Re: What happened with python? messed strings?

2008-04-24 Thread gagsl-py2
(top posting fixed; please keep discussion on this

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 In article

 you wrote:
  En Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:54:20 -0300,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi?:
   I used extensively python and now I find this
 mess with strings,
   I can't even reproduce tutorial examples:
   apfel.encode('utf-8')  (it was with umlaut)
 File stdin, line 0
   SyntaxError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte
 0xc4 in position 1:
   ordinal not in range(128)
   Is there any good guide to this mess of codecs
 and hell ?

[two links to unicode introductory articles]

 and how do you explain that even the tutorial
 example is broken ???

Which tutorial example?

Gabriel Genellina

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2008-04-24 Thread ABDULLAH
What you are about to read might sound unusual but it could be very
enlightened. So I would be thankful if you give my article 5 minute
your value time. THANK YOU

Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in
peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any
person anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty
are to God, the Lord of the Universe.

The legal sources of Islam are the Qur'an and the Hadith. The Qur'an
is the exact word of God; its authenticity, originality and totality
are intact. The Hadith is the report of the sayings, deeds and
approvals of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet's sayings and deeds
called Sunnah. The Seerah is the writings of followers of Muhammad
about the life of the Prophet. Hence, it is the life history of the
Prophet Muhammad which provides examples of daily living for Muslims.

Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God
conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and
Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon
People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and
to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the

Some Basic Islamic Beliefs
1) Belief in God:
Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, Who has no son nor
partner, and that none has the right to be worshipped but Him alone.
He is the true God, and every other deity is false.  He has the most
magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes.  No one shares His
divinity, nor His attributes.  In the Quran, God describes Himself:

 Say, “He is God, the One.  God, to Whom the creatures turn for their
needs.  He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none like
Him.”  (Quran, 112:1-4)

Chapter 112 of the Quran written in Arabic calligraphy.

No one has the right to be invoked, supplicated, prayed to, or shown
any act of worship, but God alone.

God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the
Sustainer of everything in the whole universe.  He manages all
affairs.  He stands in need of none of His creatures, and all His
creatures depend on Him for all that they need.  He is the All-
Hearing, the All-Seeing, and the All-Knowing.  In a perfect manner,
His knowledge encompasses all things, the open and the secret, and
public and the private.  He knows what has happened, what will
and how it will happen.  No affair occurs in the whole world except
His will.  Whatever He wills is, and whatever He does not will is not
and will never be.  His will is above the will of all the creatures.
He has power over all things, and He is able to do everything.  He is
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and the Most Beneficent.  In
of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad , we are told that God is more
merciful to His creatures than a mother to her child.1  God is far
removed from injustice and tyranny.  He is All-Wise in all of His
actions and decrees.  If someone wants something from God, he or she
can ask God directly without asking anyone else to intercede with God
for him or her.

God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2  Even Jesus himself rejected
this.  God has said in the Quran:

 Indeed, they have disbelieved who have said, “God is the Messiah
(Jesus), son of Mary.”  The Messiah said, “Children of Israel,
God, my Lord and your Lord.  Whoever associates partners in worship
with God, then God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his home is
Fire (Hell).  For the wrongdoers,3 there will be no
helpers.”  (Quran,

God is not a trinity.  God has said in the Quran:

 Indeed, they disbelieve who say, “God is the third of three (in a
trinity),” when there is no god but one God.  If they desist not from
what they say, truly, a painful punishment will befall the
disbelievers among them. Would they not rather repent to God and ask
His forgiveness?  For God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.  The
Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a messenger...

Islam rejects that God rested on the seventh day of the creation,
He wrestled with one of His angels, that He is an envious plotter
against mankind, or that He is incarnate in any human being.  Islam
also rejects the attribution of any human form to God. All of these
are considered blasphemous.  God is the Exalted.  He is far removed
from every imperfection.  He never becomes weary.  He does not become
drowsy nor does he sleep.

The Arabic word Allah means God (the one and only true God who
the whole universe).  This word Allah is a name for God, which is
by Arabic speakers, both Arab Muslims and Arab Christians.  This word
cannot be used to designate anything other than the one true God.
Arabic word Allah occurs in the Quran about 2700 times.  In Aramaic,
language related closely to Arabic and the language that Jesus
habitually spoke,4 God is also referred to as Allah.

2) Belief in the Angels:

Re: library to do easy shell scripting in Python

2008-04-24 Thread Matt Nordhoff
Wow, this message turned out to be *LONG*. And it also took a long time
to write. But I had fun with it, so ok. :-)

Michael Torrie wrote:
 Recently a post that mentioned a recipe that extended subprocess to
 allow killable processes caused me to do some thinking.  Some of my
 larger bash scripts are starting to become a bit unwieldy (hundreds of
 lines of code).  Yet for many things bash just works out so well because
 it is so close to the file system and processes.  As part of another
 project, I now have need of a really good library to make it almost as
 easy to do things in Python as it is in Bash.  With a simple wrapper
 around subprocess, I'm pretty much able to do most things.  Most of my
 complicated bash hackery involves using awk, sed, grep, and cut to
 process text, which python does quite nicely, thank you very much.  But
 there's a few things to add.
 To wit, I'm wanting to write a library that can deal with the following
   - spawn a process, feed it std in, get stdout, stderr, and err code.
 This is largely already accomplished by subprocess

It is accomplished by subprocess.Popen:

The 'communicate' method handles stdin, stdout and stderr, waiting for
the process to terminate.

The 'wait' method just waits for the process to terminate and returns
the return code.

The 'returncode' attribute contains the return code (or None if the
process hasn't terminated yet).

You could write a convenience wrapper function if you want to do this in
a more terse way.

   - spawn off processes as background daemons

Couldn't you do this with subprocess by doing subprocess.Popen([prog])
and, well, nothing else? (You may have/want to set stdin/stdout/stderr
too. I dunno.)

   - spawn multiple processes and pipe output to input.
 - can do fancier things like bash does, like combine stderr/stdout,
   switch stderr/stdout, redirects to and from files

That's possible with subprocess.

See this paragraph of

 stdin, stdout and stderr specify the executed programs' standard input, 
 standard output and standard error file handles, respectively. Valid values 
 are PIPE, an existing file descriptor (a positive integer), an existing file 
 object, and None. PIPE indicates that a new pipe to the child should be 
 created. With None, no redirection will occur; the child's file handles will 
 be inherited from the parent. Additionally, stderr can be STDOUT, which 
 indicates that the stderr data from the applications should be captured into 
 the same file handle as for stdout.

And also Not the least
verbose, but pretty simple, and I bet it can do anything bash can.

 - transparently allow a python function or object to be a part of
   the pipeline at any stage.

Hmmm. I can't think very well at the moment, but you could create
file-like objects that do...I dunno, callbacks or something.

Simple and incomplete mockup:

class Pipe(object):
def __init__(self, from_fh, to_fh, from_callback=None,
self.from_fh = from_fh
self.to_fh = to_fh
self.from_callback = from_callback
self.to_callback = to_callback

def read(self, *args, **kwargs):
data =*args, **kwargs)
if self.from_callback is not None:
return data

def write(self, data):
# XXX Call the callback before or after the data is actually
if self.to_callback is not None:
return self.to_fh.write(data)

That just passes input and output through itself, also passing it to
callback functions. You'd have to add all the other methods too, like
readline and __iter__... Maybe inheriting from 'file' would get most of
them. I dunno how it works internally.

 Questions include, how would one design the interface for things, like
 assembling pipes?  Several ideas include:
 The former doesn't deal very well with re-plumbing of the pipes, nor is
 there an easy way to redirect to and from a file. The second syntax is
 more flexible but a bit cumbersome.  Also it doesn't allow redirection
 or flexible plumbing either.
 Any ideas on how I could design this?

Ok, the below is an edited-down, more formal-sounding brain dump.

Idea 1:

 run([prog, args], from_fh, to_fh, from_callback, to_callback).run(...)

It would basically just automate the construction of the intermediary
pipe objects suggested above.

It could also be done with tuples, like:

 run([prog, args], (from_fh, to_fh), (from_callback,

Idea 2:

This one would parse a list similar to a bash command line.

run('prog', 'out', '|', 'other_prog', 'arg', '', 'foo.txt')

Which would be like a bash:

`prog 21 | other_prog arg foo.txt`

(21 is how you combine stdout and stderr, right?)

, ,  

Re: Unix Device File Emulation

2008-04-24 Thread A.T.Hofkamp
On 2008-04-23, blaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 2:01 pm, Martin Blume [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 blaine schrieb

   while 1:
   r = self.fifodev.readline()
   if r: print r
   else: time.sleep(0.1)
 is ok (note the if r: clause).


 Beautiful! Thanks Martin!

yes, but you have to follow the usual file handling rules, and close/re-open
the fifo after detecting EOF. You will be blocked on attempting to re-open
until there is another writing process.

while 1:
  fp = open('my_fifo', 'r')
  while 1:
 line = fp.readline()
 if line == '':
 print line.rstrip()# To prevent printing of \n in line


annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread bvidinli
i use dictionaries to hold some config data,
such as:

and so on...

when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like:
if conf.has_key('key1'):
 if conf['key1']'':
 other commands

this is very annoying.
in php, i was able to code only like:
if conf['key1']=='someth'

in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an exception.

MY question:
is there a way to directly get value of an array/tuple/dict  item by key,
as in php above, even if key may not exist,  i should not check if key exist,
i should only use it, if it does not exist, it may return only empty,
just as in php

i hope you understand my question...

İ.Bahattin Vidinli
Elk-Elektronik Müh.
iletisim bilgileri (Tercih sirasina gore):
skype: bvidinli (sesli gorusme icin,
yahoo: bvidinli


Re: python-ldap - Operations Error

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Ströder

Jason Scheirer wrote:

On Apr 23, 5:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all, I am trying to integrate TurboGears with our Active
Directory here at the office.  TurboGears aside, i cannot get this to

Seems more promising:

This is based on ADSI?
Then the caveat is that it only runs on Windows.

Ciao, Michael.

Re: RE: Lucky gay sucking cock while butt fucked deep

2008-04-24 Thread Bob Martin
in 344018 20080422 231351 Blubaugh, David A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way to block these messages.   I do not want to be caught
with filth such as this material.  I could lose my job with Belcan with
evil messages such as these messages.   =20

So don't repeat them!

Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Oleg Broytmann
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 11:13:25AM +0300, bvidinli wrote:
 if conf.has_key('key1'):
  if conf['key1']'':
  other commands
 this is very annoying.
 in php, i was able to code only like:
 if conf['key1']=='someth'
 in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an 

if conf.get('key1')=='someth':...

PS. Please do not cross-post so extensively.

 Oleg Broytmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 this is very annoying.

Posting to so many lists is even more annoying. You might not get
a single helpful answer just because people are so frustrated by
this behavior.


