Datetime string reformatting

2013-12-22 Thread Igor Korot
Hi, ALL,
I am trying to comprehend what is required to get a successful processing. ;-)
My script receives a data from the csv file. In this csv file there is
a datetime field.
This datetime field is formatted as follows: %m/%d/%Y
%H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}. I'm reading this field into the string with
this format.

The trouble comes from the fact that I need to insert this value into
mySQL. Doing it directly gives me an error: Incorrect formatting.
After a bit of googling and trial I found out that mySQL is looking
for the format of '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}.

There is a mySQL function which transfers the data into the proper
format: STR_TO_DATE(), but I can't obviously call it since it is not
known to Python.

Now obviously there should be a possibility to reformat this string.
I guess I can try to do:

mydate = date(mydate_from_csv)
text = mydate.format()

but this feels like an ugly hack.

Is there a better alternative?

Thank you.

Re: Datetime string reformatting

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/12/2013 10:58, Igor Korot wrote:

Hi, ALL,
I am trying to comprehend what is required to get a successful processing. ;-)
My script receives a data from the csv file. In this csv file there is
a datetime field.
This datetime field is formatted as follows: %m/%d/%Y
%H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}. I'm reading this field into the string with
this format.

The trouble comes from the fact that I need to insert this value into
mySQL. Doing it directly gives me an error: Incorrect formatting.
After a bit of googling and trial I found out that mySQL is looking
for the format of '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}.

There is a mySQL function which transfers the data into the proper
format: STR_TO_DATE(), but I can't obviously call it since it is not
known to Python.

Now obviously there should be a possibility to reformat this string.
I guess I can try to do:

mydate = date(mydate_from_csv)
text = mydate.format()

but this feels like an ugly hack.

Is there a better alternative?

Thank you.

Round trip the data using these or 
use string slicing and dicing.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


unicode to human readable format

2013-12-22 Thread tomasz . kaczorek
i'm looking for solution the unicode string translation to the more readable 
I've got string like s=s=[u'\u0105\u017c\u0119\u0142\u0144'] and have no idea 
how to change to the human readable format. please help!


Re: unicode to human readable format

2013-12-22 Thread Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 1:24 PM, wrote:
 i'm looking for solution the unicode string translation to the more readable 
 I've got string like s=s=[u'\u0105\u017c\u0119\u0142\u0144'] and have no idea 
 how to change to the human readable format. please help!


While printing the string, instead of the list/seeing the list’s repr,
Python shows a nice human-friendly representation.

 print s
 print s[0]

However, that is only the case with Python 2, as Python 3 has a
human-friendly representation in the repr, too:


Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick
stop html mail | always bottom-post | only UTF-8 makes sense

Re: unicode to human readable format

2013-12-22 Thread Peter Otten wrote:

 i'm looking for solution the unicode string translation to the more
 readable format. I've got string like
 s=s=[u'\u0105\u017c\u0119\u0142\u0144'] and have no idea how to change to
 the human readable format. please help!

No, you have a list of strings:

 list_of_strings = [u'\u0105\u017c\u0119\u0142\u0144']
 print list_of_strings

When a list is printed the individual items are converted to strings with 
repr() to avoid ambiguous output e. g. for strings with embeded commas.

If you want human readable strings print them individually instead of the 
whole list at once:

 for string in list_of_strings:
... print string


vnc-problem with idle running as sudo on raspberry pi

2013-12-22 Thread Jean Dubois
I found the following solution to use idle on the raspberry pi
as sudoer (which is necessary or at least comfortable when programming the
1. Open a terminal
2. type cd ~/Desktop
3. type touch idle_as_root
4. type nano idle_as_root
5. type in sudo idle
6. exit nano
7. type in sudo chmod +x idle_as_root
8. Close terminal
9. Double click on the idle_as_root program on your desktop

This all works fine as long as I use X, however
I also want to use it via vnc
For vnc I did the following:
Installed script tightvncserver on the RPiwith the following contents:
# /etc/init.d/tightvncserver
case $1 in
#su $VNCUSER -c '/usr/bin/tightvncserver :1'
 su -l $VNCUSER -c '/usr/bin/tightvncserver :1'
 echo Starting TightVNC server for $VNCUSER 
 pkill Xtightvnc
 echo Tightvncserver stopped
 echo Usage: /etc/init.d/tightvncserver {start|stop}
 exit 1
exit 0 

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tightvncserver
sudo update-rc.d tightvncserver defaults

when starting the script manually like this
sudo /etc/init.d/tightvncserver start
everything works as expected i.e. I can click on the idle_as_root-icon and
it works as expected.
If however I reboot the system, the service does start and I do see the
rpi-desktop but clicking the idle_as_root-icon doesn't work. Manually
trying to start it as follows show an error:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo idle
Client is not authorized to connect to ServerTraceback (most recent call
  File /usr/bin/idle, line 5, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/idlelib/, line 1427, in main
root = Tk(className=Idle)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/, line 1712, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className,
interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
_tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display :1.0

Does someone here have a solution for this problem?
thanks in advance

Re: vnc-problem with idle running as sudo on raspberry pi

2013-12-22 Thread Jean Dubois
Op zondag 22 december 2013 14:02:47 UTC+1 schreef Jean Dubois:
 I found the following solution to use idle on the raspberry pi
 as sudoer (which is necessary or at least comfortable when programming the
 1. Open a terminal
 2. type cd ~/Desktop
 3. type touch idle_as_root
 4. type nano idle_as_root
 5. type in sudo idle
 6. exit nano
 7. type in sudo chmod +x idle_as_root
 8. Close terminal
 9. Double click on the idle_as_root program on your desktop
 This all works fine as long as I use X, however
 I also want to use it via vnc
 For vnc I did the following:
 Installed script tightvncserver on the RPiwith the following contents:
 # /etc/init.d/tightvncserver
 case $1 in
 #su $VNCUSER -c '/usr/bin/tightvncserver :1'
  su -l $VNCUSER -c '/usr/bin/tightvncserver :1'
  echo Starting TightVNC server for $VNCUSER 
  pkill Xtightvnc
  echo Tightvncserver stopped
  echo Usage: /etc/init.d/tightvncserver {start|stop}
  exit 1
 exit 0 
 sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tightvncserver
 sudo update-rc.d tightvncserver defaults
 when starting the script manually like this
 sudo /etc/init.d/tightvncserver start
 everything works as expected i.e. I can click on the idle_as_root-icon and
 it works as expected.
I was wrong writing idle_as_root worked this way. As a matter of fact,
this method also does not work as expected, as can be seen from this

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.

New 'X' desktop is raspberrypi:1

Starting applications specified in /home/pi/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/pi/.vnc/raspberrypi:1.log

Starting TightVNC server for pi 

 If however I reboot the system, the service does start and I do see the
 rpi-desktop but clicking the idle_as_root-icon doesn't work. Manually
 trying to start it as follows show an error:
 pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo idle
 Client is not authorized to connect to ServerTraceback (most recent call
   File /usr/bin/idle, line 5, in module
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/idlelib/, line 1427, in main
 root = Tk(className=Idle)
   File /usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/, line 1712, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className,
 interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
 _tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display :1.0


Re: [OT] vnc-problem with idle running as sudo on raspberry pi

2013-12-22 Thread Michael Torrie
On 12/22/2013 06:27 AM, Jean Dubois wrote:
 I was wrong writing idle_as_root worked this way. As a matter of fact,
 this method also does not work as expected, as can be seen from this
 X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
 New 'X' desktop is raspberrypi:1
 Starting applications specified in /home/pi/.vnc/xstartup
 Log file is /home/pi/.vnc/raspberrypi:1.log
 Starting TightVNC server for pi 

In future, I suspect you'll need to take questions like this that don't
really have anything to do with Python to a Raspberry Pi forum or e-mail
list.  Or a general Linux list.

Short answer:

Edit /etc/sudoers and add this line somewhere in it (probably near other
lines that look similar):

Defaults env_keep += DISPLAY XAUTHORITY

If that doesn't work, then you'll have to talk to folks running the
Rasbian on their Pi.  Sometimes XAUTHORITY isn't set.

Re: Datetime string reformatting

2013-12-22 Thread Andreas Perstinger

On 22.12.2013 11:58, Igor Korot wrote:

My script receives a data from the csv file. In this csv file there is
a datetime field.
This datetime field is formatted as follows: %m/%d/%Y
%H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}. I'm reading this field into the string with
this format.

