pysensor 0.7 released

2009-12-10 Thread pb
PySensor is an environment to work with acceleration sensor data as
emitted by mobile devices such as the Nokia N95/N97 or Android G1.

Acceleration data and keypress data is sent to a server (PC) where
further processing, logging, recording, and visualization of the data
is done. The data is then distributed to a client application.
Optionally, the client application may send image data at any rate and
the device retrieves these images as fast as possible; images may be
dropped. Recorded input data can be replayed at original or altered
speed. The server software is in Python. For each mobile platform
there is a different device software sending the data - currently
PyS60, Android, and JavaME/JSR-256. Integration with a client
application is provided for Python, pygame, C/C++ or Java.

Have fun

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: How do I Block Events in wxPython

2009-12-10 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Frank Millman wrote:

 Wanderer wrote:

 I have a wxPython program which does some calculations and displays
  the results. During these calculations if I click the mouse inside the
  dialog the program locks up. If I leave the dialog alone the process
  completes fine. I have tried running the function from a separate
  dialog with Show Modal and I have tried using SetEvtHandlerEnabled all
  to no avail. The program is long and occupies several files so I won't
  show the whole thing but here is the calculation part. How do I block

 I also need to block events in my wxPython app, though the time duration is
 very short. I have a separate thread that sends notification of gui events
 to a server, and waits for a response. I do not want the user to do
 until the response is received.

I don't think blocking events is the right way to think about this.

If you need to halt new input for some reason (bearing in mind that its best
to run such things in a background task, but yes, sometimes blocking the UI
is important), then there's a couple ways to go about it. But trying to mess
with the event loop isn't it.

First, you always want a visual indicator-- use SetCursor on your top level
window to set a busy cursor. You never want any sort of block-ish action to
happen without the user being able to see something is going on; if its
more then a second or so I /really/ think you should throw up a progress
indicator dialog, even if its an infinate one.

To actually 'block' the events themselves, you can just call
wnd.Enable(False). Just be sure to Enable(True) when you want to process
stuff again.

Another approach is to use wnd.CaptureMouse() on a particular control which
doesn't really respond to anything. Just be sure to ReleaseMouse() later and
follow the instructions in the docs about capturing that cancel-capture


Re: When will Python 3 be fully deployed

2009-12-10 Thread John Nagle

Luis M. González wrote:

On Dec 6, 3:21 pm, vsoler wrote:

I recently read that many libraries, including Numpy have not been
ported to Python 3.

When do you think that Python 3 will be fully deployed?

Should I stick, so far, to Python 2.6?


Vicente Soler

You'll have some answers here:

   I'd argue against using Python 2.6 for production work.  Either use Python 
2.5, which is stable, or 3.x, which is bleeding-edge.  2.6 has some of the

features of Python 3.x, but not all of them, and is neither fish nor fowl
as a result.  2.6 is really more of a sideline that was used for trying
out new features, not something suitable for production.

   I think the idea is to run your 2.5 code through '2to3 and see if it
works in 3.x.

   Anyway, it will be years, if ever, before Python 3.x gets any real support.
Too many major packages still aren't fully supported on it, and some popular
packages, like SGMLlib and Feedparser, are being dropped.

   When a few major Linux distros ship with Python 3.x and enough of the binary
packages to run a web site, take a look at it again.

John Nagle

Re: When will Python 3 be fully deployed

2009-12-10 Thread Ned Deily
In article 4b20ac0a$0$1596$,
 John Nagle wrote:
 I'd argue against using Python 2.6 for production work.  Either use 
 2.5, which is stable, or 3.x, which is bleeding-edge.  2.6 has some of the
 features of Python 3.x, but not all of them, and is neither fish nor fowl
 as a result.  2.6 is really more of a sideline that was used for trying
 out new features, not something suitable for production.

I disagree with that advice, strongly.  2.6 not only has new features 
but it has many bug fixes that have not and will not be applied to 2.5.  
It is hardly a sideline.

See for the official 
policy on 2.5, in particular:

Future releases of Python 2.5 [ -- that is, should the need arise -- ] 
will only contain security patches; no new features are being added, and 
no 'regular' bugs will be fixed anymore. 

If you want the latest production version of Python, use Python 2.6.1 
or later. [2.6.4 is the latest version].

Then see

Note that Python 2.6 is considered the stable version and is now in 
bugfix-only mode; no new features are being added.   Per normal python 
development policy, new features are added to the next major release 
cycles, now under development: Python 2.7 and Python 3.2.

 Ned Deily,


Parsing html with Beautifulsoup

2009-12-10 Thread Johann Spies
I am trying to get csv-output from a html-file.

With this code I had a little success:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from string import replace, join
import re

f = open(configuration.html,r)
g = open(configuration.csv,'w')
soup = BeautifulSoup(f)
t = soup.findAll('table')
for table in t:
rows = table.findAll('tr')
for th in rows[0]:
t = th.find(text=True)

for tr in rows:
cols = tr.findAll('td')
for td in cols:
t = td.find(text=True).replace('nbsp;','')
g.write ('')

producing output like this:

2,All us...@any,,Any,clientencrypt,Log,Any,,,

It left out all the non-plaintext parts of td/td

I then tried using 

t.renderContents and then got something like this (one line broken into
many for the sake of this email):

1,img src=icons/group.pngnbsp;a href=#OBJ_sunetint
img src=icons/gateway_cluster.pngnbsp;ahref=#OBJ_Rainwall_Cluster
Rainwall_Cluster/A BR,
imgsrc=icons/udp.pngnbsp;a href=#SVC_IKE IKE/abr,
img src=icons/drop.pngnbsp;drop,
img src=icons/log.pngnbsp;Lognbsp;,
img src=icons/any.pngnbsp;Anybrnbsp;,
img src=icons/gateway_cluster.pngnbsp;a href=#OBJ_Rainwall_Cluster
Rainwall_Cluster/A BRnbsp;,nbsp;

How do I get Beautifulsoup to render (taking the above line as

sunentint for img src=icons/group.pngnbsp;a

and still provide the text-parts in the td's with plain text?

I have experimented a little bit with regular expressions, but could
so far not find a solution.

Johann Spies  Telefoon: 021-808 4599
Informasietegnologie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the  
  fruit of the womb is his reward.Psalms 127:3 

Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread diego
I ran this script:
class Example(object):
_public_methods_ = ['Add','Mul']
_reg_progid_ = 'MyPython.Example'
_reg_clsid_ = '{E39ECD8C-7FAF-48B0-B914-1202319499D4}'

def Add(self,a,b): return a+b

def Mul(self,a,b): return a*b

if __name__ == '__main__':
import win32com.server.register
connecting to this COM server works with following VBS-script:
Set ex = CreateObject(MyPython.Example)
msgbox ex.Add(1, 2)

when i run following VBA script in excel
Sub Testit()
Set ex = CreateObject(MyPython.Example)
MsgBox ex.Add(1, 2)
End Sub

i get the error:
Run-time error '-2137024770 (8007007e)':
Automation error
The specified module could not be found

Any ideas what the problem could be?
Already searched a long time for solutions but did not find any


Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Peter Otten
Michele Simionato wrote:

 I have just discovered that the syntax
 with file(name, 'w') as f:
 does not close the file at the end of the with statement! On the
 with open(name, 'w') as f:
 works fine. The docs say When opening a file, it’s preferable to use
 open() instead of invoking this constructor directly. but perhaps
 they should mention why :(

Are you sure?

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov  2 2009, 14:44:17)
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 with file(tmp.txt, w) as f:
... print  f, whatever
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: I/O operation on closed file


DCT transform (API)? (scipy or otherwise)

2009-12-10 Thread Hans Georg Schaathun
I am looking for a 2-D DCT transform function for use in python.  
Does anyone have any good pointers?

I see that one is promised in scipy 0.8.0, but I cannot find any
details on how close that is to being released.  I am not sure if
running bleeding-edge scipy would solve my problem; I should have
liked more experience with numerical programming before I tried
that, especially since I do not otherwise use the C and fortran
libraries it is based on.  Are there alternatives to scipy for this
particular feature?

TIA for any pointers
:-- George


Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Michele Simionato wrote:

 I have just discovered that the syntax
 with file(name, 'w') as f:
 does not close the file at the end of the with statement! On the
 with open(name, 'w') as f:
 works fine. The docs say When opening a file, it’s preferable to use
 open() instead of invoking this constructor directly. but perhaps
 they should mention why :(

Are you sure? For me on python2.5, it works as advertised:

from __future__ import with_statement

def test(outf):
with outf:
assert False, Not closed
except ValueError:

outf = open(/tmp/foo, w)
outf = file(/tmp/bar, w)

Which Python do you use?


Re: Graph library for Python

2009-12-10 Thread Bearophile
geremy condra:

 Since that's released under the python license, I'm going to
 go ahead and commit the version that includes the topo
 traversal, but if you have any objections you only need to
 say the word and I'll take it down.

No objections :-)


Re: relative imports with the __import__ function

2009-12-10 Thread Peter Otten
Chris Colbert wrote:

 It seems the relative import level is dependent on the location of the
 main entry module. I thought the whole idea of relative imports was to
 make the import independent of the entry point?

You don't have to specify it explicitly, so you can move a module containing

from .foo import bar

into another package without changing its source code (provided there is a 
foo submodule with a bar attribute). This includes the trivial case of 
renaming the parent package.

Of course Python has to know the importing module's location, just like you 
cannot meet me one block north and three blocks west unless you know where I 
currently am.

See also


Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Michele Simionato
On Dec 10, 11:04 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Are you sure? For me on python2.5, it works as advertised:

 from __future__ import with_statement

 def test(outf):
     with outf:
         assert False, Not closed
     except ValueError:

 outf = open(/tmp/foo, w)
 outf = file(/tmp/bar, w)

 Which Python do you use?


Python 2.5, but it could be an artifact of the way I am looking if a
file is closed.
I have subclassed the file builtin, added a .close method and it was
not called by the
with statement. This during debugging, but now I have found another
reason to explain why I was
running out of file descriptors, (I was opening too many connections
to the db).
It is entirely possible that the problem was not with the with

Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Michele Simionato wrote:

 On Dec 10, 11:04 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Are you sure? For me on python2.5, it works as advertised:

 from __future__ import with_statement

 def test(outf):
 with outf:
 assert False, Not closed
 except ValueError:

 outf = open(/tmp/foo, w)
 outf = file(/tmp/bar, w)

 Which Python do you use?

 Python 2.5, but it could be an artifact of the way I am looking if a
 file is closed.

The above ran on python2.5 for me, no hitch.

 I have subclassed the file builtin, added a .close method and it was
 not called by the
 with statement. This during debugging, but now I have found another
 reason to explain why I was
 running out of file descriptors, (I was opening too many connections
 to the db).
 It is entirely possible that the problem was not with the with

Probably. Closing a file through with might not involve calling close() - it
might be implemented differently in __exit__.

So overload *that*, too.


Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread Michel Claveau - MVP
Hi !

Warning with lower/uppercases!
Try to make two versions of your methods (ex.: add  ADD), for study.



Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Christian Heimes
Michele Simionato wrote:
 Python 2.5, but it could be an artifact of the way I am looking if a
 file is closed.
 I have subclassed the file builtin, added a .close method and it was
 not called by the
 with statement. This during debugging, but now I have found another
 reason to explain why I was
 running out of file descriptors, (I was opening too many connections
 to the db).
 It is entirely possible that the problem was not with the with

In Python 2.5 you have to implement your own __enter__ and __exit__
methods if you subclass from file. The file.__exit__ function doesn't
call f.close(). The minor inconsistency has been fixed in Python 2.6.

