Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2011-07-18T10:54:40+10:00 * Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Back in 2007, a n00b calling himself TheFlyingDutchman who I am
 *reasonably* sure was Rick decided to fork Python:

I don't know if they are the same person but quite recently
TheFlyingDutchman tried to understand symbols, variables' scope,
bindings as well as function and variable namespaces in Common Lisp. It
resulted in a long thread, some of it was quite interesting.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Why 78? Because it's one less than 79, as mandated by PEP 8, and two less
than 80, the hoary old standard.

There's another possible reason for the number 78, although
hopefully it doesn't still apply today.

There's an application I work with that stores free text
in database records of 78 chars each. I suspect it's
because early versions go back to the MS-DOS era, when
it was common to make windows out of box-drawing characters.
80 columns minus two border chars equals 78!


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Rouslan Korneychuk
I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually 
use Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

(\()(?matched)([\}\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\{)(?matched)([\)\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\[)(?matched)([\)\}”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(“)(?matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(‹)(?matched)([\)\}\]”»】〉》」』]|$) |
(«)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›】〉》」』]|$) |
(【)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»〉》」』]|$) |
(〈)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】》」』]|$) |
(《)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉」』]|$) |
(「)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉》』]|$) |
\((?matched)\) |
\{(?matched)\} |
\[(?matched)\] |
“(?matched)” |
‹(?matched)› |
«(?matched)» |
【(?matched)】 |
〈(?matched)〉 |
《(?matched)》 |
「(?matched)」 |
『(?matched)』 |

If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the 
mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched 
closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to 
the location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the 
bracket wasn't closed.

I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','【','〈','《','「','『');
my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','”','›','»','】','〉','》','」','』');

(0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?matched(?:'.join('|',map 
{$open[$_].'(?matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 .. 


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Stefan Behnel

Rouslan Korneychuk, 18.07.2011 09:09:

I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually use
Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

(\()(?matched)([\}\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\{)(?matched)([\)\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(\[)(?matched)([\)\}”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(“)(?matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》」』]|$) |
(‹)(?matched)([\)\}\]”»】〉》」』]|$) |
(«)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›】〉》」』]|$) |
(【)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»〉》」』]|$) |
(〈)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】》」』]|$) |
(《)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉」』]|$) |
(「)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉》』]|$) |
\((?matched)\) |
\{(?matched)\} |
\[(?matched)\] |
“(?matched)” |
‹(?matched)› |
«(?matched)» |
【(?matched)】 |
〈(?matched)〉 |
《(?matched)》 |
「(?matched)」 |
『(?matched)』 |

If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the
mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched
closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to the
location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the bracket
wasn't closed.

I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','【','〈','《','「','『');
my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','”','›','»','】','〉','》','」','』');

(0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?matched(?:'.join('|',map
{$open[$_].'(?matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 ..

That's solid Perl. Both the code generator and the generated code are 
unreadable. Well done!



Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread gene heskett
On Sunday, July 17, 2011 08:24:12 PM Dotan Cohen did opine:

 On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 17:29, gene heskett wrote:
  I'm still looking for the perfect programming font. Suggestions
  When you find it Dotan, let me know, I've been looking since the later
 Hey there Gene! Are you not on every mailing list on the internet old

Nope, I miss quite a few in fact.  Old? I might be looking at 77 yo in a 
couple months, and a few things don't work anymore because I'm too sweet 
(type 2 diabetic), but I can occasionally claim to be a JOAT in a serious 
tone of voice.  Hell Dotan, I even know how vacuum tubes work, including 
some of the exotic ones, like klystrons.  I had to wait till they had 
invented transistors before I could use my first one, 10 years after I had 
decided I wanted to be an electronics whiz in about '39 cuz my uncle kept 
himself in beer money fixing radios.

 I have also come to the conclusion that the perfect woman, the perfect
 physics theory, and the perfect programming font are all illusions
 that men will stride their entire lives in search for but will never

ROTFLMAO!  And right you are.  It took me several decades (and 3 women I'll 
explain someday) to reach that conclusion.

Cheers, gene
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
The person who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.

Re: Looking for general advice on complex program

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Josh English wrote:
 Sadly, I'm the type of guy who almost has to re-invent the wheel. When I 
 started XML processing, it was on an old computer and I couldn't get things 
 like lxml to work, or understand the ones I did manage to install. To fully 
 understand XML processing and validating, I had to write my own XML 
 validation utility.

Actually, this isn't a bad thing. Writing your own XML validator is an
excellent way to gain proper comprehension of XML. Look up all the
specifications and be sure that your parser complies with them, and
you'll truly understand what XML is all about.

For production code, it's often better to take a ready-made solution,
if only to save you the trouble of coding it. But for learning, taking
someone else's code can lead to black-box mentality - I push this in
here and I get that out there - which can lead to all sorts of
ridiculous piles of overlaid protocols. Yes, I've seen some pretty
dumb stuff floating around!


Re: Ordered list question

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 2:12 PM, wrote:
 Can you share a website that goes into more detail on this good variable

I'd Google that one. You'll find more articles than you can read in a


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Rouslan Korneychuk

On 07/18/2011 03:24 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

That's solid Perl. Both the code generator and the generated code are
unreadable. Well done!


Why, thank you.

Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Kurian Thayil

I am a newbie in python and would like to learn GUI programming. I would like 
to know what exactly is Partial Function Applicaton (functool.partial())? Or 
how is it advantageous compared to normal functions? Or is there any 
advantange? Thanks in advance.

Kurian Thayil.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Tim Chase

On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Roy Smith wrote:

We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
about 80 columns is hogwash.

I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.

Bah, when I started programming
on the Apple ][+, we had no
lower-case and a 40-column limit
on the TV display.
But you try and tell the young
people today that...
and they won't believe ya'.


(expecting somebody to come back with a bit more retro-computing 
Four Yorkshiremen bit...spinning 360k 5.25 floppy drives? We 
should be so lucky. I had to hand jump 2000-amp bits with only my 
tongue, for a CPU architecture invented by Navajo code-talkers...)


Re: Argparse, and linking to methods in Subclasses

2011-07-18 Thread Karim

with global:

 SERVER = None

A the end of Argparse declarations:


Then declare the action functions:

def do_the_check(namespace_args):
if not SERVER:
SERVER = Server(namespace_arg.type_of_server)

def do_the_build(namespace_args):
if not SERVER:
SERVER = Server(namespace_arg.type_of_server)

If I correctly understood your issue.


On 07/18/2011 03:48 AM, Victor Hooi wrote:


I have a simple Python script to perform operations on various types on 
in-house servers:

manage_servers.pyoperation  type_of_server

Operations are things like check, build, deploy, configure, verify etc.

Types of server are just different types of inhouse servers we use.

We have a generic server class, then specific types that inherit from that:

class Server
 def configure_logging(self, loggin_file):
 def check(self):
 def deploy(self):
 def configure(self):
 def __init__(self, hostname):
 self.hostname = hostname
 logging = self.configure_logging(LOG_FILENAME)
class SpamServer(Server):
 def check(self):
class HamServer(Server):
 def deploy(self):

My question is how to link that all up to argparse?

Originally, I was using argparse subparses for the operations (check, build, 
deploy) and another argument for the type.

subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='The operation that you want to run on 
the server.')
parser_check = subparsers.add_parser('check', help='Check that the server has 
been setup correctly.')
parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('build', help='Download and build a copy 
of the execution stack.')
parser_build.add_argument('-r', '--revision', help='SVN revision to build 
parser.add_argument('type_of_server', action='store', choices=types_of_servers,
 help='The type of server you wish to create.')

Normally, you'd link each subparse to a method - and then pass in the 
type_of_server as an argument. However, that's slightly backwards due to the 
classes- I need to create an instance of the appropriate Server class, then 
call the operation method inside of that.

Any ideas of how I could achieve the above? Perhaps a different design pattern 
for Servers? Or a way to use argparse in this situation?



Re: Argparse, and linking to methods in Subclasses

2011-07-18 Thread Michele Simionato
Here is an example by using my own library plac 

class Server():
def configure_logging(self, logging_file):
def check(self):
def deploy(self):
def configure(self):
def __init__(self, hostname):
self.hostname = hostname

class SpamServer(Server):
def check(self):

class HamServer(Server):
def deploy(self):

def main(classname, hostname, methname): # add error checking at will
instance = globals()[classname](hostname)
getattr(instance, methname)()

if __name__ == '__main__':
import plac;

open urls in browser

2011-07-18 Thread srikanth
Hi All,
I am new to python. Before posting i have done some google regarding
my question. But i didn't get exact information. So thought of
it here. I want to open a list of urls in browser that too in same
window with out exiting. it should load one by one on same window and
also it should log the details simultaneously to another text file.
Ex: - Pass/Fail. If you guys already having
code please share it with me. Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Woolcock
Partial function application (or currying) is the act of taking a function
with two or more parameters, and applying some of the arguments in order to
make a new function.  The hello world example for this seems to be this:

Let's say you have a function called `add`, that takes two parameters:

 def add(left, right):
... return left + right

Now let's say you want a function that always adds 2 to a number you give
it.  You can use partial function application to do this:

 from functools import partial
 add2 = partial(add, right=2)

Now, you have a new function, `add2`, that takes one parameter:


Paul Woolcock

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Kurian Thayil


 I am a newbie in python and would like to learn GUI programming. I would
 to know what exactly is Partial Function Applicaton (functool.partial())?
 how is it advantageous compared to normal functions? Or is there any
 advantange? Thanks in advance.

