
reference to 'sequence of 5-tuples') that a single host/port
combination may be associated with multiple sets of address

Yes. By example, multiple addresses for the same service are used for 
load balancing. Or an IPv4 address plus an IPv6 address.

2) In the very limited applications on which I've used
socket.getaddrinfo(), each a host/port combination that my application
passes to socket.getaddrinfo() has always returned a 1-entry list where
the list is a 5-tuple, in other words, each host/port combination has
always been associated with one set of address information.  Can
someone point me to a host/port combination that, when passed to
socket.getaddrinfo() will result in socket.getaddrinfo() returning a
list of  1 entry, where each entry is a 5-tuple?

Try to relax your restrictions.

import socket
host = ''
port = 'ftp'
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port):
print res

Got 8 results:
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))
(2, 1, 0, '', ('', 21))

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: attribute decorators

2006-12-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Doug Holton wrote:

 Don't mind Fredrik's trolling.  Your examples are perfectly clear

if you understand how they would work, can you explain the semantics?

  however, a similar call for extending the use of decorators to other
  structures besides functions was rejected:

class objects and class attributes are two rather different things.  and 
given how decorators work, that difference is rather important.  can you 
perhaps figure out why ?



Re: One module per class, bad idea?

2006-12-23 Thread stdazi

Matias Jansson wrote:
 I come from a background of Java and C# where it is common practise to have
 one class per file in the file/project structure. As I have understood it,
 it is more common practice to have many classes in a Python module/file.
 What is the motivation behind it, would it be a bad idea to have a guideline
 in your project that promotes a one class per file structure (assuming most
 of the programmers a background similar to mine)?

IMO, even the Java practice is weird. I think classes should be split
into different files/modules due to their context and not their



2006-12-23 Thread Timothy Wu


Is Gdmodule used much at all in the Python community or are there
alternative packages more suitable for the purpose? I seem to find
documentation for Gdmodule ( to require prior
experience with the GD library in another language. Or at least, it's too
difficult for me to grasp.


Multi-line docstrings

2006-12-23 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
The Python docs recommend the use of triple-quoted string literals for
docstrings, e.g.

def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.
Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.
#end Meet

However, these tend to get messed up by indentation whitespace, which gets
spuriously included as part of the string.

Another possibility is to use implicit concatenation of string literals,

def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob. \
 Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.
#end Meet

This includes no spurious whitespace, or even any newlines; if you want
these, you must put them explicitly in the string:

def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.\n \
Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.
#end Meet


Question on regex

2006-12-23 Thread Prabhu Gurumurthy

Hello all -

I have a file which has IP address and subnet number and I use regex to extract 
the IP separately from subnet.

pattern used for IP: \d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}
pattern used for subnet:((\d{1,3})|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){1,3}))/(\d{1,2})

so I have list of ip/subnets strewn around like this

with that above examples:
ip regex pattern works for all IP address
subnet regex pattern works for all subnets

problem now is ip pattern also matches the last 2 subnet numbers, because it 
falls under ip regex.

to fix this problem, i used negative lookahead with ip pattern:
so the ip pattern now changes to:

now the problem is works fine, subnet gets matched 
with ip pattern with the following result:

Is there a workaround for this or what should change in ip regex pattern.

python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python

import re, sys

fh = 0
   fh = open(sys.argv[1], r)
except IOError, message:
   print cannot open file: %s %message

   for lines in fh.readlines():
  lines = lines.strip()

  pattIp = re.compile((\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!/\d+))
  pattNet = re.compile(((\d{1,3})|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){1,3}))/(\d{1,2}))

  match =
  if match is not None:
 print ipmatch: %s %match.groups()[0]

  match =
  if match is not None:
 print subnet: %s %match.groups()[0]


output with that above ip/subnet in a file

subnet: 10.200
subnet: 10.178
subnet: 10

fn:Prabhu  Gurumurthy
org:Silver Spring Networks;IT
adr:Suite 205;;2755 Campus Drive;San Mateo;CA;94403;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Network Engineer
tel;work:(650) 357 8770 x134
tel;home:(650) 585 6527
tel;cell:(831) 224 0894


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

2006-12-23 Thread Boris Borcic
Xah Lee wrote:
 Of Interest:

to which of comp.lang.perl.misc, comp.lang.python, comp.lang.lisp,, comp.lang.functional ?

Re: Multi-line docstrings

2006-12-23 Thread Duncan Booth
Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Python docs recommend the use of triple-quoted string literals for
 docstrings, e.g.
 def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
 arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.
 Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.
 #end Meet
 However, these tend to get messed up by indentation whitespace, which
 gets spuriously included as part of the string.

Not spuriously included: included by design, but sometimes annoying. If you 
are just printing __doc__ in interactive mode then live with the extra 
whitespace. If you are printing out lots of docstrings as part of some 
documentation tool then use textwrap.dedent to remove the common leading 

 Another possibility is to use implicit concatenation of string
 literals, e.g.

 This includes no spurious whitespace, or even any newlines; if you
 want these, you must put them explicitly in the string:

... which is why the triple-quoted format is recommended. BTW, you missed 
this way of doing it which ensures that all lines, even the first one have 
the same indentation (and therefore textwrap.dedent will strip it quite 

def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.
Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.

and if you want to do string concatenation you can always get rid of those 
pesky backslashes:

def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
(arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.\n
 Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.)

Re: Generating all permutations from a regexp

2006-12-23 Thread Chris Johnson

BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 With regexps you can search for strings matching it. For example,
 given the regexp: foobar\d\d\d. foobar123 would match. I want to
 do the reverse, from a regexp generate all strings that could match

 The regexp: [A-Z]{3}\d{3} should generate the strings AAA000,
 AAA001, AAA002 ... AAB000, AAB001 ... ZZZ999.

 Is this possible to do? Obviously, for some regexps the set of matches
 is unbounded (a list of everything that matches * would be very
 unpractical), but how would you do it for simple regexps like the one

For a very small number of characters, it would be feasible. For any
finite number of characters, it would be possible (though it wouldn't
take much to take longer than the age of the universe). For reference,
in your simple example, you have 17,576,000 matching strings.

