[ANN] Zope 3.4.1 KGS released!

2010-06-25 Thread Adam GROSZER
Zope 3.4.1 Released!

June 22, 2010 - The Zope 3 development team announces the Zope 3.4.1 release.

The 3.4.1 is the long awaited next bugfix version of 3.4.0.

Major changes

- setuptools update to 0.6c11, so that it supports svn 1.6.

- z3c.layer update to 0.2.4, which is a **SECURITY** fix.

For details see the changelog.

Packages and Eggs

Zope 3 is now fully converted to an egg-based system. While some work still
remains, it integrates very well with the rest of the Python community. The
conversion to egg-based packaging also enables other Python developers to only
have to use small bits and pieces of the complete Zope software system. The
conversion means that Zope 3 developers do not use the classic Zope 3 tar-ball
release anymore. However, for your convenience, Zope 3 developers will provide
the classic Zope 3 tar ball releases for at least the 3.4 series.

So how are Zope 3 applications built using only eggs?

The Known Good Set (KGS)

The known good set -- or in short KGS -- is a configuration of packages and
their versions that are known to work well together. The compatibility is
frequently verified by running over twelve thousand tests on a daily
basis [1]_. The KGS is tested against Python 2.4 and 2.5 on the 32- and 64-bit
platforms. The list of controlled packages and their versions for Zope 3.4 can
be found at the Zope 3 KGS site [2]_.

The KGS can be used in several ways [3]_. The most common way is to nail the
versions by downloading the version configuration file [4]_ and insert them as
follows in your buildout configuration::

  versions = versions

  zope.interface = 3.4.0

``zopeproject`` Project Builder

To start building a project using a common setup, a package called
`zopeproject` can be used to quickly setup the boilerplate for the
project. Ample documentation is provided at the `zopeproject` home page
[5]_. `zopeproject` uses Paste or ZDaemon to create a working server. The
following commands get you started::

  $ easy_install zopeproject
  $ zopeproject HelloWorld
  $ cd HelloWorld
  $ bin/helloworld-ctl foreground

Demo Packages

At this point, there is no demo package demonstrating a simple Zope 3
application setup. However, the ``z3c.formdemo`` package can be used as a
fairly minimal setup. To get started with it, enter the following::

  $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/tags/1.5.3 formdemo
  $ cd formdemo
  $ python bootstrap.py
  $ ./bin/buildout -v
  $ ./bin/demo fg

.. [1] http://zope3.pov.lt/buildbot

.. [2] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.1/controlled-packages.cfg

.. [3] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/intro.html

.. [4] http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.1/versions.cfg

.. [5] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zopeproject


- Zope 3.4 KGS:

- Zope 3.4 Controlled Packages:

- Zope 3.4 Versions:

- The classic Zope 3 source release will be made only on request.

- The Windows .exe installer will be made only on request.

Installation instructions for both Windows and Un*x/Linux are now available in
the top level `README.txt` file of the distribution. The binary installer is
recommended for Windows.

Zope 3.4 requires Python 2.4 or 2.5 to run. You must also have zlib installed
on your system.


- Zope 3 Development Web Site:

- Zope 3 Developers Mailing List:

Retired: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-dev

- Zope 3 Users Mailing List:

- Bug tracker at launchpad:

- IRC Channel:
#zope3-dev at irc.freenode.net

About Zope 3

Zope 3 is a web application server that continues to build on the heritage of
Zope. It was rewritten from scratch based on the latest software design
patterns and the experiences of Zope 2.

The component architecture is the very core of Zope 3 that allows developers to
create flexible and powerful web applications.

Compatibility with Zope 2

Zope 3 is not upwards compatible with Zope 2. This means you cannot run Zope 2
applications in Zope 3.

We continue to work on the transition from Zope 2 to Zope 3 by making Zope 2
use more and more of the Zope 3 infrastructure. This means that new code
written in Zope 2 can benefit from Zope 3 technology. Also, with care, code
can be written that works in both Zope 3 and Zope 2.  This allows a Zope 2
application to slowly evolve towards Zope 3.  Unchanged Zope 2 applications
are never expected to work in Zope 3, however.

About the Zope Foundation


[ANN] pyparsing 1.5.3 released

2010-06-25 Thread Paul McGuire
I'm happy to announce that a new release of pyparsing is now
version 1.5.3.  It has been almost a year and a half since 1.5.2 was
released, but pyparsing has remained pretty stable.

I believe I have cleaned up the botch-job I made in version 1.5.2 of
trying to support both Python 2.x and Python 3.x.  This new release
will handle it by:
- providing version-specific binary installers for Windows users
- use version-adaptive code in the source distribution to use the
  correct version of pyparsing.py for the current Python distribution

This release also includes a number of small bug-fixes, plus some
interesting new examples.

Here is the high-level summary of what's new in pyparsing 1.5.3:

- === NOTE:  API CHANGE!!! ===
  With this release, and henceforward, the pyparsing module is
  imported as pyparsing on both Python 2.x and Python 3.x versions.

- Fixed up setup.py to auto-detect Python version and install the
  correct version of pyparsing - suggested by Alex Martelli,
  thanks, Alex! (and my apologies to all those who struggled with
  those spurious installation errors caused by my earlier

- Fixed bug on Python3 when using parseFile, getting bytes instead of
  a str from the input file.

- Fixed subtle bug in originalTextFor, if followed by
  significant whitespace (like a newline) - discovered by
  Francis Vidal, thanks!

- Fixed very sneaky bug in Each, in which Optional elements were
  not completely recognized as optional - found by Tal Weiss, thanks
  for your patience.

- Fixed off-by-1 bug in line() method when the first line of the
  input text was an empty line. Thanks to John Krukoff for submitting
  a patch!

- Fixed bug in transformString if grammar contains Group expressions,
  thanks to patch submitted by barnabas79, nice work!

- Fixed bug in originalTextFor in which trailing comments or
  ignored text got slurped in with the matched expression.  Thanks to
  michael_ramirez44 on the pyparsing wiki for reporting this just in
  time to get into this release!

- Added better support for summing ParseResults, see the new example,

- Added support for composing a Regex using a compiled RE object;
  thanks to my new colleague, Mike Thornton!

- In version 1.5.2, I changed the way exceptions are raised in order
  to simplify the stacktraces reported during parsing.  An anonymous
  user posted a bug report on SF that this behavior makes it difficult
  to debug some complex parsers, or parsers nested within parsers. In
  this release I've added a class attribute
  with a default value of False. If you set this to True, pyparsing
  report stacktraces using the pre-1.5.2 behavior.

- Some interesting new examples, including a number of parsers related
  to parsing C source code:

  . pymicko.py, a MicroC compiler submitted by Zarko Zivanov.
(Note: this example is separately licensed under the GPLv3,
and requires Python 2.6 or higher.)  Thank you, Zarko!

  . oc.py, a subset C parser, using the BNF from the 1996 Obfuscated C

  . select_parser.py, a parser for reading SQLite SELECT statements,
as specified at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html; this goes
into much more detail than the simple SQL parser included in
source code

  . stateMachine2.py, a modified version of stateMachine.py submitted
by Matt Anderson, that is compatible with Python versions 2.7 and
above - thanks so much, Matt!

  . excelExpr.py, a *simplistic* first-cut at a parser for Excel
expressions, which I originally posted on comp.lang.python in
2010; beware, this parser omits many common Excel cases (addition
numbers represented as strings, references to named ranges)

  . cpp_enum_parser.py, a nice little parser posted my Mark Tolonen on
comp.lang.python in August, 2009 (redistributed here with Mark's
permission).  Thanks a bunch, Mark!

  . partial_gene_match.py, a sample I posted to Stackoverflow.com,
implementing a special variation on Literal that does close
up to a given number of allowed mismatches.  The application was
find matching gene sequences, with allowance for one or two

  . tagCapture.py, a sample showing how to use a Forward placeholder
enforce matching of text parsed in a previous expression.

  . matchPreviousDemo.py, simple demo showing how the
helper method is used to match a previously parsed token.

Download pyparsing 1.5.3 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyparsing/.
can also access pyparsing's epydoc documentation online at

The pyparsing Wiki is at http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com.

-- Paul

Pyparsing is a pure-Python class library for quickly developing
recursive-descent parsers.  Parser grammars are assembled directly in

German 1-day course on XML/ElementTree/lxml in Leipzig, Germany - September 3rd, 2010

2010-06-25 Thread Stefan Behnel

Hi everyone,

[English version]

I will be giving a 1-day beginners course on XML, ElementTree and lxml in
September. It will be held in German (although sufficient interest may
convince me to give it in English as well).

It's called High-Performance XML with Python and will take place at the
Python Academy in Leipzig/Germany on September 3rd, 2010.


If you are interested, please contact me and/or Mike Müller of the PyA.


[German version]

Am 3. September 2010 gebe ich einen eintägigen deutschsprachigen
Einsteigerkurs zu XML, ElementTree und lxml.

Der Kurstitel ist High-Performance XML mit Python, Veranstaltungsort ist
die Python-Akademie in Leipzig.


Bei Intresse bitte an mich und/oder Mike Müller von der PyA wenden.


Have fun,


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] RedNotebook 1.0

2010-06-25 Thread Jendrik Seipp

RedNotebook 1.0 has been released.

You can get the tarball at 

For links to distribution packages head to the RedNotebook homepage 

What is RedNotebook?

RedNotebook is a **graphical journal** and diary helping you keep track 
of notes and thoughts. It includes a calendar navigation, customizable

templates, export functionality and word clouds. You can also format,
tag and search your entries. RedNotebook is available in the 
repositories of most common Linux distributions and a Windows installer 
is available.

What's new?
 * Describe how to add latex math formulas and custom html tags in help
 * Fix crash on windows when data and program live on different
   drives in portable mode (LP:581646)
 * Fix display of italic text in edit mode
 * Fix inserting templates on Windows
 * New Translations:
   * Faroese



   Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: 'tsearchpath' Path Search Module, Version 1.08 Released

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Daneliuk
'tsearchpath' Version 1.108 is now released and available for download at:



What's New In This Release?

This is the initial public release.

A FreeBSD port has also been submitted.

What Is 'tsearchpath'?

'tsearchpath' is a Python module for searching a list of paths for a
particular file system 'filename'.  This can be the name of a
directory, file, or any other entity in the file system.  This makes
it easy to add things like include- or configuration file paths to
your own programs.

There is no fee for using 'tsearchpath' so long as the licensing terms
found in 'tsearchpath-license.txt' are observed.  Please take a moment
to review this document.

Tim Daneliuk tun...@tundraware.com
PGP Key: http://www.tundraware.com/PGP/


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN]: newthreading - an approach to simplified thread usage, and a path to getting rid of the GIL

2010-06-25 Thread John Nagle

We have just released a proof-of-concept implementation of a new
approach to thread management - newthreading.  It is available
for download at


The user's guide is at


This is a pure Python implementation of synchronized objects, along
with a set of restrictions which make programs race-condition free,
even without a Global Interpreter Lock.  The basic idea is that
classes derived from SynchronizedObject are automatically locked
at entry and unlocked at exit. They're also unlocked when a thread
blocks within the class.  So at no time can two threads be active
in such a class at one time.

In addition, only frozen objects can be passed in and out of
synchronized objects.  (This is somewhat like the multiprocessing
module, where you can only pass objects that can be pickled.
But it's not as restrictive; multiple threads can access the
same synchronized object, one at a time.

This pure Python implementation is usable, but does not improve
performance.  It's a proof of concept implementation so that
programmers can try out synchronized classes and see what it's
like to work within those restrictions.

The semantics of Python don't change for single-thread programs.
But when the program forks off the first new thread, the rules
change, and some of the dynamic features of Python are disabled.

Some of the ideas are borrowed from Java, and some are from 
safethreading.  The point is to come up with a set of liveable

restrictions which would allow getting rid of the GIL.  This
is becoming essential as Unladen Swallow starts to work and the
number of processors per machine keeps climbing.

This may in time become a Python Enhancement Proposal.  We'd like
to get some experience with it first. Try it out and report back.
The SourceForge forum for the project is the best place to report problems.

John Nagle

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyPy 1.3 released

2010-06-25 Thread Maciej Fijalkowski
PyPy 1.3: Stabilization


We're please to announce release of PyPy 1.3. This release has two major
improvements. First of all, we stabilized the JIT compiler since 1.2 release,
answered user issues, fixed bugs, and generally improved speed.

We're also pleased to announce alpha support for loading CPython extension
modules written in C. While the main purpose of this release is increased
stability, this feature is in alpha stage and it is not yet suited for
production environments.

Highlights of this release

* We introduced support for CPython extension modules written in C. As of now,
  this support is in alpha, and it's very unlikely unaltered C extensions will
  work out of the box, due to missing functions or refcounting details. The
  support is disable by default, so you have to do::

   import cpyext

  before trying to import any .so file. Also, libraries are source-compatible
  and not binary-compatible. That means you need to recompile binaries, using
  for example::

   python setup.py build

  Details may vary, depending on your build system. Make sure you include
  the above line at the beginning of setup.py or put it in your PYTHONSTARTUP.