 Kurian Thayil.

Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Functional style programming in python: what will you talk about if you have an hour on this topic?

2011-07-18 Thread Anthony Kong
Thanks for all the great suggestion. 

First of all, Carl is right that it does not take much to impress a java 
programmer about the expressiveness of functional programming.

Covered map, reduce and filter as Rainer suggested.

Emphasized the advantages of functional style as summarised by Steve D'Aprano. 

I showcased the use of groupby() in itertools. Think about what it takes to 
implement similar logic in Java. Also introduced the gotcha of using groupby(): 
you must first sort the list in the same way you want to group them by.

Then I got ambitious and tried to introduce partial(). I basically lost 
everyone right there. They can understand what partial does but do not know why 
it can be useful. My example was too trivial and it did not help.

What is the best way to introduce partial/currying? 


Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread python
 Bah, when I started programming
 on the Apple ][+, we had no
 lower-case and a 40-column limit
 on the TV display.

Keyboards??? That was a luxery!
We had mechanical switches that one
had to physically push and pull to
enter commands.

And a 40 column display???
Unheard of! We were happy with
several miniature flashlight bulbs!

But you try and tell the young
people today that...
and they won't believe ya'.

Fond memories!


Ref: (scanned manual)


Running Python on a Computer Cluster in the Cloud -

2011-07-18 Thread Markus Schmidberger
Dear Python users, provides researchers and companies with the access to
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Amtsgericht München, HRB 191138 
Geschäftsführer: Erik Muttersbach, Markus Fensterer, Moritz v. 


RE: Ordered list question

2011-07-18 Thread jyoung79
 Can you share a website that goes into more detail on this good variable

 I'd Google that one. You'll find more articles than you can read in a

Very true!  :-)
-- blog registration

2011-07-18 Thread Markus Schmidberger

whom I have to contact to get a blog aggregated in



Re: blog registration

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 07/18/2011 03:04 PM, Markus Schmidberger wrote:
 whom I have to contact to get a blog aggregated in

I quote (below the list of names)

 To request addition or removal:
 e-mail planet at (note, responses can take up to a few days)


Re: open urls in browser

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM, srikanth wrote:
 Ex: - Pass/Fail.

What do you mean by Pass or Fail? If you send a URL to a web
browser, all you'll find out is whether or not the browser accepted it
- it won't tell you if the page is valid. If you want that, you don't
need a web browser at all - what you want is a simple URL fetcher,
such as urllib/urllib2.


Re: open urls in browser

2011-07-18 Thread srikanth
On Jul 18, 6:21 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM, srikanth wrote:
  Ex: Pass/Fail.

 What do you mean by Pass or Fail? If you send a URL to a web
 browser, all you'll find out is whether or not the browser accepted it
 - it won't tell you if the page is valid. If you want that, you don't
 need a web browser at all - what you want is a simple URL fetcher,
 such as urllib/urllib2.


Sorry i don't need that one. by mistake i have written it.

Re: Argparse, and linking to methods in Subclasses

2011-07-18 Thread Karim

Hello Michele,

Your solution is great!
You can combine it perhaps with the use of set_defaults() method of the 
argparse parser, I gave.


On 07/18/2011 01:56 PM, Michele Simionato wrote:

Here is an example by using my own library plac 

class Server():
 def configure_logging(self, logging_file):
 def check(self):
 def deploy(self):
 def configure(self):
 def __init__(self, hostname):
 self.hostname = hostname

class SpamServer(Server):
 def check(self):

class HamServer(Server):
 def deploy(self):

def main(classname, hostname, methname): # add error checking at will
 instance = globals()[classname](hostname)
 getattr(instance, methname)()

if __name__ == '__main__':
 import plac;


Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Duncan Booth
Tim Chase wrote:

 On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Roy Smith wrote:
 We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
 mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
 minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
 of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
 about 80 columns is hogwash.

 I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.
 Bah, when I started programming
 on the Apple ][+, we had no
 lower-case and a 40-column limit
 on the TV display.
 But you try and tell the young
 people today that...
 and they won't believe ya'.

Acorn System One: 9 character 7 segment led display and 25 key keypad, 1Kb  
RAM, 512 bytes ROM.

Duncan Booth

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Xah Lee

On Jul 17, 12:47 am, Xah Lee wrote:

 folks, this one will be interesting one.

 the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
 (and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

Ok, here's my solution (pasted at bottom). I haven't tried to make it
elegant or terse, yet, seeing that many are already much elegent than
i could possibly do so with my code.

my solution basically use a stack. (i think all of us are doing
similar) Here's the steps:

• Go thru the file char by char, find a bracket char.
• check if the one on stack is a matching opening char. If so remove
it. Else, push the current onto the stack.
• Repeat the above till end of file.
• If the stack is not empty, then the file got mismatched brackets.
Report it.
• Do the above on all files.

Many elegant solutions. Raymond Hettinger is very quick, posted a
solution only after a hour or so when i posted it. Many others are
very short, very nice. Thank you all for writing them. I haven't
studied them yet. I'll run them all and post a summary in 2 days. (i
have few thousands files to run this test thru, many of them have
mismatched brackets. So i have good data to test with.)

PS we still lack a perl, Scheme lisp, tcl, lua versions. These
wouldn't be hard and would be interesting to read.  If you are picking
up one of these lang, this would be a good exercise.  Haskell too. I
particularly would like to see a javascript version ran from command
line. Maybe somebody can put this exercise to Google folks ... they
are like the js gods.

also, now that we have these home-brewed code, how'd a parser expert
do it? Is it possible to make it even simpler by using some parser
tools? (have no idea what those lex yacc do, or modern incarnations)
I've also been thinking whether this can be done with Parsing
Expression Grammar. That would make the code semantics really elegant
(as opposed home-cooked stack logic).


;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;; 2011-07-15, Xah Lee
;; go thru a file, check if all brackets are properly matched.
;; e.g. good: (…{…}… “…”…)
;; bad: ( [)]
;; bad: ( ( )

(setq inputDir ~/web/xahlee_org/p/) ; must end in slash

(defvar matchPairs '() a alist. For each air, the car is opening
char, cdr is closing char.)

(setq matchPairs '(
   (( . ))
   ({ . })
   ([ . ])
   (“ . ”)
   (‹ . ›)
   (« . »)
   (【 . 】)
   (〈 . 〉)
   (《 . 》)
   (「 . 」)
   (『 . 』)

(defvar searchRegex  regex string of all pairs to search.)
(setq searchRegex )
 (lambda (mypair) 
   (setq searchRegex (concat searchRegex (regexp-quote (car mypair))
| (regexp-quote (cdr mypair)) |) )

(setq searchRegex (replace-regexp-in-string |$  searchRegex t
t)) ; remove the ending “|”

(setq searchRegex (replace-regexp-in-string | \\| searchRegex t
t)) ; change | to \\| for regex “or” operation

(defun my-process-file (fpath)
  process the file at fullpath fpath ...
  (let (myBuffer (ii 0) myStack ξchar ξpos)

(setq myStack '() ) ; each element is a vector [char position]
(setq ξchar )

(setq myBuffer (get-buffer-create  myTemp))
(set-buffer myBuffer)
(insert-file-contents fpath nil nil nil t)

(goto-char 1)
(while (search-forward-regexp searchRegex nil t)
  (setq ξpos (point)  )
  (setq ξchar (buffer-substring-no-properties ξpos (- ξpos 1))  )

  ;; (princ (format -\nfound char: %s
\n ξchar) )

  (let ((isClosingCharQ nil) (matchedOpeningChar nil) )
(setq isClosingCharQ (rassoc ξchar matchPairs))
(when isClosingCharQ (setq matchedOpeningChar (car
isClosingCharQ) ) )

;; (princ (format isClosingCharQ is: %s\n isClosingCharQ) )
;; (princ (format matchedOpeningChar is: %s\n
matchedOpeningChar) )

 (car myStack) ; not empty
 (equal (elt (car myStack) 0) matchedOpeningChar )
  ;; (princ (format matched this bottom item on stack: %s
\n (car myStack)) )
  (setq myStack (cdr myStack) )
;; (princ (format did not match this bottom item on
stack: %s\n (car myStack)) )
(setq myStack (cons (vector ξchar ξpos) myStack) ) )
  ;; (princ current stack:  )
  ;; (princ myStack )
  ;; (terpri )

(when (not (equal myStack nil))
  (princ Error file: )
  (princ fpath)
  (print (car myStack) )
(kill-buffer myBuffer)

;; (require 'find-lisp)

(let (outputBuffer)
  (setq outputBuffer *xah match pair output* )
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer outputBuffer
(mapc 'my-process-file (find-lisp-find-files inputDir \\.html$))
(princ Done deal!)

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Tim Chase wrote:

 On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Roy Smith wrote:
 We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
 mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
 minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
 of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
 about 80 columns is hogwash.

