apipkg-1.0 controling exported API + lazy importing

2010-10-14 Thread holger krekel

i just released apipkg-1.0, an around 100 LOC module for easy importing
of export-controled namespaces.  So far, it's successfully used in tox, pylib 
and a few other projects.  

With apipkg you can control the exported namespace of a Python package and
greatly reduce the number of imports for your users.  It is a `small pure python
module`_ that works on virtually all Python versions, including CPython2.3 to
Python3.1, Jython and PyPy.  It co-operates well with Python's ``help()``
system, custom importers (PEP302) and common command line completion tools.

Some more info on the PyPI project page:


have fun,

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: A new version (0.2.5) of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released.

2010-10-14 Thread Vinay Sajip
A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been

What Changed?
This is a minor enhancement and bug-fix release. See the project
website ( http://code.google.com/p/python-gnupg/ ) for more
information. Summary:

Detached signatures can now be created and verified.
There's slightly better support for RSA and IDEA.
Some bugs whih surfaced when encrypting non-ASCII data have been

The current version passes all tests on Windows (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
3.1, Jython 2.5.1) and Ubuntu (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1,
3.2, Jython 2.5.1).

What Does It Do?

The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
(generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.

This module is expected to be used with Python versions = 2.4, as it
makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of
Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by
Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott.

A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution.

Simple usage:

 import gnupg
 gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory')
  'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'length': '1024',
  'type': 'pub',
  'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user) gary.gr...@gamma.com']},
  'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'length': '1024',
  'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user) danny.da...@delta.com']}]
 encrypted = gpg.encrypt(Hello, world!, ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A'])
'-BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n
 decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret')
'Hello, world!'
 signed = gpg.sign(Goodbye, world!, passphrase='secret')
 verified = gpg.verify(str(signed))
 print Verified if verified else Not verified

For more information, visit http://code.google.com/p/python-gnupg/ -
as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports,
patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip
Red Dove Consultants Ltd.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Whining about struct

2010-10-14 Thread Ned Deily
In article am1db6h9dh3abep1g3s21bqf3172fa3...@4ax.com,
 Tim Roberts t...@probo.com wrote:
 I have a bad memory.  I admit it.  Because of that, the Python help
 system is invaluable to me.  Up through Python 2.5, I could get a quick
 reference to the format specifiers for the struct module via
   import struct; help(struct)
 I used that a LOT.
 But in Python 2.6, the struct module moved from Python code to C code, and
 that helpful help string was removed.
 Is that still gone in Python 3.1?  What are the chances of reinstating that
 helpful chart?

Hmm, for me, help(struct) produces pretty similar results on all pythons 
from 2.5 through 3.2.  (This is on Mac OS X with the Pythons from 
various sources.)  Here's a snippet from the 3.1.2 help:

Functions to convert between Python values and C structs.
Python bytes objects are used to hold the data representing the C 
and also as format strings (explained below) to describe the layout 
of data
in the C struct.

The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and 
  @: native order, size  alignment (default)
  =: native order, std. size  alignment
  : little-endian, std. size  alignment
  : big-endian, std. size  alignment
  !: same as 

The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly;

Is that what you meant?   Ah, I see.  It looks like the doc string was 
missing-in-action in the initial 2.6 releases but subsequently fixed (as 
of 2.6.5 or so).

 Ned Deily,


Python, Windows, and file sockets

2010-10-14 Thread culix
Hey list,

I have a question about unix-style file sockets and/or named pipes
with python. I have a linux server program that uses a file socket to
listen for connections. It has been ported to Windows with cygwin (I'm
running WinXP SP3). On linux I have a python script that acts as a
client - it connects to the socket with code like

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

It then communicates with a bunch of sock.send() and sock.recv() calls
as normal.

Since the server runs on Windows I would like to make the client run
on Windows. However, this seems to be difficult because the AF_UNIX
socket type has not been defined in Windows python. I have tried using
'multiprocessing' Pipes and Clients, as well as the 'socket' module,
but in both cases I get an error that says 'module' object has no
attribute 'AF_UNIX'. As well the socket documentation says If the
AF_UNIX constant is not defined then this protocol is unsupported (
http://docs.python.org/library/socket.html#socket.AF_UNIX ). I also
tried using select(). For select.select() the docs say On Windows,
the underlying select() function is provided by the WinSock library,
and does not handle file descriptors that don’t originate from
WinSock. Indeed, if I try this (after opening the socket with
subprocess.Popen()), I get 'C:\some\file\socket' is not recognized as
an internal or external command, operable program or batch file on
the command line, and class 'select.error' (10038, 'An operation
was attempted on something that is not a socket') from python.

I have successfully written C code that will talk to the file socket
on Windows, so I believe this is possible on the OS. But I would
rather port the existing python client than create a new one in a
different language.

So: is it possible to talk to a file socket via python on Windows?
Does it require implementing enough functionality to get AF_UNIX
sockets defined? Is there some other obvious method that I'm

Thanks for listening,

Question regarding python migration

2010-10-14 Thread Pramod Thirthachar Sridhar

We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various projects.

Our current environment is

Python (ver 2.5.1)

wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-




Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

The issue is:

Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.

In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information regarding 
migration of our existing framework into windows 7 environment.

Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python 2.6 or 
directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting packages..etc

Which is the best way ?

We tried out of some option of using our framework under virtual xp context of 
windows 7.Thou it works for timebeing,i am not interested to having the same as 
kind of way of working for future.

Please help

Many thanks in advance

- Pramod

Question regarding python migration

2010-10-14 Thread Pramod Thirthachar Sridhar

We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various projects.

Our current environment is

Python (ver 2.5.1)

wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-




Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

The issue is:

Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.

In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information regarding 
migration of our existing framework into windows 7 environment.

Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python 2.6 or 
directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting packages..etc

Which is the best way ?

We tried out of some option of using our framework under virtual xp context of 
windows 7.Thou it works for timebeing,i am not interested to having the same as 
kind of way of working for future.

Please help

Many thanks in advance

- Pramod

Re: what happens to Popen()'s parent-side file descriptors?

2010-10-14 Thread Chris Torek
In article b166181a-2aba-4c3a-948d-674755459...@c10g2000yqh.googlegroups.com
Roger Davis  r...@hawaii.edu wrote:
My understanding is that this functionality is best coded via

Best is always a big question mark. :-)

I need to read output from these spawned children
via a pipe from their stdout, hence something like

 p= subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

This means that somewhere a pipe file descriptor is opened on the
parent side to read from the child's stdout. When, if ever, is that
descriptor closed?

(I am going to tell this tale in a slightly different order than
your question asked, as I think it works out better that way.)

subprocess.Popen() creates the instance variable and any pipes
needed, forks (on a Unix system) the target process, but has not
yet done any I/O with it (except to read a success/fail indicator
for whether the exec worked and/or any exception that occurred
before then, e.g., during the preexec_fn).  It then makes the stdin,
stdout, and/or stderr attributes (p.stdout, for the example above)
using os.fdopen().  Streams not requested in the call are set to
None (so p.stderr, for instance, will be None in this case).

At this point, then, the underlying open pipe is still around.
But your next step is (normally) to use p.communicate(); this is
where most of the magic happens.  The Unix implementation loops,
using select() to read and write from/to whichever pipe(s) are open
to the child process, until *all* data are sent and received.  As
each data stream is finished, it is closed (in this case, via
self.stdout.close()).  Lastly, p.communicate() invokes p.wait() (via
self.wait()), to wait for the child process to exit.

By the time p.communicate() returns, the pipe is closed and the
command has finished.  The entire output text, however large it
is, is returned as the first element of the return-value 2-tuple
(remember that p.communicate() returns both the stdout and the
stderr -- stderr will be the empty string in this case, as stderr
was not redirected in the subprocess.Popen() call).

Per-process FDs are limited and I am looping
infinitely so I need to be very careful about not running out of them.
Are there any other FDs related to this operation that also need to be

Only if you (or code you call) have opened them and not set
FD_CLOEXEC.  In this case, you can set close_fds = True in your
call to subprocess.Popen().  That will make the child of fork()
loop over higher-number fd's, calling os.close() on each one.

Testing with the interpreter (2.6, MacOSX) it appears that p.stdout is
being closed somehow by someone other than me:

import subprocess
args= [echo, This is a mystery!]
i= 0
while True:
p= subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
print [%5d] %s % (i, line.strip())
i+= 1

The above code closes nothing but appears to run indefinitely without
running the parent out of FDs. WTF is going on here?

The above reads from p.stdout -- the os.fdopen() result on the
underlying pipe -- directly.  In the general case (multiple input
and output pipes), this is not safe as you can deadlock with
constipated pipes (hence the existence of p.communicate()).  In
this specific case, there is just one pipe so the deadlock issue
goes away.  Instead, the file descriptor remains open while the
inner loop runs (i.e., while line in p.stdout is able to fetch
lines via the file's iterator).  When the loop stops the pipe is
still open in the parent, but the child has finished and is now
exiting (or has exited or will exit soon).  You then reach the
i+=1 line and resume the loop, calling subprocess.Popen()

Now we get to the even deeper magic. :-)

What happens to the *old* value in p?  Answer: because p is
reassigned, the (C implementation, interpreted Python bytecode
runtime) reference count drops [%].  Since p was the only live
reference, the count drops from 1 to 0.  This makes the old instance
variable go away, invoking old_p.__del__() as it were.  The deletion
handler cleans up a few things itself, including a a call to
os.waitpid() if needed, and then simply lets the reference to
old_p.stdout go away.  That in turn decrements old_p.stdout's
reference count.  Since that, too, reaches zero, its __del__ is
run ... and *that* closes the underlying file descriptor.

[% This is all simplified -- the Python documentation mentions that
reference counting for local variables is somewhat tricked-out by
the compiler to avoid unnecessary increments and decrements.  The
principles apply, though.]

Running the above code fragment in a different implementation, in
which garbage collection is deferred, would *not* close the file
descriptor, and the system would potentially run out (depending on
when a gc occurred, and/or whether the system would attempt gc on
running out of file descriptors, in the hope that the gc would free
some up).

The subprocess module does go through a bunch of extra work to make

Question regarding python2.5 migration from windows xp to windows 7

2010-10-14 Thread python_tsp

We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various

Our current environment is
Python (ver 2.5.1)
wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-

Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

The issue is:
Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.
In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information
regarding migration of our existing framework into windows 7

Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python
2.6 or directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting

Which is the best way ?

We tried out of some option of using our framework under virtual xp
context of windows 7.Thou it works for timebeing,i am not interested
to having the same as kind of way of working for future.

Please help

Many thanks in advance

- Pramod

Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:41:13 +1300, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message mailman.1544.1286800257.29448.python-l...@python.org, Ethan
 Furman wrote:
 Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message mailman.1533.1286774527.29448.python-l...@python.org,
 Ethan Furman wrote:
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message mailman.1466.1286556950.29448.python-l...@python.org,
Ethan Furman wrote:

MS treats those first three bytes as a flag -- if they equal the BOM,
MS treats it as UTF-8, if they equal anything else, MS does not treat
it as UTF-8.
 So what does it treat it as? You previously gave examples of flag
 values for dBase III. What are the flag values for Windows-1252,
 versus, say, ISO-8859-15?
 I am not aware of any other flag values for text files besides the BOM
 for UTF-8.
 Then how can you say “MS treats those first three bytes as a flag”,

Because Microsoft tools treat those first three bytes as a flag. An 
*optional* flag, but still a flag. If the first three bytes of a text 
file equal the UTF-8 BOM, most MS tools treat them as a BOM. If they 
equal any other value, then they are not treated as a BOM, but merely 
part of the file's contents.


It's not just Notepad either:


The Python interpreter does the same thing too:



multiple assignments (was: My first Python program)

2010-10-14 Thread Ethan Furman

Ian Kelly wrote:

 here is an example
where the order of assignment actually matters:

  d['a'] = d = {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'd' is not defined
  d = d['a'] = {}
{'a': {...}}

As you can see, they're assigned left-to-right.

Flash of inspiration

Ah!  I was thinking the assignments went in a filter fashion, but now 
what I think is happening is that the first item is bound to the last, 
then the next item is bound to the last, etc, etc.

Is this correct?



Re: Whining about struct

2010-10-14 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message am1db6h9dh3abep1g3s21bqf3172fa3...@4ax.com, Tim Roberts wrote:

 I have a bad memory.  I admit it.  Because of that, the Python help
 system is invaluable to me.

I’ve tried using that occasionally, but found it’s easier by far to have a 
Web page open with full documentation that I can read and flip through while 
simultaneously trying things in a terminal window.

Re: help!!!

2010-10-14 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message mailman.1595.1286847515.29448.python-l...@python.org, Jorge 
Biquez wrote:

 I was a teacher of Computer Sciences for some
 years in my case, women were better
 programming than men. but sure, on the IT
 industry the percentage of men is a lot more than the one of women. Why?

Did you follow up your graduates to see what kind of jobs they ended up 

Re: Strong typing vs. strong testing [OT]

2010-10-14 Thread Antoon Pardon
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 07:31:59PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 16:17:19 +0200, Antoon Pardon wrote:
  On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 01:20:30PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 22:13:26 -0700, RG wrote:
   The formula: circumference = 2 x pi x radius is taught in primary
   schools, yet it's actually a very difficult formula to prove!
   What's to prove?  That's the definition of pi.
  Incorrect -- it's not necessarily so that the ratio of the
  circumference to the radius of a circle is always the same number. It
  could have turned out that different circles had different ratios.
  If that is your concern, you should have reacted to the previous poster
  since in that case his equation couldn't be proven either.
 Very difficult to prove != cannot be proven.

