NumPy 1.0.3 released

2007-05-24 Thread Travis Oliphant
We are pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.0.3

Hopefully, this release will work better with multiple interpreters as 
well as having some significant bugs fixed.

Other changes include

* x/y follows Python standard on mixed-sign division for array scalars 
and numpy arrays
* iinfo added to provide information on integer data-types
* improvements to SWIG typemaps, numpy.distutils, and f2py
* improvements to separator handling in fromfile and fromstring
* many, many bug fixes

Thank you to everybody who contributed to the recent release.

Best regards,

NumPy Developers


Support the Python Software Foundation:

DFW Pythoneers: 4th Saturday Meeting THIS Sat

2007-05-24 Thread Jeff Rush
Although it is Memorial Day weekend, we're going to hold a meeting at
Nerdbooks as usual.  I've checked with the owner and the store is open, and
hopefully some of you will show up, although I've not heard many replies as to
whether you will/won't make it.

As a result of work on the Forrester survey, we've got some source examples,
designed to be clear and easy to understand, for us to walk through.

  - A mashup by Martin of placing temperature readings collected from
one site using REST, onto a DFW Google map.

  - HTML page generation using Twisted Nevow/STAN, along with an RSS
feed parser module to embed a list of the N most recent news stories.

  - Simple but powerful presentation and form validation using the
Gizmo(QP)   framework, which does the validation both in the server
*and* in the browser using JavaScript.  No big deal, until you
realize the JavaScript in the browser is generated from the Python
source, and the whole source fits on a couple of screens.

  - An RSS feed reader that pulls down all images linked to, from one
of those photo sites, and the source is 15 lines of Python.

  - A cool module, NamedTuples, from the Python Cookbook site.

  - A couple of small programs that apply the screenscraping module
BeautifulSoup to the task of extracting the set of mailing list,
and associated archives, from a Mailman website.

And if we need more, I've got PyFUSE, a Filesystem in Userspace in Python,
where you can overlay a filesystem metaphor over your database, website or
existing filesystem -- think autobackup-on-write.  It looks quite powerful.

And a silly program I whipped up one night to play with some Lisp-like atom
ideas, where you can have bound and unbound names, without a lot of quoting
syntax.  A bit strange but small and introduces a new use for property

Hope to see you there, and bring your own topics or questions, along with your
laptops.  We may not get to everything but swimming in everyone's 'lightning
talk'-like ideas is fun.

Time and Place: in Richardson (see the website for directions)
  2pm until 5pm

Oh, and all but the FUSE source examples are already in our club subversion
repository, under the Projects/ directory.  You can find a link to browse the
source through the web at, in the menu on the left.

Jeff Rush
DFW Pythoneers Organizer


Support the Python Software Foundation:

First PyCon UK Conference

2007-05-24 Thread PyConUK Publicist
The first ever PyCon UK takes place in Birmingham on 8th  9th
September 2007.

Bookings are open at An early
bird rate is offered until 30th June.

For more information please visit


Want to share your expertise? PyConUK 2007 is looking for proposals to
fill the formal presentation tracks.
We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on
academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As
long as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the
Python community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program.

Can you show the conference-goers something new and useful? Can you
show attendees how to: use a module? explore a Python language
feature? package an application?

Most talks will be 30 minutes, although 60 minutes may be allocated
for a particularly valuable talk requiring an extended length of time.
There will also be a dedicated Lightning Talk session for talks no
longer than five minutes.

PyconUK is a not for profit community conference, so we sadly cannot
reward speakers (but what price on glory!).

To submit a talk go to


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Veusz-0.99.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-05-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I am pleased to announce a new beta of a largely rewritten Veusz plotting
package. This now uses Qt4 and numpy, adding support for Windows. Windows
and Linux binaries are provided. For details see below:

Veusz 0.99.0 (new Qt4/numpy beta)

Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes from 0.10:
 This is the first release of a much rewritten version of Veusz
 It has been updated to run under Qt4 and numpy, and now supports Windows
 The user interface is also signficantly easier to use

 Other useful features include:
  * Colorbars for images (better color scaling for images too)
  * Grids of graphs with different sized subgraphs
  * Much better import dialog 
  * Antialiased screen output
  * Native PNG and PDF export
  * Separate formatting/properties dialog
  * Handling of INF/NaN in input data
  * Transparency of graphs (not for EPS output)
 Plus many more useful changes (see ChangeLog)

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.1 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.1 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1rc3 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * This is a new beta, so there are likely to be a number of bugs, even
   though it has been used by a couple of people for some time.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * Some older versions of Qt (4.2.2) can produce very large postscript
   output and random crashes. This may not be completely resolved
   (especially on windows).
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Accessing iTunes with Python via the Windows SDK

2007-05-24 Thread Denrael
On May 24, 12:17 am, Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 24, 4:23 pm, Denrael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've been playing 
 with the iTunes sdk on windows, and have come across
  a strange problem.  With the following code:

 The object you get back from iTunes.CurrentTrack (the traceback shows
 this) is an IITTrack.  If you check the iTunes SDK, you'll see that
 IITTrack objects don't have a SkippedCount attribute -
 IITFileOrCDTrack objects do (from memory, this excludes things like
 radio links).  You need to conver the IITrack object to a
 IITFileOrCDTrack object (assuming that it is one); you can do this
 with win32com.client.CastTo, as follows:


Thanks Tony!

I had a suspicion it had to do with casting it, but I was missing some
synapses to figure out exactly how to do that. Things have changed
from my Assembly Language PL/1 and REXX days.  :) I figure if I'm
gonna learn a new language, Python's a lot more usable than VBS, and
it has an elegance to it that I already appreciate. I'm working my way
thru Learning Python ... I suppose I better find some doc on the Win32
COM stuff too.


Re: Lists vs tuples (newbie)

2007-05-24 Thread Tim Roberts
Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I use tuples simply because of their mellifluous appellation.

+1 QOTW.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Properties/Decorators [WAS: Can I reference 1 instance of an object by more names ? rephrase]

2007-05-24 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Deprecated doesn't mean it's not available.
Is that so? ;)
But it certainly means that some time in the not-too-distant future 
apply will vanish.

 And even if it goes away, 
 you can simply write it yourself:

 def apply(f, *args, **kwargs):
  return f(*args, **kwargs)

Do you know that feeling you have, when you've just been shown something 
really surprising but utterly simple, that blows you away so much that 
for a moment the whole world seems like magic and you feel you are just 
a mundane pencilhead? I get that a lot ...


Re: too much memory use

2007-05-24 Thread Tim Roberts
rohit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i am making a program for desktop search.
in order to make it more effective im implementing the records in the
form of a tree(files starting with 'a','b','c'have different
trees 26 trees in all) in memory and writing it down in file.
the max size file has 16000 to implement the tree in
list i'm using line no as index ..and empty child nodes are
represented as \n
all this work is going on in the memory..
problem is the system eats up my 512 mb RAM +1gb virtual store n hangs
cant think of an effective way to implement tree in memory(i can
compact it on disk by writing just the index no..along with the record
from which tree in memory can be reconstructed, but i have to
implement tree as previous to implement random access)

Why don't you just use a database?  That's what they're designed for.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-24 Thread Tim Roberts
Rajarshi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a slightly naive question, but I know that 0 can be used to
represent False. So

 0 == False

But, I know I can use [] to represent False as in

 if not []: print 'empty'

But then doing the following gives a surprising (to me!) result

 [] == False

Could anybody point out why this is the case?

False is just a constant.  0, (), '', [], and False are all constants that
happen to evaluate to a false value in a Boolean context, but they are not
all the same.

As a general rule, I've found code like if x == False to be a bad idea in
ANY language.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Python Uno Bridge Architecture

2007-05-24 Thread sneha29

I am trying to write a bridge similar to Python- Uno bridge.
I have read from these links about the PyUNO bridge.
But I haven't found information about the basic achitecture of the
bridge. Eg: the basic requirements of the files, library, specific
directory structure .
Is there any document/tutorial available about the approach taken to
write the bridge?
Also can you tell me about the basic steps required to write a UNO
bridge ?



ANN: Veusz-0.99.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-05-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I am pleased to announce a new beta of a largely rewritten Veusz plotting
package. This now uses Qt4 and numpy, adding support for Windows. Windows
and Linux binaries are provided. For details see below:

Veusz 0.99.0 (new Qt4/numpy beta)

Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes from 0.10:
 This is the first release of a much rewritten version of Veusz
 It has been updated to run under Qt4 and numpy, and now supports Windows
 The user interface is also signficantly easier to use

 Other useful features include:
  * Colorbars for images (better color scaling for images too)
  * Grids of graphs with different sized subgraphs
  * Much better import dialog 
  * Antialiased screen output
  * Native PNG and PDF export
  * Separate formatting/properties dialog
  * Handling of INF/NaN in input data
  * Transparency of graphs (not for EPS output)
 Plus many more useful changes (see ChangeLog)

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.1 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.1 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1rc3 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * This is a new beta, so there are likely to be a number of bugs, even
   though it has been used by a couple of people for some time.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * Some older versions of Qt (4.2.2) can produce very large postscript
   output and random crashes. This may not be completely resolved
   (especially on windows).
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Re: Can I reference 1 instance of an object by more names ? rephrase

2007-05-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Maric Michaud a écrit :
 Stef Mientki a écrit :
 # I need to read and write the individual bits of the byte object
 # so I can create 8 blocks of code like this, one for each bit position
 # I use it, like this
 #name1 = cpu_ports()
 #name1.p5 = True
 # or
 #name1.p[5] = True

  @apply   # read / write bit 5
def p5():
  def fset(self, value):
  index= 5
  value= ( value  1L )  index
  mask = ( 1L )  index
  self._d  = ( self._d  ~mask ) | value
  def fget(self):
  index= 5
  return ( self._d  index )  1
  return property(**locals())

 I can optimize the above code a little bit,
 but I've the feeling that I don't need to repeat this code 8 times.
 something like that should just work (untested) :
 def bit():
 def fset(self, value):
 index= 5
 value= ( value  1L )  index
 mask = ( 1L )  index
 self._d  = ( self._d  ~mask ) | value
 def fget(self):
 index= 5
 return ( self._d  index )  1
 return property(**locals())
 class cpu_ports(object) :
 p1 = bit()
 p2 = bit()
 p3 = bit()
 p4 = bit()
 p5 = bit()

As a side note, properties are just an example of objects using the 
descriptor protocol. You can build your own descriptors for more 
advanced use (think : 'smart' attributes):


Re: Call script which accepts com. line par. from another scriptand error control

2007-05-24 Thread Karim Ali
Hi James,

Thanks for that. That is exactly what i needed for the error control bit...

