Python Ireland presents December Talks @ The Science Gallery

2010-10-08 Thread Vicky Twomey-Lee
Hi All,

When: Wed 8th December, 19:00-20:00
Where: The Science Gallery

- Microsoft Openness Campaign by Liam Cronin
- Windows Azure -- The Nuts and Bolts by Stephen Fitzmaurice
- Pub - Trinity Capital Hotel

More info:

This event is free and all levels welcome.


/// Vicky

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Support the Python Software Foundation:

[Venue Update] Python Ireland's Oct Talks - Wed 13th Oct, 19:00

2010-10-08 Thread Vicky Twomey-Lee
Hi All,

Apologies in advance, the venue for October talks is now at The Central
Hotel on Exchequer Street. The Science Gallery is closed due to construction
of their next exhibition.

I've added the update event on the site:


/// Vicky

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Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Roundup Issue Tracker 1.4.16 released

2010-10-08 Thread Richard Jones
I'm proud to release version 1.4.16 of Roundup which introduces some
minor features and, as usual, fixes some bugs:


- allow trackers to override the classes used to render properties in
  templating per issue2550659 (thanks Ezio Melotti)
- new mailgw configuration item subject_updates_title: If set to no
  a changed subject in a reply to an issue will not update the issue
  title with the changed subject. Thanks to Arkadiusz Kita and Peter
  Funk for requesting the feature and discussing the implementation.
- new rdbms config item sqlite_timeout makes the previously hard-coded
  timeout of 30 seconds configurable. This is the time a client waits
  for the locked database to become free before giving up. Used only for
  SQLite backend.
- new mailgw config item unpack_rfc822 that unpacks message attachments
  of type message/rfc822 and attaches the individual parts instead of
  attaching the whole message/rfc822 attachment to the roundup issue.


- fixed reporting of source missing warnings
- relevant tests made locale independent, issue2550660 (thanks
  Benni Bärmann for reporting).
- fix for incorrect except: syntax, issue2550661 (thanks Jakub Wilk)
- No longer use the root logger, use a logger with prefix roundup,
- improve handling of 'gt;' when URLs are converted to links, issue2550664
  (thanks Ezio Melotti)
- fixed registration, issue2550665 (thanks Timo Paulssen)
- make sorting of multilinks in the web interface more robust, issue2550663
- Fix charset of first text-part of outgoing multipart messages, thanks Dirk
  Geschke for reporting, see
- Fix handling of incoming message/rfc822 attachments. These resulted in
  a weird mail usage error because the email module threw a TypeError
  which roundup interprets as a Reject exception. Fixes issue2550667.
  Added regression tests for message/rfc822 attachments with and without
  configured unpacking (mailgw unpack_rfc822, see Features above)
  Thanks to Benni Bärmann for reporting.
- Allow search_popup macro to work with all db classes, issue2550567
  (thanks John Kristensen)
- lower memory footprint for (journal-) import

If you're upgrading from an older version of Roundup you *must* follow
the Software Upgrade guidelines given in the maintenance documentation.

Roundup requires python 2.3 or later (but not 3+) for correct operation.

To give Roundup a try, just download (see below), unpack and run::


Release info and download page:
Source and documentation is available at the website:
Mailing lists - the place to ask questions:

About Roundup

Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with
command-line, web and e-mail interfaces. It is based on the winning design
from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry Track design competition.

Note: Ping is not responsible for this project. The contact for this
project is

Roundup manages a number of issues (with flexible properties such as
description, priority, and so on) and provides the ability to:

(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues, and
(c) discuss issues with other participants.

The system will facilitate communication among the participants by managing
discussions and notifying interested parties when issues are edited. One of
the major design goals for Roundup that it be simple to get going. Roundup
is therefore usable out of the box with any python 2.3+ (but not 3+)
installation. It doesn't even need to be installed to be operational,
though an install script is provided.

It comes with two issue tracker templates (a classic bug/feature tracker and
a minimal skeleton) and four database back-ends (anydbm, sqlite, mysql
and postgresql).

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[Ann] Celery 2.1 stable released

2010-10-08 Thread Ask Solem

Celery 2.1.0 was just uploaded to PyPI!

This is a backward compatible release in the 2.x series,
and is an recommended upgrade for all users.

What is Celery?

Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on
distributed message passing.  It is focused on real-time operation, but
supports scheduling as well.

The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or
more worker nodes.  Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background)
or synchronously (wait until ready).

For more information go to


* Periodic task schedule can now be stored in a database,
   and changes will be reflected at runtime (only supported by django-celery
   at the moment, but this can also be used in general)

* New web monitor using the Django Admin interface.
   Can also be used by non-Django users.

* Periodic tasks now supports arguments and keyword arguments.

* celeryctl: A new command line utility to inspect and manage worker

* AMQP Backend: Now supports automatic expiration of results.

* Task expiration:  A date and time which after the task will be considered 
   and will not be executed.

* Lots of bugs fixed.
* Lots of documentation improvements.


The full list of changes are available in the changelogs:

* celery:
* django-celery:


* celery:
* django-celery:

{Ask Solem,
 +47 98435213 | }.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (EAP) First Public Release (0.6)

2010-10-08 Thread Félix-Antoine Fortin
Hi everyone,

We are proud to announce the first public release of EAP, a library
for doing Evolutionary Algorithms in Python. You can download a copy
of this open source project at the following web page.

EAP has been built using the Python and UNIX programming philosophies
in order to provide a transparent, simple and coherent environment for
implementing your favourite evolutionary algorithms. EAP is very easy
to use even for those who do not know much about the Python
programming language. EAP uses the object oriented paradigm that is
provided by Python in order to make development simple and beautiful.
It also contains a 15 illustrative and diversified examples, to help
newcomers to ramp up very quickly in using this environment.

EAP is part of the DEAP project, that also includes some facilities
for the automatic distribution and parallelization of tasks over a
cluster of computers. The D part of DEAP, called DTM, is under intense
development and currently available as an alpha version. DTM currently
provides two and a half ways to distribute workload on a cluster or
LAN of workstations, based on MPI and TCP communication managers.

This public release (version 0.6) is more complete and simpler than
ever. It includes Genetic Algorithms using any imaginable
representation, Genetic Programming with strongly and loosely typed
trees in addition to automatically defined functions, Evolution
Strategies (including Covariance Matrix Adaptation), multiobjective
optimization techniques (NSGA-II and SPEA2), easy parallelization of
algorithms and much more like milestones, genealogy, etc.

We are impatient to hear your feedback and comments on that system at
deap-users at googlegroups dot com


François-Michel De Rainville
Félix-Antoine Fortin
Marc-André Gardner
Christian Gagné
Marc Parizeau

Laboratoire de Vision et Systèmes Numériques
Département de génie électrique et génie informatique
Université Laval
Quebec City (Quebec), Canada

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: del() function - cannot find documentation

2010-10-08 Thread Tim Roberts
Chris Rebert wrote:
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 1:12 PM, wrote:

 there is following python script:

 mine = { 1: sd, 2: mk }
 print mine

 the problem is I cannot find any information about del() function in
 python 2.7 documentation.
 is it a documentation bug or I misunderstand something about del()?

del is a *statement*, *not* a function:

This kind of confusion is, in my opinion, the primary reason why
parentheses should never be used with del and return, as we so commonly
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
kj writes:

 In Arnaud Delobelle writes:

A simple fix is to use hash(frozenset(self.items())) instead.

 Thanks for pointing out the hash bug.  It was an oversight: I meant
 to write

 def __hash__(self):
 return hash(sorted(tuple(self.items(

But sorted returns a list!

so you need rather: hash(tuple(sorted(self.items(

However, it still won't work because some keys may be incomparable.

E.g., try with {1:'a', 1j:'b'}


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:33:35 +0200
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 The offender is bytes.__str__: str(b'foo') == b'foo'.
 It's often not clear from looking at a piece of code whether
 some data is treated as strings or bytes, particularly when
 translating from old code.  Which means one cannot see from
 context if str(s) or %s % s will produce garbage.

This probably comes from overuse of str(s) and %s. They can be useful
to produce human-readable messages, but you shouldn't have to use them
very often.

 I really wish bytes.__str__ would at least by default fail.

Actually, the implicit contract of __str__ is that it never fails, so
that everything can be printed out (for debugging purposes, etc.).




Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Antoon Pardon
On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 05:28:13PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/6/2010 7:14 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 That right-hand-half-open intervals (i.e. a= i  b, equivalently [a,
 b) ), which are what Python uses, are to be preferred.
 (See aforelinked PDF:
 This specifically discusses subsequences of 'natural numbers'.

Sure, but I don't think we should limit ourselves to subsequence of
natural numbers. It is my impression that orginally slices were
also limited to indicating subsequences of natural numbers. This
original limitation, has guided its semantics that resulted in
what we have now, 

 The problem is that the slice notation is sometimes handy in situations where
 an open interval doesn't allow easily to mark what you want.
 For instance I have at one time implemted a Tree. This is a dict like 
 but it allows to visit the keys in order. Because there is an order, slice
 notation can make sense. e.g. if T is a tree with names as keys, 
 is a subtree where we have for each key that 'bea'= key  'mike'.
 But what if I wanted a subtree where 'mike' was still included, but nothing 
 Or what if the keys were floats or tuples and I wanted an inclusive upper 
 Strings and tuples are not natural numbers, but do have least
 members ('' and ()), so the bottom end had better be closed.

Why? The fact that we have a bottom element in the item space,
doesn't imply that the sequence I need is easiest defined by
using an inclusive lower limit. What if I wanted all none-empty
strings/tuples keys in the tree? The easiest way to specify that
would be by saying the key needed to be larger than the empty
string/tuple. If the keys were strings I could fudge it by starting
with chr(0), but what value should use as start, if I wanted all
non-empty tuples?

 substracting strings and tuples in meaningless, the argument of
 having stop-start == number of items does not apply. Floats can be
 subtracted, but the result in not a count of included items. So
 write the .__getitem__ method of *your* class how it best fits your

My use cases depend on the specific problem I need to solve. Sometimes
the problem is easiest solved with an inclusive limit, sometimes it
is with an exclusive limit. The slice notation although at first sight
a natural way to specify the boundaries, seems on closer inspection
to be too limited.

 Just be aware that an inclusive upper boundary means that
 s[a:b]+s[b:c] will no longer be s[a:c] because b will be duplicated.
 Let me also point out integer slices for builtins are adjusted to
 that they refer to actual slice positions. This is harder to do with
 strings;-). Also, suppose you want all strings beginning with 'a' or
 'b'. With an open upper end, Tree['a':'c'] will do that. With closed
 upper end, you would need
 Tree['a':'bbb'] or somesuch.

Yes I know. I'm starting to think about aproaching this in a different

 And what if you needed the reverse sequence. If you start with inclusive 
 the reverse of a= item= b is b= item= a. If the second limit is to be
 exclusive the reverse of a= item  b becomes (b - 1)= item  (a - 1).
 Slices with positive strides can be defined and understood in terms
 of slice positions before the first item, between all successive
 pairs of items and after the last. By this same definition and
 understanding, s[b:a:-1] should be reversed(s[a:b]), which is what
 many expect. It is not because the definition is given in terms of
 the translation into indexes and blindly applied to the case of
 negative strides without the needed adjustment. I consider this a
 design mistake, at least for many uses. (Extended slices, if not
 extended slicing, were added for numerical Python and they may have
 wanted the current definition for negative strides.)

