Re: Read-Write Lock vs primitive Lock()

2008-12-30 Thread k3xji

  Note that the thread acquires the lock ONCE, repeats several thousand
  times an assignment to a *local* variable called GLOBAL_VAR (!), finally
  releases the lock and exits. As every thread does the same, they just  
  one after another, they never have a significant overlap.

Ok. Forget about the GLOBAL_VAR. See the below code:

import threading
import locks
import time

#GLOBAL_LOCK = locks.ReadWriteLock()
GLOBAL_LOCK = threading.Lock()
#GLOBAL_LOCK = mylock()

class wthread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
for i in range(GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT):

class rthread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
print 'ENTER:'+str(threading.currentThread())
print 'ACQUIRE:'+str(threading.currentThread())
for i in range(GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT):
print 'RELEASE:'+str(threading.currentThread())

# module executed?
if __name__ == __main__:
starttime = time.clock()
threads = []
for i in range(GLOBAL_READER_COUNT):
rt = rthread()
for i in range(GLOBAL_WRITER_COUNT):
wt = wthread()

for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
print All operations took  + str(time.clock() - starttime) + 

As GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT is 1000, now this is making a bottleneck on
the readers. I had assumed that as everythread is given only 100
bytecodes to execute, that it will be enough to have a 1 value for
this number to let other rthread start() and try to acquire the lock.
But, Python undocumentedly, does not grab the GIL easily if a Lock is
held. This is strange for me.

  If I put the for loop outside, in that case, readers will not overlap
  at all, and you would be amazed by the numbers for that test. They
  indicate primitive lock is faster than read-write lock, as it requires
  the lock, executes only one bytecode operation and releases the lock.
  So, in order to create a bottlenneck on readers, we need to somehow do
  not release the lock immediately.

 Again, what is your specific use case? why do you think readers will see a  

  With that, primitive locks perform 10 times better than Read-Write
  lock. See above.

 So what? You don't like such results? The read-write lock in the recipe  
 you posted is rather complex, and isn't obvious whether it is correct or  
 not, and the author doesn't prove it nor provide a reference. I'd stick to  
 the standard Lock object unless I have specific needs.
 Note that threading.Lock objects are implemented in C and don't have  
 significant overhead (other than the wait itself); even threading.RLock  
 objects are a lot slower. So depending on what you really have to do, the  
 overhead of using a class like ReadWriteLock may be worse than using a  
 standard Lock.

That may be the point. That is why I am trying to test this. When will
ReadWrite() lock permforms better over the primitive lock. By the way,
for the reference, the code in the recipe is used in CherryPy and
based on the Tanenbaum's book Operating Systems Design.

  Hmmm, it's a reader but attempts to modify the value?
  You don't have to protect a read operation on a global variable - so a
  lock isn't required here.

  This is just for testing. Suppose that I am actually reading the
  value. I don't understand why a lock is not required? Are you saying
  lock is not necesary beacuse GLOBAL_VALUE is an immutable object, if
  then, suppose it is not. This is just a test. Suppose GLOBAl_VAR is a
  list and we are calling append() on it which is nt an atomic

 It doesn't matter whether it is mutable or immutable. Remember that, in  
 Python, a global variable is just a *name* that refers to an object; you  
 either get the old object referred, or the new one. If it is a list and it  
 is being modified in place, you always get the same list -- its contents  
 may differ from one instant to another so iterating over it isn't safe.
 That's why I insist on knowing your use case: you may me doing things more  
 complicated than they should.

I understand your point completely, but let's change anything inside
the loop. Just assume that we a thread that is supposed to read
something, and a thread that is supposed to write. If I create

Re: Read-Write Lock vs primitive Lock()

2008-12-30 Thread k3xji

  Note that the thread acquires the lock ONCE, repeats several thousand
  times an assignment to a *local* variable called GLOBAL_VAR (!), finally
  releases the lock and exits. As every thread does the same, they just  
  one after another, they never have a significant overlap.

Ok. Forget about the GLOBAL_VAR. See the below code:

import threading
import locks
import time

#GLOBAL_LOCK = locks.ReadWriteLock()
GLOBAL_LOCK = threading.Lock()
#GLOBAL_LOCK = mylock()

class wthread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
for i in range(GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT):

class rthread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
print 'ENTER:'+str(threading.currentThread())
print 'ACQUIRE:'+str(threading.currentThread())
for i in range(GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT):
print 'RELEASE:'+str(threading.currentThread())

# module executed?
if __name__ == __main__:
starttime = time.clock()
threads = []
for i in range(GLOBAL_READER_COUNT):
rt = rthread()
for i in range(GLOBAL_WRITER_COUNT):
wt = wthread()

for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
print All operations took  + str(time.clock() - starttime) + 

As GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT is 1000, now this is making a bottleneck on
the readers. I had assumed that as everythread is given only 100
bytecodes to execute, that it will be enough to have a 1 value for
this number to let other rthread start() and try to acquire the lock.
But, Python undocumentedly, does not grab the GIL easily if a Lock is
held. This is strange for me.

  If I put the for loop outside, in that case, readers will not overlap
  at all, and you would be amazed by the numbers for that test. They
  indicate primitive lock is faster than read-write lock, as it requires
  the lock, executes only one bytecode operation and releases the lock.
  So, in order to create a bottlenneck on readers, we need to somehow do
  not release the lock immediately.

 Again, what is your specific use case? why do you think readers will see a  

  With that, primitive locks perform 10 times better than Read-Write
  lock. See above.

 So what? You don't like such results? The read-write lock in the recipe  
 you posted is rather complex, and isn't obvious whether it is correct or  
 not, and the author doesn't prove it nor provide a reference. I'd stick to  
 the standard Lock object unless I have specific needs.
 Note that threading.Lock objects are implemented in C and don't have  
 significant overhead (other than the wait itself); even threading.RLock  
 objects are a lot slower. So depending on what you really have to do, the  
 overhead of using a class like ReadWriteLock may be worse than using a  
 standard Lock.

That may be the point. That is why I am trying to test this. When will
ReadWrite() lock permforms better over the primitive lock. By the way,
for the reference, the code in the recipe is used in CherryPy and
based on the Tanenbaum's book Operating Systems Design.

  Hmmm, it's a reader but attempts to modify the value?
  You don't have to protect a read operation on a global variable - so a
  lock isn't required here.

  This is just for testing. Suppose that I am actually reading the
  value. I don't understand why a lock is not required? Are you saying
  lock is not necesary beacuse GLOBAL_VALUE is an immutable object, if
  then, suppose it is not. This is just a test. Suppose GLOBAl_VAR is a
  list and we are calling append() on it which is nt an atomic

 It doesn't matter whether it is mutable or immutable. Remember that, in  
 Python, a global variable is just a *name* that refers to an object; you  
 either get the old object referred, or the new one. If it is a list and it  
 is being modified in place, you always get the same list -- its contents  
 may differ from one instant to another so iterating over it isn't safe.
 That's why I insist on knowing your use case: you may me doing things more  
 complicated than they should.

I understand your point completely, but let's change anything inside
the loop. Just assume that we a thread that is supposed to read
something, and a thread that is supposed to write. If I create

Re: How do I DRY the following code?

2008-12-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:13:55 -0500, R. Bernstein wrote:

 How do I DRY the following code? 

 class C():
[snip code]

Move the common stuff into methods (or possibly external functions). If 
you really need to, make them private by appending an underscore to the 
front of the name.

class C():
  def common1(self, *args):
return common1
  def common2(self, *args):
return common2
  def _more(self, *args):  # Private, don't touch!
return more stuff

  def f1(self, arg1, arg2=None, globals=None, locals=None):
  ... unique stuff #1 ...
  ret = eval(args, globals, locals)
  return retval

  def f2(self, arg1, arg2=None, *args, **kwds):
  ... unique stuff #2 ...
  ret = arg1(args, *args, **kwds)
  return retval

  def f3(self, arg1, globals=None, locals=None):
  ... unique stuff #3 ...
  exec cmd in globals, locals
  return None  # unneeded

  def f4(self, arg1, globals=None, locals=None):
  ... unique stuff #4 ...
  execfile(args, globals, locals)

An explicit return None is probably not needed. Python functions and 
methods automatically return None if they reach the end of the function.

 Above there are two kinds of duplication: that within class C and that
 outside which creates an instance of the class C and calls the
 corresponding method.

Do you really need them? If so, you're repeating yourself by definition. 
That's not necessarily a problem, the stand-alone functions are just 
wrappers of methods. You can decrease (but not eliminate) the amount of 
repeated code with a factory function:

def build_standalone(methodname, docstring=None):
def function(arg, arg2=None, globals=None, locals=None):
c = C()
return c.getattr(methodname)(arg, arg2, globals, locals)
function.__name__ = methodname
function.__doc__ = docstring
return function

f1 = build_standalone('f1', Docstring f1)
f2 = build_standalone('f2', Docstring f2)
f3 = build_standalone('f3', Docstring f3)

There's no way to avoid the repeated f1 etc.

But honestly, with only three such functions, I'd consider that overkill.

 Lest the above be too abstract, those who want to look at the full
 (and redundant) code:

You have parameters called Globals and Locals. It's the usual Python 
convention that names starting with a leading uppercase letter is a 
class. To avoid shadowing the built-ins, it would be more conventional to 
write them as globals_ and locals_. You may or may not care about 
following the convention :)

I notice you have code like the following:

if Globals is None:
import __main__
Globals = __main__.__dict__

I would have written that like:

if Globals is None:
Globals = globals()

or even

if Globals is None:
from __main__ import __dict__ as Globals

You also have at least one unnecessary pass statement:

if not isinstance(expr, types.CodeType):
expr = expr+'\n'

The pass isn't needed.

In your runcall() method, you say:

res = None
res = func(*args, **kwds)
except DebuggerQuit:
return res

This is probably better written as:

return func(*args, **kwds)
except DebuggerQuit:
return None


Re: wxPython.button.disabled still catching clicks

2008-12-30 Thread mynthon
On Dec 23, 6:12 pm, Mike Driscoll wrote:
 On Dec 23, 7:27 am, wrote:

  On Dec 23, 11:58 am, Aaron Brady wrote:

   On Dec 23, 4:50 am, wrote:

Hello! (sorry for my english)

I have a problem with buttons in wxPython. When button is disabled
(by .Disable() or .Enable(False)) it is grayed out but still receive

Eg. i have button that disable itself, runs long action and enable

def onClick(self, evt):
    for i in range (1000):
        print i

when for loop is running button is greyed out and when i click on it
nothing happens but when loop ends another one is started because
button remebered thad i click on it when was diabled. My only idea
is to reposition button outside frame instead of disabling it but this
solution is...not good.

thanks for any help. Ive searched groups, google and it looks that
only i have this problem :)

   No, it is very common.  During your for loop, the loop is dominating
   the process completely.  Events are just building up in the app's
   message queue, and don't get handled until after you yield on control.

   If you need to run a long task, look into threading, the OnIdle
   method, the 'multiprocessing' module, or pump messages during your
   long task.

  ok, maybe someone will need it. I dont know how it works because i
  didnt have time to read docs and i cannot explain everything. I used
  google and wxPython demo (in tree: wxpython overview / process and
  events / process)

  class leftPanel(wx.Panel):
      def __init__(self, parent, id):
          wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)

          # here you have to define new process, IDLE event, and
  onPRocessEnd event
          self.process = None
          self.GetParent().Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.onIdle)
          self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.onProcessEnd)

          # create button and bind event to it
          self.runScriptBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, 'RUN ME!', (10,220))
          self.runScriptBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClick,

      def onClick(self, evt):
          # disable button

          # here you have to enter command to run
          # previusly i heve here exec('')
          # but now it will be a subprocess
          cmd = ''

          #create new process
          self.process = wx.Process(self)

          # dont know what it is for

          # execute cmd command
          pid = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self.process)

      def onIdle(self, evt):
          # beacuse this method is called only when app enters idle mode
          # the line below is nedded to simulate entering idle mode
          # dont know how it works but it works

          # here is some code to catch subprocess output
          if self.process is not None:
              stream = self.process.GetInputStream()
              if stream.CanRead():
                  text =
                  print text

      def onProcessEnd(self, evt):
          # here is some code to catch subprocess output
          # when it is destroyed
          stream = self.process.GetInputStream()
          if stream.CanRead():
              text =
              print text

          # dont know it is necessary

          # remove (clear) process object
          self.process = None

          # show button again

 I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this. If you disable the
 button and click on it, you'll notice that it isn't firing events, so
 something else is going on here. It seems like the wx.Frame or
 wx.Application is queuing the mouse button clicks or something. I
 would post to the wxPython mailing list:

 They'll be better able to address this and they'll probably have a
 simpler solution too.


I changed it. Now i'm running separate thread instead of process.
First example at:

Re: get method

2008-12-30 Thread Roel Schroeven
James Mills schreef:
 Ross, the others have informed you that you are not
 actually incrementing the count. I'll assume you've
 fixed your function now :) ... I want to show you a far
 simpler way to do this which takes advantage of
 Python's list comprehensions and mappings (which are
 really what dictionaries are):
 s = James Mills and Danielle Van Sprang
 dict([(k, len([x for x in s if x == k])) for k in s])
 {'a': 5, ' ': 5, 'e': 3, 'd': 1, 'g': 1, 'i': 2, 'M': 1, 'J': 1, 'm':
 1, 'l': 4, 'n': 4, 'p': 1, 's': 2, 'r': 1, 'V': 1, 'S': 1, 'D': 1}

Hm, you just changed an O(n) algorithm to an O(n**2) algorithm. No big
deal for short strings, but try your solution on a string with length
1 and see the difference. On my computer the O(n) version takes
0.008 seconds, while your version takes 8.6 seconds. That's 1000 times

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
  -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

Re: How to debug embeding Python?

2008-12-30 Thread weir009
Using udp to send out message is a convenient way, you may define a
log function like following, and start a udp server to lisen.

from socket import *

udpSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)

def log(s):
udpSock.sendto(s, ('', 514))


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Johannes Bauer a écrit :

Even if it took (as you mentioned) a semester of SQL studies - which it
does not - why do you think your syntax is easier? The only person your
proposed syntax is easier for is you. Get over it, learn SQL, and enjoy
the benefits of one unified standard - not everyone cooking their own
soup. You'll be able to learn PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL, mySQL, SQlite all
at once!

