urllib2 redirect error

2014-09-01 Thread Sumit Ray

 I've tried versions of the following but continue to get errors:

- snip -
url = 'https://www.usps.com/send/official-abbreviations.htm'
request = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler).open(url)
- snip -

Generates an exception:
urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 301: The HTTP server returned a redirect
error that would lead to an infinite loop.
The last 30x error message was:
Moved Permanently

The following using the requests library hangs:
- snip -
response = requests.get(url)
- snip -

I'm fresh out of ideas and any suggestions you may have would be greatly

Thanks in advance,

urllib2 redirect error

2014-09-01 Thread Sumit Ray

I've tried various versions but continue to get the following error:

Re: ANN: binario - simple work with binary files

2014-09-01 Thread Rustom Mody
On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 6:05:19 AM UTC+5:30, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Rustom Mody wrote:

> >On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:58:42 AM UTC+5:30, Tim Roberts wrote:

> >> To the equivalent code with struct:
> >>   import struct
> >>   dscrp = "H?fs5B"
> >>   f = open('file.dat')
> >>   stuff = struct.unpack( dscrp, f.read() )
> >>   print stuff
> >> In both cases, you have to KNOW the format of the data beforehand.  If you
> >> do a read_short where you happen to have written a float, disaster ensues.
> >> I don't really see that you've added very much.
> >I thought much the same.
> >However notice your f.read(). Its type is string.
> >What if file.dat is a 1GB wav file?

>   f.seek(512000)
>   stuff = struct.unpack( dscrp, f.read(128) )

And what if the struct you are (trying to) unpack is greater or less
than 128 bytes?

> The point is that files already know how to position themselves.

But its not enough. One can write a generator that yields one char
at a time.  How to feed that to struct.unpack??

Re: error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread Denis McMahon
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 05:05:41 +0530, Om Prakash wrote:

> fp = open("message", 'rb')

"message" here is a string literal

> fp.close

should be fp.close()

> msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message

message here is a variable. The variable named message has not previously 
had a value assigned to it.
$s should be %s

If you want the subject to be the filename, then what you need to do is:

1) assign the filename to some variable
2) open the file using the variable that contains the filename
3) use the variable that contains the filename to generate the subject

eg (assuming suitable imports etc) and the message is in a text file 
called message.txt:
msgfile = "message.txt"
fp = open( msgfile, "r" )
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())
msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of %s' % msgfile

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Cameron Simpson wrote:

> It is not just about being hacked.
> It is about being robust in the face of unusual setups.
> If I were producing this function for general use (even my own personal
> general use) it would need to be reliable. That includes things like
> $TMPDIR having spaces in it (or other unfortunate punctuation).

Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.



Re: Define proxy in windows 7

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Cameron Simpson  wrote:
> I am not a Windows user, but on UNIX systems the format of http_proxy and
> https_proxy is:
>   http://proxyname:3128/
> being the proxy hostname and port number respectively. You're saying:
>   proxyname:8080
> instead. (Note, https_proxy _also_ starts with "http:", not "https:" because
> the communication with the proxy is HTTP.)
> Try the longer form.  And ensure you have the port number right; proxies do
> not normally listen on port 80; they tend to listen on port 3128 or 8080.

These tips may help. (Though on Windows, where port 80 requires no
special privileges, it's more likely for a proxy to use that than it
is under Unix. So it's entirely possible it is actually on 80.) But
what I'm seeing is a problem with environment variable setting in the
first place - or else a transcription problem in the original post.

Try this:

set http_proxy=proxy name:80

If that doesn't work,*copy and paste* what you're doing and what
happens when you do. Include the prompt, the command, and its output.
That'll make it easier for us to figure out what's going on.


Re: Define proxy in windows 7

2014-09-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 02Sep2014 06:25, Om Prakash  wrote:

I am wondering how to define proxy setting in env variable on windows 
7, I want this so i can use pip to pull packages for me, the same 
setting though working earlier on windows xp.

http_proxy = "proxy name:80"

now this same setting doesn't work, i tried doing in the cmd.exe prompt.

set http_proxy "proxy name:80"

P.S. i am a normal user and don't have admin privleges.

I am not a Windows user, but on UNIX systems the format of http_proxy and 
https_proxy is:


being the proxy hostname and port number respectively. You're saying:


instead. (Note, https_proxy _also_ starts with "http:", not "https:" because 
the communication with the proxy is HTTP.)

