ANN: Simulation package SimPy -- release 2.0 beta

2008-11-03 Thread kgmuller
We are happy to announce the release of SimPy 2.0 beta, a major release. 
Download from:

Feedback (errors found, proposals for changes, etc.) is 
requested, using the SimPy Users Mailing List

The new version has been largely developed by 

What is SimPy?
SimPy is a process-based discrete-event simulation language
based on standard Python and released under the GNU LGPL. 

It provides the modeller with components of a simulation
model. These include processes, for active components like
customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for
passive components that form limited capacity congestion
points like servers, checkout counters, and tunnels. It
also provides monitor variables to aid in gathering

What is new in SimPy 2.0?
In addition to its existing API, SimPy now also has an
object oriented API.
The additional API 

- allows running SimPy in parallel on multiple processors
  or multi-core CPUs, using Parallel Python.
- supports better structuring of SimPy programs,
- allows easy extension of model classes by sub-classing,
  thus providing a capability for developing application
- allows subclassing of class *Simulation* and thus
  provides users with the capability of creating new
  simulation modes/libraries like *SimulationTrace*, and
- reduces the total amount of SimPy code, thereby making 
  it easier to maintain.

Note that the OO API is in addition to the old API. 
SimPy 2.0 is fully backward compatible.

SimPy's documentation has been restructured and processed
by the Sphinx documentation generation tool. This has
generated one coherent, well structured document which can
be easily browsed. A search capability is included.

SimPy 2.0 has been primarily developed by Stefan Scherfke 
and Ontje Lünsdorf, starting from SimPy 1.9. Their work 
has resulted in a most elegant combination of an object 
oriented API with the existing API, maintaining full 
backward compatibility. It has been quite easy to 
integrate their product into the existing SimPy code 
and documentation environment.

Thanks, guys, for this great job! SimPy 2.0 is dedicated to you!

The many contributions of the SimPy user and developer 
communities are of course also gratefully acknowledged.

Download, test, enjoy and give us feedback!

Happy SimPying!

Klaus MullerTony Vignaux

attachment: winmail.dat--

Support the Python Software Foundation:

IMDbPY 3.8

2008-11-03 Thread Davide Alberani
IMDbPY 3.8 is available (tgz, deb, rpm, exe) from:
IMDbPY is a Python package useful to retrieve and manage the data of
the IMDb movie database about movies, people, characters and companies.

With this release, it's possible to access the data in the sql database
using both the SQLObject and SQLAlchemy ORMs. Many bugs were also

Platform-independent and written in pure Python (and few C lines), it
can retrieve data from both the IMDb's web server and a local copy of
the whole database.

IMDbPY package can be very easily used by programmers and developers
to provide access to the IMDb's data to their programs.
Some simple example scripts are included in the package; other
IMDbPY-based programs are available from the home page.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Elisa Media Center 0.5.17 Release

2008-11-03 Thread Olivier Tilloy
Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.17, code-named Dazed And Confused.

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

This release brings its usual lot of bug fixes and important performance

A complete list of the new features and bugs fixed by this release is
available at:

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a nice evening,

The Elisa team

Elisa 0.5.17 Dazed And Confused

This is Elisa 0.5.17, seventeenth release of the 0.5 branch.

Bugs fixed since 0.5.16:

- 289901: audio icon missing
- 291183: Regression: the player cannot display popups
- 293186: Multiple widgets give wrong visual focus information
- 278953: .po files are not compilable as shipped in the tarballs
- 290012: PPA package for 0.5.16 error: python 2.4 invalid syntax
- 291479: [linux] Coherence plugin fails to load because of a dependency on 
- 287506: [win32] installer shouldn't update the c libraries if it's not needed
- 291553: Media scanner stop() dbus method does not return when not running


You can find source releases of Elisa on the download page:

Elisa Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use Launchpad for bug reports and feature requests:


All code is in a Bazaar branch and can be checked out from there.
It is hosted on Launchpad:

Contributors to this release:

- Alessandro Decina
- Benjamin Kampmann
- David McLeod
- Florian Boucault
- Guido Amoruso
- Guillaume Emont
- Jesús Corrius
- Lionel Martin
- Olivier Tilloy
- Philippe Normand

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Bulova Marine Star Mens Watch 96B98 Collection

2008-11-03 Thread ndata
Bulova Marine Star Mens Watch 96B98 Collection

Watches Collection Site :
Bulova Marine Star Mens Watch 96B98 View Full :

Bulova Marine Star Mens Watch 96B98 AdditionalInfo :

Brand :   Bulova ( )
Gender :  Mens
Code :   Bulova-96B98
Also Called :   $
Movement :Quartz
Bezel :   Fixed
Case Material :Stainless Steel
Case Diameter :
Dial Color :   White
Crystal : Mineral
Clasp :   Stainless Steel
Water Resistant : 100m/330ft

Stainless Steel Case and bracelet. White patterned dial. Chronograph
Functions. Tachometer. Alarm. Luminous hands and markers. Domed
crystal. Stainless steel case and bracelet. Screw back. Fold-over
buckle with lock. Water resistant to 100 meters/330 feet.
BRDimensions: 41mm

The Bulova Watches Collection Series :

Bulova Diamond Watches Collection :
Bulova Bracelet Watches Collection :
Bulova Crystal Watches Collection :
Bulova Bangle Watches Collection :
Bulova 14kt Gold Watches Collection :
Bulova Marine Star Watches Collection :
Bulova Brilliants Watches Collection :
Bulova Maestro Watches Collection :
Bulova Millennia Watches Collection :
Bulova Precious Watches Collection :
Bulova Overture Watches Collection :
Bulova Strap Watches Collection :
Hard to Find Bulova Watches Collection :
Bulova Clocks Collection :

Re: push-style templating - an xml-like way to process xhtml

2008-11-03 Thread has
On 2 Nov, 14:06, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  An opposite approach to this form of dynamic HTML production is called
  push-style templating, as coined by Terence Parr:


 a href=$attr.url$$attr.title$/a

 This looks ugly to me.

It also looks like an embedded mini-language to me.

At any rate, I think making a 'push/pull' distinction misses the

There are basically three approaches a templating system can use:

1. embed your control logic in your presentation markup,

2. embed your presentation markup in your control logic, or

3. keep the two separate and transform the presentation markup into
some sort of DOM that can then be manipulated by the control code.

What's significant here is the division of labour within the overall
program. With the first two approaches, the templating engine handles
both presentation and control (i.e. pretty much the entire View
layer). The third approach only provides the presentation part, and
does and says nothing about how the control part is implemented. So
you can't really make a direct comparison of, say, Cheetah against
PyMeld, as they don't cover the same amount of ground. Instead, you
ought to consider how the entire View layer is put together in each

- A Cheetah-based View is implemented as an HTML file with all of the
required control code embedded in it.

- A PyMeld-based View is implemented as an HTML file with id
attributes that indicate which HTML elements should be converted into
object model nodes, *plus* a Python module containing the control code
that manipulates those nodes when rendering a finished document.

Once you do compare like with like, the 'push/pull' distinction
becomes somewhat irrelevant, as the control code for a PyMeld-based
View could be pushing or it could be pulling. It's up to each
program's developer to decide which way they want to do it - and in a
proper MVC design it should always be pulling.


A more useful distinction to make is between templating systems that
combine appearance and control, and those that keep them separate, as
this has significant implications when considering which type of
templating system to choose, e.g.:

- how complex the interface is, e.g. Cheetah's interface is larger and
more complex than PyMeld's (even though they do the same thing), which
means a longer learning curve

- how clean the division of responsibility is, e.g. PyMeld separates
HTML markup from Python code, which provides an obvious advantage if
you've got a web designer handling one task and a Python programmer
handling the other, or a likely disadvantage if both tasks are being
handled by a relatively non-technical web designer

- how abstract the program's View implementation is, e.g. a PyMeld-
based View is more abstract than a Cheetah one, as markup and code are
physically separate and are only combined in memory, which means the
logic developer has to work harder in mentally modelling their View
layer's structure and behaviour.


Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:


Re: how to call this dll in python

2008-11-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Shark schrieb:

I have a windows dll1.dll with a export function:

int f1(char filename,char **buf,int *bufLen)
int len;
//got the length of file anyway,such as 100
len = 100;//len = getLen(filename);
*buf = (char*)calloc(100);
*bufLen = len;
return 0;

then how can I call the f1 function with python.
thanks for your response.

If the above is *really* what you want to access from python, you 
shouldn't bother  write it new in python itself. You could either use

bufLen = len(open(filename).read())

or make a os.stat-call.

If it serves only as a rather ugly illustrative example, then you should 
investigate the ctypes-module of python, which is made for accessing 
arbitrary dlls from python.


wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread mh
I am instantiating a class A (which I am importing from somebody
else, so I can't modify it) into my class X.

Is there a way I can intercept or wrape calls to methods in A?
I.e., in the code below can I call


and get the output


Many TIA!

class A:
# in my real application, this is an imported class
# that I cannot modify
def p1(self): print 'A.p1'

class X:
def __init__(self):
def pre(self): print 'X.pre'
def post(self): print ''


Mark Harrison
Pixar Animation Studios

Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch


I am instantiating a class A (which I am importing from somebody
else, so I can't modify it) into my class X.

Is there a way I can intercept or wrape calls to methods in A?
I.e., in the code below can I call


and get the output


Many TIA!

class A:
# in my real application, this is an imported class
# that I cannot modify
def p1(self): print 'A.p1'

class X:
def __init__(self):
def pre(self): print 'X.pre'
def post(self): print ''


There are a few ways to accompish this. First of all, Python allows 
monkey-patching. That means you *can* modify it:

import sys

class X(object):
def foo(self):
print foo = lambda self: sys.stdout.write(more than foo)

x = X()

You can of course wrap the old foo instead of replacing it, with 
something like

def foowrapper(old_foo):

   def _w(self, *args, **kwargs):
   print wrapped
   return old_foo(self, *args, **kwargs)

   return _w = foowrapper(

Alternatively, you can wrap the whole of X into a proxy, based on 
__getattr__ that will allow you do intercept all delegate calls.

class Wrapper(object):
   def __init__(self, delegate):
   self._delegate = delegate

   def __getattr__(self, name):
   print accessing, name
   return getattr(self._delegate, name)



Re: Why does numpy.array(a[0],b[0]) have this meaning?

2008-11-03 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 23:26:24 -0800, Rick Giuly wrote:

 Case 1
 This generates an error, which makes sense because the argument should
 be a list of numbers:
 Case 2
 This does not generate an error and the result is an array with a single
 a = numpy.array([10])
 b = numpy.array([10])
 The only different I see here between the numpy.array call in the cases
 is that
 a[0] is a numpy int32
 10 is an int
 Why would this minor difference in integer types cause a totally
 different result for the two cases - or is something else causing the
 difference in results?

