Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Andrea Griffini
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
> misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common
> sense.

While I agree that the programming job itself is not
a program and hence the "consider any possibility"
simply doesn't make any sense I can find a bit of
truth in the general idea that *in programs* it is
dangerous to be deceived by probability.

When talking about correctness (that should be the
main concern) for a programmer "almost never" means
"yes" and "almost always" means "not" (probability
of course for example kicks in about efficency).

Like I said however this reasoning doesn't work
well applied to the programming process itself
(that is not a program... as programmers are not
CPUs; no matter what bigots of software engineering
approaches are hoping for).
Private variables are about the programming process,
not the program itself; and in my experience the
added value of C++ private machinery is very low
(and the added cost not invisible).
When working in C++ I like much more using
all-public abstract interfaces and module-level
all-public concrete class definitions (the so
called "compiler firewall" idiom).

Another thing on the same "line of though" of
private members (that should "help programmers")
but for which I never ever saw *anything but costs*
is the broken idea of "const correctness" of C++.
Unfortunately that is not something that can be
avoided completely in C++, as it roots in the core
of the language.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 >> ... and on
>> the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
>> leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
>> (I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
>> resorted to the "reboot every now and then" solution).
> Zope is a special case here, since it relies on an object database...

Just to clarify my post... I found by being punched myself
in the nose what does it mean to have a complex python
application that suffers from object leaking; it's not
something I only read about zope programs.

But why zope applications would be a special case ?


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
Paul Rubin wrote:

 > Yes I've had plenty of
> pointer related bugs in C programs that don't happen in GC'd
> languages, so GC in that sense saves my ass all the time.

My experience is different, I never suffered a lot for
leaking or dangling pointers in C++ programs; and on
the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
(I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
resorted to the "reboot every now and then" solution).

With a GC if you just don't plan ownership and disposal
carefully and everything works as expected then you're
saving some thinking and code, but if something goes
wrong then you're totally busted.
The GC "leaky abstraction" requires you to be lucky to
work well, but unfortunately IMO as code complexity
increases one is never lucky enough.


Re: Pythonic style involves lots of lightweight classes (for me)

2006-12-14 Thread Andrea Griffini
metaperl wrote:

>  The above program started out as a list of dictionaries, but I
> like the current approach much better.

There is even a common idiom for this...

class Record(object):
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):

This way you can use

 user = Record(name="Andrea Griffini", email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]")

and then access the fields using syntax


Re: Inconsistency in dictionary behaviour: dict(dict) not calling __setitem__

2006-12-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
Mitja Trampus wrote:

> At least, I know it surprised me when I first met this behavior. Or is 
> my reasoning incorrect?

Why len() doesn't call iteritems() ? :-)

Kidding apart for example it would be ok for __setitem__
to call either an internal "insert_new_item" or
"update_existing_item" depending on if the key is
already present in the dictionary.
In this case I suppose you agree it would make a lot
of sense to go directly for "insert_new_item" in the
constructor from a dict instead of calling the public

The key point is that you're not authorized to assume
constructing a dictionary from a dictionary will use
__setitem__ unless this is explicitly stated in the


> What I find an even nastier surprise is that dict.update behaves this 
> way as well:
> The docstring is, at best, misguiding on this particular point:
>  >>> print d.update.__doc__
> D.update(E, **F) -> None.  Update D from E and F: for k in E: D[k] = E[k]
> (if E has keys else: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] = 
> F[k]

I cannot understand this doc string at all.

The explanation in the manual however just talks about
"updating", with no reference to assignments. The manual
of 2.3 instead was using a code example and I'd say this
would qualify as a binding to actually implement calls
to __setitem__. This kind of error (i.e. over-specifying
by providing actual code that implies specific side-effects)
was also present in the C++ standard, and in at least
one case an implementation would have to be very
inefficient to comply on the issue (this fortunately is
not what happened, the standard was "fixed" instead).

If there is a bug in this case is IMO a docstring bug.


Re: Lookup caching

2006-12-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
MRAB wrote:


> What are you using for the timestamp? Are you calling a function to
> read a timer?

For timestamp I used a static variable; to update the timestamp for
a dictionary I used

   d->timestamp = ++global_dict_timestamp;

I'm using a single counter for all dicts so that when doing the check
for cached value validity I'm checking at the same time that the dict
is the same dict was used and that it wasn't touched since when the
lookup result was stored.