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Robert Bossy

bvidinli wrote:

i use dictionaries to hold some config data,
such as:

and so on...

when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like:
if conf.has_key('key1'):
 if conf['key1']'':
 other commands

this is very annoying.
in php, i was able to code only like:
if conf['key1']=='someth'

in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an exception.

MY question:
is there a way to directly get value of an array/tuple/dict  item by key,
as in php above, even if key may not exist,  i should not check if key exist,
i should only use it, if it does not exist, it may return only empty,
just as in php

i hope you understand my question...
If I understand correctly you want default values for non-existing keys. 
There are two ways for achieving this:

Way 1: use the get() method of the dict object:
   conf.get(key, default)

which is the same as:
   conf[key] if key in conf else default

Way 2: make conf a defaultdict instead of a dict, the documentation is 

Hope this helps,

Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread bvidinli
I posted to so many lists because,

this issue is related to all lists,
this is an idea for python,
this is related to development of python...

why are you so much defensive ?

i think ideas all important for development of python, software
i am sory anyway hope will be helpful.

2008/4/24, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Python-dev is for discussion of development of future Python.  Use
  python-list / comp.lang.python / gmane.comp.python.general for usage

  Python-Dev mailing list

İ.Bahattin Vidinli
Elk-Elektronik Müh.
iletisim bilgileri (Tercih sirasina gore):
skype: bvidinli (sesli gorusme icin,
yahoo: bvidinli


Re: Explicit variable declaration

2008-04-24 Thread Terry Reedy

Filip Gruszczynski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
|  If you want to just declare that name exist, but doesn't want to
|   declare the type, why don't you just do this:

Names do not 'exist' in Python, nor do they have types.  They are bound to 
objects that have types.  Learn to program Python as Python, not one of 
those languages with a quite different model of names and values.

|   def somefunc():
|  nonlocal = nonlocal

Syntax error in 3.0.  Error or nonsense in 2.x

|  local = 0 # or None or [] or an initial value
|  #
|  return nonlocal * local
| Err.. I don't quite get. How it may help me? Could you explain?

Forget the above.  The only 'declarations' in Python, 'global' and 
'nonlocal' are for the specialized purpose of *binding* names that are not 
in the local namespace of a function or nested function.  They are only 
needed because otherwise names that get bound are otherwise assumed to be 
local.  See the language ref section on function defs.



Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread Terry Reedy

globalrev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
| if i want a function that can take any amount of arguments how do i
| do?
| lets say i want a function average that accepts any number of integers
| and returns the average.

To add to the other comments, read the ref manual section of function defs. 


Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Karthik

bvidinli wrote:

I posted to so many lists because,

this issue is related to all lists,
this is an idea for python,
this is related to development of python...

why are you so much defensive ?

i think ideas all important for development of python, software
i am sory anyway hope will be helpful.

2008/4/24, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Python-dev is for discussion of development of future Python.  Use
 python-list / comp.lang.python / gmane.comp.python.general for usage

 Python-Dev mailing list


Is this an acceptable alternative?

   if conf['key1'] == 'something':
  ur commands
except KeyError:


Re: @classmethod question

2008-04-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Scott SA a écrit :


I'm using the @classemethod decorator for some convenience methods
and for some reason, either mental block or otherwise, can't seem to
figure out how to elegantly detect if the call is from an instance or
Well, the point is that a classmethod *always* receive the class as 
first argument, wether it's called on the class or an instance. If 
that's not what you want, then you don't use the right tool.

Here's the problem: Within the class definition, 'isinstance' has

nothing to compare to because the class does not appear to exist.

This is NOT a great example, but it outlines the the code: 
class RecipieClass:
def __init__(self):


def get_ingrendients(self, recipie_list=None):

if isinstnace(self,RecipieClass):

return self.do_something_interesting()
return do_something_boring(recipie_list)

Yes, I can test to see if the param exists, but that makes the call
exclusive i.e. I can _only_ call it as an instance or with a parameter.

Why am I doing this?

It is a series of convenience methods, in this case I'm interacting
with a database via an ORM (object-relational model).

out of curiosity : which one ?

I want the ability
to call a class-ojbect and get related values, or pass some criteria and
get related values for them without collecting the records first as
instances, then iterating them. I need to call this from several places
so I want to be DRY (don't repeat yourself).

The easiest way to describe this as an analogy would be like having a
recipie for cookies and wanting to know all of the ingredients ahead of
time. Then, at another time, wanting to know what all the ingredients
would be to make cookies, cake and bread (i.e. complete shopping list).

  cookie_recipie = RecipieClass.get_recipie('cookies')
2C Flour
0.5 C Sugar


8C Flour
2C Sugar

 Of course any suggestions on how this might be better approached 
would  be interesting too.

Why do you want the same method to do two different things ? You clearly 
have two distincts methods doing different things here, and as a user of 
 your code I'd find your API confusing. May I suggest a much simpler 

class Recipies(object):
def ingredients(self):
return dict of ingredient:qty for self

def get_ingredients_for(cls, *id_recipies):
return dict of ingredient:summed_qty for all id_recipies

print Recipie.get('cookie').ingredients
print Recipies.get_ingredients_for('cookie', 'cake', 'bread')

My 2 cents...

Re: python-ldap - Operations Error

2008-04-24 Thread Tim Golden

Michael Ströder wrote:

Jason Scheirer wrote:

On Apr 23, 5:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all, I am trying to integrate TurboGears with our Active
Directory here at the office.  TurboGears aside, i cannot get this to

Seems more promising:

This is based on ADSI?
Then the caveat is that it only runs on Windows.

Yes, it's Windows-only. (I've no idea if it would
run under something like WINE).


Re: @classmethod question

2008-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Scott SA [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A side note
 class RecipieClass:

Recipe is a more widespread spelling, I believe.  Moreover it is the
convention in python that only class names are capitalized, so you
don't need to append a 'Class'.

class Recipe:
clafoutis = Recipe('eggs', 'spam')


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
bvidinli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i use dictionaries to hold some config data,
 such as:

 and so on...

 when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like:
 if conf.has_key('key1'):
  if conf['key1']'':
  other commands

 this is very annoying.

Especially when you don't have to do this.

 in php, i was able to code only like:
 if conf['key1']=='someth'

 in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises
 an exception.

 MY question: is there a way to directly get value of an
 array/tuple/dict item by key, as in php above, even if key may not
 exist, i should not check if key exist, i should only use it, if it
 does not exist, it may return only empty, just as in php

At the interactive prompt, type 'help(dict)' and read carefully about
the different methods provided by dictionary objects (one called 'get'
may be of particular interest to you).



Re: Lists: why is this behavior different for index and sliceassignments?

2008-04-24 Thread Terry Reedy

John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
| John Machin wrote:
|  Deletion occurs *only* in the corner case where there are no assigned
|  elements i.e. only if the RHS list (sequence) is *empty*.
| Oh, it was my understanding that deletion always occurs, even when the
| section is being assigned a non-empty value, i.e. delete the slice and
| insert new value.

Slice replacement means replace the slice with a new slice generated from 
the iterable on the left.  John meant that deletion only only happens when 
the replacement is empty.  Yes, deletion always occurs, but usually 
addition also occurs, so the net result is replacement rather than just 

| Otherwise
|  there would be no point at all in the language having assignment to a
|  slice -- del L[0:2] would suffice.
| Right, but I'm wondering why a statement like
| L[0:2] = []
| doesn't assign an empty list as the new element in L. For example:

Because, as others already told you, slice replacement is slice 
replacement, not item assignment.  When you say to replace the slice with 
nothing, the deleted slice is replaced with nothing.

L[0:2] = [[]]

says to replace the slice with a slice consisting of one item -- []
That will get you what you are expecting.

| L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
| L[0:2] = []
| Why doesn't L now equal [[], 3, 4, 5] as it does with an index 

See above.

|L[0:2] = tuple('foobar')

L[0:2] = 'foobar' has same effect because s string is an iterable.

|  ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r', 3, 4, 5]
| Hmm...why doesn't L equal [('f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'), 3, 4, 5] ?
| Shouldn't L be a 4 item list instead of 9?

Because you replaced 2 items with 6.

L[0:2] = ['foobar'] will replace 2 with 1, leaving 4



Get Your Frozen Pills

2008-04-24 Thread easta01

Re: Java or C++?

2008-04-24 Thread Nicola Musatti
On Apr 21, 3:14 pm, NickC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 15, 1:46 pm, Brian Vanderburg II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Yeah, C++ does try to be helpful, and all of those automatic copy
 constructor, assignment operator and destructor implementations screw
 up royally when confronted with pointers (and being able to use
 pointers is basically the whole reason for bothering to write anything
 in C or C++ in the first place). Code which relies on these default
 method implementations is almost certain to be rife with memory leaks
 and double-free bugs. So instead of being a convenience, they become a
 painfully easy way of writing code that silently does some very, very
 wrong things.

When a class includes a pointer data member, there is no single, right
way to handle it. C++ automatically generated member functions are
defined so as to be consistent in dealing with *values*. Any C++
programmer that hasn't learnt this simple fact, shouldn't be trusted
with any programming language. Python and especially Java will only
make it harder to spot the mess he is making.

 Other things like methods (including destructors!) being non-virtual
 by default also make C++ code annoyingly easy to get wrong (without it
 obviously looking wrong).

I can see how that might be confusing for programmer coming from
Python, but it's more natural for those coming from C.

 The whole design of C++ is riddled with premature optimisation of
 speed and memory usage in the default settings, instead of choosing
 safe defaults and providing concise ways of allowing the programmer to
 say I know optimisation X is safe here, please use it.

I absolutely agree.

 And the result? Any serious project in the language has to adopt it's
 own techniques for avoiding all those traps, and those techniques are
 likely to eliminate any supposed optimisations provided by the choices
 of the C++ committee, while filling a code base with boilerplate that
 only exists for the purpose of working around defects in the language
 design (Scott Meyers has written at length about the worst of these
 issues, far more clearly and eloquently than I ever could [1]).

Did you give up on C++ in the early nineties? Things have changed a
lot since then. Many standard/commonly accepted solutions to the
problems you mention can be found in the C++ standard library and in
Boost ( With std::vector and boost::shared_ptr you
can go an extremely long way without giving pointers any special

Nicola Musatti

Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread Ken

Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 globalrev wrote:
 if i want a function that can take any amount of arguments how do i

 lets say i want a function average that accepts any number of integers
 and returns the average.

 Use a parameter of the form *args - the asterisk tells the interpreter to 
 collect positional arguments into a tuple. Untested:

 def mean(*x):
 total = 0.0
 for v in x:
 total += v
 return v/len(x)

 think you want total/len(x) in return statement

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC


Re: python-ldap - Operations Error

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Ströder


import ldap
l = ldap.initialize(ldap://;)
l.simple_bind(DN, secret)

You probably want to use the synchronous method simple_bind_s() since 
you want to impersonate on this LDAP connection immediately before doing 
anything else on that connection.