I'm curious as to why you would wish to do this. I certainly understand
considering hard problems for their own sake, but when I formulate
them, there's always some impetus that makes me say Huh. Now I


ANN: eric3 3.9.3 released

2006-12-23 Thread Detlev Offenbach

this is to inform you about the availability of eric3 version 3.9.3. This
release fixes a few bugs and enhances compatibility with subversion 1.4.

It is available via

What is eric3?
eric3 is an IDE for Python and Ruby. It is written using Python, PyQt and
QScintilla. eric3 includes debuggers for the a.m. languages, interfaces
to subversion and cvs, integration of the Qt tools and many more. For
details please see the eric home page at

Detlev Offenbach

Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-23 Thread Osiris
what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

I saw Eric mentioned.. is that WinXP  or Linux ?

What does everybody use ?

I was considering using old and very stable C-code in a new web
application via Python/Plone/Zope.

Re: Question on regex

2006-12-23 Thread Felix Benner
Prabhu Gurumurthy schrieb:

 to fix this problem, i used negative lookahead with ip pattern:
 so the ip pattern now changes to:
 now the problem is works fine, subnet gets
 matched with ip pattern with the following result:
 Is there a workaround for this or what should change in ip regex pattern.

I think what you want is that neither /d+ nor another digit nor a . follows:
This way won't be recognized as ip. Neither will 23.12.
which could be a problem if an ip is at the end of a sentence, so you
might want to omit that.

Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Osiris wrote:

 what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?
 I saw Eric mentioned.. is that WinXP  or Linux ?
 What does everybody use ?



Re: Multi-line docstrings

2006-12-23 Thread bearophileHUGS
Duncan Booth:
 Not spuriously included: included by design, but sometimes annoying.

Then it's a design decision I don't understand...



Re: Decorator for Enforcing Argument Types

2006-12-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
George Sakkis a écrit :
 John Machin wrote:
Peter  Wang wrote:

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

my humble opinion
Python is dynamic, and fighting against the language is IMHO a really
bad idea. The only places where theres a real need for this kind of
stuff are when dealing with the outside world (IOW : inputs and
outputs). And then packages like formencode can do much more than mere
/my humble opinion

 I have also a very recent real-world example to share, from the other
 side of the fence this time. It's even worse because it's an error that
 passes silently. Cut-down version follows:
 def retrieve(self, **kwds):
 queries = kwds['q']
 rows = self._selectRows(*queries)
 # more stuff
 'q' here is a multiselect field that is binded to a list of selected
 strings. Or so I thought, until someone noticed bizarre results in some
 cases. Turns out that if you select a single item from the select box,
 'q' is binded to a string instead of a list of length 1, so instead of
 retrieving 'apple', she got back the results for 'a', 'p', 'p',

This is a typical case of converting/validating data from the outside 
world - something well covered by formencode.

 Bottom line, type checking is a tricky business.

Indeed. In fact, proper type checking would first require some 
agreement on what's a type...

Re: Confusion over calling a nested function inside a parent function

2006-12-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
MacDonald a écrit :
 Pyenos wrote:
class WORK:
def getwork(self):
def choosetable(self):pass
choosetable() #TypeError: choosetable() takes exactly 1
  #argument (0 given)

Calling choosetable() at the above location gives me the error
described above.
 Although choosetable is a memeber of an instance method,

s/is a member of/is defined in/


Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-23 Thread Osiris
my system is an AMD 1.8 GHz, 512 Mbyte with WinXPSP2.
 I saw that a system like Wing would be sluggish ...

Re: Confusion over calling a nested function inside a parent function

2006-12-23 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Pyenos a écrit :

You already got the answer - just a pair of stylistic advices:

 class WORK:

1/ By convention, ALL_UPPER names denote (pseudo) symbolic constants. 
The convention for class names is CamelCase.

2/ better to use new-style classes.

class Work(object):

Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-23 Thread Osiris
ok, thnx. Thread closed :-)

Re: Multi-line docstrings

2006-12-23 Thread Duncan Booth

 Duncan Booth:
 Not spuriously included: included by design, but sometimes annoying.
 Then it's a design decision I don't understand...
I think the decision is that the doc string should reflect exactly what you 
entered in the string. i.e. the system shouldn't tamper with it behind the 

Re: [ANN] pyparsing 1.4.5 released

2006-12-23 Thread Richard Townsend
On 22 Dec 2006 19:59:53 -0800, Paul McGuire wrote:

 Download pyparsing 1.4.5 at  The
 pyparsing Wiki is at

When I click on the sourceforge link above, I get redirected to the wiki.


seems to work.


Elliptic Curve Library

2006-12-23 Thread Mike Tammerman

I need an elliptic curve library that can be used by python. I googled
but couldn't find a one. I'll appreciate, if you could show me.



Re: How a script can know if it has been called with the -i command line option?

2006-12-23 Thread vasudevram

Peter  Wang wrote:
 Michele Simionato wrote:
  The subject says it all, I would like a script to act differently when
  called as
  $ python and when called as $ python -i I looked
  at the sys module
  but I don't see a way to retrieve the command line flags, where should
  I look?

 I realize this is quite a hack, but the entire command line is
 preserved in the process's entry in the OS's  process table.  if you do
 ps -ax you will see that the interpreter was invoked with -i.  I
 didn't test this under windows, but it works on Mac and Linux.

That hack might not work - at least, as described, and on Linux or Mac
OS if the UNIX-based one, i.e. OS X). Because there could be other
users who ran python command lines with or without the -i option. As
described, there's no way for this user to know which python invocation
is his/hers, and which are of other users. There might be a way,
though, if we can get this user's python instance's process id and then
grep for a line containing that id (in the appropriate column) in the
ps output.

Vasudev Ram
Dancing Bison Enterprises
Check out the cool preview feature on my web site.
Free signup for anyone at
I'm not affiliated with it.


Re: Elliptic Curve Library

2006-12-23 Thread vasudevram

Mike Tammerman wrote:

 I need an elliptic curve library that can be used by python. I googled
 but couldn't find a one. I'll appreciate, if you could show me.


What is the library you need supposed to do?

Vasudev Ram
Dancing Bison Enterprises


Re: How a script can know if it has been called with the -i command line option?