I agree that this is a design mistake. Personnaly I find it horrible
that in the following expression: L[a:b:-1], it is impossible to
give a numeric value to b, that will include L[0] into the reversed
slice. It is the reason why I avoid reversed slices as much as

Antoon Pardon

Re: add bitbucket repo url to install_requires

2010-10-08 Thread Chris Withers

On 05/10/2010 12:43, Julian wrote:

I'm developing a django app which depends on an app in a private
bitbucket repository, for example 
is it possible to add this url to the list of install_requires in my tried various possibilities, but none worked.

That would be abhorent. Don't even try to do that.

If the app has a, specify the name passed to setup() in in install_requires. Then you just need to make sure a 
distribution of the above is available when you want to install.

What I would do:

- clone the above repo
- in your local clone do:
  python sdist
- put the resulting .tgz somewhere safe and accessible
- install using your package manager of choice and pass the somewhere 
safe and accessible location by way of --find-links or equivalent.



Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Rogério Brito wrote:

class C:
f = 1
def g(self):
return f

I get an annoying message when I try to call the g method in an object of type
C, telling me that there's no global symbol called f. If I make g return self.f
instead, things work as expected, but the code loses some readability.

Is there any way around this or is that simply a matter of life?

class C:
   f =1

creates the 'C.f ' name. When 'f' is used in g, you'll get then an error.

class C:
   f = 1
   def g(self):
   return C.f

is the obvious solution. However it can be slightly improved. f is a 
class attribute, meaning it's common to all instances of the C class. 
Thus g would be a class method, and is here declared liek a instance 
method (the instance being self).

class C:
   f = 1
   def g(cls):
  return cls.f

c1 = C()
c2 = C()

print c1.f, c2.f # f is not an attribute of c1 nor c2, thus the lookup 
will try in the class and find C.f

1 1

c1.f = 10 # this create the c1 instance attribute f != class attribute f
c2.f = 20 # this create the c2 instance attribute f != class attribute f

print c1.f, c2.f, c1.g(), c2.g(), C.f
10 20 1 1 1




Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Jonas H.

On 10/08/2010 02:23 AM, kj wrote:

I imagine that frozenset is better than sorted(tuple(...)) here,
but it's not obvious to me why.

dicts are unsorted. That means their item-order is undefined. So are sets.

If you want a hash that is independent from the order of items, you 
could ensure the items are always in the same order when you do the 
hashing; or you could use a hashing algorithm that ignore item order.

As creating a `frozenset` is probably more efficient than sorting, that 
is the preferred solution.

Here's my implementation suggestion:

class frozendict(dict):
def _immutable_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise TypeError(%r object is immutable % self.__class__.__name__)

__setitem__ = __delitem__ = clear = pop \
= popitem = setdefault = update = _immutable_error

def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(self.iteritems()))

Only 9 lines :-)


Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread kj
In 4cae667c$0$29993$c3e8da3$ Steven D'Aprano writes:

On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 00:23:30 +, kj wrote:

Because it's always better to use a well-written, fast, efficient, 
correct, well-tested wheel than to invent your own slow, incorrect 
wheel :)

IOW, don't you worry your little head about why.


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread BartC
Rogério Brito wrote in message 

My first try to write it in Python was something like this:

v = []
for i in range(20):
   v[i] = 0

Unfortunately, this doesn't work, as I get an index out of bounds when 
trying to

index the v list.

Python can't grow a list by assigning to out-of-bound elements (although, 
being the language it is, there is probably a way of achieving that by 
redefining how [] works...)

What is the Pythonic way of writing code like this? So far, I have found 

   v = [0 for i in range(20)]

   v = [0] * 20

   v = []
   for i in range(20): v.append(0)

What should I prefer? Any other alternative?

v=[0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0]

will also work. But none of these appeal too much. I would probably do:

def newlist(length,init=0):
   return [init]*length

(with the proviso that someone mentioned when the init value is complex: you 
might not get unique copies of each).

If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it latter in 
program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously when one is using 

technique of programming called dynamic programming where initializing all
positions of a table may take too much time in comparison to the filling 
of the


A sparse array? Even if an array could be constructed by assigning to 
arbitrary elements, the gaps created would still need filling in with None 
or Unassigned.

2 - If I declare a class with some member variables, is is strictly 

This is where I bail out...



Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread kj
In Arnaud Delobelle writes:

E.g., try with {1:'a', 1j:'b'}

I see.  Thanks for this clarification.  I learned a lot from it.

I guess that frozenset must have some way of canonicalizing the
order of its elements that is dependent on their Python values but
not on their comparability.  My first thought was that they are
ordered according to their hash values, but this theory doesn't

 abc = ('a', 'b', 'c')
 sorted(map(hash, abc))
[-468864544, -340864157, -212863774]
 map(hash, frozenset(abc))
[-468864544, -212863774, -340864157]

I.e. the ordering of the elements in the frozenset does not correspond
to the ordering of their hashes in either direction.  Hmmm. 

I tried to understand this by looking at the C source but I gave
up after 10 fruitless minutes.  (This has been invariably the
outcome of all my attempts at finding my way through the Python C

I guess the take-home message is that frozenset is a more general
way to canonicalize an iterable object than sorting, even though
the reasons for this still remain a mystery to me...  Then again,
just looking at the voodoo that goes into algorithms for computing
hashes fills me with despair.  As much as I dislike it, sooner or
later I'll have to go on faith.


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Arnaud Delobelle writes:
Hallvard B Furuseth writes:
 I've been playing a bit with Python3.2a2, and frankly its charset
 handling looks _less_ safe than in Python 2.
 With 2.late conversion Unicode - string the equivalent operation did
 not silently produce garbage: it raised UnicodeError instead.  With old
 raw Python strings that was not a problem in applications which did not
 need to convert any charsets, with python3 they can break.

 I really wish bytes.__str__ would at least by default fail.

 I think you misunderstand the purpose of str().  It is to provide a
 (unicode) string representation of an object and has nothing to do with
 converting it to unicode:

That's not the point - the point is that for 2.* code which _uses_ str
vs unicode, the equivalent 3.* code uses str vs bytes.  Yet not the
same way - a 2.* 'str' will sometimes be 3.* bytes, sometime str.  So
upgraded old code will have to expect both str and bytes.

In 2.*, str-unicode conversion failed or produced the equivalent
character/byte data.  Yes, there could be charset problems if the
defaults were set up wrong, but that's a smaller problem than in 3.*.
In 3.*, the bytes-str conversion always _silently_ produces garbage.

And lots of code use both, and need to convert back and forth.  In
particular code 3.* code converted from 2.*, or using modules converted
from 2.*.  There's a lot of such code, and will be for a long time.


Re: mantissa and exponent in base 10

2010-10-08 Thread C or L Smith
Jason Swails wrote:
 s = ('%%%ig' % sigfigs) % n # double-% cancels the %

Thanks! I see that the parenthesis can be dropped, too:

 '%%.%ig' % 3 % 4.23456e-5


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Antoine Pitrou writes:
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 The offender is bytes.__str__: str(b'foo') == b'foo'.
 It's often not clear from looking at a piece of code whether
 some data is treated as strings or bytes, particularly when
 translating from old code.  Which means one cannot see from
 context if str(s) or %s % s will produce garbage.

 This probably comes from overuse of str(s) and %s. They can be useful
 to produce human-readable messages, but you shouldn't have to use them
 very often.

Maybe Python 3 has something better, but they could be hard to avoid in
Python 2.  And certainly our site has plenty of code using them, whether
we should have avoided them or not.

 I really wish bytes.__str__ would at least by default fail.

 Actually, the implicit contract of __str__ is that it never fails, so
 that everything can be printed out (for debugging purposes, etc.).


$ python2 -c 'str(u\u1000)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in ?
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u1000' in position 
0: ordinal not in range(128)

And the equivalent:

$ python2 -c 'unicode(\xA0)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File string, line 1, in ?
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 0: ordinal 
not in range(128)

In Python 2, these two UnicodeEncodeErrors made our data safe from code
which used str and unicode objects without checking too carefully which
was which.  Code which sort the types out carefully enough would fail.

In Python 3, that safety only exists for bytes(str), not str(bytes).


Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Jonas H.

On 10/08/2010 03:27 PM, kj wrote:

I tried to understand this by looking at the C source but I gave
up after 10 fruitless minutes.  (This has been invariably the
outcome of all my attempts at finding my way through the Python C

It's not you. CPython's code is ... [censored]

Anyway, you don't even need to read C code to understand how sets are 

There is a (now deprecated) Python module, Libs/, that has 
implementations for `Set` and `ImmutableSet` (nowadays `set` and 

The implementation strategy you can see there is quite simple. The code 
uses dictionary keys to store the set items and ignores the dictionary 
values, so that `.add(value)` is implemented as `._dict[value] = 

Here comes a very limited example set implementation using a dict:

class PrimitiveSet(object):
def __init__(self):
self._dict = {}

def add(self, value):
self._dict[value] = True

def __contains__(self, value):
return value in self._dict

def __repr__(self):
return 'PrimitiveSet(%r)' % self._dict.keys()

 s = PrimitiveSet()
 'hello' in s
 'hello' in s
PrimitiveSet([(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), 'hello'])
PrimitiveSet([(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), xrange(5), 'hello'])

This has a few implications for sets:
* dict keys are unordered/sorted. so are sets.
* dict keys are unique. same for set values.
* dict keys have to be hashable (immutable). same for sets values.

So far our implementation is not hashable, and we need a custom 
implementation for __hash__ (because dicts aren't hashable, so we cannot 
re-use dictionary methods).
There is one requirement for set hashes: they have to be independent of 
the item order (there *is* an order in memory of course, and it may vary 
depending on the order assignments to our dict are done).

Here is an extract from the Python set implementation, 

def _compute_hash(self):
# Calculate hash code for a set by xor'ing the hash codes of
# the elements.  This ensures that the hash code does not depend
# on the order in which elements are added to the set. [...]
result = 0
for elt in self:
result ^= hash(elt)
return result

Hope this helps :-)


Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread kj
In i8loa2$ kj writes:

At any rate, using your [i.e. Arnaud's] suggestions in this and
your other post, the current implementation of frozendict stands

class frozendict(dict):
for method in ('__delitem__ __setitem__ clear pop popitem setdefault '
def %s(self, *a, **k):
cn = self.__class__.__name__
raise TypeError('%%s' object is not mutable %% cn)
 % method

def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(self.items()))

...which is a lot nicer!

As a side comment on my own post, this is the second time in less
than a week that I find myself having to resort to exec'ing some
code generated from a template.  This one is worse, because there's
nothing runtime-dependent about the code being exec'd.  It sticks
in my craw somehow.  It just doesn't seem quite right that at the
time of doing something as bread-and-butter as implementing a
subclass, one has to choose between explicitly writing a whole
bunch of identical methods, and exec-based hacks like what I'm
doing above.  There's got to be a better to tell Python: override
all these superclass methods with this one.

Or maybe the problem here is that, in a perfect world, frozendict
would be in the standard library, as a superclass of dict lacking
all of dict's destructive methods.  :)



Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread kj
In Jonas H. writes:

On 10/08/2010 02:23 AM, kj wrote:

Here's my implementation suggestion:

class frozendict(dict):
 def _immutable_error(self, *args, **kwargs):
 raise TypeError(%r object is immutable % self.__class__.__name__)

 __setitem__ = __delitem__ = clear = pop \
 = popitem = setdefault = update = _immutable_error

 def __hash__(self):
 return hash(frozenset(self.iteritems()))

Only 9 lines :-)

Thanks, you just answered the question I just posted, while I was
still writing it!



Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread kj
In Jonas H. writes:

Hope this helps :-)

It did!  Thanks!  For one thing now I see that I was barking up
the wrong tree in focusing on a canonical order, when, as the code
you posted shows, it is actually not required for hashing.

In fact, I'd come to the conclusion that frozensets had a consistent
order (i.e. frozensets that were equal according to '==' would be
iterated over in the same order), but now I'm not sure that this
is the case.  (Granted, semantically, there's nothing in the
definition of a frozenset that would imply a consistent iteration

Thanks again!


Help with pointers when calling from python to C

2010-10-08 Thread Carolyn MacLeod

This is kind of a cross-product question, having to do with accessibility 
on Linux using ATK (AT-SPI).
However, I think it really boils down to a python question: How do I pass 
an integer by reference to a C function?

I am using Accerciser (, an accessibility 
testing tool that has an ipython console.
It uses pyatspi to interact with AT-SPI through pyORBit.

I need to test my handling of 
atk_editable_text_insert_text(AtkEditableText *text, const gchar *string, 
gint length, gint *position). 
In the example below, the variable 'acc' has been bound (by Accerciser) to 
an accessible object that implements the AtkEditableText  interface.

The problem is that the pesky position parameter wants a pointer to an 

I have tried all sorts of ways to get Accerciser's iPython console to 
accept the last parameter, but I always get: TypeError: could not marshal 
arg 'position'. 

Has anyone done this? If so, then how is it done?

Here's a sample of the things I tried: 

In [1]: t=acc.queryEditableText() 
In [2]: t.getText(0,45) 
Out[2]: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n' 
In [3]: t.deleteText(10,15) 
Out[3]: True 
In [4]: t.getText(0,40) 
Out[4]: 'The quick  fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n' 
In [5]: pos=10 
In [6]: t.insertText(brown,5,pos) 

TypeError Traceback (most recent call 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/__init__.pyc in module() 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/accessible.pyc in _inner(self, 
*args, **kwargs) 
230 try: 
231   # try calling the original func 

-- 232   return func(self, *args, **kwargs) 
233 except ORBit.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT, e: 
234   # raise Python exception 

TypeError: could not marshal arg 'position' 

In [7]: t.insertText(brown,5,id(pos)) 

TypeError Traceback (most recent call 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/__init__.pyc in module() 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/accessible.pyc in _inner(self, 
*args, **kwargs) 
230 try: 
231   # try calling the original func 

-- 232   return func(self, *args, **kwargs) 
233 except ORBit.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT, e: 
234   # raise Python exception 

TypeError: could not marshal arg 'position' 

In [8]: pos=[10] 
In [9]: t.insertText(brown,5,pos) 

TypeError Traceback (most recent call 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/__init__.pyc in module() 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/accessible.pyc in _inner(self, 
*args, **kwargs) 
230 try: 
231   # try calling the original func 

-- 232   return func(self, *args, **kwargs) 
233 except ORBit.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT, e: 
234   # raise Python exception 

TypeError: could not marshal arg 'position' 

In [7]: pos=array([10]) 

NameError Traceback (most recent call 

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyatspi/__init__.pyc in module() 

NameError: name 'array' is not defined 


Re: Help with pointers when calling from python to C

2010-10-08 Thread Jonas H.

On 10/08/2010 05:23 PM, Carolyn MacLeod wrote:

How do I pass an integer by reference to a C function?

That's impossible in pure Python. The only thing I can think of is a 
wrapper in C.


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-10-08, BartC wrote:
 Rogério Brito wrote in message 
 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it latter in 
 program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously when one is using 
 technique of programming called dynamic programming where initializing all
 positions of a table may take too much time in comparison to the filling 
 of the

 A sparse array? Even if an array could be constructed by assigning to 

I agree, what the OP seems to want (whether he actually needs it or not) is
a sparse array.

 A sparse array? Even if an array could be constructed by assigning to 
 arbitrary elements, the gaps created would still need filling in with None 
 or Unassigned.

That is only true when attempting to address elements based on their
position rather then something like rank.  You could create an object
with some kind of index attribute that you could search for built in.
When you needed to access the element, you simply walked the list until
you find the matching identifier.  The spaces no longer need filling since
you are not matching based on absolute position in the list.  This is of
course inefficient for large lists, and while there are several methods
of making this method more efficient (indexing, skip linking, b-tree,
etc), you can get what you want very efficiently most of the time by
simply using the built in dictionary with integer keys instead of a list.

Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-08 Thread Ethan Furman

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:

In message, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:

What exactly is the point of a BOM in a UTF-8-encoded file?

It's a marker like the coding: utf-8 in python-files. It tells the
software aware of it that the content is UTF-8.

But if the software is aware of it, then why does it need to be told?

Let me rephrase: windows editors such as notepad recognize the BOM, and
then assume (hopefully rightfully so) that the rest of the file is text
in utf-8 encoding.

But they can only recognize it as a BOM if they assume UTF-8 encoding to 
begin with. Otherwise it could be interpreted as some other coding.

Not so.  The first three bytes are the flag.  For example, in a .dbf 
file, the first byte determines what type of dbf the file is: \x03 = 
dBase III, \x83 = dBase III with memos, etc.  More checking should 
naturally be done to ensure the rest of the fields make sense for the 
dbf type specified.

MS decided that if the first three bytes = \xEF \xBB \xBF then it's a 
UTF-8 file, and if it is not, don't open it with an MS product. 
Likewise, MS will add those bytes to any UTF-8 file it saves.

Naturally, this causes problems for non-MS usages, but anybody who's had 
to work with both MS and non-MS platforms/products/methodologies knows 
that MS does not play well with others.


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-07, Rog??rio Brito wrote:

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it
 latter in my program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously
 when one is using a technique of programming called dynamic
 programming where initializing all positions of a table may take too
 much time in comparison to the filling of the array).

At first you say you want a list, later you say you want an array.
They're two different things.  Arrays are variable-length and can be
heterogeneous. If what you really want is a fixed-length, homogeneous
array, then use an array instead of a list:

 If I declare a class with some member variables, is is strictly
 necessary for me to qualify those members in a method in that class?


 I get an annoying message when I try to call the g method in an
 object of type C, telling me that there's no global symbol called f.
 If I make g return self.f instead, things work as expected, but the
 code loses some readability.

That's a matter of opinion.  Some of us _like_ self.f since it
explicitly shows the reader that f isn't a global or local but a class
or instance variable.  Any time you make the reader/maintainer guess
what something is, that's a bug waiting to happen.

 Is there any way around this or is that simply a matter of life?

Well, that's how Python works.  I won't comment on life.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I feel like a wet
  at   parking meter on Darvon!

Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 12:10:50 +, kj wrote:

 In 4cae667c$0$29993$c3e8da3$ Steven D'Aprano writes:
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 00:23:30 +, kj wrote:
Because it's always better to use a well-written, fast, efficient,
correct, well-tested wheel than to invent your own slow, incorrect wheel
 IOW, don't you worry your little head about why.

Shame on you for deleting the context of my answer.

You said:

I imagine that frozenset is better than sorted(tuple(...)) here, but 
it's not obvious to me why.

Because frozenset already works. Because somebody else has done the work, 
and debugged it, and tested it, and profiled it, and optimized it, and 
ensured that it is correct and fast. That saves you a lot of effort, and 
frees you from having to duplicate the same functionality, and debugging 
it, testing it, profiling it, and optimizing it. Every line of code that 
you can avoid writing is a win.

If you're a carpenter, it is better to buy a hammer than it is to go out 
and dig up your own iron ore, smelt the metal, and forge it into a 
hammer: unless you're in the business of making hammers, you've got 
better things to do with your time. And if you're a programmer, you've 
got better things to do than write a slower, buggier version of code that 
already exists.

If you want to know *what* the frozenset does that is better, then go 
read the source code. For all I know you might discover that it does the 
same thing as your code. It's *still* better to use frozenset, simply 
because it already exists. Unless you profile your code and discover that 
frozenset is too slow and you can do better, there is no reason not to 
use it, and many reasons to use it.

This has nothing to do with your little head, but about code reuse. 
Almost the entire history of programming, from the invention of sub-
routines to the open source movement, is about code reuse.


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-08, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-07, Rog??rio Brito wrote:

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it
 latter in my program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously
 when one is using a technique of programming called dynamic
 programming where initializing all positions of a table may take too
 much time in comparison to the filling of the array).

 At first you say you want a list, later you say you want an array.
 They're two different things.  Arrays are variable-length and can be

I meant _Lists_ are fixed-length and homogeneous

 If what you really want is a fixed-length, homogeneous array, then
 use an array instead of a list:

Actually, that's not the right link either.  I was thinking more of
NumPy arrays, where you can create an arbitrary sized homogeneous
array of a desired type (either uninitialized or filled with zeros or

If you're crunching so many numbers that initializing a list is
a problem, then you probably ought to be using NumPy.
Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! for ARTIFICIAL
  at   FLAVORING!!

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-08, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-08, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-07, Rog??rio Brito wrote:

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it
 latter in my program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously
 when one is using a technique of programming called dynamic
 programming where initializing all positions of a table may take too
 much time in comparison to the filling of the array).

 At first you say you want a list, later you say you want an array.
 They're two different things.  Arrays are variable-length and can be

 I meant _Lists_ are fixed-length and homogeneous

Damn.  I should give up and go golfing.

_Lists_ are variable-length and can be heterogenous.

_Arrays_ are homogenous and sort-of fixed length.

 [...] I was thinking more of NumPy arrays, where you can create an
 arbitrary sized homogeneous array of a desired type (either
 uninitialized or filled with zeros or ones):

 If you're crunching so many numbers that initializing a list is
 a problem, then you probably ought to be using NumPy.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I'm shaving!!
  at   I'M SHAVING!!

Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 14:00:17 +, kj wrote:

 In i8loa2$ kj writes:
At any rate, using your [i.e. Arnaud's] suggestions in this and your
other post, the current implementation of frozendict stands at:
class frozendict(dict):
for method in ('__delitem__ __setitem__ clear pop popitem'
   'setdefault update').split():
def %s(self, *a, **k):
cn = self.__class__.__name__
raise TypeError('%%s' object is not mutable %% cn)
 % method
def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(self.items()))
...which is a lot nicer!
 As a side comment on my own post, this is the second time in less than a
 week that I find myself having to resort to exec'ing some code generated
 from a template.  This one is worse, because there's nothing
 runtime-dependent about the code being exec'd.

Er, *all* Python classes are created at runtime. The class statement is 
executed at runtime, not compile time. Not that it really matters.

But in any case, it's easy enough to avoid exec with a factory function. 
The following is untested, but should work:

def no_mutate_factory(name):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
cn = self.__class__.__name__
raise TypeError('%s instance is not mutable' % cn)
inner.__name__ = name
return inner

class FrozenDict(dict):
update = no_mutate_factory('update')
clear = no_mutate_factory('clear')
# ...

It's a bit messy to have to list the name of the method twice. But you 
can inject the appropriate methods into the class by adding them from 
outside the class block:

class FrozenDict(dict):

for name in 'update clear'.split()  # and the others
setattr(FrozenDict, name, no_mutate_factory(name))

del name  # Avoid namespace pollution, if you care.


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:21:16 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Personnaly I find it horrible
 that in the following expression: L[a:b:-1], it is impossible to give a
 numeric value to b, that will include L[0] into the reversed slice.