(97, [])

Could you please use argument trace_level=2 when calling 
ldap.initialize() and examine the debug log? It records all method calls 
of your particular LDAPObject instance.

l = ldap.initialize(ldap://,trace_level=2)

Level 2 outputs a debug log with results received. Protect this log 
since it also contains passwords!,dc=net, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, (sAMAccountName=user))

OPERATIONS_ERROR: {'info': ': LdapErr: DSID-0C090627, comment:
In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed
on the connection., data 0, vece', 'desc': 'Operations error'}

Still something went wrong with your bind. Since I don't know your DN I 
can't say anything. The DN should be a local user in this domain and not 
a user from another trusted domain. If you have a complicated AD setup 
with various domains and delegated trust connecting to the GC (global 
catalog) on port 3268 might be easier.

The simple bind works fine and returns a result, when i get the
result, it returns 97 meaning successful.

It would raise an exception if an LDAP error was received.

 So there was a successful
bind on the connection, right?

Don't know. Since I don't know your DN and AD domain configuation.

I've added a new example script to python-ldap's Demo/ 
directory illustrating all the possible bind methods:*checkout*/python-ldap/python-ldap/Demo/

For getting the SASL stuff to correctly work your DNS has to be properly 
set up for AD (A RRs and matching PTR RRs for the DCs).

Ciao, Michael.

Re: @classmethod question

2008-04-24 Thread M.-A. Lemburg

On 2008-04-24 05:27, Scott SA wrote:


I'm using the @classemethod decorator for some convenience methods and for some 
reason, either mental block or otherwise, can't seem to figure out how to 
elegantly detect if the call is from an instance or not.

Here's the problem: Within the class definition, 'isinstance' has nothing to 
compare to because the class does not appear to exist.

This is NOT a great example, but it outlines the the code:

class RecipieClass:
def __init__(self):


def get_ingrendients(self, recipie_list=None):

if isinstnace(self,RecipieClass):

return self.do_something_interesting()
return do_something_boring(recipie_list)

Yes, I can test to see if the param exists, but that makes the call exclusive 
i.e. I can _only_ call it as an instance or with a parameter.

I would turn the above method into a regular instance method
and then add a new function or static method which then
returns the summary output.

A class method is clearly wrong here, since those are meant to
be called with the class as first argument, e.g. to count
the number of instances created from a class.

Why am I doing this?

It is a series of convenience methods, in this case I'm interacting with a 
database via an ORM (object-relational model). I want the ability to call a 
class-ojbect and get related values, or pass some criteria and get related 
values for them without collecting the records first as instances, then 
iterating them. I need to call this from several places so I want to be DRY 
(don't repeat yourself).

The easiest way to describe this as an analogy would be like having a recipie 
for cookies and wanting to know all of the ingredients ahead of time. Then, at 
another time, wanting to know what all the ingredients would be to make 
cookies, cake and bread (i.e. complete shopping list).

  cookie_recipie = RecipieClass.get_recipie('cookies')

2C Flour
0.5 C Sugar


8C Flour
2C Sugar

Of course any suggestions on how this might be better approached would be 
interesting too.



Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 24 2008)
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   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: python-ldap: searching without specifying an OU?

2008-04-24 Thread Michael Ströder

hotani wrote:

BTW: This blog entry claims that LDAP_SERVER_DOMAIN_SCOPE_OID control 
cannot be used with python-ldap. But support for such simple LDAPv3 
extended controls was added to python-ldap way back in 2005.

Actually it's easy (relevant code excerpt):

import ldap
from ldap.controls import BooleanControl
l = ldap.initialize(ldap_uri,trace_level=trace_level)
# Switch off chasing referrals within OpenLDAP's libldap
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
# Simple bind with user's DN and password
res = l.search_ext_s(
  serverctrls = [

Strange enough it has no effect. And setting criticality=1 raises an 
error indicating that this control is not supported although this 
control is explicitly mentioned in attribute 'supportedControl' of the 
server's rootDSE:

ldap.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION: {'info': '0057: LdapErr: 
DSID-0C09068F, comment: Error processing control, data 0, vece', 'desc': 
'Critical extension is unavailable'}

Might depend on the domain functional level AD is running with...

Ciao, Michael.

Re: Ideas for parsing this text?

2008-04-24 Thread Gerard Flanagan
On Apr 24, 4:05 am, Paul McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 8:00 pm, Eric Wertman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a set of files with this kind of content (it's dumped from 

  [propertySet [[resourceProperties [[[description This is a required
  property. This is an actual database name, and its not the locally
  catalogued database name. The Universal JDBC Driver does not rely on

 A couple of comments first:
 - What is the significance of '[' vs. '[' ?  I stripped them all out

The data can be thought of as a serialised object. A simple attribute
looks like:

[name someWebsphereObject]


[jndiName []]

if 'jndiName is None'.

A complex attribute is an attribute whose value is itself an object
(or dict if you prefer). The *value* is indicated with [...]:

[connectionPool [[agedTimeout 0]
[connectionTimeout 180]
[freePoolDistributionTableSize 0]
[maxConnections 10]
[minConnections 1]
[numberOfFreePoolPartitions 0]
[numberOfSharedPoolPartitions 0]
[unusedTimeout 1800]]]

However, 'propertySet' is effectively a keyword and its value may be
thought of as a 'data table' or 'list of data rows', where 'data row'
== dict/object

You can see how the posted example is incomplete because the last
'row' is missing all but one 'column'.

 text = text.replace('[','[')
 - Your input text was missing 5 trailing ]'s.

I think only 2 (the original isn't Python). To fix the example, remove
the last 'description' and add two ]'s

 Here's the parser I used, using pyparsing:

 from pyparsing import nestedExpr,Word,alphanums,QuotedString
 from pprint import pprint

 content = Word(alphanums+_.) | QuotedString('',multiline=True)
 structure = nestedExpr([, ], content).parseString(text)


By the way, I think this would be a good example for the pyparsing
recipes page (even an IBM developerworks article?)


example data (copied and pasted; doesn't have the case where a complex
attribute has a complex attribute):

[authDataAlias []]
[authMechanismPreference BASIC_PASSWORD]
[connectionPool [[agedTimeout 0]
[connectionTimeout 180]
[freePoolDistributionTableSize 0]
[maxConnections 10]
[minConnections 1]
[numberOfUnsharedPoolPartitions 0]
[properties []]
[purgePolicy FailingConnectionOnly]
[reapTime 180]
[surgeThreshold -1]
[testConnection false]
[testConnectionInterval 0]
[unusedTimeout 1800]]]
[propertySet [[resourceProperties [[[description This is a required
property. This is an actual database name, and its not the locally
catalogued database name. The Universal JDBC Driver does not rely on
information catalogued in the DB2 database directory.]
[name databaseName]
[required true]
[type java.lang.String]
[value DB2Foo]] [[description The JDBC connectivity-type of a data
source. If you want to use a type 4 driver, set the value to 4. If you
want to use a type 2 driver, set the value to 2. Use of driverType 2
is not supported on WAS z/OS.]
[name driverType]
[required true]
[type java.lang.Integer]
[value 4]] [[description The TCP/IP address or name for the DRDA
[name serverName]
[required false]
[type java.lang.String]
[value ServerFoo]] [[description The TCP/IP port number where the
DRDA server resides.]
[name portNumber]
[required false]
[type java.lang.Integer]
[value 007]] [[description The description of this datasource.]
[name description]
[required false]
[type java.lang.String]
[value []]] [[description The DB2 trace level for logging to the
logWriter or trace file. Possible trace levels are: TRACE_NONE =
[name traceLevel]
[required false]
[type java.lang.Integer]
[value []]]

Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

bvidinli schrieb:

I posted to so many lists because,

this issue is related to all lists,
this is an idea for python,
this is related to development of python...

why are you so much defensive ?

i think ideas all important for development of python, software
i am sory anyway hope will be helpful.

You could take the answers from the people (including core developers) 
as sign that it is *not* related to all lists.

Crossposting is generally frowned upon and should be avoided. If you 
post here  people think that it is a python devel issue, they will 
indicate that.


Re: library to do easy shell scripting in Python

2008-04-24 Thread alex23
On Apr 24, 12:22 pm, Michael Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any ideas on how I could design this?

There's a recipe on Activestate's Python Cookbook that does pretty
much this:

 Allows arbitrary number of commands to be strung together with
 each one feeding into the next ones input. Syntax is simple:
 x=pipe(cmd1, cmd2, cmd3).read() is equivalent to bash
 command x=`cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3`.

I haven't used it myself, but it might make a good place to start.

- alex23


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Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:24:37 +0200
Robert Bossy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Way 2: make conf a defaultdict instead of a dict, the documentation is 

Only for 2.5 and up though.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-24 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 In py3k string%dictionary is going away.
 Why do you say that? It's not going away in Python 3.0.
 I also got the impression that it was going away.  PEP 3101's abstract
 This PEP proposes a new system for built-in string formatting
 operations, intended as a replacement [sic] for the existing '%'
 string formatting operator.
 Under Backward compatibility it says that both systems can coexist
 until it comes time to deprecate the older system.

 The PEP may say that it's going away, but it doesn't say that it
 goes away in 3.0 - and indeed, it won't.

Thanks for clarifying it.  It is certainly unclear from the wording of
the PEP, given that 3.0 is regarded as the Python version allowed to
break backward compatibility.

 At some point in the future, somebody will likely propose that the
 PEP will be executed. At that time, huge flame wars will start. I
 expect that they settle in changing the PEP to explain that the old
 mechanism gets removed in Python 4, to be release in 2018 :-)


restructured text in python

2008-04-24 Thread bdsatish
Hi all,

I have a python prog:


Author: BDS
Version: 1.0

def  Hello():
 Prints a Hello World to the screen
print Hello, World

if __name__ == __main__:

I want to use ReSt (reStructuredText) in my docstrings or comments.
Any example of how to do it, w.r.t. above code ? Also how to invoke
rst on the Python code to do the processing ?

I know how to write in  RST but I want to know how to process the
resulting Python code

Re: Python development tools

2008-04-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Torsten Bronger a écrit :




Are there any completely free developent tools for python scripts
like IDLE. I have used IDLE , but I want to try out others
also. I saw stuff like PyCrust, but I don't see that it can run
the script as well.

emacs + python-mode (the one from Python, not the horror that
ships with recent emacs versions)

What's so bad about it?

I'd have to reinstall it to tell you exactly, but I do remember 
something really bad wrt/ the embedded python-shell, which is one the 
very strength of the emacs+python-mode combo.	

