Re: XML partial validation.

2007-12-14 Thread Stefan Behnel
José Rui Faustino de Sousa wrote:
 I am writing a text to XML parser that as to be easily extensible (via 
 new text format plug-ins) and modifiable if the XML format used changes.
 Since the text order does not match the XML document order I have to use 
 a package that allows DOM-like handling of XML (elementtree for 
 The XML DTD is still (and most likelly will be) in a state of evolution.
 To make life much easier for future developers what I really needed was 
 some package that implemented something like DOM level 3 XML partial 
 There seems to be already something implemented in PyXML (at least the 
 Validition-Err exception is there) but there is no documentation and I 
 can not figure how to turn partial validation on.

lxml supports RelaxNG and XMLSchema besides DTDs, you might have more luck
with those, especially since they are XML, so you can work on the schema
documents and extract the sections that are relevant for a specific XML 

lxml is compatible with the ElementTree API, so you can reuse the ET code you
already have.


Alternative to python -u for binary upload to cgi on windows?

2007-12-14 Thread Cameron Walsh
Hi all,

Using a python cgi script such as the one below to handle uploaded 
binary files will end up with a truncated file (truncates when it hits 
^Z) on Windows systems.  On linux systems the code works and the file is 
not truncated.

One solution for Windows is to use the -u flag, i.e.
#!C:\Python\python.exe -u

Is there another fix that doesn't require python to be run in unbuffered 
mode?  What performance hits would I expect for running in unbuffered mode?

Best regards,


Example code:

import cgi, os.path as path
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
new_file = form.getvalue(new_file,None)
if new_file is not null:
   fname = path.split(form[new_file].filename)[-1]
   fle = open(fname,wb)

Re: RegExp Help

2007-12-14 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:20 -0800, Sean DiZazzo wrote:

 I'm wrapping up a command line util that returns xml in Python.  The
 util is flaky, and gives me back poorly formed xml with different
 problems in different cases.  Anyway I'm making progress.  I'm not
 very good at regular expressions though and was wondering if someone
 could help with initially splitting the tags from the stdout returned
 from the util.
 Can anyone help me?

Flaky XML is often produced by programs that treat XML as ordinary text
files. If you are starting to parse XML with regular expressions you are
making the very same mistake.  XML may look somewhat simple but
producing correct XML and parsing it isn't.  Sooner or later you stumble
across something that breaks producing or parsing the naive way.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-14 Thread farsheed
Let me be clear for you: there are someone in my company who love to
use my software in other companies that she works there also. and
because it is an inhouse tool, my CEO wanted me to protect it from
and really we havn't time to copyright it. so I want to secure my
software from some people who love to steal and use it. I am an
animator and 3d programmer, what I wrote is some fast technology for
calculating sub surface lightning (SSS) using mental ray and
renderman. indded this tool works with maya and 3delight and mental
ray standalone. very complicated process and took me tree months to
wrote it. I am not a python pro, I know C++, maya Api, mel,... but I
use python because it is really faster than all of them. hope you
understand why I want to protect it, even if it will slower.

Re: urlparse.urlparse bug - misparses long URL

2007-12-14 Thread John Nagle
Matt Nordhoff wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:
 Here's a hostile URL that urlparse.urlparse seems to have mis-parsed.

 It's breaking on the first slash, which just happens to be very late in
 the URL.
 ('http', '', '//', '', '', '')

That's what it seems to be doing:

sa1 = ''
sa2 = ''
print urlparse.urlparse(sa1)
('http', '', '/foo', '', '', '') # WRONG
print urlparse.urlparse(sa2)
('http', '', '', '', 'blahblah=foo', '') # RIGHT

That's wrong. RFC3896 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax), 
page 23 says

The characters slash (/) and question mark (?) may represent data
within the query component.  Beware that some older, erroneous
implementations may not handle such data correctly when it is used as
the base URI for relative references (Section 5.1), apparently
because they fail to distinguish query data from path data when
looking for hierarchical separators.

So urlparse is an older, erroneous implementation.  Looking
at the code for urlparse, it references RFC1808 (1995), which
was a long time ago, three revisions back.

Here's the bad code:

def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
 for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
 delim = url.find(c, start)
 if delim = 0:
 delim = len(url)
 return url[start:delim], url[delim:]

That's just wrong.  The domain ends at the first appearance of
any character in '/?#', but that code returns the text before the
first '/' even if there's an earlier '?'.  A URL/URI doesn't
have to have a path, even when it has query parameters.

This bug is in Python 2.4 and 2.5.  I'll file a bug report.

John Nagle

Re: Better way to searching.

2007-12-14 Thread David Tweet
  You might try using os.path.walk, I think it ends up being much
more flexible than glob for this.


import os

def Finder(topdir, file_extension=None, levels=None):
  Return all filenames in topdir.
topdir:  Top level directory to search
file_extension:  file extension to match on
levels:  number of directory levels to search
list of file names.

  def Levels(pathname):
return pathname.count(os.path.sep)

  if levels is not None:
pathlevels_allowed = Levels(topdir) + levels

  def WalkFunction(accumulator, dir, filenames):
Called from os.path.walk; accumulate matching filenames.
  accumulator:  list we are adding files to
  dir:  directory being traversed
  filenames:  list of files in dir
  filenames, if we want to stop descending.

if levels is not None:
  if Levels(dir)  pathlevels_allowed:
del filenames[:]
if file_extension is not None:
  accumulator.extend(os.path.join(dir, f) for f in filenames
 if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == file_extension)
  accumulator.extend(os.path.join(dir, f) for f in filenames)

  acc = []
  os.path.walk(topdir, WalkFunction, acc)

  return acc

if __name__ == '__main__':
  files = Finder(/your/starting/directory, file_extension=.mpg, levels=2)
  print files

On Dec 13, 2007 11:13 PM, farsheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 my code is here:


 def Globing(self, dir, extension, nop, inputDepth):
 'It creates a basic glob function that needed in other 
 self.exop = '*.'
 self.opr = '*/'
 self.counter = ''
 self.files = []
 self.path = ''
 for i in range (inputDepth):
 self.path = dir + self.opr * i + self.exop * nop + 
 #like this:*/*/*.*.mpg
 self.counter = glob.glob(self.path)
 self.files += self.counter
 return self.files

 Is there any better and faster way to do this?


Re: RegExp Help

2007-12-14 Thread Sean DiZazzo
On Dec 14, 12:04 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:20 -0800, Sean DiZazzo wrote:
  I'm wrapping up a command line util that returns xml in Python.  The
  util is flaky, and gives me back poorly formed xml with different
  problems in different cases.  Anyway I'm making progress.  I'm not
  very good at regular expressions though and was wondering if someone
  could help with initially splitting the tags from the stdout returned
  from the util.


  Can anyone help me?

 Flaky XML is often produced by programs that treat XML as ordinary text
 files. If you are starting to parse XML with regular expressions you are
 making the very same mistake.  XML may look somewhat simple but
 producing correct XML and parsing it isn't.  Sooner or later you stumble
 across something that breaks producing or parsing the naive way.

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

It's not really complicated xml so far, just tags with attributes.
Still, using different queries against the program sometimes offers
differing results...a few examples:

id 123456 /
tag name=foo /
tag2 name=foo moreattrs=... /tag2
tag3 name=foo moreattrs=... tag3/

It's consistent (at least) in that consistent queries always return
consistent tag styles.  It's returned to stdout with some extra
useless information, so the original question was to help get to just
the tags. After getting the tags, I'm running them through some
functions to fix them, and then using elementtree to parse them and
get all the rest of the info.

There is no api, so this is what I have to work with.  Is there a
better solution?

Thanks for your ideas.


Re: Is a real C-Python possible?

2007-12-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
sturlamolden a écrit :
 On 13 Des, 19:16, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Personally I find properties atrocious and unsafe.

What a strange observation from someone wanting to introduce defmacros 
and customizable syntax in Python

 One cannot
 distinguish between a function call and binding an attribute in a
 statement like:

FWIW, binding an attribute will *alway* require some function call... 
Properties - or any other computed attributes - are just hooks into the 
default __setattr__ implementation so you can customize it. = 2 # Does this call a function or bind an attribute?

 From the client code POV, it binds an attribute - whatever the 
implementation is.

 From the implementation POV, it will always call a couple functions.

What's you point, exactly ?

 # Is this foo.setBar(2) or setattr(foo,'bar',2)?

Why do you care ? Ever heard about the concept of encapsulation ?

 Even worse: if we make a typo, the error will not be detected as the
 syntax is still valid.

So what ? This has nothing to do with properties.

 Properties and dynamic binding do not mix.

Sorry, but IMVHO, this is total bullshit.

Re: making all letters Caps/Small Letters

2007-12-14 Thread Peter Otten
Merrigan wrote:

 I'm sure I have done this before, but cannot remember how, or find out
 how to do it quickly - but is there a way/function/something in python
 to make all the letters of a raw_input() string small/capital letters?



in the interactive interpreter gives you a list of candidates. If you
think that title is a good candidate try it with

 alpha BETA.title()
'Alpha Beta'

Probably not what you want, but there are more.


Re: making all letters Caps/Small Letters

2007-12-14 Thread David Tweet
'this is a string'
'This Is A String'
 this is a string.upper()

You can browse all the string methods by doing

On Dec 14, 2007 1:30 AM, Merrigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi There,

 I'm sure I have done this before, but cannot remember how, or find out
 how to do it quickly - but is there a way/function/something in python
 to make all the letters of a raw_input() string small/capital letters?


  -- Merrigan


making all letters Caps/Small Letters

2007-12-14 Thread Merrigan
Hi There,

I'm sure I have done this before, but cannot remember how, or find out
how to do it quickly - but is there a way/function/something in python
to make all the letters of a raw_input() string small/capital letters?


 -- Merrigan

Re: reloading modules and isinstance()

2007-12-14 Thread Tlis

I have found that it is possible to reassign the instance.__class__
reference to the same class (but after reloading) to make the
isinstance() test work again! I know that it is a kind of hacking of
the Python interpreter, but it works :-)

Re: Eclipse/PyQt/Eric4 question

2007-12-14 Thread king kikapu
On 14 Δεκ, 01:09, Fabio Zadrozny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hmmm...but this means that i am forced to do this for ALL .ui files on
  the project, either changed or not and this can slow things down...
  (pyuic.bat can run for one or for ALL .ui files)
  The goal is to find a way to automatically do this only for the
  changed ones, like eric does...