From the `numpy.array` docstring:

  object - an array, any object exposing the array interface, any
object whose __array__ method returns an array, or any
(nested) sequence.

And `numpy.int32` instances have an `__array__()` method:

In [225]: ten = numpy.int32(10)

In [226]: ten.__array__()
Out[226]: array(10)

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Simplifying anonymous inner classes?

2008-11-03 Thread Duncan Booth
Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

def __init__(self, ...):
  self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(...)
def __call__(self, argv): # argv is a list like sys.argv
  options, args = self.parser.parse_args(argv)
  # do something with options/args
 So that background provided, the original question was more about 
 how to create anonymous sub-classes with overridden methods so my 
 Backend objects' code  namespaces weren't littered with objects 
 that were only defined to be instantiated once in exactly the 
 location they were defined.

I think Martin v. Löwis expanded sufficiently on the idea of using 
decorators, so I'll just point out one problem you may run into: the 
pseudo-code you posted will create callable attributes on the class, but 
unless you also implement the descriptor protocol they won't act like 
methods. i.e. you won't get any reference to the instance on which you 
called load/run/frob or whatever.

Of course the decorator solution has the opposite problem: you get a 
reference to your Backend instance but not to the decorated function 
itself. That probably shouldn't matter: what you wrote above looks to me 
like you just do:

class DatabaseBackend:
def load(self, options, args):

and the parse_args call is something done in the decorator rather than 
repeated in each and every method that follows this pattern. Or even 
better make the options parse to specific keyword arguments so you can 
test an option directly inside the method rather than having to look it 
up in a dictionary.

class DatabaseBackend:
@Action(load a thang into memory).
   add_option(-f, --file, help=load from file,
   add_option(--frobnify, help=frobnify the thang,
 default=False, action=store_true)
def load(self, file, frobnify, args):

Duncan Booth

Re: How to make money with Python!

2008-11-03 Thread gardsted

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-10-31, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If that subject line didn't trip everyone's killfiles, see
for a fantastic story involving Python.

Doh!  The very clever pun went right past me several times
before I finally caught on (with some help from a poster on /.)

beautiful work of art

Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 08:17:02 +, mh wrote:

 I am instantiating a class A (which I am importing from somebody else,
 so I can't modify it) into my class X.
 Is there a way I can intercept or wrape calls to methods in A? I.e., in
 the code below can I call
 and get the output

Possibly you can do it with some metaclass magic. You might like to 
search for Eiffel-style pre- and post-conditions using a metaclass, 
although I warn you, many people consider metaclasses deep voodoo.

Here's one way using decorators:

# Define two decorator factories.
def precall(pre):
def decorator(f):
def newf(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return newf
return decorator

def postcall(post):
def decorator(f):
def newf(*args, **kwargs):
x = f(*args, **kwargs)
return x
return newf
return decorator

Now you can monkey patch class A if you want. It's probably not a great 
idea to do this in production code, as it will effect class A everywhere.

def pre(): print 'X.pre'
def post(): print ''

from module import A

A.p1 = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(A.p1))

Here's another way:

class A:
# in my real application, this is an imported class 
# that I cannot modify
def p1(self): print 'A.p1'

class WrapA:
def __init__(self, ainstance, xinstance):
self._a = ainstance
self._x = xinstance
def p1(self):
# Delegate calls as needed.

class X:
def __init__(self):
self.a = WrapA(A(), self)
def pre(self):
print 'X.pre'
def post(self): 
print ''

There are probably many other ways to accomplish the same thing, 
depending on your exact requirements. You should be able to combine the 
decorator technique and the delegation technique to leave class A 
untouched outside of class X, but wrapped inside of X.



length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread TP
Hi everybody,

I have a question about the difference of behavior of len when applied on
tuples or on lists. I mean:

$ len( ( 'foo', 'bar' ) )
$ len( ( 'foo' ) )
$ len( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] )
$ len( [ 'foo' ] )

Why this behavior for the length computation of a tuple?
For my application, I prefer the behavior of length for a list. If I want to
store some values in a tuple because they should not be modified, the case
where the tuple contains only one element bothers me.


python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in '*9(9(18%.91+,\'Z

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong. (first law of AC Clarke)

Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread ostra pikula
Hello everyone,

please, I need your help. I'm a beginner in python and this is
probably elemental to you, but represents quote a goggle for me.

I'm trying to write out a calendar for a year, in this form (imaginary
month below):
2008, February
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
01  02  03  04  05  06
07  08  09  10  11 ... et cetera
2008, March
... (same as above, only for march)

(don't know how this will come up in your newsreaders, but you get the
general idea).

I discovered datetime module, but I'm not sure how to do the actual
calendar writeout (formatting). Please, if you could throw a tip or
two, I'd be very grateful.


p.s. This is not homework or anything in that direction. It's just I'm
not a programmer, and so this and everything is still new to me.

Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
ostra pikula [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello everyone,

 please, I need your help. I'm a beginner in python and this is
 probably elemental to you, but represents quote a goggle for me.

 I'm trying to write out a calendar for a year, in this form (imaginary
 month below):
   2008, February
   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
   01  02  03  04  05  06
   07  08  09  10  11 ... et cetera
   2008, March
   ... (same as above, only for march)

 (don't know how this will come up in your newsreaders, but you get the
 general idea).

 I discovered datetime module, but I'm not sure how to do the actual
 calendar writeout (formatting). Please, if you could throw a tip or
 two, I'd be very grateful.


 p.s. This is not homework or anything in that direction. It's just I'm
 not a programmer, and so this and everything is still new to me.

Have your looked at the calendar module?



How to protect website from access without authentication?

2008-11-03 Thread Good Z
Dear All, 

We are developing a website and would like to password protect the whole site. 

If any user visit our site using ip address or using the http link, he/she will 
be asked for login password and then granted the access to whole site based on 
the correct password. Help will be appreciated. 

Thank  Regards,


Re: Structures

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Paulo J. Matos:
 Since Python focus
 on having one way to do it and structures are something like classes
 with only public methods, if I want structures that's what I should use.
 Is that right?

Yes, it is. On the other hand in Python 2.6 there's something that
helps you build one of such classes in a standard and handy way: see
namedtuple in the standard collections module.


Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread Tino Wildenhain

一首诗 wrote:

Hi all,

Today I wrote some code like this:

for m in self.messages:
if not m.finished:

#process the message

fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
for m in fini:

As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
process them, and then remove them from the list.

Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
a list fini to accomplish the target.

I found a smell of bad performance here.
Is there any faster ways?

I'm not getting what your code really wants to do -
you are iterating over messages, and if its
not finished, skip over it and process all
which are finished. (If they are finished, why
process them?) Wouln't it make more sense
to call the process where you process the messages?
And you could just pop() the list or use some
of the queue implementations for better performance.


def enqueue_messages(self,msg):
def process_messages(self):
if self.messages:

if you want some post processing,
its really like you are acting in
different stages, so you could just
have two lists for your messages:
one for the messages in phase1,
one for the messages passed phase1 and
now in phase2 and work over them in
the way shown above.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Exact match with regular expression

2008-11-03 Thread Mr . SpOOn
On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 1:57 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rob
 Williscroft wrote:

 Read (and bookmark) this:

 Funny how you never get a thank-you when you tell people to RTFM.

My fault :\
I said thank you to Rob, but I just sent a private message. It's
just that I did a reply and not reply to all.

Anyway, I RTFM and solved my problem :)

Thanks again,

Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread Peter Otten
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

 The typical way to do this is to iterate over the list in reverse
 order and then using the item index as basis for removing the
 for i, item in enumerate(reversed(mylist)):
 # process item
 del mylist[i]
 Sorry, the above should read:
 for i, item in reversed(enumerate(mylist)):
  # process item
  del mylist[i]

It's harder to get right than it might first appear:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: argument to reversed() must be a sequence

I think simplest approach is

for index in reversed(range(len(mylist))):
item = mylist[index]

But I usually build a new list.



Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread ostra pikula
On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 14:14:00 +0100, ostra pikula

Hello everyone,

please, I need your help. I'm a beginner in python and this is
probably elemental to you, but represents quote a goggle for me.

I'm trying to write out a calendar for a year, in this form (imaginary
month below):
   2008, February
   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
   01  02  03  04  05  06
   07  08  09  10  11 ... et cetera
   2008, March
   ... (same as above, only for march)

My mistake here (well, whose else would it be ?!); it's supposed to go
2008, February  2008, March

Months are supposed to go, one after the other in a row, not in a


Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Tim Chase

For making a literal tuple, parentheses are irrelevant; only the
commas matter:

I don't think I'd go so far as to say that the parentheses around 
tuples are *irrelevant*...maybe just relevant in select contexts

  def foo(*args):
 ... for i, arg in enumerate(args):
 ... print i, arg
 0 1
 1 2
  foo((1,2))  # these parens are pretty important :)
 0 (1, 2)

pedantically-grinning-ducktyping-and-running-ly yers,



Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread Peter Otten
Chris Rebert wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today I wrote some code like this:

 Build a new list as you go, then overwrite the old list with it.
 unfinished = []
for m in self.messages:
if not m.finished:

#process the message

 Remove the following code
fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
for m in fini:
 self.messages[:] = unfinished


self.messages = unfinished

if also OK unless you have multiple references to the self.messages list.
 This way you aren't calling .remove() multiple times and only iterate
 through the list once.


Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread ostra pikula
On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 13:25:44 +, Arnaud Delobelle

Have your looked at the calendar module?


Hello Arnaud, thank you for replying.

Yes, I saw the calendar module, but, as I said, this isn't homework or
something like that. It is an example which I've setted myself to try
to solve to see how it would go.
Calendar just gives me the solution :-(


Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread mh
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now you can monkey patch class A if you want. It's probably not a great 
 idea to do this in production code, as it will effect class A everywhere.

This is perfect for me.  The code in question is basically a protocol
translator... it receives requests over the network, makes some calls,
and returns the result translated back to the original protocol, so there's
a single instance of each A,B, etc.

 A.p1 = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(A.p1))

Is there a way to do this for all callable methods of A? e.g.

for x in callable_methods(A):
x = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(x))


Mark Harrison
Pixar Animation Studios

Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-11-03 12:12, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 一首诗 wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today I wrote some code like this:

 for m in self.messages:
 if not m.finished:

 #process the message

 fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
 for m in fini:

 As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
 process them, and then remove them from the list.

 Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
 a list fini to accomplish the target.

 I found a smell of bad performance here.
 Is there any faster ways?
 The typical way to do this is to iterate over the list in reverse
 order and then using the item index as basis for removing the
 for i, item in enumerate(reversed(mylist)):
 # process item
 del mylist[i]

Sorry, the above should read:

for i, item in reversed(enumerate(mylist)):
 # process item
 del mylist[i]

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Nov 03 2008)
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   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today I wrote some code like this:

Build a new list as you go, then overwrite the old list with it.

unfinished = []

for m in self.messages:
if not m.finished:

#process the message

Remove the following code

fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
for m in fini:

self.messages[:] = unfinished

This way you aren't calling .remove() multiple times and only iterate
through the list once.

Follow the path of the Iguana...

 As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
 process them, and then remove them from the list.

 Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
 a list fini to accomplish the target.

 I found a smell of bad performance here.
 Is there any faster ways?


Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread skip
ostra It is an example which I've setted myself to try to solve to see
ostra how it would go.

An even simpler solution is the cal command on Unix systems:

% cal 2009

 S  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  S
 1  2  31  2  3  4  5  6  71  2  3  4  5  6  7
 4  5  6  7  8  9 108  9 10 11 12 13 148  9 10 11 12 13 14
11 12 13 14 15 16 17   15 16 17 18 19 20 21   15 16 17 18 19 20 21
18 19 20 21 22 23 24   22 23 24 25 26 27 28   22 23 24 25 26 27 28
25 26 27 28 29 30 31  29 30 31

 S  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  S
  1  2  3  4   1  2   1  2  3  4  5  6
 5  6  7  8  9 10 113  4  5  6  7  8  97  8  9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17 18   10 11 12 13 14 15 16   14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25   17 18 19 20 21 22 23   21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   28 29 30
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  S
  1  2  3  4  1  1  2  3  4  5
 5  6  7  8  9 10 112  3  4  5  6  7  86  7  8  9 10 11 12
12 13 14 15 16 17 189 10 11 12 13 14 15   13 14 15 16 17 18 19
19 20 21 22 23 24 25   16 17 18 19 20 21 22   20 21 22 23 24 25 26
26 27 28 29 30 31  23 24 25 26 27 28 29   27 28 29 30
   30 31
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  SS  M Tu  W Th  F  S
 1  2  31  2  3  4  5  6  7  1  2  3  4  5
 4  5  6  7  8  9 108  9 10 11 12 13 146  7  8  9 10 11 12
11 12 13 14 15 16 17   15 16 17 18 19 20 21   13 14 15 16 17 18 19
18 19 20 21 22 23 24   22 23 24 25 26 27 28   20 21 22 23 24 25 26
25 26 27 28 29 30 31   29 30  27 28 29 30 31


If you really want to write something yourself take a look at the datetime
module.  Here's a trivial (untested) example:

import datetime
date = datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
while date  end:
date += oneday

Correctness, formatting and efficiency are left as an exercise for the
reader. ;-)

Skip Montanaro - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Steve Holden
 Where OR, AND, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR are the bitwise operators.
 Having to type (| |) often is less handy, for example this code:

Which is precisely why bare parentheses are used. And remember, you
often don't need to put the parentheses in. While this kind of beginner
mistake is common it isn't one that's frequently repeated once the
learner understands the syntax.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread 一首诗
Thanks!  That's a more clear way!

On Nov 3, 9:38 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Rebert wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,

  Today I wrote some code like this:

  Build a new list as you go, then overwrite the old list with it.

  unfinished = []

 for m in self.messages:
 if not m.finished:

 #process the message

  Remove the following code

 fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
 for m in fini:

  self.messages[:] = unfinished


 self.messages = unfinished

 if also OK unless you have multiple references to the self.messages list.

  This way you aren't calling .remove() multiple times and only iterate
  through the list once.



2008-11-03 Thread Eric Carlson


I have pondered this notion of a 3d sketcher a bit myself. Before I go 
on, here is a quote from writer Neil Gaiman, author of some very good books:

Every Published writer has had it - the people who come up to you and 
tell you that they've Got An Idea. And boy, is it a Doozy. It's such a 
Doozy that they want to Cut You In On It. The proposal is always the 
same - they'll tell you the idea (the hard bit), you write it down and 
turn it into a novel (the easy bit), the two of you split the money 

In this spirit, let me offer the following observations/suggestions:

Mayavi, the open source data visualization system from, 
does a very nice job of high-level wrapping of The Visualization 
Toolkit. VTK has both high-level wrappings of OpenGL for display, as 
well as many modules to import/export various 3D file formats, merging 
or clipping 3D objects, constructive solid geometry, etc. All of the 
lower-level VTK routines can be accessed through the traited VTK wrapper 
(TVTK) from enthought. Once you have a Mayavi scene, it is a simple 
matter to add anything to it, or to modify any of the objects in the scene.

Although Mayavi has evolved to be reasonably backend independent, the 
current version interacts most easily with the wxpython GUI toolkit. 
Given that they work well together, I would say that a combination of 
wxpython, Mayavi, and enthought Traits (recent stable versions and 
Python 2.5) could lead to a very interesting 3d sketching application.

If you install the wxpython demos and samples (an absolute necessity if 
you program with wxpython), you can dig through the installation 
directory and find a samples subdirectory, and in there you can find 
another folder called pySketch. This app is a nice 2D sketching 
program with everything I really need for simple 2D sketches, except 
rotating objects (and I had to hack it to get a button to save an image 
and copy to clipboard) - it could probably also use buttons for various 
common drawing objects. If nothing else, this example might give an idea 
of a possible layout, and source for how to set it up.

For the 3d sketching, you would have to have some buttons for object 
creation (various polyhedra, sphere, ellipse, arbitrary explicit 
function, implicit function, constructive solid geometry surface, maybe 
a library of predefined widgets), extruding, surfaces of rotations, 
button or menu for importing/exporting an object, some buttons for 
clipping and merging objects (additive and subtractive merges), some 
buttons for object transformations (scaling, rotations, precise 
placement in a scene, parametric stretching, twisting/turning, mirroring 
objects), button for duplications, and buttons for setting object 

There are many examples of embedding a mayavi scene in other 
applications given in the examples directory at the mayavi/tvtk 
developer repository.

Also, I have come to appreciate very much the wxpython AUI managed 
frame, which lets you move panels, toolbars, whatever, to pretty much 
any location within your frame. This means that anyone using your 
application can customize their layout with trivial effort.

I doubt that I can get around to any of this until late next year, but I 
would be happy to assist if you want to take a shot at it...

Eric Carlson


Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
 一首诗 wrote:
 Hi all,

 Today I wrote some code like this:

 for m in self.messages:
 if not m.finished:

 #process the message

 fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
 for m in fini:

 As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
 process them, and then remove them from the list.

 Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
 a list fini to accomplish the target.

 I found a smell of bad performance here.
 Is there any faster ways?

The typical way to do this is to iterate over the list in reverse
order and then using the item index as basis for removing the

for i, item in enumerate(reversed(mylist)):
# process item
del mylist[i]

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Nov 03 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
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 Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: How to uninstall setuptools

2008-11-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Roger Erens wrote:

 On my Ubuntu8.04 box I installed python-all and subsequently setuptools
 for both 2.4 and 2.5 interpreters. To make a clean upgrade to 8.10 I
 need to uninstall setuptools. Any hints for doing that?

It sounds as if you installed it using debian package management. Then you
can just deinstall with that (or better yet upgrade).

If you installed manually, it should suffice to rip
out /usr/lib/python2.*/site-packages/[setuptools*|easy-install*]
and /usr/bin/easy_install*.


encoding in lxml

2008-11-03 Thread jasiu85

I have a problem with character encoding in LXML. Here's how it goes:

I read an HTML document from a third-party site. It is supposed to be
in UTF-8, but unfortunately from time to time it's not. I parse the
document like this:

html_doc = HTML(string_with_document)

Then I retrieve some info from the document with XPath:

xpath_nodes = html_doc('/html/body/something')

Now I'm guaranteed that the xpath_nodes list contains only one
element. So I read it's content:


And I get exception here. The exception is coming from the text
property of an Element object. The problem is that the text contains a
non-utf8 character. LXML seems to be using strict decoding and I can't
find a way to make it ignore the error. Is there anything I can do to
retrieve the text without getting an exception?



Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:57 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now you can monkey patch class A if you want. It's probably not a great
 idea to do this in production code, as it will effect class A everywhere.

 This is perfect for me.  The code in question is basically a protocol
 translator... it receives requests over the network, makes some calls,
 and returns the result translated back to the original protocol, so there's
 a single instance of each A,B, etc.

 A.p1 = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(A.p1))

 Is there a way to do this for all callable methods of A? e.g.

for x in callable_methods(A):
x = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(x))

for name, attr in A.__dict__.iteritems():
if callable(attr):
A.__dict__[name] = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(attr))

Follow the path of the Iguana...


 Mark Harrison
 Pixar Animation Studios


Re: Structures

2008-11-03 Thread Steve Holden
Paulo J. Matos wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am a Python beginner, reading through 2.6 tutorial. I am wondering
 where are structures?
 On the other hand, I think I might have the answer. Since Python focus
 on having one way to do it and structures are something like classes
 with only public methods, if I want structures that's what I should use.
 Is that right?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Steve Holden:
 While this kind of beginner
 mistake is common it isn't one that's frequently repeated once the
 learner understands the syntax.

You may be right, but I don't have to like it.
When you teach programming to people that have never done it before,
and you use Python, they spot similar inconsistences in the blink of
an eye and often look annoyed. They want a clean language, so you have
to explain them the difference between a practical engineering system
(like Python/Scheme or on the opposite C++) and an abstract system
that you can use to reason (like some parts of mathematics they know).
The good thing is that Python3 fixes some of those things :-)



2008-11-03 Thread r
On Nov 3, 8:29 am, Eric Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have pondered this notion of a 3d sketcher a bit myself. Before I go
 on, here is a quote from writer Neil Gaiman, author of some very good books:

 Every Published writer has had it - the people who come up to you and
 tell you that they've Got An Idea. And boy, is it a Doozy. It's such a
 Doozy that they want to Cut You In On It. The proposal is always the
 same - they'll tell you the idea (the hard bit), you write it down and
 turn it into a novel (the easy bit), the two of you split the money

 In this spirit, let me offer the following observations/suggestions:

 Mayavi, the open source data visualization system from,
 does a very nice job of high-level wrapping of The Visualization
 Toolkit. VTK has both high-level wrappings of OpenGL for display, as
 well as many modules to import/export various 3D file formats, merging
 or clipping 3D objects, constructive solid geometry, etc. All of the
 lower-level VTK routines can be accessed through the traited VTK wrapper
 (TVTK) from enthought. Once you have a Mayavi scene, it is a simple
 matter to add anything to it, or to modify any of the objects in the scene.

