Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Benjamin Schollnick
 One thing we do in our Makefiles is find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm.
 It avoids all sorts of nasty and hard to track down bugs (consider what
 happens if you move a .py file from one place in your source tree to
 another and leave the old .pyc behind).
 How often do you move files around in the source tree? Meanwhile, *every* 
 time you run make, you take a performance hit on every Python module in 
 your project, whether it has moved or not.
 Seems to me like a fairly heavy-handed response for something quite rare, 
 but I suppose that depends on how often you run make.

If the performance hit doesn't really matter.  

Then simply walk the build tree, compare time date stamps, anything that 
doesn't match up in the make directory, gets deleted.  Anything that has 
different Date Created / Date Modified time from the build tree match, get's 

This way, we are preserving any files that should be identical.  But there 
should be some mechanism documented to forcibly clear the build cache.

- Benjamin


Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/13/2013 12:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 20:06:35 -0500, Roy Smith wrote:

One thing we do in our Makefiles is find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm.
It avoids all sorts of nasty and hard to track down bugs (consider what
happens if you move a .py file from one place in your source tree to
another and leave the old .pyc behind).

How often do you move files around in the source tree? Meanwhile, *every*
time you run make, you take a performance hit on every Python module in
your project, whether it has moved or not.

Seems to me like a fairly heavy-handed response for something quite rare,
but I suppose that depends on how often you run make.

That's why I assumed that his command was triggered by the make clean 


Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Roy Smith
In article 511b2a7c$0$11096$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 20:06:35 -0500, Roy Smith wrote:
  One thing we do in our Makefiles is find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm.
  It avoids all sorts of nasty and hard to track down bugs (consider what
  happens if you move a .py file from one place in your source tree to
  another and leave the old .pyc behind).
 How often do you move files around in the source tree?

It has happened enough times to make us look for a solution.  Which 
means more than once.

 Meanwhile, *every* time you run make, you take a performance hit on 
 every Python module in your project, whether it has moved or not.

The performance hit is minimal.  The hours of tearing out your hair 
trying to figure out why bizarre things are happening is not.

Another solution would be if there was a flag you could give to Python 
to tell it, Only import a .pyc if the corresponding .py file exists.  
It's already checking to see if the .py is newer, so this wouldn't even 
cost anything.

Re: Monitoring updating directory for image for GUI

2013-02-13 Thread Piet van Oostrum writes:

 WOW...I am thinking that all of this was actually unnecessary, I don't think 
 I need a Queue, or List / Stack, or any traversal of the file system to 
 accomplish this!!

 I only need one image displayed at a time and don't care about them
 after a newer image is generated. So my prototype of just replacing
 the image over and over again SHOULD suffice. All I need the for the
 monitor now is to grab the image file (that might have or might not
 have been updated by Lilypond) at set amount of times and refresh the
 GtkImage object.

 The only reason why I originally suggested using multiple files was
 because I wanted to make sure that I had to most recent image and I
 was not sure if the threads would guarantee that. So my only remaining
 question (for now) is...

 I'm I guaranteed that if I have threads 1...n, that were all started
 in **quick** succession to call an OS command on Lilypond, that if I
 replaced the image file being generated with the completion of each
 thread that I would end up with the final image being from thread
 n...and that if I were able to update the GUI in a fast enough
 fashion, that I would see the images being displayed on the screen
 from 1 to n without anything being out of place?

No, I don't think so. You have no guarantee that the images will be
completed in the same order as the threads are started.

 All of my tests have shown that seems to be a reasonable assumption,
 but I need to know for sure. If that was the case were I am not
 guaranteed that, then when a user decides to stop the stream I could
 resend the note stream that I have saved on my end to Lilypond one
 last time to guarantee that all of the notes are displayed.

 So I would only create one image location at images\sheetMusic.png
 and that file would be continuously updated as new notes are streamed
 in. My monitor class (might be a legacy component now) would
 basically look for that one image - images\sheetMusic.png, grab it,
 and update the GUI at an interval that is easy on the eyes (maybe a
 half second for example).

It could very well be that the image is being constructed and therefore does 
not yet contain a complete image when you want to display it.

 Could there be a problem where the image is being updated, so the OS
 deletes the image, and my program tries to update the image but cannot
 find it, and the OS reassigns that file location to that previous file
 location and name?

Maybe it can find it, but it might not be a valid image

 Let me know what you thing or if anything is confusing you.
 Thanks for the comments so far!

I think the way I described it in my previous message  still gives you the 
easiest solution:
I'll repeat it here in case you missed it.

I suppose you have two threads, one for producing the music by calling
Lilypond, and one for displaying the generated images. Because it is
multithreaded you should use a Queue from the module
Queue(Python2)/queue(Python3) to communicate between the threads.

Producing thread:
  send note to Lilypond
  wait until PNG file is generated (Lilypond completed)

Displaying thread:
  while True:
fn = Q.get() # this will block until a filename is available
# now check if there is more in the queue
while True:
fn = Q.get_nowait
# here we got a newer one
  except Empty:
break # stop the inner loop
display the image in fn.

In this way you always display the most recent one.
You can make it more sophisticated by removing files that have been
displayed and files that you skip.

Piet van Oostrum
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:58:46 AM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:15:29 AM UTC-6, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
  *buggy* exception handler:
  def getitem(items, index):
  # One-based indexing.
  return items[index-1]
  except IndexError:
  print (Item at index %d is missing % index - 1)  # Oops!
  Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
  block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
  original exception is lost:
  py getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5)  # Python 2.6
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
File stdin, line 6, in getitem
  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'
  Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear to me.
 No, the offending (not offensive) line is return items[index-1],
 which doesn't feature in your traceback at all. 

Do you realize that you are quoting DeAprano and not me? Whether you realize 
this fact or not, consider the next two questions.

  Q1: How could a line in the try block ever be considered
  offensive? Because it throws an error? Are you serious?
  Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as
  a feature of the traceback when the whole intent of
  exception handling is to hide the error in the try
  block! If you want to raise the exception in the try block
  then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
  block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except
  in the first damn place!?

Man, you and DeAprano must be cut from the same block; or more correctly, 
carved by the same shaky hand of a creator suffering the late-stage effects of 
Alzheimers disease.

 It DOES, however,
 feature in the Py3.1 double traceback (it's listed as line 4)..
  1. You are using the print function (so we can assume you are using Python 
 He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
 argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
 I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
 2/3 bi-compatible code.


Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis (in some 
foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that would mean i should 
add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list of abominations. The proper 
method of using a forward compatible print function is by /importing/ the 

   from future import print_function

 No. Definitely not. Percent interpolation isn't going anywhere - core 
 devs have said so - and there are many occasions when it is at least
 as well suited to the task as .format() is. 

In other words: Screw consistency and to hell with the zen?

 Also, it's a notation
 that's well understood *across languages* and in a variety of message
 interpolation systems. Anyone who's worked with *any* of them will
 understand that %s inserts a string, %d a number (in decimal), etc,

Oh yes, because indexing the list of arguments in the format method is SO much 
more overhead! Heck, Python=2.7 (read the docs for exact release number) will 
allow you to implicitly pass the index:

print {} is one more than {}.format(five, four) # 3.something equivalent to:

print {0} is one more than {1}.format(five, four)

...but what about when you need to substitute the /same/ substring in more than 
one location? Using the old nasty interpolation you are foced to write this:

print Chris is a %s who is very %s-ish%('troll', 'troll')

...e yuck! String.format() to the rescue!

print Chris is a {0} who is very {0}-ish.format('troll')

In fact all of these posted examples work in Python=2.7.

