Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-24 Thread Paul McGuire
oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 1. first of all, what is the English jargon (Optimize? But I think
 this is not a very good keyword :( )for this problem? So I can use it
 to search on the internet
 2. is there any free/open lib for this?
 3. I know for some questions(case 1, case 2, and sudoku), we can use
 bundles of FOR...NEXT loop to program. however I think it is clumsy
 and inconvenient, especially when there is many vars
 4. I don't know how to deal with case 3 and case 4

 1. choose x0~x9 from 1~9, and must use all of 1~9, let

Since you are working with permutations of [1..9], here is a general 
framework for problems using those permutations - put your problem 
definition in the function func, which is successively passed each of the 
362880 permutations of the numbers 1-9.  On my system, your original code 
ran in about 11 seconds, and after factoring out invariants, got down to 
about 1.8 seconds.  This little framework takes about 4.5 seconds, but with 
psyco, cuts down to about 1.3 seconds.

-- Paul

import time
  import psyco

def prod(lst):
return reduce(lambda a,b:a*b,lst,1)

def perms(setSize, sampleSize):
return prod(xrange(setSize-sampleSize+1,setSize+1))

def permutation(k, s):
fact = 1
s = s[:]
for j in xrange( 2, len(s)+1):
fact = fact * (j-1)
idx1 = j - ((k / fact) % j)-1
idx2 = j-1
s[idx1],s[idx2] = s[idx2],s[idx1]
return s

def permutations(s,sampleSize=None):
if sampleSize is None:
sampleSize = len(s)
k = perms(len(s),sampleSize)
for i in xrange(k):
yield permutation(i,s)

d0,d1 = 1,2
def func(p):
a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2,c0,c1,c2 = p

# do application evaluation here
b1b2 = 10*b1+b2
a1a2 = 10*a1+a2
c1c2 = 10*c1+c2
if d1*a0*b1b2*c1c2 + d1*b0*a1a2*c1c2 + d1*c0*a1a2*b1b2 == 
return sorted( [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] )
return None

st = time.time()
result = []
for p in permutations(range(1,10)):
aresult = func(p)
if aresult is not None and aresult not in result:

print 'time elapsed: %.4f s' % (et-st)
for [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] in result:
  print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
  print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
  print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d %0d' %(a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,c2, d1)


Re: Newbie: what is a usefull IDE for Python on Windows ?

2006-12-24 Thread Riquelme
Eclipse + Editplus


Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], oyster wrote:

 1. first of all, what is the English jargon (Optimize? But I think
 this is not a very good keyword :( )for this problem? So I can use it
 to search on the internet
 2. is there any free/open lib for this?
 3. I know for some questions(case 1, case 2, and sudoku), we can use
 bundles of FOR...NEXT loop to program. however I think it is clumsy
 and inconvenient, especially when there is many vars
 4. I don't know how to deal with case 3 and case 4
 1. choose x0~x9 from 1~9, and must use all of 1~9, let
 2. choose x0~x15 from 1~16, and must use all of 1~16, let
 |  x0 |  x1 |  x2 |  x3 |
 |  x4 |  x5 |  x6 |  x7 |
 |  x8 |  x9 | x10 | x11 |
 | x12 | x13 | x14 | x15 |
 sum of every column =sum of of every row
 = x0+x5+x10+x11 =x3+x6+x9+x12

The first two can be solved by a finite domain constraint solver.  Logilab
has a pure-python package:

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: consequence and life

2006-12-24 Thread Lester Mosley
I alway wondered if you are smelling a flower in a dream while on some
crazy herbal medication. are you smelling the flower that is in the
drug or a a flower that you once smelled when you were three years old
on your daddy's knee ofr when you were bent over in the park looking
for your lost keys.

marika wrote:
 'The mind can make
 Substance, and people planets of its own
 With beings brighter than have been, and give
 A breath to forms which can outlive all flesh.'
 Byron - 'The
 Dream' 1816 st.1


Re: split string with hieroglyphs

2006-12-24 Thread Belize
Steven, thanks! Very nice algorithm.
Here is code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf_8 -*-

# Thanks Steven D'Aprano for hints

import unicodedata
import MySQLdb

#MySQL variables
mysql_host = localhost
mysql_user = dict
mysql_password = passwd
mysql_db = dictionary

mysql_conn = MySQLdb.connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_password,
cur = mysql_conn.cursor()
cur.execute(SET NAMES UTF8)
print unable insert to MySQL, check connection

jap_text = BZツーリTVツキDVD?
jap_text = unicode(jap_text, 'utf-8') # fight with
full-width, half-width katakana madness :-)
jap_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', jap_text)  #
jap_text = jap_text.encode('utf-8')   #

def translate_hieroglyph(jap_text):
eng_text = 
mysql_translate_query = SELECT Eng FROM dictionary where Jis='%s'
collate utf8_unicode_ci LIMIT 1 % jap_text
mysql_trans_data = cur.fetchall()
for line in mysql_trans_data:
eng_text = line[0]
if not eng_text:
eng_text = jap_text
return eng_text

def islatin(s):
unicode(s, 'ascii')
except UnicodeError:
return True

def split_fragments(s):
fragments = []
latin = []
nonlatin = []
for c in s:
if islatin(c):
if nonlatin:
nonlatin = []
if latin:
latin = []
if latin:  # without
this we lose last fragment
fragments.append(''.join(latin)) #
else: #
fragments.append(''.join(nonlatin)) #
return fragments

fragments = split_fragments(jap_text)

def join_fragments(fragments):
accumulator = []
for fragment in fragments:
if islatin(fragment):
return ' '.join(accumulator)

print join_fragments(fragments)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Src/Code $ python
BZ navigation TV display DVD?

Work as needed :-) Thanks again!


Connection python with C

2006-12-24 Thread Χρυσάνθη Αϊναλή

I want to connect a script in python with a source code in C. Any
ideas about it?

Thank you!


Re: Connection python with C

2006-12-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Χρυσάνθη Αϊναλή wrote:

 I want to connect a script in python with a source code in C. Any
 ideas about it?



Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-24 Thread bearophileHUGS
Paul McGuire:
 This little framework takes about 4.5 seconds, but with
 psyco, cuts down to about 1.3 seconds.

 st = time.time()
 result = []
 for p in permutations(range(1,10)):
 aresult = func(p)
 if aresult is not None and aresult not in result:

 print 'time elapsed: %.4f s' % (et-st)
 for [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] in result:
   print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
   print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
   print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d %0d' %(a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,c2, d1)

If you want to more speed, put long loops always inside functions, not
inside the main body:

def main():
st = clock()
result = []
for p in permutations(range(1, 10)):
aresult = func(p)
if aresult is not None and aresult not in result:

et = clock()
print 'time elapsed: %.4f s' % (et-st)
for [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] in result:
  print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
  print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
  print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d %0d' %(a1, a2, b1, b2,
c1,c2, d1)


If you have a bit of time you can test the speed of this code on your



Re: removing the header from a gzip'd string

2006-12-24 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Essentially, they note that the NCD does not always bevave like a
 metric and one reason they put forward is that this may be due to the
 size of the header portion (they were using the command line gzip and
 bzip2 programs) compared to the strings being compressed (which are on
 average 48 bytes long).

gzip datastreams have a real header, with a file type identifier, 
optional filenames, comments, and a bunch of flags.

but even if you strip that off (which is basically what happens if you 
use zlib.compress instead of gzip), I doubt you'll get representative 
compressability metrics on strings that short.  like most other 
compression algorithms, those algorithms are designed for much larger 



Re: Help please using telnetlib module

2006-12-24 Thread Birdman
Simplest explanation is that you can't do a 'show run' from global
configuration mode

try something like

#exit global configuration mode
print tn.read_until('#')

#disable pause after 24 lines
tn.write('term len 0\n')

#now show the entire running-config
tn.write('show run\n')
print tn.read_until('#')


Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-24 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On 12/24/06, oyster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. first of all, what is the English jargon (Optimize? But I think
 this is not a very good keyword :( )for this problem? So I can use it
 to search on the internet

The first problem is a magic square. The general term for all your
problems are constraint satisfaction problems.

 2. is there any free/open lib for this?

Yes, this for example:

 3. I know for some questions(case 1, case 2, and sudoku), we can use
 bundles of FOR...NEXT loop to program. however I think it is clumsy
 and inconvenient, especially when there is many vars

Yes. I think it is also very much unoptimal. For solving problems such
as magic squares and sudoku puzzles you want a recursive backtracking
constraint solver.

 1. choose x0~x9 from 1~9, and must use all of 1~9, let

Using the linked to constraint solver, you could write something like this:

p = Problem()
# Ten variables named 0..9 all with values in the domain 0..9
p.addVariables(range(10), range(10))
p.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), range(10))

def eqConstraint(*x):
t = x[0]/(10*x[1] + x[2]) + x[3]/(10 * x[4] + x[5]) + x[5](10 * x[7] + x[8])
# Convert to int to get rid of rounding errors
t = int(t * 2)
return t == 1
p.addConstraint(eqConstraint, range(10))

 2. choose x0~x15 from 1~16, and must use all of 1~16, let
 |  x0 |  x1 |  x2 |  x3 |
 |  x4 |  x5 |  x6 |  x7 |
 |  x8 |  x9 | x10 | x11 |
 | x12 | x13 | x14 | x15 |

 sum of every column =sum of of every row
 = x0+x5+x10+x11 =x3+x6+x9+x12

Similar to above, just enter all the constraints and let the library
do the hard work:

def lineConstraint(*l):
s1 = sum(l[:4])
s2 = sum(l[4:])
return s1 == s2

# For magic squares, recursive backtracking solves are the best
p = Problem(RecursiveBacktrackingSolver())
p.addConstraint(lineConstraint, [0, 5, 10, 11, 3, 6, 9, 12])
... add more constraints...


mvh Björn

[pyOpenGL]Demo cannot run on Python2.5

2006-12-24 Thread sweetmelon
(I'm a newbie in Python and pyOpenGL.)
Python ver. 2.5
easy_install is installed
PIL, pyNum is installed
Download PyOpenGL-3.0.0a5-py2.5.egg
run: easy_install PyOpenGL-3.0.0a5-py2.5.egg
pyOpenGL is installed in

I tried to run a example .\OpenGL\Demo\da\, but it fails in
the line:
 from OpenGL.GL import *
with errors:
 AttributeError: 'WinFunctionType' object has no attribute

Traceback (innermost last):

File OpenGL\Demo\da\, line 1, in module
File OpenGL\Demo\da\, line 24, in module
  from OpenGL.GL import *
File OpenGL\GL\, line 3, in module
  from OpenGL.raw.GL.annotations import *
File OpenGL\raw\GL\, line 19, in module
File OpenGL\arrays\, line 68, in setInputArraySizeType
  if not hasattr( function, 'returnValues' ):
File OpenGL\, line 64, in __getattr__
  return getattr( self.wrappedOperation, key )

It seems that pyOpenGL reimplements the module ctypes internally, but
not finished I cannot find self.wrappedOperation with any
attribute with the name of 'returnValues'. How to go through this
problem? Did I make some simple mistakes at the beginning of the
installation of pyOpenGL?

Thank you!



Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-24 Thread Juan R.
Fuzzyman ha escrito:

 Perhaps only with the addendum that although 'Lisp roolz', no-one uses
 for anything of relevance anymore and it is continuing it's geriatric
 decline into obscurity. ;-)

I do not think that i cannot agree with the contrary of this but i do
not think the contrary neither.

I am being said that LISP is being actively pursued by a number of
joung hackers as Graham and Tilton. Do not believe?

Ken Tilton has noticed that Dalai Lama has becomed interested in LISP


problem with PIPE

2006-12-24 Thread Dhika Cikul

I'm new in Python, i don't know my subject is correct or wrong. I have
problem with my script. I want to change password with passwd password
in python without user submitted anything from keyboard. I get
tutorial that i must use pipe to process this. And this is my code :


   2. #!/usr/bin/python
   4. import os
   6. COMMAND = 'passwd'
   7. PASSWD  = 'mypassword'
   9. # open a pipe to passwd program and
  10. # write the data to the pipe
  11. p = os.popen(%s % COMMAND, 'w')
  12. p.write(PASSWD)
  13. p.write('\n')
  14. p.write(PASSWD)
  15. p.close()

but i got this error :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cp]$ ./password
Changing password for user cp.
Changing password for cp
(current) UNIX password: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

Anyone can help me how to write to pipe.. i try several method, and always fail.