 When you do a new builder, you can make it be run only when a file is
 changed, and you can select as arguments only receiving the files
 changed (build_files)... take a look at the variables to specify as
 arguments (you could also select 'python.exe' as the external program
 and choose some python script as argument + the files changed).

 The auto-build can be specified at the build options tab.



Axa! I didn't know (or better, i didn't experiment enough) this...So,
basically you tell me that this is possible on Eclipse! I will test it
at home on the afternoon, is sounds great!

Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread Nikos Vergas
 Solved: used round(number,12) in this case for all of the operands of
 my arcsines.  Not pretty, but at least VIM made it easy...

You might have the same problem though:


Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-14 Thread Wolfgang Draxinger
sturlamolden wrote:

 I wrote this in another thread,

And here the HOWTO for the crack:
 1. Put all the compiled Python bytecode in a heavily encrypted
 binary file. Consider using a hardware hash in the key.

Find the part in the binary where the encrypted bytecode is read,
start the binary in a VM to which a debugger is attached (can't
be detected, as it's in a VM) and put a watchpoint for any
access on the encrypted binary.

 2. Program a small binary executable (.exe file) in C or C++
2a. Reads the binary file.

Debugger intercepts it.

2b. Decrypts it to conventional Python byte code.

Record where the decoder puts the decrypted bytecode in memory.

2c. Embeds a Python interpreter.

Replace the call of the Python interpreter with a small shellcode
that writes the decrypted code to a file.

2d. Executes the bytecode with the embedded Python

Execute that file with the standalone interpreter.

 I will not make reverse engineering impossible, but it will be
 extremely difficult.

No. It's just a matter of reading the decrypted bytecode from
memory. Since Python bytecode is independent from any containing
file, it's very hard to test if a certain bytecode runs from a
valid or cracked container.

Any sort of bytecode will sooner or later run through some
interpreter, where it can be ultimately tapped. And unlike some
CPU binary a bytecode also delivers all information to
deobfuscate it. So even self modifying code doesn't help here.
Wolfgang Draxinger
E-Mail address works, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED], ICQ: 134682867


Re: making all letters Caps/Small Letters

2007-12-14 Thread Martin Blume
Merrigan schrieb im 
 I'm sure I have done this before, but cannot remember how, 
 or find out how to do it quickly - but is there a 
 way/function/something in python to make all the letters 
 of a raw_input() string small/capital letters?
upper might help.upper()
OR LOWER.lower()



Re: mailbox.Maildir question/problem

2007-12-14 Thread tinnews
Ross Ridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there *any* way I can get python to access maildirs
 which are not named using this (IMHO stupid) convention?
 Well, the mailbox module doesn't support deleting mailboxes, so I'm not
 sure why you want to use it.

I was hoping to be able to use it for other things as well as deleting

   Since you also seem to have a better idea
 of what your maildirs look like, why not just use the lower level file
 functions directly?  Something like:
 def remove_empty_maildir(dirname):
 expected = set([cur, new, tmp])
 ents = set(os.listdir(dirname))
 if ents != expected:
 if expected.issubset(ents):
 raise error, unexpected subdirs in maildir
 raise error, not a maildir
 subdirs = [os.path.join(dirname, d)
for d in expected]
 for d in subdirs:
 if len(os.listdir(d)) != 0:
 return False
 for d in subdirs:
 return True
 Your case is presumably different somehow, so you'll have to update and
 fix this completely untested code if you want to use it.
I guess I will have to do something like this but the problem is more
subtle than that, what if another program writes a new message to the
mailbox just after you've checked that cur, new and tmp are all empty?
The whole point of maildir is that locking isn't needed and I was
hoping that the maildir() object in python would encapsulate correct
handling of the maildir including deletion.

As it is I will have to write code to do the correct handling,
presumably one checks the new directory last before deleting the whole
maildir and, if the deletion fails, someone must have put something

Chris Green

Re: making all letters Caps/Small Letters

2007-12-14 Thread Chris
On Dec 14, 11:30 am, Merrigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi There,

 I'm sure I have done this before, but cannot remember how, or find out
 how to do it quickly - but is there a way/function/something in python
 to make all the letters of a raw_input() string small/capital letters?


  -- Merrigan

as it's a string, it supports string functions.

Re: RegExp Help

2007-12-14 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 14 Dec 2007 06:06:21 -0300, Sean DiZazzo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On Dec 14, 12:04 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:20 -0800, Sean DiZazzo wrote:
  I'm wrapping up a command line util that returns xml in Python.  The
  util is flaky, and gives me back poorly formed xml with different
  problems in different cases.  Anyway I'm making progress.  I'm not
  very good at regular expressions though and was wondering if someone
  could help with initially splitting the tags from the stdout returned
  from the util.

 Flaky XML is often produced by programs that treat XML as ordinary text
 files. If you are starting to parse XML with regular expressions you are
 making the very same mistake.  XML may look somewhat simple but
 producing correct XML and parsing it isn't.  Sooner or later you stumble
 across something that breaks producing or parsing the naive way.

 It's not really complicated xml so far, just tags with attributes.
 Still, using different queries against the program sometimes offers
 differing results...a few examples:

 id 123456 /
 tag name=foo /
 tag2 name=foo moreattrs=... /tag2
 tag3 name=foo moreattrs=... tag3/

Ouch... only the second is valid xml. Most tools require at least a well  
formed document. You may try using BeautifulStoneSoup, included with  

 I found something that works, although I couldn't tell you why it
 works.  :)
  retag = re.compile(r'.+?', re.DOTALL)
 tags = retag.findall(retag)
  Why does that work?

That means: look for a less-than sign (), followed by the shortest  
sequence of (?) one or more (+) arbitrary characters (.), followed by a  
greater-than sign ()

If you never get nested tags, and never have a  inside an attribute,  
that expression *might* work. But please try BeautifulStoneSoup, it uses a  
lot of heuristics trying to guess the right structure. Doesn't work  
always, but given your input, there isn't much one can do...

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 14 Dec 2007 00:22:18 -0300, Keflavich [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 On Dec 13, 5:52 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:30:18 -0800, Keflavich wrote:
  Hey, I have a bit of code that died on a domain error when doing an
  arcsin, and apparently it's because floating point subtraction is  

 I'm not convinced that your diagnosis is correct. Unless you're using
 some weird, uncommon hardware, it's unlikely that a bug in the floating
 point subtraction routines has escaped detection. (Unlikely, but not
 impossible.) Can you tell us what values give you incorrect results?

 Here's a better (more complete) example [btw, I'm using ipython]:

 In [39]: x = 3.1 + .6
 In [40]: y = x - 3.1
 In [41]: y == 6
 Out[41]: False
 In [42]: x == 3.7
 Out[42]: True
 In [43]: 3.1+.6-3.1 == .6
 Out[43]: False
 In [45]: (3.1+.6-3.1)/.6
 Out[45]: 1.0002
 In [46]: (3.1+.6-3.1)/.6 == 1
 Out[46]: False
 In [47]: (3.1+.6-3.1)/.6  1
 Out[47]: True

Let's see how these float numbers are represented: significand *  
2**exponent where 1=significand2 (like scientific notation but using  
base 2, not base 10) and with 53 binary digits available for the  
significand (this is more or less the format used by IEEE754 floating  
point, implemented in hardware on all platforms where Python is available  
and I know of, except maybe some cell phones):

3.1 = 3.1001 = 0.77502 x 2**2 =  
1.1000110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101 x 2**1

0.6 = 0.59998 = 0.59998 x 2**0 =  
1.0011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011 x 2**-1

3.1+0.6 = 3.7002 = 0.92504 x 2**2 =  
1.1101100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010 x 2**1

3.1+0.6-3.1 = 0.60009 = 0.60009 x 2**0 =  
1.0011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110100 x 2**-1

where the 1. are binary fractions.

Let's compute 3.1+0.6 using the binary form:

3.1 = 11.000110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101
0.6 =   .100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001100 11
sum = 11.101100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010

Notice that, to align both numbers at their decimal point (hmm, binary  
point!), we had to discard the two less significant binary digits of 0.6.  
The result, however, is still the same as if we had done the computation  
exactly and then rounded to 53 significant binary digits. (that's why x ==  
3.7 is True in your example above).

Now let's substract 3.1 from the result:
sum = 11.101100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011010
3.1 = 11.000110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101
dif =   .100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011001101 __

There are 51 significant bits there; as we use 53 bits in the  
representation, the two less significant bits are set to 0 (they're  
unknown, in fact). We lose those 2 bits because we are substracting  
numbers close to each other (this is known as cancellation). The error is  
only 1 unit of the least significant binary digit (1x2**-53) but enough to  
make that number different to the representation of 0.6 (they differ by  
the least possible amount).

Note that this is the best result you can get with a limited precision of  
53 bits, and it's not even Python who computes the value, but the  
underlying C math library (and very likely, using the hardware). IEEE754  
defines substraction very precisely so people can get reliable results on  
any platform, and this is not an exception.

  I know about the impossibility of storing floating point
  numbers precisely, but I was under the impression that the standard  
  for that last digit would prevent subtraction errors from compounding.

 What gave you that impression? Are you referring to guard digits?

 I believe that's what I was referring to; I have only skimmed the
 topic, haven't gone into a lot of depth

Substraction of numbers of similar magnitude is often a problem, like  
addition of very dissimilar numbers.

 I should also mention that of course your answer will deviate, due to  
 finite precision of floats.

 I'm adding and subtracting things with 1 decimal point; I can do the
 math for an given case trivially.  Are you suggesting that I don't
 know what the exact floating point quantity should be?

Notice that those values have an exact *decimal* representation but are  
*periodic* written in binary form, as you can see from above. Any finite  
binary representation must be approximate then. It's like trying to write  
1/3 in decimal form, you can't do that exactly without requiring infinite  

 Have you read this?

 I started to, but didn't get through the whole thing.  I'm saving that
 for bedtime reading after finals.

At least overview the topics - you might not be interested in the theorem  
proofs and some details, but the consequences and 

listdir() with mask

2007-12-14 Thread Vladimir Rusinov

Is there any easy way to list files using bash-like patterns? Something like
listfiles(/var/log/*.log), listfiles(/var/{cache,run}/*).

Also, I'll need something like listfiles(/tmp/**/*.tmp), where ** is
unlimited number of folders (like is zsh).

Thanks and sorry for my English.

Vladimir Rusinov
GreenMice Solutions: IT-решения на базе Linux

Re: Finding overlapping times...

