ANN: java2python 0.1

2007-02-15 Thread Troy Melhase
java2python - Java to Python Source Code Translator
java2python 0.1 Released 14 February 2007

What is java2python?
java2python is a simple but effective tool to translate Java source code into 
Python source code.  It's not perfect, and does not aspire to be.

Where can I get java2python?
java2python is available for download from Google code:

Project page:

How do I use java2python?
Like this:

$ j2py -i -o

The command has many options, and supports customization via multiple 
configuration modules.

What are the requirements?
java2python requires Python 2.5 or newer.  Previous versions may or may not 
work.  java2python requires ANTLR and PyANTLR to translate code, but 
translated code does not require ANTLR.

What else?
java2python is installed with distutils.  Refer to the Python distutils 
documentation for more information.  The digest version is:

$ tar xzf java2python-0.1.tar.gz
$ cd java2python-0.1
$ python install

java2python is licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0.  No license 
is assumed of (or applied to) translated source.

I'm very interested in your experience with java2python.  Please drop me an 
note with any feedback you have.

Troy Melhase

Description: PGP signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Pygments 0.7 Faschingskrapfn released

2007-02-15 Thread Georg Brandl
I'm very pleased to announce the third public release of Pygments,
the generic Python syntax highlighter.

Download it from, or
look at the demonstration at


The new features since 0.6 include:

* New lexers for
  * OCaml
  * Dylan
  * Java Server Pages
  * Windows batch files
  * Trac Wiki markup
  * Python tracebacks
  * ReStructuredText
  * sources.list
  * Mako templates
  * and the Befunge esoteric programming language (yay!)
* Token stream filters, which can e.g. highlight certain names or
  code tags.
* An HTML formatter that is easily subclassable.
* An option to control the command prefix for the LaTeX formatter.
* A MoinMoin parser plugin to easily get Pygments highlighting in Moin.
* ... and many little changes and fixes that are listed in the detailed


Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of
software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to
prettify source code. Highlights are:

* a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported
* special attention is paid to details increasing quality by a fair amount
* support for new languages and formats are added easily
* a number of output formats is available, presently HTML, LaTeX, RTF
  and ANSI sequences
* it is usable as a command-line tool and as a library
* ... and it highlights even Brainf*ck!

The home page is at

Read more in the FAQ list or look at the

regards and happy Valentine's day,

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Regular Toronto Python User's Group (PyGTA) meeting this Tuesday

2007-02-15 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
As usual we will be holding our PyGTA meeting at the cool and funky 
Linux Caffe, located at the corner of Grace and Harbord Streets in 
downtown Toronto.

This month's talk will be presented by our own Clifford Ilkay of Dinamis 
Corporation on using the Django web framework.  A framework that Guido 
himself has described as Pythonic and which has a reasonably large and 
devoted following in the Python web framework ecosystem.

As usual we will begin gathering, picking up delicious drinks and 
socialising around 6:30 pm, with the formal part of the meeting starting 
at 7:00pm.  We'll head out for beer, ice cream and what have you around 
8:30 or 9:00.

Maps and the like available on the wiki:

Have fun all,


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: EasyDialogs for Windows version 46691.0

2007-02-15 Thread Jimmy Retzlaff
EasyDialogs for Windows is available at:

EasyDialogs for Windows is a ctypes based emulation of the EasyDialogs
module included in the Python distribution for Mac. It attempts to be as
compatible as possible. Code using the Mac EasyDialogs module can often
be run unchanged on Windows using this module. The module has been
tested on Python 2.3 running on Windows NT, 98, XP, and 2003.

EasyDialogs is written in pure Python using Thomas Heller's ctypes
module to call Windows APIs directly. No Python GUI toolkit is used.
This means that relatively small distributions can be made with py2exe
(or its equivalents). A simple test of all the dialogs in EasyDialogs
bundled up using py2exe results in a distribution that is about 1.25MB.
Using py2exe in concert with NSIS as shown here allows the same test to
run as a single file executable that is just under 500KB.

Requires: Microsoft Windows, Python 2.3 or higher, and ctypes 0.6.3 or
higher (ctypes is included with Python 2.5 and higher, so it is not a
separate requirement there).

License: MIT

Change history:

Version 46691.0
- Fixed a bug that caused warnings with newer version of ctypes
(including the version included in Python 2.5)
- The edit box in AskString now scrolls horizontally if the entered text
does not otherwise fit
- AskFileForOpen(multiple=True) will allow multiple files to be selected
and a list of strings will be returned. If multiple is False (the
default if not specified) then only a single file can be selected and a
string is returned. This no longer seems to work on the Mac, but it's
useful enough to add it to the Windows version anyway. This change is
based on a patch contributed by Waldemar Osuch.
- Made minor changes to bring inline with SVN revision 46691 for Mac

Version 1.16.0
- Removed resource DLL, resources are now in a Python source file which
simplifies distribution of apps with py2exe
- Spelling corrections
- File open/save dialogs did not display on Windows 98
- AskString edit boxes were too short on Windows 98
- Improved display of drop down lists on Windows 98 and NT
- Made minor changes to bring inline with CVS version 1.16 for Mac

Version 1.14.0
- Initial public release


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Method overloading?

2007-02-15 Thread Troy Melhase
On 14 Feb 2007 20:54:31 -0800, placid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 class Test:
 def __init__(self):

 def puts(self, str):
 print str

 def puts(self, str,str2):
 print str,str2

you might look into the overloading module and its decorator.  source
is in the sandbox:

using it, you could re-write your example as:

from overloading import overloaded

class Test(object):

def puts(self, S):
print S

   @puts.register(object, str, str)
def puts_X(self, S, S2):
print S, S2

two things to note.  first, i changed your class to derive from
object.  I don't know if that's required, but i suspect it is.

second, i changed your argument names.  the argument names in your
example shadow built-in names.  you shouldn't do that in any case, but
it could become especially confusing using the overloaded decorator,
which relies on argument type to select the correct method.

Re: how to store and still search special characters in Python and MySql

2007-02-15 Thread Justin Ezequiel
On Feb 12, 12:26 pm, ronrsr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an MySQL database called zingers. The structure is:

 I am having trouble storing text, as typed in latter two fields.
 Special characters and punctuation all seem not to be stored and
 retrieved correctly.

 Special apostrophes and single quotes from Microsoft Word are causing
 special problem, even though I have ''ed all 's


 Input and output is through a browser.


 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position
 95: ordinal not in range(128)
   args = ('ascii', update zingers set keywords =
 'a;Action;b;Religi... \n \n \n ' where zid = 422, 95, 96, 'ordinal
 in range(128)')
   encoding = 'ascii'
   end = 96
   object = update zingers set keywords = 'a;Action;b;Religi...
 \n \n ' where zid = 422
   reason = 'ordinal not in range(128)'
   start = 95

 the characters I am trying to add are startquote and endquote copied
 and pasted from Microsoft Word.


as nobody has replied yet...perhaps the above link may help


Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On 2/15/07, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess we differ on what is obvious. This seems obvious to me:

 [1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
 (1,) + [1] = (1, 1)

I agreed with you up to this point. But this seems more obvious to me:

[1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
(1,) + [1] = [1, 1]

In other languages and situations, types are widened, 1 + 1.0 = 1.0 +
1.0. And list is wider than tuple.

mvh Björn

Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-15 Thread Anders Arnholm
Nicola Musatti [EMAIL PROTECTED] skriver:
 On Feb 14, 2:41 pm, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't forget the lack of standard garbage collection.
 memory related problems. I'm aware that most is not the same as all,
 but on the other hand garbage collection has it's problems too:

And that garbabe collection is only good for memory, garbage
collecting open files and network connections work much less
well. Giving the need to add a maonual delete function to be called
before the object is destroed when you need the life time controll.
And this having to be reflected in application depenednt way to figure
out how it works in each application.

/ Balp
-- on Balping

how do real python programmers work?

2007-02-15 Thread Tyrrell, Wendy

Wendy Tyrrell
WRL Adviser
Camden Education Business Partnership
Children, Schools and Families
London Borough of Camden
The Medburn Centre
136 Chalton Street
Phone: 020 7974 8249
Fax: 020 7383 0875
Mobile: 07815 502 024

**Volunteer for our Mentoring Programmes**
** Call or email me for details**

This e-mail may contain information which is confidential, legally privileged 
and/or copyright protected. This e-mail is intended for the addressee only. If 
you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material 
from your computer


Re: threading and multicores, pros and cons

2007-02-15 Thread Rhamphoryncus
On Feb 14, 4:30 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm. I wonder whether it would be possible to have a pair of python
 cores, one for single-threaded code (no locks necessary) and the other
 for multi-threaded code. When the Python program went from single-
 threaded to multi-threaded or multi-threaded to single-threaded there
 would be a switch from one core to the other.

I have explored this option (and some simpler variants).  Essentially,
you end up rewriting a massive amount of CPython's codebase to change
the refcount API.  Even all the C extension types assume the refcount
can be statically initialized (which may not be true if you're trying
to make it efficient on multiple CPUs.)

Once you realize the barrier for entry is so high you start
considering alternative implementations.  Personally, I'm watching
PyPy to see if they get reasonable performance using JIT.  Then I can
start hacking on it.

Adam Olsen, aka Rhamphoryncus


ZSI + mod_python

2007-02-15 Thread exhuma.twn

I tried for the last 2 hours now to somehow grasp how to use ZSI over
mod_python. It's nice that they have a code-example in the ZSI docs,
but it's incomplete and you are left guessing.

The ZSI docs I used as reference can be found on http://

Here is where I am at so far:

First I created the two files as described in the ZSI docs. Namely and The first name is obvious to someone who
has coded at least a little bit of python, but it could be explicitly
stated in the docs, so the beginners don't get stumped by a silly
filename to start with ;)
The second filename is my own concoction. I suppose it does not matter
how it's named as you specify it in the apache conf anyhow.

So. Now to the apache conf. I put the scripts into the document-root
of my server. In this case: /var/www/localhost. So this is what I
get (ommitting the unnecessary cruft -- marked it with [...]):

VirtualHost *
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost
AddHandler mod_python .py
Directory /var/www/localhost/
PythonHandler ws
PythonDebug On

This is as far as I got. Now how do I call a service from this
setting? What's the URI I need to specify in the client?