 Although Mayavi has evolved to be reasonably backend independent, the
 current version interacts most easily with the wxpython GUI toolkit.
 Given that they work well together, I would say that a combination of
 wxpython, Mayavi, and enthought Traits (recent stable versions and
 Python 2.5) could lead to a very interesting 3d sketching application.

 If you install the wxpython demos and samples (an absolute necessity if
 you program with wxpython), you can dig through the installation
 directory and find a samples subdirectory, and in there you can find
 another folder called pySketch. This app is a nice 2D sketching
 program with everything I really need for simple 2D sketches, except
 rotating objects (and I had to hack it to get a button to save an image
 and copy to clipboard) - it could probably also use buttons for various
 common drawing objects. If nothing else, this example might give an idea
 of a possible layout, and source for how to set it up.

 For the 3d sketching, you would have to have some buttons for object
 creation (various polyhedra, sphere, ellipse, arbitrary explicit
 function, implicit function, constructive solid geometry surface, maybe
 a library of predefined widgets), extruding, surfaces of rotations,
 button or menu for importing/exporting an object, some buttons for
 clipping and merging objects (additive and subtractive merges), some
 buttons for object transformations (scaling, rotations, precise
 placement in a scene, parametric stretching, twisting/turning, mirroring
 objects), button for duplications, and buttons for setting object

 There are many examples of embedding a mayavi scene in other
 applications given in the examples directory at the mayavi/tvtk
 developer repository.

 Also, I have come to appreciate very much the wxpython AUI managed
 frame, which lets you move panels, toolbars, whatever, to pretty much
 any location within your frame. This means that anyone using your
 application can customize their layout with trivial effort.

 I doubt that I can get around to any of this until late next year, but I
 would be happy to assist if you want to take a shot at it...

 Eric Carlson

i don't see the gui as a problem, and i think using a toolkit would be
a good
idea at this point to get things going quickly.
i have looked at vtk and it looks promising.

Re: Executing a hidden/background program

2008-11-03 Thread imageguy
On Nov 2, 6:32 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 2, 3:59 am, Mike Driscoll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You probably want to create a Windows service with Python. There are
  various ways to accomplish this.

 Was considering a Windows service too, however would like to avoid
 that as non-Admin users may not be able to do that. While I'm not
 familiar with threading, I'm considering starting a seperate thread
 and use a function such as os.pexec that hangs until the external
 daemon .exe exists.

Check out the wx.lib.delayedresults option in the demo.

Since wx.App needs to run as the main thread, you might be able to run
your as the 'delayedresult'.  As for the main frame of your app,
simply Hide()/Show() when it needs to be visible.  When the wx.App
closes, the thread running the service will automatically shut down.

Other than that ... I think it is a bit more complicated and will
probably require asyncore and/or asynchat.

Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread Tim Chase

Yes, I saw the calendar module, but, as I said, this isn't
homework or something like that. It is an example which I've
setted myself to try to solve to see how it would go. Calendar
just gives me the solution :-(

Part of the answer to a problem is knowing when not to duplicate 
effort that's already been exerted  tested... :)

However, yes, several of my mini apps have wanted to print 
decorated calendars on the command-line so I've had to rehash 
this logic.  The code in the can be instructive, and 
it's not to complex to use the calendar.monthcalendar(year, 
month) function to draw these calendars:

  from calendar import monthcalendar, month_name
  year = 2008
  for month in range(1,13):
print year, month_name[month]
for i,week in enumerate(monthcalendar(year, month)):
  print Week %i % (i+1),
  for day in week:
print  %02i % day,

(adjust for special handling of day=0)



Re: newbie - merging xls files using xldt and xlwt

2008-11-03 Thread J Sutar
Mr Roskam,

We have interacted before on the SPSS listserve, you have helped me out fair
few times!

I need a helping hand again, do you have the final solution to this problem,
mergin xls from a given directory?

Also where do I download the relevant modules from?


2008/10/15 Albert-jan Roskam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi John,

 Thanks! Using a higher xlrd version did the trick! Regarding your other
 -yep, input files with multiple sheets don't work yet. I kinda repressed
 that ;-) Spss outputs only single-sheet xls files, but I agree it's nicer if
 the programs works in other cases too.
 -and no, I don't intend to use data fields. Wouldn't it be easier to
 convert those to string values if I ever came across them?

 Thanks again!

 --- On Wed, 10/15/08, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: newbie - merging xls files using xldt and xlwt
  Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 3:14 PM
   On Oct 15, 9:16 pm, Albert-jan Roskam
   I wrote the program below to merge all xls files in a
  given directory into one multisheet xls file. It uses xlwt
  and xlrd. The xls files I use for input are generated by
  Spss. When I open and re-save the files in Excel, the
  program works, but when I use the xls files as they were
  created by Spss, the program returns an error message (see
  below). Some details: Python 2.4, xlwt version 0.7.0, xlrd
  version 0.5.2, Win NT.
   Any ideas?
  The version of xlrd that you are using is an antique. Go to and get the latest
  version. If that
  doesn't work, send me a copy of one of the files that
  is displaying
  this problem.
   Thanks in advance!
   Merge all xls files in a given directory into one
  multisheet xls file.
   The sheets get the orginal file name, without the
   File names should not exceed 31 characters, as this is
  the maximum
   sheet name length
   import xlrd, xlwt
   import glob, os.path
   def merge_xls (in_dir,
   xls_files   = glob.glob(in_dir +
   sheet_names = []
   merged_book = xlwt.Workbook()
  for k, v in enumerate(xls_files)]
  Wah! Try this:
  sheet_names = [os.path.basename(v)[:-4]) for v in
   for k, xls_file in enumerate(xls_files):
   if len (sheet_names[k]) = 31:
   book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_file)
   ws =
   for sheetx in range(book.nsheets):
   sheet =
   for rx in range(sheet.nrows):
   for cx in
ws.write(rx, cx,
  sheet.cell_value(rx, cx))
  I presume that you're not too worried about any date
  If an input file has more than 1 sheet, you are creating
  only one
  sheet in the output file, and overwriting cells.
   *** WARNING: OLE2 inconsistency: SSCS size is 0 but
  SSAT size is non-zero ***
   put_cell 0 1
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   self._cell_types[rowx][colx] = ctype
   IndexError: list assignment index out of range
  Yeah, symptom of an xls file with a DIMENSIONS records that
  lies ...
  xlrd has like Excel become more resilient over time :-)
  BTW, consider joining the python-excel group at



Re: How to protect website from access without authentication?

2008-11-03 Thread Shawn Milochik
This isn't really a Python question -- it's a Web development
question. The easy answer is to just password protect the directory
all the pages are stored in, and require a password. This can be set
up using Apache or IIS.

If what you really meant to ask was how to prevent anyone from
accessing certain functionality, then you should look into using
sessions, and write the pages you're worried about to require an
authenticated session. This is better than the solution above for
several reasons: You can grant different levels of permission to
different users, you can revoke permission from some users while
allowing it for others, and you can allow your users to each have
their own password. Plus, you'll be able to log which user did what.

If this wasn't helpful, please be much more specific in restating your question.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Good Z [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear All,

 We are developing a website and would like to password protect the whole

 If any user visit our site using ip address or using the http link, he/she
 will be asked for login password and then granted the access to whole site
 based on the correct password. Help will be appreciated.

 Thank  Regards,



Re: Decorator for validation - inefficient?

2008-11-03 Thread Bryan
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 09:33:41 -0800, Bryan wrote:

  I'm coming from a .Net background, and yes, one of the reasons I did not
  consider raising exceptions was to avoid the overhead of an exception
  handler clause, which in .Net land is expensive.

 Actually catching an exception in Python is expensive, so I wouldn't
 recommend you use exceptions for message-passing in time-critical code.

 As I understand it, in your case you actually need to stop for user-input
 if the user's data fails the validation. If that's the case, an extra few
 milliseconds to catch an exception isn't going to matter much.

  some more thought on this:
  If I were going to be checking for validity during a property setter, I
  would probably raise an exception there, because the essence of what a
  client was requesting is set property, and an invalid value precludes
  this action from happening.
  However, hoping to make client code cleaner and to avoid setter
  functions doing expensive db lookup validations, I do not validate
  during the setter, but instead defer it until the client explicitly asks
  for the validity of the business object.

 Presumably if they *don't* explicitly ask, you validate anyway at some

  So the essence of the client's
  request at that point is what are the invalid values for the object,
  and an exception should only be raised if there was something stopping
  this request from being served.  Invalid business object field values do
  not stop the functionality of the invalid() method.
  If I had a validation function that checked the db for a duplicate
  primary key, then the invalid() function should raise an exception if
  the db could not be contacted.


  A client should be on the lookout for
  that type of exception, but to throw a bunch of exceptions back at a
  client who simply requested a list of things that need to be fixed seems
  We would essentially be using Exceptions as an expected return
  value of a function.  So a doc string would explain: Returns None for a
  valid object, and Exceptions for an invalid object.
  Should exceptions be an expected return value from a function?  Am I
  still using my .Net brain?

 Because exceptions are first-class objects just like lists, ints and
 strings, there is a difference between *returning* an exception and
 *raising* an exception.


 def build_exception(n):
 if n  0:
 raise ValueError('unexpected negative code')
 exc = TypeError('error code #%d' % n) = More info here
 return exc

 obj = build_exception(57)
 another_obj = build_exception(-1)
 print We never get here
 except ValueError, e:
 print Failed with error message:, e.message

 Making the exception part of your code's API is perfectly legitimate and
 I would recommend it. The docstring could say this:

 Return None for a valid object, otherwise raises InvalidDataException
 (subclass of ValueError). You can get a list of errors from the
 exception's errorlist attribute.

 Here's a minimal way to generate the exception:

 class InvalidDataException(ValueError):

 and then in your validation code:

 def validate(obj):
 print Testing many things here
 e = InvalidDataException(failed because of %d errors) % 4
 e.errorlist = [
 too many questions,
 too few answers,
 not enough respect,
 and your query's hair is too long (damn hippy)]
 raise e

 That's one way. There are others. Have a browse through the standard
 library or the Python docs and see how other exceptions are used.

