Wing IDE 5.0.1 released

2013-12-13 Thread Wingware


Wingware has released version 5.0.1 of Wing IDE, our integrated development
environment designed specifically for the Python programming language.

Wing IDE includes a professional quality code editor with vi, emacs, and 
key bindings, auto-completion, call tips, refactoring, context-aware 
a powerful graphical debugger, version control, unit testing, search, 
and many

other features.  For details see

Changes in this minor release include:

* Support for Python 3.4beta1+
* Fix file type registration on OS X
* Fix potential segfault after using tab to move from field to field
* Fix creating and renaming snippets and snippets tool drop down menu
* Fix exception when closing windows and failure to quit on win32
* Optimize message tool, which could substantially slow down the IDE
* Fix problems setting custom colors via the Editor - Syntax Coloring 

* Updates and corrections in French localization (thanks to Jean Sanchez)
* Fix intermittant failure to include all selected files in a version 
control operation
* Fix switching to alphabetizing file tabs and keeping active tab 
visible when there are 2+ splits

* 21 other bug fixes

For details see

New features in Wing 5 include:

* Now runs native on OS X
* Draggable tools and editors
* Configurable toolbar and editor  project context menus
* Optionally opens a different sets of files in each editor split
* Lockable editor splits
* Optional Python Turbo completion (context-appropriate completion on 
all non-symbol keys)

* Sharable color palettes and syntax highlighting configurations
* Auto-editing is on by default (except some operations that have a 
learning curve)

* Named file sets
* Sharable launch configurations
* Asynchronous I/O in Debug Probe and Python Shell
* Expanded and rewritten tutorial
* Support for Python 3.4

For more information on what's new in Wing 5, see

Free trial:
Feature matrix:

Questions?  Don't hesitate to email us at



Stephan Deibel
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: eGenix mx Base Distribution 3.2.7 (mxDateTime, mxTextTools, etc.)

2013-12-13 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg

ANNOUNCING mx Base Distribution

 mxDateTime, mxTextTools, mxProxy, mxURL, mxUID,
  mxBeeBase, mxStack, mxQueue, mxTools

Version 3.2.7

Open Source Python extensions providing
 important and useful services
for Python programmers.

This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:


The mx Base Distribution for Python is a collection of
professional quality software tools which enhance Python's usability
in many important areas such as fast text searching, date/time
processing and high speed data types.

The tools have a proven record of being portable across many Unix and
Windows platforms. You can write applications which use the tools on
Windows and then run them on Unix platforms without change due to the
consistent platform independent interfaces.

Contents of the distribution:

 * mxDateTime - Easy to use Date/Time Library for Python
 * mxTextTools - Fast Text Parsing and Processing Tools for Python
 * mxProxy - Object Access Control for Python
 * mxBeeBase - On-disk B+Tree Based Database Kit for Python
 * mxURL - Flexible URL Data-Type for Python
 * mxUID - Fast Universal Identifiers for Python
 * mxStack - Fast and Memory-Efficient Stack Type for Python
 * mxQueue - Fast and Memory-Efficient Queue Type for Python
 * mxTools - Fast Everyday Helpers for Python

The package also include a number of helpful smaller modules in the
mx.Misc subpackage, such as mx.Misc.ConfigFile for config file parsing
or mx.Misc.CommandLine to quickly write command line applications in

All available packages have proven their stability and usefulness in
many mission critical applications and various commercial settings all
around the world.

For more information, please see the distribution page:


The 3.2.7 release of the eGenix mx Base Distribution is the latest
release of our open-source Python extensions. It includes these fixes
and enhancements:


 * mxBeeBase: Fixed a problem with using larger BeeDict keysizes on
   64-bit platforms. These now work for keysizes between 25 and 659
   characters as well. Also extended the possible keysizes for 32-bit
   platform to 670 characters. Thanks to Andrey Rzhetsky for pointing
   us to the problem.

 * mx.Misc.FileLock: Fixed a typo in a FileLock class name.

eGenix mx Base Distribution 3.2.0 was release on 2012-08-28. Please
see the eGenix mx Base Distribution 3.2.0 announcement for new
features in the 3.2 major release:

For a full list of changes, please refer to the eGenix mx Base
Distribution change log and the change logs of the various included
Python packages.


We encourage all users to upgrade to this latest eGenix mx Base
Distribution release.

If you are upgrading from eGenix mx Base 3.1.x, please see the eGenix
mx Base Distribution 3.2.0 release notes for details on what has
changed since the 3.1 major release.

For a full list of changes, please refer to the eGenix mx Base Distribution
change log at

and the change logs of the various included Python packages.


The eGenix mx Base package is distributed under the Public
License 1.1.0 which is an Open Source license similar to the Python
license. You can use the packages in both commercial and non-commercial
settings without fee or charge.

The package comes with full source code


The download archives and instructions for installing the packages can
be found on the eGenix mx Base Distribution page:

As always, we are providing pre-built binaries for all common
platforms: Windows 32/64-bit, Linux 32/64-bit, FreeBSD 32/64-bit, Mac
OS X 32/64-bit. Source code archives are available for installation on
all other Python platforms, such as Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.

To simplify installation in Zope/Plone and other egg-based systems, we
have also precompiled egg distributions for all platforms. These are
available on our own PyPI-style index server for easy and automatic

pytest-2.5.0: many fixes. ZERO reported bugs left.

2013-12-13 Thread holger krekel
pytest-2.5.0: many fixes ... now down to ZERO reported bugs!

pytest-2.5.0 is a big bug fixing release, the result of two community bug
fixing days plus numerous additional works from many people and
reporters.  The release should be fully compatible to 2.4.2, existing
plugins and test suites.  

We aim at maintaining this level of ZERO reported bugs because it's no
fun if your testing tool has bugs, is it?  Under a condition, though: 
when submitting a bug report please provide clear information about the
circumstances and a simple example which reproduces the problem.

The issue tracker is of course not empty now.  We have many remaining
enhancement issues which we'll hopefully can tackle in 2014 with your help.

For those who use older Python versions, please note that pytest is itself not
automatically tested anymore on python2.5 due to virtualenv, setuptools and tox
not supporting it anymore.  Manual verification shows that it 
works fine still but that might change in the future.

As usual, current docs are at 

and you can upgrade from pypi via::

pip install -U pytest

Particular thanks for helping with this release go to Anatoly Bubenkoff,
Floris Bruynooghe, Marc Abramowitz, Ralph Schmitt, Ronny Pfannschmidt,
Donald Stufft, James Lan, Rob Dennis, Jason R. Coombs, Mathieu Agopian,
Virgil Dupras, Bruno Oliveira, Alex Gaynor and others.

have fun,
holger krekel


- dropped python2.5 from automated release testing of pytest itself 
  which means it's probably going to break soon (but still works 
  with this release we believe).

- simplified and fixed implementation for calling finalizers when
  parametrized fixtures or function arguments are involved.  finalization 
  is now performed lazily at setup time instead of in the teardown phase.
  While this might sound odd at first, it helps to ensure that we are 
  correctly handling setup/teardown even in complex code.  User-level code
  should not be affected unless it's implementing the pytest_runtest_teardown
  hook and expecting certain fixture instances are torn down within (very
  unlikely and would have been unreliable anyway).

- PR90: add --color=yes|no|auto option to force terminal coloring 
  mode (auto is default).  Thanks Marc Abramowitz.

- fix issue319 - correctly show unicode in assertion errors.  Many
  thanks to Floris Bruynooghe for the complete PR.  Also means
  we depend on py=1.4.19 now.

- fix issue396 - correctly sort and finalize class-scoped parametrized 
  tests independently from number of methods on the class.  

- refix issue323 in a better way -- parametrization should now never
  cause Runtime Recursion errors because the underlying algorithm
  for re-ordering tests per-scope/per-fixture is not recursive
  anymore (it was tail-call recursive before which could lead
  to problems for more than 966 non-function scoped parameters).

- fix issue290 - there is preliminary support now for parametrizing
  with repeated same values (sometimes useful to to test if calling 
  a second time works as with the first time).

- close issue240 - document precisely how pytest module importing
  works, discuss the two common test directory layouts, and how it 
  interacts with PEP420-namespace packages.

- fix issue246 fix finalizer order to be LIFO on independent fixtures
  depending on a parametrized higher-than-function scoped fixture. 
  (was quite some effort so please bear with the complexity of this sentence :)
  Thanks Ralph Schmitt for the precise failure example.
- fix issue244 by implementing special index for parameters to only use
  indices for paramentrized test ids

- fix issue287 by running all finalizers but saving the exception
  from the first failing finalizer and re-raising it so teardown will
  still have failed.  We reraise the first failing exception because
  it might be the cause for other finalizers to fail.

- fix ordering when mock.patch or other standard decorator-wrappings
  are used with test methods.  This fixues issue346 and should
  help with random xdist collection failures.  Thanks to
  Ronny Pfannschmidt and Donald Stufft for helping to isolate it.

- fix issue357 - special case -k expressions to allow for
  filtering with simple strings that are not valid python expressions.
  Examples: -k 1.3 matches all tests parametrized with 1.3.
  -k None filters all tests that have None in their name
  and conversely -k 'not None'. 
  Previously these examples would raise syntax errors.
- fix issue384 by removing the trial support code
  since the unittest compat enhancements allow
  trial to handle it on its own

- don't hide an ImportError when importing a plugin produces one.
  fixes issue375.

- fix issue275 - allow usefixtures and autouse fixtures 
  for running doctest text files.

- fix issue380 by making --resultlog only rely on longrepr instead
  of the 

PyDev 3.1.0 released

2013-12-13 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

PyDev 3.1.0 has been released

Details on PyDev:

Details on its development:

LiClipse (PyDev standalone with goodies such as support for Django
Templates, Mako Templates, Html, Javascript, etc):

Release Highlights:

* **Important**: PyDev requires Eclipse 3.8 or 4.3 onwards and Java 7! For
older versions, keep using PyDev 2.x.

* **Refactoring**:

* It's now possible to rename a module (using F2 or drag and drop in
the pydev package explorer).

* Multiple improvements on the rename refactoring.

* **Debugger**:

* **Automatic code reloading on the debugger** (based on xreload).

* When a file is changed and a debug session is on, PyDev will
automatically reload it (based on xreload).

* View

* **Get referrers on debug**

* Right-click expression or variable in debugger and select 'Get

* Note: may not work on some Python variants as it needs access to
the gc module.

* **Stackless python** is now supported in the debugger, showing all
the suspended tasklets in the stack view.

* Automatically force focus to Eclipse on breakpoint hit (Enable in
prefereces  pydev  debug).

* The remote debugger can be left 'always on' (Enable in prefereces 
pydev  debug).