2006-12-23 Thread vasudevram

vasudevram wrote:
 Peter  Wang wrote:
  Michele Simionato wrote:
   The subject says it all, I would like a script to act differently when
   called as
   $ python and when called as $ python -i I looked
   at the sys module
   but I don't see a way to retrieve the command line flags, where should
   I look?
  I realize this is quite a hack, but the entire command line is
  preserved in the process's entry in the OS's  process table.  if you do
  ps -ax you will see that the interpreter was invoked with -i.  I
  didn't test this under windows, but it works on Mac and Linux.

 That hack might not work - at least, as described, and on Linux or Mac
 OS if the UNIX-based one, i.e. OS X). Because there could be other
 users who ran python command lines with or without the -i option. As
 described, there's no way for this user to know which python invocation
 is his/hers, and which are of other users. There might be a way,
 though, if we can get this user's python instance's process id and then
 grep for a line containing that id (in the appropriate column) in the
 ps output.

 Vasudev Ram
 Dancing Bison Enterprises
 Check out the cool preview feature on my web site.
 Free signup for anyone at
 I'm not affiliated with it.

Just realized: getting the python process's process id is possible from
the Python program itself, using os.getpid().



Re: pyparsing 1.4.5 released

2006-12-23 Thread Paul McGuire
On Dec 23, 9:07 am, Richard Townsend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22 Dec 2006 19:59:53 -0800, Paul McGuire wrote:

  Download pyparsing 1.4.5 at  The
  pyparsing Wiki is athttp://pyparsing.wikispaces.comWhen I click on the 
  sourceforge link above, I get redirected to the wiki.


 seems to work.


Thanks, I'll update my announcement template.

-- Paul


Re: Elliptic Curve Library

2006-12-23 Thread Mike Tammerman

I will try to implement an ID-Based Cryptography. I also need bilinear
pairing operations.


vasudevram wrote:
 Mike Tammerman wrote:
  I need an elliptic curve library that can be used by python. I googled
  but couldn't find a one. I'll appreciate, if you could show me.

 What is the library you need supposed to do?
 Vasudev Ram
 Dancing Bison Enterprises


Add/Remove Channels in Asyncore?

2006-12-23 Thread Chris
I've implemented a real basic IRC client class in 100 lines using
asynchat (yes I know about Twisted). The problem I'm having is
arbitrarily starting and stopping multiple instances of this class
after I call loop().

The asyncore docs seem to imply everything's fixed in stone once loop()
is called, where they say, Once the initial channel(s) is(are)
created, calling the loop() function activates channel service, which
continues until the last channel (including any that have been added to
the map during asynchronous service) is closed.

After I call asyncore.loop(), I'd like to be able to add/remove clients
(channels?) to/from execution by asyncore. Is this possible?



Re: let me simplify my question on scope of vars

2006-12-23 Thread Colin J. Williams
Pyenos wrote:
 class CLASS:
 def METHOD1:
 def METHOD2:
 return var
 METHOD2()   #line8   
 return var
 METHOD1()   #line10
 end code
 Q1: does class CLASS inherit var=0 from line1?
 Q2: does def METHOD1 inherit var=0 from line1?
 Q3: does def METHOD2 inherit var=0 from line1?
 Q3: does line8 return '2'?
 Q4: does line10 return '2\n2'?

Some print statements could verify, but my guess for your quiz are:
A1: Yes
A2: Yes
A3: Yes
A4: It should return 1, Method 2 is never called.

I've modified you code a little, so that you can experiment with print 

Colin W.

# Pyenos wrote:
print id(var)
class CLASS:
 def METHOD1(self):
 def METHOD2():
 print id(var)
 return var
 METHOD2()   #line8
 return var
c= CLASS()
print c.METHOD1()   #line10
end code


Re: Add/Remove Channels in Asyncore?

2006-12-23 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Chris wrote:

 I've implemented a real basic IRC client class in 100 lines using
 asynchat (yes I know about Twisted). The problem I'm having is
 arbitrarily starting and stopping multiple instances of this class
 after I call loop().
 The asyncore docs seem to imply everything's fixed in stone once loop()
 is called, where they say, Once the initial channel(s) is(are)
 created, calling the loop() function activates channel service, which
 continues until the last channel (including any that have been added to
 the map during asynchronous service) is closed.
 After I call asyncore.loop(), I'd like to be able to add/remove clients
 (channels?) to/from execution by asyncore. Is this possible?

the usual way to do that is to add new channels in callbacks, in 
response to other server activities.

if you want to deal with this from the program calling asyncore.loop, 
use the count option to tell loop to return after N events.  e.g:

while 1:
asyncore.loop(0.05, count=20) # wait for max 1 second
add/remove channels here



Re: removing the header from a gzip'd string

2006-12-23 Thread debarchana . ghosh

Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
 Rajarshi wrote:

  Does anybody know how I can remove the header portion of the
  compressed bytes, such that I only have the compressed data
  remaining? (Obviously I do not intend to perform the

 Just curious: What's your goal? :) A home made hash function?

Actually I was implementing the use of the normalized compression
distance to evaluate molecular similarity as described in an article in
J.Chem.Inf.Model (, subscriber
access only, unfortunately).

Essentially, they note that the NCD does not always bevave like a
metric and one reason they put forward is that this may be due to the
size of the header portion (they were using the command line gzip and
bzip2 programs) compared to the strings being compressed (which are on
average 48 bytes long).

So I was interested to see if the NCD behaved like a metric if I
removed everything that was not the compressed string. And since I only
need to calculate similarity between two strings, I do not need to do
any decompression.


Re: removing the header from a gzip'd string

2006-12-23 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann

 Actually I was implementing the use of the normalized compression
 distance to evaluate molecular similarity as described in an
 article in J.Chem.Inf.Model (,
 subscriber access only, unfortunately).

Interesting. Thanks for the reply.



BOFH excuse #438:

sticky bit has come loose


Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-23 Thread BartlebyScrivener

in addition to the effbot link,

search the group


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

2006-12-23 Thread Jon Harrop
Xah Lee wrote:
 Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

You will probably find it more rewarding to use a more modern graphics
system, such as OpenGL or DirectX, with a suitable programming language
rather than Mathematica's. I would recommend any of OCaml, F#, Haskell,
Lisp, Scheme, Python or Ruby for graphics, you can do much more
sophisticated, animated, real time visualisations than you can with
Mathematica's primitives.