Oh what a beautiful dream... We all wish we'd live in such a perfect 
world. Sadly, it's not the case. First because each SQL vendor cooks its 
own soup, so you still have to learn each SQL implementation, 
limitations and gory details. Also, because handling SQL queries as raw 
strings is more than painfull. It just doesn't play well with the host 
language. So any non trivial project ends up reinventing its own 
half-backed abstraction layer, that you have to learn too.

Now I don't mean that learning SQL (and the relational theory behind 
SQL) is a waste of time. You obviously need a good understanding of SQL 
to use a SQL database - directly or thru any abstraction layer. We 
definitively agree on this. But a smart abstraction layer (like 
SQLAlchemy, or even the less powerfull but still pretty good Django ORM) 
  at least avoids reinventing a new one for each project.

My 2 cents...

Re: How do I DRY the following code?

2008-12-30 Thread R. Bernstein
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:13:55 -0500, R. Bernstein wrote:

 How do I DRY the following code? 

 class C():
 [snip code]

 Move the common stuff into methods (or possibly external functions). If 
 you really need to, make them private by appending an underscore to the 
 front of the name.

 class C():
   def common1(self, *args):
 return common1
   def common2(self, *args):
 return common2
   def _more(self, *args):  # Private, don't touch!
 return more stuff

   def f1(self, arg1, arg2=None, globals=None, locals=None):
   ... unique stuff #1 ...
   ret = eval(args, globals, locals)
   return retval

   def f2(self, arg1, arg2=None, *args, **kwds):
   ... unique stuff #2 ...
   ret = arg1(args, *args, **kwds)
   return retval

   def f3(self, arg1, globals=None, locals=None):
   ... unique stuff #3 ...
   exec cmd in globals, locals
   return None  # unneeded

   def f4(self, arg1, globals=None, locals=None):
   ... unique stuff #4 ...
   execfile(args, globals, locals)

I realize I didn't mention this, but common1 contains try: and more contains
except ... finally. 

So for example there is 

res = func(*args, **kwds)   # this line is different

Perhaps related is the fact that common1 and common2 are really
related and therefore breaking into the function into 3 parts sort of
breaks up the flow of reading one individually. 

I had also considered say passing an extra parameter and having a case
statement around the one line that changes, but that's ugly and
complicates things too.

 An explicit return None is probably not needed. Python functions and 
 methods automatically return None if they reach the end of the function.

return None is a perhaps a stylistic idiom. I like to put returns
at the end of a function because it helps (and Emacs) me keep
indentation straight. Generally, I'll put return None if the
function otherwise returns a value and just return if I don't think
there is  a useable return value.

I've also noticed that using pass at the end of blocks also helps me
and Emacs keep indntation straight. For example:

if foo():
while True:

 Above there are two kinds of duplication: that within class C and that
 outside which creates an instance of the class C and calls the
 corresponding method.

 Do you really need them? 

Perhaps, because they may be the more common idioms. And by having
that function there a temporary complex object can be garbage
collected and doesn't pollute the parent namespace. Is this a big
deal? I don't know but it doesn't hurt.

 If so, you're repeating yourself by definition. 
 That's not necessarily a problem, the stand-alone functions are just 
 wrappers of methods. You can decrease (but not eliminate) the amount of 
 repeated code with a factory function:

 def build_standalone(methodname, docstring=None):
 def function(arg, arg2=None, globals=None, locals=None):
 c = C()
 return c.getattr(methodname)(arg, arg2, globals, locals)
 function.__name__ = methodname
 function.__doc__ = docstring
 return function

 f1 = build_standalone('f1', Docstring f1)
 f2 = build_standalone('f2', Docstring f2)
 f3 = build_standalone('f3', Docstring f3)

Yes, this is better than the lambda. Thanks!

 There's no way to avoid the repeated f1 etc.

 But honestly, with only three such functions, I'd consider that overkill.

Yeah, I think so too.

 Lest the above be too abstract, those who want to look at the full
 (and redundant) code:

 You have parameters called Globals and Locals. It's the usual Python 
 convention that names starting with a leading uppercase letter is a 
 class. To avoid shadowing the built-ins, it would be more conventional to 
 write them as globals_ and locals_. You may or may not care about 
 following the convention :)

Ok. Yes, some earlier code used globals_ and locals_. Thanks. 

 I notice you have code like the following:

 if Globals is None:
 import __main__
 Globals = __main__.__dict__

 I would have written that like:

 if Globals is None:
 Globals = globals()

Yes, that's better. Thanks.

 or even

 if Globals is None:
 from __main__ import __dict__ as Globals

 You also have at least one unnecessary pass statement:

 if not isinstance(expr, types.CodeType):
 expr = expr+'\n'

 The pass isn't needed.

 In your runcall() method, you say:

 res = None
 res = func(*args, **kwds)
 except DebuggerQuit:
 return res

 This is probably better 

Re: How do I DRY the following code?

2008-12-30 Thread R. Bernstein
Patrick Mullen writes:
  Docstring f1
  c = C()
  return c.f1(...)

  Docstring f2
  c = C()
  return c.f2(...)

 Why not just do either this:
 C().f2(..) where you need f2

Yes, this is a little better. Thanks!

string in files

2008-12-30 Thread ibpet11
guys i need info on how to call up different words in a line of a file
using python
example : file = 'this is a python coding group'

i want to assign a xter to this, is, a, python , coding and group


RE: string in files

2008-12-30 Thread Narasimhan Raghu-RBQG84
Simple solution: us result=yourString.split( ) and you get a list with
all the words. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:43 PM
Subject: string in files

guys i need info on how to call up different words in a line of a file
using python example : file = 'this is a python coding group'

i want to assign a xter to this, is, a, python , coding and group


Re: string in files

2008-12-30 Thread ibpet11
On Dec 30, 11:17 am, Narasimhan Raghu-RBQG84
 Simple solution: us result=yourString.split( ) and you get a list with
 all the words.

 -Original Message-

 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:43 PM
 Subject: string in files

 guys i need info on how to call up different words in a line of a file
 using python example : file = 'this is a python coding group'

 i want to assign a xter to this, is, a, python , coding and group


thanks brother
i mean how do i particularly assign (u = this)
(y = is)
in the strings up there. i have been able to split strings with any
character sign.


using def in pythons

2008-12-30 Thread ibpet11

i want to have a broad knowledge on the use of def in python as i
know i might need it
to my string handling and for a lot of things in general.

I will really appreciate anybody who can support my mission of
becoming a python Programmer
as per constant chatting and support or manuals to read.


Re: string in files

2008-12-30 Thread Glauco

thanks brother
i mean how do i particularly assign (u = this)
(y = is)
in the strings up there. i have been able to split strings with any
character sign.

If i'm not wrong this is simple with RE:

In [1]: st  = 'this is a python coding group'

In [2]: import re

In [3]: re.compile( (?Pfirst.*) (?Psecond.*) (?Pt.*) (?Pfo.*) 
(?Pfi.*) (?Psi.*) )

Out[3]: _sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x9e93ac0

In [4]: rule = re.compile( (?Pfirst.*) (?Psecond.*) (?Pt.*) 
(?Pfo.*) (?Pfi.*) (?Psi.*) )

In [5]: m  = rule.match( st )

In [6]: dir(m)
['__copy__',  '__deepcopy__',
 'end',  'expand',
 'group',  'groupdict',
 'groups',  'span',  'start']

In [7]: m.groupdict().items()
[('si', 'group'),
 ('second', 'is'),
 ('t', 'a'),
 ('fi', 'coding'),
 ('fo', 'python'),
 ('first', 'this')]

In [8]: dict(m.groupdict().items())
{'fi': 'coding',
 'first': 'this',
 'fo': 'python',
 'second': 'is',
 'si': 'group',
 't': 'a'}


Re: Python in C

2008-12-30 Thread skip

aki Although this is not what you are asking but I'm wondering why you
aki need to read CPython implementation.

A couple reasons come to mind:

* education 
* want to make it better (extend it, fix bugs, etc)
* want to see how it relates to the implementation of other languages
  (Ruby, Perl, Tcl, etc)

aki CPython worked great for me. I don't want to read a large piece of
aki software, like CPython, unless it is really really necessary.

Sure, but not everyone works at the Python layer.  Which is a good thing,
because if everyone confined themselves to Python code nobody would fix
problems in the language implementation or enhance it.

Skip Montanaro - -

Re: using def in pythons

2008-12-30 Thread Sreenivas
On Dec 30, 3:37 pm, wrote:

 i want to have a broad knowledge on the use of def in python as i
 know i might need it
 to my string handling and for a lot of things in general.

 I will really appreciate anybody who can support my mission of
 becoming a python Programmer
 as per constant chatting and support or manuals to read.


go through this link

Re: string in files

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden wrote:
 On Dec 30, 11:17 am, Narasimhan Raghu-RBQG84
 Simple solution: us result=yourString.split( ) and you get a list with
 all the words.

 -Original Message-

 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 3:43 PM
 Subject: string in files

 guys i need info on how to call up different words in a line of a file
 using python example : file = 'this is a python coding group'

 i want to assign a xter to this, is, a, python , coding and group

 thanks brother
 i mean how do i particularly assign (u = this)
 (y = is)
 in the strings up there. i have been able to split strings with any
 character sign.
Well, if you *know* you have a particular number of words in the string
you can say

u, v, w, x, y, z = 'this is a python coding group'.split()

But if you have a variable number of words this isn't practical in
Python 2, though Python 3 has features that make it easier.

The real question is what is the larger goal you are trying to
achieve. Where a programmer is trying to create names dynamically there
are usually better ways to proceed. Could you tell us a little more
about what you are trying to do?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: string in files

2008-12-30 Thread Lie Ryan
On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 11:53:17 +0100, Glauco wrote:

 thanks brother
 i mean how do i particularly assign (u = this)
 (y = is)
 in the strings up there. i have been able to split strings with any
 character sign.
 If i'm not wrong this is simple with RE:

Using Regular Expression for this is an overkill, you'd better use the 

longstring = 'this is a python string'
splitted_string = longstring.split()
result = ', '.join(splitted_string[:-1]) + ' and ' + splitted_string[-1]


Re: Any equivalent to Ruby's 'hpricot' html/xpath/css selector package?

2008-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel
Mark Thomas wrote:
 The main difference is that lxml doesn't have CSS selector syntax

Feel free to read the docs:


Re: Any equivalent to Ruby's 'hpricot' html/xpath/css selector package?

2008-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 However, what makes it really useful is that it does a good job of
 handling the broken html that is so commonly found on the web.
 BeautifulSoup ?
 possibly with ElementSoup ?

It's actually debatable if BS is any better than lxml/libxml2 when parsing
broken HTML, as lxml tends to tidy things up pretty well. The only major
difference is in encoding detection, for which you can also use a separate
tool like chardet:


Re: Any equivalent to Ruby's 'hpricot' html/xpath/css selector package?

2008-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
 Ruby has a package called 'hpricot' which can perform limited xpath
 queries, and CSS selector queries. However, what makes it really useful
 is that it does a good job of handling the broken html that is so
 commonly found on the web. Does Python have anything similar, i.e.
 something that will not only do XPath queries, but will do so on
 imperfect HTML?

lxml.html is your friend.


Re: How to debug embeding Python?

2008-12-30 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Hongtian schrieb:

Hi Friends,

My application is written in C/C++ and Python is embed to extend some
functions (several .py files are invoked). But I am confused how to
debug these embed Python? Can I use 'print-debuging'? and where can I
capture the output string?

Or Python can support 'break' debug for such scenario?

You should be able to use the python debugger (pdb) by manually putting

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

on a place that is of interest to you. Then if your program is started 
inside a shell, you should be able to step-debug it.

Additinoally, there is the very flexible  powerful logging-module that 
you can use to write logfiles. This is better than simple 
print-statements, as you can keep the logging statements around and just 
turn them on or off on demand.

Additionally, printing might not work reliably in cases where the 
stdout/err-streams aren't visible or otherwise in use. But the 
logging-module can log to files (or even system event logs *me thinks*)


Re: Any equivalent to Ruby's 'hpricot' html/xpath/css selector package?

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Thomas
On Dec 30, 8:20 am, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 Mark Thomas wrote:
  The main difference is that lxml doesn't have CSS selector syntax

 Feel free to read the docs:

Don't know how I missed that...

So lxml is pretty much an exact equivalent to what Ruby has to offer
(Hpricot or Nokogiri). Nice.


Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Stef Mientki


I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),
and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.

Is there a workaround,
or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?

Stef Mientki
-- and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I'm using this method to read from a socket:

   def read_data(self,size):
   Read data from connection until a given size.
   res = 
   fd = self.socket.fileno()
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   remaining = size - len(res)
   if remaining=0:
   # Give one second for an incoming connection so we can stop the
   # server in seconds when needed
   ready =[fd], [], [], 1)
   if fd in ready[0]:
   data = self.socket.recv(min(remaining,8192)) # 8192 is
recommended by socket.socket manual.
   if not data:
   # select returns the fd but there is no data to read
- connection closed!
   raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
   res += data
   if self.stop_requested.isSet():
   raise SystemExit(0)
   return res

This works: if I close the socket on the other side, then I see this in
the traceback:

 File /usr/home/gandalf/Python/Projects/OrbToy/orb/, line
233, in read_data
   raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
TransportError: Connection closed.

Also when I call stop_requested.set() then the thread stops within one

Then I switch to non blocking mode, my code works exactly the same way,
or at least I see no difference.

I have read the socket programming howto ( ) but it does not
explain how a blocking socket + select is different from a non blocking
socket + select. Is there any difference?



Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden
Stef Mientki wrote:
 I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),
 and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.
 Is there a workaround,
 or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?
If you think about it, it should be obvious that you can't surround a
string to be compiled with any of the quotes that appear inside the
string to be compiled. That's about the only limitation I am aware of.

And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!

 exec print '''This is
... a long string'''
This is
a long string

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Python list's mail server in DNSBL ?

2008-12-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy
I got this message when I tried to send something to this list, through 
my ISP's SMTP server:


This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected.

   Reason:5.7.1 Recipient address 
rejected: policyd-weight Mail appears to be spam or forged. Ask your 
Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings and to get 
removed from DNSBLs; in

Please reply to
if you feel this message to be in error.

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:12:36 +0100
Received-From-MTA: dns; (

Final-Recipient: RFC822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: dns; (
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.1 Recipient 
address rejected: policyd-weight Mail appears to be spam or forged. Ask 
your Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings and to 
get removed from DNSBLs; in


Is really blacklisted? Any admin please, try to remove it.




Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 I'm using this method to read from a socket:
def read_data(self,size):
Read data from connection until a given size.
res = 
fd = self.socket.fileno()
while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
remaining = size - len(res)
if remaining=0:
# Give one second for an incoming connection so we can stop the
# server in seconds when needed
ready =[fd], [], [], 1)
if fd in ready[0]:
data = self.socket.recv(min(remaining,8192)) # 8192 is
 recommended by socket.socket manual.
if not data:
# select returns the fd but there is no data to read
 - connection closed!
raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
res += data
if self.stop_requested.isSet():
raise SystemExit(0)
return res
 This works: if I close the socket on the other side, then I see this in
 the traceback:
  File /usr/home/gandalf/Python/Projects/OrbToy/orb/, line
 233, in read_data
raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
 TransportError: Connection closed.
 Also when I call stop_requested.set() then the thread stops within one
 Then I switch to non blocking mode, my code works exactly the same way,
 or at least I see no difference.
 I have read the socket programming howto ( ) but it does not
 explain how a blocking socket + select is different from a non blocking
 socket + select. Is there any difference?
Well, ignoring your question for the moment, what's wrong with the
following (untested) code?

def read_data(self, size):
data = 
while len(data)  size:
d =
if not d:
raise TransportError(Socket closed while reading data)
data += d
return data

I feel the raw socket operations are easier to understand and less

Since you don't want to return until you've read the data there really
doesn't seem to be any point using select(), which is mainly useful in
asynchronous operations (in which case you would have to use
non-blocking sockets). It's not obvious from your code how
self.stop_requested is supposed to change the result of its is_set()
method. Maybe that's where the select() comes in?

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Python list's mail server in DNSBL ?

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden

Read the message again. There's nothing the list admins can do about
this, you'll have to contact to have them remove
the blacklisting, since it's their server that's imposing it.


Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 I got this message when I tried to send something to this list, through
 my ISP's SMTP server:
 This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
 Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
 The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
 each recipient was rejected.
Reason:5.7.1 Recipient address
 rejected: policyd-weight Mail appears to be spam or forged. Ask your
 Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings and to get
 removed from DNSBLs; in
 Please reply to
 if you feel this message to be in error.
 Reporting-MTA: dns;
 Arrival-Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:12:36 +0100
 Received-From-MTA: dns; (
 Final-Recipient: RFC822;
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.1.1
 Remote-MTA: dns; (
 Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.7.1 Recipient
 address rejected: policyd-weight Mail appears to be spam or forged. Ask
 your Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings and to
 get removed from DNSBLs; in
 Is really blacklisted? Any admin please, try to remove it.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


[ANN] release of CubicWeb 3.0.0

2008-12-30 Thread nchauvat (Logilab)
The development team is pleased to announce the release of CubicWeb
3.0.0 (nicknamed ShowTime).

What is CubicWeb?

With CubicWeb, the Semantic Web is a construction game!

CubicWeb_ is a semantic web application framework, licensed under the
LGPL, that
empowers developers to efficiently build web applications by reusing
(called cubes) and following the well known object-oriented design

Its main features are:

* an engine driven by the explicit data model of the application,
* a query language named RQL similar to W3C’s SPARQL,
* a selection+view mechanism for semi-automatic XHTML/XML/JSON/
text generation,
* a library of reusable components (data model and views) called
cubes that fulfill common needs,
* the power and flexibility of the Python programming language,
* the reliability of SQL databases, LDAP directories, Subversion
and Mercurial for storage backends.

Being built since 2000 by an RD project still going on today,
100,000s of daily visits at some production sites, CubicWeb is a
proven end to
end solution for semantic web application development that promotes
reusability and efficiency.

The unbeliever will read the quick overview_ of CubicWeb.

The hacker will join development at the forge_.

The impatient will move right away to installation_ and set-up of a

.. _cubicweb:
.. _overview:
.. _forge:
.. _installation:

Home page


Mailing list


LGPL - Lesser General Public Licence

Re: Python module import loop issue

2008-12-30 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 30 Dec 2008 01:32:48 -0200, Carl Banks  

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

A problem with metaclasses is when you have intermediate subclasses that
are not meant to be registered, but the metaclass applies equally to all
of them.

Not the way I wrote it.  If you'll note, the metaclass only added the
class to the factory map if a tag attribute was defined in the class

Ah, I didn't notice that, sorry!

Gabriel Genellina


Re: why cannot assign to function call

2008-12-30 Thread John O'Hagan
On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Aaron Brady wrote:
 On a technicality, to avert a flaming, change the value of 'b' is an
 ambiguous phrase. There are two interpretations of change what 'b'
 refers to and change what 'b' refers to. Even in spoken language,
 I don't think that emphasis can resolve them either.

 One means, 'make a change in the world, in the actual configuration of
 such and such actual matter.' The other means, 'update the axioms the
 speaker is using to communicate to the listeners. (Such and such will
 no longer refer to such and such; it will refer to such and such;
 accept this and reject that.)' To make an observation, reference is a
 purely linguistic phenomenon.

 I, for one, am at a loss for how to disambiguate it. I'm open to

I think you've already done so quite clearly. But I suspect the ambiguity 
centres on the word change - in the first interpretation it means alter 
(the object in place), in the second, it more precisely means exchange (one 
object for another).

I'd be interested to know to what extent this ambiguity exists in languages 
other than English - as a somewhat relevant example, ambiguities in English 
around the verb to be (I am Fred, I am tall, I am hungry; i.e., 
identity vs. attributes vs. state) disappear in other languages which use 
different verbs in each case. 

On a (philosophical) side-note, I wonder if this is a real ambiguity: while 
the statement that the name b now refers to a different object is 
clear-cut, the other interpretation, that the object itself has changed but 
is somehow still the same object, is a bit of an ontological minefield. 

Fortunately, unlike the murky world of philosophy, Python (AIUI) simplifies 
this question by simply declaring that yes, in the case of mutable objects, 
we may say that we are still referring to the same object although we've 
changed it, and no, in the case of immutable objects, we may not, and must 
exchange it if we want a different value (a word too fraught with ambiguity 
in this context to use unquoted!).

The sometimes useful fuzziness of human languages means we don't need to ask, 
for example, how tall is the object currently referred to by the name 
Fred?, but in Python, it helps to understand that this is what's going on. 


Re: multiprocessing vs thread performance

2008-12-30 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 29, 9:08 pm, James Mills
 On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Aaron Brady wrote:
  On Dec 29, 7:40 pm, James Mills
  On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Aaron Brady wrote:
   The OP may be interested in Erlang, which Wikipedia (end-all, be-all)
   claims is a 'distribution oriented language'.
  I'm presently looking at Virtual Synchrony and
  other distributed processing architectures - but
  circuits is meant to be general purpose enough
  to fit event-driven applications/systems.

  I noticed a while ago that threads can be used to simulate
  generators.  'next', 'send', and 'yield' are merely replaced by
  synchronizor calls (coining the term).

  Not the other way around, though, unless the generator guarantees a
  yield frequently.  'settrace' anyone?

 Aaron, circuits doesn't use generators :)
 What did your comment have to do with this ?

 I have often seen generators used to
 facilitate coroutine and coooperative
 programming though.


James, Hi.  I'm glad you asked; I never know how out there my
comments are (but surmise that feedback is always a good thing).  What
I was thinking was, I didn't know Virtual Synchrony, and I've never
used Erlang, but I'm interested in concurrency especially as it
pertains to units of work, division of labor, and division of context;
and generators are another way to divide context.  So: I wanted to put
more of my background and interests on the table.  What I said wasn't
directly relevant, I see.  But it's not like I
dissertated (discussed) the Tibettan-Austrian spice trade.  I think
I just want to say stuff about threading!  Maybe I'm just excited to
meet people who share my interests... not unheard of.

In Economics, you can divide a market into vertical and horizontal
dimensions, vertical being the chain from raw resources to finished
products, and horizontal being market coverage.  With a similar
division in tasks, horizontal units would handle incoming events,
prepare them, then pass them on to a next unit, which processes a
little, then passes it on, like an assembly line (bucket brigade/
alternating current); and vertical units would take one incoming
event, and see it through start to finish (direct current).  You don't
have to use that depiction.

The terminology is transposed from that of a distributed matrix
multiplication task depiction, where horizontal works start-to-finish,
and vertical takes handoffs from its predecessor.

'Circuits' doesn't use generators.  I think generators are an
underexplored technique.  Is 'circuits' assembly line or start-to-
finish, if my analogy makes any sense?  'Circuits' is event-driven,
but I don't see any difference between 'event-driven' and
multithreaded in general.  (I think contrast can create a good picture
and a clear understanding.)  What is special about an 'event-driven'
architecture?  Are you distinguishing blocking from polling?

Re: Python list's mail server in DNSBL ?

2008-12-30 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Steve Holden wrote:


Read the message again. There's nothing the list admins can do about
this, you'll have to contact to have them remove
the blacklisting, since it's their server that's imposing it.

Maybe it is my bad English but this part:

Ask your
 Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings and to get
 removed from DNSBLs; in
 Please reply to

 if you feel this message to be in error.
tells that the problem is with the MX record of and/or the 
HELO message of the smtp server. At least one of them is said 
to be RFC ignorant, and this is why the recipient is on the blacklist. 
Without making those changes, the domain will not be removed 
from the blacklist. Changing the MX record / configuring the SMTP server 
needs to be done by the DNS or SMTP admin of

At least I think if I ask to remove the entry, the first thing 
they will do is check if the changes has been made.


Re: Python list's mail server in DNSBL ?

2008-12-30 Thread skip

  Ask your Mail-/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX
  settings and to get removed from DNSBLs; in
  Please reply to if you feel this message to
  be in error.

I went to and looked up was in
their database from 2004-08-27 to 2005-11-09.  It's not been there since.
My guess is that is having problems interpreting

Skip Montanaro - -

Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread ibpet11
On Dec 30, 2:48 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
 Stef Mientki wrote:

  I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),
  and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.

  Is there a workaround,
  or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?

 If you think about it, it should be obvious that you can't surround a
 string to be compiled with any of the quotes that appear inside the
 string to be compiled. That's about the only limitation I am aware of.

 And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!

  exec print '''This is

 ... a long string'''
 This is
 a long string

 Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC    

the message Steven sent you is ok to explain how to work with triple


thread, multiprocessing: communication overhead

2008-12-30 Thread mk

Hello everyone,

This time I decided to test communication overhead in multithreaded / 
multiprocess communication. The results are rather disappointing, that 
is, communication overhead seems to be very high. In each of the 
following functions, I send 10,000 numbers to the function / 10 threads 
/ 10 processes, which simply returns it in its respective way.

Function: notfunBest: 0.00622 sec   Average: 0.00633 sec
(simple function)

Function: threadsemfun  Best: 0.64428 sec   Average: 0.64791 sec
(10 threads synchronizing using semaphore)

Function: threadlockfun Best: 0.66288 sec   Average: 0.66453 sec
(10 threads synchronizing using locks)

Function: procqueuefun  Best: 1.16291 sec   Average: 1.17217 sec
(10 processes communicating with main process using queues)

Function: procpoolfun   Best: 1.18648 sec   Average: 1.19577 sec
(a pool of 10 processes)

If I'm doing smth wrong in the code below (smth that would result in 
performance suffering), please point it out.


import threading
import multiprocessing
import time
import timeit

def time_fun(fun):
t = timeit.Timer(stmt = fun, setup = from __main__ import  + 

results = t.repeat(repeat=10, number=1)
best_result = min(results)
avg = sum(results) / len(results)
print Function: %-15s   Best: %5.5f sec   Average: %5.5f sec 
% (fun.__name__, best_result, avg)

def notfun():
inputlist = range(0,1)
reslist = []
for x in range(len(inputlist)):

def threadsemfun():
def tcalc(sem, inputlist, reslist, tid, activitylist):
while len(inputlist)  0:
x = inputlist.pop()
except IndexError:
#activitylist[tid] += 1
inputlist = range(0,1)
#print before: , sum(inputlist)
reslist = []
tlist = []
activitylist = [ 0 for x in range(0,10) ]
sem = threading.Semaphore()
for t in range(0,10):
tlist.append(threading.Thread(target=tcalc, args=(sem, 
inputlist, reslist, t, activitylist)))

for t in tlist:
for t in tlist:
#print after: , sum(reslist)
#print thread action count:, activitylist

def threadlockfun():
def tcalc(lock, inputlist, reslist, tid, activitylist):
while True:
if len(inputlist) == 0:
x = inputlist.pop()
#activitylist[tid] += 1
inputlist = range(0,1)
#print before: , sum(inputlist)
reslist = []
tlist = []
activitylist = [ 0 for x in range(0,10) ]
sem = threading.Semaphore()
for t in range(0,10):
tlist.append(threading.Thread(target=tcalc, args=(sem, 
inputlist, reslist, t, activitylist)))

for t in tlist:
for t in tlist:
#print after: , sum(reslist)
#print thread action count:, activitylist

def pf(x):
return x

def procpoolfun():
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=10)
inputlist = range(0,1)
reslist = []
i, j, jmax = 0, 10, len(inputlist)
#print before: , sum(inputlist)
while j = jmax:
res = pool.map_async(pf, inputlist[i:j])
i += 10
j += 10
#print after: , sum(reslist)

def procqueuefun():
def pqf(qin, qout):
pid = multiprocessing.current_process().pid
while True:
x = qin.get()
if x == 'STOP':
qout.put((pid, x))
qin = multiprocessing.Queue()
qout = multiprocessing.Queue()
plist = []
activity = dict()
for i in range(0,10):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target = pqf, args=(qin, qout))
activity[] = 0
inputlist = range(0,1)
reslist = []
#print before:, sum(inputlist)
ilen = len(inputlist)
x = 0
while x != ilen:
for i in range(0,10):
for i in range(0,10):
pid, res = 

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2008-12-30 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 30, 8:21 am, John O'Hagan wrote:
 On Tue, 30 Dec 2008, Aaron Brady wrote:


  On a technicality, to avert a flaming, change the value of 'b' is an
  ambiguous phrase. There are two interpretations of change what 'b'
  refers to and change what 'b' refers to. Even in spoken language,
  I don't think that emphasis can resolve them either.

  One means, 'make a change in the world, in the actual configuration of
  such and such actual matter.' The other means, 'update the axioms the
  speaker is using to communicate to the listeners. (Such and such will
  no longer refer to such and such; it will refer to such and such;
  accept this and reject that.)' To make an observation, reference is a
  purely linguistic phenomenon.

