Ten rules to becoming a Python community member.

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick

Follow these simply rules to become an accepted member of the Python

1. Bash rantingrick and Xah Lee every chance you get.

2. Bash people who bash rick or xah because their basing made rick's
or xah's words pass through your spam filter.

3. Post links to xkcd as often as you can. Don't worry if they have
been posted a thousand times, just post them because it equals "geek
cool points".

4. When the chance presents itself, make snide comments about lisp and
perl; but NEVER about Ruby! (even though Ruby is Perl's micro

5. Use fancy words like "tail recursion", just because you read about
it on Guido's blog once (even if you have no idea what that means)!

6. Engage in heated and pointless discussions as to whether Python is
"pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value" even if you have no idea what
the hell you are talking about.

7. Play devils advocate often e.g., If someone hates Tkinter: then
argue how great Tkinter is regardless of how much you actually care,
use, or know about the module. Likewise if someone likes Tkinter: then
argue how terrible Tkinter is and how Python does not need any GUI
library; again, regardless of how much you actually care, use, or know
about the module.

8. Use "e.g." as many times as you can! (e.g. e.g.) If you use "e.g."
more than ten times in a single post, you will get an invite to
Guido's next birthday party; where you'll be forced to do shots whist
walking the balcony railing wearing wooden shoes!

9. Never use the word "previously" or the phrase "in the past"; just
dumb it down with "used to".

10. Finally, if you get caught using the word "that" incredibly
excessively, just hope that nobody notices that that that you are
really GvR in disguise.


Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread MrPink
I found this solution.

Python: Convert String Date to Date Object

On Aug 13, 3:14 pm, MrPink  wrote:
> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
> I only have dates and no time.
> import time, datetime
> oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
> print oDate
> Thanks,


Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick
On Aug 12, 4:06 pm, Seebs  wrote:
> On 2011-08-12, Chris Angelico  wrote:
> > Why is left-to-right inherently more logical than
> > multiplication-before-addition?
> I'd say it's certainly "more Pythonic in a vacuum".
> Multiplication-before-addition, and all the related rules, require
> you to know a lot of special rules which are not visible in the
> code, and many of which have no real logical basis.  Left-to-right
> is, if nothing else, the way the majority of us read.
> The problem is that since everyone's used precedence before, not using
> it violates the principle of least astonishment.

And repeatedly propagating a foolish consistency is well, FOOLISH!

This problem invades every aspect of technology. Who was the idiot
that decided it was okay to close SOME html tag and NOT close others?
Since HTML is made to be read by machines why the hell would someone
knowingly induce disorder? Which then leads to needing more logic to

But even more insane is why HTML has been allowed to be so disorderly
for so long. Where is the need to be consistent? I tell you how to
solve this, you solve it with plagues. Plagues of syntax errors will
teach the unrighteous the err of their ways.

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick
On Aug 12, 7:39 pm, Seebs  wrote:

> Consider the hypothetical array syntax:
>         a = [
>             1,
>             2
>         b = [
>             3,
>             4
> This *bugs* me.  It's perfectly legible, and if you define it that way, it's
> unambiguous and everything, but... It bugs me.  I want beginnings to have
> an actual corresponding end.

It "almost" seems as if you have a valid point here until you consider
that conditionals and blocks are ridged structures that must be
defined under a strict set of syntactical rules with keywords and
indentation. Whereas the list, dict, set, and tuple absolutely MUST
have an explicit beginning AND an explicit end due to their free-form
nature. You could create some strict rules for defining "X-literals"
and remove any need for start and end tags however i see no need to do

Data issues with Django and Apache

2011-08-13 Thread John Gordon
I'm devleoping a website using the Django framework along with Apache,
and I'm seeing some odd data issues.

During the course of navigating through the website content, a user
will cause the creation of some data records with a limited lifespan.
These data records have a create_dt field which is automatically set to
the time that they were created, and an expire_dt field which is equal
to create_dt plus ten minutes.

The problem is that I get conflicting results as to whether these temporary
records have reached their expiration date, depending if I search for them
via an Apache web call or if I do the search locally from a python shell.