Your missing the point. You started talking about non-euclidean geometries
as an argument against the notion that pi was defined as the ratio of
the circumference and the diameter. But in non-euclidean geometries
the equation doesn't hold. So either you think non-euclidian geometries
matter and in that case you should have questioned the equation or
you accept that the context was euclidian geometries and in that case
non euclidian considerations don't matter.

  Since by not reacting to the previous poster, you implicitely accepted
  the equation and thus the context in which it is true: euclidean
  geometry. So I don't think that concerns that fall outside this context
  have any relevance.
 You've missed the point that, 4000 years later it is easy to take pi for 
 granted, but how did anyone know that it was special? After all, there is 
 a very similar number 3.1516... but we haven't got a name for it and 
 there's no formulae using it. Nor do we have a name for the ratio of the 
 radius of a circle to the proportion of the plane that is uncovered when 
 you tile it with circles of that radius, because that ratio isn't (as far 
 as I know) constant.

Your confusing the concept with its specific numerical value. It's not
uncommon in mathematics to give a name to a number that is defined in
a specific way, without knowing its numerical value.

 Perhaps this will help illustrate what I'm talking about... the 
 mathematician Mitchell Feigenbaum discovered in 1975 that, for a large 
 class of chaotic systems, the ratio of each bifurcation interval to the 
 next approached a constant:
 ?? = 4.66920160910299067185320382...
 Every chaotic system (of a certain kind) will bifurcate at the same rate. 
 This constant has been described as being as fundamental to mathematics 
 as pi or e. Feigenbaum didn't just *define* this constant, he discovered 
 it by *proving* that the ratio of bifurcation intervals was constant. 
 Nobody had any idea that this was the case until he did so.

So? That the ratio of the circumference and the diameter of a circel was
constant was proven a long way before people had the tools to calculate
that ratio to very high precision. They did that by noting that the
ratios of the circumference of a regular polygon to the diameter of the
inscribed and outscribed circle were constants and converged to each
other as the number of sides increased.

So there is no problem defining pi as the ratio between the circumference
and the diameter of a circle even if one has only very crude approximations
to the numerical value of that ratio.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Help needed - To get path of a directory

2010-10-14 Thread Tim Golden

On 13/10/10 15:26, Bishwarup Banerjee wrote:

I want to get the absolute path of the Directory I pass explicitly. Like

On 13/10/2010 05:44, Kingsley Turner wrote:

One way to achieve this is to fetch a recursive directory list for all
drives, and then search for your directory_name.endswith(abcd) in each
list. But what would you do with multiple occurrences ?

[... snip useful code ...]

I don't know how to enumerate all your windows device letters.



Re: Whining about struct

2010-10-14 Thread Tim Golden

On 14/10/2010 05:30, Tim Roberts wrote:

I have a bad memory.  I admit it.  Because of that, the Python help
system is invaluable to me.  Up through Python 2.5, I could get a quick
reference to the format specifiers for the struct module via
   import struct; help(struct)

I used that a LOT.

But in Python 2.6, the struct module moved from Python code to C code, and
that helpful help string was removed.

Is that still gone in Python 3.1?  What are the chances of reinstating that
helpful chart?

It's back again in 2.7  3.1. (I haven't bothered to track the code through
subversion; I just tried all the versions I have :) )


Re: Using csv.DictReader with \r\n in the middle of fields

2010-10-14 Thread pstatham
On Oct 13, 4:01 pm, Neil Cerutti ne...@norwich.edu wrote:
 On 2010-10-13, pstatham pstat...@sefas.com wrote:

  Hopefully this will interest some, I have a csv file (can be
  downloaded fromhttp://www.paulstathamphotography.co.uk/45.txt) which
  has five fields separated by ~ delimiters. To read this I've been
  using a csv.DictReader which works in 99% of the cases. Occasionally
  however the description field has errant \r\n characters in the middle
  of the record. This causes the reader to assume it's a new record and
  try to read it.

 Here's an alternative idea. Working with csv module for this job
 is too difficult for me. ;)

 import re

 record_re = 

 def parse_file(fname):
     with open(fname) as f:
         data = f.read()
         m = re.match(record_re, data, flags=re.M | re.S)
         while m:
             yield m.groupdict()
             m = re.match(record_re, m.group(6), flags=re.M | re.S)

 for record in parse_file('45.txt'):

 Neil Cerutti

Thanks guys, I can't alter the source data.

I wouldn't of considered regex, but it's a good idea as I can then
define my own record structure instead of reader dictating to me what
a record is.

Get alternative char name with unicodedata.name() if no formal one defined

2010-10-14 Thread Dirk Wallenstein
I'd like to get control char names for the first 32 codepoints, but they
apparently only have an alias and no official name. Is there a way to
get the alternative character name (alias) in Python?


Re: multiple assignments

2010-10-14 Thread Ben Finney
Ethan Furman et...@stoneleaf.us writes:

 Ah!  I was thinking the assignments went in a filter fashion, but now
 what I think is happening is that the first item is bound to the last,
 then the next item is bound to the last, etc, etc.

 Is this correct?

Assignment is always the same direction: the rightmost object is the
target, and every reference on the left of an assignment operator (the
‘=’ operator) gets bound to that same object.

 \   “There's no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. |
  `\Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there's no excuse for boredom, |
_o__)  ever.” —Viggo Mortensen |
Ben Finney

Re: Strong typing vs. strong testing [OT]

2010-10-14 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
under Euclidean 
geometry, there was a time when people didn't know whether or not the 
ratio of circumference to radius was or wasn't a constant, and proving 
that it is a constant is non-trivial.

I'm not sure that the construction you mentioned proves that
either, because it relies on the same assumptions about scaling
of polygons that one makes about circles in Euclidean geometry.

Seems to me the significance of it is not that it proves
anything about the constness of pi, but that it provides a way
of *calculating* pi to any desired accuracy. Before that,
people had to rely on measurements of physical circles to
come up with estimates for the value of pi.


processing input from multiple files

2010-10-14 Thread Christopher Steele

I've been trying to decode a series of observations from multiple files
(each file is a different time) and put each type of observation into their
own separate file. The script runs successfully for one file but whenever I
try it for more they just overwrite each other. I'm new to python and I'm
not sure how to go about efficiently running through the process once and
then appending to the output file for all other input files. Has anyone done
something similar to this before?

If it helps, I'll also attach a sample of one of the input files


import sys
import os
import re
import fileinput

#load in file list
#obs = os.system('ls s[i,m,n]uk[0,2,4][1,2,3]d_??00P.DATA')
obs = ['siuk21d_0300P.DATA', 'siuk21d_0900P.DATA']
print obs
#code for file type datalist
#fname = datalist_201081813.txt

#output files
foutname1 = 'prestest.txt'
foutname2 = 'temptest.txt'
foutname3 = 'tempdtest.txt'
foutname4 = 'wspeedtest.txt'
foutname5 = 'winddtest.txt'

#prepare times

pres_out = ''
temp_out = ''
dtemp_out = ''
dir_out = ''
speed_out = ''
x =''

#load in station file with lat/lons
file2 = open(uk_stations.txt,r)
stations = file2.readlines()
for item in stations:
item_list = item.strip().split(',')

#create loop over file list
time= [item.split('_')[1].split('.')[0] for item in obs]
print time
for x in time:
hour= x[:2]
print hour
newtime = year+month+day+'_'+hour+'00'
print newtime
for file  in fileinput.input(obs):
data=file[:file.find(' 333 ')]
print data
elements=data.split(' ')
print elements
station_id = elements[0]
index = ids.index(station_id)
lat = lats[index]
lon = lons[index]
message_type = 'ADPSFC'
print 'Station ID',station_id,'not in list!'
lat = lon = 'NaN'
message_type = 'Bad_station_id'
temp = [item for item in elements if item.startswith('1')][0]
temperature = float(temp[2:])/10
sign = temp[1]
if sign == 1:

dtemp = [item for item in elements if item.startswith('2')][0]
dtemperature = float(dtemp[2:])/10
sign = dtemp[1]
if sign == 1:
press = [item for item in elements[2:] if item.startswith('4')][0]
if press[1]=='9':
pressure = float(press[1:])/10
pressure = float(press[1:])/10+1000
pressure = 'NaN'

wind = elements[elements.index(temp)-1]
direction = float(wind[1:3])*10
speed = float(wind[3:])*0.51444

newline =
message_type+c+str(station_id)+c+newtime+c+lat+c+lon+c+c+-+c+ 002

newline2 =
message_type+c+str(station_id)+c+newtime+c+lat+c+lon+c+c+-+c+ 011
print newline2
fout = open(foutname2,'w')

newline3 =
message_type+c+str(station_id)+c+newtime+c+lat+c+lon+c+c+-+c+ 017
print newline3
fout = open(foutname3,'w')

newline4 =
message_type+c+str(station_id)+c+newtime+c+lat+c+lon+c+c+-+c+ 031
print newline4
fout = open(foutname4,'w')

newline5 =
print newline5

fout = open(foutname1,'w')
fout = open(foutname2,'w')
fout = open(foutname3,'w')
fout = open(foutname4,'w')
fout = open(foutname5,'w')



Description: Binary data

Re: Whining about struct

2010-10-14 Thread Brendan Simon (eTRIX)
 On 14/10/10 5:17 PM, python-list-requ...@python.org wrote:
 Whining about struct
 Tim Roberts t...@probo.com
 Wed, 13 Oct 2010 21:30:38 -0700


 I have a bad memory.  I admit it.  Because of that, the Python help
 system is invaluable to me.  Up through Python 2.5, I could get a quick
 reference to the format specifiers for the struct module via
   import struct; help(struct)

 I used that a LOT.

 But in Python 2.6, the struct module moved from Python code to C code, and
 that helpful help string was removed.

 Is that still gone in Python 3.1?  What are the chances of reinstating that
 helpful chart?

It works ok for me on Mac OS X for both Python 2.6.5 (python.org) and
Python 2.6.1 (Apple) installations.


ANN: automated daily snapshot builds for PyQt and friend on openSUSE build service

2010-10-14 Thread Hans-Peter Jansen
[Sorry for cross posting]

Hi PyQtnistas,

I proudly announce the availability of automated builds of the most 
current PyQt and related packages including snapshots on openSUSEs 
build service for openSUSE 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3, here:


New sip4, PyQt3 and PyQt4 snapshots and release get build against a 
range of gcc and Qt versions automatically, e.g. without human 
intervention (if all goes well, famous last words..). dip and 
PyQtMobility will probably follow soon.

If you add both


to your list of repos, than you get the current snapshot builds of 
qscintilla, sip4, PyQt3 and PyQt4, with dependent packages, like 
PyQwt5, PyKDE3 and PyKDE4. Omitting or deactivating the latter, you can 
switch back to the current released versions with:

zypper dup -r home_frispete_PyQt

BTW, home:frispete:PyQt contains the builds of the current versions of a 
lot of our favorite stuff: e.g. eric4, PyQwt5. eric is lacking the 
newest release, but I didn't manage to automate the sourceforge 
download process, yet.

How to choose your target?

Depending on which other repos you're using, choose your target 
accordingly, e.g. if you have the KDE:Distro:Stable (KDE 4.4) repo 
included, use KDE_Distro_Stable_openSUSE_11.x, 
KDE_Distro_Factory_openSUSE_11.x for KDE:Distro:Factory (KDE 4.5), or 
none of them, then use plain openSUSE_11.x. Note, that you implicitely 
choose your systems Qt4 version with this decision. I hope, this 
fullfills the most common needs. 

PyKDE4 is only provided for KDE_Distro_Stable_x ATM, since I didn't got 
around splitting this package into a 4.4 and 4.5 version.

All in all, these repos provide the the cheapest way of keeping current 
with the PyQt project, that I know of. 

Comments welcome.


Re: PEP 249 (database api) -- executemany() with iterable?

2010-10-14 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/12/2010 11:10 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
 PEP 249 says about executemany():

  Prepare a database operation (query or command) and then
  execute it against all parameter sequences or mappings
  found in the sequence seq_of_parameters.

 are there any plans to update the api to allow an iterable instead of
 a sequence?
 That question would best be addressed to the pep author
 Marc-André Lemburg mal at lemburg.com

Questions about the DB-API should be discussed on the Python DB-SIG
list (put on CC):


Regarding your question:

At the time the PEP was written, Python did not have iterables.

However, even with iterables, please keep in mind that pushing
the data row-per-row over a network does not result in good
performance, so using an iterable will make you update slower.

cursor.executemany() is meant to allow the database module
to optimize sending bulk data to the database and ideally,
it will send the whole sequence to the database in one go.

If you want to efficiently run an update with millions of
entries based on an iterable, it is better to use an intermediate
loop which builds sequences of say 1000 rows and then processes
those with a cursor.executemany() call.

You will likely also do this in multiple transactions to
prevent the database from creating a multi-GB transaction log
for the upload.

Another aspect to keep in mind is error reporting. When sending
bulk data to a database, some databases only report error
for the whole data block, so finding the problem can be
troublesome. For that reason, using smaller blocks is better
even when having the data available as real sequence.

Hope that helps,
Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Oct 14 2010)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...http://www.egenix.com/
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ... http://zope.egenix.com/
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...http://python.egenix.com/

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! 