  This is alpha feature. It'll likely segfault. You have been warned!

* JIT bugfixes. A lot of bugs reported for the JIT have been fixed, and its
  stability greatly improved since 1.2 release.

* Various small improvements have been added to the JIT code, as well as a great
  speedup of compiling time.

Maciej Fijalkowski, Armin Rigo, Alex Gaynor, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc and
the PyPy team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 25Jun2010 15:54, I wrote:
| The number of times I've had to
| fix/remove insert-values-into-SQL-text code ...

My point here is that with insert-escaped-values-into-sql-text,
you only need to forget to do it once (or do it wrong).
By using a parameterised form like that required by SQLalchemy
the library does it and never forgets.

I would also point out that if you use a library to _construct_ the SQL
statements themselves eg via SQLA's .select() methods etc then you will never
introduce a syntax error into the SQL either. I expect I could construct SQL
syntax errors that cause havoc when inserted with correctly escaped parameter
values if I tried, probably using quotes in the SQL typo part.

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

George, discussing a patent and prior art:
Look, this  publication has a date, the patent has a priority date,
can't you just compare them?
Paul Sutcliffe:
Not unless you're a lawyer.

Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 12:25:56 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 Just been reading this article
 which says that a lot of security holes are arising these days because
 everybody is concentrating on unit testing of their own particular
 components, with less attention being devoted to overall integration
 Fair enough. But it’s disconcerting to see some of the advice being
 offered in the reader comments, like “force everyone to use stored
 procedures”, or “force everyone to use prepared/parametrized
 statements”, “never construct ad-hoc SQL queries” and the like.
 I construct ad-hoc queries all the time. It really isn’t that hard to
 do safely.


Even if you get the quoting absolutely correct (which is a very big if),
you have to remember to perform it every time, without exception. And you
need to perform it exactly once. As the program gets more complex,
ensuring that it's done in the correct place, and only there, gets harder.

More generally, as a program gets more complex, this will work so long as
we do X every time without fail approaches this won't work.

 All you have to do is read the documentation—for example,
 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-syntax.html—and then
 write a routine that takes arbitrary data and turns it into a valid
 string literal, like this

That's okay. Provided the documentation is accurate. And provided that you
update the escaping algorithm whenever the SQL dialect gets extended, or
you switch to a different back-end, or modify the program. IOW, it's not
even remotely okay.

Unparsing data so that you get the correct answer out of a subsequent
parsing step is objectively and obviously the wrong approach. The
correct approach is to skip both the unparsing and parsing steps

Formal grammars are a useful way to represent graph-like data structures
in a human-readable and human-editable form. But for creation,
modification and use by a computer, it is invariably preferable to operate
upon the graph directly. Textual formats inherit all of the issues which
apply to the underlying data structure, then add a few of their own for
good measure.

 I've done this sort of thing for MySQL, for HTML and JavaScript (in both
 Python and JavaScript itself), and for Bash.

And, of course, you're convinced that you got it right every time. That
attitude alone should set alarm bells ringing for anyone who's worked in
this industry for more than five minutes.


Re: Using Classes

2010-06-25 Thread geremy condra
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
alf.p.steinbach+use...@gmail.com wrote:
 * Mag Gam, on 24.06.2010 13:58:

 I have been using python for about 1 year now and I really like the
 language. Obviously there was a learning curve but I have a programing
 background which made it an easy transition. I picked up some good
 habits such as automatic code indenting :-), and making my programs
 more modular by having functions.

 I know that Python is very OOP friendly, but I could not figure out
 why and when to use Classes in it. I mostly use it for simple text
 parsing  I suppose when a program gets complicated I should start
 using Classes. Are there any tips or tricks people use to force them
 into the OOP mentality? I would like to force myself to learn the
 Python way but so far I could not figure out WHY I would need a class
 for this...

 Use whatever paradigm that yields code that you easily understand. g

 Having said that, the main use of a class is to model some data with an
 associated set of operations.

 For this a class is merely a convenience, but sometimes the convenience can
 be so great that any other approach would be impractical in comparision.

 In some cases a non-class approach ends up with a number of routines foo,
 bar, zlopf etc. that all take some argument of a general type and all
 internally has some if it's really a BRACHYKLURB, do A, assuming that it
 has BRACHYKLURB-specific data, but if it's really a KNETCHOFICHUS, then do
 B, assuming that it has KNETCHOFICHUS-specific data, and as default, if it's
 none of those, do C.

If making up words is an art form, we are in the presence of a master.


Geremy Condra

Re: Heuristic

2010-06-25 Thread MRAB

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 6/24/2010 9:13 PM, Marcos wrote:

I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.

Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
if I have a transport discount.

Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.

So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.

Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.

You would not use a heuristic to generate all possibilities. You might 
use one to *avoid* doing that, and still get a good, not necessarily 
optimal, answer.

True. Basically there are two ways of approaching the problem. One is to
try all the combinations, which will guarantee that you'll find the best
solution, but if there are an enormous number of combinations then that
could take a very long time. The other way is to use a heuristic to get
an reasonable solution in an reasonable time. It's a trade-off.

 Wikipedia has an general entry on 'heuristic'.
 Algorithm books often specifically discuss heuristic algorithms.

Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread Paul Rubin
Nobody nob...@nowhere.com writes:
 More generally, as a program gets more complex, this will work so long as
 we do X every time without fail approaches this won't work.


Re: GDAL-1.7.1 : vcvarsall.bat missing

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 24/06/2010 21:48, Christian Heimes wrote:

  I am attempting to install the GDAL bindings (GDAL-1.7.1) on a
Windows XP Desktop with Python 2.6 and GDAL. During install, the
script finishes with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat.

What dependencies am I missing?

Visual Studio 2008


Not always, see my comment here.


Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence


Re: How to send a non-standard IMAP command?

2010-06-25 Thread Xianwen Chen
On Jun 24, 2:23 pm, Michael Torrie torr...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 06/24/2010 03:47 AM, Xianwen Chen wrote:

  , but I got error messages. Any hint please?

 Why not just use a proxy server:


Hi Michael

Thanks a lot!

Yes, it would be much more convenient. Actually, I have been using a
modified version of Thunderbird [1] to access Yahoo! Mail IMAP server
for months. The reason of using Python to access the mail server is to
have less dependency on other software. Now I don't need Thunderbird

Best regards,


[1] http://www.crasseux.com/linux/

Re: How to send a non-standard IMAP command?

2010-06-25 Thread Xianwen Chen
On Jun 24, 2:25 pm, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:
 On 06/24/2010 04:47 AM, Xianwen Chen wrote:

  Thanks a lot for your reply! I thought it would be simpler if the
  problem was presented in a brief way. Unfortunately, not for this

  Here is the detail. Free Yahoo! mail accounts can be accsessed via
  IMAP protocal, however, a non-standard shake hand code is needed
  before log in [1]:

  ID (GUID 1)

  . This is what I'm now working for. I tried:

  IMAP4.xatom('','ID (GUID 1)','',)


  dest_srv.xatom('ID (GUID 1)')

  , but I got error messages. Any hint please?

 In general, it would be helpful to include the error-message(s)
 you get.  However, I tried it with a junk Yahoo account I set up:

    from imaplib import IMAP4
    i = IMAP4(imap.mail.yahoo.com)
    USER = 'yourusern...@yahoo.com'
    PASS = 'your secret goes here'
    # per the Wikipedia page you gave
    # the ID has to happen before login
    i.xatom('ID (GUID 1)')

    i.login(USER, PASS)
    typ, data = i.search(None, 'ALL')
    for num in data[0].split():
      typ, data = i.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
      message = data[0][1].splitlines()
      subject = [line
        for line in message
        if line.lower().startswith('subject: ')
      print num, subject

 and it worked.


Hi Tim,

The problem was the password. I was careless. Thanks for your advice.
Next time I'll have error codes posted.

And thanks a lot for your constructive example!

I have a strange problem that

M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(M_addr)
M.debug = 2

doesn't work. No verbose output at all. Any hint please?

Best regards,


web application in django

2010-06-25 Thread Terry Talim

I'm doing web application in django in which I have to make search option
that will find on other web page some product(for example) and that product
will have to been seen on my page.. now I don't know where to start with
programming.. I know I must parse that other page but I don't have idea how
to do that.. can someone help me with understanding what I have to do


Tom Talim
Email: melan...@gmail.com
Site: http://psychologydegree-online.com/

Python 2.7, tkinter problem on OSX

2010-06-25 Thread Julien Pauty
Dear list,

Last version of my software relies on ttk. Under windows and linux
this is fine. But, OSX users are facing problems (I don't have access
to a Mac myself for testing...). Those with OSX 10.6 can run the
program. It seems that OSX 8.6 ships with Tk8.5.

People with OSX 8.5 cannot run the app. I told them to install python
2.7 which seems to be the first version on OSX to ship with Tk8.5.
However, the program still does not run. I asked a person to launch a
python 2.7 interpreter and try to import tkinter. This is an excerpt
of the output:

  from Tkinter import *
line 39, in module
    import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
2): no suitable image found.  Did find:
no matching architecture in universal wrapper

Full log is there: http://pastebin.com/vky8FbrP

I asked a person to simply open a python2.7 shell and import Tkinter.
He got the same error.

All of this is executed with Python 2.7rc1. Archives that are on the
ftp of python.org.

I have seen this bug http://bugs.python.org/issue9045, which is
related, but deals with the specificities if OSX 64bit.

Can this problem be solved by installing Active TK 8.5 for OSX ?

Anybody knows what is the good combination of installer / libraries to
install to run a ttk application on OSX 8.5 ? Ideally, I would like to
document the setup procedure for 8.5 users.



django csrf

2010-06-25 Thread Li Hui
When I add enctype=text/plain to a post form like form action=/auth
method=post enctype=text/plain, there is a CSRF verification
failed. error.
But when I remove it, all is right.
Who can tell me why?

Li Hui


Re: django csrf

2010-06-25 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Li Hui a écrit :
 When I add enctype=text/plain to a post form like form action=/auth
 method=post enctype=text/plain, there is a CSRF verification
 failed. error.
 But when I remove it, all is right.
 Who can tell me why?



Re: web application in django

2010-06-25 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I'm doing web application in django in which I have to make search option
 that will find on other web page some product(for example) and that product
 will have to been seen on my page.. now I don't know where to start with
 programming.. I know I must parse that other page but I don't have idea how
 to do that.. can someone help me with understanding what I have to do

First fetch the page using urllib2 [1] then parse it with elementtree
[2] or beautiful soup [3] or something else [4]. Once you filtered out
the data you want you can insert it where ever you need to insert it.

Be sure to read this also [5].


[1] http://docs.python.org/library/urllib2.html
[2] http://docs.python.org/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html
[3] http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
[4] http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonXml
[5] http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

Re: improving python performance by extension module (64bit)

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Wintle
On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 21:52 -0500, Peng Yu wrote: 
 The above package can improve python program on 32 bit library. But I
 need to run on 64 bit library. Is there any other module that can help
 improving the performance of python on 64 bit?

As I understand it, Psycho isn't likely to get updated to 64-bit unless
someone decides to supply a significant amount of funding to the

If you've on a platform where compiling C is easy then I'd highly
recommending using Cython for objects that have to be high-performance:

(It generates C from slightly modified python code - I use it on various
64-bit *nix platforms)

Otherwise you could write a standard C extension.

The major native-code generation projects that I know of are Pypy and
Unladen Swallow, but neither of them are ready for use on 64-bit.



Re: improving python performance by extension module (64bit)

2010-06-25 Thread geremy condra
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:01 AM, Tim Wintle tim.win...@teamrubber.com wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 21:52 -0500, Peng Yu wrote:

 The above package can improve python program on 32 bit library. But I
 need to run on 64 bit library. Is there any other module that can help
 improving the performance of python on 64 bit?

 As I understand it, Psycho isn't likely to get updated to 64-bit unless
 someone decides to supply a significant amount of funding to the

 If you've on a platform where compiling C is easy then I'd highly
 recommending using Cython for objects that have to be high-performance:

 (It generates C from slightly modified python code - I use it on various
 64-bit *nix platforms)

 Otherwise you could write a standard C extension.

 The major native-code generation projects that I know of are Pypy and
 Unladen Swallow, but neither of them are ready for use on 64-bit.


Assuming you really need something like psyco, Cython's the way to
go- but you may want to look into writing a C extension, too. I've
found in some cases that it can actually be easier than using ctypes
or Cython.

Geremy Condra

PS- a brief note, at some point this week the browser extension I use
to swap the 'reply' and 'reply to all' buttons decided to die, so if you've
gotten an offlist reply from me during that period, sorry about that.

Re: Heuristic

2010-06-25 Thread Marcos
On 25 jun, 04:00, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:
  On 6/24/2010 9:13 PM, Marcos wrote:
  I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
  suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
  client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
  discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.

  Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
  if I have a transport discount.

  Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.

  So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
  generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.

  Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.

  You would not use a heuristic to generate all possibilities. You might
  use one to *avoid* doing that, and still get a good, not necessarily
  optimal, answer.

 True. Basically there are two ways of approaching the problem. One is to
 try all the combinations, which will guarantee that you'll find the best
 solution, but if there are an enormous number of combinations then that
 could take a very long time. The other way is to use a heuristic to get
 an reasonable solution in an reasonable time. It's a trade-off.

   Wikipedia has an general entry on 'heuristic'.
   Algorithm books often specifically discuss heuristic algorithms.

Do you know it there is some way to generate all the scenario
possibilities?. So I Can put an array an data an generate all. I have
the lack of repeated elements that I cant solve.


How to get the date format from the users locale?

2010-06-25 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
I'm trying to get the locale-aware date format but it doesn't seem to
be available through nl_langinfo in python 2.5.4 (windows vista).

Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] onType help, copyright, credits or license for more
 import locale;locale.nl_langinfo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'nl_langinfo'

Is that what I should be using? Is there any other way for getting that info?



 print '\n'.join(sorted(dir(locale)))


reStructuredText format a part of a word

2010-06-25 Thread Slafs
Hi there!

Is it possible to format a word using reStructuredText in a way that
only a part of it is formatted (e.g. in bold)?

I would like to do something like this:

my l****ng word

where all the os are in bold but this doesn't work with rst2html


Re: reStructuredText format a part of a word

2010-06-25 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 06/25/2010 01:56 PM, Slafs wrote:
 Hi there!
 Is it possible to format a word using reStructuredText in a way that
 only a part of it is formatted (e.g. in bold)?
 I would like to do something like this:
 my l****ng word
l\ ****\ nger word?
 where all the os are in bold but this doesn't work with rst2html


Re: reStructuredText format a part of a word

2010-06-25 Thread Slafs
On 25 Cze, 14:06, Thomas Jollans tho...@jollans.com wrote:
 On 06/25/2010 01:56 PM, Slafs wrote: Hi there!

  Is it possible to format a word using reStructuredText in a way that
  only a part of it is formatted (e.g. in bold)?

  I would like to do something like this:

  my l****ng word

 l\ ****\ nger word?

  where all the os are in bold but this doesn't work with rst2html


Yes, thanks, found it too ;]

Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Fri, 2010-06-25, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 Just been reading this article
 which says that a lot of security holes are arising these days because
 everybody is concentrating on unit testing of their own particular
 components, with less attention being devoted to overall integration

I don't do SQL and I don't even understand the terminology properly
... but the discussion around it bothers me.

Do those people really do this?
- accept untrusted user data
- try to sanitize the data (escaping certain characters etc)
- turn this data into executable code (SQL)
- executing it

Like the example in the article

  SELECT * FROM hotels WHERE city = 'untrusted';

If so, its isomorphic with doing os.popen('zcat -f %s' % untrusted)
in Python (at least on Unix, where 'zcat ...' is executed as a shell

I thought it was well-known that the solution is *not* to try to
sanitize the input -- it's to switch to an interface which doesn't
involve generating an intermediate executable.  In the Python example,
that would be something like os.popen2(['zcat', '-f', '--', untrusted]).

Am I missing something?  If not, I can go back to sleep -- and keep
avoiding SQL and web programming like the plague until that community
has entered the 21st century.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: Pythonic Idiom For Searching An Include Path

2010-06-25 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Thu, 2010-06-24, Nobody wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 17:27:16 -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:

 Given a program 'foo' that takes a command line argument '-I
 includefile', I want to be able to look for 'includefile' in a path
 specified in an environment variable, 'FOOPATH'.
 I'd like a semantic that says:
   If 'includefile' contains one or more path separator characters,
ignore 'FOOPATH'. If it contains no path separators, look for it in
the paths specified by 'FOOPATH', beginning with the leftmost path
 Is there a standard Pythonic idiom for doing this or do I need to cook
 up my own.

 There isn't an idiom.

 There are a surprising number of choices for such a simple task, e.g.
 whether the search path is used for relative paths containing a separator,
 whether you stop at the first file which exists or the first file which
 meets other criteria (e.g. suitable permissions), whether default
 locations come first or last, what happens if a default location is
 included in the search path, etc.

Another favorite is whether relative paths are relative to your
current directory, or to the location of whatever file this is to be
included /into/.

For an example where it mattered (to C compilers), google for the
paper recursive make considered harmful. It took compiler writers
decades to realize what the best choice was there.

(By the way, -I commonly means search this directory for include
files rather than include this file. You may want to avoid
confusing people by choosing another letter, like -i.)


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: Pythonic Idiom For Searching An Include Path

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Daneliuk
On 6/25/2010 7:25 AM, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-06-24, Nobody wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 17:27:16 -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:

 Given a program 'foo' that takes a command line argument '-I
 includefile', I want to be able to look for 'includefile' in a path
 specified in an environment variable, 'FOOPATH'.

 I'd like a semantic that says:

   If 'includefile' contains one or more path separator characters,
ignore 'FOOPATH'. If it contains no path separators, look for it in
the paths specified by 'FOOPATH', beginning with the leftmost path

 Is there a standard Pythonic idiom for doing this or do I need to cook
 up my own.

 There isn't an idiom.

 There are a surprising number of choices for such a simple task, e.g.
 whether the search path is used for relative paths containing a separator,
 whether you stop at the first file which exists or the first file which
 meets other criteria (e.g. suitable permissions), whether default
 locations come first or last, what happens if a default location is
 included in the search path, etc.
 Another favorite is whether relative paths are relative to your
 current directory, or to the location of whatever file this is to be
 included /into/.
 For an example where it mattered (to C compilers), google for the
 paper recursive make considered harmful. It took compiler writers
 decades to realize what the best choice was there.
 (By the way, -I commonly means search this directory for include
 files rather than include this file. You may want to avoid
 confusing people by choosing another letter, like -i.)

I just went ahead and implemented my own.  It will eventually find it's way


I'll post on c.l.p.a when the thing is released into the wild.

Thanks to all that took the time to respond...


Tim Daneliuk tun...@tundraware.com
PGP Key: http://www.tundraware.com/PGP/


Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread WANG Cong

Hi, list!

I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
assignments in Python.

As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
a class dynamically by an assignment:

 class test: pass
 test.a = hello

However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

My points are:

1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong
to metaprogramming. (I know, strictly speaking, maybe my definition of
metaprogramming here is incorrect, I _do_ welcome someone could
correct me if I am really wrong, but that is not the main point here,
please don't go off-topic.)

2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
metaprogramming in C++.

3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
doing metaprogramming at a first glance.

4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
this is and should be implemented by inherence.

5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:

test.typo = blah

I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I
add a new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another
place, and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!

I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
__set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook.
However, this is not default. In my points of view, a better design
should be:

1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,
thus I expect an error when I do:

 foo.new_attr = blah

by default.

2) For people who want to add a new attribute at runtime,
but not to override __set_attr__, he/she should switch to:

 setattr(foo, new_attr, blah)

This will be more like doing metaprogramming rather than non-meta
programming, at least more obvious than using an assignment.

3) Allow users who don't like this to change by __set_attr__,
of course.

Someone argued with me that Python is a dynamic language,
allowing this is natural. True, I do understand that attributes in
Python are stored in an internal dictionary (__dict__), allowing
assignments to an non-existing key is natural. However, this will be
a little different when we talk about classes attributes, simple
assignments could have side-effects, besides the traditional assignments
effect, like in C, that is, creating a new attribute silently. So even
from a view of beauty, this is not a good design.

I hope someone could teach me more about why Python design it like
it is. Any reply is more than welcome.

Thanks for your time!

Live like a child, think like the god.

Re: Help on finding word is valid as per English Dictionary through python

2010-06-25 Thread anu python
  I have a text file ,

this is a lcose button

where u can observer  lcose  is not a valid word.It's typing
mistake.Actual word is close.

How can i check that each word entered in txt file having correct meaningful
words as per English Dictionary.

Do you have any package which can check English Dictionary

Please help me.


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Richard Thomas
On Jun 25, 2:15 pm, WANG Cong xiyou.wangc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, list!

 I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
 assignments in Python.

 As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
 a class dynamically by an assignment:

  class test: pass
  test.a = hello

 However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

 My points are:

 1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
 a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong
 to metaprogramming. (I know, strictly speaking, maybe my definition of
 metaprogramming here is incorrect, I _do_ welcome someone could
 correct me if I am really wrong, but that is not the main point here,
 please don't go off-topic.)

 2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
 like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
 metaprogramming in C++.

 3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
 is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
 doing metaprogramming at a first glance.

 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
 this is and should be implemented by inherence.

 5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:

 test.typo = blah

 I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
 attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I
 add a new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another
 place, and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!

 I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
 __set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook.
 However, this is not default. In my points of view, a better design
 should be:

 1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,
 thus I expect an error when I do:

  foo.new_attr = blah


 by default.

 2) For people who want to add a new attribute at runtime,
 but not to override __set_attr__, he/she should switch to:

  setattr(foo, new_attr, blah)

 This will be more like doing metaprogramming rather than non-meta
 programming, at least more obvious than using an assignment.

 3) Allow users who don't like this to change by __set_attr__,
 of course.

 Someone argued with me that Python is a dynamic language,
 allowing this is natural. True, I do understand that attributes in
 Python are stored in an internal dictionary (__dict__), allowing
 assignments to an non-existing key is natural. However, this will be
 a little different when we talk about classes attributes, simple
 assignments could have side-effects, besides the traditional assignments
 effect, like in C, that is, creating a new attribute silently. So even
 from a view of beauty, this is not a good design.

 I hope someone could teach me more about why Python design it like
 it is. Any reply is more than welcome.

 Thanks for your time!

 Live like a child, think like the god.

If you desperately want to limit the attribute assignments that can be
performed on an object you can set the __slots__ attribute of its
type. However, the Python ethos has always been to restrict as little
as necessary to provide the tools it needs. Performing additional
checks every time an attribute assignment is performed is completely
unnecessary. Remember that unlike C these checks would have to be
performed at run-time.


Re: Python 2.7, tkinter problem on OSX

2010-06-25 Thread Kevin Walzer
There has been a lot of traffic on the MacPython list about this--see 
the list archives.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

Re: Help on finding word is valid as per English Dictionary through python

2010-06-25 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 06/25/2010 03:30 PM, anu python wrote:
   I have a text file ,
 this is a lcose button
 where u can observer  lcose  is not a valid word.It's typing
 mistake.Actual word is close.
 How can i check that each word entered in txt file having correct
 meaningful words as per English Dictionary.
 Do you have any package which can check English Dictionary

In a pinch, I might use open(/usr/share/dict/words, r) as a
thesaurus, and check for words in there. Read the file and create a
giant frozenset or something. For something a bit more civilized, I
expect that there's a python package interfacing at least one of
(ispell, aspell, hunspell, myspell) (and what they're all called.

There is a multitude of English dictionaries. Some don't even include
neighbour, imagine that!

 Please help me.


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Nathan Rice
You are thinking like a C programmer

Why do you want the language to tie your hands?  I want a language to give
me the tools I need and get out of the way.  The more assumptions that are
baked into a language the more opportunities it has to be wrong.
 Furthermore, object oriented design is a useful paradigm, but it is not the
be-all and end-all of how computer programming is done. You should use it
where it fits and ignore it where it doesn't.  Focus more on doing things
elegantly and less on conforming to the popular paradigm du jour.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:15 AM, WANG Cong xiyou.wangc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, list!

 I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
 assignments in Python.

 As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
 a class dynamically by an assignment:

  class test: pass
  test.a = hello

 However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

 My points are:

 1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
 a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong
 to metaprogramming. (I know, strictly speaking, maybe my definition of
 metaprogramming here is incorrect, I _do_ welcome someone could
 correct me if I am really wrong, but that is not the main point here,
 please don't go off-topic.)

 2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
 like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
 metaprogramming in C++.

 3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
 is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
 doing metaprogramming at a first glance.

 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
 this is and should be implemented by inherence.

 5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:

 test.typo = blah

 I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
 attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I
 add a new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another
 place, and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!

 I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
 __set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook.
 However, this is not default. In my points of view, a better design
 should be:

 1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,
 thus I expect an error when I do:

  foo.new_attr = blah

 by default.

 2) For people who want to add a new attribute at runtime,
 but not to override __set_attr__, he/she should switch to:

  setattr(foo, new_attr, blah)

 This will be more like doing metaprogramming rather than non-meta
 programming, at least more obvious than using an assignment.

 3) Allow users who don't like this to change by __set_attr__,
 of course.