And to make it weirder, the conflicts go away if I stop and restart the
Apache server, although any new records created after this point will still
exhibit the issue.

Are there any known "gotchas" when using Django with Apache?  It almost
seems like Apache is maintaining its own persistent session or something,
and restarting Apache causes the session to be flushed.

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick
On Aug 12, 7:39 pm, Seebs  wrote:

> I was overjoyed when I saw that Ruby would let me write 1_048_576.

I'll have to admit that Ruby has a few very interesting ideas, this
being one of them. We all know how impossible it can be to eyeball
parse a very long number like this. Having the interpretor ignore
underscores in a number was very wise indeed!

However i really hate the fact that Ruby FORCES you to use OOP. I LOVE
OOP, however there are times when you just don't need that level of
machinery to solve a problem. A good example is when scripting an API.
Most times all you need is a few module level procedures and some
simple logic. Try that with Ruby, then try that with Python, you'll be
switching to Python in no time!

PS: And before any Matz lovers start complaining: Yes, i know you can
do procedural programming with ruby HOWEVER it suffers many pitfall
due to (1) Ruby's scoping issues and (2) Ruby's explicit module
declaration (which is more indirect than the first).


Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick
On Aug 12, 7:39 pm, Seebs  wrote:

> Well, that's the thing.
> In a case like:
>         if foo:
>                 if bar:
>                         blah
>         blah
> I notice that *NOTHING* lines up with "if bar:".  And that affects me
> about the way unmatched brackets do.

For me, i believe it was a grave mistake to allow "user defined
indention" within a python module. Not only that, but allowing
indentation to be inconsistent (within the same module) not only
worse, it's insane!

I could have "slightly" understood giving people a choice of how many
indents to use however i cannot fathom the idiocy of allowing
inconsistent indentation within the same module! Although GvR is no
doubt a brilliant mind he keeps making the same mistakes over and over
again in the name of muti-stylism. ¡Ay, caramba!

Not that i find it *impossible* to read inconsistent indentation mind
you, but that i find it blasphemous to the name of consistency.
Programming languages MUST be consistent. Python should allow one and
only one obvious way to indent a block; whether it be by a single tab
char or by four spaces i don't care! But for crikey's sake pick one of
them and stick with it!!!

Re: allow line break at operators

2011-08-13 Thread rantingrick
On Aug 12, 5:03 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> Responding to Rick's standard {EDIT} posts
> is like wrestling with a {EDIT}
> [...]
> Save yourself a lot of aggravation and kill-file him now.

Kindly allow Walter E. Kurtz to shine some light on this situation:

""" Pig after pig, cow after cow, village after village, army after
army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the
assassins accuse the assassin? They lie.. they lie and we have to be
merciful for those who lie. Those nabobs. I hate them. How I hate

Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread Roy Smith
In article 
 MrPink  wrote:

> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
> I only have dates and no time.

You have already received a number of good replies, but let me throw out 
one more idea.  If you ever need to do something with dates and times 
which the standard datetime module can't handle, take a look at the 
excellent dateutil module by Gustavo Niemeyer 

Re: Relative import from script with same name as package

2011-08-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:55 AM, OKB (not okblacke)
> sys.path = sys.path[1:] + ['']
> (That is, move the current directory to the end of the search path
> instead of the beginning.)

Or, equivalently:



Re: Relative import from script with same name as package

2011-08-13 Thread OKB (not okblacke)
OKB (not okblacke) wrote:

>  But why?  That __future__ import is supposed to make
>  absolute 
> imports the default, so why is "import thetest" importing
> thetest.py instead of the package called thetest?  The absolute
> import should make it look in sys.path first and not try to import
> from the script directory, right?
>  If I change the outer directory name and change the code
>  in 
> thetest.py to match, it works fine.  But I shouldn't have to do
> this.  How can I get relative imports to work correctly when
> running a script whose filename is the same as that of the
> directory (and thus the package) in which it resides?

After a bit more googling I discovered the answer here: 

The deal is that sys.path by default has the empty string as the 
first element, which tells Python to look first in the directory of the 
script being executed.  This is unfortunate, but can worked around this 

import sys
sys.path = sys.path[1:] + ['']

(That is, move the current directory to the end of the search path 
instead of the beginning.)