I just installed python-mode (is this the one with the py-

It's the one with ;; Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994  Tim Peters

and it ends multi-line strings at single quotes.

it chokes on unbalanced single quotes in triple-single-quoted strings, 
and on unbalanced double-quotes in triple-double-quoted strings, yes. 
Given that I never use triple-single-quoted strings (and don't remember 
having seen such a thing in the thousands of third-part .py files I've 
read so far), I'd qualify this as at most a very minor annoyance. Not 
having proper python-shell and pdb integration is  more 
annoying IMHO.


Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread Steve Holden

Ken wrote:
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 


def mean(*x):
total = 0.0
for v in x:
total += v
return v/len(x)

 think you want total/len(x) in return statement

Yes indeed, how glad I am I wrote untested. I clearly wasn't pair 
programming when I wrote this post ;-)

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


How to get inner exception traceback

2008-04-24 Thread Thomas Guettler


How can you get the traceback of the inner exception?

import does_not_exit
except ImportError:
raise Exception(something wrong)

Background: In Django some exceptions are caught and a new
exception gets raised. Unfortunately the real error is hard
to find. Sometimes I help myself and change (in this example)
ImportError to e.g. IOError and then I can see the real root
of the problem. But maybe there is a way to get the inner
exception and its traceback. This could be displayed in the
debug view.


Thomas Guettler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

Re: help needed with classes/inheritance

2008-04-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

barbaros a écrit :

On Apr 23, 10:48 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.

My question is: can it be done using inheritance ?

Technically, yes:

class OrientedBody(Body):
   def __init__(self, orient=1):
 self.orient = 1

Now if it's the right thing to do is another question...

If I understand correctly, in the above implementation I cannot
define firstly a (non-oriented) body, and then build, on top of it,
two bodies with opposite orientations. The point is, I want
both oriented bodies to share the same base Body object.

Then it's not a job for inheritence, but for composition/delegation - 
Sorry but I didn't get your specs quite right :-/

Now the good news is that Python makes composition/delegation close to 
a no-brainer:

class Body(object):
   # definitions here

class OrientedBody(object):
   # notice that we *dont* inherit from Body
   def __init__(self, body, orient):
 self._body = body
 self.orient = orient

   def __getattr__(self, name):
   return getattr(self._body, name)
 except AttributeError:
   raise AttributeError(
 OrientedBody object has no attribute %s % name

  def __setattr__(self, name, val):
# this one is a bit more tricky, since you have
# to know which names are (or should be) bound to
# which object. I use a QD approach here - which will break
# on computed attributes (properties etc) in the Body class -
# but you can also define a class attribute in either Body
# or OrientedBody to explicitly declare what name goes where
if name in self._body.__dict__:
  setattr(self._body, name, val)
  object.__setattr__(self, name, value)


Re: Python development tools

2008-04-24 Thread Torsten Bronger

Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


 and it ends multi-line strings at single quotes.

 it chokes on unbalanced single quotes in triple-single-quoted
 strings, and on unbalanced double-quotes in triple-double-quoted
 strings, yes. Given that I never use triple-single-quoted strings
 (and don't remember having seen such a thing in the thousands of
 third-part .py files I've read so far), I'd qualify this as at
 most a very minor annoyance. Not having proper python-shell and
 pdb integration is  more annoying IMHO.

My formulation was unfortunate.  What doesn't work (at least for me)
is something like

This is a docstring in which some variables are quoted.

Here, variables doesn't seem to belong to the docstring for


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
   (See for further contact info.)

Re: Spawing a thread and printing dots until it finishes

2008-04-24 Thread sophie_newbie
On Apr 22, 3:10 pm, sophie_newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm trying to write a piece of code that spawns a thread and
 prints dots every half second until the thread spawned is finished.
 Code is
 something like this:

 import threading
 class MyThread ( threading.Thread ):
 def run ( self ):

 import time

 t = MyThread()

 while t.isAlive():
 print .

 print OK

 The thing is this doesn't print a dot every half second. It just
 pauses for ages until the thread is finished and prints prints .OK.
 But if I take out the time.sleep(.5) line it will keep printing dots
 really fast until the thread is finished. So it looks like its the
 time.sleep(.5) bit that is messing this up somehow?

 Any ideas?


As it happens I've managed to come up with a solution to this problem
using a subprocess rather than a thread. Its not exactly rocket
science but I thought I'd post it anyway. There are 3 files:

## ###
# a script to print a dot every half second until it is terminated

import time
import sys

while 1 == 1:



# ##

# This is a simple class to spawn off another process that prints dots
repeatedly on screen
# when printDots() is called and stops when stopDots is called. It is
useful in cgi-scripts
# where you may want to let the user know that something is happening,
rather than looking
# at a blank screen for a couple of minutes.

import time
import subprocess
import os
from signal import SIGTERM

class PrintDots:

# the constructor, called when an object is created.
def __init__(self): = 0

# the location of the script that prints the dots
self.dotsScript =

def printDots(self): = subprocess.Popen( [ python, self.dotsScript] ).pid

def stopDots(self):

os.kill(, SIGTERM) ##
# The above can then be called from any cgi-script as follows

from PrintDots import PrintDots
p = PrintDots()
print Doing R Stuff
print OK

And low and behold dots are printed on screen every half second while
python is talking to R, with an output like this:

Doing R Stuff.OK

Re: Spawing a thread and printing dots until it finishes

2008-04-24 Thread sophie_newbie
On Apr 24, 12:32 pm, sophie_newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 22, 3:10 pm,sophie_newbie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, I'm trying to write a piece of code that spawns a thread and
  prints dots every half second until the thread spawned is finished.
  Code is
  something like this:

  import threading
  class MyThread ( threading.Thread ):
  def run ( self ):

  import time

  t = MyThread()

  while t.isAlive():
  print .

  print OK

  The thing is this doesn't print a dot every half second. It just
  pauses for ages until the thread is finished and prints prints .OK.
  But if I take out the time.sleep(.5) line it will keep printing dots
  really fast until the thread is finished. So it looks like its the
  time.sleep(.5) bit that is messing this up somehow?

  Any ideas?


 As it happens I've managed to come up with a solution to this problem
 using a subprocess rather than a thread. Its not exactly rocket
 science but I thought I'd post it anyway. There are 3 files:

 ## ###
 # a script to print a dot every half second until it is terminated

 import time
 import sys

 while 1 == 1:



 # ##

 # This is a simple class to spawn off another process that prints dots
 repeatedly on screen
 # when printDots() is called and stops when stopDots is called. It is
 useful in cgi-scripts
 # where you may want to let the user know that something is happening,
 rather than looking
 # at a blank screen for a couple of minutes.

 import time
 import subprocess
 import os
 from signal import SIGTERM

 class PrintDots:

 # the constructor, called when an object is created.
 def __init__(self): = 0

 # the location of the script that prints the dots
 self.dotsScript =

 def printDots(self): = subprocess.Popen( [ python, self.dotsScript] 

 def stopDots(self):

 os.kill(, SIGTERM) ##
 # The above can then be called from any cgi-script as follows

 from PrintDots import PrintDots
 p = PrintDots()
 print Doing R Stuff
 print OK


 And low and behold dots are printed on screen every half second while
 python is talking to R, with an output like this:

 Doing R Stuff.OK

Whoops that last bit of code should read as follows:

from PrintDots import PrintDots
p = PrintDots()
print Doing R Stuff
print OK

Re: Python development tools

2008-04-24 Thread Banibrata Dutta
On 4/24/08, Banibrata Dutta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Windows, I use PyScripter, and it's quite nice and functional.

 On 4/24/08, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers writes:
   and it ends multi-line strings at single quotes.
   it chokes on unbalanced single quotes in triple-single-quoted
   strings, and on unbalanced double-quotes in triple-double-quoted
   strings, yes. Given that I never use triple-single-quoted strings
   (and don't remember having seen such a thing in the thousands of
   third-part .py files I've read so far), I'd qualify this as at
   most a very minor annoyance. Not having proper python-shell and
   pdb integration is  more annoying IMHO.
  My formulation was unfortunate.  What doesn't work (at least for me)
  is something like
  This is a docstring in which some variables are quoted.
  Here, variables doesn't seem to belong to the docstring for
  Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
(See for further contact info.)



Re: Setting expirty data on a cookie

2008-04-24 Thread sophie_newbie
On Apr 22, 8:38 pm, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 6:21 PM,sophie_newbie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone know how to do this? I can't seem to make it work.

   I'm using:

   c = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
   c['data'] = unamepwordwhatever
   c.expires = time.time() + 300
   print c

   This doesn't seem to work, so I'm assuming isn't the correct way to
   set an expiry data? Anyone able to help me out here?

 You're probably looking for cookielib.Cookie

I don't think so, to give you a more complete picture, if I run this

import Cookie
import time
c = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
c['data'] = unamepwordwhatever
c.expires = time.time() + 300
print c

This codes gives an output of:

Set-Cookie: data=unamepwordwhatever

As in there is no mention of an expiry date, when surely there should

Thanks for any advice.

Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Paul McNett a écrit :

def avg(*args):
  return sum(args) / len(args)

There are some dangers (at least two glaring ones)  with this code,
though, which I leave as an exercise for the reader.

  avg(toto, 42)
except TypeError, e:
  print this is the first one : %s % e
except  ZeroDivisionError, e:
  print this is the second : %s % e

As far as I'm concerned, I would not handle the first one in the avg 
function - just document that avg expects numeric args.

Not quite sure what's the best thing to do in the second case - raise a 
ValueError if args is empty, or silently return 0.0 - but I'd tend to 
choose the first solution (Python's Zen, verses 9-11).


Re: Python development tools

2008-04-24 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Torsten Bronger a écrit :


Bruno Desthuilliers writes:


and it ends multi-line strings at single quotes.

it chokes on unbalanced single quotes in triple-single-quoted
strings, and on unbalanced double-quotes in triple-double-quoted
strings, yes. Given that I never use triple-single-quoted strings
(and don't remember having seen such a thing in the thousands of
third-part .py files I've read so far), I'd qualify this as at
most a very minor annoyance. Not having proper python-shell and
pdb integration is  more annoying IMHO.

My formulation was unfortunate.  What doesn't work (at least for me)
is something like

This is a docstring in which some variables are quoted.

Here, variables doesn't seem to belong to the docstring for

Nope, but it doesn't break anything neither. At this stage, this is a 
less than minor annoyance to me.


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Steve Holden

bvidinli wrote:

I posted to so many lists because,

this issue is related to all lists,

No, it isn't, as you would have discovered had you bothered to read the 
purpose of each list. For example, python-help and python-dev are 
mutually exclusive.

this is an idea for python,

It isn't an idea for Python at all. It's you, telling the world that you 
haven't really used Python much and haven't read the manuals but would 
nevertheless like us to consider your ideas for improving the language.

this is related to development of python...

