Re: why doesn't pop/clear call __delitem__ on a dict?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:53 PM, Daniel Fetchinson
 I just found out that if I want to have a custom dict it's not enough
 to overload __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__ because, for
 example, pop and clear don't call __delitem__. I.e. an instance of the
 following will not print 'deleted' upon instance.pop( 'key' ):

 class mydict( dict ):
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
print 'set'
super( mydict, self ).__setitem__( key, value )
def __getitem__( self, key ):
print 'get'
super( mydict, self ).__getitem__( key )
def __delitem__( self, key ):
print 'deleted'
super( mydict, self ).__delitem__( key )

 Why is this?

For optimization purposes essentially, so that the built-in dict can
be as fast as possible as it is used pervasively in Python.

 what other methods do I have to overload so that
 I get what I expect for all dict operations?

You might consider just subclassing UserDict.DictMixin instead:
It implements the complete dict interface all in terms of provided
__getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and keys() methods.


Follow the path of the Iguana...



Re: Rich Comparisons Gotcha

2008-12-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 10 Dec 2008 17:58:49 -0500, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:

 On Sunday 07 December 2008 09:21:18 pm Robert Kern wrote:
 The deficiency is in the feature of rich comparisons, not numpy's
 implementation of it. __eq__() is allowed to return non-booleans;
 however, there are some parts of Python's implementation like
 list.__contains__() that still expect the return value of __eq__() to
 be meaningfully cast to a boolean.
 list.__contains__, tuple.__contains__, the 'if' keyword...
 How do can you suggest to fix the list.__contains__ implementation?

I suggest you don't, because I don't think it's broken. I think it's 
working as designed. It doesn't succeed with arbitrary data types which 
may be broken, buggy or incompatible with __contain__'s design, but 
that's okay, it's not supposed to.

 Should I wrap all my ifs with this?:
 if isinstance(a, numpy.array) or isisntance(b,numpy.array):
 res = compare_numpy(a,b)
 elif isinstance(a,some_otherclass) or isinstance(b,someotherclass):
 res = compare_someotherclass(a,b)
 res = (a == b)
 if res:
# do whatever

No, inlining that code everywhere you have an if would be stupid. What 
you should do is write a single function equals(x, y) that does precisely 
what you want it to do, in whatever way you want, and then call it:

if equals(a, b):

Or, put your data inside a wrapper. If you read back over my earlier 
posts in this thread, I suggested a lightweight wrapper class you could 
use. You could make it even more useful by using delegation to make the 
wrapped class behave *exactly* like the original, except for __eq__.

You don't even need to wrap every single item:

def wrap_or_not(obj):
if obj in list_of_bad_types_i_know_about:
return EqualityWrapper(obj)
return obj

data = [1, 2, 3, BadData, 4]
data = map(wrap_or_not, data)

It isn't really that hard to deal with these things, once you give up the 
illusion that your code should automatically work with arbitrarily wacky 
data types that you don't control.


Re: if expression source format

2008-12-11 Thread Duncan Booth
Lambert, David W (ST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The if expression leads to long statements.  Please offer suggestions
 to beautify this function.  For this example use maximum line length
 marked by the 's.
 Thank you.
 def compute_wind_chill_temperture(T:'Temperature, dF',s:'Wind speed,
 ''' index
 return 35.74 + 0.6215*T + s**0.16*(T*0.4275-35.75) if T  40 else T

If the expression is too long for your liking then just don't use the an if 

if T  40:
   return whatever
   return T

is probably easier to read.

Re: if expression source format

2008-12-11 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 02:07:54 -0500, Lambert, David W (ST) wrote:

 The if expression leads to long statements.  Please offer suggestions
 to beautify this function.  For this example use maximum line length
 marked by the 's.
 Thank you.
 def compute_wind_chill_temperture(T:'Temperature, dF',s:'Wind speed,
 ''' index
 return 35.74 + 0.6215*T + s**0.16*(T*0.4275-35.75) if T  40 else T

Firstly, you don't need compute. Every function computes.

Secondly, fix the spelling of temperature.

Thirdly, we can make it easier to read by spreading it out.

def wind_chill_temperature(
T:'Temperature, dF',s:'Wind speed, mph')-'dF':
' index'
if T  40:
return 35.74 + 0.6215*T + s**0.16*(T*0.4275-35.75)
else: return T

There is no shortage of newlines. They are a renewable resource, don't be 
afraid to use a couple of extra lines to make your code more readable.


Why optimization mode is slower than normal mode?

2008-12-11 Thread Leo Jay
Hi all,

I'm using python 2.6 in a windows xp box, when I try pystone, I get:
C:\Python26\Lib\testpython 50
Pystone(1.1) time for 50 passes = 5.93632
This machine benchmarks at 84227.3 pystones/second

C:\Python26\Lib\testpython -OO 50
Pystone(1.1) time for 50 passes = 6.00515
This machine benchmarks at 83261.8 pystones/second

I tried many times, and get the same result.

Why optimization mode is slower than normal mode?

Best Regards,
Leo Jay

Re: why doesn't pop/clear call __delitem__ on a dict?

2008-12-11 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I just found out that if I want to have a custom dict it's not enough
 to overload __getitem__, __setitem__ and __delitem__ because, for
 example, pop and clear don't call __delitem__. I.e. an instance of the
 following will not print 'deleted' upon instance.pop( 'key' ):

 class mydict( dict ):
def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
print 'set'
super( mydict, self ).__setitem__( key, value )
def __getitem__( self, key ):
print 'get'
super( mydict, self ).__getitem__( key )
def __delitem__( self, key ):
print 'deleted'
super( mydict, self ).__delitem__( key )

 Why is this?

 For optimization purposes essentially, so that the built-in dict can
 be as fast as possible as it is used pervasively in Python.

 what other methods do I have to overload so that
 I get what I expect for all dict operations?

 You might consider just subclassing UserDict.DictMixin instead:
 It implements the complete dict interface all in terms of provided
 __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and keys() methods.

Thanks a lot!

Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Gerard flanagan

Xah Lee wrote:

On Dec 10, 2:47 pm, John W Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Xah Lee wrote:

In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or Java,
you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.


Thanks to various replies.

I've now gather code solutions in ruby, python, C, Java, here:

• A Example of Mathematica's Expressiveness

now lacking is perl, elisp, which i can do well in a condensed way.
It'd be interesting also to have javascript... 

mmm, stone soup...


var map = function(fn, a) {
var b = new Array(a.length);
for (i = 0; i  a.length; i++) {
b[i] = fn(a[i]);
return b

var reduce = function(fn, a, init) {
var s = init;
for (i = 0; i  a.length; i++) {
s = fn(s, a[i]);
return s

var sum = function(a) {
return reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y }, a, 0.0)

var norm = function(a) {
var pow = Math.pow;
return Math.sqrt(sum(map(function(x) { return pow(x, 2) }, a)))

var Unit = function(a) {
var N = norm(a);
return map(function(x) { return x/N }, a)


Re: SequenceMatcher bug ?

2008-12-11 Thread Tim Roberts
Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En Wed, 10 Dec 2008 15:14:20 -0200, eliben [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 What ? This can't be.

 1. Go to
 2. Type
 import difflib
 3. Type
 difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [4] + [5] * 200, [5] * 200).ratio()

 Don't you get 0 as the answer ?

Ah, but that isn't the same expression you posted originally:

SequenceMatcher(None, [4] + [10] * 500 + [5], [10] * 500 + [5]).ratio()

Using *that* expression I got near 1.0 always. But leaving out the [5] at  
the end, it's true, it gives the wrong answer.
I've updated the tracker item.

Your assessment that it is the same problem as #1528074 is correct.  It's
the popularity optimization.  The key here is that the second sequence
consists of more than 200 identical items.  For example, all of the
following give the same bad result:

difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [4] + [5] * 200, [5] * 200).ratio()
difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [4] + [5]  , [5] * 200).ratio()
difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, [4], [5] * 200).ratio()

If you print get_matching_blocks(), you'll see that there are none, because
the b sequence is optimized completely away.  The #1528074 calls it
working by designed and suggests updating the doc.  However, I would
argue that it's worth checking for this.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Memory leak when using a C++ module for Python

2008-12-11 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt
Jaume Bonet wrote:
 When I test the code from C++ each time I delete a vector the consumed
 memory decreases, but it does not happen when the module is called
 from python.

What is a vector for you? Do you mean std::vector? A vector allocated
using malloc()? A vector allocated using new? Just provide a simple piece
of C++ and Python example code that demonstrates the problem and you will
probably get help immediatel.

 I've read that the even when you delete the content of the vectors the
 memory is not freed when you are working with python. Is that so?

There are things like that, but without context it's pretty hard to tell
what's going on.


Sator Laser GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932


if expression source format

2008-12-11 Thread Lambert, David W (ST)

The if expression leads to long statements.  Please offer suggestions
to beautify this function.  For this example use maximum line length
marked by the 's.

Thank you.

def compute_wind_chill_temperture(T:'Temperature, dF',s:'Wind speed,
''' index
return 35.74 + 0.6215*T + s**0.16*(T*0.4275-35.75) if T  40 else T

Re: trace module and doctest

2008-12-11 Thread R. Bernstein
On Nov 22 2007, 4:31 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John J. Lee) wrote:
  I am trying to use thetracemodulewith the --count flag to test for
  statement coverage in my doctests.  Thetracecoverage listing is very
  weird, marking many statements as unexecuted which were clearly executed
  during the run (I can see their output on the screen).  Is this some known
  interaction between thetraceanddoctestmodules?

Interesting. Is this problem caused or ascerbated by the fact that
sys.settrace() is this sort of global? 

I've been looking at redoing pdb from scratch, from the bottom up. As
Obama might say in a different context, line by line.

I sort of don't like the global-ness of pdb, or for that matter the
sys.settrace's trace hook. So as a start, I wrote a tracer module
( and on Pypi) which just a wrapper
around the global trace hook to allow different applications to
register trace events and not clobber one-another.

Possibly in an Ideal world, Python would itself have done the trace
hook chaining. (I believe that the case in Ruby ;-)

But Python 2.6 does now allow you *query* to find out if a trace hook
has been installed, chaining so it is now possible, even though tracer
doesn't use the 2.6 sy.gettrace () to allow it chain outside of
routines that use it directly.

But as I wonder if this kind of problem would have been avoided if
there had been a wrapper to allow settrace chaining? (And if that is s
-- unlikely as it is to happen -- various applications like tracer,
doctest and pdb could be rewritten to use tracer.)

Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread hrishy

Please excuse my OOP but is my understanding correct


is urllib ---Static Class on which the method urlretrieve method is invoked ?

In that case what does the python 3.0 version mean

import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)

urllib --static class
request --method
urlretrieve-- what is this then ?


--- On Mon, 8/12/08, Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?
 Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:54 PM
 On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:53 AM, r0g
 In python 3.0, that appears to be:
 import urllib.request
 urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)


Re: Deeper tracebacks?