 I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.
 Bah, when I started programming
 on the Apple ][+, we had no
 lower-case and a 40-column limit
 on the TV display.
 But you try and tell the young
 people today that...
 and they won't believe ya'.

40 columns? Luxury! My first computer was a Hewlett Packard 28S handheld
programmable calculator, with 22 columns[1] and 32 entire kilobytes of

(I don't include my previous programmable calculator, a Casio, or was it a
Canon, as the programming language included wasn't Turing Complete.)

[1] I think it was 22 columns -- that's what my HP 48GX has, and I'm sure
the 28S screen was no larger.



Recommendations for household finance scripting?

2011-07-18 Thread markolopa

I would like to find a good system to keep track of my household
finance. Do Python programmers have suggestions on that? Do you use
Python to help on this task?

I am considering a large set of solutions:
- Pure spreadsheet
  - Easy to start, but I know I will soon feel blocked by the lack of
scripting tools.
- Spreadsheets + Python scripts
  - Enter data in spreadsheets, next apply python scripts for what is
difficult to do with formulas
  - Use pythonUNO (
  - Use Google spreadsheets api (
- Pure Gnucash
  - Seems to be a nice program, made by geeks.
  - But can a geek be happy with a GUI between him and his data?
- Gnucash + Python scripts

So far the last one seems to me to be the most interesting approach.
Apparently there are not many people doing that. Why? Are there other
libs or approaches you would suggest?

Thanks a lot in advance for your suggestions and comments!

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Kurian Thayil wrote:

 I am a newbie in python and would like to learn GUI programming. I would
 like to know what exactly is Partial Function Applicaton
 (functool.partial())? Or how is it advantageous compared to normal
 functions? Or is there any advantange? Thanks in advance.

It is mostly for functional programming style.

But one lucky side-effect of the implementation is that partial functions
*may* sometimes be faster than the alternative written in pure Python,
provided the original function is written in C:

from functools import partial
from operator import add

def add_one(x):
return add(1, x)  # Like 1+x

add_two = partial(add, 2)

from timeit import Timer
setup = from __main__ import add_one, add_two
t1 = Timer(add_one(42), setup)
t2 = Timer(add_two(42), setup)

And in action:


So in this example, the partial function is about twice as fast as the one
written in Python.

This does not necessarily apply for all functions, but it sometimes is



Re: Recommendations for household finance scripting?

2011-07-18 Thread rusi
On Jul 18, 8:03 pm, markolopa wrote:

 I would like to find a good system to keep track of my household
 finance. Do Python programmers have suggestions on that? Do you use
 Python to help on this task?

 I am considering a large set of solutions:
 - Pure spreadsheet
   - Easy to start, but I know I will soon feel blocked by the lack of
 scripting tools.
 - Spreadsheets + Python scripts
   - Enter data in spreadsheets, next apply python scripts for what is
 difficult to do with formulas
   - Use pythonUNO (
   - Use Google spreadsheets api (
 - Pure Gnucash
   - Seems to be a nice program, made by geeks.
   - But can a geek be happy with a GUI between him and his data?
 - Gnucash + Python scripts

 So far the last one seems to me to be the most interesting approach.
 Apparently there are not many people doing that. Why? Are there other
 libs or approaches you would suggest?

 Thanks a lot in advance for your suggestions and comments!

There is ledger
And its python port
[Not tried myself]

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread gene heskett
On Monday, July 18, 2011 09:32:19 AM Tim Chase did opine:

 On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Roy Smith wrote:
  We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
  mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
  minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
  of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
  about 80 columns is hogwash.
  I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.
 Bah, when I started programming
 on the Apple ][+, we had no
 lower-case and a 40-column limit
 on the TV display.
 But you try and tell the young
 people today that...
 and they won't believe ya'.
 (expecting somebody to come back with a bit more retro-computing
 Four Yorkshiremen bit...spinning 360k 5.25 floppy drives? We
 should be so lucky. I had to hand jump 2000-amp bits with only my
 tongue, for a CPU architecture invented by Navajo code-talkers...)

No, but my first computer was an RCA Cosmac Super Elf, with a 6 digit led 
display.  I added another 4k of static ram ($400 for the s100 board kit, 
and about $100 for the S-100 4 slot backplane, and about $125 for a cash 
register style cabinet that I hid the rest of the hardware, including a 6 
volt gell cell for backup battery in)  This had an RCA 1802 CPU which had a 
very interesting architecture.

Writing, in machine code entered through its monitor, a program that drove 
the rest of the hardware and connected to the remote controls of the U-
Matic tape machines of the day, including the display hardware I built from 
scratch with mostly TTL parts, it was replacing the most labor intensive 
step in preparing a commercial for use with an Automatic station break 
machine by applying a new frame accurate academy leader and the tones to 
control it directly to the finished commercial tape.  That automated a very 
timing critical step, and removed a dub cycle from commercial production at 
KRCR in 1979, and was still in use in 1994 the last time I checked.  How 
many of our code projects can make that claim?

I still have a paper copy of the code in a bag on the top shelf.

Interesting sidelight here.  In 1980, Microtime brought a much more 
primative device to do that to the NAB show, which I stopped and looked at, 
and when I could control my laughing, said I had already done that, 
functionally far better than this attempt.  Since they are as lawyer top 
loaded as Apple, I guess they assumed I had also copyrighted and patented 
it, so it was gone the next day  they wouldn't even admit they had had it 
the day before.

In 1987 I made a better version of the EDISK that Grass Valley sold as an 
accessory for the 300 series video production switchers, for $20,000.  
Theirs had a 2 digit display for file names  ran at 1200 baud.
Mine had a whopping 32 column display and english filenames and ran at 4800 
baud, running on a TRS-80 Color Computer, I had $245 in the hardware.  It 
was still in use when I retired in 2002, but when that forced a replacement 
of the 300 because of custom parts availability, the new CE gave me back 
the old machine.  I still have it, and several more of them.  The 6809 was 
not the crippled, drain bamaged processor the 6502 was.

OS-9, the color computers multiuser/multitasking OS, has now grown to also 
execute on the hitachi 6309 cpu chip, and is about 2x faster now than then, 
and we now call it Nitros9.  That is essentially todays linux, running on 
an 8 bit bus, and was my teacher, causing me to only have one legal winderz 
install in the house ever as it was on the laptop (XP) I bought quite a few 
years back now.  Long since history, that machine has had linux on it for 
about 6 years now.

FWIW, I met one of the code talkers when I was the CE at KIVA-TV in the 
late 70's.  That was another example of how we have screwed the First 
Americans' and I had better not get started.

Cheers, gene
There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order.
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Beneath this stone lies Murphy,
They buried him today,
He lived the life of Riley,
While Riley was away.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Anssi Saari
Thorsten Kampe writes:

 The perfect programming font is just the one that looks so good that 
 you would also use it for writing email. Dejavu Sans Mono is pretty 
 good. Consolas looks also looks good but it is Windows only.

How is Consolas Windows only? Not that I'd put it in my Windows-free
systems, but I don't see why you couldn't? Everything uses TrueType
fonts now.

I use a font called Dina on this laptop in Emacs. Not pretty but very
readable, has a slashed zero and the wide characters are clearly
separated, so something like www looks like three ws, not a block of
triangle wave.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Rouslan Korneychuk wrote:

 I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually
 use Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

I don't know why … you replied to my posting/e-mail (but quoted nothing from 
it, much less referred to its content), and posted a lot of Perl code in a 
Python newsgroup/on a Python mailing list.


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Anssi Saari (Mon, 18 Jul 2011 19:28:49 +0300)
 Thorsten Kampe writes:
  The perfect programming font is just the one that looks so good that 
  you would also use it for writing email. Dejavu Sans Mono is pretty 
  good. Consolas looks also looks good but it is Windows only.
 How is Consolas Windows only? Not that I'd put it in my Windows-free
 systems, but I don't see why you couldn't?

Consolas ships with all versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7, 
including Home Basic. If you’re using Visual Studio 2005, you can 
download Consolas from Microsoft. If not, you still may be able to use 
the font, though your mileage may vary. I was able to install it on a 
Windows XP SP1 machine that doesn’t have any version of Visual Studio. 
This PC does have the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK which creates various 
“Microsoft Visual Studio” folders under “Program Files”. These may cause 
the Consolas installer to think I do have VS 2005. I got no error 
messages, and the font was instantly available in all applications.

Another way to get Consolas is to download and install the free 
PowerPoint Viewer 2007 from Microsoft. This works on any computer with 
Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP SP1 or later. In addition to the 
PowerPoint Viewer 2007 itself, the installer will install the following 
fonts: Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and Corbel. Only 
the Consolas font is monospaced. All these fonts ship with Windows Vista 
and Windows 7.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread MRAB

On 18/07/2011 14:52, Duncan Booth wrote:

Tim  wrote:

On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Roy Smith wrote:

We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
about 80 columns is hogwash.

I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.

Bah, when I started programming
on the Apple ][+, we had no
lower-case and a 40-column limit
on the TV display.
But you try and tell the young
people today that...
and they won't believe ya'.