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: Strong typing vs. strong testing [OT]

2010-10-14 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Steven D'Aprano steve-remove-t...@cybersource.com.au writes:

 On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 21:52:54 +0100, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
 Given two circles with radii r1 and r2, circumferences C1 and C2, one is
 obviously the scaled-up version of the other, therefore the ratio of
 their circumferences is equal to the ratio of their radii:

 That's exactly the sort of thing Peter Nilsson was talking about when he 
 said Most attempts by students collapse because they assume the formula 
 in advance. It might be obvious to you that the two circles are merely 
 scaled up versions of each other, but that is equivalent to assuming that 
 the ratio of the circumference to radius is a constant. Well, yes, it is 
 (at least under Euclidean geometry), but assuming it is a constant 
 doesn't allow you to prove it is a constant -- that's circular reasoning, 
 if you excuse the pun.

There is no circular reasoning.  Read on to find out why.

A circle is, by definition, the locus of points equidistant from a given
point (called its centre), and this constant distance is what we call
its radius.

Let's have two circles with the same centre and radii r1 and r2.  Let's
scale up (from the centre) the first one by a factor r2/r1.  Because all
the points the first circle are r1 units of length away from the centre,
all the points on the scaled up version are r1*r2/r1 = r2 units of
length from the centre.  So the scaled up version of the first circle
*is* the second circle.

I'll let you solve the case when the centres are distinct.



Re: send command to parent shell

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Martin Landa landa.mar...@gmail.com writes:


 is there a way how to send command from python script to the shell
 (known id) from which the python script has been called? More
 precisely, the goal is to exit running bash (on Linux) or cmd (on
 Windows) directly from wxPython application, currently user needs to
 quit wxPython application and then underlaying command prompt by
 'exit' command.

Why is it started from the shell then in the first place? And if I did
it, I beg you to *not* close it... if I wanted that, I would have used 

 exec program


Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Tony
I have been using generators for the first time and wanted to check for
an empty result.  Naively I assumed that generators would give
appopriate boolean values.  For example

def xx():
  l = []
  for x in l:
yield x

y = xx()

I expected the last line to return False but it actually returns True.
Is there anyway I can enhance my generator or iterator to have the
desired effect?


Tony Middleton.

Re: socket problem and html problem

2010-10-14 Thread Stefan Behnel

bussiere bussiere, 11.10.2010 08:30:

here is my code and two questions :
why it says to me that i can't bind the socket ?
normally it had closed it and kill it :/
and why it returns me plain text and not html ?

I think the reason why no-one answered yet is that it's not immediately 
clear what you are talking about. You posted a bunch of source code with 
basically no introduction to it, and the tiny bit of textual context that 
you provide is not easy to understand either. Try to make it easier for 
others to help you.

Give this a read:




Re: Performance evaluation of HTTPS library

2010-10-14 Thread Ashish
On Oct 13, 6:12 pm, Antoine Pitrou solip...@pitrou.net wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 05:27:29 -0700 (PDT)Ashish amvya...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, CBSocket is socket implementation that calls my callback on
  Both my classes AsyncHTTPSConnection and AsyncHTTPConnection use it
  and use it the same way ( self.sock = CBSocket(sock2) ).
  The implemetation of AsyncHTTPConnection differs from
  AsyncHTTPSConnection only in connect method: sock2 =
  ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file)

  class CBSocket(asynchat.async_chat):


 Ok, this won't work as expected. The first issue is that
 ssl.wrap_socket() is a blocking operation, where your client will send
 data and wait for the server reply (it's the SSL's handshake),
 *before* the socket has been set in non-blocking mode by asyncore. It
 means that your client will remain idle a lot of time, and explains
 that neither the client nor the server reach 100% CPU utilization.

 The second issue is that combining SSL and asyncore is more complicated
 than that; there are various situations to consider which your code
 doesn't address. The stdlib right now doesn't provide SSL support for
 asyncore (seehttp://bugs.python.org/issue10084), so you would have to
 do it yourself. I don't think it's worth the trouble, and would
 recommend switching your client to a simple thread-based approach,
 where you handle each HTTP(S) connection in a separate thread and stick
 to blocking I/O.



I am impressed by the knowledge and also thankful to you for helping
me out.

I thought threads will be costly to use and if I go for say 200
parallel connections with 200 total threads (+ a few more I have in my
tool), it may not be efficient either. Let me try to change the
implementation to use threads + blocking i/o and get back with

One more question: If I run the tool from multicore machine, will
python3.1 or 3.2 be able to actually use multicore? or it will be
running only on one core?


ANN: A new version (0.2.5) of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released.

2010-10-14 Thread Vinay Sajip
A new version of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been

What Changed?
This is a minor enhancement and bug-fix release. See the project
website ( http://code.google.com/p/python-gnupg/ ) for more
information. Summary:

Detached signatures can now be created and verified.
There's slightly better support for RSA and IDEA.
Some bugs whih surfaced when encrypting non-ASCII data have been

The current version passes all tests on Windows (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6,
3.1, Jython 2.5.1) and Ubuntu (Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1,
3.2, Jython 2.5.1).

What Does It Do?

The gnupg module allows Python programs to make use of the
functionality provided by the Gnu Privacy Guard (abbreviated GPG or
GnuPG). Using this module, Python programs can encrypt and decrypt
data, digitally sign documents and verify digital signatures, manage
(generate, list and delete) encryption keys, using proven Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) encryption technology based on OpenPGP.

This module is expected to be used with Python versions = 2.4, as it
makes use of the subprocess module which appeared in that version of
Python. This module is a newer version derived from earlier work by
Andrew Kuchling, Richard Jones and Steve Traugott.

A test suite using unittest is included with the source distribution.

Simple usage:

 import gnupg
 gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='/path/to/keyring/directory')
  'fingerprint': 'F819EE7705497D73E3CCEE65197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'keyid': '197D5DAC68F1AAB2',
  'length': '1024',
  'type': 'pub',
  'uids': ['', 'Gary Gross (A test user) gary.gr...@gamma.com']},
  'fingerprint': '37F24DD4B918CC264D4F31D60C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'keyid': '0C5FEFA7A921FC4A',
  'length': '1024',
  'uids': ['', 'Danny Davis (A test user) danny.da...@delta.com']}]
 encrypted = gpg.encrypt(Hello, world!, ['0C5FEFA7A921FC4A'])
'-BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n
 decrypted = gpg.decrypt(str(encrypted), passphrase='secret')
'Hello, world!'
 signed = gpg.sign(Goodbye, world!, passphrase='secret')
 verified = gpg.verify(str(signed))
 print Verified if verified else Not verified

For more information, visit http://code.google.com/p/python-gnupg/ -
as always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports,
patches and suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip
Red Dove Consultants Ltd.

Re: PEP 249 (database api) -- executemany() with iterable?

2010-10-14 Thread Martin Gregorie
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:36:34 +1300, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message 4cb5e659$0$1650$742ec...@news.sonic.net, John Nagle wrote:
  Also note that there are some issues with doing a huge volume of
 updates in one MySQL InnoDB transaction.  The system has to keep the
 data needed to undo the updates, and there's a limit on the amount of
 pending transaction history that can be stored.
 How does “load data” avoid this? Is that not a transaction too?

Not usually. Its faster because there's no journalling overhead. The 
loader takes out an exclusive table lock, dumps the data into the table, 
rebuilds indexes and releases the lock. I can't comment about MySQL 
(don't use it) but this has been the case on the RDBMS databases I have 
 Seems to me this isn’t going to help, since both old and new tables are
 on the same disk, after all. And it’s the disk access that’s the

There's a lot of overhead in journalling - much more than in applying 
changes to a table. The before and after images *must* be flushed to disk 
on commit. In UNIX terms fsync() must be called on the journal file(s) 
and this is an expensive operation on all OSes because committing a 
series of small transactions can cause the same disk block to be written 
several times. However, the table pages can safely be left in the DBMS 
cache and flushed as part of normal cache operation since, after a crash, 
the table changes can always be recovered from a journal roll-forward. A 
good DBMS will do that automatically when its restarted.

martin@   | Martin Gregorie
gregorie. | Essex, UK
org   |

Re: Performance evaluation of HTTPS library

2010-10-14 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 05:06:30 -0700 (PDT)
Ashish amvya...@gmail.com wrote:
 One more question: If I run the tool from multicore machine, will
 python3.1 or 3.2 be able to actually use multicore? or it will be
 running only on one core?

Only partly. Pure Python code is serialized (by the Global Interpreter
Lock), but some internal C code, such as SSL and socket routines, can
run in parallel with other code.




Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-10-14 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
namekuseijin namekusei...@gmail.com writes:

 On 13 out, 19:41, p...@informatimago.com (Pascal J. Bourguignon)
 namekuseijin namekusei...@gmail.com writes:
  On 11 out, 08:49, Oleg  Parashchenko ole...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'd like to try the idea that Scheme can be considered as a new
  portable assembler. We could code something in Scheme and then compile
  it to PHP or Python or Java or whatever.

  Any suggestions and pointers to existing and related work are welcome.

  My current approach is to take an existing Scheme implementation and
  hijack into its backend. At this moment Scheme code is converted to
  some representation with a minimal set of bytecodes, and it should be
  quite easy to compile this representation to a target language. After
  some research, the main candidates are Gambit, Chicken and CPSCM:


  If there is an interest in this work, I could publish progress

  Oleg Parashchenko  o...@http://uucode.com/http://uucode.com/blog/ XML, 
  TeX, Python, Mac, Chess

  it may be assembler, too bad scheme libs are scattered around written
  in far too many different flavors of assembler...

  It warms my heart though to realize that Scheme's usual small size and
  footprint has allowed for many quality implementations targetting many
  different backends, be it x86 assembly, C, javascript or .NET.  Take
  python and you have a slow c bytecode interpreter and a slow
  bytecode .NET compiler.  Take haskell and its so friggin' huge and
  complex that its got its very own scary monolithic gcc.  When you
  think of it, Scheme is the one true high-level language with many
  quality perfomant backends -- CL has a few scary compilers for native
  code, but not one to java,

 Yep, it only has two for java.

 I hope those are not Clojure and Qi... :p

No, they're CLforJava and ABCL.

__Pascal Bourguignon__ http://www.informatimago.com/

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Oct2010 10:16, Tony ton...@ximera.net wrote:
| I have been using generators for the first time and wanted to check for
| an empty result.  Naively I assumed that generators would give
| appopriate boolean values.  For example
| def xx():
|   l = []
|   for x in l:
| yield x
| y = xx()
| bool(y)
| I expected the last line to return False but it actually returns True.
| Is there anyway I can enhance my generator or iterator to have the
| desired effect?

The generator is not the same as the values it yields.
What you're doing is like this:

   def f():
  ...   return False

In your code, xx() returns a generator object. It is not None, nor any
kind of false-ish value. So bool() returns True.

The generator hasn't even _run_ at that point, so nobody has any idea if
iterating over it will return an empty sequence.

What you want is something like this:

  values = list(xx())

or more clearly:

  gen = xx()
  values = list(gen)

You can see here that you actually have to iterate over the generator
before you know if it is (will be) empty.

Try this program:

  def lines():
print opening foo
for line in open(foo):
  yield line
print closing foo

  print get generator
  L = lines()
  print iterate
  text = list(L)
  print done

For me it does this:

  get generator
  opening foo
  closing foo

You can see there that the generator _body_ doesn't even run until you
start the iteration.

Does this clarify things for you?

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

Winter is gods' way of telling us to polish.
- Peter Harper bo...@freenet.carleton.ca harp...@algonquinc.on.ca

Re: My first Python program

2010-10-14 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Seebs writes:

 You can't really rely on the destructor __del__ being called.

 Interesting.  Do I just rely on files getting closed?

Sometimes, but that's not it.  Think Lisp, not C++.  __del__ is not that
useful. Python is garbage-collected and variables have dynamic lifetime,
so the class cannot expect __del__ to be called in a timely manner.
Destructors have several issues, see __del__ in the Python reference.

A class which holds an OS resource like a file, should provide a context
manager and/or a release function, the latter usually called in a
'finally:' block.  When the caller doesn't bother with either, the class
often might as well depend on the destructor in 'file'.

Still, open().read() is common.  open().write() is not.  The C
implementation of Python is reference-counted on top of GC, so the file
is closed immediately.  But this way, exceptions from close() are lost.
Python cannot propagate them up the possibly-unrelated call chain.

Some other points:

For long strings, another option is triple-quoting as you've seen in doc
strings: print foo

class SourceFile(object):
def emit(self, template, func = None):
# hey, at least it's not a global variable, amirite?
def main():
SourceFile.copyright = copyright_file.read()

emit() can use self.copyright instead of SourceFile.copyright.

I've written such code, but I suppose the proper way is to use a
classmethod to set it, so you can see in the class how the copyright
gets there.  SourceFile.classmethod() and self.classmethod() both
get called with the class as 1st argument.

class SourceFile(object):
def setup_copyright(cls, fname):
cls.copyright = open(fname).read()
setup_copyright = classmethod(setup_copyright)
# In python = 2.4 you can instead say @classmethod above the def.
def main():

SourceFile.__repr__() looks like it should be a __str__().  I haven't
looked at how you use it though.  But __repr__ is supposed to
look like a Python expression to create the instance: repr([2]) = '[2]',
or a generic 'foo instance': repr(id) = 'built-in function id'.

How new are list comprehensions?

Python 2.0, found as follows:
- Google python list comprehensions.
- Check the PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) which shows up.  PEPs
  are the formal documents for info to the community, for the Python
  development process, etc.  http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0202/:
Title:  List Comprehensions
Status: Final
Type:   Standards Track
Python-Version: 2.0


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Peter Otten
Tony wrote:

 I have been using generators for the first time and wanted to check for
 an empty result.  Naively I assumed that generators would give
 appopriate boolean values.  For example
 def xx():
   l = []
   for x in l:
 yield x
 y = xx()
 I expected the last line to return False but it actually returns True.
 Is there anyway I can enhance my generator or iterator to have the
 desired effect?