2008-12-11 Thread R. Bernstein
brooklineTom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want my exception handler to report the method that originally
 raised an exception, at the deepest level in the call-tree. Let give
 an example.

 import sys, traceback
 class SomeClass:
 def error(self):
 Raises an AttributeError exception.

 def perform_(self, aSelector):
 aMethod = getattr(self, aSelector, None)
 answer = apply(aMethod, [], {})
 except: AttributeError, anAttributeErrorException:
 aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
 answer = None

 When I call perform_ (... SomeClass().perform_('error')), I want to
 collect and report the location *within the method (error) that
 failed*. The above code reports the location of perform_, and no
 deeper in the call tree.

 Anybody know how to accomplish this?

extract_stack() without any arguments is getting this from the
*current frame* which as you noted doesn't have the last exception
info included which has been popped; variable sys.last_traceback has the frames
at the time of the exception, I think. 

So in your code try changing:
 aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
 aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack(sys.last_traceback)

Py_GetPath() C API in python 3

2008-12-11 Thread stalex
Hi all,

I want to build a new, requires total control, python interpreter. So
I implement my own version of Py_GetPath(), Py_GetPrefix(),
Py_GetExecPrefix() and Py_GetProgramFullPath(). When compiling, I
always get error messages, for each API function, look like

+0x211c): In function `Py_GetPath':
./Modules/getpath.c:739: multiple definition of `Py_GetPath'
myApp.o(.text+0x0):/home/alex/workspace/develop/src/myApp.c:11: first
defined here
/usr/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `Py_GetPath' changed from 126 in
system.o to 32 in /opt/python-3.0/lib/python3.0/config/libpython3.0.a
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

If I compile my application with python 2.x, everything's just okay
and my application as well. Any ideas on how to get this working for
python 3?

Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread alex23
On Dec 11, 7:36 pm, hrishy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 urllib --static class
 request --method
 urlretrieve-- what is this then ?

The easiest way is to check for yourself, using type().

So 'type(urllib)' should give you 'type 'module'' (assuming the same
types as 2.5, I don't have an install of 3.0 handy atm). My guess is
'type(urllib.request)' will be the same, and 'type
(urllib.request.urlretrieve)' will be 'type 'function''.

'urllib' is a module, or most likely in this case a package, which is
a folder that can be treated as a module. It contains another module,
'request', which has inside the function 'urlretrieve'.

Modules  packages are a handy language feature for placing
functionality into namespaces. The documentation is worth checking

Re: sys.settrace 'call' event behavior

2008-12-11 Thread R. Bernstein
On Jun 21, 8:47 am, Michal Kwiatkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm building a tool to trace all function calls usingsys.settrace
 function from the standard library. One of the awkward behaviors of
 this facility is that the class definitions are reported as 'call'
 events.[1] Since I don't want to catch class definitions, only
 function calls, I'm looking for a way to differentiate between those
 two. So far I have only vague clues about how to do that.
 At the bottom of this mail is a simple script that prints all
 attributes (except for the bytecode) of the traced code. In the sample
 code Bar class is defined and foo function is called after that. The
 following trace output is reported:
 Bar, 0, 0, (), (), (), (None,), ('__name__', '__module__', 'None'),, 21, , 1, 66
 foo, 0, 0, (), (), (), (None,), (),, 25, , 1, 67
 Class definition and functioncalldiffers on four attributes. Two of
 them, co_name and co_firstlineno are not very helpful. Other two are
 co_names and co_flags. The latter differs only by the CO_OPTIMIZED
 flag, which is for internal use only[2]. So we're left with
 co_names, which is a tuple containing the names used by the
 bytecode. Is that helpful in distinguishing between class definitions
 and function calls? Do you have any other ideas on how to tell them
 Source of the sample script I used follows.
 def trace(frame,event, arg):
 ifevent== 'call':
 print ', '.join(map(str, [frame.f_code.co_name,
 return trace
 import syssys.settrace(trace)
 class Bar(object):
 def foo():
 [1] It is strange for me, but documented 
 properly. thatcallevent
 happens when a function is called (or some other code block

Perhaps you could filter based on the type of the frame.f_code.co_name ? 
e.g. or type(eval(frame.f_code.co_name))

(Sorry for the delayed reply - I don't generally read the newsgroup
and stumbled across this looking for something else. But I noticed no
replies, so...)

Custom debugger trace hooks

2008-12-11 Thread R. Bernstein
A colleague recently asked this:
Is there a cleaner way to dump a trace/track of running a python script. 
 With Pydb I made work-around with
   import pydb
   pydb.debugger(dbg_cmds=['bt', 'l', 's']*300 + ['c'])
   So now I have a dump of 300 steps with backtraces, so I can easily
   compare two executions of the same script to find where they diverged. I
   think it is a really nice feature.

pydb and pdb inherit from the cmd module which does allow pre- and
post-command hooks. 

Neither pdb nor pydb make it easy to add one's own hook. However

If there's something you want to run before stepping you can do that
by monkey-patching Pdb.precmd:

import pydb
def myprecmd(obj, debug_cmd):
Custom Hook method executed before issuing a debugger command.
global _pydb_trace
obj.do_where('10')  # limit stack to at most 10 entries
return obj.old_precmd(debug_cmd)  # is always string 's' in example below

_pydb_trace = pydb.Pdb()
pydb.Pdb.old_precmd = pydb.Pdb.precmd
pydb.Pdb.precmd = myprecmd
pydb.debugger(dbg_cmds=['s'] * 30)

I believe the same is applicable to pdb, although I haven't

Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Dec 11, 2:36 pm, hrishy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please excuse my OOP but is my understanding correct


 is urllib ---Static Class on which the method urlretrieve method is invoked ?

No urllib is a method. Use type(obj) to find out what python thinks
the type of that object is. Note that object here is not meant in
the same sense as the OOP definition.

 In that case what does the python 3.0 version mean

 import urllib.request
 urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)

 urllib --static class
 request --method
 urlretrieve-- what is this then ?

A 'function'. urllib.request.urlretrieve is the fully qualified name
of the function urlretrieve. In other words urlretrieve lives in the
urllib.request namespace.



 --- On Mon, 8/12/08, Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?
  Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:54 PM
  On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:53 AM, r0g

  In python 3.0, that appears to be:

  import urllib.request
  urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)



Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Dec 11, 2:36 pm, hrishy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Please excuse my OOP but is my understanding correct


  is urllib ---Static Class on which the method urlretrieve method is 
  invoked ?

 No urllib is a method. Use type(obj) to find out what python thinks

typo c/method/module

 the type of that object is. Note that object here is not meant in
 the same sense as the OOP definition.

  In that case what does the python 3.0 version mean

  import urllib.request
  urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)

  urllib --static class
  request --method
  urlretrieve-- what is this then ?

 A 'function'. urllib.request.urlretrieve is the fully qualified name
 of the function urlretrieve. In other words urlretrieve lives in the
 urllib.request namespace.



  --- On Mon, 8/12/08, Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   From: Jerry Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?
   Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:54 PM
   On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:53 AM, r0g

   In python 3.0, that appears to be:

   import urllib.request
   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)



Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread hrishy
Hi Saju

Thanks for helping the oop challenged


--- On Thu, 11/12/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?
 Date: Thursday, 11 December, 2008, 10:41 AM
 On Dec 11, 3:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Dec 11, 2:36 pm, hrishy
   Please excuse my OOP but is my understanding
   is urllib ---Static Class on which the method
 urlretrieve method is invoked ?
  No urllib is a method. Use type(obj) to
 find out what python thinks
 typo c/method/module
  the type of that object is. Note that
 object here is not meant in
  the same sense as the OOP definition.
   In that case what does the python 3.0 version
   import urllib.request
   urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, local_file_name)
   urllib --static class
   request --method
   urlretrieve-- what is this then ?
  A 'function'. urllib.request.urlretrieve is
 the fully qualified name
  of the function urlretrieve. In other words
 urlretrieve lives in the
  urllib.request namespace.
   --- On Mon, 8/12/08, Jerry Hill
From: Jerry Hill
Subject: Re: Equivalent of 'wget'
 for python?
Date: Monday, 8 December, 2008, 5:54 PM
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:53 AM, r0g
In python 3.0, that appears to be:
import urllib.request


Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread Leo Jay
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Robert Dailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for a portable way to download ZIP files on the internet
 through Python. I don't want to do os.system() to invoke 'wget', since
 this isn't portable on Windows. I'm hoping the core python library has
 a library for this. Note that I'll be using Python 3.0.

You can get Wget for Windows here:

Best Regards,
Leo Jay

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread William James
John W Kennedy wrote:

 Xah Lee wrote:
  In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or
  Java, you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.

 static float[] normal(final float[] x) {
float sum = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
final float divisor = (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
float[] a = new float[x.length];
for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;
return a;

We don't need no stinkin' loops!

SpiderMonkey Javascript:

function normal( ary )
{ div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
  return x/div)

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread William James
William James wrote:

 John W Kennedy wrote:
  Xah Lee wrote:
   In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or
   Java, you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.
  static float[] normal(final float[] x) {
 float sum = 0.0f;
 for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
 final float divisor = (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
 float[] a = new float[x.length];
 for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;
 return a;
 We don't need no stinkin' loops!
 SpiderMonkey Javascript:
 function normal( ary )
 { div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
   return x/div)

The variable div shouldn't be global.

function normal( ary )
{ var div = Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b) )
  return x/div)


Re: broken ncurses on python 3.0

2008-12-11 Thread Christian Heimes

icarus wrote:

OS: win32, python 3.0

I've been trying to run some curses demos and I get this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 3, in module
import curses
  File C:\Python\lib\curses\, line 15, in module
from _curses import *
ImportError: No module named _curses

The C:\Python\include does not have the curses.h header.
Reinstalling from the x86 msi binary doesn't do it.

Any ideas on how to get this working? maybe it's just the w32 version
that missed ncurses

The Windows binaries doesn't have and never had an ncurses extension. 
The extension doesn't suport ncurses on Windows at all - in all versions 
of Python.



Re: Python is slow

2008-12-11 Thread Luis M . González
On Dec 10, 3:42 pm, cm_gui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I fully agree with Krzysztof Kowalczyk .
 Can't they build a faster VM for Python since they love the language
 so much?

 Python is SLOW.    And I am not comparing it with compiled languages
 like C.
 Python is even slower than PHP!

 Just go to any Python website and you will know.
 An example is:
 And this site is created by the creators of Django!

 And it is not just this Python site that is slow. There are many many
 Python sites which are very slow. And please don’t say that it could
 be the web hosting or the server which is slow — because when so many
 Python sites are slower than PHP sites, it couldn’t be the web
 hosting.   Also, Zope/Plone is even slower.

 Python is slow. Very slow.

Now seriously, just to finish your idiotic rant, check the Pypy

And if you still think this is not enough, why don't you help these
guys to make it faster?


Converting c header file to a python file

2008-12-11 Thread tarun

I am looking for a tool/utility by which can convert c header file to a
python file. A typical header file that I want convert looks like:

#ifndef __VAR1
#define __VAR1

#define VAR2  Rev 2
#define VAR3   2L

typedef struct


#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__cplusplus__)
extern C {

And also function declarations


ctypes and misaligned doubles

2008-12-11 Thread Jan Roelens
Dear python experts,

How can I change the alignment of types in the ctypes package? I have
a library that was built with gcc using the -malign-double option. I
also have python code that can create ctypes wrapper code from the
include files for that library. The problem is that structs that
contain fields of type double are not correctly wrapped half of the
time. This is because ctypes assumes an alignment of 4 (on a 32-bit
platform) for the double type, while the library I'm wrapping uses an
alignment of 8 for these doubles.