* If there's an exception while evaluating a conditional breakpoint the
thread is suspended and the issue reported.

* Option to skip caught exceptions thrown and handled in the same

* A comment with @IgnoreException can be added to lines where an
exception is thrown to have that exception ignored by the debugger when
caught exceptions support is turned on.

* Improved visualization of frame objects.

* Bug-fixes on Jython debugging.

* **Unittest**:

* Django: The default PyDev unittest runner can now run Django tests

* Selecting a unit-test method in the editor and **right-click  run as
unit-test** will run only the selected unit-test.

* **Ctrl+F9** with test selected will pre-select only that test to run
in unit-test.

* **General**:

* Improvements on search for references (Ctrl+Shift+G).

* Fixed some racing conditions related to the plugin startup.

* Organize imports has option to add from imports before other imports.

* Improved connection to shell that does code-completion.

* Properly supporting creation of shell inside a Jython VM in Eclipse.

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python, Jython and
IronPython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer


PyDev - Python Development Environment for Eclipse

Support the Python Software Foundation:

RedNotebook 1.8.0

2013-12-13 Thread jendrikseipp
A new RedNotebook version has been released.

You can get the tarball, Windows installer and links to distribution
packages at

What is RedNotebook?

RedNotebook is a **graphical journal** and diary helping you keep track
of notes and thoughts. It includes a calendar navigation, customizable
templates, export functionality and word clouds. You can also format,
tag and search your entries. RedNotebook is available in the
repositories of most common Linux distributions and a Windows installer
is available. It is written in Python and uses GTK+ for its interface.

What's new in this version?
* Add font selection for edit mode (Philip Akesson).
* Allow changing preview and cloud font in preferences.
* Only allow opening RedNotebook minimized on Windows since other systems may 
lack a system tray.
* Fix: Display tags starting with SEP in preview (lp:1255582).
* Write scripts to cross-compile RedNotebook Windows exe and installer on Linux.

Cheers, Jendrik

Support the Python Software Foundation:

wigiki - build static html sites using github gists as pages

2013-12-13 Thread Tasos Latsas
Hello everyone,

Posting here in case someone else finds this interesting. Wigiki is
still work in progress (version 0.6) but is currently usable. I use
Github's Gists a lot, mostly for note-taking and I wanted a painless
way to group some of these notes into a wiki-like site.

So, the main idea is that you write a json file with a list of gist
ids and some other info and then run wigiki to build a static html
site. The gists are not currently downloaded but they are embedded [1]
thus the generated site is not suitable for offline reading.

It ships with a very basic and minimal theme but I have also started
working on a bootstrap-based one. A theme is basically a bunch of
jinja2 templates following some conventions so that other people can
hack/contribute themes.

Wigiki source code [2] and documentation [3] are hosted on github. You
can download from there or from pypi [4].



Tasos Latsas
GPG Key : 0x414301DF

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 03:23, Jean Dubois wrote:

kind regards,
p.s. I'm using Linux/Kubuntu 11.04

Would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
double line spacing that accompanied the above, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Python Script

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 06:21, Amimo Benja wrote:

On Thursday, December 12, 2013 9:35:23 PM UTC+3, Gary Herron wrote:

On 12/12/2013 10:05 AM, Amimo Benja wrote:

I have an issue with a Python script that I will show as follows:

Assume that you have three (well defined) classes: AirBase and VmNet, . VmNet 
has got a method that is called recursively each time an HTTP response is 
received. The variable recordTuple needs to be built independently for each 
instance of VmNet that is created. However, the mentioned variable is being 
overwritten across every instance, so if you try to get it from 
vmnet_instance_y, you would get exactly the same than retrieving it from 

• What is the code issue? I need to use this script in a project and I don't 
know how to proceed.

Actually, the script aims to follow the principle don't repeat yourself (DRY). 
As you may notice, VmNet and AirBase does not have def __init__(self), so 
self.recordTupleBase does not probably exist. Additionally, many other 
subclasses, similar to VmNet, can implement the recursive method using that 

* I will gladly appreciate any help thanks

You haven't actually asked a question here.  You say you don't know how

to proceed with a project, but we don't know what that project is.  In

fact, I can't even figure out if your trouble is with the script, or

with using the script in this unknown project.

Also, if you repost, please include the script in the email, not as a

pointer to somewhere else.

Gary Herron

Okay Gary... I will put that into consideration when post another problem or 

Before you repost would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
double line spacing above, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Knapsack Problem Without Value

2013-12-13 Thread geezle86
On Friday, December 13, 2013 9:08:56 AM UTC+7, wrote:
 I wanna ask about Knapsack. I do understand what Knapsack is about. But this 
 one i faced is a different problem. There is no value. I mean, it's like 
 this, for example.
 I have 4 beams [X0, X1, X2, X3]. Each 1, 2, 2, 3 cm long. I want to make a 
 new 6 cm long connected-beam from these 4 beams. I can make it from some of 
 these. The output will print:
 1, 2, 3 #(X0, X1, X3)
 You understand what my problem is? Can you help me?

No, this isnt homework. There is a website called Jollybee (Its available only 
in Bahasa) Here is the link if you dont believe me

Im just got bored and trying to have fun.

Not values like that, i mean, everywhere, I found the pseudocode only teach me 
with 2 variable. Mostly weight and its values ($). For short, this problem I 
faced is only the weight, no values($).

Hope you get it.

Re: Code suggestion - List comprehension

2013-12-13 Thread Peter Otten
Shyam Parimal Katti wrote:

 I have a list of sql queries, some which are split across multiple list
 elements e.x.
 ['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test', '(col1 int);',
 'select col1 from', ' sample_test;']
 A semi-colon in the string value  indicates the termination of a sql
 query. So the expected out come is a conversion to a list of valid sql
 ['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);',
 'select col1 from sample_test;']
 Here is the code that does that:
 sample = ['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test', '(col1
 int);', 'select col1 from', ' sample_test;']
 pure_sqls = []
 query_holder= ''
 for each_line in sample:
 query_holder += each_line
 if query_holder.endswith(';'):
 query_holder = ''
 Is there a way to do this by eliminating explicit creation of new
 list(pure_sqls) and a temporary variable(query_holder)? Using list
 comprehension? Though I don't want to put the shorter version in
 production(if it is difficult to understand), I am looking if this can be
 done with list comprehension since I am trying to learn list comprehension
 by using it in such scenarios.

Yours is the sane approach, but it may be fun to try to understand the 
following evil hacks ;)

 [sql.replace(\0,  ) + ; for sql in \0.join(sample + 
[]).split(;\0) if sql]
['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);', 'select 
col1 from  sample_test;']

 from itertools import groupby
 def key(x, group=[0]):
... try:
... return group[0]
... finally:
... group[0] += x.endswith(;)
 [ .join(group) for _, group in groupby(sample, key)]
['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);', 'select 
col1 from  sample_test;']


Re: Knapsack Problem Without Value

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 09:38, wrote:

On Friday, December 13, 2013 9:08:56 AM UTC+7, wrote:


I wanna ask about Knapsack. I do understand what Knapsack is about. But this 
one i faced is a different problem. There is no value. I mean, it's like this, 
for example.

I have 4 beams [X0, X1, X2, X3]. Each 1, 2, 2, 3 cm long. I want to make a new 
6 cm long connected-beam from these 4 beams. I can make it from some of these. 
The output will print:

1, 2, 3 #(X0, X1, X3)

You understand what my problem is? Can you help me?


No, this isnt homework. There is a website called Jollybee (Its available only 
in Bahasa) Here is the link if you dont believe me

Im just got bored and trying to have fun.

Not values like that, i mean, everywhere, I found the pseudocode only teach me 
with 2 variable. Mostly weight and its values ($). For short, this problem I 
faced is only the weight, no values($).

Hope you get it.

Would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
double line spacing above, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Code suggestion - List comprehension

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 09:43, Peter Otten wrote:

Shyam Parimal Katti wrote:


I have a list of sql queries, some which are split across multiple list
elements e.x.
['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test', '(col1 int);',
'select col1 from', ' sample_test;']

A semi-colon in the string value  indicates the termination of a sql
query. So the expected out come is a conversion to a list of valid sql
['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);',
'select col1 from sample_test;']

Here is the code that does that:

sample = ['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test', '(col1
int);', 'select col1 from', ' sample_test;']
pure_sqls = []
query_holder= ''
for each_line in sample:
 query_holder += each_line
 if query_holder.endswith(';'):
 query_holder = ''

Is there a way to do this by eliminating explicit creation of new
list(pure_sqls) and a temporary variable(query_holder)? Using list
comprehension? Though I don't want to put the shorter version in
production(if it is difficult to understand), I am looking if this can be
done with list comprehension since I am trying to learn list comprehension
by using it in such scenarios.

Yours is the sane approach, but it may be fun to try to understand the
following evil hacks ;)

[sql.replace(\0,  ) + ; for sql in \0.join(sample +

[]).split(;\0) if sql]
['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);', 'select
col1 from  sample_test;']

from itertools import groupby
def key(x, group=[0]):

... try:
... return group[0]
... finally:
... group[0] += x.endswith(;)

[ .join(group) for _, group in groupby(sample, key)]

['drop table sample_table;', 'create table sample_test (col1 int);', 'select
col1 from  sample_test;']

Evil?  Bring back the death penalty for code like the above, that's what 
I say :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


accessing a page which request an openID authentication

2013-12-13 Thread uni . mail . 2014
I have a page that request an openID authentication google ID before you are 
able to download any file from it. 
this is the website; 
and I tried a lot but it dose not seem that the ordinary login using session or 
requests work on this case ? any guidance or help ?

Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Jean Dubois
Op vrijdag 13 december 2013 04:32:30 UTC+1 schreef Dan Stromberg:
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Jean Dubois wrote:
  Op donderdag 12 december 2013 22:23:22 UTC+1 schreef Dan Stromberg:
  On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Jean Dubois 
   On Thursday, December 12, 2013 12:20:36 AM UTC+1, Dan Stromberg wrote:
   On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Jean Dubois 
   For this reason, I wrote , which abstracts 
   away these complications, and actually makes things pretty simple.  
   There are examples on the web page.
  Thank you very much for the example, the only trouble I'm having now is 
  installing the bufsock module:
  results in The requested URL /~strombrg/bufsock.tar.gz was not found on 
  this server.
  Could you supply me the necessary installation instructions?
 That's an old link.  It's now at

I surfed to the new download-link  ( 
but I don't see any instructions how to download or install, I see it has something to do with svn which I don't know how to 
handle. Could you help me with that too?

thanks in advance

Re: Knapsack Problem Without Value

2013-12-13 Thread Ian Kelly
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 7:08 PM, wrote:

 I wanna ask about Knapsack. I do understand what Knapsack is about. But this 
 one i faced is a different problem. There is no value. I mean, it's like 
 this, for example.