Python 2.5:

static PyObject *
file_exit(PyFileObject *f, PyObject *args)
PyObject *ret = file_close(f);
if (!ret)
/* If error occurred, pass through */
return NULL;
/* We cannot return the result of close since a true
 * value will be interpreted as yes, swallow the
 * exception if one was raised inside the with block. */

Python 2.6:

static PyObject *
file_exit(PyObject *f, PyObject *args)
PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallMethod(f, close, NULL);
if (!ret)
/* If error occurred, pass through */
return NULL;
/* We cannot return the result of close since a true
 * value will be interpreted as yes, swallow the
 * exception if one was raised inside the with block. */

Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Peter Otten
Michele Simionato wrote:

 On Dec 10, 11:04 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Are you sure? For me on python2.5, it works as advertised:

 from __future__ import with_statement

 def test(outf):
 with outf:
 assert False, Not closed
 except ValueError:

 outf = open(/tmp/foo, w)
 outf = file(/tmp/bar, w)

 Which Python do you use?

 Python 2.5, but it could be an artifact of the way I am looking if a
 file is closed.
 I have subclassed the file builtin, added a .close method and it was
 not called by the
 with statement. This during debugging, but now I have found another
 reason to explain why I was
 running out of file descriptors, (I was opening too many connections
 to the db).
 It is entirely possible that the problem was not with the with

Subclassing file doesn't work properly:


C to Python

2009-12-10 Thread Emeka
Hello All,

I am finding it difficult getting my head around PyObject_CallObject(x,y). I
need a gentle and thorough introduction to it. I also need examples. Could
someone come to my need?



Generating diagrams from PostgreSQL with Python (Re: postgresql_autodoc in Python?)

2009-12-10 Thread Wolfgang Keller

I will re-precise my question:

Has anyone ever implemented a script in Python that generates documentation 
(especially diagrams, in a format such as e.g. Dia, Inkscape SVG or Tikz) for a 
PostgreSQL database either from an SQL script or by connecting to the database?

Postgresql_autodoc is unfortunately written in Perl. ;-


And, btw., please respect my .sig,


Wolfgang Keller

NO Courtesy Copies PLEASE!

Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Asun Friere
On Dec 10, 2:00 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
 On Dec 9, 5:02 pm, Asun Friere wrote:

  On Dec 9, 7:08 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

   What if the object is a string you just read from a file?

   How do you dispatch using polymorphism in that case?

  This would be a pertinent question, were I advocating that _all_
  switch statements should, or even can, be replaced with dispatch
  using polymorphism.

 Then why did you claim that a decent OO should never have a switch
 statement then?

The mere fact that it is possible to demonstrate a use of the 'goto'
statement, which does not offend against a program's structural
integrity, does not mean it's necessarily a good idea to have it lying
about given that in the large majority of cases it leads to
(encourages?) bad code.  Python sagely declined to implement 'goto'.

I feel the same considerations apply in regard to the switch/case
statement in the context of a true* OO (ie python but not java ;).
Imo the decision not to implement a switch statement was wise.  This
is not to deny that a traditional switch is not in often a sane
solution.  I just think that if your elifs are getting unwieldy enough
to require the application of the proverbial layer of abstraction,
then a switch statement fails to deliver sufficient abstraction.

 You argued that a decent language OO should never
 have a switch statement because polymorphic dispatch is the right way
 to handle it in OO languages, which implies that polymorphism can and
 should take the place of any switch statement.

That is a misreading.  I wrote, that the case logic is probably
symptomatic of poor design. I advocated considering whether an OO
solution might be more appropriate.  You misunderstand my intent.  I'm
not here to postulate some ultimate OO truths, but to provide
practical advice (aimed here mainly at Hong and Kee).  In regard elif
chains, this is my advice.

If you see too many elifs in your code (or if you find yourself
wishing for a switch statement) alarm bells should start to go off.
STOP, give serious consideration as to whether applying some patterns
or similar will improve the design, and HINT:  first consider whether
that pattern might be something resembling a dispatch mechanism, it's
just downright spooky how in real-life programming situations this
turns out to be the answer.  Obviously the answers to these questions
are not invariably 'yes.'  Often enough they are.

  What if, instead of reading strings from a file,

 Why don't you answer my question first,

Because, as I have already explained, I object to the question.  It
presupposes my holding a position I don't.

But look perhaps I'm being unfair to you Carl.  I presumed your
question was rhetorical, or at least you supposed it disproved
whatever it is you were attacking.  If instead you were asking for
clarification, the short answer is wrap as you read.  A longer
answer is in the response to Tim, I'll send in a while.


Re: Generating diagrams from PostgreSQL with Python (Re: postgresql_autodoc in Python?)

2009-12-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Wolfgang Keller wrote:

 I will re-precise my question:
 Has anyone ever implemented a script in Python that generates
 documentation (especially diagrams, in a format such as e.g. Dia, Inkscape
 SVG or Tikz) for a PostgreSQL database either from an SQL script or by
 connecting to the database?

I've written a schemadiff-tool for postgres based on SQLAlchemy reflection,
which is a branch of SQLAlchemy and which should become part of the
upcoming SA 0.6.

It allows you to extract information about the schema of the DB. This could
be the foundation of your tool.

 Postgresql_autodoc is unfortunately written in Perl. ;-
 And, btw., please respect my .sig,

Which is supposed to mean what? Never heard the term courtesy copy.


Re: freeze in python3

2009-12-10 Thread Almar Klein
Hi Patrick,

It's not exactly what you asked, but I've been able to freeze a Python
3 project using cx_Freeze.


2009/12/10 Patrick Stinson
 NOTE: This is related but is not a duplicate of my post from yesterday.

 Has anyone used Tools/freeze/ in python3? I tried it with a
 clean source distribution and for some reason is generating
 code that uses the old naming convention for module init functions. I
 get the following unresolved symbols for the default

 Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  _init_codecs, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_functools, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_thread, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initerrno, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initposix, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initgc, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_locale, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_io, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_sre, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initimp, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initpwd, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _init_weakref, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initsignal, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o
  _initzipimport, referenced from:
      __PyImport_Inittab in config.o

 For example, initerrno should now be PyInit_errno. Am I missing something?


Re: file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Michele Simionato
On Dec 10, 11:59 am, Christian Heimes wrote:
 In Python 2.5 you have to implement your own __enter__ and __exit__
 methods if you subclass from file. The file.__exit__ function doesn't
 call f.close().

Yes, that was my problem.

Re: Generating diagrams from PostgreSQL with Python (Re: postgresql_autodoc in Python?)

2009-12-10 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Wolfgang Keller wrote:


 I will re-precise my question:

 Has anyone ever implemented a script in Python that generates
 documentation (especially diagrams, in a format such as e.g. Dia, Inkscape
 SVG or Tikz) for a PostgreSQL database either from an SQL script or by
 connecting to the database?

 I've written a schemadiff-tool for postgres based on SQLAlchemy reflection,
 which is a branch of SQLAlchemy and which should become part of the
 upcoming SA 0.6.

 It allows you to extract information about the schema of the DB. This could
 be the foundation of your tool.

 Postgresql_autodoc is unfortunately written in Perl. ;-


 And, btw., please respect my .sig,

 Which is supposed to mean what? Never heard the term courtesy copy.

It appears to be an incorrect expansion of Cc, which is actually
Carbon copy. Apparently he means all replies should be directly to the
list and not Cc his individual email address.
Which seems strange, because usually mailinglists are smart enough not
to send the author duplicate copies if they're named in the To or Cc


Re: plain text parsing to html (newbie problem)

2009-12-10 Thread João
Thanks for the output.
akean, I've installed ipython and I'm exploring it. Thanks.

from what I've read stringIO allows us to store strings in a 'virtual'
Can you please write just 2 lines exemplifying a write to and a read
from an OS level file?

MRAB, that 'mail' object should've been the os level 'mail' file. But
as I'm a beginner I was using it wrong..



Re: plain text parsing to html (newbie problem)

2009-12-10 Thread João
Thanks for the output.
akean, I've installed ipython and I'm exploring it. Thanks.

from what I've read stringIO allows us to store strings in a 'virtual'
Can you please write just 2 lines exemplifying a write to and a read
from an OS level file?

MRAB, that 'mail' object should've been the os level 'mail' file. But
as I'm a beginner I was using it wrong..



Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread diego
On 10 Dez., 11:52, Michel Claveau - wrote:
 Hi !

 Warning with lower/uppercases!
 Try to make two versions of your methods (ex.: add  ADD), for study.


The error comes already at the first line of Excel/VBA code:
Set ex = CreateObject(MyPython.Example)


Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread diego
On 10 Dez., 11:52, Michel Claveau - wrote:
 Hi !

 Warning with lower/uppercases!
 Try to make two versions of your methods (ex.: add  ADD), for study.


The error comes already at the first line of Excel/VBA code:
Set ex = CreateObject(MyPython.Example)


Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Asun Friere
On Dec 10, 6:57 am, Tim Chase wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:
  What if the object is a string you just read from a file?

  How do you dispatch using polymorphism in that case?

 This is where I most miss a switch/case statement in Python...I
 do lots of text-file processing (cellular provider data), so I
 have lots of code (for each provider's individual format) that
 looks like

phones = {}
for row in csv.DictReader(file('data.txt', 'rb')):
  phonenumber = row['phonenumber']
  if phonenumber not in phones:
phones[phonenumber] = Phone(phonenumber)
  phone = phones[phonenumber]
  rectype = rectype
  if rectype == '01': += Decimal(row['internationalcost'])
  elif rectype == '02':
phone.text_messaging += (
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received']) +
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received'])
  elif rectype == ...
raise WhatTheHeckIsThis()

Great example Tim.   This is something that many of us must be dealing
with on a daily basis.  The problem has enough details (bar one), to
allow an answer and not so detailed as to be confusing.  And for me
it's a particularly good example, because your need accommodate
mulitple provider formats makes me feel right at home.

 which would nicely change into something like

switch row['recordtype']:
  case '01': += Decimal(row['internationalcost'])
// optionally a break here depending on
// C/C++/Java/PHP syntax vs. Pascal syntax which
// doesn't have fall-through
  case '02':
phone.text_messaging += (
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received']) +
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received'])
raise WhatTheHeckIsThis()

Cleaner yes.  But, with respect, not so clean as to justify the
construct.  Following my advice you might express that switch
statement like so:


It is, in this context, completely irrelevant observe that 'dispatch'
originally referred specifically to the dismissal of ambassadors.  It
may be slightly more to the point to tap into the wisdom of Henry Ford
and turn your design inside out.

This switch statement belongs to one guy.  One guy who wants to know
how to do everything that needs to be done to Phones no matter who
asks.  Let's install a conveyor belt instead!

Standard Disclaimer:  Untested (obviously); just a sketch; I don't
really know your problem only the code you've posted; etc etc.

First some minimal architecture:
#The first class your already have. We just need one more method

class Phone (object) :
def update_from_record (self, rec) :
return rec.updatePhone(self)

#and then some data source classes

class RecType (dict) :
def __init__ (self, row) :

class RecType_001 (RecType) :
def updatePhone(self, phone) :
phone.interational += Decimal(self['internationalcost'])

class RecType_002 (RecType) :
def updatePhone(self, phone) :
phone.text_messaging += (
int(self['textmessages sent']) +
int(self['pages received']) +

#and if we must ...
rectypes = {'01':RecType_001, '02': RecType_002, ...}

# The one thing I'm sure I don't understand from the code is where the
original rectypes comes into the process.
#I would prefer, if it's possible, just thowing the appropriate class
in rather than looking up this dict to instantiate.