 L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:31:27 +0200, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

 Arnaud Delobelle writes:
Hallvard B Furuseth writes:
 I've been playing a bit with Python3.2a2, and frankly its charset
 handling looks _less_ safe than in Python 2. (...)
 With 2.late conversion Unicode - string the equivalent operation
 did not silently produce garbage: it raised UnicodeError instead. 
 With old raw Python strings that was not a problem in applications
 which did not need to convert any charsets, with python3 they can

 I really wish bytes.__str__ would at least by default fail.

 I think you misunderstand the purpose of str().  It is to provide a
 (unicode) string representation of an object and has nothing to do with
 converting it to unicode:
 That's not the point - the point is that for 2.* code which _uses_ str
 vs unicode, the equivalent 3.* code uses str vs bytes.  Yet not the same
 way - a 2.* 'str' will sometimes be 3.* bytes, sometime str.  So
 upgraded old code will have to expect both str and bytes.

I'm sorry, this makes no sense to me. I've read it repeatedly, and I 
still don't understand what you're trying to say.

 In 2.*, str-unicode conversion failed or produced the equivalent
 character/byte data.  Yes, there could be charset problems if the
 defaults were set up wrong, but that's a smaller problem than in 3.*. In
 3.*, the bytes-str conversion always _silently_ produces garbage.

So you say, but I don't see it. Why is this garbage?

 b = b'abc\xff'

That's what I would expect from the str() function called with a bytes 
argument. Since decoding bytes requires a codec, which you haven't given, 
it can only return a string representation of the bytes.

If you want to decode bytes into a string, you need to specify a codec:

  str(b, 'latin-1')


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 10/8/2010 10:15 AM Grant Edwards said...

Damn.  I should give up and go golfing.





2010-10-08 Thread k..........


2010-10-08 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-08, k.. wrote:


Please be sure to drop by sometimes to let us know how it's going, now
that we've learned you Python.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: if the else short form

2010-10-08 Thread NevilleDNZ
On Oct 7, 9:23 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 x = {1 : One, 2 : Two, 3 : Three}.get(i, None Of The Above)

More like:
x = {1:lambda:One, 2:lambda:Two, 3:lambda:Three}.get(i,
lambda:None Of The Above)()

i.e. deferred evaluation of selected case.

In Algol68 this would be:
x:=(i|One,Two,Three|None Of The Above)

To download Linux's Algol68 Compiler, Interpreter  Runtime:

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread
On Oct 7, 6:10 pm, Rogério Brito wrote:
 Hi there.

 I am used to some languages like C, but I am just a complete newbie with 
 and, while writing some small snippets, I had encountered some problems, with
 which I would sincerely appreciate any help, since I appreciate this language 
 write my running pseudocode in and I am seriously thinking of using it to
 teach some algorithms classes.

 1 - The first issue that I am having is that I don't seem to be able to, say,
 use something that would be common for people writing programs in C: defining 
 one-dimensional vector and only initializing it when needed.

 For instance, in C, I would write something like:

 int v[20];
 for (i = 0; i  20; i++)
     v[i] = 0;

 Note that I only define the vector v (and its size) at the beginning but
 initialize it latter during the code per-se.

 My first try to write it in Python was something like this:

 v = []
 for i in range(20):
     v[i] = 0

 Unfortunately, this doesn't work, as I get an index out of bounds when trying 
 index the v list. Of course, the main difference between the two snippets is
 that, in C, I declared v to have 20 positions, while in python I initialized 
 to be the empty list and, indeed, it has an empty set of indexes.

 What is the Pythonic way of writing code like this? So far, I have found many
 alternatives and I would like to write code that others in the Python 
 would find natural to read. Some of the things that crossed my mind:

     v = [0 for i in range(20)]

     v = [0] * 20

     v = []
     for i in range(20): v.append(0)

 What should I prefer? Any other alternative?

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it latter in my
 program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously when one is using a
 technique of programming called dynamic programming where initializing all
 positions of a table may take too much time in comparison to the filling of 

 2 - If I declare a class with some member variables, is is strictly necessary
 for me to qualify those members in a method in that class? For instance, if I

 class C:
     f = 1
     def g(self):
         return f

 I get an annoying message when I try to call the g method in an object of type
 C, telling me that there's no global symbol called f. If I make g return 
 instead, things work as expected, but the code loses some readability.

 Is there any way around this or is that simply a matter of life?

 I have some other questions, but I will save them for latter.

 Please, keep in mind that I am a newbie in Python. Despite that, I am enjoying
 the little that I know.

 Thank you very much in advance,

 Rogério Brito : rbr...@{,} : GPG key 
 4096R/BCFC Packages for LaTeX :

How about:

 v = [None] * 20

That way, you're not initializing with an artifical value like 0.

Re: if the else short form

2010-10-08 Thread NevilleDNZ
On Oct 7, 10:36 am, BartC wrote:
 x = {1 : fna(), 2 : fnb(), 3 : fnc()}.get(i, None Of The Above)
 print x

 Other than efficiency concerns, sometimes you don't want the extra

 Probably there are workarounds here too, but I suspect the syntax won't be
 quite as pert as the Algol68-style example:

 x = (i | Zero, One, Two | None of the above)  # 0-based

/* ¢ Algol68 case clause is 1-based. ¢ */

However Algol68's CASE ~ IN ~,~,~,~ OUT ~ ESAC clause does mean that
the case items of the clause are not evaluated unless selected.  Here
are some comparisons with python:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This procedure evaluates all the months lengths _before_ building
the dict.
# In that case of month length, they are constants.

def days_in_month0(year, month):
  return {1:31,
2:{True:29,False:28}[year%4==0 and year%100!=0 or year%400==0],

# This procedure is closer - in behaviour - to that of the algol68
case clause.
# Keypoint being that individual month length code is not evaluated
unless called()
def days_in_month(year, month):
  return {1:lambda:31,
2:lambda:{True:lambda:29,False:lambda:28}[year%4==0 and year%100!
=0 or year%400==0](),
  }.get(month,None of the above)()

for year in 1899,1900,1901,1999,2000,2001:
  print %4d=%2d%(year,days_in_month0(year, 2)),

Compare with Algol 68:

Brief choice clause example:

PROC days in month = (INT year, month)UNION(INT,STRING):
(year%×4=0 ∧ year%×100≠0 ∨ year%×400=0|29|28),
  |None of the above # or EMPTY #

BOLD choice clause example:

PROC days in month = (INT year, month)UNION(INT,STRING):
  CASE month IN 31,
IF year MOD 4 EQ 0 AND year MOD 100 NE 0 OR year MOD 400 EQ 0 THEN
29 ELSE 28 FI,
  OUT None of the above # or EMPTY #

[]INT years = (1899,1900,1901,1999,2000,2001);
FOR key TO UPB years DO INT year=years[key];
  printf(($4d,=2d $, year, days in month(year, 2)))

$ python
1899=28 1900=28 1901=28 1999=28 2000=29 2001=28

There are also the compound IF and CASE conditional clauses:

 IF condition1 THEN statements ELIF condition2 THEN statements [ ELSE
statements ] FI
 brief form if IF clause:  ( condition1 | statements |: condition2 |
statements | statements )

 CASE switch1 IN statements, statements,... OUSE switch2 IN
statements, statements,... [ OUT statements ] ESAC
 brief form of CASE statement:  ( switch1 |
statements,statements,... |: switch2 | statements,statements,... |
statements )

To download Linux's Algol68 Compiler, Interpreter  Runtime:

open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread tinauser
hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
i've a simpleModule:
class Starter:
def init(self,num):
print hithere!
print the answer is ,num
import sys,os
print path:,sys.path

#f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/,'r')
f = open(,'r')
print huurray!
except IOError:
print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
print This line will always print

The module is located in the same folder of
now,from terminal I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute

on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of
(commented out in the code above);
on windows i did not have this problem.
Am I missing anything?

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread alex23
On Oct 8, 10:27 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
      v = [0 for i in range(20)]

 Absolutely not. Such a code snippet is very common, in fact I've done it
 myself, but it is a hammer solution -- to a small boy with a hammer,
 everything looks like a nail that needs hammering. Writing such a list
 comprehension is a list comp solution.

      v = [0] * 20

 Yes, this is the solution.

But the list comp version will work as expected for mutable types,
whereas the 'solution' only works for immutable types.

If anything, I feel like the list comp version is the correct solution
because of its reliability, whereas the multiplication form feels like
either a lucky naive approach or relies on the reader to know the type
of the initialising value and its mutability.

Re: SysLogHandler message formatting

2010-10-08 Thread Dustin C. Hatch
On Oct 7, 6:18 am, Vinay Sajip wrote:

 Thanks for the detailed report. I tried posting a response a couple of times,
 but Google appears to have swallowed it ... trying again. Sorry if it results 
 multiple responses.
I tried to respond yesterday, but I also noticed this probelm.

 The SysLogHandler aims to work within RFC 5424, though that does provide for
 some flexibility in message formats. The SysLogHandler sends 
 message, as you've observed, with the formatted message part encoded in 
 with a prepended BOM if it's Unicode.
I started to read RFC 5424 yesterday before posting this, but it
seemed to describe a much more complex message format than
SysLogHandler was producing, so I wasn't sure if that was the
reference or not. I may go back and read it completely, now that I
know, though.

 The existing SysLogHandler code seems to work OK with syslog, syslog-ng and

I agree with this, so I would normally assume that Metalog is the
problem and simply stop using it. Unfortunately, I have several
systems that use Metalog, and I don't want to introduce any
inconsistencies by having one use something else. Switching them all
would also be a hassle.

 - perhaps these are more forgiving than Metalog in the way they parse
 messages, or perhaps it's a Metalog configuration issue. I'd try posting this
 issue to the Metalog forum / mailing list to see what feedback they can give.

I will do that; I just wanted to see what the Python stance was first.
I will keep you apprised of anything determined through that route.

 If you do think it's a bug in SysLogHandler then please create an issue on and assign it to me, so I can take a look at it
After I communicate with the Metalog community, I will definitely file
an issue if necessary. I didn't want to jump the gun, though.

 I think using an appropriate Formatter will ensure interoperability in any
 particular scenario. I don't especially want to hard-code any format into
 SysLogHandler, since a Formatter can be used to set the format flexibly.
I think the only problem with doing it that way is that I wasn't
initially aware that using a Formatter affected how the message is
sent to Syslog, but assumed it only modified the visible portion. I
will admit that, until yesterday, I knew nothing of the syslog
protocol. Perhaps the best solution would be to simply document the
fact that adjusting the message format can affect how the message is
parsed by the syslog daemon receiving it.

Thank you for your feedback.

2010-10-08 Thread pooja kavala

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread nn
On Oct 7, 7:10 pm, Rogério Brito wrote:
 Hi there.

 I am used to some languages like C, but I am just a complete newbie with 
 and, while writing some small snippets, I had encountered some problems, with
 which I would sincerely appreciate any help, since I appreciate this language 
 write my running pseudocode in and I am seriously thinking of using it to
 teach some algorithms classes.

 1 - The first issue that I am having is that I don't seem to be able to, say,
 use something that would be common for people writing programs in C: defining 
 one-dimensional vector and only initializing it when needed.

 For instance, in C, I would write something like:

 int v[20];
 for (i = 0; i  20; i++)
     v[i] = 0;

 Note that I only define the vector v (and its size) at the beginning but
 initialize it latter during the code per-se.

 My first try to write it in Python was something like this:

 v = []
 for i in range(20):
     v[i] = 0

 Unfortunately, this doesn't work, as I get an index out of bounds when trying 
 index the v list. Of course, the main difference between the two snippets is
 that, in C, I declared v to have 20 positions, while in python I initialized 
 to be the empty list and, indeed, it has an empty set of indexes.