 Someone argued with me that Python is a dynamic language,
 allowing this is natural. True, I do understand that attributes in
 Python are stored in an internal dictionary (__dict__), allowing
 assignments to an non-existing key is natural. However, this will be
 a little different when we talk about classes attributes, simple
 assignments could have side-effects, besides the traditional assignments
 effect, like in C, that is, creating a new attribute silently. So even
 from a view of beauty, this is not a good design.

 I hope someone could teach me more about why Python design it like
 it is. Any reply is more than welcome.

 Thanks for your time!

 Live like a child, think like the god.



Re: deprecated string module issue

2010-06-25 Thread GrayShark
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 01:29:22 +, Benjamin Peterson wrote:

 GrayShark howe.steven at gmail.com writes:
 Sorry, I meant from string import lowercase, uppercase
 Technically, you should use ascii_lowercase and ascii_uppercase, though
 I don't know if that's the cause of pylint's complaints.

Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a quick try. Same 'warning'. No, 
using the string module is the issue. Perhaps I'll just ignore it.


Re: Heuristic

2010-06-25 Thread Nathan Rice
I solve optimization problems like this all the time using branch and bound.
Just arrange the possible scenarios into a state space tree, (ideally
ordered by lowest average cost supplier) then prune any branch where the
best case scenario given supplier cost plus shipping cost summed over all
remaining orders is greater than your current best total cost.  You can make
it pretty fast in python if you implement memoization of supplier
fulfillment costs for orders.  All you need to do is write a depth first
search algorithm (stack based, not recursive), a best case predictor for a
single order fulfillment (which is summed over all unfulfilled orders) and
an actual cost for order fulfillment function.  It's really easy to put
together, and tends to work quite well.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:24 AM, Marcos marcosruap...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 25 jun, 04:00, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:
  Terry Reedy wrote:
   On 6/24/2010 9:13 PM, Marcos wrote:
   I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
   suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
   client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
   discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.
   Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
   if I have a transport discount.
   Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.
   So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
   generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.
   Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.
   You would not use a heuristic to generate all possibilities. You might
   use one to *avoid* doing that, and still get a good, not necessarily
   optimal, answer.
  True. Basically there are two ways of approaching the problem. One is to
  try all the combinations, which will guarantee that you'll find the best
  solution, but if there are an enormous number of combinations then that
  could take a very long time. The other way is to use a heuristic to get
  an reasonable solution in an reasonable time. It's a trade-off.
Wikipedia has an general entry on 'heuristic'.
Algorithm books often specifically discuss heuristic algorithms.

 Do you know it there is some way to generate all the scenario
 possibilities?. So I Can put an array an data an generate all. I have
 the lack of repeated elements that I cant solve.



Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 6/24/2010 1:59 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

It is NOT a numeric variable in Python realms.

Sure, but why does it not behave more like one?
It seems both obvious and desirable, so I'm
guessing there is a good reason not to do it.

So var+=increment can't be used because Python would rebind the name
var to a new object

import Tkinter as tk

class IntVar2(tk.IntVar):

...   def __iadd__(self, val):
... self.set(self.get()+val)
... return self

root = tk.Tk()
myintvar2 = IntVar2()
temp = myintvar2
myintvar2 += 5
print(myintvar2.get(),myintvar2 is temp)

(5, True)

Alan Isaac

Re: Help on finding word is valid as per English Dictionary through python

2010-06-25 Thread Shashwat Anand
why do you need that ?
which platform are you onto ?

On OSX you can use 'DictionaryServices' API

import sys
import DictionaryServices
word =  .join(sys.argv[1:])
print DictionaryServices.DCSCopyTextDefinition(None, word, (0, len(word)))

Gives the meaning of the input word (works with python 2.5)

You can use this script for Vi  (~/.vimrc) if you want, control+a will do a
spell check.

 Toggle Spell-Check
set spell spelllang=
function ToggleSpellCheck()
 if spelllang == en
set spelllang=
 set spelllang=en
command! ToggleSpellChecking call ToggleSpellCheck()
nmap c-a :ToggleSpellCheckingcr

But again am not aware of your use case.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Thomas Jollans tho...@jollans.com wrote:

 On 06/25/2010 03:30 PM, anu python wrote:
I have a text file ,
  this is a lcose button
  where u can observer  lcose  is not a valid word.It's typing
  mistake.Actual word is close.
  How can i check that each word entered in txt file having correct
  meaningful words as per English Dictionary.
  Do you have any package which can check English Dictionary

 In a pinch, I might use open(/usr/share/dict/words, r) as a
 thesaurus, and check for words in there. Read the file and create a
 giant frozenset or something. For something a bit more civilized, I
 expect that there's a python package interfacing at least one of
 (ispell, aspell, hunspell, myspell) (and what they're all called.

 There is a multitude of English dictionaries. Some don't even include
 neighbour, imagine that!

  Please help me.



Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Jorgen Grahn

 Am I missing something?  If not, I can go back to sleep -- and keep
 avoiding SQL and web programming like the plague until that community
 has entered the 21st century.

You're not missing anything. Its been the accepted industry practice for
years and years (and /years/), the taught industry practice, the advised
industry practice, the constantly repeated practice on every even vaguely
database related forum forever now.


  a) Some people are convinced of their own infallibility, and prefer a
clever construct generating a string that has to be parsed due to the
cleverness of said construct.
  b) Some people don't listen / understand.
  c) Some people don't care.

And so, SQL injection attacks continue to persist. Then again, its not like
anyone in the C-ish world doesn't know about bounds checking on arrays, do
they? But buffer overflows persist. Probably for similar reasons as above
(with slightly different 'and prefer' clause)


Re: GDAL-1.7.1 : vcvarsall.bat missing

2010-06-25 Thread kBob
On Jun 25, 1:26 am, Mark Lawrence breamore...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 On 24/06/2010 21:48, Christian Heimes wrote:

    I am attempting to install the GDAL bindings (GDAL-1.7.1) on a
  Windows XP Desktop with Python 2.6 and GDAL. During install, the
  script finishes with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat.

  What dependencies am I missing?

  Visual Studio 2008


 Not always, see my comment here.


 Kindest regards.

 Mark Lawrence

 Thanks for the tips, gentlemen.

 I'll try my luck with Cygwin's ggc before I look into another C/C++

Kelly Dean
Fort Collins, CO

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

WANG Cong a écrit :

Hi, list!

I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
assignments in Python.

As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
a class dynamically by an assignment:

class test: pass

test.a = hello


However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

My points are:


Python's classes are plain objects, and like any other object are 
created at runtime. Having to special-case them would break the 
simplicity and uniformity of Python for no good reason. Just like 
there's no good reason to make setattr() working differently for class 
and non-class objects.

FWIW, what you call metaprogramming is just ordinary programming - at 
least in Python. All your fears and concerns about Python's dynamism are 
just a priori learned from the mainstream BD culture. From 
experience, these are non-issues - unless of course misused by some 
fool, but then there's no way to prevent stupids from doing stupid 
things. So, yes, Python rely quite a lot on programmer's common sense 
and discipline. Now the good news is that is JustWork(tm).


python source code - win/dos executable (on linux)

2010-06-25 Thread superpollo


suppose i work in a linux environment, but i would like to ship a 
win/dos executable file from time to time, just for test purposes (my 
testers are windows users and don't want to go through the hassle of 
installing python on their win boxes). what is the best way to do that? 
(the application should be a simple console app, but my question applies 
to gui/tkinter apps too)

hint: when i do the same in C, i usually do something like:



Re: GDAL-1.7.1 : vcvarsall.bat missing

2010-06-25 Thread Christian Heimes
  I'll try my luck with Cygwin's ggc before I look into another C/C++

Better grab a recent build of MinGW32. Python's build system has native
support for mingw32. IIRC Cygwin's GCC is only supported for Cygwin
builds of Python.



Re: python source code - win/dos executable (on linux)

2010-06-25 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-06-25, superpollo ute...@esempio.net wrote:

 suppose i work in a linux environment, but i would like to ship a 
 win/dos executable file from time to time, just for test purposes (my
 testers are windows users and don't want to go through the hassle
 of installing python on their win boxes). what is the best way to do
 that?  (the application should be a simple console app, but my
 question applies to gui/tkinter apps too)


You're not going to be able to do it on linux.  A virtual machine
running win2k works fine, though.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I left my WALLET in
  at   the BATHROOM!!

os.system: string encoding

2010-06-25 Thread Peter Kleiweg

How do I set the string encoding for os.system to anything other then UTF-8?

(peter) ~ echo $LANG
(peter) ~ python3
Python 3.1.1 (r311:74480, Oct  2 2009, 11:50:52) 
 import os
 os.system('echo \N{EURO SIGN}')

Peter Kleiweg

Re: deprecated string module issue

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:02 AM, GrayShark howe.ste...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a quick try. Same 'warning'. No,
 using the string module is the issue. Perhaps I'll just ignore it.

Perhaps? Why perhaps? The warning is simply factually wrong-- therefore,
there's no reason in the world not to ignore it. You can submit a bug to the
pylint people though, that may be nice :)

Remember that pylint is a third-party tool made by a group of people who
have a certain understanding and set of expectations for what's good / bad /
right / wrong.  It isn't *really* an authoritative voice of what is
supported by Python or what is good Python code -- and they even know
that, which is why exactly what warnings and such it spits out are *very*
configurable, so it can be adjusted to different peoples needs and

Its a very useful metric, but consider what it spits out advice and not
necessarily errors or problems that need addressing. You have to decide that
for yourself on a case-by-case basis.


Re: improving python performance by extension module (64bit)

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Peng Yu pengyu...@gmail.com wrote:


 The above package can improve python program on 32 bit library. But I
 need to run on 64 bit library. Is there any other module that can help
 improving the performance of python on 64 bit?

This is a total aside as a response, and I mean no offense by it :) But are
you sure you're ready to go there? Your questions have been pretty basic so
far, and to go from basic to needing 64-bit performance boosts is a bit
jarring. Have you profiled your code and located some bottlenecks where
you've determined you need this?

Python's slow, sure. But its in practice fast enough for an extremely broad
range of activities. In my own personal, entirely anecdotal experience:
those places where its not, I've actually often found Python wrappers for
libraries that are. The lxml module for instance in some places where I do
some crazy-intense xml processing. By using mature, established and fast
libraries written in C(++) and wrapped in Python, I get all the benefits of
their speed boosts, and don't have to even bother re-inventing the wheel
myself and getting all the pesky details right.

Now, true. Sometimes there isn't a square wheel already invented and you may
find that place where Python's dynamic fluffy love is hiptastic and so its
tripping over itself, at which point as others have noted-- Cython's what
you're looking for.

In my personal experience, that situation is actually really rare, though.
Demonstrate you need it before you go out of your way to avoid it -- it'll
save you time in the future, I think :)


Re: Heuristic

2010-06-25 Thread Marcos
What do you suggest Terry? I think this problem its similar to
traveler salesman. Some people solve it with Heuristic and some with
Linear programming or Stochastic programming.

On 25 jun, 03:28, Terry Reedy tjre...@udel.edu wrote:
 On 6/24/2010 9:13 PM, Marcos wrote:

  I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
  suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
  client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
  discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.

  Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
  if I have a transport discount.

  Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.

  So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
  generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.

  Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.

 You would not use a heuristic to generate all possibilities. You might
 use one to *avoid* doing that, and still get a good, not necessarily
 optimal, answer. Wikipedia has an general entry on 'heuristic'.
 Algorithm books often specifically discuss heuristic algorithms.

 Terry Jan Reedy


Continuously running scripts question

2010-06-25 Thread jyoung79
Currently, I have some scripts (in particular, applescript 
'stay-open' scripts) that run continuously on a Mac through 
the day.  They look in a certain folder every 30 seconds and 
perform the necessary work needed.

I was curious if anyone here on the list does anything similar 
with Python?  If so, do you use launchd, cron, etc in order to 
start up your Python script at the appropriate time(s)?  Or do 
you just let your Python code run continuously?  I'm curious of 
the pros and cons with each of these.  I'm assuming launchd (or
something similar) is probably the better option since if a 
script broke it would start it back up again the next time 
around.  Launchd also probably doesn't use as much processing 




Re: GDAL-1.7.1 : vcvarsall.bat missing

2010-06-25 Thread Max Erickson
kBob krd...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Jun 25, 1:26 am, Mark Lawrence breamore...@yahoo.co.uk
 On 24/06/2010 21:48, Christian Heimes wrote:

    I am attempting to install the GDAL bindings (GDAL-1.7.1)
  on a Windows XP Desktop with Python 2.6 and GDAL. During
  install, the 

If it suits your needs, you can wire the OSGEO installation of GDAL
to a python.org python installation (rather than a bundled OSGEO
python interpreter, which is another option): 


Setting the correct paths was enough to get the basic things I used
to work (but I haven't used it extensively). 

  Thanks for the tips, gentlemen.
  I'll try my luck with Cygwin's ggc before I look into another
 Kelly Dean
 Fort Collins, CO

Giovanni Bajo packages a version of MinGW GCC for use with Python:


He does note on the page that the MinGW project isn't quite so sure
that GCC 4.x is ready for release. 