Try the longer form.  And ensure you have the port number right; proxies do not 
normally listen on port 80; they tend to listen on port 3128 or 8080.


To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.

Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread gschemenauer3
On Monday, September 1, 2014 11:11:34 AM UTC-5, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Python's input() or raw_input() function is good for getting a single line
> of text from the user. But what if you want a more substantial chunk of
> text from the user? Here's how to call out to an external editor such as
> ed, nano, vim, emacs, and even GUI text editors:
> import tempfile
> def edit(editor, content=''):
> f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
> if content:
> f.write(content)
> f.flush()
> command = editor + " " + f.name
> status = os.system(command)
> f.seek(0, 0)
> text = f.read()
> f.close()
> assert not os.path.exists(f.name)
> return (status, text)
> Anyone able to test it on Windows for me please?
> More here: 
> https://code.activestate.com/recipes/578926/
> -- 
> Steven

here's a full blown text editor (GUI) that gets a "substantial chunk of text" 
from the user.  It's almost finished but is perfectly functional right now.  
Two files:

main file:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import glob
import webbrowser

from GtkApp   import *
from GPYedit_conf import Preferences


class GPYedit(GtkApp_Toplevel):

  # For each tab in the notebook, we will store
  # our data representing each file (or empty buffer)
  # in a list.  Each item is a dictionary keeping track of the:
  #   - Python file object
  #   - Three components of editing area: scrolled window, textview, and 
buffer (per tab)
  #   - Full pathname of the file being edited
  #   - Text shown in the notebook widget tabs

  open_files = [ ]

  # Keep track of which buffer we're dealing with.
  # Each time the notebook page is switched, this number
  # will change (see 'on_nb_page_switched' callback).  This value 
  # is used as the index into the open files list to get at the
  # file-specific information and widgets.

  current_tab = 0

  # User preferences will be accessible through this attribute.
  # The Preferences class will be initialized from directives
  # found in the gpyedit_settings.ini file.

  preferences = Preferences()

  def __init__(this):
This is where it all starts.  Begin by setting
the window geometry and title and decide whether
to create a new empty file or use the arguments provided.

(width, height) = GPYedit.preferences.get_window_dimensions()
this.window.set_default_size(width, height)
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
  names = sys.argv[1:]
  for name in names:
if os.path.exists(name) and os.path.isfile(name):
  print 'File "' + name + '" doesn\'t exist.'

  def build_GUI(this):
Create the main interface components.
These are
   - vbox: Main vertical box for laying out widgets
   - menu_bar: self explanatory
   - notebook: The tabbed container holding our file buffers
this.vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
this.menu_bar = gtk.MenuBar()
this.notebook = gtk.Notebook()
this.notebook.connect("switch-page", this.on_nb_page_switch)
this.vbox.pack_start(this.notebook, True, True, 0)

  def create_new_file(this, menu_item = None):
Create a blank buffer with no associated Python file object or name 
NOTE: menu_item is a parameter here because
this method will be used as a signal handler
also for the File menu 'new' item and the prototype
for that handler requires this parameter.  It is not used though.

(scrolled_win, textview, buf) = this.editing_area_new()
label = gtk.Label("Untitled")
edit_area = { 'scrolled_window': scrolled_win, 'textview': 
textview, 'buffer': buf }
# Store everything we know
GPYedit.open_files.append({'file_object': None,
   'edit_area':   edit_area,
   'label':   label})
index = this.notebook.append_page(scrolled_win, label)
return GPY

Re: error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread Om Prakash

On 09/02/2014 05:29 AM, MRAB wrote:

On 2014-09-02 00:35, Om Prakash wrote:


I am writing this program from

but getting the error as

singhom@debian:~/pythons$ python send_email.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "send_email.py", line 18, in 
  msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
NameError: name 'message' is not defined

i know the error would be something simple and i am overlooking it, any
help would be highly appreciated, I am sorry, but I am very new to
python programming.

code starts here.
#/usr/bin/python2.7 -tt

## sending a simple text message using python.
import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

# Open file for reading.
fp = open("message", 'rb')
# Create a plain text message.
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())


That should be:


me = "torque.in...@gmail.com"
you = "oomprak...@gmail.com"

msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message

You're trying to use the format operator, but:

1. You never bound the name 'message' to a value, hence:

NameError: name 'message' is not defined

2. The format string contains '$s' instead of '%s'.

msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you

# Send message thorugh localhost but don't include the envelope headers.

s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())

Thanks a lot. will fix this and my overlooking of things too. :)

Define proxy in windows 7

2014-09-01 Thread Om Prakash


I am wondering how to define proxy setting in env variable on windows 7, 
I want this so i can use pip to pull packages for me, the same setting 
though working earlier on windows xp.

http_proxy = "proxy name:80"

now this same setting doesn't work, i tried doing in the cmd.exe prompt.

set http_proxy "proxy name:80"

P.S. i am a normal user and don't have admin privleges.