2007-12-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-12-14, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 14, 10:45 am, Breal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a list that looks like the following
 [(10, 100010), (15, 17), (19, 100015)]

 I would like to be able to determine which of these overlap each
 other.  So, in this case, tuple 1 overlaps with tuples 2 and 3.

 Your definition of overlaps appears to be reflexive, so the following
 two results follow automatically.

 2 overlaps with 1.  Tuple 3 overlaps with tuple 1.

 In my scenario I would have hundreds, if not thousands of these
 ranges.  Any nice pythonic way to do this?

 Probably not.
 Just ensure that (a) your time intervals (start, end) obey start =
 end (b) your list of intervals is sorted, then get stuck in:

 # tested no more that what you see
 alist = [(10, 100010), (15, 17), (19, 100015),
 (100016, 100017), (100016, 100018)]
 n = len(alist)
 for i in xrange(n - 1):
istart, iend = alist[i]
for j in xrange(i + 1, n):
   jstart, jend = alist[j]
   if jstart  iend:
   print Overlap:, i, alist[i], j, alist[j]

 After the sort, it looks like O(N**2) in worst case, but you
 could get a few zillion results done while you are hunting for
 a faster algorithm.

Simply printing out the list of overlaps, even if you knew, a
priori, that all elements overlapped, is an O(N**2) operation. So
I don't think a better algorithm exists for the worst case.

Neil Cerutti
You only get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so many times. --Ike Taylor

Re: python vs perl performance test

2007-12-14 Thread Scott David Daniels
 ... When I first translated it to Python verbatim,
 the Python script took almost 30 secs to run.
 So far, the best I can do is 11.2 secs using this:
 from random import randrange
 from itertools import imap, repeat
 from operator import getitem, add, getslice
 result = 0
 zeros = [0]*100
 for i in xrange (10):
 s = [chr(randrange(128))] * 1024
This doesn't do what you think it does, I'll wager.
   s = chr(randrange(128)) * 1024
to get an equivalent result.
or try:
   s = ''.join([chr(randrange(128)) for i in range(1024)])


Re: listdir() with mask

2007-12-14 Thread Rick Dooling
On Dec 14, 1:56 am, Vladimir Rusinov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

glob or fnmatch


Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-14 Thread Paul Boddie
On Dec 14, 9:08 am, farsheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Let me be clear for you: there are someone in my company who love to
 use my software in other companies that she works there also. and
 because it is an inhouse tool, my CEO wanted me to protect it from
 stealing. and really we havn't time to copyright it.

I don't think it's particularly productive to continue this
discussion, given that you're obviously in a situation where you don't
have a great deal of flexibility, but I think you and/or your CEO
might benefit from listening to the PyCon 2007 talk The Absolute
Minimum an Open Source Developer Must Know About Intellectual
Property [1]. The speaker misrepresents the FSF somewhat in stating
that they don't believe in property (or some similar phrasing - I
don't recall the exact choice of words), but aside from this the talk
is rather well delivered, with the basic definitions of the different
legal instruments described in an approachable fashion.

 so I want to secure my software from some people who love to steal and use it.

It sounds like your CEO has issues with the people he/she employs,
first and foremost.


[1] Slides available here:
Audio available from here:

Re: [Plone-Users] Why Can't I Do This?

2007-12-14 Thread Victor Subervi
...but applicable ONLY for that instance. The other solution provided is
more universal ;)

On Dec 14, 2007 10:41 AM, Encolpe Degoute [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Victor Subervi a écrit :
  Why can't I do this?
  author = By Juan Garcia
  if author[0:2] == by  | By  | BY:

 if author[0:2].lower() == by:

 Encolpe Degoute
 INGENIWEB (TM) - S.A.S 5 Euros - RC B 438 725 632
 17 rue Louise Michel - 92300 Levallois Perret - France
 web : - « les Services Web Ingénieux »
 Tel : / Fax : 01 47 57 39 14

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 It's the best place to buy or sell services
 for just about anything Open Source.;164216239;13503038;w?
 Plone-Users mailing list


Re: [Plone-Users] Why Can't I Do This?

2007-12-14 Thread Victor Subervi
Great! Thanks!

On Dec 14, 2007 10:38 AM, Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:
  Why can't I do this?
author = By Juan Garcia
if author[0:2] == by  | By  | BY:
  ...   author = author[3:]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'str' and 'str'

 This is a python question, not a plone question.  The python logical or
 operator is or, but for this you might want to use in.  This code
 might point you in the right direction, although it's not a complete (or
 very good) solution:

 author = By Juan Garcia
 if author[0:2] in [by, By, BY]:
 author = author[2:]
 print author

 SF.Net email is sponsored by:
 Check out the new Marketplace.
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Re: listdir() with mask

2007-12-14 Thread grflanagan
On Dec 14, 2:00 pm, Vladimir Rusinov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there any easy way to list files using bash-like patterns? Something like
listfiles(/var/log/*.log), listfiles(/var/{cache,run}/*).
 On 12/14/07, Jeff McNeil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sure is.. check out the glob module:

 Thanks a lot!

For example:

import fnmatch


def find(root=None, patterns=None, ignoredirs=None):
patterns = patterns or DEFAULTPATTERNS
if ignoredirs is None:
for fname in walkdir(root, ignoredirs=ignoredirs):
for pattern in patterns:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(fname, pattern):
yield fname

def findfiles(root=None, patterns=None, ignoredirs=None):
for f in find(root, patterns, ignoredirs=ignoredirs):
if os.path.isfile(f):
yield f

(For walkdir, see os.walk function)
(if root == None: use current working directory)



Re: Better way to searching.

2007-12-14 Thread farsheed
thanks, I'll try it.

Re: Finding overlapping times...

2007-12-14 Thread Scott David Daniels
Breal wrote:
 I have a list that looks like the following
 [(10, 100010), (15, 17), (19, 100015)]
 I would like to be able to determine which of these overlap each

In relation to a similar (but not identical) problem, that of
finding nested scopes and the associated name tables, I found
the following order useful:
 def range_key(pair):
 return pair.least, -pair.greatest


If you sort this way, you get nested elements in a quite useful
order for 1-pass scanning.  Nested elements show up in order of
nesting (outer to inner), so a single scan of the result can
reveal nesting violations.

-Scott David Daniels

Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread Tim Chase
 I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
 which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
 like this in C:
 for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
 printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

Well, yes it can be done, but depending on your use-case, there
might be smarter ways of doing it:

  for (i,j) in map(lambda i: (i, i+10), xrange(10)):
print i = %d, j = %d % (i,j)

or just

  for pair in map(lambda i: (i, i+10), xrange(10)):
print i = %d, j = %d % pair

or even just

  for i in xrange(10):
print i = %d, j = %d % (i,i+10)

If you need varying sources, you can use zip() to do something like

  for (i,j) in zip(xrange(10), myiter(72)):
print i = %d, j = %d % (i,j)

where myiter() produces the random sequence of items for j.

If they produce voluminous output, you can import itertools and
use izip and imap instead.

Or, if you want a more literal mapping:

  i, j = 0, 10
  while i  10  j  20:
print i = %d, j = %d % (i,j)
i += 1
j += 1

Pick your poison.

 So that I would get:
 i = 0, j = 0
 i = 1, j = 1
 i = 2, j = 2

I'm not sure how, with your code, j could be (0,1,2,...)
instead of (10,11,12,...).



Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread Gary Herron
 I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
 which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
 like this in C:

 for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
 printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

 So that I would get:

 i = 0, j = 0
 i = 1, j = 1
 i = 2, j = 2
 i = 9, j = 19

 Can this be done in Python?

You can zip two ranges/iterators to produce successive tuples with
values from each iterator respectively, and loop on that:

 for i,j in zip(range(10),range(10,20)):
...  print i,j
0 10
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19

Gary Herron


Re: simple string formatting question

2007-12-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Neal Becker a écrit :
 I have a list of strings (sys.argv actually).  I want to print them as a
 space-delimited string (actually, the same way they went into the command
 line, so I can cut and paste)
 So if I run my program like:
 ./my_prog a b c d
 I want it to print:
 './my_prog' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'

This should do what you want:

   print  .join('%s' % arg for arg in sys.argv)

NB : if your version of Python predates generator expressions, use a 
list comp instead:

   print  .join(['%s' % arg for arg in sys.argv])

Re: looking for gui for python code

2007-12-14 Thread Thomas Lenarz
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:46:32 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i have written some python scripts which take command line arguments
and do some job. i would like to make it into a .exe using py2exe and
distribute it with innosetup.. befor that i would like to add some GUI
support..i mean select some values using a folder explorer etc..which
would be a good gui builder for this? 


I am not able to help out concerning GUI-Builders. However, it appears
that the GUI-support you neeed is not getting too complex. Therefore,
I would recommend to hand-code the GUI-parts using TKInter.


-It is there already. No need to install a separate GUI-Builder and
lerning how to use it. Not too much thinking what needs to be
installed on your user's workstation.
-TKInter and TCL/TK are very stable.
-TCL/TK is well documented. (Unfortunately one has to refer to the
TCL/TK documentation because the TKInter documentation does not go
very far.)
-It is quite easy to learn.
-It contains a file-browsing dialogue (resp. a wrapper around the one
provided by your OS/Desktop-Environment.)

You might have a start at the TKinter-Part of the library-reference.

You will have to spend some time on learning how to use TK, of course.
However, I think that is a good investment rather than spending the
time evaluating different GUI-Builders.

The said is valid for less complex GUIs. For complex GUIs especially
with huge amounts of entry-fields it is better to use a GUI-builder
especially for later maintenance. Handcoded GUI-code might get nearly
unreadable after it has been changed during the lifetime of a software
(, and by different developers)



simple string formatting question

2007-12-14 Thread Neal Becker
I have a list of strings (sys.argv actually).  I want to print them as a
space-delimited string (actually, the same way they went into the command
line, so I can cut and paste)

So if I run my program like:
./my_prog a b c d

I want it to print:

'./my_prog' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'

Just print sys.argv will almost work, but it's comma-delimited.

There must be some clever way to do this.  Any ideas?


How to read a binary file into a mysql table

2007-12-14 Thread Hans Müller
Good morning folks,

I cannot read a binary file into a mysql database. Everything I tried did not 

What I tried (found from various google lookups...) is this:

con = MySQLdb.connect(to server)
cur = con.cursor()

cur.execute(insert into data values('file1', %s), (open(test.jpg, 
rb).read(), ))

also this doesn't work:

execute(insert into data values('file1', %s), 
(MySQLdb.escape_string(open(test.jpg, rb).read()), ))

I always get this:

Warning: Data truncated for column 'file' at row 1

The blob data is actually chopped.