I was trying http://server/; in the browser, and it was
obviously doing *something* with the file. But I have no clue
what. Here's the output:

 Browser output for http://server/
Mod_python error: PythonHandler ws

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
299, in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)

  File /var/www/localhost/, line 9, in handler
dispatch.AsHandler(modules=(MyHandler,), request=req)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZSI-2.0_rc3-py2.4.egg/ZSI/, line 263, in AsHandler

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZSI-2.0_rc3-py2.4.egg/ZSI/, line 61, in __init__

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PyXML-0.8.4-py2.4-linux-
i686.egg/_xmlplus/dom/ext/reader/, line 65, in fromStream
success = self.parser.ParseFile(stream)

ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0

No matter what I append to the URI, it does not make a difference in
the output. And *why* am I forced to add a to the
URI? Could I not set Apache up in a way that it would use the ZSI
handler for everything that calls -- let's say -- http://
webservices.server.tld/  instead of http://webservices.server.tld/ ?

I'm off to a little bit more of testing. But any hints/input would be
kindly appreciated ;)


Re: how do real python programmers work?

2007-02-15 Thread Tim Golden
Tyrrell, Wendy wrote:

(Well, nothing)

Was that all your question, Wendy, or did you accidentally
hit the Send button too soon? You're welcome to ask here
or on the tutor list

if you want to find out about Python. Or just look at
the website:

Your organisation seems to deal with partnerships between
business and education; are you looking to promote the use
of programming in schools? Or is there something else you're

(I'm above-averagely curious because I work in Camden and
I'm involved in Youth work in Ealing).

Tim Golden

Re: ANN: py lib 0.9.0: py.test, distributed execution, microthreads ...

2007-02-15 Thread Robin Becker
holger krekel wrote:
 * py.execnet: ad-hoc code distribution to SSH, Socket and local sub processes

Good stuff, but my rather ancient win32 client could not work properly with 
SshGateway; I think plink might work.

I hacked so that the eventual command came out something like

plink -ssh MYSESSION python -u -c 'exec input()'

and then I can get a gateway open at least. The following script then works on 
my win32 box

from py.execnet import SshGateway

gw = SshGateway('MYSESSION',remotepython='python25')
channel = gw.remote_exec('channel.send(Hello From the remote world!)')
print channel.receive()

and I see

Hello From the remote world!

Robin Becker


ANN: EasyDialogs for Windows version 46691.0

2007-02-15 Thread Jimmy Retzlaff
EasyDialogs for Windows is available at:

EasyDialogs for Windows is a ctypes based emulation of the EasyDialogs
module included in the Python distribution for Mac. It attempts to be as
compatible as possible. Code using the Mac EasyDialogs module can often
be run unchanged on Windows using this module. The module has been
tested on Python 2.3 running on Windows NT, 98, XP, and 2003.

EasyDialogs is written in pure Python using Thomas Heller's ctypes
module to call Windows APIs directly. No Python GUI toolkit is used.
This means that relatively small distributions can be made with py2exe
(or its equivalents). A simple test of all the dialogs in EasyDialogs
bundled up using py2exe results in a distribution that is about 1.25MB.
Using py2exe in concert with NSIS as shown here allows the same test to
run as a single file executable that is just under 500KB.

Requires: Microsoft Windows, Python 2.3 or higher, and ctypes 0.6.3 or
higher (ctypes is included with Python 2.5 and higher, so it is not a
separate requirement there).

License: MIT

Change history:

Version 46691.0
- Fixed a bug that caused warnings with newer version of ctypes
(including the version included in Python 2.5)
- The edit box in AskString now scrolls horizontally if the entered text
does not otherwise fit
- AskFileForOpen(multiple=True) will allow multiple files to be selected
and a list of strings will be returned. If multiple is False (the
default if not specified) then only a single file can be selected and a
string is returned. This no longer seems to work on the Mac, but it's
useful enough to add it to the Windows version anyway. This change is
based on a patch contributed by Waldemar Osuch.
- Made minor changes to bring inline with SVN revision 46691 for Mac

Version 1.16.0
- Removed resource DLL, resources are now in a Python source file which
simplifies distribution of apps with py2exe
- Spelling corrections
- File open/save dialogs did not display on Windows 98
- AskString edit boxes were too short on Windows 98
- Improved display of drop down lists on Windows 98 and NT
- Made minor changes to bring inline with CVS version 1.16 for Mac

Version 1.14.0
- Initial public release


ANN: java2python 0.1

2007-02-15 Thread Troy Melhase
java2python - Java to Python Source Code Translator
java2python 0.1 Released 14 February 2007

What is java2python?
java2python is a simple but effective tool to translate Java source code into 
Python source code.  It's not perfect, and does not aspire to be.

Where can I get java2python?
java2python is available for download from Google code:

Project page:

How do I use java2python?
Like this:

$ j2py -i -o

The command has many options, and supports customization via multiple 
configuration modules.

What are the requirements?
java2python requires Python 2.5 or newer.  Previous versions may or may not 
work.  java2python requires ANTLR and PyANTLR to translate code, but 
translated code does not require ANTLR.

What else?
java2python is installed with distutils.  Refer to the Python distutils 
documentation for more information.  The digest version is:

$ tar xzf java2python-0.1.tar.gz
$ cd java2python-0.1
$ python install

java2python is licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0.  No license 
is assumed of (or applied to) translated source.

I'm very interested in your experience with java2python.  Please drop me an 
note with any feedback you have.

Troy Melhase

Description: PGP signature

Re: Exception

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Navid Parvini wrote:
 Dear All,
 Would you please tell me if there is a pysignal or method that called 
 when an exception is occurred? (I don't want to use try method)
No such method exists, and signals aren't used to generate exceptions. 
I'm afraid you want some other language, not Python.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: c++ for python programmers

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Anders Arnholm wrote:
 Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] skriver:
 On 13 Feb 2007 17:51:00 GMT, Jorgen Grahn
 Well, C++ is a better language than C in many ways. So, if he needs to learn
 one of them, why does it have to be C?

 Another reason some people choose C++ over Python for some tasks is that
 they feel that larger programs benefit from strong, static type checking.
 I like both ways, but depending on the task, one or the other is better.
 C++ is -not- strongly typed. You can cast anything to void *, and
 manipulate it in ways unimaginable. Plus there's the whole mess that
 is pointer arithmetic and a weak typesystem...
 C++ can be both, The type systenm is as fragila as you like it to be.
 I mainlty use c++ when i the need stronger typing that Python och C
 can't give me. In some ways it's even stronger types than languanges
 as Java and ObjectiveC. C++ it however at least four different
 languanges, in one ball of soupe.
Presuming when i the need is a typo for when I need the rather than 
when i feel the need for, when do you actually *need* strong typing?

By which I presume you to mean status typing, since Python is already a 
strongly-types language.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: rot13 in a more Pythonic style?

2007-02-15 Thread Andy Dingley
On 14 Feb, 21:59, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why don't you describe the actual problem instead of the rot13 analogy.

I don't know what the actual problem is! I need to perform a complex
mapping between old style structured identifiers and new style
structured identifers. As the original specification was never thought
through or written down anywhere, I'm now having to try and reverse-
engineer from 5 years of collected inconsistent practice. So far I
have about four pages of BNF to describe things and I'm still not sure
what's accurate, what's inaccurate spec and what's merely an error in
practice. Hopefully there's a neat little structure underlying it all
and a few typos I can merely ignore, but probably it really is just an
inconsistent structure that needs a lot of explicit tests around the
corner-cases to make sense of.

rot13 isn't the issue here, and I already know how to use .translate()
What I'm after is a tutorial of my Python coding style for an example
that's quite similar to the rot13 case.  Your previous posting was
very helpful here.


Re: hi all

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Sandeep Patil , Bangalore wrote:
 I get an error while I try to call python through VB.
 The error is “ Error 429: Active X cant create object”
 Pls anybody help me to call python through VB.
The problem is on line 23 of your code.

Sorry, that was a rather flip way of saying that without seeing some 
actual code it's very difficult to know what will help.

Do you get a Python stack traceback? If so that would also help.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: threading and multicores, pros and cons

2007-02-15 Thread Paul Boddie
On 15 Feb, 00:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yeah, it's the Window equivalent to fork.  Does true copy-on-write, so
 you can do efficient multiprocess work.

Aside from some code floating around the net which possibly originates
from some book on Windows systems programming, is there any reference
material on ZwCreateProcess, is anyone actually using it as fork on
Windows, and would it be in any way suitable for an implementation of
os.fork in the Python standard library? I only ask because there's a
lot of folklore about this particular function (everyone seems to
repeat more or less what you've just said), but aside from various
Cygwin mailing list threads where they reject its usage, there's
precious little information of substance.

Not that I care about Windows, but it would be useful to be able to
offer fork-based multiprocessing solutions to people using that
platform. Although the python-dev people currently seem more intent in
considering (and now hopefully rejecting) yet more syntax sugar [1],
it'd be nice to consider matters seemingly below the python-dev
threshold of consideration and offer some kind of roadmap for
convenient parallel processing.




Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
James Stroud wrote:
 Concatenating tuples and lists seems logical if you think of tuples as
 sequences.  If you think of them more like Pascal records or C structs
 instead (I believe that's Guido's perspective on tuples) then it makes no
 sense at all.


 Then iterating over them makes no sense?
Given Guido's assertions about the nature of the tuple, no it doesn't. 
But I seriously doubt that 3.0 will remove the iterable interface from 
tuples, despite its impurity.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: Newbie Question

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Stef Mientki wrote:
 On 9 fév, 14:06, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 will explain the rest
 Delphi is a (dying) proprietary, MS-Windows-only[1] software relying
 on a low-level language.
 Well it may be dying,
 but for the moment it beats Python with a factor of 10,
 when it comes to user (the majority of PC users) friendly GUI ;-)
 Would you mind explaining yourself and backing your above assertion ?
 Like, ie, on which points does Delphi beats Python wrt/ GUIs, what
 special magic would make so that GUIs designed with Delphi would be
 more user-friendly, and where does this factor 10 comes from ?

 Maybe I should have written it in quotes factor of 10 ;-)
 But here are a few points
 - in Delphi the GUI design itself is done in a graphical environment, making 
 it much easier and faster

Of course. You are comparing a Pascal-based IDE to a programming 
language. You might as well say Visual Studio is better than C.


 but to be honest ...
 ... I never even tried to write a GUI in Python, ...
 ... just looked at others examples,
 ... and still not seen what I can perform in Delphi ;-)

Ignorance is bliss. This would apparently make you a troll.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread James Stroud
BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 On 2/15/07, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess we differ on what is obvious. This seems obvious to me:

 [1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
 (1,) + [1] = (1, 1)
 I agreed with you up to this point. But this seems more obvious to me:
 [1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
 (1,) + [1] = [1, 1]
 In other languages and situations, types are widened, 1 + 1.0 = 1.0 +
 1.0. And list is wider than tuple.