Using this approach and tweaking the LOAD_GLOBAL double lookup for
using a "two timestamps one value" cache I got an 8%-10% speedup
(depending on the compiler options when building python) in a real
application of mines and about 5% in a small test.

I've yet to try more complex applications (the biggest real
application I have however requires a lot of external modules
so testing the speed gain with that will require a lot more work
or just downgrading the python version to 2.4).

Also I'm using an 32 bit int for timestamp... I wonder if I should
listen to the paranoid in my head that is crying for 64 instead.


Re: Lookup caching

2006-12-11 Thread Andrea Griffini
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> At Saturday 9/12/2006 23:04, Andrea Griffini wrote:
>> I implemented that crazy idea and seems working... in its
>> current hacked state can still pass the test suite (exluding
> What crazy idea? And what is this supposed to do?
The idea is to avoid looking up constants several times
into dictionaries that didn't change (e.g. builtins).

Reading a bit about other optimization proposals I didn't
find a similar one so I decided to invest some spare time
in it. The idea is

1) Add a "timestamp" to dictionaries, so when a dictionary
is changed the timestamp gets updated

2) Store a cached lookup for constants; the cached lookup
is stored as a timestamp value and a naked pointer to
the result. The algorithm for the lookup of a given
constant is:

if ( <> == d->timestamp)
   x = <>;
   x = PyDict_GetItem(d, key);
   <> = d->timestamp;
   <> = x;

using a naked pointer is safe because it will be used
only if the dictionary wasn't touched, hence the value
is surely still alive.

The original place I thought about where to store the
cached lookup was the bytecode, however after reading
python sources I resorted instead to a dedicated space
inside the code object. The code for LOAD_GLOBAL uses
something like

if (co->co_cachedtstamps[oparg] == d->timestamp)

i.e. I used an array indexed by the index of the co_name
used for lookups.

The patched code is currently working, however I found
that while the hit/miss ratios are impressive (as I
expected) the speedup is simply absent. Moreover there
is no difference at all between paying for the timestamp
handling and NOT using the cached lookups or instead
paying AND using the cached lookups (!).
Absurdely python on my PC runs faster if I in addition
to the cached lookup code also leave in place the
hit/miss statistics (a few static ints increment and
a static atexit-ed output function).
Also it made a lot of difference about where the
timestamp was placed inside the dictobject structure...

In addition to the not impressive results (my patched
python now is just a bit *slower* than original one :-D)
there is also another complication. The LOAD_GLOBAL
actually needs TWO lookups, so I used two cached results
(one for globals, one for builtins).
The ideal solution however IMO would be in this case
to have two timestamps and one cached value instead...
(if neither dict was touched since last lookup then the
result will be the cached one).

The complication is that a lot of lookups are done by
the LOAD_ATTR instead and thinking to the ideal solution
for new classes made my brain explode (mro, descriptor
and stuff...). It would be simple to do something for
classic classes, but would that be worth (i mean...
aren't those going to disappear ?).

Probably something can be done for using caches for
LOAD_ATTR for modules (to speed up a bit things like
math.sin or mod1.mod2.mod3.func).

Any suggestion is welcome...


Lookup caching

2006-12-09 Thread Andrea Griffini

I implemented that crazy idea and seems working... in its
current hacked state can still pass the test suite (exluding
the tests that don't like self generated output on stdout
from python) and the stats after the quicktest are IMO

LOAD_GLOBAL = 13666473
globals miss = 58988
builtins = 8246184
builtins miss = 32001

LOAD_GLOBAL is the total number of times the pseudocode
instruction was executed.

globals miss is the number of time the actual lookup
on globals had to be perfomed. Note that if the lookup
wasn't done because the name was known to be absent
from globals still it's considered a cache hit, not miss.

builtins is the total number of times the builtins dict
has to be searched (because the name was not in globals)

builtin miss is the number of real builtin searches
that were performed (in other cases the lookup cache for
builtins found the answer - either positive or negative).

To me seems a promising idea, i've still to clean up
the code and to make serious speed tests (the "make test"
itself seems a lot more "fluid", but it could be just
self hypnotization :-D ).

The LOAD_GLOBAL code is actually simpler because I
resorted to a regular non-inlined lookup in case of
a cache miss. There's no reason to do that however...