 I have 4 beams [X0, X1, X2, X3]. Each 1, 2, 2, 3 cm long. I want to make a 
 new 6 cm long connected-beam from these 4 beams. I can make it from some of 
 these. The output will print:

 1, 2, 3 #(X0, X1, X3)

 You understand what my problem is? Can you help me?

With no values, where the goal is just to make a specific sum, it's
the subset sum problem, not the knapsack problem.

smart splitting - how to

2013-12-13 Thread Helmut Jarausch

I'd like to read several strings by using 'input'. 
These strings are separated by white space but I'd like to allow for
some quoting, e.g.

Guido van Rossum

should be split into 2 strings only

Now, a simple split doesn't work since it splits the quoted text as well.
Is there a simple way to do so?
It would be nice if it could handle embedded quotes which are escaped 
by a backslash, too.

Is there something simpler then a sophisticated regular expression 
or even a parser?

Many thanks for a hint,

Re: smart splitting - how to

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:28 PM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
 Now, a simple split doesn't work since it splits the quoted text as well.
 Is there a simple way to do so?
 It would be nice if it could handle embedded quotes which are escaped
 by a backslash, too.

Sounds like you want shell-style splitting. Check out the shlex module:


want to run proxy in python

2013-12-13 Thread Jai
hey , will u guide me how to run proxies from python 

i have tested lots of code but my ip show always constant on when i see it 

plz help .

Re: smart splitting - how to

2013-12-13 Thread Robert Kern

On 2013-12-13 11:28, Helmut Jarausch wrote:


I'd like to read several strings by using 'input'.
These strings are separated by white space but I'd like to allow for
some quoting, e.g.

Guido van Rossum

should be split into 2 strings only

Now, a simple split doesn't work since it splits the quoted text as well.
Is there a simple way to do so?
It would be nice if it could handle embedded quotes which are escaped
by a backslash, too.

Is there something simpler then a sophisticated regular expression
or even a parser?

|1 import shlex

|2 shlex.split(r'Guido \van\ Rossum invented Python')
['Guido van Rossum', 'invented', 'Python']

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: smart splitting - how to

2013-12-13 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 6:28 AM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:


 I'd like to read several strings by using 'input'.
 These strings are separated by white space but I'd like to allow for
 some quoting, e.g.

 Guido van Rossum

 should be split into 2 strings only

 Now, a simple split doesn't work since it splits the quoted text as well.
 Is there a simple way to do so?
 It would be nice if it could handle embedded quotes which are escaped
 by a backslash, too.

 Is there something simpler then a sophisticated regular expression
 or even a parser?

 Many thanks for a hint,

Take a look at the csv reader module.  You can set it to use space as field
separator and also to handle quotes as field delimiters.  This would leave
your quoted strings with spaces as a single field.

I haven't tried your example, but I'm pretty sure it can handle it.

Joel Goldstick

Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Jean Dubois
Op vrijdag 13 december 2013 04:32:30 UTC+1 schreef Dan Stromberg:
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Jean Dubois wrote:
  Op donderdag 12 december 2013 22:23:22 UTC+1 schreef Dan Stromberg:
  On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Jean Dubois 
   On Thursday, December 12, 2013 12:20:36 AM UTC+1, Dan Stromberg wrote:
   On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Jean Dubois 
   For this reason, I wrote , which abstracts 
   away these complications, and actually makes things pretty simple.  
   There are examples on the web page.
  Thank you very much for the example, the only trouble I'm having now is 
  installing the bufsock module:
  results in The requested URL /~strombrg/bufsock.tar.gz was not found on 
  this server.
  Could you supply me the necessary installation instructions?
 That's an old link.  It's now at

I surfed to the new download-link  ( 
but I don't see any instructions how to download or install, I see it has something to do with svn which I don't know how to 
handle. Could you help me with that too?

thanks in advance

Re: smart splitting - how to

2013-12-13 Thread Helmut Jarausch
On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 11:39:57 +, Chris Angelico and Robert Kern wrote:

 On 2013-12-13 11:28, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

 I'd like to read several strings by using 'input'.
 These strings are separated by white space but I'd like to allow for
 some quoting, e.g.

 Guido van Rossum

 should be split into 2 strings only

 Now, a simple split doesn't work since it splits the quoted text as well.
 Is there a simple way to do so?
 It would be nice if it could handle embedded quotes which are escaped
 by a backslash, too.

 Is there something simpler then a sophisticated regular expression
 or even a parser?
 |1 import shlex
 |2 shlex.split(r'Guido \van\ Rossum invented Python')
 ['Guido van Rossum', 'invented', 'Python']

Many thanks, that works perfectly and is so simple.


Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread Ned Batchelder
On Friday, December 13, 2013 12:15:22 AM UTC-5, jennifer stone wrote:
 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python projects. 
 How and where do I begin?
 thanking you in anticipation

Jennifer, hi, welcome!  If you are looking for help with the
mechanics of open-source contribution, and with finding projects
and tasks, Open Hatch is a good resource:  

Their entire mission is making it easier for new contributors to 
join open source projects.


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Jean Dubois
Op vrijdag 13 december 2013 09:35:18 UTC+1 schreef Mark Lawrence:

 Would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
 double line spacing that accompanied the above, thanks.


 Mark Lawrence

Dear Mark,
I'm sorry for the inconvenience my postings may have caused. I now have
the instructions on the link you mentioned and installed the plugin en

hope it worked (I saw the text light up yellow when pressing the edit-key a 
second time). A small suggestion from a newbie: it would perhaps be possible
to make the script check itself whether pyhon2 or python3 should be used?

thanks for having patience with me
kind regards,

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread Veritatem Ignotam
I read 'Beginning Python 2.6 and 3.1' by James Payne. It was pretty good.

Code Academy has a python course.
I've never done it but it might be good



On 12/12/2013 11:15 PM, jennifer stone wrote:
 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python
 projects. How and where do I begin?
 thanking you in anticipation


Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread bv4bv4bv4
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

An important article shows that every child is born on the fitrah (natural 
inclination) of Islam, the spread of Islam after September eleventh and that 
it’s necessary to make an open communication between Muslims  Non-Muslims for 
presenting a right picture about Islam .

Salam Alaykum:

Your question about the increase in the reversion to Islam is a good one. You 
have given me the excuse to do something that I have wanted to do for a long 
time. I have wanted to write on the subject of Reverts to Islam in Modern 
Times and the message that it carries to all of us Muslims about Islam TODAY.
BACK TO Islam?
Reverts to Islam In Modern Times

Revert As Opposed to Convert

I like to use the word revert as opposed to the word convert as it more 
suits the occasion of a person returning back to his natural condition at 
birth. The baby is born in true surrender, submission, obedience and peace with 
his Creator. And this is the desirable position of the Muslim, to be in peace 
and submission to the Will of Allah (God in English). Instead of thinking in 
terms of converting people over to Islam, it is better understood that they 
are simply returning back to their natural state at birth. And this is from the 
teachings of our beloved prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him. (Muslims should 
always say Peace be upon him/them when referring to any of the prophets).

Like A Baby

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: Every child is born on the fitrah 
(natural inclination) of Islam (surrender, submission and peace to the 
Creator on His Terms). And it is their parents who raise them up to be Jews, 
Christians or fire worshippers.

Dr. Ted Campbell who is the professor of religion at the seminary school in 
Maryland and I were both sharing the speakers platform last year in Maryland 
University. At the closing of a very nice interfaith dialog there came a 
strange question for both of us. Noah, the moderator said: This last question 
is for both speakers: Why are each of you in your religion?

Dr. Campbell took his position in front of the microphone and then looked 
around the room as he thought about the question. I will never forget his 
words. He said: I guess I would have to say that I am a Methodist because, 
well because, my parents raised me that way. As a Methodist.

He was right.

That is what we know as Muslims. However, as I mentioned in my answer to the 
same question: And then some are brought back to their original state as a 
baby. They are reverted to Islam by the Mercy of Allah.

Actual or Factual Numbers of American Muslims

Many people are claiming that twice as many, or three times or four times, or 
even ten times as many people are coming into Islam as they did prior to the 
events of September 11. Who could possibly know the numbers? We are not even 
sure how many Muslims live here in America. I have heard the numbers range from 
around 3,000,000 all the way up to 11,000,000. I'm sure that only Allah Knows 
for sure how many Muslims there are in America.

Rate of Reversion

Actually, I can't give accurate statistics before or after the September 
events. I have heard from some experts that Islam was the fastest growing 
religion in the world prior to the September 11 events. I have no reason to 
doubt it either. In the many Masjids around the United States and in the many 
countries that I have been fortunate enough to visit I have found thousands who 
have entered into Islam. The Anglican Church of England expressed concern that 
if something does not change in the trend of new Muslims in England that the 
Muslims will out number the Anglicans by the year 2010.

The number one name of the birth certificates for new born boys in England was 
not John, or Michael, or William. It is Muhammad. In Mexico, Sweden, Denmark 
and Canada I have witnessed so many coming into Islam that I cannot count them 
all. Everywhere I go I meet new Muslims. Prisons, universities and even in the 
military I have personally seen thousands who came to Islam. This is all before 
the events of September 11.

More Exposure to the Message

What I feel comfortable saying is that more and more people are being to 
exposed to Islam all over the world. Whether or not the picture they are 
receiving is painted correctly or not is not as important a factor as is the 
fact that at long last many people on this planet are looking at Islam as 
something very real. Therefore, when they ask about Islam some of the 
information is stimulating feelings inside of the people. Naturally we are 
going to see those who are stimulated to be against Islam. At the same time you 
have to understand that there are a number of people who will take the position 
that you cannot always believe everything in the news media. These are the ones 
whom Allah guides to inquire and learn more.