What I still dont know though is how do I handle the fact that the first
script is expecting command line parameters. I would like to be able to
replace the command line parameters by a variable such that the second
script can call: first_script.main(command line). Is this possible?

If i can simply do whatever it is that parse_args() does but on a variable
of my choosing..


From: James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Call script which accepts com. line par. from another 
scriptand error control
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 17:21:47 -0700

Karim Ali wrote:
  def MAIN(expression2parse)- add a main so can
  call from other script

Of course you don't mean you want another python interpreter to fire up
and run the other script?

Here is an example of the way to do what you are suggesting:


def doit(param):
if not param % 37:
  raise ValueError, 'Why u want to do dat?'
  print 'All right!'
return 'Value is: %s' % param

# end of


import mod1

print mod1.doit(20)
print mod1.doit(30)
print mod1.doit(37)
except ValueError:
print 'Gracefully handling 37'
print mod1.doit(37)

# end of mod2


Fight Allergies With Live Search


Re: Lists vs tuples (newbie)

2007-05-24 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Aside from the hashing issue, there is nothing that a tuple can do
  that can't be done as well or better by a list.
 There are a few other cases where you have to use a tuple, for example in a 
 try..except statement the exception specification must be an exception to 
 be caught or a tuple of exception specifications: a list won't work to 
 catch multiple exceptions.

Esoteric - But I stand corrected...

any other must use a tuple's  ?

Seems they all fall into a class that can be described as required by the
language - I was thinking data.

- Hendrik


Re: [Fwd: Re: managed lists?]

2007-05-24 Thread Jorgen Bodde
@ Larry,

As much as I like to follow the idiom that Python has, I do not see
the usefulness of making an add function that checks the interface
that other objects might need. Besides the fact it is a bit overhead
and not to mention performance draining, in an application that I
develop myself, without plugin architecture (not yet) etc, it is a bit
much to do that.

I agree with the writing C in Python, it is all I know, because that
is the language I started with. This is my first big project and most
certainly when evaluating this when it is finished I will come to the
conclusion it was all for nothing ;-)

I will change to extend() and maybe drop the type safety, but I do
wish to keep the list functionality as I find it more logical to write


Then creating a method in song called AddCategory() and kind of
duplicating the list functionality there.

Thank you for the guide lines and the nice comments! They are really helpful.

@ Bruno,

 list. The right solution IMHO is to *not* expose these lists as part of
 the interface - after all, the fact that tabs and tunes are stored in
 lists is an implementation detail -, and to add the necessary API to the
 Song object - ie : Song.add_tune, Song.add_tab, Song.iter_tunes,
 Song.iter_tabs, etc. Then you just have to add some assert statements in
 the add_XXX methods so you'll be warned at the right time when some part

This is how I did it before, I created Song.AddTab, Song.DeleteTab,
then there was a category class which also needed adding, deleting,
clearing, and soon my whole Song object was filled with relational
methods which were basically a copy of the list, with a check on the
presence of the class in the list.

Then I realized, a managed list with self-check capability solves this
because I do not like to duplicate code, but now that I think of it,
the type check might be a bit too much. Like said, the list solution
you described and the solution I use, are basically the same, I
encapsulated a list [] in a class, with some extra methods to warn the
'owner' of the list that something is changed.

 Oh, yes, while we're at it, and in case you don't know yet: the Python
 idiom for implementation attributes (including methods - remember,
 everything is an object) is to prefix them with a single underscore.

Ok, but why is that? I do know semi-private symbols can be realised
using two underscores, and if I wish to hide a list / index / etc so
it cannot accidentally changed, would I not use double underscores?

Thanks for your extensive help!
- Jorgen

Web Archtecture using tow layers in Phyton

2007-05-24 Thread Wagner Garcia Campagner

I need to develop an web applications that meet the following requirements:

- 2 layers: the first one is the user interface (browser) and the second one is 
the interaction with the operacional system of the
- the second layer must be developed using Python.

I'd like to know if it is possible to implement this system... making the 
second layer using python and the first layer using
another web technologies like AJAX for example.

Does anybody have any experience in developing python web applications? Maybe 
send me some links or documentation about it...

The final goal is to make diferent user interfaces (layer 1) that can integrate 
with the second layer... for example, one web
interface and one local interface using python+qt (example)... i don't know if 
this is possible and how can this be implemented...
any help is aprreciated...

Thanks in advance,

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Different methods with same name but different signature?

2007-05-24 Thread william dy
william dy
  christin de los santos
  lynor laxina

Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos  more. --

Re: Call script which accepts com. line par. from another scriptand error control

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Otten
Karim Ali wrote:

 What I still dont know though is how do I handle the fact that the first
 script is expecting command line parameters. I would like to be able to
 replace the command line parameters by a variable such that the second
 script can call: first_script.main(command line). Is this possible?

I think it is better to pass a list of arguments


def main(args=None):
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
# add options
options, positional_args = parser.parse_args(args) 
# process

if __name__ == __main__:
# will read options from the command line
# if module is invoked as a standalone script


import first_script
first_script.main([-f, --bar, what, you want])

That way you don't have to deal with escaping spaces etc.



Re: Inheriting from Python list object(type?)

2007-05-24 Thread irstas
On May 23, 10:07 pm, Mangabasi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is the winner:

 class Point(list):
 def __init__(self, x, y, z = 1):
 super(Point, self).__init__([x, y, z])
 self.x = x
 self.y = y
 self.z = z

 def __getattr__(self, name):
 if name == 'x':
 return self[0]
 elif name == 'y':
 return self[1]
 elif name == 'z':
 return self[2]
 return self.__dict__[name]

 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
 if name == 'x':
 self[0] = value
 elif name == 'y':
 self[1] = value
 elif name == 'z':
 self[2] = value
 self.__dict__[name] = value

Inheritation is an is a relation. Point, however, is not a list.
This adds some weird behaviour to Point:

p = Point(1,2,3)
print p[3]

That makes no sense but your Point implementation allows it. This
is probably even more surprasing behaviour:

p = Point(1,2,3) + Point(4,5,6)
print p

One might expect the points to be added to Point(5,7,9), not
into a list containing [1,2,3,4,5,6].

I'd suggest you don't inherit Point from anything, and just add
an __iter__ member function that iterates through x,y and z. E.g.

def __iter__(self):
yield self.x
yield self.y
yield self.z

Then you can convert a Point p to a list by doing list(p). Or to
a tuple with tuple(p). __array__ could also be implemented for
convenince with numpy (if I understood that correctly).


The Relative Importance of Web Development

2007-05-24 Thread martinig
If you follow the evolution of software development on Internet, you
may have the impression that every new development is Web based and
that the main areas of concern are whether you should develop new
application with Ruby on Rail or if you should choose Flash rather
than Ajax for the interface. However, if you ask developers, you may
find that the Web is not as ubiquitous in their work as you may think.

Even if 66% of the participants develop the majority of their new
applications with a browser as the interface, there is still a large
portion of developers that are working today for operating contexts
that are outside the Web world, like embedded software or Windows

Get the full results of this poll on


Locale case change not working

2007-05-24 Thread Clodoaldo
When using unicode the case change works:

 print u'É'.lower()

But when using the pt_BR.utf-8 locale it doesn't:

 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.utf-8')
('pt_BR', 'utf')
 print 'É'.lower()

What am I missing? I'm in Fedora Core 5 and Python 2.4.3.

# cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n

Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto


function nested

2007-05-24 Thread Gigs_

i have this function.

def f(start):
 stack = []
 def f1(start):
 for fname in os.listdir(startDir):
path = os.path.join(startDir, fname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
 return stack

this is returning empty list, why?



Re: Basic Class/Instance Question

2007-05-24 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2007-05-23, Wildemar Wildenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 This is a FAQ. Default arguments are only evaled once - when the def 
 statement is evaled (which is usually at import time). The solution is 
 simple: don't use mutable objects as default arguments:

 An immutable object would have given the same behaviour in this case

 class A(object):
 def __init__(self, val = ()):

 obj1 = A()
 obj2 = A()

 print obj1 is obj2   # False
 print obj1.val is obj2.val   # True

 Yeah, but is that a problem? Since you can not change them anyway, 
 there's no harm.

I think it can make comprehension harder if you suggest in your
explanation that a partcilular behaviour is linked to an object
being mutable while that has nothing to do with it.

You are correct that one can't mutate the val attribute but
some code might depend on the distinction identical or not
instead of equal or not. Not understanding this issue of
default arguments could cause a bug in such code even
if the default argument is not mutable.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Locale case change not working

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Otten
Clodoaldo wrote:

 When using unicode the case change works:
 print u'É'.lower()
 But when using the pt_BR.utf-8 locale it doesn't:
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.utf-8')
 ('pt_BR', 'utf')
 print 'É'.lower()
 What am I missing? I'm in Fedora Core 5 and Python 2.4.3.
 # cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n
 Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto

str.lower() operates on bytes and therefore doesn't handle encodings with
multibyte characters (like utf-8) properly:

 import locale
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, de_DE.utf8)
 print unicode(\xc3\x89.lower(), utf8)
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, de_DE.latin1)
 print unicode(\xc9.lower(), latin1)

I recommend that you forget about byte strings and use unicode throughout.