 But now that I have a better picture of your use-case, I'm leaning
 towards a completely different model. Rather than testing if the business
 object is valid, and raising an error if it isn't, you test it for
 errors, returning an empty list if there aren't any.

 def check_for_errors(obj):
 errorlist = []
 print Testing many things here
 if too_many_questions():
 errorlist.append(too many questions)
 # and any others
 return errorlist

 I've used strings as errors, but naturally they could be any object that
 makes sense for your application.


I like the errorlist attribute on the exception, I think I have a
place for that in my project.  Thanks for all the help, now the next
thing I want to investigate is how I can write my validation code once
and make it work both on my objects, and on webforms that edit those
objects.  I will always have strict validation in the object model
that will be checked on the server side, but it would be convenient
for the user if they were warned before making a round trip to the
server that the values they entered are probably not correct.

This project is using Pylons, so I'm off to investigate the


How to select text of text field in python‏Card‏

2008-11-03 Thread Sonia

Hi, I need to select a text of text field! Which function is used for selection 
of text of text field? Sonia, 
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger

Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
 This is actually the length of a bracketed string, not a tuple.
 Tuple's are defined by the existence of a comma...try:

Time ago I have suggested to change the tuple literal, to avoid the
warts of the singleton and empty tuple, that may lead to bugs. But
using ASCII alone it's not easy to find something suitable and nice.

One of the suggestions of mine was to use (|...|) or [| x, ...  |] to
denote tuples. This may lead to problems with the bitwise operators,
so the following two tuples:
t1 = ()
t2 = (x | y,)

Become (Fortress language uses similar liters, I think):
t1 = (||)
t2 = (| x OR y |)

Or this:
t1 = [||]
t2 = [| x OR y |]

Where OR, AND, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR are the bitwise operators.
Having to type (| |) often is less handy, for example this code:

def divmod(a, b):
return a // b, a % b
d, r = divmod(10, 7)


def divmod(a, b):
return (| a // b, a % b |)
(|d, r|) = divmod(10, 7)


Re: Simplifying anonymous inner classes?

2008-11-03 Thread Tim Chase

Is there a more Pythonic way to instantiate sub-classes and
provide instance-specific implementations without the
overhead of an unused anonymous class cluttering my

I agree with Carl Banks that what you do is already fairly
Pythonic: explicit is better than implicit, and simple is
better than complex. What you do *is* simple, and easy to read
- no magic involved. You wish it to be more concise - but I
think that would make *less* pythonic, not more.

After playing with the various solutions (hurray for 
version-control), I find myself back where I started, agreeing 
with Carl  Martin for the most part.  Everything else ended up 
looking so baroque that it made matters worse.  Even the extra 
del statements for cleaning up the namespace were extra clutter 
in the code, so I didn't bother tidying the namespace.  I did 
switch from

  do_foo = _Foo(args)
  do_bar = _Bar(args)

to having each backend contain a list of available actions, so I 
simply maintain

  self.actions = set([

(each Action knows how to hash itself for entry in a set) and 
then descendants of Backend (such as DBBackend) simply add to 
this set of actions in their own __init__ call.

The final product is what I'd call a most understandable/least 
convoluted solution which, in the big picture, seems to be a 
good part of pythonicity.  Until such time as Python offers 
anonymous classes natively :)

Thanks to all who offered suggestions.



Re: How to make money with Python!

2008-11-03 Thread Kay Schluehr
On 31 Okt., 15:30, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If that subject line didn't trip everyone's killfiles, see
 for a fantastic story involving Python.

 Duncan Booth

Masterpiece. I dare to say it's much better than SPE ...

How to uninstall setuptools

2008-11-03 Thread Roger Erens
On my Ubuntu8.04 box I installed python-all and subsequently setuptools 
for both 2.4 and 2.5 interpreters. To make a clean upgrade to 8.10 I 
need to uninstall setuptools. Any hints for doing that?



Re: Windows DOS box redirection

2008-11-03 Thread Lie Ryan
On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 18:35:25 +0100, Stef Mientki wrote:

 Bill McClain wrote:
 On 2008-10-31, Tim Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You've got a few options.
 Ok, thanks!

 It is a small hobbyist community. I'll just document it and tell them
 life is hard for Windows users.
 Well I don't know any Windows users that still use DOS-boxes ;-) cheers,

Well, that is because newer Windows version (NT-family) no longer have 
DOS boxes. The black window in NT-family Windows are command prompt and 
is different from a real DOS box in previous Windows (non-NT-family). 
Anyway, I do use command prompts quite regularly, usually for simple 
pings and other simple commands like chkdsk, defrag, attrib, etc. 
Yes, I do know that each of these have GUI-equivalents.


Re: Unyeilding a permutation generator

2008-11-03 Thread Terry Reedy

Steve Holden wrote:


Anyway what I want to do is experiment with code similar to this (i.e.
same algorithm and keep the recursion) in other languages,
particularly vbscript and wondered what it would look like if it was
rewritten to NOT use the yield statement - or at least if it was
amended so that it can be easily translated to other languages that
dont have python's yield statement. I think the statement for perm in
all_perms(str[1:]):  will be hardest to replicate in a recursive
vbscript program for example.

There are various approaches you could use, the simplest of which is to
provide a callback function as an additional argument to the all_perms
function, and call it with the permutation as an argument in place of
the yield statement.

I had thought of three ways to avoid yield, that makes a fourth.


1. Think of generator function as an abbreviated iterator class and 
unabbreviate by writing a full iterator class with .__next__ (3.0).

+ Transparent to caller
- Will often have to re-arrange code a bit to save locals values as 
attributes before returning.  If there is an inner loop, efficiency may 
require copying attributes to locals.

2. Add to collection rather than yield, then return collection rather 
than raise StopIteration.

+ Transparent to caller; small change to function.
- Returned collection can be arbitrarily large and take an arbitrarily 
long time to collect.

3. Add callback parameter and change 'yield value' to 'callback(value)'.
+ Minor change to generator function.
- Minor to major change to caller to turn consumer code into a callback 
that somehow gets result of callback to where it is needed.  (Avoiding 
the major changes sometimes needed was one of the motivations for 

4. Combine caller and generator code by inlining one into or around the 

+ Neither code will change much.
- Loss benefit of modularity and reuse without cut-and-paste, which is 
subject to error.

I have not thought through yet how well each of these work with 
recursive generators.


Generators with yield make Python a great language for expressing 
combinatorial algorithms.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Unyeilding a permutation generator

2008-11-03 Thread Michele Simionato
On Nov 2, 10:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyway what I want to do is experiment with code similar to this (i.e.
 same algorithm and keep the recursion) in other languages,
 particularly vbscript and wondered what it would look like if it was
 rewritten to NOT use the yield statement - or at least if it was
 amended so that it can be easily translated to other languages that
 dont have python's yield statement. I think the statement for perm in
 all_perms(str[1:]):  will be hardest to replicate in a recursive
 vbscript program for example.

 Thanks for any constructive help given.

Here is a solution which does not use yield, translittered
from some Scheme code I have:

def perm(lst):
ll = len(lst)
if ll == 0:
return []
elif ll == 1:
return [lst]
return [[el] + ls for el in lst
for ls in perm([e for e in lst if not e==el])]

if __name__ == '__main__':
print perm('abcd')

Re: split() and string.whitespace

2008-11-03 Thread Scott David Daniels

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 31 Oct 2008 12:18:32 -0700, Chaim Krause wrote:

I have arrived here while attempting to break down a larger problem. I
got to this question when attempting to split a line on any whitespace
character so that I could then add several other characters like ';' and
':'. Ultimately splitting a line on any char in a union of
string.whitespace and some pre-designated chars.

I am now beginning to think that I have outgrown split() and must move
up to regular expressions. If that is the case, I will go off and RTFM
on RegEx.

Or just do this:
s = the quickbrown\tdog\njumps over\r\n\t the lazy dog
s = s.replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
s.split(' ')
or even simpler:

Or, for faster per-repetition (blending in to your use-case):

import string
SEP = string.maketrans('abc \t', ' ')
parts = 'whatever, abalone dudes'.translate(SEP).split()
print parts

['wh', 'tever,', 'lone', 'dudes']

--Scott David Daniels

Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread 一首诗
Hi all,

Today I wrote some code like this:

for m in self.messages:
if not m.finished:

#process the message

fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
for m in fini:

As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
process them, and then remove them from the list.

Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
a list fini to accomplish the target.

I found a smell of bad performance here.
Is there any faster ways?

Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
I am using Python 2.6 on Mac OS 10.3.9.
I have been trying to use:
image = urllib.URLopener()
image.retrieve(url, filename)
to download images from websites. I am able to do so, and end up with
the appropriate file. However, when I try to open the file, I get an
error message. It's something about corrupted data, and an
unrecognised file.
Anyone know what I'm talking about/had similar experiences?


2008-11-03 Thread Paulo J. Matos
Hi all,

I am a Python beginner, reading through 2.6 tutorial. I am wondering
where are structures?

On the other hand, I think I might have the answer. Since Python focus
on having one way to do it and structures are something like classes
with only public methods, if I want structures that's what I should use.
Is that right?

Paulo Jorge Matos - pocmatos at

Re: Structures

2008-11-03 Thread Ben Finney
Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am a Python beginner, reading through 2.6 tutorial. I am wondering
 where are structures?

I'm wondering a more fundamental question: What are structures? That
is, what do *you* mean by that term; without knowing that, an answer
isn't likely to be meaningful.

 […] structures are something like classes with only public methods

Care to say more about what they are, not what they're like?

 \  “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Yes Brain, but |
  `\if our knees bent the other way, how would we ride a bicycle?” |
_o__)   —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

Tktable on 3.0rc1

2008-11-03 Thread info
Has anyone used Tktable on python 3.0 ?

Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Nov 3, 11:48 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Python 2.6 on Mac OS 10.3.9.
 I have been trying to use:
 image = urllib.URLopener()
 image.retrieve(url, filename)
 to download images from websites. I am able to do so, and end up with
 the appropriate file. However, when I try to open the file, I get an
 error message. It's something about corrupted data, and an
 unrecognised file.
 Anyone know what I'm talking about/had similar experiences?

Please show an actual program, complete with error messages.

import urllib
image = urllib.URLopener()

Works for me.

Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

 Steve Holden:
 While this kind of beginner
 mistake is common it isn't one that's frequently repeated once the
 learner understands the syntax.

 You may be right, but I don't have to like it.
 When you teach programming to people that have never done it before,
 and you use Python, they spot similar inconsistences in the blink of
 an eye and often look annoyed. [...]

You can teach them that the comma is a terminator rather than a
separator (no more inconsistencies), but that the python parser is
forgiving and understands when the last comma is missing if the
expression is not already meaningful.