Om Prakash

Re: ANN: binario - simple work with binary files

2014-09-01 Thread Tim Roberts
Rustom Mody  wrote:

>On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:58:42 AM UTC+5:30, Tim Roberts wrote:

>> To the equivalent code with struct:
>>   import struct
>>   dscrp = "H?fs5B"
>>   f = open('file.dat')
>>   stuff = struct.unpack( dscrp, f.read() )
>>   print stuff
>> In both cases, you have to KNOW the format of the data beforehand.  If you
>> do a read_short where you happen to have written a float, disaster ensues.
>> I don't really see that you've added very much.
>I thought much the same.
>However notice your f.read(). Its type is string.
>What if file.dat is a 1GB wav file?

  stuff = struct.unpack( dscrp, f.read(128) )

The point is that files already know how to position themselves.
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Re:error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread Dave Angel
Om Prakash  Wrote in message:
> Hi,
> I am writing this program from 
> https://docs.python.org/2/library/email-examples.html
> but getting the error as
> singhom@debian:~/pythons$ python send_email.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "send_email.py", line 18, in 
>  msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
> NameError: name 'message' is not defined
> i know the error would be something simple and i am overlooking it, any 
> help would be highly appreciated, I am sorry, but I am very new to 
> python programming.
> code starts here.
> #/usr/bin/python2.7 -tt
> ## sending a simple text message using python.
> import smtplib
> from email.mime.text import MIMEText
> # Open file for reading.
> fp = open("message", 'rb')
> # Create a plain text message.
> msg = MIMEText(fp.read())
> fp.close

This line doesn't do anything.  If you want to close the file, 
 you need some parens,  Or you can use the 'with' form instead of

> me = "torque.in...@gmail.com"
> you = "oomprak...@gmail.com"
> msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message

Just what did you plan to use here? You never defined a variable
 called message. If you intended to use msg, I presume you realize
 it could be quite large,



Re: error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread MRAB

On 2014-09-02 00:35, Om Prakash wrote:


I am writing this program from

but getting the error as

singhom@debian:~/pythons$ python send_email.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "send_email.py", line 18, in 
  msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
NameError: name 'message' is not defined

i know the error would be something simple and i am overlooking it, any
help would be highly appreciated, I am sorry, but I am very new to
python programming.

code starts here.
#/usr/bin/python2.7 -tt

## sending a simple text message using python.
import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

# Open file for reading.
fp = open("message", 'rb')
# Create a plain text message.
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())


That should be:


me = "torque.in...@gmail.com"
you = "oomprak...@gmail.com"

msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message

You're trying to use the format operator, but:

1. You never bound the name 'message' to a value, hence:

NameError: name 'message' is not defined

2. The format string contains '$s' instead of '%s'.

msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you

# Send message thorugh localhost but don't include the envelope headers.

s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())


Re: error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 02Sep2014 05:05, Om Prakash  wrote:
I am writing this program from 

but getting the error as

singhom@debian:~/pythons$ python send_email.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "send_email.py", line 18, in 
   msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
NameError: name 'message' is not defined

i know the error would be something simple and i am overlooking it, 
any help would be highly appreciated, I am sorry, but I am very new to 
python programming.

This problem is generic to almost any programming language: you have not 
defined the variable "message" before you try to use it in the format string.

In the example code, the variable is called "textfile" and is supposed to be 
the name of a file containing some message text. The example code does not 
define it; you need to do so.

After you sort that, you then have a ython problem: you have said "$s" in your 
format string, but the python "%" operator expected "%s" in the format string.

Sort these two things and see how things proceed.

Cameron Simpson 

Personally, I find blinking text on a page to be extraordinarily annoying and
my first instinct is to back up one page, right away.
- William Barr 

error while writing program to send mail.