There are lots of great web pages out there. I've written some 2D and 3D
graphics examples in OCaml:

and more recently F#:

I was very impressed with the tutorial videos on VPython at ShowMeDo:

For an introduction to OpenGL, look no further than the NeHe tutorials at

One of our future products at FF Consultancy is a suite of extensions for
the F# interactive mode that allows you to visualise 2D and 3D graphics in
real time with simplicity rivalling Mathematica but the sophistication and
performance of DirectX, whilst also having the power of the F# programming
language and .NET to analyse your data.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

Re: Elliptic Curve Library

2006-12-23 Thread Jaap Spies
Mike Tammerman wrote:

 I need an elliptic curve library that can be used by python. I googled
 but couldn't find a one. I'll appreciate, if you could show me.

You could look at


Re: textwrap.dedent replaces tabs?

2006-12-23 Thread Tom Plunket
Frederic Rentsch wrote:

 Following a call to dedent () it shouldn't be hard to translate leading 
 groups of so many spaces back to tabs.

Sure, but the point is more that I don't think it's valid to change to
tabs in the first place.


 input = ' ' + '\t' + 'hello\n' +
 '\t' + 'world'

 output = textwrap.dedent(input)

will yield all of the leading whitespace stripped, which IMHO is a
violation of its stated function.  In this case, nothing should be
stripped, because the leading whitespace in these two lines does not
/actually/ match.  Sure, it visually matches, but that's not the point
(although I can understand that that's a point of contention in the
interpreter anyway, I would have no problem with it not accepting 1 tab
= 8 spaces for indentation...  But that's another holy war.

 If I understand your problem, you want to restore the dedented line to 
 its original composition if spaces and tabs are mixed and this doesn't 
 work because the information doesn't survive dedent ().

Sure, although would there be a case to be made to simply not strip the
tabs in the first place?

Like this, keeping current functionality and everything...  (although I
would think if someone wanted tabs expanded, they'd call expandtabs on
the input before calling the function!):

def dedent(text, expand_tabs=True):
dedent(text : string, expand_tabs : bool) - string

Remove any whitespace than can be uniformly removed from the left
of every line in `text`, optionally expanding tabs before altering
the text.

This can be used e.g. to make triple-quoted strings line up with
the left edge of screen/whatever, while still presenting it in the
source code in indented form.

For example:

def test():
# end first line with \ to avoid the empty line!
s = '''\
\t  world
print repr(s) # prints ' hello\n\t  world\n'
print repr(dedent(s))  # prints ' hello\n\t  world\n'

if expand_tabs:
text = text.expandtabs()
lines = text.split('\n')

margin = None
for line in lines:
if margin is None:
content = line.lstrip()
if not content:
indent = len(line) - len(content)
margin = line[:indent]
elif not line.startswith(margin):
if len(line)  len(margin):
content = line.lstrip()
if not content:
while not line.startswith(margin):
margin = margin[:-1]

if margin is not None and len(margin)  0:
margin = len(margin)
for i in range(len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]

return '\n'.join(lines)

import unittest

class DedentTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testBasicWithSpaces(self):
input = \n   Hello\n  World
expected = \nHello\n   World
self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input))

def testBasicWithTabLeadersSpacesInside(self):
input = \n\tHello\n\t   World
expected = \nHello\n   World
self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))

def testAllTabs(self):
input = \t\tHello\n\tWorld
expected = \tHello\nWorld
self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))

def testFirstLineNotIndented(self):
input = Hello\n\tWorld
expected = input
self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))

def testMixedTabsAndSpaces(self):
input =   \t Hello\n   \tWorld
expected = \t Hello\n \tWorld
self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

2006-12-23 Thread J�rgen Exner
Boris Borcic wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
 Of Interest:

 to which of comp.lang.perl.misc, comp.lang.python, comp.lang.lisp,, comp.lang.functional ?

You must be new. Otherwise you would be familiar with this troll already.



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-23 Thread Fuzzyman

Lars Rune Nøstdal wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 03:07:09 -0800, Mark Tarver wrote:

  How do you compare Python to Lisp?  What specific advantages do you
  think that one has over the other?
  Note I'm not a Python person and I have no axes to grind here.  This is
  just a question for my general education.

 Kill this frakkin thread; Lisp rules -- while Python is boring (but better
 than many other alternatives). E.O.F.

Perhaps only with the addendum that although 'Lisp roolz', no-one uses
for anything of relevance anymore and it is continuing it's geriatric
decline into obscurity. ;-)

Python is dull, except to the ever increasing group of programmers who
use it for practical purposes.

Hmm... a fitting. EOF.


 Lars Rune Nøstdal


Re: PyExcelerator: how to set colours?

2006-12-23 Thread Waldemar Osuch

Gerry wrote:
 I'd like some cell to be a Blue ABCDE.

 Here's come code thatv tries various values for pattern_for_colour and
 font.colour_index, to no avail.

 Can anyone suggest the right way to set colours?




 from pyExcelerator import *

 w   = Workbook()
 ws  = w.add_sheet('alpha')

 style   = XFStyle()
 fore_colour = style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour
 back_colour = style.pattern.pattern_back_colour

 ws.write (1, 1, fore_colour)
 ws.write (1, 2, fore_colour)

 ws.write (2, 1, back_colour)
 ws.write (2, 2, back_colour)

 text= ABCDE

 row = 5

 for offset in range(-32,512):

 row += 1

 style.font.colour_index = fore_colour + offset

 ws.write(row,3, fore_colour + offset, style)


 style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour = fore_colour + offset



 shows no colour variation for any of these values of offset.

Is this what you were after?
from pyExcelerator import *

w = Workbook()
ws = w.add_sheet('boo')

style = XFStyle()
fore_colour = style.pattern.pattern_fore_colour
back_colour = style.pattern.pattern_back_colour

ws.write (1, 1, fore_colour)
ws.write (1, 2, fore_colour)

ws.write (2, 1, back_colour)
ws.write (2, 2, back_colour)

text = ABCDE

row = 5

for offset in range(-32,512):
row += 1

fnt = Font()
fnt.colour_index = fore_colour + offset
style.font = fnt
ws.write(row, 3, offset, style)
ws.write(row, 5, text, style)

p = Pattern()
p.pattern_fore_colour = fore_colour + offset
p.pattern = style.pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
style.pattern = p
ws.write(row, 6, text, style)'test.xls')



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-23 Thread defcon8
All of you are nazis!