Re: function nested

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Otten
Gigs_ wrote:

 i have this function.
 def f(start):
  stack = []
  def f1(start):
  for fname in os.listdir(startDir):
 path = os.path.join(startDir, fname)
 if os.path.isfile(path):
  return stack
 this is returning empty list, why?

Because f() doesn't invoke f1().


Checking parameters prior to object initialisation

2007-05-24 Thread Brett_McS
Fairly new to Python (and loving it!)

In C++ (gack!) I got used to creating a helper function with each class to 
check the class object initialisation parameters prior to creating the 

In Python, this would be
import example

if example.ParametersOK(a, b, c, d):
newObj = example.Example(a, b, c, d)
print Error in parameters

I presume this would still be considered good practise in Python, or is 
there some other, preferred, method?

Brett McSweeney


Re: how to use imaageop.scale

2007-05-24 Thread Amit Khemka
On 23 May 2007 18:58:28 -0700, Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 23, 5:31 pm, Amit Khemka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 23 May 2007 00:02:34 -0700, Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi, I want to compress a jpg file. e.g. a jpg file which has RGB band
   (24bit per pixel), 100 * 100 size to 50 * 50 size. I
   tried to use scale function in imageop module but failed. Any
   suggestions about this? Thanks!
  Were there any exceptions/error-messasges ?
  Do you jpeg libraries installed for hadling jpeg format ?

 Amit  Marc, thank you very much. Now I used PIL instead and it works
 But I still don't know how to complete this simple task with imageop

I think imageop moudle can handle raw images only, so if you want to
use imageop you will need to convert jpeg images to raw format.


Amit Khemka --
Home Page:
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Re: function nested

2007-05-24 Thread Gigs_
def f(start):
 stack = []
 def f1(start):
 for fname in os.listdir(start):
path = os.path.join(start, fname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
 return stack

i feel s stupid right now
forgot to call f1

any comments how to make this better?

Re: Locale case change not working

2007-05-24 Thread Clodoaldo
On May 24, 6:40 am, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Clodoaldo wrote:
  When using unicode the case change works:

  print u'É'.lower()

  But when using the pt_BR.utf-8 locale it doesn't:

  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.utf-8')
  ('pt_BR', 'utf')
  print 'É'.lower()

  What am I missing? I'm in Fedora Core 5 and Python 2.4.3.

  # cat /etc/sysconfig/i18n

  Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto

 str.lower() operates on bytes and therefore doesn't handle encodings with
 multibyte characters (like utf-8) properly:

  import locale
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, de_DE.utf8)
  print unicode(\xc3\x89.lower(), utf8)
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, de_DE.latin1)
  print unicode(\xc9.lower(), latin1)


 I recommend that you forget about byte strings and use unicode throughout.

Now I understand it. Thanks.

Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto


Re: function nested

2007-05-24 Thread Amit Khemka
On 5/24/07, Gigs_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def f(start):
  stack = []
  def f1(start):
  for fname in os.listdir(start):
 path = os.path.join(start, fname)
 if os.path.isfile(path):
  return stack

 i feel s stupid right now
 forgot to call f1

 any comments how to make this better?

os.walk is just the way for you !


Amit Khemka --
Home Page:
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Re: CP4E revival

2007-05-24 Thread Richard Jones
Michael Tobis wrote:
 seems to short-circuit some pointless hoop-jumping to get you to the

Hoop-jumping implemented to prevent just this kind of direct linking (and
thus not saving of the PDF to local disk to view, and thus increasing the
load on the server).

Thanks for abusing the free service being provided to the Python Papers



Re: Checking parameters prior to object initialisation

2007-05-24 Thread Peter Otten
Brett_McS wrote:

 In C++ (gack!) I got used to creating a helper function with each class to
 check the class object initialisation parameters prior to creating the
 In Python, this would be
 import example
 if example.ParametersOK(a, b, c, d):
 newObj = example.Example(a, b, c, d)
 print Error in parameters
 I presume this would still be considered good practise in Python, or is
 there some other, preferred, method?

Use exceptions to signal wrong parameters and move the parametersOk() test
into the initializer

class Example:
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
if a  0:
raise ValueError(Negative length not allowed)

Write a factory if 
- creating the Example instance carries too much overhead and wrong
  parameters are likely, or
- the checks are costly and you often get parameters known to be OK.

def make_example(a, b, c, d):
if a  0:
raise ValueError(Negative length not allowed)
return Example(a, b, c, d)

Example object creation then becomes

newObj = example.Example(1,2,3,4) # or make_example(...)
except ValueError, e:
print e # you will get a specific message here

If the checks still have to occur in multiple places in your code you are of
course free to factor them out in a separate function.



Re: function nested

2007-05-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Gigs_ a écrit :
 i have this function.
 def f(start):
 stack = []
 def f1(start):
 for fname in os.listdir(startDir):
path = os.path.join(startDir, fname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
 return stack
 this is returning empty list, why?

Because that's what you are returning. Perhaps did you mean to actually 
*call* f1() after defining it ?-)

Re: Checking parameters prior to object initialisation

2007-05-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Brett_McS a écrit :
 Fairly new to Python (and loving it!)
 In C++ (gack!) I got used to creating a helper function with each class to 
 check the class object initialisation parameters prior to creating the 
 In Python, this would be
 import example
 if example.ParametersOK(a, b, c, d):
 newObj = example.Example(a, b, c, d)
 print Error in parameters
 I presume this would still be considered good practise in Python,

I don't think so.

 or is 
 there some other, preferred, method?

If you really have to check, do it in the object's initializer (the 
__init__ method), and raise an exception if necessary.


Hiring Lead Python Programmer for Mozilla-Based Project

2007-05-24 Thread Alok, MetaStart
We're a US-based start-up building new software with the Mozilla
Platform and are at present seeking a lead programmer/architect for
our project.  At present, we're planning to build a team in India, so
we'd need the lead to be on-site for 6 to 12 months.  We may, however,
end up developing in the US or elsewhere.

We're also building websites (ideally in Python) which will work in
conjunction with the client application.

Our projects are quite challenging and exciting.  They're motivated by
the general transition to a net-based lifestyle--we need better tools
to help organize and improve the functionality of critical web
services.   They thus have the potential to reach a lot of people, and
involve a breadth of fun but difficult technical challenges.

We're building a small team of extremely capable developers.  We're
seeking independently motivated, dedicated and generally brilliant
programmers--the sort of programmers who coded a C compiler for fun in
college.   We offer a competitive salary, intense, challenging and
rewarding work, and the potential for spectacular bonuses.

If you're seeking a new challenge and would like to build exciting new
products, please send us your CV or resume and a letter of interest in

Alok, MetaStart
metastart at


Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 24 May 2007 06:59:32 +, Tim Roberts wrote:

 As a general rule, I've found code like if x == False to be a bad idea in
 ANY language.

Surely that should be written as if (x == False) == True?



Re: Simple omniORBpy example throws exception with error 0x41540002

2007-05-24 Thread Samuel
On May 22, 6:53 pm, Duncan Grisby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think ORBit is configured to only listen on its proprietary Unix
 domain socket protocol by default, not TCP, so omniORB doesn't know
 how to talk to it. You should either tell ORBit to listen on TCP
 (Google for how), or use omniORB's naming service, which listens on
 TCP by default.

Yay, after replacing orbit2-nameserver by omniorb4-nameserver
everything works fine.

Thanks a lot for your comment!



Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-24 Thread Rex Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano :
 On Thu, 24 May 2007 06:59:32 +, Tim Roberts wrote:
 As a general rule, I've found code like if x == False to be a bad idea in
 ANY language.
 Surely that should be written as if (x == False) == True?
Why compare to False?

 if not x : ... 

It really doesn't matter if x is False or if it evaluates to False. Many 
things evaluate to False like [], (), 0, , None and a few other things.

  def tf(thing):
... if thing : print True thing, thing
... elif not thing : print False thing,thing
... else : print No thing
False thing []
True thing [1]
  a = ()
False thing ()
False thing 0
  a= (1,2,3)
True thing (1, 2, 3)
True thing abc
False thing

Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread laxmikiran . bachu
Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
object.. If so how 


Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread laxmikiran . bachu
Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
object.. If so how 


Re: Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
 object.. If so how 

Why? Are you getting an error that makes you think that's a good idea?

Tuples are basically structs, unicode objects are strings. There is no 
canonical way to convert them. Tell us more about the problem you want 
to be solved, and we might help you better.


Re: Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread John Machin
On May 24, 9:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
 object.. If so how 

 x = u'fubar'
 y = tuple(x)
(u'f', u'u', u'b', u'a', u'r')
type 'unicode'
type 'tuple'

But I'm quite sure that's not the question you should be asking :-)


Re: Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread Amit Khemka
On 24 May 2007 04:45:32 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
 object.. If so how 

*Loosely* speaking a tuple is a collection of multiple objects. So
what are the objects that you want to put in that tuple ?!

Or do you want to store the unicode string as one of the member in a
tuple ? In which case you can just do it the obvious way (though i
guess thats not the question you asked)!


Amit Khemka --
Home Page:
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Re: Call script which accepts com. line par. from another scriptanderror control

2007-05-24 Thread Karim Ali
Karim Ali wrote:

  What I still dont know though is how do I handle the fact that the first
  script is expecting command line parameters. I would like to be able to
  replace the command line parameters by a variable such that the second
  script can call: first_script.main(command line). Is this possible?

I think it is better to pass a list of arguments


def main(args=None):
 parser = optparse.OptionParser()
 # add options
 options, positional_args = parser.parse_args(args)
 # process

if __name__ == __main__:
 # will read options from the command line
 # if module is invoked as a standalone script


import first_script
first_script.main([-f, --bar, what, you want])

That way you don't have to deal with escaping spaces etc.