* What would you expect 

def f():
if random.randrange(2):
yield 42

print bool(f())

to print? Schrödinger's Cat?

* You can wrap your generator into an object that reads one item in advance. 
A slightly overengineered example:


* I would recommend that you avoid the above approach. Pythonic solutions 
favour EAFP (http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#term-eafp) over look-

value = next(y)
except StopIteration:
print ran out of values


value = next(y, default)


Re: send command to parent shell

2010-10-14 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:30:15 -0700, Martin Landa wrote:
 is there a way how to send command from python script to the shell
 (known id) from which the python script has been called?

By using psutil (http://code.google.com/p/psutil/):

giampa...@ubuntu:~$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import psutil, os
 me = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
 parent = me.parent


--- Giampaolo

Re: send command to parent shell

2010-10-14 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
Sorry I realize now that you wrote how to send a command to the
shell and not how to kill the shell.
In this case I don't know exactly what you mean.


--- Giampaolo

2010/10/14 Giampaolo Rodolà g.rod...@gmail.com:
 On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 06:30:15 -0700, Martin Landa wrote:
 is there a way how to send command from python script to the shell
 (known id) from which the python script has been called?

 By using psutil (http://code.google.com/p/psutil/):

 giampa...@ubuntu:~$ python
 Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56)
 [GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import psutil, os
 me = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
 parent = me.parent


 --- Giampaolo


Re: processing input from multiple files

2010-10-14 Thread Christopher Steele
The issue is that I need to be able to both, split the names of the files so
that I can extract the relevant times, and open each individual file and
process each line individually. Once I have achieved this I need to append
the sorted files onto one another in one long file so that I can pass them
into a verification package. I've tried changing the name to textline and I
get the same result - the sorted files overwrite one another.
The data are actually meteorological observations and I need to manipulate
them in order to test the performance of a model. The 333 denotes that cloud
observations are going to follow - something that is not always reported at

I hope this has helped


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:16 PM, John Posner jjpos...@optimum.net wrote:

 On 10/14/2010 6:08 AM, Christopher Steele wrote:


 I've been trying to decode a series of observations from multiple files
 (each file is a different time) and put each type of observation into
 their own separate file. The script runs successfully for one file but
 whenever I try it for more they just overwrite each other.

 fileinput.input() iterates over *lines* not entire *files*. So take a look
 at this location in the code:

  for file  in fileinput.input(obs):
  data=file[:file.find(' 333 ')]

 Did you mean your iteration variable to be file, implying that it will
 hold an entire file of input data?

 If you meant the iteration variable to be named textline instead of
 file, is it guaranteed that string '  333  ' will occur in every such text



Re: processing input from multiple files

2010-10-14 Thread John Posner

On 10/14/2010 6:08 AM, Christopher Steele wrote:


I've been trying to decode a series of observations from multiple files
(each file is a different time) and put each type of observation into
their own separate file. The script runs successfully for one file but
whenever I try it for more they just overwrite each other.

fileinput.input() iterates over *lines* not entire *files*. So take a 
look at this location in the code:

  for file  in fileinput.input(obs):
  data=file[:file.find(' 333 ')]

Did you mean your iteration variable to be file, implying that it will 
hold an entire file of input data?

If you meant the iteration variable to be named textline instead of 
file, is it guaranteed that string '  333  ' will occur in every such 
text line?


Re: Question regarding python2.5 migration from windows xp to windows 7

2010-10-14 Thread nn
On Oct 14, 2:37 am, python_tsp pramod...@gmail.com wrote:

 We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various

 Our current environment is
 Python (ver 2.5.1)
 wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-

 Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

 The issue is:
 Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.
 In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information
 regarding migration of our existing framework into windows 7

 Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python
 2.6 or directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting

 Which is the best way ?

 We tried out of some option of using our framework under virtual xp
 context of windows 7.Thou it works for timebeing,i am not interested
 to having the same as kind of way of working for future.

 Please help

 Many thanks in advance

 - Pramod

I don't have Windows 7, but can't you just install Python 2.5 on
Windows 7? As far as I know Windows 7 is mostly backwards compatible.

Excellent website for IT professionals

2010-10-14 Thread It_wise
Excellent website for IT professionals.


Good luck.


imaplib AND date format

2010-10-14 Thread harryos
In imaplib.IMAP4.search() the search string SENTON can be used
'(SENTON 22-Jun-2010)'  .
But the RFC 2060 defines search key as
SENTON date  Messages whose [RFC-822] Date: header is within the
 specified date.
and in RFC822 it is given as,
date=  1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT; day month year
   ;  e.g.
20 Jun 82

The format 22 Jun 10 will cause aSEARCH command error:
 BAD ['Could not parse command']

Is this  deliberate or is it an anomaly ?

Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
working for google as an engineer. The messages are pretty much the
same and go like this:

I am part of the Google Staffing team and was wondering if you would
be open to exploring engineering opportunities with Google. I am
impressed with your background and thought your skills could be a fit
for our team.

I am currently looking for Engineers with hybrid Unix/Linux Systems
Administrators who possess experience in coding in C/C++ or Java
and/or scripting skills (Perl, Python, or Shell).

The Google.com Engineering Team is one of the most visible and
respected teams within Google, and the most mission critical. The team
is responsible for keeping the Google site and infrastructure up and
running 24/7, 365 days/year. They are dedicated to the scalability and
availability for the performance of Google applications. In short,
they maintain, monitor, and improve all Google services. Locations
primarily concentrated in Mt. View, Dublin, Zurich, with distributed
teams in San Francisco, Santa Monica, Boston, Kirkland, Seattle, New
York, London, and Sydney.

If you are interested, please email me an updated resume. If the
timing isn’t right for you to make a move, I would love to connect on
LinkedIn, and hopefully, we can keep in touch. Any referrals would be

I'm guessing I'm not the only one on this list to get these emails and
suspect that pretty much everyone gets them. Is that the case? If yes,
what's the point of spamming a more-or-less random set of people who
although are probably interested in IT-related stuff but who can
otherwise also be a set of dogs. Aren't enough people applying without

Just wondering,

Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

Re: what happens to Popen()'s parent-side file descriptors?

2010-10-14 Thread Roger Davis
Many thanks to all who responded to my question! It's nice to know, as
someone new to Python, that there are lots of well-informed people out
there willing to help with such issues.

Thanks, Mike, for your pipes suggestion, I will keep that in mind for
future projects.

Seebs, you are of course correct that the example I quoted (`cat |
grep | whatever`) is best done internally with the re module and built-
in language features, and in fact that has already been done wherever
possible. I should have picked a better example, there are numerous
cases where I am calling external programs whose functionality is not
duplicated by Python features.

'Nobody' (clearly a misnomer!) and Chris, thanks for your excellent
explanations about garbage collection. (Chris, I believe you must have
spent more time looking at the subprocess source and writing your
response than I have spent writing my code.) GC is clearly at the
heart of my lack of understanding on this point. It sounds like, from
what Chris said, that *any* file descriptor
would be closed when GC occurs if it is no longer referenced,
subprocess-related or not. BTW, and this comment is not at all
intended for any of you who have already very generously and patiently
explained this stuff to me, it does seem like it might be a good idea
to provide documentation on some of these more important GC details
for pretty much any class, especially ones which have lots of murky OS
interaction. I have to admit that in this case it makes perfect sense
to close parent pipe descriptors there as I can't think of any reason
why you might want to keep one open after your object is no longer
referenced or your child exits.

It sounds to me that, although my code might be safe now as is, I
probably need to do an explicit p.stdXXX.close() myself for any pipes
which I open via Popen() as soon as I am done with them. Documentation
on python.org states that GC can be postponed or omitted altogether, a
possibility that Chris mentions in his comments. Other documentation
states that there is no harm in doing multiple close()es on the same
file, so I assume that neither my code nor the subprocess GC code will
break if the other does the deed first. If anybody thinks this is a
bad idea, please comment.

On a related point here, I have one case where I need to replace the
shell construct

   externalprog somefile otherfile

I suppose I could just use os.system() here but I'd rather keep the
Unix shell completely out of the picture (which is why I am moving
things to Python to begin with!), so I'm just doing a simple open() on
somefile and otherfile and then passing those file handles into
Popen() for stdin and stdout. I am already closing those open()ed file
handles after the child completes, but I suppose that I probably
should also explicitly close Popen's p.stdin and p.stdout, too. (I'm
guessing they might be dup()ed from the original file handles?)

Thanks again to all!


Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-10-14, Daniel Fetchinson fetchin...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
 working for google as an engineer. The messages are pretty much the
 same and go like this:

I got one a year or two back (from somebody else at google).  I
replied saying that I wasn't interested, and that was the end of it.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Oh my GOD -- the
  at   SUN just fell into YANKEE

Re: multiple assignments (was: My first Python program)

2010-10-14 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Ethan Furman et...@stoneleaf.us wrote:

 Ian Kelly wrote:

  here is an example
 where the order of assignment actually matters:

   d['a'] = d = {}
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
 NameError: name 'd' is not defined
   d = d['a'] = {}
 {'a': {...}}

 As you can see, they're assigned left-to-right.

 Flash of inspiration

 Ah!  I was thinking the assignments went in a filter fashion, but now what
 I think is happening is that the first item is bound to the last, then the
 next item is bound to the last, etc, etc.

 Is this correct?



Re: [Eric] ANN: automated daily snapshot builds for PyQt and friend on openSUSE build service

2010-10-14 Thread Detlev Offenbach
On Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 [Sorry for cross posting]
 Hi PyQtnistas,
 I proudly announce the availability of automated builds of the most
 current PyQt and related packages including snapshots on openSUSEs
 build service for openSUSE 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3, here:
 New sip4, PyQt3 and PyQt4 snapshots and release get build against a
 range of gcc and Qt versions automatically, e.g. without human
 intervention (if all goes well, famous last words..). dip and
 PyQtMobility will probably follow soon.
 If you add both
 to your list of repos, than you get the current snapshot builds of
 qscintilla, sip4, PyQt3 and PyQt4, with dependent packages, like
 PyQwt5, PyKDE3 and PyKDE4. Omitting or deactivating the latter, you can
 switch back to the current released versions with:
   zypper dup -r home_frispete_PyQt
 BTW, home:frispete:PyQt contains the builds of the current versions of a
 lot of our favorite stuff: e.g. eric4, PyQwt5. eric is lacking the
 newest release, but I didn't manage to automate the sourceforge
 download process, yet.

Why don't you get the software via the eric repositories? See the eric web 
page for details.

Do you provide packages to be used with Python3 as well?

 How to choose your target?
 Depending on which other repos you're using, choose your target
 accordingly, e.g. if you have the KDE:Distro:Stable (KDE 4.4) repo
 included, use KDE_Distro_Stable_openSUSE_11.x,
 KDE_Distro_Factory_openSUSE_11.x for KDE:Distro:Factory (KDE 4.5), or
 none of them, then use plain openSUSE_11.x. Note, that you implicitely
 choose your systems Qt4 version with this decision. I hope, this
 fullfills the most common needs.
 PyKDE4 is only provided for KDE_Distro_Stable_x ATM, since I didn't got
 around splitting this package into a 4.4 and 4.5 version.
 All in all, these repos provide the the cheapest way of keeping current
 with the PyQt project, that I know of.
 Comments welcome.
 Eric mailing list

Detlev Offenbach

Re: Scheme as a virtual machine?

2010-10-14 Thread namekuseijin
On 14 out, 00:26, Ertugrul Söylemez e...@ertes.de wrote:
 BTW, you mentioned symbols ('$', '.' and '='), which are not syntactic
 sugar at all.  They are just normal functions, for which it makes sense
 to be infix.  The fact that you sold them as syntactic sugar or
 perlisms proves that you have no idea about the language, so stop
 crying.  Also Python-style significant whitespace is strictly optional.
 It's nice though.  After all most Haskell programmers prefer it.

it still makes haskell code scattered with perlisms, be it syntax or
function name... in practice, Haskell code is ridden with such
perlisms and significant whitespace, and infix function application
and more special cases.  All of these contribute to a harder to parse
language and to less compilers for it.

  And one as complex and scary beast as gcc... that's the cost of a very
  irregular syntax...

 What also proves that you have no idea is the fact that there is no
 Haskell compiler called 'gcc'.  That's the GNU C compiler.


do you understand what a comparison is?

 Glasgow Haskell Compiler, GHC, and it's by far not the only one.  It's
 just the one most people use, and there is such a compiler for all

yeah, there's also some Yale Haskell compiler in some graveyard, last
time I heard...

Re: what happens to Popen()'s parent-side file descriptors?

2010-10-14 Thread Chris Torek
In article 8bec27dd-b1da-4aa3-81e8-9665db040...@n40g2000vbb.googlegroups.com
'Nobody' (clearly a misnomer!) and Chris, thanks for your excellent
explanations about garbage collection. (Chris, I believe you must have
spent more time looking at the subprocess source and writing your
response than I have spent writing my code.)

Well, I just spent a lot of time looking at the code earlier
this week as I was thinking about using it in a program that is
required to be highly reliable (i.e., to never lose data, even
if Things Go Wrong, like disks get full and sub-commands fail).

(Depending on shell version, set -o pipefail can allow
cheating here, i.e., with subprocess, using shell=True and
commands that have the form a | b:

$ (exit 0) | (exit 2) | (exit 0)
$ echo $?
$ set -o pipefail
$ (exit 0) | (exit 2) | (exit 0)
$ echo $?

but -o pipefail is not POSIX and I am not sure I can count on

GC is clearly at the heart of my lack of understanding on this
point. It sounds like, from what Chris said, that *any* file
descriptor would be closed when GC occurs if it is no longer
referenced, subprocess-related or not.