2014-09-01 Thread Om Prakash


I am writing this program from 

but getting the error as

singhom@debian:~/pythons$ python send_email.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "send_email.py", line 18, in 
msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
NameError: name 'message' is not defined

i know the error would be something simple and i am overlooking it, any 
help would be highly appreciated, I am sorry, but I am very new to 
python programming.

code starts here.
#/usr/bin/python2.7 -tt

## sending a simple text message using python.
import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

# Open file for reading.
fp = open("message", 'rb')
# Create a plain text message.
msg = MIMEText(fp.read())


me = "torque.in...@gmail.com"
you = "oomprak...@gmail.com"

msg['Subject']  = 'The contents of $s' % message
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you

# Send message thorugh localhost but don't include the envelope headers.

s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())


Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread andydtaylor
Mark - it's more that I just didn't understand what you mean. 

Here's you: Probably an out and out programmer; uses a number of languages; a 
decade of experience, educated in best practice via your experience.

Here's me: Idiot. A decade of experience in VBA and Excel in mindless finance 
jobs, hoping to build a 'not shit" website for a refrigerated van courier 
company I am starting.  I know enough to find my way around linux and mac for 
most things and that Python and Django are a great tool, yet I stumble in my 
environment setup. I have built a Django website before using Pycharm on an 
Ubuntu machine without this problem.

So I wasn't seeking to be abrasive, it's just that I don't get it, nor do I 
understand the boundary of "it".

Here's what I can do:

1. I will lookup Thunderbird and see if this makes posting easier to follow
2. I will reverse my launchctl setenv changes.
3. Is there anything else I can do to improve diagnosis and communication?


Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 4:23 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> Chris Angelico wrote:
>> C:\>Python34\python 123123123.py
>> cygwin warning:
>>   MS-DOS style path detected: C:\DOCUME~1\M\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp94rcwd57
>>   Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /DOCUME~1/M/LOCALS~1/Temp/tmp94rcwd57
> That's arguably a Python bug. Under Cygwin, it should use POSIX paths rather
> than Windows paths.

Except that I wasn't; I ran Python 3.4 that was installed via the .msi
package, and from that Python ran nano that was presumably compiled
for Cygwin.

>> Windows doesn't have a nice $EDITOR environment variable to call on,
> Why not? It's your environment, you can create any environment variable you
> like, even under Windows, right?

Sure, but what I mean is, there's a general convention on Unix that
setting EDITOR will do that. You don't get to take advantage of
expectations that easily on Windows.

> But fundamentally, the de facto "standard editor" on Windows is Notepad.

Sadly so. Which is why I tried it...

>> You'll also have to cope with some other possibilities. What happens
>> if someone tries Notepad? (Don't try this at home. We are experts and
>> are testing on a closed track. Do not use Notepad unless you, too,
>> have thirty years of special effects experience.) Turns out it doesn't
>> like working with a file that another process has open.
> Ah, I feared that would be the case. I'll have to think about a way around
> that. It won't be as neat, or as secure, but it should be doable.

... and yeah. That's the problem.


Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> I'm not really seeing how this is a security vulnerability. If somebody can
> break into my system and set a hostile GIT_EDITOR, or TMPDIR, environment
> variables, I've already lost.

Agreed. If I'm calling on your program and setting EDITOR or
GIT_EDITOR or whatever to configure how you ask me to edit a file,
that's because it's *my* system. The aforementioned setup is actually
run as root; the 'editor' quite deliberately does almost nothing, but
I know it's safe because I'm the one in control, not because the
editor's sanitized.


Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 02Sep2014 04:02, Steven D'Aprano  

Roy Smith wrote:

Hmmm.  Didn't we just have a thread about passing external data to

$ mkdir '/tmp/;rm -rf;'
$ TMPDIR='/tmp/;rm -rf;' python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:03:06)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import tempfile
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

'/tmp/;rm -rf;/tmpW8HFTr'

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to to erase your own system. Couldn't you
just run rm -rf / on your own system prior to launching Python?

But seriously, I'm not sure what attack vector you think you have found.
By definition, this is calling out to an external application, which might
do *anything*. It needs to be used in a trusted environment, like any other
tool which calls out to external applications.


I'm not really seeing how this is a security vulnerability. If somebody can
break into my system and set a hostile GIT_EDITOR, or TMPDIR, environment
variables, I've already lost.


Have I missed something? I really don't think this is a vulnerability, and I
don't see how using the subprocess module would make it safer.

It is not just about being hacked.

