May June PSF Board meeting minutes available

2008-07-16 Thread David Goodger
Minutes of Regular Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Python
Software Foundation,

* May 12, 2008:

* June 16, 2008:

David Goodger, PSF Secretary

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Urwid - Console UI Library

2008-07-16 Thread Ian Ward

Announcing Urwid

Urwid home page:



About this release:

This is a maintenance release that fixes a memory leak and a canvas bug
affecting Urwid 0.9.8, and

New in this release:

 * Fixed a canvas cache memory leak affecting 0.9.8, and
   (found by John Goodfellow)

 * Fixed a canvas fill_attr() bug (found by Joern Koerner)

About Urwid

Urwid is a console UI library for Python. It features fluid interface
resizing, UTF-8 support, multiple text layouts, simple attribute markup,
powerful scrolling list boxes and flexible interface design.

Urwid is released under the GNU LGPL.


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN} Daily pyogp coders meeting (PYthon Open Grid Protocols for virtual worlds)

2008-07-16 Thread Lawson English
pyogp is a Python-based virtual worlds test harness and client library 
being developed by Linden Lab, makers of Second Life, and members of the 
SL Architecture Working Group, in order to test the Open Grid Protocols 
that were used in the recent proof of concept demo by IBM and Linden 
Lab, that allowed avatars to teleport from one virtual world (Second 
Life) to another (Open Simulator) using standardized interoperability 

A daily meeting within Second LIfe has been setup for pyogp coders and 
designers to meet, as described in the announcement below. This is the 
transcript of the first meeting:

The pyogp meetings are open to any resident of Second Life, and anyone 
with a desire to contribute to the process (especially coding) is 
certainly welcome.

In World Meetings
We're going to start having daily meetings at infinity is full of 
stars in the Levenhall simulator in Second Life at 9:30AM SLT (Pacific 
Coast Time) each day. These meetings are for the PyOGP coders to meet 
and discuss design, process and status. In the near term, these are 
likely to be somewhat beefy meetings where design issues are discussed 
and differences hammered out. In the longer term, these will hopefully 
be more Agile Stand-Up style meetings where we discuss: a. what we've 
done in the last 24 hours, b. what we're going to do in the next 24 and 
c. what we're blocked on.

what PyOGP Coders Meeting
who PyOGP l33t C0d3rZ
whereinfinity is full of stars @
when 9:30AM SLT / 12:30PM Eastern Time / 5:30PM GMT / 6:30PM Central 
European Time
why for PyOGP contributors to hash out architecture, design, test 
and deploy issues

IRC: irc://
Mailing list:

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Jython 2.5 Alpha Released!

2008-07-16 Thread Frank Wierzbicki
On behalf of the Jython development team, I'm pleased to announce that
Jython 2.5a0+ is available here for
download.  See for
installation instructions.

This is the first alpha release of Jython 2.5 and contains many new
features.  In fact, because we have skipped 2.3 and 2.4, there are too
many to even summarize.  A few of the features are:
* generator expressions
* with statement
* exceptions as new-style classes
* unicode support more in line with CPython
* decorators

Under the hood Jython 2.5 has a new parser based on ANTLR 3.1 and the
compiler has been refactored to use ASM.

There are so many more changes that I have missed more than I have
listed.  This is an alpha release, so there are known and unknown
bugs, so be careful.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[pygtk] ANNOUNCE: PyGObject 2.15.1

2008-07-16 Thread Johan Dahlin

I am pleased to announce version 2.15.1 of the Python bindings for GObject.

The new release is available from as and its mirrors
as soon as its synced correctly:

There are two new significant features in this release series, initial
bindings for GIO. Note that these are not complete, please report
missing API in Bugzilla so we know what people are missing.
Codegen has been moved from PyGTK and can now be used without
depending on GTK+, which should be useful for GObject based libraries.

What's new since PyGObject 2.15.1?
- Rename pygtk-codegen-2.0 to pygobject-codegen-2.0 to avoid
  conflicting with PyGTK (Paul Pogonyshev)


GObject is a object system library used by GTK+ and GStreamer.

PyGObject provides a convenient wrapper for the GObject+ library for use
in Python programs, and takes care of many of the boring details such as
managing memory and type casting.  When combined with PyGTK, PyORBit and
gnome-python, it can be used to write full featured Gnome applications.

Like the GObject library itself PyGObject is licensed under the
GNU LGPL, so is suitable for use in both free software and proprietary
applications.  It is already in use in many applications ranging
from small single purpose scripts up to large full
featured applications.

PyGObject requires glib = 2.8.0 and Python = 2.3.5 to build.
GIO bindings require glib = 2.16.0.

Johan Dahlin

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] netaddr for Python

2008-07-16 Thread David Moss
This is a post to announce the creation of a brand new library for
called NetAddr. It is a network address manipulation library released
under the BSD license.

It supports several of the most common address formats (IPv4, IPv6
and MAC and IEEE EUI) as well as several aggregate notations such
as CIDR. An effort has been made to provide an API that is as
as possible.

NetAddr is now in beta (latest release is 0.3.1) and is currently
actively developed. Developers and testers are needed to assist in
improving the quality and availability of network library support for
Python which is distinctly lacking when compared with other popular
interpreted languages such as Ruby and Perl. NetAddr is an attempt to
redress this imbalance to some extent.

Home page:

Features include :-

  - Flexible support for the representation of multiple address types
using the a common set of network address classes

  - Address objects emulate standard Python types dependent on
context. They behave as strings, integers, lists, compare and
numerically, etc

  - Efficient representation of large address spaces via several
types. Also supports arbitrary network address ranges that don't
necessarily fall on strict bit boundaries

  - Generators are used throughout for efficient iteration, indexing
slicing of network address spaces and ranges

  - Testing on both big and little endian architectures has carried
throughout the initial development of this library

  - A lot more features are planned over coming releases

Requirements :-

  - Python 2.3 or higher (doesn't support Python 3.0 ... yet)

For more information, downloads and examples, please visit :-

Share and enjoy,

David Moss

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Simplify Code

2008-07-16 Thread Alexandr N Zamaraev

header_sizes = (36, 26, 22, 18, 14, 12)
if x not in header_sizes:
  raise Exception()
  h36, h26, h22, h18, h14, h12 = tuple(
line if x == size else '' for x in header_sizes)


Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 I need to know if I'm running on 32bit or 64bit ... so far I haven't
 come up with how to get this info via python. sys.platform returns
 what python was built on ... but not what the current system is.

 I thought platform.uname() or just platform.processor() would have
 done it, but python returns an empty string on windows. Any ideas?

 import sys

I don't think that will satisfy the OP. Apparently, he wants to find
out that the system is running on 64bit even when the interpreter is a
32-bit build executable (what python was built on).

I don't think Python supports querying that information in general
(i.e. is the microprocessor supporting a 64-bit address space, even
if the current process, and perhaps the current operating system
only uses a 32-bit address space?)

It is possible to answer that question with Python in a
platform-specific manner, but the answer is more difficult than a
single yes/no:
- is the processor capable of executing 64-bit code?
- is the operating system kernel operating the processor in 64-bit
- does the operating system support 64-bit user-space applications?
  (in some OSX and Solaris releases, the answer to this question
   was no, even though the answer to the previous question was yes,
- does the Python binary support 64-bit mode?
- is the Python binary running in 64-bit mode?
  (again, this may vary from the previous question, in case of
   fat (universal) binaries)

Whether any of these questions are of interest, and which of them
the OP wanted to ask, I don't know.


Redirecting stdout to another script

2008-07-16 Thread Richard Simões
Hopefully, this explanation will sufficiently clear despite the lack
of code.

I wrote a python script that takes data via stdin, does stuff with the
data, and outputs the result to stdout. A friend wrote a perl script
that opens a pipe to my script, feeds it data, and then accepts the
result. The problem here is that the python script's outputting the
result to stdout via print statements isn't doing what we expected: my
friend's perl script isn't getting the result back via the pipe.

Is there is simple solution for this problem? Whose script needs to be

Richard Simões

Re: new itertools functions in Python 2.6

2008-07-16 Thread Mensanator
On Jul 15, 1:44 am, Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 14, 1:26 pm, Mensanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ##  Combinations with replacement
  ##  -
  ##  aaa aab aac aad aae abb abc abd abe acc acd ace
  ##  add ade aee bbb bbc bbd bbe bcc bcd bce bdd bde
  ##  bee ccc ccd cce cdd cde cee ddd dde dee eee
  ##  actual words: 35(m+n-1)!/(n!(m-1)!) words: 35

  Although it works, it's somewhat slow as we have to iterate
  over the entire Cartesian Product and the filter list(x)==sorted(x)
  has got to be expensive (it's slower than the nested loop algorithm).

  Is there a better way to get Combinations With Replacement
  using itertools?

 There may a technique to start with the combinations without
 replacement and then grow the result by repeating elements:

Great idea, I had only considered making a sub=set. It never
occured to me to try and make a super=set.

Thanks for the suggestions, they've given me some
ideas to try.

result = set(combinations('abcde', 3))
# transform 'ab ac ad ae bc bd be cd ce de' into 'aab abb aac
 acc ...'
for c in combinations('abcde', 2):
# transform 'ab' -- 'aab abb'
for i in range(2):
result.add(c[:i] + c[i]*1 + c[i:])
for c in combinations('abcde', 1):
for i in range(1):
# 'a' -- 'aaa'
result.add(c[:i] + c[i]*2 + c[i:])

 If you generalize the above, it may solve the problem using itertools
 as a starting point.