The Table has two columns, char(100), blob

Has someone a working idea how to get binary file into a blob using MySQLdb and 
python ?!

System is SuSE 10.0 Linux with python 2.5.1, current MySQLdb version, MySQL is: 

Thanks a lot!




Re: Job Offer: Python Ninja or Pirate!

2007-12-14 Thread Stargaming
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:57:16 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

 On Dec 10, 11:07 pm, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 19:27:43 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:
  On Dec 10, 2:11 pm, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Even though I do not qualify for the job, I came up with this
  (wink) code (modified list values for demonstration, mixed
  together from previous post and original task):

  print '\n'.join('%s: %d'%(x,len(list(y))) for x,y in __import__
  [0] for i in (71234, 729, 42346, 77290, 729,


  Alas, it's not:

  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dom'
 Heh, yes. I did the same error as the participant before me -- test it
 in a premodified environment. A fix is easy, __import__
 'xml.dom.minidom' instead of 'xml'. :-)
 Closer, but still wrong; for some weird reason, __import__ for modules
 in packages returns the top level package by default; you have to use
 the 'fromlist' argument:
 __import__('xml.dom.minidom') is __import__('xml')
 __import__('xml.dom.minidom', fromlist=True)
 module 'xml.dom.minidom' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/

No, it's perfectly right::

module 'xml.dom.minidom' from 

You can observe the change pretty well in `sys.modules`::

module 'xml' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/xml/__init__.pyc'
 import sys

The result will be a few core modules and the module `xml`. When 
importing `xml.dom.minidom`, though, this imports a lot more files::

module 'xml' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/xml/__init__.pyc'
 import sys

Among them, there are `xml`, `xml.dom` and `xml.dom.minidom`. Having 
these modules imported, `__import__('xml.dom.minidom').dom.minidom` 
becomes a perfectly valid access to the xml/xml.dom packages.

So, your check is correct, importing xml.dom.minidom and xml both give a 
reference to `xml` but the import machinery is invoked to import its 
contents, as well, when explicitly told to.

Re: listdir() with mask

2007-12-14 Thread Jeff McNeil
Sure is.. check out the glob module: (Official) (PyMOTW)

Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import glob
['/var/log/alf.log', '/var/log/asl.log', '/var/log/crashreporter.log',
'/var/log/fsck_hfs.log', '/var/log/ftp.log', '/var/log/install.log',
'/var/log/ipfw.log', '/var/log/lpr.log', '/var/log/mail.log',
'/var/log/mb.log', '/var/log/netinfo.log', '/var/log/ppp.log',
'/var/log/secure.log', '/var/log/system.log', '/var/log/windowserver.log',
['/var/log/alf.log', '/var/log/asl.log', '/var/log/crashreporter.log',
'/var/log/fsck_hfs.log', '/var/log/ftp.log', '/var/log/install.log',
'/var/log/ipfw.log', '/var/log/lpr.log', '/var/log/mail.log',
'/var/log/mb.log', '/var/log/netinfo.log', '/var/log/ppp.log',
'/var/log/secure.log', '/var/log/system.log', '/var/log/windowserver.log',


On 12/14/07, Vladimir Rusinov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Is there any easy way to list files using bash-like patterns? Something
 like listfiles(/var/log/*.log), listfiles(/var/{cache,run}/*).

 Also, I'll need something like listfiles(/tmp/**/*.tmp), where ** is
 unlimited number of folders (like is zsh).

 Thanks and sorry for my English.

 Vladimir Rusinov
 GreenMice Solutions: IT-решения на базе Linux


Re: simple string formatting question

2007-12-14 Thread Gary Herron
Neal Becker wrote:
 I have a list of strings (sys.argv actually).  I want to print them as a
 space-delimited string (actually, the same way they went into the command
 line, so I can cut and paste)

 So if I run my program like:
 ./my_prog a b c d

 I want it to print:

 './my_prog' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'

 Just print sys.argv will almost work, but it's comma-delimited.

 There must be some clever way to do this.  Any ideas?


Use repr to get the quotes around each output arg, and use join on a
space to the the space delimited string.

 theList = ['./whatever', 'a', 'b', 'c']
 print ' '.join([repr(i) for i in theList])
'./whatever' 'a' 'b' 'c'

Gary Herron


Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread rocco . rossi
I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
like this in C:

for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

So that I would get:

i = 0, j = 0
i = 1, j = 1
i = 2, j = 2
i = 9, j = 19

Can this be done in Python?


Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
 which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
 like this in C:
 for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
 printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);
 So that I would get:
 i = 0, j = 0
 i = 1, j = 1
 i = 2, j = 2
 i = 9, j = 19
 Can this be done in Python?

What's your use case exactly ? I mean, the *real* problem you're trying 
to solve this way ?

Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread J. Robertson
Keflavich wrote:
 I feel fairly certain, however, that floats are exactly what I want
 for my purposes: I need moderately high precision and I'm not
 concerned about the least-significant-bit errors except when they
 violate function domains.  I guess the overriding lesson is that every
 float subtraction needs to be carefully thought through, which is a
 disappointing loss of simplicity for me, but I'll deal with it.

floats probably are what you want, but in some corner cases you have to 
do further math in order for your computer not to blow up; an option may 
be to use Taylor expansions at some point before your function call, if 
you can see a case of problematic arguments creeping up like that.  And 
in general you have to use something like abs(x-y)  epsilon in place 
of x==y, as you said.

If it is simple enough, could you post the piece of code that leads to 
the x you use in arcsin(x)?  There's a chance that someone may figure a 
place where a numerical trick could be used in your code.

DB Query Parse Hangup

2007-12-14 Thread Merrigan
Hi There,

I have been working on this script, and the part that this issue that
I have occurs in is when iterating through some results from the db,
asking the admin input to delete the entry or not - everything works
fine up until the last entry, then it bombs out. I know why - but I am
not quite sure how to fix it:

The Code:

select_statement = SELECT source, destination FROM mail.forwardings
WHERE destination = '%s' % e_mail

result = db_cursor.execute(select_statement)
if result = 1:
aliasLine = 0
number = result - 1
while aliasLine = number:
answer = db_cursor.fetchall()
answer_1 = answer[aliasLine]
aliasLine = aliasLine + 1
print '%s is still linked to %s.' % (answer_1[0], 
#to_edit = raw_input(Please provide one of the above 
mentioned E-
Mail Aliases to edit: )
to_do = str.lower(raw_input(Would you like to 
Delete(D) or
Modify(M) the alias? [D/M] ))
delete = 'd'
modify = 'm'
if to_do == delete:
del_statement = DELETE FROM forwardings WHERE 
source = '%s' %
print Alias '%s', has been successfully 
deleted. % answer_1[0]
elif to_do == modify:

any help will be much appreciated.

Thank you!
 -- Merrigan

Re: listdir() with mask

2007-12-14 Thread Vladimir Rusinov
On 12/14/07, Jeff McNeil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sure is.. check out the glob module: (Official) (PyMOTW)

Thanks a lot!

Vladimir Rusinov
GreenMice Solutions: IT-решения на базе Linux

Tk Tkinter : multiple file selection dialog over multiple directories ?

2007-12-14 Thread goldtech
Hi, TKinter question

Let's say I use:

files = tkFileDialog.askopenFilenames(filetypes=[('AccessDB Files',


This works OK - I can select multiple files and the var files will
be a tuple of the files.

But let's say the files I want to select are in different folders/
directories, when I select a file then go to a different dir and try
to select a 2nd file it overwrites the 1st file entree.

Is there a way for multiple file selection over different directories?
With a dialog box or another way?

Thanks. Using Python 2.4.1

assemble a webpage!

2007-12-14 Thread yi zhang
Hi, Guys,

Now I am able to use urlretrieve to download the text part of a webpage and 
wget to get the embedded image. Thanks for the tips!
but how can I assemble them together so the image can be displayed in the 
webpage automatically once I click on the .html file. 
Right now I only saw the text part of the webpage when I click on it, even I 
put the .html file and image file in the same directory. 
Any script can do this job?



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Re: Changing argument value

2007-12-14 Thread Stargaming
On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 22:52:56 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 flyfree a écrit :
 What is the difference between y = [3,4] and y[0]=3 y[1] =4 
 In the first case, you rebind the local name y to a new list object -
 and since the name is local, rebinding it only affects the local
 namespace. In the second case, you mutate the list object (bound to the
 local name y) passed to the function. The point to remember is that in
 Python, all variables are references to objects, but names (including
 params) are local.

Even though you have the assignment operator *in both cases*, it does 
**not** issue the same thing. 

As Bruno pointed out, in the first case ``y = [3,4]`` it is *rebinding* 
the name `y`. When used with slice notation, the assignment operator 
tells the object bound to y, Hey, change your item with name/number 0 to 
3, please. This can succeed but it doesn't have to. Raw assignments 
always succeed.

(You could also make assignments of y[0] result in whatever you want, a 
SystemExit for example; not so with pure assignments of y! The behaviour 
of assignments cannot be influenced in any way.)

If you're interested in the special methods Python uses there, `Emulating 
container types
types.html#l2h-232`_ might be interesting for you.

To sum up, the assignment operator has multiple meanings depending on its 
left-hand-side operand.


Re: Newbie design problem

2007-12-14 Thread MartinRinehart
Jonathan Garnder said:

 Well, if using something like PLY ( ) is
 considered more Pythonic than writing your own parser and lexer...

Lex is very crude. I've found that it takes about half a day to
organize your token definitions and another half day to write a
tokenizer by hand. What's the point of the second half-day's work?

My hand-written tokenizer returns everything (white space tokens,
comment tokens) while Lex leaves these out. With a full token set you
can use the tokenizer to color-highlight text in an editor, to emit an
HTML version of source, process doc comments, etc.

Python sports a tokenizer module,,
but it's Python-specific. I'm working on a language for beginners,
defined at (an
11x17 poster-like display.) Decaf, designed before I'd even looked
at Python, is surprisingly Pythonic.

But not totally Pythonic. I want an array of Token objects, not a list
of tuples, for example.