Dhika Cikul

Help with small program

2006-12-24 Thread smartbei
Hello, I am a newbie with python, though I am having a lot of fun using
it. Here is one of the excersizes I am trying to complete:
the program is supposed to find the coin combination so that with 10
coins you can reach a certain amoung, taken as a parameter. Here is the
current program:

coins = (100,10,5,1,0.5)
anslist = []
def bar(fin, hist = {100:0,10:0,5:0,1:0,0.5:0}):
s = sum(x*hist[x] for x in hist)
l = sum(hist.values())
if s  fin and l  10:
for c in coins:
if (s+c) = fin:
hist[c] += 1
bar(fin, hist)
hist[c] -= 1
elif l==10 and s==fin and not hist in anslist:

print anslist

The problem is that if I run it, anslist prints as [{0.5: 0, 1: 0, 10:
0, 100: 0, 5: 0}], which doesnt even add up to 50. When I check how
many times the program has reached the #p1 by sticking a print there,
it only reaches it once, and it comes out correct. why is it that this
result is replaced by the incorrect final one?


Re: regular expression

2006-12-24 Thread Dustan

Kleine Aap wrote:
 Asper Faner wrote:

  I seem to always have hard time understaing how this regular expression
  works, especially how on earth do people bring it up as part of
  computer programming language. Natural language processing seems not
  enough to explain by the way. Why no eliminate it ?

 I.M.H.O. anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of regular
 expressions should not attempt to write computer programs at all! My
 suggestion to you would be to find a job that involves working with your

Your humble opinion doesn't get much ruder...

Perhaps you meant anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of
regular expressions after some experience with programming should not
attempt to write computer programs at all! Then at least newbies would
have a leg to stand on.

Otherwise, you're practically cutting off all entrances into the world
of programming! The concept of regular expressions isn't exactly the
simplest one out there. Just because you understood it immediately
(which I'm guessing you did, considering your harsh response), doesn't
mean others find the concept that simple.


Re: regular expression

2006-12-24 Thread js
I'm a great fan of regexp because it has great power and flexibility.
if you don't like it I suggest you to read Mastering Regular Expressions.

Yes, sometimes it might be hard to understand bites you but
if you use it correctly, it works great.

On 18 Dec 2006 20:25:32 -0800, Asper Faner
 I seem to always have hard time understaing how this regular expression
 works, especially how on earth do people bring it up as part of
 computer programming language. Natural language processing seems not
 enough to explain by the way. Why no eliminate it ?



Re: Help with small program

2006-12-24 Thread Felix Benner
smartbei schrieb:
 Hello, I am a newbie with python, though I am having a lot of fun using
 it. Here is one of the excersizes I am trying to complete:
 the program is supposed to find the coin combination so that with 10
 coins you can reach a certain amoung, taken as a parameter. Here is the
 current program:
 coins = (100,10,5,1,0.5)
 anslist = []
 def bar(fin, hist = {100:0,10:0,5:0,1:0,0.5:0}):
   s = sum(x*hist[x] for x in hist)
   l = sum(hist.values())
   if s  fin and l  10:
   for c in coins:
   if (s+c) = fin:
   hist[c] += 1
   bar(fin, hist)
   hist[c] -= 1
   elif l==10 and s==fin and not hist in anslist:
 print anslist
 The problem is that if I run it, anslist prints as [{0.5: 0, 1: 0, 10:
 0, 100: 0, 5: 0}], which doesnt even add up to 50. When I check how
 many times the program has reached the #p1 by sticking a print there,
 it only reaches it once, and it comes out correct. why is it that this
 result is replaced by the incorrect final one?

hist is stored in anslist as a pointer only, therfore the hist[c] -= 1
operates on the same dict as is stored in the anslist. Try the following
in the python interpreter:

a = { 'key' : 1 }
l = [a]
l[0]['key'] -= 1

instead use:


which will copy the dict.

Re: problem with PIPE

2006-12-24 Thread Felix Benner
Dhika Cikul schrieb:
 I'm new in Python, i don't know my subject is correct or wrong. I have
 problem with my script. I want to change password with passwd password
 in python without user submitted anything from keyboard. I get
 tutorial that i must use pipe to process this. And this is my code :
   2. #!/usr/bin/python
   4. import os
   6. COMMAND = 'passwd'
   7. PASSWD  = 'mypassword'
   9. # open a pipe to passwd program and
  10. # write the data to the pipe
  11. p = os.popen(%s % COMMAND, 'w')
  12. p.write(PASSWD)
  13. p.write('\n')
  14. p.write(PASSWD)
  15. p.close()
 but i got this error :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cp]$ ./password
Changing password for user cp.
Changing password for cp
(current) UNIX password: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
 Anyone can help me how to write to pipe.. i try several method, and
 always fail.

I guess the passwd program doesn't allow changing passwords from a pipe
since it is a potential security hole.

Re: some OT: how to solve this kind of problem in our program?