Thanks Peter. That does the trick!


New Windows Live Hotmail is here. Upgrade for free and get a better look.


Re: Web Archtecture using tow layers in Phyton

2007-05-24 Thread Amit Khemka
On 5/23/07, Wagner Garcia Campagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to develop an web applications that meet the following requirements:

 - 2 layers: the first one is the user interface (browser) and the second one
 is the interaction with the operacional system of the server.
 - the second layer must be developed using Python.

 I'd like to know if it is possible to implement this system... making the
 second layer using python and the first layer using another web technologies
 like AJAX for example.

Yes, It is very much possible and you will find the quite a few of
such impementations .

 Does anybody have any experience in developing python web applications?
 Maybe send me some links or documentation about it...

Search this news-group or web for python web framework and you can
choose one based on your specific needs. ( some names that often pop
up are: django, cherrypy, webware, pylons etc)

 The final goal is to make diferent user interfaces (layer 1) that can
 integrate with the second layer... for example, one web interface and one
 local interface using python+qt (example)... i don't know if this is
 possible and how can this be implemented... any help is aprreciated...

Read the documentation of the framework ( if any) you choose to work
with you may find templating system useful.
For standalone app you can look at wxPython, which can communicate to
your server at some port.


Amit Khemka --
Home Page:
Endless the world's turn, endless the sun's Spinning, Endless the quest;
I turn again, back to my own beginning, And here, find rest.

Re: Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread laxmikiran . bachu
On May 24, 5:11 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
  object.. If so how 

 Why? Are you getting an error that makes you think that's a good idea?

 Tuples are basically structs, unicode objects are strings. There is no
 canonical way to convert them. Tell us more about the problem you want
 to be solved, and we might help you better.



I have to get few strings from an application(strings of different
languages..ex: korean,japanese,french etc.,). The data returned by the
application was in the  format of the xml.
Hence I was using pyRXP to get the data. I was not able to get all the
strigs in different languages. Now I wanted to use pyRXPU to get all
the strings of that application.When Iam using pyRXPU iam getting the
following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 106, in
  File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 66, in
titleBar = root.TitleBar.currentText
  File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 35, in __getattr__
tagName, attrs, children, spare = child
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

Here the child is of the format unicode..

When pyRXP is used it was of the format tuple... I was just trying to
find out if there is some way that I make this code work.


installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Carl K
I am trying to use this:
it is a real module, right?

sudo easy_install cx_Oracle did not easy_install cx_Oracle. doesn't give me any clue.

I got the source from

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/a/cx_Oracle-4.3.1$ python build
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 36, in ?
 oracleHome = os.environ[ORACLE_HOME]
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 17, in __getitem__
 def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]

Now I don't really know whos problem this is.

Carl K

Re: converting text and spans to an ElementTree

2007-05-24 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-05-23, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil Cerutti wrote:
 On 2007-05-22, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks a lot! This put me on the right track (though the
 devil's definitely in the details). It's working now::

 tree = xmltools.text_and_spans_to_etree('aaa aaa aaaccc cccaaa', [
 ... (etree.Element('a'), 0, 21),
 ... (etree.Element('b'), 11, 11),
 ... (etree.Element('c'), 11, 18),
 ... ])
 ' aaa aaab / ccc/caaa/a'
 tree = xmltools.text_and_spans_to_etree('bbb\naaaccc\ncccaaa', [
 ... (etree.Element('a'), 0, 17),
 ... (etree.Element('b'), 0, 4),
 ... (etree.Element('c'), 7, 14),
 ... (etree.Element('b'), 14, 14),
 ... ])
 'a\n/baaa\nccc/cb /aaa/a'
 tree = xmltools.text_and_spans_to_etree('abc', [
 ... (etree.Element('a'), 0, 3),
 ... (etree.Element('b'), 0, 3),
 ... (etree.Element('c'), 0, 3),
 ... ])

 And for the sake of any poor soul who runs into a similar
 problem, here's the code I wrote using Gabriel's hints above::
 When I saw you manually keeping a stack, I called Captain
 Recursion on my Red-Alert Recursion Phone.
 (I'm sorry he left out the Element stuff, which he doesn't know
 or use yet. The Captain's get_tree just returns the string)

 Heh heh.

 I actually thought about writing it recursively, but note that
 you need both recursive and non-recursive parts of this
 algorithm to do the ElementTree part right:

You mean... I left out the hard part?  Shucks. I had really hoped
it didn't matter.

 * the recursive (or stack) part assigns children to parents
 * the non-recursive part assigns text or tail to the previous element
(note that's previous in a sequential sense, not a recursive sense)

 I'm sure I could implement this recursively, passing around
 annother appropriate argument, but it wasn't obvious to me that
 the code would be any cleaner.

Moreover, it looks like you have experience in writing that sort
of code. I'd have never even attempted it without recursion, but
that's merely exposing one of my limitations. ;)

Neil Cerutti

RE:A few questions

2007-05-24 Thread JYOUNG79
Just wanted to send a quick Thank You! to everyone who helped answer my 
questions.  This 
list is awesome!!

I'm currently reading How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (thanks 
Basilisk96) and it's got 
some excellent 
tutorial info.  I still want to take a look at Dive into Python as well as 
the other books you all 
mentioned.  I'll 
continue working with wxPython and py2app too...  these are some cool apps!!

Again, thank you all for taking the time to help me with all this.  I really 
appreciate it!


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Bill Scherer
Carl K wrote:
 I am trying to use this:
 it is a real module, right?
It is indeed.
 sudo easy_install cx_Oracle did not easy_install cx_Oracle. doesn't give me any clue.

 I got the source from

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/a/cx_Oracle-4.3.1$ python build
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 36, in ?
  oracleHome = os.environ[ORACLE_HOME]
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 17, in __getitem__
  def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]
 KeyError: 'ORACLE_HOME'
You have an oracle client installed, right? If not, go get an Instant 


Then you need to set an environment variable, ORACLE_HOME, to point to 
the root of the oracle client installation so that the cx_Oracle 
installer can find the oracle libraries to build with.

 Now I don't really know whos problem this is.

 Carl K

configobj - use of

2007-05-24 Thread Bruce
I assume that you know the module configobj. I use it like this:
I have a config_file :

a = 1
b = 2
a = 3
b = 1

.. ans so on

Then in the code I have c = configobj.ConfigObj(path_to_config file)

then I go like for instance

for s in c['sec1']:
print c['sec1'][s]['a']

Just think its awkward that its neccessary to use the c['sec1'] again
inside the loop,
guess I`d like it to be like
print s.a


Is this the right way to use configobj?


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Carl K schrieb:
 I am trying to use this:
 it is a real module, right?
 sudo easy_install cx_Oracle did not easy_install cx_Oracle. doesn't give me any clue.
 I got the source from 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/a/cx_Oracle-4.3.1$ python build
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 36, in ?
 oracleHome = os.environ[ORACLE_HOME]
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 17, in __getitem__
 def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]
 KeyError: 'ORACLE_HOME'

yours. because you need the oracle OCI with libs and header files 
installed + the environment variable ORACLE_HOME pointing to the 

I suggest you download the appropriat oracle instant client for your system.


Re: Changing Unicode object to Tuple Type

2007-05-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 On May 24, 5:11 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can we have change a unicode string Type object  to a Tuple type
 object.. If so how 
 Why? Are you getting an error that makes you think that's a good idea?

 Tuples are basically structs, unicode objects are strings. There is no
 canonical way to convert them. Tell us more about the problem you want
 to be solved, and we might help you better.

 I have to get few strings from an application(strings of different
 languages..ex: korean,japanese,french etc.,). The data returned by the
 application was in the  format of the xml.
 Hence I was using pyRXP to get the data. I was not able to get all the
 strigs in different languages. Now I wanted to use pyRXPU to get all
 the strings of that application.When Iam using pyRXPU iam getting the
 following error.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 106, in
   File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 66, in
 titleBar = root.TitleBar.currentText
   File D:\LanguageScripts\, line 35, in __getattr__
 tagName, attrs, children, spare = child
 ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
 Here the child is of the format unicode..
 When pyRXP is used it was of the format tuple... I was just trying to
 find out if there is some way that I make this code work.

I don't know pyRXP and pyRXPU, and especially not how you use them. 
Who's responsible for writing that He or she obviously 
expected a tuple returned that was basically a DOM-tree (tag, attrs, 
childs and something called spare)

But changing to pyRXPU seems to break the protocol here. But I can't 
judge that without seeing more code.


Re: Lists vs tuples (newbie)

2007-05-24 Thread Duncan Booth
Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Aside from the hashing issue, there is nothing that a tuple can do
  that can't be done as well or better by a list.
 There are a few other cases where you have to use a tuple, for
 example in a try..except statement the exception specification must
 be an exception to be caught or a tuple of exception specifications:
 a list won't work to catch multiple exceptions.
 Esoteric - But I stand corrected...
 any other must use a tuple's  ?
 Seems they all fall into a class that can be described as required by
 the language - I was thinking data.
There used to be several other situations where a tuple was required but I 
can't think of any others which still exist.

So far as data is concerned, the same reason that exceptions require tuples 
could arise in your own code:

If you look at the definition of the except clause expression (simplified 
to remove the deprecated string option):

 An object is compatible with an exception if it is the class or a base
 class of the exception object or a tuple containing an item compatible 
 with the exception

you'll see that it is impossible for this structure to contain any loops. 
An equivalent structure using lists instead of tuples could contain loops 
and any code which searched it for a match would have to account for this 

So, anywhere you want a tree structure with a guarantee that it does not 
contain any loops it may be appropriate to use tuples to represent the 

Re: A few questions

2007-05-24 Thread scott
 Just wanted to send a quick Thank You! to everyone who helped answer my 
 questions.  This 
 list is awesome!!
I'm finding the same, this list is amazing.  There is a more welcome 
feeling than the C or C++ list I have seen.