 What is the Pythonic way of writing code like this? So far, I have found many
 alternatives and I would like to write code that others in the Python 
 would find natural to read. Some of the things that crossed my mind:

     v = [0 for i in range(20)]

     v = [0] * 20

     v = []
     for i in range(20): v.append(0)

 What should I prefer? Any other alternative?

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it latter in my
 program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously when one is using a
 technique of programming called dynamic programming where initializing all
 positions of a table may take too much time in comparison to the filling of 

Just to emphasize what Andreas said:
v = [0] * 20
is nice and good,

don't do this
v = [ [] ] * 20

or this
v = [ {} ] * 20

until you have played around with it on the interactive prompt to
understand how it works.

The difference of behavior of mutable vs immutable objects is one of
the main pitfalls for beginners in Python. Everything is very
consistent once you understand the assignment semantics, but it really
confuses people accustomed to other languages that work differently.

Re: Simple database explorer

2010-10-08 Thread dusans
On Oct 7, 7:49 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, dusans

   - all the others having ODBC drivers...

 ODBC seems to be something you use when you can’t use a proper database

yes. first i have been mixing native and odbc drivers. Now i only use
odbc. Odbc is not the best but its good enought for a sql explorer.
Dont know how its on unix thou

Re: pywebkit - python bindings for webkit DOM (alpha)

2010-10-08 Thread lkcl
apologies for the 3 copies of the post:'s SMTP service
was offline yesterday.

just a quick update: XMLHttpRequest support has been fixed today, and
the correct version of libsoup discovered which actually works.  that
puts PythonWebkit into a useful and useable state, despite being
only 15 days old.  further development is still needed, but it's still
pretty exciting to be back to where the original python webkit
bindings code was, from 2008, minus the cruft from the intermediate
glib/gobject layer, in such a short amount of time.



2010-10-08 Thread COUPLES FOR FUN



Re: SysLogHandler message formatting

2010-10-08 Thread Dustin C. Hatch
On Oct 7, 6:18 am, Vinay Sajip wrote:

 Thanks for the detailed report. I tried posting a response a couple of times,
 but Google appears to have swallowed it ... trying again. Sorry if it results 
 multiple responses.
Hmm, I too seem to be experiencing this problem...

 The SysLogHandler aims to work within RFC 5424, though that does provide for
 some flexibility in message formats. The SysLogHandler sends 
 message, as you've observed, with the formatted message part encoded in 
 with a prepended BOM if it's Unicode.
I started to read RFC 5424 yesterday before posting this, but it
seemed to describe a much more complex message format than
SysLogHandler was producing, so I wasn't sure if that was the
reference or not. I may go back and read it completely, now that I
know, though.

 The existing SysLogHandler code seems to work OK with syslog, syslog-ng and

I agree with this, so I would normally assume that Metalog is the
problem and simply stop using it. Unfortunately, I have several
systems that use Metalog, and I don't want to introduce any
inconsistencies by having one use something else. Switching them all
would also be a hassle.

 - perhaps these are more forgiving than Metalog in the way they parse
 messages, or perhaps it's a Metalog configuration issue. I'd try posting this
 issue to the Metalog forum / mailing list to see what feedback they can give.

I will do that; I just wanted to see what the Python stance was first.
I will keep you apprised of anything determined through that route.

 If you do think it's a bug in SysLogHandler then please create an issue on and assign it to me, so I can take a look at it
After I communicate with the Metalog community, I will definitely file
an issue if necessary. I didn't want to jump the gun, though.

 I think using an appropriate Formatter will ensure interoperability in any
 particular scenario. I don't especially want to hard-code any format into
 SysLogHandler, since a Formatter can be used to set the format flexibly.
I think the only problem with doing it that way is that I wasn't
initially aware that using a Formatter affected how the message is
sent to Syslog, but assumed it only modified the visible portion. I
will admit that, until yesterday, I knew nothing of the syslog
protocol. Perhaps the best solution would be to simply document the
fact that adjusting the message format can affect how the message is
parsed by the syslog daemon receiving it.

Thank you for your feedback.

Sys.exit in secondary threads

2010-10-08 Thread Pakal

I've noticed that there is nothing in python's documentation regarding
the use of sys.exit(code) in a non-main thread.

As far as I've seen, the behaviour in this case is to simply exit the
thread, without caring about the return code. in the main thread
however, the return code becomes the official return code of the whole

Is that all we have to say about sys.exit() in a multithreaded
program ? Or are there corner cases I've missed ? We'd better document
this anyway.


open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread tinauser
hallo, i'm sorry if the question is very stupid, but i cannot
understand what i'm doing wrong here.

i have this
class Starter:
def init(self,num):
print hithere!
print the answer is ,num
import sys,os
print path:,sys.path
print bye

##f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/_myfold/,'r')
f = open(,'r')
print huurray!
except IOError:
print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
print This line will always print

the module is in the same folder of initfile
from terminal, i import sys and add to the path /Users/lguerrasio/
then i import the module and call

now,the file will be opened only if i give the full path, not if i
give only the name of the file, although the folder is in the path.
what am I missing?

Re: ConFoo spam?

2010-10-08 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Oct 7, 10:01 am, Jack Diederich
 [For the record
 ConFoo /does/ interest me, but I can't take a week and a half off to
 do that plus PyCon].

CooFoo is an excellent conference.  Even in the non-python tracks,
there are plenty of high quality talks that would be of interest
to people tracking this list.  I learned quite a bit last year.


Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, Emacs Lisp

2010-10-08 Thread Xah Lee
here's my experiences dealing with unicode in various langs.

Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, Emacs Lisp

Xah Lee, 2010-10-07

I looked at Ruby 2 years ago. One problem i found is that it does not
support Unicode well. I just checked today, it still doesn't. Just do
a web search on blog and forums on “ruby unicode”. e.g.: Source,
Source, Source, Source.

Perl's exceedingly lousy unicode support hack is well known. In fact
it is the primary reason i “switched” to python for my scripting needs
in 2005. (See: Unicode in Perl and Python)

Python 2.x's unicode support is also not ideal. You have to declare
your source code with header like 「#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-」, and you
have to declare your string as unicode with “u”, e.g. 「u林花謝了春紅」. In
regex, you have to use unicode flag such as 「'\.html
$',child,re.U)」. And when processing files, you have to read in with
「unicode(,'utf-8')」, and printing out unicode you have to
do「outF.write(outtext.encode('utf-8'))」. If you are processing lots of
files, and if one of the file contains a bad char or doesn't use
encoding you expected, your python script chokes dead in the middle,
you don't even know which file it is or which line unless your code
print file names.

Also, if the output shell doesn't support unicode or doesn't match
with the encoding specified in your python print, you get gibberish.
It is often a headache to figure out the locale settings, what
encoding the terminal support or is configured to handle, the encoding
of your file, the which encoding the “print” is using. It gets more
complex if you are going thru a network, such as ssh. (most shells,
terminals, as of 2010-10, in practice, still have problems dealing
with unicode. (e.g. Windows Console, PuTTY. Exception being Mac's
Apple Terminal.))

Python 3 supposedly fixed the unicode problem, but i haven't used it.
Last time i looked into whether i should adopt python 3, but
apparently it isn't used much. (See: Python 3 Adoption) (and i'm quite
pissed that Python is going more and more into OOP mumbo jumbo with
lots ad hoc syntax (e.g. “views”, “iterators”, “list comprehension”.))

I'll have to say, as far as text processing goes, the most beautiful
lang with respect to unicode is emacs lisp. In elisp code (e.g.
Generate a Web Links Report with Emacs Lisp ), i don't have to declare
none of the unicode or encoding stuff. I simply write code to process
string or buffer text, without even having to know what encoding it
is. Emacs the environment takes care of all that.

It seems that javascript and PHP also support unicode well, but i
don't have extensive experience with them. I suppose that elisp, php,
javascript, all support unicode well because these langs have to deal
with unicode in practical day-to-day situations.

for links, see

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: frozendict (v0.1)

2010-10-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

kj wrote:
 In Arnaud Delobelle writes:

 E.g., try with {1:'a', 1j:'b'}

 I see.  Thanks for this clarification.  I learned a lot from it.

 I guess that frozenset must have some way of canonicalizing the
 order of its elements that is dependent on their Python values but
 not on their comparability.  My first thought was that they are
 ordered according to their hash values, but this theory doesn't

  abc = ('a', 'b', 'c')
  sorted(map(hash, abc))
 [-468864544, -340864157, -212863774]
  map(hash, frozenset(abc))
 [-468864544, -212863774, -340864157]

 I.e. the ordering of the elements in the frozenset does not correspond
 to the ordering of their hashes in either direction.  Hmmm.

 I tried to understand this by looking at the C source but I gave
 up after 10 fruitless minutes.  (This has been invariably the
 outcome of all my attempts at finding my way through the Python C

 I guess the take-home message is that frozenset is a more general
 way to canonicalize an iterable object than sorting, even though
 the reasons for this still remain a mystery to me...  Then again,
 just looking at the voodoo that goes into algorithms for computing
 hashes fills me with despair.  As much as I dislike it, sooner or
 later I'll have to go on faith.

Computing the hash value of a container object usually involves
accumulating the hash values of its components, i.e. something like

def hash(container):
 hashval = initial_value
 for x in container:
  hashval = f(hashval, hash(x))
 return hashval

Now if one chooses f such that:
* f(x, y) == f(y, x)
* f(x, f(y, z)) = f(f(x, y), z)

(IOW, f defines a commutative and associative operation)

Then it doesn't matter in what order the elements of container are
enumerated, the resulting hash value will always be the same.  This
avoids having to find a canonical order to iterate over then elements


Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Thu, 7 Oct 2010 18:34:58 -0700 (PDT) alex23

 On Oct 8, 10:27 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
       v = [0 for i in range(20)]
  Absolutely not. Such a code snippet is very common, in fact I've
  done it myself, but it is a hammer solution -- to a small boy
  with a hammer, everything looks like a nail that needs hammering.
  Writing such a list comprehension is a list comp solution.
       v = [0] * 20
  Yes, this is the solution.
 But the list comp version will work as expected for mutable types,
 whereas the 'solution' only works for immutable types.
 If anything, I feel like the list comp version is the correct solution
 because of its reliability, whereas the multiplication form feels like
 either a lucky naive approach or relies on the reader to know the type
 of the initialising value and its mutability.

The correct solution is the one that works the way you want it to
work (that's my definition, anyway). There is nothing lucky about
building a list via [value]*count. It repeats (but not so much
duplicates!) value count times. It is well defined (and, I think,
justified) behavior.

It ceases to be as useful when mutable types are involved, but so what?
Use something else, then.

And I think it is not too much to ask of a reader of Python to know
that integers are immutable. There are enough pitfalls that make this
knowledge rather important to have. (I'm actually not convinced that
this works as an argument, but there you go.)

TL;DR: Don't say correct, say appropriate.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


how to handle network failures

2010-10-08 Thread harryos
I  am trying to write a DataGrabber which reads some data from given
url..I made DataGrabber as a Thread and want to wait for some interval
of time in case there is a network failure that prevents read().
I am not very sure how to implement this

class DataGrabber(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,url):
def run(self):

def get_page_data():
except IOError:
#wait for some time and try again
return data

Is this the way to  implement the part where the thread waits and
reads the  data again? Will this handle network failures?Can somebody
please help?



Re: Ordering tests in a testsuite

2010-10-08 Thread Mike Kent
But sometimes you just wanna do it the way you wanna do it.  If you
name your tests like 'test_01_yadda' and test_02_whatever', then they
will be run in the order you want, as given by the numbers.