Re: Continuously running scripts question

2010-06-25 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:49 AM,  jyoun...@kc.rr.com wrote:
 Currently, I have some scripts (in particular, applescript
 'stay-open' scripts) that run continuously on a Mac through
 the day.  They look in a certain folder every 30 seconds and
 perform the necessary work needed.

 I was curious if anyone here on the list does anything similar
 with Python?  If so, do you use launchd, cron, etc in order to
 start up your Python script at the appropriate time(s)?  Or do
 you just let your Python code run continuously?  I'm curious of
 the pros and cons with each of these.  I'm assuming launchd (or
 something similar) is probably the better option since if a
 script broke it would start it back up again the next time
 around.  Launchd also probably doesn't use as much processing

I use cron.

Pro:  You don't have to worry about an unusual exception crashing your
script and requiring a restart.  You fix the exception when you can,
and in the meantime your script is still being run.

Con:  Most cron implementations have a maximum frequency of once per minute.
Con:  Starting a fresh Python interpreter is expensive, and doing it
once or twice per minute could add significantly if the system is
already under a heavy load.

When I do this, my scripts generally run once every 15 minutes or
thereabouts, so the cons don't really apply.


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:15:12 +0100, WANG Cong wrote:

 Hi, list!
 I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
 assignments in Python.
 As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of a class
 dynamically by an assignment:
 class test: pass
 test.a = hello
 However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.
 My points are:
 1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
 a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong to

Yes, isn't it wonderful? In other languages, metaprogramming is deepest 
black magic, or even completely impossible. In Python it is so easy that 
anyone can do it, and it is something beginners learn.

 2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
 like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
 metaprogramming in C++.

Why should it be?

 3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
 is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
 doing metaprogramming at a first glance.

Why do you care if you are doing metaprogramming? Perhaps other languages 
make it seem difficult and scary, but in Python it is not. It is simple 
and easy.

 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP, this is
 and should be implemented by inherence.

Perhaps, and perhaps not. But Python has never pretended to slavishly 
follow OOP principles. Python does what works, not necessarily what is 
a pure design. Python has functional programming, procedural 
programming, and OO programming, and happily mixes them all together.

 5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:
test.typo = blah

Yes, that is one downside to Python's dynamicism. The solutions are:

* Unit tests, unit tests, unit tests. Then more unit tests.
  (You're writing them anyway, aren't you?)
* Run PyChecker or PyLint to check the source code for errors.
* Don't make typos. *smiles*

 I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
 attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I add a
 new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another place,
 and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!

Then don't do that.

 I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
 __set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook. However, this
 is not default. In my points of view, a better design should be:
 1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,

There are many languages that do that. Python is not one of them. Python 
is *designed* to be a dynamic language. If you don't like dynamic 
languages, then you have many, many, many other choices. Perhaps such a 
language is better for *you*. Perhaps such non-dynamic languages are 
better for huge applications written by thousands of developers. But 
Python is designed to be a rapid prototyping language, and as such, 
dynamicism is a feature, not a bug.


Re: Continuously running scripts question

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Harig

On 2010-06-25, jyoun...@kc.rr.com jyoun...@kc.rr.com wrote:
[order modified]
 I was curious if anyone here on the list does anything similar 
 with Python?  If so, do you use launchd, cron, etc in order to 
 start up your Python script at the appropriate time(s)?  Or do 
 you just let your Python code run continuously?  I'm curious of 

I do both.  I use cron for large time intervals so that the script is not
constantly memory resident and I run python continuously, either sleeping
or pausing for a signal, when the time interval is small enough that the
init overhead becomes significant.

 the pros and cons with each of these.  I'm assuming launchd (or
 something similar) is probably the better option since if a 
 script broke it would start it back up again the next time 
 around.  Launchd also probably doesn't use as much processing 

You can do the same thing by implementing a supervisor process that
monitors your worker process so that the supervisor kills and restarts the
worker process if it doesn't appear to be functioning properly or crashes.

 Currently, I have some scripts (in particular, applescript 
 'stay-open' scripts) that run continuously on a Mac through 
 the day.  They look in a certain folder every 30 seconds and 
 perform the necessary work needed.

It sounds to me, since your script is acting on an event, that it
would benefit from using something like inotify, or whatever your
system equivilant would be (FSEvents for Mac? FAM framework for general
POSIX. There are python modules available.), so that your script can
react when (and only when) it notices changes to the folder in question.

followup links (Re: Continuously running scripts question)

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-06-25, Tim Harig user...@ilthio.net wrote:
 It sounds to me, since your script is acting on an event, that it
 would benefit from using something like inotify, or whatever your
 system equivilant would be (FSEvents for Mac? FAM framework for general
 POSIX. There are python modules available.), so that your script can
 react when (and only when) it notices changes to the folder in question.

pynotify (Linux inotify):

FSEvents wrapper:

C libraries and daemon:
Python wrapper:

Similar functionality is available for other platforms; but, you will need
to look at the documentation for those platforms for information on how to
access it.

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 6:15 AM, WANG Cong xiyou.wangc...@gmail.com wrote:

 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
 this is and should be implemented by inherence.

Others have answered the rest fine, I just wanted to add: Who says we have
to follow OOP principles, huh?

If you want to follow OOP principles: Python will do absolutely nothing to
stop you! All power to you.

You're also free to break the principles if you choose to: this is the key
point. Python lets you choose to. If you firmly believe in the principles,
you can embrace them fully by simply never choosing to violate them in any

Some languages force you to adopt the OOP paradigm and build its principles
directly into the language. Python does not. A python object is not,
necessarily, the same thing as an abstract Object in the OOP world. But you
can use it as such an object if you want and do everything OOP needs, though
some things (such as encapsulation) are done by convention more then a
strict enforcement by the language.

Or you can use it and abuse it and do some really interesting and slightly
crazy things as you experiment with other paradigms (even some lesser known
ones), perhaps inventing a new paradigm all together. :)

Most of my code is pretty OOPish. But I have more then a few places where I
dig out my metaclass dark magic and transform objects into some distinctly
unique tool.

Python's content with letting me do that. Not that I'd show anyone or admit
to my vices publicly, though. :)


Re: Continuously running scripts question

2010-06-25 Thread Kushal Kumaran
- Original message -
 Currently, I have some scripts (in particular, applescript 
 'stay-open' scripts) that run continuously on a Mac through 
 the day.   They look in a certain folder every 30 seconds and 
 perform the necessary work needed.

Take a look at inotify.  Maybe it fits your needs better.  Not sure if it is 
available on mac os.


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Dave Angel

Alan G Isaac wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedOn 
6/24/2010 1:59 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

It is NOT a numeric variable in Python realms.

Sure, but why does it not behave more like one?
It seems both obvious and desirable, so I'm
guessing there is a good reason not to do it.

So var+=increment can't be used because Python would rebind the name
var to a new object

import Tkinter as tk

class IntVar2(tk.IntVar):

...   def __iadd__(self, val):
... self.set(self.get()+val)
... return self

root = tk.Tk()
myintvar2 = IntVar2()
temp = myintvar2
myintvar2 += 5
print(myintvar2.get(),myintvar2 is temp)

(5, True)

Alan Isaac

A real Python integer is immutable.  But for tkinter, you want something 
that can change.  So they define an object that can be changed.  But the 
default behavior of += is to assign a new object with the new value, 
rather than changing the previous object.



Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread rantingrick
On Jun 25, 9:12 am, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 6/24/2010 1:59 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

  It is NOT a numeric variable in Python realms.

 Sure, but why does it not behave more like one?
 It seems both obvious and desirable, so I'm
 guessing there is a good reason not to do it.

This is a good point. And i have always believed the IntVar should
work this way. However it has not been changed because those who have
the power to change it really don't use GUI's (much less Tkinter) or
for that matter really care. I fear your laments will only fall on
deaf ears as the many before you. However i find the control vars in
most instances not really the best choice. For check buttons and
radiobuttions they are essintial, however for labels, texts,
listboxes, etc, just use w.config()

As another example; IDLE is full of atrocities like using built-ins
for variables, polluting namespaces with from Tkinter import * (not to
mention that this slows load time to a crawl when you have load 30
namespaces with 500 or so names), the package is missing much needed
comments and doc strings, and the most annoying and i would say
*idiotic* of all is the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
root.quit instead of root.destroy! WTF! So after you run your test and
try to press the little red X button to close the window guess what
happens...yes the mainloop quits processing events but the GUI stays
plopped right there on your monitor until you go and kill the process
from task manager... WHAT F'N MORON WROTE THIS CODE?!?! But what is
more amazing is how this atrocious code has lingered the stdlib for so
long. People it's time to wake up, IDLE needs a complete re-write.

But i wonder how many have called for changes and those changes have
fallen on deaf ears. How many have submitted beautiful code only to be
ignored because of childish rivalries? Why do i even waste my time
posting to this group? There's a good question.

Re: Python 2.7, tkinter problem on OSX

2010-06-25 Thread Jeff Hobbs
On Jun 25, 1:54 am, Julien Pauty julien.pa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Last version of my software relies on ttk. Under windows and linux
 this is fine. But, OSX users are facing problems (I don't have access
 to a Mac myself for testing...). Those with OSX 10.6 can run the
 program. It seems that OSX 8.6 ships with Tk8.5.

 People with OSX 8.5 cannot run the app. I told them to install python
 2.7 which seems to be the first version on OSX to ship with Tk8.5.
 However, the program still does not run. I asked a person to launch a
 python 2.7 interpreter and try to import tkinter. This is an excerpt
 of the output:

   from Tkinter import *
 line 39, in module
     import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
 2): no suitable image found.  Did find:
 no matching architecture in universal wrapper

 Full log is there:http://pastebin.com/vky8FbrP

 I asked a person to simply open a python2.7 shell and import Tkinter.
 He got the same error.

 All of this is executed with Python 2.7rc1. Archives that are on the
 ftp of python.org.

 I have seen this bughttp://bugs.python.org/issue9045, which is
 related, but deals with the specificities if OSX 64bit.

 Can this problem be solved by installing Active TK 8.5 for OSX ?

 Anybody knows what is the good combination of installer / libraries to
 install to run a ttk application on OSX 8.5 ? Ideally, I would like to
 document the setup procedure for 8.5 users.

The OS X equation is confuzzulating due to version and API changes in
Mac OS X.  Let's review ...

OS X 10.5 ships Tcl/Tk 8.4 built 32-bit only i386+ppc using Carbon.
OS X 10.6 ships Tcl/Tk 8.5 built 32/64 i386+x86_64 using Cocoa.

The Cocoa port of Tk was necessary for 64-bit support, as Apple never
did supply the promised 64-bit Carbon.  Tk 8.5 has Cocoa as an option,
and it is default in Tk 8.6.

ActiveTcl 8.5 still ships as 32-bit i386+ppc Carbon because going to
Cocoa also means you have to drop OS X 10.4 support (out of curiousity
- does anyone care about OS X 10.4 anymore that isn't stuck on what's
already installed?).  8.5 plans to do so later this year (leaving
behind our OS X 10.4 brethren to older versions).  ActiveTcl 8.6 (Tcl/
Tk 8.6 is in beta) already ships i386+x86_64 Cocoa.

Now there is the issue that Tkinter links to a specific version of Tcl/
Tk.  I am currently working on a patch that will remove this
limitation (making the binary Tk version independent).

So what do you do?

Well, it depends on what mix you are trying to make.  The easiest is
to just run
arch -i386 python2.7
and then it will find the compatible i386 Tk.  The next release of
ActivePython 2.7 (which is building i386+x86_64) will have the Tk
version independence, so it could work with core Tk or AT 8.6, or 8.5
in 32-bit mode.

Less confuzzulated?


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 6/25/2010 10:24 AM rantingrick said...

On Jun 25, 9:12 am, Alan G Isaacalan.is...@gmail.com  wrote:

On 6/24/2010 1:59 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

It is NOT a numeric variable in Python realms.

Sure, but why does it not behave more like one?
It seems both obvious and desirable, so I'm
guessing there is a good reason not to do it.

This is a good point. And i have always believed the IntVar should
work this way. However it has not been changed because those who have
the power to change it really don't use GUI's (much less Tkinter) or
for that matter really care. I fear your laments will only fall on
deaf ears as the many before you. However i find the control vars in
most instances not really the best choice. For check buttons and
radiobuttions they are essintial, however for labels, texts,
listboxes, etc, just use w.config()

As another example; IDLE is full of atrocities like using built-ins
for variables, polluting namespaces with from Tkinter import * (not to
mention that this slows load time to a crawl when you have load 30
namespaces with 500 or so names), the package is missing much needed
comments and doc strings, and the most annoying and i would say
*idiotic* of all is the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
root.quit instead of root.destroy! WTF! So after you run your test and
try to press the little red X button to close the window guess what
happens...yes the mainloop quits processing events but the GUI stays
plopped right there on your monitor until you go and kill the process
from task manager... WHAT F'N MORON WROTE THIS CODE?!?! But what is
more amazing is how this atrocious code has lingered the stdlib for so
long. People it's time to wake up, IDLE needs a complete re-write.