Re: simple string formatting question

2007-12-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-12-14, Neal Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a list of strings (sys.argv actually).  I want to print them as a
 space-delimited string (actually, the same way they went into the command
 line, so I can cut and paste)

 So if I run my program like:
 ./my_prog a b c d

 I want it to print:

 './my_prog' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd'

 Just print sys.argv will almost work, but it's comma-delimited.

 There must be some clever way to do this.  Any ideas?

The csv module is clever. Try the following:

import sys
import csv

writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, delimiter=' ', quotechar=', 

You might want to set a few more of the dialect options, too,
e.g., in case an arg contains a '.

The shutil module might contain something more specialized.

Neil Cerutti

Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
 I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
 which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
 like this in C:

 for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
 printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

 So that I would get:

 i = 0, j = 0
 i = 1, j = 1
 i = 2, j = 2
 i = 9, j = 19

 Can this be done in Python?

Yes, assuming you meant to say: 

i = 0, j = 10
i = 0, j = 11
i = 9, j = 19

import sys
from itertools import izip

for i, j in izip(xrange(10), xrange(10, 20)):
  sys.stdout.write(i = %d, j = %d\n, (i, j))

Neil Cerutti
To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-
mannered. --Voltaire

Re: [Plone-Users] Why Can't I Do This?

2007-12-14 Thread Victor Subervi
whatever[0:2] will yield THREE characters, so my by  is correct and by
will fail every time :))

On Dec 14, 2007 12:06 PM, Derek Broughton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Encolpe Degoute wrote:

  Derek Broughton a écrit :
  Victor Subervi wrote:
  Why can't I do this?
  author = By Juan Garcia
  if author[0:2] == by  | By  | BY:
  ...   author = author[3:]
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'str' and 'str'
  because | is unsupported, and it doesn't make sense that way.
   if author[0:2].lower() == by:
  make more sense (btw, that trailing space in your by  would have made
  it fail anyway).
  Are you sure of this ?

 Yes, because I executed it in python...


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 Plone-Users mailing list


Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread rocco . rossi
I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
like this in C:

for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

So that I would get:

i = 0, j = 0
i = 1, j = 1
i = 2, j = 2
i = 9, j = 19

Can this be done in Python?


Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread Keflavich
On Dec 14, 2:57 am, Nikos Vergas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Solved: used round(number,12) in this case for all of the operands of
  my arcsines.  Not pretty, but at least VIM made it easy...

 You might have the same problem though:



True, but I think that's actually the behavior I'm looking for: the
truncation in this case gives me a smaller number (I hope it's safe to
assume that 1.00034011  1.000340103), which is exactly
what I want when I'm worried about subtractions giving me numbers very
slightly larger than 1.

Gabriel, Paddy, thanks for the overviews.  Yes, floats deserve more
respect, or at least more caution.

I feel fairly certain, however, that floats are exactly what I want
for my purposes: I need moderately high precision and I'm not
concerned about the least-significant-bit errors except when they
violate function domains.  I guess the overriding lesson is that every
float subtraction needs to be carefully thought through, which is a
disappointing loss of simplicity for me, but I'll deal with it.


Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread Keflavich
On Dec 14, 8:28 am, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 13, 6:20 pm, Keflavich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Solved: used round(number,12) in this case for all of the operands of
  my arcsines.  Not pretty, but at least VIM made it easy...

  Thanks for the help,

 I suspect this could even fail in some circumstances.  If it's for
 school you're probably covered, but in real world, it would be better

 1. Rewrite calculation to avoid arccos and arcsin (using trigonometric
 or geometric identities)

 2. Clamp it to range [-1.0:1.0].  You can do this in numpy with

 Carl Banks

Thanks Carl.  The clip task sounds a lot more reasonable.  It would
be clever if I could find a way around using arcsin/arccos, I'll see
if that works for me.  Yours is certainly the most practical advice on
this thread.


Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-12-14, farsheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let me be clear for you: there are someone in my company who
 love to use my software in other companies that she works
 there also. and because it is an inhouse tool, my CEO wanted
 me to protect it from stealing. and really we havn't time to
 copyright it.

Uh what?  I don't know what country you're in, but in the US,
it doesn't take any time at all to copyright something.  The
mere act of writing something copyrights it.  I thought it was
the same in Europe as well.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Oh, I get it!!
  at   The BEACH goes on, huh,

Re: Floating point subtraction rounding error (NOT display error)

2007-12-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Dec 13, 6:20 pm, Keflavich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Solved: used round(number,12) in this case for all of the operands of
 my arcsines.  Not pretty, but at least VIM made it easy...

 Thanks for the help,

I suspect this could even fail in some circumstances.  If it's for
school you're probably covered, but in real world, it would be better

1. Rewrite calculation to avoid arccos and arcsin (using trigonometric
or geometric identities)

2. Clamp it to range [-1.0:1.0].  You can do this in numpy with

Carl Banks

Re: Newbie design problem

2007-12-14 Thread MartinRinehart
Most unclear. My apologies.

I'm trying to structure a tokenizer. The stupid concatenations are
just placeholders for the actual tokenizing work. By rebuilding the
input they demonstrate that the framework correctly processes all the

I'm currently using a C-style design (my own pointers into an array of
strings) but I suspect I've got the solution an old C guy would have.
As a Python newbie I don't yet think in Python.

Compressing a text file using count of continous characters

2007-12-14 Thread nirvana
I need to count the number of continous character occurances(more than
1) in a file, and replace it with a compressed version, like below


SpamBayes/Windows volunteer help needed

2007-12-14 Thread skip
The SpamBayes antispam filter ( is fairly popular
as a way to suppress spam.  We have lots of people who use the Outlook
plugin.  Unfortunately, for the past year or two we've suffered from a
dearth of Windows experience as our Windows development experts all got busy
doing other things.  If you're familiar with Python programming in the
Windows environment we could use your help, especially if you use SpamBayes
via Outlook or are willing to give that a whirl.

If you're interested subscribe to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list and maybe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as well.  Most questions get asked on the former
list.  The latter is pretty quiet these days since the software is actually
pretty stable.


Skip Montanaro - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: [Python] Re: efficient data loading with Python, is that possible possible?

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Gonnerman
Neil Cerutti wrote:
 An inefficient parsing technique is probably to blame. You first
 inspect the line to make sure it is valid, then you inspect it
 (number of column type) times to discover what data type it
 contains, and then you inspect it *again* to finally translate
I was thinking just that.  It is much more pythonic to simply attempt 
to convert the values in whatever fashion they are supposed to be 
converted, and handle errors in data format by means of exceptions.  
IMO, of course.  In the trivial case, where there are no errors in the 
data file, this is a heck of a lot faster.

-- Chris.


Re: urlparse.urlparse bug - misparses long URL

2007-12-14 Thread John Nagle
John Nagle wrote:
 Matt Nordhoff wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:
 Here's a hostile URL that urlparse.urlparse seems to have mis-parsed.

 It's breaking on the first slash, which just happens to be very late in
 the URL.

 ('http', '', '//', '', '', '')
 That's what it seems to be doing:
 sa1 = ''
 sa2 = ''
 print urlparse.urlparse(sa1)
 ('http', '', '/foo', '', '', '') # WRONG
 print urlparse.urlparse(sa2)
 ('http', '', '', '', 'blahblah=foo', '') # RIGHT
 That's wrong. RFC3896 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic 
 Syntax), page 23 says
The characters slash (/) and question mark (?) may represent data
within the query component.  Beware that some older, erroneous
implementations may not handle such data correctly when it is used as
the base URI for relative references (Section 5.1), apparently
because they fail to distinguish query data from path data when
looking for hierarchical separators.
 So urlparse is an older, erroneous implementation.  Looking
 at the code for urlparse, it references RFC1808 (1995), which
 was a long time ago, three revisions back.
 Here's the bad code:
 def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
 for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
 delim = url.find(c, start)
 if delim = 0:
 delim = len(url)
 return url[start:delim], url[delim:]
 That's just wrong.  The domain ends at the first appearance of
 any character in '/?#', but that code returns the text before the
 first '/' even if there's an earlier '?'.  A URL/URI doesn't
 have to have a path, even when it has query parameters. 

 urlparse doesn't use regular expressions.  Is there some good
reason for that?  It would be easy to fix the code above with a
regular expression to break on any char in '/?#'.  But
urlparse would have to import re.  Is that undesirable?

John Nagle

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 2:07 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:43:18 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
 following in comp.lang.python:

  I still wait to see any clear, unambiguous definition of scripting
  language. Which one are you refering to here ?
 Strangely, once you leave the realm of shell languages (DCL, JCL,
 bash, etc.) I can think of only ONE language that I'd consider a true
 scripting language... ARexx on the Amiga, as it could address any
 application that created a compatible ARexx message port.

 This meant one could write ARexx programs that could, by changing
 the address, send application native commands to an application,
 retrieve returned data, and then send that data to a second application
 using its native commands.

 No hassle with subprocess spawning or pipe I/O blocking...

Applescript works in a very similar way.

Re: [Plone-Users] Why Can't I Do This?

2007-12-14 Thread Tommy Grav

On Dec 14, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:

 whatever[0:2] will yield THREE characters, so my by  is correct  
 and by will fail every time :))

Nope, whatever[0:2] is two characters:

ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  1 2007, 17:40:00)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  whatever = abcde


state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread tuom . larsen
Dear list,
I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:

_state = None

def set_state(state):
global _state
_state = state

def get_state():
print _surface

but I hate to use global variable. So, please, is there a better way
of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
possible, like:

from state_machine import *

I.e., nothing like:
import state_machine
my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()

Thanks, in advance!

Python for Java programmer

2007-12-14 Thread Nirav Thaker
Yo Group,

I'm excited to learn Python as new language coming year, I consider
myself good Java developer and, not so unusually, with very limited
experience with dynamic programming languages such as Python or Ruby.

I have started with basics at, but I'm more
interested in learning philosophies in programming dynamically typed
languages, I really want to get rid of those Enterprisely weird Java

I'm looking for good resources and a better technique to learn Python,
would appreciate book references or URLs for them (Google explodes me
with info. and I don't really have time to read all that). Also, I'm
looking forward to hack some framework or library written in Python to
get a good deal of exposure to language and class library, So it would
be great if anyone would suggest such framework as well.

Looking forward for suggestions Python community!

Nirav Thaker

Re: Clearing a DOS terminal in a script

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Gonnerman
Stephen_B wrote:
 This doesn't seem to work in a dos terminal at the start of a script:

 from os import popen
 print popen('clear').read()

 Any idea why not? Thanks.
As others have mentioned, you should just do:


Or, you can use my WConio module for fancier work.