They are widened by information content, not functionality. Tuples don't 
have any more information content than lists.

Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread James Stroud
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 22:21:43 -0800, James Stroud wrote:
 The user's expected behaviour for [1] + (1,) might be to return a list, or
 it might be to return a tuple. Since there is no obviously correct
 behaviour, the right thing to do is to refuse to guess.
 I guess we differ on what is obvious. This seems obvious to me:

 [1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
 (1,) + [1] = (1, 1)

 simply becuase the operand on the left should take precendence because 
 its __add__ is called and its __add__ returns a list.
 But that's data dependent. When you call 
 [1] + MyTuple(1)
 your MyTuple.__radd__ will be called first, not the list's __add__.

OK. With this you are beginning to convince me. Yes, I would want my 
__radd__ called in this case (which is a form of mind-reading, but 
necessary and convenient)--so your point is how might python read one's 
mind given list and tuple. You got me there.

But you must agree that I am not an easy turn.

Re: pygame and python 2.5

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
 On Feb 13, 2:24 am, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This wouldn't be a simple project, but since there's a Windows buildbot
 for Python there's no reason why the same couldn't be done for
 extensions. I'll raise this with the PSF and see what the response is:
 then your carping will at least have had some positive effect ;-)
 Stick with it, and let's try to make things better.
 On a point of information, as it happens there's a Board meeting today
 and I have tabled the topic for discussion. Unfortunately I can't
 guarantee to attend the meeting (I am moving from the UK to the USA this
 week) but I will try to do so, and will attempt to report back to
 within a week.
 Again, thanks for listening and trying to help. Even if nothing comes
 it, at least we tried. I figure that sooner or later something has to
 done and I'd rather see it done sooner. And no, I don't think I'm
 entitled to that.

Unfortunately the matter wasn't discussed due to my enforced absence 
from the 'Net and pressure of other business. But it's on my radar now 
and I will continue to progress it.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread James Stroud
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Since tuples are immutable, I think of them as fixed data objects with
 some simple sequential structure, as opposed to lists which are much
 more dynamically accessible/updateable data containers.  Back in my
 relational database design days, I sometimes had to create a primary
 key for a table by combining values stored in two or more columns -
 neither column value alone was unique, but the combination of them
 was, and so made a good retrieval index.  In Python, such data pairs
 would be ideally represented with tuples, in support of in-memory data
 cacheing or tree indexing - for a given record, the values don't
 change, so the immutability of their tupleness doesn't get in the way.
 In similar vein, I've used tuples internally in my Python code as
 cache keys for function memoizing.  They are WORM structures - write
 once, read many - built to represent the cache value, but never

 With this idea of tuples as a data structure, I could reasonably
 interpret this:
 (1,abc,3) + [1]
 to result in (1,abc,3,[1]) just as well as (1,abc,3,1).  But
 instead of just picking one, Python complains about this, and so
 forces me to explicitly use
 (1,abc,3) + tuple([1])
 (1,abc,3) + ([1],)
 I don't think tuples are just an academic curiosity, as your post
 seems to suggest.
 -- Paul

Were lists implemented as efficiently as tuples in terms of memory and 
speed, there would be no difference except the academic one--which is 
perhaps important.

Actually, I must admit that I use them and their implicit meanings all 
the time in my code (as proof, notice in the any way to create a 
table-like object? thread how I specify column headers--its for a 
reason I use tuple in the example because the resulting data structures 
will be ordered according to the tuple passed--of course, I refuse to 
enforce this via ugly and boring type checking). For the most part, I 
ignore the implementation differences and draw the distinction at their 

Also, risking getting a reputation for being overly contentious, I think 
your argument falls apart in the latter half of your post because +, 
as far as I can tell with python sequences, is used to mean catenate 
exclusively and not append, which is what you suggest as a possibility.

Anyway, D'Arpano made an excellent point with a good mind-reading 
example and so I understand the design decision regarding catenation of 
tuples and lists more clearly now. I'm still not sure I like it, but 
there is no accounting for taste.


Re: How much memory used by a name

2007-02-15 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Bernard Lebel wrote:

 Bruno: good question. We're talking about text files that can have
 300,000 lines, if not more. Currently, the way I have coded the file
 writing, every line calls for a write() to the file object, which in
 turns write to the text file. The file is on the network.

assuming an average line length of 30 (for program code) to 60-80
characters (for human text), that's no more than 12-24 megabytes of
data.  few modern computers should have any trouble holding that in

just build the list in memory, and use a single writelines call to write
everything to disk.

(alternatively, try write(.join(data)).  that'll use twice as much memory,
but may be a little bit faster)

 This is taking a long time, and I'm looking for ways to speed up this
 process. I though that keeping the list in memory and dropping to the
 file at the very end could be a possible approach.

chances are that you're already I/O bound, though...



basic jython question

2007-02-15 Thread Gerard Flanagan
Hello all

I have a 'logger' module which is essentially just a facade over the
'logging' standard module. Can this be called from jython, and how is
this acheived? This is a colleague's question but I have no knowledge
of jython or java, and I can't install them at present in order to
figure it out.

It appears that the CPython logging builtin is not implemented in
Jython, is this correct?

The source for CPython's logging says that it should work with Python
1.5.2, so given everything from Python2.4/Lib/Logging and my own
facade module, is there any way to get it working from a jython
script? I presume they just can't be dropped in to a site-packages
directory?  I'm completely in the dark, any help?



Re: A problem of using pyfort

2007-02-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I didn't find any solutions via internet. So I really
 need your help. The OS on my computer is Fedora Core 5. Thanks in

Really? Entering the error-message and fedora core 5 brings this up as first
result in google:

So - you certainly need to improve your googling-skillz.


Re: basic jython question

2007-02-15 Thread Richard Brodie

Gerard Flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I have a 'logger' module which is essentially just a facade over the
 'logging' standard module. Can this be called from jython, and how is
 this acheived? This is a colleague's question but I have no knowledge
 of jython or java, and I can't install them at present in order to
 figure it out.

Since the CPython module is heavily influenced by the native Java logging
framework (and/or log4j), I would have thought that it would be easier
to create a Jython wrapper for those. 


Re: Method overloading?

2007-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 15 fév, 09:32, Troy Melhase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 14 Feb 2007 20:54:31 -0800, placid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  class Test:
  def __init__(self):

  def puts(self, str):
  print str

  def puts(self, str,str2):
  print str,str2

 you might look into the overloading module and its decorator.  source
 is in the sandbox:

Or have a look at Philip Eby's dispatch package, which is kind of
overloading on steroids...


Re: AUX File Writing Error

2007-02-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:34:59 -0300, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On Feb 15, 4:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way I can create an AUX.csv file without the error?

 Probably not. AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT, COM1, COM2 etc (with or without
 an extension) are reserved in Windows for specific devices for
 compatibility with MS-DOS 1.00 programs, which did that for
 compatibility with CP/M.

(This is OT now) Do you know why AUX.csv is invalid too? I can accept  
that AUX (without extension) is an invalid filename, but it is quite  
different from AUX.csv

Gabriel Genellina


Re: AUX File Writing Error

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:34:59 -0300, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 On Feb 15, 4:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way I can create an AUX.csv file without the error?
 Probably not. AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT, COM1, COM2 etc (with or without
 an extension) are reserved in Windows for specific devices for
 compatibility with MS-DOS 1.00 programs, which did that for
 compatibility with CP/M.
 (This is OT now) Do you know why AUX.csv is invalid too? I can accept  
 that AUX (without extension) is an invalid filename, but it is quite  
 different from AUX.csv
Because Windows is brain-dead? There really is no sense in looking for 
rationality where none exists. This is the way it is, and there's 
nothing you can do about it.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: How much memory used by a name

2007-02-15 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On Feb 14, 9:41 pm, Bernard Lebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is taking a long time, and I'm looking for ways to speed up this
 process. I though that keeping the list in memory and dropping to the
 file at the very end could be a possible approach.

It seems, that you're trying to reinvent wheel. Why don't you just use
g'old mmap()?


Re: basic jython question

2007-02-15 Thread Gerard Flanagan
On Feb 15, 1:53 pm, Richard Brodie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gerard Flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  I have a 'logger' module which is essentially just a facade over the
  'logging' standard module. Can this be called from jython, and how is
  this acheived? This is a colleague's question but I have no knowledge
  of jython or java, and I can't install them at present in order to
  figure it out.

 Since the CPython module is heavily influenced by the native Java logging
 framework (and/or log4j), I would have thought that it would be easier
 to create a Jython wrapper for those.

Ok, thanks.  I'll suggest that.



Re: list of range of floats

2007-02-15 Thread Bart Ogryczak
On Feb 14, 6:12 pm, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to create a list range of floats and running into problems.

I've tried it the easy way. Works.


Re: AUX File Writing Error

2007-02-15 Thread John Machin
On Feb 16, 12:13 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:34:59 -0300, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Feb 15, 4:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any way I can create an AUX.csv file without the error?

  Probably not. AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT, COM1, COM2 etc (with or without
  an extension) are reserved in Windows for specific devices for
  compatibility with MS-DOS 1.00 programs, which did that for
  compatibility with CP/M.

 (This is OT now) Do you know why AUX.csv is invalid too? I can accept
 that AUX (without extension) is an invalid filename, but it is quite
 different from AUX.csv

It is actually a valid file name, but the file is not on disk. I
presume that the OP got an error because it was in 'a' (append) mode
which requires an existing disk file. See below.

C:\junkcopy con aux.csv
1 file(s) copied.

C:\junkcopy con sux.csv
1 file(s) copied.

C:\junkdir *ux.csv
 Directory of C:\junk

16/02/2007  01:19 AM 7 sux.csv
   1 File(s)  7 bytes

Why? Who knows? We're talking CP/M, MS-DOS and Windows and you want to
know why? Probably too lazy to distinguish between 'AUX\0', 'AUX.\0'
and 'AUX.XYZ\0' ... probably stopped scanning on reaching the first
invalid character. If you're desperate to find out, dial up your
nearest RCPM and ask the sysop :-)



Re: AUX File Writing Error

2007-02-15 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:13:17 -0300, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:34:59 -0300, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Feb 15, 4:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way I can create an AUX.csv file without the error?

 Probably not. AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT, COM1, COM2 etc (with or without
 an extension) are reserved in Windows for specific devices for
 compatibility with MS-DOS 1.00 programs, which did that for
 compatibility with CP/M.