2006-12-24 Thread bearophileHUGS
Using Psyco this version is much faster, you can test it on your PC
compared to the other one (the whole running time, Psyco compilation
Psyco is unable to speed up generator functions, so you have to return
true lists.
Giving the func to the permutation function, you can avoid lot of list
copying and unpacking.

import psyco
except ImportError:

d0, d1 = 1, 2

def func(p):
a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2,c0,c1,c2 = p
# do application evaluation here
b1b2 = 10*b1+b2
a1a2 = 10*a1+a2
c1c2 = 10*c1+c2
if d1*a0*b1b2*c1c2 + d1*b0*a1a2*c1c2 + d1*c0*a1a2*b1b2 \
   == d0*a1a2*b1b2*c1c2:
return sorted( [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] )
return None

def accepted_permutations(alist, func):
# func must return None for the unacceptable results
# Algoritm from Phillip Paul Fuchs, modified
result = []
items = alist[:]
n = len(alist)
p = range(n+1)
i = 1
r = func(alist)
if r is not None: result.append(r)
while i  n:
p[i] -= 1
if i  1:
j = p[i]
j = 0
alist[j], alist[i] = alist[i], alist[j]
r = func(alist)
if r is not None: result.append(r)
i = 1
while p[i] == 0:
p[i] = i
i += 1
return result

def main():
  result = []
  for aresult in accepted_permutations(range(1, 10), func):
if aresult not in result:
  [[a0, a1, a2], [b0, b1, b2], [c0, c1, c2]] = aresult
  print '  %0d %0d %0d %0d' % (a0, b0, c0, d0)
  print '--- + --- + --- = ---'
  print ' %0d%0d%0d%0d%0d%0d




Re: Connection python with C

2006-12-24 Thread vasudevram

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Χρυσάνθη Αϊναλή wrote:

  I want to connect a script in python with a source code in C. Any
  ideas about it?


Just a suggestion: another way could be to use XML-RPC. It's a
lightweight distributed computing technology. Python standard library
has an XML-RPC module. I'm not sure, but I think there may be a similar
module for C. I'm almost certain there is one for C++. Try
or and also Google for appropriate patterns, e.g. XML-RPC
library for C. Try a few variations on the pattern, that helps.

Yet another way - might be suitable only if your Python script and your
C program can both read/write standard input/output, and one is a
producer and the other is the related consumer.
In this case you can just use:

$ python my_python_script | my_C_binary
or the other way around, as per need.

Vasudev Ram
Dancing Bison Enterprises
Check out the cool link preview feature
on my site. Free sign-up at
I'm not affiliated with


Re: regular expression

2006-12-24 Thread Stef Mientki
Dustan wrote:
 Kleine Aap wrote:
 Asper Faner wrote:

 I seem to always have hard time understaing how this regular expression
 works, especially how on earth do people bring it up as part of
 computer programming language. Natural language processing seems not
 enough to explain by the way. Why no eliminate it ?
 I.M.H.O. anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of regular
 expressions should not attempt to write computer programs at all! My
 suggestion to you would be to find a job that involves working with your
 Your humble opinion doesn't get much ruder...
 Perhaps you meant anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of
 regular expressions after some experience with programming should not
 attempt to write computer programs at all! Then at least newbies would
 have a leg to stand on.
 Otherwise, you're practically cutting off all entrances into the world
 of programming! The concept of regular expressions isn't exactly the
 simplest one out there. Just because you understood it immediately
 (which I'm guessing you did, considering your harsh response), doesn't
 mean others find the concept that simple.
I agree, and in addition:

(large) regular expressions are easy to write,
but can be almost impossible to read back !

I once had a program to generate and evaluate regular expressions,
but can't find it anymore :-(

If someone has links to regex generators/evaluators,
I'ld be much obliged.

Stef Mientki

Saw a possibly interesting Python PDF library - pyPDF

2006-12-24 Thread vasudevram

Saw a possibly interesting Python PDF library - pyPDF.
For merging/splitting PDFs and related operations.

It's at

Vasudev Ram
Dancing Bison Enterprises
Check out the cool link preview feature
on my site. Free sign-up at
I'm not affiliated with 


file/directory format/size help

2006-12-24 Thread moishyyehuda

I am writing a script to upload images. How do I check the format of
the file? How can I tell if the file is an image, movie, or text file?
I would also like to put a limit on how much a user can upload. So how
can I check how many bits, bytes, mb, gb are in a folder.

So that sums up to

#1 What type of file is the file? Is it a movie, image, or text
#2 What particular form is the file jpeg, bmp, gif etc.?
#3 The size of a directory?



Re: regular expression

2006-12-24 Thread Rad [Visual C# MVP]
On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 16:36:31 +0100, Stef Mientki wrote:

 Dustan wrote:
 Kleine Aap wrote:
 Asper Faner wrote:

 I seem to always have hard time understaing how this regular expression
 works, especially how on earth do people bring it up as part of
 computer programming language. Natural language processing seems not
 enough to explain by the way. Why no eliminate it ?
 I.M.H.O. anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of regular
 expressions should not attempt to write computer programs at all! My
 suggestion to you would be to find a job that involves working with your
 Your humble opinion doesn't get much ruder...
 Perhaps you meant anyone that is not capable to grasp the concept of
 regular expressions after some experience with programming should not
 attempt to write computer programs at all! Then at least newbies would
 have a leg to stand on.
 Otherwise, you're practically cutting off all entrances into the world
 of programming! The concept of regular expressions isn't exactly the
 simplest one out there. Just because you understood it immediately
 (which I'm guessing you did, considering your harsh response), doesn't
 mean others find the concept that simple.
 I agree, and in addition:
 (large) regular expressions are easy to write,
 but can be almost impossible to read back !
 I once had a program to generate and evaluate regular expressions,
 but can't find it anymore :-(
 If someone has links to regex generators/evaluators,
 I'ld be much obliged.
 Stef Mientki

A good tool to write, test and analyse regexes is the Regulator, available

A good reference site is, with
tutorials, examples and tools

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

2006-12-24 Thread Thomas Ploch
I wish everybody a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Have a good and beautiful new year.


turbogears app deployment

2006-12-24 Thread rick
I am trying to host a TuboGears app using Apache and mod_python on a 
machine running Windows XP SP2 Professional.

Version info: apache_2.2.3-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi, python-2.4.4.msi, 
mod_python-3.2.10.win32-py2.4-apache2.2.exe, mpcp-1.5.tar.gz, 

1. Installed Apache.

2. Installed python, turbogears, mod_python.
   Added LoadModule python_module modules/
   to conf\httpd.conf. The mod_python example is working.