But i wonder how many have called for changes and those changes have
fallen on deaf ears. How many have submitted beautiful code only to be
ignored because of childish rivalries? Why do i even waste my time
posting to this group? There's a good question.

IIRC, IDLE was written by Guido so that he could experience writing in 
python (which he also wrote).  _You_ can either rewrite it or not, but 
realize no one else is going to do it, so stop wasting your time asking 
for it to be rewritten.



Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 6/25/2010 1:14 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

the default behavior of += is to assign a new object with the new value,
rather than changing the previous object.

a = []
temp = a
a += [2]


Alan Isaac


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 6/25/2010 1:24 PM, rantingrick wrote:

the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
root.quit instead of root.destroy!

Did you open an issue?

Alan Isaac


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread WANG Cong
On 06/25/10 17:25, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au wrote:

 On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:15:12 +0100, WANG Cong wrote:

 Hi, list!
 I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
 assignments in Python.
 As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of a class
 dynamically by an assignment:
 class test: pass
 test.a = hello
 However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.
 My points are:
 1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
 a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong to

(Thanks for your reply.)

 Yes, isn't it wonderful? In other languages, metaprogramming is deepest 
 black magic, or even completely impossible. In Python it is so easy that 
 anyone can do it, and it is something beginners learn.

The point is why making metaprogramming easy is wonderful? AND, even if
it were wonderful, why only this one, i.e. creating attributes by
assignments, not other things?

In my points of view, a programming language is wonderful only when it
is designed so, there is no other things like this one in Python, AFAIK,
are as simple as this one, thus making this one really odd to me. :-)

 2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
 like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
 metaprogramming in C++.

 Why should it be?

It is, if you consider other things of metaprogramming in Python. For
example, deleting an attribute.

 3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
 is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
 doing metaprogramming at a first glance.

 Why do you care if you are doing metaprogramming? Perhaps other languages 
 make it seem difficult and scary, but in Python it is not. It is simple 
 and easy.

I do care, programming for a class is quite different from programming
for a non-class, even from a historical reason. They sit in different
levels of programming.

 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP, this is
 and should be implemented by inherence.

 Perhaps, and perhaps not. But Python has never pretended to slavishly 
 follow OOP principles. Python does what works, not necessarily what is 
 a pure design. Python has functional programming, procedural 
 programming, and OO programming, and happily mixes them all together.

Happily mixes them all together doesn't mean it is elegant. :)

 5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:
test.typo = blah

 Yes, that is one downside to Python's dynamicism. The solutions are:

 * Unit tests, unit tests, unit tests. Then more unit tests.
   (You're writing them anyway, aren't you?)
 * Run PyChecker or PyLint to check the source code for errors.
 * Don't make typos. *smiles*

Well, I am talking in the language design level, if we could solve
this problem in the language design level, why do we need to bother
these things?

 I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
 attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I add a
 new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another place,
 and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!

 Then don't do that.

Yeah, don't do that is one thing, Python allows to do that is
another thing.

 I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
 __set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook. However, this
 is not default. In my points of view, a better design should be:
 1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,

 There are many languages that do that. Python is not one of them. Python 
 is *designed* to be a dynamic language. If you don't like dynamic 
 languages, then you have many, many, many other choices. Perhaps such a 
 language is better for *you*. Perhaps such non-dynamic languages are 
 better for huge applications written by thousands of developers. But 
 Python is designed to be a rapid prototyping language, and as such, 
 dynamicism is a feature, not a bug.

Such as?

As I said in the previous email, this is not so much related with
dynamic programmin or not. Using 'setattr()' could also prove Python
is a dynamic programming, but Python doesn't choose this by default.


Live like a child, think like the god.

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread WANG Cong
On 06/25/10 15:34, Bruno Desthuilliers 
bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:

 WANG Cong a écrit :
 Hi, list!

 I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
 assignments in Python.

 As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
 a class dynamically by an assignment:

 class test: pass
 test.a = hello

 However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

 My points are:


 Python's classes are plain objects, and like any other object are
 created at runtime. Having to special-case them would break the
 simplicity and uniformity of Python for no good reason. Just like
 there's no good reason to make setattr() working differently for class
 and non-class objects.

For implementaiton, perhaps, but not for the language design, how could
a language design be perfect if we can use setattr() like assignments
while use other things, e.g. delattr(), not? Is there any way to express
delattr() as simple as expressing setattr() with assignments? I doubt...

Using assignments to create an attribute hides metaprogramming behide,
while using delattr() exposes it.


Live like a child, think like the god.

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread WANG Cong
On 06/25/10 14:31, Richard Thomas chards...@gmail.com wrote:


 If you desperately want to limit the attribute assignments that can be
 performed on an object you can set the __slots__ attribute of its
 type. However, the Python ethos has always been to restrict as little
 as necessary to provide the tools it needs. Performing additional
 checks every time an attribute assignment is performed is completely
 unnecessary. Remember that unlike C these checks would have to be
 performed at run-time.

I don't care in which way I can limit this, I care why I should limit
this by default, not vice versa?

Yeah, I do understand this could be a performance issue, but comparing
it with a language design issue, _I think_ the latter thing is much more
important than the former one.

Live like a child, think like the god.

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Ethan Furman

WANG Cong wrote:

On 06/25/10 15:34, Bruno Desthuilliers 
bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:

WANG Cong a écrit :

Hi, list!

I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
assignments in Python.

As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
a class dynamically by an assignment:

class test: pass

test.a = hello


However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.

My points are:


Python's classes are plain objects, and like any other object are
created at runtime. Having to special-case them would break the
simplicity and uniformity of Python for no good reason. Just like
there's no good reason to make setattr() working differently for class
and non-class objects.

For implementaiton, perhaps, but not for the language design, how could
a language design be perfect if we can use setattr() like assignments
while use other things, e.g. delattr(), not? Is there any way to express
delattr() as simple as expressing setattr() with assignments? I doubt...

 del test.a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: class test has no attribute 'a'

Looks pretty simple to me...



2010-06-25 Thread small Pox
On Jun 22, 8:30 pm, small Pox smallpox...@gmail.com wrote:
 Jew Judges NEVER came out against the CRIMES of BUSH and CHENEY and
 LARRY    S I L V E R    S T E I N   -   The main player in 911

 Jews are coming out from the directions of Corporations, Mafias,
 Legislators, and now Judge to SUBVERT the UNITED STATES.

 Please listen to the Speech of Mr Benjamin H Freedman 
 to see how they BLACKMAILED  President WOODROW WILSON to INSTALL a Jew
 Judge BRANDEIS in the SUPREME COURT - the FIRST one

 Judge Drills Hole in Deepwater Ban; Obama Promises Immediate Appeal
 Judge: Drilling Moratorium 'Cannot Justify' Effects on Local Economy

 WASHINGTON, June 22, 2010

  A federal judge ruled today that the Interior Department had acted
 arbitrarily when it issued a six-month moratorium on all pending,
 current or approved drilling plans for new deepwater wells in the Gulf
 of Mexico   and Pacific Ocean  and agreed to lift the ban.
 Scientists believe oil is depleting water of oxygen, driving predators
 to shore.

 Judge Martin L.C. Feldman granted a preliminary injunction to Hornbeck
 Offshore Services to lift the moratorium, saying that the government
 failed to cogently reflect the decision to issue a blanket, generic,
 indeed punitive, moratorium.

 The Administrative Procedure Act authorizes judges to review the
 actions of executive branch agencies only if the action is found to be
 arbitrary, capricious, and abuse of discretion, or not otherwise in
 accordance with the law.

 Feldman said a report by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar calling
 for the moratorium went too far and that he was unable to divine or
 fathom a relationship between the findings and the immense scope of
 the moratorium.

 Recent disclosure documents indicate that Feldman, who was appointed
 to the bench by President Ronald Reagan, has had financial holdings in
 energy companies.

 The Department of Justice said it would immediately appeal the

 On Jun 22, 2:38 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards

 - Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -

 nanothermite911fbibusta...@gmail.com wrote:
  The FASCINATING Secret Relationship Between PROFLIGATE WHITES and
  A fascinating relationship has existed between the PROFLIGATE WHITES
  of the European continent and the MISLEADING and MANIPULATING JEWS
  for more than a thousand years.
  The understanding of the world history can never commence without a
  focus on this historical point of view.
  We will slowly slowly reveal parts of this comprehensive treatise.

US Senators Urge Obama To Stand By Israel

By Ma'an News

25 June, 2010
Ma'an News

Bethlehem – Ma’an – In a letter, 87 American senators told President
Barack Obama that the US must continue to stand with Israel. In a
senate of 100 members, the group of 87 represents a strong majority.

Declaring that Israel faces multiple threats from Hamas in Gaza,
Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the current regime in Iran, the senators
outlined the importance of Israel as an ally to the US.

The letter commended the Obama administration for preventing the
adoption of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an
international probe into Israel’s deadly raid on an aid boat last
month which left nine civilians, including a US citizen, dead.

The senators cited the aid mission as one of the clever diplomatic
and tactical ploys employed by Israel’s opponents.

The group suggested the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which
was involved in the attempt to send aid to Gaza, should be listed as a
terrorist organization, and said it has additional questions about
Turkey and any connections to Hamas.

Further, the senators declared their opposition to the UN's main human
rights organ, stating, We also deplore the actions of the United
Nations Human Rights Council which, once again, singled out Israel.


Re: How to get the date format from the users locale?

2010-06-25 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 4:39 AM, Fabio Zadrozny fabi...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying to get the locale-aware date format but it doesn't seem to
 be available through nl_langinfo in python 2.5.4 (windows vista).

There is the %x format specifier in the time module, but it doesn't
actually tell you the format, it merely parses/outputs data in that
format; thus, it's rather opaque.



2010-06-25 Thread small Pox
US Senators Urge Obama To Stand By Israel

By Ma'an News

25 June, 2010
Ma'an News

Bethlehem – Ma’an – In a letter, 87 American senators told President
Barack Obama that the US must continue to stand with Israel. In a
senate of 100 members, the group of 87 represents a strong majority.

Declaring that Israel faces multiple threats from Hamas in Gaza,
Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the current regime in Iran, the senators
outlined the importance of Israel as an ally to the US.

The letter commended the Obama administration for preventing the
adoption of a UN Security Council resolution calling for an
international probe into Israel’s deadly raid on an aid boat last
month which left nine civilians, including a US citizen, dead.

The senators cited the aid mission as one of the clever diplomatic
and tactical ploys employed by Israel’s opponents.

The group suggested the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which
was involved in the attempt to send aid to Gaza, should be listed as a
terrorist organization, and said it has additional questions about
Turkey and any connections to Hamas.

Further, the senators declared their opposition to the UN's main human
rights organ, stating, We also deplore the actions of the United
Nations Human Rights Council which, once again, singled out Israel.

On Jun 22, 8:30 pm, small Pox smallpox...@gmail.com wrote:
 Jew Judges NEVER came out against the CRIMES of BUSH and CHENEY and
 LARRY    S I L V E R    S T E I N   -   The main player in 911

 Jews are coming out from the directions of Corporations, Mafias,
 Legislators, and now Judge to SUBVERT the UNITED STATES.

 Please listen to the Speech of Mr Benjamin H Freedman 
 to see how they BLACKMAILED  President WOODROW WILSON to INSTALL a Jew
 Judge BRANDEIS in the SUPREME COURT - the FIRST one

 Judge Drills Hole in Deepwater Ban; Obama Promises Immediate Appeal
 Judge: Drilling Moratorium 'Cannot Justify' Effects on Local Economy

 WASHINGTON, June 22, 2010

  A federal judge ruled today that the Interior Department had acted
 arbitrarily when it issued a six-month moratorium on all pending,
 current or approved drilling plans for new deepwater wells in the Gulf
 of Mexico   and Pacific Ocean  and agreed to lift the ban.
 Scientists believe oil is depleting water of oxygen, driving predators
 to shore.

 Judge Martin L.C. Feldman granted a preliminary injunction to Hornbeck
 Offshore Services to lift the moratorium, saying that the government
 failed to cogently reflect the decision to issue a blanket, generic,
 indeed punitive, moratorium.

 The Administrative Procedure Act authorizes judges to review the
 actions of executive branch agencies only if the action is found to be
 arbitrary, capricious, and abuse of discretion, or not otherwise in
 accordance with the law.

 Feldman said a report by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar calling
 for the moratorium went too far and that he was unable to divine or
 fathom a relationship between the findings and the immense scope of
 the moratorium.

 Recent disclosure documents indicate that Feldman, who was appointed
 to the bench by President Ronald Reagan, has had financial holdings in
 energy companies.