Acorn System One: 9 character 7 segment led display and 25 key keypad, 1Kb
RAM, 512 bytes ROM.

1KB RAM? Wow!

Science of Cambridge Mk14, with extra RAM and I/O chip, total of 640
bytes (some reserved for monitor program).

Main RAM at 0xF00..0xFFF, extra RAM at 0xB00..0xBFF, I/O RAM somewhere

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Gregory Ewing wrote:

 Anders J. Munch wrote:
   Cameron Simpson wrote:
   Personally, I like to use the tab _key_ as an input device, but to
   have my editor write real spaces to the file in consequence.
 Just like in the old days:)
 Most editors can be configured to do that.

 Where they fall down, in my experience, is that having inserted
 those spaces, if you want to delete them you typically have to
 backspace over them one at a time.

Now that's a BAD source code editor!  Try one running on the Eclipse 
platform, like PyDev (single plugin or in Aptana, also as Eclipse plugin).
But, even vim(1) has auto-indent *and* `', so …

 I don't enjoy that experience, which is why I have BBEdit Lite
 set up to use tab-only indentation. If I'm feeling conscientious,
 I convert to spaces before sharing the code with others. But tabs
 work better for me given the tools I use and the way I like to

YMMV, of course.


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Anssi Saari wrote:

 Thorsten Kampe writes:
 The perfect programming font is just the one that looks so good that
 you would also use it for writing email. Dejavu Sans Mono is pretty
 good. Consolas looks also looks good but it is Windows only.
 How is Consolas Windows only? Not that I'd put it in my Windows-free
 systems, but I don't see why you couldn't?

Consolas is _not_ free software, hence Inconsolata which is.
Windows-only is too strong a classification for Consolas, though.

 Everything uses TrueType fonts now.

Rather OpenType, but that is beside the point.


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Tim Chase wrote:

On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Roy Smith wrote:

We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
about 80 columns is hogwash.

I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.

Bah, when I started programming
on the Apple ][+, we had no
lower-case and a 40-column limit
on the TV display.
But you try and tell the young
people today that...
and they won't believe ya'.

40 columns? Luxury! My first computer was a Hewlett Packard 28S handheld
programmable calculator, with 22 columns[1] and 32 entire kilobytes of

(I don't include my previous programmable calculator, a Casio, or was it a
Canon, as the programming language included wasn't Turing Complete.)

[1] I think it was 22 columns -- that's what my HP 48GX has, and I'm sure
the 28S screen was no larger.

My first programmable calculator had 1.5k of RAM, display was 13 digits 
wide, and it took an optional 2k of PROM via a plugin socket on top.  I 
wrote a commercially sold navigation program for that calculator.  The 
program was used on ships in 1974 and later.  Later I squeezed the code 
a bit and made room for a dead reckoning program and great circle 

I didn't write a cross assembler for it till after this project was 
finished.  That assembler ran on a machine with 64 column display.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Billy Mays

On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:


I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because 
let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

import sys, os

pairs = {'}':'{', ')':'(', ']':'[', '':'', ':', '':''}
valid = set( v for pair in pairs.items() for v in pair )

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
for name in filenames:
stack = [' ']
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, name), 'rb') as f:
chars = (c for line in f for c in line if c in valid)
for c in chars:
if c in pairs and stack[-1] == pairs[c]:
print (Good if len(stack) == 1 else Bad) + ': %s' % name


AUTO: Craig Churchill is out of the office (returning 27/07/2011)

2011-07-18 Thread craig . churchill

I am out of the office until 27/07/2011.

I will respond to your message when I return.
If you require assitance in relation to the SPEAR Integration project
please contact Terry Mandalios.

Note: This is an automated response to your message  Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces:
Tabs should have won. sent on 19/7/2011 2:59:19.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

This email and any attachments may contain information that is personal, 
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Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Billy Mays wrote:
 I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because let's
 face it, Unicode is for goobers.

Uh, okay...

Your script also misses the requirement of outputting the index or row
and column of the first mismatched bracket.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Rouslan Korneychuk

On 07/18/2011 12:46 PM, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:

Rouslan Korneychuk wrote:

I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually
use Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

I don't know why … you replied to my posting/e-mail (but quoted nothing from
it, much less referred to its content), and posted a lot of Perl code in a
Python newsgroup/on a Python mailing list.

Well, when I said I had to try *it*, I was referring to using a Perl 
compatible regular expression, which you brought up. I guess I should 
have quoted that part. As for what I posted, the crux of it was a single 
regular expression. The Perl code at the bottom was just to point out 
that I didn't type that monstrosity out manually. I was going to put 
that part in brackets but there were already so many.


Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Anders J. Munch

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
 I am getting the idea here that you mean the right thing, but that you
 explain it wrong.

Feel free to write the much longer essay that explains it all unambiguously, I'm 
not going to.

regards, Anders


Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 02:55, Andrew Berg  I think the reason the
idea isn't dead is because of the emergence of
 new devices with small displays (tablets/smartphones/etc.) and their
 increasing popularity. When writing code that is meant to be run on
 desktops or servers, the 80-column limit is mostly irrelevant, but
 Python running on these small devices, especially with Python code being
 interpreted rather than compiled, it's convenient to edit code on those
 platforms, where there is a significant column limit.

Let me see if I understand: because there exists a possibility that
someone might want (not need) to edit code on a telephone to make a
quick edit to code being interpreted on that machine, _all_ Python
code should limit itself to a line width that may or may not wrap on a
telephone screen?

Is that the argument in favor of an 80-character line width?

Dotan Cohen

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Andrew Berg
Hash: RIPEMD160

On 2011.07.18 01:51 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 Let me see if I understand: because there exists a possibility that 
 someone might want (not need) to edit code on a telephone to make a 
 quick edit to code being interpreted on that machine, _all_ Python 
 code should limit itself to a line width that may or may not wrap on
 a telephone screen?
 Is that the argument in favor of an 80-character line width?
I doubt that's /the/ argument. I speculated that it's one of the reasons
that a column limit still has relevance. I did not say that I thought
the argument had merit; I make no judgment either way. Also, I'm sure
more than quick edits are done on these phones. Depending on the focus
of the project, it may be best to do most, if not all testing on that

Personally, I think that 80 is pretty arbitrary now, and not the best
limit. I'm more comfortable with 120-130 myself. In any case, Python
won't complain about how many characters are on a line, and that's the
way it should be.

- -- 
CPython 3.2.1 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17592 | Thunderbird 5.0
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 5:06 AM, Andrew Berg wrote:
 Personally, I think that 80 is pretty arbitrary now, and not the best
 limit. I'm more comfortable with 120-130 myself. In any case, Python
 won't complain about how many characters are on a line, and that's the
 way it should be.

It's a question of policy, which is in the purview of the maintainer
of the codebase. But since Python itself has a lot of Python code, the
policy applied to its standard library is going to be looked at by
everyone as having special status.


Re: AUTO: Craig Churchill is out of the office (returning 27/07/2011)

2011-07-18 Thread Waldek M.
 I am out of the office until 27/07/2011.
 I will respond to your message when I return.
 If you require assitance in relation to the SPEAR Integration project
 please contact Terry Mandalios.

Why, thank you Craig. I will definitely contact Terry ;-)

PS. Sorry, couldn't stop myself.

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread woooee
Partial can be used in a GUI program, like Tkinter, to send arguments
to functions.  There are other ways to do that as well as using
partial.  The following program uses partial to send the color to the
change_buttons function.
from Tkinter import *
from functools import partial

class App:
   def __init__(self, parent):
self.my_parent = parent

self.R = list()
for ctr, color in enumerate((Red, Blue, Green)):
btn = Radiobutton(self.my_parent, text=color, value=ctr+1,
  command=partial(self.change_buttons, color))
btn.grid(row = 2, column = ctr+1)

   def change_buttons(self, color):
   for btn in self.R:

if __name__ == __main__:
root = Tk()
root.title (Color Option)
app = App(root)

Re: a little parsing challenge ?

2011-07-18 Thread sln
On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 00:47:42 -0700 (PDT), Xah Lee wrote:


folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

I have to hunt for a job so I'm not writing a solution for you.
Here is a thin regex framework that may get you started.



use strict;
use warnings;

 my @samples = qw(

 my $regex = qr/

  ^ (?FileName) $


\( (?Content) \)
  | \{ (?Content) \}
  | \[ (?Content) \]
  | \“ (?Content) \”
  | \‹ (?Content) \›
  | \« (?Content) \»
 # add more here ..

   (?:  (? [^(){}\[\]“”‹›«»]+ ) # add more here ..
  | (?Delim)


 for (@samples)
print $_ - ;
if ( /$regex/ ) {
   print passed \n;
else {
   print failed \n;



A98(y[(np)r]x)tp[kk]a.exeb - passed 
A98(y[(np)r]x)tp[kk]a}.exeb - failed 
A98(‹ynprx)tpk›ka.mpeg - failed 
‹A98(ynprx)tpk›ka - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr{{[g[x].}*()+}»)tpkka».” - failed 
“A9«8(yn«pr{{[g[x].]}*()+}»)tpkka».” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)tpkka».” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)»”t(()){}[a[b[d]{}]pkka.]“«‹“**^”{[()]}›»” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)”t(()){}[a[b[d]{}]pkka.]“«‹“**^”{[()]}›»” - failed 


Re: Looking for general advice on complex program

2011-07-18 Thread Josh English
That would be one of mine, probably.