Yes -- but, as noted elsethread, delayed failures from events
like disk is full, can't write last bits of data become problematic.

It sounds to me that, although my code might be safe now as is, I
probably need to do an explicit p.stdXXX.close() myself for any pipes
which I open via Popen() as soon as I am done with them.

Or, use the p.communicate() function, which contains the explicit
close.  Note that if you are using a unidirectional pipe and do
your own I/O -- as in your example -- calling p.communicate()
will just do the one attempt to read from the pipe and then close
it, so you can ignore the result:

import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen([cat, /etc/motd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
print line.rstrip()

The last call returns ('', None) (note: not ('', '') as I suggested
earlier, I actually typed this one in on the command line).  Run
python with strace and you can observe the close call happen --
this is the [edited to fit] output after entering the p.communicate()

read(0, \r, 1)= 1
write(1, \n, 1
)   = 1
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [INT], [], 8) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_STOP or TCSETSW, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0

[I push enter, readline echos a newline and does tty ioctl()s]

rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGWINCH, {SIG_DFL}, {0xb759ed10, [], SA_RESTART}, 8) = 0
time(NULL)  = 1287075471

[no idea what these are really for, but the signal manipulation
appears to be readline()]

fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFIFO|0600, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
_llseek(3, 0, 0xbf80d490, SEEK_CUR) = -1 ESPIPE (Illegal seek)
read(3, , 8192)   = 0
close(3)= 0

[fd 3 is the pipe reading from cat /etc/motd -- no idea what the
fstat64() and _llseek() are for here, but the read() and close() are
from the communicate() function]

waitpid(13775, [{WIFEXITED(s)  WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0) = 13775

[this is from p.wait()]

write(1, (\'\', None)\n, 11('', None)
)  = 11

[this is the result being printed, and the rest is presumably
readline() again]

ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(1, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [INT], [], 8) = 0
ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, {ws_row=44, ws_col=80, ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, TIOCSWINSZ, {ws_row=44, ws_col=80, ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_STOP or TCSETSW, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, {B38400 opost ...}) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGWINCH, {0xb759ed10, [], SA_RESTART}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
write(1,  , 4 ) = 4
select(1, [0], NULL, NULL, NULL

On a related point here, I have one case where I need to replace the
shell construct

   externalprog somefile otherfile

I suppose I could just use os.system() here but I'd rather keep the
Unix shell completely out of the picture (which is why I am moving
things to Python to begin with!), so I'm just doing a simple open() on
somefile and otherfile and then passing those file handles into
Popen() for stdin and stdout. I am already closing those open()ed file
handles after the child completes, but I suppose that I probably
should also explicitly close Popen's p.stdin and p.stdout, too. (I'm
guessing they might be dup()ed from the original file handles?)

There is no dup()ing going 

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 14, 2:16 am, Tony ton...@ximera.net wrote:
 I have been using generators for the first time and wanted to check for
 an empty result.  Naively I assumed that generators would give
 appopriate boolean values.  For example

 def xx():
   l = []
   for x in l:
     yield x

 y = xx()

 I expected the last line to return False but it actually returns True.
 Is there anyway I can enhance my generator or iterator to have the
 desired effect?

In general, the only way to test if a generator is empty is to try to
consume an item.  (It's possible to write an iterator that consumes an
item and caches it to be returned on the next next(), and whose
boolean status indicates if there's an item left.  I would guess the
recipe Peter Otten pointed you to does that.)

The unfortunate thing about this is that functions written to iterate
over sequences that test if the sequence is empty with a boolean test
cannot be used with generators, and will fail silently.  This hurts
duck typing.

This became an issue some releases ago (2.4, I think) when someone
decided duck typing was a good thing and so it would be a good idea if
iterators that did know if they were empty had a boolean status
indicating as such.  GvR angrily told them to change it back next
release.  I have to agree with GvR here: at least this way there is a
simple rule whether boolean test works.  (Sequences return boolean
status indicating if they're empty; other iterators return True.)  The
better thing would be if boolean wasn't used to test for emptiness at
all; the whole concept of booleans in Python is overloaded and that
hurts duck typing.

Carl Banks

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 14, 6:36 am, Peter Otten __pete...@web.de wrote:
 * I would recommend that you avoid the above approach. Pythonic solutions
 favour EAFP (http://docs.python.org/glossary.html#term-eafp) over look-

     value = next(y)
 except StopIteration:
     print ran out of values


 value = next(y, default)

Good idea but not always convenient.  Sometimes you have to perform
some setup ahead of time if there are any items, and must not perform
that setup if the there are no items.  It's a PITA to use EAFP for
that, which is why an iterator that consumes and caches can be a
useful thing.

Carl Banks

Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread Matteo Landi
I got one a couple of months ago. I answered back I was interested and
then we scheduled a phone conversation.

Good luck,

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 5:58 PM, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-10-14, Daniel Fetchinson fetchin...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
 working for google as an engineer. The messages are pretty much the
 same and go like this:

 I got one a year or two back (from somebody else at google).  I
 replied saying that I wasn't interested, and that was the end of it.

 Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Oh my GOD -- the
                                  at               SUN just fell into YANKEE
                              gmail.com            STADIUM!!

Matteo Landi

RE: Hyperlink to a file using python

2010-10-14 Thread Pratik Khemka

 I think I did not frame the question in a proper manner..
I want to open pratik.html which is there in the same folder as the python 
program. I do not want to specify the path like you can see below in the code 
(blue) c:\Documents and Settings\My Documents..The reason for this is that I 
want the code to be portable , ie others should also be able to run the program 
on their computers in whichever folder they want to. In this situation the code 
wont work on other computers due to the path name specified.
Currently I am using this code below :
sheet.write(4,3,file:///c:\Documents and Settings\My 
What I want to know is that if there is a way to remove the blue part (path to 
file)..I think it should be possible because the file is present in the same 
folder as the python program..
Currently the hyperlink only works if the blue part is also there..I am sorry 
if this question probably does not belong to this group and maybe belongs more 
to the excel group.

Thanks a lot for all the help..I really aprreciate it..
 Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:19:54 -0700
 Subject: Re: Hyperlink to a file using python
 From: c...@rebertia.com
 To: pratikkhe...@hotmail.com
 CC: python-list@python.org
  To: python-list@python.org
  From: em...@fenx.com
  Subject: Re: Hyperlink to a file using python
  Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 14:19:36 -0700
  On 10/13/2010 1:57 PM Pratik Khemka said...
   I want to create a hyperlink in my excel sheet using python such that
   when you click on that link (which is a file name (html file)), the file
   automatically opens. This file is present in the same folder in which the
   python code file is present.
   I am using xlwt module
   link= 'abcd.html'
   sheet.write(x, y, link, format_style)
  Hmmm... my excel does that automagically when I
  type http://xx.yy.zz/word.html into a cell.
  What happens when you use http://a.b.c/abcd.html;?
 On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Pratik Khemka pratikkhe...@hotmail.com 
  This file is present on my hardrive..This file is present in the same folder
  in which the python code file is present...so http: wont work..
 Have you tried a file:/// URI?

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Carl Banks pavlovevide...@gmail.com writes:
 In general, the only way to test if a generator is empty is to try to
 consume an item.  (It's possible to write an iterator that consumes an
 item and caches it to be returned on the next next(), and whose
 boolean status indicates if there's an item left. ...)

I remember thinking that Python would be better off if all generators
automatically cached an item, so you could test for emptiness, look
ahead at the next item without consuming it, etc.  This might have been
a good change to make in Python 3.0 (it would have broken compatibility
with 2.x) but it's too late now.

python/c api

2010-10-14 Thread Tony

is the python/c api extensively used? and what world-famous software
use it? thanks!


Re: Re: Re: UTF-8 problem encoding and decoding in Python3

2010-10-14 Thread hidura
Finally did it, thank you all for your help, the code i will upload because  
can be used by Python 3 for handle the wsgi issue of the Bytes!

Almar, sorry for the mails gmails sometimes sucks!!

On Oct 14, 2010 1:00pm, hid...@gmail.com wrote:
Finally did it, thank you all for your help, the code i will upload  
because can be used by Python 3 for handle the wsgi issue of the Bytes!

On Oct 12, 2010 5:28pm, Almar Klein almar.kl...@gmail.com wrote:

 So if you can, you could make sure to send the file as just bytes,

 or if it must be a string, base64 encoded. If this is not possible

 you can try the code below to obtain the bytes, not a very fast

 solution, but it should work (Python 3):

 MAP = {}

 for i in range(256):

 MAP[tmp] = eval('\\u%04i' % i)


  # Let's say 'a' is your string

  b''.join([MAP[c] for c in a])


 I don't know what you're trying to do here.

 1. 'tmp' is the same for every iteration of the 'for' loop.

 2. A Unicode escape sequence expects 4 hexadecimal digits; the 'i'

 format gives a decimal number.

 3. Using 'eval' to make a string this way is the long (and wrong) way

 to do it; chr(i) would have the same effect.

 4. The result of the eval is a string, but you're performing a join

 with a bytestring, hence the exception.
 Mmm, you're right. I didn't look at this carefully enough, and then  
made an error in copying the source code. Sorry for that ...

 Here's a solution that should work (if I understand your problem  

 your_bytes = bytes([ord(c) for c in your_string])



Re: Help needed - To get path of a directory

2010-10-14 Thread Emmanuel Surleau
 Dear Emmanuel,
 Thank you for your reply.
 Actually what I want to do is, at the run time I want to know the location
 of a specific directory.
 Then I will add some file name to the path and load the file.
 The directory can reside in any drive, depending on the user.

Well... If you don't even know the path of the directory relative to the root 
of the drive... I hope your user is not in any hurry. Scanning a single drive 
is potentially very time-consuming, scanning them all will be awful 
(especially if your user has mounted, say, a huge network drive...).

Don't you have any other, smarter way of finding out the directory? Like 
reading a configuration file or an entry in the registry?



Re: Hyperlink to a file using python

2010-10-14 Thread MRAB

On 14/10/2010 18:54, Pratik Khemka wrote:

I think I did not frame the question in a proper manner..

I want to open pratik.html which is there in the same folder as the
python program. I do not want to specify the path like you can see below
in the code (blue) *_c:\Documents_ and Settings\My Documents..*The
reason for this is that I want the code to be portable , ie others
should also be able to run the program on their computers in whichever
folder they want to. In this situation the code wont work on other
computers due to the path name specified.

Currently I am using this code below :
*sheet.write(4,3,**file:///c:\Documents** and Settings\My
What I want to know is that if there is a way to remove the blue part
(path to file)..I think it should be possible because the /file is
present in the same folder as the python program/..
Currently the hyperlink only works if the blue part is also there..I am
sorry if this question probably does not belong to this group and maybe
belongs more to the excel group.

Thanks a lot for all the help..I really aprreciate it..

Try a relative hyperlink like file:pratik.html.

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 10:16 +0100, Tony wrote:
 I have been using generators for the first time and wanted to check for
 an empty result.  Naively I assumed that generators would give
 appopriate boolean values.  For example
 def xx():
   l = []
   for x in l:
 yield x
 y = xx()

As people have already mentioned, generators are objects and objects
(usually) evaluate to True.

There may be times, however, that a generator may know that it
doesn't/isn't/won't generate any values, and so you may be able to
override boolean evaluation.  Consider this example:

class DaysSince(object):
def __init__(self, day):
self.day = day
self.today = datetime.date.today()

def __nonzero__(self):
if self.day  self.today:
return False
return True

def __iter__(self):
one_day = datetime.timedelta(1)
new_day = self.day
while True:
new_day = new_day + one_day
if new_day = self.today:
yield new_day

g1 = DaysSince(datetime.date(2010, 10, 10))
print bool(g1)
for day in g1:
print day

g2 = DaysSince(datetime.date(2011, 10, 10))
print bool(g2)
for day in g2:



GCC process not working as expected when called in Python (3.1.2) subprocess-shell, but OK otherwise

2010-10-14 Thread Kingsley Turner


I'm using GCC as a pre-processor for a C-like language (EDDL) to handle all 
the includes, macros, etc. producing a single source file for another 
compiler.  My python code massages the inputs (which arrive in a .zip file), 
then calls GCC.

I have a problem where if I call GCC from my python script some of the 
#defines are not processed in the output.  However if I paste the exact same 
GCC command-line into a shell, I get a correct output.

I'm calling GCC in this manner:

### Execute GCC, keep stdout  stderr
err_out = open(error_filename,wb)
process = subprocess.Popen(gcc_command, stderr=err_out, bufsize=81920, 

gcc_exit_code = process.wait()
log(GCC Exit Code %u % (gcc_exit_code))

where gcc_command is:

/usr/bin/gcc -I /tmp/dd-compile_1286930109.99 -I 
/home/foo/eddl-includes -D__TOKVER__=600 -ansi -nostdinc -v -x c -E -o 

So when this code spawns GCC, the compiler does not really work 100%, but if 
I paste this exact command line, the output is perfect.

I'm not really sure how to debug this.  I already checked the ulimits, and 
permissions shouldn't be a problem since it's all run by the same user, I 
also checked the environment - these were copied into the subshell.

GCC produces no warnings, or errors.  The output is mostly OK, some other 
macros have been processed.
If I diff the working output with the non-working one, the differences are 
only a bunch of skipped #defines.

gcc version 4.4.5 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5)
Python 3.1.2 (release31-maint, Sep 17 2010, 20:27:33)
Linux 2.6.35-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 09:26:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 

Any suggestions for helping me debug this would be much appreciated.