It is about being robust in the face of unusual setups.

If I were producing this function for general use (even my own personal general 
use) it would need to be reliable. That includes things like $TMPDIR having 
spaces in it (or other unfortunate punctuation).

On any system where people use GUIs to manipulate files and folders, having 
spaces and arbitrary punctuation in pathnames is common. Pointing $TMPDIR at 
such a place for a special purpose is not unreasonable.

People keep assuming injection is all about malice and being hacked. It is not.  
It is also about robustness and reliability, and possible silent 

Cameron Simpson 

st...@ensoniq.com says...
| Motorcycle maintenence is an art, isn't it?
By the time you've finished, it's a black art.
- Dave Parry 

Re: Information

2014-09-01 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 3:40 PM,   wrote:
> Hey
> I am Getachew , I am using cantera, python xy 2.7.6. My question is how can i 
> convert  XML file to Ct. py file format.
> Thanks
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

This is a general purpose python list.  Googling a bit it looks like
you are doing something in the genetics field.  Python has several xml

Joel Goldstick

Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-09-02 04:23, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Read $VISUAL, if it exists, otherwise $EDITOR, if it exists,
> otherwise fall back on something hard coded. Or read it from an ini
> file. Or create an entry in the register. Whatever. That's up to
> the application which uses this function, not the function itself.
> Under XP and older the standard DOS editor is EDIT, but that's gone
> from Windows 7. Believe it or not, I understand that you can use:
> copy con [filename.???]
> to do basic line editing, which is terrifying, but I believe it
> works.

And according to [1], the venerable edlin is still available on Win8,
even if you don't have edit.  Though according to [2], it sounds like
MS-EDIT is still available on at least the 32-bit version of Win8
(it doesn't detail whether it comes out of the box on 64-bit Win8).

I don't have Win8, so I can't corroborate either application.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edlin#History
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-DOS_Editor


Re: subprocess module usage

2014-09-01 Thread Akira Li
Earl Lapus  writes:

> Hi,
> I made simple test program using the subprocess module (see attached:
> exec_cmd.py). I ran it passing variations of 'ls' command options.
> I encounter exceptions every time I use '-l' options. Example runs
> where exception occurs:
> # ./exec_cmd.py ls -al
> # ./exec_cmd.py ls -l
> However, if I pass 'ls' and arguments as one argument, like so:
> #./exec_cmd.py 'ls -al'
> exception does not occur.
> I logged output (see ls_test.out).
> So, what could be causing this behavior? Is this expected or is there
> something wrong with how I'm using the subprocess module?

You shouldn't use shell=True with a list argument (sys.argv[1:] is a
list). Specify the command as a string or use shell=False.
See http://bugs.python.org/issue21347




2014-09-01 Thread getachewagmuas
I am Getachew , I am using cantera, python xy 2.7.6. My question is how can i 
convert  XML file to Ct. py file format. 


Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:11 AM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> Anyone able to test it on Windows for me please?
> Seems to partially work. I added an 'import os' at the top, and a
> simple test call to the function, and it did give me my editor (nano)
> and retrieved the text. It did give a warning, though:
> C:\>Python34\python 123123123.py
> cygwin warning:
>   MS-DOS style path detected: C:\DOCUME~1\M\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp94rcwd57
>   Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /DOCUME~1/M/LOCALS~1/Temp/tmp94rcwd57

That's arguably a Python bug. Under Cygwin, it should use POSIX paths rather
than Windows paths.

I believe that sys.platform tells you if you are running under Cygwin.

> Windows doesn't have a nice $EDITOR environment variable to call on,

Why not? It's your environment, you can create any environment variable you
like, even under Windows, right?

> so I'm not sure what the best way to actually choose an editor is. I
> would hope that you can make it externally configurable 

Read $VISUAL, if it exists, otherwise $EDITOR, if it exists, otherwise fall
back on something hard coded. Or read it from an ini file. Or create an
entry in the register. Whatever. That's up to the application which uses
this function, not the function itself.

Under XP and older the standard DOS editor is EDIT, but that's gone from
Windows 7. Believe it or not, I understand that you can use:

copy con [filename.???]

to do basic line editing, which is terrifying, but I believe it works.


And of course, you can install whatever third-party editors you like. There
are Windows ports of nano, vim and emacs.

But fundamentally, the de facto "standard editor" on Windows is Notepad.