The trouble comes from the fact that I need to insert this value into
mySQL. Doing it directly gives me an error: Incorrect formatting.
After a bit of googling and trial I found out that mySQL is looking
for the format of '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.{milliseconds}.

There is a mySQL function which transfers the data into the proper
format: STR_TO_DATE(), but I can't obviously call it since it is not
known to Python.

You don't want to call STR_TO_DATE() from Python but use it inside the 
SQL statement.

So instead of doing the conversion in Python as Mark suggested, you 
could do something like

sql_stmt = INSERT ...
  VALUES (..., STR_TO_DATE(%s, %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.{%f}),
cursor.execute(sql_stmt, (..., mydate_from_csv, ...))

(BTW: Do you mean microseconds instead of milliseconds? And are the 
milliseconds really inside curly braces?)

Bye, Andreas

BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread em rexhepi
I know is my fault i'm no good programmer, I'm a begginer that's why i need 
your help.

I have a python 3.3 project to be finished. I did what i could there is not 
much help on google about this topic.

The project is to load a webpage from any website and filter the ads.
I'm using ABPY library to filter, here is the link: - needs to be converted in python 3.x it is 
on 2.x
easylist.txt link:

When I use my code it just displays nothing

My code:

import cgitb;cgitb.enable()

import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.build_opener()
response.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
response = urllib.request.urlopen(;)

html =

from abpy import Filter
with open(easylist.txt) as f:
f = Filter(file('easylist.txt'))

print(Content-type: text/html)
print (html)

Re: BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:20 AM, em rexhepi wrote:
 I have a python 3.3 project to be finished. ...

 My code:

Your shebang says 3.1, are you sure that's correct? Maybe it's not
finding the right interpreter.

If this is running as CGI, which it seems to be, check your server
error logs. It's quite possible you're getting back a blank page
because something's bombing, in which case - if you're lucky -
there'll be a full exception traceback in the log.


Getting updates and restarting a long running url request.

2013-12-22 Thread Vincent Davis
I am using biopython's NCBIWWW.qblast which sends a request to the ncbi
website and waits for a result. The relevant code can be found at the link
below starting at about 151. Basically it is a while loop waiting for the
blast query.

My problem; I am submitting about 75 request (one at a time and with
delays) and they can each take minutes to complete. I think sometimes the
request/response/query fails which results in me needing to restart
the process.

I am looking for suggestion on how to monitor and restart the process if I
think it has failed.

I am using the following code to submit the query/
def get_BLAST(taxid, queryseq, args=None):
Input taxid to BLAST queryseq against
e_query = txid + taxid +  [ORGN]
#, other_advanced='-G 4 -E 1'
blast_result = NCBIWWW.qblast(blastn, nt, queryseq, megablast=True,
entrez_query=e_query, word_size='11', other_advanced='-G 5 -E 2')

Vincent Davis

Re: BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread Michael Torrie
On 12/22/2013 10:20 AM, em rexhepi wrote:
 When I use my code it just displays nothing
 My code:
 import cgitb;cgitb.enable()
 import urllib.request
 response = urllib.request.build_opener()
 response.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
 response = urllib.request.urlopen(;)
 html =
 from abpy import Filter
 with open(easylist.txt) as f:
 f = Filter(file('easylist.txt'))

What happens when you comment out the above four lines?  Does the web
page print without the filtering?  Just as a sanity check.  My hunch is
that html has no data in it.

Also what is f.match(html) supposed to return? Is it supposed to
mutate html (seems unlikely) or does it return something? Looking at the
source code, match() does not return anything, but prints to stdout,
which is weird, but at least that tells us that it doesn't actually
change the html object.

 print(Content-type: text/html)
 print (html)

I'm not sure you're doing this right.  adpy seems a bit goofy, but since
f.match() does not appear to change html at all, you should get the same
html out that urllib grabbed.  So if you're not getting any output, that
means you're not getting the original html somehow.  Also if f.match()
is doing its thing, I don't think you want to print out html after the
command, because f.match itself is printing to stdout itself.

Have you looked over the adpy source code?  I haven't bothered to run
it, but a glance through the code would seem to indicate that it doesn't
actually do the filtering at all, but rather just prints out the rules
that the html code you provide would match.  I bet you could modify it
to do filtering though.  Maybe add a method that uses rule.sub to
replace the bad text with an empty string.


Re: BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/12/2013 17:20, em rexhepi wrote:

I know is my fault i'm no good programmer, I'm a begginer that's why i need 
your help.

I have a python 3.3 project to be finished. I did what i could there is not 
much help on google about this topic.

The project is to load a webpage from any website and filter the ads.
I'm using ABPY library to filter, here is the link: - needs to be converted in python 3.x it is 
on 2.x
easylist.txt link:

When I use my code it just displays nothing

My code:

import cgitb;cgitb.enable()

import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.build_opener()
response.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
response = urllib.request.urlopen(;)

html =

from abpy import Filter
with open(easylist.txt) as f:
f = Filter(file('easylist.txt'))

Whats the above meant to be doing?  You've opened easylist.txt as f and 
then reassigned f, passing easylist.txt to file which doesn't exist in 
Python 3.

print(Content-type: text/html)
print (html)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Error while building Python doc

2013-12-22 Thread shankha
I am trying to build Python documents as listed here

make -C Doc html

Error message:
Checked out revision 89010.
mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
python tools/ -b html -d build/doctrees -D
latex_paper_size=  . build/html
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File tools/, line 27, in module
from sphinx import main
ImportError: No module named sphinx
make: *** [build] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `Python-git/cpythonL-doc/Doc'

Sphinx is located inside the directory:


Do I need to change how I import (the path may be).


cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Cui
hey guys,
I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of 
executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions should 
only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more pythonic 
way to do this other than the following ? 
if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
Thanks for your input.
frank --

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Frank Cui wrote:

 hey guys,
 I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of 
 executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions should 
 only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more pythonic 
 way to do this other than the following ? 
 if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
 Thanks for your input.

Yup!  Just do:

a() or b() or c()

The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics.  That 
means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second 
operand.  Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something 
which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Peter Otten
Frank Cui wrote:

 hey guys,
 I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
 executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions
 should only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or
 more pythonic way to do this other than the following ?
 if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
 Thanks for your input.

funcs = a, b, c

# option 1
for f in funcs:
if f():

# option 2
any(f() for f in funcs)


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Gary Herron

On 12/22/2013 10:37 AM, Frank Cui wrote:

hey guys,

I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of 
executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions 
should only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or 
more pythonic way to do this other than the following ?

if a() == 0:
if b() == 0:

Thanks for your input.


This would seem to do the same as your code and could easily be extended 
to your bunch of things:

exes = [a, b, c]

for e in exes:
  if e() != 0:

RE: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Cui
Thanks, this looks beautiful
 Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 20:26:15 +0100
 Frank Cui wrote:
  hey guys,
  I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
  executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions
  should only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or
  more pythonic way to do this other than the following ?
  if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
  Thanks for your input.
 funcs = a, b, c
 # option 1
 for f in funcs:
 if f():
 # option 2
 any(f() for f in funcs)

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:

In article,
  Frank Cui wrote:

hey guys,
I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions should
only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more pythonic
way to do this other than the following ?
if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
Thanks for your input.

Yup!  Just do:

a() or b() or c()

The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics.  That
means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
operand.  Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.

Really? :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


RE: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Cui
sorry, but what if I need to have different parameters in these functions ?

 Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 19:31:21 +
 On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:
  In article,
Frank Cui wrote:
  hey guys,
  I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
  executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions 
  only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more 
  way to do this other than the following ?
  if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
  Thanks for your input.
  Yup!  Just do:
  a() or b() or c()
  The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics.  That
  means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
  operand.  Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
  which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.
 Really? :)
 My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
 what you can do for our language.
 Mark Lawrence

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 12/22/13 2:10 PM, Frank Cui wrote:

sorry, but what if I need to have different parameters in these functions ?

Frank, welcome to the group.  Common convention is to put your response 
below the exiting message, so that the conversation continues down the page.

(See my answer below... :)

  Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
  Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 19:31:21 +
  On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:
   In article,
   Frank Cui wrote:
   hey guys,
   I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
   executions, each execution has a return code. the followed
executions should
   only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or
more pythonic
   way to do this other than the following ?
   if a() == 0: if b() == 0: c()
   Thanks for your input.
   Yup! Just do:
   a() or b() or c()
   The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics. That
   means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
   operand. Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
   which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.
  Really? :)
  My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
  what you can do for our language.
  Mark Lawrence

The most Python-natural way to deal with your problem would be to have 
these functions not return status codes at all.  Instead, have them 
raise an exception if something goes wrong.   Then you can invoke them 
most naturally:


Execution will continue as long as no exceptions are raised.  If you 
need to deal with the failure case also, then:

except Exception as e:
# do something here

Depending on how you want to deal with failures, you'd probably use your 
own subclass of Exception, but this is the general idea.