So the moral is: You can pass no indexes and the format method will intuit the 
indexes from their linear position in the string, or you can pass indexes and 
be explicit (plus you can reference a value more than once!), or you can choose 
one of the many other great options available of the format method.

 etc. Granted, the exact details after that may change (eg Python has
 %r to emit the representation, while Pike uses %O for any object,
 with similar notation), but the format specifiers and modifiers that
 came from C are fairly stable, readable, and compact.

The fact is that str.format(args) beats the pants off string interpolation 
any day and anybody arguing for keeping string interpolation is not thinking 
clearly (especially when they first claim consistency between languages and 
them expose that claim as a lie) and is also anti-pythonic! To continue to 
propagate foolish language designs simply because other people have been 
brainwashed by them is, well, foolish. Would you propagate propaganda using the 
same excuse?


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:14:34 AM UTC-6, Rick Johnson wrote:
 The proper method of using a forward compatible print
 function is by /importing/ the feature.
from future import print_function

Urm... of course the proper /PROPER/ way would be to NOT throw an import error! 

from __future__ import print_function


Re: string.replace doesn't removes :

2013-02-13 Thread Rick Johnson
On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:10:14 AM UTC-6, jmfauth wrote:

  d = {ord('a'): 'A', ord('b'): '2', ord('c'): 'C'}
  def jmTranslate(s, table):
 ... table = {ord(k):table[k] for k in table}
 ... return s.translate(table)
  d = {'a': 'A', 'b': '2', 'c': 'C'}
  jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
  d = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None}
  jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
  d = {'a': '€', 'b': '', 'c': ''}
  jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)

[quip] I just really prefer a cryptic solution to a problem when a simplistic 
and consistent approach would suffice.[/quip] TO HELL WITH THE ZEN!

Beautiful is better than ugly.

Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex.

Sparse is better than dense.

Readability counts.

Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

Re: string.replace doesn't removes :

2013-02-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/02/2013 16:34, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:10:14 AM UTC-6, jmfauth wrote:

d = {ord('a'): 'A', ord('b'): '2', ord('c'): 'C'}


def jmTranslate(s, table):

... table = {ord(k):table[k] for k in table}
... return s.translate(table)

d = {'a': 'A', 'b': '2', 'c': 'C'}
jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)


d = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None}
jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)


d = {'a': '€', 'b': '', 'c': ''}
jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)


[quip] I just really prefer a cryptic solution to a problem when a simplistic 
and consistent approach would suffice.[/quip] TO HELL WITH THE ZEN!

Beautiful is better than ugly.

Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex.

Sparse is better than dense.

Readability counts.

Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

jmf and rr in combination reminded me of this.  I hope you all get my 
drift :)


Mark Lawrence


Re: string.replace doesn't removes :

2013-02-13 Thread Walter Hurry
On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:55:36 +, Mark Lawrence wrote:

 On 13/02/2013 16:34, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:10:14 AM UTC-6, jmfauth wrote:

 d = {ord('a'): 'A', ord('b'): '2', ord('c'): 'C'}

 def jmTranslate(s, table):
 ... table = {ord(k):table[k] for k in table}
 ... return s.translate(table)
 d = {'a': 'A', 'b': '2', 'c': 'C'}
 jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
 d = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None}
 jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
 d = {'a': '€', 'b': '', 'c': ''}
 jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)

 [quip] I just really prefer a cryptic solution to a problem when a
 simplistic and consistent approach would suffice.[/quip] TO HELL WITH

 Beautiful is better than ugly.

 Explicit is better than implicit.

 Simple is better than complex.

 Sparse is better than dense.

 Readability counts.

 Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

 In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

 There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

 If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

 If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

 jmf and rr in combination reminded me of this.  I hope you all get my
 drift :)

10-4, good buddy.

Suggested feature: slice syntax within tuples (or even more generally)?

2013-02-13 Thread stephenwlin

Would it be feasible to modify the Python grammar to allow ':' to generate 
slice objects everywhere rather than just indexers and top-level tuples of 

Right now in Py2.7, Py3.3:
obj[:,2] yields obj[slice(None),2]
obj[(:,1),2] is an error, instead of obj[(slice(None), 1), 2]

Also, more generally, you could imagine this working in (almost?) any 
expression without ambiguity:
a = (1:2) could yield a = slice(1,2)

See motivating discussion for this at:

There might not be very many use cases for this currently outside of pandas, 
but apparently the grammar was already modified to allow '...' outside indexers 
and there's probably even fewer valid use cases for that:
e = ... yields e = Ellipsis

Would there be any downside to changing the handling of ':' as well? It might 
even make the grammar simpler, in some ways, since indexers won't have to be 
treated specially.

Let me know if you have any thoughts.


Simulate Keyboard keypress Delay

2013-02-13 Thread DaGeek247
I am using the windows api feature getasynckeystate() to check the status of 
every key pressed; like this;

#always checking
#iterate through list of ascii codes
for num in range(0,127):
#if ascii code key is being pressed
if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
#do stuff

This works great, almost. The issue that comes up now is that every time i 
press a key, the code grabs two or three key presses.

So i tried making sure that repeated keys weren't pressed repeatedly;

#always checking
#iterate through list of ascii codes
for num in range(0,127):
#if ascii code key is being pressed
if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
if oldkeychar == num:
#don't do stuff
#do stuff

this works great, but It won't record stuff like 'look' or 'suffer' because it 
doesn't record repeated keys. So I try doing a delay instead;

#always checking
#iterate through list of ascii codes
for num in range(0,127):
#if ascii code key is being pressed
if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
if oldkeychar == num:
if crrenttime  (time.time() - .5)
#do stuff because key has been repeated, but not because it 
was held down
#don't do stuff because key is pressed to soon
#do stuff because key is not repeated
currenttime = time.time()

this almost works, but I end recording some double keypresses, and missing 
others. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Help understanding import error

2013-02-13 Thread ctoomey
I'm using TortoiseHg on Windows, which is implemented in python and includes 
python (2.7.3) as dlls and a bunch of python modules bunded into a 
file.  I'm trying to use an extension whose does the following 

from distutils.version import LooseVersion

and am getting the error message *** failed to import extension reviewboard 
from C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\reviewboard: No module named version

The thing I don't get is that the file contains 
distutils\version.pyo and looking at the text in that it does contain 
LooseVersion.  Also, many other library modules are imported and used without 
problem, and this extension works fine on my Linux box.

Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?


Re: string.replace doesn't removes :

2013-02-13 Thread 88888 Dihedral
Rick Johnson於 2013年2月14日星期四UTC+8上午12時34分11秒寫道:
 On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:10:14 AM UTC-6, jmfauth wrote:
   d = {ord('a'): 'A', ord('b'): '2', ord('c'): 'C'}
   def jmTranslate(s, table):
  ... table = {ord(k):table[k] for k in table}
  ... return s.translate(table)
   d = {'a': 'A', 'b': '2', 'c': 'C'}
   jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
   d = {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': None}
   jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
   d = {'a': '€', 'b': '', 'c': ''}
   jmTranslate('abcdefgabc', d)
In python the variables of value types, and the variables of lists and 
dictionaries are passed to functions somewhat different.

This should be noticed by any serious programmer in python.