Is there a way to change the alignment of a ctypes type without
recompiling the whole ctypes package? If I can't change it, is there a
way to define my own type based on c_double but with a different


Python, threading

2008-12-11 Thread SMALLp
Hy. I have a problem! I'm making multi thread application (client, 
server) using wxPython for GUI, and threading.Thread for threding.

Clients connect and when they are connected (evry thread handles one 
connection) threads change main window.

I neded tip how to make communication between threeds.

Re: ctypes and misaligned doubles

2008-12-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Jan Roelens schrieb:
 Dear python experts,
 How can I change the alignment of types in the ctypes package? I have
 a library that was built with gcc using the -malign-double option. I
 also have python code that can create ctypes wrapper code from the
 include files for that library. The problem is that structs that
 contain fields of type double are not correctly wrapped half of the
 time. This is because ctypes assumes an alignment of 4 (on a 32-bit
 platform) for the double type, while the library I'm wrapping uses an
 alignment of 8 for these doubles.

To force an alignment that is smaller than the native alignment, you
can use the _pack_ attribute in your Structure definitions.

To force an alignment that is larger than the native alignment, you
must use padding.

 Is there a way to change the alignment of a ctypes type without
 recompiling the whole ctypes package? If I can't change it, is there a
 way to define my own type based on c_double but with a different



Re: var or inout parm?

2008-12-11 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Joe Strout a écrit :

On Dec 10, 2008, at 4:29 PM, J. Clifford Dyer wrote:


How can I make a var parm, where the called function can modify
the value of the parameter in the caller?

See Also: the earlier heated debate thread over what evaluation
strategy Python uses (Survey says!: call-by-object).

Oh dear God.  PLEASE don't see also that thread.  That way lies madness.
Just google for call-by-object, and ignore the hell out of that thread.

Agreed on that point!

Anyway, to the OP, see 

Do you really want to start a new flame war, Joe ?-)


Re: How do I manually uninstall setuptools (installed by egg)?

2008-12-11 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
David Cournapeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Chris Rebert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:49 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Ubuntu, I accidentally manually installed setuptools (by running the .egg file
  as a shell script via sudo), and now realize I should just be using
  apt to take care of my system Python packages.
  Really, why? setuptools has more Python packages/programs available
  and updates faster than Debian.
  It's also likely that some of the Debian Python packages are installed
  using setuptools anyway.
  So, why do you think apt and not setuptools is The Right Way(tm)?
  Setuptools is certainly not the right way to install packages
  system-wide on debian, it is very likely to break the whole thing.

It wouldn't be too difficult to make a .deb target which would collect
all the files that did get installed into a package.  It would be a
rather rough and ready package but would do the job.

The .deb would then be uninstallable in the usual (dpkg --purge) way.

Did anyone think about that?

There is a bdist_rpm target for distutils which I often use then use
alien to turn into a .deb.  easy_install is a lot easier though!

  dpkg is a real package installer, with uninstallation feature, correct
  dependency handling: if you start installing things with setuptools
  there, dpkg cannot know anymore how to manage your system.


 That's why it is generally a very bad idea to install things which
 are not managed by dpkg in /usr - be it python or something else
 BTW. It is a much better practice to install from source into
 /usr/local, or your $HOME, etc... Anywhere which is not /usr.

easy_install can do that I think...

I find it odd that easy_install doesn't have
 a) a list what you installed with easy_install
 b) uninstall
in an otherwise excellent program.

Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

Re: looking up function's doc in emacs

2008-12-11 Thread Andreas Röhler
Xah Lee wrote:

 in programing elisp in emacs, i can press “Ctrl+h f” to lookup the doc
 for the function under cursor.
 is there such facility when coding in perl, python, php?
 (i'm interested in particular python. In perl, i can work around with
 “perldoc -f functionName”, and in php it's Both
 of which i have a elisp command with a shortcut that let me jump to
 the doc)
python help(FUNCTIONNAME)


Re: Python, threading

2008-12-11 Thread Saju Pillai
On Dec 11, 6:06 pm, SMALLp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hy. I have a problem! I'm making multi thread application (client,
 server) using wxPython for GUI, and threading.Thread for threding.

 Clients connect and when they are connected (evry thread handles one
 connection) threads change main window.

 I neded tip how to make communication between threeds.

Threads already share data your problem would likely be to synchronize
the threads - threading.Sempahore  threading.Lock will help
Maybe you want some threads to wait while other thread(s) do some
work ? - threading.Event  threading.Condition

The documentation on threading module is where you should start.


Re: How to convert uint64 in C into Python 32bit Object [ I am using Python2.2 ]

2008-12-11 Thread Explore_Imagination
On Dec 11, 4:45 am, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 11, 9:49 am, Explore_Imagination [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi all

  I am new to C and python ... I want to convert C data type uint64
  variable into the Python 32bit Object. I am currently using Python 2.2
  [ It is necessary to use it ]

  Kindly give your suggestion how and in which way I can achieve this

 I'm not sure what you mean by the Python 32bit Object. A Python int
 object holds a signed 32-bit integer. A Python long object holds a
 signed integer of arbitrary size. You will need to convert your uint64
 into a Python long; then, if necessary, check that the result will fit
 in an int (result = sys.maxint).

 If the C variable is in an 8-byte string that you have read from a
 file, the unpack function in the struct module will do the job.
 Assuming your computer is little-endian:

  maxu64 = '\xff' * 8 # example input string
  import struct
  result = struct.unpack('Q', maxu64)[0]

 18446744073709551615L 2 ** 64 - 1


 If however you mean that in C code you need to build a Python object
 to pass over to Python code: According to the Python/C API Reference
 Manual (

 PyObject* PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long v)
 Return value: New reference.
 Returns a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long long, or
 NULL on failure.

 If however you mean something else, 


Thanks for your feedback ... Actually I want to pass unit64 variable
in C to python
but at the same time I want to have a generic code which should work
on both little-endian
and big endian architectures

Any suggestions ?

Re: How to convert uint64 in C into Python 32bit Object [ I am using Python2.2 ]

2008-12-11 Thread Saju Pillai
On Dec 11, 6:45 pm, Explore_Imagination [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Dec 11, 4:45 am, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 11, 9:49 am, Explore_Imagination [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Hi all

   I am new to C and python ... I want to convert C data type uint64
   variable into the Python 32bit Object. I am currently using Python 2.2
   [ It is necessary to use it ]

   Kindly give your suggestion how and in which way I can achieve this

  I'm not sure what you mean by the Python 32bit Object. A Python int
  object holds a signed 32-bit integer. A Python long object holds a
  signed integer of arbitrary size. You will need to convert your uint64
  into a Python long; then, if necessary, check that the result will fit
  in an int (result = sys.maxint).

  If the C variable is in an 8-byte string that you have read from a
  file, the unpack function in the struct module will do the job.
  Assuming your computer is little-endian:

   maxu64 = '\xff' * 8 # example input string
   import struct
   result = struct.unpack('Q', maxu64)[0]

  18446744073709551615L 2 ** 64 - 1


  If however you mean that in C code you need to build a Python object
  to pass over to Python code: According to the Python/C API Reference
  Manual (

  PyObject* PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(unsigned long long v)
      Return value: New reference.
      Returns a new PyLongObject object from a C unsigned long long, or
  NULL on failure.

  If however you mean something else, 


 Thanks for your feedback ... Actually I want to pass unit64 variable
 in C to python
 but at the same time I want to have a generic code which should work
 on both little-endian
 and big endian architectures

 Any suggestions ?

I am not sure if endianness comes into the picture. As long as sizeof
(uint64) == sizeof(unsigned long long) on your platform, python should
have no problem accepting the return value of


just got the g1

2008-12-11 Thread garywood

Just got the G1, is their any way to get python running on the andriod platform 


Re: Python, threading

2008-12-11 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
SMALLp wrote:

 Hy. I have a problem! I'm making multi thread application (client,
 server) using wxPython for GUI, and threading.Thread for threding.
 Clients connect and when they are connected (evry thread handles one
 connection) threads change main window.
 I neded tip how to make communication between threeds.

Are you aware that mixing multi-threading and GUIs usually not works the
naive way? Read up on your toolkits documentation how to deal with


How can I understan the for here?

2008-12-11 Thread Kermit Mei

Hello all, look at the following sentence:

params = {server:mpilgrim, database:master, uid:sa, 

 [%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
['pwd=secret', 'database=master', 'uid=sa', 'server=mpilgrim']

I can't understand the second sentence because of the for ... in.
I consider that the syntactics of for should be:

for k,v in params.items():

But there's no a colon here, why it can work?



Re: How can I understan the for here?

2008-12-11 Thread skip

Kermit I can't understand the second sentence because of the for
Kermit ... in.

Google for python list comprehensions.

Skip Montanaro - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: How can I understan the for here?

2008-12-11 Thread James Mills
On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 12:44 AM, Kermit Mei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't understand the second sentence because of the for ... in.
 I consider that the syntactics of for should be:

 for k,v in params.items():

 But there's no a colon here, why it can work?

It's called a list comprehension.
The for x in y construct becomes an expression.

Simple example:

Build a list of integers divisible by 3:

 [x for x in xrange(10) if not x % 3]
[0, 3, 6, 9]


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread the . brown . dragon . blog
On Dec 11, 4:53 pm, William James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 William James wrote:
  John W Kennedy wrote:

   Xah Lee wrote:
In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or
Java, you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.


   static float[] normal(final float[] x) {
      float sum = 0.0f;
      for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
      final float divisor = (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
      float[] a = new float[x.length];
      for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;
      return a;

  We don't need no stinkin' loops!

  SpiderMonkey Javascript:

  function normal( ary )
  { div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
    return x/div)

 The variable div shouldn't be global.

 function normal( ary )
 { var div = Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b) )
   return x/div)


Chicken Scheme:

(require 'srfi-1)
(define (norm vec)
  (map (cute /  (sqrt (reduce + 0 (map (cute expt  2) vec

Cute huh? ;-)

Re: How to pass out the result from iterated function

2008-12-11 Thread JD
On Dec 10, 2:25 pm, eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 10, 9:16 pm, JD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I got a iterated function like this:

  def iterSomething(list):
  has_something = False
  for cell in list:
  if something in cell:
  has_something = True
  output = something
 if has_something:
 final_out = outupt

  The problem is how can I read this final_out outside of the function.
  I tried the global statement, it seems not work. Any idea?


I tried to return the last result. It's not working. Your code works,

 why don't you just return it ?

 def iterSomething(list):
 has_something = False
 for cell in list:
 if something in cell:
 has_something = True
 output = something
if has_something:
return iterSomething(output)
return output



Re: How can I understan the for here?