 Alternatively, it's not too hard to transform the pure python version
 given in the docs to one that supports combinations with replacement:

I was trying to avoid that kind of solution.

ifilter(product()) is exactly the kind of thing
I'm looking for, just wondering if there's a
better way, using a different combination of

 def combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r):
 pool = tuple(iterable)
 n = len(pool)
 indices = [0] * r
 yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)
 while 1:
 for i in reversed(range(r)):
 if indices[i] != n - 1:
 indices[i] += 1
 for j in range(i+1, r):
 indices[j] = indices[j-1]
 yield tuple(pool[i] for i in indices)



Re: Moving to functional programming

2008-07-16 Thread Terry Reedy

Ben Finney wrote:

Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I don't like square-bracket listcomps because they leak the index
variables to the outside.

According to PEP 289 URL:,
this is an acknowledged wart that will be fixed in Python 3.0.

Has been.
IDLE 3.0b1
 a=[i for i in range(5)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#1, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'i' is not defined


Re: Python internals

2008-07-16 Thread Peter Anderson

Ben Finney wrote:

Larry Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The term pointer carries much extra baggage for a programmer
thinking of C (as the original poster is)...

Thanks everyone!  Just a quick correction - as the original poster is 
is a bit of a jump that does not reflect my original question. I DO 
understand how C and other programming languages handle variables 
internally (the bits of actual memory reserved, etc. etc.) and that's 
why I asked the question in the first place.

If Python doesn't do it like C and the others then what mechanism does 
it use - it's the sort of issue that helps me understand how the 
language is interacting with the underlying operating system/hardware.

By way of background, in my ancient working days I looked after 
mainframe systems written in COBOL and Natural (and some assembler which 
I never had to support personally but my staff did).  I found that most 
programmers write bad code because they don't understand what the 
machine is doing with their code.  Probably doesn't matter any more but 
old habits die hard! ;-)

Peter Anderson

There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to 
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the 
introduction of a new order of things -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The 
Prince, ch. 6


Re: Python internals question

2008-07-16 Thread Peter Anderson

Helmut Jarausch wrote:

Please have a look at


I found the second reference (the one above) very useful thank you. 
Most other respondents to my original question did not seem to 
understand what I was asking or didn't read the question and simply 
proceeded to re-state what I had quoted from Beazley - well I understood 
what he was saying, I simply wanted to find out how Python did it at a 
lower level.  Your reference answered the question ;-)

Peter Anderson

There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to 
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the 
introduction of a new order of things -- Niccolo Machiavelli, The 
Prince, ch. 6


Re: reading one byte from stdin

2008-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Mark McDuff schrieb:

I'm trying to read one byte from stdin, without the newline.

If I try something like:
  import os, sys,1)

I can input a character, but then I have to press enter, which leaves a 
newline character in the stdin buffer and requires two keypresses.  Is 
there any way to read only one keypress in a simple manner (i.e. no 

Depending on your OS, yes. Under *nix, you need to set the terminal to 

This recipe claims to be OS-agnostinc:


Re: Redirecting stdout to another script

2008-07-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Richard Simões schrieb:

Hopefully, this explanation will sufficiently clear despite the lack
of code.

I wrote a python script that takes data via stdin, does stuff with the
data, and outputs the result to stdout. A friend wrote a perl script
that opens a pipe to my script, feeds it data, and then accepts the
result. The problem here is that the python script's outputting the
result to stdout via print statements isn't doing what we expected: my
friend's perl script isn't getting the result back via the pipe.

Is there is simple solution for this problem? Whose script needs to be

That of your friend, if he is the one invoking you. Because the invoking 
script is the one responsible for connecting the pipes properly.


Re: Is re.findall guaranteed to be in order?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Joshua Kugler wrote:

Experimenting has shown me that re.findall() will return a list with the
matches in the order it found them.

in the order it found them doesn't really say much, does it? ;-)

findall and finditer both scans the string from left to right, and 
will return matches in that order.

(the documentation is a bit vague, so if you have the time, please add a 
request for clarification to the bug tracker)



Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden

patrol wrote:

It cannot work either.

Oh well. It was only a quick fix! I'll try
to get some kind of non-ASCII edition of Windows
to test against. As I understand it, the situation
is that some WMI exception (ie coming from the
underlying WMI/COM subsystem) results in an error
message which contains non-ASCII characters.

Just so I'm not chasing red herrings, could you
paste the output from the following code, please?

import wmi # use the version linked above

c = wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)

# Should give a traceback here for the DCOM
# error, not a UnicodeDecodeError.



Re: Python internals

2008-07-16 Thread Ben Finney
Peter Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If Python doesn't do it like C and the others then what mechanism does
 it use

You've already been pointed to it, but here it is again:

 \ “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the |
  `\death your right to mis-attribute this quote to Voltaire.” |
_o__) —Avram Grumer, rec.arts.sf.written, May 2000 |
Ben Finney

Re: Is this correct behavior for default parameters?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Bruce Pearson wrote:

The first call to test has the file_list empty but on the second call to 
test the file_list is no longer empty but contains the values appended 
in the first call.

Is this correct behavior? I'm using python 2.5


Default parameter values are evaluated when the function
definition is executed. (in bold, even)

it's also explained in the tutorial (section 4.7.1) and in the FAQ.

(it's always a good idea to double-check the documentation or google a 
little before convincing yourself that you may have found a bug in a 
commonly used part of a system that's over 15 years old and has been 
used by hundred of thousands of programmers).



Re: Is there any library that can extract titles from PDFs?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

ZelluX wrote:

I want to write a script which will rename PDFs according to their
titles. I want to know if there is any library that can extract
titles(the first line of the PDF) from PDFs.

Mathieu Fenniak's PyPdf should be able to do this:

(but note that the first line of the PDF may not be the first thing 
that's rendered on the page, so don't expect such an approach to work 
for all files)



Re: bad recursion, still works

2008-07-16 Thread iu2
On Jul 16, 2:21 am, Michael Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 iu2 wrote:
  I still don't understand: In each recursive call to flatten, acc
  should be bound to a new [], shouldn't it? Why does the binding happen
  only on the first call to flatten?

 Nope.  In each new call it's (re)bound to the same original list, which
 you've added to as your function continues--it's mutable.  Default
 variables that are bound to mutable objects are one of the big caveats
 that is mentioned in the FAQ.

Thanks guys, it's clear now

Re: Logging to different addressees

2008-07-16 Thread McA
Hi Vinay,

thank you for being so patient.

On 16 Jul., 01:21, Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 15, 5:17 pm, McA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If you added the admin sink handler to the root logger, you're done.

  Isn't that the first thing above? What do you mean?

 I gave you a choice - to add the handler to the admin_logger OR the
 root logger. So I am saying here that if you added to the root logger
 (and not common_logger, assuming they're different), then there's
 nothing more to do...

Reading the rest of your mail let me understand what you meant.

 import logging

 admin_logger = logging.getLogger() # The root logger
 addressee_logger = logging.getLogger(addressee)

 admin_sink = logging.FileHandler(admin.log, w)
 addressee_sink = logging.FileHandler(addressee.log, w)



 admin_logger.debug(This message appears in admin sink only.)
 addressee_logger.debug(This message appears in both admin sink and
 addressee sink.

Thank you for that snippet. That means, that the root-logger does
EVERY message (if it fits to the level and isn't filtered) and the
inheritage chain is build by the chosen logger names, e.g.
messages to logging.getLogger('tree.leave') would also show up in
logging.getLogger('tree') automatically?

If this is true, how can I avoid this bubbling up if I would like
(You see, that's a new question, but I want to take the chance to get
the answers from you personally ;-)

Hope not to bother.

Best regards
Andreas Mock


Re: snippet to update local (bazaar, mercurial, svn) versioned source

2008-07-16 Thread Alia Khouri
On Jul 16, 8:34 am, Alia Khouri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a very simple snippet I use to automatically keep my versioned
 sources fresh.. Posted here in case it may be of use to anybody...

 import os, sys

 src = '/Users/ak/Code/src'

 # utility functions
 join, isdir, listdir = os.path.join, os.path.isdir
 def run(cmd):
     print cmd

 ops = {
     '.bzr': ['bzr pull', 'bzr update'],
     '.hg': ['hg pull', 'hg update'],
     '.svn': ['svn update']


 for folder in os.listdir(src):
     target = os.path.join(src,folder)
     if os.path.isdir(target):
         internal = os.listdir(target)
         for f in internal:
             if f in ops:
                 cmds = ops[f]
                 print target, '--',
                 for cmd in cmds:


My bad, here's the one that actually (-:


import os, sys

src = '/Users/sa/Code/src'

# utility functions
join, isdir = os.path.join, os.path.isdir
def run(cmd):
print cmd

ops = {
'.bzr': ['bzr pull', 'bzr update'],
'.hg': ['hg pull', 'hg update'],
'.svn': ['svn update']

for folder in os.listdir(src):
target = join(src,folder)
if isdir(target):
internal = os.listdir(target)
for f in internal:
if f in ops:
# print f, target
cmds = ops[f]
print target, '--',
for cmd in cmds:



How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread zhw
How can i use a variable without define it ?

I have thought about the __import__ function,  but the docs says the
__import__() function does not set the local variable named eggs。


Re: Amazon: Practical Django Projects by James Bennett (June 2008)

2008-07-16 Thread Stefan Scholl
Dave U. Random [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

June 2008 is a bit too early. Django isn't ready.

Web (en): -*- Web (de):

Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread Ben Finney
zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How can i use a variable without define it ?

What do you mean by use? That's so vague I can think of many
possible interpretations.

