Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 1.7.0 released

2009-08-13 Thread Nagappan Alagappan
Greetings all,
  We are proud to announce the release of LDTP 1.7.0. This release features
number of important breakthroughs in LDTP as well as in the field of Test
Automation. This release note covers a brief introduction on LDTP followed
by the list of new features and major bug fixes which makes this new version
of LDTP the best of the breed. Useful references have been included at the
end of this article for those who wish to hack / use LDTP.

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test
automation framework (C / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to
test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to
poke through the application's user interface. The framework also has tools
to record test-cases based on user events in the interface of the
application which is under testing. We strive to help in building a quality


Mago project uses LDTP -
GLOM uses LDTP -

Whats new in this release:

Get the window uptime, maximize, minimize, close, activate all or any given
window name are some of the noticable new APIs in this release. Generate key
event function now uses xmodmap to determine the current local keyboard and
generates the respective key codes.

Bug fixes:

590755 – Keycodes mismatch using generatekeyevent from python-ldtp
586655 – typo hasstate example with more one state separator '+' instead of
587614 – Method to measure how long a window is showing up
588674 – It would be nice if doesrowexist would look for partial matches
587456 – checkrow action fails on tree table cell
583021 – If an application changes a context, it is no longer found by LDTP
588819 – 'import ldtp' freezes interpreter
589898 – local variable 'gobject' referenced before assignment
586291 – Subsequent tests fail when first one registers callback handlers
586657 – Imporve user experience getallstates match for defined state

Special thanks to Arvind Patil apatil at, Ara Pulido ara at, Guofu Xu  Guofu.Xu at,  nouar
garcia-mardmabek nouar.garcia at, José Luis Segura Lucas
josel.segura at, Tim Sun tim.miao at, Anupa Kamath
anupak at, Paul Larson Paul.Larson at, Murray
Cumming murrayc at,  Armin Burgmeier armin at,

New API addition:

Window maximize, minimize, close, activate APIs using python wnck module

Download source tarball -
Binary (openSUSE / Ubuntu / Fedora / Debian / RHEL / CentOS / Mandriva) - (Just scheduled
in openSUSE build service, might take time to complete depending upon the
server load)

Eitan Isaacson  eitan at has done a massive work on LDTPv2, a
complete rewrite of LDTP in python using pyatspi, available through


For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

For information on various APIs in LDTP including those added for this
release can be got from

To subscribe to LDTP mailing lists, visit

IRC Channel - #ldtp on


Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project -

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANNOUNCE] PyPoppler 0.10.1

2009-08-13 Thread Gian Mario Tagliaretti
I am pleased to announce version 0.10.1 of the Python bindings for Poppler.

It is available at:
md5: 146ecb7e1049dd9b92478d61c148829e

PyPoppler 0.10.1 (Aug 13 2009)

o Support for accessing Action fields (Daniel Jacobs)
o Bug #397850 AnnotMapping/Annot implementation incomplete (Gian)
o Update to work with libtool 2.x (Gian)
o Update aclocal.m4 (Gian)
o Ignore some more files automatically created by libtool (Gian)


Poppler[1] is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.

PyPoppler is a wrapper which exposes the poppler API to the
python world.  It is fairly complete, most of the API are covered.

The documentation is actually missing, help wanted :)

Like the Poppler library itself, PyPoppler is licensed under  the GNU GPL.

PyPoppler requires:

 o Poppler = 0.10.0
 o PyGObject = 2.10.1
 o PyGTK = 2.10.0
 o PyCairo = 1.8.4

Bug reports should go to


Gian Mario Tagliaretti
GNOME Foundation member

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Need feedback on ORF-extracting code

2009-08-13 Thread Terry Reedy

gb345 wrote:

Hi everyone.  I'm relatively new to Python, and could use your
feedback on the code below.

First some nomenclature.  A nucleotide is one of A, C, G, T, or
U.  (In practice, a sequence of such nucleotides never contains
both T and U, but this fact is not important in what follows.)  A
codon is a sequence of 3 of these.  A stop codon is any one of
UAA, UAG, UGA, TAA, TAG, or TGA.  Two codons are said to be in
frame in a containing sequence of nucleotides if their positions
differ by a multiple of 3.  An open reading frame, or ORF, is
defined as a maximal subsequence of nucleotides whose length is a
multiple of 3, begins with either AUG or ATG, terminates right
before a stop codon in the original sequence, and contains no stop
codons that are in frame with the initial codon (AUG or ATG).

The fact that ORFs have lengths that are multiples of 3 means that
there are three possible registers for ORFs (depending the modulo
3 of their starting positions), and that ORFs in different registers
can overlap.  I'll refer to these registers as 0, 1, and 2, because
they contain ORFs that are in frame with the codons at positions
0, 1, and 2 of the original sequence, respectively.

In the code below, routine extract_orfs takes as input a string,
assumed to be a sequence of nucleotides, and returns a tuple of
tuples, describing ORFs.  These ORFs can overlap.

The helper routine _xo takes as input a string (a sequence of
nucleotides), and an offset, and returns a tuple of tuples, again
representing ORFs, but this time all in the same register, since
they are all in frame with the position passed as the second argument
to the function.

I would appreciate your comments on this code.  I feel that it is
not as clear as it could be, but I don't know how to make it any

(NOTE: I realize that, in all likelihood, publicly available Python
code already exists for this.  At the moment I'm more interested
in improving my Python skills.)

Many thanks in advance!


import sys
import re

_start = r'A[TU]G'
_stop = r'(?:[TU]A[AG]|[TU]GA)'
_nonstop = r'(?:[CAG][TUCAG]{2}|[TU](?:[TUC][TUCAG]|[AG][TUC])|[TU]GG)'
_codon = r'(?:[TUCAG]{3})'
_orf_re = re.compile('(' + _codon + r'*?)(A[TU]G' +
 _nonstop + '*)(' + _stop + ')', flags=re.I)
_lead_re = re.compile(r'[TUCAG]*?A[TU]G', flags=re.I)

def _xo(seq, pos):

Helper routine that finds all the non-overlapping in-frame orfs
starting from a specific position in the input sequence.

input: a string of letters in the set 'tucagTUCAG', and a starting
output: a tuple of tuples; each internal tuple consists of a
starting position, an orf, and the stop codon that
terminates it.

ret = []

while True:
m = _orf_re.match(seq, pos)
if not m:
orf =
stop =
assert len(orf) % 3 == 0

I am not currently familiar with the re module so I cannot comment in 
detail. The assert should be a claim that the re should *never* match 
anything other than a multiple of 3, so that it is a program bug if it 
ever do so.  If this is not true, you should use an if statement.


ret.append((m.start() + len(, orf, stop))
pos = m.end()
return ret

def extract_orfs(seq):

Extracts all (possibly overlapping) maximal open reading frames,
defined as sequences beginning with AUG (or ATG), ending with an
in-frame stop codon, and containing no in-frame stop codons

input: a string of letters in the set 'tucagTUCAG';
output: a tuple of tuples; each internal tuple consists of a
starting position, an orf, and the stop codon that
terminates it.

m = _lead_re.match(seq)
if not m:
return ()
pos = m.start()
ret = []

for i in range(min(3, len(seq))):
ret.extend(_xo(seq, pos + i))
return tuple(ret)



Re: How to find out in which module an instance of a class is created?

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:51:59 -0300, Johannes Janssen escribió:

class A(object):
def __init__(self, mod=None):
if mod is None:
self.mod = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']
self.mod = mod

In warnings.warn() they used try around sys._getframe(1). As far as I  
understand what is done in warnings, there it is not sure what object  
caused the warning and therefore it is not sure whether you can or  
cannot use sys._getframe(1). Though in my case it should be quite clear.  
Can I be sure that my code will always work?

The try/except around sys._getframe(1) is because that function is not  
mandatory/available on all Python implementations (that's the case for  
jython which doesn't provide it).

Gabriel Genellina


Re: How to page output in ?

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:41:38 -0300, kj escribió:

How does one tell the python interactive interpreter to run the
next output to stdout through the default pager?  Basically, I'm
looking for Python's equivalent of Perl's debugger's | prefix,
as in

  DB1 |print $long_output

Try using pydoc.pager - read the source

Gabriel Genellina


Re: best practice for documenting a project? pydoc?

2009-08-13 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Esmail wrote:

shaileshkumar wrote:


EPYDOC is very good for automatic generation of documentation from
source code.

You may also consider Sphinx which is used
for many
projects including the official Python documentation, documentation of
Zope (
See the full list of projects using Sphinx at

- Shailesh


Thanks for the links. Have you heard of something called HappyDoc? I just
came across it by looking for info on epydoc.


I've never used Happydoc. I am using Epydoc, which is very efficient. 
Sphinx is very good as well, but its scope is much larger than 
documenting python code and will not provide  the click and run  
effect of epydoc,  for which you don't have to write any additional 
documentation. Epydoc supports restructured text, so you'll be able to 
switch to Sphinx later on without additional work.
But if I remember well, your documentation is for personal use, so I 
guess you'll stick with epydoc.



Re: inspect.stack() performance

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 06 Aug 2009 09:00:45 -0300, Doron Tal  

I use inspect.stack() to extract some info, such as file name, function  

and line number, for the sake of logging (home brew logger).
I tested to see how much time it takes to execute the command:

Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jan 21 2009, 01:11:33)
[GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

import timeit
t = timeit.Timer('inspect.stack()', 'import inspect')

[0.28500604629516602, 0.28315305709838867, 0.29169297218322754]

About 280uSec per call.

If I log 1000 times per seconds than I get to spend 28% of the process  

on inspect.stack()
Is there a better/quicker way of retrieving the same info?

inspect loads the whole source code of every module in the stack (using  
linecache). If all you want is module name + line number, use this:

f = sys._getframe()
print f.f_globals['__name__'], f.f_lineno

(see a recent post about warnings.warn too)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Monkeypatching an object to become callable

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 11 Aug 2009 20:21:16 -0300, Nikolaus Rath  

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid writes:

7stud a écrit :

class Wrapper(object):
def __init__(self, obj, func):
self.obj = obj
self.func = func

def __call__(self, *args):
return self.func(*args)

def __getattr__(self, name):
return object.__getattribute__(self.obj, name)

This should be

  return getattr(self.obj, name)

directly calling object.__getattribute__ might skip redefinition of
__getattribute__ in self.obj.__class__ or it's mro.

Works nicely, thanks. I came up with the following shorter version which
modifies the object in-place:

class Modifier(obj.__class__):
 def __call__(self):
 return fn()

obj.__class__ = Modifier

To me this seems a bit more elegant (less code, less underscores). Or
are there some cases where the above would fail?

I assume the above code is inside a function like make_callable(obj, fn)
Then, a new class is created for every instance you make callable; you may  
want to cache all those classes (classes aren't cheap).

Might fail: when obj is not a new-style class, or its __class__ isn't  
writable (e.g. builtin types).

Gabriel Genellina


Re: httplib incredibly slow :-(

2009-08-13 Thread Chris Withers

David Robinow wrote:

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Chris wrote:

David Stanek wrote:

Also on the same box where you run this script
can you test with curl or wget?

It's a Windows box, so no :-(

Why not?

Fair point, but I don't see what this will achieve...

I've already established that the file downloads in seconds with 
[something else], so I'd like to understand why python isn't doing the 
same and fix the problem...


Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

loops for ffmpeg CLI in python

2009-08-13 Thread fakhar Gillani




I am a begineer in Python. Actually I am encoding video files with different 
bitrates using ffmpeg CLI. I wanted to ask you that how can I make loops so 
that I can vary the bitrates in the CLI of ffmpeg??


I want to bulid a loop for the command below where i just want to vary the -vb 
parameter i.e. 10M. 


ffmpeg.exe -i sample.avi -y -f h264 -vb 10M -r 25 encoded_1000_0-05.h264


I have tried to make simple loops but it doest work:(


Can anyone here help me out?






Share your memories online with anyone you want.

Unsigned char array to an unsigned longlong array

2009-08-13 Thread Francis Brissette

I'm using Python 2.6.2.
Is there a way to have an Array of unsigned longlong (C Type: unsigned 
longlong, Minimum size if bytes: 8) ?
I found a page on the internet 
(, but I'm not 
quite sure if it is available.

What I want to do is to store an array of bytes in an array of longlongs.
To workaround this issue, I have tried to use the double array (TypeCode 'd'), 
since the size in bytes is the same (8 for instance).
But it gives me strange result. Please look at the example:

import array
myByteArray = array.array('B', [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
 myByteArray = array('B', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])

myLongArray = array.array('L', myByteArray.tostring() )
myLongArray = array('L', [67305985L, 134678021L])

myDoubleArray = array.array('d', myByteArray.tostring() )
myDoubleArray = array('d', [5.447603722011605e-270])

If we convert the byte array to an hex form, we will get for the long array: 
[04030201, 08070605].
If we convert this hex array to decimal, we then get the Long Array: [67305985, 

Now, if we do the same exercise for the double array, the hex form will look 
like: [0807060504030201].
And the decimal value would be: [5.784376957523072e+17].

Where does the 5.447603722011605e-270 value comes from ?