It's an old version. I haven't updated it in a while.

And while my program worked fine at home, my test environment gave me some 
grief. Apparently the lock files are being deleted properly. I have a few ideas 
about that, but I'm away from my code right now.

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/18/2011 8:24 AM, Paul Woolcock wrote:

Partial function application (or currying) is the act of taking a
function with two or more parameters, and applying some of the arguments
in order to make a new function.  The hello world example for this
seems to be this:

Let's say you have a function called `add`, that takes two parameters:

 def add(left, right):

 ... return left + right

Now let's say you want a function that always adds 2 to a number you
give it.  You can use partial function application to do this:

  from functools import partial
  add2 = partial(add, right=2)

Now, you have a new function, `add2`, that takes one parameter:


Or you can directly write

def add2(x): return x + 2

or more generically

def makeadder(y)
def _add(x): return x+y
add2 = makeadder(2)

functool.partial is essential a generic version of makeadder in that it 
also abstract the function/operator. It is useful when one has a 
function but perhaps not the source. It's limitation is that args are 
frozen left to right while the above example freezes the right operand.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Functional style programming in python: what will you talk about if you have an hour on this topic?

2011-07-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/18/2011 8:20 AM, Anthony Kong wrote:

Thanks for all the great suggestion.

First of all, Carl is right that it does not take much to impress a
java programmer about the expressiveness of functional programming.

Covered map, reduce and filter as Rainer suggested.

Emphasized the advantages of functional style as summarised by Steve

I showcased the use of groupby() in itertools. Think about what it
takes to implement similar logic in Java. Also introduced the gotcha
of using groupby(): you must first sort the list in the same way you
want to group them by.

Then I got ambitious and tried to introduce partial(). I basically
lost everyone right there. They can understand what partial does but
do not know why it can be useful. My example was too trivial and it
did not help. What is the best way to introduce partial/currying?

See my response to Kurian -- Partial Function Application -- just a few
minutes ago.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/18/2011 3:23 PM, woooee wrote:

Partial can be used in a GUI program, like Tkinter, to send arguments
to functions.  There are other ways to do that as well as using
partial.  The following program uses partial to send the color to the
change_buttons function.
from Tkinter import *
from functools import partial

class App:
def __init__(self, parent):
 self.my_parent = parent

 self.R = list()
 for ctr, color in enumerate((Red, Blue, Green)):
 btn = Radiobutton(self.my_parent, text=color, value=ctr+1,
   command=partial(self.change_buttons, color))
 btn.grid(row = 2, column = ctr+1)

This is a nice illustration. For future reference: enumerate now takes a 
start value as second parameter. Given as 1, you do not need to remember 
to add 1 for each usage.

for ctr, color in enumerate((Red, Blue, Green),1):
btn = Radiobutton(self.my_parent, text=color, value=ctr,
  command=partial(self.change_buttons, color))
btn.grid(row = 2, column = ctr)


def change_buttons(self, color):
for btn in self.R:

if __name__ == __main__:
 root = Tk()
 root.title (Color Option)
 app = App(root)

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Crazy what-if idea for function/method calling syntax

2011-07-18 Thread Pierre Quentel
On 18 juil, 07:54, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:54 am ΤΖΩΤΖΙΟΥ wrote:

  Jumping in:

  What if a construct

     xx(*args1, **kwargs1)yy(*args2, **kwargs2)

  was interpreted as

    xxyy(*(args1+args2), **(kwargs1+kwargs2))

  (Note: with **(kwargs1+kwargs2) I mean “put keyword arguments in the
  order given”, since dicts can't be added)

  This construct is currently a syntax error. The intent of this idea is
  to help improve legibility.

 I don't think it does that. I think it is misleading, as it looks like two
 independent function calls. It also makes it hard to search for a function
 call -- instead of searching for


 you have to now search for


 and so on.

    def place_at(item, x, y): blah blah
  could be called as
    place(item)_at(x, y)

 You would probably like the Xtalk family of languages, starting with
 Hypertalk from Apple in the late 80s or early 90s.

 There's a neat implementation here:

 Xtalk includes syntax like this:

 put newStr into character 23 to 42 of theStr
 put suffix after theStr
 delete first char of theStr

 although this only applied to built-in functions, not user-functions.


If I understand correctly, you propose to translate do something to X
with arguments a,b,c to

(1) do_something_to(X)_with_arguments(a,b,c)

instead of

(2) do_something(X,a,b,c)

I agree that the first one is more readable than the second, because
in the arguments list in (2) you mix the object you are working on and
the parameters used. But there is another option :

(3) X.do_something_with_arguments(a,b,c)

which would be in your examples : item.place_at(x,y) or

It's valid Python code and probably as readable than what you suggest,
with a clear distinction between the object and the arguments

- Pierre

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 7/18/2011 8:24 AM, Paul Woolcock wrote:

Partial function application (or currying) is the act of taking a
function with two or more parameters, and applying some of the arguments
in order to make a new function.  The hello world example for this
seems to be this:

def makeadder(y)
def _add(x): return x+y
add2 = makeadder(2)


A couple of typos in that code:

def makeaddr(y):
def _add(x): return x+y
return _add



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Ian Kelly wrote:

 Billy Mays wrote:
 I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because let's
 face it, Unicode is for goobers.
 Uh, okay...
 Your script also misses the requirement of outputting the index or row
 and column of the first mismatched bracket.

Thanks to Python's expressiveness, this can be easily remedied (see below).  

I also do not follow Billy's comment about Unicode.  Unicode and the fact 
that Python supports it *natively* cannot be appreciated enough in a 
globalized world.

However, I have learned a lot about being pythonic from his posting (take 
those generator expressions, for example!), and the idea of looking at the 
top of a stack for reference is a really good one.  Thank you, Billy!

Here is my improvement of his code, which should fill the mentioned gaps.
I have also reversed the order in the report line as I think it is more 
natural this way.  I have tested the code superficially with a directory 
containing a single text file.  Watch for word-wrap:

# encoding: utf-8
Created on 2011-07-18

@author: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on an idea of
Billy Mays
in news:j01ph6$knt$ 
import sys, os

pairs = {u'}': u'{', u')': u'(', u']': u'[',
 u'”': u'“', u'›': u'‹', u'»': u'«',
 u'】': u'【', u'〉': u'〈', u'》': u'《',
 u'」': u'「', u'』': u'『'}
valid = set(v for pair in pairs.items() for v in pair)

if __name__ == '__main__':
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
for name in filenames:
stack = [' ']

# you can use chardet etc. instead 
encoding = 'utf-8'

with open(os.path.join(dirpath, name), 'r') as f:
reported = False
chars = ((c, line_no, col) for line_no, line in enumerate(f) 
for col, c in enumerate(line.decode(encoding)) if c in valid)
for c, line_no, col in chars:
if c in pairs:
if stack[-1] == pairs[c]:
if not reported:
first_bad = (c, line_no + 1, col + 1)
reported = True

print '%s: %s' % (name, (good if len(stack) == 1 else bad 
'%s' at %s:%s % first_bad))


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Dave Angel wrote:

 On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 def makeadder(y)
 def _add(x): return x+y
 add2 = makeadder(2)
 A couple of typos in that code:
 def makeaddr(y):
  def _add(x): return x+y
  return _add

I agree about the `return' statement, but not about the factory name; this 
has nothing to do with addresses (addr).


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Partial Function Application -- Advantages over normal function?

2011-07-18 Thread Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:

 Dave Angel wrote:
 On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 def makeadder(y)
 def _add(x): return x+y
 add2 = makeadder(2)
 A couple of typos in that code:
 def makeaddr(y):
  def _add(x): return x+y
  return _add
 I agree about the `return' statement, but not about the factory name; this
 has nothing to do with addresses (addr).

Supplemental: The above can be simplified to

def makeadder(y): return lambda x: x + y


Bitte keine Kopien per E-Mail. / Please do not Cc: me.

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Roy Smith
In article Xns9F2695C6AAA73duncanbooth@,
 Duncan Booth duncan.booth@invalid.invalid wrote:

 Tim Chase wrote:
  On 07/17/2011 08:01 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Roy Smith wrote:
  We don't have that problem any more.  It truly boggles my
  mind that we're still churning out people with 80 column
  minds.  I'm willing to entertain arguments about readability
  of long lines, but the idea that there's something magic
  about 80 columns is hogwash.
  I agree! Which is why I set my line width to 78 columns.
  Bah, when I started programming
  on the Apple ][+, we had no
  lower-case and a 40-column limit
  on the TV display.
  But you try and tell the young
  people today that...
  and they won't believe ya'.
 Acorn System One: 9 character 7 segment led display and 25 key keypad, 1Kb  
 RAM, 512 bytes ROM.


BTW, if anybody has one of these in working condition that they want to 
get rid of, let me know.  I'd love to play with one again.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Billy Mays wrote:

 On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
 I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
 let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the young
kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your words
as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and diversity of
human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Billy Mays

On 7/18/2011 7:56 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Billy Mays wrote:

On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:


I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the young
kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your words
as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and diversity of
human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.

TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode 
is not the answer to that problem).

As long as I have used python (which I admit has only been 3 years) 
Unicode has never appeared to be implemented correctly.  I'm probably 
repeating old arguments here, but whatever.

Unicode is a mess.  When someone says ASCII, you know that they can only 
mean characters 0-127.  When someone says Unicode, do the mean real 
Unicode (and is it 2 byte or 4 byte?) or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or UTF-8? 
When using the 'u' datatype with the array module, the docs don't even 
tell you if its 2 bytes wide or 4 bytes.  Which is it?  I'm sure that 
all the of these can be figured out, but the problem is now I have to 
ask every one of these questions whenever I want to use strings.

Secondly, Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I 
suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of 
this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0, 
0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as 
well as everyone else who wants to use strings for some reason).

When embedding Python in a long running application where user input is 
received, it is very easy to make mistake which bring down the whole 
program.  If any user string isn't properly try/excepted, a user could 
craft a malformed string which a UTF-8 decoder would choke on.  Using 
ASCII (or whatever 8 bit encoding) doesn't have these problems since all 
codepoints are valid.

Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature' 
of unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B). 
Any string can masquerade as any other string by placing  few of these 
in a string.  Any word filters you might have are now defeated by some 
cheesy Unicode nonsense character.  Can you just just check for these 
characters and strip them out?  Yes.  Should you have to?  I would say no.

Does it get better?  Of course! international character sets used for 
domain name encoding use yet a different scheme (Punycode).  Are the 
following two domain names the same: té , ?  Who 

I suppose I can gloss over the pains of using Unicode in C with every 
string needing to be an LPS since 0x00 is now a valid code point in 
UTF-8 (0x for 2 byte Unicode) or suffer the O(n) look up time to do 
strlen or concatenation operations.

Can it get even better?  Yep.  We also now need to have a Byte order 
Mark (BOM) to determine the endianness of our characters.  Are they 
little endian or big endian?  (or perhaps one of the two possible middle 
endian encodings?)  Who knows?  String processing with unicode is 
unpleasant to say the least.  I suppose that's what we get when we 
things are designed by committee.

But Hey!  The great thing about standards is that there are so many to 
choose from.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread rusi
On Jul 19, 7:07 am, Billy Mays wrote:
 On 7/18/2011 7:56 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  Billy Mays wrote:

  On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:

  I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
  let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

  Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the young
  kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

  I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your words
  as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
  need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
  meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and diversity of
  human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.

 TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode
 is not the answer to that problem).

 As long as I have used python (which I admit has only been 3 years)
 Unicode has never appeared to be implemented correctly.  I'm probably
 repeating old arguments here, but whatever.

 Unicode is a mess.  When someone says ASCII, you know that they can only
 mean characters 0-127.  When someone says Unicode, do the mean real
 Unicode (and is it 2 byte or 4 byte?) or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or UTF-8?
 When using the 'u' datatype with the array module, the docs don't even
 tell you if its 2 bytes wide or 4 bytes.  Which is it?  I'm sure that
 all the of these can be figured out, but the problem is now I have to
 ask every one of these questions whenever I want to use strings.

 Secondly, Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I
 suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of
 this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0,
 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as
 well as everyone else who wants to use strings for some reason).

 When embedding Python in a long running application where user input is
 received, it is very easy to make mistake which bring down the whole
 program.  If any user string isn't properly try/excepted, a user could
 craft a malformed string which a UTF-8 decoder would choke on.  Using
 ASCII (or whatever 8 bit encoding) doesn't have these problems since all
 codepoints are valid.

 Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature'
 of unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B).
 Any string can masquerade as any other string by placing  few of these
 in a string.  Any word filters you might have are now defeated by some
 cheesy Unicode nonsense character.  Can you just just check for these
 characters and strip them out?  Yes.  Should you have to?  I would say no.

 Does it get better?  Of course! international character sets used for
 domain name encoding use yet a different scheme (Punycode).  Are the
 following two domain names the same: té , ?  Who

 I suppose I can gloss over the pains of using Unicode in C with every
 string needing to be an LPS since 0x00 is now a valid code point in
 UTF-8 (0x for 2 byte Unicode) or suffer the O(n) look up time to do
 strlen or concatenation operations.

 Can it get even better?  Yep.  We also now need to have a Byte order
 Mark (BOM) to determine the endianness of our characters.  Are they
 little endian or big endian?  (or perhaps one of the two possible middle
 endian encodings?)  Who knows?  String processing with unicode is
 unpleasant to say the least.  I suppose that's what we get when we
 things are designed by committee.

 But Hey!  The great thing about standards is that there are so many to
 choose from.


Thanks for writing that
Every time I try to understand unicode and remain stuck I come to the
conclusion that I must be an imbecile.
Seeing others (probably more intelligent than yours truly) gives me
some solace!

[And I am writing this from India where there are dozens of languages,
almost as many scripts and everyone speaks and writes at least a
couple of non-european ones]

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread MRAB

On 19/07/2011 03:07, Billy Mays wrote:

On 7/18/2011 7:56 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Billy Mays wrote:

On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:


I gave it a shot. It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the
kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your
as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and
diversity of
human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.

TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode
is not the answer to that problem).

As long as I have used python (which I admit has only been 3 years)
Unicode has never appeared to be implemented correctly. I'm probably
repeating old arguments here, but whatever.

Unicode is a mess. When someone says ASCII, you know that they can only
mean characters 0-127. When someone says Unicode, do the mean real
Unicode (and is it 2 byte or 4 byte?) or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or UTF-8? When
using the 'u' datatype with the array module, the docs don't even tell
you if its 2 bytes wide or 4 bytes. Which is it? I'm sure that all the
of these can be figured out, but the problem is now I have to ask every
one of these questions whenever I want to use strings.

That's down to whether it's a narrow or wide Python build. There's a
PEP suggesting a fix for that (PEP 393).

Secondly, Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I
suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of
this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0,
0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as
well as everyone else who wants to use strings for some reason).

Those aren't codepoints, those are invalid bytes for the UTF-8 encoding.

When embedding Python in a long running application where user input is
received, it is very easy to make mistake which bring down the whole
program. If any user string isn't properly try/excepted, a user could
craft a malformed string which a UTF-8 decoder would choke on. Using
ASCII (or whatever 8 bit encoding) doesn't have these problems since all
codepoints are valid.

What if you give an application an invalid JPEG, PNG or other image
file? Does that mean that image formats are bad too?

Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature'
of unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B).
Any string can masquerade as any other string by placing few of these in
a string. Any word filters you might have are now defeated by some
cheesy Unicode nonsense character. Can you just just check for these
characters and strip them out? Yes. Should you have to? I would say no.

Does it get better? Of course! international character sets used for
domain name encoding use yet a different scheme (Punycode). Are the
following two domain names the same: té , ? Who

I suppose I can gloss over the pains of using Unicode in C with every
string needing to be an LPS since 0x00 is now a valid code point in
UTF-8 (0x for 2 byte Unicode) or suffer the O(n) look up time to do
strlen or concatenation operations.

0x00 is also a valid ASCII code, but C doesn't let you use it!

There's also Modified UTF-8, in which U+ is encoded as 2 bytes,
so that zero-byte can be used as a terminator. You can't do that in
ASCII! :-)

Can it get even better? Yep. We also now need to have a Byte order Mark
(BOM) to determine the endianness of our characters. Are they little
endian or big endian? (or perhaps one of the two possible middle endian
encodings?) Who knows? String processing with unicode is unpleasant to
say the least. I suppose that's what we get when we things are designed
by committee.

Proper UTF-8 doesn't have a BOM.

The rule (in Python, at least) is to decode on input and encode on
output. You don't have to worry about endianness when processing
Unicode strings internally; they're just a series of codepoints.

But Hey! The great thing about standards is that there are so many to
choose from.


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
rusi wrote:

 Every time I try to understand unicode and remain stuck I come to the
 conclusion that I must be an imbecile.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Billy Mays wrote:

 On 7/18/2011 7:56 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Billy Mays wrote:

 On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:


 I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
 let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

 Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the young
 kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

 I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your words
 as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
 need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
 meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and diversity of
 human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.

 TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode is not 
 the answer to that problem).

 As long as I have used python (which I admit has only been 3 years) Unicode 
 has never appeared to be implemented correctly.  I'm probably repeating old 
 arguments here, but whatever.

 Unicode is a mess.  When someone says ASCII, you know that they can only mean 
 characters 0-127.  When someone says Unicode, do the mean real Unicode (and 
 is it 2 byte or 4 byte?) or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or UTF-8? When using the 'u' 
 datatype with the array module, the docs don't even tell you if its 2 bytes 
 wide or 4 bytes.  Which is it?  I'm sure that all the of these can be figured 
 out, but the problem is now I have to ask every one of these questions 
 whenever I want to use strings.

It doesn't matter. When you use the unicode data type in Python, you
get to treat it as a sequence of characters, not a sequence of bytes.
The fact that it's stored internally as UCS-2 or UCS-4 is irrelevant.