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail."
--author unknown

Relative import from script with same name as package

2011-08-13 Thread OKB (not okblacke)
I'm using Python 2.6.5.  I have a directory structure like this:


__init__.py is an empty file.  theother.py contains a function foo().  
The package is accessible from sys.path, so that if I open the 
interpreter and do "import thetest" or "from thetest import thetest" or 
"import thetest.thetest", it works fine.

Inside thetest.py I have code like this:

from __future__ import absolute_import

if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None:
import thetest
__package__ = "thetest"

from .theother import foo

Note that I need the "import thetest" line to avoid a "parent 
module not loaded" error, as described here: 

If I run foo.py directly, I receive a traceback like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\...\thetest\thetest.py", line 4, in 
import thetest
  File "C:\...\thetest\thetest.py", line 11, in 
from .theother import foo
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package

It appears that Python is reading "import thetest" as importing 
thetest.py (the same file that is currently being run).  When it tries 
to run that file a second time, the relative import fails.

But why?  That __future__ import is supposed to make absolute 
imports the default, so why is "import thetest" importing thetest.py 
instead of the package called thetest?  The absolute import should make 
it look in sys.path first and not try to import from the script 
directory, right?

If I change the outer directory name and change the code in 
thetest.py to match, it works fine.  But I shouldn't have to do this.  
How can I get relative imports to work correctly when running a script 
whose filename is the same as that of the directory (and thus the 
package) in which it resides?

--OKB (not okblacke)
Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is
no path, and leave a trail."
--author unknown

Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread MrPink
BTW, here is the Python version I'm using.
Will this make a difference with the solutions you guys provided?

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin

Also, what editor do you guys use?
There are so many to chose from.

On Aug 13, 4:11 pm, Rafael Durán Castañeda
> You can use datetime objects:
>  >>> dt1 = datetime.datetime.strptime('07/27/2011',"%m/%d/%Y")
>  >>> dt2 =datetime.datetime.strptime('07/28/2011',"%m/%d/%Y")
>  >>> dt1 == dt2
> False
>  >>> dt1 > dt2
> False
>  >>> dt1 < dt2
> True
>  >>> dt1 - dt2
> datetime.timedelta(-1)
> On 13/08/11 21:26, MrPink wrote:
> > I have file of records delimited by spaces.
> > I need to import the date string and convert them into date datatypes.
> > '07/27/2011' 'Event 1 Description'
> > '07/28/2011' 'Event 2 Description'
> > '07/29/2011' 'Event 3 Description'
> > I just discovered that my oDate is not an object, but a structure and
> > not a date datatype.
> > I'm stumped.  Is there a way to convert a string into a date datatype
> > for comparisons, equality, etc?
> > Thanks,
> > On Aug 13, 3:14 pm, MrPink  wrote:
> >> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
> >> I only have dates and no time.
> >> import time, datetime
> >> oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
> >> print oDate
> >> Thanks,


Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread Peter Otten
MrPink wrote:

> I have file of records delimited by spaces.
> I need to import the date string and convert them into date datatypes.
> '07/27/2011' 'Event 1 Description'
> '07/28/2011' 'Event 2 Description'
> '07/29/2011' 'Event 3 Description'
> I just discovered that my oDate is not an object, but a structure and
> not a date datatype.
> I'm stumped.  Is there a way to convert a string into a date datatype
> for comparisons, equality, etc?
> Thanks,
> On Aug 13, 3:14 pm, MrPink  wrote:
>> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
>> I only have dates and no time.
>> import time, datetime

That looks like a fifty-percent chance to try the "wrong" module ;)

>> oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
>> print oDate

>>> import datetime as dt
>>> d = dt.date.strptime("07/27/2011", "%m/%d/%Y")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.date' has no attribute 'strptime'

So you cannot construct a date from a date string either. 
One more time:

>>> d = dt.datetime.strptime("07/27/2011", "%m/%d/%Y")
>>> d
datetime.datetime(2011, 7, 27, 0, 0)
>>> d.date()
datetime.date(2011, 7, 27)