Return codes can be awkward, especially in Python which has exception 
integrated so fully into the language, library, and culture.

Ned Batchelder,


RE: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Cui

 Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 14:49:43 -0500
 On 12/22/13 2:10 PM, Frank Cui wrote:
  sorry, but what if I need to have different parameters in these functions ?
 Frank, welcome to the group.  Common convention is to put your response 
 below the exiting message, so that the conversation continues down the page.
 (See my answer below... :)
Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 19:31:21 +
On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
 Frank Cui wrote:

 hey guys,
 I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
 executions, each execution has a return code. the followed
  executions should
 only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or
  more pythonic
 way to do this other than the following ?
 if a() == 0: if b() == 0: c()
 Thanks for your input.

 Yup! Just do:

 a() or b() or c()

 The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics. That
 means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
 operand. Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
 which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.

Really? :)
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence
 The most Python-natural way to deal with your problem would be to have 
 these functions not return status codes at all.  Instead, have them 
 raise an exception if something goes wrong.   Then you can invoke them 
 most naturally:
 Execution will continue as long as no exceptions are raised.  If you 
 need to deal with the failure case also, then:
  except Exception as e:
  # do something here
 Depending on how you want to deal with failures, you'd probably use your 
 own subclass of Exception, but this is the general idea.
 Return codes can be awkward, especially in Python which has exception 
 integrated so fully into the language, library, and culture.
 Ned Batchelder,

Thanks for informing the rules.   --

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Mark Lawrence wrote:

 On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:
  In article,
Frank Cui wrote:
  hey guys,
  I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
  executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions 
  only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more 
  way to do this other than the following ?
  if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
  Thanks for your input.
  Yup!  Just do:
  a() or b() or c()
  The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics.  That
  means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
  operand.  Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
  which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.
 Really? :)

I believe what Mark is so elegantly trying to say is, Roy is a dufus 
and got that backwards.  You need to return something which is false to 
make the next one in the chain get executed.

$ cat 
def a():
print a
return 0

def b():
print b
return 1

def c():
print c
return 0

a() or b() or c()

$ python

Re: BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread MRAB

On 22/12/2013 18:08, Michael Torrie wrote:

On 12/22/2013 10:20 AM, em rexhepi wrote:

When I use my code it just displays nothing

My code:

import cgitb;cgitb.enable()

import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.build_opener()
response.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
response = urllib.request.urlopen(;)

html =

from abpy import Filter
with open(easylist.txt) as f:
f = Filter(file('easylist.txt'))

What happens when you comment out the above four lines?  Does the web
page print without the filtering?  Just as a sanity check.  My hunch is
that html has no data in it.

Also what is f.match(html) supposed to return? Is it supposed to
mutate html (seems unlikely) or does it return something? Looking at the
source code, match() does not return anything, but prints to stdout,
which is weird, but at least that tells us that it doesn't actually
change the html object.

print(Content-type: text/html)
print (html)

I'm not sure you're doing this right.  adpy seems a bit goofy, but since
f.match() does not appear to change html at all, you should get the same
html out that urllib grabbed.  So if you're not getting any output, that
means you're not getting the original html somehow.  Also if f.match()
is doing its thing, I don't think you want to print out html after the
command, because f.match itself is printing to stdout itself.

Have you looked over the adpy source code?  I haven't bothered to run
it, but a glance through the code would seem to indicate that it doesn't
actually do the filtering at all, but rather just prints out the rules
that the html code you provide would match.  I bet you could modify it
to do filtering though.  Maybe add a method that uses rule.sub to
replace the bad text with an empty string.

The urlopen call also contains a stray semicolon.


Re: Error while building Python doc

2013-12-22 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/22/2013 1:53 PM, shankha wrote:

I am trying to build Python documents as listed here

make -C Doc html

Error message:
Checked out revision 89010.
mkdir -p build/html build/doctrees
python tools/ -b html -d build/doctrees -D
latex_paper_size=  . build/html
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File tools/, line 27, in module
 from sphinx import main
ImportError: No module named sphinx
make: *** [build] Error 1
make: Leaving directory `Python-git/cpythonL-doc/Doc'

Sphinx is located inside the directory: Doc/tools.

Based on my Windows tree, that should be Doc/tools/sphinx/, along with 
docutils, jinja, and pygments directories. To be a module, sphinx must 
contain, along with other files.

Do I need to change how I import (the path may be).

Did you run make -C Doc checkout first? (I do not know what the -C 
does, as I just do make checkout and occasionally make update in Doc 
on Windows, which run Doc/make.bat.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: BLANK PAGE when i try Filtering Adsense with abpy

2013-12-22 Thread Terry Reedy

On 12/22/2013 12:20 PM, em rexhepi wrote:

I know is my fault i'm no good programmer, I'm a begginer that's why i need 
your help.

I have a python 3.3 project to be finished. I did what i could there is not 
much help on google about this topic.

The project is to load a webpage from any website and filter the ads.
I'm using ABPY library to filter, here is the link: - needs to be converted in python 3.x it is 
on 2.x
easylist.txt link:

When I use my code it just displays nothing

My code:

Please update your Python 3 if you are not in a straightjacket 
preventing you from doing so.

import cgitb;cgitb.enable()

I suggest commenting this out and running normally in a console or Idle 
so you are guaranteed to see output, including error tracebacks. Only 
use cgi when this runs successfully in normal mode.

import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.build_opener()
response.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
response = urllib.request.urlopen(;)

The ; is a SyntaxError and Python exits. See above.

html =

from abpy import Filter
with open(easylist.txt) as f:
f = Filter(file('easylist.txt'))

print(Content-type: text/html)
print (html)

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Error while building Python doc

2013-12-22 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 22.12.2013 21:59, schrieb Terry Reedy:
 Did you run make -C Doc checkout first? (I do not know what the -C
 does, as I just do make checkout and occasionally make update in Doc
 on Windows, which run Doc/make.bat.

-C == change directory

make -C Doc html is like cd Doc; make html; cd ..



Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 22Dec2013 15:05, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Mark Lawrence wrote:
  On 22/12/2013 19:17, Roy Smith wrote:
   In article,
 Frank Cui wrote:
   I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
   executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions 
   only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more 
   way to do this other than the following ?
   if a() == 0:if b() == 0:c()
   Yup!  Just do:
   a() or b() or c()
   The or operation has what's known as short-circuit semantics.  That
   means, if the first operand is true, it doesn't evaluate the second
   operand.  Just make sure that a(), b(), and c() all return something
   which is true if they succeed and false otherwise.
  Really? :)
 I believe what Mark is so elegantly trying to say is, Roy is a dufus 
 and got that backwards.  You need to return something which is false to 
 make the next one in the chain get executed.
 $ cat 
 def a():
 print a
 return 0
 def b():
 print b
 return 1
 def c():
 print c
 return 0
 a() or b() or c()
 $ python


Roy's code _depends_ upon the return value being equivalent to False.

A better approach would be:

  a() == 0 and b() == 1 and c() == 0

i.e. to explicitly check each return code against the expected/desired
value instead of relying on some flukey coincidental property of
the (arbitrary) numeric value returned.

Better still is the suggestion elsewhere in the thread to make the functions
raise exceptions on error instead of returning a number.

Cameron Simpson

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Cameron Simpson wrote:

 Roy's code _depends_ upon the return value being equivalent to False.

Yes.  You view this as a flaw.  I view it as a feature :-)

 A better approach would be:
   a() == 0 and b() == 1 and c() == 0
 i.e. to explicitly check each return code against the expected/desired
 value instead of relying on some flukey coincidental property of
 the (arbitrary) numeric value returned.

You're assuming it's arbitrary.  I'm saying do it that way by design.  

 Better still is the suggestion elsewhere in the thread to make the functions
 raise exceptions on error instead of returning a number.

Possibly.  But, I think of exceptions as indicating that something went 
wrong.  There's two possible things the OP was trying to do here:

1) He intends that all of the functions get run, but each one can only 
get run if all the ones before it succeed.  In that case, I agree that 
the exception pattern makes sense.

2) He intends that each of the functions gets tried, and the first one 
that can return a value wins.  If that's the case, the or chaining 
seems more natural.