2008-12-11 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:44:20 +0800
Kermit Mei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   [%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
 ['pwd=secret', 'database=master', 'uid=sa', 'server=mpilgrim']
 I can't understand the second sentence because of the for ... in.
 I consider that the syntactics of for should be:
 for k,v in params.items():

I think you are binding ':' here too tightly to the 'for' construct in
your mind.  The for construct is for variable(s) in sequence
which can be used as block construct:statement(s) in block
constructs.  The above is not a block construct but a list
comprehension so it follows different rules.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread the . brown . dragon . blog
On Dec 11, 7:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 11, 4:53 pm, William James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  William James wrote:
   John W Kennedy wrote:

Xah Lee wrote:
 In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or
 Java, you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.


static float[] normal(final float[] x) {
   float sum = 0.0f;
   for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
   final float divisor = (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
   float[] a = new float[x.length];
   for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;
   return a;

   We don't need no stinkin' loops!

   SpiderMonkey Javascript:

   function normal( ary )
   { div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
     return x/div)

  The variable div shouldn't be global.

  function normal( ary )
  { var div = Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b) )
    return x/div)


 Chicken Scheme:

 (require 'srfi-1)
 (define (norm vec)
   (map (cute /  (sqrt (reduce + 0 (map (cute expt  2) vec

 Cute huh? ;-)

Haskell looks the best though:

norm v = map (/ (sqrt (sum (map (^2) v v

Re: Call by reference in SWIG?

2008-12-11 Thread Joe Strout

On Dec 10, 2008, at 10:19 PM, Nok wrote:

I can't get call-by-reference functions to work in SWIG...

Python doesn't have any call-by-reference support at all [1], so I'm  
not surprised that a straight translation of the call-by-reference C  
function doesn't work.

Unfortunately I don't know enough about SWIG to suggest a work- 
around.  Hopefully someone more versed in SWIG will have a bright  
idea.  If you don't find anything in the Python space, you might try  
poking around in Java references, since Java has the same call  
semantics as Python.

Best wishes,
- Joe



Re: Python is slow

2008-12-11 Thread
On Dec 11, 7:06 am, Luis M. González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 10, 3:42 pm, cm_gui [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I fully agree with Krzysztof Kowalczyk .
  Can't they build a faster VM for Python since they love the language
  so much?

  Python is SLOW.And I am not comparing it with compiled languages
  like C.
  Python is even slower than PHP!

  Just go to any Python website and you will know.
  An example is:
  And this site is created by the creators of Django!

  And it is not just this Python site that is slow. There are many many
  Python sites which are very slow. And please don’t say that it could
  be the web hosting or the server which is slow — because when so many
  Python sites are slower than PHP sites, it couldn’t be the web
  hosting.   Also, Zope/Plone is even slower.

  Python is slow. Very slow.

 Now seriously, just to finish your idiotic rant, check the Pypy

 And if you still think this is not enough, why don't you help these
 guys to make it faster?


PyPy looks pretty sweet.  I'm glad this discussion was started.  There
always seems to be this buzz about python being slow.  So what if it's
not as fast as C?  I make that up by cutting down development time.  I
figured if I ever ran into something being too slow, that I'd just
have to learn c extensions and replace the bottle necks.  In 2007 I
wrote a system in python that communicated to an autopilot on an
autonomously flying aircraft at real-time.  We never had any speed
issues.  I have not played with django much and I do not typically
develop web apps, but the slowness really must be bloated algorithms
in the libraries you are using.  Programming in other languages (java,
c, c++, c# etc) is not an issue for me, but next to python it's like
writing with a feather and ink instead of a ball point pen.  I have to
put more time into working with the tools I'm using than actually
getting the job done.

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread William James
William James wrote:

 John W Kennedy wrote:
  Xah Lee wrote:
   In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or
   Java, you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.
  static float[] normal(final float[] x) {
 float sum = 0.0f;
 for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
 final float divisor = (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
 float[] a = new float[x.length];
 for (int i = 0; i  x.length; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;
 return a;
 We don't need no stinkin' loops!
 SpiderMonkey Javascript:
 function normal( ary )
 { div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
   return x/div)

The variable div shouldn't be global.

function normal( ary )
{ var div = Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b) )
  return x/div)

Re: Rich Comparisons Gotcha

2008-12-11 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 2008-12-10 23:21, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:
 On Wednesday 10 December 2008 02:44:45 pm you wrote:
 Even in statically typed languages, when you override the equality
 operator/function you can choose not to return a valid answer (raise an
 exception). And it would break all the cases mentioned above (element in
 list, etc). But that isn't the right thing to do. The language
 doesn't/can't prohibit you from breaking the equality test, but that
 shouldn't be considered a feature. (a==b).all() makes no sense.
 Perhaps not in your application, but it does make sense in other
 numeric applications, e.g. ones that work on vectors or matrixes.

 I'd suggest you simply wrap the comparison in a function and then
 have that apply the necessary conversion to a boolean.
 I do numeric work... I'm finishing my MSc in applied math and I'm programing 
 mostly with python. And I'd rather have a.compare_with(b), or 
 a.elementwise_compare(b), or whatever name, rather than (a==b).all(). In 
 fact, I'd very much like to have an a.compare_with(b, epsilon=e).all() (to 
 account for rounding errors), and with python2.5, all(a.compare_with(b)). 
 Yes, I could create an element_compare(a,b) function. But I still can't use 
 a==b and have a meaningful result. Ok, I can (and do) ignore that, it's just 
 one library, I'll keep track of the types before asking for equality (already 
 an ugly thing to do in python), but the a==b behaviour breaks the lists (a in 
 ll, ll.indexof(a)) even for elements not in numpy. ¿Should I also ignore 

You should perhaps reconsider your use of lists. Lists with elements
of different types can be tricky at times, so perhaps you either need
a different data type which doesn't scan all elements or a separate
search function that knows about your type setup.

The fact that comparisons can raise exceptions is not new to Python,
so this problem can pop up in other areas as well, esp. when using
3rd party extensions.

Regarding the other issues like new methods you should really talk
to the numpy developers, since they are the ones who could fix this.

 The concept of equality between two arrays is very well defined, as it is 
 very well defined the element-by-element comparison. There is a need to test 
 for both - then the way to test for equality should be the equality test.
 I'm certain that something could be worked out. A quick paragraph that
 took me just a few minutes to type shouldn't be construed as a PEP that
 will solve all the problems :D.
 As always: the Devil is in the details :-)
 Of course... 

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Dec 11 2008)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2008-12-02: Released mxODBC.Connect 1.0.0

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread Emanuele D'Arrigo
Sorry if I'm a bit thick here...

can any of the esteemed participant in this noble newsgroup confirm
that is not possible to prevent a python module's code from executing
the methods of another module?

I.e. if I have a class with two methods, doSomethingSafe() and
doSomethingDangerous(), is there a way to prevent another module from
executing doSomethingDangerous() but allow the execution of

My understanding is that in python this is not possible. Can you


pexpect and inconsistent exit codes

2008-12-11 Thread Heikki Toivonen
I don't seem to be able to figure out how to get the exit values of
commands executed with pexpect reliably. Here's first with regular shell:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ true; echo $?

Let's try with pexpect. Below is the program:

import sys, pexpect

cmd = true

print 'cmd=', cmd

child = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=sys.stdout)
print 'child exitstatus=', child.exitstatus
print 'child signalstatus=', child.signalstatus
print 'child status=', child.status

The output:

(fabexp)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/python_virtualenvs/fabexp$ python
cmd= true
child exitstatus= 1
child signalstatus= None
child status= 256
(fabexp)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/python_virtualenvs/fabexp$ python
cmd= true
child exitstatus= 0
child signalstatus= None
child status= 0
(fabexp)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/python_virtualenvs/fabexp$ python
cmd= true
child exitstatus= None
child signalstatus= 1
child status= 1

I have tried various other commands, and I just can't seem to be able to
get reliable exit codes from commands I execute. Any ideas what is going on?

  Heikki Toivonen -

Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread alex23
On Dec 12, 2:07 am, Emanuele D'Arrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I.e. if I have a class with two methods, doSomethingSafe() and
 doSomethingDangerous(), is there a way to prevent another module from
 executing doSomethingDangerous() but allow the execution of

 My understanding is that in python this is not possible. Can you

Your understanding is correct.

The Python convention is to prefix non-public methods/classes etc with
an underscore, as in _doSomethingDangerous(). This is meant to
indicate to anyone using your module that they shouldn't use this
function, at least not without having a good understanding of what it

HGE and Python (again)

2008-12-11 Thread Cro
Good day.

I've been trying to port HGE ( to Python
for more than 4 months now...
HGE is a hardware accelerated 2D game engine.
It comes with the source and examples. In the folder include, you
can find hge.h, the file that i am talking about in all the post.

I tried to load the DLL functions with Python Ctypes like this :
 from ctypes import *
 HGE = cdll.LoadLibrary(C:/hge181/hge)
But i get this error : Procedure called with not enough arguments (4
bytes missing) or wrong calling convention.
The call should be done with hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION) and the constant
is defined as #define HGE_VERSION 0x180...
Number 0x180 means 384 in Python. I don't mean what it means in C.
So i am stuck.

I also tried to modify the hge.h file on line 408, and export the
rest of the classes...
__declspec (dllexport) hgeVertex;
__declspec (dllexport) hgeTriple;
__declspec (dllexport) hgeQuad;
__declspec (dllexport) hgeInputEvent;
But after compilation, i am not able to access them from Python
ctypes. They seem to remain invisible. Perhaps i am not doing it

I tried Cython.
I tried to load hge.h in Cython and use the structures.
The first error i get is at line 173: typedef bool (*hgeCallback)
();. I am not that good in C/C++ to understand what it means. So i
commented it...
The second big error is at line 408: extern C { EXPORT HGE * CALL
hgeCreate(int ver); }. This should be the DLL export. I comented that

I used this code in Cython, loading from hge.h:
# file HGE.pyx
cdef extern from windows.h:

cdef extern from hge.h:
And i get this errors:
..\hge.h(215) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'hgeVertex'
..\hge.h(218) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'
..\hge.h(226) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'hgeVertex'
..\hge.h(229) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'
..\hge.h(274) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'HGE'
..\hge.h(274) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
..\hge.h(275) : error C2449: found '{' at file scope (missing function
..\hge.h(407) : error C2059: syntax error : '}'
Then i tried to define hgeVertex in Cython like:
struct hgeVertex:
   float x, y  # screen position
   float z # Z-buffer depth 0..1
   DWORD col  # color
   float tx, ty  # texture coordinates
But i get the exact same errors.
If i comment all the structures hgeVertex and Triple and Quad and the
HGE class, the Cython file compiles !... But it's not useful at all.
My Cython is okay, i compiled a few programs before, so that's not a

Then i tried Swig (and it worked with the examples )... But the
problems with hge,h seem to be somewhat similar.
I call swig like this : swig -c++ -python hge.i
And the file hge.i contains:
/* File : hge.i */
%module hge

#include hge.h

/* Let's just grab the original header file here */
%include hge.h
And the error i get after commenting the HGE callback and DLL export
is this : hge.h(276): Error: Syntax error in input(3). Line 276 is
exactly the first call of HGE class : virtual void CALL Release() =

I tried Boost.Python (and it works with embedding and extending
examples), but i could't compile hge.h even after commenting the
structures and classes. I have to write some wrapper code in hge.h
and i am probably doing it completely wrong.
using namespace boost::python;
class_hgeVertex base(hgeVertex);
So i am stuck again...