$ cat csv_dates.csv
'07/27/2011' 'Event 1 Description'
'07/28/2011' 'Event 2 Description'
'07/29/2011' 'Event 3 Description'
$ cat csv_dates.py
import datetime
import csv

def rows(instream):
for row in csv.reader(instream, delimiter=" ", quotechar="'"):
row[0] = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[0], '%m/%d/%Y').date()
yield row

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
filename  = sys.argv[1]

with open(filename, "rb") as instream:
for row in rows(instream):
print row
$ python csv_dates.py csv_dates.csv
[datetime.date(2011, 7, 27), 'Event 1 Description']
[datetime.date(2011, 7, 28), 'Event 2 Description']
[datetime.date(2011, 7, 29), 'Event 3 Description']


Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread Rafael Durán Castañeda

You can use datetime objects:

>>> dt1 = datetime.datetime.strptime('07/27/2011',"%m/%d/%Y")
>>> dt2 =datetime.datetime.strptime('07/28/2011',"%m/%d/%Y")
>>> dt1 == dt2
>>> dt1 > dt2
>>> dt1 < dt2
>>> dt1 - dt2

On 13/08/11 21:26, MrPink wrote:

I have file of records delimited by spaces.
I need to import the date string and convert them into date datatypes.

'07/27/2011' 'Event 1 Description'
'07/28/2011' 'Event 2 Description'
'07/29/2011' 'Event 3 Description'

I just discovered that my oDate is not an object, but a structure and
not a date datatype.
I'm stumped.  Is there a way to convert a string into a date datatype
for comparisons, equality, etc?


On Aug 13, 3:14 pm, MrPink  wrote:

Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
I only have dates and no time.

import time, datetime

oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
print oDate



Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 12:14 PM, MrPink  wrote:
> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
> I only have dates and no time.
> import time, datetime
> oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
> print oDate

from datetime import datetime
the_date = datetime.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y').date()


Re: How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread MrPink
I have file of records delimited by spaces.
I need to import the date string and convert them into date datatypes.

'07/27/2011' 'Event 1 Description'
'07/28/2011' 'Event 2 Description'
'07/29/2011' 'Event 3 Description'

I just discovered that my oDate is not an object, but a structure and
not a date datatype.
I'm stumped.  Is there a way to convert a string into a date datatype
for comparisons, equality, etc?


On Aug 13, 3:14 pm, MrPink  wrote:
> Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
> I only have dates and no time.
> import time, datetime
> oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
> print oDate
> Thanks,


How do I convert String into Date object

2011-08-13 Thread MrPink
Is this the correct way to convert a String into a Date?
I only have dates and no time.

import time, datetime

oDate = time.strptime('07/27/2011', '%m/%d/%Y')
print oDate


Re: Dialog boxes in curses

2011-08-13 Thread fab

Thanks all for your suggestions, I'll look into them.

See you.

F. Delente

Re: Dialog boxes in curses

2011-08-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* f...@slick.airforce-one.org (13 Aug 2011 15:21:01 GMT)
> I want to have dialog boxes (a message with Yes/No/Cancel options,
> possibly with keyboard accels) in python + curses.

Use Python Dialog[1] which is basically a wrapper for dialog boxes 
around ncurses.

[1] http://pythondialog.sourceforge.net/

Re: Dialog boxes in curses

2011-08-13 Thread Nicholas Cole
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Irmen de Jong  wrote:
> On 13-8-2011 17:21, f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I've googled for hints but I didn't find anything, I hope it's not an
>> RTFM question :^)
>> I want to have dialog boxes (a message with Yes/No/Cancel options,
>> possibly with keyboard accels) in python + curses.
>> Does anyone have a pointer to docs about this?
>> Thanks!

Or have a look at code.google.com/p/npyscreen


Re: Dialog boxes in curses

2011-08-13 Thread Irmen de Jong
On 13-8-2011 17:21, f...@slick.airforce-one.org wrote:
> Hello.
> I've googled for hints but I didn't find anything, I hope it's not an
> RTFM question :^)
> I want to have dialog boxes (a message with Yes/No/Cancel options,
> possibly with keyboard accels) in python + curses.
> Does anyone have a pointer to docs about this?
> Thanks!