Now the different providor types, previously the bane of your
existence, are your staff.  Your original code will now read something

phones = {}
for row in csv.DictReader(open('data.txt', 'rb')) :
try :
record = rectypes[rectype](row)
except KeyError :
raise WhatTheHeckIsThisError('unknown rectype: %s' % rectype)
phonenumber = record.phonenumber
if phonenumber not in phones :
phones[phonenumber] = Phone(phonenumber)
phone = phones[phonenumber]

I wonder if you agree that it's bit cleaner now?  It's an effective
solution. I'm making no representation that it's the best.

I like think largely because it contains the knowledge accessibly.  If
you have lots of code that deal with this kind of thing, chances are
library of core data source classage could reduce much of it to a
simple (and legible!) one liner.  A provider enhances their format,
or a new provider format is added, code in one class, not in every
switch they might be involved in.  But sorry, I don't mean to
patronise, I'm sure you know the spiel.


Re: Graph library for Python

2009-12-10 Thread Tiago de Paula Peixoto
On 12/08/2009 01:27 PM, Robin Becker wrote:
 I don't want to sound pessimistic, but graph and digraph theory has a
 lot of history, especially in computer science. There are already very
 many implementations eg

I would like to point out the following two projects as additions to
this list: (my own project)

The graph-tool module uses the Boost Graph Library internally to achieve
good numerical performance, while networkx has a more python-only


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Graph library for Python

2009-12-10 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 5:18 AM, Bearophile wrote:
 geremy condra:

 Since that's released under the python license, I'm going to
 go ahead and commit the version that includes the topo
 traversal, but if you have any objections you only need to
 say the word and I'll take it down.

 No objections :-)

I appreciate it. I don't seem to be having any luck emailing you
offlist, so please feel free to email me privately if you'd rather
this not be indexed, but is there a particular way you want your
attribution line to read?

Geremy Condra

accessing local variables from the pdb debugger

2009-12-10 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant


I have some problem changing method locals with pdb:

import pdb

def test():
   foo = 'foo'

- pdb.set_trace()
(Pdb) print foo
(Pdb) foo = 'bar'
(Pdb) print foo

I tried using locals() but it returns a copy of the locals. So changing 
locals['foo'] won't do any good.

(Pdb) locals()
Out[6]: {'__return__': None, 'foo': 'foo'}

Any idea ? I'm starting to wonder if it is possible.


Re: accessing local variables from the pdb debugger

2009-12-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

 I have some problem changing method locals with pdb:
 import pdb
 def test():
 foo = 'foo'
 - pdb.set_trace()
 (Pdb) print foo
 (Pdb) foo = 'bar'
 (Pdb) print foo
 I tried using locals() but it returns a copy of the locals. So changing
 locals['foo'] won't do any good.
 (Pdb) locals()
 Out[6]: {'__return__': None, 'foo': 'foo'}
 Any idea ? I'm starting to wonder if it is possible.

I recall having some issues with local variables sometimes, but actually
your example works fine for me:

def test():
foo = foo

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

print foo


And the session:

$ python /tmp/
- print foo
(Pdb) pp foo
(Pdb) foo = bar
(Pdb) n
- print foo
(Pdb) c


Re: Python for Newbies

2009-12-10 Thread rm
On Dec 9, 11:56 pm, geremy condra wrote:
  The N900 is what I consider the coolest portable device ever:

 Dunno if you intended to, but in the last link you imply that you can't run
 Python on android, when you can do so either via ASE or through the

 Geremy Condra

The article you mention says:

I realize that there is an effort in Android to make Python and other
scripting languages available to some degree, but from what I have
seen they are relegated to macro like functionality. In other words,
you wont be able to create full blown stand alone Python applications
in Android. The N900, on the other hand, will allow this. Even the GUI
side of the applications can be created with well known Python
toolkits like PyGTK and PyQt.

That impression came from this blog:

Are you saying that one can write full blown stand alone Android
applications in Python, GUI and all.

Re: web crawler in python

2009-12-10 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:39 PM, my name wrote:

I'm currently planning on writing a web crawler in python but have a
question as far as how I should design it. My goal is speed and  

efficient use of the hardware\bandwidth I have available.

As of now I have a Dual 2.4ghz xeon box, 4gb ram, 500gb sata and a  

bandwidth cap (for now) . Running FreeBSD.

What would be the best way to design the crawler? Using the thread  
Would I be able to max out this connection with the hardware listed  

using python threads?

I wrote a web crawler in Python (under FreeBSD, in fact) and I chose  
to do it using separate processes. Process A would download pages and  
write them to disk, process B would attempt to convert them to  
Unicode, process C would evaluate the content, etc. That worked well  
for me because the processes were very independent of one another so  
they had very little data to share. Each process had a work queue  
(Postgres database table); process A would feed B's queue, B would  
feed C  D's queues, etc.

I should point out that my crawler spidered one site at a time. As a  
result the downloading process spent a lot of time waiting (in order  
to be polite to the remote Web server). This sounds pretty different  
from what you want to do (an indeed from most crawlers).

Figuring out the best design for your crawler depends on a host of  
factors that you haven't mentioned.  (What are you doing with the  
pages you download? Is the box doing anything else? Are you storing  
the pages long term or discarding them? etc.) I don't think we can do  
it for you -- I know *I* can't; I have a day job. ;)  But I encourage  
you to try something out. If you find your code isn't giving what you  
want, come back to the list with a specific problem. It's always  
easier to help with specific than with general problems.

Good luck

Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Carl Banks
On Dec 10, 3:34 am, Asun Friere wrote:
 On Dec 10, 2:00 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

[snip most of questionable, verly verbose reply]

  You argued that a decent language OO should never
  have a switch statement because polymorphic dispatch is the right way
  to handle it in OO languages, which implies that polymorphism can and
  should take the place of any switch statement.

 That is a misreading.  I wrote, that the case logic is probably
 symptomatic of poor design. I advocated considering whether an OO
 solution might be more appropriate.  You misunderstand my intent.  I'm
 not here to postulate some ultimate OO truths, but to provide
 practical advice (aimed here mainly at Hong and Kee).  In regard elif
 chains, this is my advice.

Even granting that your post wasn't as drastic as it sounded (and
enough people reacted to your first post that you should should
probably consider whether it came off a little more strongly than
you intended), I think you are still overstating it by a lot.

OO polymorphic dispatching is good for some stuff, and simpler
dispatching such with if...else, a dict, or a hypotheical switch, is
good for some stuff.  That's it.  Having a bunch of if...elses is not
probably wrong, and it's not a red flag, unless you're not a good
programmer and have already missed a bunch of other more pertinent red

Carl Banks

Re: accessing local variables from the pdb debugger

2009-12-10 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:



I have some problem changing method locals with pdb:

import pdb

def test():
foo = 'foo'

- pdb.set_trace()
(Pdb) print foo
(Pdb) foo = 'bar'
(Pdb) print foo

I tried using locals() but it returns a copy of the locals. So changing
locals['foo'] won't do any good.
(Pdb) locals()
Out[6]: {'__return__': None, 'foo': 'foo'}

Any idea ? I'm starting to wonder if it is possible.

I recall having some issues with local variables sometimes, but actually
your example works fine for me:

def test():
foo = foo

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

print foo


And the session:

$ python /tmp/


- print foo
(Pdb) pp foo
(Pdb) foo = bar
(Pdb) n


- print foo
(Pdb) c


You're right, it can work, eventually...

Take a look at sessions below:

def test():
   foo = 'foo'
   print 'This is the test method displaying foo:', foo

In [3]: test()
- print 'This is the test method displaying foo:', foo
(Pdb) foo='bar'
(Pdb) c
This is the test method displaying foo: bar

In [5]: test()
- print 'This is the test method displaying foo:', foo
(Pdb) foo='bar'
(Pdb) print foo
(Pdb) c
This is the test method displaying foo: foo

By just inserting the print foo statement right after changing foo's 
value, I've rolled back the value to 'foo' ??? A hell of a wtf pdb feature !


PS : using python 2.5

Re: How do I Block Events in wxPython

2009-12-10 Thread Frank Millman
Stephen Hansen wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Frank Millman wrote:

 I also need to block events in my wxPython app, though the time duration 
 very short. I have a separate thread that sends notification of gui 
 to a server, and waits for a response. I do not want the user to do
 anything until the response is received.

 I don't think blocking events is the right way to think about this.

 If you need to halt new input for some reason (bearing in mind that its 
 to run such things in a background task, but yes, sometimes blocking the 
 is important), then there's a couple ways to go about it. But trying to 
 with the event loop isn't it.

In fact my method does not work. All that happens is that the events are 
queued, and as soon as I release the lock the events are processed in a 
bunch. Not clever :-(

 First, you always want a visual indicator-- use SetCursor on your top 
 window to set a busy cursor. You never want any sort of block-ish action 
 happen without the user being able to see something is going on; if its
 more then a second or so I /really/ think you should throw up a progress
 indicator dialog, even if its an infinate one.


 To actually 'block' the events themselves, you can just call
 wnd.Enable(False). Just be sure to Enable(True) when you want to process
 stuff again.

This may work for the OP, but would not really work for me, because it 
changes the visual appearance of all the controls. In my case the time 
duration for blocking is usually very short, so it could result in flicker.

 Another approach is to use wnd.CaptureMouse() on a particular control 
 doesn't really respond to anything. Just be sure to ReleaseMouse() later 
 follow the instructions in the docs about capturing that cancel-capture

I like this. Unfortunately it does not block keyboard input. However, I have 
a keyboard event handler on virtually all my controls, so it should be easy 
to set a flag and tell it to ignore keystrokes while in a 'blocked' state.


It certainly does - thanks.



Re: Graph library for Python

2009-12-10 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Tiago de Paula Peixoto wrote:
 On 12/08/2009 01:27 PM, Robin Becker wrote:
 I don't want to sound pessimistic, but graph and digraph theory has a
 lot of history, especially in computer science. There are already very
 many implementations eg

 I would like to point out the following two projects as additions to
 this list: (my own project)

 The graph-tool module uses the Boost Graph Library internally to achieve
 good numerical performance, while networkx has a more python-only


Well, we all seem to have reinvented the wheel differently ;)
Bearophile, Tiago- any interest in trying to combine the
best parts of our libraries, with an eye towards eventual
integration into the standard library?

Geremy Condra

Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Tim Chase

Great example Tim.   This is something that many of us must be dealing
with on a daily basis.  The problem has enough details (bar one), to
allow an answer and not so detailed as to be confusing.  And for me
it's a particularly good example, because your need accommodate
mulitple provider formats makes me feel right at home.

which would nicely change into something like

switch row['recordtype']:
  case '01': += Decimal(row['internationalcost'])
// optionally a break here depending on
// C/C++/Java/PHP syntax vs. Pascal syntax which
// doesn't have fall-through
  case '02':
phone.text_messaging += (
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received']) +
  int(row['textmessages sent']) +
  int(row['pages received'])
raise WhatTheHeckIsThis()

Cleaner yes.  But, with respect, not so clean as to justify the
construct.  Following my advice you might express that switch
statement like so:


This switch statement belongs to one guy.  One guy who wants to know
how to do everything that needs to be done to Phones no matter who

This is where you make a false assumption -- the contents and 
parsing of the switch are provider-specific in this case, 
mapping to a common ontology of the Phone object:

   class MonopolyProvider1Parser:
 switch row['recordtype']:
   case '01': += Decimal(row['internationalcost'])
 // optionally a break here depending on
 // C/C++/Java/PHP syntax vs. Pascal syntax which
 // doesn't have fall-through
   case '02':
 phone.text_messaging += (
   int(row['textmessages sent']) +
   int(row['pages received']) +
   int(row['textmessages sent']) +
   int(row['pages received'])
 raise WhatTheHeckIsThis()

   class MonopolyProvider2Parser:
 switch row['recordtype']:
   case 'abc': += (
   Decimal(row['canada cost']) +
   Decimal(row['eu cost']) +
   Decimal(row['mexico cost']) +
   Decimal(row['other intl cost'])
   case 'xyz':
 phone.text_messaging += int(row['textmessages'])
 raise WhatTheHeckIsThis()

# The one thing I'm sure I don't understand from the code is where the
original rectypes comes into the process.

From the provider data -- sometimes CSV files, sometimes 
tab-delimited text files, sometimes MS Access MDB files, 
sometimes a web service...varies per-provider (and some providers 
have multiple formats, like Verizon has MyBIZ and IBAS; ATT has 
their WinCD and Premier; etc).  No two formats are the same, so 
the logic needed to parse the data into our internal homogenized 
Phone data structure varies per each one.  And the logic (or lack 
thereof) used by many providers in creating their formats require 
reverse-engineering most of them through trial-and-error, and 
huge ugly if/elif/else chains.