No it isn't. Python already has the feature you requested.

why are you so much defensive ?

Terry wasn't being defensive, he was protecting you form the abue you 
would receive of you kept posting to the wrong list!

i think ideas all important for development of python, software
i am sory anyway hope will be helpful.

We hope you will be helpful too. For now it would probably be best to 
start by posting your questions on the regular comp.lang.python group, 
which is generally suitable for beginners who know something about 
programming. If you are new to programming as well then the python-tutor 
list would be more useful.

Ask with a little humility (the people who answer questions here are 
doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, remember) and soon you 
will be able to pass their assistance on, returning the favor they did 
for you.

Welcome to the Python community.


2008/4/24, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Python-dev is for discussion of development of future Python.  Use
 python-list / comp.lang.python / gmane.comp.python.general for usage

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: How to get inner exception traceback

2008-04-24 Thread Peter Otten
Thomas Guettler wrote:

 How can you get the traceback of the inner exception?

You have to record it yourself or it will be lost.
  import does_not_exit
  except ImportError:
  raise Exception(something wrong)
 Background: In Django some exceptions are caught and a new
 exception gets raised. Unfortunately the real error is hard
 to find. Sometimes I help myself and change (in this example)
 ImportError to e.g. IOError and then I can see the real root
 of the problem. But maybe there is a way to get the inner
 exception and its traceback. This could be displayed in the
 debug view.

You can get the current exception and traceback with


and later print or format it using the traceback module.

... 1/0
... except Exception:
... x = sys.exc_info()
... raise ValueError
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 5, in module
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 2, in module
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero


Tkinter scrollbar and checkbox

2008-04-24 Thread goldtech


I'm stumped on how to have a scrollbar with a long list of checkboxes.
Given code like:

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
states = []
for i in range(150):
var = IntVar()
chk = Checkbutton(root, text=str(i), variable=var)
print map((lambda var: var.get()), states)

I've tried adding this to a frame then adding the frame to a canvas
and it gets complicated rather quickly...

Is there a simple way to add a scroll bar?


Re: Setting expirty data on a cookie

2008-04-24 Thread sophie_newbie
On Apr 24, 12:41 pm, sophie_newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 22, 8:38 pm, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 6:21 PM,sophie_newbie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone know how to do this? I can't seem to make it work.

I'm using:

c = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
c['data'] = unamepwordwhatever
c.expires = time.time() + 300
print c

This doesn't seem to work, so I'm assuming isn't the correct way to
set an expiry data? Anyone able to help me out here?

  You're probably looking for cookielib.Cookie

 I don't think so, to give you a more complete picture, if I run this

 import Cookie
 import time
 c = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
 c['data'] = unamepwordwhatever
 c.expires = time.time() + 300
 print c

 This codes gives an output of:

 Set-Cookie: data=unamepwordwhatever

 As in there is no mention of an expiry date, when surely there should

 Thanks for any advice.

Ok this seems to work:

import Cookie
import time
c = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
c['data'] = unamepwordwhatever
c['data']['expires'] = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60
print c

Gives an output of:

Set-Cookie: data=unamepwordwhatever; expires=Sat, 24-May-2008
12:11:36 GMT

Bizarre that this information was so hard to find!

Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread malkarouri
On Apr 24, 12:43 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 Not quite sure what's the best thing to do in the second case - raise a
 ValueError if args is empty, or silently return 0.0 - but I'd tend to
 choose the first solution (Python's Zen, verses 9-11).

What's wrong with raising ZeroDivisionError (not stopping the
exception in the first place)?


Re: Ideas for parsing this text?

2008-04-24 Thread Mark Wooding
Eric Wertman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a set of files with this kind of content (it's dumped from

 [propertySet [[resourceProperties [[[description This is a required
 property. This is an actual database name, and its not the locally
 catalogued database name. The Universal JDBC Driver does not rely on
 information catalogued in the DB2 database directory.]
 [name databaseName]
 [required true]
 [type java.lang.String]
 [value DB2Foo]] ...

Looks to me like S-expressions with square brackets instead of the
normal round ones.  I'll bet that the correct lexical analysis is

  [ open-list
  propertySet   symbol
  [ open-list
  [ open-list
   open-string (not close-string!)

so it also looks as if strings aren't properly escaped.

This is definitely not a pretty syntax.  I'd suggest an initial
tokenization pass for the lexical syntax

  [ open-list
  ] close-list
  ... string
  anything-else symbol

Correct nesting should give you two kinds of lists -- which I've shown
as `list' and `qlist' (for quoted-list), though given the nastiness of
the dump you showed, there's no guarantee of correctness.

Turn the input string (or file) into a list (generator?) of lexical
objects above; then scan that recursively.  The lists (or qlists) seem
to have two basic forms:

  * properties, that is a list of the form [SYMBOL VALUE ...] which can
be thought of as a declaration that some property, named by the
SYMBOL, has a particular VALUE (or maybe VALUEs); and

  * property lists, which are just lists of properties.

Property lists can be usefully turned into Python dictionaries, indexed
by their SYMBOLs, assuming that they don't try to declare the same
property twice.

There are, alas, other kinds of lists too -- one of the property lists
contains a property `[value []]' which simply contains an empty list.

The right first-cut rule for disambiguation is probably that a property
list is a non-empty list, all of whose items look like properties, and a
property is an entry in a property list, and (initially at least)
restrict properties to the simple form [SYMBOL VALUE] rather than
allowing multiple values.

Does any of this help?

(In fact, this syntax looks so much like a demented kind of S-expression
that I'd probably try to parse it, initially at least, by using a Common
Lisp system's reader and a custom readtable, but that may not be useful
to you.)

-- [mdw]

Re: How to get inner exception traceback

2008-04-24 Thread bockman
On 24 Apr, 13:20, Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can you get the traceback of the inner exception?

          import does_not_exit
      except ImportError:
          raise Exception(something wrong)

 Background: In Django some exceptions are caught and a new
 exception gets raised. Unfortunately the real error is hard
 to find. Sometimes I help myself and change (in this example)
 ImportError to e.g. IOError and then I can see the real root
 of the problem. But maybe there is a way to get the inner
 exception and its traceback. This could be displayed in the
 debug view.


 Thomas Guettler,
 E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

I'm not sure it ill work since sys.exc_info() might not return a deep
copy of the traceback info,
but you could try to store the inner exception and its  traceback as
attributes of the outer exception:

class ReraisedException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, exc_info):
Exception.__init__(self, message)
self.inner_exception = exc_info

  import does_not_exit
  except ImportError:
   raise ReraisedException(Something wrong, sys.exc_info() )
 except ReraisedException, e:
 ... # here you can use e.inner_exception


Re: How to get inner exception traceback

2008-04-24 Thread Christian Heimes
 On 24 Apr, 13:20, Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can you get the traceback of the inner exception?

  import does_not_exit
  except ImportError:
  raise Exception(something wrong)

 Background: In Django some exceptions are caught and a new
 exception gets raised. Unfortunately the real error is hard
 to find. Sometimes I help myself and change (in this example)
 ImportError to e.g. IOError and then I can see the real root
 of the problem. But maybe there is a way to get the inner
 exception and its traceback. This could be displayed in the
 debug view.


 Thomas Guettler,
 E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de
 I'm not sure it ill work since sys.exc_info() might not return a deep
 copy of the traceback info,
 but you could try to store the inner exception and its  traceback as
 attributes of the outer exception:
 class ReraisedException(Exception):
 def __init__(self, message, exc_info):
 Exception.__init__(self, message)
 self.inner_exception = exc_info
   import does_not_exit
   except ImportError:
raise ReraisedException(Something wrong, sys.exc_info() )
  except ReraisedException, e:
  ... # here you can use e.inner_exception

This may lead to reference cycles, please read



Re: restructured text in python

2008-04-24 Thread Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
-On [20080424 13:16], bdsatish ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env what? I guess you meant #!/usr/bin/env python

Author: BDS
Version: 1.0

def  Hello():
 Prints a Hello World to the screen
print Hello, World

I want to use ReSt (reStructuredText) in my docstrings or comments.
Any example of how to do it, w.r.t. above code ? Also how to invoke
rst on the Python code to do the processing ?

Just run epydoc (easy_install epydoc) on your code, for example, and observe
the resulting output.

Once you see the output it's quite easy, since you already know reSt, how to
change your docstrings to use appropriate formatting for what you need.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン | | GPG: 2EAC625B
Give me the strength to be who I was, and forgive me for who I am...

Re: Curious relation

2008-04-24 Thread Greg J
On Apr 24, 12:08 am, Dan Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 23, 11:51 pm, Greg J [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I was reading the programming Reddit tonight and came across this



  Odd, no?

  So, can anyone here shed light on this one?

 A long time ago, it wasn't possible for comparison operators to raise
 exceptions, so it was arbitrarily decided that numbers are less than
 strings.  Thus, [1]2 and [1]False.  This explains your first two

Sure, those I understood.

 For the third, remember that the comparison operators are chained, so
 ab==c means (ab) and (b==c).  Since 2==True is false, so is the
 entire expression.

Ach! Of course. For some reason I was blanking on the chained nature
of relational operators in Python.

Thanks for the reminder!

 In Python 3.0, all three of these expressions will raise a TypeError.


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Michele Petrazzo

bvidinli wrote:

i use dictionaries to hold some config data, such as:

conf={'key1':'value1','key2':'value2'} and so on...

when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like: if
conf.has_key('key1'): if conf['key1']'': other commands

this is very annoying. in php, i was able to code only like: if

in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an

That is one of python rules:
 import this
Explicit is better than implicit.

php hide some thing that python expose.

MY question: is there a way to directly get value of an
array/tuple/dict  item by key, as in php above, even if key may not
exist,  i should not check if key exist, i should only use it, if it
does not exist, it may return only empty, just as in php

i hope you understand my question...

You can simple modify the dict behavior:

 class my_dict(dict):
...  def __getitem__(self, item):
...   if item in self:
...return super(my_dict, self).__getitem__(item)
...   else:
...return ''
 d = my_dict()
 d[a] = 5


Re: help needed with classes/inheritance

2008-04-24 Thread barbaros
Thanks to Paul McGuire and Bruno Desthuilliers for their comprehensive
answers. This is exactly what I was looking for, except I did not know
the correct name (composition/delegation). Now all I have to do is to
study the supplied code, understand it and adapt it to my problem.

Thank you very much. Cristian Barbarosie

Re: py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-24 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 21, 9:01 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Perhaps you can manage to keep your code compatible with all versions, but  
 AFAIK the reccomended strategy is to write code compatible with Python 2.6  
 and use the 2to3 tool to generate the 3.0 source. And *not* edit the 3.0  
 code unless one wants to maintain two branches.