Have you considered using Urwid instead? http://excess.org/urwid/



Dialog boxes in curses

2011-08-13 Thread fab

I've googled for hints but I didn't find anything, I hope it's not an
RTFM question :^)

I want to have dialog boxes (a message with Yes/No/Cancel options,
possibly with keyboard accels) in python + curses.

Does anyone have a pointer to docs about this?


F. Delente

Re: Java is killing me! (AKA: Java for Pythonheads?)

2011-08-13 Thread rav
On Aug 12, 1:35 pm, MRAB  wrote:
> On 12/08/2011 18:02, kj wrote:
> > *Please* forgive me for asking a Java question in a Python forum.
> > My only excuse for this no-no is that a Python forum is more likely
> > than a Java one to have among its readers those who have had to
> > deal with the same problems I'm wrestling with.
> > Due to my job, I have to port some Python code to Java, and write
> > tests for the ported code.  (Yes, I've considered finding myself
> > another job, but this is not an option in the immediate future.)
> > What's giving me the hardest time is that the original Python code
> > uses a lot of functions with optional arguments (as is natural to
> > do in Python).
> > As far as I can tell (admittedly I'm no Java expert, and have not
> > programmed in it since 2001), to implement a Java method with n
> > optional arguments, one needs at least 2**n method definitions.
> > Even if all but one of these definitions are simple wrappers that
> > call the one that does all the work, it's still a lot of code to
> > wade through, for nothing.
> > That's bad enough, but even worse is writing the unit tests for
> > the resulting mountain of fluffCode.  I find myself writing test
> > classes whose constructors also require 2**n definitions, one for
> > each form of the function to be tested...
> > I ask myself, how does the journeyman Python programmer cope with
> > such nonsense?
> > For the sake of concreteness, consider the following run-of-the-mill
> > Python function of 3 arguments (the first argument, xs, is expected
> > to be either a float or a sequence of floats; the second and third
> > arguments, an int and a float, are optional):
> >     def quant(xs, nlevels=MAXN, xlim=MAXX):
> >          if not hasattr(xs, '__iter__'):
> >              return spam((xs,), n, xlim)[0]
> >          if _bad_quant_args(xs, nlevels, xlim):
> >              raise TypeError("invalid arguments")
> >          retval = []
> >          for x in xs:
> >              # ...
> >              # elaborate acrobatics that set y
> >              # ...
> >              retval.append(y)
> >          return retval
> > My Java implementation of it already requires at least 8 method
> > definitions, with signatures:
> [snip]
> I would declare:
>       short[] quant (float[], int    , float)
>       short   quant (Float  , Integer, Float)
> and see how it goes.
> "float" and "int" should be boxed to "Float" and "Integer"
> automatically.
> If the second and third arguments are frequently the default, then I
> would also declare:
>       short[] quant (float[])
>       short   quant (Float  )

This seems to be a very good solution but I would replace basic types
with wrappers

short[] quant (float[], Integer, Float)
short   quant (Float  , Integer, Float)

When you implement those two methods (where you need to check if
Integer, Float are not null) then you can define two more methods:

short[] quant (float[]) {
return  quant (float[], null, null);

short quant (float) {
return  quant (float, null, null);

That gives you 2 methods for unit testing.

Re: thread and process

2011-08-13 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, 守株待兔 wrote:

please see my code:
import os
import  threading
print  threading.currentThread()
print "i am parent ",os.getpid()
ret  =  os.fork()
print  "i am here",os.getpid()
print  threading.currentThread()
if  ret  ==  0:
  print  threading.currentThread()
 print  threading.currentThread()

print "i am runing,who am i? ",os.getpid(),threading.currentThread()

the output is:
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am parent  13495
i am here 13495
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am here 13496
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am runing,who am i?  13496<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am runing,who am i?  13495<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
it is so strange that  two  different  processes  use one  mainthread!!
Why would you figure that it's the same thread?  You're just looking at 
the ID of the thread object in each process, and ID's have no promise of 
being unique between different processes, nor between multiple runs of 
the same program.   In CPython, the id is actually an address, and each 
process has its own address space.  The addresses happen to be the same 
because the main thread was created before you forked.