Allah is the Only Guide

It is only Allah who Guides the people and it is 

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2013-12-13 Thread Jai
my code :

#!/usr/bin/env python 

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re,urllib2,urlparse, MySQLdb

def get_domain(url):
return urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc

def men_tshirts2(main_link, cat_link,db,cursor):
#print main_link
for cat,link in cat_link.iteritems():
cat = str(cat)
#print cat, link 
page = urllib2.urlopen(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
item = soup.find_all(div,attrs={class:itemTitle})
price = soup.find_all(div, attrs={class:itemPrice})
item_list =[]
price_list =[]
seller_list =[]

for x,y in zip(item,price):
price = str(y.p.string)
link = str(x.a.get(href))
page =urllib2.urlopen(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
data = soup.find_all(span, attrs={class:mbg-nw})
seller = str(data[0].string)
#print cat,item_content,price,seller
gender = men
sql = insert into 


def men_tshirts(db,cursor):
main_link =;
domane = get_domain(main_link)
main_page = urllib2.urlopen(main_link)
data = main_soup.find_all(div,attrs= {class:itmTitle})
price = main_soup.find_all(span,attrs={class:catlblTitle})
cat_link  = {}
for x, y in zip(data, price):
#cat= str(x.a.string)+:+str(y.string)
cat= str(x.a.string)
link= http://+domane+/+str(x.a.get(href))
#print cat, link 
cat_link[cat] = link

men_tshirts2(main_link, cat_link,db,cursor)

if __name__==__main__:
 db = MySQLdb.connect(localhost,root,india123,ebay_db )
 cursor = db.cursor()


sql structure :-

mysql describe fashion;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default   | Extra  
| id   | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL  | auto_increment 
| GENDER   | varchar(6)   | YES  | | NULL  |
| links| varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL  |
| category | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL  |
| item_content | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL  |
| price| varchar(10)  | YES  | | NULL  |
| seller   | varchar(20)  | YES  | | NULL  |
| created_on   | timestamp| NO   | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread Zachary Ware
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:15 PM, jennifer stone wrote:
 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python projects.
 How and where do I begin?
 thanking you in anticipation

If you're interested in contributing to Python itself, you can consult
the Python devguide [1] for suggestions on how to get started.  I
would also recommend the core-mentorship mailing list[2][3], which is
a private (archives are only available to members) list where you can
ask any questions you may have.

Welcome! :)


[2] List info:
[3] Homepage:

Re: TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2013-12-13 Thread Ervin Hegedüs

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 05:18:59AM -0800, Jai wrote:
 sql = insert into
 fashion(GENDER,links,category,item_content,price,seller) \

may be you miss a % sign?

 query = query % db.literal(args)
 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting




Re: TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2013-12-13 Thread Peter Otten
Jai wrote:

 my code :

 sql = insert into

This looks very much like your previous mistake

(1) Don't put quotes around the placeholders. They are probably interpreted 
as string literals.

(2) The last placeholder is missing the %
 query = query % db.literal(args)
 TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

Note that we prefer to see complete tracebacks as this usually simplifies 
debugging a lot.


Re: accessing a page which request an openID authentication

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 10:32, wrote:

I have a page that request an openID authentication google ID before you are 
able to download any file from it.
this is the website; 
and I tried a lot but it dose not seem that the ordinary login using session or requests 
work on this case ? any guidance or help ?

Please show us a code sample that you've tried.  State what you expected 
to happen, what actually happened, your OS and Python version.  If you 
have a traceback cut and paste all of it into your message.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant
- Original Message -
 I have an ethernet-rs232 adapter which allows me to connect to a
 measurement instrument by means of netcat on a linux system.
 e.g. entering nc 7000
 allows me to enter e.g.
 after which I get an identification string of the measurement
 instrument back.
 I thought I could accomplish the same using the python module
 and tried out the sample program below which doesn't work however:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 A simple echo client
 import socket
 host = ''
 port = 7000
 size = 10
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 data = s.recv(size)
 print 'Received:', data
 Can anyone here tell me how to do it properly?
 thanks in advance

Such equipment often implements a telnet protocol. Have use try using the 
telnetlib module ?

t = Telnet(host, port)
print t.read_until('Whateverprompt')
# you can use read_very_eager also



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Re: Need help with file object

2013-12-13 Thread bob gailer

On 12/12/2013 11:29 PM, Unix SA wrote:


With above prog I am getting error
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need sting or buffer, file found

In future please copy and paste the entire traceback. It appears that 
you typed in just one line of it.

In this case the line raising the exception was obvious, but often it is 


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-12, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 6:16 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid 

 Sockets reserve the right to split one socket.send() into multiple
 socket.recv()'s on the other end of the communication, or to aggregate
 multiple socket.send()'s into a single socket.recv() - pretty much any way
 the relevant IP stacks and communications equipment feel like for the sake
 of performance or reliability.

 Just to be pedantic: _TCP_ sockets reserver that right.  UDP sockets
 do not, and do in fact guarantee that each message is discrete.  [It
 appears that the OP is undoubtedly using TCP sockets.]

 I haven't done a lot of UDP, but are you pretty sure UDP can't at
 least fragment large packets?  What's a router or switch to do if the
 Path MTU isn't large enough for an original packet?

You're conflating IP datagrams and Ethernet packets.  The IP stack can
fragment an IP datagram into multiple Ethernet packets which are then
reassembled by the receiving IP stack into a single datagram before
being passed up to the next layer (in this case, UDP).

Did you read the thread you pointed to?  Your question was answerd by
posting #4 in the thread you cited:

   1) Yes, packets will be fragmented at the network layer (IP), but this
  is something you do not have to worry about since the network
  layer will reassemble the fragments before passing them back up
  to the transport layer (UDP). UDP garentees preserved message
  boundaries, so you never have to worry about only receiving a
  packet fragment :~).

A few other references:

 1.1. Motivation

  [...] The internet protocol provides for transmitting blocks of data
  called datagrams from sources to destinations, [...] The internet
  protocol also provides for fragmentation and reassembly of long
  datagrams, if necessary, for transmission through small packet

 1.4 Operation

  The internet modules use fields in the internet header to fragment
  and reassemble internet datagrams when necessary for transmission
  through small packet networks.


  If a receiving host receives a fragmented IP packet, it has to
  reassemble the datagram and pass it to the higher protocol layer.
  Reassembly is intended to happen in the receiving host but in
  practice it may be done by an intermediate router, for example,
  network address translation may need to re-assemble fragments in
  order to translate data streams, e.g. the FTP control protocol, as
  described in RFC 2993
Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I'm continually AMAZED
  at   at th'breathtaking effects
  gmail.comof WIND EROSION!!

Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-12, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Now, if you want reliability AND datagrams, it's a lot easier to add
 boundaries to a TCP stream (sentinel or length prefixes) than to add
 reliability to UDP...

It's unfortunate that there's no standardized reliable
connection-oriented datagram protocol.  The linux kernel implements 
one for Unix domain sockets (SOCK_SEQPACKET), and its really, really

Adding boundaries to a TCP stream achieves the same goal (and isn't
that hard to do), but since there's no standard for it, people keep
having to reinvent it (often badly and always incompaibly).

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Hello...  IRON
  at   CURTAIN?  Send over a
  gmail.comSAUSAGE PIZZA!  World War
   III?  No thanks!

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread wxjmfauth
Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013 18:55:15 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :
 If you mean cp65xxx (I forget exact numbers), MS Command Prompt fails, 
 not Python. One should not use any other code page, but only other code 
 pages work.


Please, do not exaggerate too much.
On my win7 box, using cp65001:

The golang works. Despite my poor knowledge with with
this language, I even relatively quickly succeded to write
a readline fct.

Ruby 2 works.

irb, the interactive ruby works. I remember to have had
some diffuculties in entering some chars, this a different

echo unicode works.

xelatex (my favourite tool), a tex-unicode engine, works.
I'm usualy using a GUI tool, I just tested with a éàü.tex
document. Indeed, it works.

Starting that created document éàü.pdf with the cmd
 start éàü.pdf
works. It calls Acrobat Reader.

Starting that created document with Sumatra, a pdf viewer

Not directly related to my comment, I can compile a
.tex document in such a dir
and it works.

Something a little bit different. Neil Hodgson's SciTE
editor. One can configure the output pane to use 65001.
All the examples above works. It is also possible to 
make Python working, but I had to write my own printing

A note about font. The console does not, and is not able,
to display all the chars. It is however always displaying
text very smoothly and correctly using the replacement *glyph.
Nothing to do with an incorrect behaviour of the console.

 echo ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*

I mainly considered BMP characters.

Windows is not so bad. One can discuss ad nauseam
the pros and cons of console-gui application. I have
always considered Windows as a system which use gui
applications. And even with Python using a gui toolkit,
I sometimes link my own created gui console.

I do not wish to defend MS. What I wrote depends
on the Windows version, XP, Vista, Windows 7. 
One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
(With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)



Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:10 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid wrote:
 Adding boundaries to a TCP stream achieves the same goal (and isn't
 that hard to do), but since there's no standard for it, people keep
 having to reinvent it (often badly and always incompaibly).

Nearest to a standard would be the way heaps of internet protocols are
line-based - SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, and to a lesser extent HTTP as
well. The end-of-line sequence \r\n delimits messages.


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Frank Miles
On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 16:18:22 -0500, Larry Martell wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:51 AM, bob gailer wrote:
 On 12/11/2013 9:07 PM, Larry Martell wrote:

 Nope. Long before that I was working on computers that didn't boot when
 you powered them up, You had to manually key in a bootstrap program from the
 front panel switches.

 PDP8? RIM loader, BIN loader?
 Data General Nova 3

IIRC - wasn't that a machine that didn't even have 'subtract' - you had
to complement and add (2 steps) ?

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:
 One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
 a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
 one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
 (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)

[citation needed]


Re: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread Amirouche Boubekki
Why is still not banned?


 Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept.

 An important article shows that every child is born on the fitrah
 (natural inclination) of Islam, the spread of Islam after September
 eleventh and that it’s necessary to make an open communication between
 Muslims  Non-Muslims for presenting a right picture about Islam .

 Salam Alaykum:

 Your question about the increase in the reversion to Islam is a good
 one. You have given me the excuse to do something that I have wanted to do
 for a long time. I have wanted to write on the subject of Reverts to Islam
 in Modern Times and the message that it carries to all of us Muslims about
 Islam TODAY.
 BACK TO Islam?
 Reverts to Islam In Modern Times

 Revert As Opposed to Convert

 I like to use the word revert as opposed to the word convert as it
 more suits the occasion of a person returning back to his natural condition
 at birth. The baby is born in true surrender, submission, obedience and
 peace with his Creator. And this is the desirable position of the Muslim,
 to be in peace and submission to the Will of Allah (God in English).
 Instead of thinking in terms of converting people over to Islam, it is
 better understood that they are simply returning back to their natural
 state at birth. And this is from the teachings of our beloved prophet,
 Muhammad, peace be upon him. (Muslims should always say Peace be upon
 him/them when referring to any of the prophets).

 Like A Baby

 Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: Every child is born on the
 fitrah (natural inclination) of Islam (surrender, submission and peace
 to the Creator on His Terms). And it is their parents who raise them up to
 be Jews, Christians or fire worshippers.

 Dr. Ted Campbell who is the professor of religion at the seminary school
 in Maryland and I were both sharing the speakers platform last year in
 Maryland University. At the closing of a very nice interfaith dialog there
 came a strange question for both of us. Noah, the moderator said: This
 last question is for both speakers: Why are each of you in your religion?