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 22Dec2013 16:53, Roy Smith wrote:
 In article,
  Cameron Simpson wrote:
  Roy's code _depends_ upon the return value being equivalent to False.
 Yes.  You view this as a flaw.  I view it as a feature :-)

When I write functions which return a boolean indicating success/failure,
I try to make that boolean be true for success.

Now, I do take the point that these functions seem to take the
unix-exit-code convention that zero is success (leaving the many
values of non-zero to indicate flavours of failure as desired,
as we have many types of exceptions).

Or, possibly, that a non-zero return indicates the number of errors
encountered; I do that myself for things like option or file parsing,
where I explicitly want to parse of much of a command line (or
whatever) as possible before rejecting things; few things annoy me
as much as a command that barfs about the first usage error and
aborts instead of barfing multiple times and aborting. Unless it
is a command that does the same and then fails to recite a usage
message after the barf. (Yes, almost every GNU command on the planet:
I'm looking at you!)

However, in this count-of-errors scenario I tend to try to return
a list of errors, not a count.

But regardless, I consider code that goes:

  a() or b() or c()

as a test for _success_ of a(), b() and c() in succession to be
misleading at best. When I write that above incantation it is a
test for failure: try this, or try that, or finally try this other

  A better approach would be:
a() == 0 and b() == 1 and c() == 0
  i.e. to explicitly check each return code against the expected/desired
  value instead of relying on some flukey coincidental property of
  the (arbitrary) numeric value returned.
 You're assuming it's arbitrary.  I'm saying do it that way by design.  

The counter example the above is based upon deliberately returned
1 for success from b(), IIRC. Different design.

The OP was unclear about his/her design rationale.

  Better still is the suggestion elsewhere in the thread to make the functions
  raise exceptions on error instead of returning a number.
 Possibly.  But, I think of exceptions as indicating that something went 

I think of failure as something went wrong.
Yes, I'll grant there are shades of intent here.

 There's two possible things the OP was trying to do here:
 1) He intends that all of the functions get run, but each one can only 
 get run if all the ones before it succeed.  In that case, I agree that 
 the exception pattern makes sense.

His cascading if-statement in the OP suggested this to me.

 2) He intends that each of the functions gets tried, and the first one 
 that can return a value wins.  If that's the case, the or chaining 
 seems more natural.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't his intent, again based on my recollection
of the OP. But I still dislike a() or b() or c() as a test for
chained success; I think it is a bad idiom.

Cameron Simpson

I must construct my own System, or be enslaved to another Man's.
- William Blake

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Rick Johnson
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:37:04 PM UTC-6, Frank Cui wrote:
 I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute
 a bunch of executions, each execution has a return code.
 the followed executions should only be executed if the
 return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more pythonic way
 to do this other than the following ?

 if a() == 0:
 if b() == 0:

Hello Frank.

I kindly request that you be more specific when asking
questions. Both your question and your example code contain
too many ambiguities.

I'm still not sure what exact outcome you wish to achieve,
the only certainty is that you wish to perform a linear
execution of N members with later executions being affected
by earlier executions.

Whether you want executions to proceed on failure or proceed
on success is unclear. Here are a few explicit pseudo code
examples that would have removed all ambiguities:

if fails(a()):
if fails(b()):

if succeeds(a()):
if succeeds(b()):

Or if you prefer a purely OOP approach:
if a.failed:
if b.failed:
if a.succeeded:
if b.succeeded:

or you could simplify using a logical one liner:

if !a() and !b() then c()
if a() and b() then c()

Of course you could use the all function

if all(a(), b()):
if not any(a(), b()):

But this all depends whether you're testing for success or
testing for failure, and that point is a distant third from
my desperate need of understanding your semantics of what
values are *true* and what values are *false*.

I think (sadly) more time is spent attempting to interpret
what an OP is asking rather than attempting to provide a
solution to the problem the OP is suffering, and whilst any
problem solving adventure is likely to improve our
intelligence, fumbling about attempting to decode
ambiguities is indeed time that could have been better spent
IF ONLY the speaker (or writer) had put a small bit more
effort into the question.

Look Frank, nobody is perfect, we all need to improve our
skills here or there. So don't be offended that my
statements are, well,... frank.


RE: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Frank Cui

 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 14:27:35 -0800
 Subject: Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0
 On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:37:04 PM UTC-6, Frank Cui wrote:
  I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute
  a bunch of executions, each execution has a return code.
  the followed executions should only be executed if the
  return code is 0. is there a cleaner or more pythonic way
  to do this other than the following ?
  if a() == 0:
  if b() == 0:
 Hello Frank.
 I kindly request that you be more specific when asking
 questions. Both your question and your example code contain
 too many ambiguities.
 I'm still not sure what exact outcome you wish to achieve,
 the only certainty is that you wish to perform a linear
 execution of N members with later executions being affected
 by earlier executions.
 Whether you want executions to proceed on failure or proceed
 on success is unclear. Here are a few explicit pseudo code
 examples that would have removed all ambiguities:
 if fails(a()):
 if fails(b()):
 if succeeds(a()):
 if succeeds(b()):
 Or if you prefer a purely OOP approach:
 if a.failed:
 if b.failed:
 if a.succeeded:
 if b.succeeded:
 or you could simplify using a logical one liner:
 if !a() and !b() then c()
 if a() and b() then c()
 Of course you could use the all function
 if all(a(), b()):
 if not any(a(), b()):
 But this all depends whether you're testing for success or
 testing for failure, and that point is a distant third from
 my desperate need of understanding your semantics of what
 values are *true* and what values are *false*.
 I think (sadly) more time is spent attempting to interpret
 what an OP is asking rather than attempting to provide a
 solution to the problem the OP is suffering, and whilst any
 problem solving adventure is likely to improve our
 intelligence, fumbling about attempting to decode
 ambiguities is indeed time that could have been better spent
 IF ONLY the speaker (or writer) had put a small bit more
 effort into the question.
 Look Frank, nobody is perfect, we all need to improve our
 skills here or there. So don't be offended that my
 statements are, well,... frank.

Hi Rick,
Thanks for pointing out. I accept your advice and will try to make the 
questions clearer and more straightforward to interpretate . I already took the 
suggestion of using exception-based handling over the return code.
As to testing whether the previous function fails or succeeds, this doesn't 
really matter in the sense that I already mentioned a return code of 0. 


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Frank Cui wrote:
 Thanks for pointing out. I accept your advice and will try to make the
 questions clearer and more straightforward to interpretate . I already took
 the suggestion of using exception-based handling over the return code.

 As to testing whether the previous function fails or succeeds, this doesn't
 really matter in the sense that I already mentioned a return code of 0.

Ranting Rick is one of the list's resident trolls. Don't take it amiss
that he turned his flamethrowers on you. :)


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 22/12/2013 22:51, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Frank Cui wrote:

Thanks for pointing out. I accept your advice and will try to make the
questions clearer and more straightforward to interpretate . I already took
the suggestion of using exception-based handling over the return code.

As to testing whether the previous function fails or succeeds, this doesn't
really matter in the sense that I already mentioned a return code of 0.

Ranting Rick is one of the list's resident trolls. Don't take it amiss
that he turned his flamethrowers on you. :)


Given that Frank originally stated this

I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of 
executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions 
should only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or 
more pythonic way to do this other than the following ?

if a() == 0:
if b() == 0:

I can only see one way that you can possibly intepret it.  Perhaps rr 
was dashing off a reply on a mobile device while doing a home run, hence 
wasn't concentrating on what Frank had actually said?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Bob Rashkin
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:
 basically what I wanna do is this :
 x = 4
 y = 7
 def switch (z,w):
 ***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
  c= z
  print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
  return w
 x = switch(x,y)
  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable y 
 WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?
 thanks in advance

Not sure I understand the problem but I think the answer is to put multiple 
values in a list and return the list.

Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Joel Goldstick
return a tuple:

return a, b, c

or whatever

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Bob Rashkin wrote:

 On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:
  basically what I wanna do is this :
  x = 4
  y = 7
  def switch (z,w):
  ***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
   c= z
   print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
   return w
  x = switch(x,y)
   How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable y
 WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?
  thanks in advance

 Not sure I understand the problem but I think the answer is to put
 multiple values in a list and return the list.

Joel Goldstick

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 14:49:43 -0500, Ned Batchelder wrote:

 On 12/22/13 2:10 PM, Frank Cui wrote:
 sorry, but what if I need to have different parameters in these
 functions ?
 Frank, welcome to the group.  Common convention is to put your response
 below the exiting message, so that the conversation continues down the

Ideally responses should be *interleaved* between parts of the quoted 
message, rather than just dumped at the end. The idea is that it's a 

Fred said:
- How do I exfoliate my monkey?