I made a small reddit console feed with python last night

2013-02-13 Thread Jared Wright
If you would like to get a copy of it, instructions are here on Github


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 3:14 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:58:46 AM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote:
 No, the offending (not offensive) line is return items[index-1],
 which doesn't feature in your traceback at all.

 Do you realize that you are quoting DeAprano and not me? Whether you realize 
 this fact or not, consider the next two questions.

I knew who I was quoting.

   Q1: How could a line in the try block ever be considered
   offensive? Because it throws an error? Are you serious?

You're the one who said offensive. I specifically corrected you to
offending, which is the appropriate word in that situation.

   Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as
   a feature of the traceback when the whole intent of
   exception handling is to hide the error in the try
   block! If you want to raise the exception in the try block
   then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
   block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except
   in the first damn place!?

You seriously need to get into the real world and do some actual
debugging work. Here, let me give you an example of what you might
come across in the real world:

1) The program doesn't exhibit the failure symptoms until it's been
running for a couple of days.
2) Sending the program a SIGHUP influences the symptoms in peculiar ways.
3) The main symptom visible is that something that ought to have 2-3
threads actually has several hundred.
4) Your boss is paranoid about security, so the script files on the
running nodes have all been minified - no comments, no linebreaks,
short variable names, etc.
5) The exact nature of the bug depends on the interactions of up to 12
computers, all running similar code but doing different tasks.

Now tell me, what's the first thing you do? There are many right
answers to this question, but most of them involve one thing: Get more
information. Turn on verbose logging, add a monitoring wrapper, insert
output statements in various places... and make sure your exception
tracebacks give ALL the information.

 Man, you and DeAprano must be cut from the same block; or more correctly, 
 carved by the same shaky hand of a creator suffering the late-stage effects 
 of Alzheimers disease.

D'Aprano (note, that's a 39 not a 101) and I both happen to have some
real-world experience. A bit of a rough teacher, and the tuition fees
are ridiculously high, but you learn things that aren't taught
anywhere else.

 He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
 argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
 I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
 2/3 bi-compatible code.


 Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis (in 
 some foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that would mean i 
 should add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list of abominations. 
 The proper method of using a forward compatible print function is by 
 /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function

 import __future__
_Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 65536)

Which works back as far as 2.6 but that's all. Simply putting parens
around the argument works all the way back to... hmm. Further back
than I've ever had to support, but then, I only started using Python
seriously a few years ago. Steven?

 No. Definitely not. Percent interpolation isn't going anywhere - core
 devs have said so - and there are many occasions when it is at least
 as well suited to the task as .format() is.

 In other words: Screw consistency and to hell with the zen?

Percent interpolation is plenty obvious, it's simple, it's clean, and
you're welcome to hate it if you like. Doesn't bother me.

 ...but what about when you need to substitute the /same/ substring in more 
 than one location? Using the old nasty interpolation you are foced to write 

 print Chris is a %s who is very %s-ish%('troll', 'troll')

 ...e yuck! String.format() to the rescue!

 print Chris is a {0} who is very {0}-ish.format('troll')

Yeah, in Pike I'd just use %s to reuse the argument, or %[0]s to
explicitly set the index. If Python didn't have .format() and the
percent-haters like you, those features could easily be implemented.
If all you're doing is concatenating five strings, three of them
constants, there are plenty of other ways to do it; are you going to
start hating on str.format because you could use concatenation or
str.join()? Which is the one obvious way to do it?

So let's look at a more useful example. You need to tabulate some
data. For each line of output, you have a descriptive string, a
number, and a floating point value, and you want to output them like

Normal   73 105.23
Disconnected 32  14.00
Shutting down 0   0.00
Busy  31333.33

First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Hinsley

New to Python, which I really like BTW.

First serious prog. Hope you like it. I know it needs a 'can't move if 
your King would be put into check' test. But the weighted value of the 
King piece does a surprising emergent job.

#!/usr/bin/python -tt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 Chris Hinsley, GPL V3 License

import sys
import random
import os

PLY = 3


def piece_type(piece):
   return EMPTY if piece == 32 else BLACK if chr(piece) in 'KQRBNP' else WHITE

def display_board(board):
   print '  a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h'
   print '+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'
   for row in range(8):
   for col in range(8):
   sys.stdout.write('| ')
   sys.stdout.write(chr(board[row * 8 + col]))
   sys.stdout.write(' ')
   print 8 - row
   print '+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'

def piece_moves(board, index, dx, dy, capture_flag, distance):
   piece = board[index]
   type = piece_type(piece)
   cx = index % 8
   cy = index / 8
   for step in range(distance):
   nx = cx + (dx * (step + 1))
   ny = cy + (dy * (step + 1))
   if nx in range(8) and ny in range(8):
   newindex = ny * 8 + nx
   newpiece = board[newindex]
   newtype = piece_type(newpiece)
   if capture_flag == MUST_CAPTURE:
   if newtype != EMPTY and newtype != type:
   board[index] = ' '
   if (ny == 0 or ny == 7) and chr(piece) in 'Pp':
   for promote in 'QRBN' if type == BLACK else 'qrbn':
   board[newindex] = promote
   yield board
   board[newindex] = piece
   yield board
   board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece
   elif capture_flag == MAY_CAPTURE:
   if newtype == EMPTY or newtype != type:
   board[index], board[newindex] = ' ', piece
   yield board
   board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece
   elif newtype == EMPTY:
   board[index] = ' '
   if (ny == 0 or ny == 7) and chr(piece) in 'Pp':
   for promote in 'QRBN' if type == BLACK else 'qrbn':
   board[newindex] = promote
   yield board
   board[newindex] = piece
   yield board
   board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece

def pawn_moves(board, index, options):
   for x, y, flag, distance in options:
   for new_board in piece_moves(board, index, x, y, flag, distance):
   yield new_board

def other_moves(board, index, options, distance):
   for x, y in options:
   for new_board in piece_moves(board, index, x, y, MAY_CAPTURE, 

   yield new_board

def black_pawn_moves(board, index):
   distance = 2 if index in range(8, 16) else 1
   for new_board in pawn_moves(board, index, [(0, 1, NO_CAPTURE, 
distance), (-1, 1, MUST_CAPTURE, 1), (1, 1, MUST_CAPTURE, 1)]):

   yield new_board

def white_pawn_moves(board, index):
   distance = 2 if index in range(48, 56) else 1
   for new_board in pawn_moves(board, index, [(0, -1, NO_CAPTURE, 
distance), (-1, -1, MUST_CAPTURE, 1), (1, -1, MUST_CAPTURE, 1)]):

   yield new_board

def rook_moves(board, index):
   for new_board in other_moves(board, index, [(0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 
1), (1, 0)], 7):

   yield new_board

def bishop_moves(board, index):
   for new_board in other_moves(board, index, [(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 
1), (1, -1)], 7):

   yield new_board

def knight_moves(board, index):
   for new_board in other_moves(board, index, [(-2, 1), (2, -1), (2, 
1), (-1, -2), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 2)], 1):

   yield new_board

def queen_moves(board, index):
   for new_board in bishop_moves(board, index):
   yield new_board
   for new_board in rook_moves(board, index):
   yield new_board

def king_moves(board, index):
   for new_board in other_moves(board, index, [(0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 
1), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)], 1):

   yield new_board

moves = {'P' : black_pawn_moves, 'p' : white_pawn_moves, \
   'R' : rook_moves, 'r' : rook_moves, \
   'B' : bishop_moves, 'b' : bishop_moves, \
   'N' : knight_moves, 'n' : knight_moves, \
   'Q' : queen_moves, 'q' : queen_moves, \
   'K' : king_moves, 'k' : king_moves}

def all_moves(board, turn):
   for index, piece in enumerate(board):
   if piece_type(piece) == turn:
   for new_board in moves[chr(piece)](board, index):
   yield new_board

piece_values = {'K' : (100, 0), 'k' : (0, 100), \
   'P' : (1, 0), 'p' : (0, 1), \
   'N' : (3, 0), 'n' : (0, 3), \
   'B' : (3, 0), 'b' : (0, 3), \

Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-13 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 13 February 2013 23:25, Chris Hinsley wrote:
 New to Python, which I really like BTW.