 Dr. Campbell took his position in front of the microphone and then looked
 around the room as he thought about the question. I will never forget his
 words. He said: I guess I would have to say that I am a Methodist because,
 well because, my parents raised me that way. As a Methodist.

 He was right.

 That is what we know as Muslims. However, as I mentioned in my answer to
 the same question: And then some are brought back to their original state
 as a baby. They are reverted to Islam by the Mercy of Allah.

 Actual or Factual Numbers of American Muslims

 Many people are claiming that twice as many, or three times or four times,
 or even ten times as many people are coming into Islam as they did prior to
 the events of September 11. Who could possibly know the numbers? We are not
 even sure how many Muslims live here in America. I have heard the numbers
 range from around 3,000,000 all the way up to 11,000,000. I'm sure that
 only Allah Knows for sure how many Muslims there are in America.

 Rate of Reversion

 Actually, I can't give accurate statistics before or after the September
 events. I have heard from some experts that Islam was the fastest growing
 religion in the world prior to the September 11 events. I have no reason to
 doubt it either. In the many Masjids around the United States and in the
 many countries that I have been fortunate enough to visit I have found
 thousands who have entered into Islam. The Anglican Church of England
 expressed concern that if something does not change in the trend of new
 Muslims in England that the Muslims will out number the Anglicans by the
 year 2010.

 The number one name of the birth certificates for new born boys in England
 was not John, or Michael, or William. It is Muhammad. In Mexico, Sweden,
 Denmark and Canada I have witnessed so many coming into Islam that I cannot
 count them all. Everywhere I go I meet new Muslims. Prisons, universities
 and even in the military I have personally seen thousands who came to
 Islam. This is all before the events of September 11.

 More Exposure to the Message

 What I feel comfortable saying is that more and more people are being to
 exposed to Islam all over the world. Whether or not the picture they are
 receiving is painted correctly or not is not as important a factor as is
 the fact that at long last many people on this planet are looking at Islam
 as something very real. Therefore, when they ask about Islam some of the
 information is stimulating feelings inside of the people. Naturally we are
 going to see those who are stimulated to be against Islam. At the same time
 you have to understand that there are a number of people who will take the
 position that you cannot always believe everything in the news media. These
 are the ones whom Allah guides 

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 16:27, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:

One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
(With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)

[citation needed]


You'll have to wait until the cows come home on two counts.  One, he's 
never yet provided any evidence to support any statement that he's ever 
made here.  Second, he's still not smart enough to stop sending double 
spaced google crap.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:

 I have an app that generates a file one a day and would like to email it
 using pythons SMTP server.

You don't send mail using an SMTP server.  You receive mail using an
SMTP server.
 The documentation is kinda sparse and I cant seem to find any good examples.

 Basically what I want to do; when my app runs it would initiate a SMTP
 server, send the attachment and shutdown the SMTP after.

Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
From: Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid
Subject: Re: Using pythons smtp server

On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:

 I have an app that generates a file one a day and would like to email
 it using pythons SMTP server.

You don't send mail using an SMTP server.  You receive mail using an 
SMTP server.  You send mail using an SMTP client.
 The documentation is kinda sparse and I cant seem to find any good examples.

 Basically what I want to do; when my app runs it would initiate a SMTP
 server, send the attachment and shutdown the SMTP after.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! The PINK SOCKS were
  at   ORIGINALLY from 1952!!
  gmail.comBut they went to MARS
   around 1953!!

Re: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread Tim Golden
On 13/12/2013 16:32, Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
 Why is still not banned?

[... snip long spiel from bv4 etc. ...]

Before recently, the answer would have been: because they're coming in
through the Usenet gateway so there's no mailing list subscription to

However, we've recently implemented filtering via the gateway, and I've
just added bv4 to the list of banned addresses. (I'm not 100% sure I've
got it right, so let's see if they make it in again).


Re: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:32 AM, Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
 Why is still not banned?

 [ a whole lot of quoted text, including the URL ]

Why do you quote all the text, including the web link? I didn't see
the original, thanks to good spam filtering, but your response brought
this to my attention, not to mention put another copy into the
archives. Please, just ignore these sorts of things; or if you want to
reply for whatever reason, trim out the content, especially any links.


Re: accessing a page which request an openID authentication

2013-12-13 Thread Denis McMahon
On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 02:32:49 -0800, uni.mail.2014 wrote:

 I have a page that request an openID authentication 

And your Python question is?

Denis McMahon,

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Friday, December 13, 2013 10:45:22 AM UTC+5:30, jennifer stone wrote:

 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python
 projects. How and where do I begin?

Good to see new names!

How much python do you know/studied/coded?

Re: want to run proxy in python

2013-12-13 Thread Denis McMahon
On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 03:39:44 -0800, Jai wrote:

 hey , will u guide me how to run proxies from python

Denis McMahon,

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 On 13/12/2013 16:27, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:

 One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
 a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
 one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
 (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)

 [citation needed]


 You'll have to wait until the cows come home on two counts.  One, he's never
 yet provided any evidence to support any statement that he's ever made here.
 Second, he's still not smart enough to stop sending double spaced google

I don't know that it's a matter of not being smart enough. It's just
as likely to be a deliberate choice, as that method of posting ensures
that the quality of the style matches the quality of the substance.


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Friday, December 13, 2013 10:13:11 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
  You'll have to wait until the cows come home on two counts.  One, he's never
  yet provided any evidence to support any statement that he's ever made here.
  Second, he's still not smart enough to stop sending double spaced google

 I don't know that it's a matter of not being smart enough. It's just
 as likely to be a deliberate choice, as that method of posting ensures
 that the quality of the style matches the quality of the substance.

Correlates? Ok
Ensures??   Citation needed

Filtering and blocking (was Re: Islam is the spammiest subject line on python-list)

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Tim Golden wrote:
 However, we've recently implemented filtering via the gateway, and I've
 just added bv4 to the list of banned addresses. (I'm not 100% sure I've
 got it right, so let's see if they make it in again).

What happens if someone else trips the filter (collateral damage)? Are
they informed that they're blocked, or does the post get black-holed?


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-13, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:10 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid 
 Adding boundaries to a TCP stream achieves the same goal (and isn't
 that hard to do), but since there's no standard for it, people keep
 having to reinvent it (often badly and always incompaibly).

 Nearest to a standard would be the way heaps of internet protocols are
 line-based - SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, and to a lesser extent HTTP as
 well. The end-of-line sequence \r\n delimits messages.

And that works very nicely for things that transport text.  It's easy
to implement, easy to debug, easy to test.  But, when you need to
transport binary data, it gets ugly and compatibility problems start
to arise pretty quickly.

One could also borrow standards from the old-school serial world and
us the SYN/STX/ETX framing with byte stuffing used by HDLC et al.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! My vaseline is
  at   RUNNING...

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 16:43, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 13/12/2013 16:27, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:

One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
(With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)

[citation needed]


You'll have to wait until the cows come home on two counts.  One, he's never
yet provided any evidence to support any statement that he's ever made here.
Second, he's still not smart enough to stop sending double spaced google

I don't know that it's a matter of not being smart enough. It's just
as likely to be a deliberate choice, as that method of posting ensures
that the quality of the style matches the quality of the substance.


How can it be deliberate choice, that implies thought in the first 
place, which is highly conspicious by its absence?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Friday, December 13, 2013 5:50:03 PM UTC+5:30, Jean Dubois wrote:
 Op vrijdag 13 december 2013 09:35:18 UTC+1 schreef Mark Lawrence:

  Would you please read and action this to prevent us seeing the 
  double line spacing that accompanied the above, thanks.

  Mark Lawrence

 Dear Mark,
 I'm sorry for the inconvenience my postings may have caused. I now have
 the instructions on the link you mentioned and installed the plugin en

Thanks for cooperating

 hope it worked (I saw the text light up yellow when pressing the edit-key a 
 second time). A small suggestion from a newbie: it would perhaps be possible
 to make the script check itself whether pyhon2 or python3 should be used?

Yes... Half way
The double-spacing problem is cured
However the long-lines remain (see your hope it worked... above)
Did you click the edit button both before and after your typing?

The 'before' should remove the double-spaced (old ...) lines
The 'after' should even out the right margins of what you've just typed

 thanks for having patience with me

Yes and you too please bear with us as we iron out this little irritant niggle


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:57 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2013-12-13, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:10 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid 
 Adding boundaries to a TCP stream achieves the same goal (and isn't
 that hard to do), but since there's no standard for it, people keep
 having to reinvent it (often badly and always incompaibly).

 Nearest to a standard would be the way heaps of internet protocols are
 line-based - SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, and to a lesser extent HTTP as
 well. The end-of-line sequence \r\n delimits messages.

 And that works very nicely for things that transport text.  It's easy
 to implement, easy to debug, easy to test.  But, when you need to
 transport binary data, it gets ugly and compatibility problems start
 to arise pretty quickly.

 One could also borrow standards from the old-school serial world and
 us the SYN/STX/ETX framing with byte stuffing used by HDLC et al.

Yeah, or if it's a tight binary protocol with occasional bits of
bigger payload, either MIDI or TELNET could offer ideas. MIDI's SysEx
message can carry whatever is needed of it, and TELNET has
subnegotiation that can be used for the odd thingy or so. But for a
generic binary stream-of-messages pipe (as opposed to the
stream-of-bytes pipe that TCP normally offers), probably the easiest
is to precede each write with an N-byte length... and somehow
negotiate what N should be. (And endianness, but hopefully that's just
network byte order.)

Standards are awesome, there are so many to choose from!


Re: [newbie] trying socket as a replacement for nc

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Friday, December 13, 2013 5:50:03 PM UTC+5:30, Jean Dubois wrote:
 to make the script check itself whether pyhon2 or python3 should be used?

As far as I know both (2 and 3) worked
Do you have some reason to suspect one works and other not?

Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:54 AM, rusi wrote:
 I don't know that it's a matter of not being smart enough. It's just
 as likely to be a deliberate choice, as that method of posting ensures
 that the quality of the style matches the quality of the substance.

 Correlates? Ok
 Ensures??   Citation needed

For jmf's posts? Definitely ensures. Citation: python-list archives. :)


Re: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept. 11.

2013-12-13 Thread Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
 Why is still not banned?

Because they’re posting via Usenet.  Google Groups, to be exact — if
someone feels like it, go bug


 Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world especially since sept.

 An important article shows that every child is born on the fitrah
 (natural inclination) of Islam, the spread of Islam after September
 eleventh and that it’s necessary to make an open communication between
 Muslims  Non-Muslims for presenting a right picture about Islam .