I wonder if you agree that it's bit cleaner now?  It's an effective
solution. I'm making no representation that it's the best.

It's clean if it were the solution to my problem -- however, the 
mess comes from the profusion of provider formats.

simple (and legible!) one liner.  A provider enhances their format,
or a new provider format is added, code in one class, not in every
switch they might be involved in.  But sorry, I don't mean to
patronise, I'm sure you know the spiel.

Yes, having been programming since I was in middle-school (quick 
calculation yields a boy I'm old estimate of about 20 
years...does anybody miss 360k 5.25 floppy disks? :)  and have 
my degree in CS.  So it's not my lack of programming 
skill/knowledge, but rather your misunderstanding of the 
problem-space.  Not to patronize ;-)



Re: Redirect stdout to a buffer [Errno 9]

2009-12-10 Thread Ecir Hana
I tried to replace official Python dll with the one built with MinGW
and it works. The problem is, that port is very old and so far it
seems that official support for building Python under MinGW is nowhere

I really don't want to use MSVC, so if there's any other way around
this, please, let me know.

Re: no module named error

2009-12-10 Thread Joe
 No, the import-mechanism of python doesn't take LD_LIBRARY_PATH into
 account, and even if it did - is a simple archive-file, not a
 shared library. It can't be dynamically loaded. Something in your
 build-process is not working.

So how should my stuff find these libs?

Here's what I've recently learned ...

So if I have the dir path of my c libs inside my exported
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which includes the following files),  along w/ the dir
to the *.la file ...

_moda.a - ../
_moda.lai - -

I get the 'ImportError: No module named _moda' error as in previous
post. But as I think your saying above, this should not work because
LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't get used.

I was at the python command line '' and I did the following command.

import sys
# this is the path to the above listed files, and then when I did ...

   import moda

Everything worked just fine.

But I'm not quite sure how to fix it in my script or env.

Re: no module named error

2009-12-10 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Joe invalid.e...@at.address wrote:
 No, the import-mechanism of python doesn't take LD_LIBRARY_PATH into
 account, and even if it did - is a simple archive-file, not a
 shared library. It can't be dynamically loaded. Something in your
 build-process is not working.

 So how should my stuff find these libs?

 Here's what I've recently learned ...

 So if I have the dir path of my c libs inside my exported
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which includes the following files),  along w/ the dir
 to the *.la file ...

 _moda.a - ../
 _moda.lai - -

 I get the 'ImportError: No module named _moda' error as in previous
 post. But as I think your saying above, this should not work because
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't get used.

 I was at the python command line '' and I did the following command.

 import sys
 # this is the path to the above listed files, and then when I did ...

   import moda

 Everything worked just fine.

 But I'm not quite sure how to fix it in my script or env.


A list of strings that specifies the search path for modules.
Initialized from the environment variable PYTHONPATH, plus an
installation-dependent default.

As initialized upon program startup, the first item of this list,
path[0], is the directory containing the script that was used to
invoke the Python interpreter. If the script directory is not
available (e.g. if the interpreter is invoked interactively or if the
script is read from standard input), path[0] is the empty string,
which directs Python to search modules in the current directory first.
Notice that the script directory is inserted before the entries
inserted as a result of PYTHONPATH.

A program is free to modify this list for its own purposes.

Changed in version 2.3: Unicode strings are no longer ignored.

Python uses the PYTHONPATH variable to find modules/libraries, not

Runtime load python modules from memory

2009-12-10 Thread

Is it possible to load python module from memory?

For example, I can read python .pyc file into memory,
preprocess it ( decrypt :-) ), and then import it.

Is it possible?

Re: Question on Python as career

2009-12-10 Thread Aahz
In article,
Tim Roberts wrote:

There are very, very few full-time Python jobs anywhere in the world,
although many people use Python as one tool in their toolbox.

Depending on how you define Python job, I disagree with you.  All my
employment in the last decade, including three different full-time jobs
at three different companies, has had Python as the primary job skill
requirement and is what I spent more time working with than anything
else.  I don't think I'm particularly unusual.

My company has been trying to hire a person with Python and Linux
sysadmin experience for more than three months -- in the San Francisco
Bay Area -- with little luck.
Aahz (   *

The best way to get information on Usenet is not to ask a question, but
to post the wrong information.  

Re: ctypes / cygwin / django+geos

2009-12-10 Thread kiorky
Oups, i forgot to say that the tests i am excuting are from Django.

(django.gis.tests.test_geos, tag 1.0.2)

You can have it online here:

GPG Key FingerPrint: 0x1A1194B7681112AF

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

ctypes / cygwin / django+geos

2009-12-10 Thread kiorky
I am encountering errors with ctypes and geos.
The same configuration (geos-3.0 or geos-3.2) runs fine under classical unixes
like freebsd, mac or linux but do not pass with cygwin with 'free' function not

My configuration is 2.6.4 Release, and a little patch for ctypes which lets all
its test pass (loading cygpythonxx.dll instead of libpython.dll):
Testing package ctypes.test ('2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  6 2009, 16:44:34) \n[GCC
4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1]', 'cygwin', 'posix')
Ran 326 tests in 1.671s (0 modules skipped)
Unavailable resources: printing, refcount

Then, using it by hand with an helloword library makes no problem.

However, using it in my real world UseCase [1], make me think that there is a
problem with ctypes.
Indeed, geos is compiled and its huge test coverage pass.
But then, trying to use ctypes over geos do not work.
$ cat
from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_geos
$ /minitage/dependencies/python-2.6/parts/part/bin/python bin/djangopy

Testing WKT output. ... ERROR

Testing HEX output. ... ERROR

Testing KML output. ... ERROR

Testing the Error handlers. ...

BEGIN - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.

GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Expected number but encountered ','
GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Unknown WKB type 255

END - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.

GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Unexpected EOF parsing WKB
Testing WKB output. ... ERROR
Testing creation from HEX. ... ERROR
Testing creation from WKB. ... ERROR
Testing EWKT. ... ERROR
Testing GeoJSON input/output (via GDAL). ... ok
Testing equivalence. ... ERROR
Testing Point objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiPoint objects. ... ERROR
Testing LineString objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiLineString objects. ... ERROR
Testing LinearRing objects. ... ERROR
Testing Polygon objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiPolygon objects. ...
BEGIN - expecting GEOS_NOTICE; safe to ignore.

Testing Geometry __del__() on rings and polygons. ... ERROR
Testing Coordinate Sequence objects. ... ok
Testing relate() and relate_pattern(). ... ERROR
Testing intersects() and intersection(). ... ok
Testing union(). ... ok
Testing difference(). ... ok
Testing sym_difference(). ... ok
Testing buffer(). ... ok
Testing the SRID property and keyword. ... ERROR
Testing the mutability of Polygons and Geometry Collections. ... ERROR
Testing three-dimensional geometries. ... ok
Testing the distance() function. ... ok
Testing the length property. ... ok
Testing empty geometries and collections. ... ERROR
Testing `ogr` and `srs` properties. ... ok
Testing use with the Python `copy` module. ... ok
Testing `transform` method. ... ok
Testing `extent` method. ... ok
Testing pickling and unpickling support. ... ERROR
ERROR: Testing WKT output.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 28, in test01a_wkt
self.assertEqual(g.ewkt, geom.wkt)

line 378, in wkt
return to_wkt(self.ptr)

line 67, in check_string

line 366, in __getattr__
func = self.__getitem__(name)

line 371, in __getitem__
func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))

AttributeError: function 'free' not found (*�)
GPG Key FingerPrint: 0x1A1194B7681112AF

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

ctypes / cygwin / django+geos

2009-12-10 Thread kiorky
I am encountering errors with ctypes and geos.
The same configuration (geos-3.0 or geos-3.2) runs fine under classical unixes
like freebsd, mac or linux but do not pass with cygwin with 'free' function not

My configuration is 2.6.4 Release, and a little patch for ctypes which lets all
its test pass (loading cygpythonxx.dll instead of libpython.dll):
Testing package ctypes.test ('2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  6 2009, 16:44:34) \n[GCC
4.3.4 20090804 (release) 1]', 'cygwin', 'posix')
Ran 326 tests in 1.671s (0 modules skipped)
Unavailable resources: printing, refcount

Then, using it by hand with an helloword library makes no problem.

However, using it in my real world UseCase [1], make me think that there is a
problem with ctypes.
Indeed, geos is compiled and its huge test coverage pass.
But then, trying to use ctypes over geos do not work.
$ cat
from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_geos
$ /minitage/dependencies/python-2.6/parts/part/bin/python bin/djangopy

Testing WKT output. ... ERROR

Testing HEX output. ... ERROR

Testing KML output. ... ERROR

Testing the Error handlers. ...

BEGIN - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.

GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Expected number but encountered ','
GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Unknown WKB type 255

END - expecting GEOS_ERROR; safe to ignore.

GEOS_ERROR: ParseException: Unexpected EOF parsing WKB
Testing WKB output. ... ERROR
Testing creation from HEX. ... ERROR
Testing creation from WKB. ... ERROR
Testing EWKT. ... ERROR
Testing GeoJSON input/output (via GDAL). ... ok
Testing equivalence. ... ERROR
Testing Point objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiPoint objects. ... ERROR
Testing LineString objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiLineString objects. ... ERROR
Testing LinearRing objects. ... ERROR
Testing Polygon objects. ... ERROR
Testing MultiPolygon objects. ...
BEGIN - expecting GEOS_NOTICE; safe to ignore.