What do you mean by variable? That term carries a lot of baggage
that doesn't apply in Python.

Can you give a small, complete example that demonstrates the issue
you're trying to solve?

 \  “The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part |
  `\of the face.” —Jack Handey |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: reading one byte from stdin

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Mark McDuff wrote:

I'm trying to read one byte from stdin, without the newline.

If I try something like:
  import os, sys,1)

I can input a character, but then I have to press enter, which leaves a 
newline character in the stdin buffer and requires two keypresses.  Is 
there any way to read only one keypress in a simple manner (i.e. no 

in addition to the cookbook article Diez posted, there's also a FAQ 
entry about this:



RE: isPrime works but UnBoundLocalError when mapping on list

2008-07-16 Thread Andreas Tawn
Terry Reedy wrote:
Thank you.

For loop variables continue after the loop exits.  This is 
I never knew that and I can't find reference to it in the docs. Can you
help me with the reasons for it?


Re: Amazon: Practical Django Projects by James Bennett (June 2008)

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Stefan Scholl wrote:

Django isn't ready.

That's a remarkably ignorant statement.



Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread zhw
On 7月16日, 下午4时47分, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  How can i use a variable without define it ?

 What do you mean by use? That's so vague I can think of many
 possible interpretations.

 What do you mean by variable? That term carries a lot of baggage
 that doesn't apply in Python.

 Can you give a small, complete example that demonstrates the issue
 you're trying to solve?

  \  “The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part |
   `\of the face.” ―Jack Handey |
 _o__)  |
 Ben Finney

Thank you! Sorry for my poor english!

Here is a example that I want to complete:
 import sys, new
 context={name:david, sex:male}
 sys.modules[foo] = new.module(foo)
 import foo
 for attr in context:
setattr(foo, attr, context[attr])

 def bar():
# here is a error
# import * only allowed at module level
from foo import *
print name, sex


Re: isPrime works but UnBoundLocalError when mapping on list

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Andreas Tawn wrote:

I never knew that and I can't find reference to it in the docs.

the for-in loop does ordinary assignments in the current scope:

Each item in turn is assigned to the target list using the
standard rules for assignments, and then the suite is executed.

somewhat simplified, for vars in expression: code is equivalent to 

_ = iter(expression)
while 1:
vars =
except StopIteration:

where _ is an internal variable.



Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread Ben Finney
zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Here is a example that I want to complete:
  import sys, new
  context={name:david, sex:male}

Here you have a set of values addressible by name.

  sys.modules[foo] = new.module(foo)

Why do you believe you need to create a module object?

  import foo
  for attr in context:
   setattr(foo, attr, context[attr])

This doesn't appear to get you anything that isn't already available
with the 'context' mapping.

  def bar():
 # here is a error
 # import * only allowed at module level
   from foo import *
 print name, sex

You can simply do:

 context = {'name': david, 'sex': male}
 def bar():
... print context['name'], context['sex']
david male

Or, more flexible and more explicit:

 foo = {'name': david, 'sex': male}
 def bar(context):
... print context['name'], context['sex']
david male

What problem are you trying to solve?

 \  “The best mind-altering drug is truth.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily |
  `\Tomlin |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread zhw
On 7月16日, 下午5时35分, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Here is a example that I want to complete:
   import sys, new
   context={name:david, sex:male}

 Here you have a set of values addressible by name.

   sys.modules[foo] = new.module(foo)

 Why do you believe you need to create a module object?

   import foo
   for attr in context:
 setattr(foo, attr, context[attr])

 This doesn't appear to get you anything that isn't already available
 with the 'context' mapping.

   def bar():
  # here is a error
  # import * only allowed at module level
 from foo import *
  print name, sex

 You can simply do:

  context = {'name': david, 'sex': male}
  def bar():
 ... print context['name'], context['sex']
 david male

 Or, more flexible and more explicit:

  foo = {'name': david, 'sex': male}
  def bar(context):
 ... print context['name'], context['sex']
 david male

 What problem are you trying to solve?

I an sorry, I can't tell you.

If you can't give a solution, just ignore it!


Re: new itertools functions in Python 2.6

2008-07-16 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 16, 7:20 am, Mensanator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   ##  Combinations with replacement
   ##  -
   ##  aaa aab aac aad aae abb abc abd abe acc acd ace
   ##  add ade aee bbb bbc bbd bbe bcc bcd bce bdd bde
   ##  bee ccc ccd cce cdd cde cee ddd dde dee eee
   ##  actual words: 35    (m+n-1)!/(n!(m-1)!) words: 35

 for x in combinations(range(7), 4):
... x = [-1] + list(x) + [7]
... print ''.join(c*(x[i+1]-x[i]-1) for i, c in

Generalization left as an exercise for the reader.


Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread Cristina Yenyxe González García

2008/7/16 zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 7月16日, 下午5时35分, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Here is a example that I want to complete:
   import sys, new
   context={name:david, sex:male}

 Here you have a set of values addressible by name.

   sys.modules[foo] = new.module(foo)

 Why do you believe you need to create a module object?

   import foo
   for attr in context:
 setattr(foo, attr, context[attr])

Forgetting these considerations (I agree with Ben, though), your error
is trying to use an 'import *' inside a function. You should take it
outside the function, and try to run it again.

   def bar():
  # here is a error
  # import * only allowed at module level
 from foo import *
  print name, sex

There are different import statements you can use in Python. I
recommend you to take a look at the tutorial to learn about the
differences between them:

Good luck.

Re: Modify a string's value

2008-07-16 Thread s0suk3
On Jul 15, 11:55 pm, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I just came across this unusual situation where I'd like to modify a
  string passed to a function

 Again: Why? The normal way to do this is to create a new string and
 return that.


Yes, usually, but that won't work in this case (look at my previous
post around the 'cin  line' line). This is what I came up with:

class StreamLineBuffer:
def __init__(self):
self.buf = 

def __rrshift__(self, stream):
self.buf = stream.readline()

def __str__(self):
return self.buf

cin = sys.stdin
buf = StreamLineBuffer()

cin  buf
line = str(buf)

Works like a charm :)


Re: isPrime works but UnBoundLocalError when mapping on list

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden

Andreas Tawn wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:


Thank you.

For loop variables continue after the loop exits.  This is 
I never knew that and I can't find reference to it in the docs. 

Interesting starting point. It never occurred to me
that they might not. (So I didn't look for anything
in the docs when they did :) ).


Get current class namespace.

2008-07-16 Thread Robert Rawlins


What's the simplest way to access a classes namespace from within itself. I
want to use it in a custom __repr__() method so it prints the current
namespace for the class like package.module.class.


Suggestions? I'm sure there is a simple enough method built in to help me
here, I've just not seen it before.






Re: bad recursion, still works

2008-07-16 Thread Jeff
On Jul 15, 7:21 pm, Michael Torrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 iu2 wrote:
  I still don't understand: In each recursive call to flatten, acc
  should be bound to a new [], shouldn't it? Why does the binding happen
  only on the first call to flatten?

 Nope.  In each new call it's (re)bound to the same original list, which
 you've added to as your function continues--it's mutable.  Default
 variables that are bound to mutable objects are one of the big caveats
 that is mentioned in the FAQ.

Is this avoidable by using a call to list() in the definition instead?

Re: How can i use a variable without define it ?

2008-07-16 Thread Ben Finney
zhw [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 7月16日, 下午5时35分, Ben Finney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  What problem are you trying to solve?
 I an sorry, I can't tell you.

Perhaps I'm not being clear: What *programming* problem are you trying
to solve?

I ask because it seems you are focussed to much on some specific
method, when it is very likely that your problem is better solved
using different methods.

 If you can't give a solution, just ignore it!

I *did* give a solution. If that doesn't work for you, please tell us
more about the problem so we can provide better solutions.

 \  “Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always |
  `\ come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of |
_o__) them.” —Henry L. Mencken |
Ben Finney

RE: isPrime works but UnBoundLocalError when mapping on list

2008-07-16 Thread Andreas Tawn
 Andreas Tawn wrote:
  Terry Reedy wrote:
  Thank you.
  For loop variables continue after the loop exits.  This is 
  I never knew that and I can't find reference to it in the docs. 
 Interesting starting point. It never occurred to me
 that they might not. (So I didn't look for anything
 in the docs when they did :) ).

I don't have experience of too many other languages, but in C++ (and I
guess C)...

for (int i=0; i10; ++i)

doStuff(i); // Error

int i;

for (i=0; i10;++i)

doStuff(i); // No error

That's the behaviour I was expecting.

Is the Python behaviour just a happy side effect of the target list
assignment or specific design decision?



Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread patrol
On 7月16日, 下午3时29分, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 patrol wrote:

  It cannot work either.

 Oh well. It was only a quick fix! I'll try
 to get some kind of non-ASCII edition of Windows
 to test against. As I understand it, the situation
 is that some WMI exception (ie coming from the
 underlying WMI/COM subsystem) results in an error
 message which contains non-ASCII characters.

 Just so I'm not chasing red herrings, could you
 paste the output from the following code, please?

 import wmi # use the version linked above

 c = wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)

 # Should give a traceback here for the DCOM
 # error, not a UnicodeDecodeError.


The errors are in the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\My Documents\code\python\wmi\, line 5, in module
c = wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1199, in connect
handle_com_error (error_info)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 184, in handle_com_error
exception_string = [u%s - %s % (hex (hresult_code),
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position
4: ordinal not in range(128)


Re: Python internals

2008-07-16 Thread Scott David Daniels

Peter Anderson wrote:
Thanks everyone!  Just a quick correction - as the original poster is 
is a bit of a jump that does not reflect my original question. I DO 
understand how C and other programming languages handle variables 
internally (the bits of actual memory reserved, etc. etc.) and that's 
why I asked the question in the first place.