(This is OT now) Do you know why AUX.csv is invalid too? I can accept
that AUX (without extension) is an invalid filename, but it is quite
different from AUX.csv

Many programs unconditionally add an extension to a filename received
from user input or elsewhere.  To simplify dealing with files, the
open call accounts for this case, assuming that the program did not
really want to open a file on disk, but that it just accidentally added
an extension where one was not really necessary.

There /is/ a way to open an on-disk file named AUX or AUX.csv, but
it requires special spelling.  I don't remember the details at present,
but presumably if you are interested you can dig it up on MSDN.



Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Marc
On 15 feb, 07:21, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess we differ on what is obvious. This seems obvious to me:

 [1] + (1,) = [1, 1]
 (1,) + [1] = (1, 1)

 simply becuase the operand on the left should take precendence because
 its __add__ is called and its __add__ returns a list. In essence, as
 we know the obviously correct behavior for __add__ and __radd__, then it
 would be the obviously correct behavior that the above would follow.

Given those obviouses, the following seems to me:

[1] + (1,) = [1, (1,)]

That's the trouble with obvious -- my obvious may not be so obvious to
you (and vice versa). That's why the Zen of Python says In the face
of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. (Although it also says
Flat is better than nested, but I'll ignore that for now.)

Basically -- if you want Perl, you know where to find it ;-)



Re: AUX File Writing Error

2007-02-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:34:53 -0300, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  Probably not. AUX, CON, NUL, PRN, LPT, COM1, COM2 etc (with or without
  an extension) are reserved in Windows for specific devices for
  compatibility with MS-DOS 1.00 programs, which did that for
  compatibility with CP/M.

 (This is OT now) Do you know why AUX.csv is invalid too? I can accept
 that AUX (without extension) is an invalid filename, but it is quite
 different from AUX.csv

 It is actually a valid file name, but the file is not on disk. I
 presume that the OP got an error because it was in 'a' (append) mode
 which requires an existing disk file. See below.

 C:\junkcopy con aux.csv
 1 file(s) copied.

The above gives me an Access denied error; perhaps because AUX is my  
serial port and it is currently in use.

 Why? Who knows? We're talking CP/M, MS-DOS and Windows and you want to
 know why? Probably too lazy to distinguish between 'AUX\0', 'AUX.\0'
 and 'AUX.XYZ\0' ... probably stopped scanning on reaching the first
 invalid character. If you're desperate to find out, dial up your
 nearest RCPM and ask the sysop :-)

A... I think you hit the point, indirectly. On CP/M the filename was  
not stored as 'AUX\0' - remember, ONLY 8 characters plus 3 for extension,  
and NO PATH. A FileControlBlock (FCB) had exactly 11 characters reserved  
for the file name (plus the drive number). So it was actually AUX 
 vs AUX XYZ and... well, the lazyness argument again.

Gabriel Genellina


list of strings-newline

2007-02-15 Thread kavitha thankaian
  i have a list as follows
  I would like to print as 
  and then i would like to delete the  comma at the end,,say like,,
  (its always after the length is 4 i would like to write as the next line)
  if any one has any suggestions pls write to me,,

 Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers --

Re: builtin set literal

2007-02-15 Thread Steven Bethard
Schüle Daniel wrote:
 lst = list((1,2,3))
 lst = [1,2,3]
 t = tupel((1,2,3))
 t = (1,2,3)
 s = set((1,2,3))
 s = ...
 it would be nice feature to have builtin literal for set type
 maybe in P3 .. what about?
 s = 1,2,3

In Python 3.0, this looks like::

 s = {1,2,3}

More info here:


Re: threading and multicores, pros and cons

2007-02-15 Thread skip

Maric Le mercredi 14 février 2007 16:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 Some time back, a group did remove the GIL from the python core, and
 implemented locks on the core code to make it threadsafe. Well, the
 problem was that while it worked, the necessary locks it made single
 threaded code take significantly longer to execute.

Maric Very interesting point, this is exactly the sort of thing I'm
Maric looking for. Any valuable link on this ?

Google for python free threading stein then click the first link.


Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread skip

Sergey posix.stat_result is CLASS, not regular tuple.

I believe it morphed from being a tuple though.  I wasn't suggesting that
there is some other way to approximate records.  I was trying to demonstrate
the use of a tuple as a record.  It eventually became so compelling that a
new struct_time type was created.  It works both like a tuple as a class.

The notion of tuples as records in Python is not new:

Search for super tuples.


Re: Method overloading?

2007-02-15 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-02-15, placid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is it possible to be able to do the following in Python?

  class Test:
  def __init__(self):

  def puts(self, str):
  print str

  def puts(self, str,str2):
  print str,str2

  if __name__ == __main__:
  t = Test()

 You tell us: what happened when you tried it?

 Well, when i run it i get this error puts() takes exactly 3 arguments
 (2 given) which means that the second a time i try to define the
 puts() method overwrites the first one

Correct.  That means it's not possible to do what you wrote.

 And then what happens when you do this?

 class Test:
 def __init__(self):

 def puts(self, *args):
 print ' '.join(args)

 if __name__ == __main__:
 t = Test()

 but this isn't overloading.

No, it isn't.  [You can't overload methods in Python.  Was that
your question?] It is, however, the way one does what you
appear to be trying to do.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  If I am elected no
  at   one will ever have to do
   visi.comtheir laundry again!

Re: output to console and to multiple files

2007-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 14, 5:10 pm, goodwolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 like this?

 class Writers (object):

 def __init__(self, *writers):
 self.writers = writers

 def write(self, string):
 for w in self.writers:

 def flush(self):
 for w in self.writers:

 import sys

 logfile = open('log.txt', 'w')
 sys.stdout = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.out', 'w'), logfile)
 sys.stderr = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.err', 'w'), logfile)

i've tried simliar methods to this and to what Matimus wrote. I know
it works great when using print statements.
However, I'm looking to find something that will work with the output
from a subprocess, such as from spawn, os.system, os.popen, etc.


filecmp.cmp() cache

2007-02-15 Thread Mattias Brändström

I have a question about filecmp.cmp(). The short code snippet blow
does not bahave as I would expect:

import filecmp

f0 = foo.dat
f1 = bar.dat

f = open(f0, w)

f = open(f1, w)

print cmp 1:  + str(filecmp.cmp(f0, f1, False))

f = open(f1, w)

print cmp 2:  + str(filecmp.cmp(f0, f1, False))

I would expect the second comparison to return False instead of True.
Looking at the docs for filecmp.cmp() I found the following: This
function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results, with a
cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures.. I guess
that this is the reason for my test case failing.

Is there someone here that can tell me how I should invalidate this
cache? If that is not possible, what workaround could I use? I guess
that I can write my own file comparison function, but I would not like
to have to do that since we have filecmp.

Any ideas?



Re: rot13 in a more Pythonic style?

2007-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 14, 11:46 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:04:17 -0300, Andy Dingley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I still don't understand what a lambda is _for_ in Python. I know what
  they are, I know what the alternatives are, but I still haven't found
  an instance where it permits something novel to be done that couldn't
  be done otherwise (if maybe not so neatly).

 A lambda is a shorthand for a simple anonymous function. Any lambda can be
 written as a function:

 lambda args: expression

 is the same as:

 def __anonymous(args): return expression

 (but the inverse is not true; lambda only allows a single expression in
 the function body).

 Except for easy event binding in some GUIs, deferred argument evaluation,
 and maybe some other case, the're not used much anyway. Prior common usage
 with map and filter can be replaced by list comprehensions (a lot more
 clear, and perhaps as fast - any benchmark?)

 Gabriel Genellina

They are still useful for reduce(), which has no listcomp equivalent
that I know of.


Re: output to console and to multiple files

2007-02-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Feb 14, 6:52 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 19:28:34 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  I'm looking for a way to output stdout/stderr (from a subprocess or
  spawn) to screen and to at least two different files.

 Look at the tee command. If you control the subprocess, and it's written
 in Python, using the Python recipes would be easier and perhaps you have
 more control.
 But if you can't modify the subprocess, you'll have to use tee.

 Gabriel Genellina

Tee, the unix function? Or is there a tee that is python?


The Python interactive interpreter has no command history

2007-02-15 Thread ThomasC

How to configure Python2.5's interactive interpreter to get command
history ?

I always got ^[[A and ^[[B .

Thank you !!



Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-14, Farshid Lashkari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
 [1, 1]

 Are list.extend() and list concatenation supposed to behave
 differently? I always thought concatenation was just shorthand
 for calling extend().

They are different. list.extend() mutates the list, returning
None, while the + operator returns a new, concatenated list.

+= on the other hand works very similarly to list.extend().

 [1, 2].extend([3])
 [1, 2] += [3]
SyntaxError: augmented assign to list literal or comprehension not possible

 It seems like the '+' operator for lists should accept any
 iterable for the right side argument to be consistent with
 extend() and the '+=' operator.

+= will only perform the operation in place whenever possible,
so there are objects for which a conversion to .extend wouldn't
work, and you'd get an actual call of the + operation followed by
the assignment operation.

Neil Cerutti
I don't know what to expect right now, but we as players have to do what we've
got to do to make sure that the pot is spread equally. --Jim Jackson

Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since tuples are immutable, I think of them as fixed data objects with
 some simple sequential structure, as opposed to lists which are much
 more dynamically accessible/updateable data containers.  

Me, too. There are plenty of things that aren't strictly a
sequence, but which you sometimes want to iterate over anyhow.
If I had a set of fast, overpriced luxury cars in my garage, I
would sometimes want to do something to each one (like wash
them), even though they really aren't in any sequence.

Dictionary keys are the same sort of thing. Even though they
aren't in any sequence, it's still useful to iterate over them.

Neil Cerutti

Re: Method overloading?

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def multiAccept( argOfVariousTypes ):
 if isinstance(argOfVariousTypes,int):
 # treat like an int
 elif isinstance(argOfVariousTypes,float):
 # treat like a float
 elif isinstance(argOfVariousTypes,(list,tuple)):
 # treat like a container

 Is that really called overloading? I've never (knowingly)
 come across the term being used in that context before. I've
 always known that as multiple dispatch or polymorphism,
 depending on whether you or the compiler handles the

It's due to vague terminology that we're using.

What the OP wanted to know about was static polymorphism of names
based on function signatures, often refered to informally in the
context of C++ as function overloading, though it's really
identifier overloading where identifier refers to a function or
member function.