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-23 Thread Fuzzyman

defcon8 wrote:
 All of you are nazis!

Hmmm... that might work. :-)



Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Adam Atlas
Is it possible for an object, in its __init__ method, to find out if it
is being assigned to a variable, and if so, what that variable's name
is? I can think of some potentially ugly ways of finding out using
sys._getframe, but if possible I'd prefer something less exotic.
(Basically I have a class whose instances, upon being created, need a
'name' property, and if it's being assigned to a variable immediately,
that variable's name would be the best value of 'name'; to make the
code cleaner and less redundant, it would be best if it knew its own
name upon creation, just like functions and classes do, without the
code having to pass it its own name as a string.)


Re: Generating all permutations from a regexp

2006-12-23 Thread Thomas Ploch
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
 A regular expression matcher uses a state machine to match strings.
 unless it's the kind of regular expression matcher that doesn't use a 
 state machine, like the one in Python.

How is the matching engine implemented then?

I thought regular languages can be described by deterministic /
non-deterministic finite state machines. I am just curious ...


Re: Fall of Roman Empire

2006-12-23 Thread Thomas Ploch
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 naaah - you don't have to worry - for real control He uses assembler.
 with jump statements.
 so the loops are closed.

 Unfortunately its not open source.  Yet.
 People are working hard on reverse-engineering it though. I hope no one
 slaps them with a DMCA-style lawsuit ...
 Tim Delaney

I heard Steve Ballmer recently made an offer to the pope for purchasing
the license for an apple and an egg (Apfel und Ei).


Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On 23 Dec 2006 14:38:19 -0800, Adam Atlas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible for an object, in its __init__ method, to find out if it
 is being assigned to a variable, and if so, what that variable's name
 is? I can think of some potentially ugly ways of finding out using
 sys._getframe, but if possible I'd prefer something less exotic.
 (Basically I have a class whose instances, upon being created, need a
 'name' property, and if it's being assigned to a variable immediately,
 that variable's name would be the best value of 'name'; to make the
 code cleaner and less redundant, it would be best if it knew its own
 name upon creation, just like functions and classes do, without the
 code having to pass it its own name as a string.)

I guess you mean something like this:

 olle = Person()

Instead of:

 olle = Person(olle)

It is not possible without ugly hacks. What you could use instead is
some kind of registry approach:

reg = {}
class Person:
def __init__(self, name): = name
reg[name] = self


I think there are thousand different ways you could solve it.

mvh Björn

Re: Generating all permutations from a regexp

2006-12-23 Thread Chris Johnson

Thomas Ploch wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
  A regular expression matcher uses a state machine to match strings.
  unless it's the kind of regular expression matcher that doesn't use a
  state machine, like the one in Python.

 How is the matching engine implemented then?

 I thought regular languages can be described by deterministic /
 non-deterministic finite state machines. I am just curious ...

Regular expressions are described by N?DFAs, but Perl-compatible
regular expressions (which pretty much every language implements now)
are not true regular expressions. They are actually Turing complete,
and thus have features that cannot be implemented in N?DFAs.


Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Adam Atlas
On Dec 23, 5:58 pm, BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23 Dec 2006 14:38:19 -0800, Adam Atlas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it possible for an object, in its __init__ method, to find out if it
  is being assigned to a variable, and if so, what that variable's name
  is? I can think of some potentially ugly ways of finding out using
  sys._getframe, but if possible I'd prefer something less exotic.
  (Basically I have a class whose instances, upon being created, need a
  'name' property, and if it's being assigned to a variable immediately,
  that variable's name would be the best value of 'name'; to make the
  code cleaner and less redundant, it would be best if it knew its own
  name upon creation, just like functions and classes do, without the
  code having to pass it its own name as a string.)I guess you mean something 
  like this:

  olle = Person()

 Instead of:

  olle = Person(olle)

 It is not possible without ugly hacks. What you could use instead is
 some kind of registry approach:

 reg = {}
 class Person:
 def __init__(self, name): = name
 reg[name] = self


 I think there are thousand different ways you could solve it.

Yeah, I've thought of ways like that. I was just hoping to make the
syntax as minimal and Pythonic as possible.

I have the following working:

 import sys

 class c:
 def __init__(self):
 f = sys._getframe(1)
 names = [n for n in f.f_code.co_names if n not in f.f_locals]
 if len(names)  0:
 name = names[0]
 print name

 a = c() # prints 'a'
 b = 'blah'
 b = c() # prints nothing

Question: too evil?


Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 14:38:19 -0800, Adam Atlas wrote:

 Is it possible for an object, in its __init__ method, to find out if it
 is being assigned to a variable, and if so, what that variable's name

What should the variable name be set to if you do one of the following?

john = eric = graham = terry = Named_Instance()

some_list = [None, 1, string, Named_Instance()]

fred = Named_Instance(); barney = fred; del fred

Name assignment is not a one-to-one operation. An object can have no name,
one name or many names. If your code assumes such a one-to-one
relationship between names and objects, it is wrong.

 I can think of some potentially ugly ways of finding out using
 sys._getframe, but if possible I'd prefer something less exotic.
 (Basically I have a class whose instances, upon being created, need a
 'name' property, and if it's being assigned to a variable immediately,
 that variable's name would be the best value of 'name'; to make the code
 cleaner and less redundant, it would be best if it knew its own name
 upon creation, just like functions and classes do, without the code
 having to pass it its own name as a string.)

I suggest rethinking your data model, and accept that the name
attribute of an object is not necessarily the same as the name it is
bound to. 

If you still want a convenience function that names the object and binds
it to a name at the same time, try something like this:

def Make_A_Named_Instance(name, *args, **kwargs):
globals()[name] = Named_Instance(*args, **kwargs)
globals()[name].name = name

You might be tempted to replace globals() with locals() in the above.
Don't -- it doesn't generally work:



Re: Class constant for extension

2006-12-23 Thread Martin Miller

   I have written a small prototype Python extension for a C-library.