I am not that good in neither C or Python.

Can anyone suggest any ideas? Please?
I really really really want to port HGE in Python. It's the greatest
game engine i have ever seen. The particle engine is EXCELLENT and i
need it.

Thank you in advance.

Re: newbie question: if var1 == var2:

2008-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2008-11-29T04:02:11Z, Mel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You could try

 for item in fname:
 item = item.strip()

This is one case where I really miss Perl's chomp function.  It removes a
trailing newline and nothing else, so you don't have to worry about losing
leading or trailing spaces if those are important to you.
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies

Re: Why optimization mode is slower than normal mode?

2008-12-11 Thread Cro

Pystone(1.1) time for 100 passes = 12.8366
This machine benchmarks at 77902 pystones/second

Pystone(1.1) time for 100 passes = 13.0574
This machine benchmarks at 76584.8 pystones/second

It is probably the way it should be. :)

Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread rdmurray

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 at 08:16, alex23 wrote:

On Dec 12, 2:07?am, Emanuele D'Arrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I.e. if I have a class with two methods, doSomethingSafe() and
doSomethingDangerous(), is there a way to prevent another module from
executing doSomethingDangerous() but allow the execution of

My understanding is that in python this is not possible. Can you

Your understanding is correct.

The Python convention is to prefix non-public methods/classes etc with
an underscore, as in _doSomethingDangerous(). This is meant to
indicate to anyone using your module that they shouldn't use this
function, at least not without having a good understanding of what it

There is, however, also the possibility of prefixing the method name
with '__'.  The invokes 'name mangling', which makes it more difficult
(though not impossible, the idea is to avoid accidents) for the method
to be called from outside the class.


Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread MRAB

alex23 wrote:

On Dec 12, 2:07 am, Emanuele D'Arrigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I.e. if I have a class with two methods, doSomethingSafe() and
doSomethingDangerous(), is there a way to prevent another module from
executing doSomethingDangerous() but allow the execution of

My understanding is that in python this is not possible. Can you

Your understanding is correct.

The Python convention is to prefix non-public methods/classes etc with
an underscore, as in _doSomethingDangerous(). This is meant to
indicate to anyone using your module that they shouldn't use this
function, at least not without having a good understanding of what it

You could add a little bit of protection by always passing a certain 
object into _doSomethingDangerous().

_guard = object()

def _doSomethingDangerous(g):
if g is not _guard:
raise Exception(Don't do that!)

That would at least stop accidental calls.

Re: Do more imported objects affect performance

2008-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2008-12-01T11:30:44Z, Nick Craig-Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Importing the module is actualy slower...  If you import the name into
 your namespace then there is only one lookup to do.  If you import the
 module there are two.

Note that if you're importing the entire module but want to call a function
that many times, you can do something like:

import timeit
Timer = timeit.Timer
for _ in xrange(100):
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies

Re: pydb 1.24

2008-12-11 Thread J Kenneth King
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R. Bernstein) writes:

 This release is to clear out some old issues. It contains some
 bugfixes, document corrections, and enhancements. Tests were
 revised for Python 2.6 and Python without readline installed. A bug
 involving invoking from ipython was fixed. The frame command is a
 little more like gdb's. Exceptions are now caught in runcall().

 This is the last release contemplated before a major rewrite.


 bug reports:

I watched the demo video, look forward to working with it. Any links to
that emacs front-end being used in the video?

Cheers and thanks!

Re: Python, threading

2008-12-11 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2008-12-11, SMALLp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hy. I have a problem! I'm making multi thread application (client, 
 server) using wxPython for GUI, and threading.Thread for threding.

 Clients connect and when they are connected (evry thread handles one 
 connection) threads change main window.

 I neded tip how to make communication between threeds.

All window manipulation must be done in the main thread.

Your worker threads can schedule work to be done by the main
thread by using wx.CallAfter()

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! This is a NO-FRILLS
  at   flight -- hold th' CANADIAN

Re: if expression source format

2008-12-11 Thread lambertdw
Consider following snippets:

# must examine code carefully to see that result has a value
if condition:
result = expression1
result = another_expression
return result

# result has a value but difficult to understand how it comes
result = expression1 if condition else another_expression
return result

# must examine code carefully to ensure that it always
# returns a computed value
if condition:
return true_expression
return false_expression

# Ahh!  I do use this idiom quite often.
if condition:
return true_expression
return default_expression

Actually, I was simply wondering if there is yet a  preferred way to
write the python ternary expression.  Samples:

# break expression near convenient max line length A)
true_expression if condition else (fa

# break expression near convenient max line length B)
# (Humans be damned! form.)
true_expr \
ession if cond \
ition else \
false_e \
xpressi \

# ternary nature of expression extremely visible
  if condition else

# I use this form but not happily,
# providing functions as necessary to make it fit onto two lines
# loosely guided by the KR admonition (or maybe it was KP) that
# a conditional expression is too complicated if you can't read
# it to your mother over the phone or something like that.
(true_expression if condition
 else false_expression)


Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 05:40:45 + Paul Rudin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  2008/12/10  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  def norm a
   s = Math.sqrt({|x|x*x}.inject{|x,y|x+y}){|x| x/s}
  If someone doesn't counter with a Python one-liner then I'm going to
  port that to brainfuck.
 from numpy.linalg import norm

This is one line of Python code alright, but it's not a one-liner in
the computes the a normalized vector-sense (which was the original
challenge, if there ever was one).

If anything, you are now ready to compute the *norm* of a vector in a
subseqent line. (Or, if you must, after a semicolon on the same line.)


My real email address is constructed by swapping the domain with the
recipient (local part).

dictionary idiom needed

2008-12-11 Thread Brandon
Hi all,

I have a series of lists in format ['word', 'tagA', 'tagB'].  I have
converted this to a few dicts, such as one in which keys are tuples of
('word', 'tagB'), and the values are the number of times that key was
found.  I need an dictionary idiom whereby I can find all instances of
a given 'word' with any 'tagB', and then subdivide into all instances
of a given 'tagB'.  In both cases I would want the value as a count of
all instances found.  Can this be done with dictionaries?  Or should I
back up and do this with lists?  All of the nested for loops I have
tried return replicated results, so I can't trust those values.

Thanks for any pointers,


Re: newbie question: if var1 == var2:

2008-12-11 Thread rdmurray

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 at 10:24, Kirk Strauser wrote:

At 2008-11-29T04:02:11Z, Mel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You could try

for item in fname:
item = item.strip()

This is one case where I really miss Perl's chomp function.  It removes a
trailing newline and nothing else, so you don't have to worry about losing
leading or trailing spaces if those are important to you.

 '  ab c  \r\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'  ab c  '
 '  ab c  \n'.rstrip('\r\n')
'  ab c  '
 '  ab c  '.rstrip('\r\n')
'  ab c  '


Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread alex23
On Dec 12, 2:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is, however, also the possibility of prefixing the method name
 with '__'.  The invokes 'name mangling', which makes it more difficult
 (though not impossible, the idea is to avoid accidents) for the method
 to be called from outside the class.

That only works for methods, it has no effect on functions or classes
within modules:
def __f(): pass

class __F(object):
def __f(): pass

 import module as m
function __f at 0x00B80FB0
class 'module.__F'
 f = m.__F()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: '__F' object has no attribute '__f'
bound method __F.__f of module.__F object at 0x00B89B30

Re: internal circular class references

2008-12-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Carl Banks wrote:

On Dec 10, 5:26 pm, Ethan Furman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Greetings List!

I'm writing a wrapper to the module to support having no
date.  Its intended use is to hold a date value from a dbf file, which
can be empty.

The class is functional at this point, but there is one thing I would
like to change -- and are class
attributes of, and hold values.  At this
point I have to have two lines outside the actual class definition to do
the same thing, e.g.:

trimmed down class code
  class NullDate(object):
  adds null capable DateTime.Date constructs
  __slots__ = ['_date']
  def __new__(cls, date='', month=0, day=0):
  nulldate = object.__new__(cls)
  nulldate._date = 
 return nulldate


  NullDate.max = NullDate(
  NullDate.min = NullDate(
/trimmed down class code

How can I move those last two lines into the class definition so that:
  1) they are class attributes (not instance), and
  2) they are NullDate type objects?

It can't be done by any straightforward method I know of.  I advise
you not to worry about it, and just define them afterwards, perhaps
with an apologetic comment saying you would have put them inside the
class definition if you could have.

If the out-of-scope issue bothers you that much, you could use some
metaclass hackery to run a method that defines the class attributes
after the class is created, at the unrecommendable cost of confusing
most readers.  Here is a very simple example:

def make_class_and_run_postcreate(name,bases,clsdict):
cls = type.__new__(type,name,bases,clsdict)
return cls

class A(object):
__metaclass__ = make_class_and_run_postcreate
def __postcreate__(cls):
cls.internal_circular_class_ref = cls()

Well, since Practicality beats purity ;) , I'll stick with having the 
two assignment statements just outside the class.  Not to mention my 
metaclass skills are nonexistent at this point.

BTW, if you don't mind some criticism of your code, the code you
posted seems to be much too complex for the job you're describing.

Critiques always welcome.

First of all, do you even need to wrap the class?  With
Python's duck typing ability, you could have a separate NullDate class
to go alongside the, and use a regular
object when the date is present, and NullDate when it's absent.  If
necessary you can subclass to add any new methods it
would have to have.  Use a factory function to return either NullDate
or a depending on whether the dbf cell is empty.

class ValidDate(
def is_valid(self):
return True

class NullDate(object):
# implement any necessary methods of interface here
def is_valid(self):
return False

def create_date_from_dbf_cell(dbf_cell):
if dbf_cell.empty():
return NullDate()
return ValidDate(dbf_cell.value)

If you do this, you don't have to muck around with __getattr__ or
__new__ or snooping to's class dict anything like that.

Carl Banks

Good question.  My goal with NullDate is to have a date object that I 
can treat the same regardless of whether or not it actually holds a 
date.  NullDates with no value should sort before any NullDates with a 
value, should be comparable to dates as well as NullDates, and should 
support all the same methods.  In other words, I don't want to have to 
worry about whether my date object has an actual date under most 
circumstances (printing, using as dictionary keys, comparing, etc.).

Does my design make more sense given these expanded requirements, or 
could it still be done simpler?  For that matter, do my requirements 
make sense?


Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread alex23
On Dec 12, 3:22 am, alex23 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  There is, however, also the possibility of prefixing the method name
  with '__'.  The invokes 'name mangling', which makes it more difficult
  (though not impossible, the idea is to avoid accidents) for the method
  to be called from outside the class.

 That only works for methods, it has no effect on functions or classes
 within modules:

And of course -now- I realise that the OP was asking for protecting
methods. Please disregard my last post :)

Re: Deeper tracebacks?

2008-12-11 Thread brooklineTom
BINGO! Give that man a CIGAR!