What Python provides is dynamic polymorphism of names with

I think. ;-)

Neil Cerutti

Re: Recursive calls and stack

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:41:53 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 So the effect is that mutual recursion isn't actually any

 But some kind of language support is required in this case. At
 least I  don't know how to handle mutual recursion (apart from
 inlining one  function inside the other...). But I'm certainly
 not a program  transformation guru (neither a novice!) so I
 would not be surprised if  someone says it can be done...

What happens (using the model of an imaginary virtual machine,
perhaps like the Python interpreter) is the following.

A normal function call pushes a call-frame onto a stack. The
call-frame contains information necessary for returning from the
function, and usually a place to store its local variables and

A function called in tail position simply overwrites the
current call-frame with the new one instead of pushing it onto
the stack.

Neil Cerutti
The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment, and
gracious hostility. --Church Bulletin Blooper

Re: output to console and to multiple files

2007-02-15 Thread Matimus
 On Feb 14, 5:10 pm, goodwolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  like this?

  class Writers (object):

  def __init__(self, *writers):
  self.writers = writers

  def write(self, string):
  for w in self.writers:

  def flush(self):
  for w in self.writers:

  import sys

  logfile = open('log.txt', 'w')
  sys.stdout = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.out', 'w'), logfile)
  sys.stderr = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.err', 'w'), logfile)

 i've tried simliar methods to this and to what Matimus wrote. I know
 it works great when using print statements.
 However, I'm looking to find something that will work with the output
 from a subprocess, such as from spawn, os.system, os.popen, etc.

I think you should be able to use my or goodwolf's solution with the
subprocess module. Something like this (untested):

class TeeFile(object):
def __init__(self,*files):
self.files = files
def write(self,txt):
for fp in self.files:

if __name__ == __main__:
import sys
from subprocess import Popen

command = whatever you want to run
outf = file(log.out,w)
errf = file(log.err,w)
allf = file(log.txt,w)
stdout = TeeFile(sys.__stdout__,outf,allf),
stderr = TeeFile(sys.__stderr__,errf,allf)


Re: filecmp.cmp() cache

2007-02-15 Thread Peter Otten
Mattias Brändström wrote:

 I have a question about filecmp.cmp(). The short code snippet blow
 does not bahave as I would expect:
 import filecmp
 f0 = foo.dat
 f1 = bar.dat
 f = open(f0, w)
 f = open(f1, w)
 print cmp 1:  + str(filecmp.cmp(f0, f1, False))
 f = open(f1, w)
 print cmp 2:  + str(filecmp.cmp(f0, f1, False))
 I would expect the second comparison to return False instead of True.
 Looking at the docs for filecmp.cmp() I found the following: This
 function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results, with a
 cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures.. I guess
 that this is the reason for my test case failing.
 Is there someone here that can tell me how I should invalidate this
 cache? If that is not possible, what workaround could I use? I guess
 that I can write my own file comparison function, but I would not like
 to have to do that since we have filecmp.
 Any ideas?

You can clear the cache with

filecmp._cache = {}

as a glance into the filecmp module would have shown.
If you don't want to use the cache at all (untested):

class NoCache:
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
def get(self, key):
return None
filecmp._cache = NoCache()

Alternatively an update to Python 2.5 might work as the type of 
os.stat(filename).st_mtime was changed from int to float and now offers
subsecond resolution.


Re: multiple inheritance of a dynamic list of classes?

2007-02-15 Thread Michele Simionato
On Feb 13, 9:14 am, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Avoid inheritance would be almost as justified :-)

Yep, I strongly agree. Inheritance is overrated, as Guido says.
For what concerns the debate of multiple vs single inheritance, yes it
is true
that multiple inheritance is worse, but even single inheritance can be
enough, unfortunately :-(
The issue is that inheritance *does not scale*: i.e. in simple
it works fine, but it has the tendence to becomes unmanageable very
In other words, if you are inheriting just two or three methods it may
works, but when
you start having dozens of methods inherited from different sources,
your code will
become to look as spaghetti code.
This is why in general I (as many people here) suggest delegation over

  Michele Simionato

-- making no match == 0

2007-02-15 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
Hey all,

I have a search:

VAR =*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? , pcpT9, re.S 
).group(1)  #.split()[1]

that does not match (sometimes it will and sometimes it will not match)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File P:\Burke\TRACKERS\Ortho-McNeil\Automation\Wave3\, line 53, in ?
VAR =*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? , pcpT9, re.S 
).group(1)  #.split()[1]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

Is there a way in python to make this non match equal a value (say, 0)?

This one line is actually a series of searches

VAR = [*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? % i, pcpT9, re.S 
).group(1) for i in Reasons ]  #.split()[1]

and one of the items in the array may or may not be present.


Re: multiple inheritance of a dynamic list of classes?

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Michele Simionato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 13, 9:14 am, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Avoid inheritance would be almost as justified :-)

 In other words, if you are inheriting just two or three methods
 it may works, but when you start having dozens of methods
 inherited from different sources, your code will become to look
 as spaghetti code. This is why in general I (as many people
 here) suggest delegation over inheritance.

I consider inheritance in Python when I see that the class I'm
implementing contains some sort of status code that controls

For example:

class Stream(object):
  def __init__(self, readable, writable):
if readable and writable:
  self.io_type = 'inout'
elif readable:
  self.io_type = 'out'
  self.io_type = 'in'

That code sets me to thinking I'll get good mileage from:

class Stream(object):

class InStream(object):

class OutStream(object):

class InOutStream(object):

I always get myself into trouble when I try to design a class
hierarchy *before* I see something like that.

Neil Cerutti

Re: The Python interactive interpreter has no command history

2007-02-15 Thread Eduardo \EdCrypt\ O. Padoan

 How to configure Python2.5's interactive interpreter to get command
 history ?

 I always got ^[[A and ^[[B .

Are you using Ubuntu? The last comes with 2.4.x and 2.5. This only
occurs on 2.5. This happens when you compile Python with libreadline
installed, AFAIK.
FIll a bug in the Ubuntu launchpad. You can install libreadline (and
build-essential), download the 2.5 source and compile yourself.

EduardoOPadoan (eopadoan-altavix::com)

Re: The Python interactive interpreter has no command history

2007-02-15 Thread Laurent Rahuel

You need to have readline installed.


ThomasC wrote:

 How to configure Python2.5's interactive interpreter to get command
 history ?
 I always got ^[[A and ^[[B .
 Thank you !!


Re: builtin set literal

2007-02-15 Thread Schüle Daniel
faulkner schrieb:
 On Feb 14, 11:55 am, Schüle Daniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 lst = list((1,2,3))
 lst = [1,2,3]

 t = tupel((1,2,3))
 t = (1,2,3)

 s = set((1,2,3))
 s = ...

 it would be nice feature to have builtin literal for set type
 maybe in P3 .. what about?
 s = 1,2,3

 Regards, Daniel
 sets aren't quite that useful or common. just use a list.
 and '' and '' already have syntactic meanings.

well, I thought about this
the empty set  has the meaning of != now
as far as I remember is  depricated and will disappear
When they are gone in P3000,  could be reused as empty set.

 and that would make python look more like C++, which nobody wants.

I dont think that actually many people fear this.
we have {} for dicts and I doubt anybody mistake them for C++ brakets.

In my previuos post I forgot to mention

d = dict()
d = {}

s = set()
s = 

why not, on the first sight everybody will see ... here our
algorithmus deals with unique things/objects ... put in a set.

Regards, Daniel

Re: builtin set literal

2007-02-15 Thread Schüle Daniel
Steven Bethard schrieb:
 Schüle Daniel wrote:

 lst = list((1,2,3))
 lst = [1,2,3]

 t = tupel((1,2,3))
 t = (1,2,3)

 s = set((1,2,3))
 s = ...

 it would be nice feature to have builtin literal for set type
 maybe in P3 .. what about?
 s = 1,2,3
 In Python 3.0, this looks like::
 s = {1,2,3}

jepp, that looks not bad .. as in a mathe book.
the only disadvantage I see, that one may confuse it with a dict.

Regards, Daniel

Re: How to write a programe that include both pipe(low speed system call) and signal

2007-02-15 Thread Jordan
On Feb 15, 2:51 am, Marco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have know that signal will interrupt some kind low speed system
 call like pipe. But how to design a program that both support signal
 and pipe?

 I have a to play movie via os.popen2() and mplayer
 slave mode. And there is a send signal to to
 trigger function from  Sometimes os.popen2() is reading or
 writing when user run the bad things raise...

 Is there some better way to design the programe?  Thank you

 LinuX Power

Take a look at the subprocess module, which is meant to replace
popen[1,2,3...]().  Also, please try to explain the problem again,
because I just can't decypher everything you're trying to do (and



Re: list of range of floats

2007-02-15 Thread Steve
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:57:45 -0800, Bart Ogryczak wrote:

 On Feb 14, 6:12 pm, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to create a list range of floats and running into problems.
 I've tried it the easy way. Works.

Thanks Bart, I'll give it a try



Re: making no match == 0

2007-02-15 Thread Peter Otten
Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 I have a search:
 VAR =*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? , pcpT9, re.S
 ).group(1)  #.split()[1]
 that does not match (sometimes it will and sometimes it will not match)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File P:\Burke\TRACKERS\Ortho-McNeil\Automation\Wave3\, line 53,
   in ?
 VAR =*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? , pcpT9,
 re.S ).group(1)  #.split()[1]
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
 Is there a way in python to make this non match equal a value (say,

match =
if match:
value =
value = default

Wrap that into a function and you can use it inside a list comprehension.

 This one line is actually a series of searches
 VAR = [*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? % i, pcpT9,
 re.S ).group(1) for i in Reasons ]  #.split()[1]
 and one of the items in the array may or may not be present.

How about a slightly different approach (untested):

r = re.compile(r(%s).*?\n[\sA-Za-z\(\)\/\-]+\d(.*?)\n.*? %
|.join(reasons), re.S)
groups = dict(m.groups() for m in r.finditer(pcpT9))
VAR = [groups.get(reason, 0) for reason in reasons]

I recommend that you don't create the VAR list and use groups directly.
If you are using Python 2.5 you can replace the builtin dict with a


TKinter newbie

2007-02-15 Thread Gigs_
Hi Im new to gui programming

from Tkinter import *  # get widget classes
from tkMessageBox import askokcancel   # get canned std dialog

class Quitter(Frame):  # subclass our GUI
 def __init__(self, parent=None):   # constructor method
 Frame.__init__(self, parent)
 widget = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.quit)
 def quit(self):
 ans = askokcancel('Verify exit', Really quit?)
 if ans: Frame.quit(self)

class Demo(Frame):
 def __init__(self, parent=None):
 Frame.__init__(self, parent)
 Label(self, text=Basic demos).pack()
 for (key, value) in demos.items():
 func = (lambda key=key: self.printit(key))
 Button(self, text=key, command=func).pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
 Quitter(self).pack()# here
 def printit(self, name):
 print name, 'returns =', demos[name]()

My problem is in class Demo. How is the best way to use class Quitter in 
class Demo?
should it be:

Which Object Database would you recommend for cross platform application?