3. In order to host a simple TG application, I am using the bookmarker 
application which is in the TurboGears book (v1 from Chap 4).
   That works when I run it locally on my machine (also a WinXP SP2 box).
   Copied the application to C:\Program Files\Apache Software 

4. Made the following changes to conf\httpd.conf
   Changed AllowOverride for .htaccess to:   AllowOverride All

5. Renamed start file to Created a file called 
.htaccess in bookmarker directory which has the following

SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler mpcp
PythonDebug On
PythonOption cherrysetup bookmarker_start::mp_setup

6. Copied to the bookmarker directory (tried with installing it 
using  easy_install -Z mpcp, didn't help).

7. Changed

#turbogears.start_server(Root())--- commented this line and 
added the lines below.

def mp_setup():

if __name__ == __main__:

I have restarted the Apache daemon multiple times. When I try to connect 
to http://machine/bookmarker, I get:

Mod_python error: PythonHandler mpcp

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 299, 
in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)
  File C:/Program Files/Apache Software 
Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/bookmarker/, line 38, in handler
setup(req, options)
  File C:/Program Files/Apache Software 
Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/bookmarker/, line 22, in setup
cherrypy.server.start(init_only=True, server_class=None)
line 72, in start
line 91, in start
autoreload.main(self._start, freq=freq)
line 63, in main

SystemExit: 1

Any idea what the problem is? Thanks for your help.

Re: Help with small program

2006-12-24 Thread smartbei

Felix Benner wrote:
 smartbei schrieb:
  Hello, I am a newbie with python, though I am having a lot of fun using
  it. Here is one of the excersizes I am trying to complete:
  the program is supposed to find the coin combination so that with 10
  coins you can reach a certain amoung, taken as a parameter. Here is the
  current program:
  coins = (100,10,5,1,0.5)
  anslist = []
  def bar(fin, hist = {100:0,10:0,5:0,1:0,0.5:0}):
  s = sum(x*hist[x] for x in hist)
  l = sum(hist.values())
  if s  fin and l  10:
  for c in coins:
  if (s+c) = fin:
  hist[c] += 1
  bar(fin, hist)
  hist[c] -= 1
  elif l==10 and s==fin and not hist in anslist:
  print anslist
  The problem is that if I run it, anslist prints as [{0.5: 0, 1: 0, 10:
  0, 100: 0, 5: 0}], which doesnt even add up to 50. When I check how
  many times the program has reached the #p1 by sticking a print there,
  it only reaches it once, and it comes out correct. why is it that this
  result is replaced by the incorrect final one?

 hist is stored in anslist as a pointer only, therfore the hist[c] -= 1
 operates on the same dict as is stored in the anslist. Try the following
 in the python interpreter:

 a = { 'key' : 1 }
 l = [a]
 l[0]['key'] -= 1

 instead use:


 which will copy the dict.

BTW - its hist.items(), after that it worked.


Re: problem with PIPE

2006-12-24 Thread Cameron Laird
Felix Benner  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dhika Cikul schrieb:
 I'm new in Python, i don't know my subject is correct or wrong. I have
 problem with my script. I want to change password with passwd password
 in python without user submitted anything from keyboard. I get
[other issues I
don't choose to
address now]
I guess the passwd program doesn't allow changing passwords from a pipe
since it is a potential security hole.

This is exactly the domain Pexpect addresses URL: .

terminology question - foreign function library

2006-12-24 Thread mirandacascade
I am prompted to make these inquiries after seeing the following link
to ctypes:

in which ctypes is described as a foreign function library.

What is the definition of foreign function library?
Is the concept different from a package?
Is the concept different from a module?

Thank you.


Re: Fall of Roman Empire

2006-12-24 Thread Dan Bishop
Dec 20, 10:36 am, Felix Benner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 static int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 char *god_name;
 if (argc)
 god_name = argv[1];
 god_name = YHWH;
 metaPower God = getGodByName(god_name);
 universe *everything = makeUniverse(God);
 while (simulatePhysics(everything));
 return 0;

This won't work if there are no command-line arguments.  You mean if
(argc  1).


Re: consequence and life

2006-12-24 Thread marika

Lester Mosley wrote:
 I alway wondered if you are smelling a flower in a dream while on some
 crazy herbal medication. are you smelling the flower that is in the
 drug or a a flower that you once smelled when you were three years old
 on your daddy's knee ofr when you were bent over in the park looking
 for your lost keys.

that can easily be answered by viewing the movie Brainstorm.

Christopher Foof Walken was on TV today,as a matter of fact.


If he is, he's in the vast minority.--george w


Re: terminology question - foreign function library

2006-12-24 Thread Terry Reedy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
|I am prompted to make these inquiries after seeing the following link
| to ctypes:
| in which ctypes is described as a foreign function library.
| What is the definition of foreign function library?

A library for connecting to and making use of foreign functions,
which are functions written in a foreign (to Python) language
and usually not particularly designed with Python in mind.

| Is the concept different from a package?
| Is the concept different from a module?

Ctypes is one particular module with the particular purpose given.
A module in general can be for any purpose.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Use a Thread to reload a Module?

2006-12-24 Thread Aahz
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gregory_Pi=F1ero?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That module deals with accessing data from QuickBooks, marshaling it,
and providing methods to access the marshaled data.  Having the server
program keep that module and all of its data in memory makes the
server run really fast, but yeah, it does get complicated now that
it's storing 100's of MB of data.  I guess most people go to a
database at this point?

Very, very yes.  Try using a SQLite in-memory database, maybe?

It's just so easy to store the data in the Python objects I already
need them in instead of converting to tables in a DB and then
converting back.  So maybe this threading will work for me.

You might well run into problems with the import lock.  I strongly
advise against your current approach.

I support family values -- Addams family values

thread and command-line communicating

2006-12-24 Thread Siamak
I'm a newbie to Python.
How can I have a thread (say a Tkinter window) alongside with the
command-line interpretor?
I'd like to have my thread handling events and exceptions, while I do
stuff in the command-line, possibly signaling the thread, or
terminating it, etc.
Is that possible?


Re: terminology question - foreign function library

2006-12-24 Thread Gary Herron
 I am prompted to make these inquiries after seeing the following link
 to ctypes:

 in which ctypes is described as a foreign function library.

 What is the definition of foreign function library?
 Is the concept different from a package?
 Is the concept different from a module?
Neither. If you have a library, completely unrelated to Python, but you 
would like to make calls into it from Python, there are several ways to 

(A good example of such a library is the OpenGL library: 

You can craft an extension to Python, written in C perhaps and linked to 
the DLL in question, that provides functions which can be called from 
Python and which make the appropriate calls into the DLL. (Several 
products help with building of such an extension module, SWIG being the 
one I've used.)