 I'm currently reading How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (thanks 
Me too, it is an amazing book and I am loving Python much better than C. 
  I would just like to find some answers to the exercises to make sure 
I'm doing them correctly.

 I still want to take a look at Dive into Python as well as the other books 
 you all 
I put Dive into Python on my palm.  Is it a good 2nd book to go through?

Your friend,

Sent to you from a Linux computer using Kubuntu Version 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

Re: (Modular-)Application Framework / Rich-Client-Platform in Python

2007-05-24 Thread Jorge Mazzonelli

Maybe I'm missing the point but the mozilla platform doesn't meet you're
needs? I know it's not a pure python solution but there's work in progress
to use python as a scripting language instead of javascript to develop the
components. I did not made anything on the python + XUL side but tested 2
years ago in javascript and it was neat. The book Creating Applicatin with
Mozilla was very helpfull (BTW, if I'm not wrong thunderbird and firefox are
both build using the mozilla platform/XPCOM/XUL)

you can find the python reference in mozilla here:
and the book on mozilla platform:



Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Bill Scherer
Bill Scherer wrote:
 Carl K wrote:
 I am trying to use this:
 it is a real module, right?
 It is indeed.
 sudo easy_install cx_Oracle did not easy_install cx_Oracle. doesn't give me any clue.

 I got the source from

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/a/cx_Oracle-4.3.1$ python build
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 36, in ?
  oracleHome = os.environ[ORACLE_HOME]
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 17, in __getitem__
  def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]
 KeyError: 'ORACLE_HOME'
 You have an oracle client installed, right? If not, go get an Instant 

muh. Sorry for the mangled url. try this one instead:

 Then you need to set an environment variable, ORACLE_HOME, to point to 
 the root of the oracle client installation so that the cx_Oracle 
 installer can find the oracle libraries to build with.

 Now I don't really know whos problem this is.

 Carl K

problems to write a wav file

2007-05-24 Thread Gautier Krings


I have a small problem for writing a .wav file. I can't find in which format
I have to pass my data in the writeframes function of the wave module.

here's my code, I am just trying to open a wav file, extracting the data
from it, and writing it in another wav file.
The problem is that the sound I get in the second wav file isn't the same as
from the firs file (in fact it is horrible).

import wave, audioop, numpy
from numpy.fft import *
from math import *

signal ='C:\demo.wav', 'rb' )
Nframes = float(signal.getnframes())
width = signal.getsampwidth()
frameRate = signal.getframerate()

frame = signal.readframes(1)
power =[]
while len(frame):
   power.append(audioop.rms( frame, width ))
   frame = signal.readframes(1)

new_signal ='C:\demo2.wav', 'wb')

for j in range(len(power)):
data = hex(power[j])--- I guess that my problem is located at this

thanks a lot,
Gautier Krings

Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Carl K
Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.

$ export ORACLE_HOME
$ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
$ python build
$ sudo python install

$ python -c import cx_Oracle
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in ?
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 

guessing I need to add
to some path?

btw - anyone know of a .deb that will install this?

Carl K

Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-05-24, Rex Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano :
 On Thu, 24 May 2007 06:59:32 +, Tim Roberts wrote:
 As a general rule, I've found code like if x == False to be a bad idea in
 ANY language.
 Surely that should be written as if (x == False) == True?

 Why compare to False?

That's a joke... I say, that's a joke, son!

He was being sarcastic.  

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! The FALAFEL SANDWICH
  at   lands on my HEAD and I
   visi.combecome a VEGETARIAN ...

Re: Python and GUI

2007-05-24 Thread Brian Blais
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 5/21/07, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shameless plug: consider using Dabo on top of wxPython - we feel it
 makes wxPython even easier and more pythonic, but admittedly there's a
 bit of a learning curve there too. Even though Dabo is a full
 application framework originally meant for desktop database
 applications, it is modular and you can choose to only use the UI
 I second this. I used (and struggled!) with wxPython for over a year.
 The results were great, but I hated coding it. I switched to the Dabo
 UI wrapper, and stuff that used to take me a day to create is now done
 in an hour or two.


I'd like to ask the Python community about this, because it seems to me that 
there is 
  a real need that is not being met very effectively.  Almost everyone agrees 
wxPython looks great and is very powerful, and for full-fledged cross-platform 
applications is nearly the best, if not *the* best, choice as far as *function* 
*look* are concerned.  The next sentence out of Python programmers seems to be 
...but wx is written in C++ and definitely shows, even in the Python port.  
just not very pythonic.

Then there is Dabo, which I personally have had problems with.  I am looking 
for a 
pythonic, professional looking GUI framework.  I first tried dabo with python 
and had to install sqlite, which seemed a bit odd for trying to just get a GUI 
framework...I understand why, but when you're looking for one thing, having it 
to a completely different thing feels a little strange.  I never got it working 
Python2.5, either on Linux or OS X, and the problem is most definitely mine and 
didn't have the patience to debug it.  I am really not trying to diss dabo 
because there enough people who swear by it, that it must be doing many things 

My problem with Dabo is not what it is, it is what I am looking for...a 
pythonic GUI 
framework.  Coming from Unix, I generally feel that a program should try to do 
thing, and one thing well.  To mix really different functionality seems to me 
to be a 
bad idea.  If you can use the GUI parts separately, why not package it 
One might find a lot of users who only what that.

Finally, consider wax (  In my view, 
this is 
*exactly* what python needs, and its not being maintained anymore as far as I 
tell.  What I like about it is:

1) it is small...I can include the entire wax distribution in my app with only 
a 780k 
2) it is a very thin layer on wx, so when something doesn't quite work, I can 
immediately fall back onto wx, mixing and matching wax and wx objects.  it's 
that the wax objects have more pythonic calling and use properties

Is there a reason that the port of wxPython doesn't include wax, or something 
similar?  It would seem pretty straightforward, when porting the wx to Python, 
simply include such a wrapper.  I wish I were more clever, and had more time, 
to take 
over the maintenance of wax because I think it is the most straightforward, 
practical, and pythonic solution out there.

Do others think like me here?


Brian Blais



Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Bill Scherer
Carl K wrote:
 Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.

 $ export ORACLE_HOME
 $ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
 $ python build
 $ sudo python install

 $ python -c import cx_Oracle
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File string, line 1, in ?
 ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file 

 guessing I need to add
 to some path?
You can `export 

or (assuming a recent RedHat linux (or similar) now), put that path in a 
file, /etc/

and run /sbin/ldconfig

You'll find the latter operation to be persistent, and the former is not.
 btw - anyone know of a .deb that will install this?

 Carl K

Re: Python on Vista installation issues

2007-05-24 Thread Chris Gonnerman
Okay, I've figured it out.  It's easy (but stupid)... right click the 
extension installer program, and choose Run as Administrator.

Just posting this so the next Google search for an answer might actually 
find one.

Chris Gonnerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Owner, New Century Computers
Phone 660-213-3822   Fax 660-213-3339


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Carl K
Bill Scherer wrote:
 Carl K wrote:
 Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.

 $ export ORACLE_HOME
 $ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
 $ python build
 $ sudo python install

 $ python -c import cx_Oracle
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File string, line 1, in ?
 ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No 
 such file or directory

 guessing I need to add
 to some path?
 You can `export 
 or (assuming a recent RedHat linux (or similar) now), put that path in a 
 file, /etc/
 and run /sbin/ldconfig
 You'll find the latter operation to be persistent, and the former is not.
 btw - anyone know of a .deb that will install this?

 Carl K


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/a/cx_Oracle-4.3.1$ python
Python 2.4.4c1 (#2, Oct 11 2006, 21:51:02)
[GCC 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import cx_Oracle
  connection = cx_Oracle.connect('testuserA', 'pw', 'nf55')
  cursor = connection.cursor()
  cursor.execute(select * from tbl1)
[cx_Oracle.NUMBER with value None, cx_Oracle.FIXED_CHAR with value None, 
cx_Oracle.NUMBER with value None]
[(1, 'a ', 1.01), (2, 'a ', 1.02), (3, 'a ', 1.03)]

Thanks - now I can get to the real problem: client side join/order by :)

But I have already done it in MySql, so this should be the easy part...

Thanks again.

Carl K


2007-05-24 Thread Mauler
I need some help with adding bootstrap code to the core of python, the
idea is to leave a super base core inside a zip file (
works right out of the box) and leave the rest in separate zip
modules. Making it more friendly with pendrives and more practical as
a standalone runtime (ie, without install) and fully modular. The
thing is that i need to modify the base importer to add this special
site-packages .
Any hints?
thanks in advance (and a lot!)

Martin Rene Vilugron
Patagonia Argentina


Invalid thread state for this thread

2007-05-24 Thread Martin Evans
I know this has been seen before but it is not making too much sense (after 
reading many posts). It all appears to work fine but then dies after about 
40 invocations.

My app has Python embedded, it is embedded as part of a dll which 
initializes python and finalizes on load and unload (see below). When a 
script needs to be run, I create a new thread, let the script complete and 
close the thread.

The thread contains the following type arrangement:

  hScriptFile = OpenScriptFile(m_szActiveScript);
  pInterpreter = Py_NewInterpreter();

This appears to work fine accept that after around 30-40 invocations I 
always get the Invalid thread state for this thread. ie the app and dll 
stay loaded and I click my run button manually about 40 times. In this 
test it is a simple hello world type script. The size of the script does 
not appear to matter.

The dll is coded something like this:

  m_mainThreadState = PyThreadState_Get();

DllUnload() (not called as part of this test)

The app has been designed to allow a second interpreter to run independently 
(thus the need for multiple thread support) and this also appears to work 
fine, but for this test only this one thread was used. I have a compiled 
version of 2.4.2.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



Re: Python and GUI

2007-05-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-05-24, Brian Blais [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to ask the Python community about this, because it
 seems to me that there is a real need that is not being met
 very effectively. [...] ...but wx is written in C++ and
 definitely shows, even in the Python port.  It's just not
 very pythonic.