 Secondly, Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I 
 suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of this is 
 with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xF5, 
 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as well as everyone 
 else who wants to use strings for some reason).

A Unicode code point is of the form U+. 0xC0 is not a Unicode code
point, it is a byte. It happens to be an invalid byte using the UTF-8
byte encoding (which is not Unicode, it's a byte string). The Unicode
code point U+00C0 is perfectly valid- it's a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A

 When embedding Python in a long running application where user input is 
 received, it is very easy to make mistake which bring down the whole program. 
  If any user string isn't properly try/excepted, a user could craft a 
 malformed string which a UTF-8 decoder would choke on.  Using ASCII (or 
 whatever 8 bit encoding) doesn't have these problems since all codepoints are 

UTF-8 != Unicode. UTF-8 is one of several byte encodings capable of
representing every character in the Unicode spec, but it is not
Unicode. If you have a Unicode string, it is not a sequence of byes,
it is a sequence of characters. If you want a sequence of bytes, use a
byte string. If you are attempting to interpret a sequence of bytes as
a sequence of text, you're doing it wrong. There's a reason we have
both text and binary modes for opening files- yes, there is a
difference between them.

 Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature' of 
 unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B). Any string 
 can masquerade as any other string by placing  few of these in a string.  Any 
 word filters you might have are now defeated by some cheesy Unicode nonsense 
 character.  Can you just just check for these characters and strip them out?  
 Yes.  Should you have to?  I would say no.

 Does it get better?  Of course! international character sets used for domain 
 name encoding use yet a different scheme (Punycode).  Are the following two 
 domain names the same: té , ?  Who knows!

 I suppose I can gloss over the pains of using Unicode in C with every string 
 needing to be an LPS since 0x00 is now a valid code point in UTF-8 (0x 
 for 2 byte Unicode) or suffer the O(n) look up time to do strlen or 
 concatenation operations.

That is using UTF-8 in C. Which, again, is not the same thing as Unicode.

 Can it get even better?  Yep.  We also now need to have a Byte order Mark 
 (BOM) to determine the endianness of our characters.  Are they little endian 
 or big endian?  (or perhaps one of the two possible middle endian encodings?) 
  Who knows?  String processing with unicode is unpleasant to say the least.  
 I suppose that's what we get when we things are designed by committee.

And that is UTF-16 and UTF-32. Again, those are byte encodings. They
are not Unicode. When you use a library capable of handling Unicode,
you never see those- you just have a string with characters in it.

 But Hey!  The great thing about 

os.path.isdir do not work for Foder named '2011-07-03'

2011-07-18 Thread Nulpum
I want to make sure that folder exists.

'2011-07-03' is really exists. but 'os.path.isdir' say false

Does anyone know why?


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Billy Mays wrote:

 TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode
 is not the answer to that problem).

Shorter version: FUD.

Yes, having a rich and varied character set requires work. Yes, the Unicode
standard itself, and any interface to it (including Python's) are imperfect
(like anything created by fallible humans). But your post is a long and
tedious list of FUD with not one bit of useful advice.

I'm not going to go through the whole post -- life is too short. But here
are two especially egregious example showing that you have some fundamental
misapprehensions about what Unicode actually is:

 Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I
 suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of
 this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0,
 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as
 well as everyone else who wants to use strings for some reason).

and then later:

 Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature'
 of unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B).

This is confused. Unicode text has code points, text which has been encoded
is nothing but bytes and not code points. UTF-8 code point does not even
mean anything. 

The zero width space has code point U+200B. The bytes you get depend on
which encoding you want:

 zws = u'\N{Zero Width Space}'
'\xff\xfe\x0b '

But regardless of which bytes it is encoded into, ZWS always has just a
single code point: U+200B.

You say A good example of this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code
points ( such as 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF but I don't
even understand why you think this is a problem with Unicode. 

0xC0 is not a code point, it is a byte. Not all combinations of bytes are
legal in all files. If you have byte 0xC0 in a file, it cannot be an ASCII
file: there is no ASCII character represented by byte 0xC0, because hex
0xCO = 192, which is larger than 127.

Likewise, if you have a 0xC0 byte in a file, it cannot be UTF-8. It is as
simple as that. Trying to treat it as UTF-8 will give an error, just as
trying to view a mp3 file as if it were a jpeg will give an error. Why you
imagine this is a problem for Unicode is beyond me.



Re: os.path.isdir do not work for Foder named '2011-07-03'

2011-07-18 Thread Kushal Das
2011/7/19 Nulpum
 I want to make sure that folder exists.

 '2011-07-03' is really exists. but 'os.path.isdir' say false

 Does anyone know why?

Works here. Are you sure that it is not a file ?


Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Apr 12 2011, 16:15:16)
[GCC 4.6.0 20110331 (Red Hat 4.6.0-2)] on linux2


Re: os.path.isdir do not work for Foder named '2011-07-03'

2011-07-18 Thread Michael Hrivnak
What is the output of:


?  One possible issue here is that for some reason os.path.isdir()
can't even access the directory either because of permissions,
misinterpretation of the path, or some other reason.


2011/7/19 Nulpum
 I want to make sure that folder exists.

 '2011-07-03' is really exists. but 'os.path.isdir' say false

 Does anyone know why?



Re: os.path.isdir do not work for Foder named '2011-07-03'

2011-07-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Nulpum wrote:

 I want to make sure that folder exists.
 '2011-07-03' is really exists. but 'os.path.isdir' say false
 Does anyone know why?


 print logs/2011-07-03
 print logs\2011-07-03

Don't use backslashes as path separators in Python. Backslashes are used for
string escapes.

\n means newline, not backslash n

\t means tab, not backslash t

and \201 means octal character 0201 (hex 'x81', decimal 129).

There are three solutions:

(1) Escape every backslash with an extra backslash:

 print logs\\2011-07-03

(2) Use forward slashes, as Windows will happily accept them instead of

(3) Use another operating system. *wink*



Re: os.path.isdir do not work for Foder named '2011-07-03'

2011-07-18 Thread Rob Williscroft
Nulpum wrote in news:0bf400a3-735c-487a-8d74- in gmane.comp.python.general:

 I want to make sure that folder exists.
 '2011-07-03' is really exists. but 'os.path.isdir' say false
 Does anyone know why?

Maybe it isn't a directory, but a file, what does os.path.exists() return.

Also could it be a Shortcut in which case 2011-07-03.lnk will exist.

Also have you left Hide extensions for known file types switched on,
in which case it may really be for example, a file 
not a directory even though Windows explorer shows it as a directory.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread rusi
On Jul 19, 8:11 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 rusi wrote:
  Every time I try to understand unicode and remain stuck I come to the
  conclusion that I must be an imbecile.


Yes Ive read that and understood a little bit more thanks to it.
But for the points raised in this thread this one from Joel is more

Some evidences of leakiness:
code point vs character vs byte
encoding and decoding
UTF-x and UCS-y

Very important and necessary distinctions? Maybe... But I did not need
them when my world was built of the 127 bricks of ASCII.

My latest brush with unicode was when I tried to port construct to

If unicode 'just works' you should be able to do it in a jiffy?
[And if you did I would be glad to be proved wrong :-) ]

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:59 PM, rusi wrote:
 Some evidences of leakiness:
 code point vs character vs byte
 encoding and decoding
 UTF-x and UCS-y

 Very important and necessary distinctions? Maybe... But I did not need
 them when my world was built of the 127 bricks of ASCII.

Codepoint vs byte is NOT an abstraction. Unicode consists of
characters, where each character is represented by a number called its
codepoint. Since computers work with bytes, we need a way of encoding
those characters into bytes. It's no different from encoding a piece
of music in bytes, and having it come out as 0x90 0x64 0x40. Are those
bytes an abstraction of the note? No. They're an encoding of a MIDI
message that requests that the note be struck. The note itself is an
abstraction, if you like; but the bytes to create that note could be
delivered in a variety of other ways.

A Python Unicode string, whether it's Python 2's 'unicode' or Python
3's 'str', is a sequence of characters. Since those characters are
stored in memory, they must be encoded somehow, but that's not our
problem. We need only care about encoding when we save those
characters to disk, transmit them across the network, or in some other
way need to store them as bytes. Otherwise, there is no abstraction,
and no leak.

Chris Angelico

Re: Tabs -vs- Spaces: Tabs should have won.

2011-07-18 Thread Tim Roberts
Andrew Berg wrote:

 I'm not saying it's wise

Why not?

It just makes it more difficult to follow the pattern when you add new
code.  If you have an editor mnaging that for you, then you might as well
have the editor go all tabs or all spaces to avoid trouble.

Vi and friends with ts=8 and sw=4 will use 4 spaces, then tab, then tab
plus 4 spaces, then two tabs, etc.  That's recognizable, but I still
convert such a file to all spaces when I find one.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread Matt Joiner

Matt Joiner added the comment:

Feel like a total noob: Where do I get the latest source? I can't find any 
pre-release tarballs for 3.3, and the suggested py3k checkout doesn't work: $ 
hg clone py3k
abort: unknown revision 'py3k'!