Thanks for your help,

Re: Character encoding the copyright symbol

2009-08-13 Thread Ben Finney
Dave Angel writes:

 But I wanted to comment on the (c) remark.  If you're in the US,
 that's the wrong abbreviation for copyright.  The only recognized
 abbreviation is (copr).

More reading on this:


In brief: To be a legally-recognised copyright notice under US law, it
must begin with “Copyright”, or one of the abbreviations “Copr.” or the
exact symbol “©”. As you rightly point out, neither “(c)” nor “(C)” have
any legal status as a copyright marker.

The Berne Convention, by making copyright active on *every* creative
work of expression, even in the total *absence* of a copyright notice,
essentially undermines the force of this and makes it exceedingly
difficult to divest a work of copyright. But that's a whole 'nother
depressing mess.

 \ “A politician is an animal which can sit on a fence and yet |
  `\  keep both ears to the ground.” —Henry L. Mencken |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: hashability

2009-08-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:33:01 -0700, James Stroud wrote:

 Tell that to two different machines on two different days. Then bet the
 life of yourself and your nearest and dearest family on that fact and
 see whether you really want to take a hash value for granted. 

As far as I know, Python doesn't make any guarantees about hashes being 
repeatable on different machines, different versions, or even different 
runs of the interpreter.

 If a
 property of the python language fails the bet the lives of your nearest
 and dearest on a consistent result test, I call it ill defined and,
 subjectively speaking, I prefer exceptions to be thrown--And, by damned,
 I'll throw them myself if I have to.
 If it saves one life, it's worth it all.

Depends on the life, and the cost. Would you pay a million dollars from 
your own pocket to save the life of a 119 year old with advanced lung 
cancer, a bad heart, and a raging infection of Ebola, from choking on a 
fish bone?

What if the effort of saving that one life kills two lives? Opportunity 
costs are costs too.


Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals

2009-08-13 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 12, 7:19 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 You are making an unjustified assumption: \y is not an error.

You are making in an unjustified assumption that I ever made such an

My claim is and has always been NOT that \y is inately an error, but
rather that treating unrecognized escape sequences as legal escape
sequences is error PRONE.

 While I'm amused that you've made my own point for me, I'm less
 amused that you seem to be totally incapable of seeing past your
 parochial language assumptions,

Where do you get the notion that my assumptions are in any sense
parochial? They come from (1) a great deal of experience programming
very reliable software, and (2) having learned at least two dozen
different programming languages in my life.

 I disagree with nearly everything you say in this post. I think
 that a few points you make have some validity, but the vast
 majority are based on a superficial and confused understanding
 of language design principles.

Whatever. I've taken two graduate level classes at MIT on programming
languages design, and got an A in both classes, and designed my own
programming language as a final project, and received an A+. But I
guess I don't really know anything about the topic at all.

 But it's not the only reasonable design choice, and Bash has
 made a different choice, and Python has made yet a third
 reasonable choice, and Pascal made yet a fourth reasonable choice.

And so did Perl and PHP, and whatever other programming language you
happen to mention. In fact, all programming languages are equally
good, so we might as well just freeze all language design as it is
now. Clearly we can do no better.

 One party insisting that red is the only logical colour for a
 car, and that anybody who prefers white or black or blue is
 illogical, is unacceptable.

If having all cars be red saved a lot of lives, or increased gas
mileage significantly, then it might very well be the best color for a
car. But of course, that is not the case. With programming languages,
there is much more likely to be an actual fact of the matter on which
sorts of language design decisions make programmers more productive on
average, and which ones result in more reliable software.

I will certainly admit that obtaining objective data on such things is
very difficult, but it's a completely different thing that one's color
preference for their car.


Re: resume upload wsgi script

2009-08-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

gert schrieb:

On Aug 10, 10:39 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

250KB :)

So why do you bother?

Its just HTTP1.1 has everything for making ftp like file transfers
When I write it to a file then I am back at square one because I still
need to load it completely to get it into a blob.

Well, the blob is nothing but datat in the file-system. If you are
*really* concerned about that, then don't use the db, but use the
filesystem, appending to the file until it's finished - and storing a
reference to it to the DB. We do that as well, because otherwise the db
will become unmanagable anyway (dumping, backups).

I also hate debugging sql that contains blob data. So if using files
how do you clean the http post stuff?
(b+r'.*?Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n(.*?)\r
using as litlle memory as possible ?
I can not use PUT upload only because flash does not support PUT.

PUT or POST has nothing todo with that.

It's the question if you need formencoded data or not. If not, you can 
simply upload the data directly, no nead to cleanup anything.

For decoding formencoded data, you will need to write your own parser if 
you insist on these very debatable memory-constraints of yours.


Re: Nice copy in interactive terminal

2009-08-13 Thread Elias Fotinis (eliasf)

casebash wrote:

I've been wondering for a while if there exists an interactive
terminal which has nice copy feature (ie. I can copy code without
getting the  in front of every line).

It would help if we knew what platform you're interested in -- your 
User-Agent is G2/1.0, but I don't know what that is.  :o)

On Windows, PythonWin can copy from the interactive window without the 


Re: Unsigned char array to an unsigned longlong array

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Tue, 11 Aug 2009 23:22:27 -0300, Jus escribió:

Is there a way to have an Array of unsigned longlong (C Type: unsigned
longlong, Minimum size if bytes: 8) ?

What I want to do is to store an array of bytes in an array of longlongs.

To workaround this issue, I have tried to use the double array (TypeCode
'd'), since the size in bytes is the same (8 for instance).

Do you want to operate on it from inside Python, or manage it in some way?  
If not, use whatever format you like, even bytes. It's just a contiguous  
memory block with a known size.

But it gives me strange result. Please look at the example:

import array

myByteArray = array.array('B', [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
myLongArray = array.array('L', myByteArray.tostring() )

myLongArray = array('L', [67305985L, 134678021L])

myDoubleArray = array.array('d', myByteArray.tostring() )

myDoubleArray = array('d', [5.447603722011605e-270])

If we convert the byte array to an hex form, we will get for the long  

[04030201, 08070605].

What do you mean convert the byte array to an hex form?

If we convert this hex array to decimal, we then get the Long Array:
[67305985, 134678021].

Now, if we do the same exercise for the double array, the hex form will  

like: [0807060504030201].

And the decimal value would be: [5.784376957523072e+17].

How did you got that?

Where does the 5.447603722011605e-270 value comes from ?

The struct module agrees:

py s=struct.pack('q', 0x0807060504030201)
py struct.unpack('d', s)

And looking at the hex representation:

py (5.447603722011605e-270).hex()

The 1. is implied, 7060504030201 are visible (52 bits), and the exponent  

py hex(-895+1023)

So that value seems OK to me, at least with IEEE 754 hardware...

Gabriel Genellina


what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Erik Bernoth
Hi List,

look at the following code:

def evens():
# iterator returning even numbers
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 2

# now get all the even numbers up to 15
L = [n for n in evens() if n  15]

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for eternity? I
would expect python to to spit out (in no time):
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

I really started to ask myself if python really is lazy, but everything else
I wrote in lazy style still worked. Example:
 def test(txt, retval):
..return retval
 test(1, True) or test(2, True)
 test(1, True) and test(2, True)

Can anybody explain what happens with evens()?

best regards
Erik Bernoth

PS: The code comes from a list post from 2006. You find it here:

Re: Scraping Wikipedia with Python

2009-08-13 Thread Andre Engels
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:53 PM, David C wrote:

 Try reading a little there! Starting there I went to

 where I found a section on existing bots, comments on how the scraping
 is not what you want, and even a Python section with a link to something
 labelled  PyWikipediaBot...

Some information on using the PyWikipediaBot for scraping from someone
who used to program on the bot (and occasionally still does):

To make the framework work, you need to add a file with
the following contents:

family = 'wikipedia'
mylang = 'en'

If you want to use the bot to also edit pages on wikipedia, you will
have to add:

usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = the username of your bot

If you work on another language of course you use that language's
abbreviation instead of en.

The heart of the framework is the file, you need to
import that one. It contains two important classes: Page and Site,
which represent a wikipedia page and the site as a whole,

It is best to put your code in a try like this:

mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
your code here

The stopme() functionality has to do with the bot's behaviour to avoid
over-feeding the server with requests. It has a certain time (default
is 10 seconds) between two requests, but if you have several bots
running, it will lengthen this time. stopme() tells that the bot is
not running any more, so other runs are not delayed by it.
wikipedia.getSite() gets the site object for your default site (if the
settings above are chosen it is the English language Wikipedia).

Still with me? Good, because now we get into the real programming.

The Page class has as its __init__:
def __init__(self, site, title, insite=None, defaultNamespace=0):

site is here the wiki on which the page exists (usually this will be
mysite, which is why I defined it above), title the title of the page.
The optional parameters are for special usage.

The Page class has a number of methods, which you can find in the
file, but some of the most important are:
page.title() - the title of the page - the wiki the page is on
page.get() - the (wiki) text of the page
page.put(text) - saves the page with 'text' as its new content. An
important optional parameter is 'comment', which specifies the summary
that is given with the change
page.exists() - a boolean, true if the page exists, false otherwise
page.linkedPages() - a list of Page objects, being the pages the page links to

However, instead of page.get() it is advisable to use:


with 'site' being a Site object (e.g. mysite) and pages a list (or
more generally, iterable) of Page objects. It will get all pages in
the list using a single call to the wiki, thus speeding up your bot
and at the same time reducing its load on the wiki. Once a page has
been loaded (either through get or through getall), subsequent calls
to page.get() will not reload it. Thus, the normal way of working is
to create a list of pages one is interested in, use getall (in groups
of 60 or so) to load them, then use get to work with them.

Another useful file in the framework is pagegenerators. It provides a
number of generators that yield Page objects. Some interesting ones
(check the code for the exact parameters):

AllpagesPageGenerator: generates all pages of the wiki, alphabetically
from a specified begin
ReferringPageGenerator: all pages linking to a given page
CategorizedPageGenerator: all pages in a given directory
LinkedPageGenerator: all pages linked to from a given page

Other generators are used by 'wrapping them around' a given generator.
The most important of these is the PreloadingGenerator, which ensures
that the page are preloaded (using wikipedia.getall) in groups.

A simple way to use the bot framework to scrape all pages of the
English Wikipedia (warning: This takes a few days!) would be:

import wikipedia
import pagegenerators

basicgen = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator(includeredirects = False)
generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(basicgen, 200)
for page in generator:
title = page.title()
text = page.get()
do whatever you want with title and text

André Engels,

Re: subprocess + python-daemon - bug/problem?

2009-08-13 Thread Ben Finney
Ben Finney writes:

 My first thought was perhaps it's related to the fact that the process
 has no stdout? But setting ‘stdout’ and ‘stderr’ to the same file::
 #! /usr/bin/python
 import daemon
 import subprocess
 fake_console = open(fake_console.txt, w+)
 daemon.DaemonContext(stdout=fake_console, stderr=fake_console).open()
 subprocess.Popen(['echo', '1']).wait()

For newcomers to this thread: the ‘daemon’ module is provided by the
URL: ‘python-daemon’
distribution, of which I am the maintainer.

 still gives the same error::
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/bignose/Projects/python/python-daemon/bin/andy-clegg-test, 
 line 8, in module
 subprocess.Popen(['echo', '1']).wait()
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/, line 1184, in wait
 pid, sts = self._waitpid_no_intr(, 0)
   File /usr/lib/python2.5/, line 1014, in _waitpid_no_intr
 return os.waitpid(pid, options)
 OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes
 I'm not familiar enough with the nuances of the ‘subprocess’ module to
 know what might be going wrong here. I'd like to know whether it might
 be a problem in the ‘python-daemon’ library.

I am no closer to a solution on this one. I don't have enough experience
or knowledge of the ‘subprocess’ module to know whether it's a bug in
‘subprocess’, a bug in ‘python-daemon’, or a hard-to-track interaction
between the two.

Any narrowing of the problem would be appreciated.

 \“I bought a dog the other day. I named him Stay. It's fun to |
  `\ call him. ‘Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!’ He went insane. |
_o__) Now he just ignores me and keeps typing.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Brian Allen Vanderburg II

Erik Bernoth wrote:

Hi List,

look at the following code:

def evens():
# iterator returning even numbers
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 2

# now get all the even numbers up to 15
L = [n for n in evens() if n  15]

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for 
eternity? I would expect python to to spit out (in no time):

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

I really started to ask myself if python really is lazy, but 
everything else I wrote in lazy style still worked. Example:

 def test(txt, retval):
..return retval
 test(1, True) or test(2, True)
 test(1, True) and test(2, True)

Can anybody explain what happens with evens()?

best regards
Erik Bernoth

PS: The code comes from a list post from 2006. You find it here:
In the list comprehension, it goes over all the items from the generator 
until the generator is done, and any item that is less than 15 becomes 
part of the list.  The if n  15 does not control when the generator 
terminates, only which results from it are selected to be part of the list.