If Python doesn't do it like C and the others then what mechanism does 
it use - it's the sort of issue that helps me understand how the 
language is interacting with the underlying operating system/hardware.

The easiest way to think of this is that Python uses mostly dictionaries
dictionaries for namespaces, and a few places it uses other techniques
if there are over-riding considerations that make the dictionaries
impractical in particular cases.  Python performance would be crippled
if their dictionary implementation(s) slowed down, much as C performance
would suffer is access to RAM slowed down.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Why is this blowing the stack, thought it was tail-recursive...

2008-07-16 Thread Lie
On Jul 13, 8:44 pm, Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 13, 7:56 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 19:25:18 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
   ssecorp wrote:
   def fib(n):
       def fibt(a, b, n):
           if n = 1:
               return b
               return fibt(b, a + b, n - 1)
       if n == 0:
           return 0
           return fibt(0, 1, n);

   and can memoization speed up this even more? tesintg with memoization
   doesnt really say anything because it is so fast it is instant anyway.

   Except for the fact that a+b gets slower as a and b get bigger, this
   would already be linear time in n.  Memoization (here by means of a
   linear list) only helps if the list is preserved and one makes repeated
   requests for various fib values.

   I am just curious what input you tried that blew the stack?  It had to
   be pretty large.

  No, not really. Try it for yourself: on my system, I get RuntimeError:
  maximum recursion depth exceeded with fib(999).

  fib(999) is a large number, with 208 digits, but not that large:



 The default CPython recursion limit is 1000 - so hitting it with an
 input of 999 is not that surprising...

 You can set a higher limit with sys.setrecursionlimit(...)

Though that would be a kludge, not a fix. Using iteration or generator
expression is better.


Re: Need Python Programmer (preferentially in Los Angeles)

2008-07-16 Thread Scott David Daniels

robnhood00 wrote:

I need a python programmer that can integrate graphics into an
existing python application.  The application is a basic application
and the job should be pretty easy for an experienced Python
programmer.  Los Angeles programmer is preferred but this can
obviously be done from anywhere.
Please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] is you can help me.
Thank you.

I get worried when I hear people tell me that a job they don't know
how to do should be pretty easy, but at least it is better than
should only take a week.  What I'd rather hear is, seems like it
is a simple job.

Beware of customers who know something will take little effort
without being able to characterize that effort.

--Scott David Daniels


Re: isPrime works but UnBoundLocalError when mapping on list

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Andreas Tawn wrote:

I don't have experience of too many other languages, but in C++ (and I
guess C)...

That's invalid C (you cannot declare variables in the for statement 
itself, at least not in C89).  And back in the old days, some C++ 
compilers did in fact leak declarations from for loops, and others 

Is the Python behaviour just a happy side effect of the target list
assignment or specific design decision?

I'd say it all follows from the fact that Python doesn't have variable 
declarations; if you want to stick to the principle that variables can 
introduced simply by assigning to them, you cannot introduce new blocks 
nilly-willy.  So none of the basic structural elements do that; 
variables introduced inside an if statement or a for-in statement 
are no different from variables introduced outside them.  And intro-
ducing a new block only for the loop variables would be confusing and 
rather impractical, given how fundamental looping over sequences and 
iterables are in Python.

(the discussions about loop variables in list comprehensions and 
generator expressions are a bit different; they're expressions, not 
statements, and shouldn't really do assignments as a side effect, any 
more than function calls should leak parameter names into the calling 



Re: bad recursion, still works

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Jeff wrote:

Is this avoidable by using a call to list() in the definition instead?

No.  Default values are *always* evaluated when, and only when, the 
def statement is executed; see:

Also note that def is an executable statement in Python, and that 
default arguments are evaluated in the def statement's environment. 
If you execute def multiple times, it'll create a new function object 
(with freshly calculated default values) each time.


The workaround is, as others have mentioned, to use a placeholder value 
instead of modifying the default value.  None is a common value:

def myfunc(value=None):
if value is None:
value = default()
# go on an modify value

If you need to handle arbitrary objects (including None), you can use a 
sentinel object:

sentinel = object()

def myfunc(value=sentinel):
if value is sentinel:
value = default()

(in older code, written before object was introduced, you sometimes 
see things like sentinel = ['placeholder'] used to create a non-false 
object with a unique identity; [] creates a new list every time it is 


Finally, it should be noted that more advanced Python code often uses 
this mechanism to its advantage; for example, if you create a bunch of 
UI buttons in a loop, you might try something like:

 for i in range(10):
 def callback():
 print clicked button, i
 UI.Button(button %s % i, callback)

only to find that all callbacks print the same value (most likely 9, in 
this case).  The reason for this is that Python's nested scopes bind to 
variables, not object values, so all callback instances will see the 
current (=last) value of the i variable.  To fix this, use explicit 

 for i in range(10):
 def callback(i=i):
 print clicked button, i
 UI.Button(button %s % i, callback)

The i=i part binds a local variable i to the *current* value of the 
outer variable i.

Two other uses are local caches/memoization; e.g.

def calculate(a, b, c, memo={}):
value = memo[a, b, c] # return already calculated value
except KeyError:
value = do calculation on a, b, c
memo[a, b, c] = value # update the memo dictionary
return value

(this is especially nice for certain kinds of recursive algorithms)

and, for highly optimized code, local rebinding of global names:

def this_one_must_be_fast(x, sin=math.sin, cos=math.cos):

Hope this helps more than it confuses.



Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread Ken Hartling
Thanks .. but I want to find out if the system is running on 64bit even
when the interpreter is a
32-bit build executable (what python was built on).
platform.architecture() and platform() in general seems to only be looking
at the build executable and what it was built for on windows (sorry, I don't
have a unix box available at the moment).  platform.architecture() returns
32bit when on a windows 64bit box.

Another recommendation was:
import sys
x = sys.maxint
n = 1
while x:
n += 1
x = 1

print n

Unfortunately this too appears to be looking at the build executable ... on
Windows 64 it returns '32'.

Thanks for the suggestions, hopefully we'll come up with a winner.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 1:39 PM, Benjamin Kaplan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need to know if I'm running on 32bit or 64bit ... so far I haven't
 come up with how to get this info via python. sys.platform returns
 what python was built on ... but not what the current system is.

 I thought platform.uname() or just platform.processor() would have
 done it, but python returns an empty string on windows. Any ideas?

 Thanks, Ken

 platform.architecture() should have it.


Securing mobile Python code

2008-07-16 Thread Mads Kristensen

Hi guys and girls.

I am currently developing an execution environment for mobile Python 
code. To that end I have developed a system called Scavenger based on 
Stackless Python. The biggest problem when working with mobile code is 
of course security - especially when working with a language such as 
Python that has no security modes. I have therefore used a 
validation/blacklisting approach towards code security, i.e., before the 
mobile code is executed it is validated and if it uses illegal 
operations it is rejected (apart from that I have also monkey-patched 
some functionality so that my own versions of built-in functions are 
invoked). Using such a blacklist approach is of course problematic 
because one has to know about every possible way to circumvent the 
system to be sure of its validity... This is where you come in: To test 
the security of my system I have placed a Scavenger host on the Internet 
that will perform any Python code you throw at it. I would like to 
invite anybody with an interest in Python and security to participate in 
this Hack-Attack on my Scavenger host :-)

For more information see:

Thanks for your time!

Best regards,
Mads Kristensen

python's YENC.DECODE - weird output

2008-07-16 Thread John Savage
I save posts from a midi music newsgroup, some are encoded with
yenc encoding. This gave me an opportunity to try out the decoders 
in Python. The UU decoder works okay, but my YENC effort gives
results unexpected:

import yenc, sys


I confirmed that yenc.decode exactly reverses yenc.encode, BUT the
encoding itself seems to differ from the USENET standard. That is,
when I decode USENET files the result isn't a valid music file. 
(I did try both with and w/o the headers.)

Maybe it uses a different character set? I can't quite put my
finger on what might be happening. What I can say is that the
yenc coding from the newsgroup article, when viewed with Linux
'more', displays roughly 10% of its characters as a question mark,
whereas when I give Python's yenc.encode a binary music file and
view its output using 'more', it displays about 90% of the output
as a question mark.

Any ideas?
John Savage(my news address is not valid for email)

Re: Logging to different addressees

2008-07-16 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Jul 16, 8:55 am, McA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you for that snippet. That means, that the root-logger does
 EVERY message (if it fits to the level and isn't filtered) and the
 inheritage chain is build by the chosen logger names, e.g.
 messages tologging.getLogger('tree.leave') would also show up 
 inlogging.getLogger('tree') automatically?


 If this is true, how can I avoid this bubbling up if I would like
 (You see, that's a new question, but I want to take the chance to get
 the answers from you personally ;-)

 Hope not to bother.

Use the propagate flag, which is mentioned in the documentation. In
fact, please make sure you've reviewed all the documentation before
posting, as the documentation is intended to answer the more
straightforward and common questions which come up.

Best regards,

Vinay Sajip

Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Ken Hartling wrote:

 Thanks .. but I want to find out if the system is running on 64bit
 even when the interpreter is a 32-bit build executable (what python
 was built on).  platform.architecture() and platform() in general
 seems to only be looking at the build executable

You can pass in an arbitrary binary to architecture(), so I guess you 
could use this on some suitable thing under /bin on a Unix box.  This 
doesn't work on Windows, though.