  I, for one, am at a loss for how to disambiguate it. I'm open to

 I think you've already done so quite clearly. But I suspect the ambiguity
 centres on the word change - in the first interpretation it means alter
 (the object in place), in the second, it more precisely means exchange (one
 object for another).

 I'd be interested to know to what extent this ambiguity exists in languages
 other than English - as a somewhat relevant example, ambiguities in English
 around the verb to be (I am Fred, I am tall, I am hungry; i.e.,
 identity vs. attributes vs. state) disappear in other languages which use
 different verbs in each case.

 On a (philosophical) side-note, I wonder if this is a real ambiguity: while
 the statement that the name b now refers to a different object is
 clear-cut, the other interpretation, that the object itself has changed but
 is somehow still the same object, is a bit of an ontological minefield.

 Fortunately, unlike the murky world of philosophy, Python (AIUI) simplifies
 this question by simply declaring that yes, in the case of mutable objects,
 we may say that we are still referring to the same object although we've
 changed it, and no, in the case of immutable objects, we may not, and must
 exchange it if we want a different value (a word too fraught with ambiguity
 in this context to use unquoted!).

 The sometimes useful fuzziness of human languages means we don't need to ask,
 for example, how tall is the object currently referred to by the name
 Fred?, but in Python, it helps to understand that this is what's going on.



There are a few problems going on here.  (My ultimate goal is a
unambiguous, non-arbitrary way to talk about Python; it's just that
unambiguous and non-arbitrary are really tall orders.)  One is the
dependence (supervenience) of meaning on grammar (semantics on syntax,
function on form).  One is the absence of form in computing and math.
Another is the composite identity.

I think the problem goes deeper than just English.  In any language
that has a plural, the propositions in question come out as, 'one
thing is two things' or 'two things are one thing'.  According to some
rules, these are ungrammatical sentences, due to plurality
disagreement.  Ex:

The Morning Star is ...
The Evening Star is ...
*The Morning Star and The Evening Star is...
*The Morning Star and The Evening Star are...

Neither of the latter two is correct.  (* marks ungrammatical.)   As
such, the listener isn't sure what meaning to take.

Accepting that, I'll adopt the terms John proposed, 'change' vs.
'exchange', the former when the material configuration changes, the
latter when the communication axioms change.

b= [2, 3]
b= [3, 4]

'b' has exchanged.  (Somewhat ungrammatical.)

b= [2, 3]
b.append( 4 )

'b' has changed.

According to this, when you replace every floorboard on a porch, one
at a time, it's still the same porch-- it's changed, it's different,
and it's the same.  However, if you haul off the porch and put a new
one in its place, it's not.  ('porch[:]=' vs. 'porch='.)  You can't
just look at the initial and final configurations of matter to
determine so.  Therefore, 'id' is an informal function.

Identity isn't defined on math objects, only on Python objects; there
is no notion of 'is' in math.  It doesn't make sense to ask if '2 is
2', only if '2=2'.  In Python, they are both defined, and not the
same.  Unfortunately, in the language involved, 'same' and 'different'
aren't opposites, so the communication is horrendous and belabored.

Lastly, equality is a tolerance concept on the computer, not in math.
The computer looks at voltage thresholds in the underlying gates; the
actual voltages, beyond a certain precision, of two representations of
'0110' aren't the same.  Further, the actual voltages of one
representation of '0110' over time aren't equal either.

However, that means, that in order to answer some questions about
equality and identity, we have to address the implementation of the
compiler.  You might get the same answers in many or practically all
implementations of Python, but the specification doesn't make the leap
onto a real computer, where the equivalents of continuity of 

Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread

Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

The only thing I found in a brief search was,
but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


Re: thread, multiprocessing: communication overhead

2008-12-30 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 30, 9:46 am, mk wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 This time I decided to test communication overhead in multithreaded /
 multiprocess communication. The results are rather disappointing, that
 is, communication overhead seems to be very high. In each of the
 following functions, I send 10,000 numbers to the function / 10 threads
 / 10 processes, which simply returns it in its respective way.

 Function: notfun            Best: 0.00622 sec   Average: 0.00633 sec
 (simple function)

 Function: threadsemfun      Best: 0.64428 sec   Average: 0.64791 sec
 (10 threads synchronizing using semaphore)

 Function: threadlockfun     Best: 0.66288 sec   Average: 0.66453 sec
 (10 threads synchronizing using locks)

 Function: procqueuefun      Best: 1.16291 sec   Average: 1.17217 sec
 (10 processes communicating with main process using queues)

 Function: procpoolfun       Best: 1.18648 sec   Average: 1.19577 sec
 (a pool of 10 processes)

 If I'm doing smth wrong in the code below (smth that would result in
 performance suffering), please point it out.
 def threadsemfun():
          sem = threading.Semaphore()
 def threadlockfun():
          sem = threading.Semaphore()

You used a Semaphore for both lock objects here.

'multiprocessing' is a really high level layer that makes a lot of
decisions about trade-offs, has highly redundant communication, and is
really easy to use.  If you want to save a byte, you'll have to make
your own decisions about trade-offs and redundancies (possibly even
looking at real result data to make them).

I actually think 'multiprocessing' is really good, and even if I hand-
wrote my own IPC, it would be slower!

CMIIW, but I believe your timing function includes the time to launch
the actual processes and threads, create the synch. objects, etc.  You
might try it again, creating them first, starting the timer, then
loading them.

Re: Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread r
On Dec 30, 10:07 am, wrote:

 Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
 spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

 The only thing I found in a brief search 
 but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


xlrd(read only)
also see pyExcelerator

Re: thread, multiprocessing: communication overhead

2008-12-30 Thread mk

Aaron Brady wrote:


def threadsemfun():
 sem = threading.Semaphore()
def threadlockfun():
 sem = threading.Semaphore()

You used a Semaphore for both lock objects here.

Right... I corrected that (simply changed to threading.Lock() in 
threadlockfun) and the result is much better, though still an order of 
magnitude worse than plain function:

Function: threadlockfun Best: 0.08665 sec   Average: 0.08910 sec
Function: notfunBest: 0.00987 sec   Average: 0.01003 sec

'multiprocessing' is a really high level layer that makes a lot of
decisions about trade-offs, has highly redundant communication, and is
really easy to use.  If you want to save a byte, you'll have to make
your own decisions about trade-offs and redundancies (possibly even
looking at real result data to make them).

Hmm, do you think that lower-level 'thread' module might work more 

I actually think 'multiprocessing' is really good, and even if I hand-
wrote my own IPC, it would be slower!

CMIIW, but I believe your timing function includes the time to launch
the actual processes and threads, create the synch. objects, etc.  You
might try it again, creating them first, starting the timer, then
loading them.

Except I don't know how to do that using timeit.Timer. :-/


Re: thread, multiprocessing: communication overhead

2008-12-30 Thread Duncan Booth
mk wrote:

 This time I decided to test communication overhead in multithreaded / 
 multiprocess communication. The results are rather disappointing, that 
 is, communication overhead seems to be very high. In each of the 
 following functions, I send 10,000 numbers to the function / 10 threads 
 / 10 processes, which simply returns it in its respective way.
 Function: notfunBest: 0.00622 sec   Average: 0.00633 sec
 (simple function)
 Function: threadsemfun  Best: 0.64428 sec   Average: 0.64791 sec
 (10 threads synchronizing using semaphore)
 Function: threadlockfun Best: 0.66288 sec   Average: 0.66453 sec
 (10 threads synchronizing using locks)
 Function: procqueuefun  Best: 1.16291 sec   Average: 1.17217 sec
 (10 processes communicating with main process using queues)
 Function: procpoolfun   Best: 1.18648 sec   Average: 1.19577 sec
 (a pool of 10 processes)
 If I'm doing smth wrong in the code below (smth that would result in 
 performance suffering), please point it out.

You aren't just timing the communication overhead: each of your functions 
creates a pool of 10 threads or 10 processes on every run, so your times 
include the startup and shutdown times.


Re: Python in C

2008-12-30 Thread akineko
Hello Skip,

Thank you for your response.
Your posting reminds me that we, Python community as a whole, owe a
great deal to Python developers.

The problem is ...
The more you work on Python, the harder you can go back to C or C++

I use SWIG, instead. I think SWIG is a good way to mix two worlds.


On Dec 30, 4:10 am, wrote:
 aki Although this is not what you are asking but I'm wondering why you
 aki need to read CPython implementation.

 A couple reasons come to mind:

 * education
 * want to make it better (extend it, fix bugs, etc)
 * want to see how it relates to the implementation of other languages
   (Ruby, Perl, Tcl, etc)

 aki CPython worked great for me. I don't want to read a large piece of
 aki software, like CPython, unless it is really really necessary.

 Sure, but not everyone works at the Python layer.  Which is a good thing,
 because if everyone confined themselves to Python code nobody would fix
 problems in the language implementation or enhance it.

 Skip Montanaro - -


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread pruebauno
On Dec 29, 1:06 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 Hi all,

 About a year ago, I posted an idea I was having about thread
 synchronization to the newsgroup.  However, I did not explain it well,
 and I really erred on the side of brevity.  (After some finagling, Mr.
 Bieber and I decided it wasn't exactly anything groundbreaking.)  But
 I think the brevity cost me some readers, who might have had more
 interest.  The affair was on the whole discouraging.  So, I'm going to
 try another idea, and assume that readers have some time, and will
 spend it on it.

 I don't think relational data can be read and written very easily in
 Python.  There are some options, such as 'sqllite3', but they are not
 easy.  'sqllite3' statements are valid SQL expressions, which afford
 the entire power of SQL, but contrary to its name, it is not that
 'lite'.  To me, 'lite' is something you could learn (even make!) in an
 afternoon, not a semester; something the size of an ActiveState
 recipe, or a little bigger, maybe a file or two.  If you think SQL is
 a breeze, you probably won't find my idea exciting.  I assume that the
 basics of SQL are creating tables, selecting records, and updating

 My idea is to create a 'Relation' class.  The details are basically
 open, such as whether to back it with 'sqllite3', 'shelve', 'mmap', or
 just mapping and sequence objects; what the simplest syntax is that
 can capture and permit all the basics, and how much and what else can
 fit in at that level; how and whether it can include arbitrary Python
 objects, and what constraints there are on them if not; how and
 whether to permit transactions; and what the simplest and coolest
 thing you can do with a little Python syntax is.

 This is basically an invitation for everyone to brainstorm.  (No
 hijackings, good humor  digression ok.)  Lastly, ...

 **warning, spoiler!  here's what I thought of already.**

 **repeat!  spoiler!  here's what I thought of already.**

 #Just the select and update syntax:

  a= people._select( firstname== 'Joe' )

 #select 'key' from 'people' where 'firstname'== 'joe' a

 [Entry2864, Entry3076, Entry3172] entry1= a[ 0 ]

 #select 'phone' from 'people' where 'key'==self.key
 555-2413 555-1234

 #update 'people' set 'phone'= '555-1234' where 'key'==self.key


 #Create table syntax (a-whole-nother beast in itself):

  classes= db.Relation( 'class_', 'person', Unique( 'class_', 'person' ) )

 #create table 'classes' ( 'key', 'class_', 'person' ) unique
 ( 'class_', 'person' )

  classes._unique( 'class_', 'person' )
  classes.class_.noneok= False #'class_' cannot be null
  classes.person.noneok= False
  classes._insert( 'Physics', 'Dan' )
  classes._insert( 'Chem', 'Tim' )

 Hoping-good critic-is-self-consistent-ly, hoping-to-hear-it's-too-
 A. Brady

You really do like to reinvent the wheels do you? :-) Nothing wrong
with that. Just be aware that most people that really need what you
are proposing are probably already using mature feature rich libraries
for that.

Re: Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread Tino Wildenhain

r wrote:

On Dec 30, 10:07 am, wrote:


Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

The only thing I found in a brief search 
but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


xlrd(read only)
also see pyExcelerator

which is now replaced by xlwt :-)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

python import sys.path

2008-12-30 Thread Kelly, Brian
I have both 2.4 and 2.5 interpreters installed on a linux box. The
PythonPath is set to :


My main script is getting called like so:

python2.4 wrkstnbs

The imports statements in are as follows:

import os,sys
print sys.path
from datetime import datetime
from optparse import OptionParser# used for parsing parameters
from bacula_conf import *# used for connecting to our
databases, etc.
from registration_cleanup \
import RegistrationCleanup   # used for interacting w/
registration db (sql1)
 # and configuration database
import directory_cleanup as fclean   # file cleanup.

One of the scripts being imported from bacula_conf is called

It has the following imports:

import sys
import MySQLdb

Everytime I run python2.4 wrkstnbs I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 22, in module
import MySQLdb
/prod/bacula/local/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
27, in module
import _mysql
ImportError: /prod/bacula/local/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/
undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4

If I print sys.path of both the calling script and the imported module I get
the following sys.path from

'/prod/bacula/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/usr/lib/',
'/usr/lib/python2.4', '/usr/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.4/lib-dynload',
'/usr/lib/portage/pym', '/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages',

However the sys.path printed by the called module displays
as such:

'/prod/bacula/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/usr/lib64/',
'/usr/lib64/python2.5', '/usr/lib64/python2.5/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib64/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.5/lib-dynload',

If I call like so: python2.4 wrkstnbs the
sys.path is:

'/prod/bacula/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/usr/lib/',
'/usr/lib/python2.4', '/usr/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2',
'/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk', '/usr/lib64/python2.4/lib-dynload',
'/usr/lib/portage/pym', '/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages',

Can anyone explain why has a different sys.path when
imported from another script? At this point I'm quite puzzled and would like
to continue using the 2.4 interpreter for the time being.


Brian Kelly

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Francesco Bochicchio

Laszlo Nagy ha scritto:

I'm using this method to read from a socket:

   def read_data(self,size):
   Read data from connection until a given size.
   res = 
   fd = self.socket.fileno()
   while not self.stop_requested.isSet():
   remaining = size - len(res)
   if remaining=0:
   # Give one second for an incoming connection so we can stop the
   # server in seconds when needed
   ready =[fd], [], [], 1)
   if fd in ready[0]:
   data = self.socket.recv(min(remaining,8192)) # 8192 is
recommended by socket.socket manual.
   if not data:
   # select returns the fd but there is no data to read
- connection closed!
   raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
   res += data
   if self.stop_requested.isSet():
   raise SystemExit(0)
   return res

This works: if I close the socket on the other side, then I see this in
the traceback:

 File /usr/home/gandalf/Python/Projects/OrbToy/orb/, line
233, in read_data
   raise TransportError(Connection closed.)
TransportError: Connection closed.