 Salam Alaykum:

 Your question about the increase in the reversion to Islam is a good
 one. You have given me the excuse to do something that I have wanted to do
 for a long time. I have wanted to write on the subject of Reverts to Islam
 in Modern Times and the message that it carries to all of us Muslims about
 Islam TODAY.
 BACK TO Islam?
 Reverts to Islam In Modern Times

 Revert As Opposed to Convert

 I like to use the word revert as opposed to the word convert as it
 more suits the occasion of a person returning back to his natural condition
 at birth. The baby is born in true surrender, submission, obedience and
 peace with his Creator. And this is the desirable position of the Muslim, to
 be in peace and submission to the Will of Allah (God in English). Instead of
 thinking in terms of converting people over to Islam, it is better
 understood that they are simply returning back to their natural state at
 birth. And this is from the teachings of our beloved prophet, Muhammad,
 peace be upon him. (Muslims should always say Peace be upon him/them when
 referring to any of the prophets).

 Like A Baby

 Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: Every child is born on the
 fitrah (natural inclination) of Islam (surrender, submission and peace
 to the Creator on His Terms). And it is their parents who raise them up to
 be Jews, Christians or fire worshippers.

 Dr. Ted Campbell who is the professor of religion at the seminary school
 in Maryland and I were both sharing the speakers platform last year in
 Maryland University. At the closing of a very nice interfaith dialog there
 came a strange question for both of us. Noah, the moderator said: This last
 question is for both speakers: Why are each of you in your religion?

 Dr. Campbell took his position in front of the microphone and then looked
 around the room as he thought about the question. I will never forget his
 words. He said: I guess I would have to say that I am a Methodist because,
 well because, my parents raised me that way. As a Methodist.

 He was right.

 That is what we know as Muslims. However, as I mentioned in my answer to
 the same question: And then some are brought back to their original state
 as a baby. They are reverted to Islam by the Mercy of Allah.

 Actual or Factual Numbers of American Muslims

 Many people are claiming that twice as many, or three times or four times,
 or even ten times as many people are coming into Islam as they did prior to
 the events of September 11. Who could possibly know the numbers? We are not
 even sure how many Muslims live here in America. I have heard the numbers
 range from around 3,000,000 all the way up to 11,000,000. I'm sure that only
 Allah Knows for sure how many Muslims there are in America.

 Rate of Reversion

 Actually, I can't give accurate statistics before or after the September
 events. I have heard from some experts that Islam was the fastest growing
 religion in the world prior to the September 11 events. I have no reason to
 doubt it either. In the many Masjids around the United States and in the
 many countries that I have been fortunate enough to visit I have found
 thousands who have entered into Islam. The Anglican Church of England
 expressed concern that if something does not change in the trend of new
 Muslims in England that the Muslims will out number the Anglicans by the
 year 2010.

 The number one name of the birth certificates for new born boys in England
 was not John, or Michael, or William. It is Muhammad. In Mexico, Sweden,
 Denmark and Canada I have witnessed so many coming into Islam that I cannot
 count them all. Everywhere I go I meet new Muslims. Prisons, universities
 and even in the military I have personally seen thousands who came to Islam.
 This is all before the events of September 11.

 More Exposure to the Message

 What I feel comfortable saying is that more and more people are being to
 exposed to Islam all over the world. Whether or not the picture they are
 receiving is painted correctly or not is not as important a factor as is the
 fact that at long last many people on this planet are looking at Islam as
 something very real. Therefore, when they ask about Islam some of the
 information is stimulating feelings inside of the people. Naturally we are
 going to see those who are stimulated to be 

Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Vincent Davis

 You don't send mail using an SMTP server.  You receive mail using an
 SMTP server.

Um maybe, I guess it is a matter of perspective.

Let me rephrase my question. ​​I want to send an email using python but do
not want to use an external service. Does python have the ability to send
emails without installing additional software or using an external
Maybe I am wrong, I thought examples like s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
​​ are using a local(outside of python) smtp server, like postfix.

Vincent Davis

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalidwrote:

 On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:

  I have an app that generates a file one a day and would like to email it
  using pythons SMTP server.

 You don't send mail using an SMTP server.  You receive mail using an
 SMTP server.
  The documentation is kinda sparse and I cant seem to find any good
  Basically what I want to do; when my app runs it would initiate a SMTP
  server, send the attachment and shutdown the SMTP after.

 Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
 From: Grant Edwards invalid@invalid.invalid
 Subject: Re: Using pythons smtp server

 On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:

  I have an app that generates a file one a day and would like to email
  it using pythons SMTP server.

 You don't send mail using an SMTP server.  You receive mail using an
 SMTP server.  You send mail using an SMTP client.
  The documentation is kinda sparse and I cant seem to find any good
  Basically what I want to do; when my app runs it would initiate a SMTP
  server, send the attachment and shutdown the SMTP after.

 Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! The PINK SOCKS were
   at   ORIGINALLY from 1952!!
   gmail.comBut they went to MARS
around 1953!!


Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Vincent Davis
Obviously I don't really know how this works. I have used python to send
email using my smtp server (whatever that may be gmail, postfix..)
But I don't want to do that. After a little more research I think what I
need to do is lookup the MX address of the address I want to send the email
Then submit the email to that address using smtplib.SMTP
​Do I have that right?

Vincent Davis

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber

 On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 18:01:58 -0700, Vincent Davis declaimed the following:

 I have an app that generates a file one a day and would like to email it
 using pythons SMTP server.
 The documentation is kinda sparse and I cant seem to find any good
 Basically what I want to do; when my app runs it would initiate a SMTP
 server, send the attachment and shutdown the SMTP after.

 I suspect you don't want the server per se -- that's more a unit
 receiving SMTP mail (sure, you can start it, but then you have to send the
 email to IT so it can relay it to the next server in the line).

 Look into the smtplib module (section 20.12 in the v2.7.2
 documentation) in order to send email TO a mail server
 Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN



Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread jennifer stone
thanks a ton for your warm response. I know the basics of python with some
modules like pickle, urllib, re. Its kind of basic I know. but it gotta
start somewhere and I really want to have real world experience.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:45 AM, jennifer stone

 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python projects.
 How and where do I begin?
 thanking you in anticipation


Re: min max from tuples in list

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Friday, December 13, 2013 11:58:51 AM UTC+5:30, Robert Voigtländer wrote:
 I've heard the term used often.  It means something like, performs 
 well or runs fast.  It may or may not be an English word, but that 
 doesn't stop people from using it :-) 

  If google can be used to mean make huge amouts of money with a 
  product that is inherently flawed then I'll happily accept performant 
  as an English word, regardless of whether the English variant is UK, US, 
  Australian, New Zealand, Soth African, Geordie, Glaswegian or any other :)

 Indeed it's not an english word. I have to stop using it. In German
 it's used with the meaning of runs fast. Even though it's already
 not that clearly defined there.

 Thanks for the help on the topic of data aggregation. It helped a
 lot and I again learned somthing.  I have a performant .. well
 .. fast running solution now.

Well performant is performant enough for the purposes of communicating
on the python list I think :D

Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:

 Obviously I don't really know how this works. I have used python to
 send email using my smtp server (whatever that may be gmail,
 postfix..) But I don't want to do that. After a little more research
 I think what I need to do is lookup the MX address of the address I
 want to send the email too.

 Then submit the email to that address using smtplib.SMTP

Maybe.  In theory, that will work -- and it did in the good old days
before SPAM (the electric kind) was invented.

But, many SMTP servers (the ones pointed to by the MX record) will not
accept mail from you unless you meet various requirements (which vary
considerably and the SMTP servers administrators try to keep secret).

For example you may have to be sending from an IP address who's
reverse-DNS lookup matches up with the from headers and with the MX
record for the domain you claim to be sending from.

Your mail might also get blocked/discarded if you're sending from
what's been identified as a dynamically allocated IP block (even if it
does have proper DNS and MX records).

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Look into my eyes and
  at   try to forget that you have
  gmail.coma Macy's charge card!

Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 4:13 AM, Vincent Davis wrote:
 Let me rephrase my question. I want to send an email using python but do not
 want to use an external service. Does python have the ability to send emails
 without installing additional software or using an external server/service?

Any SMTP server you install has to do one of three things with the
mail you give it:

1) Accept it locally. Presumably the wrong thing to do here.
2) Deliver it to the authoritative SMTP server for the domain.
3) Deliver it to an intermediate server.

(Edit: Your next mail shows that you understand that, as looking up
the MX record is what I was going to say here.)

So if you want to avoid using an external intermediate server, you
need to find and talk to the authoritative server. Now, this is where
another big consideration comes in. What envelope From address are you
going to use? Is your own IP address allowed to send mail for that
domain? If not, you may be forced to use the legitimate server for
that domain. There are other concerns, too; if you don't have a nice
name to announce in the HELO, you might find your mail treated as
spam. But if you deal with all that, then yes, the only thing you need
to do is look up the MX record and pick the best server. (And then
deal with other concerns like coping with that one being down, which
is the advantage of having a local mail queue. But sometimes that
doesn't matter, like if you're sending to yourself for notifications.)


Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Vincent Davis
Grant, Chris
Thanks !!!
I guess in the end this is a bad idea, (for my purposes) I should just use
my gmail account smtp server.

Vincent Davis

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 4:13 AM, Vincent Davis
  Let me rephrase my question. I want to send an email using python but do
  want to use an external service. Does python have the ability to send
  without installing additional software or using an external

 Any SMTP server you install has to do one of three things with the
 mail you give it:

 1) Accept it locally. Presumably the wrong thing to do here.
 2) Deliver it to the authoritative SMTP server for the domain.
 3) Deliver it to an intermediate server.

 (Edit: Your next mail shows that you understand that, as looking up
 the MX record is what I was going to say here.)

 So if you want to avoid using an external intermediate server, you
 need to find and talk to the authoritative server. Now, this is where
 another big consideration comes in. What envelope From address are you
 going to use? Is your own IP address allowed to send mail for that
 domain? If not, you may be forced to use the legitimate server for
 that domain. There are other concerns, too; if you don't have a nice
 name to announce in the HELO, you might find your mail treated as
 spam. But if you deal with all that, then yes, the only thing you need
 to do is look up the MX record and pick the best server. (And then
 deal with other concerns like coping with that one being down, which
 is the advantage of having a local mail queue. But sometimes that
 doesn't matter, like if you're sending to yourself for notifications.)



Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread wxjmfauth
Le vendredi 13 décembre 2013 17:27:35 UTC+1, Chris Angelico a écrit :
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:
  One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
  a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
  one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
  (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)
 [citation needed]

My guess is that you are referring to that
sentence (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!).
I do not need to cite anything. That's my opinion.

My comment was mainly oriented about cp65*** in the
context of a teaching programming language. I pointed
that some tools are working very well with that code



Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:27 AM, Vincent Davis wrote:
 Grant, Chris
 Thanks !!!
 I guess in the end this is a bad idea, (for my purposes) I should just use
 my gmail account smtp server.