2007-02-15 Thread Thomas Ploch
Hello folks,

I am currently developing an open source Event Managment software 
(events in real-life, like concerts, exhibitions etc. :-) ) using wx for 
the GUI, and I need an Object database. Since this is the first time I 
actually need doing this, I wondered if anybody here could recommend 
one. It can be fairly simple. It doesn't need threading support and will 
only host one client (the application, but I am thinking about making 
this database accessible via the web, but this is still far in the 
future), although the database might get big (around 1GiB). It should be 
available for linux, mac os and windows.

I looked into ZODB, but thats totally overloaded for my purpose. I 
looked into Durus (a re-implementation of ZODB, but without this 
overloaded stuff, but the documentation is very thin). Both of them 
don't really appeal.

So I wondered if any of you could recommend one that (more or less) best 
fits the described conditions.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Which Object Database would you recommend for cross platform application?

2007-02-15 Thread johnf
Thomas Ploch wrote:

 Hello folks,
 I am currently developing an open source Event Managment software
 (events in real-life, like concerts, exhibitions etc. :-) ) using wx for
 the GUI, and I need an Object database. Since this is the first time I
 actually need doing this, I wondered if anybody here could recommend
 one. It can be fairly simple. It doesn't need threading support and will
 only host one client (the application, but I am thinking about making
 this database accessible via the web, but this is still far in the
 future), although the database might get big (around 1GiB). It should be
 available for linux, mac os and windows.
 I looked into ZODB, but thats totally overloaded for my purpose. I
 looked into Durus (a re-implementation of ZODB, but without this
 overloaded stuff, but the documentation is very thin). Both of them
 don't really appeal.
 So I wondered if any of you could recommend one that (more or less) best
 fits the described conditions.
 Thanks in advance,
This answer does not really answer your question.  But have you looked a
dabo (  It doesn't support the web (yet) but you said
that's in the furture.  Dabo was built for this type of app.  Dabo supports
Postgres,MsSQL,MySQL,Firebird, and SQLite.  Non of the DB's are what I'd
call an object database but is that a real requirement?  BTW the first 4
DB's can support 1GB and more.


Re: TKinter newbie

2007-02-15 Thread Peter Otten
Gigs_ wrote:

 Hi Im new to gui programming
 from Tkinter import *  # get widget classes
 from tkMessageBox import askokcancel   # get canned std dialog
 class Quitter(Frame):  # subclass our GUI
  def __init__(self, parent=None):   # constructor method
  Frame.__init__(self, parent)
  widget = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.quit)
  def quit(self):
  ans = askokcancel('Verify exit', Really quit?)
  if ans: Frame.quit(self)
 class Demo(Frame):
  def __init__(self, parent=None):
  Frame.__init__(self, parent)
  Label(self, text=Basic demos).pack()
  for (key, value) in demos.items():
  func = (lambda key=key: self.printit(key))
  Button(self, text=key, command=func).pack(side=TOP,
  Quitter(self).pack()# here
  def printit(self, name):
  print name, 'returns =', demos[name]()
 My problem is in class Demo. How is the best way to use class Quitter in
 class Demo?
 should it be:

You are calling the Quitter's pack() method twice, once in
Quitter.__init__() and then again in Demo.__init__(). I would remove the
call in Quitter.__init__(). If you do that you can use your Quitter class
with other layout managers which require other configuration methods, e. g.



Re: TKinter newbie

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Gigs_ wrote:
 Hi Im new to gui programming
 from Tkinter import *  # get widget classes
 from tkMessageBox import askokcancel   # get canned std dialog
 class Quitter(Frame):  # subclass our GUI
  def __init__(self, parent=None):   # constructor method
  Frame.__init__(self, parent)
  widget = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.quit)
  def quit(self):
  ans = askokcancel('Verify exit', Really quit?)
  if ans: Frame.quit(self)
 class Demo(Frame):
  def __init__(self, parent=None):
  Frame.__init__(self, parent)
  Label(self, text=Basic demos).pack()
  for (key, value) in demos.items():
  func = (lambda key=key: self.printit(key))
  Button(self, text=key, command=func).pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH)
  Quitter(self).pack()# here
  def printit(self, name):
  print name, 'returns =', demos[name]()
 My problem is in class Demo. How is the best way to use class Quitter in 
 class Demo?
 should it be:

The Quitter really needs to Destroy its parent, so you will need to have 
something like

 self.parent = parent

in the __init__() method to keep a reference to the parent frame. Then 
the quit() method can call self.parent.destroy() which will also result 
in the destruction of the child Quitter.

In this particular case you don't appear to need a reference to the 
Quitter object in the main Frame's code, so it's acceptable to use


However in the more general case yo umight want to be abel to refer to 
some subsidiary object in the Frame's methods, and in that case the 
easiest way to do so is to save that reference when you create the 
object, than pack the obejct separately, as in

 self.quitter = Quitter(self)

Here's a simple program to show you the difference between quit() and 
destroy(). You will notice that you have to press the Quit button twice, 
but the Destroy button only once - once the window is destroyed calling 
its mainloop() method no longer does anything.

from Tkinter import *
t = Tk()
Button(t, command=t.quit, text=Quit).pack()
Button(t, command=t.destroy, text=Destroy).pack()

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: Recursive calls and stack

2007-02-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:37:19 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:41:53 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So the effect is that mutual recursion isn't actually any

 But some kind of language support is required in this case. At
 least I  don't know how to handle mutual recursion (apart from
 inlining one  function inside the other...). But I'm certainly
 not a program  transformation guru (neither a novice!) so I
 would not be surprised if  someone says it can be done...

 What happens (using the model of an imaginary virtual machine,
 perhaps like the Python interpreter) is the following.

 A normal function call pushes a call-frame onto a stack. The
 call-frame contains information necessary for returning from the
 function, and usually a place to store its local variables and

 A function called in tail position simply overwrites the
 current call-frame with the new one instead of pushing it onto
 the stack.

This is the kind of language support menctioned. For tail recursion you  
don't require that support.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module _types not loaded

2007-02-15 Thread usenet1
On Feb 12, 2:25 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:44:36 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  I'm trying to write some C code that will run a python script that
  can in turn call some C functions.  However I'm having a problem
  getting started because although I can run a script from the python
  ide that imports ctypes, when I execute that 'import ctypes' code from
  the C code I get the following error:

  'import site' failed; use -v for traceback

 You have to fix this first. Probably you can't import anything, not just  
 Quoting myself from a similar problem:

 Try this:
 PyRun_SimpleString(import sys; print sys.path);
 to see where Python expects to find its library (or call the Py_GetPath  
 You may need to call Py_SetProgramName (before Py_Initialize) so it can  
 find where the standard library resides.
 At least for testing purposes, you can copy your executable into the same  
 directory where Python is installed.

 Gabriel Genellina

This is what I get:

'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
['c:\\temp\\pytest\\Debug\\', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib', 'C:\
\Python25\\DLLs', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\\lib-tk', '', 'c:\\temp\\pytest\

In fact, the 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback happens when I
call the Py_Initialize().

As can be seen from the output, the import sys; and print sys.path
works.  I also added Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]) before calling
PyInitialize() but there was no change.



RE engines and related matters

2007-02-15 Thread bearophileHUGS
From Lambda the Ultimate blog, a link to an interesting article about
such topics:



Re: rot13 in a more Pythonic style?

2007-02-15 Thread Andy Dingley
On 15 Feb, 17:55, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds more like a case for a parser/lexer wherein the emitted code
 tokens are the new style identifiers...

8-(I'm trying not to think about that

Fortunately I don't think it's _quite_ that bad.


Re: SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module _types not loaded

2007-02-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 15:42:51 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 This is what I get:

 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
 ['c:\\temp\\pytest\\Debug\\', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib', 'C:\
 \Python25\\DLLs', 'C:\\Python25\\Lib\\lib-tk', '', 'c:\\temp\\pytest\

 In fact, the 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback happens when I
 call the Py_Initialize().

 As can be seen from the output, the import sys; and print sys.path
 works.  I also added Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]) before calling
 PyInitialize() but there was no change.

works in the sense that it prints something; but sys.path is incomplete,  
it lacks site-packages and others (they are added by
It appears that you have installed Python on C:\Python25 and you build  
your application executable into c:\temp\pytest\Debug - is that true?
Hmmm, you will need a debug build of Python too, python25_d.lib/.dll.  
Perhaps at this stage it's easier to use the Release build, because you  
already have python25.lib/dll.

You have to fix the import site error. Use the following command on a  
console window before launching your executable:
You'll see a lot of lines showing the initial imports; you should be able  
to detect what's the problem at import site; usually it's trying to load  
a missing DLL.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: reference data in a dictionary

2007-02-15 Thread Duncan Booth
Wensui Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know dict['row1'] will always work. but it will only get 1 row out
 of the dict. is there anyway i can get multiple (1) rows out of dict
 by directly refeencing them, something like dict[['row1', 'row2']].
[d[x] for x in ('row1', 'row2')]

Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Ben Finney
James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I increasingly come to the decision to avoid tuples altogether
 because, eventually, you end up turning them into lists anyway

I don't. I end up extracting them to separate variables.

 foo = (12, None, spam)
 # ...
 # much code, perhaps passing foo around as parameter
 # ...
 (bar, baz, wibble) = foo
 # code using bar, baz, and/or wibble

If they are eventually extracted to lists, then it generally makes no
sense for them ever to begin as a tuple.

 \ I have an answering machine in my car. It says, 'I'm home now. |
  `\  But leave a message and I'll call when I'm out.'  -- Steven |
_o__)   Wright |
Ben Finney


Re: Recursive calls and stack

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:37:19 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:41:53 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So the effect is that mutual recursion isn't actually any

 But some kind of language support is required in this case. At
 least I  don't know how to handle mutual recursion (apart from
 inlining one  function inside the other...). But I'm certainly
 not a program  transformation guru (neither a novice!) so I
 would not be surprised if  someone says it can be done...

 What happens (using the model of an imaginary virtual machine,
 perhaps like the Python interpreter) is the following.