The specifics don't seem to be quite right (there is no
sys.last_traceback), but R.Bernstein put me directly on the correct
track. I misunderstood the traceback module documentation. OK, I just
plain didn't read it correctly, it's right there (extract_stack():
Extract the raw traceback from the current stack frame.). The answer
is to use traceback.extract_tb (), called with sys.exc_info()[3] (the
stackframe that raised the exception).

Another sterling example of the benefits of reading the fine manual --
for comprehension this time.

Instead of:
aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
do this:
aRawStack = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])

With this change, aRawStack contains the following:

'answer = apply(aMethod, [], {})'

This is *exactly* what I was seeking.

I appreciate all the responses, and especially appreciate the pointer
from R.Bernstein.


On Dec 11, 4:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (R. Bernstein) wrote:
 brooklineTom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I want my exception handler to report the method that originally
  raised an exception, at the deepest level in the call-tree. Let give
  an example.

  import sys, traceback
  class SomeClass:
  def error(self):
  Raises an AttributeError exception.

  def perform_(self, aSelector):
  aMethod = getattr(self, aSelector, None)
  answer = apply(aMethod, [], {})
  except: AttributeError, anAttributeErrorException:
  aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
  answer = None

  When I call perform_ (... SomeClass().perform_('error')), I want to
  collect and report the location *within the method (error) that
  failed*. The above code reports the location of perform_, and no
  deeper in the call tree.

  Anybody know how to accomplish this?

 extract_stack() without any arguments is getting this from the
 *current frame* which as you noted doesn't have the last exception
 info included which has been popped; variable sys.last_traceback has the 
 at the time of the exception, I think.

 So in your code try changing:
  aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
  aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack(sys.last_traceback)

Re: cx_Oracle issues

2008-12-11 Thread
On Dec 10, 9:48 am, huw_at1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all. When using cx_Oracle to run a procedure like:

 cursor.execute(select (obj.function(value)) from table where

 I am getting the following error:

 ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too
 small ORA-06512: at line 1

 Looking at cursor.description I get:

 [('(obj.function(value))', type 'cx_Oracle.STRING', 4000, 4000, 0,
 0, 1)]

 Any tips - i have never seen this error before but am guessing that
 the value being returned is too big for the buffer size set for the
 cursor. the procedure fetches data from a LOB.

 Any suggestions/confirmations?

 Many thanks

This error is a problem with the PL/SQL, not cx_Oracle.  You need to
debug obj.function to see what kind of data is being accessed and then
a data analysis of that data to understand why this error occurs.  I
can tell you the function is most likely expecting characters from a
column that are numeric [0 .. 9] and is getting alpha characters.

Ron Reidy
Sr. Oracle DBA

Re: Memory leak when using a C++ module for Python

2008-12-11 Thread Jaume Bonet
Sure, sorry...

This is the function that is visible from python and the one that the
python code calls:

static PyObject * IMFind (PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject
*kwargs) {

//Array for the detection of the parameters coming from Python
static char *kwlist[] =
//Root protein code
char *root;
//Pefix for the output file
char *prefix;
//Incoming Python object
PyObject *shareIntPy;
//Number of proteins at level two from the root, that will appear in
the iMotifs' proteins
int *pSize = new int;
//Maximum number of common interactors
int *max = new int;
//Set relating each protein (integer) with their interactors...
setunsigned int** shareInt;
//Lower limit for iMotif search
int lowLim;
//Vector for the seed iMotifs from an specific threshold
vectoriMotif IMseed;
//Vector of all the working iMotifs during the identification process
vectoriMotif IMarray;

//Receiving data from python
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, Ossi, kwlist,
shareIntPy, root, prefix,lowLim)) {
cerr  Error in parameter transference from python to iMotif 
return Py_BuildValue();

//The position of the name in the vector corresponds to the number by
which it is represented
//Here we take the info coming from python and transform it
into a vector (will allow us to work with numbers instead of
// strings) and shareInt which is an array of sets (form
vectorstring translator = string2int

//Loop for iMotif search at threshold thr till the specified lower
for (int thr = *max; thr = lowLim; thr--) {
cout  Checking threshold   thr  endl;

//Specifying the output file name
stringstream filename;
filename  prefix  .  thr;

//Getting the seed iMotifs for this threshold
IMseed = getSeedIM(shareInt,*pSize,thr);

//Adding the new seeds (if any) to those obtained from previous
if (!IMseed.size()) {
vectoriMotif().swap(IMseed); //This is how I try to 
free them
now, size  capacity gets to 0, but the
   // memory is
not freed...
} else {


//Fuse those iMotifs sharing thr interactors
// It also deletes the IMarray before giving it the
new data in the same way as I use here for IMseed


return Py_BuildValue();

The object iMotif used here is composed by 2 sets and 3 strings just
like this: (the access is done by setters and getters)

class iMotif {
//Set of the proteins that shares the iMotif with the root
setunsigned int proteins;
//Set of the proteins to which the iMotifs interacts
setunsigned int interactors;
//iMotifs interactors signature
string MD5Interactor;
//iMotifs proteins signature
string MD5Proteins;
//Real MD5 according to the sequences names
string signature;
and I specified the destructor as:
iMotif::~iMotif() {

setunsigned int().swap(this-proteins);

setunsigned int().swap(this-proteins);


The call to the function from python goes like this:

root=options.protein_problem, prefix=prefixOutFile, lowerLimit=1);

where intersections_dict is a dictionary and options.protein_problem
and prefixOutFile are strings. There is nothing to return from C++ to
python, the result is directly printed into several files.


Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread r
 And of course -now- I realise that the OP was asking for protecting
 methods. Please disregard my last post :)

Are you telling me that you do not know how to YANK your own post? I
find that hard to believe. ;)

Re: get todays files

2008-12-11 Thread Andrew Doades

Tim Chase wrote:

This looks very good and I have tested successfully, but is there a
way I can set the today to automatically become todays date in that

Yes...see the python datetime module[1]...particularly the strftime() 
call on date/datetime objects.



I know this will sound like I am being very cheeky, but is there a way 
you can make this for where the ftp server is actually windows server?

The script runs and it shows the date the file was modified, but still 
downloads them, I have attached the script I am now using with your code in.

import os
from ftplib import FTP
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from time import gmtime, strftime

curr_date = strftime(%d %B %Y, gmtime())

# config
ftp_uname = ''
ftp_pwd = ''
ftp_server = ''
# end of config

fileroot = 'DBBackup_'
files = [] 

logfile = open('c:/dbbackup/getmdbackups.log','a+')

def makelist(line):
   if (line.startswith(fileroot)):
   fs = [line]  

def log(line):
   ll = str( + ' : ' + str(line)
   print ll
   logfile.write(ll + '\n')

def fileexists(ff, size):
   if (os.path.exists(ff)):
   stat = os.stat(ff)
   if (stat.st_size == size):
   return True
   return False

   # first connect using ftp to get a list of valid backup failes available
   log('Connecting to ftp server')
   ftp = FTP(ftp_server)
   resp = ftp.login(ftp_uname,ftp_pwd)
   # fetch files in a loop using wget.

   for ff in files:
   ftp = FTP(ftp_server)
   resp = ftp.login(ftp_uname,ftp_pwd)
   size = ftp.size(ff[0])
   log('Size of server file = ' + str(size))
   if (not fileexists(ff[0],size)):
   results = ftp.sendcmd(MDTM %s % ff[0])
   code, stamp = results.split(None, 1)
   assert code == 213, Unexpected result
   print %s was modified on %s % (ff[0], stamp)
   today = curr_date
   if stamp[:8] == today:
   log('Transferring: ' + ff[0])
   # make parameters to wget the backup file
   params = ' ftp://' + ftp_server + '/' + ff[0]
   rcode ='c:/wget.exe ' + params)
   log('Return code from wget = ' + str(rcode))
   if (rcode == 0):
ff[1] = 1
   log('File ' + ff[0] + ' already exists locally, not 

   ff[1] = 1

   except Exception, e:
   log('Transfer complete')
   # delete the server files that have been transferred or are already 
here with the right filesize.

   for ff in files:
   if (ff[1] == 1):
   log('delete ' + ff[0])
except Exception,e:
# clean up temp files

Re: How can I understan the for here?

2008-12-11 Thread Kermit Mei

D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:44:20 +0800
Kermit Mei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [%s=%s % (k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
['pwd=secret', 'database=master', 'uid=sa', 'server=mpilgrim']

I can't understand the second sentence because of the for ... in.
I consider that the syntactics of for should be:

for k,v in params.items():

I think you are binding ':' here too tightly to the 'for' construct in
your mind.  The for construct is for variable(s) in sequence
which can be used as block construct:statement(s) in block
constructs.  The above is not a block construct but a list
comprehension so it follows different rules.


Yes, I see. Thanks you all.


Python to open command script file

2008-12-11 Thread dave rose
Hello all
 I would like to know how to do the following.  I'd like to have a generic 
python program that the user will open a command-script file to do actions.

So, my python program will get a list of servers, enumerate them within a 
checklistbox in wxpython.  Then I want to open a command-file that will run 
against each selected server that will look like this:

copy from c:\source to u:\target
copy all from c:\source to u:\target
unload netshld from server1

(where I have a class serverfuncs, where I can:
s = serverfuncs()
s.unload('module', 'server')

Really, I can do all the actions, but I don't know how to trigger them from an 
independent script file.



How to know when it's possible to bind a socket on an unprivileged port?

2008-12-11 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
For a purpose of testing I need a function which could tell me whether
it is possible to bind sockets on privileged ports or not.
I wrote down this simple function. It seems reasonably working to me
but I'd like to hear your opinion first.

Thanks in advance.

import socket, errno

def bind_on_privileged_ports(port=21):
Return True if it is possible to bind sockets on privileged
ports ( 1024).
s = socket.socket()
s.bind((, port))
except socket.error, err:
if err[0] == errno.EACCES:
return False
return True

--- Giampaolo

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Stef Mientki

Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 05:40:45 + Paul Rudin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

2008/12/10  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


def norm a
 s = Math.sqrt({|x|x*x}.inject{|x,y|x+y}){|x| x/s}

If someone doesn't counter with a Python one-liner then I'm going to
port that to brainfuck.

from numpy.linalg import norm


This is one line of Python code alright, but it's not a one-liner in
the computes the a normalized vector-sense (which was the original
challenge, if there ever was one).

If anything, you are now ready to compute the *norm* of a vector in a
subseqent line. (Or, if you must, after a semicolon on the same line.)


Couldn't we assume that when you doing these kinds of math, there's always
import numpy
from numpy import *

is always at the start of the program, so it doesn't belong to the 
functional code ?

And for those who use VPython (and thus needs  from visual import * )
can simply do
 a = norm ( v )


Re: Is 3.0 worth breaking backward compatibility?

2008-12-11 Thread walterbyrd
On Dec 7, 12:35 pm, Andreas Waldenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Plze. Python 3 is shipping now, and so is 2.x, where x  5. Python
 2 is going to be around for quite some time. What is everybody's

A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using python
2.x, but some other code, that you wanted to include, was writen in
python 3.x.

It always surprises me that so many python developers never consider
the possibility that you may not always be working with your own code.