If you're sending from gmail, use whatever gmail specifies for
sending. Otherwise your mail will be seen as spoofed.

The converse of this is that, in my opinion, *every* domain should
have an SPF record and *every* mail server should check them. That
would eliminate a huge slab of forged mail, and it'd prevent some
stupid web email forms from doing the wrong thing and only finding out
that it's wrong years later.


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:27 AM, wrote:
 My guess is that you are referring to that
 sentence (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!).
 I do not need to cite anything. That's my opinion.

Just as much to what's above it, where you state that MS has produced
a full unicode system. Is that, too, just opinion, utterly unfounded
in fact, or can you provide a citation?


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread wxjmfauth
Le vendredi 13 décembre 2013 19:32:58 UTC+1, Chris Angelico a écrit :
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:27 AM, wrote:
  My guess is that you are referring to that
  sentence (With an excellent unicode coding scheme!).
  I do not need to cite anything. That's my opinion.
 Just as much to what's above it, where you state that MS has produced
 a full unicode system. Is that, too, just opinion, utterly unfounded
 in fact, or can you provide a citation?

I have not the knowledge to put a jugment on this. 
I read many articles on the subject from people
who seems to have some skills on the subject.

From my own experience with my limited and empirical
computing experience, when I see the file system,
the rendering engine, the usage of OpenType fonts, ...
I tend to have to agree. I can also point that all
these aspects jump to my mind when I switched from
XP to 7. Some time ago, I even fall on an article
about the bootstraping mechanism (7 or 8 or future
version or RT ?) which uses natively ucs-2.



Re: Using pythons smtp server

2013-12-13 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2013-12-13, Vincent Davis wrote:
 Grant, Chris
 Thanks !!!

 I guess in the end this is a bad idea, (for my purposes) I should just use
 my gmail account smtp server.

If you're going to claim the mail is from, then
yes you should definitly send it via Gmail's SMTP server.  Doing
anything else is going to be a long, losing battle involving you
learning more about SMTP and e-mail headers than you probably want to.

If you've got your own domain (which you're using as the from
address), a static IP, and your own MX record and corresponding SMTP
server, you should be able to set things up to send mail directly.

Many years ago (like 20), I used to configure my home Linux boxes to
send mail directly to the destination SMTP server while claiming to be
from grante@my-isp'  At first it worked fine that way.
Then about about 12-15 years ago, I started having problems with some
servers refusing my mail.  I had a static IP address with a real,
official hostname, so I set up an MX record for that hostname, and
made sure my handshaking configuration was using a hostname that
mapped back to my static IP address.  That helped for a while, but
SMTP servers continued to get more and more paranoid.  Some SMTP
servers won't accept mail from an IP if they've determined is a
residential IP address even if you do have a domain that matches the
from address, an MX record, and everything else.

Eventually, I just gave up and started routing everything through the
official SMTP server associated with the e-mail address from which I
wanted to send the mail.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I'm having a MID-WEEK
  at   CRISIS!

Re: Tree library - multiple children

2013-12-13 Thread buchanae
I have this simple/stupid tree module:

On Thursday, December 12, 2013 10:14:34 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
 I need to use a tree structure. Is there a good and known library?
 Doesn't have to be binary tree, I need to have multiple children per node.


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/13/2013 11:15 AM, wrote:

Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013 18:55:15 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :

If you mean cp65xxx (I forget exact numbers), MS Command Prompt fails,
not Python. One should not use any other code page, but only other code
pages work.

Please, do not exaggerate too much.

I try not to, so in case I mis-remembered, I tried your experiment.

 echo ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*

I cut the mixed alphabet input line and pasted into a *fresh* Command 
Prompt window on my USA Win 7 machine with all updates.

C:\Users\Terryecho ?‚*

About what I expected, except for é becoming ,. Now the test. Change the 
code page and re-paste.

C:\Users\Terrychcp 65001
Active code page: 65001

C:\Users\Terryecho *
The system cannot write to the specified device.
This a major fail as all non-ascii chars are deleted when pasted (at 
least visibly) and the echo does not echo. There is no Python involved 
in this failure.

I am willing to believe that you might have gotten different behavior on 
your French Win 7 machine. Windows is not an international OS, but 
rather a collection of ghettoized national versions.

As I said before, Idle does work in this regard.

Python 3.4.0a4 (v3.4.0a4:e245b0d7209b, Oct 20 2013, 19:57:58) [MSC 
v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32


Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Tree library - multiple children

2013-12-13 Thread Ricardo Aráoz

El 13/12/13 18:05, escribió:

I have this simple/stupid tree module:

Thanks, I'll check it.


Re: Filtering and blocking (was Re: Islam is the spammiest subject line on python-list)

2013-12-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/13/2013 11:45 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Tim Golden wrote:

However, we've recently implemented filtering via the gateway, and I've
just added bv4 to the list of banned addresses. (I'm not 100% sure I've
got it right, so let's see if they make it in again).

Thank you Tim. Since bv4... is active again, I was about to either 
request 'someone' do that, or try to figure out how.

What happens if someone else trips the filter (collateral damage)? Are
they informed that they're blocked, or does the post get black-holed?

The spam filter is different from the block list. The block_list 
discards. Nikos was warned and informed before being added. I presume 
bv4 is just blocked. The spam filter sends to a human moderator who 
either accepts or discards. The filter is not currently tuned to catch 
CoC violations, such as personal insults, from otherwise normal posters. 
If it were, moderators could reject with explanation and suggestion to 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 22:49, Terry Reedy wrote:

On 12/13/2013 11:15 AM, wrote:

Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013 18:55:15 UTC+1, Terry Reedy a écrit :

If you mean cp65xxx (I forget exact numbers), MS Command Prompt fails,
not Python. One should not use any other code page, but only other code
pages work.

Please, do not exaggerate too much.

I try not to, so in case I mis-remembered, I tried your experiment.

  echo ሴé€㑖Ѓ⌴*

I cut the mixed alphabet input line and pasted into a *fresh* Command
Prompt window on my USA Win 7 machine with all updates.

C:\Users\Terryecho ?‚*

About what I expected, except for é becoming ,. Now the test. Change the
code page and re-paste.
C:\Users\Terrychcp 65001
Active code page: 65001

C:\Users\Terryecho *
The system cannot write to the specified device.
This a major fail as all non-ascii chars are deleted when pasted (at
least visibly) and the echo does not echo. There is no Python involved
in this failure.

I am willing to believe that you might have gotten different behavior on
your French Win 7 machine. Windows is not an international OS, but
rather a collection of ghettoized national versions.

As I said before, Idle does work in this regard.

Python 3.4.0a4 (v3.4.0a4:e245b0d7209b, Oct 20 2013, 19:57:58) [MSC
v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Seems like we're now in the later stages of the 15, three minute rounds. 
 The trainer won't throw in the towel, the referee won't stop the fight 
and the boxer himself won't quit.  Is jmf actually trying to get himself 

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/13/2013 11:27 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:15 AM, wrote:

One should recognize, with win7, MS, finally, produce
a full unicode system. Strangely, among all the bashing
one can read about that system, this is rarely mentioned.
(With an excellent unicode coding scheme!)

[citation needed]

Chris, I hardly think Jim's last statement (which I presume is your 
target) is egregious enough to start another junk subthread of 9 (now 
10) posts. Certainly '[citation needed]' is a pretty senseless comment. 
'Citation' to what, for what? It is well-known that Windows uses 2-byte 
words for unicode coding. If you want a citation for that fact, find it 

What is not clear to me is whether Windows internally uses UCS-2, which 
only codes BMP chars, and which would *not* be excellent, or UTF-16, 
which covers all chars by using surrogates. I will guess the latter. 
More to the point, even if MS uses a complete coding scheme internally 
(UFT-16), it does not, as far as I know, make it fully available and 
usable to *me*, as I showed in my response about code page 65001.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 Chris, I hardly think Jim's last statement (which I presume is your target)
 is egregious enough to start another junk subthread of 9 (now 10) posts.
 Certainly '[citation needed]' is a pretty senseless comment. 'Citation' to
 what, for what? It is well-known that Windows uses 2-byte words for unicode
 coding. If you want a citation for that fact, find it yourself.

 What is not clear to me is whether Windows internally uses UCS-2, which only
 codes BMP chars, and which would *not* be excellent, or UTF-16, which covers
 all chars by using surrogates. I will guess the latter. More to the point,
 even if MS uses a complete coding scheme internally (UFT-16), it does not,
 as far as I know, make it fully available and usable to *me*, as I showed in
 my response about code page 65001.

And what I'm more asking for is a clarification on how Win 7 is
different from the previous Windowses. I know a lot did change from XP
to 7 (I don't care which side of Vista the change happened, let's just
compare the popular Windows with the popular Windows here), but I
wasn't aware that anything to do with Unicode had changed there. Since
jmf made the assertion in words which implied that Microsoft had now
*and only now* produced such a system, I asked for a citation.


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Ethan Furman

On 12/13/2013 03:10 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Seems like we're now in the later stages of the 15, three minute rounds.  The 
trainer won't throw in the towel, the
referee won't stop the fight and the boxer himself won't quit.  Is jmf actually 
trying to get himself killed?

His credibility with me has been long dead.  :(


Re: Experiences/guidance on teaching Python as a first programming language

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 13/12/2013 23:17, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 12/13/2013 03:10 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Seems like we're now in the later stages of the 15, three minute
rounds.  The trainer won't throw in the towel, the
referee won't stop the fight and the boxer himself won't quit.  Is jmf
actually trying to get himself killed?

His credibility with me has been long dead.  :(


With me it never lived, we've simply had to put up with his FUD for 16 

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Is it possible to mix python with php?

2013-12-13 Thread JL
Python is my favorite language. Very often, I am forced to use other languages 
like php because of better library support for web applications. Is it possible 
to write functions in python and then get php to call these functions?

Thank you

Re: Is it possible to mix python with php?

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 12:42 PM, JL wrote:
 Python is my favorite language. Very often, I am forced to use other 
 languages like php because of better library support for web applications. Is 
 it possible to write functions in python and then get php to call these 

What sort of libraries are you needing? Often you'll be able to call
on those libraries from Python directly (eg if they're written in C,
they may well have Python as well as PHP bindings). Have a look on and PyPI for what you're after - chances are it already


Re: Is it possible to mix python with php?

2013-12-13 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 JL wrote:

 Python is my favorite language. Very often, I am forced to use other 
 languages like php because of better library support for web applications. Is 
 it possible to write functions in python and then get php to call these 

At one time, Songza was half PHP, half Python.  The parts ran in 
separate processes, communicating over HTTP.  I think that's probably 
what you want to do here.