Get a friend to hold it down while you rub it all over 
with Extra Strength Monkey Exfoliating Cream. When you 
are done, give it a banana as a reward.

- Once I have my exfoliated monkey, how do I convince
- others that it is my child?

Dress it in children's clothes, and make sure you tell 
people that he or she has a very sensitive artistic 
personality, and that is why you allow it to climb the

sort of thing. This also gives the writer the opportunity to trim out 
parts of the irrelevant text which is no longer relevant to the 
conversation, although it is considered polite to give some indication, 
usually [snip] or [...], that you have done so.

See Wikipedia's article on posting styles for more information:


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Gregory Ewing

Frank Cui wrote:

Someone else wrote:
  Frank, welcome to the group. Common convention is to put your response
  below the exiting message, so that the conversation continues down 
the page.

Thanks for informing the rules.

He forgot to mention the most important rule,
which is:

DON'T quote the entire message you're replying to!

Only quote small pieces of it, like I did above,
just enough to establish context. Then put your
reply to that point under the quoted text.


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 15:37:04 -0300, Frank Cui wrote:

 hey guys,
 I have a requirement where I need to sequentially execute a bunch of
 executions, each execution has a return code. the followed executions
 should only be executed if the return code is 0. is there a cleaner or
 more pythonic way to do this other than the following ? 
 if a() == 0:
 if b() == 0:

I don't believe there is a clean way to deal with error return codes in 
*any* language, but certainly not Python.

If you only have a few such functions, you can mis-use boolean operators 
to get the result you want, at the cost of misleading code:

a() == 0 and b() == 0 and c()

But that's pretty horrible code, because it looks like you're testing a 
condition when you're really trying to run a, b, c etc. for their side-
effects. Code that relies on side-effects is usually a sign of poor 

A better alternative is to modify the functions so that instead of 
returning 0 on failure and (I'm guessing here) None on success, they 
raise an exception instead. Instead of:

def a():
if condition:
return 0

you re-write it as:

def a():
if condition:
raise SomeError(something broke)

Then you can do this:

except SomeError:

What if you can't edit all the various a, b, c functions because other 
parts of your code rely on them returning an error result? That's easy, 
you just need an adaptor:

import functools

def adapt(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if result == 0:
raise SomeError(some message)
return inner

except SomeError:

Another option really only applies if all the functions use the same set 
of arguments.

def chain(list_of_functions, *args, **kwargs):
for func in list_of_functions:
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if result == 0:


Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Unfortunately, the original post seems to have gone missing here, so 
please excuse me for breaking threading.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:
 basically what I wanna do is this :
 x = 4
 y = 7
 def switch (z,w):
 ***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
 c= z
 print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
 return w

 x = switch(x,y)

  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable
  y WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?

To swap two values in Python (or for that matter, three or thirty-three 
values!) just re-assign the values. Python guarantees that this will work:

x = 23
y = 42
x, y = y, x

x now has the value that y had, and y has the value that x had. There is 
no need for a temporary value, and no need for a switch function.

To return more than one value from a function, return a list or a tuple. 
Normally we use a tuple:

def sum_and_product(x, y):
sum = x + y
product = x*y
return (sum, product)

a = 100
b = 2
s, p = sum_and_product(a, b)

Now s will have the value 102 and p will have the value 200.


Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Dave Angel
On Sun, 22 Dec 2013 15:41:06 -0800 (PST), Bob Rashkin wrote:

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:
  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the 
variable y WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second 
time ?

You are apparently asking 3 questions. 

To exchange 2 values, use the tuple-unpack approach.

a, b = b, a

To get the equivalent of multiple return values,  return a tuple.

def myfunc (a):
x = a*a
y = 2+a
return x, y

p , q = myfunc (5)

To avoid executing your print twice, call the function only once.

And a bonus one: to avoid my getting a blank message in this text 
newsgroup,  post in text,  not html.



Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Something funny is going on here, not only has the original gone missing,
but my reply apparently has also gone missing. Let me try again, and
apologies for if you see duplicate messages.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:

 basically what I wanna do is this :
 x = 4
 y = 7
 def switch (z,w):
 ***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
  c= z
  print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
  return w
 x = switch(x,y)

  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable y
  WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?

There is no need for a function to swap two values. In Python, if you want
to swap two values (or three, or thirty-three for that matter!) just
reassign them all at once.

x = 23
y = 42
x, y = y, x

Python guarantees that after this, x will have the value that y had, and y
will have the value that x had. No need for a function!

To return two or more values from a function, use a tuple:

def sum_and_product(a, b):
Return the sum and product of a and b.
sum = a+b
product = a*b
return (sum, product)

s, p = sum_and_product(100, 2)

s will now have the value 102, and p the value 200.



Re: How can i return more than one value from a function to more than one variable

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Something funny is going on here, not only has the original gone missing,
but my reply apparently has also gone missing. Let me try again, and
apologies for if you see duplicate messages.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 4:54:46 PM UTC-6, wrote:

 basically what I wanna do is this :
 x = 4
 y = 7
 def switch (z,w):
 ***this will switch z to w and vice verca***
  c= z
  print 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z
  return w
 x = switch(x,y)

  How am I supposed to do so I can  return also a value to the variable y
  WITHOUT printing 'Now x =', w, 'and y = ' , z   a second time ?

There is no need for a function to swap two values. In Python, if you want
to swap two values (or three, or thirty-three for that matter!) just
reassign them all at once.

x = 23
y = 42
x, y = y, x

Python guarantees that after this, x will have the value that y had, and y
will have the value that x had. No need for a function!

To return two or more values from a function, use a tuple:

def sum_and_product(a, b):
Return the sum and product of a and b.
sum = a+b
product = a*b
return (sum, product)

s, p = sum_and_product(100, 2)

s will now have the value 102, and p the value 200.




2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Is this thing still working?


Re: testing

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Is this thing still working?

Working fine. I saw three messages from you in the other thread.

Sending to you as well as the list in case you're not receiving.


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article 52b782db$0$6599$c3e8da3$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Code that relies on side-effects is usually a sign of poor 

I don't understand what you're trying to say there.  A bit later in your 
post, you wrote:

except SomeError:

Clearly, since the return values of a(), b(), and c() aren't saved, the 
only reason they're getting called is for their side effects.  And I 
don't see anything wrong with that.

BTW, there's a pattern we use a bunch in the Songza server code, which 
is sort of this, but in reverse.  We'll have a bunch of possible ways to 
do something (strategies, to use the pattern vernacular), and want to 
try them all in order until we find one which works.  So, for example:

classes = [ClientDebugPicker,
for cls in classes:
picker = cls.create(radio_session, station, artist)
if picker:
return picker
assert 0, can't create picker (classes = %s) % classes

Each SongPicker subclass encapsulates some logic for how to pick the 
next song.  It can also decide if the strategy it implements is 
appropriate for the particular request; create() either returns an 
instance of the class, or None.  Returning None means, I'm not the 
right picker for this request; try the next one and see what he says.

Re: testing

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article 52b788bb$0$6599$c3e8da3$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Is this thing still working?

Yes.  Do you want to know how many times your previous message was 
posted? :-)

Re: Newbie question. Are those different objects ?

2013-12-22 Thread alex23

On 21/12/2013 2:00 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Shall I write a PEP asking for a language change which
requires that that stupid = sign is replaced by a keyword reading
something like
thenameonthelefthandsideisassignedtheobjectontherighthandside ?

I propose:

tag obj with name

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
 Each SongPicker subclass encapsulates some logic for how to pick the
 next song.  It can also decide if the strategy it implements is
 appropriate for the particular request; create() either returns an
 instance of the class, or None.  Returning None means, I'm not the
 right picker for this request; try the next one and see what he says.

But in that instance, the picker has done nothing. The main effect is
to return a value, and since it returned None, you go on to do
something else.

This looks fine:

foo = a() or b() or c()

And it also looks like it would be safe to drop one of the calls if
you know it won't succeed:

if no_way_that_b_will_work:
foo = a() or c()

The point about side effects is that b() still has to be called, here,
and the original statement doesn't make that clear. When you call a
function and ignore its return value, you're clearly doing it for its
side effects. Imagine this:

width_required = max(len(foo),len(bar),len(quux))

Any sane reader is going to assume that the length checks aren't going
to have side effects... but they could! Imagine if testing the length
of something forced it to be loaded into memory, thus triggering any
exception that would otherwise not be triggered until the thing got
loaded much later. Vaguely plausible, but bad design because it's
extremely unclear.