Glad to hear it.

 First serious prog. Hope you like it. I know it needs a 'can't move if your
 King would be put into check' test. But the weighted value of the King piece
 does a surprising emergent job.
[SNIP program]

Your program looks good. Were you looking for feedback (I'm sure
someone would give some if so)?


Re: I made a small reddit console feed with python last night

2013-02-13 Thread Verde Denim
On 02/13/2013 04:40 PM, Jared Wright wrote:
 If you would like to get a copy of it, instructions are here on Github
What's a reddit console feed?

Re: Simulate Keyboard keypress Delay

2013-02-13 Thread 88888 Dihedral
DaGeek247於 2013年2月14日星期四UTC+8上午3時47分36秒寫道:
 I am using the windows api feature getasynckeystate() to check the status of 
 every key pressed; like this;
 #always checking
 #iterate through list of ascii codes
 for num in range(0,127):
 #if ascii code key is being pressed
 if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
 #do stuff
 This works great, almost. The issue that comes up now is that every time i 
 press a key, the code grabs two or three key presses.
 So i tried making sure that repeated keys weren't pressed repeatedly;
 #always checking
 #iterate through list of ascii codes
 for num in range(0,127):
 #if ascii code key is being pressed
 if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
 if oldkeychar == num:
 #don't do stuff
 #do stuff
 this works great, but It won't record stuff like 'look' or 'suffer' because 
 it doesn't record repeated keys. So I try doing a delay instead;
 #always checking
 #iterate through list of ascii codes
 for num in range(0,127):
 #if ascii code key is being pressed
 if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(num):
 if oldkeychar == num:
 if crrenttime  (time.time() - .5)
 #do stuff because key has been repeated, but not because 
 it was held down
 #don't do stuff because key is pressed to soon
 #do stuff because key is not repeated
 currenttime = time.time()
 this almost works, but I end recording some double keypresses, and missing 
 others. Does anybody have any suggestions?

I believe you can use the raw_input function in python.

But loop through strings ended by \r\n or \r.

Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Hinsley

On 2013-02-13 23:55:20 +, Oscar Benjamin said:

On 13 February 2013 23:25, Chris Hinsley wrote:

New to Python, which I really like BTW.

Glad to hear it.

First serious prog. Hope you like it. I know it needs a 'can't move if your
King would be put into check' test. But the weighted value of the King piece
does a surprising emergent job.

[SNIP program]

Your program looks good. Were you looking for feedback (I'm sure
someone would give some if so)?


I suppose so yes. I was just 'putting it out there' to see if it was 
interesting/useful to anyone. No doubt there are many Python features I 
could use to improve on this. First thing that occurred to me on 
deciding to try Python was the idea of Generator functions to enumerate 
all the possible moves of a Chess game, and that 'yield' would make the 
prog relatively compact.

I wish Shedskin could cope with them ! PyPy runs it OK.



Re: with numpy/scipy install

2013-02-13 Thread Rex Macey
I am sure I have python installed. I have been running it. in command line the 
window title is c:\python33\python.exe.  The first line begins Python 3.3.0. 
Later in the line is the string 64 bit AMD64] on Win32.  

Thus it appears I am trying to run a 32bit numpy with a 64bit python.  (Seems 
like a big ole 64 bit python should be able to swallow a little 32 bitty 
numpy). Is there a 64bit numpy? If not why not? Can someone get on this? 
Seriously, I'm under the impression that I need the 64 bit python because I 
have a 64 bit OS.

Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Roy Smith wrote:

 In article 511b2a7c$0$11096$,
  Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 20:06:35 -0500, Roy Smith wrote:
  One thing we do in our Makefiles is find . -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm.
  It avoids all sorts of nasty and hard to track down bugs (consider what
  happens if you move a .py file from one place in your source tree to
  another and leave the old .pyc behind).
 How often do you move files around in the source tree?
 It has happened enough times to make us look for a solution.  Which
 means more than once.

Maybe the solution is education, not a technical fix.

I've suspicious of technical fixes for developer problems, because in my
experience that strategy ends in a race to the bottom where you end up with
coding standards and procedures that assume everyone is a code monkey who
can barely spell PC. It doesn't protect the monkeys, because there is no
end to the ways they can screw up, while the competent developers suffer
under repressive, BD procedures that hinder more than help.


I prefer to keep the .pyc files, and only remove them when necessary, rather
than to remove them whether it's necessary or not. It's not just because
I'm an arrogant SOB who expects my team of developers to know at least more
than me, therefore if I know enough to look for orphaned .pyc files so
should they. It's because I am a big believer that your development system
should be as close as possible to the eventual deployment system as is
practical. Your app will (probably) use .pyc files when it is deployed, so
you should do the same when developing. Otherwise you can get bugs in
deployment that you cannot reproduce in development because the
environments are different.

 Meanwhile, *every* time you run make, you take a performance hit on
 every Python module in your project, whether it has moved or not.
 The performance hit is minimal.

I guess that depends on the size of your project and how much you care about
the start up time. But as general advice, no, it may not be minimal.


 Another solution would be if there was a flag you could give to Python
 to tell it, Only import a .pyc if the corresponding .py file exists.
 It's already checking to see if the .py is newer, so this wouldn't even
 cost anything.

That's called Python 3.3 :-)



Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Roy Smith
In article 511c501d$0$6512$c3e8da3$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 I prefer to keep the .pyc files, and only remove them when necessary, rather
 than to remove them whether it's necessary or not. It's not just because
 I'm an arrogant SOB who expects my team of developers to know at least more
 than me, therefore if I know enough to look for orphaned .pyc files so
 should they. It's because I am a big believer that your development system
 should be as close as possible to the eventual deployment system as is
 practical. Your app will (probably) use .pyc files when it is deployed, so
 you should do the same when developing.

Heh.  Our deployment system rolls out all the source code from scratch 
on every deploy.

 Meanwhile, *every* time you run make, you take a performance hit on
 every Python module in your project, whether it has moved or not.


Re: Suggested feature: slice syntax within tuples (or even more generally)?

2013-02-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/13/2013 2:00 PM, wrote:


Would it be feasible to modify the Python grammar to allow ':' to generate 
slice objects everywhere rather than just indexers and top-level tuples of 

Right now in Py2.7, Py3.3:
 obj[:,2] yields obj[slice(None),2]
 obj[(:,1),2] is an error, instead of obj[(slice(None), 1), 2]

Also, more generally, you could imagine this working in (almost?) any 
expression without ambiguity:
 a = (1:2) could yield a = slice(1,2)

I believe the idea of slice literals has been rejected.