Gabriel -

(Thanks for chiming in on this sub-thread, I really enjoy reading your

My point is that the recommended strategy MAY work for those who write
end point applications (I consider maintaining 2 branches to be in the
not working category), but it does NOT WORK for people who maintain
modules for other people to use, because those people may be on a
range of Python versions that extend beyond 2.6-3.0.  So if I upgrade
my module to 2.6, those running on earlier versions can no longer use
it.  At some point in the future, I'll probably be able to say no
more support for pre-2.6, but it is a bit early to start saying that

Likewise, I don't want to say no support for 3.0 - people DO want to
try 3.0 out, and I WANT them to want and be able to use my module too.

Given the recommended strategy, and ruling out dual codebase, whom do
I tell that they can't use the next version of my module?

Again, to me, this is a non-issue because I've been able to create a
cross-version compatible single codebase for pyparsing.  But it was a
bit dicey there for a while, and I think other module developers/
maintainers may not be so lucky.

So, I feel that the recommended strategy was devised with a narrow
group of developers in mind, and leaves module developers/maintainers,
who wish to target as broad a set of users as possible, faced with
choosing one of these strategies:
- create (if possible) single cross-version compatible code
- forego support of 3.0 users
- discontinue pre-2.6 support for future versions of their module
- maintain dual codebase

-- Paul

How to find the parent of an old-style class?

2008-04-24 Thread Jasper
I'm stuck using a library based on old style classes, and need to find
a class's parent at runtime.

With new style classes you can use .__base__ to inspect a parent, but
I can't remember how this was done in days of yore, before object.
I've tried googling, but apparently my search term Fu is weak. :-(

Can anyone help me out here?  There must be something simple.


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Rick King

dict also has 'get' which provides a default if the key isn't defined:

print a.get('a','default')
-Rick King
southfield MI


Re: py3k concerns. An example

2008-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Again, to me, this is a non-issue because I've been able to create a
 cross-version compatible single codebase for pyparsing.  But it was a
 bit dicey there for a while, and I think other module developers/
 maintainers may not be so lucky.

I'm more optimistic. I tried it for Django, and while the port is not
complete, it goes really well and supports basic operations (i.e.
the Django tutorial).

Based on your experience, and other reports, I think there is a fair
chance that you can support a wide range of versions (2.x and 3.x)
from a single code base for most projects.

 - create (if possible) single cross-version compatible code
 - forego support of 3.0 users
 - discontinue pre-2.6 support for future versions of their module
 - maintain dual codebase

One needs to consider the drawbacks in each case; for the single
codebase approach, the drawback probably is that readability
suffers, and the need for testing increases (but it does always
if you support multiple targets). It also requires expertise to
create such cross-version code in the first place, but that's
just a learning issue (i.e. you have to keep the rules in mind
that you want to follow).


Re: Tkinter scrollbar and checkbox

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 24, 7:11 am, goldtech [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm stumped on how to have a scrollbar with a long list of checkboxes.
 Given code like:

 from Tkinter import *
 root = Tk()
 states = []
 for i in range(150):
     var = IntVar()
     chk = Checkbutton(root, text=str(i), variable=var)
 print map((lambda var: var.get()), states)

 I've tried adding this to a frame then adding the frame to a canvas
 and it gets complicated rather quickly...

 Is there a simple way to add a scroll bar?


I use wxPython most of the time, however effbot has a good tutorial on
scrollbars for Tkinter that I think you might find helpful:

Here's another link on the subject:



NameError: global name 'Response' is not defined

2008-04-24 Thread Lalit

I am very new to web development.  I started with Pylons. I am using as reference to
create a sample web page using pylons.

I got stuck up at step 4.3 i.e when modifying controller to return
Response('pfirstapp default/p')

I am getting error of type 'exceptions.NameError': global name
'Response' is not defined

It seems I am missing some package. I am not really sure. I installed
python 2.5 and through easy_install imported pakages (pylons).

Any clues would be appreciated


Re: Where to get appears to be down.

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 23, 4:27 pm, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tim Golden wrote:
  John Nagle wrote:
  Mike Driscoll wrote:

  On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Kenneth McDonald


  I've attached the 2.4 version. I also have some Windows binaries for
  Beautiful Soup uploaded to my website:

     What on earth do you need a Windows binary for?  BeautifulSoup

  Ummm.. Why does it bother you? Mike seems to be offering a public
  service to Windows users: by downloading the .exe, I can double-click
  on one file, have the module or package installed (whether it contains
  one .py file or twenty or a series of compiled extension modules and
  their respective DLLs) and for a bonus it's registered in the system
  packages directory [*] and is therefore uninstallable from there.

      Executing strange executables is risky.  One always wonders what
 else they install in addition to what they're supposed be installing.

                                         John Nagle

This is a legitimate issue and one I don't know how to solve. It would
be nice to have some kind of verification process, but I'm unaware of
anything affordable. If you have any ideas, feel free to express them.

I hope to get testimonials from developers or pythoneers eventually.
Suggestions are welcome.


Re: annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Steve Holden
Thanks for your reply. Another point to note: if you get a personal 
reply (often you will just see replies on the list, but sometimes people 
will also mail you directly) it is usual to make sure the list gets 
copied in any reply.

I hope you don't mind that I am sending a copy of this message to the 
list, so everyone understands that you are just learning the rules.


bvidinli wrote:

Thank you for your answer,
Please be tolerant a bit...

2008/4/24, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

bvidinli wrote:

I posted to so many lists because,

this issue is related to all lists,

 No, it isn't, as you would have discovered had you bothered to read the
purpose of each list. For example, python-help and python-dev are mutually

May be, anyway,

this is an idea for python,

 It isn't an idea for Python at all. It's you, telling the world that you
haven't really used Python much and haven't read the manuals but would
nevertheless like us to consider your ideas for improving the language.

I am using python for months,
currently i am using it by means of Object oriented, multi thread
but i dont see myself a python expert yet..

this is related to development of python...

 No it isn't. Python already has the feature you requested.

No, python does not have, php way is simpler, shorter.
list.get('key') is a solution, but not the thing i want... i think
list['key'] is simpler,
this is my idea...
python is generally better than php, but some aspects of php is
better... such as web programming..

why are you so much defensive ?

 Terry wasn't being defensive, he was protecting you form the abue you would
receive of you kept posting to the wrong list!

Please be tolerant a bit..
The person who post may be a person who does not know list rules...
Why hurt such people ? lets concentrate our energy on solutions...

i think ideas all important for development of python, software
i am sory anyway hope will be helpful.

 We hope you will be helpful too. For now it would probably be best to start
by posting your questions on the regular comp.lang.python group, which is
generally suitable for beginners who know something about programming. If
you are new to programming as well then the python-tutor list would be more

I am not a beginner for programming, not for python,
i am not python expert too...
i do programming since 1988,
i do web/php/system programming since 2000, python for 5 months..

 Ask with a little humility (the people who answer questions here are doing
it out of the goodness of their hearts, remember) and soon you will be able
to pass their assistance on, returning the favor they did for you.

 Welcome to the Python community.

Anyway, thank you for your answers, your guides, i am happy to hear from you,
to hear from python community.
At least, it is a live community... :)

see you


2008/4/24, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Python-dev is for discussion of development of future Python.  Use
 python-list / comp.lang.python / gmane.comp.python.general for usage

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC


Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC

Re: How to get inner exception traceback

2008-04-24 Thread bockman
On 24 Apr, 15:00, Christian Heimes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  class ReraisedException(Exception):
      def __init__(self, message, exc_info):
          Exception.__init__(self, message)
          self.inner_exception = exc_info

            import does_not_exit
        except ImportError:
             raise ReraisedException(Something wrong, sys.exc_info() )
   except ReraisedException, e:
       ... # here you can use e.inner_exception

 This may lead to reference cycles, please 

 Christian- Nascondi testo tra virgolette -

 - Mostra testo tra virgolette -

Thanks. I was not aware of that (Last time I read that section, the
warning was not there).
I usually do something like that in my scripts:

   err, detail, tb = sys.exc_info()
   print err, detail

According to the document you linked to, also this causes circular
reference, although in my case
it is ininfluent , since I usually do it only before exiting a program
after a
fatal error.

However, this seems like  a dark spot in the implementation of
Do you now if this has/will be cleaned  in Python 3.x ? I'd like to
see a 'print_tb'
method in the exception class, so that I could do something like this:

except Exception, e : # I know, in python 3.0 the syntax will be
   print e


Loading associated files

2008-04-24 Thread flarefight
I am trying to make a a simple databasing GUI interface and and have
created a module to deal with parsing the data from a file and a GUI
based program that displays this data using PyQt4, i know how to
register files in the system registry using python and also using Inno
Setup which i use to package my applications, but i cant work out how
if a file is doubled clicked on to send the path of that file to

I have looked into passing command line arguments to python and can
send a specific pathname to python but ideally what i need is a
generic command that i can write to the registry that passes the
pathname of whichever file was doubled clicked!?!

am i asking too much/does it exist/is there an easier way to do this!!


Re: [Python-Dev] annoying dictionary problem, non-existing keys

2008-04-24 Thread Gary Herron

bvidinli wrote:

i use dictionaries to hold some config data,
such as:

and so on...

when i try to process conf, i have to code every time like:
if conf.has_key('key1'):
 if conf['key1']'':
 other commands

this is very annoying.
in php, i was able to code only like:
if conf['key1']=='someth'

in python, this fails, because, if key1 does not exists, it raises an exception.

MY question:
is there a way to directly get value of an array/tuple/dict  item by key,
as in php above, even if key may not exist,  i should not check if key exist,
i should only use it, if it does not exist, it may return only empty,
just as in php

i hope you understand my question...

See for a description of 
the get method of dictionaries. 

Also look at the
 key in dict
syntax on the same page.

Gary Herron


Re: Where to get appears to be down.

2008-04-24 Thread Paul Boddie
On 24 Apr, 16:33, Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is a legitimate issue and one I don't know how to solve. It would
 be nice to have some kind of verification process, but I'm unaware of
 anything affordable. If you have any ideas, feel free to express them.

It'd be interesting (perhaps amusing) to adopt the infrastructure of
one of the GNU/Linux distributions to maintain and distribute packages
for Windows users. For a while, I've been tempted to experiment with
cross-compilers and to try and produce Windows executables, but for
simple Python-only modules, all you'd really need to do to prove the
concept is to develop the client-side Windows software (eg. apt-get
for Windows) which downloads package lists, verifies signatures, and
works out where to put the package contents. Then, you could point
your client at the appropriate sources and start obtaining the
packages, knowing that there is some level of authenticity in the
software you're getting.

Of course, a lot of this could be more easily done with Cygwin, even
if you disregard Cygwin's own installer, but I imagine that Windows
users want the native experience.