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Roy Smith wrote:

 In article 52b782db$0$6599$c3e8da3$,
  Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Code that relies on side-effects is usually a sign of poor
 I don't understand what you're trying to say there.

I'm trying to say that code that relies on side-effects is usually a sign of
poor design. Is that more clear now? :-)

I'm not a functional programming zealot, but imperative programming that
relies on side-effects is often harder to reason about than functional
style, due to lack of locality in its effects. With functions that
communicate only through their input arguments and output result, you don't
have to look far to see the effects the function call has: it is *only* in
the return result. But if it has side-effects, you potentially have to
inspect the entire program and environment to see what it has done.

Now of course sometimes the whole point of the function is to have a
side-effect (print something, delete or save a file, start up the car's
engine, ...) and even functional languages usually have some facility for
side-effects. And we can often limit the harm of relying on side-effects
but narrowly constraining what those side-effects are.

E.g. list.append has a very narrow and well-defined side-effect, which makes
it relatively easy to reason about it. But still not as easy as perhaps we
would like:

alist = blist = [1, 2, 4, 8]
# later on
alist.append(16)  # operates by side-effect
# and still later on
assert blist == [1, 2, 4, 8]  # FAILS!!!

A side-effect free language might make list.append return a new list with
the extra value appended, and then the above would not occur. But I

The point is, I'm not saying that imperative code that operates via
side-effects is always harmful. There are degrees of badness.

 A bit later in your 
 post, you wrote:
 except SomeError:
 Clearly, since the return values of a(), b(), and c() aren't saved, the
 only reason they're getting called is for their side effects.

That's not my design :-)

 And I don't see anything wrong with that.

And quite frankly, neither do I. But I don't know what a, b and c actually

 BTW, there's a pattern we use a bunch in the Songza server code, which
 is sort of this, but in reverse.  We'll have a bunch of possible ways to
 do something (strategies, to use the pattern vernacular), and want to
 try them all in order until we find one which works.

Sounds reasonable. You're not operating by side-effect, since you actually
do want the result generated by the strategy. Presumably the strategy
signature is to return None on failure, or instance on success. (I see
below that's exactly what you do.)

 So, for example: 
 classes = [ClientDebugPicker,
 for cls in classes:
 picker = cls.create(radio_session, station, artist)
 if picker:
 return picker

This seems perfectly reasonable up. The strategy either returns a picker, in
which case you are done, or it returns None and you continue. No
side-effects are involved.

 assert 0, can't create picker (classes = %s) % classes

¡Ay, caramba! I was with you until the very last line. The above code is
possibly buggy and inappropriately designed. (I may be completely
misinterpreting this, in which case feel free to ignore the following

First, the bug: there are circumstances where no exception is raised even if
all the strategies fail. (If the StandardSongPicker is guaranteed to
succeed, then obviously my analysis is wrong.) In this case, then any code
following the for-else will execute. Since this is in a function, and there
doesn't seem to be any following code, that means that your function will
return None instead of a valid picker. Does the rest of your code check for
None before using the picker? If not, you have a bug waiting to bite.

Second, the poor design. When it works as expected, failure is indicated by
AssertionError. Why AssertionError? Why not ImportError, or
UnicodeEncodeError, or ZeroDivisionError, or any other of the dozens of
inappropriate errors that the code could (but shouldn't) raise? I guess
nobody here would write code that looks like this by design:

picker = select_picker(radio_session, station, artist)
except EOFError:

just because raise EOFError required less typing than raising some more
appropriate exception. So why would we write:

picker = select_picker(radio_session, station, artist)
except AssertionError:

just because assert required less typing than raising some more
appropriate exception? assert is not a short-cut for raise
SomeGenericException. AssertionError has a specific meaning, and it is
sloppy to misuse it. An 

python socket query

2013-12-22 Thread smilesonisamal
   I am trying to write a TCP socket program in python. I am using python 2.6 
in linux. 

I referred following link:
I am actually writing the client-side stream socket.
I wrote a small program which creates the socket, bind to the socket, connect 
to socket and send() close(). I see that there is no reply coming from server 
and the TCP disconnect happens.
import socket

def tcp(host, request, port=34567):

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect((host, port))


reply = s.recv(2**14)


return reply

My problem is even if the request is sent the length(reply) is is 0. I tried to 
put a timeout of 1 sec s.settimeout() call after the send call but it doesnot 

I tried by commenting s.close() still it did not work.

Any idea what is the problem?



Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Anyway, I may be completely misinterpreting what I'm reading. Perhaps the
 assertion is checking a function invariant (one of the strategies will
 always succeed) in which case you're doing it exactly right and I should
 shut up now :-)

Or maybe it has a lengthy piece of error trapping code that wasn't
germane to the discussion, and for brevity was squished down to a
quick little assert :)


Re: python socket query

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:05 PM, wrote:
 I wrote a small program which creates the socket, bind to the socket, connect 
 to socket and send() close(). I see that there is no reply coming from server 
 and the TCP disconnect happens.
 import socket

 def tcp(host, request, port=34567):

 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

 s.connect((host, port))


 reply = s.recv(2**14)


 return reply

First off, your formatting has become mangled. This is likely to be
because of Google Groups, which tends to make a mess of posts. I
strongly recommend you get a better newsreader, such as Thunderbird,
or switch to the mailing list:

I'm going to assume that (a) the code you've provided is all part of
the tcp() function, and (b) that you are actually calling tcp()
somewhere and seeing what comes back. But once you sort out your
posting issues, you may want to post a complete program (probably not
more than a couple of additional lines beyond what you have above) so
we know what's actually going on.

Terminology point: You mention binding to the socket. In networking,
bind has a specific meaning - binding to an address, usually done
for servers, and something you're not doing here.

Are you sure the server's doing something? I tried what you had there
(albeit under Python 3.3), and it seems to be fine. Perhaps you need
to terminate the request with something - maybe a newline. The send()
method will send exactly the bytes you give it, nothing more.

Can you telnet to the server?


Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Kevin Peterson

I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code. I am 
running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is widespread in the 

import android droid = android.Android()
# go to airplane mode

I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'. 

One important thing is, I want to be able to do this without the need to reboot 
the Android device and any other working solution is also fine long as it is 
invokeable through Python.

Kevin Peterson


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 Having spent 22 years with VMS, 0 - success is still a problem to me.
 Odd result codes (aka True) were 1-success/3-information, even results
 (False) were 0-warning/2-error/4-fatal

Having spent a similar amount of time with Unix, C, and various APIs,
I'm quite used to 0 meaning success and nonzero meaning error.


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kevin Peterson wrote:
 I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code. I am 
 running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is widespread in the 

 import android droid = android.Android()
 # go to airplane mode


 I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'.

Python code is sensitive to changes in whitespace. The above is
actually a syntax error, because lines have been merged and indented
incorrectly. You seem to be posting from Google Groups, which may be
why it's messed up; I recommend switching to something else, like
Mozilla Thunderbird, or subscribing instead to the mailing list (with
all the same content):


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Michael Torrie
On 12/22/2013 08:20 PM, Kevin Peterson wrote:
 I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code.
 I am running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is widespread
 in the net),
 import android droid = android.Android()
 # go to airplane mode
 I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'. 

Is that really how your code is formatted? The import line is an error.


import android

droid = android.Android()


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 23/12/2013 03:22, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 Having spent 22 years with VMS, 0 - success is still a problem to me.
Odd result codes (aka True) were 1-success/3-information, even results
(False) were 0-warning/2-error/4-fatal

Having spent a similar amount of time with Unix, C, and various APIs,
I'm quite used to 0 meaning success and nonzero meaning error.


Another C thing to complain about, with functions like malloc the status 
code and value returned are one and the same thing, except that NULL is 
failure in this case.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 Another C thing to complain about, with functions like malloc the status
 code and value returned are one and the same thing, except that NULL is
 failure in this case.

How's that a problem? Python has the same:


will return a bit of memory, or None if it can't get any. Not
materially different. Remember, C doesn't have exceptions. In C++, the
'new' operator will throw an exception if it can't provide memory.


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 23/12/2013 03:45, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

Another C thing to complain about, with functions like malloc the status
code and value returned are one and the same thing, except that NULL is
failure in this case.

How's that a problem? Python has the same:

Remembering to check it?