Also the same approach could be used for other lookups
that get the name from co->co_names.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-09 Thread Andrea Griffini
Alex Mizrahi wrote:


> so we can see PyDict access. moreover, it's inlined, since it's very 
> performance-critical function.
> but even inlined PyDict access is not fast at all. ma_lookup is a long and 
> hairy function containing the loop.

I once had a crazy idea about the lookup speed problem;
can't the lookup result be cached in the bytecode ?
I am thinking to something like saving a naked pointer
to the value together with a timestamp of the dictionary.
With timestamp I mean an integer (may be 64 bit) that is
incremented and stamped in the dictionary every time
the dictionary is modified; this counter can be
shared among all dictionaries. The use of a naked pointer
would be IMO safe because to invalidate the object you
would also need to touch the dictionary.

Using this approach the lookup for a constant
string could be

if (bytecode_timestamp == dict->timestamp)
   // just use the stored result
// do standard lookup and store
// result and dict->timestamp

I'd expect that this would be a big win for a lot of
lookup as the problem with python speed is the *potential*
dynamism... hopefully people don't keep changing what
math.sin is during the execution so the vast majority of
lookups at module level will find the timestamp being valid.
This invalidation is not "optimal" as changing math.sin
would also invalidate any lookup on math, but IMO a lot
of lookups happen in *fixed* dictionaries and the the
overhead of checking the cached result first should be
small. What it would break is code that actually
dynamically changes the string being looked up in the
dictionary in the bytecode, but I hope those places
are few if the exist at all.

Is this worth investigation or it has already
been suggested/tried ?


Re: Unicode/ascii encoding nightmare

2006-11-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
John Machin wrote:

> Indeed yourself.

What does the above mean ?

> Have you ever considered reading posts in
> chronological order, or reading all posts in a thread?

I do no think people read posts in chronological order;
it simply doesn't make sense. I also don't think many
do read threads completely, but only until the issue is
clear or boredom kicks in.

Your nice "double whammy" post was enough to clarify
what happened to the OP, I just wanted to make a bit
more explicit what you meant; my poor english also
made me understand that you were just "suspecting"
such an error, so I verified and posted the result.

That your "suspect" was a sarcastic remark could be
clear only when reading the timewise "former" reply
that however happened to be lower in the thread tree
in my newsreader; fact that pushed it into the "not
worth reading" area.

> It might help
> you avoid writing posts with non-zero information content.

Why should I *avoid* writing posts with *non-zero*
information content ? Double whammy on negation or
still my poor english kicking in ? :-)

Suppose you didn't post the double whammy message,
and suppose someone else made it seven minutes later
than your other post. I suppose that in this case
the message would be a zero content noise (and not
the precious pearl of wisdom it is because it
comes from you).

> Cheers,
> John


Re: Unicode/ascii encoding nightmare

2006-11-06 Thread Andrea Griffini
John Machin wrote:

> The fact that C3 and C2 are both present, plus the fact that one
> non-ASCII byte has morphoploded into 4 bytes indicate a double whammy.


 >>> x = u"fødselsdag"
 >>> x.encode('utf-8').decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')


Re: Name bindings for inner functions.

2006-10-28 Thread Andrea Griffini
> The following code:
> def functions():
> l=list()
> for i in range(5):
> def inner():
> return i
> l.append(inner)
> return l
> print [f() for f in functions()]
> returns [4,4,4,4,4], rather than the hoped for [0,1,2,3,4].  I presume
> this is something to do with the variable i getting re-bound every time
> we go through the loop, or something, but I'm not sure how to fix this.

The problem is that "i" inside the function is indeed
the same variable for all the functions (the one you're
using for looping).

If you want a different variable for each function
you can use the somewhat ugly but idiomatic

def functions():
 for i in range(5):
 def inner(i=i):
 return i
 return l

this way every function will have its own "i" variable,
that is initialized with the value of the loop variable
when executing the "def" statement.


Re: Where do nested functions live?

2006-10-28 Thread Andrea Griffini
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> If you want something that can be called *and* define its attributes,
>> you want something more complex than the default function type. Define
>> a class that has a '__call__' attribute, make an instance of that, and
>> you'll be able to access attributes and call it like a function.
> I turned Steven's question and portions of the answers into a Python FAQ 
> entry:
> Hope none of the contributors mind.