In this message,

Thomas Heller suggests using ctypes to call the Windows API directly; so 
something like this could work:

 import ctypes, sys
 i = ctypes.c_int()
 kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
 process = kernel32.GetCurrentProcess()
 kernel32.IsWow64Process(process, ctypes.byref(i))
 is64bit = (i.value != 0)

(IsWow64Process returns a non-zero value if it manages to check the 
status, and sets the variable to a non-zero value if the process is 
running under WOW64.  I only have 32-bit boxes here, so it's only 
partially tested).

And yes, looks like official support for this might appear in 2.6:

(in that thread, Mark Hammond suggests '64 bit' in sys.version as a 
workaround, but warns for false negatives).



Playing stereo wav files in Python

2008-07-16 Thread AM
-Hello all,

I am trying to play stereo wavefiles in python with no success. I can
play mono wavefiles, using either pygames mixer library, python's
winsound library or wxPython's wx.Sound library, but i cannot get
stereo wavefiles to play in any of these.  Normally i wouldn't care
and covert the files to mono, but the phase difference between the two
ears in important for this application. Does anyone know of a way that
i have missed? I am using a LynxONE soundcard if that is important.


Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Ken Hartling wrote:

  Thanks .. but I want to find out if the system is running on 64bit
  even when the interpreter is a 32-bit build executable (what python
  was built on).  platform.architecture() and platform() in general
  seems to only be looking at the build executable

You can pass in an arbitrary binary to architecture(), so I guess you 
could use this on some suitable thing under /bin on a Unix box.  This 
doesn't work on Windows, though.

In this message,

Thomas Heller suggests using ctypes to call the Windows API directly; so 
something like this could work:

  import ctypes, sys
  i = ctypes.c_int()
  kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
  process = kernel32.GetCurrentProcess()
  kernel32.IsWow64Process(process, ctypes.byref(i))
  is64bit = (i.value != 0)

This is included in the latest pywin32-211 as well:

import win32process
print win32process.IsWow64Process ()



Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Tim Golden wrote:

This is included in the latest pywin32-211 as well:

import win32process
print win32process.IsWow64Process ()

on the other hand, ctypes is only an import away if you have a current 



Regular expression

2008-07-16 Thread Beema shafreen
Hi all,

How do I write a regular expression for this kind of sequences

gi|158028609|gb|ABW08583.1| CG8385-PF, isoform F [Drosophila melanogaster]


Beema Shafreen

Re: Regular expression

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Beema shafreen wrote:

How do I write a regular expression for this kind of sequences

 gi|158028609|gb|ABW08583.1| CG8385-PF, isoform F [Drosophila melanogaster]

line.split(|) ?

it's a bit hard to come up with a working RE with only a single sample; 
what are the constraints for the different fields?  is the last part 
free form text or something else, etc.

have you googled for existing implementations of the format you're using?



Best Python packages?

2008-07-16 Thread Ben Sizer
Although the standard library in Python is great, there are
undoubtedly some great packages available from 3rd parties, and I've
encountered a few almost by accident. However, I don't know how a user
would become aware of many of these.
presumably lists most of the decent ones, but there's a lot there and
little indication as to quality or popularity - great if you know
exactly what you need, but not so great for just browsing. I'd love to
have some way of finding out what hidden gems are out there in the
Python world which could make my development a lot easier. Any

Ben Sizer

Re: Logging to different addressees

2008-07-16 Thread McA
On 16 Jul., 15:38, Vinay Sajip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jul 16, 8:55 am, McA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  messages tologging.getLogger('tree.leave') would also show up 
  inlogging.getLogger('tree') automatically?



  Hope not to bother.

 Use the propagate flag, which is mentioned in the documentation.

That's the right hint.

 In fact, please make sure you've reviewed all the documentation before
 posting, as the documentation is intended to answer the more
 straightforward and common questions which come up.

I did it and I'll do it again. :-)
You know, sometimes a piece of text/documentation starts to
become information for the reader when he exactly hits the

Anyway, thank you for your help and for that module.

 Best regards,

 Vinay Sajip

Best regards
Andreas Mock


Re: Best Python packages?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Ben Sizer wrote:

make my development a lot easier.

Knowing what kind of development you do might help, of course.  Some 
libraries are excellent in some contexts and suck badly in others...

Looking at things that larger projects and distributions use can also be 
a good idea.  For example, if you're doing scientific stuff, go directly 
to  If you're doing web stuff, look at the libraries big 
Django applications use.  Etc.



Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden
patrol wrote:
 The errors are in the following:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File D:\My Documents\code\python\wmi\, line 5, in module
 c = wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1199, in connect
 handle_com_error (error_info)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 184, in handle_com_error
 exception_string = [u%s - %s % (hex (hresult_code),
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position
 4: ordinal not in range(128)

OK, I'm trying to set up a Virtual PC so I can install
a non-English XP. But would you mind running the
following code for me, please, so I can get a handle
on what's coming back:

import pythoncom
import win32com.client

  win32com.client.GetObject (winmgmts://blahblah)
except pythoncom.com_error, info:
  for i in info:
print repr (i)



Re: Logging in __del__()

2008-07-16 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 12:38:50 +0100, Robert Rawlins wrote:

 So, am I right to assume that python will still handle its garbage disposal
 if I implement __del__(), it just handles circular references in a slightly
 different way, but to the same effect. Right?

No.  Circular references in objects with a `__del__()` implementation are
not collected!  Why are you using `__del__()` anyway?  Are you aware of
the promises that are *not* made!  It's not guaranteed when the method
is called nor if it is called at all!

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Angle brackets in command-line arguments?

2008-07-16 Thread Keith Hughitt
Hi all,

I am using someone else's script which expects input in the form of:

 ./ arg1 arg2

I was wondering if the angle-brackets here have a special meaning? It
seems like
they specify an input and output stream to use in place of the
console. I could not
find anything in the python manual or Python in a Nut-shell though.

Anyone know?


Custom 'Float' class. Am I right here?

2008-07-16 Thread Prashant Saxena
import sys

class Float(float):

Custom float datatype with addtional attributes.

def __new__(self,
value=0.0, #default value
name='', # string
range=(0.0, 1.0) # tuple

try: = name
self.range = range
self.pos = (1, 1)
return float.__new__(self, value)
print ('Invalid value : Float = %s %s' % (str(value), 

def setpos(self, value):
self.pos = value
def getpos(self):
return self.pos*2.0
p = property(getpos, setpos)

myFloat = Float(0.23)
print myFloat.pos

I am trying to create a custom 'float' datatype by subtyping default 'float'. 
There are few things I would like to know here:

1. How to make 'name'  'range' only readable attributes.
2. The property 'p' is not working as it has to. What's wrong here?
3. I would be heavily instancing this class, and I won't be creating any new 
attribute on instance. Is there any way to optimize? __slots__?



Re: Angle brackets in command-line arguments?

2008-07-16 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 07:53:56 -0700, Keith Hughitt wrote:

 I am using someone else's script which expects input in the form of:
  ./ arg1 arg2
 I was wondering if the angle-brackets here have a special meaning? It
 seems like they specify an input and output stream to use in place of the
 console. I could not find anything in the python manual or Python in a
 Nut-shell though.
 Anyone know?

That's not Python's business but the command shell's.  Those characters
are used for redirecting input and ouput from/to files in shells, so it
should be covered in the documentation of the shell you are using. 
Including ways to protect the characters, so they reach the called program
in arguments.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Angle brackets in command-line arguments?

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Keith Hughitt wrote:

I am using someone else's script which expects input in the form of:

 ./ arg1 arg2

arg is a common notation for replace with argument value, so it 
could be that they're just expecting you to type:

./ arg1 arg2

Alternatively, they meant

./ arg1 arg2

in which case arg1 and arg2 are filenames.  This is most commonly used 
with tools that process textfiles in some way.  In the latter case, you 
can try the script simply by running:


and then typing the input to the terminal (use control-D on Unix or 
control-Z on Windows to terminate).

Do the instructions use more meaningful names than arg1 and arg2?



Re: Angle brackets in command-line arguments?

2008-07-16 Thread Gary Herron

Keith Hughitt wrote:

Hi all,

I am using someone else's script which expects input in the form of:

 ./ arg1 arg2

I was wondering if the angle-brackets here have a special meaning? It
seems like
they specify an input and output stream to use in place of the
console. I could not
find anything in the python manual or Python in a Nut-shell though.

Anyone know?


In most Unix/Linux and related OS shells,  the angled brackets *do* 
specify input and output streams as you surmise.  However, they are 
*not* seen by the script  as command line arguments.  (And they are 
*not* brackets, and do not need to be matched. )

For any command,
 cmd  file
redirects the contents of file to cmd's standard input, which in Python 
is accessed by reading from sys.stdin (use input or raw_input or

Also for any command,
 cmd  file
redirects the output of cmd to the named file.  In Python this can be 
accessed using print, sys.stdout.write, ...

Anything written to sys.stderr will not be caught by the  
redirection, ans so will probably end up on the screen instead of in file.

Also various shells will provide similar functionality using a variety 
of similar syntaxes:  , , , and |, and so on.

Gary Herron


poplib 100% cpu usage

2008-07-16 Thread Oli Schacher

Hi all

I wrote a multithreaded script that  polls mails from several pop/imap 
accounts. To fetch the messages I'm using the getmail classes ( ) , those classes use the poplib for 
the real pop transaction.