PS this query has also been posted to the GCC-help list


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Tim Chase

On 10/14/10 12:53, Paul Rubin wrote:

Carl Bankspavlovevide...@gmail.com  writes:

In general, the only way to test if a generator is empty is to try to
consume an item.  (It's possible to write an iterator that consumes an
item and caches it to be returned on the next next(), and whose
boolean status indicates if there's an item left. ...)

I remember thinking that Python would be better off if all generators
automatically cached an item, so you could test for emptiness, look
ahead at the next item without consuming it, etc.  This might have been
a good change to make in Python 3.0 (it would have broken compatibility
with 2.x) but it's too late now.

Generators can do dangerous things...I'm not sure I'd *want* to 
have Python implicitly cache generators without an explicit 
wrapper to request it:

 import os
 from fnmatch import fnmatch

 def delete_info(root, pattern):
   for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
 for fname in files:
   if fnmatch(fname, pattern):
 full_path = os.path.join(path, fname)
 info = gather_info(full_path)
 yield full_path, info

 location = '/'
 user_globspec = '*.*'
 deleter = delete_info(location, user_globspec)
 if some_user_condition_determined_after_generator_creation:
   for path, info in deleter:
 report(path, info)


VipIMAGE 2011 – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - FIRS T ANNOUNCE

2010-10-14 Thread tava...@fe.up.pt


International ECCOMAS Thematic Conference VipIMAGE 2011 - III ECCOMAS
12-14th October 2011, Olhão, Algarve, Portugal


(We would appreciate if you could distribute this information by your
and co-workers.)


Dear Colleague,

We are glad to announce the International Conference VipIMAGE 2011 -
IMAGE PROCESSING that will be held in Real Marina Hotel  Spa, Olhão,
Algarve, Portugal, on October 12-14, 2011.

Possible Topics (not limited to)

- Signal and Image Processing
- Computational Vision
- Medical Imaging
- Physics of Medical Imaging
- Tracking and Analysis of Movement
- Simulation and Modeling
- Image Acquisition
- Shape Reconstruction
- Objects Segmentation, Matching, Simulation
- Data Interpolation, Registration, Acquisition and Compression
- 3D Vision
- Virtual Reality
- Software Development for Image Processing and Analysis
- Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy, and Treatment
- Computational Bioimaging and Visualization
- Telemedicine Systems and their Applications

Invited Lecturers

- Armando J. Pinho - University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Irene M. Gamba - The University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Marc Pollefeys - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Marc Thiriet - Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France
- Xavier Roca Marvà - Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- Stan Sclaroff - Boston University, USA

Thematic Sessions

Proposals to organize Thematic Session within VipIMAGE 2011 are mostly
The organizers of the selected thematic sessions will be included in
the conference scientific committee and will have a reduced
registration fee. They will be responsible for the dissemination of
their thematic session, may invite expertise researchers to have
invited keynotes during their session and will participate in the
review process of the submitted contributions.
Proposals for Thematic Sessions should be submitted by email to the
conference co-chairs (tava...@fe.up.pt, rna...@fe.up.pt)


The proceedings book will be published by the Taylor  Francis Group.
The organizers will encourage the submission of extended versions of
the accepted papers to related International Journals; in particular,
for special issues dedicated to the conference.
As what happened with the first two editions of VipIMAGE, a book with
20 invited works from the most important ones presented in
VipIMAGE2011 will be published by Springer.

Important dates

- Deadline for Thematic Sessions proposals: 15th January 2011
- Thematic Sessions notification: 31th January 2011
- Deadline for Extended Abstracts: 15th March 2011
- Authors Notification: 15th April 2011
- Deadline for Lectures and Papers: 15th June 2011

We are looking forward to see you in Algarve next year.

Kind regards,

João Manuel R. S. Tavares
Renato Natal Jorge
(conference co-chairs)

PS. For further details please see the conference website at:

Re: processing input from multiple files

2010-10-14 Thread John Posner

On 10/14/2010 10:44 AM, Christopher Steele wrote:
The issue is that I need to be able to both, split the names of the 
files so that I can extract the relevant times, and open each 
individual file and process each line individually. Once I have 
achieved this I need to append the sorted files onto one another in 
one long file so that I can pass them into a verification package. 
I've tried changing the name to textline and I get the same result

I'm very happy to hear that changing the name of a variable did not 
affect the way the program works! Anything else would be worrisome.

- the sorted files overwrite one another.

Variable *time* names a list, with one member for each input file. But 
variable *newtime* names a scalar value, not a list. That looks like a 
problem to me. Either of the following changes might help:


  for x in time:
  hour= x[:2]
  print hour
  newtime = year+month+day+'_'+hour+'00'

Alternative #1:

  newtime = []
  for x in time:
  hour= x[:2]
  print hour

Alternative #2:
  newtime = [year + month + day + '_' + x[:2] + '00' for x in time]



Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-14, Daniel Fetchinson fetchin...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
 working for google as an engineer.

I've gotten one of those, ever, and it named a specific person who had
referred me.

(It turns out to be a moot point, $DAYJOB has telecommuting, and telecommuting
beats pretty much every other possible consideration in a job for me.)

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
http://www.seebs.net/log/ -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: python/c api

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Tony tonywinslow1...@gmail.com writes:


 is the python/c api extensively used? and what world-famous software
 use it? thanks!

It is, for a lot of extensions for python, and a lot of embedding python
into a software. For example Ableton Live, an audio sequencer. Arc GIS
has it, and the Eve Online. Many more do, I guess.


Re: My first Python program

2010-10-14 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-14, Hallvard B Furuseth h.b.furus...@usit.uio.no wrote:
 A class which holds an OS resource like a file, should provide a context
 manager and/or a release function, the latter usually called in a
 'finally:' block.  When the caller doesn't bother with either, the class
 often might as well depend on the destructor in 'file'.

That makes sense.

In this case, I'm pretty sure context managers aren't the right tool (even
apart from version questions), because they appear to be syntax-level
tools -- but it's a runtime decision how many files I have to open and

 For long strings, another option is triple-quoting as you've seen in doc
 strings: print foo

I assume that this inserts a newline, though, and in this case I don't
want that.

 I've written such code, but I suppose the proper way is to use a
 classmethod to set it, so you can see in the class how the copyright
 gets there.  SourceFile.classmethod() and self.classmethod() both
 get called with the class as 1st argument.

Oh, that makes more sense.

 def setup_copyright(cls, fname):
 cls.copyright = open(fname).read()
 setup_copyright = classmethod(setup_copyright)
 # In python = 2.4 you can instead say @classmethod above the def.

I *think* I get to assume 2.4.

 SourceFile.__repr__() looks like it should be a __str__().  I haven't
 looked at how you use it though.  But __repr__ is supposed to
 look like a Python expression to create the instance: repr([2]) = '[2]',
 or a generic 'foo instance': repr(id) = 'built-in function id'.

Ahh!  I didn't realize that.  I was using repr as the expand on it enough
that you can see what it is form -- more for debugging than for
something parsable.

 Python 2.0, found as follows:
 - Google python list comprehensions.
 - Check the PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal) which shows up.  PEPs
   are the formal documents for info to the community, for the Python
   development process, etc.  http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0202/:
 Title:List Comprehensions
 Status:   Final
 Type: Standards Track
 Python-Version: 2.0

Ah-hah!  That's helpful.  Thanks -- now I know how to find out next time
I'm curious.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
http://www.seebs.net/log/ -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: GCC process not working as expected when called in Python (3.1.2) subprocess-shell, but OK otherwise

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Kingsley Turner kingsley.tur...@openfieldcommunications.com writes:


 I'm using GCC as a pre-processor for a C-like language (EDDL) to
 handle all the includes, macros, etc. producing a single source file
 for another compiler.  My python code massages the inputs (which
 arrive in a .zip file), then calls GCC.

 I have a problem where if I call GCC from my python script some of the
 #defines are not processed in the output.  However if I paste the
 exact same GCC command-line into a shell, I get a correct output.

 I'm calling GCC in this manner:

 ### Execute GCC, keep stdout  stderr
 err_out = open(error_filename,wb)
 process = subprocess.Popen(gcc_command, stderr=err_out,
 bufsize=81920, cwd=global_options['tmp'])
 gcc_exit_code = process.wait()
 log(GCC Exit Code %u % (gcc_exit_code))

 where gcc_command is:

 /usr/bin/gcc -I /tmp/dd-compile_1286930109.99 -I 
 /home/foo/eddl-includes -D__TOKVER__=600 -ansi -nostdinc -v -x c -E -o 

 So when this code spawns GCC, the compiler does not really work 100%,
 but if I paste this exact command line, the output is perfect.

 I'm not really sure how to debug this.  I already checked the ulimits,
 and permissions shouldn't be a problem since it's all run by the same
 user, I also checked the environment - these were copied into the

 GCC produces no warnings, or errors.  The output is mostly OK, some
 other macros have been processed.
 If I diff the working output with the non-working one, the differences
 are only a bunch of skipped #defines.

 gcc version 4.4.5 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5)
 Python 3.1.2 (release31-maint, Sep 17 2010, 20:27:33)
 Linux 2.6.35-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 09:26:05 UTC 2010
 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 Any suggestions for helping me debug this would be much appreciated.

sounds nasty. Only thing I can imagine is that GCC wants specific
environment variables to exist. Maybe using shell=True helps? Or
capturing and passing an explicit environment?


Re: what happens to Popen()'s parent-side file descriptors?

2010-10-14 Thread Seebs
On 2010-10-14, Roger Davis r...@hawaii.edu wrote:
 Seebs, you are of course correct that the example I quoted (`cat |
 grep | whatever`) is best done internally with the re module and built-
 in language features, and in fact that has already been done wherever
 possible. I should have picked a better example, there are numerous
 cases where I am calling external programs whose functionality is not
 duplicated by Python features.

Fair enough.  It's just a common pitfall when moving from shell to basically
any other language.  My first attempts to code in C involved a lot of
building up of system() calls.  :P

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / usenet-nos...@seebs.net
http://www.seebs.net/log/ -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Game_(Scientology) -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: RE: Hyperlink to a file using python

2010-10-14 Thread Dave Angel

On 2:59 PM, Pratik Khemka wrote:

  I think I did not frame the question in a proper manner..

I want to open pratik.html which is there in the same folder as the python 
program. I do not want to specify the path like you can see below in the code 
(blue) c:\Documents and Settings\My Documents..The reason for this is that I 
want the code to be portable , ie others should also be able to run the program 
on their computers in whichever folder they want to. In this situation the code 
wont work on other computers due to the path name specified.

Currently I am using this code below :
sheet.write(4,3,file:///c:\Documents and Settings\My 

What I want to know is that if there is a way to remove the blue part (path to 
file)..I think it should be possible because the file is present in the same 
folder as the python program..
Currently the hyperlink only works if the blue part is also there..I am sorry 
if this question probably does not belong to this group and maybe belongs more 
to the excel group.

Thanks a lot for all the help..I really aprreciate it..

(You top-posted, so I had to remove all the earlier stuff which is now 
out of order.)

I'm assuming you're generating this spreadsheet from python.  So if you 
know what the format of the string is, generate it accordingly.  You can 
use __file__ to get full the path of the python script, use 
os.path.dirname() on it, and use os.path.join() to combine it with the 
pratik.html. You might also need abspath().

Once the spreadsheet has been written, it's not portable to other 
machines.  But fixing that would be an Excel problem, and you're asking 
in python forum.



Re: GCC process not working as expected when called in Python (3.1.2) subprocess-shell, but OK otherwise

2010-10-14 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:06 PM, Kingsley Turner
kingsley.tur...@openfieldcommunications.com wrote:

 I'm using GCC as a pre-processor for a C-like language (EDDL) to handle all
 the includes, macros, etc. producing a single source file for another
 compiler.  My python code massages the inputs (which arrive in a .zip file),
 then calls GCC.

 I have a problem where if I call GCC from my python script some of the
 #defines are not processed in the output.  However if I paste the exact same
 GCC command-line into a shell, I get a correct output.

 I'm calling GCC in this manner:

    ### Execute GCC, keep stdout  stderr
    err_out = open(error_filename,wb)
    process = subprocess.Popen(gcc_command, stderr=err_out, bufsize=81920,
    gcc_exit_code = process.wait()
    log(GCC Exit Code %u % (gcc_exit_code))

 where gcc_command is:

    /usr/bin/gcc -I /tmp/dd-compile_1286930109.99 -I /home/foo/eddl-includes
 -D__TOKVER__=600 -ansi -nostdinc -v -x c -E -o

Quoting http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen
, emphasis mine, and keeping in mind that you're passing gcc_command
as the args argument to Popen's constructor:

On Unix, with shell=False (default): [...] args should normally be
**a sequence**. If a string is specified for args, it will be used as
the name or path of the program to execute; ***this will only work if
the program is being given no arguments***.

Clearly you are trying to run GCC with arguments, hence your problem.
Either pass shell=True to Popen(), or, preferably, change gcc_command
to a properly tokenized list of strings; see the docs section I linked
to, it gives an example of how to do so.

Lesson: Read the `subprocess` docs. They've gotten better.

Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread John Nagle

On 10/14/2010 8:49 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
working for google as an engineer. The messages are pretty much the
same and go like this:

I am part of the Google Staffing team and was wondering if you would
be open to exploring engineering opportunities with Google.

   Me too.  I figured it was some headhunter agency pretending to
represent Google.

   I got a real query once from Google because of something I'd
posted on comp.lang.c++, but they sounded like they had a clue.

John Nagle

Re: My first Python program

2010-10-14 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Seebs writes:

 For long strings, another option is triple-quoting as you've seen in doc
 strings: print foo

 I assume that this inserts a newline, though, and in this case I don't
 want that.