 The Department of Justice said it would immediately appeal the

 On Jun 22, 2:38 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards

 - Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -

 nanothermite911fbibusta...@gmail.com wrote:
  The FASCINATING Secret Relationship Between PROFLIGATE WHITES and
  A fascinating relationship has existed between the PROFLIGATE WHITES
  of the European continent and the MISLEADING and MANIPULATING JEWS
  for more than a thousand years.
  The understanding of the world history can never commence without a
  focus on this historical point of view.
  We will slowly slowly reveal parts of this comprehensive treatise.


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:03 AM, WANG Cong xiyou.wangc...@gmail.comwrote:

 On 06/25/10 17:25, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au

  Yes, isn't it wonderful? In other languages, metaprogramming is deepest
  black magic, or even completely impossible. In Python it is so easy that
  anyone can do it, and it is something beginners learn.

 The point is why making metaprogramming easy is wonderful? AND, even if
 it were wonderful, why only this one, i.e. creating attributes by
 assignments, not other things?

 In my points of view, a programming language is wonderful only when it
 is designed so, there is no other things like this one in Python, AFAIK,
 are as simple as this one, thus making this one really odd to me. :-)

What other things?

That you define this as 'metaprogramming' is really strange to me. I have no
idea what you're talking about when you decide to call adding an attribute
to an object that.

Classes and instances are not static. They are created at runtime: thus,
they can be changed at runtime. Why would you expect anything else? They
aren't concrete 'things' like in certain other languages.

  2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
  like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
  metaprogramming in C++.
  Why should it be?

 It is, if you consider other things of metaprogramming in Python. For
 example, deleting an attribute.

del obj.a works just fine.

  4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP, this is
  and should be implemented by inherence.
  Perhaps, and perhaps not. But Python has never pretended to slavishly
  follow OOP principles. Python does what works, not necessarily what is
  a pure design. Python has functional programming, procedural
  programming, and OO programming, and happily mixes them all together.

 Happily mixes them all together doesn't mean it is elegant. :)

Its quite elegant in fact.

  5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:
 test.typo = blah
  Yes, that is one downside to Python's dynamicism. The solutions are:
  * Unit tests, unit tests, unit tests. Then more unit tests.
(You're writing them anyway, aren't you?)
  * Run PyChecker or PyLint to check the source code for errors.
  * Don't make typos. *smiles*

 Well, I am talking in the language design level, if we could solve
 this problem in the language design level, why do we need to bother
 these things?

Why complicate the language when there's perfectly good ways to solve the
problem elsewhere? Especially if those ways -also- have significant benefits
of their own.

  I am expecting Python will compllain that Hey! You have a typo in the
  attribute name!. Also, this could make code worse to read, if I add a
  new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another place,
  and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!
  Then don't do that.

 Yeah, don't do that is one thing, Python allows to do that is
 another thing.

Why shouldn't it allow it?

If you care about having a firm, set series of attributes that can not
change, then you will never add an attribute on the fly. Therefore, you will
never run into a situation where you're confused on what attributes are
available. Therefore, this works perfectly well as-is.

Using 'setattr()' could also prove Python
 is a dynamic programming, but Python doesn't choose this by default.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:18 AM, WANG Cong xiyou.wangc...@gmail.com

 On 06/25/10 15:34, Bruno Desthuilliers
 bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
  Python's classes are plain objects, and like any other object are
  created at runtime. Having to special-case them would break the
  simplicity and uniformity of Python for no good reason. Just like
  there's no good reason to make setattr() working differently for class
  and non-class objects.

 For implementaiton, perhaps, but not for the language design, how could
 a language design be perfect if we can use setattr() like assignments
 while use other things, e.g. delattr(), not? Is there any way to express
 delattr() as simple as expressing setattr() with assignments? I doubt...


Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jun 17 2009, 20:37:34)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
built-in function delattr

del obj.x invokes obj.__delattr_(x) just like obj.x = 1 invokes
obj.__setattr__(x, 1), and there are delattr() and setattr() convenience
functions for both. There's also a getattr() function (which ultimately
calls obj.__getattr__) for the 'reading' of said attribute.

I'm not sure what you think is missing. The object protocol is fully
documented (and customizable).

 Using assignments to create an attribute hides metaprogramming behide,
 while using delattr() exposes it.

I don't understand what 

Re: Why Is Escaping Data Considered So Magical?

2010-06-25 Thread John Nagle

On 6/25/2010 12:09 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:

Nobodynob...@nowhere.com  writes:

More generally, as a program gets more complex, this will work so long as
we do X every time without fail approaches this won't work.

   Yes.  I was just looking at some of my own code.  Out of about 100
SQL statements, I'd used manual escaping once, in code where the WHERE
clause is built up depending on what information is available for the
search.  It's done properly, using MySQLdb.escape_string(s), which
is what's used inside cursor.execute.  Looking at the code, I
now realize that it would have been better to
add sections to the SQL string with standard escapes, and at the same
time, append the key items to a list.  Then the list can be
converted to a tuple for submission to cursor.execute.

John Nagle


(test - ignore)

2010-06-25 Thread John Nagle

Having posting problems - ignore

[ANN]: newthreading - an approach to simplified thread usage, and a path to getting rid of the GIL

2010-06-25 Thread John Nagle

We have just released a proof-of-concept implementation of a new
approach to thread management - newthreading.  It is available
for download at


The user's guide is at


This is a pure Python implementation of synchronized objects, along
with a set of restrictions which make programs race-condition free,
even without a Global Interpreter Lock.  The basic idea is that
classes derived from SynchronizedObject are automatically locked
at entry and unlocked at exit. They're also unlocked when a thread
blocks within the class.  So at no time can two threads be active
in such a class at one time.

In addition, only frozen objects can be passed in and out of
synchronized objects.  (This is somewhat like the multiprocessing
module, where you can only pass objects that can be pickled.
But it's not as restrictive; multiple threads can access the
same synchronized object, one at a time.

This pure Python implementation is usable, but does not improve
performance.  It's a proof of concept implementation so that
programmers can try out synchronized classes and see what it's
like to work within those restrictions.

The semantics of Python don't change for single-thread programs.
But when the program forks off the first new thread, the rules
change, and some of the dynamic features of Python are disabled.

Some of the ideas are borrowed from Java, and some are from 
safethreading.  The point is to come up with a set of liveable

restrictions which would allow getting rid of the GIL.  This
is becoming essential as Unladen Swallow starts to work and the
number of processors per machine keeps climbing.

This may in time become a Python Enhancement Proposal.  We'd like
to get some experience with it first. Try it out and report back.
The SourceForge forum for the project is the best place to report problems.

John Nagle

Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Stephen Hansen
me+list/pyt...@ixokai.io wrote:
 Using assignments to create an attribute hides metaprogramming behide,
 while using delattr() exposes it.

 I don't understand what you're saying here either.

I think he's saying that when an attribute exists in the class
dictionary, assigning that attribute to an instance obscures it, and
deleting that attribute from an instance exposes it.

The point being, I guess, that when an assignment to an instance
attribute is performed in the code, it's not immediately obvious
whether that assignment is updating something already defined in the
class or creating something entirely new.  Whereas deleting an
instance attribute always exposes whatever is already defined at the
class level.

I think the distinction is false, though, since deleting an instance
attribute says nothing about whether that attribute is defined at the
class level to begin with.

Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Dave Angel

Alan G Isaac wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedOn 
6/25/2010 1:14 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

the default behavior of += is to assign a new object with the new value,
rather than changing the previous object.

a = []
temp = a
a += [2]


Alan Isaac

I said default, not only behavior.   I suspect list provides an 
__iadd__  method to provide this ability.  Integers do not, and  
therefore neither does the object the OP was asking about.


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Terry Reedy

On 6/25/2010 10:12 AM, Alan G Isaac wrote:

On 6/24/2010 1:59 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

It is NOT a numeric variable in Python realms.

Sure, but why does it not behave more like one?
It seems both obvious and desirable, so I'm
guessing there is a good reason not to do it.

tkinter was written long before newstyle classes and properties existed. 
For 3.x, all the classes had to be and were updated. I presume 
properties could now be used in 3.x to update the interface.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread rantingrick
On Jun 25, 12:36 pm, Emile van Sebille em...@fenx.com wrote:

 IIRC, IDLE was written by Guido so that he could experience writing in
 python (which he also wrote).  _You_ can either rewrite it or not, but
 realize no one else is going to do it, so stop wasting your time asking
 for it to be rewritten.

I AM rewriting it, however i am heavily contemplating whether i will
or will not share the code with such ungrateful heathens.

Re: deprecated string module issue

2010-06-25 Thread Terry Reedy

On 6/25/2010 10:02 AM, GrayShark wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a quick try. Same 'warning'. No,
using the string module is the issue. Perhaps I'll just ignore it.

And what about the next naive user of pylint? Submitting a bug report to 
the author of pylint would take much less time than you have *us* to 
spend helping you. Doing so would be a way of thanking us since then, if 
pylint were changed, we would not have to answer the same question again 
in a year.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Help on finding word is valid as per English Dictionary through python

2010-06-25 Thread Terry Reedy

On 6/25/2010 9:30 AM, anu python wrote:

   I have a text file ,

this is a lcose button

where u can observer lcose  is not a valid word.It's typing
mistake.Actual word is close.

How can i check that each word entered in txt file having correct
meaningful words as per English Dictionary.

Cut and paste your code into anything that does spell checking. For 
instance, I am answering this with Mozilla Thunderbird, and 'lcose' 
above is underlined in red, though not here because of the single versus 
double quote. (So is 'txt', but one just has to ignore intended 
non-English words.)

OpenOffice would do just as well, and that lets you add custom 
dictionaries. For instance, I have a Python dictionary to which I add 
things like 'def' as needed.

Terry Jan Reedy


hex question

2010-06-25 Thread Sneaky Wombat
Why is python turning \x0a into a \n ?

In [120]: h='\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b'

In [121]: h
Out[121]: '\n\xa8\x19\x0b'

I don't want this to happen, can I prevent it?


Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread rantingrick
On Jun 25, 12:46 pm, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 6/25/2010 1:24 PM, rantingrick wrote:

  the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
  root.quit instead of root.destroy!

 Did you open an issue?http://bugs.python.org/

If *I* open an issue it will be ignored or quickly dismissed because
the people in charge of the Python community hate me. The reason for
this hate is because I am very outspoken and will not allow myself to
be brow beaten by some of the thugs within this group. Thats Ok, the
only people they hurt in the end is themselves. Well not really...
their actions filter out improvements that will benefit others. I have
said it before and i'll say it again...


Until that statement sinks into the exceedingly thick skulls around
here we will forever live in a state of stdlib hell. Yes IDLE was
originally written by the great GvR. He had a vision and we failed to
maintain that vision. The code sucks and is in a state not welcome in
any stdlib, however i am sure at the time he wrote it he could not
make as pretty as it should have been because he was also in the
process of building Python itself.

I don't blame GvR for the poor style of IDLE. I blame ALL OF YOU for
not allowing new code to replace this rotten piece of crap that makes
python look like some children's toy. You people should be ashamed of
yourselves. You have fallen asleep at the wheel and now the Valdeez is
spewing black crude into the word of programming covering all hope
with a nasty black film of pollution.

Some of you don't care about IDLE, well thats fine, but you should
care about the stdlib being clean and up to date.

[ANN]: newthreading - an approach to simplified thread usage, and a path to getting rid of the GIL

2010-06-25 Thread John Nagle

We have just released a proof-of-concept implementation of a new
approach to thread management - newthreading.  It is available
for download at


The user's guide is at


This is a pure Python implementation of synchronized objects, along
with a set of restrictions which make programs race-condition free,
even without a Global Interpreter Lock.  The basic idea is that
classes derived from SynchronizedObject are automatically locked
at entry and unlocked at exit. They're also unlocked when a thread
blocks within the class.  So at no time can two threads be active
in such a class at one time.

In addition, only frozen objects can be passed in and out of
synchronized objects.  (This is somewhat like the multiprocessing
module, where you can only pass objects that can be pickled.
But it's not as restrictive; multiple threads can access the
same synchronized object, one at a time.

This pure Python implementation is usable, but does not improve
performance.  It's a proof of concept implementation so that
programmers can try out synchronized classes and see what it's
like to work within those restrictions.

The semantics of Python don't change for single-thread programs.
But when the program forks off the first new thread, the rules
change, and some of the dynamic features of Python are disabled.

Some of the ideas are borrowed from Java, and some are from 
safethreading.  The point is to come up with a set of liveable

restrictions which would allow getting rid of the GIL.  This
is becoming essential as Unladen Swallow starts to work and the
number of processors per machine keeps climbing.

This may in time become a Python Enhancement Proposal.  We'd like
to get some experience with it first. Try it out and report back.
The SourceForge forum for the project is the best place to report problems.