A newer alternative to building such extensions is ctypes. If you can 
discern (from the documentation) the exact calling parameters footprint 
to a function in a DLL, then ctypes can directly call that function with 
your parameters. This is done directly in Python and ctypes without the 
need for building any extension module.

Gary Herron
 Thank you.



module hierarchy snapshot

2006-12-24 Thread km


Is there any good tool get a snapshot of module hierarchy for custom python
modules ?


Re: file/directory format/size help

2006-12-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 07:45:32 -0800, moishyyehuda wrote:

 I am writing a script to upload images. How do I check the format of
 the file? How can I tell if the file is an image, movie, or text file?
 I would also like to put a limit on how much a user can upload. So how
 can I check how many bits, bytes, mb, gb are in a folder.
 So that sums up to
 #1 What type of file is the file? Is it a movie, image, or text

In the Windows world, one simply looks at the file extension (e.g. .gif,
.avi, .txt, etc.) and hopes that it is correct.

In the Linux world, there is a command file that tries to guess the file
type, by looking at some combination of extension and/or signature bytes
inside the file.

Classic Macintosh OS kept file-type metadata as part of the file system; I
don't know what OS X based Macintoshes do.

Why do you care what the format of the file is? Can't you let the user
upload whatever file they like?

 #2 What particular form is the file jpeg, bmp, gif etc.?

I don't understand the question. What do you mean form?

 #3 The size of a directory?

Directories themselves generally are a fixed size, e.g. on my ext3 file
system my directories are typically 4K in size. But that's probably not
what you mean :-)

I assume you mean the size of all the files in a directory combined. You
have to get the size of each file, and add them all together. If you use
Google, you will find Python code to do that. Try looking on the
ActiveState Python Cookbook:



Re: file/directory format/size help

2006-12-24 Thread Stef Mientki

 #1 What type of file is the file? Is it a movie, image, or text
 In the Windows world, one simply looks at the file extension (e.g. .gif,
 .avi, .txt, etc.) and hopes that it is correct.
or simply use TRID:

Stef Mientki

Re: Multi-line docstrings

2006-12-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan Booth wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Python docs recommend the use of triple-quoted string literals for
 docstrings, e.g.
 def Meet(Alice, Bob) :
 arranges a meeting between Alice and Bob.
 Returns a reference to the meeting booking object.
 #end Meet
 However, these tend to get messed up by indentation whitespace, which
 gets spuriously included as part of the string.
 Not spuriously included: included by design, but sometimes annoying.

The problem is that the treatment of indentation whitespace in triple-quoted
strings is at odds with its use for syntax purposes elsewhere in the

Instead of preserving all included whitespace, a better rule for
triple-quoted strings might be to strip whitespace up to the current
indentation level from each continuation line. That is, each line _must_
begin with at least that amount of whitespace, otherwise it's an error; any
extra whitespace is preserved. E.g.

a = two lines
  of text

being equivalent to

a = two lines\n  of text

Or, a simpler rule might be to strip _all_ whitespace at the start of each
continuation line, regardless of indentation level. So the triple-quoted
example above becomes equivalent to

a = two lines\nof text

If you _want_ to include some whitespace at the start of a continuation
line, simply precede it by something that isn't literal whitespace:

a = two lines
 \x20 of text

becomes equivalent to

a = two lines\n  of text

(It might be nice if \  was recognized as equivalent to \x20 for this

method names in __slots__ ??

2006-12-24 Thread John Machin
I have stumbled across some class definitions which include all/most
method names in a __slots__ declaration. A cut-down and disguised
example appears at the end of this posting.

Never mind the __private_variables and the getter/setter approach, look
at the list of methods in the __slots__.

I note that all methods in an instance of a slotted class are read-only
irrespective of whether their names are included in __slots__ or not:
Given a = Adder(),
a.tally = 0
gets AttributeError: 'Adder' object attribute 'tally' is read-only
a.notinslots = 1
gets AttributeError: 'Adder' object attribute 'notinslots' is read-only

So is there some magic class-fu going down here, or is this just a
waste of memory space in the instances?

=== example ===
# class with method names in __slots__

class Adder(object):

__slots__ = [
# methods
# private variables
# public variables

def __init__(self, start=0):
self.__value = start
self.__foo = 666 = None
self.zot = 42

def tally(self, amount):
self.__value += amount

def get_value(self):
return self.__value

def set_foo(self, arg):
self.__foo = arg

def get_foo(self):
return self.__foo

def notinslots(self):
=== end of example ===


Why does Python never add itself to the Windows path?

2006-12-24 Thread Ben Sizer
I've installed several different versions of Python across several
different versions of MS Windows, and not a single time was the Python
directory or the Scripts subdirectory added to the PATH environment
variable. Every time, I've had to go through and add this by hand, to
have something resembling a usable Python installation. No such
problems on Linux, whether it be Mandrake/Mandriva, Fedora Core, or
Kubuntu. So why is the Windows install half-crippled by default? I just
rediscovered this today when trying to run one of the Turbogears
scripts, but this has puzzled me for years now.

Ben Sizer


Re: Why does Python never add itself to the Windows path?

2006-12-24 Thread vbgunz

Ben Sizer wrote:
 I've installed several different versions of Python across several
 different versions of MS Windows, and not a single time was the Python
 directory or the Scripts subdirectory added to the PATH environment
 variable. Every time, I've had to go through and add this by hand, to
 have something resembling a usable Python installation. No such
 problems on Linux, whether it be Mandrake/Mandriva, Fedora Core, or
 Kubuntu. So why is the Windows install half-crippled by default? I just
 rediscovered this today when trying to run one of the Turbogears
 scripts, but this has puzzled me for years now.
 Ben Sizer

excellent question


Unescaping URLs in Python

2006-12-24 Thread John Nagle
Here's a URL from a link on the home page of a major company.

a href=/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112amp;id=1860142About Us/a

Yes, that amp; is in the source text of the page.