 A normal function call pushes a call-frame onto a stack. The
 call-frame contains information necessary for returning from the
 function, and usually a place to store its local variables and

 A function called in tail position simply overwrites the
 current call-frame with the new one instead of pushing it onto
 the stack.

 This is the kind of language support menctioned. For tail
 recursion you  don't require that support.

I'm not sure what you mean. The above support is enough for tail
recursion, mutual recursion, and any other tail call to be

Neil Cerutti

Re: Which Object Database would you recommend for cross platform application?

2007-02-15 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Thomas Ploch a écrit :
 Hello folks,
 I am currently developing an open source Event Managment software 
 (events in real-life, like concerts, exhibitions etc. :-) ) using wx for 
 the GUI, and I need an Object database.

need ? Why ? (I don't mean you shouldn't use one, just questionning 
the need)...

 Since this is the first time I 
 actually need doing this, I wondered if anybody here could recommend 
 one. It can be fairly simple. It doesn't need threading support and will 
 only host one client (the application, but I am thinking about making 
 this database accessible via the web, but this is still far in the 

If you plan on making it accessible TTW, then you do need support for 
concurrent access.

 although the database might get big (around 1GiB). It should be 
 available for linux, mac os and windows.
 I looked into ZODB, but thats totally overloaded for my purpose. I 
 looked into Durus (a re-implementation of ZODB, but without this 
 overloaded stuff, but the documentation is very thin). Both of them 
 don't really appeal.

The ZODB is quite easy to use, and it's probably the most used Python 
OODB actually. I have no experience with Durus, but it looked quite 
close when I last browsed the project page.

Else you may want to look at Metakit, KirbyBase etc

 So I wondered if any of you could recommend one that (more or less) best 
 fits the described conditions.

sqlite +SQLAlchemy.

Yes, I know, that's not an object DB.

Re: Recursive calls and stack

2007-02-15 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 16:35:25 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Thu, 15 Feb 2007 13:37:19 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:41:53 -0300, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So the effect is that mutual recursion isn't actually any

 But some kind of language support is required in this case. At
 least I  don't know how to handle mutual recursion (apart from
 inlining one  function inside the other...). But I'm certainly
 not a program  transformation guru (neither a novice!) so I
 would not be surprised if  someone says it can be done...

 What happens (using the model of an imaginary virtual machine,
 perhaps like the Python interpreter) is the following.

 A normal function call pushes a call-frame onto a stack. The
 call-frame contains information necessary for returning from the
 function, and usually a place to store its local variables and

 A function called in tail position simply overwrites the
 current call-frame with the new one instead of pushing it onto
 the stack.

 This is the kind of language support menctioned. For tail
 recursion you  don't require that support.

 I'm not sure what you mean. The above support is enough for tail
 recursion, mutual recursion, and any other tail call to be

I only want to say that tail *recursion* can be eliminated trivially  
transforming the code into a while loop, and that can be done by the  
programmer, and doesn't require compiler support. Head *recursion* can be  
eliminated too by using some storage as temporary stack, and that doesn't  
require external support either. Mutual recursion (and generic tail call  
elimination) require some sort of external support: one can't eliminate  
the call just by transforming the program.

Gabriel Genellina


Python code to do the *server* side of digest authentication?

2007-02-15 Thread Dan Lenski
Hi all,
I've got a very simple HTML proxy server to access the web from my
cell phone (based on this code:
It's a very retarded phone that freezes if there's no Content-Length
header and some other circumstances, so I have to tweak and modify the
headers received slightly.  But it works quite well with these hacks.

Now I'd like to add proxy authentication so that I'm not running this
open proxy all the time.  I would like to use Digest authentication
( rather
than Basic authentication so as not to expose any plaintext password.

It appears that there are plenty of Python libraries to do the
*client* side of the authentication (e.g. urllib2) but I have not
found much code that does the *server* side of the authentication.
That is, I am looking for code to generate the WWW-Authentication
header (including appropriate nonce and opaque string) and to verify
the Authorization header sent by the client when it retries.

It does not look *too* hard to implement, but it does involve crypto
and I'd just as soon use some tried-and-true code rather than roll my
own in this case.  Does anyone have any suggestions of where to find
such code?




Re: Python code to do the *server* side of digest authentication?

2007-02-15 Thread Larry Bates
Dan Lenski wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've got a very simple HTML proxy server to access the web from my
 cell phone (based on this code:
 It's a very retarded phone that freezes if there's no Content-Length
 header and some other circumstances, so I have to tweak and modify the
 headers received slightly.  But it works quite well with these hacks.
 Now I'd like to add proxy authentication so that I'm not running this
 open proxy all the time.  I would like to use Digest authentication
 ( rather
 than Basic authentication so as not to expose any plaintext password.
 It appears that there are plenty of Python libraries to do the
 *client* side of the authentication (e.g. urllib2) but I have not
 found much code that does the *server* side of the authentication.
 That is, I am looking for code to generate the WWW-Authentication
 header (including appropriate nonce and opaque string) and to verify
 the Authorization header sent by the client when it retries.
 It does not look *too* hard to implement, but it does involve crypto
 and I'd just as soon use some tried-and-true code rather than roll my
 own in this case.  Does anyone have any suggestions of where to find
 such code?
I think that is because normally the web server does the authentication on the
server side.  Why not use Apache to do the digest authentication?


Re: SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module _types not loaded

2007-02-15 Thread usenet1
 works in the sense that it prints something; but sys.path is incomplete,  
 it lacks site-packages and others (they are added by
 It appears that you have installed Python on C:\Python25 and you build  
 your application executable into c:\temp\pytest\Debug - is that true?
 Hmmm, you will need a debug build of Python too, python25_d.lib/.dll.  
 Perhaps at this stage it's easier to use the Release build, because you  
 already have python25.lib/dll.

 You have to fix the import site error. Use the following command on a  
 console window before launching your executable:
 You'll see a lot of lines showing the initial imports; you should be able  
 to detect what's the problem at import site; usually it's trying to load  
 a missing DLL.

 Gabriel Genellina

Thank you for your quick reply and your interest.  I had a debug
python25_d.lib/dll which i was even using to step into the code to see
why it was failing but it will take me more time to understand the
python code.  The other interesting thing I discovered when trying to
build my debug python dll with vs2005 usig the build8 solution was
that I was even getting the exact same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python25\lib\ctypes\, line 6, in module
import os as _os, sys as _sys
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 690, in module
import copy_reg as _copy_reg
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 7, in module
from types import ClassType as _ClassType
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 93, in module
import _types
SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module _types not loaded

that I was getting when when trying to run the script.  I decided at
that point to go back to python2.4, actually activestate python2.4 and
then add the ctype module.  I will update this thread on my success or


Re: Recursive calls and stack

2007-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-02-15, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not sure what you mean. The above support is enough for
 tail recursion, mutual recursion, and any other tail call to
 be optimized.

 I only want to say that tail *recursion* can be eliminated
 trivially  transforming the code into a while loop, and that
 can be done by the  programmer, and doesn't require compiler
 support. Head *recursion* can be  eliminated too by using some
 storage as temporary stack, and that doesn't  require external
 support either. Mutual recursion (and generic tail call
 elimination) require some sort of external support: one can't
 eliminate  the call just by transforming the program.

Ah, I see now. Had my blinders on.

Neil Cerutti
Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use
the back door. --Church Bulletin Blooper

Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread skip

Sergey posix.stat_result is CLASS, not regular tuple.

 I believe it morphed from being a tuple though.  I wasn't suggesting

Sergey It it morphed, the tuple nature of it is just history now.

No, it is still full of tuple-fu:

 import os
 s = os.stat(/etc/hosts)
(33188, 92111L, 26738688L, 1, 0, 1, 355L, 1171570459, 1164401316,
type 'posix.stat_result'
(33188, 92111L, 26738688L)
 s[4:] + s[0:3]
(0, 1, 355L, 1171570459, 1164401316, 1171087243, 33188, 92111L, 26738688L)
 type(s[4:] + s[0:3])
type 'tuple'

 The notion of tuples as records in Python is not new:
 Search for super tuples.

Sergey Did it go beyond just talking?

Raymond Hettinger just proposed adding a pure Python implementation to
Python 2.6.  The version he's been using for about a year is here:

Sergey We can think about tuples anything, but are they something other
Sergey than freezed lists?  We can index them, slice, iterate,
Sergey map/redice/filter, can cast (fuckin C!)  to lists and back -
Sergey what the difference??  Tuples is similar to records - I think
Sergey this is just topological artefact, generated when python was
Sergey compared with some other languague :)

The fact that tuples and lists share so many implementation details makes
people think of tuples as immutable lists.  That view has its uses (allowing
you to pretend that you can use lists as dictionary keys or take advantage
of the compile-time allocation of tuples of constants, for example), but I
don't think that makes the view of tuples as records a topological
artifact.  I'm not sure where you believe Python was compared to some other
language.  My original comment was that tuples could be thought of more like
C structs or Pascal records.  That was an analogy, not a language

Sergey classes have sintactically and functionally overcame
Sergey records/structs - why to drag to the same role tuples, that have
Sergey not initially any feature of record?

They have a number of record-like features.  They are relatively compact
(unlike class instances), once instantiated they can't be extended (unlike
lists or class instances in the common case).  They just don't yet have
named attributes.


Re: Python code to do the *server* side of digest authentication?

2007-02-15 Thread Dan Lenski
On Feb 15, 3:19 pm, Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think that is because normally the web server does the authentication on the
 server side.  Why not use Apache to do the digest authentication?


Hi Larry,

I'm sorry that I wasn't clear in my original post!  I don't need to do
the server authentication on the proxy (WWW-Authentication and
Authorization).  What I need to do is the *proxy* authentication
(Proxy-Authentication and Proxy-Authorization).

Those headers are identical to the first pair, but they are handled by
the proxy; if the client isn't authorized, then they can't use the



Re: builtin set literal

2007-02-15 Thread Steven Bethard
Schüle Daniel wrote:
 Steven Bethard schrieb:
 Schüle Daniel wrote:
 it would be nice feature to have builtin literal for set type
 maybe in P3 .. what about?
 s = 1,2,3

 In Python 3.0, this looks like::

 s = {1,2,3}
 jepp, that looks not bad .. as in a mathe book.
 the only disadvantage I see, that one may confuse it with a dict.

Perhaps with a very cursory inspection. But the lack of any ':' 
characters is a pretty quick clue-in.


Pep 3105: the end of print?