I'd add that while in some respect "def x" is like
an assigment to x ...

 >>> def f():
global g
def g():
 return "Yoo!"
 >>> f()
 >>> g()

in some other respect (unfortunately) it's not a regular assignment

 >>> x = object()
 >>> def x.g():

SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Re: Arrays? (Or lists if you prefer)

2006-10-22 Thread Andrea Griffini
Neil Cerutti wrote:

> >>> b =[range(2), range(2)]

I often happened to use

   b = [[0] * N for i in xrange(N)]

an approach that can also scale up in dimensions;
for example for a cubic NxNxN matrix:

   b = [[[0] * N for i in xrange(N)]
for j in xrange(N)]


Re: Is Python a Zen language?

2006-02-26 Thread Andrea Griffini
I think that the classification has some meaning, even if of course any
language has different shades of both sides. I'd say that with python
is difficult to choose one of the two categories because it's good both
as a pratical language and as a mind-opener language.

IMO another language that would be hard to classify is COBOL ... but
for other reasons :-)



Re: How can I find the remainder when dividing 2 integers

2006-02-26 Thread Andrea Griffini
Writing a while loop with ++x to increment the index was the first
mistake i made with python.
"++x" unfortunately is valid, it's not a single operator but a double
"unary plus"



Re: Augmented assignment

2006-02-20 Thread Andrea Griffini
I think it heavily depends on what is "x". If x is bound to a mutable
x=x+1 and x+=1 can not only have different speed but indeed can do two
very unrelate things (the former probably binding to a new object, the
latter probably modifying the same object). For example consider what
happens with lists and [1] instead of 1...

>>> s = []
>>> t = s
>>> t = t + [1]
>>> t
>>> s
>>> s2 = []
>>> t2 = s2
>>> t2 += [1]
>>> t2
>>> s2

Also if x is not a single name but a more convoluted expression with +=
that expression is evaluated once and even in this case there can be
differences in speed and not only in speed.


Re: Multiple assignment and the expression on the right side

2006-02-20 Thread Andrea Griffini
While I think that the paragraph is correct still there is IMO indeed
the (low) risk of such a misunderstanding. The problem is that "the
statement executes" can IMO easily be understood as "the statements
execute" (especially if your background includes only languages where
there's no multiple assignment) and the world "single" is also
frequently used in phrases like "every single time" where can indeed
denote a context of plurality.
Adding "just" or "only" would be IMO an great improvement by focusing
the attention on the key point, as it would be IMO better using
"rightmost" instead of "right-hand" (in this case even saving a char
;-) )

Just two foreign cents


Re: Wheel-reinvention with Python

2005-07-31 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 02:23:39 -0700, Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Like PyGUI, more or less?

We ended up using (py)Qt, and it's a nice library
but to my eyes is a lot un-pythonic. In many
cases there are convoluted solutions that seem
to me good ideas for a C++ library, but that
just do not make any sense in Python where
the problem they solve simply do not exist.

My impression about PyGUI is that it would be
(would have been?) a nice plug for a hole in
the python offer, unfortunately I also perceive
the clear impression the authors don't (didn't?)
actually want it to be used in the real world.


Re: Folding in vim

2005-07-03 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 22:42:17 -0500, Terry Hancock

>It seems to be that it isn't robust against files
>with lots of mixed tabs and spaces.

My suggestion is:

- never ever use tabs; tabs were nice when they had
  a de-facto meaning (tabbing to next 8-space boundary)
  nowdays they're just noise as the meaning depends
  on the phase of the moon.
  Making tabs meaning anything had the pretty obvious
  implication of making tabs meaning nothing.

- stick to 4-space indent

I've even run in the past in editors that damaged
my python sources because they were indented with
two spaces (I'm used to an indent size of 2 when
working in C/C++). With python IMO 4 spaces is
perfectly adequate anyway; onced I tried it I never
had the temptation of looking back.


Re: Proposal: reducing self.x=x; self.y=y; self.z=z boilerplate code

2005-07-03 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 03:04:09 -0700 (PDT), "Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve"

>Hi fellow Python coders,
>I often find myself writing::
>class grouping:
>def __init__(self, x, y, z):
>self.x = x
>self.y = y
>self.z = z
># real code, finally
>This becomes a serious nuisance in complex applications with long
>argument lists, especially if long variable names are essential for
>managing the complexity. Therefore I propose that Python includes
>built-in support for reducing the ``self.x=x`` clutter.