Testing Geometry __del__() on rings and polygons. ... ERROR
Testing Coordinate Sequence objects. ... ok
Testing relate() and relate_pattern(). ... ERROR
Testing intersects() and intersection(). ... ok
Testing union(). ... ok
Testing difference(). ... ok
Testing sym_difference(). ... ok
Testing buffer(). ... ok
Testing the SRID property and keyword. ... ERROR
Testing the mutability of Polygons and Geometry Collections. ... ERROR
Testing three-dimensional geometries. ... ok
Testing the distance() function. ... ok
Testing the length property. ... ok
Testing empty geometries and collections. ... ERROR
Testing `ogr` and `srs` properties. ... ok
Testing use with the Python `copy` module. ... ok
Testing `transform` method. ... ok
Testing `extent` method. ... ok
Testing pickling and unpickling support. ... ERROR
ERROR: Testing WKT output.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 28, in test01a_wkt
self.assertEqual(g.ewkt, geom.wkt)

line 378, in wkt
return to_wkt(self.ptr)

line 67, in check_string

line 366, in __getattr__
func = self.__getitem__(name)

line 371, in __getitem__
func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))

AttributeError: function 'free' not found (*�)
GPG Key FingerPrint: 0x1A1194B7681112AF

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: no module named error

2009-12-10 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Joe wrote:

 No, the import-mechanism of python doesn't take LD_LIBRARY_PATH into
 account, and even if it did - is a simple archive-file, not a
 shared library. It can't be dynamically loaded. Something in your
 build-process is not working.
 So how should my stuff find these libs?
 Here's what I've recently learned ...
 So if I have the dir path of my c libs inside my exported
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which includes the following files),  along w/ the dir
 to the *.la file ...
 _moda.a - ../
 _moda.lai - -
 I get the 'ImportError: No module named _moda' error as in previous
 post. But as I think your saying above, this should not work because
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't get used.
 I was at the python command line '' and I did the following command.
 import sys
 # this is the path to the above listed files, and then when I did ...
import moda
 Everything worked just fine.
 But I'm not quite sure how to fix it in my script or env.

Your installation process is botched (no idea why, you don't show us or anything else I asked for).

All that is missing is what I've asked you now several times before: is *NOT* alongside inside your python's site-packages
directory. Copy it in there, and the import will work *without* any

Of course you shouldn't do this by hand every time you need to, but instead
fix the whole package do to this when 

  python install

is invoked.


Re: Connecting to Python COM server from Excel VBA does not work

2009-12-10 Thread diego
the problem was that i had never installed python on my workstation.
just had a Python25 folder with a batch-file that was adjustin the
PATH and executing %PYTHONHOME%python.exe
installed Python properly and now everything works fine

Re: Graph library for Python

2009-12-10 Thread Bearophile
Geremy Condra:

 is there a particular way you want your attribution line to read?

You can just use my nickname (in all lowercase), with the list of
parts you have used. Don't worry.

 Well, we all seem to have reinvented the wheel differently ;)

Maybe also because they are designed for different purposes.

 Bearophile, Tiago- any interest in trying to combine the
 best parts of our libraries, with an eye towards eventual
 integration into the standard library?

The first thing to do is to ask Guido and Hettinger if they are
willing to put a good graph module into the std lib. If their answer
is positive for some definition of good, then we can think about
doing something.

Several years ago I have suggested to put a graph module in the std
lib, and the answer was something like: Put the lib online, and if
people use it a lot, we'll see to put it into the std lib. In the
meantime my lib was used by no one and ten other graph libs are used
(networkx seems among the most used), but I think no one of them has
shown a strong usage. (In the meantime Hettinger has written and added
two or three or four GOOD data structures to the std lib using a fast
lane, avoiding the step of popular usage test).


Re: How do I Block Events in wxPython

2009-12-10 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 6:01 AM, Frank Millman wrote:

  Another approach is to use wnd.CaptureMouse() on a particular control
  doesn't really respond to anything. Just be sure to ReleaseMouse() later
  follow the instructions in the docs about capturing that cancel-capture

 I like this. Unfortunately it does not block keyboard input. However, I
 a keyboard event handler on virtually all my controls, so it should be easy
 to set a flag and tell it to ignore keystrokes while in a 'blocked' state.

Hm, that's a point.

Well if you have a legitimate case for pre-empting the event loop with these
periodic regular short blocking moments (it seems you may), I think what you
want to do is overwrite FilterEvent on your App object. You can then make
that flag something you set on the app, and while it's true, returning False
(or True, I really don't know the differenced between telling wx 'Ok, I
processed this event you can ignore it' and 'Ok, I'm not going to process
this event and neither should you'). Otherwise, return -1.



 It certainly does - thanks.




Re: Immediate Help with python program!

2009-12-10 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-12-10, Rhodri James wrote:
 Ahem.  This is a newsgroup/mailing list, not IM.  I happen to have seen  
 this within half an hour of you posting it, but that's just luck.   
 Expecting an immediate response is unrealistic.

 Furthermore, this is comp.lang.python, a group right up there in pedantry  
 terms with cam.misc.  Wandering in and demanding immediate help is just  
 begging for half a dozen replies that give you detailed and mind-boggling  
 versions of exactly what you asked for, especially if it's got nothing to  
 do with the answer you actually need.

An exclamation point in a subject line also tends to act as an
excellent lighting rod...

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Gibble, Gobble, we
  at   ACCEPT YOU ...

Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Asun Friere wrote:

On Dec 10, 2:00 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

On Dec 9, 5:02 pm, Asun Friere wrote:

On Dec 9, 7:08 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

What if the object is a string you just read from a file?

How do you dispatch using polymorphism in that case?

This would be a pertinent question, were I advocating that _all_
switch statements should, or even can, be replaced with dispatch
using polymorphism.

Then why did you claim that a decent OO should never have a switch
statement then?
You argued that a decent language OO should never
have a switch statement because polymorphic dispatch is the right way
to handle it in OO languages, which implies that polymorphism can and
should take the place of any switch statement.

That is a misreading.  I wrote... [snip]

You wrote, and I quote, For which reason python has no 'case'
statement and why *no decent OO language should* . [emphasis added]

Just to be clear.


Re: Moving from Python 2 to Python 3: A 4 page cheat sheet

2009-12-10 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Dec 3, 12:12 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 At the moment (3.1) there are, unfortunately, library packages that
 require % for formatting (logging, I believe, for one). There has been
 discussion on adding a new option for 3.2, but I do not know what will
 happen. Depends on whether you want to be absolutely complete. I
 strictly use .format when I can, which so far is always.

Logging uses %-style formatting because that was all that was
available at the time it was written. A frequent complaint from some
quarters is about the overhead of logging, and so I'm not sure it's a
good idea to switch over from %-formatting to str.format just for the
sake of it, unless a way can be found which avoids the problems of
lower performance and backwards compatibility (e.g. a foolproof %-
string to {} converter, which I've had a stab at, but which cannot be
achieved without changes to the {} code, e.g. to allow old-style octal
constants). As far as logging is concerned I'll be periodically
looking to see if moving over to the new format without performance/
backwards compatibility compromises is feasible, and when it is I'll
adopt the new format.

For now, AFAIK, people who are determined to use the {}-format can do
so by subclassing logging.Formatter and by passing in message classes
which convert format-string and args to final message. It's a one-time
cost they'd incur (to write the relevant subclasses) which could be
used on multiple projects.


Vinay Sajip

Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 05:47:19 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I string together a bunch of elif statements to simulate a switch
 if foo == True:
 elif bar == True:
 blah blah
 elif bar == False:
 This isn't what would normally be considered a switch (i.e. what C
 considers a switch). 
 Anyone would think that C was the only programming language in 

It's the only one I know of which calls such statements switch
statements. Most other languages call them case statements.

 A switch tests the value of an expression against a
 set of constants.
 In C. Things may be different in other languages.
 For example, I recall the so-called 4GL (remember when that was the 
 marketing term of choice for interpreted programming languages?) 
 Hyperscript from Informix. I can't check the exact syntax right now, but 
 it had a switch statement which allowed you to do either C-like tests 
 against a single expression, or if-like multiple independent tests.

Interpreted languages generally don't care about the labels being
constant, so you can do e.g. (BBC BASIC V):

WHEN foo: blah
WHEN bar: blah blah
WHEN NOT(bar): blarg

The test expression is compared against each case expression sequentially
until one matches; both the test expression and case expressions are
evaluated at run-time.

This is essentially just an if/elif chain with different syntax,
whereas a C-style switch may be signficiantly more efficient (e.g. using a
jump table or a balanced tree).

 Compiled languages' switch statements typically require constant labels
 as this enables various optimisations.
 Pascal, for example, can test against either single values, enumerated 
 values, or a range of values:
 case n of
1, 2:
  writeln('one or two');
  writeln('something between three and ten'); 
else writeln('something different'); 

IOW, identical semantics to C, but with some extra syntax to avoid the
need to write multiple consecutive labels.


Re: switch

2009-12-10 Thread MRAB

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 09 Dec 2009 18:50:29 +, Nobody wrote:

On Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:02:44 -0800, Kee Nethery wrote:

I string together a bunch of elif statements to simulate a switch

if foo == True:
elif bar == True:
blah blah
elif bar == False:

This isn't what would normally be considered a switch (i.e. what C
considers a switch). 

Anyone would think that C was the only programming language in 

A switch tests the value of an expression against a
set of constants.

In C. Things may be different in other languages.

For example, I recall the so-called 4GL (remember when that was the 
marketing term of choice for interpreted programming languages?) 
Hyperscript from Informix. I can't check the exact syntax right now, but 
it had a switch statement which allowed you to do either C-like tests 
against a single expression, or if-like multiple independent tests.

Moving away from obsolete languages, we have Ruby which does much the 
same thing: if you provide a test value, the case expression does a C-
like test against that expression, and if you don't, it does if-like 
multiple tests.

If you were writing the above in C, you would need to
use a chain of if/else statements; you couldn't use a switch.

Compiled languages' switch statements typically require constant labels
as this enables various optimisations.

Pascal, for example, can test against either single values, enumerated 
values, or a range of values:

case n of
   1, 2:
 writeln('one or two');
 writeln('something between three and ten'); 
   else writeln('something different'); 

Originally the 'case' statement in Pascal didn't support ranges or a
default; they started as non-standard extensions in some
implementations. Originally, if none of the values matched then that
was a runtime error.


ANN: Wing IDE 3.2.3 released

2009-12-10 Thread Wingware


Wingware has released version 3.2.3 of Wing IDE, our integrated development
environment for the Python programming language.  Wing IDE can be used on
Windows, Linux, and OS X to develop Python code for web, GUI, and embedded
scripting applications.  Wing IDE provides auto-completion, call tips, a
powerful debugger, unit testing, version control, search, and many other

This release introduces the following minor features and improvements:

* Show return value types in Source Assistant
* Add preference to control folding of trailing white space
* Add preference to use ## style comments in comment-out feature
* Show number of search and replace matches
* Added documentation for using Wing with Autodesk Maya
* Correct analysis of Python 3.x builtins
* Fix tutorial to work under Python 3.x as well
* Turn off mixed indent tab size forcing until time of read or save
* Fix issues with debugger API used for embedded debugging
* Several other minor features and bug fixes.  See the change log for

*Wing 3.2 Highlights*

Versions 3.2.x of Wing IDE include the following new features not present
in Wing IDE 3.1:

* Support for Python 3.0 and 3.1
* Rewritten version control integration with support for Subversion, CVS,
  Bazaar, git, Mercurial, and Perforce (*)
* Added 64-bit Debian, RPM, and tar file installers for Linux
* File management in Project view (**)
* Auto-completion in the editor obtains completion data from live runtime
  when the debugger is active (**)
* Perspectives: Create and save named GUI layouts and optionally automatically
  transition when debugging is started (*)
* Improved support for Cython and Pyrex (*.pyx files)
* Added key binding documentation to the manual
* Added Restart Debugging item in Debug menu and tool bar (**)
* Improved OS Commands and Bookmarks tools (*)
* Support for debugging 64-bit Python on OS X

(*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only.
(**)'d items are available in Wing IDE Personal and Professional only.

The release also contains many other minor features and bug fixes; see the
change log for details:


Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and
require a license to run.  A free trial license can be obtained directly from
the product when launched.  Wing IDE 101 can be used free of charge.

Wing IDE Pro 3.2.3

Wing IDE Personal 3.2.3

Wing IDE 101 3.2.3

*About Wing IDE*

Wing IDE is an integrated development environment designed specifically for
the Python programming language.  It provides powerful debugging, editing, code
intelligence, testing, version control, and search capabilities.  These
features reduce development and debugging time, cut down on coding errors, and
make it easier to understand and navigate Python code.