You learn something new every day or April 1st come early?

will return a bit of memory, or None if it can't get any. Not
materially different. Remember, C doesn't have exceptions. In C++, the
'new' operator will throw an exception if it can't provide memory.


My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

 You learn something new every day or April 1st come early?

memory = {1:Foo, 12:Bar, 123:Quux}


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 12/22/13 10:41 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

On 12/22/2013 08:20 PM, Kevin Peterson wrote:


I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code.
I am running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is widespread
in the net),

 import android droid = android.Android()
 # go to airplane mode


I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'.

Is that really how your code is formatted? The import line is an error.


import android

droid = android.Android()

The OP reported an error of no such attribute Android, it's pretty 
obvious that he isn't getting a syntax error.  We can assume the code 
has been mangled in the posting.

Your code sample (once the obvious formatting errors have been fixed) is 
identical to ones I've found online, so I assume it should work.

My best guess is that you have named your own file, shadowing 
the library you're trying to import.  Name it something else, delete all 
the *.pyc files in your directory, and try again.

Ned Batchelder,


Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Roy Smith
In article 52b7a0e4$0$29994$c3e8da3$,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Anyway, I may be completely misinterpreting what I'm reading. Perhaps the
 assertion is checking a function invariant (one of the strategies will
 always succeed) in which case you're doing it exactly right and I should
 shut up now :-)

Yes :-)

More specifically, the assertion exception will get caught way up in 
some django middleware which will log a stack trace and return a HTTP 
50-something.  This will typically be followed by somebody like me 
noticing the stack dump and trying to figure out WTF happened.

Assertions are great tools.  People should use them more often.  In a 
sense, they're executable comments.  They're a programmer's way of 
standing on a hilltop and shouting to all the world, I swear to you, 
this is true.  There may be a gazillion lines of code out there and 
GBytes of program state, but right here, right now, within this circle 
I've drawn in the sand, I know this to be true, and you can depend on 
that.  You can make it part of the foundation on which you begin to 
reason about program behavior.  Furthermore, if it turns out not to be 
true, you don't have to worry about figuring out who's fault it is.  I 
hereby declare that it's my fault.

Re: cascading python executions only if return code is 0

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
 More specifically, the assertion exception will get caught way up in
 some django middleware which will log a stack trace and return a HTTP
 50-something.  This will typically be followed by somebody like me
 noticing the stack dump and trying to figure out WTF happened.

 Assertions are great tools.  People should use them more often.

You do have to be careful though, because they can be compiled out. If
it really is a can't happen, then sure, but encouraging people to
use them for potentially obscure cases may be dangerous - if you never
happen to hit on it during development and then run with assertions
disabled, you won't see that stack trace.

However, they're still a lot more executable than other forms of comment :)


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread rurpy
On 12/22/2013 08:33 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kevin Peterson wrote:
 I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code.
 I am running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is
 widespread in the net),
import android droid = android.Android()
# go to airplane mode

 I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'.
 Python code is sensitive to changes in whitespace. The above is 
 actually a syntax error, because lines have been merged and indented 
 incorrectly. You seem to be posting from Google Groups, which may be 
 why it's messed up; I recommend switching to something else, like 
 Mozilla Thunderbird, or subscribing instead to the mailing list
 (with all the same content)

My electricity went out right around the time the OP posted 
from Google Groups, that too was undoubtedly GG's fault.

Come on Chris, it is just as easy to make typo or copy-and-
paste errors in any other software as GG, there is no evidence
that it was GG's fault.

If you want to recommend the mailing list, fine, but please 
don't make stupid, unfounded, accusatory suggestions.

Kevin: just for your own info, there are a few people here
who despise Google Groups.  I and many other people post
from Google Groups regularly and it works fine.  You might
want to take a look at
for some ways to reduce the annoyance factor for the anti-GG 
clique here.

Re: 2nd Try: Trouble writing lines to file that include line feeds - Newbie

2013-12-22 Thread Dan Healy
Solved. Simply change the 'w' from the method to an 'a' for append

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 7:55:28 PM UTC-5, Dan Healy wrote:
 Overview: I'm attempting to read strings from a serial port. Each string ends 
 with a carriage return and line feed. I want to write those strings to a 
 file, like a log file. So, if I send P1 and the P2 on a new line, I would 
 expect to open this file and find (line 1) P1 (line 2) P2. 
 Problem: The file only contains P2. It always overwrites the first line. I 
 can send 20 strings and the file will always contain the last string 
 #Import the serial module 
 import serial 
 #Open the serial port w/ settings 
 #Print data received on the serial port after removing the CR and LF 
 while True: 


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:52 PM, wrote:
 Come on Chris, it is just as easy to make typo or copy-and-
 paste errors in any other software as GG, there is no evidence
 that it was GG's fault.

Actually, formatting errors ARE often caused by Google Groups. Maybe
it wasn't in this instance, but I have seen several cases of GG
mangling code formatting, so this was a perfectly reasonable theory.


Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Kevin Peterson
I will take care.


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 10:22 AM, wrote:

 On 12/22/2013 08:33 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kevin Peterson
  I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code.
  I am running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is
  widespread in the net),
 import android droid = android.Android()
 # go to airplane mode
  I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'.
  Python code is sensitive to changes in whitespace. The above is
  actually a syntax error, because lines have been merged and indented
  incorrectly. You seem to be posting from Google Groups, which may be
  why it's messed up; I recommend switching to something else, like
  Mozilla Thunderbird, or subscribing instead to the mailing list
  (with all the same content)

 My electricity went out right around the time the OP posted
 from Google Groups, that too was undoubtedly GG's fault.

 Come on Chris, it is just as easy to make typo or copy-and-
 paste errors in any other software as GG, there is no evidence
 that it was GG's fault.

 If you want to recommend the mailing list, fine, but please
 don't make stupid, unfounded, accusatory suggestions.

 Kevin: just for your own info, there are a few people here
 who despise Google Groups.  I and many other people post
 from Google Groups regularly and it works fine.  You might
 want to take a look at
 for some ways to reduce the annoyance factor for the anti-GG
 clique here.


Numpy Folder Structure

2013-12-22 Thread Chandru Rajendran
Hi all,

Please help me with how we can make our folder structure similar to Numpy 
Folder structure , so that we can make our installer similar to the numpy. With 
the folder structure now I am having , if I install , it is directly installing 
without the folder in site packages unlike numpy.

Thanks  regards,

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Re: Airplane mode control using Python?

2013-12-22 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 23/12/2013 04:52, wrote:

On 12/22/2013 08:33 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Kevin Peterson wrote:

I am trying to control Aeroplane mode on Android using Python code.
I am running QPyPlus python. When I execute this code(that is
widespread in the net),

import android droid = android.Android()
# go to airplane mode


I get the error 'no such attribute Android()'.

Python code is sensitive to changes in whitespace. The above is
actually a syntax error, because lines have been merged and indented
incorrectly. You seem to be posting from Google Groups, which may be
why it's messed up; I recommend switching to something else, like
Mozilla Thunderbird, or subscribing instead to the mailing list
(with all the same content)

My electricity went out right around the time the OP posted
from Google Groups, that too was undoubtedly GG's fault.

Come on Chris, it is just as easy to make typo or copy-and-
paste errors in any other software as GG, there is no evidence
that it was GG's fault.

If you want to recommend the mailing list, fine, but please
don't make stupid, unfounded, accusatory suggestions.

Kevin: just for your own info, there are a few people here
who despise Google Groups.  I and many other people post
from Google Groups regularly and it works fine.  You might
want to take a look at
for some ways to reduce the annoyance factor for the anti-GG
clique here.

We are *NOT* anti-GG, we've anti-reading double spaced crap, continuous 
single lines instead of proper paragraphs and badly formed Python source 
code amongst other things.  We *DON'T* as a rule of thumb get this 
problem from any source except GG.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Daemonify my python script on Android

2013-12-22 Thread Kevin Peterson

I want to daemonify my python script on Android device. That is, it should
be automatically invoked on boot up.

Appreciate your help.



[issue20009] Property should expose wrapped function.

2013-12-22 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

 When using the @property decorator the wrapped functions 
 are not exposed for source introspection. 
 (At least I can't see how they are.)

The underlying functions are already exposed as the fget, fset, and fdel 
attributes of property objects.