Also when I call stop_requested.set() then the thread stops within one

Then I switch to non blocking mode, my code works exactly the same way,
or at least I see no difference.

I have read the socket programming howto ( ) but it does not
explain how a blocking socket + select is different from a non blocking
socket + select. Is there any difference?


Couple of remarks:

1. AFAIK, select in python accepts also socket objects, or anything 
which has a fileno() method returning an integer. So you don't need to 
extract the fileno from the socket (python will do for you) although it 
does no harm.

2. IMO, the behaviour of your code is correct: with TCP protocol, when 
the remote ends disconnects, your end receives a 'read event' without 
data; you should just handle the fact that recv returns nothing as 
normal, not as error, and close your end of the connection.

If you are interested in socket errors, you should
also fill the third 'fd-set' in the select call, and after select 
returns check that fd is not in it anymore:

ready = [fd],[], [fd] )
if fd in ready[2]:
   # raise your error here

3. AFAIK (sorry, I feel acronym-ly today ;), there is no difference in 
select between blocking and non-blocking mode. The difference is in the
recv (again, assuming that you use TCP as protocol, that is AF_INET, 
SOCK_STREAM), which in the blocking case would wait to receive all the 
bytes that you requested, or the disconnection, in the other case would 
return immediately (and you should check the number of returned bytes, 
and when you read the remaining bytes of the message put the pieces 
together). I myself tend to avoid using non-blocking sockets, since 
blocking sockets are much easier to handle...



duck typing at will

2008-12-30 Thread Jose Mora
Duck typing is called that way because If it looks like a duck and
quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. I think it would be good to
have also If the programmer wants to deal with it like a duck, it
must be a duck

I mean, some tasks are rather boring in python when compared with php,
for example, let's imagine we have a dictionary that contains
dictionaries that contain the times that a key appears. We, or at
least I, would like to write something as short as:

dict[k1][k2] += 1

However we will have to do a longer code (this is the smallest code I
could come up with):

dict = {}
if not k1 in dict:
  dict[k1] = {}
if not k2 in dict[k1]:
  dict[k1][k2] = 0
dict[k1][k2] += 1

I know it is not the Apocalypse nor something really important when
compared with other things, but maybe it would be better if it wasn't
necessary to declare the variables when they are built-in types or to
initialize the keys in a dictionary, having special values (the
identity element of the operation that causes the initialization) to
initialize when it has not been done, initializing with the most
general type that supports the operation that causes the
initialization, casting to other type if necessary after that.

This is just an idea, maybe I'm not the first one suggesting it, or
maybe it is completely impossible to implement it because it would
require deep changes in python, but I wanted to discuss it.

Best regards.

Re: wxPython.button.disabled still catching clicks

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 3:04 am, mynthon wrote:
 On Dec 23, 6:12 pm, Mike Driscoll wrote:

  On Dec 23, 7:27 am, wrote:

   On Dec 23, 11:58 am, Aaron Brady wrote:

On Dec 23, 4:50 am, wrote:

 Hello! (sorry for my english)

 I have a problem with buttons in wxPython. When button is disabled
 (by .Disable() or .Enable(False)) it is grayed out but still receive

 Eg. i have button that disable itself, runs long action and enable

 def onClick(self, evt):
     for i in range (1000):
         print i

 when for loop is running button is greyed out and when i click on it
 nothing happens but when loop ends another one is started because
 button remebered thad i click on it when was diabled. My only idea
 is to reposition button outside frame instead of disabling it but this
 solution is...not good.

 thanks for any help. Ive searched groups, google and it looks that
 only i have this problem :)

No, it is very common.  During your for loop, the loop is dominating
the process completely.  Events are just building up in the app's
message queue, and don't get handled until after you yield on control.

If you need to run a long task, look into threading, the OnIdle
method, the 'multiprocessing' module, or pump messages during your
long task.

   ok, maybe someone will need it. I dont know how it works because i
   didnt have time to read docs and i cannot explain everything. I used
   google and wxPython demo (in tree: wxpython overview / process and
   events / process)

   class leftPanel(wx.Panel):
       def __init__(self, parent, id):
           wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, style=wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)

           # here you have to define new process, IDLE event, and
   onPRocessEnd event
           self.process = None
           self.GetParent().Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.onIdle)
           self.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, self.onProcessEnd)

           # create button and bind event to it
           self.runScriptBtn = wx.Button(self, -1, 'RUN ME!', (10,220))
           self.runScriptBtn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClick,

       def onClick(self, evt):
           # disable button

           # here you have to enter command to run
           # previusly i heve here exec('')
           # but now it will be a subprocess
           cmd = ''

           #create new process
           self.process = wx.Process(self)

           # dont know what it is for

           # execute cmd command
           pid = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self.process)

       def onIdle(self, evt):
           # beacuse this method is called only when app enters idle mode
           # the line below is nedded to simulate entering idle mode
           # dont know how it works but it works

           # here is some code to catch subprocess output
           if self.process is not None:
               stream = self.process.GetInputStream()
               if stream.CanRead():
                   text =
                   print text

       def onProcessEnd(self, evt):
           # here is some code to catch subprocess output
           # when it is destroyed
           stream = self.process.GetInputStream()
           if stream.CanRead():
               text =
               print text

           # dont know it is necessary

           # remove (clear) process object
           self.process = None

           # show button again

  I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this. If you disable the
  button and click on it, you'll notice that it isn't firing events, so
  something else is going on here. It seems like the wx.Frame or
  wx.Application is queuing the mouse button clicks or something. I
  would post to the wxPython mailing list:

  They'll be better able to address this and they'll probably have a
  simpler solution too.


 I changed it. Now i'm running separate thread instead of process.
 First example at:

I should have posted that link when I posted originally. Oh well. Glad
you found a workaround.


Re: Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden
Tino Wildenhain wrote:
 r wrote:
 On Dec 30, 10:07 am, wrote:

 Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
 spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

 The only thing I found in a brief search
 but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


 xlrd(read only)
 also see pyExcelerator
 which is now replaced by xlwt :-)
I've had very good results with xlrd, having used it to extract data
from spreadsheets for storage into a relational database. It's also
cross-platform, which means you don't need to run under Windows.

I don't know anything at all about xlwt.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: folder extraction

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 9:30 am, wrote:
 how do i get along with this task of extracting multiples folder and
 generating their names individually in a their respective files as
 they were generated.

Are you talking about unzipping an archive or walking a directory? If
the former, see the zip module or use the subprocess module to control
an external archiving application. If the latter, see os.walk and the
glob module.


Re: Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 10:07 am, wrote:

 Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
 spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

 The only thing I found in a brief search 
 but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


If you need complete control of Excel, then you'll probably have to
use COM (see Mark Hammond's PyWin32 package). Otherwise, the
suggestions by the others will work.


Re: duck typing at will

2008-12-30 Thread MRAB

Jose Mora wrote:

Duck typing is called that way because If it looks like a duck and
quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. I think it would be good to
have also If the programmer wants to deal with it like a duck, it
must be a duck

I mean, some tasks are rather boring in python when compared with php,
for example, let's imagine we have a dictionary that contains
dictionaries that contain the times that a key appears. We, or at
least I, would like to write something as short as:

dict[k1][k2] += 1

However we will have to do a longer code (this is the smallest code I
could come up with):

dict = {}
if not k1 in dict:
  dict[k1] = {}
if not k2 in dict[k1]:
  dict[k1][k2] = 0
dict[k1][k2] += 1

I know it is not the Apocalypse nor something really important when
compared with other things, but maybe it would be better if it wasn't
necessary to declare the variables when they are built-in types or to
initialize the keys in a dictionary, having special values (the
identity element of the operation that causes the initialization) to
initialize when it has not been done, initializing with the most
general type that supports the operation that causes the
initialization, casting to other type if necessary after that.

This is just an idea, maybe I'm not the first one suggesting it, or
maybe it is completely impossible to implement it because it would
require deep changes in python, but I wanted to discuss it.

You could use defaultdict like this:

from collections import defaultdict
my_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
my_dict[k1][k2] += 1

The disadvantage is that my_dict will then return values even when you 
don't want it to:

 print my_dict[unknown_key]
defaultdict(type 'int', {})

so after you've filled it you might want to turn it into a 'normal' dict 
of dict:

my_dict = dict((key, dict(inner.iteritems())) for key, inner in 


Re: duck typing at will

2008-12-30 Thread Ned Deily
In article,
 Jose Mora wrote:
 I mean, some tasks are rather boring in python when compared with php,
 for example, let's imagine we have a dictionary that contains
 dictionaries that contain the times that a key appears. We, or at
 least I, would like to write something as short as:
 dict[k1][k2] += 1
 However we will have to do a longer code (this is the smallest code I
 could come up with):
 dict = {}
 if not k1 in dict:
   dict[k1] = {}
 if not k2 in dict[k1]:
   dict[k1][k2] = 0
 dict[k1][k2] += 1

How about one line plus an import?

$ python2.5
Python 2.5.3c1 (release25-maint, Dec 17 2008, 21:50:37) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from collections import defaultdict
 dic = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(int))

 dic[spam][eggs] += 1
 dic[42][3] += 1
 dic[42][3] += 1
defaultdict(function lambda at 0x661f0, {42: defaultdict(type 
'int', {3: 2}), 'spam': defaultdict(type 'int', {'eggs': 1})})

 Ned Deily,


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread Aaron Brady
On Dec 30, 11:16 am, wrote:
 On Dec 29, 1:06 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
  My idea is to create a 'Relation' class.  The details are basically
  open, such as whether to back it with 'sqllite3', 'shelve', 'mmap', or
  just mapping and sequence objects; what the simplest syntax is that
  can capture and permit all the basics, and how much and what else can
  fit in at that level; how and whether it can include arbitrary Python
  objects, and what constraints there are on them if not; how and
  whether to permit transactions; and what the simplest and coolest
  thing you can do with a little Python syntax is.
 You really do like to reinvent the wheels do you? :-) Nothing wrong
 with that. Just be aware that most people that really need what you
 are proposing are probably already using mature feature rich libraries
 for that.

Look at these options!  Who invents the wheel?  Naturally, I've had
time to master every one.

The page on Dee reminded me that there was some relational algebra
early on in the databases course.  I'd forgotten.  Maybe I wouldn't
feel so sheepish if I'd tried starting there, to see exactly what I

It's possible that if I had a real goal, it could drive the
requirements for my Relation class.  I don't.  What I have is very
vague, somewhat second-hand, and also inspired by a tangent in a
recent thread here on c-l-databases, er, -py.

You remember the days of parallel arrays before records were
invented.  The bare minimum I can think of for a relation is just a
set of tuples.

TakingClass( Arthur, Science )
#TakingClass.add( ( Arthur, Science ) )

It's just that 'what classes is Arthur taking?' is an O( total ) op.
Next is a parallel mapping.

TakingClass( Arthur, Science )
# science.add( arthur )
# arthur.add( science )

O( key ) read and O( 1 ) add, but it's repetitious.  I feel it's
really error prone, but maybe it's the best balance.  The actual
abstraction is something more like this:

# Emps( Name, EmpID, Department )
Emps( KnightsOfNi, NiNiNi, Gardening )
# tupA= EmpsTuple( KnightsOfNi, NiNiNi, Gardening )
# KnightsOfNi.add( tupA )
# NiNiNi.add( tupA )
# Gardening.add( tupA )

(If KnightsOfNi will appear in more than one relation, it will need to
distinguish: 'KnightsOfNi.emps.add( tupA )'.)

A single predicate is just a set.  A relation is just a set of tuples.

Dee lets you write lambda expressions for filters/selects.  Django
lets you chain selects with a double underscore.

Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 19:19:08 +0100, Francesco Bochicchio 


If you are interested in socket errors, you should
also fill the third 'fd-set' in the select call, and after select returns 
check that fd is not in it anymore:

ready = [fd],[], [fd] )
if fd in ready[2]:
   # raise your error here

The third argument to select() isn't for monitoring sockets for errors.  Its
behavior is also rather platform sensitive.  In general, you don't need it
at all on POSIX, but on Windows you should pass the same list for it as you
pass for the write-set, merge the results, and treat them all as writeable.

Or use a higher-level library that deals with all the asinine details for
you. ;)


need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread wx1234
I have a list and would like to parse the list appending each list
item to the end of a variable on a new line.

for instance

mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']

then parse mylist to make it appear in my variable in this format:

myvar = 
another something
something again

how would i go about setting a variable like this?

Re: thread, multiprocessing: communication overhead

2008-12-30 Thread Duncan Booth
mk wrote:

 CMIIW, but I believe your timing function includes the time to launch
 the actual processes and threads, create the synch. objects, etc.  You
 might try it again, creating them first, starting the timer, then
 loading them.
 Except I don't know how to do that using timeit.Timer. :-/
Easy enough: put the code into a class which creates the worker pool when 
instantiated and has a method to execute the code you want to time. Then 
you create an instance from the setup argument and time a call to the 

Re: need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread 5lvqbwl02
On Dec 30, 11:31 am, wrote:
 I have a list and would like to parse the list appending each list
 item to the end of a variable on a new line.

 for instance

 mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']

 then parse mylist to make it appear in my variable in this format:

 myvar = 
 another something
 something again

 how would i go about setting a variable like this?

I think you want to concatenate the three elements in your list and
then assign the resulting string to myvar.  Strings that are defined
with tripple quotes still get the newline character as though they
were defined with double or single quotes and \n in them.

 conc = lambda x,y: x[:] + y # concatenate 2 lists without side effects
 mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']
 myvar = reduce(conc, mylist)
 print myvar
another something
something again

Hope this helps

Re: need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread Tim Chase

I have a list and would like to parse the list appending each list
item to the end of a variable on a new line.

for instance

mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']

then parse mylist to make it appear in my variable in this format:

myvar = 
another something
something again

Just use the join() method on an empty string:

  myvar = .join(mylist)

(though your example would need to be tweaked to make the 
newlines match the newlines in your result, given the newlines in 
your list)

myvar = something
another something
something again

Or you can do something like

 myvar = '\n'.join(s.rstrip('\n') for s in mylist)

Mix and match to get your desired output.



embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread 5lvqbwl02
Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.

Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?

Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
the larger application?

For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
object gets selected if the user types,y)?

I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

Thank you


Re: duck typing at will

2008-12-30 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Jose Mora a écrit :

Duck typing is called that way because If it looks like a duck and
quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

or at least something close enough...

I think it would be good to
have also If the programmer wants to deal with it like a duck, it
must be a duck

DWIM[1] just doesn't work. No parser can read your mind, and the harder 
they try, the more bugs they are likely to cause. IOW : cows neither 
look nor quack like ducks, and asking a cow to quack just won't turn 
your cow into a duck.

[1] Do What I Mean

I mean, some tasks are rather boring in python when compared with php,

Possibly. OTHO, and from years of experience with both languages, a lot 
of tasks are way more boring in php when compared to Python.

for example, let's imagine we have a dictionary that contains
dictionaries that contain the times that a key appears. We, or at
least I, would like to write something as short as:

dict[k1][k2] += 1

However we will have to do a longer code (this is the smallest code I
could come up with):

dict = {}

bad identifier - it shadows the builtin dict type.

if not k1 in dict:
  dict[k1] = {}
if not k2 in dict[k1]:
  dict[k1][k2] = 0
dict[k1][k2] += 1

What about:

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))

for k1, k2 in whatever:
d[k1][k2] += 1

NB : this requires a recent Python version (works on 2.5.1 at least). 
Else, yes, this will be a bit more boring:

d = dict()
for k1, k2 in whatever:
d2 = d.setdefault(k1, dict())
d2[k2] = d2.get(k2, 0) + 1



Re: need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 11:31 -0800, wrote:
 I have a list and would like to parse the list appending each list
 item to the end of a variable on a new line.
 for instance
 mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']
 then parse mylist to make it appear in my variable in this format:
 myvar = 
 another something
 something again
 how would i go about setting a variable like this?

myvar = ''.join(mylist)

Though if you really want an blank line in the beginning you'll need
to prepend a '\n'



Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 1:52 pm, wrote:
 Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
 a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
 extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.

 Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?

 Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
 application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
 the larger application?

 For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
 clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
 object gets selected if the user types,y)?

 I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
 going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
 where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
 automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

 I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

 Thank you

You should ask the guys on the wxPython list for pointers:

I'm pretty sure I've seen it discussed there before. They already have
PyShell and PyCrumb that you could probably use within your program.
The wxPython includes demos of them and lots of other widgets.


Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Stef Mientki wrote:

On Dec 30, 2:48 pm, Steve Holden wrote:

Stef Mientki wrote:

I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),

and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.
Is there a workaround,

or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?

If you think about it, it should be obvious that you can't surround a
string to be compiled with any of the quotes that appear inside the
string to be compiled. That's about the only limitation I am aware of.

And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!

 exec ( Init_Code, PG.P_Globals )

I've really doubt that this is a statement,
unless I don't understand what a statement is.

exec print '''This is

... a long string'''
This is
a long string

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC

the message Steven sent you is ok to explain how to work with triple


Yes, but not to work around my problem.
I guess I've to remove all triple quoted strings from my code.

anyway thanks,


Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Stef Mientki wrote:

Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.

Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?

Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
the larger application?

For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
object gets selected if the user types,y)?

I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

If you're looking for high-level,
I don't understand why you want to see what's going on in the gui,
as I see the gui just a tool to control the real data.
For a pretty high level data manipulation,
something like PyLab_Works ?



Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 21:16:39 +0100, Stef Mientki wrote: wrote:

On Dec 30, 2:48 pm, Steve Holden wrote:

Stef Mientki wrote:

  I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),
and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.
  Is there a workaround,
or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?

If you think about it, it should be obvious that you can't surround a
string to be compiled with any of the quotes that appear inside the
string to be compiled. That's about the only limitation I am aware of.

And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!

 exec ( Init_Code, PG.P_Globals )

I've really doubt that this is a statement,
unless I don't understand what a statement is.

What do you think a statement is?  According to the Python grammar, exec
is this:

   exec_stmt: 'exec' expr ['in' test [',' test]]

stmt is short for statement. :)  A more satisfying demonstration of the
statementness of exec is this, though:

x = exec foo
 File stdin, line 1
   x = exec foo
   SyntaxError: invalid syntax

And no, putting parenthesis around the expression given to exec doesn't make
a difference:

x = exec(foo)
 File stdin, line 1
   x = exec(foo)
   SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Understanding search queries, semantics, and Meaning ...aren't we all looking for meaning?

2008-12-30 Thread 5lvqbwl02
I have Section 4.4.1 of SICP rattling around in my head (database
queries), and I'm trying to come up with a simple dictionary-based
database in Python to represent circuit diagrams.  My main confusion
isn't one of implementation, but a matter of big thinking,
fundamentally, about the problem. Please don't suggest using a SQL
library, as I'm looking to learn to fish, so to speak, and to learn a
bit about the biology of fish.

I've subclassed dict to hdict (hashable dict) and rewritten the
__hash__ function so I can include a dict into a set. Thanks to a
previous poster here for providing that suggestion.

A circuit component looks like this for example:

comp1 = hdict(value=1e-6, footprint='0402', vendor='digikey')
comp2 = hdict(value=10e3, footprint='0603', vendor='mouser')
etc, etc.

The database holds the values like this:
db = dict() # normal dict
db['value'] = ([1e-6, 10e3], [comp1, comp2]) #ordered set for fast
db['footprint'] = {'0402':set[comp1], '0603':comp2} # unordered uses
normal dict for fast lookup
db['vendor'] = {'digikey':[comp1], 'mouser':[comp2]}

So basically the keys are the component parameters, and the values is
the list of components with that value.  Stuff that is comparable is
ordered; stuff that is discrete is not ordered, using either 2-tuples
or dicts, respectively.

This allows extremely fast lookup of components based on their
properties, with O(1) performance for non-ordered stuff, and O(log n)
performance for ordered stuff (using bisect methods).  The set
operations are extremely fast, so I can do AND and OR operations on
compound queries of this nature without worry.

I need this speed not so much for selecting components when the user
types in a query, but for when the mouse is hovering over the
schematic and I need things to light up underneath, if the GUI is
generating hundreds of mouse messages per second, and for inspector
windows to appear quickly when you click, etc.  If you have ever used
Altium, you can see how effective this is in terms of creating a good
interactive user experience.

My question is what happens when I choose to search for NOT

Should this return a blank list? This happens by default., and is in
fact true: a blank list satisfies not anything actually.
Should this return everything that is NOT footprint 0402 (ie returns
0603 components)?  This *strongly implies* a pre-selection of *all*
objects before performing the negating function, or of looking at the
ordering of other queries in the overall search term, and then
applying NOT to the results of another query.

But I'm suspicious of a brute force preselection of all objects
whenever I see a NOT, and anyway it messes up the clean query/combiner
method of search I'm doing, and it requires an implied sequence of
search, where I'm pretty sure it should not rely on sequencing.  Even
though this is single threaded, etc., the semantics of the query
should not rely on ordering of the search term:

footprint='0402' and NOT vendor='mouser' should return the same as
NOT vendor='mouser' and footprint='0402'.

So this is my philosophical quandary.  I'm not sure what the correct
thing is.  In SICP they are using nondeterministic stuff which I don't
quite get, so it's hard to follow.  Also they are not using
dictionaries and hashes, so I'm not sure if their generate-and-test
method would work here anyway.  Generate-and-test seems extremely

Can a wise guru please enlighten me?


Re: PIL - font kerning

2008-12-30 Thread carsn
On Dec 23, 9:51 pm, Ivan Illarionov wrote:
 On Dec 23, 11:22 pm, Ivan Illarionov

  On 23 дек, 16:44, carsn wrote:

   Hey all,

   anybody know, if there´s a way to specify the kerning of a font, when
   you draw text withPIL?

   I´d like to achieve the same effect that you get, when you set a
   negative kerning in Gimp/Photshop - ie. reduce the spacing between

   CanPILdo that or do I use another lib for that?

   Thx for any pointers  some nice xmas days to U all!

  No.PILcan't do that. I suggest combination of cairo/pango/pangocairo
  (pycairo and pygtk packages).


 I found a little helper function that does what you want (and more)

 import cairo
 import pango
 import pangocairo

 def draw_text(surface, context, text, font=sans 14, position=None,
 line_spacing=None, letter_spacing=None,
 if color is None:
 color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 pc = pangocairo.CairoContext(context)
 layout = pc.create_layout()
 if box_width: layout.set_width(box_width)
 if line_spacing: layout.set_spacing(spacing)
 alist = pango.AttrList()
 if letter_spacing:
 alist.insert(pango.AttrLetterSpacing(letter_spacing, 0, len
 if extra_kerning:
 for pos, kern in extra_kerning.iteritems():
 alist.insert(pango.AttrLetterSpacing(kern, pos, pos
 if position is None:
 width, height = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
 w, h = layout.get_pixel_size()
 position = (width/2.0 - w/2.0, height/2.0 - h/2.0)

 And example usage:

 surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height)
 context = cairo.Context(surface)
 draw_text(surface, context, 'Hello world!',
 font=sans 52, color=(.25,.28,.33),
 extra_kerning={0:-9000, 1:-1000, 6:6000, 7:-15000, 8:5000,



Works great, thanks a lot!!

Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2008-12-30, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:

 3. AFAIK (sorry, I feel acronym-ly today ;), there is no difference in 
 select between blocking and non-blocking mode. The difference is in the
 recv (again, assuming that you use TCP as protocol, that is AF_INET, 
 SOCK_STREAM), which in the blocking case would wait to receive all the 
 bytes that you requested,

No, in blocking mode it will wait to receive _some_ data (1 or
more bytes).  The requested amount is strictly an upper
limit: recv won't return more than the requested number of
bytes, but it might return less.

In non-blocking mode, it will always return immediately, either
with some data, no data (other end closed), or an EAGAIN or
EWOULDBLOCK error (I forget which).

 [...] I myself tend to avoid using non-blocking sockets, since
 blocking sockets are much easier to handle...

That depends on whether you can tolerate blocking or not.  In
an event-loop, blocking is generally not allowed.


Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:41:17 -0600, Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-12-30, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:

3. AFAIK (sorry, I feel acronym-ly today ;), there is no difference in
select between blocking and non-blocking mode. The difference is in the
recv (again, assuming that you use TCP as protocol, that is AF_INET,
SOCK_STREAM), which in the blocking case would wait to receive all the
bytes that you requested,

No, in blocking mode it will wait to receive _some_ data (1 or
more bytes).  The requested amount is strictly an upper
limit: recv won't return more than the requested number of
bytes, but it might return less.

Hi Grant,

I don't think you read Francesco's message carefully enough. :)  He said:

there is no difference in select between blocking and non-blocking mode.

You're describing a difference in recv, not select.

In non-blocking mode, it will always return immediately, either
with some data, no data (other end closed), or an EAGAIN or
EWOULDBLOCK error (I forget which).

[...] I myself tend to avoid using non-blocking sockets, since
blocking sockets are much easier to handle...

That depends on whether you can tolerate blocking or not.  In
an event-loop, blocking is generally not allowed.

If you're careful, it's possible to avoid blocking, even when using a
blocking socket, at least for AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM sockets.  Of course,
it's easier to avoid blocking by using a non-blocking socket.


Re: and socket.setblocking

2008-12-30 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:55:51 -0500, Jean-Paul Calderone 

On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:41:17 -0600, Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-12-30, Francesco Bochicchio wrote:

3. AFAIK (sorry, I feel acronym-ly today ;), there is no difference in
select between blocking and non-blocking mode. The difference is in the
recv (again, assuming that you use TCP as protocol, that is AF_INET,
SOCK_STREAM), which in the blocking case would wait to receive all the
bytes that you requested,

No, in blocking mode it will wait to receive _some_ data (1 or
more bytes).  The requested amount is strictly an upper
limit: recv won't return more than the requested number of
bytes, but it might return less.

Hi Grant,

I don't think you read Francesco's message carefully enough. :)

Ah, no, it was I who didn't read carefully enough.  Nevermind.


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread Gerhard Häring

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Aaron Brady a écrit :

Hi all,


I don't think relational data can be read and written very easily in

Did you try SQLAlchemy or Django's ORM ?

Using an ORM when you don't grasp the relational model and/or the SQL 
query language is futile.

That's probably the case for many other abstraction layers, too.

-- Gerhard

Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Jervis Whitley
On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.comwrote: wrote:

 Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
 a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
 extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.

 Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?

 Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
 application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
 the larger application?

 For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
 clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
 object gets selected if the user types,y)?

 I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
 going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
 where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
 automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

 I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

 If you're looking for high-level,
 I don't understand why you want to see what's going on in the gui,
 as I see the gui just a tool to control the real data.
 For a pretty high level data manipulation,
 something like PyLab_Works ?



Try checking out the wxPython demo package. There is an example of a widget
inspection tool in the help menu.
This tool has an embedded python console and allows introspection of live
widgets and sizers in an application.



Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden
Stef Mientki wrote: wrote:
 On Dec 30, 2:48 pm, Steve Holden wrote:
 Stef Mientki wrote:

   I'm running scripts, with the execute function (Python 2.5),
 and it seems that triple quoted strings are not allowed.
   Is there a workaround,
 or is this a fundamental problem of the exec-function ?
 If you think about it, it should be obvious that you can't surround a
 string to be compiled with any of the quotes that appear inside the
 string to be compiled. That's about the only limitation I am aware of.

 And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!
  exec ( Init_Code, PG.P_Globals )
 I've really doubt that this is a statement,
 unless I don't understand what a statement is.

We'll have to conclude you don't, then, won't we ;-)

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Rob Williscroft
Stef Mientki wrote in news:mailman.6399.1230668197.3487.python- in comp.lang.python:

 And, by the way, exec is a *statement*, not a function!
   exec ( Init_Code, PG.P_Globals )
 I've really doubt that this is a statement,
 unless I don't understand what a statement is.

In python 2.x the above is a statement that is passed a tuple:

its a statement like print is:

 print ( 1,2 )
(1, 2)

In 3.x it is a function:

print is also a function in python 3.x, so:

 print(1, 2)
1 2


Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Steve Holden wrote:
 Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
 a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
 extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.
 Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?
 Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
 application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
 the larger application?
 For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
 clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
 object gets selected if the user types,y)?
 I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
 going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
 where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
 automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.
 I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.
I seem to remember you can create your wxApp with an argument of True or
False. One of those settings creates a window containing any output to
sys.stderr, if I remember rightly.