This is, in fact, correct HTML. See

 What's the appropriate Python function to call to unescape a URL which 
contain things like that?  Will this interfere with the usual % type escapes
in URLs?

 What's actually needed to get this right is something that goes from
HTML escaped form to URL escaped form, because, in general, there is no
unescaped form that will work for all URLs.

There's htmldecode at;, which works,
but this should be a standard library function.

John Nagle

Re: Why does Python never add itself to the Windows path?

2006-12-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't seem to have any problem running python programs regardless of
where they are.  My platform is windows xp and I have run both 2.4 and
2.5 more details about what version of windows you are running might be

vbgunz wrote:
 Ben Sizer wrote:
  I've installed several different versions of Python across several
  different versions of MS Windows, and not a single time was the Python
  directory or the Scripts subdirectory added to the PATH environment
  variable. Every time, I've had to go through and add this by hand, to
  have something resembling a usable Python installation. No such
  problems on Linux, whether it be Mandrake/Mandriva, Fedora Core, or
  Kubuntu. So why is the Windows install half-crippled by default? I just
  rediscovered this today when trying to run one of the Turbogears
  scripts, but this has puzzled me for years now.
  Ben Sizer
 excellent question


Re: Help with small program

2006-12-24 Thread Paul Watson
smartbei wrote:
 Felix Benner wrote:
 smartbei schrieb:
 Hello, I am a newbie with python, though I am having a lot of fun using
 it. Here is one of the excersizes I am trying to complete:
 the program is supposed to find the coin combination so that with 10
 coins you can reach a certain amoung, taken as a parameter. Here is the
 current program:

 coins = (100,10,5,1,0.5)
 anslist = []
 def bar(fin, hist = {100:0,10:0,5:0,1:0,0.5:0}):
 s = sum(x*hist[x] for x in hist)
 l = sum(hist.values())
 if s  fin and l  10:
 for c in coins:
 if (s+c) = fin:
 hist[c] += 1
 bar(fin, hist)
 hist[c] -= 1
 elif l==10 and s==fin and not hist in anslist:

 print anslist

 The problem is that if I run it, anslist prints as [{0.5: 0, 1: 0, 10:
 0, 100: 0, 5: 0}], which doesnt even add up to 50. When I check how
 many times the program has reached the #p1 by sticking a print there,
 it only reaches it once, and it comes out correct. why is it that this
 result is replaced by the incorrect final one?

 hist is stored in anslist as a pointer only, therfore the hist[c] -= 1
 operates on the same dict as is stored in the anslist. Try the following
 in the python interpreter:

 a = { 'key' : 1 }
 l = [a]
 l[0]['key'] -= 1

 instead use:


 which will copy the dict.
 BTW - its hist.items(), after that it worked.

An alternative.

cointypes = (100, 10, 5, 1, 0.5)
needed = {}

def coins(fin):
cur = fin
for c in cointypes:
v = int(cur / c)
if v  0:
needed[c] = v
cur -= v * c

if __name__ == '__main__':
print needed
print needed

Re: Help with small program

2006-12-24 Thread Paul Watson
Better alternative.

cointype = (100, 10, 5, 1, 0.5)

def coins(fin):
needed = {}
for c in cointypes:
v, r = divmod(fin, c)
if v  0:
needed[c] = v
fin = r
return needed

if __name__ == '__main__':
print coins(51)
print coins(127)
print coins[12.5)

Re: Unescaping URLs in Python

2006-12-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Nagle

 Here's a URL from a link on the home page of a major company.
 a href=/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112amp;id=1860142About Us/a
 What's the appropriate Python function to call to unescape a URL
 which might contain things like that?

Just use any HTML-parsing library. I think the standard Python HTMLParser
will do the trick, provided there aren't any errors in the HTML.

 Will this interfere with the usual % type escapes in URLs?

No. Just think of it as an HTML attribute value; the fact that it's a URL is
a question of later interpretation, nothing to do with the fact that it
comes from an HTML attribute.


Re: Why does Python never add itself to the Windows path?

2006-12-24 Thread MC



Michel Claveau


How to stop program when threads is sleeping

2006-12-24 Thread many_years_after
Hi, pythoners:

  There is a problem I couldn't dispose. I start a thread in the my
program. The thread will do something before executing time.sleep().
When the user give a signal to the main thread (such as click the 'end'
button or close the window), the thread should end it's running. But
how to end the threading when it's sleeping? I set an flag to the
thread, but it doesn't work.

  I also thought to put  'time.sleep()'   to the main thread. But I
think the main thread will not response to user's action because it is
executing sleep(). 

 Any ideas?


Website Capture

2006-12-24 Thread yoring

I want to capture a web site into gif image using Python.
I installed the PIL if it can help.


Re: textwrap.dedent replaces tabs?

2006-12-24 Thread Frederic Rentsch
Tom Plunket wrote:
 Frederic Rentsch wrote:

 Following a call to dedent () it shouldn't be hard to translate leading 
 groups of so many spaces back to tabs.

 Sure, but the point is more that I don't think it's valid to change to
 tabs in the first place.


  input = ' ' + '\t' + 'hello\n' +
  '\t' + 'world'

  output = textwrap.dedent(input)

 will yield all of the leading whitespace stripped, which IMHO is a
 violation of its stated function.  In this case, nothing should be
 stripped, because the leading whitespace in these two lines does not
 /actually/ match.  Sure, it visually matches, but that's not the point
 (although I can understand that that's a point of contention in the
 interpreter anyway, I would have no problem with it not accepting 1 tab
 = 8 spaces for indentation...  But that's another holy war.

 If I understand your problem, you want to restore the dedented line to 
 its original composition if spaces and tabs are mixed and this doesn't 
 work because the information doesn't survive dedent ().

 Sure, although would there be a case to be made to simply not strip the
 tabs in the first place?

 Like this, keeping current functionality and everything...  (although I
 would think if someone wanted tabs expanded, they'd call expandtabs on
 the input before calling the function!):

 def dedent(text, expand_tabs=True):
 dedent(text : string, expand_tabs : bool) - string

 Remove any whitespace than can be uniformly removed from the left
 of every line in `text`, optionally expanding tabs before altering
 the text.