I.e. one should write

(1, 2, 3,)

But python, being nice, understands when you write

(1, 2, 3)

Now consider this:

3 * (1 + 2)

What interpretations should python take of the brackets?

 The good thing is that Python3 fixes some of those things :-)

And introduces some new inconsistencies for newcomers, e.g.

s = {1, 2, 3} # A set with 3 elements
s = {1} # A set with one element
s = {} # Surely, this should be an empty set!!



Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread alex23
On Nov 3, 9:08 pm, TP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a question about the difference of behavior of len when applied on
 tuples or on lists. I mean:
 $ len( ( 'foo' ) )

This is actually the length of a bracketed string, not a tuple.
Tuple's are defined by the existence of a comma...try:



Re: Why does numpy.array(a[0],b[0]) have this meaning?

2008-11-03 Thread Robert Kern

Rick Giuly wrote:

Hello All,

Case 1
This generates an error, which makes sense because the argument should
be a list of numbers:

Case 2
This does not generate an error and the result is an array with a
single element:
a = numpy.array([10])
b = numpy.array([10])

The only different I see here between the numpy.array call in the
cases is that
a[0] is a numpy int32
10 is an int

Why would this minor difference in integer types cause a totally
different result for the two cases - or is something else causing the
difference in results?

The second argument is for a dtype. Basically, we'll accept anything there that 
can be coerced to a dtype using numpy.dtype(). For some reason, we have an 
undocumented feature where dtype(some_array_or_numpy_scalar) will return the 
dtype of that value. Plain Python ints and floats don't have a dtype attached to 
them, so we raise an exception.

If you have more numpy questions, please join us on the numpy-discussion mailing 

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Tiny yet useful utility

2008-11-03 Thread Mariyam Pinto
Process Manager for Windows (http://
It has always been a pain to use applications like
Office/Outlook/Matlab/Delphi/Mozilla...Image editing s/w
editing s/w

They take huge memory... they eat up half of your CPU and when
you wanna close them, then also they take huge time . to get rid
off all these...

Arif has developed this small utility so now ...
you can just right click on any application in taskbar and say

Also if you wanna increase/decrease the priority of any application,
then all you have to do is just one click on the application in the

and say increase/decrease priority...

He hopes public will like it and encourage him to add more features...
You may check out the list of upcoming features click here

Click here to download

300+ people are using Process Manager.

If you like Process Manager leave a comment on Process Manger's blog


Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread George Sakkis
I want to sort sequences of strings lexicographically but those with
longer prefix should come earlier, e.g. for s = ['a', 'bc', 'bd',
'bcb', 'ba', 'ab'], the sorted sequence is ['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb',
'bc', 'bd']. Currently I do it with:

s.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: 0 if x==y else
-1 if x.startswith(y) else
+1 if y.startswith(x) else

Can this be done with an equivalent key function instead of cmp ?


Re: Tiny yet useful utility

2008-11-03 Thread skip

Mariyam Process Manager for Windows
Mariyam ( It has always
Mariyam been a pain to use applications like
Mariyam Office/Outlook/Matlab/Delphi/Mozilla...Image editing s/w
Mariyam editing s/w

What is the connection with Python?


Re: Tiny yet useful utility

2008-11-03 Thread George Sakkis
On Nov 3, 12:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     Mariyam Process Manager for Windows
     Mariyam ( It has always
     Mariyam been a pain to use applications like
     Mariyam Office/Outlook/Matlab/Delphi/Mozilla...Image editing s/w
     Mariyam editing s/w

 What is the connection with Python?

None, just a lame spamming attempt (well not totally lame, I clicked
just in case it was written in Python).

Re: push-style templating - an xml-like way to process xhtml

2008-11-03 Thread Glenn Linderman
On approximately 11/3/2008 12:20 AM, came the following characters from 
the keyboard of has:

On 2 Nov, 14:06, Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


An opposite approach to this form of dynamic HTML production is called
push-style templating, as coined by Terence Parr:


a href=$attr.url$$attr.title$/a

This looks ugly to me.

It also looks like an embedded mini-language to me.

At any rate, I think making a 'push/pull' distinction misses the

There are basically three approaches a templating system can use:

1. embed your control logic in your presentation markup,

2. embed your presentation markup in your control logic, or

3. keep the two separate and transform the presentation markup into
some sort of DOM that can then be manipulated by the control code.
What's significant here is the division of labour within the overall

program. With the first two approaches, the templating engine handles
both presentation and control (i.e. pretty much the entire View
layer). The third approach only provides the presentation part, and
does and says nothing about how the control part is implemented. So
you can't really make a direct comparison of, say, Cheetah against
PyMeld, as they don't cover the same amount of ground. Instead, you
ought to consider how the entire View layer is put together in each

- A Cheetah-based View is implemented as an HTML file with all of the
required control code embedded in it.

- A PyMeld-based View is implemented as an HTML file with id
attributes that indicate which HTML elements should be converted into
object model nodes, *plus* a Python module containing the control code
that manipulates those nodes when rendering a finished document.

It would be nicest to keep the two separate... such that the HTML could 
be directly displayed in a browser, albeit with placeholder data items.  
The StringTemplate approach of nested, inherited subtemplates probably 
provides more power, and less cut-n-paste redundancy in development, but 
provides nothing for the designer to preview until the whole application 
is complete and specific data generated.  It also results a 
view-independent superstructure from which it may be possible to 
generate other textual views without total recoding.  One question is if 
designers come understanding multiple views, or if one has HTML-only 
designers, and other-modality-only designers, and that they don't speak 
enough of each others modalities to appreciate the view-independent 
superstructures enough to learn the mini-language that abstracts it.  
Even if there is a single view modality to be targeted, as is usually 
the case, if the cost to use a system that allows other modalities to be 
targeted, it is not an uncommon follow-on requirement to provide other 
view modalities.  Systems that don't provide such wind up getting 
screen-scraped, which is a pitiful solution, although sometimes 

Unfortunately, keeping the two languages separate adds significantly to 
the burden of figuring out how to mix them together.  
Intermingled/embedded control and presentation (either embedded print 
statements, or templating systems), have become popular (in my opinion) 
because they do solve the problem of figuring out how do the mix.  
Terence Parr's more formal research into this topic, and his attempts to 
enforce separation between Model, View, Controller, and the new concept 
of Renderer, embodied in StringTemplate, may help to prove that these 4 
items can be separated, which is architecturally good... but does little 
or nothing to make the mixing of languages less ugly.

I took a brief look at the PyMeld approach, and it seems that the HTML 
file, while providing all the HTML syntax necessary for the project, 
leaves all decisions about what items should be replicated, and how and 
when to replicate them, to the controller.  The use of Python (hey, I 
don't mind using Python!) as the language (together with an API) for the 
controller, though, does seem to avoid enforcement of the separation 
between view and model; there is nothing to prevent Python from 
massaging the model data in whatever manner it likes, being a general 
purpose language.  Likewise, the controller can manipulate the 
presentation data, potentially in ways other than simply replicating an 
item.  Apparently it can insert and delete items from the presentation 
at will.  Hence, this avoids the enforcement of the separation between 
the view and the controller.  So while PyMeld is no doubt a rich 
templating system, and allows a way of implementing separated MVC items, 
it is apparently not attempting to enforce that separation, as 
StringTemplate does.  While the ID attribute is intended (in the HTML 
spec) to uniquely identify a particular item, its use to identify items 
for PyMeld manipulation may or may not conflict with other desired 
uses.  There is nothing in the HTML 

Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
Then perhaps it's a problem with my os.
[18:16:33 Mon Nov 03] python
Python 2.6 (trunk:66714:66715M, Oct  1 2008, 18:36:04)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import urllib
 url = ''
 filename = 'logo.gif'
 image = urllib.URLopener()
 image.retrieve(url, filename)
('logo.gif', httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x5196e8)
And here's the error message I get when I try to open it: File Error:
Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that
Preview doesn't recognize..
I have had a similar result trying  to open it with other programs.

Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
On Nov 3, 6:49 pm, George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to sort sequences of strings lexicographically but those with
 longer prefix should come earlier, e.g. for s = ['a', 'bc', 'bd',
 'bcb', 'ba', 'ab'], the sorted sequence is ['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb',
 'bc', 'bd']. Currently I do it with:

 s.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: 0 if x==y else
                                     -1 if x.startswith(y) else
                                     +1 if y.startswith(x) else

 Can this be done with an equivalent key function instead of cmp ?


Your input and output:

s = ['a', 'bc', 'bd', 'bcb', 'ba', 'ab']
r = ['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb', 'bc', 'bd']

To me your lambda looks like an abuse of the inline if expression. So
I suggest to replace it with a true function, that is more readable:

def mycmp(x, y):
if x == y:
return 0
elif x.startswith(y):
return -1
elif y.startswith(x):
return +1
return cmp(x, y)

print sorted(s, cmp=mycmp)

It's a peculiar cmp function, I'm thinking still in what situations it
can be useful.

To use the key argument given a cmp function I use the simple code
written by Hettinger:

def cmp2key(mycmp):
Converts a cmp= function into a key= function
class K:
def __init__(self, obj, *args):
self.obj = obj
def __cmp__(self, other):
return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj)
return K
print sorted(s, key=cmp2key(mycmp))

Now I'll look for simpler solutions...


Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Arnaud Delobelle:

And introduces some new inconsistencies for newcomers, e.g.
 s = {1, 2, 3} # A set with 3 elements
 s = {1} # A set with one element
 s = {} # Surely, this should be an empty set!!

Are you able to list other inconsistencies?

Python3 introduces one or two warts, but removes many more
inconsistencies, so for me it's a net gain.

So far for me, beside the one you have shown, there's only another
detail I don't like of Python3 (the removal of tuple unpaking in
function calls).


Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread Alan G Isaac

George Sakkis wrote:
s.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: 0 if x==y else 
-1 if x.startswith(y) else

+1 if y.startswith(x) else

Probably not what you had in mind ...

['a', 'bc', 'bd', 'bcb', 'ba', 'ab']
 maxlen = max(len(si) for si in s)
 def k(si): return si+'z'*(maxlen-len(si))
['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb', 'bc', 'bd']

Alan Isaac

Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want to sort sequences of strings lexicographically but those with
 longer prefix should come earlier, e.g. for s = ['a', 'bc', 'bd',
 'bcb', 'ba', 'ab'], the sorted sequence is ['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb',
 'bc', 'bd']. Currently I do it with:

 s.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: 0 if x==y else
 -1 if x.startswith(y) else
 +1 if y.startswith(x) else

 Can this be done with an equivalent key function instead of cmp ?