When I run my script for a few hours cpu usage goes up to 100%, 
sometimes even 104% according to 'top' :-) This made our test machine 
freeze once. First I thought I maybe didn't stop my threads correctly 
after polling an account but I attached a remote debugger and it showed 
that threads are stopped ok and that the cpu gets eaten in poplib in the 
function _getline which states in the description:

 # Internal: return one line from the server, stripping CRLF.
# This is where all the CPU time of this module is consumed.
# Raise error_proto('-ERR EOF') if the connection is closed.

def _getline(self):

So for testing purposes I changed this function and added:
(googling about similar problems with cpu usage yields this time.sleep() 

It now looks ok, cpu usage is at about 30% with a few spikes to 80-90%.

Of course I don't feel cozy about changing a standard library as the 
changes will be overwritten by python upgrades.

Did someone else from the list hit a similar problem and maybe has a 
better solution?

Thanks for your hints.

Best regards,
Oli Schacher

Re: Angle brackets in command-line arguments?

2008-07-16 Thread Keith Hughitt
On Jul 16, 11:16 am, Gary Herron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Keith Hughitt wrote:
  Hi all,

  I am using someone else's script which expects input in the form of:

       ./ arg1 arg2

  I was wondering if the angle-brackets here have a special meaning? It
  seems like
  they specify an input and output stream to use in place of the
  console. I could not
  find anything in the python manual or Python in a Nut-shell though.

  Anyone know?


 In most Unix/Linux and related OS shells,  the angled brackets *do*
 specify input and output streams as you surmise.  However, they are
 *not* seen by the script  as command line arguments.  (And they are
 *not* brackets, and do not need to be matched. )

 For any command,
   cmd  file
 redirects the contents of file to cmd's standard input, which in Python
 is accessed by reading from sys.stdin (use input or raw_input or

 Also for any command,
   cmd  file
 redirects the output of cmd to the named file.  In Python this can be
 accessed using print, sys.stdout.write, ...

 Anything written to sys.stderr will not be caught by the 
 redirection, ans so will probably end up on the screen instead of in file.

  Also various shells will provide similar functionality using a variety
 of similar syntaxes:  , , , and |, and so on.

 Gary Herron

Thanks all for the quick response. I should have known it was shell-
related. I haven't ever had to use this
kind of redirection before, mostly just the single-bracket version to
feed the contents of a file into some

The reason it was causing me concern in the first place was that I was
trying to execute a python script
from Apache Ant, and it was failing. It turned out that when I escaped
the angle brackets in Ant, they were
there-after treated as normal command-line arguments, so when the
script was then executed, it just had
some additional values in sys.argv.

I ended up getting around the issue by creating a small bash-script
which simply wraps input in angle brackets
and then executes the python script itself. That way I didn't have to
escape anything in in Ant, and things
worked well.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to explain things to me. I really
appreciate the help :)

Take care,

Re: MySQL Insert

2008-07-16 Thread maestroQC
Thanks to all for your time and patience with this!
The insert is working fine based on the suggestions in this thread.

I now have another problem that should be resolved with a regular
expression to remove currency formatting before inserting into the db.

Setting Message Importance using SMTP Mail

2008-07-16 Thread Whyatt
Hi all,

I'm trying to create a message using SMTP Mail through Python with a
message Importance of either 0 (Low) or 2 (High).

If I do outer.Add_header('Importance', '0') it is ignored.

If I do uter.Replace_header('Importance', '0') I get the error below.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File #, line 840, in module
outer.Replace_header('Importance', '0')
AttributeError: MIMEMultipart instance has no attribute

Can anyone provide any clues on the correct way of updating the Msg
Importance header?

Thanks in advance

Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread patrol
On 7月16日, 下午10时39分, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 patrol wrote:
  The errors are in the following:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
File D:\My Documents\code\python\wmi\, line 5, in module
  c = wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)
File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1199, in connect
  handle_com_error (error_info)
File C:\Python25\lib\, line 184, in handle_com_error
  exception_string = [u%s - %s % (hex (hresult_code),
  UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position
  4: ordinal not in range(128)

 OK, I'm trying to set up a Virtual PC so I can install
 a non-English XP. But would you mind running the
 following code for me, please, so I can get a handle
 on what's coming back:

 import pythoncom
 import win32com.client

   win32com.client.GetObject (winmgmts://blahblah)
 except pythoncom.com_error, info:
   for i in info:
 print repr (i)



'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'

import pythoncom
import win32com.client

  win32com.client.GetObject (winmgmts://blahblah)
except pythoncom.com_error, info:
  for i in info:
print i

RPC 服务器不可用。
 a=RPC 服务器不可用。
'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'


Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden
patrol wrote:
 'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'
 import pythoncom
 import win32com.client
   win32com.client.GetObject (winmgmts://blahblah)
 except pythoncom.com_error, info:
   for i in info:
 print i
 RPC 服务器不可用。
 a=RPC 服务器不可用。
 'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'

Brilliant. Thanks, Patrol. So the error message comes back
encoded. Can you confirm what your console encoding is,
please? The following script should confirm:

import os, sys

print sys.stdout.encoding
os.system (chcp)



Is there any interest in working on an application?

2008-07-16 Thread Ron Longo

I have an python application which I've been developing for several years (off 
and on, mostly off for lack of time) which I'm considering putting up to open 
source if I can find other developers interested in contributing.

The application is a web publisher/information outliner.  (See an example of a 
beta here: where I test my ability 
to generate an interactive tree for the data in an outline.)

The application is 100% Python.  The gui is written using Tkinter and Tix -- 
I'm definitely open to other libraries for the GUI.  The app supports unicode 
in the outlines.  There's a spell-checker plugin (complements of the pyenchant 
project).  The application is written on top of an application framework and 
plugin framework both of which I developed myself.  Much of the application is 
actually plugins so it's very modular.  For screen shots of the app so far see: and

The development would probably be done through SourceForge.

I'm in the process of documenting the current design in UML class diagrams 
using the free version of Visual Paradigm (if another tool is suggested we 
could switch).

My motive:  I'm a research scientist.  My prefered method to record, review, 
edit and organize my notes is within an outline (rather than a flat notebook 
format used by most researchers).  The ability to consider new ideas can be as 
easy as moving items around in the outline.  I've used many commercial programs 
in the past but all have had some limitation or another.  Most don't support 
unicode (I need unicode characters to record mathematical and logical 
formulae).  Those that do produce html don't produce the side-by-side view of 
an interactive tree (able to expand or collapse nodes) beside the actual 
on-screen notes.  The interactive tree is a necessity for me with over 2000 
entries in my largest outline and growing fast.

Design Philosophy:  I've attempted to keep to the following design philosophy 
(prioritized by order).
- User Experience -- everything should be easy for the user.
- OO, Maximize modularity, minimize cross dependence.
  (e.g. The Application framework, plugin framework and word processor know 
nothing about the problem domain and nothing about the other modules in the 
- KISS, I prefer simple straightforward code over speedy tricks.  If it's 
hard to read or understand I'll probably hate it.
- Minimize 3rd party modules in the core application.  I know 3rd party libs 
can make it easier to develop and this would seem to violate KISS.  However, 
with User Experience being higher priority, the less there is for a user to 
install the easier.  Best case, the user installs Python and s/he's ready to 
go.  I don't mind requiring 3rd party libs for most plugins.  My take on this 
is here:
   - If it's part of the core distribution (the core application or a plugin 
that's part of the main distribution), do everything possible to avoid 3rd 
party libs.
   - For plugins distributed separately from the application installer, the 
plugin must check for the required libs upon loading and exit gracefully if the 
lib is not present (at most display a dialog stating that the required lib is 
not installed.)
- If at all possible, provide unit test with each module (including plugins)

Future Direction:
- Some of the features in the menus and on the toolbars are not yet implemented.
   (e.g. find, search/replace, bulletized and numbered lists, tables)
- The content of any tree entry is displayed in the content pane to the right 
of the outline.  Right now the only supported content is formatted text in a 
word processor (actually a glorified Text widget).  The Text widget is part of 
the core app.  I want this widget to be turned into a plugin so that other 
kinds of content are possible with other content editor plugins.  The main app 
would then select and display the appropriate content editor for a given kind 
of data.
- Currently, cutting and pasting is possible, however cutting and pasing 
formatted text is only possible within the application.  Want to support 
cutting and pasing stylized text with the system clipboard and other 
applications (word, star office, etc.)
- Import export other formats (importers and exporters are already plugins).  
We just need to write more of them.
- Support multiple views of a single outline so we can view different parts of 
the outline simultaneously.
- Support cutting and pasting, dragging and dropping across different outlines.
- Customizable appearance for HTML output.
- Anything else the development group or users can think of.

If you're interested in more information or trying out this app (note that it's 
very immature and probably only worthy of being called an alpa) please don't 
hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for reading,

Re: Regular expression

2008-07-16 Thread bearophileHUGS
On Jul 16, 4:14 pm, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Beema shafreen wrote:
  How do I write a regular expression for this kind of sequences

   gi|158028609|gb|ABW08583.1| CG8385-PF, isoform F [Drosophila melanogaster]

 line.split(|) ?

 it's a bit hard to come up with a working RE with only a single sample;
 what are the constraints for the different fields?  is the last part
 free form text or something else, etc.

 have you googled for existing implementations of the format you're using?

That'a a fasta file, so for the header line this is enough:
[part.strip() for part in line.split(|)]
But better is to use the biopython libs that already perform all such
things better.


Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden
Assuming that the error comes back in the sys.stdout encoding, the following 
version *should* work ok. I still haven't got a non-English set up to test it 
on, but it certainly does return a Unicode error message.