Wing IDE is available in three product levels:  Wing IDE Professional is
the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature
set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed
for teaching entry level programming courses with Python.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or
Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).
Wing IDE 3.2 supports Python versions 2.0.x through 3.1.x.

For more product information see

*Purchasing and Upgrading*

Wing 3.2 is a free upgrade for all Wing IDE 3.0 and 3.1 users. Any 2.x license
sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost 1/2 the normal price
to upgrade.

Upgrade a 2.x license:

Purchase a 3.x license:

The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


Re: Float precision and float equality

2009-12-10 Thread dbd
On Dec 7, 12:58 pm, Carl Banks wrote:
 On Dec 7, 10:53 am, dbd wrote:

 You're talking about machine epsilon?  I think everyone else here is
 talking about a number that is small relative to the expected smallest
 scale of the calculation.

 Carl Banks

When you implement an algorithm supporting floats (per the OP's post),
the expected scale of calculation is the range of floating point
numbers. For floating point numbers the intrinsic truncation error is
proportional to the value represented over the normalized range of the
floating point representation. At absolute values smaller than the
normalized range, the truncation has a fixed value. These are not
necessarily 'machine' characteristics but the characteristics of the
floating point format implemented.

A useful description of floating point issues can be found:

Dale B. Dalrymple

Re: no module named error

2009-12-10 Thread Joe

 Your installation process is botched (no idea why, you don't show us or anything else I asked for).

Sorry, but I do know how it's currently installed is exactly the way I
need it to be installed.

 All that is missing is what I've asked you now several times before: is *NOT* alongside inside your python's site-packages
 directory. Copy it in there, and the import will work *without* any

Yeah, that's something I don't want to do. But you've given me enough
info to help me understand what's going on and how to fix it. Thanks.

Re: Perl to Python conversion

2009-12-10 Thread J Kenneth King (Martin Schöön) writes:

 First off: I am new here and this is my first post after
 lurking for quite some time.


 Second off: I don't know much Python---yet.

It's not a very big language. If you have experience programming in
other languages, you can probably pick it up in a day or two.

 Problem: I have come across a small open source application
 that I find quite useful. It does have one major flaw though.
 Its output is in imperial units. Converting isn't a big deal
 for occasional use but if I start to use this stuff on a
 regular basis...

 So I down-loaded the source code and found this thing is written
 in Perl.

 Should I learn enough Perl to add the conversion? Probably
 but this may be a nice excuse to get my Python education
 going and if I do I might as well re-do the user interface.

Well you can always call it from Python via subprocess (which basically
wraps a shell and has fancy ways putting data in and extracting data

 If I do re-write this thing in Python I might need to learn both
 Perl and Python...

You'll need to know one of them rather well and enough of the other to
get by.  It's probably easier to know more Perl than Python since Perl
is a lot more expressive than Python (in the TMTOWTDI sense).  Frankly I
learned Perl before Python and find it rather easy to go between the
two.  YMMV.

 Hence, are there any Perl to Python converters? So far I
 have only found bridgekeeper which really is (was?) consultancy.
 Apart from that I only find people recommending a manual re-write.

It depends where the two languages vary from one another.

If the script your translating uses basic types or even simple classes
and typical control structures and operations then translating from one
to the other is a simple matter of copy-pasting the code and translating
the syntax and small bits of grammar.

However, in areas where there are high variations; you'll probably want
to stay away from it.  Perl has a lot of freedom to manipulate
references and the programmer can modify the language to suit their
needs.  So just be careful of code that uses these features as they are
difficult to translate into Python.

 Any thoughts/recommendations?


- If you needed it done yesterday to get some work done, wrap the Perl
  script in a subprocess and buy yourself some time to think it over.  
- If your purpose is to learn Python, then start from scratch.  Use the
  Perl as a guide if there are any maths or algorithms you are unsure
- If you're just hacking around to learn stuff, learn a little of both.
  It will make you smarter if it doesn't confuse the heck out of you and
  make you quit before you finish. ;)




Re: C to Python

2009-12-10 Thread Benjamin Peterson
Emeka emekamicro at writes:

 Hello All,
 I am finding it difficult getting my head around PyObject_CallObject(x,y). I
need a gentle and thorough introduction to it. I also need examples. Could
someone come to my need?

PyObject_CallFunction is probably easier to use. 


Re: plain text parsing to html (newbie problem)

2009-12-10 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/10/2009 11:17 PM, João wrote:

Thanks for the output.
akean, I've installed ipython and I'm exploring it. Thanks.

from what I've read stringIO allows us to store strings in a 'virtual'
Can you please write just 2 lines exemplifying a write to and a read
from an OS level file?

MRAB, that 'mail' object should've been the os level 'mail' file. But
as I'm a beginner I was using it wrong..

it's actually easier to use real files than creating a virtual file:
f = open('mail.txt', 'w')
f.write(foo\n) # or print  f, foo

and, is there any reason why you're not using the email and smtplib?


Re: Perl to Python conversion

2009-12-10 Thread Martin Schöön
Thanks all, great response!

A little more background:

I am not a programmer but I have done some programming in the past.
This was all humble number crunching as part of my PhD project using
FORTRAN. I also did some Rocky Mountain Basic coding for programs
manipulating measurement instruments. And I did a minute amount
of Turbo Pascal code, too little and too many years ago to count.

Since then I have done some stuff in Matlab and (very basic) UNIX

Does HTML, css and LaTeX count?

So why Python? Well, I thought it would be fun to learn a little
about GUI programming and a friend who is a real programmer recommended
Python + PyQt. I have bought some books and lurked here for about
a year but haven't managed to get going yet. I figured I needed
some kind of project for that and now I have two.

Learning Python and PyQt is spare time killer/brain teaser activity.

The thermal contact conductance stuff is something that come in
handy at work.

So here is what I plan to do based on your kind advice and some
thinking of my own.

1) I fix the unit thing by adding a conversion to the results
presentation routine.

2) Recreating the functionality of the program in Python and PyQt
will be a 'long term' educational project at home. There are
various bits and pieces there: data base handling, GUI design, math,
logic, error/exception handling...

We have long, dark winters where I live :-)

All the best,


Re: accessing local variables from the pdb debugger

2009-12-10 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/11/2009 12:37 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
By just inserting the print foo statement right after changing foo's
value, I've rolled back the value to 'foo' ??? A hell of a wtf pdb
feature !

Apparently it's fixed in 2.7 and 3.1

D:\Lie Ryan\Desktoppython27
 d:\lie ryan\desktop\
- print(foo)
(Pdb) foo = bar
(Pdb) pp foo
(Pdb) c

D:\Lie Ryan\Desktoppython27
 d:\lie ryan\desktop\
- print(foo)
(Pdb) foo = bar
(Pdb) c


Re: freeze in python3

2009-12-10 Thread Martin v. Loewis
 For example, initerrno should now be PyInit_errno. Am I missing something?

No; freeze hasn't been ported to Python 3 yet. Contributions are welcome.


Re: Float precision and float equality

2009-12-10 Thread Carl Banks
On Dec 10, 10:46 am, dbd wrote:
 On Dec 7, 12:58 pm, Carl Banks wrote:

  On Dec 7, 10:53 am, dbd wrote:

  You're talking about machine epsilon?  I think everyone else here is
  talking about a number that is small relative to the expected smallest
  scale of the calculation.

  Carl Banks

 When you implement an algorithm supporting floats (per the OP's post),
 the expected scale of calculation is the range of floating point
 numbers. For floating point numbers the intrinsic truncation error is
 proportional to the value represented over the normalized range of the
 floating point representation. At absolute values smaller than the
 normalized range, the truncation has a fixed value. These are not
 necessarily 'machine' characteristics but the characteristics of the
 floating point format implemented.

I know, and it's irrelevant, because no one, I don't think, is talking
about magnitude-specific truncation value either, nor about any other
tomfoolery with the floating point's least significant bits.

 A useful description of floating point issues can be found:

I'm not reading it because I believe I grasp the situation just fine.
But you are welcome to convince me otherwise.  Here's how:

Say I have two numbers, a and b.  They are expected to be in the range
(-1000,1000).  As far as I'm concerned, if they differ by less than
0.1, they might as well be equal.  Therefore my test for equality

abs(a-b)  0.08

Can you give me a case where this test fails?

If a and b are too far out of their expected range, all bets are off,
but feel free to consider arbitrary values of a and b for extra

Carl Banks

Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread mattia
Il Thu, 10 Dec 2009 04:56:33 +, Brad Harms ha scritto:

 On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 00:29:45 +, mattia wrote:
 Il Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:19:24 -0800, Jon Clements ha scritto:
 On Dec 9, 11:53 pm, mattia wrote:
 Hi all, can you provide me a simple code snippet to interrupt the
 execution of my program catching the KeyboardInterrupt signal?

 Errr, normally you can just catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception --
 is that what you mean?
 Ouch, so the simplest solution is just insert in the 'main' function a
 try/catch? I believed there was the necessity to create a signal and
 than attach the KeyboardInterrupt to it...
 KeyboardInterrupt is just an exception that gets raised when CTLR+C (or
 the OS's equivalent keyboard combo) gets pressed. It can occur at any
 point in a script since you never know when the user will press it,
 which is why you put the try: except KeyboardInterrupt: around as much
 of your script as possible.  The signal that the OS sends to the Python
 interpreter is irrelevant.

Ok, so can you tell me why this simple script doesn't work (i.e. I'm not 
able to catch the keyboard interrupt)?

import time
import sys
from threading import Thread

def do_work():
for _ in range(1000):
print(., end=)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

def go():
threads = [Thread(target=do_work, args=()) for _ in range(2)]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:


Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread Daniel Stutzbach
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:42 PM, mattia wrote:

 def go():
threads = [Thread(target=do_work, args=()) for _ in range(2)]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:

The KeyboardInterrupt goes to the main thread, which is sitting there in
t.join() with no exception handler around it.

Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC

umath import error for Numpy builds on OSX 10.6

2009-12-10 Thread hardcoreUFO
For the past several weeks, I have been unable to build numpy from
source, at least nothing that works. The issue is that symbols appear
to be missing from umath. When numpy is imported, I get the following:

In [1]: import numpy

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ipython console, line 1, in module
  File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/, line 132, in
import add_newdocs
  File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/, line 9, in
from numpy.lib import add_newdoc
  File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/lib/, line 4, in
from type_check import *
  File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/lib/, line 8, in
import numpy.core.numeric as _nx
  File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, line 6, in
import umath
ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, 2): Symbol not found: _npy_cexp
  Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
  Expected in: flat namespace
 in /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-

I think my build script is good, but here it is just incase:

export CFLAGS=-arch x86_64
#export FFLAGS=-arch i386 -arch x86_64
export FFLAGS=-arch x86_64
export LDFLAGS=-Wall -lgfortran -undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle -
arch x86_64
rm -rf build
python config -L/Users/fonnesbeck/Code/freetype -L/Users/
fonnesbeck/Code/libpng build
python egg_info --tag-date bdist_egg

I'm at my wits end with this one, so any help at all is most

Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread Matthew Barnett

mattia wrote:

Il Thu, 10 Dec 2009 04:56:33 +, Brad Harms ha scritto:

On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 00:29:45 +, mattia wrote:

Il Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:19:24 -0800, Jon Clements ha scritto:

On Dec 9, 11:53 pm, mattia wrote:

Hi all, can you provide me a simple code snippet to interrupt the
execution of my program catching the KeyboardInterrupt signal?