Good luck!

-- Chris.


Re: Newbie design problem

2007-12-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 Most unclear. My apologies.
 I'm trying to structure a tokenizer. The stupid concatenations are
 just placeholders for the actual tokenizing work. By rebuilding the
 input they demonstrate that the framework correctly processes all the
 I'm currently using a C-style design (my own pointers into an array of
 strings) but I suspect I've got the solution an old C guy would have.
 As a Python newbie I don't yet think in Python.

Then the first move is to carefully eval existing solutions:


Re: do as a keyword

2007-12-14 Thread Tobiah

 But reading through the warts and reading about a lack of do while
 statements I also started to ponder about the 'do something' if
 'true' else 'do this', and pondered if perhaps this statement could
 do with the including of the keyword do.

I often miss what can be done in other languages
that support what I call 'side effect' assignment:

while x = get_val_somewhere():

Although, I know that if I write the get function,
I could make it an iterator, and do:

for x in get_val_somewhere():

in which case, I'm even happier.

Posted via a free Usenet account from


Re: Newbie design problem

2007-12-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 Jonathan Garnder said:
 Well, if using something like PLY ( ) is
 considered more Pythonic than writing your own parser and lexer...
 Lex is very crude. 

Possibly. Anyway, there are quite a few other parser generators :

 But not totally Pythonic. I want an array of Token objects, not a list
 of tuples, for example.

tokens = map(Token, list_of_tuples)

Ok, I guess this can't apply to your current project ?

Re: Compressing a text file using count of continous characters

2007-12-14 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 08:54:58 -0800, nirvana wrote:

 I need to count the number of continous character occurances(more than
 1) in a file, and replace it with a compressed version, like below

Great.  Then go ahead an implement it.  :-)

`itertools.groupby()` might be handy.

And you have to think about digits in the source if that's allowed.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: replacing built-in exception types

2007-12-14 Thread Stargaming
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:51:52 -0800, Nishkar Grover wrote:

 I'm trying to replace a built-in exception type and here's a simplified
 example of what I was hoping to do...
   import exceptions, __builtin__
   zeroDivisionError = exceptions.ZeroDivisionError

I don't know why you're fiddling that much with the names, 
`ZeroDivisionError` is a builtin name. If you do this to avoid 
overwriting the base classes, consider the following example::

class A(object): pass
class B(A): pass
A_backup = A
A_backup is A
class A(object): pass
A_backup is A
B.__base__ is A
B.__base__ is A_backup

The names really just point to an object. Once the resolution from a name 
to a real object is done, you can reuse the name.

   class Foo(zeroDivisionError):
 ... bar = 'bar'
   exceptions.ZeroDivisionError = Foo
   ZeroDivisionError = Foo
   __builtin__.ZeroDivisionError = Foo
 ... raise ZeroDivisionError
 ... except ZeroDivisionError, e:
 ... print
 ... 1/0
 ... except ZeroDivisionError, e:
 ... print
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 2, in ?
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

The object that ZeroDivisionError points to in your code is *not* the 
raised exception.

 Notice that I get my customized exception type when I explicitly raise
 ZeroDivisionError but not when that is implicitly raised by 1/0. It
 seems like I have to replace that exception type at some lower level,
 but I'm not sure how/where. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

The obvious question is: What are you trying to do?

Remember that you can always catch an exception in an `except` clause and 
perform whatever action you want, eg. raise *another* exception.

If you just want to change error representations (I doubt that you really 
need it, tho), you might be interested in overwriting `sys.excepthook`_.


Re: Python for Java programmer

2007-12-14 Thread George Sakkis
On Dec 14, 11:53 am, Nirav Thaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yo Group,

 I'm excited to learn Python as new language coming year, I consider
 myself good Java developer and, not so unusually, with very limited
 experience with dynamic programming languages such as Python or Ruby.

 I have started with basics at, but I'm more
 interested in learning philosophies in programming dynamically typed
 languages, I really want to get rid of those Enterprisely weird Java

 I'm looking for good resources and a better technique to learn Python,
 would appreciate book references or URLs for them (Google explodes me
 with info. and I don't really have time to read all that). Also, I'm
 looking forward to hack some framework or library written in Python to
 get a good deal of exposure to language and class library, So it would
 be great if anyone would suggest such framework as well.

 Looking forward for suggestions Python community!

You may want to check out these first:


Re: Job Offer: Python Ninja or Pirate!

2007-12-14 Thread George Sakkis
On Dec 14, 9:57 am, Stargaming [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:57:16 -0800, George Sakkis wrote:

  Closer, but still wrong; for some weird reason, __import__ for modules
  in packages returns the top level package by default; you have to use
  the 'fromlist' argument:

  __import__('xml.dom.minidom') is __import__('xml')

  __import__('xml.dom.minidom', fromlist=True)
  module 'xml.dom.minidom' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/


 No, it's perfectly right::

 module 'xml.dom.minidom' from

Sure, if you remember to repeat
Instead of __import__ I use a more intuitive and general version that
doesn't stop at module boundaries but acts as getattr() within a

for name in ['xml',
print '%s: %r\n' % (name, import_name(name))


xml: module 'xml' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/xml/__init__.pyc'

xml.dom: module 'xml.dom' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/

xml.dom.minidom: module 'xml.dom.minidom' from '/usr/local/lib/

xml.dom.minidom.parse: function parse at 0xb7d40614

xml.dom.minidom.parse.__name__: 'parse'

#=== import_name =

def import_name(name, globals={}, locals={}):
prefix,sep,tail = name.partition('.')
obj = __import__(prefix, globals, locals)
is_module = True
while sep:
head,sep,tail = tail.partition('.')
if is_module:
prefix += '.' + head
try: __import__(prefix, globals, locals)
except ImportError: is_module = False
try: obj = getattr(obj,head)
except AttributeError:
raise ImportError('No name %s' % name)
return obj


Re: Compressing a text file using count of continous characters

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 10:54 AM, nirvana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to count the number of continous character occurances(more than
 1) in a file, and replace it with a compressed version, like below

This sounds like homework. Google for run length encoding for
algorithms, or check your textbook.

Re: Compressing a text file using count of continous characters

2007-12-14 Thread nirvana
On Dec 14, 12:07 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 14, 2007 10:54 AM, nirvana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need to count the number of continous character occurances(more than
  1) in a file, and replace it with a compressed version, like below

 This sounds like homework. Google for run length encoding for
 algorithms, or check your textbook.

nah, not homework... :). And yeah got it. And thanks for its name
(RLE), that saved a lot of googles


Re: Source formatting fixer?

2007-12-14 Thread Bret
The thing is, I'm not so much trying to fix indentation issues as
spacing problems that affect readability but not program structure.
All the indentation is fine, this is more trying to change things

if ((one==two)and(three==four)):
c=Classname (a,b)
print Class %s created%c.__name__

None of the above is wrong, it's just painfully ugly and given
Python's natural beauty, it seems really wrong all the same


On Dec 11, 3:26 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Python already comes with a reindenter, see Tools\scripts\
 If you want to transform y= f (   x- 3 ) into y = f(x - 3) try PythonTidy
 (search this same group for a link)

 Gabriel Genellina


Re: state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread Matimus
On Dec 14, 8:52 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear list,
 I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:

 _state = None

 def set_state(state):
 global _state
 _state = state

 def get_state():
 print _surface

 but I hate to use global variable. So, please, is there a better way
 of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
 possible, like:

 from state_machine import *

 I.e., nothing like:
 import state_machine
 my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()

 Thanks, in advance!

Personally I _would_ do it the second way. That seems to be the most
appropriate way to do it. However, you can do it the second way and
still get the functionality you desire.

[code in]
class StateMachine(object):
def __init__(self, state=None):
if state is None:
self._state = state

def get_state(self):
# print self._surface
return self._state

def set_state(self, state):
self._state = state

_sm = StateMachine()
set_state = _sm.set_state
get_state = _sm.get_state


Re: reloading modules and isinstance()

2007-12-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Tlis schrieb:
 I have found that it is possible to reassign the instance.__class__
 reference to the same class (but after reloading) to make the
 isinstance() test work again! I know that it is a kind of hacking of
 the Python interpreter, but it works :-)

It's not especially hacking (albeit certainly not a common thing to 
do). But it of course will only work for instances you are _aware_ of.


Re: Best way to protect my new commercial software.

2007-12-14 Thread tinnews
Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-12-14, farsheed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Let me be clear for you: there are someone in my company who
  love to use my software in other companies that she works
  there also. and because it is an inhouse tool, my CEO wanted
  me to protect it from stealing. and really we havn't time to
  copyright it.
 Uh what?  I don't know what country you're in, but in the US,
 it doesn't take any time at all to copyright something.  The
 mere act of writing something copyrights it.  I thought it was
 the same in Europe as well.
It is, you don't have to do anything to copyright something apart from
creating it to start with.

Chris Green

Re: RegExp Help

2007-12-14 Thread Sean DiZazzo
On Dec 14, 3:06 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Fri, 14 Dec 2007 06:06:21 -0300, Sean DiZazzo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

  On Dec 14, 12:04 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:49:20 -0800, Sean DiZazzo wrote:
   I'm wrapping up a command line util that returns xml in Python.  The
   util is flaky, and gives me back poorly formed xml with different
   problems in different cases.  Anyway I'm making progress.  I'm not
   very good at regular expressions though and was wondering if someone
   could help with initially splitting the tags from the stdout returned
   from the util.

  Flaky XML is often produced by programs that treat XML as ordinary text
  files. If you are starting to parse XML with regular expressions you are
  making the very same mistake.  XML may look somewhat simple but
  producing correct XML and parsing it isn't.  Sooner or later you stumble
  across something that breaks producing or parsing the naive way.

  It's not really complicated xml so far, just tags with attributes.
  Still, using different queries against the program sometimes offers
  differing results...a few examples:

  id 123456 /
  tag name=foo /
  tag2 name=foo moreattrs=... /tag2
  tag3 name=foo moreattrs=... tag3/

 Ouch... only the second is valid xml. Most tools require at least a well  
 formed document. You may try using BeautifulStoneSoup, included with  

  I found something that works, although I couldn't tell you why it
  works.  :)
   retag = re.compile(r'.+?', re.DOTALL)
  tags = retag.findall(retag)
   Why does that work?