The usual test case, if you wouldn't mind:

import wmi

wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)


should give a (language-specific) error message, not an UnicodeDecodeError


Eclipse, Pydev, question

2008-07-16 Thread Ken Starks

I have a small project for further development
in eclipse, using the pyDev plug-in.

I am working on and bar.pyc is also
in the directory. is not in the directory; it is someone
else's (confidential) file, and I don't get
the python source.

Can I run bar.pyc from eclipse ?

Re: how to match whole word

2008-07-16 Thread Peng Yu
On Jul 15, 10:29 pm, Gary Herron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peng Yu wrote:

  The following code snippet is from /usr/bin/rpl. I would like the it
  to match a word, for example, abc in :abc:. But the current one
  would not match abc in :abc:. I tried to modify it myself. Would
  you please let me know what is the corrected way to do it?


 if opts.whole_words:
 regex = re.compile(r(?:(?=\s)|^) + re.escape(old_str) + 
opts.ignore_case and re.I or 

 The regular expression \w+ will match (what might be your definition
 of) a word, and in particular will match abc in :abc:.   Regular
 expressions have lots of other special \-sequences that might be worth
 your while to read about:

 Gary Herron

I didn't read the docs and tried the following code.

regex = re.compile(r\A + re.escape(old_str) + r\Z,
opts.ignore_case and re.I or 0)

But I'm not sure why it is not working.


Framework recommendations for web service?

2008-07-16 Thread Phillip B Oldham
We're looking at the next phase of development for our webapp, and the
main focus will be to move the core from the app to a web service so
other systems can use the data we've gathered (we're thinking along
the lines of the XML API of Highrise from 37Signals).

Its possible that we'll extend the service to allow access via vanilla
XML, JSON, and YAML at some point, however we've decided to use
Facebook's Thrift for connectivity initially to support as many techs
as possible and also because our web interface for the app is written
in PHP.

As we're extracting the core we'll be translating it to Python to make
use of the wealth of well-structured libraries and hopefully make the
project shorter. However, we've hit a snag in choosing a framework
around which to rebuild the service.

It seems the more popular frameworks (django, turbogears) are all
focused on providing web content. Since our core will be using thrift
to communicate, we don't need templating, feeds, admin pages (django),
or ajax (turbogears).

What we *do* need is a lightweight, simple framework that will allow
us to create a RESTful interface and throw code together fast. We'll
probably go with SQLObject (unless we can extract the ORM from django
- lazy evaluation would be very useful), and we're just looking for
something fast and light to sit between that and the thrift interfaces
we'll create.

So, can anyone suggest a lightweight python framework which just does
the essentials?

Re: how to match whole word

2008-07-16 Thread Fredrik Lundh

Peng Yu wrote:

I didn't read the docs and tried the following code.

regex = re.compile(r\A + re.escape(old_str) + r\Z,
opts.ignore_case and re.I or 0)

But I'm not sure why it is not working.

as the documentation says, \A and \Z matches at the beginning/end of a 
*string*, not a word.



Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread patrol
On 7月16日, 下午11时59分, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 patrol wrote:
  'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'

  import pythoncom
  import win32com.client

win32com.client.GetObject (winmgmts://blahblah)
  except pythoncom.com_error, info:
for i in info:
  print i

  RPC 服务器不可用。
  a=RPC 服务器不可用。
  'RPC \xb7\xfe\xce\xf1\xc6\xf7\xb2\xbb\xbf\xc9\xd3\xc3\xa1\xa3'

 Brilliant. Thanks, Patrol. So the error message comes back
 encoded. Can you confirm what your console encoding is,
 please? The following script should confirm:

 import os, sys

 print sys.stdout.encoding
 os.system (chcp)


 TJG- 隐藏被引用文字 -

 - 显示引用的文字 -

 import os,sys
 print sys.stdout.encoding
活动的代码页: 936

Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread patrol
On 7月17日, 上午12时16分, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Assuming that the error comes back in the sys.stdout encoding, the following 
 version *should* work ok. I still haven't got a non-English set up to test it 
 on, but it certainly does return a Unicode error message.

 The usual test case, if you wouldn't mind:

 import wmi

 wmi.WMI (non-existent computer)


 should give a (language-specific) error message, not an UnicodeDecodeError

 import wmi
 wmi.WMI('non-existent computer')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1199, in connect
handle_com_error (error_info)
  File C:\Python25\lib\, line 184, in handle_com_error
exception_string = [u%s - %s % (hex (hresult_code),
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position
4: ordinal
not in range(128)
yup,error_info contains the Chinese encoded string. All of the Simple
Chinese Windows use the CP936.Every Chinese word utilizes two
bytes.Maybe you can fix this bug by modifying  handle_com_error.


Re: Best Python packages?

2008-07-16 Thread Dennis Cote

Ben Sizer wrote:

I'd love to have some way of finding out what hidden gems are out
there in the Python world 

If they were easy to find, they wouldn't be hidden gems. :-)

Dennis Cote


Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-07-16 Thread norseman

  I need to know if I'm running on 32bit or 64bit ... so far I haven't
  come up with how to get this info via python. sys.platform returns
  what python was built on ... but not what the current system is.
  I thought platform.uname() or just platform.processor() would have
  done it, but python returns an empty string on windows. Any ideas?
  Thanks, Ken

From what I'm reading I think the answer lies in being able to see 
Microsoft's OS 'About' statement.  One of the Python guru's should be 
able to supply the code.  On Linux you should be able to uname -m and 
get a pretty good idea. See man uname.

something like:
#contents of
import os
zstatflg= os.system(uname -m)
#---  EOF ---

(I'm running a stock Python 2.5.2)

If the Python itself was compiled 32 bit and installed on a 64 bit 
machine that runs 32 bit code (like most all do during transition times) 
then all attempts with Python to check itself will return 32 bit 
responses. Using math and/or 'kibitz' (cheater text) will be useless.

Hope this helps;


Re: how can i save my command prompt screen?

2008-07-16 Thread norseman

Ty hensons wrote:
 how can i save my command prompt screen?


That by itself leaves lots of questions.  Taken literally to be the 
box then:

In Microsoft use the Print Screen followed by mspaint and Edit/paste
  (Or SHIFT-PrintScreen if whole screen showed up, I forget which it is.
One does just the box that is hot while the other gets all)

In Unix use  xwd.   See  man xwd and xwud. Also  man convert

with box open and text you want for show'n'tell visible
(click in box of choice)

to view results:
(click picture to make it go away)

To turn .xwd into jpeg:
convert screen_1.xwd JPEG:screen_1.jpg

With Python running something in one box and a simple script in another 
you can create lots of pics for the documentation. If you invert the 
colors the pics will have black letters on a white background and save 
tons of ink.


Re: how can i save my command prompt screen?

2008-07-16 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Jul 16, 12:28 pm, norseman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ty hensons wrote:

   how can i save my command prompt screen?


 That by itself leaves lots of questions.  Taken literally to be the
 box then:

 In Microsoft use the Print Screen followed by mspaint and Edit/paste
    (Or SHIFT-PrintScreen if whole screen showed up, I forget which it is.
      One does just the box that is hot while the other gets all)

In Windows you can right-click, choose Mark and then select the
text. Hit enter to copy it to the clipboard. Then you can paste it
into any text editor you like.



For_loops hurt my brain.

2008-07-16 Thread bsagert
This script uses a simple for loop to zip some files. However I am
repeating code that cries out for a nested loop. My two lists of
files_to_be_zipped (spare and seekfacts) are of uneven length so I
can't seem to decipher the for_logic. I would appreciate any help.
Thanks, Bill

import zipfile
import os

zips = [
spare = [
seekfacts = [

zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[0], 'w')
for files in spare:
zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[1], 'w')
for files in seekfacts:
zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)


Re: About wmi

2008-07-16 Thread Tim Golden
patrol wrote:
 import wmi
 wmi.WMI('non-existent computer')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 1199, in connect
 handle_com_error (error_info)
   File C:\Python25\lib\, line 184, in handle_com_error
 exception_string = [u%s - %s % (hex (hresult_code),
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in position
 4: ordinal
 not in range(128)
 yup,error_info contains the Chinese encoded string. All of the Simple
 Chinese Windows use the CP936.Every Chinese word utilizes two
 bytes.Maybe you can fix this bug by modifying  handle_com_error.

Well, that's what I've done in that latest version.
Only I naively assumed
that I could use sys.stdout.encoding to determine
the encoding. I'll have to try harder.


Is there any component-oriented (non-MVC) web framework available for Python?

2008-07-16 Thread Alis

Is there any component-oriented (non-MVC) web framework available for

That is something like Apache Wicket, Tapestry or JSF, but I need it
to be in Python.


Uploading an image using PUT

2008-07-16 Thread noelob
Hi All,

Let me start by saying that's I'm relatively new to Python, so please
be gentle!

I need to up upload a file to a Tomcat web app using httplib. The web
app requires the following:
Files need to be split into 100kb (102400b) and each file segment
loaded using the PUT request. It is also a requirement that the
following headers be sent:

For simplicity I've used an image (jpg) smaller than 100kb, so it
doesn't need to be chunked

headers = {
Accept: text/xml,
Authorization: testAuthHeader,
Content-Length: 50172,
Content-Range: bytes 0-50172/50172,
Content-Type: image/jpeg,
If-Match: 1,
User-Agent:  (en-IE; Grinder),

I make the following connection:

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request(method, uriStr, body, additionalHeaders)

method = PUT
uriStr is the web app specific URI
body is the raw data (bytes) from the jpg image
additionalHeaders are the headers above

For some reason I keep getting a Status 400 error from the web server.
Is it possible to PUT (or POST?) data in this fashion using httplib?