John Nagle

Re: Emacs Form Feed (^L) Display Suggestion and Tips

2010-06-25 Thread Xah Lee
On Jun 24, 11:12 am, Tassilo Horn tass...@member.fsf.org wrote:
 Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com writes:

 Hi Xah,

  also, besides emacs elisp, does anyone see the form feed char in other
  lang source code?

 It's quite often used in messages in newsgroups and mailing lists.  The
 Gnus news- and mailreader creates nice Next/Previous page buttons from
 them and hides the next/previous part.  Really good for posting fun
 questions, so that you don't see the answer directly.

 Why did the chicken cross the road?    

 To show the raccoon it could be done!!

Tassilo, i use google groups to read news, so i don't see any form
feed. Don't think i can see them in any or most web based interface.
Just checked gmane.org it also doesn't show. With google group, if you
view the message raw, it's still there though...


Re: hex question

2010-06-25 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 6/25/2010 1:20 PM Sneaky Wombat said...

Why is python turning \x0a into a \n ?

In [120]: h='\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b'

In [121]: h
Out[121]: '\n\xa8\x19\x0b'

I don't want this to happen, can I prevent it?

It's not happening.  What you're seeing is the representation of the 
four bytes, and \x0a _is_ \n and python displays the common form to 
assist interpretation.

What you can do is write a display function to suit your needs if it 
makes a difference.




Re: hex question

2010-06-25 Thread Ethan Furman

Sneaky Wombat wrote:

Why is python turning \x0a into a \n ?

In [120]: h='\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b'

In [121]: h
Out[121]: '\n\xa8\x19\x0b'

I don't want this to happen, can I prevent it?

'\x0a' == '\n'


Re: Help on finding word is valid as per English Dictionary through python

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

Please don't top post!

On 25/06/2010 15:20, Shashwat Anand wrote:

why do you need that ?
which platform are you onto ?

On OSX you can use 'DictionaryServices' API

import sys
import DictionaryServices
word =  .join(sys.argv[1:])
print DictionaryServices.DCSCopyTextDefinition(None, word, (0, len(word)))

Gives the meaning of the input word (works with python 2.5)

You can use this script for Vi  (~/.vimrc) if you want, control+a will do a
spell check.

 Toggle Spell-Check
set spell spelllang=
function ToggleSpellCheck()
  ifspelllang == en
set spelllang=
  set spelllang=en
command! ToggleSpellChecking call ToggleSpellCheck()
nmapc-a  :ToggleSpellCheckingcr

But again am not aware of your use case.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Thomas Jollanstho...@jollans.com  wrote:

On 06/25/2010 03:30 PM, anu python wrote:

   I have a text file ,

this is a lcose button

where u can observer  lcose  is not a valid word.It's typing
mistake.Actual word is close.

How do you discover the difference between e.g. use and sue, or are you 
not interested in that?

How can i check that each word entered in txt file having correct
meaningful words as per English Dictionary.

Do you have any package which can check English Dictionary

In a pinch, I might use open(/usr/share/dict/words, r) as a
thesaurus, and check for words in there. Read the file and create a
giant frozenset or something. For something a bit more civilized, I
expect that there's a python package interfacing at least one of
(ispell, aspell, hunspell, myspell) (and what they're all called.

There is a multitude of English dictionaries. Some don't even include
neighbour, imagine that!

Please help me.



Are you talking about correct English, as in that from Angleland, or are 
you going for one of those silly foreign ones, like USA, South Africa, 
Australia, New Zealand or wherever?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.

p.s. my mum was a Celt as in Welsh!!!


value of: None is None is None

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

Surprising for a moment, if you don't
immediatelyrecognize it as a chained comparison.
(Just sharing.)
Alan Isaac

None is None is None


(None is None) is None


None is (None is None)



Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 6/25/2010 3:52 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

I said default, not only behavior.   I suspect list provides an
__iadd__  method to provide this ability.  Integers do not, and
therefore neither does the object the OP was asking about.

I have no idea what default behavior is supposed to mean.
Mutable objects like a list will generally modify in place.
Immutable objects of course will not.  An IntVar is mutable.
You have given no reason for it not to handle ``+=`` in an
unsurprising fashion.  It is not an int.

Alan Isaac


Re: improving python performance by extension module (64bit)

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 25/06/2010 16:34, Stephen Hansen wrote:

Python's slow, sure. But its in practice fast enough for an extremely broad
range of activities.


Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


Re: Heuristic

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

Please stop top posting!!!

On 25/06/2010 15:14, Nathan Rice wrote:

I solve optimization problems like this all the time using branch and bound.
Just arrange the possible scenarios into a state space tree, (ideally
ordered by lowest average cost supplier) then prune any branch where the
best case scenario given supplier cost plus shipping cost summed over all
remaining orders is greater than your current best total cost.  You can make
it pretty fast in python if you implement memoization of supplier
fulfillment costs for orders.  All you need to do is write a depth first
search algorithm (stack based, not recursive), a best case predictor for a
single order fulfillment (which is summed over all unfulfilled orders) and
an actual cost for order fulfillment function.  It's really easy to put
together, and tends to work quite well.

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:24 AM, Marcosmarcosruap...@gmail.com  wrote:

On 25 jun, 04:00, MRABpyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com  wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

On 6/24/2010 9:13 PM, Marcos wrote:

I have a store, so I want to maximize the profit. I have all the
suppliers with diferent prices, some providers can send products to a
client an others not, this has a plus price. Some providers has a
discount over the tansport if a quantity is reached.

Sometimes its better to me receive the order and resend to the client
if I have a transport discount.

Not all the suppliers has all products for a order.

So I want to create a function which I can pass the data, and
generates all the possibilities so I can find the maximum profit.

Have I to use heuristics? Do you know some examples?.

You would not use a heuristic to generate all possibilities. You might
use one to *avoid* doing that, and still get a good, not necessarily
optimal, answer.

True. Basically there are two ways of approaching the problem. One is to
try all the combinations, which will guarantee that you'll find the best
solution, but if there are an enormous number of combinations then that
could take a very long time. The other way is to use a heuristic to get
an reasonable solution in an reasonable time. It's a trade-off.

Wikipedia has an general entry on 'heuristic'.
Algorithm books often specifically discuss heuristic algorithms.

Do you know it there is some way to generate all the scenario
possibilities?. So I Can put an array an data an generate all. I have
the lack of repeated elements that I cant solve.



Re: best way to increment an IntVar?

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:26 PM, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Jun 25, 12:46 pm, Alan G Isaac alan.is...@gmail.com wrote:
  On 6/25/2010 1:24 PM, rantingrick wrote:
   the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
   root.quit instead of root.destroy!
  Did you open an issue?http://bugs.python.org/

 If *I* open an issue it will be ignored or quickly dismissed because
 the people in charge of the Python community hate me.


Though an inflammatory, hyperbole-filled rant made up of nothing but charged
declarations and rhetoric, and lacking actual reasoned and evidence
supported arguments will certainly get deleted-- like I'm going to do with
most of your message as I quote But! I think you're missing something:

 The reason for
 this hate is because I am very outspoken and will not allow myself to
 be brow beaten by some of the thugs within this group.

Those of us who are brow beating you on this list -- aren't in charge of
the Python community. They aren't the ones who close bug tickets. That'd be
the folks over on python-dev. I rather suspect they largely don't bother
reading your threads, and are utterly indifferent to you, for reasons I've
explained previously that you ignore. That's not the same thing as hate.

Okay, sure, there's obviously overlap between the groups, and I wouldn't be
surprised if most of them skim interesting threads. But they have tended to
(in my reading of your threads, at least) have the good sense I lack and not
gotten into it with you :)


Re: improving IDLE

2010-06-25 Thread Alan G Isaac

On 6/25/2010 1:24 PM, rantingrick wrote:

the if __name__ == '__main__' tests use
root.quit instead of root.destroy!

On Jun 25, 12:46 pm, Alan G Isaacalan.is...@gmail.com  wrote:

Did you open an issue?http://bugs.python.org/

On 6/25/2010 4:26 PM, rantingrick wrote:

If *I* open an issue it will be ignored or quickly dismissed because
the people in charge of the Python community hate me.

I bet against that assessment.
For this particular issue.  ;-)

As for the larger issue, I believe DreamPie is under
active development?

Alan Isaac


Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 25/06/2010 19:03, WANG Cong wrote:
[lots of snips]

Happily mixes them all together doesn't mean it is elegant. :)

Bollocks springs to my mind. :)

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


Re: hex question

2010-06-25 Thread Matt McCredie
Sneaky Wombat joe.hrbek at gmail.com writes:

 Why is python turning \x0a into a \n ?
 In [120]: h='\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b'
 In [121]: h
 Out[121]: '\n\xa8\x19\x0b'
 I don't want this to happen, can I prevent it?

'h' is an ascii string. The ascii encoding for '\n' is the number(byte) 0x0A. 
When you type '\x0a' you are entering the ascii code directly. 


Python doesn't know that you entered the values using the '\xXX' syntax, it 
knows that the string contains a byte with that value. When it prints it back 
out, it will print out the corresponding symbol.

Any character that has a reasonable ascii representation will show up as that 
symbol when it (or its repr) is printed.


If you are interested in printing the hex values, you could so something like 

 h = '\x0a\xa8\x19\x0b'
 for c in h:
...   print 0x%02x % ord(c),
0x0a 0xa8 0x19 0x0b



Re: Python dynamic attribute creation

2010-06-25 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 25/06/2010 19:23, WANG Cong wrote:

On 06/25/10 14:31, Richard Thomaschards...@gmail.com  wrote:


If you desperately want to limit the attribute assignments that can be
performed on an object you can set the __slots__ attribute of its
type. However, the Python ethos has always been to restrict as little
as necessary to provide the tools it needs. Performing additional
checks every time an attribute assignment is performed is completely
unnecessary. Remember that unlike C these checks would have to be
performed at run-time.

I don't care in which way I can limit this, I care why I should limit
this by default, not vice versa?

Yeah, I do understand this could be a performance issue, but comparing
it with a language design issue, _I think_ the latter thing is much more
important than the former one.

Blimey, one minute we're talking about Python dynamic attribute 
creation, the next it's a performance issue.  What do you want, blood 
on it?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


importing modules from higher level directory

2010-06-25 Thread Nathan Huesken

Is it somehow possible to import modules from *.py files in a higher
level directory?
Intuitively I would do

import ../module

but that does not work.
How does it work?


Re: improving python performance by extension module (64bit)

2010-06-25 Thread Stephen Hansen
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Mark Lawrence breamore...@yahoo.co.ukwrote:

 On 25/06/2010 16:34, Stephen Hansen wrote:

  Python's slow, sure. But its in practice fast enough for an extremely
 range of activities.


What, what?


Re: deprecated string module issue

2010-06-25 Thread GrayShark
Why the rudness Terry Jan Reedy? Get up on the wrong side of the bed? Or 
worse luck, no one on the other side to create a wrong side?

As to your comment about Logilab's pylint. I'v seen a ticket similar to 
this from three months back. I assume they're not fixing it because if 
you review 'string' via pydoc you'd read this:

Help on module string:

string - A collection of string operations (most are no longer used).


Warning: most of the code you see here isn't normally used nowadays.
Beginning with Python 1.6, many of these functions are implemented as
methods on the standard string object. They used to be implemented by
a built-in module called strop, but strop is now obsolete itself.


Not the 1.6. Seems some serious work went into putting the 'string's
functionality into _builtin_. 

I've seen many 'deprecated' warnings when programming in PyGTK, as 
modules get replaced or functionality changes. I've always assumed it
means that the module will be removed at some future date. An advisory to 
programmers and users.

You might note what 'deprecated' means. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/
tr.v. de·pre·cat·ed, de·pre·cat·ing, de·pre·cates
1. To express disapproval of; deplore.
2. To belittle; depreciate.
3. Computer Science To mark (a component of a software standard) as 
obsolete to warn against its use in the future so that it may be phased 

Not the third definition. It applies here. I was inquiring about what 
other module I should be using instead, having grep'ped my way through 

for a replacement.

Nor a naive user here. Been programming/using python since 2000 (java, 
C++, C, APL, Fortan and Basic before that). Python's my favorite place to 
do math (since I don't have an APL environment anymore, where a cross or 
dot product is just a single operator away). I decided to ask a question 
about an issue that's been on my mind for years. Not really sorry if that 
bother's your incorrect belief of who can ask questions.

There are subjects for each posting. Perhaps you should just ignore ones 
that aren't interesting to you? Or get a life and a girl/boy friend, so 
you'll have less time to make snipping remarks (check out:
'http://www.thefreedictionary.com/snipe' if you don't understand snipe).

have a better day.

On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:10:23 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 6/25/2010 10:02 AM, GrayShark wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a quick try. Same 'warning'. No,
 using the string module is the issue. Perhaps I'll just ignore it.
 And what about the next naive user of pylint? Submitting a bug report to
 the author of pylint would take much less time than you have *us* to
 spend helping you. Doing so would be a way of thanking us since then, if
 pylint were changed, we would not have to answer the same question again
 in a year.


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