 That means: look for a less-than sign (), followed by the shortest  
 sequence of (?) one or more (+) arbitrary characters (.), followed by a  
 greater-than sign ()

 If you never get nested tags, and never have a  inside an attribute,  
 that expression *might* work. But please try BeautifulStoneSoup, it uses a  
 lot of heuristics trying to guess the right structure. Doesn't work  
 always, but given your input, there isn't much one can do...

 Gabriel Genellina

Thanks!  I'll take a look at BeautifulStoneSoup today and see what I


High speed web services

2007-12-14 Thread herbasher

I'm wondering: I'm really not so much into heavy frameworks like
Django, because I need to build a fast, simple python based

That is, a request comes in at a certain URL, and I want to utilize
Python to respond to that request.

Ideally, I want the script to be cached so it doesn't have to be re-
parsed everytime.

Phrasing this into a question:
How do I built highly available and lighting fast Python webservice?

I'm open to using any kind of server software, and all that under a
*nix based system.


Re: urlparse.urlparse bug - misparses long URL - FIX

2007-12-14 Thread John Nagle
John Nagle wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:
 Matt Nordhoff wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:
 Here's a hostile URL that urlparse.urlparse seems to have mis-parsed.

 It's breaking on the first slash, which just happens to be very late in
 the URL.

 ('http', '', '//', '', '', '')

 That's what it seems to be doing:

 sa1 = ''
 sa2 = ''
 print urlparse.urlparse(sa1)
 ('http', '', '/foo', '', '', '') # WRONG
 print urlparse.urlparse(sa2)
 ('http', '', '', '', 'blahblah=foo', '') # RIGHT

 That's wrong. RFC3896 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic 
 Syntax), page 23 says

The characters slash (/) and question mark (?) may represent data
within the query component.  Beware that some older, erroneous
implementations may not handle such data correctly when it is used as
the base URI for relative references (Section 5.1), apparently
because they fail to distinguish query data from path data when
looking for hierarchical separators.

 So urlparse is an older, erroneous implementation.  Looking
 at the code for urlparse, it references RFC1808 (1995), which
 was a long time ago, three revisions back.

 Here's the bad code:

 def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
 for c in '/?#': # the order is important!
 delim = url.find(c, start)
 if delim = 0:
 delim = len(url)
 return url[start:delim], url[delim:]

 That's just wrong.  The domain ends at the first appearance of
 any character in '/?#', but that code returns the text before the
 first '/' even if there's an earlier '?'.  A URL/URI doesn't
 have to have a path, even when it has query parameters. 

OK, here's a fix to urlparse, replacing _splitnetloc.  I didn't use
a regular expression because urlparse doesn't import re, and I didn't
want to change that.

def _splitnetloc(url, start=0):
delim = len(url)# position of end of domain part of url, default is end
for c in '/?#': # look for delimiters; the order is NOT important   
wdelim = url.find(c, start) # find first of this delim
if wdelim = 0: # if found
delim = min(delim, wdelim)# use earliest delim position
return url[start:delim], url[delim:]# return (domain, rest)

I'll put this in the tracker once I can get back in; password changes still go
through SourceForge, even though the tracker isn't there.

Note: the unit test in urlparse fails in the standard Python 2.4 version.
So the unit test needs fixing.  Also, some of the bad cases above should
be added to the unit test.

John Nagle

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread John Nagle
Chris Mellon wrote:
 On Dec 14, 2007 2:07 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:43:18 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
 following in comp.lang.python:

 I still wait to see any clear, unambiguous definition of scripting
 language. Which one are you refering to here ?

 Strangely, once you leave the realm of shell languages (DCL, JCL,
 bash, etc.) I can think of only ONE language that I'd consider a true
 scripting language... ARexx on the Amiga, as it could address any
 application that created a compatible ARexx message port.

 This meant one could write ARexx programs that could, by changing
 the address, send application native commands to an application,
 retrieve returned data, and then send that data to a second application
 using its native commands.

 No hassle with subprocess spawning or pipe I/O blocking...

 Applescript works in a very similar way.

 Yes.  One of the basic design flaws of UNIX was that interprocess
communication was originally almost nonexistent, and it's still not all that
great.  It's easy to run other programs, and easy to send command line
parameters, but all you get back is a status code, plus console-type output.

 The UNIX world might have been quite different if, when you ran a
subprocess, at the end you got return values for the command line
parameters (argv/argc) and the environment back.  Then programs
would behave more like big subroutines.  But all you get back
is a status code, so running programs from a script tends to be
a somewhat blind one-way process.

 The UNIX world now has various forms of interprocess communication,
but none of them is as pervasive as Microsoft OLE and its successors on
Microsoft platforms.

 There's CORBA, for example, and in theory
you can script OpenOffice and Gnome via CORBA.  But nobody does that.
Exercise: write a Python program to convert a .doc file to a .pdf
file by invoking OpenOffice via CORBA.  At least in theory, this is
possible.  All the necessary parts supposedly exist.  Somebody
tried back in 2003, but gave up. See;

John Nagle

Re: state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 10:52 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear list,
 I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:

 _state = None

 def set_state(state):
 global _state
 _state = state

 def get_state():
 print _surface

 but I hate to use global variable. So, please, is there a better way
 of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
 possible, like:

Yes, don't do it.

 from state_machine import *

This isn't a state machine, it's just state

 I.e., nothing like:
 import state_machine
 my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()

Stop being afraid of objects, especially if your fear is caused by
straw-man C style APIs.

from state_machine import State

state = State()
print state.current_state
state.do_something('sadfsafsad') #does something based on the current state
print state.current_state

Re: searching a value of a dict (each value is a list)

2007-12-14 Thread MonkeeSage
On Dec 10, 1:28 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seongsu Lee:

 I have a dictionary with million keys. Each value in the dictionary has a 
 list with up to thousand integers.

 Let's say each integer can be represented with 32 bits (if there are
 less numbers then a 3-byte representation may suffice, but this makes
 things more complex), that is 2^2 bytes. Let's say there are 2^20 keys
 each one associated to 2^10 values. So to represent the values you
 need 2^32 bytes. It means 4 GB, so I don't think Python suffices to
 store them in RAM, because a Python int object requires quite more
 than 4 bytes (only represented inside an array.array it may need just
 4 bytes).

 So if you can use 128 MB RAM to store such data structure you need to
 store data on HD too. You probably can use a lower-level language. On
 disk you can keep the reverse index, represented as an array of
 records/structs, each of such structures keep two 32-bit numbers (so
 such array is 8 GB). Such index is sorted according to the first
 element of the struct. The first number is the value of the original
 dictionary and the second nuber is its key. Inside the RAM you can
 keep another sorted array that summarizes your whole data. When you
 need a number you can do a binary search on the array in RAM, such
 array gives you the position where you can read (with a seek) a little
 part of the file (512 bytes may suffice), to perform a little binary
 search (if the block is very little a linear scan suffices) on it too
 to find the number you need. Note that the summarizing data structure
 in RAM may be represented with just a Python dict too, so in the end
 you can use Python to solve this problem. You may need a lower-level
 language to create the 8 GB file on disk (or create it with Python,
 but it may take lot of time. You may sort it with the sort unix

 This isn't a complete solution, but I think it may work.


Nice. :)


Call for Project Participation in Development Sprints at PyCon 2008

2007-12-14 Thread Facundo Batista
Python-related projects: join the PyCon Development Sprints!

The development sprints are a key part of PyCon, a chance for the
contributors to open-source projects to get together face-to-face for
up to four days of intensive learning and development.  Newbies sit at
the same table as the gurus, go out for lunch and dinner together, and
have a great time while advancing their project.  At PyCon 2007 in
Dallas we must have had 20 projects sprinting.

If your project would like to sprint at PyCon, now is the time to let
us know.  We need to collect the info and publish it, so participants
will have time to make plans.  We need to get the word out early,
because no matter what we do during the conference, most people who
haven't already decided to sprint won't be able to stay, because they
have a planes to catch and no hotel rooms.

In the past, many people have been reluctant to commit to sprinting.
Some may not know what sprinting is all about; others may think that
they're not qualified to sprint.  We want to change that perception.

* We want to help promote your sprint.  The PyCon website, the PyCon
 blog, the PyCon podcast, and press releases will be there for you.

* PyCon attendees will be asked to commit to sprints on the
 registration form, which will include a list of sprints with links
 to further info.

* We will be featuring a How To Sprint session on Sunday afternoon,
 followed by sprint-related tutorials, all for free.

* Some sponsors are helping out with the sprints as well.

There's also cost.  Although the sprinting itself is free, sprints
have associated time and hotel costs.  We can't do anything about the
time cost, but we may have some complimentary rooms and funding
available for sprinters.  We will have more to say on financial aid

Those who want to propose a sprint should send the following
information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

* Project/sprint name
* Project URL
* The name and contact info (email  telephone) for the sprint
 leader(s) and other contributors who will attend the sprint
* Instructions for accessing the project's code repository and
 documentation (or a URL)
* Pointers to new contributor information (setup, etc.)
* Any special requirements (projector? whiteboard? flux capacitor?)

We will add this information to the PyCon website and set up a wiki
page for you (or we can link to yours).  Projects need a list of goals
(bugs to fix, features to add, docs to write, etc.), especially some
goals for beginners, to attract new sprinters.  The more detail you
put there, the more prepared your sprinters will be, and the more
results you'll get.

In 2007 there were sprints for Python, Jython, Zope, Django,
TurboGears, Python in Education, SchoolTool, Trac, Docutils, the
Python Job Board, PyCon-Tech, and other projects.  We would like to
see all these and more!

The sprints will run from Monday, March 17 through Thursday, March
20, 2008.  You can find more details here:

Thank you very much, and happy coding!

Facundo Batista, PyCon 2008 Sprint Coordinator
David Goodger, PyCon 2008 Chair

Re: High speed web services

2007-12-14 Thread Matt Nordhoff
herbasher wrote:
 I'm wondering: I'm really not so much into heavy frameworks like
 Django, because I need to build a fast, simple python based
 That is, a request comes in at a certain URL, and I want to utilize
 Python to respond to that request.
 Ideally, I want the script to be cached so it doesn't have to be re-
 parsed everytime.
 Phrasing this into a question:
 How do I built highly available and lighting fast Python webservice?
 I'm open to using any kind of server software, and all that under a
 *nix based system.

Well, you could simply use FastCGI/SCGI/mod_python/mod_wsgi without any
framework on top of it. It's not much harder than writing a CGI script.

If you're doing something with multiple actual web pages or something,
just use a framework. It'll be fast enough.