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: win32gui

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 3:22 pm, Gandalf wrote:
 I'm searching the win32gui hooks for a function to get the windowClass
 position any idea?


Try looking in the docs:

I think the GetWindowPlacement() might be what you're looking for,
although it's kind of hard to tell from what little info you gave.


Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Gerhard Häring a écrit :

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Aaron Brady a écrit :

Hi all,


I don't think relational data can be read and written very easily in

Did you try SQLAlchemy or Django's ORM ?

Using an ORM when you don't grasp the relational model and/or the SQL 
query language is futile.

Yes, indeed. And ? Aaron's post was mostly about a better integration of 
the relational model in Python - which obviously requires some knowledge 
of the topic.


Re: Understanding search queries, semantics, and Meaning ...aren't we all looking for meaning?

2008-12-30 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Dec 30, 12:35 pm, wrote:
 I have Section 4.4.1 of SICP rattling around in my head (database
 queries), and I'm trying to come up with a simple dictionary-based
 database in Python to represent circuit diagrams.  My main confusion
 isn't one of implementation, but a matter of big thinking,
 fundamentally, about the problem. Please don't suggest using a SQL
 library, as I'm looking to learn to fish, so to speak, and to learn a
 bit about the biology of fish.

I'm going to break rule #1 of your requirements but in an unexpected
way. Rather than studying PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle, why don't you
crack open the topic of relational database theory and relational
algebra? That should help with the big thinking bit in the same way
understanding 1+1 helps you understand how to add any two numbers
together. No, SQL is not the be-all-end-all of relational theory. Yes,
it does a pretty dang good job at it, though, which is why it is still

 I've subclassed dict to hdict (hashable dict) and rewritten the
 __hash__ function so I can include a dict into a set. Thanks to a
 previous poster here for providing that suggestion.

 A circuit component looks like this for example:

 comp1 = hdict(value=1e-6, footprint='0402', vendor='digikey')
 comp2 = hdict(value=10e3, footprint='0603', vendor='mouser')
 etc, etc.

 The database holds the values like this:
 db = dict() # normal dict
 db['value'] = ([1e-6, 10e3], [comp1, comp2]) #ordered set for fast
 db['footprint'] = {'0402':set[comp1], '0603':comp2} # unordered uses
 normal dict for fast lookup
 db['vendor'] = {'digikey':[comp1], 'mouser':[comp2]}

 So basically the keys are the component parameters, and the values is
 the list of components with that value.  Stuff that is comparable is
 ordered; stuff that is discrete is not ordered, using either 2-tuples
 or dicts, respectively.

 This allows extremely fast lookup of components based on their
 properties, with O(1) performance for non-ordered stuff, and O(log n)
 performance for ordered stuff (using bisect methods).  The set
 operations are extremely fast, so I can do AND and OR operations on
 compound queries of this nature without worry.

 I need this speed not so much for selecting components when the user
 types in a query, but for when the mouse is hovering over the
 schematic and I need things to light up underneath, if the GUI is
 generating hundreds of mouse messages per second, and for inspector
 windows to appear quickly when you click, etc.  If you have ever used
 Altium, you can see how effective this is in terms of creating a good
 interactive user experience.

OK, turn it around in your head. Consider the indexes you built above
as yet another table. Consider what a table or a database really is.
When you see how they are all really the same thing, either you've
mastered relational algebra of you've seen the big picture. Kind of
like the cons cell being enough to describe any data structure in the
universe, a table is enough to describe everything in the relational

 My question is what happens when I choose to search for NOT

 Should this return a blank list? This happens by default., and is in
 fact true: a blank list satisfies not anything actually.
 Should this return everything that is NOT footprint 0402 (ie returns
 0603 components)?  This *strongly implies* a pre-selection of *all*
 objects before performing the negating function, or of looking at the
 ordering of other queries in the overall search term, and then
 applying NOT to the results of another query.

 But I'm suspicious of a brute force preselection of all objects
 whenever I see a NOT, and anyway it messes up the clean query/combiner
 method of search I'm doing, and it requires an implied sequence of
 search, where I'm pretty sure it should not rely on sequencing.  Even
 though this is single threaded, etc., the semantics of the query
 should not rely on ordering of the search term:

 footprint='0402' and NOT vendor='mouser' should return the same as
 NOT vendor='mouser' and footprint='0402'.

 So this is my philosophical quandary.  I'm not sure what the correct
 thing is.  In SICP they are using nondeterministic stuff which I don't
 quite get, so it's hard to follow.  Also they are not using
 dictionaries and hashes, so I'm not sure if their generate-and-test
 method would work here anyway.  Generate-and-test seems extremely

 Can a wise guru please enlighten me?

(I don't think I qualify as a guru, but I think I see how I can help.)

In a typical SQL database, when you type in SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE
baz='bo', you are not writing a program, at least not in the sense of
Python or C or Java or Perl where you give instructions on HOW to run
the program. You are writing a program in the sense of Lisp or Scheme
or Haskell in that you are giving instructions on WHAT the program is.

The database doesn't, at least shouldn't, read in all the 

Re: SQL, lite lite lite

2008-12-30 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Aaron Brady a écrit :

On Dec 30, 11:16 am, wrote:


You really do like to reinvent the wheels do you? :-) Nothing wrong
with that. Just be aware that most people that really need what you
are proposing are probably already using mature feature rich libraries
for that.

Look at these options!  Who invents the wheel?  Naturally, I've had
time to master every one.

Oh, so that's why you propose to add yet another item to the list ?


Re: Parsing Excel spreadsheets

2008-12-30 Thread John Machin
On Dec 31, 5:48 am, Mike Driscoll wrote:
 On Dec 30, 10:07 am, wrote:


  Can anybody recommend an approach for loading and parsing Excel
  spreadsheets in Python. Any well known/recommended libraries for this?

  The only thing I found in a brief search was,
  but I'd rather get some more input before going with something I don't


 If you need complete control of Excel, then you'll probably have to
 use COM (see Mark Hammond's PyWin32 package). Otherwise, the
 suggestions by the others will work.

For avoidance of doubt, the OP should presume that you mean the *nett*
suggestions by the others i.e. after Tino struck out pyExcelerator.


Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Joe Strout

Steve Holden wrote:

I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

I seem to remember you can create your wxApp with an argument of True or
False. One of those settings creates a window containing any output to
sys.stderr, if I remember rightly.

You do -- True (the default) redirects standard output to a window, 
while False does not redirect it.

However, neither setting will create a bidirectional console or 
evaluation environment as the OP was asking for.  (But other wx widgets 
do provide that, as other replies have pointed out.)

- Joe


[ANN] PyYAML-3.08: Now with Python 3 support

2008-12-30 Thread Kirill Simonov

 Announcing PyYAML-3.08

A new release of PyYAML is now available:

This release features complete support for Python 3.  For
compatibility notes between Python 2 and Python 3 versions,
please see


* Python 3 support (Thank to Erick Tryzelaar).
* Use Cython instead of Pyrex to build LibYAML bindings.  Note
  that the source package is distributed with a pre-generated
  '_yaml.c' file so you don't need Cython installed to build
  LibYAML bindings.
* Refactored support for unicode and byte input/output streams.


PyYAML homepage:
PyYAML documentation:

TAR.GZ package:
ZIP package:
Windows installers:

PyYAML SVN repository:
Submit a bug report:

YAML homepage:
YAML-core mailing list:

About PyYAML

YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and
interaction with scripting languages.  PyYAML is a YAML parser and
emitter for Python.

PyYAML features a complete YAML 1.1 parser, Unicode support, pickle
support, capable extension API, and sensible error messages.  PyYAML
supports standard YAML tags and provides Python-specific tags that allow
to represent an arbitrary Python object.

PyYAML is applicable for a broad range of tasks from complex
configuration files to object serialization and persistance.


 import yaml

... name: PyYAML
... description: YAML parser and emitter for Python
... homepage:
... keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]
... )
{'keywords': ['YAML', 'serialization', 'configuration', 'persistance',
'pickle'], 'homepage': '', 'description':
'YAML parser and emitter for Python', 'name': 'PyYAML'}

 print yaml.dump(_)
name: PyYAML
description: YAML parser and emitter for Python
keywords: [YAML, serialization, configuration, persistance, pickle]


The PyYAML module is written by Kirill Simonov

PyYAML is released under the MIT license.

Re: need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Dec 30, 11:41 am, wrote:

  conc = lambda x,y: x[:] + y # concatenate 2 lists without side effects
  mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']
  myvar = reduce(conc, mylist)
  print myvar

conc? side effects? Missing Lisp much? ;-)

Let's try to Pythonize your lisp.


Assigning a lambda to a variable? Just use def. It's pretty much the
same thing.

   def conc(x,y): return x[:]+y


I don't think x+y affects x at all when x and y are lists. (Is that a
lispism?) So x[:]+y has an unnecessary array copy.

   def conc(x,y): return x+y


Python may still be slow at string concatenation. (Perl is fast.)
Rather than concatenating one at a time, it's better, I understand, to
build up a list and then join() them together.

The other posters got the right answer in the pythonic way.

Re: embedding python in wxpython

2008-12-30 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Dec 30, 3:41 pm, Steve Holden wrote: wrote:
  Hi, I've looked around for a way to allow a python console from within
  a wxPython application, but have only found stuff on embedded/
  extending python with C/C++ or wxWidgets in C++, but not wxPython.

  Is this easy to do?  Can someone point me in the right direction?

  Also, typically when you embed a scripting language into a larger
  application, how do you get the console environment to share data with
  the larger application?

  For instance, if the application has some gui stuff (for example
  clicking on a object and dragging it around), how do you get,y) to print out on the console, and vice-versa: the
  object gets selected if the user types,y)?

  I'd like the console to be a bidirectional representation of what's
  going on in the gui, plus a general purpose evaluation environment
  where you can manipulate application data via some api which is
  automatically exposed to the console when the application opens up.

  I'm looking for high-level hints/strategies/directions.

 I seem to remember you can create your wxApp with an argument of True or
 False. One of those settings creates a window containing any output to
 sys.stderr, if I remember rightly.

 Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC    

That's true...or you can just redirect stdout, which is what the demo
does. Here's one way to do it:

import sys
import wx

class RedirectText:
def __init__(self,aWxTextCtrl):

def write(self,string):

class MyForm(wx.Frame):

def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, wxPython Redirect

# Add a panel so it looks the correct on all platforms
panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY)
log = wx.TextCtrl(panel, wx.ID_ANY, size=(300,100),
btn = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_ANY, 'Push me!')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButton, btn)

# Add widgets to a sizer
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer.Add(log, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)
sizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL|wx.CENTER, 5)

# redirect text here

def onButton(self, event):
print You pressed the button!

# Run the program
if __name__ == __main__:
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MyForm().Show()

- Mike

Re: return in def

2008-12-30 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
Avoiding early exits is an over-reaction to the Bad Old Days of spaghetti 

Mostly, yes. It can also be a way to help avoiding resource leaks 
(memory or whatever) - just like try/finally blocks or the 'with' 
statement in Python.

But used wisely, early exists can simplify, not complicate, code.

Consider the following:

def find_ham(alist):
for item in alist:
if isinstance(item, Ham):
return item
raise ValueError('no ham found')

def find_spam(alist):
found_item = None
for item in alist:
if found_item is not None:
if isinstance(item, Spam):
found_item = item
if found_item is None:
raise ValueError('no spam found')
return found_item

The second version has double the number of lines of code of the first. 

And doesn't do the same thing (hint: you forgot a break statement). Also 
and FWIW, the single exit golden rule (hem) comes from languages 
without exception handling. So a fair comparison would be:

def find_egg(alist):
   for item in alist:
   if isinstance(item, Egg):
   return item
   return None


def find_sausage(alist):
   found = None
   for item in alist:
   if isinstance(item, Sausage):
   found = item
   return found

Granted, this still doesn't make the second version better than the 
first !-)


I  don't think the claim that the version with an early exit is more 
complicated than the version without can justified.

Certainly not in this simple (simplistic ?) example. Now in C or Pascal, 
functions tend to be much longer and complicated, thanks to all the gory 
details one has to take care of.

Not that I'm advocating no early return as a golden rule - specially 
in Python where functions tend to be short and readable -, but there 
really are cases (depending on the language *and* concrete use case) 
where avoiding early returns makes for more readable and robust code.

My 2 cents...

Re: Read-Write Lock vs primitive Lock()

2008-12-30 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 30 Dec 2008 06:16:23 -0200, k3xji escribió:

As GLOBAL_LOOP_COUNT is 1000, now this is making a bottleneck on
the readers. I had assumed that as everythread is given only 100
bytecodes to execute, that it will be enough to have a 1 value for
this number to let other rthread start() and try to acquire the lock.
But, Python undocumentedly, does not grab the GIL easily if a Lock is
held. This is strange for me.

This has nothing to do with the GIL, nor undocumented behavior. If all  
threads are blocked waiting for the same lock, yielding the CPU has no  
effect, because nobody can progress until the lock is released.

I'll ask you again: what is your use case? what do you want to do? what is  
a reader in your problem? what is a writer? what is the resource you  
want to protect using a lock?
Different problems have different behaviors; for example, for  
reading/writing files, your model is basically wrong.

That may be the point. That is why I am trying to test this. When will
ReadWrite() lock permforms better over the primitive lock. By the way,
for the reference, the code in the recipe is used in CherryPy and
based on the Tanenbaum's book Operating Systems Design.

Ah, good to know at least it has some background. Anyway, isn't a  
guarantee of correctness. By exampe, Tanenbaum's algorithm for the dining  
philosophers problem were (is?) flawed (according to W. Stallings).

I understand your point completely, but let's change anything inside
the loop. Just assume that we a thread that is supposed to read
something, and a thread that is supposed to write. If I create
thousands of readers, and if the operation is enormously huge
calculation(as Python does not grab GIL easily inside a Lock), then
this will create a bottlencek on readers. But, with ReadWrite Lock
this problem *SHOULD* be fixed and in my tests I see it is fixed, when
I increase the time spent in the loop in huge amounts.

But why would you protect the whole long calculation with a lock? And why  
do you say Python does not grab GIL easily inside a Lock, whatever that  
If you hold a scarce resource for a long time, this is likely to cause a  
bottleneck, and the language (be it Python or other) is mostly irrelevant  

I had
assumed that Python will release GIL for other threads after 100
bytecodes are executed by default.