$ python
... bar
... bar
... bar
 foo  bar

 SourceFile.__repr__() looks like it should be a __str__().  I haven't
 looked at how you use it though.  But __repr__ is supposed to
 look like a Python expression to create the instance: repr([2]) = '[2]',
 or a generic 'foo instance': repr(id) = 'built-in function id'.

 Ahh!  I didn't realize that.  I was using repr as the expand on it enough
 that you can see what it is form -- more for debugging than for
 something parsable.

No big deal, then, except in the idiomatic Python sense.
__str__ for the informal(?) string representation of the object,
  def __repr__(self):
  return %s object with %s % (self.__class__.__name__, foo)
and you have a generic 2nd case, but looks like it'll be unusually long
in this case, or just define some ordinary member name like info() or


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Oct2010 14:13, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:
| On 10/14/10 12:53, Paul Rubin wrote:
| Carl Bankspavlovevide...@gmail.com  writes:
| In general, the only way to test if a generator is empty is to try to
| consume an item.  (It's possible to write an iterator that consumes an
| item and caches it to be returned on the next next(), and whose
| boolean status indicates if there's an item left. ...)
| I remember thinking that Python would be better off if all generators
| automatically cached an item, so you could test for emptiness, look
| ahead at the next item without consuming it, etc.  This might have been
| a good change to make in Python 3.0 (it would have broken compatibility
| with 2.x) but it's too late now.
| Generators can do dangerous things...I'm not sure I'd *want* to have
| Python implicitly cache generators without an explicit wrapper to
| request it: [... damaging counter example ...]

+1 to this. Speaking for myself, I would _not_ want a generator to
commence execution unless I overtly iterate over it.

I suppose we can cue the hasattr() runs getattr(), ouch! discussion

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

I had no problem avoiding London before it was built.
- ir_jo...@csd.brispoly.ac.uk (Ian Johnson)

Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread James Harris
On 14 Oct, 16:49, Daniel Fetchinson fetchin...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
 working for google as an engineer. The messages are pretty much the
 same and go like this:


 I'm guessing I'm not the only one on this list to get these emails and
 suspect that pretty much everyone gets them. Is that the case? If yes,
 what's the point of spamming a more-or-less random set of people who
 although are probably interested in IT-related stuff but who can
 otherwise also be a set of dogs. Aren't enough people applying without

I had one - or, rather, two - because I'd posted to a Unix admin
newsgroup. Could have been legit but wasn't of interest so I didn't
follow it up so can't add any more.


Re: Question regarding python2.5 migration from windows xp to windows 7

2010-10-14 Thread CM
On Oct 14, 2:37 am, python_tsp pramod...@gmail.com wrote:

 We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various

 Our current environment is
 Python (ver 2.5.1)
 wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-

 Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

 The issue is:
 Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.
 In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information
 regarding migration of our existing framework into windows 7

 Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python
 2.6 or directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting

I can't address all the stuff you're using, but I tried an app
that I am developing on Windows XP on Windows 7 and was glad to
see it worked fine.  I was using Python 2.5, wxPython 2.8.10.
The best thing would be to just test it yourself on Win7 and
if it works, there's nothing further to do.



Re: Question regarding python2.5 migration from windows xp to windows 7

2010-10-14 Thread Brian Curtin
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 01:37, python_tsp pramod...@gmail.com wrote:


 We have a Python based test framework which is being used in various

 Our current environment is
 Python (ver 2.5.1)
 wxPython (wxPython2.8-win32-ansi-

 Our Framework is being currently used in Windows XP.

 The issue is:
 Soon our environment will be migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7.
 In this regard, I would be in need of suggestions/ideas/information
 regarding migration of our existing framework into windows 7

 Do i need to migrate our framework from Python 2.5 to either Python
 2.6 or directly to Python 3.0 ? What happens to all supporting

 Which is the best way ?

 We tried out of some option of using our framework under virtual xp
 context of windows 7.Thou it works for timebeing,i am not interested
 to having the same as kind of way of working for future.

 Please help

 Many thanks in advance

 - Pramod

You will be able to just install your current code on Windows 7 and it will
work fine. If it doesn't for any reason, it's probably a bug in Python,
which I think is highly unlikely.

Re: PyCharm

2010-10-14 Thread Jeffrey Gaynor
Yip. I'm using it and for the most part like it. But...

I used their Java IDE for years (it totally rocks, highly recommended), so I it 
is very comfortable to use PyCharm. 

One thing that bugs me in refactoring though is that renaming a method or 
variable does not necessarily work. It's supposed to track down all references 
and correctly change them, but it tends to be hit or miss. No problem though, 
since I just do a search of the files in question and do it manually. Still, 
the Java refactoring engine works very well indeed and id one of their major 
selling points. Code completion works, you can specify different Python 
versions (helpful) and there is Django support.

The debugger, though I have only had limited use for it, does seem to work well 

Certainly give it a shot. The only other IDE I found that was remotely close to 
it was Komodo which costs a lot more (Jetbrains is offering a 50% off coupon as 
a promotional offer for a while.) 

Hope this helps...

- Original Message -
From: Robert H sigz...@gmail.com
To: python-list@python.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 4:36:31 PM
Subject: PyCharm

Since the new IDE from Jetbrains is out I was wondering if you are
using it and what you think about it.

I have to start learning Python for a project at work and I am looking
around for options.



Re: Exceptions are not just for errors

2010-10-14 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ben Finney wrote:

Another way of thinking about it is that there's no sensible sequence of
bytes to return at EOF, so the Pythonic thing to do is to raise an
exception for this exceptional circumstance.

But this is *not* what Python does, so it's obviously
not Pythonic. :-)

If f.read(n) is to mean read n bytes, or however many are
left, and there are no bytes left, then the consistent
thing to do is to return a zero-length sequence of bytes.

I came across a situation recently where Microsoft got this
badly wrong. I was using a language that didn't have very
good file-access capabilities, and I wanted to compare the
contents of two files. So I used Scripting.FileSystemObject
via COM, and wrote something like the equivalent of

   f = open(...)
   g = open(...)
   if f.read() == g.read():

This worked fine... except when one of the files was empty,
in which case the read() call *raised an exception*!

I am very glad that Python didn't go down that route.


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Carl Banks
On Oct 14, 10:53 am, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Carl Banks pavlovevide...@gmail.com writes:
  In general, the only way to test if a generator is empty is to try to
  consume an item.  (It's possible to write an iterator that consumes an
  item and caches it to be returned on the next next(), and whose
  boolean status indicates if there's an item left. ...)

 I remember thinking that Python would be better off if all generators
 automatically cached an item, so you could test for emptiness, look
 ahead at the next item without consuming it, etc.  This might have been
 a good change to make in Python 3.0 (it would have broken compatibility
 with 2.x) but it's too late now.

Since the generator's behavior can depend on when it was invoked, no I
don't think this is a good idea.

Carl Banks

Re: Compiling as 32bit on MacOSX

2010-10-14 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ned Deily wrote:
Perhaps you're 
calling ld(1) directly?  To link multiple-arch executables (etc), the 
Apple gcc driver does the dirty work of calling ld multiple times and 
lipo-ing the results.

Is this something that only works at link time, then? The
gcc man page says:

  Multiple options work, and
  direct the compiler to produce universal binaries including
  object code for each architecture specified with -arch.

From this I was hoping to be able to do

   gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -c foo.c

and get dual-architecture .o files that could then be linked
into dual-architecture libraries. But if I do the above, I
just get an x86_64 .o file.

Are you saying that I need to compile separate sets of .o
files and then combine them at link time? That sounds like
an awkward thing to retrofit onto a library's existing
build system.


Re: Help with sets

2010-10-14 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steve Howell wrote:

That was the original context of my comment.  The term symmetry gets
used a couple times in that PEP, and I think we're in violent
agreement that the concept of symmetry is wishy-washy at best.

Here is just one example from the PEP:

  The symmetry between if x in y and for x in y
  suggests that it should iterate over keys.

Maybe analogy or similarity would be a better word here.


ENVIRONMENT Variable expansion in ConfigParser

2010-10-14 Thread pikespeak
I am using ConfigParser module and would like to know if it has the
feature to autoexpand environment variables.
For example currently, I have the below section in config where
hostname is hardcoded.
I would like it to be replaced with the values from the env variable
os.envion['HOSTNAME'] so that I can remove hardcoding and my config
will be host independent.


to be replaced with something like this


I know of the interpolation feature of Config Parser %{foo}s  where
value of foo will be expanded..but not sure if this can be tweeked to
my needs.

Any ideas please.



Re: Does everyone keep getting recruiting emails from google?

2010-10-14 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Oct 14, 2010, at 11:49 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

 I keep getting recruiting emails from charlesngu...@google.com about
 working for google as an engineer.

I know what you mean. Apparently Charles Nguyen doesn't realize that I already 
get no end of emails and phone calls from Sergei and Larry begging me to come 
work with them. They won't take a flat no over the phone but I can't stand 
another trip to California on the private jet (the Pouilly-Fuissé isn't 
properly chilled but it's better than the red which isn't fit for vinegar). The 
yacht trips are getting old too, stuck on the boat with Eric yammering on about 
stock options and tacking like a nervous maniac so I nearly get killed by the 
boom every five minutes. I'd rather be knocked unconscious into the Pacific 
than hear that unique opportunity speech again.

FWIW, I got one email from Charles Nguyen and answered  with a thanks but no 
thanks. I have not heard from him again. He's perhaps casting too broad a net 
but the email I got looked legitimately from Google, judging by the headers.


Re: PyCharm

2010-10-14 Thread alex23
Jeffrey Gaynor jgay...@ncsa.uiuc.edu wrote:
 Certainly give it a shot. The only other IDE I found that was
 remotely close to it was Komodo which costs a lot more
 (Jetbrains is offering a 50% off coupon as a promotional offer
 for a while.)

I recently tried out PyCharm in anger after something (I forget what)
in Komodo was bothering me. In Komodo's defence, it supports Perl,
PHP, Python  Ruby, two of which I use daily, so replacing it would
require my buying two IDEs: PyCharm  PHPStorm.

It would just be a damn sight easier if I didn't have to suffer under
PHP :(

Re: Get alternative char name with unicodedata.name() if no formal one defined

2010-10-14 Thread John Machin
On Oct 14, 7:25 pm, Dirk Wallenstein hals...@t-online.de wrote:
 I'd like to get control char names for the first 32 codepoints, but they
 apparently only have an alias and no official name. Is there a way to
 get the alternative character name (alias) in Python?

AFAIK there is no programatically-available list of those names. Try
something like:

name = unicodedata.name(x, some_default) if x  u\x1f else (NULL,
etc etc, UNIT SEPARATOR)[ord(x)]

or similarly with a prepared dict:

u\x00: NULL,
# etc

name = unicodedata.name(x, some_default) if x  u\x1f else

Re: python/c api

2010-10-14 Thread alex23
On Oct 15, 5:53 am, de...@web.de (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 For example Ableton Live, an audio sequencer.

I _have_ Live and I didn't realise this :O Thanks!


Re: Help with sets

2010-10-14 Thread Steve Howell
On Oct 14, 4:09 pm, Gregory Ewing greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz wrote:
 Steve Howell wrote:
  That was the original context of my comment.  The term symmetry gets
  used a couple times in that PEP, and I think we're in violent
  agreement that the concept of symmetry is wishy-washy at best.

  Here is just one example from the PEP:

        The symmetry between if x in y and for x in y
        suggests that it should iterate over keys.

 Maybe analogy or similarity would be a better word here.

Agreed.  Analogy seems particularly appropriate.

Re: PEP 249 (database api) -- executemany() with iterable?

2010-10-14 Thread Steve Howell
On Oct 13, 8:32 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message
 d2451907-c0d2-4571-b3e1-1e4d4f66a...@a7g2000prb.googlegroups.com, Steve

 Howell wrote:
  Bulk-load strategies usually solve one or more of these problems:

   network latency

 That’s not an issue. This is a bulk operation, after all.

   index maintenance during the upload

 There are usually options to temporarily turn this off.

   parsing of the SQL

 Not usually a problem, as far as I can tell.

   reallocating storage

 You mean for thr SQL? Again, not usually a problem, as far as I can tell.

If you are avoiding network latency and turning off indexes, then you
are using some kind of a bulk-load strategy.

If you are not concerned about parsing costs or storage churn, then
you are simply evaluating the costs of a non-bulk-oriented strategy
and determining that they are minimal for your needs, which is fine.


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:13:30 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

 I remember thinking that Python would be better off if all generators
 automatically cached an item, so you could test for emptiness, look
 ahead at the next item without consuming it, etc.  This might have been
 a good change to make in Python 3.0 (it would have broken compatibility
 with 2.x) but it's too late now.
 Generators can do dangerous things...I'm not sure I'd *want* to have
 Python implicitly cache generators without an explicit wrapper to
 request it:

I'm sure that I DON'T want it. It would be a terrible change.

(1) Generators are lightweight. Adding overhead to cache the next value 
adds value only for a small number of uses, but adds weight to all 

(2) Generators are simple. There is a clear and obvious distinction 
between create the generator object by calling the generator function 
and call the generated values by iterating over the generator object. 
Admittedly the language is a bit clumsy, but the concept is simple -- you 
have a generator function that you call, and it returns an iterable 
object that yields values. Simple and straightforward. Caching blurs this 
distinction -- calling the function also produces the first object, 
caching it and hiding any StopIteration.

(3) Generators with side-effects. I know, I know, if you write functions 
with side-effects, you're in a state of sin already, but there's no need 
for Python to make it worse.