   I have the methods all sorted out and it is working fine.

   In the C-library, they are various constants of types like string,
 integer, float and matrix. I'd like to expose them as READONLY values.

   Is the use of PyMemberDefs a suitable way to provide such access?

   I'd like the user of the extension to be able to do something like
 the follow

   import MyExtension

   mv = MyExtension.minValue

   Is someone able to point me to an example code of how I can write my
 extension so that the references to those constants can be used in the
 above way.


A couple of years ago I wanted to do something similar for a project I
was working on.
Below is a snippet of some sample C code from the module's
initialization function which should give you an idea of the approach
used. It's a limited example and only creates module identifiers for
simple integer values, not the more complex types you are interested
in, nor does it do anything to make them read only, but it might help
get you started.

If you find something that addresses these deficiencies, please post
your findings.


// snippet
#include Python.h

enum METAtags
kMETA_MojikumiX4051 = 0,
kMETA_UNIUnifiedBaseChars = 1,
kMETA_BaseFontName = 2

void initPyExtension()
PyObject *m, *d, *o;
m = Py_InitModule4(PyExtension, pyis_methods,

// Add some symbolic constants to the module
d = PyModule_GetDict(m); // get modules dictionary

PyObject* o = PyInt_FromLong(kMETA_MojikumiX4051);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, idMojikumiX4051, o);
Py_INCREF(o); // for dictionary ref

PyObject* o = PyInt_FromLong(kMETA_UNIUnifiedBaseChars);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, idUNIUnifiedBaseChars, obj);

PyObject* o = PyInt_FromLong(kMETA_BaseFontName);
PyDict_SetItemString(d, idBaseFontName, obj);


Re: Use a Thread to reload a Module?

2006-12-23 Thread Gregory Piñero
On 12/23/06, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 have you looked at putting the data into a persistent dict?

 - Hendrik

What is that exactly?


Help please using telnetlib module

2006-12-23 Thread dudds
Hi Guys,

I just started learning Python a couple of days ago and to put some of
what I learnt into practice. As such I thought I might try and write a
simple program (based on examples I had seen) that would allow me to
log into a Cisco router, enter configuration mode, change an interface
description and also grab a snapshot of the running configuration.

So far I've managed to be able to log in and change the interface
configuration. The tn.read_until() function seems to work pretty much
as I expected however for the life of me I cannot get the running
configuration to display with any of the read functions.

Suggestion pleasemy code thus far follows:
import getpass
import sys
import telnetlib

#This can actually log in and change an interface description on a

#user = raw_input(Enter your remote account: )
#password = getpass.getpass()
password = tacis345int

tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
tn.write(password + \n)
#if password:
#tn.read_until(Password: )
#tn.write(password + \n)
#tn.write(show version\n)
tn.read_until(assword: )
tn.write(conf t\n)
tn.write(int ethernet0\n)
tn.write(desc This was written by my script\n)
tn.write(show run\n)
print tn.read_very_lazy()
print tn.read_all()

The only output I get from this is:

I have tried the other read options but nothing seems to work for me.
I'm obviously missing something, so if anyone could shed some light
that would be great.


Re: regular expression

2006-12-23 Thread Joe Kesselman
Reminder: anything crossposted across this many newsgroups, especially 
asking an inherently bogus question, is probably just trolling.

If it's equally on topic everywhere, that means it's on topic nowhere.

() ASCII Ribbon Campaign  | Joe Kesselman
/\ Stamp out HTML e-mail! | System architexture and kinetic poetry

Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Steven Bethard
Adam Atlas wrote:
 Is it possible for an object, in its __init__ method, to find out if it
 is being assigned to a variable, and if so, what that variable's name
 is? I can think of some potentially ugly ways of finding out using
 sys._getframe, but if possible I'd prefer something less exotic.
 (Basically I have a class whose instances, upon being created, need a
 'name' property, and if it's being assigned to a variable immediately,
 that variable's name would be the best value of 'name'; to make the
 code cleaner and less redundant, it would be best if it knew its own
 name upon creation, just like functions and classes do, without the
 code having to pass it its own name as a string.)

As others have mentioned, in general the answer is no.  However, class 
statements do have access to the name they're assigned, so you could 
abuse a class statement like this::

  # your class whose instances need a name property
  class C(object):
 ... def __init__(self, name):
 ... = name
 ... @classmethod
 ... def from_class_block(cls, name, bases, blockdict):
 ... return cls(name)
  # instances of your class with the appropriate names
  class instance:
 ... __metaclass__ = C.from_class_block

Though it doesn't rely on private functions like sys._getframe, it's 
still sure to confuse the hell out of your users. ;-)


split string with hieroglyphs

2006-12-23 Thread Belize
Essence of problem in the following:
Here is lines in utf8 of this form BZ?ツーリTV%ツキDVD
Is it possible to split them into the fragments that contain only latin
printable symbols (aplhabet + ?# etc)
and fragments with the hieroglyphs, so it could be like this
['BZ?', '\xe3\x83\x84\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\xaa', 'TV%',
'\xe3\x83\x84\xe3\x82\xad', 'DVD'] ?
Then, after translate of hieroglyphs, necessary to join line, so it
could be like this 
BZ? navigation TV% display DVD


Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Adam Atlas
Thanks, Steven and Steven.

Isn't it a bit convoluted to use metaclasses?
someinstance.__class__.__name__ does the same thing.