Re: thread and process

2011-08-13 Thread Carl Banks
On Saturday, August 13, 2011 2:09:55 AM UTC-7, 守株待兔 wrote:
> please see my code:
> import os
> import  threading
> print  threading.currentThread()  
> print "i am parent ",os.getpid()
> ret  =  os.fork()
> print  "i am here",os.getpid()
> print  threading.currentThread()
> if  ret  ==  0:
>  print  threading.currentThread()
> else:
>     os.wait()
>     print  threading.currentThread()
> print "i am runing,who am i? 
> ",os.getpid(),threading.currentThread()
> the output is:
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am parent  13495
> i am here 13495
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am here 13496
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am runing,who am i?  13496 <_MainThread(MainThread, started 
> -1216477504)>
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am runing,who am i?  13495 <_MainThread(MainThread, started 
> -1216477504)>
> it is so strange that  two  different  processes  use one  mainthread!!

They don't use one main thread; it's just that each process's main thread has 
the same name.  Which makes sense: when you fork a process all the data in the 
process has to remain valid in both parent and child, so any pointers would 
have to have the same value (and the -1216477504 happens to be the value of 
that pointer cast to an int).

Carl Banks

Re: generate and send mail with python: tutorial

2011-08-13 Thread aspineux
On Aug 13, 3:00 am, Ben Finney  wrote:
> Ben Finney  writes:
> > What is the process if the OP, or someone to whom the OP delegates
> > authority, wants to [contribute their work to the Python
> > documentation]?
> The answer is partly at http://docs.python.org/documenting/>:
>     If you’re interested in contributing to Python’s documentation […]
>     Send an e-mail to d...@python.org or open an issue on the tracker.
> One should, before doing so, follow the above document on the
> documentation style conventions for Python.

I'm using python for long now, and just discovered these HowTo today :-
I don't thing rewriting these articles  into another format
will improve the "message". I will not rewrite them.

You are free to do it, just keep my name as the original author.
I have no other original source than the HTML one you can have on my

I appreciate your interest for my work.

I think to put all the sources together to create a library.
I thing about the name of pyezmail for "python easy mail".
Any comment ?


> --
>  \      “Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whosoever procures |
>   `\        it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and |
> _o__)                                      happy purchase.” —J. Balguy |
> Ben Finney


Re: thread and process

2011-08-13 Thread aspineux
On Aug 13, 11:09 am, "守株待兔" <1248283...@qq.com> wrote:
> please see my code:
> import os
> import  threading
> print  threading.currentThread()  
> print "i am parent ",os.getpid()
> ret  =  os.fork()
> print  "i am here",os.getpid()
> print  threading.currentThread()
> if  ret  ==  0:
>  print  threading.currentThread()
> else:
> os.wait()
> print  threading.currentThread()
> print "i am runing,who am i? ",os.getpid(),threading.currentThread()
> the output is:
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am parent  13495
> i am here 13495
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am here 13496
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am runing,who am i?  13496 <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> i am runing,who am i?  13495 <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
> it is so strange that  two  different  processes  use one  mainthread!!

You should not mix thread and fork.

Some hint :

You put your "import threading" before your fork(), then data
initialized by the import
are the same in the two process then it display the same, this is like

print a

second I thing -1216477504 has no meaning, this is not a system thread
ID but just an ID generated by python
I think they must be unique inside a process but not cross process.
Then 2 process can have the same python thread ID.

If you have to mix thread and fork try to find some hints from
Something like don't fork a process that already has tread(),
or try to keep all your threads inside the same process ...



thread and process

2011-08-13 Thread 守株待兔
please see my code:
import os
import  threading
print  threading.currentThread()  
print "i am parent ",os.getpid()
ret  =  os.fork()
print  "i am here",os.getpid()
print  threading.currentThread()
if  ret  ==  0:
 print  threading.currentThread()
print  threading.currentThread()

print "i am runing,who am i? ",os.getpid(),threading.currentThread()

the output is:
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am parent  13495
i am here 13495
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am here 13496
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am runing,who am i?  13496 <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
<_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
i am runing,who am i?  13495 <_MainThread(MainThread, started -1216477504)>
it is so strange that  two  different  processes  use one  mainthread!!-- 