You can pass the maximum desired value to make it terminate:

def evens(max):
   i = 0
   while i = max:
  yield i
  i += 2

L = list(evens(15))
L: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

L = [n for n in evens(15)]
L: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

Brian Vanderburg II

Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread David House
2009/8/13 Erik Bernoth
 after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

How does Python know this? I.e. how does it know that evens() will
always yield things in ascending order? For example, I could write an
iterator like this:

def my_iter():
for i in [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,1,3,5]:
yield i

Now, imagine I do [i for i in my_iter() if i  15]. If you quit
iterating after `i' becomes 16, you'll miss the valid numbers 1, 3, 5
at the end of the list!


Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread MRAB

Erik Bernoth wrote:

Hi List,

look at the following code:

def evens():
# iterator returning even numbers
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 2

# now get all the even numbers up to 15
L = [n for n in evens() if n  15]

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for eternity? 
I would expect python to to spit out (in no time):

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

It's equivalent to:

L = []
for n in evens():
if n  15

Re: Re: fileinput

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

naaman wrote:

On Aug 12, 1:35 pm, Dave Angel wrote:

naaman wrote:

I'm writing my first Python script and
I want to use fileinput to open a file in r+ mode.
Tried fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:],r+) but that didn't work.
ANy ideas?
Need to find and overwrite a line in a file several times.

I can do it using open and seek() etc. but was wondering if I can use

I haven't used it, but check out the 'inplace' keyword parameter.


I've only Python for a week so I'm not sure what inplace does


You should read the docs for it
   (  ),
but it's not very clear to me either  So I dug up an example on the web:
(ref: )

import fileinput, sys

for line in fileinput.input(inplace=1):
   # /convert Windows/DOS text files to Unix files/
   if line[-2:] == \r\n:
   line = line[:-2] + \n

The inplace argument tells it to create a new file with the same name as 
the original (doing all the necessary nonsense with using a scratch 
file, and renaming/deleting) for each file processed.  Stdout is pointed 
to that new version of the file.  Notice that you have to explicitly 
write everything you want to wind up in the file -- if a given line is 
to remain unchanged, you just write line directly.

If you're new to Python, I do not recommend trying to do open/seek to 
update a text file in place, especially if you're in DOS.  There are 
lots of traps.  the inplace method of fileinput avoids these by 
implicitly creating temp files and handling the details for you, which 
probably works great if you're dealing with text, in order.



Re: csv.DictWriter.write_header()

2009-08-13 Thread John Machin
On Aug 13, 1:15 pm, Alan G Isaac wrote:
  On Aug 13, 6:45 am, Alan G Isaac wrote:
  Given a csv.DictWriter instance `dw`
  I think it would be nice to be able to
  say dw.write_header()
  instead of

  Good idea?

 On 8/12/2009 10:24 PM John Machin apparently wrote:

  Yes, it's a brilliant idea. All you have to do is insert the following
  lines in your code after importing csv:

  csv.DictWriter.write_header = (
      lambda dw: dw.writer.writerow(dw.fieldnames)

 I do not understand the reason for your silly, sarcastic response.

Duck typing: ask a silly question, get a silly answer.

 I already showed you how to achieve the result,

What result? You said (in effect) I think it would be nice to be able
to write A instead of B. You didn't show any way of setting things up
so that one could write A instead of B.

I showed one way. Other possibilities are a 2-line patch to the users
own, and submitting a patch to the dev team. The second is
kludgy, and there could be a wait until e.g. 2.7 before the third
happens. So back to the first way; everybody should have a utility
module that they import to do little fixes like that ... here is a
slightly more robust version:

import csv
except AttributeError:
csv.DictWriter.write_header = (
lambda dw: dw.writer.writerow(dw.fieldnames)

 so obviously
 I am not just asking for my own personal gain.


 I take it you do not realize that many users do not see
 a simple way to get this often needed functionality.

No, I don't. How did you come to that realisation? AFAICT they don't
ask in this forum or on StackOverflow.

 (For example, see the gymnatics suggested by Shai Vaingast
 in his otherwise excellent and useful book.)

I can imagine that one might (without reading the source) make do with
the published APIs:

dw = csv.DictWriter(open(...), my_field_names
dw.writerow(dict((fn, fn) for fn in my_field_names))

 And indeed,
 there is no reason to expect them to.

Indeed not, as for somebody who otherwise sees utility in the
DictWriter class not having a writer_headers method is a glaring

Note that there is a difference between expecting C to do X and
expecting C to be able to do X. I really hope you don't mean that
people should not be encouraged to be able to write a trivial class
like csv.DictWriter and add trivial functionality themselves ... or to
be able to just write the required functionality inline:

wtr = csv.writer(open(...), ...)
for adict in source_of_dicts():
wtr.writerow(adict[fn] for fn in my_field_names)

or even:

for obj in source_of_objects():
wtr.writerow(getattr(obj, fn) for fn in my_field_names)

 So my question was, would this improve the class from
 a usability perspective?

Of course.

  Do you have a useful response?

See above. Also, the csv module appears to be in two minds about
underscores in attribute names (field_size_limit, skipinitialspace,
writerow, writerows) -- it may cause less confusion if it were called
writeheader (consistent with writerow).

Re: best practice for documenting a project? pydoc?

2009-08-13 Thread Esmail

Hello Jean-Michel,

Thanks for your post. Based on it, and the ones received so
far I will give epydoc a closer look. I don't need something
superfancy (at least at the moment), just something that helps
me document my code more in an organized way and helps me
sift through the various classes/methods more easily once I
come back to the project after some lengthy interruptions.



Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

I've never used Happydoc. I am using Epydoc, which is very efficient. 
Sphinx is very good as well, but its scope is much larger than 
documenting python code and will not provide  the click and run  
effect of epydoc,  for which you don't have to write any additional 
documentation. Epydoc supports restructured text, so you'll be able to 
switch to Sphinx later on without additional work.
But if I remember well, your documentation is for personal use, so I 
guess you'll stick with epydoc.


Re: httplib incredibly slow :-(

2009-08-13 Thread David Robinow
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:20 AM, Chris wrote:
 David Robinow wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Chris

 David Stanek wrote:

 Also on the same box where you run this script
 can you test with curl or wget?

 It's a Windows box, so no :-(

 Why not?

 Fair point, but I don't see what this will achieve...

 I've already established that the file downloads in seconds with [something
 else], so I'd like to understand why python isn't doing the same and fix the
 My post was simply to correct the implication that curl and wget can
not be used on Windows. It's up to you whether you want to use one or
the other.
 I'm not the OP, and this is not my area of expertise, but ...
  You've got two data points. You've jumped to the conclusion that
there's something wrong with Python or your code. You're probably
right. However, if you try wget, for example, and it's as slow as your
code, you cqn look elsewhere.  If, on the other hand, wget is as fast
as IE, you'll have more proof that your code is the problem.
 Then, since wget is open source you can look at the source code and
see what wget is doing right that you (or httplib) is doing wrong.

PIL and Python

2009-08-13 Thread
Hello !
I want use python to change the note from .jpeg files .
What is the functions on PIL how make this ?
Thank you !

Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-13, Dave Angel wrote:

 I'm assuming you want to call it every time_interval seconds, on 
 average, with a little jitter allowed on each call, but keeping correct 
 long term.  In other words, if one call is a little late, you want the 
 next one to still happen as close to on-time as possible.

 The general outline is something like (untested):

 times_called = 0   #number of times function has been called
 start_time = now
 while True:
  elapsed = now - start_time
  int_elapsed = int(elapsed/time_interval)
  for times_called in range(times_called, int_elapsed):
  sleep(time_interval/10)   #this might give us 10% jitter, which 
 is usually fine

I don't understand the reasoning behind the above loop --
specifically the sleeping of smaller intervals than needed.

Why not something like this:

interval = 5.0  # interval in seconds
next = time.time()

while True:
now = time.time()
if now  next:  
print call_the_function()
next += interval

That will be accurate over the long term with minimal jitter.



Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Erik Bernoth erik.bernoth at writes:
 Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for eternity?

Python is a not a lazy language.
`and` and `or` are particular, they are language constructs (*), not operators,
that's why they can decide whether or not to evaluate their second term. It's a
feature, but this feature is not general to Python.

(*) by this I mean they have similar status as, for example, `if` and `else`


Re: Networked Broadcast Messaging

2009-08-13 Thread Greg Taylor
On Aug 11, 9:18 pm, David Bolen wrote:

 If you want better guarantees, you might look into a distributed
 message bus like Spread ( or perhaps a
 messaging protocol like XMPP ( through its PubSub
 extension.  Both have Python interfaces, though I have no personal
 experience with either.  But perhaps that will also give you some
 terms or starting points for searching for other options.

This is also very helpful. In particular Spread, looks very

Thanks for the tip,


Re: Social problems of Python doc [was Re: Python docs disappointing]

2009-08-13 Thread rurpy
On 08/12/2009 12:27 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Aug 12, 3:32 am, Paul  wrote:
 Maybe the problem is that although everyone welcomes contributions and
 changes (or says that they do), the mechanisms remain largely beyond

 FWIW, I support the idea the regular docs incorporating links to
 freely editable wiki pages.  That will at least make it easier for
 people to make changes or add notes.

 That being said, I would like to add a few thoughts about the
 current process.   ISTM that important corrections (when the
 docs are clearly in error) tend to get made right away.  What
 is more interesting are the doc requests that get rejected
 and why:

[...snip interesting categorization of bad doc enhancement

 In short, most doc requests that get rejected are requests that didn't
 actually improve the documentation.

 I do support links from the regular docs to an external wiki but the
 main docs should continue to go through the regular process using the

What is the purpose of such a wiki?

1. To provide hopefully useful adjunct information for each
doc page?

2. To provide a source of input for improving the next version
of the docs?

In general I have a low opinion of wikis.  Nearly all the ones
I've seen are trash heaps of out-dated and wrong information,
atrocious writing, and comments that look like the middle of
some arcane usenet thread.  They lack organization making it
very difficult to find the needles of good information in the
haystack of junk.  The only one that seems to work is Wikipedia
and it works because it has a very heavy-weight process
controlling contributions.  (And even then, my biggest complaint
with Wikipedia is the poor writing quality in a lot of articles.)

I'm not trying to be negative, only pointing out that to serve
either of the goals I asked about above, a wiki will probably
require a considerable management effort that should be faced
up front.  To simply set up a wiki and wait for it to
self-organize (as I here read once) is a pipe-dream.

How will it be managed?  Anything written stays?  If not what
standards are used to remove junk entries?  Wrong entries?
Questionable entries?  Who will do this?  Will they act based
on their own judgment or some documented formal standards?
What happens to comments when a new doc version is released?
What happens when entries become obsolete?  What happens when
comments are disputed?

If the goal is (2) what kind of wiki contributions are being
solicited (I don't understand what this sentence means? a
complete rewrite of a section?) and how is that communicated?
Who will take a long string of wiki comments constituting a
discussion and condense them into something that can be
submitted as a doc patch?  (This I suspect is where the
work is, where someone with good writing skills is needed.)
Will this process be sufficient to raise the quality of the
docs significantly, or are other steps also needed such as
an attitude shift in what the core committers consider

If the goal is (1) above, it could potentially have a
deleterious effect on the docs in that it will be easier to
respond to requests to expand some description with, there's
no need since that is covered in (or belongs in) the wiki

All the above not withstanding, I too think a wiki is worth
trying.  But without doing a lot more than just setting up
a wiki, I sadly believe even a supported wiki
is doomed to failure.

IFL 2009: Final Call for Papers and Participation

2009-08-13 Thread IFL 2009
Call for Papers and ParticipationIFL 2009Seton Hall UniversitySouth Orange, NJ, USA at:* NEW *Registration and talk submission deadline fast approaching: August 23, 2009***The 21st International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2009, will be held for the first time in the USA. The hosting institution is Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, USA and the symposium dates are September 23-25, 2009. It is our goal to make IFL a regular event held in the USA and in Europe. The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the implementation and application of functional and function-based programming languages. IFL 2009 will be a venue for researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and application of functional languages and function-based programming.Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2009 will use a post-symposium review process to produce a formal proceedings which will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All participants in IFL 2009 are invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium. These submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are within the scope of IFL and will appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not peer-reviewed publications. After the symposium, authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from discussions at the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full arcticle for the formal review process. These revised submissions will be reviewed by the program committee using prevailing academic standards to select the best articles that will appear in the formal proceedings.Invited Speaker: Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania Talk Title: How To Build Your Own Bidirectional Programming LanguageTOPICSIFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions describing applications and tools. If you are not sure if your work is appropriate for IFL 2009, please contact the PC chair at Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:language concepts type checking contractscompilation techniques staged compilationruntime function specializationruntime code generation partial evaluation (abstract) interpretation generic programming techniques automatic program generation array processing concurrent/parallel programming concurrent/parallel program execution functional programming and embedded systems functional programming and web applications functional programming and security novel memory management techniques runtime profiling and performance measurements debugging and tracing virtual/abstract machine architectures validation and verification of functional programs tools and programming techniques FP in EducationPAPER SUBMISSIONSProspective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be published in the draft proceedings and to present them at the symposium. All contributions must be written in English, conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS series format and not exceed 16 pages. The draft proceedings will appear as a technical report of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Seton Hall University.IMPORTANT DATESRegistration deadline August 23, 2009Presentation submission deadline August 23, 2009IFL 2009 Symposium September 23-25, 2009Submission for review process deadline November 1, 2009Notification Accept/Reject December 22, 2009Camera ready version February 1, 2010PROGRAM COMMITTEEPeter Achten University of Nijmegen, The NetherlandsJost Berthold Philipps-Universität Marburg, GermanyAndrew Butterfield University of Dublin, IrelandRobby Findler Northwestern University, USAKathleen Fisher ATT Research, USACormac Flanagan University of California at Santa Cruz, USAMatthew Flatt University of Utah, USAMatthew Fluet Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USADaniel Friedman Indiana University, USAAndy Gill University of Kansas, USAClemens Grelck University of Amsterdam/Hertfordshire, The Netherlands/UKJurriaan Hage Utrecht University, The NetherlandsRalf Hinze Oxford University, UKPaul Hudak Yale University, USAJohn Hughes Chalmers University of Technology, SwedenPatricia Johann University of Strathclyde, UKYukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba, JapanMarco T. Morazán (Chair) Seton Hall University, USARex Page University of Oklahoma, USAFernando Rubio Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainSven-Bodo Scholz University of Hertfordshire, UKManuel Serrano INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, FranceChung-chieh Shan Rutgers University, USADavid Walker Princeton University, USAViktória Zsók 

Re: Social problems of Python doc [was Re: Python docs disappointing]

2009-08-13 Thread Paul Boddie
On 13 Aug, 16:05, wrote:

 All the above not withstanding, I too think a wiki is worth
 trying.  But without doing a lot more than just setting up
 a wiki, I sadly believe even a supported wiki
 is doomed to failure.