Thanks for the advice to rethink my data model. I'm doing so right now,
and I've already come up with a way that makes more sense. :)


some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-23 Thread oyster
1. first of all, what is the English jargon (Optimize? But I think
this is not a very good keyword :( )for this problem? So I can use it
to search on the internet
2. is there any free/open lib for this?
3. I know for some questions(case 1, case 2, and sudoku), we can use
bundles of FOR...NEXT loop to program. however I think it is clumsy
and inconvenient, especially when there is many vars
4. I don't know how to deal with case 3 and case 4

1. choose x0~x9 from 1~9, and must use all of 1~9, let

2. choose x0~x15 from 1~16, and must use all of 1~16, let
|  x0 |  x1 |  x2 |  x3 |
|  x4 |  x5 |  x6 |  x7 |
|  x8 |  x9 | x10 | x11 |
| x12 | x13 | x14 | x15 |

sum of every column =sum of of every row
= x0+x5+x10+x11 =x3+x6+x9+x12

3: calculate the minimum of
sin((z*x-0.5)^2 + x*2*y^2-z/10)*exp(-((x-0.5-exp(-y+z))^2 + y^2-z/5+3))
where x in [-1,7], y in [-2,2]

4: calculate the root [x,y,z], let
(x-0.3)^y^z+x/y/z-x*y*sin(z)+(x+y-z)^cos(x-1) = 1
(y-0.2)^z^x+y/z/x-y*z*sin(x)+(y+z-x)^cos(y-2) = 2
(z-0.1)^x^y+z/x/y-z*x*sin(y)+(z+x-y)^cos(z-3) = 3

I have written the case 1 in python, it needs 90 seconds on my pc, and
the same approach in takes less than 1 seconds
[code for python]
import sets
import time
  import psyco

d0, d1=1, 2

for a0 in range(1,10):
  for a1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0]):
for a2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1]):
  if 2*a0 a1a2:
for b0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2]):
  for b1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0]):
for b2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1]):
  if 2*a0*b1b2 + 2*b0*a1a2  a1a2*b1b2:
for c0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2]):
  for c1 in
sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0]):
for c2 in
sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0, c1]):
  if d1*a0*b1b2*c1c2 + d1*b0*a1a2*c1c2 +
d1*c0*a1a2*b1b2 == d0*a1a2*b1b2*c1c2:
aresult=[[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]]
if aresult not in result:
print 'time elapsed: %s s' % (et-st)
for [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] in result:
  print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
  print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
  print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d %0d' %(a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,c2, d1)

Re: split string with hieroglyphs

2006-12-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 19:28:48 -0800, Belize wrote:

 Essence of problem in the following:
 Here is lines in utf8 of this form BZ???TV%??DVD
 Is it possible to split them into the fragments that contain only latin
 printable symbols (aplhabet + ?# etc)

Of course it is possible, but there probably isn't a built-in function to
do it. Write a program to do it.

 and fragments with the hieroglyphs, so it could be like this
 ['BZ?', '\xe3\x83\x84\xe3\x83\xbc\xe3\x83\xaa', 'TV%',
 '\xe3\x83\x84\xe3\x82\xad', 'DVD'] ?

def split_fragments(s):
Split a string s into Latin and non-Latin fragments.
# Warning -- untested.
fragments = []  # hold the string fragments
latin = []  # temporary accumulator for Latin fragment
nonlatin = []  # temporary accumulator for non-Latin fragment
for c in s:
if islatin(c):
if nonlatin:
nonlatin = []
if latin:
latin = []
return fragments

I leave it to you to write the function islatin.


There is a Perl module to guess the encoding:

You might like to read this too:

I also recommend you read this recipe:

And look at the module unicodedata.

 Then, after translate of hieroglyphs, necessary to join line, so it
 could be like this 
 BZ? navigation TV% display DVD

def join_fragments(fragments)
accumulator = []
for fragment in fragments:
if islatin(fragment):
return ''.join(accumulator)

I leave it to you to write the function translate_hieroglyphics.



Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-23 Thread John Machin

oyster wrote:
 I have written the case 1 in python, it needs 90 seconds on my pc, and
 the same approach in takes less than 1 seconds
 [code for python]
 import sets
 import time
   import psyco

 d0, d1=1, 2

 for a0 in range(1,10):
   for a1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0]):
 for a2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1]):
   if 2*a0 a1a2:
 for b0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2]):
   for b1 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0]):
 for b2 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1]):
   if 2*a0*b1b2 + 2*b0*a1a2  a1a2*b1b2:
 for c0 in sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, 
   for c1 in
 sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0]):
 for c2 in
 sets.Set(range(1,10))-sets.Set([a0,a1,a2,b0, b1, b2, c0, c1]):

Has it not occurred to you to calculate sets.Set(range(1,10)) *ONCE*,
store it, and reuse it?

For the remaining uses of sets.Set, do
   set = sets.Set
once up the front, and remember to remove it when (as you should!) you
upgrade off Python 2.3.



Re: Getting the name of an assignment

2006-12-23 Thread Steven Bethard
Adam Atlas wrote:
 Isn't it a bit convoluted to use metaclasses?

Yep. It's a well known fact that putting convoluted and metaclasses 
in the same sentence is repetitively redundant. ;-)

 someinstance.__class__.__name__ does the same thing.

No, not really::

  class C(object):
 ... def __init__(self, name):
 ... = name
 ... @classmethod
 ... def from_class_block(cls, name, bases, blockdict):
 ... return cls(name)
  c = C('foo')
 class '__main__.C'
  class foo:
 ... __metaclass__ = C.from_class_block
 class '__main__.C'

Note that the ``class foo`` statement is not creating a class.  It's 
creating an instance of ``C``.  So it really is doing something pretty 


Re: Fall of Roman Empire

2006-12-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Thomas Ploch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
  Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
  naaah - you don't have to worry - for real control He uses assembler.
  with jump statements.
  so the loops are closed.
  Unfortunately its not open source.  Yet.
  People are working hard on reverse-engineering it though. I hope no one
  slaps them with a DMCA-style lawsuit ...
  Tim Delaney
 I heard Steve Ballmer recently made an offer to the pope for purchasing
 the license for an apple and an egg (Apfel und Ei).


For the sake of those unfortunates who have no grounding in the Germanic
Languages - when you buy something for an apple and an egg or in Afrikaans
an apple and an onion - you are getting it excessively cheaply...

- Hendrik


Re: Use a Thread to reload a Module?

2006-12-23 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 12/23/06, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  have you looked at putting the data into a persistent dict?
  - Hendrik
 What is that exactly?


from the docs:

3.17 shelve -- Python object persistence

A ``shelf'' is a persistent, dictionary-like object. The difference with ``dbm''
databases is that the values (not the keys!) in a shelf can be essentially
arbitrary Python objects -- anything that the pickle module can handle. This
includes most class instances, recursive data types, and objects containing lots
of shared sub-objects. The keys are ordinary strings.

open( filename[,flag='c'[,protocol=None[,writeback=False[,binary=None)

Open a persistent dictionary. The filename specified is the base filename for
the underlying database. As a side-effect, an extension may be added to the
filename and more than one file may be created. By default, the underlying
database file is opened for reading and writing. The optional flag parameter has
the same interpretation as the flag parameter of

hth - Hendrik


Re: Use a Thread to reload a Module?