Re: open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 07:16:13 -0700 (PDT) tinauser

 on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of
 (commented out in the code above);
 on windows i did not have this problem.
 Am I missing anything?

open( opens in the current working directory
(if you don't do anything funny, that's location where the interpreter
is started up in). I assume that you somehow start your interpreter
somewhere different on your Mac.

But that's just a guess. I don't know enough about Macs and your
environment(s) to say for sure.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 10/8/2010 7:16 AM tinauser said...

hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
i've a simpleModule:
class Starter:
 def init(self,num):
 print hithere!
 print the answer is ,num
 import sys,os
 print path:,sys.path

 #f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/,'r')
 f = open(,'r')
 print huurray!
 except IOError:
 print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
 print This line will always print

The module is located in the same folder of
now,from terminal

Only guessing here, but try launching python after you cd to the folder 
containing, then start python ...

I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute

on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of
(commented out in the code above);
on windows i did not have this problem.
Am I missing anything?


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Steven D'Aprano writes:
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:31:27 +0200, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 That's not the point - the point is that for 2.* code which _uses_ str
 vs unicode, the equivalent 3.* code uses str vs bytes.  Yet not the same
 way - a 2.* 'str' will sometimes be 3.* bytes, sometime str.  So
 upgraded old code will have to expect both str and bytes.

 I'm sorry, this makes no sense to me. I've read it repeatedly, and I 
 still don't understand what you're trying to say.

OK, here is a simplified example after 2to3:

try:from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse # Python 2.6
except: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse # Python 3.2a

foo, bar = b/foo, bbar # Data from network, bar normally empty

# Statement inserted for 2.3 when urlparse below said TypeError
if isinstance(foo, bytes): foo = foo.decode(ASCII)

p = list(urlparse(foo))
if bar: p[3] = bar

2.6 prints /foo;bar, 3.2a prints /foo;b'bar'

You have a module which receives some strings/bytes, maybe data which
originates on the net or in a database.  The module _and its callers_
may date back to before the 'bytes' type, maybe before 'unicode'.
The module is supposed to work with this data and produce some 'str's
or bytes to output.  _Not_ a Python representation like b'bar'.

The module doesn't always know which input is 'bytes' and which is
'str'.  Or the callers don't know what it expects, or haven't kept
track.  Maybe the input originated as bytes and were converted to
str at some point, maybe not.

Look at and its isinstance(data, str or bytes)
calls.  urlencode() looks particularly gross, though that one has code
which could be factored out.  They didn't catch everything either, I
posted this when a 2to3'ed module of mine produced URLs with b'bar'.

In the pre-'unicode type' Python (was that early Python 2, or should
I have said Python 1?) that was a non-issue - it Just Worked, sans
possible charset issues.

In Python 2 with unicode, the module would get it right or raise an
exception.  Which helps the programmer fix any charset issues.

In Python 3, the module does not raise an exception, it produces
b'bar' when it was supposed to produce bar.

 In 2.*, str-unicode conversion failed or produced the equivalent
 character/byte data.  Yes, there could be charset problems if the
 defaults were set up wrong, but that's a smaller problem than in 3.*. In
 3.*, the bytes-str conversion always _silently_ produces garbage.

 So you say, but I don't see it. Why is this garbage?

To the user of the module, stuff with Python syntax is garbage.  It
was supposed to be text/string data.

 b = b'abc\xff'

 That's what I would expect from the str() function called with a bytes 
 argument. Since decoding bytes requires a codec, which you haven't given, 
 it can only return a string representation of the bytes.

 If you want to decode bytes into a string, you need to specify a codec:

Except I didn't intend to decode anything - I just intended to output
the contents of the string - which was stored in a 'bytes' object.
But __str__ got called because a lot of code does that.  It wasn't
even my code which did it.

There's often no obvious place to decide when to consider a stream of
data as raw bytes and when to consider it text, and no obvious time
to convert between bytes and str.  When writing a program, one simply
has to decide.  Such as network data (bytes) vs urllib URLs (str)
in my program.  And the decision is different from what one would
decide for when to use str and when to use unicode in Python 2.

In this case I'll bugreport urlunparse to, but there'll be
a _lot_ of such code around.  And without an Exception getting raised,
it'll take time to find it.  So it looks like it'll be a long time
before I dare entrust my data to Python 3, except maybe with modules
written from scratch.


Re: open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread Jason Swails
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:16 AM, tinauser wrote:

 hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
 i've a simpleModule:
 class Starter:
def init(self,num):

If you want this to execute upon declaring an instance of Starter, rename
this as __init__.

print hithere!
print the answer is ,num
import sys,os
print path:,sys.path

#f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/,'r')

Try this instead:  f = open(os.path.combine('/Users/lguerrasio/myfold',

   f = open(,'r')
print huurray!
except IOError:
print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
print This line will always print

 The module is located in the same folder of
 now,from terminal I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
 lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute

If you had renamed the function __init__ above, all you would have to do is:

instance_of_starter = Starter(48)

Which makes more sense IMO.

Good luck!

 on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of
 (commented out in the code above);
 on windows i did not have this problem.
 Am I missing anything?

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Graduate Student

Re: SysLogHandler message formatting

2010-10-08 Thread Dustin C. Hatch
On Oct 7, 6:18 am, Vinay Sajip wrote:

 Thanks for the detailed report. I tried posting a response a couple of times,
 but Google appears to have swallowed it ... trying again. Sorry if it results 
 multiple responses.
Hmm, I too seem to be experiencing this problem...

 The SysLogHandler aims to work within RFC 5424, though that does provide for
 some flexibility in message formats. The SysLogHandler sends 
 message, as you've observed, with the formatted message part encoded in 
 with a prepended BOM if it's Unicode.
I started to read RFC 5424 yesterday before posting this, but it
seemed to describe a much more complex message format than
SysLogHandler was producing, so I wasn't sure if that was the
reference or not. I may go back and read it completely, now that I
know, though.

 The existing SysLogHandler code seems to work OK with syslog, syslog-ng and

I agree with this, so I would normally assume that Metalog is the
problem and simply stop using it. Unfortunately, I have several
systems that use Metalog, and I don't want to introduce any
inconsistencies by having one use something else. Switching them all
would also be a hassle.

 - perhaps these are more forgiving than Metalog in the way they parse
 messages, or perhaps it's a Metalog configuration issue. I'd try posting this
 issue to the Metalog forum / mailing list to see what feedback they can give.

I will do that; I just wanted to see what the Python stance was first.
I will keep you apprised of anything determined through that route.

 If you do think it's a bug in SysLogHandler then please create an issue on and assign it to me, so I can take a look at it
After I communicate with the Metalog community, I will definitely file
an issue if necessary. I didn't want to jump the gun, though.

 I think using an appropriate Formatter will ensure interoperability in any
 particular scenario. I don't especially want to hard-code any format into
 SysLogHandler, since a Formatter can be used to set the format flexibly.
I think the only problem with doing it that way is that I wasn't
initially aware that using a Formatter affected how the message is
sent to Syslog, but assumed it only modified the visible portion. I
will admit that, until yesterday, I knew nothing of the syslog
protocol. Perhaps the best solution would be to simply document the
fact that adjusting the message format can affect how the message is
parsed by the syslog daemon receiving it.

Thank you for your feedback.

Re: open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread Jason Swails
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Jason Swails wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:16 AM, tinauser wrote:

 hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
 i've a simpleModule:
 class Starter:
def init(self,num):

 If you want this to execute upon declaring an instance of Starter, rename
 this as __init__.

print hithere!
print the answer is ,num
import sys,os
print path:,sys.path

#f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/,'r')

 Try this instead:  f = open(os.path.combine('/Users/lguerrasio/myfold',

Gah, stupid.  os.path.join, not os.path.combine.  I'm down for the golf

f = open(,'r')
print huurray!
except IOError:
print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
print This line will always print

 The module is located in the same folder of
 now,from terminal I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
 lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute

 If you had renamed the function __init__ above, all you would have to do

 instance_of_starter = Starter(48)

 Which makes more sense IMO.

 Good luck!

 on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of
 (commented out in the code above);
 on windows i did not have this problem.
 Am I missing anything?

 Jason M. Swails
 Quantum Theory Project,
 University of Florida
 Ph.D. Graduate Student

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Graduate Student

question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Logan Butler
question about an assignment:

 places(home sweet home is here,' ')
[4, 10, 15, 18]

this is my code:

def places(x, y):
return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]

so far I'm only getting
[4, 4, 4, 4]

so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the next
three items it needs to

Re: Many newbie questions regarding python

2010-10-08 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 7, 4:10 pm, Rogério Brito wrote:

     v = [0 for i in range(20)]

     v = [0] * 20

     v = []
     for i in range(20): v.append(0)

 What should I prefer? Any other alternative?

The Pythonic way is to not to preinitialize the list at all.  Don't
put anything in the list until you have the data you need.

 If possible, I would like to simply declare the list and fill it latter in my
 program, as lazily as possible (this happens notoriously when one is using a
 technique of programming called dynamic programming where initializing all
 positions of a table may take too much time in comparison to the filling of 

So, if I understand you, you are thinking of your list as a table with
dynamically calculated entries, and want to calculate the entries upon

Three possibilities:

1. Initialize the list using v = [None]*n (I recomment using None
instead of 0 for this, in most cases)

2. Use a dict instead.  Dict items pop into existence if you assign
with a key that doesn't exist.

v = {}

Then you can do

v[1] = a
v[10] = n
v[999] = c

3. Consider numpy, which allows preallocation of lists:

v = np.zeros(100)

 For instance, if I

 class C:
     f = 1
     def g(self):
         return f

 I get an annoying message when I try to call the g method in an object of type
 C, telling me that there's no global symbol called f. If I make g return 
 instead, things work as expected, but the code loses some readability.

 Is there any way around this or is that simply a matter of life?

Matter of life.  It's that way by design.

Carl Banks

Re: question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Thu, 7 Oct 2010 17:39:51 -0700 (PDT) Logan Butler wrote:

 question about an assignment:
  places(home sweet home is here,' ')
 [4, 10, 15, 18]
 this is my code:
 def places(x, y):
 return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]
 so far I'm only getting
 [4, 4, 4, 4]
 so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the next
 three items it needs to

Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. It
is an error if there is no such item.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Jed Smith
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:21:16 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Personnaly I find it horrible
 that in the following expression: L[a:b:-1], it is impossible to give a
 numeric value to b, that will include L[0] into the reversed slice.

 L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
 [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Jed Smith

Re: question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Richard Thomas
On Oct 8, 1:39 am, Logan Butler wrote:
 question about an assignment:

  places(home sweet home is here,' ')

 [4, 10, 15, 18]

 this is my code:

 def places(x, y):
     return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]

 so far I'm only getting
 [4, 4, 4, 4]

 so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the next
 three items it needs to

Try this instead:

def places(x, y):
return [i for i, v in enumerate(x) if v == y]

Re: Opening a webpage in the background via

2010-10-08 Thread Vlastimil Brom
 Python 2.7 (32-bit/Windows): Is there a way to use to open
 a web page in the default browser, but in the background, so that the
 application making the call remains the active

 Thank you,

It seems, there might not be a straightforward way for doing this.
As you probably found out, has a parameter autoraise
 just for specifying this behaviour:[, new=0[, autoraise=True]])
however, the sidenote in the docs also seems to apply:
If autoraise is True, the window is raised if possible (note that
under many window managers this will occur regardless of the setting
of this variable).