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Xah Lee
On Dec 11, 12:32 am, Gerard flanagan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
  On Dec 10, 2:47 pm, John W Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Xah Lee wrote:
  In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or Java,
  you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.

  Thanks to various replies.

  I've now gather code solutions in ruby, python, C, Java, here:

  • A Example of Mathematica's Expressiveness

  now lacking is perl, elisp, which i can do well in a condensed way.
  It'd be interesting also to have javascript...

 mmm, stone soup...


 var map = function(fn, a) {
      var b = new Array(a.length);
      for (i = 0; i  a.length; i++) {
          b[i] = fn(a[i]);
      return b


 var reduce = function(fn, a, init) {
      var s = init;
      for (i = 0; i  a.length; i++) {
          s = fn(s, a[i]);
      return s


 var sum = function(a) {
      return reduce(function(x, y) { return x + y }, a, 0.0)


 var norm = function(a) {
      var pow = Math.pow;
      return Math.sqrt(sum(map(function(x) { return pow(x, 2) }, a)))


 var Unit = function(a) {
      var N = norm(a);
      return map(function(x) { return x/N }, a)


thats about 15 lines. I'm pretty sure JavaScript doesn't need that



Re: Deeper tracebacks?

2008-12-11 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 11 Dec 2008 07:49:42 -0200, R. Bernstein  

brooklineTom writes:

I want my exception handler to report the method that originally
raised an exception, at the deepest level in the call-tree. Let give
an example.

extract_stack() without any arguments is getting this from the
*current frame* which as you noted doesn't have the last exception
info included which has been popped; variable sys.last_traceback has the  

at the time of the exception, I think.

So in your code try changing:
 aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack()
 aRawStack = traceback.extract_stack(sys.last_traceback)

No, last_traceback is the last *printed* traceback in the interactive  
interpreter. Use the third element in sys.exc_info() instead:

import sys, traceback

class SomeClass:
  def error(self):
Raises an AttributeError exception.

  def perform_(self, aSelector):
  aMethod = getattr(self, aSelector)
  answer = aMethod()
except AttributeError:
  tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print Using traceback.print_tb:
print Using traceback.print_exception:
print Using traceback.extract_tb:
print traceback.extract_tb(tb)
del tb



Using traceback.print_tb:
  File, line 11, in perform_
answer = aMethod()
  File, line 6, in error
Using traceback.print_exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 11, in perform_
answer = aMethod()
  File, line 6, in error
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'zork'
Using traceback.extract_tb:
[('', 11, 'perform_', 'answer = aMethod()'), ('', 6,  

, 'int(3).zork()')]

(The 3-name form of the except clause that I menctioned previously only  
exists in my imagination :) )

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Is 3.0 worth breaking backward compatibility?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:21 PM, walterbyrd wrote:
 On Dec 7, 12:35 pm, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

 Plze. Python 3 is shipping now, and so is 2.x, where x  5. Python
 2 is going to be around for quite some time. What is everybody's

 A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using python
 2.x, but some other code, that you wanted to include, was writen in
 python 3.x.

A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using [Java],
but some other code,
that you wanted to include, was writen in [Pascal].

Surely the software industry is doomed?

Re: dictionary idiom needed

2008-12-11 Thread bearophileHUGS
 I need an dictionary idiom whereby I can find all instances of
 a given 'word' with any 'tagB', and then subdivide into all instances
 of a given 'tagB'.  In both cases I would want the value as a count of
 all instances found.

If I have understood you well enough, I think you can do with a dict
that has the tuple ('word', 'tagB') as key, and as value has a
collections.defaultdict(int) that maps 'tagB' to its count.


Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Xah Lee
Xah Lee wrote:

• A Example of Mathematica's Expressiveness

On Dec 11, 3:53 am, William James wrote:
 function normal( ary )
 { var div = Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b) )
   return x/div)


I run your code in SpiderMonkey:

// SpiderMonkey javascript. By William James.
function normal(v) {
var div=Math.sqrt( x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
  return x/div)

print normal [3,4];

i got:

/Users/xah/Documents/temp/xx.js:3: SyntaxError: missing { before
function body:
/Users/xah/Documents/temp/xx.js:3: var div=Math.sqrt(
x*x).reduce(function(a,b) a+b))
3: ^



Re: dictionary idiom needed

2008-12-11 Thread bearophileHUGS
 you can do with a dict
 that has the tuple ('word', 'tagB') as key, and as value has a
 collections.defaultdict(int) that maps 'tagB' to its count.

Where's 'tagA'?
Probably I haven't understood your problem well enough. I need a
better example of your data and what you need...

Sorry, bye,

Re: Is 3.0 worth breaking backward compatibility?

2008-12-11 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 10:21:55 -0800 (PST) walterbyrd wrote:

 On Dec 7, 12:35 pm, Andreas Waldenburger wrote:
  Plze. Python 3 is shipping now, and so is 2.x, where x  5.
  Python 2 is going to be around for quite some time. What is
  everybody's problem?
 A possible, potential, problem, could arise if you were using python
 2.x, but some other code, that you wanted to include, was writen in
 python 3.x.
Yes, that would be a problem, of course. But I fail to see how that is
not a problem with python 2.x as well. New Style Classes? Generators?
The with statement? I use those all the time. Why aren't as many
people complaining about them with the same argument?


My real email address is constructed by swapping the domain with the
recipient (local part).


Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Xah Lee
On Dec 10, 2:47 pm, John W Kennedy wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
  In lisp, python, perl, etc, you'll have 10 or so lines. In C or Java,
  you'll have 50 or hundreds lines.


 #include stdlib.h
 #include math.h

 void normal(int dim, float* x, float* a) {
     float sum = 0.0f;
     int i;
     float divisor;
     for (i = 0; i  dim; ++i) sum += x[i] * x[i];
     divisor = sqrt(sum);
     for (i = 0; i  dim; ++i) a[i] = x[i]/divisor;


i don't have experience coding C. The code above doesn't seems to
satisfy the spec. The input should be just a vector, array, list, or
whatever the lang supports.
The output is the same datatype of the same dimension.



Re: Python to open command script file

2008-12-11 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 11, 12:04 pm, dave rose wrote:
 Hello all
  I would like to know how to do the following.  I'd like to have a generic
 python program that the user will open a command-script file to do actions.

 So, my python program will get a list of servers, enumerate them within a
 checklistbox in wxpython.  Then I want to open a command-file that will run
 against each selected server that will look like this:

 copy from c:\source to u:\target
 copy all     from c:\source to u:\target
 unload netshld from server1

 (where I have a class serverfuncs, where I can:
 s = serverfuncs()
 s.unload('module', 'server')

 Really, I can do all the actions, but I don't know how to trigger them from an
 independent script file.


I usually use python's included shutil module for copying files and
directories. I think that would be a little more cross-platform
friendly. However, if you want to execute those commands above, try
using the subprocess module or os.system.


Re: How to know when it's possible to bind a socket on an unprivileged port?

2008-12-11 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 11 Dic, 19:09, Giampaolo Rodola' wrote:
 For a purpose of testing I need a function which could tell me whether
 it is possible to bind sockets on privileged ports or not.
 I wrote down this simple function. It seems reasonably working to me
 but I'd like to hear your opinion first.

 Thanks in advance.

 import socket, errno

 def bind_on_privileged_ports(port=21):
     Return True if it is possible to bind sockets on privileged
     ports ( 1024).
         s = socket.socket()
         s.bind((, port))
     except socket.error, err:
         if err[0] == errno.EACCES:
             return False
     return True

Just to clarify: I don't really care *which* port to use for binding
the socket. I just need to try to bind a socket on a free random
privileged port and return True if that has been possible.

--- Giampaolo

Re: get todays files

2008-12-11 Thread Tim Chase
I know this will sound like I am being very cheeky, but is there a way 
you can make this for where the ftp server is actually windows server?

For Windows Server, I don't have a Windows FTP server to test 
with -- I've got the company Linux server, and the previous 
testing site I used (I think I used which also 
likely runs some flavor of Linux.  Neither supports the NLST from 
my testing.

curr_date = strftime(%d %B %Y, gmtime())

The first thing I noticed was that your strftime formating needs 
to match the format of the date that comes back from the FTP 
site.  In my test, that was MMDD.  As such, your %d %B %Y 
would likely need to be %Y%m%d.


The servers I tried didn't support the NLST command so I can't 
exactly follow along here.  However assuming that it correctly 
populates the list of files here

for ff in files:

correctly, that's immaterial to me.

ftp = FTP(ftp_server)
resp = ftp.login(ftp_uname,ftp_pwd)

Just curious why you're logging into the server each pass through 
the loop -- I'd just connect once at the beginning of the loop, 
pull the files, and then disconnect at the end of the loop.

assert code == 213, Unexpected result

Does this assert fail at any point?

if stamp[:8] == today:

Given the above date-formatting, this should fail *every* time 
unless your FTP server is returning the date in some format other 
than MMDDhhmmss

It's hard to pinpoint actual problems as this block of code has 
been modified, or doesn't run...there's some bogus indentation in 
your post:

log('Transferring: ' + ff[0])
# make parameters to wget the backup file
params = ' ftp://' + ftp_server + '/' + ff[0]
rcode ='c:/wget.exe ' + params)
log('Return code from wget = ' + str(rcode))
if (rcode == 0):
 ff[1] = 1
log('File ' + ff[0] + ' already exists locally, not 

because this else is hanging oddly.  Additionally, the FTP 
object has methods for downloading the content of a file, so I'd 
not bother shelling out to wget as an additional dependency.



Re: internal circular class references

2008-12-11 Thread Carl Banks
On Dec 11, 11:33 am, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Good question.  My goal with NullDate is to have a date object that I
 can treat the same regardless of whether or not it actually holds a
 date.  NullDates with no value should sort before any NullDates with a
 value, should be comparable to dates as well as NullDates, and should
 support all the same methods.  In other words, I don't want to have to
 worry about whether my date object has an actual date under most
 circumstances (printing, using as dictionary keys, comparing, etc.).

 Does my design make more sense given these expanded requirements, or
 could it still be done simpler?  For that matter, do my requirements
 make sense?

Your requirements make sense, but I think your approach is overkill.

In particular, I think you are unnecessarily constraining yourself by
forcing the dates and non-dates to be of the same data type.  There's
usually no reason for that.  Python's duck typing allows you to write
code that supports multiple types, as long as each type provides the
same methods and operations and such.