Billing system written in python

2008-04-24 Thread AC Perdon

I would like to develop a billing system for a cable tv system, basically
what it does is have subscribers in db, compute billing statement, print for
statement for distribution something like that. I was evaluating jbilling
its a java base billing system that uses tomcat,mysql or postgress DB and
java. Im looking similar to this but its written in python so that I wont
start from scratch. Why not use jbilling instead if it solve you problem?
Will the reason Im looking for a python solution is I want to learn python
and java is bit complicated for me at this time since Im just a newbie in
programing. Any suggestion? I was thinking of using django but Im more
looking in to a ready made billing system that I will just do some tweaking
and fine tunning to meet our need. like jbilling.


AC Perdon
Registered Linux User #340122

Re: Ideas for parsing this text?

2008-04-24 Thread Eric Wertman
Thanks to everyone for the help and feedback.  It's amazing to me that
I've been dealing with odd log files and other outputs for quite a
while, and never really stumbled onto a parser as a solution.

I got this far, with Paul's help, which manages my current set of files:

from pyparsing import nestedExpr,Word,alphanums,QuotedString
from pprint import pprint
import re
import glob

files = glob.glob('wsout/*')

for file in files :
text = open(file).read()
text = re.sub('\[',' [',text)   # These 2 lines just drop double quotes
text = re.sub('\]','] ',text)   # that aren't related to a string
text = re.sub('\[\]','None',text) # this drops the empty []
text = '[ ' + text + ' ]'  # Needs an outer layer

content = Word(alphanums+-_./()*=#\\${}| :,;[EMAIL PROTECTED]%%) |
structure = nestedExpr([, ], content).parseString(text)


I'm sure there are cooler ways to do some of that.  I spent most of my
time expanding the characters that constitute content.  I'm concerned
that over time I'll have things break as other characters show up.
Specifically a few of the nodes are of German locale.. so I could get
some odd international characters.

It looks like pyparser has a constant for printable characters.  I'm
not sure if I can just use that, without worrying about it?

At any rate, thumbs up on the parser!  Definitely going to add to my toolbox.

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:19 AM, Mark Wooding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eric Wertman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a set of files with this kind of content (it's dumped from
  [propertySet [[resourceProperties [[[description This is a required
  property. This is an actual database name, and its not the locally
  catalogued database name. The Universal JDBC Driver does not rely on

  information catalogued in the DB2 database directory.]
  [name databaseName]
  [required true]
  [type java.lang.String]
  [value DB2Foo]] ...

 Looks to me like S-expressions with square brackets instead of the
 normal round ones.  I'll bet that the correct lexical analysis is

  [ open-list
  propertySet   symbol
  [ open-list
  [ open-list
   open-string (not close-string!)

 so it also looks as if strings aren't properly escaped.

 This is definitely not a pretty syntax.  I'd suggest an initial
 tokenization pass for the lexical syntax

  [ open-list
  ] close-list
  ... string
  anything-else symbol

 Correct nesting should give you two kinds of lists -- which I've shown
 as `list' and `qlist' (for quoted-list), though given the nastiness of
 the dump you showed, there's no guarantee of correctness.

 Turn the input string (or file) into a list (generator?) of lexical
 objects above; then scan that recursively.  The lists (or qlists) seem
 to have two basic forms:

  * properties, that is a list of the form [SYMBOL VALUE ...] which can
be thought of as a declaration that some property, named by the
SYMBOL, has a particular VALUE (or maybe VALUEs); and

  * property lists, which are just lists of properties.

 Property lists can be usefully turned into Python dictionaries, indexed
 by their SYMBOLs, assuming that they don't try to declare the same
 property twice.

 There are, alas, other kinds of lists too -- one of the property lists
 contains a property `[value []]' which simply contains an empty list.

 The right first-cut rule for disambiguation is probably that a property
 list is a non-empty list, all of whose items look like properties, and a
 property is an entry in a property list, and (initially at least)
 restrict properties to the simple form [SYMBOL VALUE] rather than
 allowing multiple values.

 Does any of this help?

 (In fact, this syntax looks so much like a demented kind of S-expression
 that I'd probably try to parse it, initially at least, by using a Common
 Lisp system's reader and a custom readtable, but that may not be useful
 to you.)

 -- [mdw]



convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Tim Arnold
hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop to 
create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to convert 
self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up 
because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not 
just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do 
that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm not 
enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

I'm not sure where to start now; I looked at BeautifulSoup and 
BeautifulStoneSoup, but I can't see how to modify the actual tag.

--Tim Arnold


Re: Ideas for parsing this text?

2008-04-24 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 24, 10:42 am, Eric Wertman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm sure there are cooler ways to do some of that.  I spent most of my
 time expanding the characters that constitute content.  I'm concerned
 that over time I'll have things break as other characters show up.
 Specifically a few of the nodes are of German locale.. so I could get
 some odd international characters.

If you want to add international characters without going to Unicode,
a first cut would be to add pyparsing's string constant ascii8bit.

 It looks like pyparser has a constant for printable characters.  I'm
 not sure if I can just use that, without worrying about it?

I would discourage you from using printables, since it also includes
'[', ']', and '', which are significant to other elements of the
parser (but you could create your own variable initialized with
printables, and then use replace([,) etc. to strip out the
offending characters).  I'm also a little concerned that you needed to
add \t and \n to the content word - was this really necessary?  None
of your examples showed such words, and I would rather have you let
pyparsing skip over the whitespace as is its natural behavior.

-- Paul

Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Gary Herron

Tim Arnold wrote:
hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop to 
create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to convert 
self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up 
because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not 
just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do 
that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm not 
enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

I'm not sure where to start now; I looked at BeautifulSoup and 
BeautifulStoneSoup, but I can't see how to modify the actual tag.

--Tim Arnold

Whether or not you can find an application that does what you want, I 
don't know, but at the very least I can say this much.

You should not be reading and parsing the text yourself!  XHTML is valid 
XML, and there a lots of ways to read and parse XML with Python.  
(ElementTree is what I use, but other choices exist.)   Once you use an 
existing package to read your files into an internal tree structure 
representation, it should be a relatively easy job to traverse the tree 
to emit the tags and text you want.

Gary Herron


Re: Ideas for parsing this text?

2008-04-24 Thread Eric Wertman
  I would discourage you from using printables, since it also includes
  '[', ']', and '', which are significant to other elements of the
  parser (but you could create your own variable initialized with
  printables, and then use replace([,) etc. to strip out the
  offending characters).  I'm also a little concerned that you needed to
  add \t and \n to the content word - was this really necessary?  None
  of your examples showed such words, and I would rather have you let
  pyparsing skip over the whitespace as is its natural behavior.

  -- Paul

You are right... I have taken those out and it still works.  I was
adding everything I could think of at one point in trying to determine
what was breaking the parser.  Some of the data in there is input free
form... which means that any developer could have put just about
anything in there...  I find a lot of ^M stuff from day to day in
other places.

Re: Problem using copy.copy with my own class

2008-04-24 Thread Jeffrey Barish
George Sakkis wrote:

 First off, inheriting from a basic builtin type such as int and
 changing its constructor's signature is not typical; you should
 rethink your design unless you know what you're doing.

Nah, I would never claim to know what I'm doing.  However, I have to say
that I have been finding this technique very useful.  When I started
developing this program, I used an int.  Then I discovered that I needed to
have a string associated with the int.  By subclassing int to add a string,
I managed to make the change transparent to the code I had already written. 
Only the new code that needed the associated string knew that it was
available.  In another case, I subclassed str so that I could have a long
form for a string (e.g., a full name attached to the surname).  Are these
applications of subclassing bad form?  What is the motivation for your
 One way to make this work is to define the special __copy__ method
 [1], specifying explicitly how to create a copy of a Test instance:
 Normally (i.e. for pure Python classes that don't
 subclass a builtin other than object) copy.copy() is smart enough to
 know how to create a copy without an explicit __copy__ method, so in
 general you don't have to define it for every class that has to be

Yes, I noted in my original posting (which seems to have fallen off this
thread) that the __copy__method solved the problem (at least on one
platform).  However, I was wondering why it was necessary when what I was
defining was supposedly the default action.  Thanks for your explanation.

 The traceback is not obvious indeed. It turns out it involves calling
 the arcane __reduce_ex__ special method [2] defined for int, which
 returns a tuple of 5 items; the second is the tuple
 (class '__main__.Test', 0) and these are the arguments passed to
 Test.__new__. So another way of fixing it is keep Test.__new__
 compatible with int.__new__ by making optional all arguments after the

This suggestion is very interesting.  It seems to be an alternative to the
solution suggested by Gabriel.  The reference that Gabriel provided
includes the statement:

  Instances of a new-style type C are created using

  obj = C.__new__(C, *args)
  where args is the result of calling __getnewargs__() on the original
  object; if there is no __getnewargs__(), an empty tuple is assumed.

Gabriel's solution using __getnewargs__ assures that args receives a
non-empty tuple.  Your solution renders the empty tuple impotent by
specifying default values.  Correct me if I am wrong.

I would be interested in a translation into English of the following
statement from the same reference that Gabriel provided:

  Implementing this method [i.e., __getnewargs__] is needed if the 
  type establishes some internal invariants when the instance is 
  created, or if the memory allocation is affected by the values 
  passed to the __new__() method for the type (as it is for tuples 
  and strings).

What is an internal invariant?  How do I know when the memory allocation
is affected?  Does my Test class affect the memory allocation?

 As a sidenote, your class works fine without changing anything when
 pickling/unpickling instead of copying, although pickle calls
 __reduce_ex__ too:
 from pickle import dumps,loads
 t = Test(0, 0)
 assert loads(dumps(t)) == t
 Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can explain the subtle differences
 between pickling and copying here.

I have a situation in the full program where pickling seems to be failing in
the same manner as copy, but I have not been able yet to reproduce the
problem in a simple test program.

Thanks to all for your comments.
Jeffrey Barish


Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop to 
 create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to convert 
 self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

 Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up 
 because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not 
 just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do 
 that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm not 
 enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

Hi, I'm not sure if this is very helpful but the following works on
the very simple example below.

 import re
 xhtml = 'phello img src=/img.png/ spam br/ bye /p'
 xtag = re.compile(r'([^]*?)/') 
 xtag.sub(r'\1', xhtml)
'phello img src=/img.png spam br bye /p'



2008-04-24 Thread Blubaugh, David A.
Dear Sir,
Belcan has an absolute zero-tolerance policy toward material such as the 
material described.  
Thank you for your Concern,
David Blubaugh

From: Dan Upton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 4/23/2008 12:27 PM

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Blubaugh, David A. schrieb:

  Is there a way to block these messages.   I do not want to be caught
  with filth such as this material.  I could lose my job with Belcan with
  evil messages such as these messages.

  If I (or *anybody*) knew how to block these messages, he or she would sell
 the resulting spam-filter for a fortunen that roughly amasses the one of
 scrooge mc duck  - and go live on the bahamas or even buy them.