For me (win XP, python 2.5.4) the browser window is always raised
after this call, regardless the autoraise option.
Possibly, if you are using a gui app, the focus can be maintained form
there, in order to avoid activating the browser, otherwise it might be
more complicated. (maybe the pywin package might have some means for
achieving  this?)


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Jed Smith writes:
 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Nice.  Is there a trick to get a -0 index too?
Other than doing 'i or len(L)' instead of 'i', that is.

 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
 L[2:-2], L[2:-1], L[2:-0]  # not quite right:-)
([3], [3, 4], [])


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Jed Smith writes:

 On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:21:16 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Personnaly I find it horrible
 that in the following expression: L[a:b:-1], it is impossible to give a
 numeric value to b, that will include L[0] into the reversed slice.

 L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
 [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

b doesn't have a numeric value though.


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Hallvard B Furuseth writes:

 Jed Smith writes:
 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

 Nice.  Is there a trick to get a -0 index too?
 Other than doing 'i or len(L)' instead of 'i', that is.

 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
 L[2:-2], L[2:-1], L[2:-0]  # not quite right:-)
 ([3], [3, 4], [])

'i or None'


Re: open file on mac

2010-10-08 Thread Brian Jones
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:41 AM, tinauser wrote:

 hallo, i'm sorry if the question is very stupid, but i cannot
 understand what i'm doing wrong here.

 i have this
 class Starter:
def init(self,num):
print hithere!
print the answer is ,num
import sys,os
print path:,sys.path
 print bye

 ##f = open(/Users/lguerrasio/_myfold/,'r')
f = open(,'r')
print huurray!
except IOError:
print The file does not exist, exiting gracefully
print This line will always print

 the module is in the same folder of initfile
 from terminal, i import sys and add to the path /Users/lguerrasio/
 then i import the module and call

 now,the file will be opened only if i give the full path, not if i
 give only the name of the file, although the folder is in the path.
 what am I missing?

sys.path, unless I've missed something, has nothing to do with *opening* a
file. It has to do with importing a python module, so it should have no
affect on your ability to simply open a file.

On my mac, in the interpreter, running open() on a file in the same
directory reported by os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) succeeds without

What you might consider is doing something like
open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')

That will insure that it always tries to open the file that's in the same
directory as the module trying to open it, assuming that's what you want.

If what you want is an import and not an open(), well... let us know :)



Brian K. Jones
My Blog
Follow me

Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:45:58 +0200
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 Antoine Pitrou writes:
 Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
  The offender is bytes.__str__: str(b'foo') == b'foo'.
  It's often not clear from looking at a piece of code whether
  some data is treated as strings or bytes, particularly when
  translating from old code.  Which means one cannot see from
  context if str(s) or %s % s will produce garbage.
  This probably comes from overuse of str(s) and %s. They can be useful
  to produce human-readable messages, but you shouldn't have to use them
  very often.
 Maybe Python 3 has something better, but they could be hard to avoid in
 Python 2.  And certainly our site has plenty of code using them, whether
 we should have avoided them or not.

It's difficult to answer more precisely without knowing what you're
doing precisely. But if you already have str objects, you don't have to
call str() or format them using %s, so implicit __str__ calls are

  Actually, the implicit contract of __str__ is that it never fails, so
  that everything can be printed out (for debugging purposes, etc.).
 $ python2 -c 'str(u\u1000)'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 $ python2 -c 'unicode(\xA0)'
 Traceback (most recent call last):

Sure, but so what? This mainly shows that unicode support was broken in
Python 2, because:
1) it tried to do implicit bytes-unicode coercion by using some
process-wide default encoding
2) some unicode objects didn't have a succesful str()

Python 3 fixes both these issues. Fixing 1) means there's no automatic
coercion when trying to mix bytes and unicode. Try for example:

[Python 2]  ua + b
[Python 3]  a + bb
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly

And fixing 2) means bytes object get a meaningful str() in all
circumstances, which is much better for debug output.

If you don't think that 2) is important, then perhaps you don't deal
with non-ASCII data a lot. Failure to print out exception messages (or
log entries, etc.) containing non-ASCII characters is a big annoyance
with Python 2 for many people (including me).

 In Python 2, these two UnicodeEncodeErrors made our data safe from code
 which used str and unicode objects without checking too carefully which
 was which.

That's false, since implicit coercion can actually happen everywhere.
And it only fails when there's non-ASCII data involved, meaning the
unsuspecting Anglo-saxon developer doesn't understand why his/her users




Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/8/2010 4:21 AM, Antoon Pardon wrote:

On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 05:28:13PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

Strings and tuples are not natural numbers, but do have least
members ('' and ()), so the bottom end had better be closed.


Because otherwise one can never include the least member in a slice.

 The fact that we have a bottom element in the item space,

doesn't imply that the sequence I need is easiest defined by
using an inclusive lower limit. What if I wanted all none-empty
strings/tuples keys in the tree?

Use 'a' as the lower bound, it being the string that follows ''.

But you really seem to be saying is What if I sometimes want the end 
points included and sometimes do not?  Slice syntax by itself cannot 
handle all four cases, only one, one was chosen and that was closed-open.

If you want flexibility, consider the following:

class my_list(list):
def __getitem__(self, key, include_start=True, include_stop=False):
if (isinstance(key,tuple) and len(key)==2 and 
isinstance(key[0], slice)

  and isinstance(key[1],tuple) and len(key[1])==2):
key, (include_start, include_stop) = key
start,stop,stride = key.indices(len(self))
if include_start == False:
start += 1
if include_stop == True:
stop += 1
key = slice(start,stop,stride)
return list.__getitem__(self, key)

ll = my_list(range(10))

print('standard:', ll[2], ll[1:3], ll[1:3,(True,False)])
print('delete start:', ll[1:3,(False,False)])
print('shift:', ll[1:3,(False,True)])
print('extend stop:', ll[1:3,(True,True)])

slice(1, 3, 1)
standard: 2 [1, 2] [1, 2]
slice(2, 3, 1)
delete start: [2]
slice(2, 4, 1)
shift: [2, 3]
slice(1, 4, 1)
extend stop: [1, 2, 3]

Modify to taste ;-)

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Sys.exit in secondary threads

2010-10-08 Thread Ned Deily
In article,
 Pakal wrote:
 I've noticed that there is nothing in python's documentation regarding
 the use of sys.exit(code) in a non-main thread.
 As far as I've seen, the behaviour in this case is to simply exit the
 thread, without caring about the return code. in the main thread
 however, the return code becomes the official return code of the whole
 Is that all we have to say about sys.exit() in a multithreaded
 program ? Or are there corner cases I've missed ? We'd better document
 this anyway.

There is this item among the Caveats for the _thread module in Py3 
(thread in Py2):

Calling sys.exit() or raising the SystemExit exception is equivalent to 
calling _thread.exit().

It seems like it should be mentioned elsewhere, too, like in sys.exit() 
itself.  Doc patches would be welcomed, I'm sure.

 Ned Deily,


Re: if the else short form

2010-10-08 Thread BartC

NevilleDNZ wrote in message

On Oct 7, 9:23 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:

x = {1 : One, 2 : Two, 3 : Three}.get(i, None Of The Above)

More like:
x = {1:lambda:One, 2:lambda:Two, 3:lambda:Three}.get(i,
lambda:None Of The Above)()

i.e. deferred evaluation of selected case.

In Algol68 this would be:
x:=(i|One,Two,Three|None Of The Above)

The point is, the construction works well when the syntax fully supports it.

When it needs the extra clutter that Python demands, it might not be so
worthwhile. Especially as it's not clear whether, even with lambdas, an
entire dictionary needs to be constructed before a selection can be made. In
fact a brief test showed an list+if (or is it tuple? I can never remember)
construction was much faster and much cleaner:

x = (One,Two,Three)[i-1] if 1=i=3 else Other

NevilleDNZ wrote:

BartC wrote:

Probably there are workarounds here too, but I suspect the syntax won't
quite as pert as the Algol68-style example:

x = (i | Zero, One, Two | None of the above)  # 0-based

/* ¢ Algol68 case clause is 1-based. ¢ */

Yes, but my example was in Algol68-*style*: 0-based pseudo-syntax just in
case the Pythonians here couldn't get their heads around 1-based indexing..

(I've borrowed a lot from Algol68 when I've needed to design language syntax 
(naturally, just the best bits), and I do normally use 1-based.)



Re: question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Chris Rebert
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Logan Butler wrote:
 question about an assignment:

 places(home sweet home is here,' ')
 [4, 10, 15, 18]

 this is my code:

 def places(x, y):
    return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]

 so far I'm only getting
 [4, 4, 4, 4]

 so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the next
 three items it needs to

Your loop variable is v, but your expression `x.index(y)` does not use
v at all, and hence its value is invariant over the course of the


Unicode Decode Error

2010-10-08 Thread Pratik Khemka

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 152: 
ordinal not in range(128). Can someone please help me with  this error

The error occurs in line I have used import xlwt..Can 
someone just tell what do I need to do to get rid of this error. I read other 
forums which explain the error but do not solve it. Thanks in advance..

Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/8/2010 9:45 AM, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

Actually, the implicit contract of __str__ is that it never fails, so
that everything can be printed out (for debugging purposes, etc.).


$ python2 -c 'str(u\u1000)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in ?
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u1000' in position 
0: ordinal not in range(128)

This could be considered a design bug due to 'str' being used both to 
produce readable string representations of objects (perhaps one that 
could be eval'ed) and to convert unicode objects to equivalent string 
objects. which is not the same operation!

The above really should have produced '\u1000'! (the equivavlent of what 
str(bytes) does today). The 'conversion to equivalent str object' option 
should have required an explicit encoding arg rather than defaulting to 
the ascii codec. This mistake has been corrected in 3.x, so Yep.

And the equivalent:

$ python2 -c 'unicode(\xA0)'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File string, line 1, in ?
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xa0 in position 0: ordinal 
not in range(128)

This is an application bug: either bad string or missing decoding arg.

In Python 2, these two UnicodeEncodeErrors made our data safe from code
which used str and unicode objects without checking too carefully which
was which.  Code which sort the types out carefully enough would fail.

In Python 3, that safety only exists for bytes(str), not str(bytes).

If you prefer the buggy 2.x design (and there are *many* tracker bug 
reports that were fixed by the 3.x change), stick with it.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: harmful str(bytes)

2010-10-08 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/8/2010 9:31 AM, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

That's not the point - the point is that for 2.* code which _uses_ str
vs unicode, the equivalent 3.* code uses str vs bytes.  Yet not the
same way - a 2.* 'str' will sometimes be 3.* bytes, sometime str.  So
upgraded old code will have to expect both str and bytes.

If you want to interconvert code between 2.6/7 and 3.x, use unicode and 
bytes in the 2.x code. Bytes was added to 2.6/7 as a synonym for str 
explicitly and only for conversion purposes.

Terry Jan Reedy


script in Linux vs Windows

2010-10-08 Thread aurfalien

Hi all,

Unsure how to deal with what appears to be \n vs \r issues.

The following code works in Linux;

o = open(axenfs.reg)
n = open(axenfs2.reg, a)
while 1:
  line = o.readline()
  if not line: break
  line = line.replace(dword:0,dword:044e)

But in Windows, its one continues line with a bunch of squares in it.

So I add + '\r\n' to my second to last line so it looks like;

n.write(line + '\r\n')

But I still get one continuous line with squares in it.

Any ideas?  I've been googing all day to no avail.

Desperately seeking advice.