The ones on seem to function reasonably well. I accept that
they could be more aggressively edited, but this isn't done because
there's a compromise between letting people contribute and keeping
things moderately coherent, with the former being favoured. For other
purposes, it would be quite acceptable to favour editorial control.

I won't argue that providing infrastructure solves a problem - that's
precisely the kind of thing I was criticising when I noted that some
people will readily criticise the choice of tools to do a job instead
of focusing on the job that has to be done - and you need people who
are reasonably competent editors, but Wiki solutions remove a lot of
technical barriers. I'm not arguing for the flavour of Wiki which
implies unfettered, anonymous access from everyone on the Internet,
either: the kind of Wiki that detractors portray all Wiki solutions as
being in order to further their super-special it has to fit like a
glove or it's totally unusable software agenda. It's quite possible
to have people with somewhat more privileges than others in order to
keep the peace, and they don't all need to have an entrenched
editorial interest: on the current Wiki sites, most of the
administrators don't have an active interest in most of the content,
but they are able to exercise control when it's clear that some
contributors aren't particularly interested in actually improving the

As well as having an active community effort around the existing Wiki sites, there are also people who are interested in
improving these offerings. What worries me is that despite such
activity and such interest, many people will continue to lament the
lack of vitality (or whatever other metric) of the general
offering, whilst retaining a blind spot for the obvious contribution
that the Wikis can make to such improvement efforts. I encourage
people to use a lot more, should they be looking to
improve the wealth of information provided by the community.


Re: Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

Erik Bernoth erik.bernoth at writes:

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for eternity?

Python is a not a lazy language.
`and` and `or` are particular, they are language constructs (*), not operators,
that's why they can decide whether or not to evaluate their second term. It's a
feature, but this feature is not general to Python.

(*) by this I mean they have similar status as, for example, `if` and `else`



In fact, I don't know of any aspect of Python which I'd call lazy, 
although the word appears in the docs in a few places.  I've seen, but 
not used, languages which had lazy evaluations.  Simplest example would 
be an infinite precision math package, where the actual precision is not 
actually used till something external to the program got visibility to 
the value.  So the constant PI might really be a generator, which would 
generate enough precision for whatever the value was being used for.  If 
you did a free-form print of PI, the console would never terminate (in 
principle), but in practice, it'd get slower and slower printing out the 
digits till the machine ran out of memory, or the user lost patience.

Python, on the other hand has at least three short-circuit operations, 
in which parts of the expression are defined not to be evaluated at all, 
if other parts meet certain conditions.  These are the 'and' and 'or' 
keywords mentioned above, the chained comparison construct, and the 
conditional expression, added recently.  In each of these, the semantics 
of the language require that those parts not be evaluated.

   val =  (42  x  function())
   val =  19 if i12 else function()
   val =  x  or  function()

In each example, the function() may or may not be actually called, 
depending on the other values of the expression.



Tkinter Menu in Frame

2009-08-13 Thread Sparky
Hello! I am trying to figure out if it is possible to place a Tkinter
menu within a frame. This would be instead of having the menu-bar at
the top of the window.


Re: loops for ffmpeg CLI in python

2009-08-13 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 11:29 +0200, fakhar Gillani wrote:
 I am a begineer in Python. Actually I am encoding video files with
 different bitrates using ffmpeg CLI. I wanted to ask you that how can
 I make loops so that I can vary the bitrates in the CLI of ffmpeg??
 I want to bulid a loop for the command below where i just want to vary
 the -vb parameter i.e. 10M. 
 ffmpeg.exe -i sample.avi -y -f h264 -vb 10M -r 25
 I have tried to make simple loops but it doest work:(
 Can anyone here help me out?

It might help if you specify what you tried and why it didn't work (for



Re: Python configuration question when python scripts are executed using Appweb as web server.

2009-08-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

Here are couple of links that discusses setting PYTHONPATH environment

Ouch, that document should be reworked and updated!
I don't understand this comment, given that the PEP370 Implementation 
section 2nd paragraph quite specifically refers to the use of 
PYTHONPATH, I quote. The user site directory is added before the system 
site directories but after Python's search paths and PYTHONPATH. This 
setup allows the user to install a different version of a package than 
the system administrator but it prevents the user from accidently 
overwriting a stdlib module. Stdlib modules can still be overwritten 
with PYTHONPATH.  What am I missing?


Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


Delegate attribute requests to object

2009-08-13 Thread Evan Kroske
I'm trying to use the decorator pattern in a program I'm developing. I want
to create a decorator object that works like the object it's decorating
except for a few functions. However, I'd rather not hard-code all the
identical functionality from the decorated object into the decorator object.
Is there a way I can intercept all the attribute and function requests for
the decorator and delegate them to the decorated object? Here's some example

class Decorator:
   def __init__():
self.decorated = Decorated()

  def newFunction():
# Do something

  def interceptRequests(request):
return self.decorated.request()

 class Decorated:
  def __init__():
self.variable = 10

  def oldFunction():
# Do something

I want to be able to do something like this:

objectA = Decorator()
 objectB = Decorated()
 assert objectA.oldFunction() == objectB.oldFunction() # No error

Is it possible (without inheritance)?

Evan Kroske
The code, comments, and challenges of a novice
software developer desperate for attention.

Re: Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-13, Dave Angel wrote:

I'm assuming you want to call it every time_interval seconds, on 
average, with a little jitter allowed on each call, but keeping correct 
long term.  In other words, if one call is a little late, you want the 
next one to still happen as close to on-time as possible.

The general outline is something like (untested):

times_called = 0   #number of times function has been called
start_time = now
while True:
 elapsed = now - start_time
 int_elapsed = int(elapsed/time_interval)
 for times_called in range(times_called, int_elapsed):
 sleep(time_interval/10)   #this might give us 10% jitter, which is 
usually fine

I don't understand the reasoning behind the above loop --
specifically the sleeping of smaller intervals than needed.

Why not something like this:

interval = 5.0  # interval in seconds
next = time.time()

while True:
now = time.time()
if now  next:  

print call_the_function()
next += interval

That will be accurate over the long term with minimal jitter.



Two reasons I didn't take an approach like that one.

1) I frequently need to do something else while waiting, so I tend to do 
multiple smaller sleeps.  As long as each sleep is at least 100ms, the 
overhead cost is pretty small.
2) If (occasionally) the function takes longer than the specified 
interval time, my approach does catch-up calls so the average remains 
the same.

My loop was only a rough outline, and if neither of these considerations 
applies, yours is much nicer.


Interface to Exchange Calendar via web services

2009-08-13 Thread John Gordon
I have a python app that needs to look up a person's Exchage Calendar
entries to see if they are currently available.

Does anyone have any code examples for communicating with EWS (Exchange
Web Services)?  I've found some code in Java and CSharp to do this, but
none in python so far.


John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies


Re: Delegate attribute requests to object

2009-08-13 Thread Rami Chowdhury
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but I don't think that's really  
typical decorator behavior? Typically decorators, as I understand them,  
take an instance argument -- so you wouldn't be saying

def __init__(self):
self.decorated = Decorated()

you'd be saying

def __init__(self, decorated):
self.decorated = decorated

As for the attribute access, I believe you can override __getattr__ to do  
what you want:

class Decorator:
def __getattr__(self, request):
return self.decorated.__getattr__(request)

The same thing should work for methods, although you may want to pass  
arguments through as well.

Is there a reason why, for this use, just making Decorator a subclass of  
Decorated (and only overriding the methods you need to be different)  
wouldn't work?

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:50:47 -0700, Evan Kroske wrote:

I'm trying to use the decorator pattern in a program I'm developing. I  

to create a decorator object that works like the object it's decorating
except for a few functions. However, I'd rather not hard-code all the
identical functionality from the decorated object into the decorator  
Is there a way I can intercept all the attribute and function requests  
the decorator and delegate them to the decorated object? Here's some  


class Decorator:

  def __init__():
   self.decorated = Decorated()

 def newFunction():
   # Do something

 def interceptRequests(request):
   return self.decorated.request()

class Decorated:
 def __init__():
   self.variable = 10

 def oldFunction():
   # Do something

I want to be able to do something like this:

objectA = Decorator()

objectB = Decorated()
assert objectA.oldFunction() == objectB.oldFunction() # No error

Is it possible (without inheritance)?

Evan Kroske
The code, comments, and challenges of a novice
software developer desperate for attention.

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --  
Hanlon's Razor

408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread David
Thanks all for your answers. As suggested by Dave and Frank, I am
indeed looking for the main program to continue running in the
background (I have several functions I want to launch, each at a
predefined time interval). I like Frank's solution, on the paper it
seems it would do what I am looking for, but I cannot succeed in
having it working. I guess I've been stuck with this problem for too
long and can't succeed in using my brain accurately anymore... ;-)

I defined the class as defined by Frank, and I then inserted the
following code in a While True loop, without any other code (the idea
is just to test Frank's solution before really using it in my

func = MyFunction()


However I'm not getting the expected behavior. It's not taking into
account the 30 sec wait, the function is called again and again
without any time interval... Any idea ?

Again, thanks a lot.


Re: Social problems of Python doc [was Re: Python docs disappointing]

2009-08-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 20:23:27 -0700, rurpy wrote:

 That's no different from *any* major refactoring. The exact same
 problem exists for code as well as documentation. It's a solved problem
 for code, and it's a solved problem for documentation.
 Huh?  I don't buy this at all.  Code refactoring doesn't change the
 semantics of the program at all -- it simplifies the code that
 implements behavior without changing behavior.  How does this apply to
 revising documentation?  

My apologies, I mis-wrote. Of course refactoring is inappropriate in this 
context. What I meant was a major redesign where the API may change.

Except of course that documentation changes don't need to be concerned 
with backwards compatibility, except possibly to avoid breaking old links.

 Yes it would. Most patches are ignored, because the dev team are
 overworked, and if they don't see the need for a patch, they won't
 approve it.
 I'm confused.  If they weren't overworked, then they would approve
 patches they didn't see a need for?  


If they're overworked, they're less likely to spend time investigating 
patches which aren't immediately obvious that they're needed.

And additionally, if the patch doesn't appear to be useful, it's unlikely 
to be approved. Why would it be?

 Or are you saying because they are
 overworked they fail to approve patches that should be approved?

Invariably there will be good patches missed because they haven't been 

 I am
 not sure how either supports the argument that the tracker is the best
 method of improving the docs.

These are not arguments in favour of the tracker, these are realistic 
issues that any project of non-trivial size have to deal with. Virtually 
every project (not just software projects either) have to deal with the 
fact that there will be more things to do than resources to do them with.

 No, submitting a tracker issue is a necessary but not sufficient step.
 Without a tracker issue, you're very unlikely to have people agree to
 replace the existing docs with your docs, although a PEP would probably
 do it. (A PEP is significantly more effort than raising a tracker
 Has there ever been a PEP for a doc change?  Are you making a serious

I don't know if there ever has been, but as far as I know, there are two 
ways to get changes approved to Python: informal approval by somebody 
with check-in privileges, or formal approval on the basis of a PEP. If 
you can't get the first, then the second is an option, albeit unlikely.

 As long as every the docs
 sux complaint is met here with the standard responses that I've

 But they aren't met with such a so-called standard response.
 I just looked through the first 70 or so messages in this thread and in
 this case I have agree with you, most of the responses were not what I
 called standard responses.  There was one guy, a Steven D'Aprano early
 on that trotted out the, it's free software, fix it if you don't like
 it line, 

And I stand by it. If you're not helping to solve the problem, then what 
exactly are you doing?