  Put up with it. It's (unfortunately) part of ze internet tubes.

And as such, I find it hard to believe you could lose your job over it.

This e-mail transmission contains information that is confidential and may be 
privileged.   It is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. If you 
receive this e-mail in error, please do not read, copy or disseminate it in any 
manner. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, 
distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. Please 
reply to the message immediately by informing the sender that the message was 
misdirected. After replying, please erase it from your computer system. Your 
assistance in correcting this error is appreciated.


Re: Where to get appears to be down.

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 24, 10:15 am, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 24 Apr, 16:33, Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is a legitimate issue and one I don't know how to solve. It would
  be nice to have some kind of verification process, but I'm unaware of
  anything affordable. If you have any ideas, feel free to express them.

 It'd be interesting (perhaps amusing) to adopt the infrastructure of
 one of the GNU/Linux distributions to maintain and distribute packages
 for Windows users. For a while, I've been tempted to experiment with
 cross-compilers and to try and produce Windows executables, but for
 simple Python-only modules, all you'd really need to do to prove the
 concept is to develop the client-side Windows software (eg. apt-get
 for Windows) which downloads package lists, verifies signatures, and
 works out where to put the package contents. Then, you could point
 your client at the appropriate sources and start obtaining the
 packages, knowing that there is some level of authenticity in the
 software you're getting.

 Of course, a lot of this could be more easily done with Cygwin, even
 if you disregard Cygwin's own installer, but I imagine that Windows
 users want the native experience.


I do download all my code from either PyPI or the extension
developer's website. And I have experimented with MingW, but I haven't
had a lot of luck with it. Of course, part of my problem is that I'm
using a VM with MingW on it and I really need to just upgrade my dev

Creating a client for this sort of thing does sound cool. Something
else for me to think about anyway...



2008-04-24 Thread Chris
Hey all,

I've created a python program that relies on pysqlite, wxpython, and
matplotlib. Is there any way of creating an installer that will
install all these modules, python 2.5 and my program?



2008-04-24 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:28:29 -0400
Blubaugh, David A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Belcan has an absolute zero-tolerance policy toward material such as the 
 material described.  

Hard to imagine that they would hold you responsible for something sent
to you without your permission.

On the other hand I can see them being concerned about the posting that
you made when you resent it to the list.

And really, who uses their business address for news/mailing lists.  I
own my own company and I won't even do that.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Tim Arnold
Gary Herron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Tim Arnold wrote:
 hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop 
 to create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to 
 convert self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

 Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up 
 because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not 
 just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to 
 do that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. 
 I'm not enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

 I'm not sure where to start now; I looked at BeautifulSoup and 
 BeautifulStoneSoup, but I can't see how to modify the actual tag.

 --Tim Arnold


 Whether or not you can find an application that does what you want, I 
 don't know, but at the very least I can say this much.

 You should not be reading and parsing the text yourself!  XHTML is valid 
 XML, and there a lots of ways to read and parse XML with Python. 
 (ElementTree is what I use, but other choices exist.)   Once you use an 
 existing package to read your files into an internal tree structure 
 representation, it should be a relatively easy job to traverse the tree to 
 emit the tags and text you want.

 Gary Herron

I agree and I'd really rather not parse it myself. However, ET will clean up 
the file which in my case includes some comments required as metadata, so 
that won't work. Oh, I could get ET to read it and write a new parser--I see 
what you mean. I think I need to subclass so I could get ET to honor those 
comments too.
That's one way to go, I was just hoping for something easier.


Re: NameError: global name 'Response' is not defined

2008-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Lalit schrieb:


I am very new to web development.  I started with Pylons. I am using as reference to
create a sample web page using pylons.

I got stuck up at step 4.3 i.e when modifying controller to return
Response('pfirstapp default/p')

I am getting error of type 'exceptions.NameError': global name
'Response' is not defined

It seems I am missing some package. I am not really sure. I installed
python 2.5 and through easy_install imported pakages (pylons).

Any clues would be appreciated

Better ask such questions on the Pylons mailing list. Not that it is 
inappropriate here - but you will receive better answers because it is 
more specialized.

Anyway, I doubt you miss a package - I'd rather guess you miss an 



2008-04-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Blubaugh, David A. schrieb:

Dear Sir,
Belcan has an absolute zero-tolerance policy toward material such as the material described.  

That pairs up nicely with them having zero knowledge about the internet.


Re: How to find the parent of an old-style class?

2008-04-24 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Apr 24, 7:16 am, Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm stuck using a library based on old style classes, and need to find
 a class's parent at runtime.

 With new style classes you can use .__base__ to inspect a parent, but
 I can't remember how this was done in days of yore, before object.
 I've tried googling, but apparently my search term Fu is weak. :-(

 Can anyone help me out here?  There must be something simple.

It's very odd that you need to know a class's parent. I'm interested
in hearing why you need this. In all my years, I've never had to do

Regardless, I believe you are looking for __bases__.


Re: Installer

2008-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 I've created a python program that relies on pysqlite, wxpython, and
 matplotlib. Is there any way of creating an installer that will
 install all these modules, python 2.5 and my program?

Sure. Look at Tools/msi in the Python code, and adjust it to your
needs. Please don't use the official product code, but create your own


Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Tim Arnold
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop 
 create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to 
 self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

 Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up
 because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not
 just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to 
 that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm 
 enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

 Hi, I'm not sure if this is very helpful but the following works on
 the very simple example below.

 import re
 xhtml = 'phello img src=/img.png/ spam br/ bye /p'
 xtag = re.compile(r'([^]*?)/')
 xtag.sub(r'\1', xhtml)
 'phello img src=/img.png spam br bye /p'


Thanks for that. It is helpful--I guess I had a brain malfunction. Your 
example will work for me I'm pretty sure, except in some cases where the IMG 
alt text contains a gt sign. I'm not sure that's even possible, so maybe 
this will do the job.


Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-24 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Apr 24, 5:28 am, malkarouri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What's wrong with raising ZeroDivisionError (not stopping the
 exception in the first place)?

Because when I use your module, call avg (or mean) without args, I
should see an error that says, Hey, you have to pass at least one
value in!

ZeroDivisonError doesn't mean that. It means I tried to divide by
zero. Naively, I don't see where I was dividing by zero (because I
don't remember how to calculate the mean---that's what your code was

ValueError does mean that I didn't pass the right kind of arguments
in. ValueError(No items specified) would be even clearer. (Or maybe

In general, any exception thrown should be meaningful to the code you
are throwing it to. That means they aren't familiar with how your code


Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread Walter Dörwald

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop to 
create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to convert 
self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up 
because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not 
just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do 
that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm not 
enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

Hi, I'm not sure if this is very helpful but the following works on
the very simple example below.

import re
xhtml = 'phello img src=/img.png/ spam br/ bye /p'
xtag = re.compile(r'([^]*?)/') 
xtag.sub(r'\1', xhtml)

'phello img src=/img.png spam br bye /p'

You might try XIST (

Code looks like this:

from ll.xist import parsers
from ll.xist.ns import html

xhtml = 'phello img src=/img.png/ spam br/ bye /p'

doc = parsers.parsestring(xhtml)
print doc.bytes(xhtml=0)

This outputs:

phello img src=/img.png spam br bye /p

(and a warning that the alt attribute is missing in the img ;))



RE: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread John Krukoff
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Arnold
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:34 AM
 Subject: convert xhtml back to html
 hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop
 create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to
 self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).
 Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up
 because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not
 just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do
 that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm
 enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.
 I'm not sure where to start now; I looked at BeautifulSoup and
 BeautifulStoneSoup, but I can't see how to modify the actual tag.
 --Tim Arnold

One method which wouldn't require much python code, would be to run the
XHTML through a simple identity XSL tranform with the output method set to
HTML. It would have the benefit that you wouldn't have to worry about any of
the specifics of the transformation, though you would need an external

As far as I know, both 4suite and lxml (my personal favorite: support XSLT in python. 

It might work out fine for you, but mixing regexps and XML always seems to
work out badly in the end for me.
John Krukoff


Re: Installer

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 24, 11:39 am, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I've created a python program that relies on pysqlite, wxpython, and
 matplotlib. Is there any way of creating an installer that will
 install all these modules, python 2.5 and my program?



If all you're doing is creating an installer for your custom Python
program to be run on PCs without Python, then you should take a look
at py2exe or gui2exe (a py2exe wrapper). I use the latter to roll my
program into an exe, then I use Inno Setup (which is free) to create
the installer.


Re: convert xhtml back to html

2008-04-24 Thread M.-A. Lemburg

On 2008-04-24 19:16, John Krukoff wrote:

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:python-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Arnold
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:34 AM
Subject: convert xhtml back to html

hi, I've got lots of xhtml pages that need to be fed to MS HTML Workshop
create  CHM files. That application really hates xhtml, so I need to
self-ending tags (e.g. br /) to plain html (e.g. br).

Seems simple enough, but I'm having some trouble with it. regexps trip up
because I also have to take into account 'img', 'meta', 'link' tags, not
just the simple 'br' and 'hr' tags. Well, maybe there's a simple way to do
that with regexps, but my simpleminded img[^(/)]+/ doesn't work. I'm
enough of a regexp pro to figure out that lookahead stuff.

I'm not sure where to start now; I looked at BeautifulSoup and
BeautifulStoneSoup, but I can't see how to modify the actual tag.

You could filter the XHTML through mxTidy and set the hide_endtags to 1:

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 24 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

 Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: Loading associated files

2008-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 24, 10:14 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to make a a simple databasing GUI interface and and have
 created a module to deal with parsing the data from a file and a GUI
 based program that displays this data using PyQt4, i know how to
 register files in the system registry using python and also using Inno
 Setup which i use to package my applications, but i cant work out how
 if a file is doubled clicked on to send the path of that file to

 I have looked into passing command line arguments to python and can
 send a specific pathname to python but ideally what i need is a
 generic command that i can write to the registry that passes the
 pathname of whichever file was doubled clicked!?!

 am i asking too much/does it exist/is there an easier way to do this!!


I did this by writing the path to me script or exe and added %1 to the
end, which basically means that my program can (or requires) a
parameter passed to it. Here's an example:

C:\Program Files\PyMail\wxsendmail.exe %1

That should work. Tested on Windows XP SP2 with Python 2.4/2.5.


Re: python-ldap - Operations Error

2008-04-24 Thread theiviaxx
Thanks for the help guys, it works!  I used the
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) from
immedialtey after import, then did the initialize trace_level=2 and
did the simple_bind_s.  I was able to search and get the results.
That trace_level thing is nice, i'm sure i will be debugging this more
as i move forward :)

Not sure if this is an AD thing or just something i needed to do with
our particular server/config.

Thanks again!

  1   2   3   >