Errr, normally you can just catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception --
is that what you mean?


Ouch, so the simplest solution is just insert in the 'main' function a
try/catch? I believed there was the necessity to create a signal and
than attach the KeyboardInterrupt to it...

KeyboardInterrupt is just an exception that gets raised when CTLR+C (or
the OS's equivalent keyboard combo) gets pressed. It can occur at any
point in a script since you never know when the user will press it,
which is why you put the try: except KeyboardInterrupt: around as much
of your script as possible.  The signal that the OS sends to the Python
interpreter is irrelevant.

Ok, so can you tell me why this simple script doesn't work (i.e. I'm not 
able to catch the keyboard interrupt)?

import time
import sys
from threading import Thread

def do_work():
for _ in range(1000):
print(., end=)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

def go():
threads = [Thread(target=do_work, args=()) for _ in range(2)]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:


Only the main thread can receive the keyboard interrupt.

Re: umath import error for Numpy builds on OSX 10.6

2009-12-10 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-12-10 17:09 PM, hardcoreUFO wrote:

For the past several weeks, I have been unable to build numpy from
source, at least nothing that works. The issue is that symbols appear
to be missing from umath. When numpy is imported, I get the following:

You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list:

In [1]: import numpy

Traceback (most recent call last):

   File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, line 6, in
 import umath
ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, 2): Symbol not found: _npy_cexp
   Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
   Expected in: flat namespace
  in /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-

I think my build script is good, but here it is just incase:

export CFLAGS=-arch x86_64
#export FFLAGS=-arch i386 -arch x86_64
export FFLAGS=-arch x86_64
export LDFLAGS=-Wall -lgfortran -undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle -
arch x86_64
rm -rf build
python config -L/Users/fonnesbeck/Code/freetype -L/Users/
fonnesbeck/Code/libpng build
python egg_info --tag-date bdist_egg

I'm at my wits end with this one, so any help at all is most

Don't specify LDFLAGS if you don't have to. It is obliterating the -l flag for 
the npy_math library that numpy builds internally and tries to link with.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: umath import error for Numpy builds on OSX 10.6

2009-12-10 Thread hardcoreUFO
On Dec 11, 12:29 pm, Robert Kern wrote:
 On 2009-12-10 17:09 PM, hardcoreUFO wrote:

  For the past several weeks, I have been unable to build numpy from
  source, at least nothing that works. The issue is that symbols appear
  to be missing from umath. When numpy is imported, I get the following:

 You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list:

  In [1]: import numpy
  Traceback (most recent call last):
     File /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-
  py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, line 6, in
       import umath
  ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
  numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-macosx-10.6-universal.egg/numpy/core/, 2): Symbol not found: _npy_cexp
     Referenced from: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
     Expected in: flat namespace
    in /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/numpy-1.5.0.dev_20091211-py2.6-
  I think my build script is good, but here it is just incase:

  export CFLAGS=-arch x86_64
  #export FFLAGS=-arch i386 -arch x86_64
  export FFLAGS=-arch x86_64
  export LDFLAGS=-Wall -lgfortran -undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle -
  arch x86_64
  rm -rf build
  python config -L/Users/fonnesbeck/Code/freetype -L/Users/
  fonnesbeck/Code/libpng build
  python egg_info --tag-date bdist_egg

  I'm at my wits end with this one, so any help at all is most

 Don't specify LDFLAGS if you don't have to. It is obliterating the -l flag for
 the npy_math library that numpy builds internally and tries to link with.

Thanks Robert. I was not able to solve the problem on the Numpy list,
so I had to broaden the search.Will try what you suggest, though.

Re: umath import error for Numpy builds on OSX 10.6

2009-12-10 Thread hardcoreUFO
On Dec 11, 12:29 pm, Robert Kern wrote:
 Don't specify LDFLAGS if you don't have to. It is obliterating the -l flag for
 the npy_math library that numpy builds internally and tries to link with.

Unfortunately, that did not eliminate the error. I thought it was
something that was changed in Numpy, because my first go at building
was successful on Snow Leopard; it suddenly stopped working a few
weeks ago.

Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread mattia
Il Thu, 10 Dec 2009 23:10:02 +, Matthew Barnett ha scritto:

 mattia wrote:
 Il Thu, 10 Dec 2009 04:56:33 +, Brad Harms ha scritto:
 On Thu, 10 Dec 2009 00:29:45 +, mattia wrote:

 Il Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:19:24 -0800, Jon Clements ha scritto:

 On Dec 9, 11:53 pm, mattia wrote:
 Hi all, can you provide me a simple code snippet to interrupt the
 execution of my program catching the KeyboardInterrupt signal?

 Errr, normally you can just catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception --
 is that what you mean?

 Ouch, so the simplest solution is just insert in the 'main' function
 a try/catch? I believed there was the necessity to create a signal
 and than attach the KeyboardInterrupt to it...

 KeyboardInterrupt is just an exception that gets raised when CTLR+C
 (or the OS's equivalent keyboard combo) gets pressed. It can occur at
 any point in a script since you never know when the user will press
 it, which is why you put the try: except KeyboardInterrupt: around as
 much of your script as possible.  The signal that the OS sends to the
 Python interpreter is irrelevant.
 Ok, so can you tell me why this simple script doesn't work (i.e. I'm
 not able to catch the keyboard interrupt)?
 import time
 import sys
 from threading import Thread
 def do_work():
 for _ in range(1000):
 print(., end=)
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 def go():
 threads = [Thread(target=do_work, args=()) for _ in range(2)] for t
 in threads:
 for t in threads:
 Only the main thread can receive the keyboard interrupt.

Ok, so is there any way to stop all the threads if the keyboard interrupt 
is received?

Issues with multiprocessing

2009-12-10 Thread Joshi, Yateen


I have an application that uses multiprocessing pools
(multiprocessing.Pool(processes=.)). There are multiple such pools
and each pool has configurable number of processes. Once the process is
spawned, it keeps on executing and does the needed processing. If there
is nothing to process (like ftp'ing files from some source, if the files
are not there, the process would sleep for some time, and then again
check for files, that way, it is a infinite loop with some sleep), the
process 'sleeps' for some time and continues.


I am using a T5220, Solaris box with Solaris 10. 

Problem -there are multiple pools and multiple processes, i am seeing
that not all the processes get spawned. They get spawned when the sleep
time is increased (say from 0.1 sec to 1 sec). If I further increase the
number of processes, again some process do not get spawned. For that, I
further need to increase the sleep time (say to 2 sec), then the
processes get spawned.


Typically, in a multiprocessing I would expect that if a process sleeps
for even a small time, other processes should get their chance to
execute, but this does not seem to be happening here. Can you please
throw some light on it?


Thanks and Regards,


Yateen V. Joshi



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not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately -- by replying 
to this message or by sending an email to -- and 
destroy all copies of this message and any attachments without reading or 
disclosing their contents. Thank you.

Issues with multiprocessing

2009-12-10 Thread Joshi, Yateen


I have an application that uses multiprocessing pools
(multiprocessing.Pool(processes=.)). There are multiple such pools
and each pool has configurable number of processes. Once the process is
spawned, it keeps on executing and does the needed processing. If there
is nothing to process (like ftp'ing files from some source, if the files
are not there, the process would sleep for some time, and then again
check for files, that way, it is a infinite loop with some sleep), the
process 'sleeps' for some time and continues.


I am using a T5220, Solaris box with Solaris 10. 

Problem -there are multiple pools and multiple processes, i am seeing
that not all the processes get spawned. They get spawned when the sleep
time is increased (say from 0.1 sec to 1 sec). If I further increase the
number of processes, again some process do not get spawned. For that, I
further need to increase the sleep time (say to 2 sec), then the
processes get spawned.


Typically, in a multiprocessing I would expect that if a process sleeps
for even a small time, other processes should get their chance to
execute, but this does not seem to be happening here. Can you please
throw some light on it?


Thanks and Regards,


Yateen V. Joshi



This email and any attachments may contain legally privileged and/or 
confidential information of Starent Networks, Corp. and is intended only for 
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persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you are 
not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately -- by replying 
to this message or by sending an email to -- and 
destroy all copies of this message and any attachments without reading or 
disclosing their contents. Thank you.

file does not work with the with statement!

2009-12-10 Thread Michele Simionato
I have just discovered that the syntax

with file(name, 'w') as f:

does not close the file at the end of the with statement! On the

with open(name, 'w') as f:

works fine. The docs say When opening a file, it’s preferable to use
open() instead of invoking this constructor directly. but perhaps
they should mention why :(


Implementation suggestions for creating a Hierarchical circuit database

2009-12-10 Thread nick

I am writing a personal software that will read circuit design/
netlist. I will be using the MCNC benchmarks that contain different
types of designs in SPICE netlist format.

I need some pointers/papers/suggestions on creating a hierarchical
netlist database. The netlist database can, at times, be fully
flattened, partially flattened or fully hierarchical. I should be able
to answer queries like: are there any capacitors connected to node:

My program is currently only for analyzing designs for connectivity,
types of elements (resistors/capacitors) and figuring out some simple
electrical properties.

I am just starting, so please bear with me if I haven't thought about
corner cases.


Re: ANN: WHIFF.0.7 += GAE + jQueryUI + internationalization + testdrive = (last beta?)

2009-12-10 Thread Aaron Watters

 That was a joke in the tree view.  You clicked on the science link
 in the tree hierarchy.  I will fix it due to your complaint.

Fixed.  Now clicking on the same link goes to Scientific American.

Is that humourless enough for you? :)
You are now immortalized in the WHIFF repository

Please let me know if anything else offends your

Thanks again,  -- Aaron Watters

an apple every 8 hours
will keep 3 doctors away.  -- kliban

Re: Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm

2009-12-10 Thread n00m
The code was successfully tested e.g. here: (see my 2nd and 4th places).
They confused versions: the 2nd is in Python 2.5, not 2.6.2.
Funnilly... almost only Python on the 1st page =)

Re: Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm

2009-12-10 Thread n00m
On Dec 10, 1:11 am, Irmen de Jong wrote:
 == 27 * 37037037

 What gives? Isn't this thing supposed to factor numbers into the product
 of two primes?


Only if you yield to it a SEMIprime =)
 27 * 37037037
Now you can apply brent() to these numbers, and so on

Re: Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm

2009-12-10 Thread Irmen de Jong

On 12/10/09 12:52 AM, n00m wrote:

On Dec 10, 1:11 am, Irmen de  wrote:

== 27 * 37037037

What gives? Isn't this thing supposed to factor numbers into the product
of two primes?


Only if you yield to it a SEMIprime =)

A 'semiprime' being a product of 2 prime numbers, I suppose.

27 * 37037037

Now you can apply brent() to these numbers, and so on

Right :)   I more or less expected it to do that by itself (didn't look 
at the algorithm)

But you wrote that it might run indefinately if you feed it a prime 
number. There's no safeguard then against getting into an endless loop 
if you keep applying brent() to the factors it produces? Because in the 
end one or both factors will be prime...


Re: Brent's variation of a factorization algorithm

2009-12-10 Thread n00m
On Dec 10, 2:59 am, Irmen de Jong wrote:
 On 12/10/09 12:52 AM, n00m wrote:

  On Dec 10, 1:11 am, Irmen de  wrote:
  == 27 * 37037037

  What gives? Isn't this thing supposed to factor numbers into the product
  of two primes?


  Only if you yield to it a SEMIprime =)

 A 'semiprime' being a product of 2 prime numbers, I suppose.