 Then there is Dabo, which I personally have had problems with.

I haven't tried Dabo, so I can't comment.

 Finally, consider wax (
 In my view, this is *exactly* what python needs, and its not
 being maintained anymore as far as I can tell.  What I like
 about it is:

 1) it is small...I can include the entire wax distribution in
my app with only a 780k footprint.

 2) it is a very thin layer on wx, so when something doesn't
quite work, I can immediately fall back onto wx, mixing and
matching wax and wx objects.  it's just that the wax
objects have more pythonic calling and use properties

I did try wax, and I liked it.  It seemed much more Pythonic
than bare wxPython, and resulted in cleaner, easier-to-read
code.  When I tried it, it was still early in its development,
and there were still parts of it that needed to be fleshed out
(a lot of stuff was still unwrapped).  I contributed a little
bit of code (wrapping one or two more things), but I didn't
have enough time at that point to wrap and debug all the things
I needed, so I switched back to plain wxPython (I had a mixture
of wax and wx for a little while, but I that annoyed me too

 Is there a reason that the port of wxPython doesn't include
 wax, or something similar?  It would seem pretty
 straightforward, when porting the wx to Python, to simply
 include such a wrapper.  I wish I were more clever, and had
 more time, to take over the maintenance of wax because I think
 it is the most straightforward, practical, and pythonic
 solution out there.

 Do others think like me here?

Yes.  I thought wax was a good idea, and there was a a good
start on an implementation.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! My nose feels like a
  at   bad Ronald Reagan movie ...

Re: configobj - use of

2007-05-24 Thread Steve Holden
Bruce wrote:
 I assume that you know the module configobj. I use it like this:
 I have a config_file :
 a = 1
 b = 2
 a = 3
 b = 1
 .. ans so on
 Then in the code I have c = configobj.ConfigObj(path_to_config file)
 then I go like for instance
 for s in c['sec1']:
   print c['sec1'][s]['a']
 Just think its awkward that its neccessary to use the c['sec1'] again
 inside the loop,
 guess I`d like it to be like
 print s.a
 Is this the right way to use configobj?
So bind a variable to the section, and write

csec = c['sec1']
for s in csec:
 print csec[s]['a']

I don't think configobj support attribute-based access to the section 
values, in which case

 print csec[s].a

won't work.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag your way to fame!!
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-- Thank You for Reading 


What is an instance and what isn't?

2007-05-24 Thread Gre7g Luterman
I suppose I was lulled into complacency by how Python makes so many things 
look like classes, but I'm starting to realize that they're not, are they?

I'm writing a C program which handles Python objects in different ways based 
on their type. I do a PyInstance_Check(PyObj) to determine if the PyObj is 
an instance, but it is returning 0 on a lot of stuff that I thought would be 
an instance. So I did the following simple test on three things that look 
like instances:

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] 
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 class a: pass
type 'instance'
type 'exceptions.Exception'
 class b(dict): pass
class '__main__.b'

I was relieved that a() returns an instance, but I was surprised that 
Exceptions aren't really instances at all. And what's the deal with derving 
a class from a standard type like a dictionary? I thought for sure, that 
would be an instance, but this shows it is a class?!?

Can anyone explain the last one and/or give me a simple test I can do in C 
to determine whether a Python object is instance-like?

Many thanks,


Re: Bootstrapping

2007-05-24 Thread ici
On May 24, 5:53 pm, Mauler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need some help with adding bootstrap code to the core of python, the
 idea is to leave a super base core inside a zip file (
 works right out of the box) and leave the rest in separate zip
 modules. Making it more friendly with pendrives and more practical as
 a standalone runtime (ie, without install) and fully modular. The
 thing is that i need to modify the base importer to add this special
 site-packages .
 Any hints?
 thanks in advance (and a lot!)

 Martin Rene Vilugron
 Patagonia Argentina ?


Re: Python and GUI

2007-05-24 Thread Ed Leafe
On May 24, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Brian Blais wrote:

 Then there is Dabo, which I personally have had problems with.  I  
 am looking for a
 pythonic, professional looking GUI framework.  I first tried dabo  
 with python 2.4,
 and had to install sqlite, which seemed a bit odd for trying to  
 just get a GUI
 framework...I understand why, but when you're looking for one  
 thing, having it tied
 to a completely different thing feels a little strange.

FWIW, we made that decision only after Python itself committed to  
including SQLite as part of the standard distribution. While there  
may have been some problems during the transition, such as you  
apparently had, it made for a much better product in the long run.

 I never got it working in
 Python2.5, either on Linux or OS X, and the problem is most  
 definitely mine and I
 didn't have the patience to debug it.  I am really not trying to  
 diss dabo here,
 because there enough people who swear by it, that it must be doing  
 many things right.

I checked the archives, and didn't find any messages from you asking  
for help. We know that the documentation is far from complete, and  
the installation process can be problematic, but one thing we pride  
ourselves on is quick response to help requests, and then fixing  
whatever it was that caused the initial problem.

 My problem with Dabo is not what it is, it is what I am looking  
 for...a pythonic GUI
 framework.  Coming from Unix, I generally feel that a program  
 should try to do one
 thing, and one thing well.  To mix really different functionality  
 seems to me to be a
 bad idea.  If you can use the GUI parts separately, why not package  
 it separately?
 One might find a lot of users who only what that.

We've thought about doing exactly that, but to be honest, it would  
take a large investment of time without a corresponding increase in  
value. Right now all you have to do is install Dabo, and then just  
use the dabo.ui classes. You never need to touch the database or  
business object layers if you don't want to.

Also, I don't feel that we are mixing different functionality.  
Rather, we are creating an integrated environment for those wishing  
to create rich desktop apps. Nearly all such apps require displaying  
and persisting information, and that's what Dabo is designed to do.  
If you don't need persistent information, the display stuff works  
just fine.

I'd encourage anyone who is curious about what dabo.ui offers to  
view the part of my recent PyCon presentation that discusses exactly  
this topic. Take a look at to see an  
example of simpler and more Pythonic Dabo code is compared to what  
you would have to write in either raw wxPython or even Wax.

-- Ed Leafe


How can I time a method of a class in python using Timeit

2007-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am using timeit to time a global function like this

t = timeit.Timer(timeTest(),from __main__ import timeTest)
result = t.timeit();

But how can i use timeit to time a function in a class?
class FetchUrlThread(threading.Thread):
def aFunction(self):
   # do something 

def run(self):
# how can I time how long does aFunction() take here?

Thank you.


of destructors, open files and garbage collection

2007-05-24 Thread massimo s.

Python 2.4, Kubuntu 6.06. I'm no professional programmer (I am a ph.d.
student in biophysics) but I have a fair knowledge of Python.

I have a for loop that looks like the following :

for item in long_list:

def foo(item):
   item.create_blah() #--this creates item.blah; by doing that it
opens a file and leaves it open until blah.__del__() is called

Now, what I thought is that if I call


it will delete item and also all objects created inside item. So I
thought that item.blah.__del__() would have been called and files
Question 1:
This is not the case. I have to call del(item.blah), otherwise files
are kept open and the for loops end with a Too many open files
error. Why isn't __del__() called on objects belonging to a parent
object? Is it OK?

So I thought:
oh, ok, let's put del(self.blah) in item.__del__()
Question 2:
This doesn't work either. Why?

Thanks a lot,


Reading (and writing?) audio file tags

2007-05-24 Thread Paul Moore
I'd like to write some scripts to analyze and manipulate my music
files. The files themselves are in MP3 and FLAC format (mostly MP3,
but FLAC where I ripped original CDs and wanted a lossless format).
I've no idea what form of tags are used in the files (ID3v1, ID3v2,
OGG, APE, ...) I just used whatever the program that set them up used.
I'm completely confused by the various tag formats that exist - there
seems to be little standardisation, and quite a few compatibility
pitfalls. For example, I have files with tags using accented
characters - I suspect that this causes some tools to switch format
(because I've seen what looked like corrupt data at times, which
turned out to be the program displaying the wrong format of tag).

I've seen various Python libraries that talk about ID3 tag reading -
but I'm not clear if they read other tag formats (many applications
which call themselves ID3 readers actually handle multiple formats,
but I don't know if that's true for (Python) libraries. Also, there
seem to be few libraries that will *write* tags.

Is there a good music file tag handling library for Python that's
worth looking at? I use Windows, so it would have to be for that
platform, and although I have a compiler, I don't really want to spend
a lot of time collecting and porting/building support libraries, so
I'd be looking for a binary distribution.

In the absence of something suitable, I'll probably go back to dumping
the tags via a generic MP3 tag reader program, then manipulate them
as a text file, then try to do some sort of bulk reload.



Re: Shared Memory Space - Accross Apps Network

2007-05-24 Thread Cameron Laird
Tim Golden  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PyLinda -

This implements the tuplespace paradigm. It's great
fun to use, but as far as I know this implementation
was a PhD project and lacks the robustness and wide
use of other things. That said, it works perfectly
well within its remit and might be a good match for
what you're trying to do.
Amen; part of Linda's charm is that it's pleasingly effective
even with a simple, unmaintained implementation URL: .

Re: of destructors, open files and garbage collection

2007-05-24 Thread Paul Moore
On 24 May, 16:40, massimo s. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, what I thought is that if I call


 it will delete item and also all objects created inside item.

Sort of, but it's a bit more subtle. You'll stop the name item from
referring to your item - if nothing else refers to your item, it will
be garbage collected (and __del__ will get called). But you can have
other references, and in this case, __del__ is not called until *they*
are released as well.