Here is an example of how to access the source:

class Dog:
def age(self):
return 42

if __name__ == '__main__':
import inspect
age_property = Dog.__dict__['age']
lines, size = inspect.getsourcelines(age_property.fget)

nosy: +rhettinger

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19363] Python 2.7's is not compatible with Python 3's map

2013-12-22 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

I agree with you in principle, but it is far too late in 2.7's development to 
take away a capability.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20045] register --list-classifiers is broken

2013-12-22 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'

Giampaolo Rodola' added the comment:

Thanks for fixing. =)


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 I've discussed this once more. 
 From islower man page:
  If the argument to any of the character handling  macros  is
  not  in the domain of the function, the result is undefined.

This is not the wording of the POSIX spec:

The c argument is an int, the value of which the application shall
ensure is a character representable as an unsigned char or equal to the
value of the macro EOF.

This means that any value between 0 and 255 (representable as an
unsigned char) is a valid input for islower().

This would mean IllumOS deviates from the POSIX spec here. I would
suggest either fixing your libc's ctype.h implementation, and/or
patching your version of Python to workaround this issue.

Note the ISO C99 standard has the same wording as POSIX:

The header ctype.h declares several functions useful for
classifying and mapping characters. In all cases the argument is an int,
the value of which shall be representable as an unsigned char or shall
equal the value of the macro EOF.

(Note also that under Linux and most likely other Unices,
string.lowercase and string.uppercase work fine under a UTF-8 locale)


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20045] register --list-classifiers is broken

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Thanks for fixing. =)

You're welcome. Unfixed distutils regressions are painful...


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

To elaborate yet a bit, I agree with the following statement in the 
aforementioned [illumos-devel] discussion thread:

In further explanation, the isalpha() and friends *should* probably return 
false for the value 196, or any other byte with high order bit set, in UTF-8 

I'll also point out that the code examples in the POSIX spec use islower() 
exactly like Python does (on arbitrary integers) between 0 and 255:

c = (unsigned char) (rand() % 256);
if (islower(c))
keystr[len++] = c;


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

As to whether we will add a workaround for this in Python:

- Python follows POSIX correctly here, and no issue was reported in mainstream 
OSes such as Linux, OS X or the *BSDs

- this only exists in 2.7, which is in extended maintenance mode (it's the last 
of the 2.x series, and will probably stopped being maintained in a few years); 
Python 3.x doesn't have this issue

- IllumOS is a rather niche OS that none of us is using, so adding a 
system-specific workaround doesn't sound very compelling

Thanks for reporting, though. It's good to be reminded that locales and ctype.h 
are a rather lousy design :-)


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[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

Alexander, the domain fo the function probably refers to
the range [-1, 256].


The header ctype.h declares several functions useful for classifying and 
characters.166) In all cases the argument is an int, the value of which shall be
representable as an unsigned char or shall equal the value of the macro EOF. If 
argument has any other value, the behavior is undefined.
2 The behavior of these functions is affected by the current locale. Those 
functions that
 have locale-specific aspects only when not in the C locale are noted below.
3 The term printing character refers to a member of a locale-specific set of 
characters, each
 of which occupies one printing position on a display device; the term control 
refers to a member of a locale-specific set of characters that are not printing
characters.167) All letters and digits are printing characters.
Forward references: EOF (7.19.1), localization (7.11).
7.4.1 Character classification functions
The functions in this subclause return nonzero (true) if and only if the value 
of the
argument c conforms to that in the description of the function.

I think this agrees with what Antoine has said.

nosy: +skrah

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[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah added the comment:

IOW, I also support closing this issue. :)


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[issue20049] string.lowercase and string.uppercase can contain garbage

2013-12-22 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

Yes, I definitely think this falls into the category of platform bugs, and we 
only maintain workarounds for those for mainstream OSes.  Others need to 
maintain their own local patches, just as for any other changes that are 
required to get Python working on those platforms.  (A platform's status can 
change over time, of course, but this is the category illumos currently falls 

resolution:  - rejected
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue19610] TypeError in distutils.command.upload

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

I don't think accepting a tuple for classifiers is a bugfix. Furthermore, the 
latest patch is much too intrusive and may break legitimate uses.

nosy: +pitrou

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[issue17325] improve organization of the PyPI distutils docs

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

This looks good to me. It may also be worth changing example URLs to use 
https instead of http, and mentioning the test PyPI server in the pypirc 

Chris, please proceed.

assignee: eric.araujo - chris.jerdonek
nosy: +pitrou
stage: patch review - commit review
versions:  -Python 3.2

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[issue9303] Migrate sqlite3 module to _v2 API to enhance performance

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.4

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[issue19216] stat cache for import bootstrap

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.4

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[issue15216] Support setting the encoding on a text stream after creation

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.4

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[issue19508] Add warning that Python doesn't verify SSL certs by default

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

status: open - closed

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[issue15340] OSError with import random when /dev/urandom doesn't exist (regression from 2.6)

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

2.6 and 3.1 don't receive bug fixes anymore, closing.

resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue19610] should allow a tuple for classifiers

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

stage: patch review - needs patch
title: TypeError in distutils.command.upload - should allow a tuple 
for classifiers
type: behavior - enhancement
versions:  -Python 3.3

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[issue20033] Fix for Python 3

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Sounds ok to me.

assignee:  - serhiy.storchaka
nosy: +pitrou
stage:  - commit review

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[issue19940] ssl.cert_time_to_seconds() returns wrong results if local timezone is not UTC

2013-12-22 Thread gudge

gudge added the comment:

1) I understand I can run a whole test suite as
./python -m test -v test_abc
as mentioned in

How do I run a particluar test case, like the test I added

2) I have a added a test case test_cert_time_to_seconds to 
3) ./python -m test -v test_ssl
   is all PASS.

4) I will start my work on

5) The patch is attached.

Added file:

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[issue16136] Removal of VMS support

2013-12-22 Thread John Malmberg

John Malmberg added the comment:

Access to VMS licenses and media:

1. Hobby - non-commercial applications - Free with 1 year time-bombed license 
keys with free media download.  A self-service mostly web based system.

Easiest way to get a membership ID is to join which is free.

Unfortunately right now, HP is in their holiday shutdown and 
is being relocated from Wisconsin to Massachusetts.

Both should be back available sometime in the beginning of January 2014.

2. Commercial - Company Alliance One Membership.  It is my understanding that 
upon acceptance to the program, 1 year time-bombed license keys are available 
with free.  Search for Alliance One on the HP site.

This has been the case for well over 10 years, so VMS programmers for open 
source projects should normally have no problem getting current media or 
license keys.

There are several free Alpha emulators now available for download.  These are 
less functional versions of the commercial versions of the emulator.

While there are also commercial VAX emulators that may be available, SimH VAX 
is free and open source.

Resources: comp.os.vms newsgroup,, sourceforge GNV and 
vms-ports projects,, and


GNV as packaged by HP has multiple problems.  To use it at a minimum you need 
to install the newer Bash and Coreutils kits from the GNV sourceforge project.  
Read before installing 
the updates.

Running configure scripts on GNV typically requires some hacks because most 
configure scripts test with out the header files, and on VMS, the header files 
are needed to get ANSI/ISO or X/Open behavior or bug-fixes.  Otherwise the 
tests fail.


As far as removing the VMS specific code, it is very likely that much of the 
VMS specific code is not needed for the current 8.3/8.4 versions of VMS, so it 
is probably better for a someone porting Python 3.x to VMS to start with clean 

If a VMS library routine is missing or does not behave properly, it is better 
handled with a replacement routine than by putting #ifdef in the code.

nosy: +John.Malmberg
status: pending - open

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[issue19927] Path-based loaders lack a meaningful __eq__() implementation.

2013-12-22 Thread Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings added the comment:

1. Is this patch going to change best practice for working with ModuleSpec?

2. If we delayed it to 3.5, will users have to ignore it to work around the 
deficiencies of the ModuleSpec implementation in 3.4?

I'm guessing the answer to both of these is well, no, not really simply 
because comparing ModuleSpec objects is not expected to be a regular operation.


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[issue19610] should allow a tuple for classifiers

2013-12-22 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo added the comment:

Classifiers have always been documented as a list; I don’t think a tuple makes 
more sense here (even if it does no harm), but more importantly I think it’s a 
bad idea to have a that would work in 3.5 and not in 3.2-3.4.  I 
suggest rejecting this.


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[issue19648] Empty tests in pickletester need to be implemented or removed

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

stage: needs patch - commit review

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue19648] Empty tests in pickletester need to be implemented or removed

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

The patch looks fine to me. Gennadiy, could you go and sign a contributor's 
Thanks very much.


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[issue18379] SSLSocket.getpeercert(): OCSP and CRL DP URIs

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

status: open - closed

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[issue19563] Changing barry's email to

2013-12-22 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

assignee:  - barry

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