Even if you can't provide a patch, provide a bug report. What 
specifically is wrong with the docs? Be specific. Give examples. Explain 
why it is wrong. State your assumptions, e.g. what audience do you 

If you do these things, you're helping. If you're just complaining, then 
you're not.

 We know that there are problems. We've said repeatedly that corrections
 and patches are welcome. We've repeatedly told you how to communicate
 your answer to the question of what should be done. None of this is
 good enough for you. I don't know what else you expect.
 You have been told repeatedly why your insistence that the tracker must
 be the only channel, is wrong.  I don't understand why you can't
 understand that.
 (Generally only those in authority, bosses, parents, police, and the
 like, tell others what a situation is and have a right to demand that
 the subject accept it without question. I think you could find a more
 respectful and less authoritarian way of phrasing what you said above
 since you are not in a position of authority over me.)

You're not my real dad!!!

In the words of Jesse The Body Venture, I'm just telling it like it is. 
The tracker is the only practical way of getting doc changes accepted, 
for those without check-in privileges or the ear of someone with them. Me 
telling you this is no more an expression of authority than me telling 
you that the USA has 50 states.

Of course I could be wrong. My understanding of the facts might be wrong, 
or I may not be in full possession of all the relevant facts. If so, I 
welcome correction.

So please tell me, what other practical ways are there for an 
unprivileged person to get the official Python docs modified?


Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-13, Dave Angel wrote:
 Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2009-08-13, Dave Angel wrote:

 The general outline is something like (untested):

 times_called = 0   #number of times function has been called
 start_time = now
 while True:
  elapsed = now - start_time
  int_elapsed = int(elapsed/time_interval)
  for times_called in range(times_called, int_elapsed):
  sleep(time_interval/10)   #this might give us 10% jitter, 
 which is usually fine

 I don't understand the reasoning behind the above loop --
 specifically the sleeping of smaller intervals than needed.

 Why not something like this:

 interval = 5.0  # interval in seconds
 next = time.time()

 while True:
 now = time.time()
 if now  next:  
 print call_the_function()
 next += interval

 That will be accurate over the long term with minimal jitter.
 Two reasons I didn't take an approach like that one.

 1) I frequently need to do something else while waiting, so I
tend to do multiple smaller sleeps.  As long as each sleep
is at least 100ms, the overhead cost is pretty small.

I guess I always use a separate thread for cases like that.

 2) If (occasionally) the function takes longer than the
specified interval time, my approach does catch-up calls so
the average remains the same.

I'm still confused -- doesn't mine do that as well?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Are you the
  at   self-frying president?

Re: Database query execution times in Python?

2009-08-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
pwnedd wrote:

I've been writing some code using libraries based on the Python Database API
2.0 (MySQLdb  pg), and so far things are working really well. There is one
thing that I have not been able to figure out how to do, however: 

Retrieve the time is took a given query to execute.

Aahz (   *

...string iteration isn't about treating strings as sequences of strings, 
it's about treating strings as sequences of characters.  The fact that
characters are also strings is the reason we have problems, but characters 
are strings for other good reasons.  --Aahz

Re: httplib incredibly slow :-(

2009-08-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
Chris Withers wrote:
Aahz wrote:
 In article,
 Chris Withers wrote:

 Does anyone know of an alternative library for creating http requests 
 and getting their responses that's faster but hopefully has a similar 

This seems to be a wrapper around libcurl.
Does it work on Windows?


If so, where can I find some decent examples?
(the ones listed on the pycurl website are not what I'd call decent :-S)

Sorry, I mostly have been working on our Mac port, so I'm not sure what's
needed to make this work on Windows.  Did you try downloading the PyCurl
binary?  Maybe it statically links libcurl on Windows.

What do you need to know for a decent example?
Aahz (   *

...string iteration isn't about treating strings as sequences of strings, 
it's about treating strings as sequences of characters.  The fact that
characters are also strings is the reason we have problems, but characters 
are strings for other good reasons.  --Aahz

Re: Social problems of Python doc [was Re: Python docs disappointing]

2009-08-13 Thread RJ
A basic question in this thread is: Who will host the 
doc-wiki/whatever and how will it be linked to?
If not hosted at it can still be linked to from their 
docs, if allowed, possibly with 3rd level domain and re-direct.
I host a number of commercial servers but I don't expect Guido to 
bless them with said links.

If hosted at it will require resources from the existing admins.
If elsewhere then trusted admins and organization.
If not linked to from then it may well expire from lack of 
interest, as other seemingly nice attempts did.

Ray Schumacher


Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread MRAB

David wrote:

Thanks all for your answers. As suggested by Dave and Frank, I am
indeed looking for the main program to continue running in the
background (I have several functions I want to launch, each at a
predefined time interval). I like Frank's solution, on the paper it
seems it would do what I am looking for, but I cannot succeed in
having it working. I guess I've been stuck with this problem for too
long and can't succeed in using my brain accurately anymore... ;-)

I defined the class as defined by Frank, and I then inserted the
following code in a While True loop, without any other code (the idea
is just to test Frank's solution before really using it in my

func = MyFunction()


However I'm not getting the expected behavior. It's not taking into
account the 30 sec wait, the function is called again and again
without any time interval... Any idea ?

Again, thanks a lot.

What exactly do you mean by I then inserted the following code in a
While True loop? Do you mean you put all four lines in it? If yes,
then you're repeatedly starting then stopping the function.

Re: Delegate attribute requests to object

2009-08-13 Thread Rami Chowdhury
More information at if you need it  

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:13:47 -0700, Evan Kroske wrote:

I don't want to inherit from the classes I'm decorating because they  
have a
common superclass. I can make a generic decorator that I can use on all  

sibling classes. I'll try your getattr method to see if it works.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Rami Chowdhury

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but I don't think that's really
typical decorator behavior? Typically decorators, as I understand them,  

an instance argument -- so you wouldn't be saying

   def __init__(self):
   self.decorated = Decorated()

you'd be saying

   def __init__(self, decorated):
   self.decorated = decorated

As for the attribute access, I believe you can override __getattr__ to  

what you want:

 class Decorator:

def __getattr__(self, request):
   return self.decorated.__getattr__(request)

The same thing should work for methods, although you may want to pass
arguments through as well.

Is there a reason why, for this use, just making Decorator a subclass of
Decorated (and only overriding the methods you need to be different)
wouldn't work?

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:50:47 -0700, Evan Kroske

 I'm trying to use the decorator pattern in a program I'm developing. I

to create a decorator object that works like the object it's decorating
except for a few functions. However, I'd rather not hard-code all the
identical functionality from the decorated object into the decorator
Is there a way I can intercept all the attribute and function requests  

the decorator and delegate them to the decorated object? Here's some

class Decorator:

 def __init__():
  self.decorated = Decorated()

 def newFunction():
  # Do something

 def interceptRequests(request):
  return self.decorated.request()

class Decorated:
 def __init__():
  self.variable = 10

 def oldFunction():
  # Do something

I want to be able to do something like this:

objectA = Decorator()

objectB = Decorated()
assert objectA.oldFunction() == objectB.oldFunction() # No error

Is it possible (without inheritance)?

Evan Kroske
The code, comments, and challenges of a novice
software developer desperate for attention.

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --
Hanlon's Razor
408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --  
Hanlon's Razor

408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Ethan Furman

Erik Bernoth wrote:

Hi List,

look at the following code:

def evens():
# iterator returning even numbers
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 2

# now get all the even numbers up to 15
L = [n for n in evens() if n  15]

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for eternity? 
I would expect python to to spit out (in no time):

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

I really started to ask myself if python really is lazy, but everything 
else I wrote in lazy style still worked. Example:

  def test(txt, retval):
..return retval
  test(1, True) or test(2, True)
  test(1, True) and test(2, True)

Can anybody explain what happens with evens()?

best regards
Erik Bernoth

PS: The code comes from a list post from 2006. You find it here:

As MRAB pointed out, the issue is not with evens, it's with the list 
comprehension.  The list comprehension doesn't know when to stop, only 
which numbers to include.


Help newbie with how to call a source command

2009-08-13 Thread Joni Lee
Hi all,
I'm landing here because I need some help that I couldn't get through it.
Question 1. 
I want to call a source command from python script. It will source 
some variables enviroment for further commands. I tried the following which did 
not work
os.sys('source '+source_text)
call(['source',source_text], shell=True)
commands.getoutput('source '+source_text)
Anyone have experiences with this? Because I'm very new to this world so a 
details reply is really appreciated!!! thank you very much
Question 2.
I call a shell command from python, this time it runs a script which runs some 
ruby scripts. And the error returns: ruby: command not found
Thank you again


Re: what is it, that I don't understand about python and lazy evaluation?

2009-08-13 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman wrote:

Erik Bernoth wrote:

Hi List,

look at the following code:

def evens():
# iterator returning even numbers
i = 0
while True:
yield i
i += 2

# now get all the even numbers up to 15
L = [n for n in evens() if n  15]

Isn't it strange, that this code runs (in a lazy language) for 
eternity? I would expect python to to spit out (in no time):

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]

after 14 it is not nessesary to evaluate evens() any further.

I really started to ask myself if python really is lazy, but 
everything else I wrote in lazy style still worked. Example:

  def test(txt, retval):
..return retval
  test(1, True) or test(2, True)
  test(1, True) and test(2, True)

Can anybody explain what happens with evens()?

best regards
Erik Bernoth

PS: The code comes from a list post from 2006. You find it here:

As MRAB pointed out, the issue is not with evens, it's with the list 
comprehension.  The list comprehension doesn't know when to stop, only 
which numbers to include.


Actually, I am mistaken (gasp! shock! ;).  A list comprehension will run 
until the iterator(s) it's based on end, and even() runs forever.


Re: How to address a global variable in a function

2009-08-13 Thread Aahz
In article,
n179911 wrote:

I have a global variable

// line 8
tx  = 0

and then I have this function (start in line 12):
def handleTranslate(result):
   print line
   txStr, tyStr =,
   print txStr, tyStr

   tx += int(txStr)
   ty += int(tyStr)


BTW, you probably want to learn why global names are a bad idea, I don't
have time to explain that here (or point you at references).  Going
through some of the online tutorials should address this.
Aahz (   *

...string iteration isn't about treating strings as sequences of strings, 
it's about treating strings as sequences of characters.  The fact that
characters are also strings is the reason we have problems, but characters 
are strings for other good reasons.  --Aahz

Re: Delegate attribute requests to object

2009-08-13 Thread Rami Chowdhury
Oops, my apologies, it's the __getattribute__ method you want to call on  
self.decorated (because __getattr__ won't be there unless you define it  

So it should go:

def __getattr__(self, request):
return self.decorated.__getattribute__(request)

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:00:28 -0700, Evan Kroske wrote:

Unfortunately, __getattr__ didn't work. When I try to use your code

class Decorator:

def __getattr__(self, request):
   return self.decorated.__getattr__(request)

I get this error:

AttributeError: 'Decorated' object has no attribute '__getattr__'

Is that a private method, or am I simply using it wrong? Thanks for the

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Rami Chowdhury  

More information at if you need it

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:13:47 -0700, Evan Kroske

 I don't want to inherit from the classes I'm decorating because they  

common superclass. I can make a generic decorator that I can use on all
sibling classes. I'll try your getattr method to see if it works.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Rami Chowdhury

 Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something, but I don't think that's  
typical decorator behavior? Typically decorators, as I understand  

an instance argument -- so you wouldn't be saying

  def __init__(self):
  self.decorated = Decorated()

you'd be saying

  def __init__(self, decorated):
  self.decorated = decorated

As for the attribute access, I believe you can override __getattr__  
to do

what you want:

 class Decorator:

def __getattr__(self, request):
  return self.decorated.__getattr__(request)

The same thing should work for methods, although you may want to pass
arguments through as well.

Is there a reason why, for this use, just making Decorator a subclass  

Decorated (and only overriding the methods you need to be different)
wouldn't work?

On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:50:47 -0700, Evan Kroske

 I'm trying to use the decorator pattern in a program I'm developing.  

to create a decorator object that works like the object it's  

except for a few functions. However, I'd rather not hard-code all the
identical functionality from the decorated object into the decorator
Is there a way I can intercept all the attribute and function  

the decorator and delegate them to the decorated object? Here's some

class Decorator:

  def __init__():

 self.decorated = Decorated()

 def newFunction():
 # Do something

 def interceptRequests(request):
 return self.decorated.request()

class Decorated:
 def __init__():
 self.variable = 10

 def oldFunction():
 # Do something

I want to be able to do something like this:

objectA = Decorator()

 objectB = Decorated()

assert objectA.oldFunction() == objectB.oldFunction() # No error

 Is it possible (without inheritance)?

Evan Kroske
The code, comments, and challenges of a novice
software developer desperate for attention.