Here's an example:

 class C:
... def __del__(self):
... print del called
 c = C()
 # Now we have one reference to the object, in c. So delete it:
 del c
del called
 # Just as we want.
... # Let's create a new C, but store a second reference to it in a.
 c = C()
 a = c
 # Now we can delete c, but a still refers to the object, so it isn't 
 del c
 # But if we delete a, it is!
 del a
del called

OK. Now in your case, it's a bit more complex. You delete item.
Suppose that causes the item to be garbage collected (there are no
other references). Then, the item will be collected. This removes the
attribute item.blah, which refers to the blah object. So the blah
object is collected - *as long as no other references exist to that
item*. Here's another example:

 class B:
... def __init__(self):
... self.c = C()
... def __del__(self):
... print B's delete called
 b = B()
 del b
B's delete called
del called
 # But if we have a second reference to b.c, that causes the object to stay 
 b = B()
 a = b.c
 del b
B's delete called
 del a
del called

See? Even though b was collected, its c attribute is still accessible
under the name 'a', so it's kept alive.

 Question 1:
 This is not the case. I have to call del(item.blah), otherwise files
 are kept open and the for loops end with a Too many open files
 error. Why isn't __del__() called on objects belonging to a parent
 object? Is it OK?

Did the above help to clarify?

 So I thought:
 oh, ok, let's put del(self.blah) in item.__del__()
 Question 2:
 This doesn't work either. Why?

It's not needed - it's not the item.blah reference that's keeping the
blah object alive, it's another one.

You *can* fix this by tracking down all the references and explicitly
deleting them one by one, but that's not really the best answer.
You're micromanaging stuff the garbage collector is supposed to handle
for you. Ultimately, you've got a design problem, as you're holding
onto stuff you no longer need. Whether you use del, or add an explicit
blah.close() method to close the filehandle, you've got to understand
when you're finished with a filehandle - if you know that, you can
close it at that point.

Here's a final example that may help:

 a = []
 for i in range(10):
... a.append(C())
 # Lots of work, none of which uses a
 a = [] # or del a
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called
del called

See how you finished with all of the C objects right after the for
loop, but they didn't get deleted until later? I suspect that's what's
happening to you. If you cleared out the list (my a = [] statement) as
soon as you're done with it, you get the resources back that much

Hope this helps,


Module imports fine from interactive, not from script

2007-05-24 Thread Joshua J. Kugler
Yes, I've read this:
That's not my problem.

I installed PlanetPlanet via the
package's install command (as root). will not run,
however, giving me this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin/, line 167, in ?
  File /usr/local/bin/, line 124, in main
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'logging'

But, from interactive session:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ ls -l # to show that the modules are not in the
current dir
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 2247 2007-05-22 15:26 atom.xml.tmpl
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 2089 2007-05-22 15:25 index.html.tmpl
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler  564 2007-05-22 15:43 planet.ini
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 1128 2007-05-22 15:26 rss10.xml.tmpl
-rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler  838 2007-05-22 15:26 rss20.xml.tmpl
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ python
Python 2.4.3 (#2, Oct  6 2006, 07:52:30)
[GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import planet
module 'planet.logging'
from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet/logging/'

The contents of /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ ls -la /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet/
total 270
drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 .
drwxrwsr-x 4 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 15:18 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff   4315 2006-07-26 15:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff   8887 2006-07-26 15:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 126446 2006-07-26 15:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  58705 2006-07-26 15:53
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  38145 2006-07-26 15:53
drwxr-xr-x 2 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 logging
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  13904 2006-07-26 15:53
drwxr-xr-x 2 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 tests
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  12681 2006-07-26 15:53 is simply executing:

import planet
# Activate logging

I've checked permissions, I've checked import statements, everything I know
to check.  Is there something terribly simple I'm missing?



Joshua Kugler
Lead System Admin -- Senior Programmer
PGP Key:  ID 0xDB26D7CE

Posted via a free Usenet account from


Re: Reading (and writing?) audio file tags

2007-05-24 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Paul Moore:
 I'd like to write some scripts to analyze and manipulate my music
 files. The files themselves are in MP3 and FLAC format (mostly MP3,
 but FLAC where I ripped original CDs and wanted a lossless format).
 I've no idea what form of tags are used in the files (ID3v1, ID3v2,
 OGG, APE, ...)

Flac files use Vorbis comments, the same that Ogg Vorbis files use. As for 
MP3, they use ID3v2 or ID3v1, or both.

Anyway, what you want is Mutagen. It handles both Flac and Mp3 tags, as well 
as many others:

 I just used whatever the program that set them up used. 
 I'm completely confused by the various tag formats that exist - there
 seems to be little standardisation, and quite a few compatibility
 pitfalls. For example, I have files with tags using accented
 characters - I suspect that this causes some tools to switch format
 (because I've seen what looked like corrupt data at times, which
 turned out to be the program displaying the wrong format of tag).

 I've seen various Python libraries that talk about ID3 tag reading -
 but I'm not clear if they read other tag formats (many applications
 which call themselves ID3 readers actually handle multiple formats,
 but I don't know if that's true for (Python) libraries. Also, there
 seem to be few libraries that will *write* tags.

ID3 = MP3 only. A lot of people call _all_ tags 'id3' tags to save having to 
say 'Flac tags, and Vorbis tags, and Ape tags' etcthese people are the 
source of your confusion. 

 Is there a good music file tag handling library for Python that's
 worth looking at? I use Windows, so it would have to be for that
 platform, and although I have a compiler, I don't really want to spend
 a lot of time collecting and porting/building support libraries, so
 I'd be looking for a binary distribution.

From the read me: Mutagen works on Python 2.3+ and has no dependencies 
outside the CPython standard library so it should work on Windows I think. 
It is just pure Python so there you go...

 In the absence of something suitable, I'll probably go back to dumping
 the tags via a generic MP3 tag reader program, then manipulate them
 as a text file, then try to do some sort of bulk reload.



darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected...
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: of destructors, open files and garbage collection

2007-05-24 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], massimo s.

 I have a for loop that looks like the following :
 for item in long_list:
 def foo(item):
item.create_blah() #--this creates item.blah; by doing that it
 opens a file and leaves it open until blah.__del__() is called
 Now, what I thought is that if I call
 it will delete item and also all objects created inside item.

It will delete the *name* `item`.  It does nothing to the object that was
bound to that name.  If the name was the only reference to that object, it
may be garbage collected sooner or later.  Read the documentation for the
`__del__()` method for more details and why implementing such a method
increases the chance that the object *won't* be garbage collected!

Relying on the `__del__()` method isn't a good idea because there are no
really hard guaranties by the language if and when it will be called.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Module imports fine from interactive, not from script

2007-05-24 Thread Paul Moore
On 23 May, 02:20, Joshua J. Kugler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I've read 
 That's not my problem.

 I installed PlanetPlanet via the
 package's install command (as root). will not run,
 however, giving me this error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/bin/, line 167, in ?
   File /usr/local/bin/, line 124, in main
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'logging'

Your problem is that your script is called, the same as the
module you're trying to import. So from the script, import planet
finds the script itself (the script's directory is always added to
sys.path), and importing it as planet rather than importing the planet
module from site-packages.

The simplest fix is to not call the driver script

It's not exactly terribly simple, but it is quite a common mistake
(I've certainly made it more than once...)


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Steve Holden
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Thu, 24 May 2007 09:07:07 -0500, Carl K [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.

 $ export ORACLE_HOME
 $ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
   Don't those lines need to be reversed? Set the variable in the
 current shell, and /then/ export it?

Modern shells actually allow the single statement

export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
-- Asciimercial -
Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag your way to fame!!
tagged items:
All these services currently offer free registration!
-- Thank You for Reading 


Re: Module imports fine from interactive, not from script

2007-05-24 Thread Steve Holden
Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
 Yes, I've read this:
 That's not my problem.
 I installed PlanetPlanet via the
 package's install command (as root). will not run,
 however, giving me this error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/bin/, line 167, in ?
   File /usr/local/bin/, line 124, in main
 AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'logging'
 But, from interactive session:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ ls -l # to show that the modules are not in the
 current dir
 total 20
 -rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 2247 2007-05-22 15:26 atom.xml.tmpl
 -rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 2089 2007-05-22 15:25 index.html.tmpl
 -rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler  564 2007-05-22 15:43 planet.ini
 -rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler 1128 2007-05-22 15:26 rss10.xml.tmpl
 -rw-r--r-- 1 jkugler jkugler  838 2007-05-22 15:26 rss20.xml.tmpl
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ python
 Python 2.4.3 (#2, Oct  6 2006, 07:52:30)
 [GCC 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import planet
 module 'planet.logging'
 from '/usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet/logging/'

 The contents of /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/www$ ls -la /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/planet/
 total 270
 drwxr-sr-x 4 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 .
 drwxrwsr-x 4 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 15:18 ..
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff   4315 2006-07-26 15:53
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff   8887 2006-07-26 15:53
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 126446 2006-07-26 15:53
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  58705 2006-07-26 15:53
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  38145 2006-07-26 15:53
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 logging
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  13904 2006-07-26 15:53
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root staff   1024 2007-05-22 16:59 tests
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff  12681 2006-07-26 15:53 is simply executing:
 import planet
 # Activate logging
 I've checked permissions, I've checked import statements, everything I know
 to check.  Is there something terribly simple I'm missing?
The directory containing the script you are executing is also added to 
sys.path. Since you are executing a script called planet ...

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
-- Asciimercial -
Get on the web: Blog, lens and tag your way to fame!!
tagged items:
All these services currently offer free registration!
-- Thank You for Reading 


Re: How can I time a method of a class in python using Timeit

2007-05-24 Thread vasudevram
On May 24, 8:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am using timeit to time a global function like this

 t = timeit.Timer(timeTest(),from __main__ import timeTest)
 result = t.timeit();

 But how can i use timeit to time a function in a class?
 class FetchUrlThread(threading.Thread):
 def aFunction(self):
# do something 

 def run(self):
 # how can I time how long does aFunction() take here?