See motivating discussion for this at:

There might not be very many use cases for this currently outside of pandas, 
but apparently the grammar was already modified to allow '...' outside indexers 
and there's probably even fewer valid use cases for that:
 e = ... yields e = Ellipsis

One dubious move does not justify another.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: with numpy/scipy install

2013-02-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/13/2013 9:38 PM, Rex Macey wrote:

I am sure I have python installed. I have been running it. in command
line the window title is c:\python33\python.exe.  The first line
begins Python 3.3.0. Later in the line is the string 64 bit AMD64]
on Win32.

Thus it appears I am trying to run a 32bit numpy with a 64bit python.
(Seems like a big ole 64 bit python should be able to swallow a
little 32 bitty numpy). Is there a 64bit numpy? If not why not?

Ask the numpy people. I am surprised since a reason to be using 64 
rather than 32 bit python is to have objects larger than 2 gigabytes and 
memory larger than 4 gigabytes. Numerical/scientific programming is 
relatively likely to need such.

someone get on this? Seriously, I'm under the impression that I need
the 64 bit python because I have a 64 bit OS.

If you look on your C: drive, you should have both 'Program Files' and 
'Program Files (x86)' directories. The latter is for 32 bit programs.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Suggested feature: slice syntax within tuples (or even more generally)?

2013-02-13 Thread stephenwlin
 I believe the idea of slice literals has been rejected.

That's too you have a link to prior discussion on this and what the 
reasoning was for rejection? There doesn't seem to be any particular downside 
and things would be more consistent with slice syntax allowed anywhere.

It would be helpful in other cases as well other than the one linked to, since 
there's good reason to be able to succinctly create and reuse the same indexer 
object multiple times without having to convert everything into slice() calls.


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-13 Thread Tim Roberts
Chris Hinsley wrote:

New to Python, which I really like BTW.

First serious prog. Hope you like it. I know it needs a 'can't move if 
your King would be put into check' test. But the weighted value of the 
King piece does a surprising emergent job.

It looks a little like a C program ported line-by-line to Python.  For
example, in Python, there's no reason not to keep the board as an 8x8 array
instead of a 64-element list.  That by itself would make the code easier to
read.  It would also let you replace this:
for row in range(8):
for col in range(8):

with the more Pythonic:
for row in board:
for cell in row:

I would probably replace the piece_type function with a map that maps the
piece number directly to the piece 
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Suggested feature: slice syntax within tuples (or even more generally)?

2013-02-13 Thread stephenwlin
Apparently Travis Oliphant of numpy would like this as well...

On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:00:15 PM UTC-5, wrote:
 Would it be feasible to modify the Python grammar to allow ':' to generate 
 slice objects everywhere rather than just indexers and top-level tuples of 
 Right now in Py2.7, Py3.3:
 obj[:,2] yields obj[slice(None),2]
 obj[(:,1),2] is an error, instead of obj[(slice(None), 1), 2]
 Also, more generally, you could imagine this working in (almost?) any 
 expression without ambiguity:
 a = (1:2) could yield a = slice(1,2)
 See motivating discussion for this at:
 There might not be very many use cases for this currently outside of pandas, 
 but apparently the grammar was already modified to allow '...' outside 
 indexers and there's probably even fewer valid use cases for that:
 e = ... yields e = Ellipsis
 Would there be any downside to changing the handling of ':' as well? It might 
 even make the grammar simpler, in some ways, since indexers won't have to be 
 treated specially.
 Let me know if you have any thoughts.


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 09:10:42 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:

Quoting Rick Johnson:
   Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as a feature of
   the traceback when the whole intent of exception handling is to hide
   the error in the try block! If you want to raise the exception in the
   try block then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
   block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except in the first
   damn place!?

Here is one example of using raise to re-raise an exception you have just 

import errno
paths = [here, there, somewhere else]
for location in paths:
filename = os.path.join(location, prefs.ini)
f = open(filename)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:  # File not found.

 You seriously need to get into the real world and do some actual
 debugging work.

Amen to that brother. What is it that they say?

Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, write 
rants on the Internet criticising others.

 He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
 argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
 I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
 2/3 bi-compatible code.


 Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis
 (in some foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that
 would mean i should add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list
 of abominations. The proper method of using a forward compatible print
 function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function
 import __future__
 _Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 65536)
 Which works back as far as 2.6 but that's all. Simply putting parens
 around the argument works all the way back to... hmm. Further back than
 I've ever had to support, but then, I only started using Python
 seriously a few years ago. Steven?

Putting parens around the argument to print works going back to at least 
Python 0.9.1, which is before Python had  delimiters:

steve@runes:~$ ./python0.9.1 
 s = string
Parsing error: file stdin, line 1:
s = string
Unhandled exception: run-time error: syntax error
 s = 'string'
 print s
 print (s)

You can always wrap any expression with an extra pair of round brackets.

Of course, the correct way of doing this is with from __future__ import 
print_function, but really, who cares? It's just a trivial example. If 
the worst criticism someone can make of my example is that I took a short-
cut when printing, I can live with that.


Re: Python Makefiles... are they possible?

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I prefer to keep the .pyc files, and only remove them when necessary, rather
 than to remove them whether it's necessary or not.

Solution to that could be just to have your makefile wipe out
orphanned pyc files, rather than all of them. Still might be a
performance hit (if it has to wade through piles of pyc/py files to
see which ones aren't needed), but otherwise should be safe.


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-13 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:01:45 PM UTC-6, Zero Piraeus wrote:

 You could call them PyW00ts.

 +1 on the name
 -INFINITY on the execution

 Actually i am happy that DeAprano used the unintuitive tag now. Bad enough to 
 use an unintuitive tag. Worse to misspell it. But it would been a crime to 
 tarnish such an intuitive tag as PyW00ts with the clumsy teachings provided.

1. Subject lines are not tags.  If you want to categorize the post
with a tag for later reference, then by all means do so; any halfway
decent reader will let you do this.  It's not up to the post author to
tag posts for you.

2. If you're going to criticize someone for their spelling, at least
be sure to spell correctly the name of the person you are addressing.
You've consistently misspelled Steven's surname in several posts that
I've noticed.

Exception ... in generator object ... ignored Messages

2013-02-13 Thread Ami Tavory

  Running the unit tests for some generator code, prints, as a side effect,
numerous messages of the form:

Exception NameError: global name 'l' is not defined in generator object
_dagpype_internal_fn_act at 0x9d4c500 ignored
Exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close' in
generator object split at 0x7601640 ignored
Exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close' in
generator object split at 0x7601690 ignored

The tests otherwise run fine.

  Is there any way to catch the point where such a message originates, and
print a traceback? I find it difficult to debug otherwise. I've tried
running Python with -W error, catching warnings with context managers, and
so forth, but without any success.


Re: Suggested feature: slice syntax within tuples (or even more generally)?

2013-02-13 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 21:54:43 -0800, stephenwlin wrote:

 I believe the idea of slice literals has been rejected.
 That's too you have a link to prior discussion on this and what
 the reasoning was for rejection? There doesn't seem to be any particular
 downside and things would be more consistent with slice syntax allowed

There's *always* downside to new syntax. The question is, does the 
benefit exceed the downside?