- aurf

Re: Simple database explorer

2010-10-08 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 02:04:39 -0700, dusans wrote:

 On Oct 7, 7:49 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
 central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message,
 dusans wrote:

   - all the others having ODBC drivers...

 ODBC seems to be something you use when you can’t use a proper database

Its the right answer for a program that needs to be used with many 
different RDBMSes, especially if you use its metadata access procedures.
 yes. first i have been mixing native and odbc drivers. Now i only use
 odbc. Odbc is not the best but its good enought for a sql explorer. Dont
 know how its on unix thou

Use unixODBC. Its a wrapper that lets Windows ODBC drivers be run on UNIX/
Linux and there's a Python module that provides an interface to unixODBC 
and a Data Manager utility that configures ODBC data sources. The 
documentation for the module is poor but the module and utility both work 
well once you've figured out how to use them.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Re: [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Ian
On Oct 8, 3:05 pm, Terry Reedy wrote:
  doesn't imply that the sequence I need is easiest defined by
  using aninclusivelower limit. What if I wanted all none-empty
  strings/tuples keys in the tree?

 Use 'a' as the lower bound, it being the string that follows ''.

No, that would be '\0'.


Re: Unicode Decode Error

2010-10-08 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Pratik Khemka wrote:
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 152:
 ordinal not in range(128). Can someone please help me with  this error
 The error occurs in line I have used
 import xlwt..Can someone just tell what do I need to do to get rid of this
 error. I read other forums which explain the error but do not solve it.

(1) Always include the *full* exception Traceback.
(2) Check whether your version of xlwt is up-to-date.
(3) You might have more luck asking on xlwt's newsgroup:


Re: Unicode Decode Error

2010-10-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Pratik Khemka pratikkhe...@hotmail.comwrote:

  *UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position
 152: ordinal not in range(128)*. Can someone please help me with  this
 The error occurs in line **. I have used *
 import xlwt*..Can someone just tell what do I need to do to get rid of
 this error. I read other forums which explain the error but do not solve it.
 Thanks in advance..

You're writing non-ascii data to the workbook, which is then trying to
decode it using the default ascii encoding, which will fail.  When you
create the workbook, you need to specify the correct encoding, e.g.:

wbk = xlwt.Workbook('utf-8')

or whatever encoding you're actually using.


script in Linux vs Windows

2010-10-08 Thread aurfalien

Hi all,

Unsure how to deal with what appears to be \n vs \r issues.

The following code works in Linux;

o = open(axenfs.reg)
n = open(axenfs2.reg, a)
while 1:
 line = o.readline()
 if not line: break
 line = line.replace(dword:0,dword:044e)

But in Windows, its one continues line with a bunch of squares in it.

So I add + '\r\n' to my second to last line so it looks like;

n.write(line + '\r\n')

But I still get one continuous line with squares in it.

Any ideas?  I've been googing all day to no avail.

Desperately seeking advice.

- aurf

Re: question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Andreas Waldenburger
On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 14:34:21 -0700 Chris Rebert

 On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:39 PM, Logan Butler
  question about an assignment:
  places(home sweet home is here,' ')
  [4, 10, 15, 18]
  this is my code:
  def places(x, y):
     return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]
  so far I'm only getting
  [4, 4, 4, 4]
  so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the
  next three items it needs to
 Your loop variable is v, but your expression `x.index(y)` does not use
 v at all, and hence its value is invariant over the course of the
Nice catch, but the if (v==y) clause nullifies that in any case.

The real reason is that list.index(x) returns the index of the *first*
occurrence of x, so its invariant by default.


To reach me via email, replace INVALID with the country code of my home 
country.  But if you spam me, I'll be one sour Kraut.


Re: script in Linux vs Windows

2010-10-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:52 PM, wrote:

 Hi all,

 Unsure how to deal with what appears to be \n vs \r issues.

 The following code works in Linux;

 o = open(axenfs.reg)
 n = open(axenfs2.reg, a)
 while 1:
  line = o.readline()
  if not line: break
  line = line.replace(dword:0,dword:044e)

 But in Windows, its one continues line with a bunch of squares in it.

 So I add + '\r\n' to my second to last line so it looks like;

 n.write(line + '\r\n')

 But I still get one continuous line with squares in it.

 Any ideas?  I've been googing all day to no avail.

Is the input file formatted the same way?  I would guess that the readline
call is reading the input file as one continuous line, so that the loop body
only runs once, and the '\r\n' only gets added to the very end of the file.

The simplest way to deal with this type of issue is to convert the file line
endings as needed using dos2unix and unix2dos.

Re: Opening a webpage in the background via

2010-10-08 Thread Tim Chase

On 10/08/10 15:11, Vlastimil Brom wrote:[, new=0[, autoraise=True]])
however, the sidenote in the docs also seems to apply:
If autoraise is True, the window is raised if possible (note that
under many window managers this will occur regardless of the setting
of this variable).

For me (win XP, python 2.5.4) the browser window is always raised
after this call, regardless the autoraise option.

And with my configuration (Linux, fluxbox) of the browser 
full-screen on one virtual desktop and usually working in other 
desktops, this almost *never* happens to me, regardless of the 
auto-raise option :)



Re: Help with sets

2010-10-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

Did you know that applying the “set” or “frozenset” functions to a dict 
return a set of its keys?

Seems a bit dodgy, somehow.

That's just a consequence of the fact that dicts produce their
keys when iterated over, and the set constructor iterates over
whatever you give it.


Re: script in Linux vs Windows

2010-10-08 Thread MRAB

On 08/10/2010 22:52, wrote:

Hi all,

Unsure how to deal with what appears to be \n vs \r issues.

The following code works in Linux;

o = open(axenfs.reg)
n = open(axenfs2.reg, a)
while 1:
  line = o.readline()
  if not line: break
  line = line.replace(dword:0,dword:044e)

But in Windows, its one continues line with a bunch of squares in it.

So I add + '\r\n' to my second to last line so it looks like;

n.write(line + '\r\n')

But I still get one continuous line with squares in it.

Any ideas?  I've been googing all day to no avail.

Desperately seeking advice.

Open the input file in binary mode and print out the repr for a few
lines to see what the file encoding and line ending actually is. That
always helps me. :-)

Re: script in Linux vs Windows

2010-10-08 Thread aurfalien

On Oct 8, 2010, at 4:27 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:52 PM, wrote:
Hi all,

Unsure how to deal with what appears to be \n vs \r issues.

The following code works in Linux;

o = open(axenfs.reg)
n = open(axenfs2.reg, a)
while 1:
 line = o.readline()
 if not line: break
 line = line.replace(dword:0,dword:044e)

But in Windows, its one continues line with a bunch of squares in it.

So I add + '\r\n' to my second to last line so it looks like;

n.write(line + '\r\n')

But I still get one continuous line with squares in it.

Any ideas?  I've been googing all day to no avail.

Is the input file formatted the same way?  I would guess that the  
readline call is reading the input file as one continuous line, so  
that the loop body only runs once, and the '\r\n' only gets added to  
the very end of the file.

Hi Ian,

Thanks very much for the reply.

It took a very long time to get my approval mail for this list, so in  
the interum, I fix it this way (in the event other noobs have issues  
like myself).

First, I replaced a with ab as Winblows treats text files diff  
then Unix.

Second, I used variables instead of actual text so dword:0 is  
really a var named oldhexuid.  And dword:044e is really a new  
var called newhexuid.

What I am really doing here is using NFS in 64 bit Windows XP via  
AxeNFS client which also works in Windows 7.

If you are asking why as Windows 7 does have NFS, it does not map UIDs  
like Windows XP 32 + SFU can do.  So basically I load an LDAP plugin  
for Windows called pGina which is an LDAP client for Windows.

Then during login, I NFS mount, scan a Linux passwd file on that NFS  
mount for the matching UID of the logged in Windows user and mod the  
reg so that the windows user UID matches the Linux UID.

This way  when they mod a file/ folder on the NFS mount, its got  
proper UID/GID values system wide.

Its really too bad the Windows 7 doesn't support NFS map files in  
terms of matching users with UID/GID.

And I didn't want to use Samba as I like my OpenLDAP servers clean and  

Since the reg value is in hex, I had to convert the decimal value  
derived from the passwd file to hex via a sysinternals program called  
hex2dec.  Its this value that I use to mod the reg for AxeNFS.

This was a royal PITA but my constraints were clear and no flexible.

Hope this helps others.

- aurf


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 15:53:17 -0400, Jed Smith wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:21:16 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 Personnaly I find it horrible
 that in the following expression: L[a:b:-1], it is impossible to give
 a numeric value to b, that will include L[0] into the reversed slice.

 L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
 [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Well of course that works, that is the standard Python idiom for 
reversing a sequence.

But the point was that Antoon claimed that there is no numeric value for 
the end position that will include L[0] in the reversed slice. My example 
shows that this is not correct.


Re: [Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Inclusive Range

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 22:10:35 +0200, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

 Jed Smith writes:
 a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
 Nice.  Is there a trick to get a -0 index too? Other than doing 'i or
 len(L)' instead of 'i', that is.

What exactly are you expecting? I don't understand why you think that 
L[-0] and L[0] would be different, when -0 == 0. I'm also unsure why you 
think that there's anything more (too) to get -- the example shown 
reverses the entire list.

Perhaps if you show what result you are expecting, we can show what slice 
to give to get it.

 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
 L[2:-2], L[2:-1], L[2:-0]  # not quite right:-)
 ([3], [3, 4], [])


Re: question about a program

2010-10-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 07 Oct 2010 17:39:51 -0700, Logan Butler wrote:

 question about an assignment:
 places(home sweet home is here,' ')
 [4, 10, 15, 18]
 this is my code:
 def places(x, y):
 return [x.index(y) for v in x if (v == y)]
 so far I'm only getting
 [4, 4, 4, 4]
 so the first value is correct, it is just not iterating on to the next
 three items it needs to

Not every tool is a hammer, not every list builder needs to be a list 
comp, and not every function needs to be a one-liner. The simplest way to 
deal with this is to do an explicit loop.

Also, your names x and y are misleading. It is conventional to expect 
x and y to be numeric values, so it is best to pick more descriptive 

def places(s, sub):
Return indexes into string s where non-overlapping copies 
of substring sub is found, or [-1] if not found at all.

n = len(sub)
start = 0
indexes = []
while True:
i = s.index(sub, start)
start = i + n
except ValueError:
if not indexes: indexes = [-1]
return indexes


[issue10046] Correction to atexit documentation

2010-10-08 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

One could also argue that on SIGINT, the program is not killed but 
interrupted by the signal :)

What about ... killed by an unhandled signal ...?

nosy: +georg.brandl

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[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

The test in the patch assumes a specific iteration order for the dict h, 
changing the dict to have only one key would fix this problem with the test.


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[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

The test also repeats an equivalent dict to h in the check function.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I just applied a version of this patch with corrections to the tests here:


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[issue10040] GZipFile failure on large files

2010-10-08 Thread Robert Rohde

Robert Rohde added the comment:

It's Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) on a very high end system.

I don't think it would be very practical to distribute a 2 GB test file.  
Though I might be able to get it to a couple people if someone wanted to really 
study the issue.

Though if it is an integer overflow (or something like that), then I would 
suspect that GZipFile would show corruption most of the time once the files got 
large enough.  For example, it might occur for all files expanding to larger 
than 2^32 bytes (4 GB).  (That's just speculation, I haven't tested it except 
to note that it failed the very first time I tried to use a file this large.)

Perhaps someone familiar with the code could look for places where integers 
might overflow?


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