If you define a clean, and well-documented interface, nobody has to know 
what language is running behind it.  Even better, if you have a 
comprehensive test suite for each interface, you can swap out 
implementations with a fair degree of confidence that you haven't broken 

Re: Using Python inside Programming Without Coding Technology (PWCT) environment.

2013-12-13 Thread Jason Friedman

That page references a license file at but _that_ page would
display for me.

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
In my opinion, a novice always tries to reinvent the wheel. Take for
example a simple text editor.

But I  would go with something that shows your a game.
It's not just about code, but graphics/enhancements, and other evolutions
of the open source nature of programming.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 12:46 PM, jennifer stone

 thanks a ton for your warm response. I know the basics of python with some
 modules like pickle, urllib, re. Its kind of basic I know. but it gotta
 start somewhere and I really want to have real world experience.

 On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 10:45 AM, jennifer stone

 I am a novice who is really interested in contributing to Python
 projects. How and where do I begin?
 thanking you in anticipation


Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:48 PM, David Hutto wrote:
 In my opinion, a novice always tries to reinvent the wheel. Take for example
 a simple text editor.

Which isn't a bad thing. Especially in that particular case, it's good
to try your hand at writing a text editor - most of the hard
grunt-work is done for you (just plop down an edit control - in some
toolkits you can even deploy a control with full source code
highlighting), so you can focus on figuring out what it is that makes
yours different. And then you'll appreciate other editors more :) But
along the way, you'll learn so much about what feels right and what
feels wrong. And maybe you can incorporate some of your own special
unique features into whatever editor you end up using... quite a few
are scriptable.


Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean reinventing the wheel is a bad thing,
just that once you get the hang of things, you need to display some
creativity in your work to set yourself apart from the rest.

Nowadays, everyone's a programmer.

If it weren't for reinventing the wheel, then we wouldn't have abs(antilock
breaking systems), or new materials, or different treading for water
displacement or hydroplaning.

The point was just to try something in python, and to 'boldly go where no
'man' has gone before'.

Just to remind her that it's not just about python, but what you can
accomplish with it, and distinguish yourself from others.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:48 PM, David Hutto
  In my opinion, a novice always tries to reinvent the wheel. Take for
  a simple text editor.

 Which isn't a bad thing. Especially in that particular case, it's good
 to try your hand at writing a text editor - most of the hard
 grunt-work is done for you (just plop down an edit control - in some
 toolkits you can even deploy a control with full source code
 highlighting), so you can focus on figuring out what it is that makes
 yours different. And then you'll appreciate other editors more :) But
 along the way, you'll learn so much about what feels right and what
 feels wrong. And maybe you can incorporate some of your own special
 unique features into whatever editor you end up using... quite a few
 are scriptable.


Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread rusi
On Saturday, December 14, 2013 10:41:09 AM UTC+5:30, David Hutto wrote:
 Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean reinventing the wheel is a bad thing, just 
 that once you get the hang of things, you need to display some creativity in 
 your work to set yourself apart from the rest.
 Nowadays, everyone's a programmer.
 If it weren't for reinventing the wheel, then we wouldn't have abs(antilock 
 breaking systems), or new materials, or different treading for water 
 displacement or hydroplaning. 
 The point was just to try something in python, and to 'boldly go where no 
 'man' has gone before'.
 Just to remind her that it's not just about python, but what you can 
 accomplish with it, and distinguish yourself from others.

 On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 3:48 PM, David Hutto wrote:
  In my opinion, a novice always tries to reinvent the wheel. Take for example
  a simple text editor.

 Which isn't a bad thing. Especially in that particular case, it's good
 to try your hand at writing a text editor - most of the hard
 grunt-work is done for you (just plop down an edit control - in some
 toolkits you can even deploy a control with full source code
 highlighting), so you can focus on figuring out what it is that makes
 yours different. And then you'll appreciate other editors more :) But
 along the way, you'll learn so much about what feels right and what
 feels wrong. And maybe you can incorporate some of your own special
 unique features into whatever editor you end up using... quite a few
 are scriptable.

For the young-n-enthu Make haste slowly! is usually good advice

Re: request for guidance

2013-12-13 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 4:36 PM, rusi wrote:
 For the young-n-enthu Make haste slowly! is usually good advice

As the Ancient Romans said, festina lente.


Re: The increasing disempowerment of the computer user

2013-12-13 Thread David Hutto
Three word response...Conglomerate business intelligence.

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 5:59 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Thu, 12 Dec 2013 13:35:37 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

  Hmm, interesting Freudian slip there. I meant “cloud computing”, of
  course. That's where the computer owner pretends their service is always
  available and easy to access, while having terms of service that give
  them unilateral power to kick you off with no warning, no explanation,
  no accountability, and no recourse.

 Now Ben, you know that's not true. Everybody has the only recourse that
 matters: buy the company and make them do what you want them to do. How
 hard could that possibly be?


Best Regards,
David Hutto
*CEO:* **

[issue18986] Add a case-insensitive case-preserving dict

2013-12-13 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

 Mark, what was the use case you found?

It's essentially an IdentityDict, though I've found other more specific 
transforms useful.

I was writing a tool to find reference cycles between Python objects (we have a 
customer application that's working in a multithreaded COM environment and has 
to ensure that COM objects are released on the same types of threads they were 
created on, so we have to be careful about cyclic garbage and delayed garbage 

The graph of Python objects (class 'ObjectGraph') is modelled as a fairly 
standard directed graph (set of vertices, set of edges, two dictionaries 
mapping each edge to its head and tail), but of course for this application the 
dict and set have to be based on object identity rather than normal equality.  
Using a TransformDict (and an IdentitySet) lets me write the standard graph 
algorithms (e.g., for finding strongly connected components) in a natural way, 
leaving it to the TransformDict and IdentitySet to do the necessary id() 
conversions under the hood.)

I also have a similar AnnotatedGraph object (a sort of offline version of the 
ObjectGraph), where the edges and vertices carry additional information and 
it's convenient to be able to use a lightweight ID rather than an entire vertex 
or edge as a dictionary key.  Again, using a TransformDict lets one hide the 
details and present the graph manipulation code readably and naturally.

Some code here, if you're interested:

Caveat: it's work in progress.


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[issue19466] Clear state of threads earlier in Python shutdown

2013-12-13 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but destroying the thread state of daemon threads
while they're running is really a bad idea in fact: for example, if
warnings are now emitted for unclosed file objects, this means that the
file object, and all associated buffers, are destroyed.
But even though the daemon thread doesn't hold the GIL, he might still be
using this object.

For example, if we have:
daemon thread:
read(fd, fileobj-buffer, fileobj-size)

and the main thread exits, then fileobj will be deallocated.

It's actually fairly easy to write a short crasher launching a deamon
thread reading from e.g. /dev/zero in loop, with the main thread exiting
right in the middle.


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[issue19230] Reimplement the keyword module in C

2013-12-13 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

I still like the idea, too. It's more elegant, easier to maintain and gives a 
speedup, too.


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[issue19965] Non-atomic generation of Include/Python-ast.h and Python/Python-ast.c

2013-12-13 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali added the comment:

Here's a patch.

Added file:

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[issue19970] Typo of `immediatly` and `agin` words

2013-12-13 Thread Vajrasky Kok

Changes by Vajrasky Kok

Added file:

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[issue19970] Typo of `immediatly` and `agin` words

2013-12-13 Thread Vajrasky Kok

New submission from Vajrasky Kok:

ethan@amiau:~/Documents/code/python/cpython3.4$ grep -R immediatly *
Doc/library/asyncio-protocol.rst::meth:`Transport.close` can be called 
immediatly after
Lib/test/ unblock the pending signal calls 
immediatly the signal handler
Modules/faulthandler.c:/* call the previous signal handler: it is called 
immediatly if we use
ethan@amiau:~/Documents/code/python/cpython3.4$ grep -R  agin  *
Modules/posixmodule.c:   the symlink path agin and not the actual final 
path. */
Modules/posixmodule.c:   the symlink path agin and not the actual final 
path. */

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation, Extension Modules, Library (Lib)
files: fix_typo_agin_and_immediatly_python34.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 206031
nosy: docs@python, vajrasky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Typo of `immediatly` and `agin` words
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19466] Clear state of threads earlier in Python shutdown

2013-12-13 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

It's actually fairly easy to write a short crasher launching a deamon
thread reading from e.g. /dev/zero in loop, with the main thread exiting
right in the middle.

I'm unable to write such crasher, can you please give an example? Are you able 
to crash Python on Linux or on Python 3.3?

Does the threading test makes sense?


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[issue19969] PyBytes_FromFormatV(%c) and PyString_FromFormatV(%c) don't check for character min/max value

2013-12-13 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Updated patch for Serhiy's remark (replace ValueError with OverflowError).

Added file:

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[issue19965] Non-atomic generation of Include/Python-ast.h and Python/Python-ast.c

2013-12-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:


assignee:  - neologix
stage:  - commit review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19969] PyBytes_FromFormatV(%c) and PyString_FromFormatV(%c) don't check for character min/max value

2013-12-13 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:


assignee:  - haypo
stage:  - commit review
type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19971] Remove Tulip words from asyncio documentation/code

2013-12-13 Thread Vajrasky Kok

New submission from Vajrasky Kok:

I was reading the documentation about asyncio. Here is the introduction 


This module provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent
code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other
resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives.
Here is a more detailed list of the package contents:

Then I read it like a novel. Then somewhere out of the blue, the Tulip word 
shows up.


Unlike the standard library :mod:`queue`, you can reliably know this Queue's
   size with :meth:`qsize`, since your single-threaded Tulip application won't
   be interrupted between calling :meth:`qsize` and doing an operation on the

The Tulip word breaks the flow of the story because we never introduce the 
Tulip word previously. There are two ways to handle this situation:
1. Introduce the Tulip word in the introduction and other parts consistently,
2. Remove the references to Tulip.

I suggest we take option 2 (users of Python 3.4 asyncio stdlib have no reason 
to know the word Tulip). Here is the patch.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: remove_Tulip.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 206036
nosy: docs@python, gvanrossum, vajrasky
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Remove Tulip words from asyncio documentation/code
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.4
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19971] Remove Tulip words from asyncio documentation/code

2013-12-13 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

I agree to drop references to the Tulip name. Thanks for your patch.

changeset:   87927:10378199e37b
tag: tip
user:Victor Stinner
date:Fri Dec 13 10:57:04 2013 +0100
files:   Doc/library/asyncio-sync.rst Doc/whatsnew/3.4.rst 
Lib/asyncio/ Lib/asyncio/
asyncio: remove references to the Tulip project, rename Tulip to asyncio.
Patch written by Vajrasky Kok.

nosy: +haypo
resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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