> You'll also have to cope with some other possibilities. What happens
> if someone tries Notepad? (Don't try this at home. We are experts and
> are testing on a closed track. Do not use Notepad unless you, too,
> have thirty years of special effects experience.) Turns out it doesn't
> like working with a file that another process has open. 

Ah, I feared that would be the case. I'll have to think about a way around
that. It won't be as neat, or as secure, but it should be doable.



Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Roy Smith wrote:

> Hmmm.  Didn't we just have a thread about passing external data to
> shells?
> $ mkdir '/tmp/;rm -rf;'
> $ TMPDIR='/tmp/;rm -rf;' python
> Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:03:06)
> [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 import tempfile
 f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
> '/tmp/;rm -rf;/tmpW8HFTr'

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to to erase your own system. Couldn't you
just run rm -rf / on your own system prior to launching Python?

But seriously, I'm not sure what attack vector you think you have found.
By definition, this is calling out to an external application, which might
do *anything*. It needs to be used in a trusted environment, like any other
tool which calls out to external applications.

[steve@ando ~]$ mkdir foo
[steve@ando ~]$ cd foo
[steve@ando foo]$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/steve/foo/.git/
[steve@ando foo]$ echo Some content > stuff.txt
[steve@ando foo]$ git add stuff.txt
[steve@ando foo]$ GIT_EDITOR="echo 'you got pwned' #" git commit
you got pwned
Aborting commit due to empty commit message.

I'm not really seeing how this is a security vulnerability. If somebody can
break into my system and set a hostile GIT_EDITOR, or TMPDIR, environment
variables, I've already lost.

As written, the edit() function takes two arguments: the name of an
application to call, and optionally initial contents to be edited.
Obviously the name of the application has to be trusted: either hard code
it, or get it from a trusted source like the VISUAL or EDITOR environment
variables. (It's *your* environment, you can set them to whatever editor
you want. If you want to set them to something hostile, that's your

If an attacker has already compromised my editor, I've lost.

If I naively run arbitrary code provided by *untrusted* sources (say, I get
the editor from anonymous users over the internet), I've lost. I didn't
think I needed to explicitly say that.

On the other hand, the initial content need not be trusted, since it's just
text. The worst somebody could do is hurt my feelings. (Well, they could in
principle buffer-overflow the editor, or Python, but if you can't trust
Python and your editor to be resistant to that, you shouldn't use them.) If
the initial content could "leak" out and do bad things, that would be a
vulnerability I care about. Having the user destroy their own system by
deliberately misusing the function is not my problem:

# Don't do this. It would be bad.
edit("rm -rf / #")

Have I missed something? I really don't think this is a vulnerability, and I
don't see how using the subprocess module would make it safer.



Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Roy Smith
In article <54049ab7$0$29972$c3e8da3$54964...@news.astraweb.com>,
 Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> import tempfile
> def edit(editor, content=''):
> f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
> [...]
> command = editor + " " + f.name
> status = os.system(command)

Hmmm.  Didn't we just have a thread about passing external data to 

$ mkdir '/tmp/;rm -rf;'
$ TMPDIR='/tmp/;rm -rf;' python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:03:06) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tempfile
>>> f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
>>> f.name
'/tmp/;rm -rf;/tmpW8HFTr'

Re: Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:11 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> Anyone able to test it on Windows for me please?

Seems to partially work. I added an 'import os' at the top, and a
simple test call to the function, and it did give me my editor (nano)
and retrieved the text. It did give a warning, though:

C:\>Python34\python 123123123.py
cygwin warning:
  MS-DOS style path detected: C:\DOCUME~1\M\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp94rcwd57
  Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /DOCUME~1/M/LOCALS~1/Temp/tmp94rcwd57
  CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
  Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
Your text is:
Hello, world!

Windows doesn't have a nice $EDITOR environment variable to call on,
so I'm not sure what the best way to actually choose an editor is. I
would hope that you can make it externally configurable (I've done
some very weird things with changed editors, like one that connects to
a TCP socket, alerts a server with its arguments, and then SIGSTOPs
itself, and the server sends the file's contents to another
socket-connected client that has a human at the other end, and when it
gets back a response from that client, it rewrites the file and
SIGCONTs the 'editor', which then terminates - so to all intents and
purposes, it's as if that program really did edit the file), but doing
that on Windows may not be easy.