2006-12-23 Thread Gregory Piñero
On 12/24/06, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gregory Piñero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 open( filename[,flag='c'[,protocol=None[,writeback=False[,binary=None)

 Open a persistent dictionary. The filename specified is the base filename for
 the underlying database. As a side-effect, an extension may be added to the
 filename and more than one file may be created. By default, the underlying
 database file is opened for reading and writing. The optional flag parameter 
 the same interpretation as the flag parameter of

 hth - Hendrik

So how is that better than using marshal as I am now?  Is it faster to
load?  Perhaps I could do speed tests to compare.


[ python-Bugs-1621367 ] random import works?

2006-12-23 Thread
Bugs item #1621367, was opened at 2006-12-23 11:04
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Extension Modules
Group: Python 2.5
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Msword (msword)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: random import works?

Initial Comment:
I'm just starting working with python, and it seems that random.choice() isn't 
all that random. After running the program(attached) a few times, each and 
every time it selects 1  2  3  4  5 and I can expect this to happen, 
meaning it isn't all that random.



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[ python-Bugs-1257255 ] tarfile local name is local, should be abspath

2006-12-23 Thread
Bugs item #1257255, was opened at 2005-08-12 04:26
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by gustaebel
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: Python 2.4
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Martin Blais (blais)
Assigned to: Lars Gustäbel (gustaebel)
Summary: tarfile local name is local, should be abspath

Initial Comment:
I ran into a bug using the tarfile module with
compression from a directory that did not exist
anymore, and this exhibits a bug in the tarfile module.
 I'm not completely sure how to fix it with certainty,
so instead of filing a quick patch, I submit a bug so
people familiar with the module can have a look first.

The problem is that when you open a tarfile with gz or
bz2 compression, the TarFile object is opened with a
filename that is not absolute, just local (basename is
called) but the actual file is using a file-like object.  

Now, when you add a new entry, there is a check in the
TarFile.add method that checks if we're not adding the
archive itself into the tarfile, and this method calls
abspath.  Calling abspath on the name that has been
basename'd is incorrect and a bug.  It happens not to
fail nor cause any problems when called from an
existing directory (the test returns false), but it
does not do the job it is supposed to.  When the CWD
has been deleted, calling abspath fails with an
OSError, which brings out the problem.

Some code to reproduce the bug is provided in an


Comment By: Lars Gustäbel (gustaebel)
Date: 2006-12-23 19:17

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

Fixed. See patch #1262036.


Comment By: Georg Brandl (birkenfeld)
Date: 2005-08-25 11:04

Logged In: YES 

The patch has been reversed, so reopening.


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2005-08-24 08:08

Logged In: YES 

This was fixed with said patch.


Comment By: Lars Gustäbel (gustaebel)
Date: 2005-08-17 14:34

Logged In: YES 

Thank you very much for your report. I added patch #1262036
that ought to fix the problem.


Comment By: Martin Blais (blais)
Date: 2005-08-15 19:34

Logged In: YES 

Oops, that was silly.  My apologies.   Here goes the file...


Comment By: Lars Gustäbel (gustaebel)
Date: 2005-08-15 13:39

Logged In: YES 

Could you please attach the test code you mentioned?


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[ python-Bugs-1371937 ] minidom namespace problems

2006-12-23 Thread
Bugs item #1371937, was opened at 2005-12-02 19:47
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by paulpach
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: minidom namespace problems

Initial Comment:
Noted on the minidom writexml() function
doesn't tidy up namespace declarations, so you can
output documents that have incorrect namespace

DOM Level 3, appendix B, specifies an algorithm for
normalizing namespaces; see
.  minidom probably needs to acquire the
normalizeNamespace method, and then writexml() can call
it before doing its work.


Comment By: Paul Pacheco (paulpach)
Date: 2006-12-23 20:04

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

I implemented this and uploaded a patch and test case here:

enjoy :)


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[ python-Bugs-1612113 ] Dictionary ordering docs are too unclear of dangers

2006-12-23 Thread
Bugs item #1612113, was opened at 2006-12-09 03:57
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by sf-robot
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Documentation
Group: None
Status: Closed
Resolution: Works For Me
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Calvin Spealman (ironfroggy)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Dictionary ordering docs are too unclear of dangers

Initial Comment:
The footnote #3 on this page of the documentation details some thoughts on the 
order of dictionaries and the results of the different key and value retreival 
methods. I think it promises more than it should. The current content tells the 
reader they can expect consistant results from a dictionary as far as order 
goes, and we know this to be simply untrue and even in the circumstances where 
its likely (but still not impossible), such as `zip(d.values(), d.keys())` 
there is not even any compelling reason to use such odd methods, making the 
very fact that the idea is documented suspect.

I recommend the footnote be removed entirely, or replaced with Keys and values 
are listed in an arbitrary order which is non-random, varies across Python 
implementations, and depends on the dictionary's history of insertions and 
deletions. Do not expect anything of the order of the items(), keys(), 
values(), iteritems(), iterkeys(), and itervalues() methods' results. 

Page in question:


Comment By: SourceForge Robot (sf-robot)
Date: 2006-12-23 19:20

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2006-12-09 06:51

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

The statement that the various ways of extracting info from a dict are
consistent /provided that/ they're called with no intervening
modifications to the dictionary (did you miss that crucial
qualification?) is part of the language definition:  it definitely and
deliberately constrains the set of possible implementations.

The docs didn't originally say this, but people noted it was true in
then-current CPython, and asked whether they could rely on it.  At that
point, Guido decided to elevate this property of the CPython
implementation to a language requirement, and the footnote was added.

Of course you're not /required/ to rely on it ;-).


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2006-12-09 06:31

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

You seem to be saying (without actually saying it) that the footnote is
untrue. Can you give an example that demonstrates it is untrue?

I believe the footnote is correct, precise, and complete as it stands, and
fail to see a bug here.


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