Here's an idea:

 sorted(s, key=lambda x: x+'z'*(3-len(s)))
['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb', 'bc', 'bd']

The 3 above is the length of the longest string in the list

Here's another idea, probably more practical:

 sorted(s, key=lambda x: tuple(256-ord(l) for l in x), reverse=True)
['ab', 'a', 'ba', 'bcb', 'bc', 'bd']




Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread Jerry Hill
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 2:21 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Then perhaps it's a problem with my os.
 [18:16:33 Mon Nov 03] python
 Python 2.6 (trunk:66714:66715M, Oct  1 2008, 18:36:04)
 [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)] on darwin
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import urllib
 url = ''

That's not the URL of an image file.  Maybe you're looking for
url = ''

 filename = 'logo.gif'
 image = urllib.URLopener()
 image.retrieve(url, filename)
 ('logo.gif', httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x5196e8)
 And here's the error message I get when I try to open it: File Error:
 Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that
 Preview doesn't recognize..
 I have had a similar result trying  to open it with other programs.

That's because you downloaded some HTML and saved it in a file named
logo.gif.  That's unlikely to work in any image viewing program.  Try
opening the file you downloaded in a text editor and you'll see.


Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Alan G Isaac:
 Probably not what you had in mind ...
   maxlen = max(len(si) for si in s)
       def k(si): return si+'z'*(maxlen-len(si))

This looks a little better:

assert isinstance(s, str)
sorted(s, key=lambda p: p.ljust(maxlen, \255))

If the string is an unicode that may not work anymore.
I don't know if there are better solutions.


Re: encoding in lxml

2008-11-03 Thread pjacobi . de
Hi Mike,

 I read an HTML document from a third-party site. It is supposed to be
 in UTF-8, but unfortunately from time to time it's not.

There will be host of more lightweight solutions, but you can opt
to sanizite incominhg HTML with HTML Tidy (python binding available).

It will replace invalid UTF-8 bytes with U+FFFD. It will not
guess a better encoding to use.

If you are sure you don't have HTML sloppiness to correct but only
occasional wrong byte, even decoding (with fallback) and encoding
the standard codec package will do.


Re: wrapping a method function call?

2008-11-03 Thread Aaron Brady
On Nov 3, 3:57 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now you can monkey patch class A if you want. It's probably not a great
  idea to do this in production code, as it will effect class A everywhere.

 This is perfect for me.  The code in question is basically a protocol
 translator... it receives requests over the network, makes some calls,
 and returns the result translated back to the original protocol, so there's
 a single instance of each A,B, etc.

  A.p1 = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(A.p1))

 Is there a way to do this for all callable methods of A? e.g.

     for x in callable_methods(A):
         x = precall(pre)(postcall(post)(x))


 Mark Harrison
 Pixar Animation Studios

Hi, that sounds like metaclasses.

from types import *
def pre( self, *ar, **kwar ):
print 'in pre'
def post( self, *ar, **kwar ):
print 'in post'
class metacls(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict):
for k, x in dict.items():
if isinstance( x, FunctionType ):
def modx( f ):
def _mod( *arg, **kwarg ):
pre( *arg, **kwarg )
retval= f( *arg, **kwarg )
post( *arg, **kwarg )
return retval
return _mod
dict[ k ]= modx( x )
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict)

class A( object ):
__metaclass__= metacls
def f( self ):
print 'in f'

a= A()


in pre
in f
in post

Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
 That's because you downloaded some HTML and saved it in a file named
 logo.gif.  That's unlikely to work in any image viewing program.  Try
 opening the file you downloaded in a text editor and you'll see.


Aha, so the first param is the file, and second is the name you save
the files as. Thankyou, for pointing out my stupid mistake. I was
confused by trying to replicate a program called ''
off of I thought that the first param was the page
containing the file, and the second was the file. And that the file
would simply be saved as it's name on the website. Thanks again.

Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

 Arnaud Delobelle:
 Here's another idea, probably more practical:
  sorted(s, key=lambda x: tuple(256-ord(l) for l in x), reverse=True)

 A variant that probably works with unicode strings too:

 print sorted(s, key=lambda x: [-ord(l) for l in x], reverse=True)

Of course that's better! (although mine will work with unicode if yours
does).  It's funny how the obvious escapes me so often.  Still I think
the idea of the 'double reverse' (one letterwise, the other listwise)
was quite good.


Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Arnaud Delobelle:
 Here's another idea, probably more practical:
  sorted(s, key=lambda x: tuple(256-ord(l) for l in x), reverse=True)

A variant that probably works with unicode strings too:

print sorted(s, key=lambda x: [-ord(l) for l in x], reverse=True)


Re: Finding the instance reference of an object

2008-11-03 Thread Aaron Brady
On Nov 2, 10:13 pm, Steven D'Aprano
 On Sun, 02 Nov 2008 13:23:11 -0800, Aaron Brady wrote:
  But, doing so, an object is not the same as a reference to it, and all
  Python does is pass and copy references.

 No, that's what at least one particular implementation of Python does.
 That's not what Python does. The Python VM doesn't have any concept of
 values or references or values which are actually references in
 disguise. The Python VM knows about *names in namespaces* and *objects*.


I think we can conclude that Python passes by reference, since a
function can modify objects that were passed in to it.

Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Ben Finney

 Hi everybody,
 I have a question about the difference of behavior of len when
 applied on tuples or on lists. I mean:
 $ len( ( 'foo', 'bar' ) )
 $ len( ( 'foo' ) )
 $ len( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] )
 $ len( [ 'foo' ] )

For making a literal tuple, parentheses are irrelevant; only the
commas matter:

 type( ('foo', 'bar') )
type 'tuple'
 type( ('foo',) )
type 'tuple'
 type( ('foo') )
type 'str'

However, for making a literal list, the brackets do matter:

 type( ['foo', 'bar'] )
type 'list'
 type( ['foo',] )
type 'list'
 type( ['foo'] )
type 'list'

 \  “The way to build large Python applications is to componentize |
  `\ and loosely-couple the hell out of everything.” —Aahz |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

redirection in a file with os.system

2008-11-03 Thread TP
Hi everybody,

The following code does not redirect the output of os.system(ls) in a

import sys, os
saveout = sys.stdout
fd = open( 'toto', 'w' )
sys.stdout = fd
os.system( ls )
sys.stdout = saveout

Whereas the following works:

old_stdout = os.dup( sys.stdout.fileno() )
fd = 'bar', os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY )
os.dup2( fd, sys.stdout.fileno() )
os.system( ls )
os.close( fd )
os.dup2( old_stdout, sys.stdout.fileno() )


I have another question: with this last code using, the problem is
that the file 'bar' is not removed before being written. So, it could lead
to errors: the file 'bar' is overwritten, but extra lines from previous
executions could remain.
Am I compelled to use os.unlink (or os.remove) before calling



python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in '*9(9(18%.91+,\'Z

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong. (first law of AC Clarke)

Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread bearophileHUGS
Arnaud Delobelle:
 It's funny how the obvious escapes me so often.

In this case it's a well known cognitive effect: the mind of humans
clings to first good/working solution, not allowing its final tuning.
For that you may need to think about something else for a short time,
and then look at your solution with a little fresher mind.

This (ugly) translation into D + my functional-style libs shows why
Python syntax is a good idea:

import d.all;
void main() {
  auto txt = a bc bd bcb ba ab.split();
  putr( sorted(txt, (string s){ return map((char c){return -
cast(int)c;}, s);} ).reverse );

Long Live To Python! :-)


Re: redirection in a file with os.system

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

 Hi everybody,

 The following code does not redirect the output of os.system(ls) in a

 import sys, os
 saveout = sys.stdout
 fd = open( 'toto', 'w' )
 sys.stdout = fd
 os.system( ls )
 sys.stdout = saveout

 Whereas the following works:

 old_stdout = os.dup( sys.stdout.fileno() )
 fd = 'bar', os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY )
 os.dup2( fd, sys.stdout.fileno() )
 os.system( ls )
 os.close( fd )
 os.dup2( old_stdout, sys.stdout.fileno() )


 I have another question: with this last code using, the problem is
 that the file 'bar' is not removed before being written. So, it could lead
 to errors: the file 'bar' is overwritten, but extra lines from previous
 executions could remain.
 Am I compelled to use os.unlink (or os.remove) before calling

Do you have to use low level os functions?  Why not use the subprocess
module?  E.g'ls', stdout=open('toto', 'w')



script that parses command line, and execfile('')

2008-11-03 Thread TP

I have a script that uses the optparse package to parse the command line.
For example:

$ --help
# displays help about

Is this possible to call such a script with execfile('') once in the Python
interactive shell?

 execfile( '' )

I get errors because there is no argv dictionary when used with execfile.

How to solve this problem, so that I am able to use in command
line as well as with execfile?



python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in '*9(9(18%.91+,\'Z

When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is
possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong. (first law of AC Clarke)

Re: script that parses command line, and execfile('')

2008-11-03 Thread Arnaud Delobelle


 I have a script that uses the optparse package to parse the command line.
 For example:

 $ --help
 # displays help about

 Is this possible to call such a script with execfile('') once in the Python
 interactive shell?

 execfile( '' )

 I get errors because there is no argv dictionary when used with execfile.

 How to solve this problem, so that I am able to use in command
 line as well as with execfile?

Have you tried setting sys.argv manually?


 import sys
 sys.argv = ['--help']

But I have to say I have never felt the need to use execfile() this way.


Re: 2.6, 3.0, and truly independent intepreters

2008-11-03 Thread Andy O'Meara
On Oct 30, 11:09 pm, alex23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 31, 2:05 am, Andy O'Meara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't follow you there.  If you're referring to multiprocessing, our
  concerns are:

  - Maturity (am I willing to tell my partners and employees that I'm
  betting our future on a brand-new module that imposes significant
  restrictions as to how our app operates?)
  - Liability (am I ready to invest our resources into lots of new
  python module-specific code to find out that a platform that we want
  to target isn't supported or has problems?).  Like it not, we're a
  company and we have to show sensitivity about new or fringe packages
  that make our codebase less agile -- C/C++ continues to win the day in
  that department.

 I don't follow this...wouldn't both of these concerns be even more
 true for modifying the CPython interpreter to provide the
 functionality you want?

A great point, for sure.  So, basically, the motivation and goal of
this entire thread is to get an understanding for how enthusiastic/
interested the CPython dev community is at the concepts/enhancements
under discussion and for all of us to better understand the root
issues.  So my response is basically that it was my intention to seek
official/sanctioned development (and contribute developer direct
support and compensation).