 Thank you.

Try this:

def run(self):
import time
t1 = time.clock()
t2 = time.clock()
print aFunction took %d seconds % int(t2 - t1 + 1)

(Code is not tested as I'm not at my PC right now).

The int() is to round it off to an integer, and the +1 is to give a
more accurate result - may not work in all cases, experiment, and
check for a ceil/floor type function in Python.

Vasudev Ram
Dancing Bison Enterprises


need advice on building core code for python and PHP

2007-05-24 Thread digimotif
I'm currently working with a small development company on a PHP
application they already have.  There are several processing tasks
that could be scripted in Python and run in the background to modify a
database, instead of the way they have it now, which waits for a
webpage to return from processing.

There is also the possibility of building client gui applications that
work with the database as well, so I'm looking for a way I could
create a code base that enables us to use the same functions and
objects over and over again while building interfaces in Python, or
PHP, or whatever.

Is there a way I could code the base (core) code in Python and have
PHP call it?  I've really liked using SQLAlchemy and there are other
great things like Pylons I could integrate for various tasks, but I
first have to move some functionality out of PHP and into something
more universal.  What would you recommend?

Any ideas are appreciated.



Re: Reading (and writing?) audio file tags

2007-05-24 Thread Paul Moore
On 24 May, 17:22, darren kirby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quoth the Paul Moore:

  I'd like to write some scripts to analyze and manipulate my music
  files. The files themselves are in MP3 and FLAC format (mostly MP3,
  but FLAC where I ripped original CDs and wanted a lossless format).
  I've no idea what form of tags are used in the files (ID3v1, ID3v2,
  OGG, APE, ...)

 Flac files use Vorbis comments, the same that Ogg Vorbis files use. As for
 MP3, they use ID3v2 or ID3v1, or both.

 Anyway, what you want is Mutagen. It handles both Flac and Mp3 tags, as well
 as many others:

Excellent! The web page you mentioned gave access denied, but I got
to it via Google's cache, and the download link still worked :-)

It does seem to build a Windows installer quite happily, so that's a
great start. I'll see how it goes tonight.

Thanks for the pointer.


No file from stdin

2007-05-24 Thread Tartifola

suppose a script of python is waiting for a file from the stdin and none
is given. How can I make the script to stop and, for example, print an
error message?

Sorry for the n00b question and thanks

Re: of destructors, open files and garbage collection

2007-05-24 Thread massimo s.
 It will delete the *name* `item`.  It does nothing to the object that was
 bound to that name.  If the name was the only reference to that object, it
 may be garbage collected sooner or later.  Read the documentation for the
 `__del__()` method for more details and why implementing such a method
 increases the chance that the object *won't* be garbage collected!

 Relying on the `__del__()` method isn't a good idea because there are no
 really hard guaranties by the language if and when it will be called.

Ok, I gave a look at the docs and, in fact, relying on __del__ doesn't
look like a good idea.

Changing the code as to add an explicit method that closes dangling
filehandles is easy. It would be somehow nice because -since that
method would be added to a plugin API- it *forces* people writing
plugins to ensure a way to close their dangling files, and this may be
useful for a lot of future purposes. However I'd also like to track
references to my objects -this would help debugging a lot. How can I
do that?


Re: of destructors, open files and garbage collection

2007-05-24 Thread massimo s.
 Relying on the `__del__()` method isn't a good idea because there are no
 really hard guaranties by the language if and when it will be called.

Ok, I read the __del__() docs and I understand using it is not a good

I can easily add a close_files() method that forces all dangling files
to be closed. It would be useful in a number of other possible
situations. However, as rightly pointed out by the exhaustive answer
of Paul Moore, tracking references of my objects would be very useful.
How can I do that?


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Carl K
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Thu, 24 May 2007 09:07:07 -0500, Carl K [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.

 $ export ORACLE_HOME
 $ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
   Don't those lines need to be reversed? Set the variable in the
 current shell, and /then/ export it?

whoops - I may have cut/pasted too fast.

Carl K

Re: Different methods with same name but different signature?

2007-05-24 Thread Robert Kern

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


modifying values of List or Dictionary when iterating on them

2007-05-24 Thread aspineux

I just want to update the data inside List or Dictionary without
adding or deleting object.

is this correct ?

l=[1, 2, 3]
for i, v in enumerate(l):

d=dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
for k, v in d.iteritems():

Both works, but :

are they correct ?
are they optimum for big structure ?



Re: Bootstrapping

2007-05-24 Thread Mauler
I've seen it, but its different, the idea behind pyinstaller is to
bundle python for a specific application, my idea is to modularize and
compact the core of python and reuse the egg concept for extensions.
The thing is that refuses to load the site-packages when the core is
thanks again!

On 24 mayo, 12:25, ici [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 24, 5:53 pm, Mauler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need some help with adding bootstrap code to the core of python, the
  idea is to leave a super base core inside a zip file (
  works right out of the box) and leave the rest in separate zip
  modules. Making it more friendly with pendrives and more practical as
  a standalone runtime (ie, without install) and fully modular. The
  thing is that i need to modify the base importer to add this special
  site-packages .
  Any hints?
  thanks in advance (and a lot!)

  Martin Rene Vilugron
  Patagonia Argentina


Re: No file from stdin

2007-05-24 Thread aspineux
On 24 mai, 18:48, Tartifola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 suppose a script of python is waiting for a file from the stdin and none
 is given. How can I make the script to stop and, for example, print an
 error message?

 Sorry for the n00b question and thanks

import sys
import os.path

if len(sys.argv)2:
print sys.stderr, 'Usage: %s filename' %

print 'Your filename is %s' % (sys.argv[1],)


Re: 0 == False but [] != False?

2007-05-24 Thread Donn Cave
 Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This has *got* to rank up there among the VFAQ's of them all, along
 with the mysterious shared default empty list argument.  I think this
 particular question has been asked in one form or another at least
 twice a week for the past month!

Anyone who finds this surprising, might enjoy reading this
article from the time several years ago when the feature
was being considered.  When you have some time - it's long,
but interesting.  The present confusion is more directly
addressed towards the end.  Yes, it's the Laura Creighton
article again:


Re: modifying values of List or Dictionary when iterating on them

2007-05-24 Thread Christopher Anderson
 d=dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
 for k, v in d.iteritems():

You might as well do: d[k] = v + 1, like for the list.

Re: CP4E revival

2007-05-24 Thread Michael Tobis
On May 24, 5:03 am, Richard Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Michael Tobis wrote:

  seems to short-circuit some pointless hoop-jumping to get you to the

 Hoop-jumping implemented to prevent just this kind of direct linking (and
 thus not saving of the PDF to local disk to view, and thus increasing the
 load on the server).

 Thanks for abusing the free service being provided to the Python Papers


OK, oops, I'll take the tinyurl link down anywhere I can; I really
didn't (and still don't) quite get the server side issue but so be it.
(I thought it was a measure to ensure a license to view, which is not
in fact required in this case.)

On the other hand, given the modest reaction to the article (pro or
con) I am not getting the sense that it has generated a lot of

I'd prefer flames about the content, though.



Re: How can I time a method of a class in python using Timeit

2007-05-24 Thread 7stud
On May 24, 9:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am using timeit to time a global function like this

 t = timeit.Timer(timeTest(),from __main__ import timeTest)
 result = t.timeit();

 But how can i use timeit to time a function in a class?
 class FetchUrlThread(threading.Thread):
 def aFunction(self):
# do something 

 def run(self):
 # how can I time how long does aFunction() take here?

 Thank you.

How about this:

class Dog(object):
def run(self):
result = 10 * 20 + 3

import timeit

t = timeit.Timer(, from __main__ import Dog; d = Dog())
print t.timeit()


Re: need advice on building core code for python and PHP

2007-05-24 Thread Szabolcs Nagy

 Is there a way I could code the base (core) code in Python and have
 PHP call it?  I've really liked using SQLAlchemy and there are other

* quick and dirty solution:
in a shell:
  $ python pipe_in pipe_out
in the php script:
  fwrite(pipe_in, input_data);
  results = fread(pipe_out, sizeof_results);

* simple and nice solution:
  do not ever use php


Re: installing cx_Oracle.

2007-05-24 Thread Carsten Haese
On Thu, 2007-05-24 at 16:15 +, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Thu, 24 May 2007 09:07:07 -0500, Carl K [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
  Getting closer, thanks Bill and Diez.
  $ export ORACLE_HOME
  $ ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/client
   Don't those lines need to be reversed? Set the variable in the
 current shell, and /then/ export it?

It also works the other way around, at least on the non-empty set of
systems that contains my workstation. export simply marks the variable
name for automatic export to the environment of subsequent commands. The
value at that time doesn't matter. What matters is the value that the
name has at the time the command is run:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python -c import os; print os.environ['FOOD']
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ python -c import os; print os.environ['FOOD']


Carsten Haese


Re: How can I time a method of a class in python using Timeit

2007-05-24 Thread 7stud
On May 24, 11:30 am, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 24, 9:36 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  I am using timeit to time a global function like this

  t = timeit.Timer(timeTest(),from __main__ import timeTest)
  result = t.timeit();

  But how can i use timeit to time a function in a class?
  class FetchUrlThread(threading.Thread):
  def aFunction(self):
 # do something 

  def run(self):
  # how can I time how long does aFunction() take here?

  Thank you.

 How about this:

 class Dog(object):
 def run(self):
 result = 10 * 20 + 3

 import timeit

 t = timeit.Timer(, from __main__ import Dog; d = Dog())
 print t.timeit()

Actually, you could do this:

class Dog(object):
def aFunction(self):
result = 20 + 2
def run(self):
#do stuff
#do other stuff
import timeit

t = timeit.Timer(d.aFunction(), from __main__ import Dog; d =
print t.timeit()

It doesn't matter if you call aFunction() directly if all you want to
do is time aFunction().


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