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity  

Hanlon's Razor
408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --
Hanlon's Razor
408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --  
Hanlon's Razor

408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread azrael
[u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']
 h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija, d.id_drzava, 
 v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as z, drzava as d, 
 valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv = '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' 
 AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv = '%s' % (j)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in string
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

I want to format the string. the list has five elements and the string
has five placeholder but it wont format the string

[ANN] pyjamas 0.6pre3 released

2009-08-13 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
much as we'd very much like to declare a 0.6 stable release, really
really soon and move forward, the ChangeLog just keeps growing (133
and counting) with the bugfixes, testing and contributions since

pyjamas is a port of GWT to python, and includes a
python-to-javascript compiler and a widget UI toolkit that is similar
to pyqt4, pygtk2 etc.  applications can either be run as javascript
(in a web browser) or on the desktop (using pyjamas-desktop) as
python.  conceptually therefore, pyjamas is similar to adobe AIR -
except that it's python, not ActionScript, and it's entirely free
software.  hurrah!

key changes:

* the python-to-javascript has been significantly reworked, and now
includes a --strict option which adds python strict features at the
expense of speed.  to disable these, and obtain speed instead, use

* pyjamas-desktop has been merged into the pyjamas distribution, which
includes support for one stable browser engine (XULrunner, the same
engine behind firefox); pywebkitgtk (the engine behind safari and the
iphone) and MSHTML (IE's engine).  pywebkitgtk is useable (but
unfriendly - no DOM exception handling); MSHTML is even less friendly
- COM gets in the way at present, and eats even python exceptions).

there's a lot more that could be said, but you've probably noticed all
the other prerelease notices so 'nuff said, other than: thank you to
the people who've been helping and contributing with testing, patches
and more.

downloads and more information:

trouble with reload

2009-08-13 Thread Dr. Phillip M. Feldman

According to the Python documentation, 'reload' reloads a previously imported
module (so that changes made via an external editor will be effective). 
But, when I try to use this command, I get the following error message:

TypeError: reload() argument must be module

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Python - python-list mailing list archive at


Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

13-08-2009 azrael wrote:


[u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']


h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,  
d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as  
z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv = '%s'  
AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv = '%s' % (j)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in string
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

I want to format the string. the list has five elements and the string
has five placeholder but it wont format the string

j must be a tuple -- so either define it as

(u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna')

or when using it, wrap it with tuple() constructor:

h = ... % tuple(j)

Jan Kaliszewski (zuo)

Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-13 Thread Rami Chowdhury

Could you please clarify how you're calling it? E.g.


On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:05:26 -0700, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

According to the Python documentation, 'reload' reloads a previously  

module (so that changes made via an external editor will be effective).
But, when I try to use this command, I get the following error message:

TypeError: reload() argument must be module

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Rami Chowdhury
Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity --  
Hanlon's Razor

408-597-7068 (US) / 07875-841-046 (UK) / 0189-245544 (BD)

Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

Me wrote:

13-08-2009 azrael wrote:


[u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']


h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,  
d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as  
z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv =  
'%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv = '%s' %  

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in string
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

I want to format the string. the list has five elements and the string
has five placeholder but it wont format the string

j must be a tuple -- so either define it as


PS. If you use Python 2.6 or newer, better use .format() method
(then you can use also a list):

h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija, \

... d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as \
... z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '{0}' AND o.naziv = \
... '{1}' AND z.naziv = '{2}' AND d.naziv = '{3}' AND v.naziv = '{4}'\
... .format(*j)


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo)

Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

Grant Edwards wrote:

snipOn 2009-08-13, Dave Angel wrote:

Grant Edwards wrote:

interval = 5.0  # interval in seconds
next = time.time()

while True:
now = time.time()
if now  next:  

print call_the_function()
next += interval

That will be accurate over the long term with minimal jitter.

2) If (occasionally) the function takes longer than the
   specified interval time, my approach does catch-up calls so
   the average remains the same.

I'm still confused -- doesn't mine do that as well?

Yep.  I missed it again.  Clearly it does the catchup the next time 
around the while loop.


Re: trouble with reload

2009-08-13 Thread David C Ullrich
On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:05:26 -0700, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

 According to the Python documentation, 'reload' reloads a previously
 imported module (so that changes made via an external editor will be
 effective). But, when I try to use this command, I get the following
 error message:
 TypeError: reload() argument must be module

That would mean that you're trying to reload something
other than a module.

Of course you think you're reloading a module. The problem
is that... oops, since you don't show the code that leads
to this error it's hard to say what the problem is.

 Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Falcolas
On Aug 12, 3:09 pm, David wrote:
 Hi all, I'm trying to launch a function at regular time intervals but
 cannot find the way to do it. Here is the code I wrote (time_interval
 is a user defined variable in seconds):
 Has anyone run into a similar problem (and solved it) ?

 Thanks for your help

I did - as part of a script where I needed to send load into a system
at a steady rate. I ended up using threading to do the function calls,
since they were not guaranteed to complete before the next interval.

duration_start = time.time()
interval_counter = 0
while time.time() - duration_start  duration:
for thread_count in xrange(numthreads):
threading.Thread(target=exec_thread, kwargs={#snip
interval_counter += 1
time.sleep((duration_start + (interval * interval_counter)) -

Executing this loop with a simple echo and time print showed that
there was no creep over time, and the deviation between intervals was
around 1/100th of a second.

I'm fairly sure I'm creating some gnarly memory leaks and such by not
joining spent threads, but it's been a non-issue in my usage. Adding a
list to keep track of the threads and join on complete threads would
be fairly trivial to implement.

I think for simpler applications, using threading.Timer to kick off
the function would work just as well.


Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

David wrote:

Thanks all for your answers. As suggested by Dave and Frank, I am
indeed looking for the main program to continue running in the
background (I have several functions I want to launch, each at a
predefined time interval). I like Frank's solution, on the paper it
seems it would do what I am looking for, but I cannot succeed in
having it working. I guess I've been stuck with this problem for too
long and can't succeed in using my brain accurately anymore... ;-)

I defined the class as defined by Frank, and I then inserted the
following code in a While True loop, without any other code (the idea
is just to test Frank's solution before really using it in my

func = MyFunction()


However I'm not getting the expected behavior. It's not taking into
account the 30 sec wait, the function is called again and again
without any time interval... Any idea ?

Again, thanks a lot.

Why don't you include the code you're actually trying, instead of just 
trying to describe it.  Frank's class didn't call any function, it just 
had a place to do it.  So we really don't know what you're running, nor 
what about it is wrong.

Perhaps a few well placed print statements?


get output of du / ls command - currently ugly code ...

2009-08-13 Thread Esmail

Hi all,

Essentially all I want to know the size of a directory, and the size
of a zipped tarball so that I can compute/report the compression ratio.

The code I have seems hideous, but it seems to work. Surely there is an
easier,more elegant way to do this?

dir_size = os.popen('du -sk somename')
data = dir_size.readlines()
dir_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
print 'dir size: ', dir_size

tar_size = os.popen('ls -s somename.tar.gz')
data = tar_size.readlines()
tar_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
print 'tar size: ', tar_size



Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread azrael
On 13 kol, 21:12, Jan Kaliszewski wrote:
 Me wrote:
  13-08-2009 azrael wrote:

  [u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']
  h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,  
  d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as  
  z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv =  
  '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv = '%s' %  
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File string, line 1, in string
  TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

  I want to format the string. the list has five elements and the string
  has five placeholder but it wont format the string

  j must be a tuple -- so either define it as


 PS. If you use Python 2.6 or newer, better use .format() method
 (then you can use also a list):

  h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija, \

 ... d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as \
 ... z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '{0}' AND o.naziv = \
 ... '{1}' AND z.naziv = '{2}' AND d.naziv = '{3}' AND v.naziv = '{4}'\
 ... .format(*j)


 Jan Kaliszewski (zuo)

Thanks Worked fine for me. I was a freakin idiot. I forgot about using
a tuple. damn lists :D

Thanks for the debuginig of my thoughts and actions.


Re: Help newbie with how to call a source command

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

Joni Lee wrote:

Hi all,
I'm landing here because I need some help that I couldn't get through it.
Question 1. 
I want to call a source command from python script. It will source some variables enviroment for further commands. I tried the following which did not work

os.sys('source '+source_text)
call(['source',source_text], shell=True)
commands.getoutput('source '+source_text)
Anyone have experiences with this? Because I'm very new to this world so a details reply is really appreciated!!! thank you very much
Question 2.

I call a shell command from python, this time it runs a script which runs some ruby 
scripts. And the error returns: ruby: command not found
Thank you again


1)  You cannot do source from Python.  It's a shell command whose very 
nature is to remember some environment variables for the duration of 
that particular shell. So once it returns to your python program, 
they're lost.

However, if you just need those variables for invocations of the same 
shell, you have a couple of choices.  You can parse the file yourself, 
and set up an environment dictionary, and pass that when you invoke 
subsequent shells.

Or you can build a script on the fly, prepending whatever script you're 
planning to run with that source_text file.

2) In this question, and in general, you need to specify the Python 
version, the OS environment, the particular Python code  you used to 
launch the shell, the contents of the script, and the results you saw.  
Use copy and paste, don't just paraphrase.

And in a case like this one, somebody familiar with the environment 
(Ruby on Unix?) will probably have other questions:  environment 
dictionary passed to the shell, did you get a Ruby startup prompt?  Or 



Re: get output of du / ls command - currently ugly code ...

2009-08-13 Thread
On Aug 13, 8:28 pm, Esmail wrote:
 Hi all,

 Essentially all I want to know the size of a directory, and the size
 of a zipped tarball so that I can compute/report the compression ratio.

 The code I have seems hideous, but it seems to work. Surely there is an
 easier,more elegant way to do this?

      dir_size = os.popen('du -sk somename')
      data = dir_size.readlines()
      dir_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
      print 'dir size: ', dir_size

      tar_size = os.popen('ls -s somename.tar.gz')
      data = tar_size.readlines()
      tar_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
      print 'tar size: ', tar_size


Try using os.path.getsize(somename.tar.gz)

Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:56 PM, azrael wrote:


[u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']


h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,  
d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija  
as z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv  
= '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv =  
'%s' % (j)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File string, line 1, in string
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

Hi azrael,
You already have an answer to your question so I won't address that. I  
want to point out that this is a dangerous way to build SQL statements.

For instance, what happens if someone enters a city name of L'viv?   
Your SQL will break due to mismatched single quotes. This kind of code  
is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks:

Parameterized SQL is safer. Googling for 'parameterized SQL Python'  
should find some examples for you.

Good luck

Re: get output of du / ls command - currently ugly code ...

2009-08-13 Thread Esmail wrote:

On Aug 13, 8:28 pm, Esmail wrote:

Hi all,

Essentially all I want to know the size of a directory, and the size
of a zipped tarball so that I can compute/report the compression ratio.

 dir_size = os.popen('du -sk somename')
 data = dir_size.readlines()
 dir_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
 print 'dir size: ', dir_size


  Try using os.path.getsize(somename.tar.gz)

Beautiful! .. that takes care of the tarball .. but it doesn't seem to
work for reporting the total size of the directory. Any suggestions how
to do that in a nicer way?

I just looked through os.path.* and there doesn't seem to be a function
to report what du -sb would.

Thanks for your help,



Re: get output of du / ls command - currently ugly code ...

2009-08-13 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 15:28 -0400, Esmail wrote:
 Hi all,
 Essentially all I want to know the size of a directory, and the size
 of a zipped tarball so that I can compute/report the compression ratio.
 The code I have seems hideous, but it seems to work. Surely there is an
 easier,more elegant way to do this?
  dir_size = os.popen('du -sk somename')
  data = dir_size.readlines()
  dir_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
  print 'dir size: ', dir_size
  tar_size = os.popen('ls -s somename.tar.gz')
  data = tar_size.readlines()
  tar_size = int(data[0].split()[0])
  print 'tar size: ', tar_size

I don't know about easier, but a more elegant way is to not use
os.popen() and to use Python's functions os.path.getsize (or os.stat)
and os.walk (or os.path.walk) to achieve this.

In fact if you look at the docstring for os.walk there is an example
that almost does what you're doing with du, but is cross-platform and
not dependent on shelling a process and scraping its stdout.



Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Philip Semanchuk phi...@semanchuk.comwrote:

 On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:56 PM, azrael wrote:


 [u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']



 h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,
 d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija as z,
 drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv = '%s' AND
 z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv = '%s' % (j)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in string
 TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

 Hi azrael,
 You already have an answer to your question so I won't address that. I want
 to point out that this is a dangerous way to build SQL statements.

 For instance, what happens if someone enters a city name of L'viv?  Your
 SQL will break due to mismatched single quotes. This kind of code is
 vulnerable to SQL injection attacks:

No explanation of SQL injection is complete without a link to the relevant

 Parameterized SQL is safer. Googling for 'parameterized SQL Python' should
 find some examples for you.

 Good luck


[RELEASED] Python 3.1.1 Release Candidate

2009-08-13 Thread Benjamin Peterson
On behalf of the Python development team, I'm pleased to announce the first
release candidate of Python 3.1.1.

This bug fix release fixes many normal bugs and several critical ones including
potential data corruption in the io library.  The final version should be out
within the next week.

Python 3.1 focuses on the stabilization and optimization of the features and
changes that Python 3.0 introduced.  For example, the new I/O system has been
rewritten in C for speed.  File system APIs that use unicode strings now handle
paths with undecodable bytes in them. Other features include an ordered
dictionary implementation, a condensed syntax for nested with statements, and
support for ttk Tile in Tkinter.  For a more extensive list of changes in 3.1,
see or Misc/NEWS in the Python

To download Python 3.1.1 visit:

The 3.1 documentation can be found at:

Bugs can always be reported to:


Benjamin Peterson
Release Manager
benjamin at
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.1.1's contributors)

need help calculating point between two coordinates.