- new syntax requires more complexity in the parser;

- new tests for it;

- more documentation;

- increase in the number of things people have to learn before they can 
read and write Python code;

- takes the language further away from executable pseudo-code and 
closer to line noise;

- somebody has to actually write the code, write the tests, write the 
documentation; and somebody else has to review it; for a chronically 
short-handed dev team where there are hundreds of bugs and feature 
requests in the queue, this is a significant cost.

Now, you might argue that these are all *low* cost, but they're not zero, 
and how do they stack up against the benefits?

What are the benefits of syntactic sugar for slice objects?

Personally, there's not much difference to my eye between:

S = slice
S(1, 20, 3)



so I'm skeptical that the benefit is much greater than the cost, as low 
as that cost may be.

 It would be helpful in other cases as well other than the one linked to,
 since there's good reason to be able to succinctly create and reuse the
 same indexer object multiple times without having to convert everything
 into slice() calls.

I don't quite understand this argument. If you mean that you can do this:

s = (1:2)  # Like slice(1, 2).
print alist[s]
print blist[s]  # reuse the slice object
print clist[s]

you can replace the line s = (1:2) to a call to slice, and still reuse 
the slice object. So I don't understand what the syntactic sugar gains 


[issue17170] string method lookup is too slow

2013-02-13 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Argument Clinic has languished for lack of time.  I didn't get much feedback, 
though a couple people were shouting for a PEP, which I was resisting.  I 
figured, if they have something to say, they can go ahead and reply on the 
tracker issue, and if they don't have something to say, why do we need a PEP?

I need to reply to one bit of thorough feedback, and after that--I don't know.  
I'd like to get things moving before PyCon so we can point sprinters at it.

nosy: +larry

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

The doc change looks good to me. I am adding Terry and Ezio to see if they have 
any comments on wordings in the doc. If not, I can commit this change. I think 
that this is helpful.

nosy: +ezio.melotti, orsenthil, terry.reedy

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

I commented above that the tests are not very DRY though.  Shouldn't there be 
tests to check that the documented behavior is correct?


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran added the comment:

Chris:  The patch is for the docs. the test code I believe, is for
reference. It would be to run it on different OS and verify the
documentation matches the behavior.I am okay with more than one person
verifying this and I shall do on OS'es I have.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17170] string method lookup is too slow

2013-02-13 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

Oh, and, as to whether Argument Clinic would solve this problem, the answer is 
not yet.  Right now Argument Clinic literally generates calls to 
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords.  (In special cases it switches to 

I'm more interested in Argument Clinic from the API perspective; I wanted to 
make a better way of specifying arguments to functions so we got all the 
metadata we needed without having to endlessly repeat ourselves.  Truthfully I 
was hoping someone else would pick up the gauntlet once it was checked in and 
make a new argument processing API / hack up the Argument Clinic output to make 
it faster.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17170] string method lookup is too slow

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Truthfully I was hoping someone else would pick up the gauntlet once it 
 was checked in and make a new argument processing API / hack up the
 Argument Clinic output to make it faster.

Argument Clinic's preprocessing would be a very nice building block to generate 
faster parsing sequences.
Like Nick I'd still like to see a PEP, though ;-)


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17197] c/profile refactoring

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The patch doesn't look right to me. If you import cProfile, profile will always 
invoke the cProfile profiler.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Would there be a way to automatically switch the flag as necessary?
(i.e. when writing more than 2GB, I guess)

nosy: +hynek, pitrou, tarek

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17197] c/profile refactoring

2013-02-13 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

No, it's the other way around. It's from cProfile which I import profile.

diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
+import profile as _pyprofile


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +christian.heimes, hynek, tarek
priority: normal - high
type:  - security
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4 -Python 2.6, Python 3.1

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5308] cannot marshal objects with more than 2**31 elements

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 385d982ce641 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #5308: Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence

New changeset e0464fa28c85 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.2':
Issue #5308: Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence

New changeset b48e1cd2d3be by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Issue #5308: Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence

New changeset ea36478a36ee by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #5308: Raise ValueError when marshalling too large object (a sequence

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16996] Reuse shutil.which() in webbrowser module

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 050c94f5f72c by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Issue #16996: webbrowser module now uses shutil.which() to find a

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11311] StringIO.readline(0) returns incorrect results

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 7513bd184a01 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Issue #11311: StringIO.readline(0) now returns an empty string as all other

nosy: +python-dev

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5308] cannot marshal objects with more than 2**31 elements

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 72e75ea25d00 by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '2.7':
Fix tests for issue #5308.

New changeset 0407e5e5915e by Serhiy Storchaka in branch '3.3':
Cleanup a test for issue #5308.

New changeset e45f2fcf202c by Serhiy Storchaka in branch 'default':
Cleanup a test for issue #5308.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5308] cannot marshal objects with more than 2**31 elements

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

 Perhaps you could add a bigmem test for this?
 (assuming you have enough memory somewhere to test it)

Some tests require more than 252 GiB of memory.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11311] StringIO.readline(0) returns incorrect results

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Fixed. Thank you for the report, Ville.

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16996] Reuse shutil.which() in webbrowser module

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Thank you, Senthil.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16692] Support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2

2013-02-13 Thread Michele Orrù

Changes by Michele Orrù

nosy: +eric.araujo

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

 Would there be a way to automatically switch the flag as necessary?
 (i.e. when writing more than 2GB, I guess)

Yes, there is a special flag for this in zipfile. It is named allowZip64.

The only reason to use allowZip64=False is when you expect to unzip a zipfile 
with a tool which doesn't support zip64 (PKUNZIP.EXE for DOS?) and you want to 
keep yourself from unintentional zipping a file larger than 2 GiB.

Perhaps sometime we should to change the default value for allowZip64 from 
False to True.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue16996] Reuse shutil.which() in webbrowser module

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17193] Use binary prefixes

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

For what versions can I apply this patch?


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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Thanks for the report. I agree with your analysis. We should follow the 
behavior of cp and always strip off the suid/sgid bits in shutil.copy(). 
coreutil's cp removes the bits and doesn't handle source owner = destination 
owner special.

There are other bits that may need special treatment, too. I'm going to check 
the sources of cp.

stage:  - needs patch

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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

cp removes three bits unless preserve ownership is enabled and some additional 
things are true. 

mode = ~ (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX)

S_ISVTX is the sticky bit.


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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

While I agree that it’s a problem, I’m a bit uneasy about changing that back to 
2.7. I’m pretty sure this would break numerous programs.


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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Here is a patch for the issue with test and doc updates.

I'm escalating the bug to release blocker to draw the attention of our RMs.


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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Changes by Christian Heimes

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue17199] Slightly wrong behavior of logging.StrFormatStyle.usesTime

2013-02-13 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

nosy: +vinay.sajip

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[issue17199] Slightly wrong behavior of logging.StrFormatStyle.usesTime

2013-02-13 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray

type: enhancement - behavior
versions: +Python 3.2, Python 3.4

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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Sorry for the extra noise. I got into a comment conflict with Hynek.

I don't think it's going to break lots of apps. setuid/setgid programs are rare 
these days. Most operating system ignore sticky bits on files, too.

It may break system scripts that copy entire Unix systems with a recursive 
copytree(), though ...

nosy: +benjamin.peterson, georg.brandl, larry
priority: high - release blocker
stage: needs patch - patch review

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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

Yeah, I’m thinking about backup scripts etc.