For instance, say you have a function like this that works for
ordinary objects:

def print_date(date):
print date.strftime()

Now you want to be able to pass it a particular object that indicates
no date was specified.  Just define the class, like so:

class NullDate(object):
def strftime(self):
print no date specified

Now you could pass either a regular object, or a
NullDate object, like so:


So, to (almost) get what you want, you need to just define a NullDate
class that implements all the methods of  Then the only
thing you have to do is, when you're extracting the date from your dbf
file, instead of always creating a, create a object when the date is specified, and a NullDate object
when it's not.  You could write a factory function to do it, for

def create_date_or_not(dbf_cell):
if dbf_cell.contents:
return NullDate()

Now, you did throw one little curveball into the requirements above:
that NullDate needs to be comparable with objects.  I'd
handle this by subclassing to allow comparisons with

class ValidDate(
def __eq__(self,other):
if isinstance(other,NullDate):
return False
return super(ValidDate,self).__eq__(other)
# and so on

class NullDate(object):
def __eq__(self,other):
if isinstance(other,NullDate):
return True
return False
# note: in Python 3.0 you would want to throw exceptions
# for unexpected types

Then use ValidDate instead of when the date is

Carl Banks

Re: get todays files

2008-12-11 Thread Andrew Doades

Tim Chase wrote:
I know this will sound like I am being very cheeky, but is there a 
way you can make this for where the ftp server is actually windows 

For Windows Server, I don't have a Windows FTP server to test with -- 
I've got the company Linux server, and the previous testing site I 
used (I think I used which also likely runs some 
flavor of Linux.  Neither supports the NLST from my testing.

curr_date = strftime(%d %B %Y, gmtime())

The first thing I noticed was that your strftime formating needs to 
match the format of the date that comes back from the FTP site.  In my 
test, that was MMDD.  As such, your %d %B %Y would likely need 
to be %Y%m%d.


The servers I tried didn't support the NLST command so I can't exactly 
follow along here.  However assuming that it correctly populates the 
list of files here

for ff in files:

correctly, that's immaterial to me.

ftp = FTP(ftp_server)
resp = ftp.login(ftp_uname,ftp_pwd)

Just curious why you're logging into the server each pass through the 
loop -- I'd just connect once at the beginning of the loop, pull the 
files, and then disconnect at the end of the loop.
I support it would be somewhat better to download in a 'bulk' download 
rather that a file at a time, this script was not written by me, I am 
just the developer who has to make a new or modify the old one.

assert code == 213, Unexpected result

Does this assert fail at any point?

Nope, nothing shows up in my logs or on screen.

if stamp[:8] == today:

Given the above date-formatting, this should fail *every* time unless 
your FTP server is returning the date in some format other than 
This line appears to just get missed in the code, I think it might be 
one of the problems when it downloads all the files.

It's hard to pinpoint actual problems as this block of code has been 
modified, or doesn't run...there's some bogus indentation in your post:

log('Transferring: ' + ff[0])
# make parameters to wget the backup file
params = ' ftp://' + ftp_server + '/' + ff[0]
rcode ='c:/wget.exe ' + params)
log('Return code from wget = ' + str(rcode))
if (rcode == 0):
 ff[1] = 1
log('File ' + ff[0] + ' already exists locally, not 

because this else is hanging oddly.  Additionally, the FTP object 
has methods for downloading the content of a file, so I'd not bother 
shelling out to wget as an additional dependency
I am running kubuntu 8.04 and have edited the code in kate, It seemed to 
indent on every line, so I just 'pulled' it back a little.


Thanks for you comments, I think I will try and start from scratch and 
see what I get.



Re: Find Files in a Folder Between 2 Dates

2008-12-11 Thread Gregory Plantaine
On Dec 5, 3:14 pm, John Machin wrote:
 On Dec 6, 9:41 am, wrote:

  That worked perfectly!

  Thanks Tim!

  Since we can print the files, does that mean the list of files is in a
  tuple, or something?  Would there be a way to further split up the
  file names?

  For example, now that the files are processed into the list, we want
  to look through that list to find different filetypes.



 *DANGER* It looks like you are interested in the timestamps that are
 embedded in the names of the files. Tim's code assumes [reasonably
 given that your problem description was ambiguous and had no examples
 of good and bad results] that you are interested in the last
 modification time of the file. You may say same thing. Yes, same
 thing, until somebody sucks a file into a text editor, messes with it,
 and saves it again. No, Murphy's Law has not been repealed.

  Can we split up .111 files?

  Actually, where would I look something like this up?

 In the Library Reference Manual ... there are all sorts of goodies in
 the os and os.path modules e.g. like those used by Tim; make sure you
 read the docs on the methods Tim used so that you understand what's


Thanks for the advice John!

I was going though the Manual, but I'm having some trouble figuring
out how to iterate through each line.

So from the same example, we've already created a list called lists.
Now how do I iterate through each line?

For eachline in lists
Find all .111 files.

Re: Preventing execution of a method

2008-12-11 Thread Emanuele D'Arrigo
Thank you all for the confirmation and the suggestions (including the
tangential ones: I didn't know one could remove your his own posts!).

As much as I really like Python (which I've been using full-time only
for the past two months) I really wish it did have regular private/
protected/public methods.

I'm building an application that can be extended by the users and I
really wish there was a solid way to prevent them from accessing parts
of the application that they shouldn't access or to provide read-only
access. I.e. right now I'm working on the graphical client which
potentially could be rewritten entirely by the users. It is necessary
and perfectly reasonable for the client module to access some of the
objects to be represented graphically, but those objects shouldn't be
modifiable by it.

I now wonder, would developing the graphical client as an entirely
separate application, communicating with the server via the localhost
network interface and messages, solve the problem? Would it keep the
objects of the two applications (server/client) entirely separate?


Re: internal circular class references

2008-12-11 Thread rdmurray

On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 at 09:33, Ethan Furman wrote:

Carl Banks wrote:

 On Dec 10, 5:26 pm, Ethan Furman wrote:
 First of all, do you even need to wrap the class?  With
 Python's duck typing ability, you could have a separate NullDate class
 to go alongside the, and use a regular
 object when the date is present, and NullDate when it's absent.  If
 necessary you can subclass to add any new methods it
 would have to have.  Use a factory function to return either NullDate
 or a depending on whether the dbf cell is empty.

 class ValidDate(
 def is_valid(self):
 return True

 class NullDate(object):
 # implement any necessary methods of interface here
 def is_valid(self):
 return False

 def create_date_from_dbf_cell(dbf_cell):
 if dbf_cell.empty():
 return NullDate()
 return ValidDate(dbf_cell.value)

 If you do this, you don't have to muck around with __getattr__ or
 __new__ or snooping to's class dict anything like that.

 Carl Banks

Good question.  My goal with NullDate is to have a date object that I can 
treat the same regardless of whether or not it actually holds a date. 
NullDates with no value should sort before any NullDates with a value, should 
be comparable to dates as well as NullDates, and should support all the same 
methods.  In other words, I don't want to have to worry about whether my date 
object has an actual date under most circumstances (printing, using as 
dictionary keys, comparing, etc.).

Does my design make more sense given these expanded requirements, or could it 
still be done simpler?  For that matter, do my requirements make sense?

What Carl is saying is that since python uses duck typing (if it quacks
like a duck, it is a duck), all you need to do is make your NullDate
object quack enough like a date to handle your use cases, and then you
can freely mix dates and NullDates _without having to care which one a
given object is_ (python won't care).  (Until you do care, at which
point you can use isinstance to find out if it is a NullDate).

As far as I can see, your requirements as you've outlined them can be met
by mixing date objects and appropriately implemented NullDate objects.
And that way NullDates will _only_ represent null dates, thus making
its name more meaningful :).

To do this you just need to implement on NullDate those methods that
are going to give NullDate the behavior you need: the rich comparison
operators, __str__, __hash__, etc.  Or it might be easier to subclass
date and override some of the methods.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your requirements, of course :)


Re: Call by reference in SWIG?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Joe Strout wrote:
 On Dec 10, 2008, at 10:19 PM, Nok wrote:

 I can't get call-by-reference functions to work in SWIG...

 Python doesn't have any call-by-reference support at all [1], so I'm not
 surprised that a straight translation of the call-by-reference C function
 doesn't work.

 Unfortunately I don't know enough about SWIG to suggest a work-around.
  Hopefully someone more versed in SWIG will have a bright idea.  If you
 don't find anything in the Python space, you might try poking around in Java
 references, since Java has the same call semantics as Python.

I'm not sure if SWIG has tools to do this for you or if you need to do
the mapping by hand, but the usual idiom is to translate them into
return values (keeping the original arg if the passed in value matters

Re: Mathematica 7 compares to other languages

2008-12-11 Thread Xah Lee
On Dec 11, 6:50 am, wrote:
;; Chicken Scheme. By
(require 'srfi-1)
(define (normalize vec)
  (map (cute /  (sqrt (reduce + 0 (map (cute expt  2) vec

Is it possible to make it work in scsh? (i'm running scsh 0.6.4, and
don't know Scheme lisp well)



Re: just got the g1

2008-12-11 Thread Michael Torrie
garywood wrote:
 Just got the G1, is their any way to get python running on the andriod 
 platform ?

Nope.  But some day when other languages are supported, Python will be
high on the list.

In the meantime, Android is java only.  And no you can't use Jython
because Android statically compiles normal java byte code to the special
bytecode their own VM uses.  Jython being a dynamic language does not
emit static java classes.  From what I understand, porting Jython to
work on this special VM is not trivial.

Re: Equivalent of 'wget' for python?

2008-12-11 Thread member thudfoo
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 8:22 AM, Robert Dailey wrote:

 I'm looking for a portable way to download ZIP files on the internet
 through Python. I don't want to do os.system() to invoke 'wget', since
 this isn't portable on Windows. I'm hoping the core python library has
 a library for this. Note that I'll be using Python 3.0.


This module might be of interest:

Re: newbie question: if var1 == var2:

2008-12-11 Thread Steve Holden
Kirk Strauser wrote:
 At 2008-11-29T04:02:11Z, Mel writes:
 You could try

 for item in fname:
 item = item.strip()
 This is one case where I really miss Perl's chomp function.  It removes a
 trailing newline and nothing else, so you don't have to worry about losing
 leading or trailing spaces if those are important to you.

... and it's so hard to write

 item = item[:-1]

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: newbie question: if var1 == var2:

2008-12-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2008-12-11T17:24:44Z, writes:

  '  ab c  \r\n'.rstrip('\r\n')
 '  ab c  '
  '  ab c  \n'.rstrip('\r\n')
 '  ab c  '
  '  ab c  '.rstrip('\r\n')
 '  ab c  '

I didn't say it couldn't be done.  I just like the Perl version better.
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies

Re: Python, threading

2008-12-11 Thread Scott David Daniels

SMALLp wrote:

... I need a tip on how to communicat4 between threads.

Typically inter-thread communication is done via Queue.Queue.
Look up the Queue module in your docs.

a Simple example:

import Queue
shared_work = Queue.Queue()
combined_replies = Queue.Queue()
... [distributor]
in loop:
for n in range(workers):
shared_work.put(None) # tell everybody to stop
for thread in workers:
thread.join(worker) # wait til they all finish
combined_replies.put(None) # tell service to stop
thread.join(writer)# wait til it is done.

... [workers]
 for work in iter(shared_work.get, None):
  do work
... [writer]
 for results in iter(combined_results.get, None):
  use results

--Scott David Daniels


Re: dictionary idiom needed

2008-12-11 Thread Scott David Daniels

Brandon wrote:

I have a series of lists in format ['word', 'tagA', 'tagB'].  I have
converted this to a few dicts, such as one in which keys are tuples of
('word', 'tagB'), and the values are the number of times that key was

Smells like homework without a particular application.

--Scott David Daniels


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