Yes. You can alter how often this occurs, using sys.setcheckinterval (the  
code I posted does that, just to see how results vary)

However, as I stated, when a Lock()
is held this is changing. I think this is because to avoid simple MT
problems for new programmers. Not sure. I will read threads.c for

No, it's always the same thing, locks don't affect this behavior. But as I  
said above, if no other thread can progress because all of them are  
waiting to acquire the same lock, you gain nothing by releasing the GIL.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: get method

2008-12-30 Thread James Mills
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Roel Schroeven wrote:
 Hm, you just changed an O(n) algorithm to an O(n**2) algorithm. No big
 deal for short strings, but try your solution on a string with length
 1 and see the difference. On my computer the O(n) version takes
 0.008 seconds, while your version takes 8.6 seconds. That's 1000 times

Yes you are right :) Sadly :/

I wonder if there is a way to implement
the same thing with close to O(n)
complexity using list/dict comprehensions.


Re: Python in C

2008-12-30 Thread Stefan Behnel
akineko wrote:
 The more you work on Python, the harder you can go back to C or C++
 I use SWIG, instead. I think SWIG is a good way to mix two worlds.

If you find it hard to go from Python back to C, you should have a look at


Re: multiprocessing vs thread performance

2008-12-30 Thread James Mills
On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:29 AM, Aaron Brady wrote:
 James, Hi.  I'm glad you asked; I never know how out there my
 comments are (but surmise that feedback is always a good thing).  What
 I was thinking was, I didn't know Virtual Synchrony, and I've never
 used Erlang, but I'm interested in concurrency especially as it
 pertains to units of work, division of labor, and division of context;
 and generators are another way to divide context.  So: I wanted to put
 more of my background and interests on the table.  What I said wasn't
 directly relevant, I see.  But it's not like I
 dissertated (discussed) the Tibettan-Austrian spice trade.  I think
 I just want to say stuff about threading!  Maybe I'm just excited to
 meet people who share my interests... not unheard of.

Glad to see others also interested in these topics :)


 'Circuits' doesn't use generators.  I think generators are an
 underexplored technique.  Is 'circuits' assembly line or start-to-
 finish, if my analogy makes any sense?  'Circuits' is event-driven,
 but I don't see any difference between 'event-driven' and
 multithreaded in general.  (I think contrast can create a good picture
 and a clear understanding.)  What is special about an 'event-driven'
 architecture?  Are you distinguishing blocking from polling?

I'll shortly be releasing circuits-1.0 today hopefully.
To answer your question, circuits is inspired by a
software architecture that my most favoured
lecturer a few years back was teaching. That is:
 * Behaviour Trees (design)
and consequently:
 * The concept of everything is a Component
 * Systems and Sub-Systems are built upon Components
 * Everything is an event.
 * An emergent property of such systems are Behaviour.

That being said, circuits employs both an event-driven
approach as well as a Component architecture.
In your analogy it is both horizontal and vertical.

As I continue to develop circuits and improve it's
core design as well as building it's ever growing set
of Components, I try to keep it as general as
possible - my main aim though is distributed
processing and architectures. (See the primes example).

Thanks for sharing your interest :)


Re: python import sys.path

2008-12-30 Thread John Machin
On Dec 31, 5:05 am, Kelly, Brian wrote:
 I have both 2.4 and 2.5 interpreters installed on a linux box. The
 PythonPath is set to :


 My main script is getting called like so:

 python2.4 wrkstnbs

 The imports statements in are as follows:

 import os,sys
 print sys.path
 from datetime import datetime
 from optparse import OptionParser        # used for parsing parameters
 from bacula_conf import *                # used for connecting to our
 databases, etc.
 from registration_cleanup \
     import RegistrationCleanup           # used for interacting w/
 registration db (sql1)
                                          # and configuration database
 import directory_cleanup as fclean       # file cleanup.

 One of the scripts being imported from bacula_conf is called

 It has the following imports:

 import sys
 import MySQLdb

 Everytime I run python2.4 wrkstnbs I get the following error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):

Have you snipped any traceback entries here? You say you are running but the first traceback entry is from!!

You should first fix that, so that you've got the full story. My guess
is that something along that trail is invoking another instance of the
Python interpreter and somehow that instance is 2.5, not 2.4. I can't
imagine how those 2.5-related entries would otherwise get into

Suggestions: (1) where you are debug-printing sys.path, also print
sys.version and sys.argv[0] ... and do debug-printing at more places
between start and error.
(2) run python2.4 -vv wrkstnbs and look for the first
mention of 2.5 (indicating something has manipulated sys.path), or
sudden cessation of -vv output (indicating a new instance of python is
running without -vv), or some other phenomenon ...

   File, line 22, in module
     import MySQLdb
 /prod/bacula/local/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
 27, in module
     import _mysql
 ImportError: /prod/bacula/local/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/
 undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4

What happens when you run python2.4 and at the interactive prompt do
 import _mysql
? Is there a possibility that you installed 2.5 MySQLdb into the 2.4
hierarchy? [could be a stupid question from a windows guy; this may be
a non-problem on linux]

Is this the first thing that you've tried after installing 2.5, or the
only problem found in an exhaustive regression test of all your apps
using 2.4, or somewhere in the middle?

[big snip]



Re: need help with list/variables

2008-12-30 Thread John Machin
On Dec 31, 6:41 am, wrote:
 On Dec 30, 11:31 am, wrote:

  I have a list and would like to parse the list appending each list
  item to the end of a variable on a new line.

  for instance

  mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']

  then parse mylist to make it appear in my variable in this format:

  myvar = 
  another something
  something again

  how would i go about setting a variable like this?

 I think you want to concatenate the three elements in your list and
 then assign the resulting string to myvar.  Strings that are defined
 with tripple quotes still get the newline character as though they
 were defined with double or single quotes and \n in them.

  conc = lambda x,y: x[:] + y # concatenate 2 lists without side effects
  mylist = ['something\n', 'another something\n', 'something again\n']
  myvar = reduce(conc, mylist)
  print myvar

OTOH escapees from FORTRAN would prefer something like:

TOT = ''
for I in xrange(len(MYLIST)):

SNOpy, anyone?

Re: get method

2008-12-30 Thread MRAB

James Mills wrote:

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Roel Schroeven wrote:

Hm, you just changed an O(n) algorithm to an O(n**2) algorithm. No big
deal for short strings, but try your solution on a string with length
1 and see the difference. On my computer the O(n) version takes
0.008 seconds, while your version takes 8.6 seconds. That's 1000 times

Yes you are right :) Sadly :/

I wonder if there is a way to implement
the same thing with close to O(n)
complexity using list/dict comprehensions.

A while back I posted a Python implementation of 'bag' (also called a 
multiset). The code would then become something like:

 s = James Mills and Danielle Van Sprang
{'a': 5, ' ': 5, 'e': 3, 'd': 1, 'g': 1, 'i': 2, 'm': 1, 'J': 1, 'M': 1, 
'l': 4, 'n': 4, 'p': 1, 's': 2, 'r': 1, 'V': 1, 'S': 1, 'D': 1}


Re: Understanding search queries, semantics, and Meaning ...aren't we all looking for meaning?

2008-12-30 Thread 5lvqbwl02
  library, as I'm looking to learn to fish, so to speak, and to learn a
  bit about the biology of fish.

 I'm going to break rule #1 of your requirements but in an unexpected
 way. Rather than studying PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle, why don't you
 crack open the topic of relational database theory and relational
 algebra? That should help with the big thinking bit in the same way
 understanding 1+1 helps you understand how to add any two numbers

Ah, exactly, thanks for understanding my original post :)  I guess
'relational database theory' is what I should start looking around
for... otherwise googling on sql, queries, etc., just returns how to
execute a query, but says nothing about how a fish works.

 In a typical SQL database, when you type in SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE
 baz='bo', you are not writing a program, at least not in the sense of
 Python or C or Java or Perl where you give instructions on HOW to run
 the program. You are writing a program in the sense of Lisp or Scheme
 or Haskell in that you are giving instructions on WHAT the program is.

I've gotten a strong inkling that parsing a query yields new code,
(lambdas) that are created on the fly to do the search.

 table and then start going through the process of elimination removing
 rows it doesn't want to think about. That's highly inefficient, of

Exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

 course. Instead, it transforms the query (the WHAT) into a set of
 procedures that describe HOW to get the result.

For now I'm not parsing actual text queries... my real search query
is coded directly in python like this:
p1 = lambda: db.search_leaf('x location', 'lte', 5)
p2 = lambda: db.search_leaf('footprint', 'eq', '0603')
p3 = lambda:, p1, p2)

p4 = lambda: db.search_leaf('x location', 'gte', 19)
p5 = lambda: db.search_leaf('footprint', 'eq', '0402')
p6 = lambda:, p1, p2)

fc =, p3, p4)

this particular example doesn't necessarily make any sense, but in
effect I'm trying to string together lambda functions which are
created explicitly for the individual query, then strung together with
combiner functions.

 Oh, by the way, this step is nondeterministic. Why? Well, no one can
 really say what the BEST way to run any sufficiently complicated
 program is. We can point out good ways and bad ways, but not the best
 way. It's like the travelling salesman problem in a way.

The nondeterministic stuff... wow, I've come across (call/cc...),
(require...), and different variants of this, both in sicp, teach
yourself scheme, the plt docs, other places, etc., but it still eludes
me.  I'm afraid that unless I understand it, I'll wind up creating
some type of cargo-cult mimcry of a database without doing it right

 programmer, will be infinitely better for it. When you understand it,
 you will really unlock the full potential of Python and Scheme and
 whatever other language is out there because you will see how to go
 from HOW languages to WHAT languages.

I'm under the impression python doesn't have the internal guts for
nondeterministic programming, specifcially that its lambdas are
limited to single-line expressions, but I may be wrong here.

Still, at the begining of the nondeterministic section of SICP
(section 4.3), it says nondeterministic computing... is useful for
'generate and test' applications, which almost categorically sounds
like an element-by-element search for what you're looking for.  This
was my initial intention behind (prematurely?) optimizing the database
by using parameter keys instead of something like [x for x in stuff if
pred(x, val)] filtering.

 Programmers who can write compilers are GOOD programmers. Programmers
 who can understand someone else's compilers are even better.

Does incorporating a search capability in an application necessarily
mean I'm writing a search compiler?  That seems overkill for the
specific case, but may be true generally.  For instance, if a word
processing app allows you to search for characters with a certain
font, is that incorporating a search compiler and query language?  Or
is it just brute-force filtering?

 That's my semi-guru advice.

Thanks :)

[ANN]: circuits-1.0b1 released!

2008-12-30 Thread James Mills
Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of circuits-1.0b1


circuits is an event-driven framework with a focus on Component
Software Architectures where System Functionality is defined in
Components. Components communicate with one another by propagating
events throughout the system. Each Component can react to events and
expose events to other parts of the system Components are able to
manage their own events and can also be linked to other Components.

circuits has a clean architecture and has no external dependencies on
any other library. It's simplistic design is unmatchable but yet
delivers a powerful framework for building large, scalable,
maintainable applications and systems. circuits was a core integral
part of the pymills library developed in 2006 and was partly inspired
by the Trac architecture.

Quick Examples

Hello World!

 from circuits.core import listener, Component, Event, Manager

 class Hello(Component):
...   @listener(hello)
...   def onHELLO(self):
...  print Hello World!
 manager = Manager()
 manager += Hello()
 manager.push(Event(), hello)
Hello World!

Hello Web!

from circuits.lib.web import Server, Controller
class HelloWorld(Controller):
  def index(self):
 return Hello World!
server = Server(8000)
server += HelloWorld()

Hello Web! (WSGI)

from circuits.lib.web import Application, Controller
class HelloWorld(Controller):
  def index(self):
 return Hello World!
application = Application()
application += HelloWorld()

Download circuits using easy_install or from here:
or from the Python Package Index.

Please visit the circuits website for more information about circuits,
or to file bug reports or enhancements.


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: get method

2008-12-30 Thread James Mills
On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 9:15 AM, MRAB wrote:

 A while back I posted a Python implementation of 'bag' (also called a
 multiset). The code would then become something like:

What complexity is this ?


Re: Triple quoted string in exec function ?

2008-12-30 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:16:39 -0200, Stef Mientki  
escribió: wrote:

the message Steven sent you is ok to explain how to work with triple

Yes, but not to work around my problem.
I guess I've to remove all triple quoted strings from my code.

Why so?
You only have to avoid repeating the *same* kind of triple quotes inside a  
triple quoted string literal. But you are free to use any other  
combination of ' and , even include the surrounding triple quotes escape  
inside (escaping them with \)

x = This is line 'one'.

... ''line two starts '''here
... and this is line three''
... this last line contains \\\ too

print x

This is line 'one'.
''line two starts '''here
and this is line three''
this last line contains  too

With so much freedom I can't imagine what prevents you from using triple  
quoted strings.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Python 3.0 Curses Unicode

2008-12-30 Thread Damian Johnson
Just resolved the issue (turned out to be an issue with linked ncurses
libraries). If others run into this discussion of the solution can be found

Cheers! -Damian

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 10:30 PM, Damian Johnson wrote:

 It seems as if the curses module in Python 3.0 isn't respecting the
 system's preferred encoding (utf-8) which was set via:
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

 The purpose of this was described at the top of ''. The
 getlocale function is reporting the proper values ('en_US', 'UTF8') but
 addstr is clearly not treating it as Unicode - is this a bug? -Damian

 2008/12/28 Damian Johnson

 Hi, I've switched to Python 3.0 for a new Japanese vocab quizzing
 application due to its much improved Unicode support. However, I'm running
 into an issue with displaying Unicode characters via curses. In Python 2.x a
 simple hello-world looks like:

 # coding=UTF-8

 import curses
 import locale


 def doStuff(stdscr):
   message = uhello わたし!
   stdscr.addstr(0, 0, message.encode(utf-8), curses.A_BLINK)
   stdscr.getch() # pauses until a key's hit


 This works. However, when I try to come up with an equivalent for Python


 import curses
 import locale


 def doStuff(stdscr):
   message = hello わたし!
   stdscr.addstr(0, 0, message, curses.A_BLINK)
   stdscr.getch() # pauses until a key's hit


 It fails (printing gibberish to the console). Anyone have a clue what I'm
 doing wrong? Thanks! -Damian

 PS. Is the # coding=UTF-8 header meaningless in Python 3.0? Also, is
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,) still necessary for getting curses to
 provide Unicode support?


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