You'll also have to cope with some other possibilities. What happens
if someone tries Notepad? (Don't try this at home. We are experts and
are testing on a closed track. Do not use Notepad unless you, too,
have thirty years of special effects experience.) Turns out it doesn't
like working with a file that another process has open. Nor can SciTE;
it shows an empty file on load, and then is unable to save. I suspect
the comment here is what's biting you:

"""Whether the name can be used to open the file a second time, while
the named temporary file is still open, varies across platforms (it
can be so used on Unix; it cannot on Windows NT or later)."""

So it works fairly nicely as long as you're using a Cygwin editor.
Otherwise, not so much. :(


Editing text with an external editor in Python

2014-09-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Python's input() or raw_input() function is good for getting a single line
of text from the user. But what if you want a more substantial chunk of
text from the user? Here's how to call out to an external editor such as
ed, nano, vim, emacs, and even GUI text editors:

import tempfile

def edit(editor, content=''):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+')
if content:
command = editor + " " + f.name
status = os.system(command)
f.seek(0, 0)
text = f.read()
assert not os.path.exists(f.name)
return (status, text)

Anyone able to test it on Windows for me please?

More here: 




[Announce] tabhistory - tab completion and command history

2014-09-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
I am happy to announce an upgrade to the tabhistory module, which brings
advanced tab completion and command history to Python 2.4 through 3.3 and


Tab completion

* At the beginning of lines, pressing the TAB key indents the line.

* Inside strings, pressing TAB performs filename completion of the string.

* Following the "import" and "from" keywords, pressing TAB completes on
  modules and module attributes. For security, module attributes are only
  checked if the module has already been imported and is in the sys.modules

* Everywhere else, pressing TAB completes on keywords, built-ins, globals,
  and references of the form "name.name".

* Supports readline key binding and editing commands.

Command history

* Save command line history during interactive sessions, and automatically
  restore that history when you start up again.

* Use the up-arrow to call up previous commands, and down-arrow for 
  more recent ones.

* Display the last N command lines.

Where to get it

Clone the Mercurial repository:

hg clone https://code.google.com/p/tabhistory/

There is a single Python file, tabhistory.py. Put it somewhere on your
Python path, launch the interactive interpreter, and run:

import tabhistory

and it will be enabled.

If you don't have Mercurial, you can download the source code from here:



* This may not work on Windows at all. In theory, it might work if you
install the pyreadline third-party module, but I have no way of testing
this. Feedback from Windows users will be gratefully accepted.

* There may be some issues on Mac OS X or other Unixes which use libedit
instead of libreadline. I will be grateful for comments and bug fixes from
any libedit users.

* Python 3.0 is not officially supported (but it probably will work).

Bug reports, feature requests and other comments are welcome.



Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/09/2014 13:32, andydtay...@gmail.com wrote:

Posting style point taken. Google groups doesn't exactly help you with that.

Thunderbird is as good a solution as any although there are plenty of 
other choices.

* Statements like "Please equip yourself with a tool that provides us with some 
context" add nothing and are not exactly community inclusive.

So you promptly send another message and still no context, what do you 
think we are, mind readers?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 10:32 PM,   wrote:
> Posting style point taken. Google groups doesn't exactly help you with that.
> * You guys have probably been tinkering with this stuff for years. I haven't.
> * Your man on the street would say I described the error fairly well.
> * It's not like I wasn't trying my best to fix it myself
> * So far as environment tinkering is concerned I have entered a "launchctl 
> setenv PATH" statement in two places. Both reversible.
> * I think what I have is an issue pertaining to OSX Mavericks and Pycharm. If 
> you have nothing to add, just say it.
> * Statements like "Please equip yourself with a tool that provides us with 
> some context" add nothing and are not exactly community inclusive.

Part of the point is that Google Groups is quite unhelpful in these
areas. There are alternatives - you can get a newsreader, or you can
join the mailing list. (I do the latter, and Gmail works fairly well.)

Sometimes, the community is best served by telling people about flawed
tools. It's more courteous than saying "You didn't quote any text, and
that's making it really hard for us to follow" and blaming you
personally for it :) But the fact is that it *does* make things harder
for other people, and the onus is on you to follow the conventions of
courtesy. That's why people are asking you to change software -
because good software makes it easy to be courteous.


Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore

On 2014-09-01 12:32:38 +, andydtay...@gmail.com said:

Google groups doesn't exactly help you with that.

Drop it, get a usenet client or subscribe the mailing list (the 
newsgroup and the ml are bridged IIRC).

* Your man on the street would say I described the error fairly well.