Many thanks for your help

Re: For_loops hurt my brain.

2008-07-16 Thread Dan
On Jul 16, 1:42 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This script uses a simple for loop to zip some files. However I am
 repeating code that cries out for a nested loop. My two lists of
 files_to_be_zipped (spare and seekfacts) are of uneven length so I
 can't seem to decipher the for_logic. I would appreciate any help.
 Thanks, Bill

 import zipfile
 import os

 zips = [
 spare = [
 seekfacts = [

 zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[0], 'w')
 for files in spare:
 zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

 zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(zips[1], 'w')
 for files in seekfacts:
 zFile.write(files, os.path.basename(files), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

I would do something like this:

import zipfile
import os

zip_dict = { 'spare' : ['c:/', 'c:/'],
 'seekfacts' : [
] }

for key,value in zip_dict.items():
zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(c:/ % key, 'w')
for fname in value:
zFile.write(fname, os.path.basename(files),

# End untested code.

This implicitly maps thing with the key foo to the zip file c:/, but if you want to be more general, I would suggest thinking
about making a class.


Re: Converting from local - UTC

2008-07-16 Thread Keith Hughitt
Thanks Gabriel!

That helps clear things up for me. The above method works very well. I
only have one remaining question:
How can I pass a datetime object to MySQL?'

So far, what I've been doing is building the query as a string, for

query = INSERT INTO image VALUES(%d, %d, %s, '%s') % (id, meas,
date, 'jpg')

This works fine for regular datetime objects, which are passed as
strings similar
to: 2003-10-01 00:00:00. When incorporating a timezone, however, the
resulting string
is of the form 2003-10-01 00:00:00+00:00. Unfortunately, MySQL does
not recognize
the offset.

I know you said you don't use MySQL, but how would you do something
execute a similar query
on the database you normally interface with?


On Jul 15, 12:04 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:06:30 -0300,KeithHughitt  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  On Jul 12, 12:52 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  En Fri, 11 Jul 2008 15:42:37 -0300,KeithHughitt  
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

   I am having a little trouble figuring out how to convert a python
   datetime to UTC. I have a UTC date (e.g. 2008-07-11 00:00:00). I would
   like to create a UTC date so that when I send it to MySQL (which
   treats all dates at local dates by default), it will already have
   incorporated the proper UTC offset. I've tried looking through the
   docs, but
   have not had any luck.

  You have to use a timezone aware datetime object. If all you want is  
  store an UTC date, the tzinfo demo classes that you can find in the  
  docs at may be enough.

  Thanks for advice Gabriel. I downloaded the tzinfo demo class, saved
  it as and imported it. I'm still not exactly sure how to use it
  though. It looks like
  the file already creates an instance of the UTC tzinfo class (line 20:
  utc = UTC()),
  however, when I try to test it out in the interpreter, it cannot be
  found. I'm new
  to python, and there is probably something obvious I'm missing, but do
  you have any ideas?

 The import statement in Python doesn't behave the same way as similar  
 statements in other languages - and it may be confusing you. I'll try to  
 explain it using this example.
 You have:
 - a *file*, containing the source code for the *module* UTC. It  
 - a *class* definition (UTC) and
 - an *instance* of that class, utc.

 --- begin ---If you pass a timezone aware datetime object as a SQL 
 class UTC(tzinfo):
 utc = UTC()
 --- end ---

  Here is what I'm attempting:

   output begin =

  Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Apr 21 2008, 11:12:42)
  [GCC 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import datetime, UTC

 Here you have imported the *module* UTC. That is, the name UTC now refers  
 to a newly created module just loaded from the file.

  t = datetime.datetime(2008, 7, 14, 00, 00, 00, UTC())
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File stdin, line 1, in module
  TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

 The error comes from UTC(): UTC is a module, UTC() is attempting to call  
 it, and since modules are not callable objects, we get a TypeError.

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File stdin, line 1, in module
  NameError: name 'utc' is not defined

 The *only* name we have imported so far is UTC - the module. Lowercase utc  
 isn't defined.

  utc = UTC()
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File stdin, line 1, in module
  TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

 Same as above...

 Ok, how to solve it? We know that UTC refers to the *module* with the same  
 name. To get the *class* inside that module, use UTC.UTC - try again in  
 the interpreter. To create a new instance of that class, you can use  
 UTC.UTC(). To obtain the instance already created in the UTC module, use  


 Import those names explicitely:

 py from UTC import UTC

 In this case the name UTC refers to the *class* inside the module.
 In this particular example it may be confusing - both have the same name.  
 Another example from the standard library: the poplib module contains a  
 POP3 class, so after executing this line:

 py from poplib import POP3

 the name POP3 refers to that class. The poplib module itself isn't  
 directly available.
 Back to the UTC module, you could use:

 py from UTC import utc

 and now utc refers to the *instance* already created inside the module.  
 This last form may be the most convenient in your case:

 py import datetime
 py from UTC import utc
 py print datetime.datetime(2008, 7, 14, 20, 30, 0, 0, utc)
 2008-07-14 20:30:00+00:00

 Gabriel Genellina


Re: Is there any component-oriented (non-MVC) web framework available for Python?

2008-07-16 Thread Phillip B Oldham
On Jul 16, 6:48 pm, Alis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any component-oriented (non-MVC) web framework available for

 That is something like Apache Wicket, Tapestry or JSF, but I need it
 to be in Python.


Have you looked at kamaelia?

Re: bad recursion, still works

2008-07-16 Thread Peter Pearson
On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 15:20:23 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Hope this helps more than it confuses.

Absolutely.  It is wonderfully enlightening.  Many thanks.

To email me, substitute nowhere-spamcop, invalid-net.

Re: Testing for connection to a website

2008-07-16 Thread Alexnb

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Alexnb wrote:
 e = ''
 except HTTPError, e:
 print e.code
 except URLError, e:
 print e.reason
 if e == '':
 print good to go
 footnote: here's a better way to test if an exception was raised or not:
  except HTTPError, e:
  print e.code
  except URLError, e:
  print e.reason
  print good to go

Thanks! can't believe I didn't think of that. 

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Re: Is re.findall guaranteed to be in order?

2008-07-16 Thread Joshua Kugler
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 Joshua Kugler wrote:
 Experimenting has shown me that re.findall() will return a list with the
 matches in the order it found them.
 in the order it found them doesn't really say much, does it? ;-)
 findall and finditer both scans the string from left to right, and
 will return matches in that order.
 (the documentation is a bit vague, so if you have the time, please add a
 request for clarification to the bug tracker)




py2exe issues with pictures and icons

2008-07-16 Thread Alexnb


I am sure most of you are familiar with py2exe. I am having a bit of a
problem. See the program has a few pictures involved and the .ico it uses
for the windows. However, the pictures are stored in the same directory as
the source, something like: C:\Docs and settings\me\My docs\python\program.
When I run the program for the interpreter, just as a .py, everything works
just as it should. However, when I compile the main source as an .exe, and
say let a friend try the program. It fails because it is missing the .ico.
The catch, is I don't want to have it have to installed, at least at this
point, I want it to be able to just run. So how can I make it just run from
any computer with the files not being in the immediate directory. If that is
not possible, how can I put them in the immediate directory and still make
it work. Because that directory may change a lot so the path will change. 

Just a few questions. I hope someone out there can help me out!
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Re: Framework recommendations for web service?

2008-07-16 Thread Joshua Kugler
Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 So, can anyone suggest a lightweight python framework which just does
 the essentials? is pretty slim (not to be confused with web2py).

Pylons isn't very large, depending on what you call essential.



Re: Framework recommendations for web service?

2008-07-16 Thread Ivan Ven Osdel
What we *do* need is a lightweight, simple framework that will allow
us to create a RESTful interface and throw code together fast. We'll
probably go with SQLObject (unless we can extract the ORM from django
- lazy evaluation would be very useful), and we're just looking for
something fast and light to sit between that and the thrift interfaces
we'll create.

So, can anyone suggest a lightweight python framework which just does
the essentials?

Have you looked at CherryPy? It's very simple to get up and running and can be 
changed to go through Apache if you need it to be fast. 

I don't think RESTful interfaces are built in but I know people have 
succesfully built RESTful apps on top of CherryPy. Also plans for REST in 
CherryPy 3 look promising. Here is a post I ran across from one of the 

Hey there,

CherryPy 3 is currently under brainstorming before being first draft. There 
some feature we do want such as the ability to change the URL dispatching at 
will depending on what is required for a given application.

One dispatching rule I do want is the one based on HTTP verbs. So it might take 
a few months to get there but eventually it will be a built-in :)

- Sylvain

Ivan Ven Osdel
Senior Software Engineer

Re: Framework recommendations for web service?

2008-07-16 Thread Ivan Ven Osdel
I don't think RESTful interfaces are built in but I know people have 
succesfully built RESTful apps on top of CherryPy. Also plans for REST in 
CherryPy 3 look promising. Here is a post I ran across from one of the 

Hey there,

CherryPy 3 is currently under brainstorming before being first draft. There 
some feature we do want such as the ability to change the URL dispatching at 
will depending on what is required for a given application.

One dispatching rule I do want is the one based on HTTP verbs. So it might 
take a few months to get there but eventually it will be a built-in :)

- Sylvain

My apologies, it appears that post was from 2006!

Ivan Ven Osdel
Senior Software Engineer

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