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[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

See the developer's guide:

   hg clone directory_name

nosy: +ned.deily

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[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread Matt Joiner

Matt Joiner added the comment:

This version is fixed for me:

$ ./python
Python 3.3.0a0 (default:7520f1bf0a81, Jul 18 2011, 17:12:12)
[GCC 4.1.2 20070115 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2

versions: +Python 3.2

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[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

@pitrou: Antoine, do you think that the following commit should be backported 
from 3.3 to 3.2?

New changeset 3c7792ec4547 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
Issue #12175: now calls raw.readall() if available.

It changes behaviour a *little* bit. Only a little 
because calls FileIO.readall() internally for example.


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[issue12133] ResourceWarning in urllib.request

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

I reopen the issue.

resolution: fixed - accepted
status: closed - open

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[issue12133] ResourceWarning in urllib.request

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

(Oh, I missed Antoine's comment, yes, reopen a new issue)

resolution: accepted - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue12577] Misleading shutil.move docs regarding when os.rename is used

2011-07-18 Thread Catalin Iacob

Catalin Iacob added the comment:

Senthil's proposal in msg140543 has +1 from me.


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[issue12133] ResourceWarning in urllib.request

2011-07-18 Thread Ugra Dániel

Ugra Dániel added the comment:

Sorry, I've forgotten to post a reference to the new bug: #12576


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[issue12576] urlib.request fails to open some sites

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

h.close() (HTTPConnection.close) in the finally block of 
AbstractHTTPHandler.do_open() calls indirectly r.close() (HTTPResponse.close). 
The problem is that the content of the response cannot be read if its close() 
method was called.

The changelog of the fix (commit ad6bdfd7dd4b) is: Issue #12133: 
AbstractHTTPHandler.do_open() of urllib.request closes the HTTP connection if 
its getresponse() method fails with a socket error. Patch written by Ezio 

The HTTP connection is not only closed in case of an error, but it is always 

It's a bug because we cannot read the content of, whereas it works 
without the commit. Test script:
import urllib.request, gc

with urllib.request.urlopen(;) as page:
content =
print(content: %s... % content[:40])

with urllib.request.urlopen(;) as page:
content =
print(content: %s... % content[:40])


nosy: +haypo

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[issue12576] urlib.request fails to open some sites

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

ValueError('I/O operation on closed file') error comes from 
HTTPResponse.__enter__() which is implemented in IOBase:

def __enter__(self):  # That's a forward reference
return self


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[issue12576] urlib.request fails to open some sites

2011-07-18 Thread Davide Rizzo

Changes by Davide Rizzo

nosy: +davide.rizzo

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[issue12576] urlib.request fails to open some sites

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment: and use HTTP/1.1. server sends a 
Transfer-encoding: chunked header whereas doesn't. has 
a Connection: close header, whereas doesn't.

The more revelant difference for this issue is the Connection: close header: 
HTTPResponse.wil_close is True if Connection: close header is present (see 
_check_close() method), it returns False otherwise. 
HTTPConnection.getresponse() keeps a reference to the response if will_close is 
False, or calls its close() method otherwise.

The Cneonction: close header looks to be a quirk of Netscaler loadbalancers. 
It is sometimes nnCoection uses the same load balancer.

There are buggy web servers, Python should not raise a I/O closed file error 
on such server.


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[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Antoine, do you think that the following commit should be backported
 from 3.3 to 3.2?

No, I don't think so.

versions:  -Python 3.0

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[issue5505] doesn't return after first EOF on Windows

2011-07-18 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 No, I don't think so.

The issue is already fixed in 3.3, so you agree to not fix it in Python 3.2?


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[issue6476] MSVCRT's spawnve/spawnvpe are not thread safe

2011-07-18 Thread Steve Hill

Steve Hill added the comment:

Why has this bug been resolved as won't fix? It seems to me that this is a 
valid issue with something that has not been deprecated, yet it has been 
decided neither to fix it (despite there being an offer by the originator to 
submit a patch) nor even to document the deficiency.

We've been using SCons for the last 3-4 years, during which time we have been 
plagued by this issue - more so as multi-core machines have become more 
prevalent. There was a thread on the SCons Users mailing list in March '09, 
which stopped short of diagnosing the problem and we've lived with it ever 
since - putting it down to Python being a bit flaky. I now discover that it 
is an issue that has been diagnosed two years ago and deliberately left in the 
implementation of the language. Simply saying you should use subprocess is 
not helpful; SCons at that time was supporting all Python versions back to 2.0 
(possibly earlier) so couldn't rely on the subprocess module being present.

Ideally, it should be worked-around so that these functions can safely be used 
on all platforms without requiring mutual exclusion in the application. 
However, it seems to me that, at a bare minimum, it should be documented that 
these functions are not thread safe under Windows.

nosy: +steve_hill

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[issue12581] Increased test coverage of test_urlparse

2011-07-18 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I haven't reviewed your tests, but a couple quick comments: we generally prefer 
duck typing to the use of isintance or ABCs, but sometimes the latter is better 
(it's a judgement call).  I haven't done a deep dive in the code you modified, 
but from the looks of the code quoted in your patch I'd say that doing 
'iter(v)' inside the try/except would be the way to find out if one can loop 
over the object, which appears to be the only aspect of sequenceness the code 
cares about.

As for coverage, you are right that it is quite possible to get caught up in 
the statistics.  That said, if you *don't* have domain knowledge, giving us a 
set of tests to look at and evaluate is better than not having such a set of 
tests.  Pointing out any tests that you aren't sure about the validity of is 
helpful in any case.

The overall goal of the test suite is to test the *API* of the library 
functions.  This is so that alternate implementations can use it as a 
validation test suite  (Sometimes we have CPython specific tests, in which case 
we mark them as such).  So testing internal implementation details is not as 
helpful as testing behavior.  If you find you have to use a white box test 
(one that pokes at the internals as opposed to making an appropriate call to 
the API), then the code you can't otherwise test becomes suspect and an 
appropriate subject for another issue (what is this code for?  I can't get it 
to trigger.)

Finally, your point about comprehensive tests at least showing up behavior 
changes is valid.  If you write tests that you aren't sure are correct 
behavior, put in an XXX comment to that effect.  If you just have no idea, you 
can mark a whole block of tests as this improves coverage, I have no idea if 
the behavior is valid or not, and we'll either sort it out when we review or 
commit the tests or just leave the comment in.

Thanks for working on this.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue12581] Increased test coverage of test_urlparse

2011-07-18 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

nosy: +orsenthil

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[issue12167] test_packaging reference leak

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

 I would call .copy() on the original dicts rather than remembering an
 explicit empty dict.

I thought about that and decided to use an empty dict as a way to add a check 
that the caches should start empty.  Maybe it was misguided and I should 
instead add a unit test for that, or not bother altogether.


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[issue1626300] 'Installing Python Modules' does not work for Windows

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

 On Windows, scripts run with whatever name -- no extension or other
Thanks, this means that the docs can continue to say just “pysetup3”, without 

(I wonder how Windows manages to run the script without file extension!)

 I have tested this from both IDLE and command line.
You can run command-line scripts from IDLE?

Can you also comment on my proposed note about adding Scripts to PATH?


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[issue12582] lib-dynload missing in python install

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Weiss

New submission from Paul Weiss

I am trying to install python 2.7 on my Redhat machine. It installs most of the 
files, but it doesn't install the lib-dynload directory. I have set every path, 
done every install and clean I could think of but I can't get it to work. I 
have tried 2.7, 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 and none of them install. What could cause this?

components: Build, Installation
messages: 140578
nosy: Paul.Weiss
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: lib-dynload missing in python install
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue12582] lib-dynload missing in python install

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

I’m assuming you’re installing a Python from, not the one from Red 
Hat.  Can you give us the configure and make commands you ran?

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue12479] Add HTTPErrorProcessor class definition

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

It seems to me that the doc after the patch is barely more helpful.  It does 
not explain when and how one would see or use the class, nor what it does.

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue12582] lib-dynload missing in python install

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Weiss

Paul Weiss added the comment:

Correct, I am using the source from

make clean 
./configure --prefix=/opt/Python-2.7
sudo make install 

I get this:

/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./LICENSE /opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7/LICENSE.txt
PYTHONPATH=/opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7   \
./python -Wi -tt /opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7/ \
-d /opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7 -f \
-x 'bad_coding|badsyntax|site-packages|lib2to3/tests/data' \
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7/, line 17, in module
import struct
  File /opt/Python-2.7/lib/python2.7/, line 1, in module
from _struct import *
ImportError: No module named _struct
make: *** [libinstall] Error 1


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[issue12479] Add HTTPErrorProcessor class definition

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

Ah, I see that the class is referenced earlier in the file, and that its 
methods come after.  I’d put the class definition just before the methods.  (I 
would even refactor the reST to use nested class/method combo, but that’s a 
minor markup cleanup, not a content improvement.)


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[issue12582] lib-dynload missing in python install

2011-07-18 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Also, are you using a linux3 kernel?

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue12582] lib-dynload missing in python install

2011-07-18 Thread Paul Weiss

Paul Weiss added the comment:

No, Redhat's 2.6.9. Could that be the issue?


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[issue12576] urlib.request fails to open some sites

2011-07-18 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo

nosy: +eric.araujo

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