My hope was that the increasing interest and value associated with
flexible, multi-core/free-thread support is at a point where there's
a critical mass of CPython developer interest (as indicated by various
serious projects specifically meant to offer this support).
Unfortunately, based on the posts in this thread, it's becoming clear
that the scale of code changes, design changes, and testing that are
necessary in order to offer this support is just too large unless the
entire community is committed to the cause.

Meanwhile, as many posts in the thread have pointed out, issues such
as free threading and easy/clean/compartmentalized use of python are
of rising importance to app developers shopping for an interpreter to
embed.  So unless/until CPython offers the flexibility some apps
require as an embedded interpreter, we commercial guys are
unfortunately forced to use alternatives to python.  I just think it'd
be huge win for everyone (app developers, the python dev community,
and python proliferation in general) if python made its way into more
commercial and industrial applications (in an embedded capacity).



Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Scott David Daniels

Tim Chase wrote:

For making a literal tuple, parentheses are irrelevant; only the
commas matter:

I don't think I'd go so far as to say that the parentheses around tuples 
are *irrelevant*...maybe just relevant in select contexts

  def foo(*args):
 ... for i, arg in enumerate(args):
 ... print i, arg
 0 1
 1 2
  foo((1,2))  # these parens are pretty important :)
 0 (1, 2)

pedantically-grinning-ducktyping-and-running-ly yers,

I'll see your pedantry and raise you one:
0 ()

--Scott David Daniels


Re: script that parses command line, and execfile('')

2008-11-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

TP schrieb:


I have a script that uses the optparse package to parse the command line.
For example:

$ --help
# displays help about

Is this possible to call such a script with execfile('') once in the Python
interactive shell?

execfile( '' )

I get errors because there is no argv dictionary when used with execfile.

How to solve this problem, so that I am able to use in command
line as well as with execfile?

Don't use execfile. Make like this:


def main(argv=None):
if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:]

Then just do

import script



Re: length of a tuple or a list containing only one element

2008-11-03 Thread Tim Chase

For making a literal tuple, parentheses are irrelevant; only the
commas matter:
I don't think I'd go so far as to say that the parentheses around tuples 
are *irrelevant*...maybe just relevant in select contexts

  def foo(*args):
 ... for i, arg in enumerate(args):
 ... print i, arg
 0 1
 1 2
  foo((1,2))  # these parens are pretty important :)
 0 (1, 2)

pedantically-grinning-ducktyping-and-running-ly yers,

I'll see your pedantry and raise you one:
0 ()

And just because another tuples without parens case exists:

   File stdin, line 1
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

To maintain the poker theme, I'd say You raised, and I call but 
my call fails :-P



Re: encoding in lxml

2008-11-03 Thread Stefan Behnel
jasiu85 wrote:
 I have a problem with character encoding in LXML. Here's how it goes:
 I read an HTML document from a third-party site. It is supposed to be
 in UTF-8, but unfortunately from time to time it's not.

You can instantiate your own HTML parser and pass encoding=utf-8. That way,
when it's not UTF-8, you will get an exception at parse time, which allows you
to reparse the document with another encoding (say, ISO-8859-1) to get the
correct content.


Re: Replacing cmp with key for sorting

2008-11-03 Thread George Sakkis
On Nov 3, 1:51 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Arnaud Delobelle:

  Here's another idea, probably more practical:
   sorted(s, key=lambda x: tuple(256-ord(l) for l in x), reverse=True)

 A variant that probably works with unicode strings too:

 print sorted(s, key=lambda x: [-ord(l) for l in x], reverse=True)


Awesome! I tested it on a sample list of ~61K words [1] and it's
almost 40% faster, from ~1.05s dropped to ~0.62s. That's still 15
times slower than the default sorting (0.04s) but I guess there's not
much more room for improvement.



How do I find the memory used by a python process

2008-11-03 Thread Salim Fadhley
I'm trying to create a python unit-test which will test a complex
program which includes a number of functions which have been
implemented in C or C++.

The unit-test needs to check that after the functions have been run a
few thousand times all of the memory used by those functions has been
un-allocated, i.e. that there are no memory leaks.

I was wondering if there is some way of finding out how much memory
the current thread is using. I would like some kind of simple function
call that gives me the current memory usage of the current process or

So each test would check the amount of memory available, call the
function N times and then check the amount of memory available
afterwards. If the amount of memory before and after changes by a
certain amount then the test is failed.

All of our unit-tests are single threaded processes. We run Windows
and Python 2.4.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


Re: Structures

2008-11-03 Thread Paulo J. Matos
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Ben Finney
 Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am a Python beginner, reading through 2.6 tutorial. I am wondering
 where are structures?

 I'm wondering a more fundamental question: What are structures? That
 is, what do *you* mean by that term; without knowing that, an answer
 isn't likely to be meaningful.

 […] structures are something like classes with only public methods

 Care to say more about what they are, not what they're like?

Well, I guess that everyone pretty much gets since it exists in every
other language as struct, or define-structure, or whatever is the
syntax. Still, answering your rhetoric question, a structure is way to
gather information by fields and those fields are referenced by name.
The fact that python 2.6 has now named tuples is a breath of fresh

  \  Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? Yes Brain, but |
  `\if our knees bent the other way, how would we ride a bicycle? |
 _o__)   —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
 Ben Finney

Paulo Jorge Matos - pocmatos at

Re: How do I find the memory used by a python process

2008-11-03 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 So each test would check the amount of memory available, call the
 function N times and then check the amount of memory available
 afterwards. If the amount of memory before and after changes by a
 certain amount then the test is failed.

Please take a look at the muppy package:


Re: Finding the instance reference of an object

2008-11-03 Thread Joe Strout

On Nov 3, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Aaron Brady wrote:

I think we can conclude that Python passes by reference, since a
function can modify objects that were passed in to it.

Then please write the Python equivalent of the Swap methods shown at (or at 
, for that matter).

And no fair wrapping the two parameters up in an object or using tuple  
packing/unpacking -- the point is to demonstrate that you can change  
the two parameters themselves, not some object that contains them or  
return them a different order.

And by the way, if mutating an object a parameter refers to qualifies  
as pass by reference, then Java, VB.NET/REALbasic (in ByVal mode), and  
C/C++ all pass by reference too.  That'll be quite a surprise to their  
compiler authors!  (I should know, as I'm one of them.)

- Joe


Re: Unyeilding a permutation generator

2008-11-03 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 14:09:01 -0800 (PST), Aaron Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 2, 3:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 for x in  all_permx(ABCD):
   print x
 I think multi-threading is the truest to the original.  You might
 develop a framework to set events when particular generators are to
 take a turn, place their yields, per se, in a particular place, set
 the return event, etc., and reuse it.  Of course, starting threads in
 VBS might be another matter.

Why multi-threading?  I see no concurrency in the original algorithm.
There is, in my mind, nothing concurrent about 'yield'.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Simple textual calendar

2008-11-03 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 09:17:25 -0600, Tim Chase [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I saw the calendar module, but, as I said, this isn't
 homework or something like that. It is an example which I've
 setted myself to try to solve to see how it would go. Calendar
 just gives me the solution :-(

 Part of the answer to a problem is knowing when not to duplicate 
 effort that's already been exerted  tested... :)

But this one is a good intellectual exercise which combines puzzle
elements and outside requirements (i.e. what a calendar looks like).

And besides, someone has to write those modules, you know ;-)

I'd start with just one month, and a piece of paper. Assuming Sunday
starts the week:

   s m t w t f s
   . . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .

It's obvious that worst-case you need six rows.  Then I'd pretend that
the day-of-week of the 1st, and the number of days in the month are
inputs to the problem so I don't have to worry about them.  And I'd
pretend that the output is just a list of 7*6 numbers, with 0 for the
unused days (or None, or '').

  def month(weekday1, days):
  # - list of 42 numbers

Then I'd pick an example: a month with the 1st on Tuesday (2) and 30
days. That would be [0]*2 + [1 .. 30] + [0]*10. And that more or less
makes the solution (of this sub-problem) obvious. I'd implement it,
write unit tests, and move on to the next part of the problem with a
bit more confidence.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Finding the instance reference of an object

2008-11-03 Thread Aaron Brady
On Nov 3, 2:44 pm, Joe Strout [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 3, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Aaron Brady wrote:

  I think we can conclude that Python passes by reference, since a
  function can modify objects that were passed in to it.

 Then please write the Python equivalent of the Swap methods shown at (or at
  , for that matter).

 And no fair wrapping the two parameters up in an object or using tuple  
 packing/unpacking -- the point is to demonstrate that you can change  
 the two parameters themselves, not some object that contains them or  
 return them a different order.

 And by the way, if mutating an object a parameter refers to qualifies  
 as pass by reference, then Java, VB.NET/REALbasic (in ByVal mode), and  
 C/C++ all pass by reference too.  That'll be quite a surprise to their  
 compiler authors!  (I should know, as I'm one of them.)

 - Joe

Python can do the swap operation on mutable types, for example.

By-Value and By-Reference are not the only passing methods.  True or

Re: Structures

2008-11-03 Thread Ben Finney
Paulo J. Matos [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 12:32 PM, Ben Finney
  I'm wondering a more fundamental question: What are structures?
  That is, what do *you* mean by that term; without knowing that, an
  answer isn't likely to be meaningful.
 Well, I guess that everyone pretty much gets since it exists in
 every other language as struct, or define-structure, or whatever is
 the syntax.

Take care with broad sweeping statements about “every other language”,
or even “most other languages”. They are usually flat-out wrong:
there is a stunning variety of different approaches and concepts in
programming languages, with very little common to even a majority of

So no, the question was entirely honest and not a rhetorical device.

 Still, answering your rhetoric question, a structure is way to
 gather information by fields and those fields are referenced by

Okay, you're talking about ‘struct’ from the C language. That helps
answer the question.

In Python, the way to do that is with a dict. A class can be used, but
is often overkill if one doesn't need customised behaviour.

 The fact that python 2.6 has now named tuples is a breath of fresh

That works also, but a dict will be more broadly useful; and
compatible with any Python version.

 \ “Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far as |
  `\society is free to use the results.” —Richard Stallman |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: How do I find the memory used by a python process

2008-11-03 Thread Ben Finney
Salim Fadhley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The unit-test needs to check that after the functions have been run
 a few thousand times all of the memory used by those functions has
 been un-allocated, i.e. that there are no memory leaks.

This is a great test case, thanks. I must add it to my store of
generally-applicable unit test cases.

However, I wonder why you specify the need to run the function
*thousands* of times to test whether it releases memory. Surely your
code unit is deterministic and will release memory (or not) the same
way with the same inputs each time?

 \   “The right to use [strong cryptography] is the right to speak |
  `\ Navajo.” —Eben Moglen |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

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