2007-02-15 Thread Edward K Ream
The pros and cons of making 'print' a function in Python 3.x are well
discussed at:

Alas, it appears that the effect of this pep would be to make it impossible
to use the name 'print' in a backward compatible manner. Indeed, if a
program is to compile in both Python 2.x and Python 3.x, the print function
(or the print statement with parentheses) can not use the 'sep', 'end' and
'file' keywords. This in turn makes it impossible to support the effect of
print with trailing comma in Python 2.x programs while retaining the name

The only workaround would be to define yet another function, with a name
*other* than 'print'. This function, say print2, can support whatever
features the implementer wants because it does not collide with the Python
2.x print statement.

In short, pep 3105 will *discourage* rather than encourage the use of the
name 'print'. Rather than invalidating most Python 2.x programs, it would
seem more graceful for Python 3.x to define a [your name here] function that
can be used in addition to, rather than to the exclusion of, print.


P.S. The existence of an automated translation script does not change the
situation described above in any way. At best, such a script could change
print statements to [your name here] functions, but the effect would still
be the elimination of the name 'print' in all programs that aim to support
Python 2.x and Python 3.x.


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: f---ing typechecking

2007-02-15 Thread Paul Rubin
 My original comment was that tuples could be thought of more like
 C structs or Pascal records.

Should f(*args) receive a list rather than a tuple arg?

Automated resizing of JPEG image + making slices?

2007-02-15 Thread Michiel Sikma
Hello everybody.

I'm currently involved in a site building project in which we're  
going to use the Google Maps API. The user will be able to browse the  
site by looking over a really large image, similar to how Google Maps  
itself works, except with the design of the site on the background  
rather than a map of the world.

I initially hired someone to do it in PHP (don't bite, please :-) but  
it seems that I forgot about one thing: the people updating the site  
would have been able to upload a huge 30 MB JPEG image, which PHP  
would then resize to various sizes and cut them into 200x200 pieces,  
which would be fed to the Google Maps API. However, this costs a lot  
of memory, and PHP by default only has 8 MB.

The programmer offered to do a C++ image manipulator, but he uses  
Windows and the people who update the site use Mac OS X. It would be  
tedious. Then I thought that Python might solve me the head-ache.

I know some Python (but not much since I've never actually written  
that many things in it), and with some effort I could probably make a  
simple image manipulator frontend in it, but only if I can find a  
good library for doing the actual manipulation. Do any of you know  
such libraries?

Many thanks,

Michiel Sikma


ANNOUNCE: Mod_python 3.3.1

2007-02-15 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

The Apache Software Foundation and The Apache HTTP Server Project are
pleased to announce the 3.3.1 release of mod_python. Mod_python 3.3.1
is considered a stable release, suitable for production use.

Mod_python is an Apache HTTP Server module that embeds the Python
language interpreter within the server. With mod_python you can write
web-based applications in Python that will run many times faster than
traditional CGI and will have access to advanced features such as
ability to maintain objects between requests, access to httpd
internals, content filters and connection handlers.

The 3.3.1 release has many new features, feature enhancements, fixed
bugs and other improvements over the previous version. See Appendix A
of mod_python documentation for more details.

Mod_python 3.3.1 is released under the new Apache License version 2.0.

Mod_python 3.3.1 is available for download from:

More infromation about mod_python is available at:

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to and helped test
this release, without your help it would not be possible!


The Apache Mod_python team.

Re: filecmp.cmp() cache

2007-02-15 Thread Mattias Brändström
On Feb 15, 5:56 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can clear the cache with

 filecmp._cache = {}

 as a glance into the filecmp module would have shown.

You are right, a quick glance would have enlighten me. Next time I
will RTFS first. :-)

 If you don't want to use the cache at all (untested):

 class NoCache:
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
 def get(self, key):
 return None
 filecmp._cache = NoCache()

Just one small tought/question. How likely am I to run into trouble
because of this? I mean, by setting _cache to another value I'm
mucking about in filecmp's implementation details. Is this generally
considered OK when dealing with Python's standard library?

:.:: mattias


Re: Automated resizing of JPEG image + making slices?

2007-02-15 Thread Steve Holden
Michiel Sikma wrote:
 Hello everybody.
 I'm currently involved in a site building project in which we're  
 going to use the Google Maps API. The user will be able to browse the  
 site by looking over a really large image, similar to how Google Maps  
 itself works, except with the design of the site on the background  
 rather than a map of the world.
 I initially hired someone to do it in PHP (don't bite, please :-) but  
 it seems that I forgot about one thing: the people updating the site  
 would have been able to upload a huge 30 MB JPEG image, which PHP  
 would then resize to various sizes and cut them into 200x200 pieces,  
 which would be fed to the Google Maps API. However, this costs a lot  
 of memory, and PHP by default only has 8 MB.
 The programmer offered to do a C++ image manipulator, but he uses  
 Windows and the people who update the site use Mac OS X. It would be  
 tedious. Then I thought that Python might solve me the head-ache.
 I know some Python (but not much since I've never actually written  
 that many things in it), and with some effort I could probably make a  
 simple image manipulator frontend in it, but only if I can find a  
 good library for doing the actual manipulation. Do any of you know  
 such libraries?
PIL, the Python Imaging  Library, would seem to be the ideal candidate. See

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: Pep 3105: the end of print?

2007-02-15 Thread Steven Bethard
Edward K Ream wrote:
 The pros and cons of making 'print' a function in Python 3.x are well
 discussed at:
 Alas, it appears that the effect of this pep would be to make it impossible
 to use the name 'print' in a backward compatible manner.

You could offer up a patch for Python 2.6 so that you can do::

from __future__ import print_function

and have the 'print' statement replaced by the 'print' function.

That said, why can't you use ``file.write()`` instead of ``print``? 
While I use print quite frequently in interactive use, it's pretty much 
nonexistent in all my real code.


Re: Automated resizing of JPEG image + making slices?

2007-02-15 Thread Paul Rubin
Michiel Sikma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I know some Python (but not much since I've never actually written
 that many things in it), and with some effort I could probably make a
 simple image manipulator frontend in it, but only if I can find a
 good library for doing the actual manipulation. Do any of you know
 such libraries?

Search for Python Imaging Library.

Re: Pep 3105: the end of print?

2007-02-15 Thread Edward K Ream
 You could offer up a patch for Python 2.6 so that you can do::
from __future__ import print_function

This would only work for Python 2.6. Developers might want to support Python 
2.3 through 2.5 for awhile longer :-)

 why can't you use ``file.write()`` instead of ``print``?

Precisely my point: pep 3105 will force the elimination of the name 'print'.


Edward K. Ream   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: output to console and to multiple files

2007-02-15 Thread Matimus
On Feb 15, 8:51 am, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Feb 14, 5:10 pm, goodwolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   like this?

   class Writers (object):

   def __init__(self, *writers):
   self.writers = writers

   def write(self, string):
   for w in self.writers:

   def flush(self):
   for w in self.writers:

   import sys

   logfile = open('log.txt', 'w')
   sys.stdout = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.out', 'w'), logfile)
   sys.stderr = Writers(aya.stdout, file('log.err', 'w'), logfile)

  i've tried simliar methods to this and to what Matimus wrote. I know
  it works great when using print statements.
  However, I'm looking to find something that will work with the output
  from a subprocess, such as from spawn, os.system, os.popen, etc.

 I think you should be able to use my or goodwolf's solution with the
 subprocess module. Something like this (untested):

 class TeeFile(object):
 def __init__(self,*files):
 self.files = files
 def write(self,txt):
 for fp in self.files:

 if __name__ == __main__:
 import sys
 from subprocess import Popen

 command = whatever you want to run
 outf = file(log.out,w)
 errf = file(log.err,w)
 allf = file(log.txt,w)
 stdout = TeeFile(sys.__stdout__,outf,allf),
 stderr = TeeFile(sys.__stderr__,errf,allf)

I tried this at lunch and it doesn't work. Some version of this method
may work, but Popen tries to call the 'fileno' method of the TeeFile
object (at least it did on my setup) and it isn't there. This is just
a preemptive warning before someone comes back to let me know my code
doesn't work.


Re: filecmp.cmp() cache

2007-02-15 Thread Peter Otten
Mattias Brändström wrote:

 On Feb 15, 5:56 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can clear the cache with

 filecmp._cache = {}

 as a glance into the filecmp module would have shown.
 You are right, a quick glance would have enlighten me. Next time I
 will RTFS first. :-)
 If you don't want to use the cache at all (untested):

 class NoCache:
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
 def get(self, key):
 return None
 filecmp._cache = NoCache()

 Just one small tought/question. How likely am I to run into trouble
 because of this? I mean, by setting _cache to another value I'm
 mucking about in filecmp's implementation details. Is this generally
 considered OK when dealing with Python's standard library?

I think it's a feature that Python lends itself to monkey-patching, but
still there are a few things to consider:

- Every hack increases the likelihood that your app will break in the next
version of Python.
- You take some responsibility for the patched code. It's no longer the
tried and tested module as provided by the core developers. 
- The module may be used elsewhere in the standard library or third-party
packages, and failures (or in the above example: performance degradation)
may ensue.

For a script and a relatively obscure module like 'filecmp' monkey-patching
is probably OK, but for a larger app or a module like 'os' that is heavily
used throughout the standard lib I would play it safe and reimplement.



Re: Automated resizing of JPEG image + making slices?

2007-02-15 Thread Chuck Rhode
Michiel Sikma wrote this on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 22:21:34 +0100.  My reply
is below.


 I initially hired someone to do it in PHP (don't bite, please :-)
 but it seems that I forgot about one thing: the people updating the
 site would have been able to upload a huge 30 MB JPEG image, which
 PHP would then resize to various sizes and cut them into 200x200
 pieces, which would be fed to the Google Maps API. However, this
 costs a lot of memory, and PHP by default only has 8 MB.


 I know some Python (but not much since I've never actually written
 that many things in it), and with some effort I could probably make
 a simple image manipulator frontend in it, but only if I can find a
 good library for doing the actual manipulation. Do any of you know
 such libraries?

I can't make head or tail of your project's constraints, so the
following advice probably isn't worth much.

IMHO, slicing and dicing is best done by stand-alone, special-purpose,
image-manipulation routines that do their own I/O.  Here is a library
of such routines:


These can be chained together (piped) in shell script (or in *python*
if you prefer) if they're installed on your server.  There is an API
(and maybe even a *python* interface), but I've never needed it.  For
security, the parameters passed to these routines from the wild (such
as file names) need to be scrubbed clean of any delimiters that would
look like executable shell script code, variable substitutions, or
even spurious path names.

.. Chuck Rhode, Sheboygan, WI, USA
.. Weather:
.. 18° — Wind WNW 13 mph

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