2009-08-13 Thread PeteDK
Hi there

I'am working on a route comparison tool for carpools.

The route comparison is based on 'steps' retrieved from google maps
GDirection. These steps vary in length and i use the coordinates at
the beginning of each step. However, sometimes the distance of these
steps is too long(ex. driving 30-40 km. on the freeway). Therefore i
would like to calculate/find the coordinate located in between two
given coordinates.
Lets say one step starts at:
and ends at:

I would then like to calculate the point right in the middle of these

I use the haversine form to calculate the distance between
coordinates, but im not sure whether or not this can be used for the
same purpose. ...

I apologize if this thread has been posted the wrong place:)

any help is greatly appreciated!

kind regards.


Re: get output of du / ls command - currently ugly code ...

2009-08-13 Thread Esmail

Albert Hopkins wrote:

I don't know about easier, but a more elegant way is to not use
os.popen() and to use Python's functions os.path.getsize (or os.stat)
and os.walk (or os.path.walk) to achieve this.

In fact if you look at the docstring for os.walk there is an example
that almost does what you're doing with du, but is cross-platform and
not dependent on shelling a process and scraping its stdout.

Thanks Albert, I'll take a look,



Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread azrael
On 13 kol, 22:09, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
 On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:56 PM, azrael wrote:

  [u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']
  h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,  
  d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija  
  as z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv  
  = '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv =  
  '%s' % (j)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in string
  TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

 Hi azrael,
 You already have an answer to your question so I won't address that. I  
 want to point out that this is a dangerous way to build SQL statements.

 For instance, what happens if someone enters a city name of L'viv?  
 Your SQL will break due to mismatched single quotes. This kind of code  
 is vulnerable to SQL injection 

 Parameterized SQL is safer. Googling for 'parameterized SQL Python'  
 should find some examples for you.

 Good luck

I know Already. This is sopussed to be a small office application
connecting on a LAN mysql server with no web connection. Thank you

Idle text wrap

2009-08-13 Thread goldtech

I'm using Idle interactive shell. Actually Idle-Spoon which has a few
nice extensions and Python 2.6 on Linux. When I

 print str_value + \n

Where str_value is for example a string of 120 chars.

I notice that the lines seem to get hard wrapped at around 80. Is
there a way I can config it to either wrap to the window, or for a
higher amount before wrapping?


Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Aug 13, 2009, at 6:00 PM, azrael wrote:

On 13 kol, 22:09, Philip Semanchuk wrote:

On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:56 PM, azrael wrote:


[u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']



h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,
d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija
as z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv
= '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv =
'%s' % (j)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File string, line 1, in string
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

Hi azrael,
You already have an answer to your question so I won't address  
that. I
want to point out that this is a dangerous way to build SQL  

For instance, what happens if someone enters a city name of L'viv?
Your SQL will break due to mismatched single quotes. This kind of  

is vulnerable to SQL injection 

Parameterized SQL is safer. Googling for 'parameterized SQL Python'
should find some examples for you.

Good luck

I know Already. This is sopussed to be a small office application
connecting on a LAN mysql server with no web connection. Thank you

You're welcome. I'm glad you are aware. You're ahead of a lot of  
developers out there.

I encourage you to at least think about using parameterized SQL anyway  
because you never know when someone (maybe even you!) will copy   
paste your code, or use your library without realizing that it was  
internal use only. It's usually just as easy as building SQL strings  

And besides, what about L'viv? =)

Good luck with whatever choice you make


implementing descriptors

2009-08-13 Thread dippim
I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = a
  self.end = b

from datetime import datetime
c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo = foo(c,d)

For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
of foo to switch the start and end times.

afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
determine which values is being set.

Thanks for the help!


Re: How to launch a function at regular time intervals ?

2009-08-13 Thread David
On 13 août, 21:28, Dave Angel wrote:
 David wrote:
  Thanks all for your answers. As suggested by Dave and Frank, I am
  indeed looking for the main program to continue running in the
  background (I have several functions I want to launch, each at a
  predefined time interval). I like Frank's solution, on the paper it
  seems it would do what I am looking for, but I cannot succeed in
  having it working. I guess I've been stuck with this problem for too
  long and can't succeed in using my brain accurately anymore... ;-)

  I defined the class as defined by Frank, and I then inserted the
  following code in a While True loop, without any other code (the idea
  is just to test Frank's solution before really using it in my

      func = MyFunction()


  However I'm not getting the expected behavior. It's not taking into
  account the 30 sec wait, the function is called again and again
  without any time interval... Any idea ?

  Again, thanks a lot.

 Why don't you include the code you're actually trying, instead of just
 trying to describe it.  Frank's class didn't call any function, it just
 had a place to do it.  So we really don't know what you're running, nor
 what about it is wrong.

 Perhaps a few well placed print statements?


Yes, I guess it would be more simple. Here is really what I am trying
to do. I simplified the functions, but the purpose is to write some
text in a local file every x seconds (here, I'm just writing the
timestamp, i.e. a string representing the date  time, every 10
seconds) and to transfer this file to a distant server via FTP every y
seconds (20 seconds in the example below). My code is a little bit
more complicated because each time I transfer the file, I delete the
local file which is then recreated when data is written, but for
simplicity I left this out in the code below. So, here is the code
I've been using to test Frank's code. I've been struggling with using
or not a While True loop or not, and everything I try seems to run
into issues.

import threading
from datetime import datetime
import ftplib

class CFtpConnection:
FTP Connection parameters
def __init__(self, host, port, timeout, user, passwd): = 
self.port = 21
self.timeout = 60
self.user = 
self.passwd = 

class CStoreData(threading.Thread):
Write timestamp in a file every 10 seconds in separate

def __init__(self, timestamp):
self.event = threading.Event()
self.timestamp = timestamp

def run(self):
while not self.event.is_set():
file_handler = open(Test.txt, 'a')

def stop(self):

class CTransferData(threading.Thread):
Transfer timestamp file every 20 seconds in separate thread

def __init__(self, ftp_connection):
self.event = threading.Event()
self.ftp_connection = ftp_connection

def run(self):
while not self.event.is_set():
file_handler = open(Test.txt, 'r')
Ftp_handler = ftplib.FTP('')
self.ftp_connection.port, self.ftp_connection.timeout)
Ftp_handler.storbinary(STOR Test.txt, file_handler)

def stop(self):

ftp_connection = CFtpConnection(, 21, 60, , ) = ''
ftp_connection.user = admin
ftp_connection.passwd = admin

  timestamp =
  func_store_data = CStoreData(timestamp)

  func_transfer_data = CTransferData(ftp_connection)



Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

dippim wrote:

I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = a
  self.end = b

from datetime import datetime
c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo = foo(c,d)

For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
of foo to switch the start and end times.

afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
and reverse the values if necessary, but I can't figure out how to
determine which values is being set.

Thanks for the help!


Take a look at the example given here.

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


Re: PIL and Python

2009-08-13 Thread Martin
On Aug 13, 1:55 pm,
 Hello !
 I want use python to change the note from .jpeg files .
 What is the functions on PIL how make this ?
 Thank you !

What do u mean by the note?

Re: implementing descriptors

2009-08-13 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 8/13/2009 3:17 PM dippim said...

I am new to Python and I have a question about descriptors.  If I have
a class as written below, is there a way to use descriptors to be
certain that the datetime in start is always before the one in end?

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = a
  self.end = b

from datetime import datetime
c = datetime(2009,8,13,6,15,0)
d = datetime(2009,8,14,12,0,0)
afoo = foo(c,d)

For instance, if the following code were run, I would like to instance
of foo to switch the start and end times.

afoo.start = datetime(2010,8,13,6,15,0)

I was thinking of using the __set__ descriptor to catch the assignment
and reverse the values if necessary, 

why not...

class foo(object):
   def __init__(self,a = None,b = None)
  self.start = min(a,b)
  self.end = max(a,b)



Re: need help calculating point between two coordinates.

2009-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

PeteDK wrote:

Hi there

I'am working on a route comparison tool for carpools.

The route comparison is based on 'steps' retrieved from google maps
GDirection. These steps vary in length and i use the coordinates at
the beginning of each step. However, sometimes the distance of these
steps is too long(ex. driving 30-40 km. on the freeway). Therefore i
would like to calculate/find the coordinate located in between two
given coordinates.
Lets say one step starts at:
and ends at:

I would then like to calculate the point right in the middle of these

I use the haversine form to calculate the distance between
coordinates, but im not sure whether or not this can be used for the
same purpose. ...

I apologize if this thread has been posted the wrong place:)

any help is greatly appreciated!

kind regards.


For the distances you're talking about, those coordinates are very close 
to linear.  So to find the midpoint, just average the coordinates.  You 
might be off by half a km, but roads bend more than that.



Python and behavior

2009-08-13 Thread goldtech
Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.

 ss=1 and f
 ss=0 and f


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-13 Thread Gary Herron

goldtech wrote:

Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.


ss=1 and f


ss=0 and f


Python's Boolean operators don't turn arbitrary values into True and 
False values.  If you use it in any conditional, you'll get the same 
result as if it did, but it is occasionally it's nice to get the actual 
values used in the and instead of having the value distilled down to a 

From the Python manual: 

These are the Boolean operations, ordered by ascending priority:

Operation   Result  Notes
|x or y|if x is false, then y, else x   (1)
|x and y|   if x is false, then x, else y   (1)
|not x| if x is false, then |True|, else |False|(2)


   These only evaluate their second argument if needed for their outcome.

   not has a lower priority than non-Boolean operators, so |not a ==
   b| is interpreted as |not (a == b)|, and |a == not b| is a syntax


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-13 Thread Mensanator
On Aug 13, 7:36 pm, goldtech wrote:
 Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
 Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.

  ss=1 and f
  ss=0 and f

Does this help?

 ss = True and 'f'
 ss = False and 'e'


Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-13 Thread Stephen Hansen

 Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
 Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.

  ss=1 and f
  ss=0 and f

The and and or operators in Python are actually not true boolean
operators: they operate on the more fundamental interpretation of Truth that
Python uses (and that 'if' for example uses) that goes back before Python
got actual boolean True/False values.
x and y evaluates first x; if it is false, its value is returned.
Otherwise, the value of y is returned.

x or y evaluates first x; if it is true, its value is returned. Otherwise,
the value of y is returned.

Python's idea of true verses false isn't the same as True and False.
It's been described as something verses nothing, as in Python the
following are considered false: False, None, numeric 0 (in all types of
numbers), empty strings, empty containers (lists, tuples, dictionaries,
sets). Everything else is True. Instances of any class are True by default,
but they can have a __nonzero__ operation on them to override that.

So, every value has an innate 'truthfulness' about it: the 'if' statement
bases its decision on that truthfulness. In the context of truthfulness, the
string hello is just as true as the singleton True. So, if you do x and
y, if 'x' is a false value... then 'x' is returned-- as 'x' is just as
false as the singleton False. Both are different ways of saying 'false' in
logical operations.

Lots of people don't like this. Lots of people do. Some people want it to be
pure-true boolean algebra, have them return True/False always-- some people
have even argued for if only branching on True/False values. The fact of
the matter is, this is all just a fundamental part of Python that pre-dates
it ever having true boolean values, and is never gonna go away.

There's some useful properties to it, like:

value = opt or default

In this case, if opt was set to a something, it'll end up in value.
Otherwise, default will. Of course that's only useful where a opt would
never have a blank string or 0 or such in it naturally.

The poor-man's ternary operator was commonly used before Python got a proper

value = x and Yes or No

The construct had some limits(namely, the value in the Yes part of the
expression must be truthy), but is still useful in a lot of situations. If
x would evaluate true, then value would be set to Yes. Otherwise, it'd
be set to No.



Re: Python and behavior

2009-08-13 Thread MRAB

Gary Herron wrote:

goldtech wrote:

Could you explain or link me to an explanation of this? Been using
Python for a while but not sure I understand what's happening below.


ss=1 and f


ss=0 and f


Python's Boolean operators don't turn arbitrary values into True and 
False values.  If you use it in any conditional, you'll get the same 
result as if it did, but it is occasionally it's nice to get the actual 
values used in the and instead of having the value distilled down to a 

 From the Python manual: 

These are the Boolean operations, ordered by ascending priority:

Operation   Result  Notes
|x or y|if x is false, then y, else x   (1)
|x and y|   if x is false, then x, else y   (1)
|not x| if x is false, then |True|, else |False|(2)

The Pythonic table would be:

Operation   Result
|x or y|x if x else y
|x and y|   y if x else x
|not x| False if x else False


Re: fileinput

2009-08-13 Thread naaman
On Aug 13, 7:50 am, Dave Angel wrote:
 naaman wrote:
  On Aug 12, 1:35 pm, Dave Angel wrote:

  naaman wrote:

  I'm writing my first Python script and
  I want to use fileinput to open a file in r+ mode.
  Tried fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:],r+) but that didn't work.
  ANy ideas?