  27 * 37037037
  Now you can apply brent() to these numbers, and so on

 Right :)   I more or less expected it to do that by itself (didn't look
 at the algorithm)

 But you wrote that it might run indefinately if you feed it a prime
 number. There's no safeguard then against getting into an endless loop
 if you keep applying brent() to the factors it produces? Because in the
 end one or both factors will be prime...


Just to use e.g. Rabin-Miller's before supplying a number to brent()

 A 'semiprime' being a product of 2 prime numbers, I suppose.

Aha, exactly.
Also it's worthy to test a num is it a perfect square?
But all this is obvious trifles...

Re: Implementation suggestions for creating a Hierarchical circuit database

2009-12-10 Thread Keith Thompson
nick writes:
 I am writing a personal software that will read circuit design/
 netlist. I will be using the MCNC benchmarks that contain different
 types of designs in SPICE netlist format.

You cross-posted this question to comp.theory, comp.lang.c++,
comp.lang.c, comp.lang.python, and sci.math.  Since you don't
mention anything about any implementation language, I don't see
how your question is relevant to any of the comp.lang.* groups.

If you have questions about a particular language, feel free to
post to comp.lang.whatever.

(I won't bother to redirect followups, since that affects only
followups to *this* article, but please consider trimming the
newsgroups line.)

Keith Thompson (The_Other_Keith)
We must do something.  This is something.  Therefore, we must do this.
-- Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, Yes Minister

Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread Jon Clements
On Dec 9, 11:53 pm, mattia wrote:
 Hi all, can you provide me a simple code snippet to interrupt the
 execution of my program catching the KeyboardInterrupt signal?


Errr, normally you can just catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception --
is that what you mean?


Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread mattia
Il Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:19:24 -0800, Jon Clements ha scritto:

 On Dec 9, 11:53 pm, mattia wrote:
 Hi all, can you provide me a simple code snippet to interrupt the
 execution of my program catching the KeyboardInterrupt signal?

 Errr, normally you can just catch the KeyboardInterrupt exception -- is
 that what you mean?

Ouch, so the simplest solution is just insert in the 'main' function a 
try/catch? I believed there was the necessity to create a signal and than 
attach the KeyboardInterrupt to it...

Re: a huge shared read-only data in parallel accesses -- How? multithreading? multiprocessing?

2009-12-10 Thread Klauss
On Dec 9, 11:58 am, Valery wrote:
 Hi all,

 Q: how to organize parallel accesses to a huge common read-only Python
 data structure?


 I have a huge data structure that takes 50% of RAM.
 My goal is to have many computational threads (or processes) that can
 have an efficient read-access to the huge and complex data structure.


 1. multi-processing
  = a. child-processes get their own *copies* of huge data structure
 -- bad and not possible at all in my case;

How's the layout of your data, in terms # of objects vs. bytes used?
Just to have an idea of the overhead involved in refcount
externalization (you know, what I mentioned here:

Re: a huge shared read-only data in parallel accesses -- How? multithreading? multiprocessing?

2009-12-10 Thread Valery
Hi Klauss,

 How's the layout of your data, in terms # of objects vs. bytes used?

dict (or list) of 10K-100K objects. The objects are lists or dicts.
The whole structure eats up to 2+ Gb RAM

 Just to have an idea of the overhead involved in refcount
 externalization (you know, what I mentioned 

yes, I've understood the idea explained by you there.


Re: freeze in python3

2009-12-10 Thread Patrick Stinson

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:17 PM, Martin v. Loewis wrote:
 For example, initerrno should now be PyInit_errno. Am I missing something?

 No; freeze hasn't been ported to Python 3 yet. Contributions are welcome.



Re: IndentationError

2009-12-10 Thread Terry Reedy

hong zhang wrote:


I got error says IndentationError in end of line.
I could not figure out why. See following:

$ ./cont-mcs 
  File ./cont-mcs, line 264

mcs1 = ht_val+cck_val+green_val+fat_val+sgi_val
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Look at previous lines. Make sure you only use tabs or only use spaces 
and not both. If you still need help, post all code back to last 
unindented line.


Re: Float precision and float equality

2009-12-10 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Carl Banks]
  You're talking about machine epsilon?  I think everyone else here is
  talking about a number that is small relative to the expected smallest
  scale of the calculation.

That was also my reading of the OP's question.

The suggestion to use round() was along the
lines of performing a quantize or snap-to-grid
operation after each step in the calculation.
That approach parallels the recommendation for how
to use the decimal module for fixed point calculations:


urllib post and redirect = fail

2009-12-10 Thread LoD MoD
I'm trying to do a post to log into a simple admin console. All I get
is a simple you need to log in error. I already mapped the form id's
to make sure they are correct, but it still seems to deny.
I know mechanize would probably do a better job of this than urllib,
but their docs for python aren't available online right now. Any help
is appreciated.

import urllib, urllib2

# build opener with HTTPCookieProcessor
o = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor() )
urllib2.install_opener( o )

# assuming the site expects 'user' and 'pass' as query params
#p = urllib.urlencode( { 'j_character_encoding' : 'UTF-8',
'j_username': 'cooduser', 'j_password': 'password' } )
p = urllib.urlencode(dict(j_username='cooduser', j_password='password'))
# perform login with params
f = 'http://myserver:5000/login/LoginForm.jsp',  p )
data =
print data

Here is the form source:
form id=loginData name=loginData method=post
  div class=message-row

  p class=loginFailedimg src=/console/images/message_error.gif
  alt='Authentication Denied '
  Authentication Denied/p

  pThe username or password has been refused by Server.
Please try again./p

  div class=input-row
label for=j_username
span class=ctrl
  input class=textinput type=text name=j_username

  div class=input-row
label for=j_password
span class=ctrl
  input class=textinput type=password name=j_password

  div class=button-row
span class=ctrl
  input class=formButton type=submit
= 'wait'; this.className='formButton-disabled';
value='Log In'
input type=hidden name=j_character_encoding value=UTF-8

The response code is 200.

Here is the header info from :
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 01:29:40 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 3534
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

Re: IndentationError

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 09 Dec 2009 16:32:18 -0300, hong zhang  

I got error says IndentationError in end of line.
I could not figure out why. See following:

$ ./cont-mcs
  File ./cont-mcs, line 264
mcs1 = ht_val+cck_val+green_val+fat_val+sgi_val
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

The caret ^ might be misplaced; look at start of line 264, or perhaps the  
previous line.

Remember not to mix tabs and spaces.

Gabriel Genellina


daemon.DaemonContext and logging

2009-12-10 Thread Sean DiZazzo
I'm finally getting around to trying out the python-daemon module and
have hit a wall.  I'm trying to set up logging inside of the with
daemon.DaemonContext block.  But when I try to use a logger inside
the block it throws an error:

from __future__ import with_statement

import logging
import logging.handlers
import daemon
import daemon.pidlockfile
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(DaemonLog)
formatter = logging.Formatter(%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s
- %(message)s)
handler = logging.FileHandler(log.file)

pid = daemon.pidlockfile.TimeoutPIDLockFile(/var/run/,

with daemon.DaemonContext(pidfile=pid, gid=0, uid=0,
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):

I get the following traceback:

[seans_imac:~/Downloads] halfitalian% Traceback (most recent call
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 753, in emit
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 731, in flush
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
Error in atexit._run_exitfuncs:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
func(*targs, **kargs)
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 1355, in shutdown
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 784, in close
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
Error in sys.exitfunc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/, line 24, in _run_exitfuncs
func(*targs, **kargs)
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 1355, in shutdown
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/
python2.5/logging/, line 784, in close
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

Any advice?  Also, I left in the call to TimeoutPIDLockfile() as well,
because the library's documentation is pretty sparse, and I want to
know if I'm using it properly.

Thanks in advance.


Re: using with python3

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 09 Dec 2009 17:04:45 -0300, Patrick Stinson escribió:

Has anyone tried using Python-3.1.1/Tools/freeze/ with the
encodings package? It appears that encodings is required to intialize
the interpreter, but PyImport_ImportFrozenModule is failing for the
encodings module in marshal.c:r_object(), after trying to demarshal
an object of type 0.

I'd report this at

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Porting pyftpdlib to Python 3.x: question about tarball naming convention

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 09 Dec 2009 20:13:17 -0300, Giampaolo Rodola'  

I've started the (hard) process of porting pyftpdlib [1] to Python 3.
In order to do that I'm working on a separate SVN branch and I plan to
maintain two different releases of my software, one for 2.x and
another one for 3.x.

I would not do that. Try to keep a single source (2.x) and use 2to3 to  
automatically generate the 3.x version. Perhaps including some  
conditionals checking sys.version_info.
Somewhere in the wiki there are porting guidelines. (Try to resist the  
temptation to alter the 3.x code: it must remain generated by the 2to3  

My doubts are about the naming convention I have to use for the
tarball and how it affects the integration with distutils and
Now that I'm going to have two major releases (pyftpdlib-0.5.2 for
Python 2.x and pyftpdlib-0.5.2 for Python 3.x) how am I supposed to
deal with that?

If you manage to write the code in a way that 2to3 can convert it to 3.x  
without any problems, then you don't have to distribute the 3.x sources at  
all. Just run 2to3 on the target system as part of the install process.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/11/2009 10:43 AM, mattia wrote:

Ok, so is there any way to stop all the threads if the keyboard interrupt
is received?

You can't stop a thread from outside. The thread has to end itself (by 
ending the function). Usually, in the thread, you will check the value 
of a variable. If it's false, then it's time to stop and head to the end 
of the function.

# global, or better use a Quit sentinel in a Queue
import time, sys
from threading import Thread
running = True

def do_work():
while True:
print(., end=)
if running == False:
print('thread ended')

def go():
global running
threads = [Thread(target=do_work, args=()) for _ in range(2)]
for t in threads:
while running:
running = any(t.is_alive() for t in threads)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
running = False


Re: KeyboardInterrupt

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Thu, 10 Dec 2009 20:43:48 -0300, mattia escribió:

Il Thu, 10 Dec 2009 23:10:02 +, Matthew Barnett ha scritto:

Only the main thread can receive the keyboard interrupt.

Ok, so is there any way to stop all the threads if the keyboard interrupt
is received?

If all other threads (except the main one) are daemon threads, then the  
whole process finishes when the main thread exits; all daemon threads are  
abruptly finished. Note that try/finally blocks are not honored, neither  
are with statements...

If you want an orderly retreat, the other threads must cooperate (e.g. the  
main thread sets a flag and they periodically check for it).

Gabriel Genellina


Re: When will Python 3 be fully deployed

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 10 Dec 2009 05:18:13 -0300, John Nagle  

Luis M. González wrote:

On Dec 6, 3:21 pm, vsoler wrote:

I'd argue against using Python 2.6 for production work.  Either use  
Python 2.5, which is stable, or 3.x, which is bleeding-edge.  2.6 has  
some of the

features of Python 3.x, but not all of them, and is neither fish nor fowl
as a result.  2.6 is really more of a sideline that was used for trying
out new features, not something suitable for production.

I think the idea is to run your 2.5 code through '2to3 and see if it
works in 3.x.

In addition to Ned Deily's previous comments, I'd like to note that 2to3  
assumes the source is valid 2.6 code - you have to ensure the code runs  
fine with Python 2.6 before using 2to3 to convert to 3.x

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Parsing html with Beautifulsoup

2009-12-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 10 Dec 2009 06:15:19 -0300, Johann Spies  

How do I get Beautifulsoup to render (taking the above line as

sunentint for img src=icons/group.pngnbsp;a

and still provide the text-parts in the td's with plain text?

Hard to tell if we don't see what's inside those td's - please provide  
at least a few rows of the original HTML table.

Gabriel Genellina


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