Re: state machine and a global variable

2007-12-14 Thread tuom . larsen
On Dec 14, 7:35 pm, Matimus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 14, 8:52 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Dear list,
  I'm writing very simple state machine library, like this:

  _state = None

  def set_state(state):
  global _state
  _state = state

  def get_state():
  print _surface

  but I hate to use global variable. So, please, is there a better way
  of doing this? All I want is that a user has to type as little as
  possible, like:

  from state_machine import *

  I.e., nothing like:
  import state_machine
  my_machine = state_machine.new_machine()

  Thanks, in advance!

 Personally I _would_ do it the second way. That seems to be the most
 appropriate way to do it. However, you can do it the second way and
 still get the functionality you desire.

 [code in]
 class StateMachine(object):
 def __init__(self, state=None):
 if state is None:
 self._state = state

 def get_state(self):
 # print self._surface
 return self._state

 def set_state(self, state):
 self._state = state

 _sm = StateMachine()
 set_state = _sm.set_state
 get_state = _sm.get_state


Thanks a lot! This is precisely what I had on my mind.

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Dec 11, 10:34 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ron Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 But here's my problem, most of my coworkers, when they see my apps and
 learn that they are written in Python ask questions like, Why would you
 write that in a scripting language?  Whenever I hear a comment like that I
 can feel myself boiling inside.

 I don't blame you.  Python is an full-fledged algorithm/programming
 language that was designed to *also* be used a scripting language.

When you buy a new car, which is more important, the styling
or what's under the hood?

Take, for example, Microsoft's slick new language F#.

F# (pronounced F Sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language,
targeting the .NET Framework, that encompasses functional programming
as well as imperative object-oriented programming disciplines.
It is a variant of ML and is largely compatible with the OCaml

Sounds pretty sexy, eh? And programs compile to .exe files, none
of that byte-code interpretation nonsense.

But you would never buy a car without taking a test drive, right?

So we can fire up the F# Interactive (Console) and put it in gear.


-- Timing now on

 open Math;;

Time 0.046875
 let mutable Z = 0I;;

val mutable Z : bigint

Time 0.156250
 Z - Z + (BigInt.pow 3I 123295I) * (BigInt.pow 2I 0I);;
val it : unit = ()
Time 0.515625

About a half second to compute a number with 58827 decimal digits.

OTOH, that was only the first of 123296 terms. The time to compute
the full sequence is 0.515625*123296 seconds or 17.65 hours.

If it takes that long for a compiled .exe to run, just imagine how
long a lowly, byte-code interpreted language would take!

But wait...

...we don't have to imagine, we can take the Python out for a test
drive also.

 import collatz_functions
 import time
 sv = collatz_functions.build_sv(19,19,100,1541095)
 def Big_Z(sv):
Z = 0
e2 = 0
e3 = len(sv) - 1
t0 = time.time()
for v in sv:
Z += 3**e3 * 2**e2
e3 -= 1
e2 += v
t1 = time.time()
print (t1-t0)/60,'minutes'

25.677583 minutes

Hold on...

That's for the whole sequence, not a single term!

25.67 MINUTES compared to 17.65 HOURS!

So, sure, some languages compile to .exe programs.

In the trade, we call that polishing a turd.

Re: High speed web services

2007-12-14 Thread Jarek Zgoda
herbasher pisze:

 How do I built highly available and lighting fast Python webservice?

Write optimized code and use it in conjunction with twisted.web.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: Newbie design problem

2007-12-14 Thread MartinRinehart

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Then the first move is to carefully eval existing solutions:

Always good advice, Bruno. How did you come by that list address?
Google or is there something special known to Python experts?

Re: High speed web services

2007-12-14 Thread Manlio Perillo
Il Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:07:49 -0800, herbasher ha scritto:

 I'm wondering: I'm really not so much into heavy frameworks like Django,
 because I need to build a fast, simple python based webservice.
 That is, a request comes in at a certain URL, and I want to utilize
 Python to respond to that request.
 Ideally, I want the script to be cached so it doesn't have to be re-
 parsed everytime.
 Phrasing this into a question:
 How do I built highly available and lighting fast Python webservice?
 I'm open to using any kind of server software, and all that under a *nix
 based system.

I'm developing a mod_wsgi module for Nginx (
Nginx is a very fast asynchronous and multiprocess web server.

The development is still in alpha status:

If your application is not I/O bound mod_wsgi for nginx can be a good 
solution, otherwise you should look for mod_wsgi for Apache.

Manlio Perillo

Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread i . pantusa
On Dec 14, 5:01 pm, Neil Cerutti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2007-12-14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a loop in python
  which updates two or more variables at a time. For instance, something
  like this in C:

  for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
  printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

  So that I would get:

  i = 0, j = 0
  i = 1, j = 1
  i = 2, j = 2
  i = 9, j = 19

  Can this be done in Python?

 Yes, assuming you meant to say:

 i = 0, j = 10
 i = 0, j = 11
 i = 9, j = 19

 import sys
 from itertools import izip

 for i, j in izip(xrange(10), xrange(10, 20)):
   sys.stdout.write(i = %d, j = %d\n, (i, j))

 Neil Cerutti
 To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-
 mannered. --Voltaire

Yeah, that's what I meant ... ooops :)

Thanks a lot to everyone for the useful info. In the meantime I had
found out about zip and that way of doing it. But I really appreciated
all the different alternative solutions that were illustrated,
especially the more functional ones with map ... very cool, I'm also
a big Lisp fan, and I really dig those.

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread Chris Mellon
On Dec 14, 2007 2:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 11, 10:34 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ron Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  But here's my problem, most of my coworkers, when they see my apps and
  learn that they are written in Python ask questions like, Why would you
  write that in a scripting language?  Whenever I hear a comment like that I
  can feel myself boiling inside.
  I don't blame you.  Python is an full-fledged algorithm/programming
  language that was designed to *also* be used a scripting language.

 When you buy a new car, which is more important, the styling
 or what's under the hood?


 That's for the whole sequence, not a single term!

 25.67 MINUTES compared to 17.65 HOURS!

 So, sure, some languages compile to .exe programs.

 In the trade, we call that polishing a turd.

While I agree with the sentiment, surely this can't be a good example
of F#s general performance? I would expect .NET code to smoke stock
(non-Psycoed) Python in this benchmark.

Re: Loops and things

2007-12-14 Thread Jair Trejo
I was wondering how and if it's possible to write a
loop in python
which updates two or more variables at a time. For
instance, something
like this in C:

for (i = 0, j = 10; i  10  j  20; i++, j++) {
printf(i = %d, j = %d\n, i, j);

So that I would get:

i = 0, j = 0
i = 1, j = 1
i = 2, j = 2
i = 9, j = 19

Can this be done in Python?



In your case, j is simply i+10; so can just write
j=i+10 inside the loop, or even use i+10 itself.


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speed versus threading or asyncore

2007-12-14 Thread scripteaze
I need some examples on using asycore for a client app im creating. I
need to be able to connect to my server 10 times and i dont want any
lag nor my cpu to be taxed.

The examples ive found are for the server and i dont know how to
implement asyncore on the client.

Download new version of phyton language |

2007-12-14 Thread yuni . wijayanti
follow this link

container.___le___ can use only =?

2007-12-14 Thread Neil Cerutti
When implementing the rich comparison operators for some sort of
container, it's tempting to save code by doing something like:

 class LarchTree:
   def __gt__(self, other):
 # A lot of code to traverse the tree
   def __le__(self):
 return not self  other

However, if I'm thinking correctly, this is a bad idea. The
reasoning being that  and = are not required to be each others
opposite for arbitrary value types, and may not even both be
supplied by the contained objects.

If a LarchTree user stores objects that don't support __gt__,
will he have a legitimate complaint when using LarchTree.__le__
results in an attribute error?

Neil Cerutti

Re: Is Python really a scripting language?

2007-12-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Dec 14, 2:48 pm, Chris Mellon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 14, 2007 2:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 11, 10:34 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ron Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

   But here's my problem, most of my coworkers, when they see my apps and
   learn that they are written in Python ask questions like, Why would you
   write that in a scripting language?  Whenever I hear a comment like that 
   can feel myself boiling inside.

   I don't blame you.  Python is an full-fledged algorithm/programming
   language that was designed to *also* be used a scripting language.

  When you buy a new car, which is more important, the styling
  or what's under the hood?


  That's for the whole sequence, not a single term!

  25.67 MINUTES compared to 17.65 HOURS!

  So, sure, some languages compile to .exe programs.

  In the trade, we call that polishing a turd.

 While I agree with the sentiment, surely this can't be a good example
 of F#s general performance?

Of course. They example was deliberately chosen to make
F#'s BigInt library look as bad as possible.

 I would expect .NET code to smoke stock
 (non-Psycoed) Python in this benchmark.

Probably. It just so happens that the example chosen
is typical of _my_ number theory research and I was
toying with the idea of converting my Collatz Conjecture
function library to F#.

And that would take a lot of work since F# doesn't have
anywhere near the functionality of gmpy. There isn't
even a BigInt.mod function for cryin' out loud, let alone
stuff like GCD or modular inverse, critical to my research.

Sure, I could write my own Extended Euclidean Algorithm,
but now that I now that F# is just a Volkswagen with a
fiberglass shell that looks like a Ferrari, there isn't
much point, eh?

And don't even get me started about the stupid stuff,
like having TWO different type of Big Rationals. One's
more efficient than the other, they say. So why two?
The less efficient one has functions not implemented
in the other. And F# is strongly typed, so you can't
use BigRational methods with BigNum types. And they
have all sorts of conversion methods for to/from ints,
strings, bigints, etc. Guess which conversions they
don't have? BigRational - BigNum, of course.

MAybe I'll check it out again in the future after it
has gone through several revisions.

HTTPS GET request.

2007-12-14 Thread Jon

I'm testing an application that sends an HTTPS GET request in the form


I need to get a hold of that entire request for comparison /
verification purposes.

The closet thing I found is Sebastien Martini's Simple HTTP server
supporting SSL recipe (

In this recipe Sebastien created a SecureHTTPRequestHandler by
extending the SimpleHTTPRequestHandler class.

The SimpleHTTPRequestHandler extends the BaseHTTPRequestHandler that
references an internal instance request variable.

If getting access to that request variable is the right way to go to
get hold of the entire GET request, can someone suggest a way (or a
web resource for me to learn how) to do that (since I'm relatively new
to Python).

Or is there a better way?

Many thanks!

- Jon

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