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[issue17197] c/profile refactoring

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 No, it's the other way around. It's from cProfile which I import
 diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
 --- a/Lib/
 +++ b/Lib/
 +import profile as _pyprofile

That's exactly what I'm saying. Once you import cProfile, the attributes
on the profile functions are overriden.
Either way, a module shouldn't mutate another module's functions.


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[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Yes, there is a special flag for this in zipfile. It is named

Then I think shutil should set allowZip64 to True by default.
People who want fine-grained control over the zipfile's characteristics can 
still use the zipfile module directly.


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[issue16743] mmap on Windows can mishandle files larger than sys.maxsize

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset b1bbe519770b by Richard Oudkerk in branch '2.7':
Issue #16743: Fix mmap overflow check on 32 bit Windows

New changeset c2c84d3ab393 by Richard Oudkerk in branch '3.2':
Issue #16743: Fix mmap overflow check on 32 bit Windows

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

Here is a new patch with a new keyword argument preserve_sbits. Perhaps we use 
`True` as default for Python 2.6 to 3.3 and switch to False in Python 3.4?

Added file:

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[issue16612] Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor into CPython trunk

2013-02-13 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

Here's a proposal for an alternative without parameter docstrings and a
different DSL (see os_stat.c). I guess it's easiest to present my thoughts
in list form.

Changes and rationale:

  Split docstring into function header and rest

- Since the docstrings aren't repeated, less vertical space is used.

- The main part of the docstring can go into a header file.

- It's (IMO) easier to compare the generated header (see OS_STAT_HEADER)
  to the specification in the comment.

  More formal DSL

This is my personal opinion: The existing DSL is fine for a configuration
file (think .hgrc), but I have trouble with it in the context of a C file.

Most importantly, I'm unable to take in the required information at a
single glance.

So I propose to make the structure of the specification explicit. For
me the result is more readable. Also, it's already pretty close to a formal
grammar and can be optionally condensed into single lines.

  Logical grouping

The preprocessor comment, OS_STAT_HEADER and the os_stat() definition are
close together and fit on a single screen.

Added file:

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[issue17180] shutil copy* unsafe on POSIX - they preserve setuid/setgit bits

2013-02-13 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

SGTM. I’d like an explicit warning on the security implications in the docs 


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[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:



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[issue16743] mmap on Windows can mishandle files larger than sys.maxsize

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Perhaps NEWS item needed for this change.


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[issue17089] Expat parser parses strings only when XML encoding is UTF-8

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue17061] tokenize unconditionally emits NL after comment lines blank lines

2013-02-13 Thread Thomas Kluyver

Thomas Kluyver added the comment:

Hmm, that's interesting.

For our purposes, a blank line or a comment line shouldn't result in a 
continuation prompt. This is consistent with what the plain Python shell does.

As part of this, we're tokenizing the code, and if the final \n results in a NL 
token (instead of NEWLINE), we wait to build a 'Python line'. (Likewise if the 
final \n doesn't appear before EOFError, indicating that a string continues to 
the next line). Since tokenize doesn't expose parenlev (parentheses level), my 
modification to tokenize makes this work as we need.

Maybe another way forward would be to make parenlev accessible in some way, so 
that we can use that rather than using NL == parenlev  0?


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[issue17199] Slightly wrong behavior of logging.StrFormatStyle.usesTime

2013-02-13 Thread Vinay Sajip

Vinay Sajip added the comment:

It's not a bug - the reason it's like that is that it allows conversion and 
format specifiers to be given - {field_name!conversion:format_spec}.

Of course a more robust solution using regular expressions could be 
implemented, but it's not really worth it. If there's a misspelt field name, 
generally you'll know because there will either be an exception raised, or (in 
production) no output will be produced.

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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[issue17199] Slightly wrong behavior of logging.StrFormatStyle.usesTime

2013-02-13 Thread Enrique A Tobis

Enrique A Tobis added the comment:

Thanks! Got it. Sorry for the noise.


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[issue17199] Slightly wrong behavior of logging.StrFormatStyle.usesTime

2013-02-13 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

I would still consider it a bug myself, but I understand and accept that you 
feel it is not worth fixing.

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue17170] string method lookup is too slow

2013-02-13 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Changes by Barry A. Warsaw

nosy: +barry

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[issue16743] mmap on Windows can mishandle files larger than sys.maxsize

2013-02-13 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 82db097cd2e0 by Richard Oudkerk in branch '2.7':
Add Misc/NEWS entry for Issue #16743

New changeset efe489f87881 by Richard Oudkerk in branch '3.2':
Add Misc/NEWS entry for Issue #16743


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[issue16743] mmap on Windows can mishandle files larger than sys.maxsize

2013-02-13 Thread Richard Oudkerk

Richard Oudkerk added the comment:

 Perhaps NEWS item needed for this change.



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[issue7279] == and != comparisons involving NaNs

2013-02-13 Thread Sebastian Berg

Sebastian Berg added the comment:

This is closed, and maybe I am missing something. But from a general point of 
view, why does hashing of NaN not raise an error as it did for decimals, i.e. 
why was this not resolved exactly the other way around? I am mostly just 
wondering about this it is not a problem for me.

Hashing NaNs seems dangerous and surprising because it might work in 
dicts/sets, but normally doesn't. (The only thing for it to work right would be 
if NaN was a singleton, but that is impossible for subclasses, etc.).

The thing is:

In [16]: s = {float('nan'): 1, float('nan'): 2, float('nan'): 3}
In [17]: s
Out[17]: {nan: 1, nan: 2, nan: 3}

In [18]: s[float('nan')]
KeyError: nan

In [19]: n = float('nan')
In [20]: s = {n: 1, n: 2, n: 3}
In [21]: s
Out[21]: {nan: 3}

This is because `n is n`, and PyObject_RichCompareBool assumes that if `a is b` 
then `a == b` which is simply wrong for NaNs and also makes comparisons  of 
iterables including NaNs an impossible business. NaNs have their unavoidable 
weirdness, but at least for dictionaries/sets it would seem more clear to me if 
they raised an error.

nosy: +seberg

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[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Todd Rovito

Todd Rovito added the comment:

   I first verified the issue then created some wording and you pointed out 
that we needed test cases so I created a bunch of test cases.  As you pointed 
out I count 2*3*2=12 possibilities to check (excluding src and dst being on 
different filesystems): so I created 16 test cases then discovered that the 
behavior is different on Windows and Unix so all together there are 32 test 
cases.  Your last comment about the test cases being Dry didn't make sense to 
me.  If you provide specific feedback I would be glad to work on the issue.  
The test cases are designed to make sure that the documented behavior is 
actually how Python performs.  It made the most sense to me to put together two 
patches one for the test cases and another for the documentation, but maybe 
that has confused everybody?  If it would help I could submit a single patch. was just for reference to prove to myself that I got 
all the possible test cases.

I am a fairly new Python contributor and this is my first attempt at writing 
test cases so I could be missing something.  Thanks for the mentorship and the 
time required for a little extra guidance.


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[issue17193] Use binary prefixes

2013-02-13 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

IMO I say just do 3.4 since it isn't really a bug fix but a cleanup, but I 
wouldn't object if it was backported.


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[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread William Mallard

William Mallard added the comment:

Ok, here's a patch that makes zip64 the default in make_archive() when 

I also agree that ZipFile should set allowZip64=True by default. (PKZIP has 
supported zip64 since 2001!)

Added file:

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[issue7279] == and != comparisons involving NaNs

2013-02-13 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Sebastian:  I think this discussion is a bit off-topic for this particular bug; 
 you might want to raise it on python-dev or python-ideas instead.  