(4) Expensive generators. The beauty of generators is that they produce 
values on demand. Making all generators cache their first value means 
that you pay that cost even if you end up never needing the first value.

(5) Time dependent output of generators. The values yielded can depend on 
the time at which you invoke the generator. Caching plays havoc with that.

None of this is meant to say Never cache generator output, that would 
be a silly thing to say. If you need an iterator with look-ahead, that 
knows whether it is empty or not, go right ahead and use one. But don't 
try to force it on everyone.


Re: Compiling as 32bit on MacOSX

2010-10-14 Thread Ned Deily
In article 8hpgn7fho...@mid.individual.net,
 Gregory Ewing greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz wrote:

 Ned Deily wrote:
  Perhaps you're 
  calling ld(1) directly?  To link multiple-arch executables (etc), the 
  Apple gcc driver does the dirty work of calling ld multiple times and 
  lipo-ing the results.
 Is this something that only works at link time, then? The
 gcc man page says:
Multiple options work, and
direct the compiler to produce universal binaries including
object code for each architecture specified with -arch.
  From this I was hoping to be able to do
 gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -c foo.c
 and get dual-architecture .o files that could then be linked
 into dual-architecture libraries. But if I do the above, I
 just get an x86_64 .o file.
 Are you saying that I need to compile separate sets of .o
 files and then combine them at link time? That sounds like
 an awkward thing to retrofit onto a library's existing
 build system.

No, it's supported both at compile and link time.  Here's a compile on 

$ /usr/bin/gcc --version
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is 

$ /usr/bin/gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -c foo.c
$ file foo.o
foo.o: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
foo.o (for architecture i386):   Mach-O object i386
foo.o (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit object x86_64

BTW, if, for some reason, you *do* need to extract a particular 
architecture from a multi-arch file, you can use lipo to do it:

$ lipo foo.o -output foo_32.o -extract i386
$ lipo foo.o -output foo_64.o -extract x86_64
$ file foo_32.o
foo_32.o: Mach-O universal binary with 1 architecture
foo_32.o (for architecture i386):   Mach-O object i386
$ file foo_64.o
foo_64.o: Mach-O universal binary with 1 architecture
foo_64.o (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit object x86_64

 Ned Deily,


Re: PyCharm

2010-10-14 Thread Brian Jones
I've been using PyCharm since the very first EAP releases, and downloaded
1.0 yesterday. I've tested out so many IDEs for use with Python, but PyCharm
is the only one that gives me everything I want with just about zero work.
Here's what won me over:

1. I can set up nose and coverage as a Run configuration, so I can run tests
the way I want to with the click of the 'Run' button.

2. Best vim emulation of any IDE ever, and I'll note here that I used Komodo
for some time.

3. The code inspections actually have saved me a good bit of work. In
addition, they've helped me keep my code cleaner: it identifies unused
variables, methods, and imports very well. It also has an autoimport
feature, so if you reference a library you don't have imported yet, it'll
suggest a lib to import, which you can accept with a keystroke. If more than
one lib is a possibility, the UI for choosing which one to import is nicely

4. If I just want to create a file, I can. If I want to open a directory I
can. It's not shoving its worldview down my throat by making me start
whatever its notion of a project is. Yes, it puts a '.idea' directory in
directories it opens, but I haven't seen that become an issue.

5. Git integration: the git integration piece might be the one piece that
they got right early on: I never had any problems with it.

6. You can see a diff against local history, the current branch version,
etc., pretty much no matter where you are in the interface. If you decide to
push changes, and when the commit message dialog comes up you find yourself
forgetting what you did, you can get a diff launched right from that window,
and it's a decent diff interface.

There are a few things I *don't* like about it, but they're pretty minor:

1. Only one default theme choice. It'd be nice to supply multiple themes and
let me edit one instead of creating one from scratch.

2. docstrings: I find their docstring handling to be a little clunky. For
one example, if you do this before declaring any classes in your module:

this is a docstring

It'll highlight that and tell you this code appears to do nothing

3. The Python interpreter is a little awkward. It's pretty obvious that
there are two separate windows for input and output, and things are just
being piped back and forth. There's a noticeable lag, and it's kind of
annoying for someone who types fast and is used to the cli interpreter. As
it stands, the cli interpreter is about the only thing I actually leave
PyCharm for.

4. If you have a popup dialog open, the entire rest of the application is
dead, so you can't scroll or switch files in your code pane when a dialog
comes up. So when you want to know why that extra file is in your commit,
you'll have to cancel out or run the diff tool.

Overall, though, this is the best IDE for Python I've seen, and I'm sure
it'll get even better with time.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:49 PM, alex23 wuwe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Jeffrey Gaynor jgay...@ncsa.uiuc.edu wrote:
  Certainly give it a shot. The only other IDE I found that was
  remotely close to it was Komodo which costs a lot more
  (Jetbrains is offering a 50% off coupon as a promotional offer
  for a while.)

 I recently tried out PyCharm in anger after something (I forget what)
 in Komodo was bothering me. In Komodo's defence, it supports Perl,
 PHP, Python  Ruby, two of which I use daily, so replacing it would
 require my buying two IDEs: PyCharm  PHPStorm.

 It would just be a damn sight easier if I didn't have to suffer under
 PHP :(

Brian K. Jones
My Blog  http://www.protocolostomy.com
Follow me  http://twitter.com/bkjones

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au writes:
 (4) Expensive generators. The beauty of generators is that they produce 
 values on demand. Making all generators cache their first value means 
 that you pay that cost even if you end up never needing the first value.

You wouldn't generate the cached value ahead of time.  You'd just
remember the last generated value so that you could use it again.
Sort of like getc/ungetc.

An intermediate measure might be to have a stdlib wrapper that added
caching like this to an arbitrary generator.  I've written such things a
few times in various clumsy ways.  Having the caching available in the C
code would eliminate a bunch of indirection.

Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:43:29 -0400, Albert Hopkins wrote:

 There may be times, however, that a generator may know that it
 doesn't/isn't/won't generate any values, and so you may be able to
 override boolean evaluation.  Consider this example:
[snip example]

This is a good example, but it's not a generator, it's an iterator :)

The two are similar in that they both produce values lazily, as required, 
but generators are a special case of iterators: generators are a special 
form of the function syntax which returns a lightweight and simple 
iterator. Iterators are more general. They're an interface rather than a 
type, so any class you build which matches the iterator protocol is an 
iterator, but only a function with a yield is a generator. 

Other than this nit-pic, your idea of making a custom iterator with a 
__nonzero__ method is an excellent idea.


Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Tim Chase

On 10/14/10 20:48, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

(3) Generators with side-effects. I know, I know, if you write functions
with side-effects, you're in a state of sin already, but there's no need
for Python to make it worse.

(4) Expensive generators. The beauty of generators is that they produce
values on demand. Making all generators cache their first value means
that you pay that cost even if you end up never needing the first value.

I'd consider expensive generators a subset (or at least 
intersecting) generators with side-effects...that side-effect 
being time-consumed.  Either way, I'm pretty firmly with you in 
the don't do it by default; let me explicitly wrap it if I want 
it camp.



Re: Boolean value of generators

2010-10-14 Thread Steve Howell
On Oct 14, 7:08 pm, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au writes:
  (4) Expensive generators. The beauty of generators is that they produce
  values on demand. Making all generators cache their first value means
  that you pay that cost even if you end up never needing the first value.

 You wouldn't generate the cached value ahead of time.  You'd just
 remember the last generated value so that you could use it again.
 Sort of like getc/ungetc.

 An intermediate measure might be to have a stdlib wrapper that added
 caching like this to an arbitrary generator.  I've written such things a
 few times in various clumsy ways.  Having the caching available in the C
 code would eliminate a bunch of indirection.

Is there an idiomatic way in Python to wrap a generator with a getc/
ungetc mechanism?

I know Paul is not alone in having written such things himself in
various clumsy ways.

This is my own clumsy attempt, but it seems like there should be a
simpler way to achieve what I'm doing.

def abc():
yield 'a'
yield 'b'
yield 'c'

for letter in abc():
print letter

class Wrap:
def __init__(self, g):
self.g = g
self.use_cached = False

def get(self):
if self.use_cached:
self.use_cached = False
return self.value
self.value = self.g.next()
return self.value

def unget(self):
if self.use_cached:
raise Exception('only one unget allowed')
self.use_cached = True

w = Wrap(abc())
print w.get()
print w.get()
print w.get()
for letter in w.g:
print letter


Re: ENVIRONMENT Variable expansion in ConfigParser

2010-10-14 Thread Rodrick Brown
How about doing something like 


Then when you parse in the value %HOSTNAME% from your configParser module you 
do a pattern substitution of %HOSTNAME% with os.environ['HOSTNAME'].

Sent from my iPhone 4.

On Oct 14, 2010, at 7:57 PM, pikespeak krishnan.snowboar...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am using ConfigParser module and would like to know if it has the
 feature to autoexpand environment variables.
 For example currently, I have the below section in config where
 hostname is hardcoded.
 I would like it to be replaced with the values from the env variable
 os.envion['HOSTNAME'] so that I can remove hardcoding and my config
 will be host independent.
 to be replaced with something like this
 I know of the interpolation feature of Config Parser %{foo}s  where
 value of foo will be expanded..but not sure if this can be tweeked to
 my needs.
 Any ideas please.

extract method with generators

2010-10-14 Thread Steve Howell
Is there a way to extract code out of a generator function f() into
g() and be able to have f() yield g()'s result without this idiom?:

  for g_result in g():
yield g_result

It feels like a clumsy hindrance to refactoring, to have to introduce
a local variable and a loop.

Here is a program that illustrates what I'm trying to achieve--
basically, I want some kind of general mechanism to exhaust one
generator from another.

This was tested on python2.6.  The failed attempts all simply produce
the number 50 and stop.

def unfactored():
# toy example, obviously
# pretend this a longer method in need of
# extract-method
yield 50
for num in [100, 200]:
yield num+1
yield num+2
yield num+3

print 'Works fine:'
for x in unfactored():
print x

def extracted_submethod(num):
yield num+1
yield num+2
yield num+3

print 'quick test'
for x in extracted_submethod(100):
print x

def refactored_original_method():
yield 50
for num in [100, 200]:
# naively delegate

# the next does not do what you expect
print 'try naive'
for x in refactored_original_method():
print x
print 'DOH! that is all?'

# this feels clumsy
def clumsy_refactored_original_method():
yield 50
for num in [100, 200]:
for x in extracted_submethod(num):
yield x

print 'Works fine:'
for x in clumsy_refactored_original_method():
print x

# try to generalize and fail again
def exhaust_subgenerator(g):
for x in g:
yield x

def f():
yield 50
for num in [100, 200]:

print 'Try again'
for x in f():
print x
print 'DOH! that is all?'

Re: toy list processing problem: collect similar terms

2010-10-14 Thread Xah Lee

On Sep 25, 9:05 pm, Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com wrote:
 here's a interesting toy list processing problem.

 I have a list of lists, where each sublist is labelled by
 a number. I need to collect together the contents of all sublists
 the same label. So if I have the list

 ((0 a b) (1 c d) (2 e f) (3 g h) (1 i j) (2 k l) (4 m n) (2 o p) (4 q
 r) (5 s t))

 where the first element of each sublist is the label, I need to

 ((a b) (c d i j) (e f k l o p) (g h) (m n q r) (s t))

thanks all for many interesting solutions. I've been so busy in past
month on other computing issues and writing and never got around to
look at this thread. I think eventually i will, but for now just made
a link on my page to point to here.

now we have solutions in perl, python, ruby, common lisp, scheme lisp,
mathematica. I myself would also be interested in javascript perhps
i'll write one soon. If someone would go thru all these solution and
make a good summary with consistent format/names of each solution...
that'd be very useful i think. (and will learn a lot, which is how i
find this interesting)

PS here's a good site that does very useful comparisons for those
learning multiple langs.

* 〈Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp〉
* 〈Scripting Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk〉
* 〈Scripting Languages: Bash, Tcl, Lua, JavaScript, Io〉
* 〈Platform Languages: C, C++, Objective C, Java, C#〉
* 〈ML: Standard ML, OCaml, F#, Scala, Haskell〉 

 Xah ∑ http://xahlee.org/ ☄

Re: extract method with generators

2010-10-14 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 14Oct2010 20:11, Steve Howell showel...@yahoo.com wrote:
| Is there a way to extract code out of a generator function f() into
| g() and be able to have f() yield g()'s result without this idiom?:
|   for g_result in g():
| yield g_result
| It feels like a clumsy hindrance to refactoring, to have to introduce
| a local variable and a loop.

This sounds like the yield from proposal that had discussion some
months ago. Your above idiom would become:

  yield from g()

See PEP 380:
Short answer, not available yet.

A Google search on:

  python pep yield from

found some implementations at activestate, such as this:


which lets you decorate an existing generator so that you can write:

  yield _from(gen())

where gen() is the decorated generator.

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

What I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts.  Facts
alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else.
- Charles DickensJohn Huffam   1812-1870  Hard Times [1854]

Re: PEP 249 (database api) -- executemany() with iterable?

2010-10-14 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message mailman.1711.1287055174.29448.python-l...@python.org, M.-A. 
Lemburg wrote:

 However, even with iterables, please keep in mind that pushing
 the data row-per-row over a network does not result in good
 performance, so using an iterable will make you update slower.
 cursor.executemany() is meant to allow the database module
 to optimize sending bulk data to the database and ideally,
 it will send the whole sequence to the database in one go.

You seem to be assuming that using an iterator precludes buffering.

What’s wrong with evaluating the iterator to produce as many records as the 
API implementation finds convenient to send at once?

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