 This can be used e.g. to make triple-quoted strings line up with
 the left edge of screen/whatever, while still presenting it in the
 source code in indented form.

 For example:

 def test():
 # end first line with \ to avoid the empty line!
 s = '''\
 \t  world
 print repr(s) # prints ' hello\n\t  world\n'
 print repr(dedent(s))  # prints ' hello\n\t  world\n'
 if expand_tabs:
 text = text.expandtabs()
 lines = text.split('\n')
 margin = None
 for line in lines:
 if margin is None:
 content = line.lstrip()
 if not content:
 indent = len(line) - len(content)
 margin = line[:indent]
 elif not line.startswith(margin):
 if len(line)  len(margin):
 content = line.lstrip()
 if not content:
 while not line.startswith(margin):
 margin = margin[:-1]

 if margin is not None and len(margin)  0:
 margin = len(margin)
 for i in range(len(lines)):
 lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]

 return '\n'.join(lines)

 import unittest

 class DedentTest(unittest.TestCase):
 def testBasicWithSpaces(self):
 input = \n   Hello\n  World
 expected = \nHello\n   World
 self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input))

 def testBasicWithTabLeadersSpacesInside(self):
 input = \n\tHello\n\t   World
 expected = \nHello\n   World
 self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))
 def testAllTabs(self):
 input = \t\tHello\n\tWorld
 expected = \tHello\nWorld
 self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))
 def testFirstLineNotIndented(self):
 input = Hello\n\tWorld
 expected = input
 self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))
 def testMixedTabsAndSpaces(self):
 input =   \t Hello\n   \tWorld
 expected = \t Hello\n \tWorld
 self.failUnlessEqual(expected, dedent(input, False))
 if __name__ == '__main__':

It this works, good for you. I can't say I understand your objective. 
(You dedent common leading tabs, except if preceded by common leading 
spaces (?)). Neither do I understand the existence of indentations made 
up of tabs mixed with spaces, but that is another topic.
 I have been wasting a lot of time with things of this nature coding 
away before forming a clear conception in my mind of what my code was 
supposed to accomplish. Sounds stupid. But many problems seem trivial 
enough at first sight to create the illusion of perfect understanding. 
The encounter with the devil in the details can be put off but not 
avoided. Best to get it over with from the start and write an exhaustive 
formal description of the problem. Follows an exhaustive formal 
description of the rules for its solution. The rules can then be morphed 
into code in a straightforward manner. In other words, coding should be 
the translation of a logical system into a language a machine 
understands. It should not be the construction of the logical system. 

Re: Website Capture

2006-12-24 Thread Jonathan Curran
On Monday 25 December 2006 00:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to capture a web site into gif image using Python.
 I installed the PIL if it can help.

It can't be done with just Python  PIL, that much is for sure. First of all 
you need some sort of module/program/(whatever you want to call it) that can 
render a given webpage. Then you would proceed to capturing the graphical 
output of that module/program/...

Maybe what you should look into are graphical toolkits that possibly provide a 
HTML widget from which you can get a graphical display. WxWidgets/WxPython is 
one option, and the only other I can think of is GTK/pyGTK.

I hope this helps a little, and Merry Christmas!

- Jonathan Curran

[ python-Bugs-1612113 ] Dictionary ordering docs are too unclear of dangers

2006-12-24 Thread
Bugs item #1612113, was opened at 2006-12-09 06:57
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by ironfroggy
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Documentation
Group: None
Status: Closed
Resolution: Works For Me
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Calvin Spealman (ironfroggy)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Dictionary ordering docs are too unclear of dangers

Initial Comment:
The footnote #3 on this page of the documentation details some thoughts on the 
order of dictionaries and the results of the different key and value retreival 
methods. I think it promises more than it should. The current content tells the 
reader they can expect consistant results from a dictionary as far as order 
goes, and we know this to be simply untrue and even in the circumstances where 
its likely (but still not impossible), such as `zip(d.values(), d.keys())` 
there is not even any compelling reason to use such odd methods, making the 
very fact that the idea is documented suspect.

I recommend the footnote be removed entirely, or replaced with Keys and values 
are listed in an arbitrary order which is non-random, varies across Python 
implementations, and depends on the dictionary's history of insertions and 
deletions. Do not expect anything of the order of the items(), keys(), 
values(), iteritems(), iterkeys(), and itervalues() methods' results. 

Page in question:


Comment By: Calvin Spealman (ironfroggy)
Date: 2006-12-24 11:27

Logged In: YES 
Originator: YES

This would only fail with the use of threads or weakref callbacks, most
likely. I still think thats enough reason to take them back out. Assuring
any order at any time, reguardless of the circumstances, I feel, is just
against the concept of the dictionary.


Comment By: SourceForge Robot (sf-robot)
Date: 2006-12-23 22:20

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
the administrator of this Tracker).


Comment By: Tim Peters (tim_one)
Date: 2006-12-09 09:51

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

The statement that the various ways of extracting info from a dict are
consistent /provided that/ they're called with no intervening
modifications to the dictionary (did you miss that crucial qualification?)
is part of the language definition:  it definitely and deliberately
constrains the set of possible implementations.

The docs didn't originally say this, but people noted it was true in
then-current CPython, and asked whether they could rely on it.  At that
point, Guido decided to elevate this property of the CPython implementation
to a language requirement, and the footnote was added.

Of course you're not /required/ to rely on it ;-).


Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2006-12-09 09:31

Logged In: YES 
Originator: NO

You seem to be saying (without actually saying it) that the footnote is
untrue. Can you give an example that demonstrates it is untrue?

I believe the footnote is correct, precise, and complete as it stands, and
fail to see a bug here.


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[ python-Bugs-1621660 ] this module (Zen of Python) docs list broken URL

2006-12-24 Thread
Bugs item #1621660, was opened at 2006-12-24 11:30
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: Python Library
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Calvin Spealman (ironfroggy)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: this module (Zen of Python) docs list broken URL

Initial Comment:
The this module, the Zen of Python, has a broken (404) URL in the docs. They 
link to, which does not 
exist. Seems like a good place to keep the text, and any links to other 
resources on code beauty and such.


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