Bear in mind, though, that the behaviour of NaNs and containers has been 
discussed to death many times in the past;  I'd suggest not bringing the issue 
up again unless there's something genuinely new to bring to the discussion.  
The current behaviour is certainly a compromise, but it seems to be the best 
compromise available.

Note that with respect to this particular issue: it's only *signalling* nans 
that raise on hashing for the Decimal type.  Quiet nans are hashable as usual.  
Since for float, all nans can be regarded as quiet, Decimal and float behave 
the same way on this.


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[issue7279] == and != comparisons involving NaNs

2013-02-13 Thread Sebastian Berg

Sebastian Berg added the comment:

Thanks, yes, you are right, should have googled a bit more anyway. Though I did 
not find much on the hashable vs unhashable itself, so if I ever stumble across 
it again, I will write a mail...


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[issue16612] Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor into CPython trunk

2013-02-13 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Here's a proposal for an alternative without parameter docstrings and
 different DSL (see os_stat.c). I guess it's easiest to present my
 in list form.

It's a bit difficult to give an opinion without a more formal definition.
For example it seems you are using REQUIRED and KEYWORD as opposites,
but a required argument can also be a keyword argument.

As for the docstring: I would like it better if I could avoid typing
the cumbersome \n\s.

As for the general parameter declaration syntax: I think it shouldn't
be too verbose, otherwise it will quickly become tiring.
(also I don't think it should be required to write [preprocessor]

title: Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor into CPython trunk 
- Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor  into CPython trunk

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[issue17192] libffi-3.0.12 import

2013-02-13 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis added the comment:

Maybe Modules/_ctypes/libffi in 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3 branches should be updated?

nosy: +Arfrever

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[issue17201] Use allowZip64=True by default

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

Python supports ZIP64 extension since 2.5 (more 6 years ago). May be it is time 
to use it by default, leaving the option to disable it by specifying 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 182048
nosy: alanmcintyre, loewis, pitrou, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Use allowZip64=True by default
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue17193] Use binary prefixes

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Then I'll apply this to 3.3 too. This will facilitate support of both versions.

assignee: docs@python - serhiy.storchaka
versions: +Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Senthil, in my experience, whenever documentation is added that documents new 
aspects of behavior (e.g. is not just a rewording of existing documentation), 
tests are always added simultaneously (if not already present) to ensure that 
the code doesn't regress against the new documentation.

Todd, DRY means don't repeat yourself.  You can look it up on Wikipedia, etc. 
 Identical chunks of code are repeated several times which make it harder for 
others to see how the test cases differ from each other (as well as making the 
code harder to maintain).


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[issue16278] os.rename documentation slightly inaccurate

2013-02-13 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

 If it would help I could submit a single patch.

Yes, a single patch is best.  One way to make code more DRY is refactoring to 
use helper functions as needed (i.e. same code in multiple places - one helper 


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[issue17189] Add zip64 support to shutil

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

This should be reflected in the documentation.

dependencies: +Use allowZip64=True by default

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[issue16612] Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor into CPython trunk

2013-02-13 Thread Bradley Froehle

Bradley Froehle added the comment:

 As for the docstring: I would like it better if I could avoid typing
 the cumbersome \n\s.

I agree with Stefan that the file is a lot more readable if the docstring
is not repeated twice. It's unfortunate that C doesn't have a notion of
a raw string (as opposed to C++11 with the new R(...) syntax) but I
think it is something we'll have to live with. I would have expected
that a good text editor would be able to convert a selected region into a
C string, but I've never actually seen such a feature.

In general I think we should aim for clarity in scope of the arguments in
the DSL -- either by using curly-braces (a C construct) or indentation (a
Python construct). To minimize the usage of vertical space, I'd like to
see the DSL not require a blank line between arguments.

In a project I worked on recently I ended up writing a parser to go
through a list of C arguments and automatically produce the
PyArg_ParseTuple / PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords lines. It's not as
full featured as what we are looking for here, but it did have the
benefit of minimizing the number of extra vertical lines.  For example::

static PyObject *
w_rktime(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
/*[kwargs rktime]*/
darray u;
meshdata msh;
double dt;
int nsteps=1;
static char *_keywords[] = {u, msh, dt, nsteps, NULL};
if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, OOd|i:rktime, 
_keywords, view_as_darray, u, DgMeshData_Converter, msh, dt, nsteps))
return NULL;

I could imagine extending such a syntax to allow custom converters
and other extensions using comments::

path_t path = PATH_T_INITIALIZE(stat, 0, 1)
/* converter = path_converter; default = None */;
int dir_fd = DEFAULT_DIR_FD
/* converter = OS_STAT_DIR_FD_CONVERTER */;

The biggest downside to this approach would be that the parser could
not inject C code directly into the global scope -- instead it would
be limited to producing #define lines.



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[issue16612] Integrate Argument Clinic specialized preprocessor into CPython trunk

2013-02-13 Thread Jim Jewett

Jim Jewett added the comment:

I'm not sure I correctly understand skrah's proposal.  If I do, then

(1)  The first several lines ( /* pymacro.h */ until /* could go into a 
separate header file */ ) would not be written at all, and are just there to 
help reviewers understand.

(2)  The #define OS_STAT_DOC ... line is the docstring, and would be needed, 
but could easily go into a separate header file, like os_stat__doc.h.  For 
something like cdecimal, there might be only a single _cdecimal__doc.h 
containing all the docstrings.  There might even be a build switch that (at a 
minimum) replaced anything from those __doc.h files with  for 
space-constrained builds.

(3)  The human-maintained code would be the DSL between /*[preprocessor] and 

(4)  The lines between [preprocessor]*/ and /*[preprocessor 
end:f3e6b328245207c240825782d908d3ff3a9c11c0]*/ would NOT be written or 
maintained by a human, but WOULD be checked into hg for the benefit builders 
without the argument-clinic tool.

(5)  The only C code written or maintained by a human (or another macro system) 
would be the last 5 lines (the system call, the path cleanup, and the return).

If I'm wrong about the above assumptions, then I think your proposal is 
insufficiently ambitious.  

If I'm correct, then your proposal boils down to

(1)  Allow (require?) the function-level docstring to be defined somewhere 
else, possibly in another file.

(2)  Change the DSL
  (2a)  Get rid of function flags?  (Not sure this is workable)
  (2b)  Replace the (previously proposed) parameter declarations with literal C 
code forming an array of [parameter kind, 

More flexibility in building the docstring is probably good.  

The other changes -- I'm not sure I see the advantage, except that it might 
simplify writing the thing as a C pre-processing macro.

nosy: +Jim.Jewett

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[issue2175] Expat sax parser silently ignores the InputSource protocol

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

Removed file:

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[issue2175] Expat sax parser silently ignores the InputSource protocol

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

Added file:

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[issue2175] Expat sax parser silently ignores the InputSource protocol

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

Added file:

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[issue2175] Expat sax parser silently ignores the InputSource protocol

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

This patch is rather complicated and I doubt whether it is necessary to apply 
it to the older version. Can anyone review it?


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[issue10590] Parameter type error for xml.sax.parseString(string, ...)

2013-02-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

dependencies: +Expat sax parser silently ignores the InputSource protocol

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[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-02-13 Thread Andrew McNabb

Changes by Andrew McNabb

nosy: +amcnabb

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