  Need to find and overwrite a line in a file several times.
  I can do it using open and seek() etc. but was wondering if I can use


  I haven't used it, but check out the 'inplace' keyword parameter.


  I've only Python for a week so I'm not sure what inplace does

 You should read the docs for it
     ( ),
 but it's not very clear to me either  So I dug up an example on the web:

 import fileinput, sys

 for line in fileinput.input(inplace=1):
     # /convert Windows/DOS text files to Unix files/
     if line[-2:] == \r\n:
         line = line[:-2] + \n

 The inplace argument tells it to create a new file with the same name as
 the original (doing all the necessary nonsense with using a scratch
 file, and renaming/deleting) for each file processed.  Stdout is pointed
 to that new version of the file.  Notice that you have to explicitly
 write everything you want to wind up in the file -- if a given line is
 to remain unchanged, you just write line directly.

 If you're new to Python, I do not recommend trying to do open/seek to
 update a text file in place, especially if you're in DOS.  There are
 lots of traps.  the inplace method of fileinput avoids these by
 implicitly creating temp files and handling the details for you, which
 probably works great if you're dealing with text, in order.


Thanks Dave. I'll check that out

A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

2009-08-13 Thread Xah Lee
• A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

plane text version follows:

A Exhibition Of Tech Geekers Incompetence: Emacs whitespace-mode

Xah Lee, 2009-08-13

Just wanted to express some frustration with whitespace-mode.

Emacs 23, just released, has this whitespace-mode feature. It renders
spaces, tabs, newlines characters with a visible glyph. This feature,
is in Microsoft Word since about 1992.

This feature is important in practical ways. For example, when you
work with “tab separated line” files (CSV) that's a common format for
importing/exporting address books or spreadsheets. It's also important
in whitespace-significant langs such as Python. Or, in text processing
when placement of space and tabs matters in the output.

All i wanted, is to make Space and Tab and Newline chars visible.

However, the emacs whitespace-mode does much more than that. It is
designed for tech geeking control freaks to tune every aspect of white
space in his source code. The mode is filled with bells and whistles.
It distinguishes tabs mixed with spaces, EOLs mixed with spaces, EOLs
at beginning of file, EOLs at end of file, run on spaces at end of
line, lines that has nothing to do with white spaces but is simply
longer than 80 chars, etc. Each of these is rendered with different
foreground, background, colors, so that they cannot possibly escape
the notices of control freaks.

By default, most of these are on, so that, when you turn on the mode,
most reasonable clean source code become this colorful rainbow
unreadable fuck.

I tried to tune it, with my 10 years of emacs of fucking 16 hours of
using per day, and 3 years of elisp coding experience. But, after a
hour, it's confusion hell sans avail.

O, that Alex idiot with his emacswiki, refused to lead emacswiki into
any readable state. All he can think about is my social skills. (See:
Problems of Emacswiki.)

What the fuck motherfuck. Hi tech geekers, coding freaks, social
science ignoramus fucks, basic economics illiterate FSF fucks, freedom
abusing selfish ideologists fucks, Richard Stallman propagandist fuck,
we-try-to-be-easy-to-use linuxer idioting fucks, FUCK U.



new version TimingAnalyzer

2009-08-13 Thread timinganalyzer
Hi All,

   1.Added a new User Delay and Constraint Editor panel. You can add,
delete, or update User Delays or Constraints.
   2 .These User Delays and User Constraints are saved at the top of
the .tim file.
   3.Changing a User Delay or User Constraint updates every one of the
same type in the diagram.
   4.Files created with previous versions are converted to this new
format when saved.
   5.Added Python Interpreter, Jython 2.5. Now you can write scripts
in Python.
   6.Execute Python scripts using the same script dialog for the
beanshell scripts or from Jython command line window.
   7.Included script in the install directory that will
start the TimingAnalyzer from a Jython command line window.
   8.Updated spice_pwl.bsh. This beanshell script generates spice
piece wise linear test vectors for DigitalBus.
   9.Included This Python script shows how to generate a
timing diagram for a D Flip Flop.

Anyone interested in helping convert the Java scripts (in the scripts
dir) to Python should let me know.
Dan Fabrizio

Re: i Don't get why it makes trouble

2009-08-13 Thread azrael
On 14 kol, 00:14, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
 On Aug 13, 2009, at 6:00 PM, azrael wrote:

  On 13 kol, 22:09, Philip Semanchuk wrote:
  On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:56 PM, azrael wrote:

  [u'Tata', u'Oriovac', u'PrimorskoGoranska', u'hrvatska', u'Kuna']
  h = SELECT distinct u.id_ulica, o.id_opcina, z.id_zupanija,
  d.id_drzava, v.id_valuta FROM   ulica as u, opcina as o, zupanija
  as z, drzava as d, valuta as v  WHERE  u.naziv = '%s' AND o.naziv
  = '%s' AND z.naziv = '%s' AND d.naziv = '%s' AND v.naziv =
  '%s' % (j)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in string
  TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

  Hi azrael,
  You already have an answer to your question so I won't address  
  that. I
  want to point out that this is a dangerous way to build SQL  

  For instance, what happens if someone enters a city name of L'viv?
  Your SQL will break due to mismatched single quotes. This kind of  
  is vulnerable to SQL injection 

  Parameterized SQL is safer. Googling for 'parameterized SQL Python'
  should find some examples for you.

  Good luck

  I know Already. This is sopussed to be a small office application
  connecting on a LAN mysql server with no web connection. Thank you

 You're welcome. I'm glad you are aware. You're ahead of a lot of  
 developers out there.

 I encourage you to at least think about using parameterized SQL anyway  
 because you never know when someone (maybe even you!) will copy   
 paste your code, or use your library without realizing that it was  
 internal use only. It's usually just as easy as building SQL strings  

 And besides, what about L'viv? =)

 Good luck with whatever choice you make

Currently I am working on just a prototype to show what is possible to
be done to get me some fundings for my future work. after that I will
get over to an SQL Alchemy. It's ORM will take over this business for

A lot of people a not aware of SQL injection. My friend from college
asked me and a couple of other guys for Pen testing of an website. His
SQL injection mistake made him an epic fail.


Re: csv.DictWriter.write_header()

2009-08-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Alan G wrote:
 Given a csv.DictWriter instance `dw`
 I think it would be nice to be able to
 say dw.write_header()
 instead of

 Good idea?

Maybe. You could file a bug:


something like perl's Mail::GPG ?

2009-08-13 Thread akonsu

i am looking for a module with functionality similar to that of the
Perl's Mail::GPG package. I need to verify multipart emails that are

thanks for any advice

Re: fileinput

2009-08-13 Thread naaman
On Aug 13, 7:50 am, Dave Angel wrote:
 naaman wrote:
  On Aug 12, 1:35 pm, Dave Angel wrote:

  naaman wrote:

  I'm writing my first Python script and
  I want to use fileinput to open a file in r+ mode.
  Tried fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:],r+) but that didn't work.
  ANy ideas?

  Need to find and overwrite a line in a file several times.
  I can do it using open and seek() etc. but was wondering if I can use


  I haven't used it, but check out the 'inplace' keyword parameter.


  I've only Python for a week so I'm not sure what inplace does

 You should read the docs for it
     ( ),
 but it's not very clear to me either  So I dug up an example on the web:

 import fileinput, sys

 for line in fileinput.input(inplace=1):
     # /convert Windows/DOS text files to Unix files/
     if line[-2:] == \r\n:
         line = line[:-2] + \n

 The inplace argument tells it to create a new file with the same name as
 the original (doing all the necessary nonsense with using a scratch
 file, and renaming/deleting) for each file processed.  Stdout is pointed
 to that new version of the file.  Notice that you have to explicitly
 write everything you want to wind up in the file -- if a given line is
 to remain unchanged, you just write line directly.

 If you're new to Python, I do not recommend trying to do open/seek to
 update a text file in place, especially if you're in DOS.  There are
 lots of traps.  the inplace method of fileinput avoids these by
 implicitly creating temp files and handling the details for you, which
 probably works great if you're dealing with text, in order.


I wonder if inline creates an empty file and then the text from the
processed file gets written to it. If that's what is going on then
it's perfect solution. It will eliminate all the tell() and seek() and
overwriting a shorter line with a longer one.  I'll try it over the
weekend. thanks

problem with interface of operator.itemgetter

2009-08-13 Thread dou dou
I have a function to do some thing like LEFT JOIN in SQL, the function use
the itemgetter to get the ON and SELECT parameters of the two table(list
of list), the problem is that itemgetter may return a value or a tuple of
values, because of the inconsistent return type of itemgetter, I have to do
2^3 IF check,
the function like this:

def left_join(table1, on_index1, table2, on_index2, getter1, getter2):
do thing like:
SELECT on1(table1), g1(table1), g2(table2) FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON on1(table1) == on2(table2)

on1 = itemgetter(*on_index1)
on2 = itemgetter(*on_index2)
g1 = itemgetter(*getter1)
g2 = itemgetter(*getter2)

d2 = {}
d2 = dict((on2(r2), r2) for r2 in table2)

#if itemgetter always return tuple, below could simple as one line
#return [ list(on1(r1) + g1(r1) + g2(d2.get(on1(r1 for r1 in table1

len_on = len(on_index1)
len_g1 = len(getter1)
len_g2 = len(getter2)

if len_on == 1:
if len_g1 == 1 and len_g2 == 1:
return [ [on1(r1), g1(r1), g2(d2.get(on1(r1)))] for r1 in table1
elif len_g1 == 1 and len_g2  1:
return [ list((on1(r1),g1(r1))+g2(d2.get(on1(r1 for r1 in
table1 ]
elif len_g1  1 and len_g2 == 1:
return [ list((on1(r1),)+g1(r1)+(g2(d2.get(on1(r1))),))  for r1
in table1 ]
else: #len_g1  1 and len_g2  1:
return [ list((on1(r1),)+g1(r1)+g2(d2.get(on1(r1 for r1 in
table1 ]
else: # len_on  1
if len_g1 == 1 and len_g2 == 1:
return [ list(on1(r1))+[g1(r1),g2(d2.get(on1(r1)))] for r1 in
table1 ]
elif len_g1 == 1 and len_g2  1:
return [ list(on1(r1)+(g1(r1),)+g2(d2.get(on1(r1 for r1 in
table1 ]
elif len_g1  1 and len_g2 == 1:
return [ list(on1(r1)+g1(r1)+(g2(d2.get(on1(r1))),))  for r1 in
table1 ]
else: #len_g1  1 and len_g2  1:
return [ list(on1(r1)+g1(r1)+g2(d2.get(on1(r1 for r1 in
table1 ]

so is there a way to force itemgetter to return tuple even when
itemgetter(only_have_one_argument)? or some other function to do this?


Re: Delegate attribute requests to object

2009-08-13 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:50:47 -0300, Evan Kroske  

I'm trying to use the decorator pattern in a program I'm developing. I  

to create a decorator object that works like the object it's decorating
except for a few functions. However, I'd rather not hard-code all the
identical functionality from the decorated object into the decorator  
Is there a way I can intercept all the attribute and function requests  

the decorator and delegate them to the decorated object?

You may search the list archives for references to proxy and  
delegation. The term decorator has a very specific meaning in Python  
(as a syntax construct), don't use it in the search.

Is it possible (without inheritance)?

Yes, using delegation. See below.

En Thu, 13 Aug 2009 15:29:04 -0300, Rami Chowdhury escribió:

Oops, my apologies, it's the __getattribute__ method you want to call on  
self.decorated (because __getattr__ won't be there unless you define it  

So it should go:

def __getattr__(self, request):
return self.decorated.__getattribute__(request)

__getattribute__ doesn't exist on old-style classes either. Also, note  
that very rarely one has to *call* __special__ methods; the code should  

def __getattr__(self, request):
return getattr(self.decorated, request)

but that works *only* for old-style classes, as discussed here [1]. [3] is  
another approach for new-style classes (maybe not production-ready yet).  
And this recipe [2] shows how to make the decorated object keep calling  
methods on the decorator itself.


Gabriel Genellina


Re: fileinput

2009-08-13 Thread naaman
On Aug 13, 1:20 am, Gabriel Genellina
 En Wed, 12 Aug 2009 01:27:47 -0300, naaman escribió:

  I'm writing my first Python script and
  I want to use fileinput to open a file in r+ mode.
  Tried fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:],r+) but that didn't work.
  ANy ideas?

 Don't use fileinput, it can't handle r+, only sequencial access.
 Even if you could use it, the documentation says [1]:
 fileinput.input([files[, inplace[, backup[, mode[, openhook])

 r+ corresponds to the `inplace` parameter (behaving like inplace=True)  
 instead of `mode`. You could write fileinput.input(sys.argv[1:],  
 mode=r+) instead - but again from the docs: mode... must be one of 'r',  
 'rU', 'U' and 'rb'

  Need to find and overwrite a line in a file several times.
  I can do it using open and seek() etc. but was wondering if I can use

 open+seek is the way to do that (assuming you don't alter the line length)


 Gabriel Genellina

unfortunately, I am overwriting shorter with longer

  1   2   >