That man probably doesn't try to solve other people's issues.

* So far as environment tinkering is concerned I have entered a 
"launchctl setenv PATH" statement in two places. Both reversible.

That will affect your session environment (that is separated from your 
terminal environment), but since PyCharm doesn't pick a Python 
interpreter from PATH but rather let the user explicitly select one 
you're more intersted in just selecting a correct interpreter.

* I think what I have is an issue pertaining to OSX Mavericks and 
Pycharm. If you have nothing to add, just say it.

I forgot to mention it but I'm on Mavericks and downloaded the latest 
PyCharm just to check you issue, I never used it and just followed the 
new project wizard that asked me to select a python interpeter or to 
create a virtualenv.

* Statements like "Please equip yourself with a tool that provides us 
with some context" add nothing and are not exactly community inclusive.

Still you took the time to write the message I'm replying to, that 
won't help you much, rather than running

import sys
in your project, that would provide more information about your issue.



Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread andydtaylor
Posting style point taken. Google groups doesn't exactly help you with that.

* You guys have probably been tinkering with this stuff for years. I haven't.  
* Your man on the street would say I described the error fairly well. 
* It's not like I wasn't trying my best to fix it myself
* So far as environment tinkering is concerned I have entered a "launchctl 
setenv PATH" statement in two places. Both reversible.
* I think what I have is an issue pertaining to OSX Mavericks and Pycharm. If 
you have nothing to add, just say it. 
* Statements like "Please equip yourself with a tool that provides us with some 
context" add nothing and are not exactly community inclusive.

Re: subprocess module usage

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Cameron Simpson  wrote:
> Not really. If the arguments are coming in from the command line, someone (a
> user, even if that user is the programmer) typed them. Even if not
> malicious, they can still be mistaken. Or just unfortunate.

I'm guessing that what he means is that the example posted here used
sys.argv but his actual code doesn't. It's still important to
*understand* shell=True, but it can be perfectly safe to use it.


Re: subprocess module usage

2014-09-01 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 01Sep2014 14:33, Earl Lapus  wrote:

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:

Glad it's working! But please, don't just take my word for it and make
a black-box change to your code. When you invoke subprocesses, be sure
you understand what's going on, and when shell=True is appropriate and
when shell=False is appropriate. The docs should be fairly clear on
this. If you get this sort of thing wrong, you'll get weird errors
like this (if you're lucky), or open yourself up to shell injection
vulnerabilities (if you're not).

The command and arguments that will be passed to check_output will not
depend on user input. So, the chances of malicious commands from being
executed would be low (right?).

Not really. If the arguments are coming in from the command line, someone (a 
user, even if that user is the programmer) typed them. Even if not malicious, 
they can still be mistaken. Or just unfortunate.

You should always want to do exactly what you're asked. If you misuse 
shell=True when the user is expecting shell=False (i.e. "just do what I 
said!"), then your program will not carry out the user's intent. If it does not 
fail outright, it will presumably do the _wrong_ thing.

Cameron Simpson 

Music journalism: People who can't write interviewing people who can't talk
for people who can't read.  - Frank Zappa

Re: This could be an interesting error

2014-09-01 Thread Gregory Ewing

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

or words in Foreign like "cwm"

Seeing that "w" is a vowel in Welsh, there should probably
be a special version of the program for Welsh speakers.
(Welshlatin? Pigwelsh?)


Re: Psycopg2 package installation puzzle in Pycharm - any thoughts?

2014-09-01 Thread Andrea D'Amore
You make hard to follow your messages both by sending lot of messages 
and not using an adequate quoting.

Please pick a posting style [1] (possibly interleaved) and stick to it.

On 2014-08-31 23:35:09 +, andydtay...@gmail.com said:
Andrea - yes I am using the virtualenv interpreter as the Pycharm 
project interpreter

That statement needs to be backed by some proof, saying "I'm using such 
interpreter" doesn't necessarily mean it's true, print out 
sys.executable and check.

I confirm I just downloaded PyCharm CE 3.4.1 (you didn't provide your 
PyCharm version), set up a virtualenv, created an empty project using 
the interpreter from that environment and was able to run the file with 
the import statement in PyCharm, so the IDE works as expected.
It was actually quite straightforward and PyCharm also offered to 
create the virtualenv while selecting the interpreter.

I suggest to stop messing with your environment (I would revert all 
those changes) and figure what the problem actually is.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style