With some help from new-style classes you can get more than
just removing the "self.x = x" clutter.

I'm not an expert of these low-level python tricks, but
you can download from a
small example that allows you to write

class MyClass(Object):
x = Float(default = 0.0, max = 1E20)
y = Float(min = 1.0)

and you can get in addition of redudancy removal also
parameter checking. You can also have an __init__
method that gets called with attributes already set up.


Re: references/addrresses in imperative languages

2005-06-21 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 20 Jun 2005 23:30:40 -0700, "Xah Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dear Andrea Griffini,
>Thanks for explaning this tricky underneath stuff.

Actually it's the very logical consequence of the most
basic rule about python. Variables are just pointers
to values; so every time you assign to a variable
you're always changing just that pointer, you're not
touching the object pointed to by the variable.
Even when x is pointing to an integer with x=x+1
you are computing a new integer (x+1) and making
x to point to this new one instead of the old one.
You are NOT touching the old integer.

Surely this is different from C/C++/Java, but it's
IMO all but tricky or underneath.


Re: references/addrresses in imperative languages

2005-06-20 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 22:25:13 -0500, Terry Hancock

>> PS is there any difference between
>> t=t+[li]
>> t.append(li)
>No, but

Yes, a big one. In the first you're creating a new list
and binding the name t to it, in the second you're extending
a list by adding one more element at the end.
To see the difference:

  >>> a = [1,2,3]
  >>> b = a
  >>> a = a + [4]
  >>> print a
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  >>> print b
  [1, 2, 3]
  >>> a = [1,2,3]
  >>> b = a
  >>> a.append(4)
  >>> print a
  [1, 2, 3, 4]
  >>> print b
  [1, 2, 3, 4]


Re: Loop until condition is true

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 13:35:16 -, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>AFAICT, the main use for do/while in C is when you want to
>define a block of code with local variables as a macro:

When my job was squeezing most out of the CPU (videogame
industry) I remember that the asm code generated by

   while (sz-- > 0)
 /* do some stuff */

was indeed worse than

 /* do some stuff */
   } while (--sz);

because of the initial "empty-loop" test (conditional jumps
were bad, and forward conditional jumps were worse).
So where at least one iteration was guaranteed the do-while
loop was a better choice.

Also I've been told there were compilers that if using
for or while loops the generated code was

 je L2
 jmp L1

Instead the do-while loop would have been

 jne L1

I.e. the code was better *for each iteration* (one conditional
jump instead of one conditional jump and one inconditional jump).

I think compiler got better since then, even if I don't think
they already so smart to be able to infer the "one interation
guaranteed" property to avoid the initial test that often.


Re: exceptions considered harmful

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 20:00:39 -0400, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>This sounds like a very C++ view of the world.  In Python, for example, 
>exceptions are much more light weight and perfectly routine.

The problem with exceptions is coping with partial
updatd state. Suppose you call a complex computation
routine (say a boolean operation between winged edge
data structures representing nurbs boundary of two
solids) and that you get back a "ZeroDivision"
exception... how good is the data structure now ?

Either you have some way to be able to easily *guarantee*
coherence or you're doomed. Allowing the user to continue
without being sure about what is in memory is not going
to be that helpful; the result could be that instead
of losing last ten minuts you're going to waste the
last month of user work (because the user will save
the corrupted data and will notice problems only much
later). If however you can restore the situation by a
rollback or by loading a preimage, or you know that
the operation works only *reading* two solids and
creating a new one *and* you know that it's not a problem
to drop a broken solid data structure then I think it's
ok to swallow an exception.

IMO either you know exactly what caused the exception
and how the state got influenced, or you must have thick
logical walls protecting you and allowing the problem
to not propagate (for example an RDBMS rollback facility).

With python it's sort of easy to get rollback for class
instances if the code to protect doesn't plays strange
tricks. Even C++ is powerful enough to allow that.

With C++ care must be taken to just avoid memory leaks
or other resource related problem while in python this
is rarely a problem; but the real issue with exception is
partial state update and in this python is not different.
If you really have to check every place for possible
exceptions then the exception machinery is not such
a big win compared to return codes. IMO exceptions
are nice when there are many raise and few try or
except in the code; but then either you have state
protection or swallowing an exception is taboo.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-18 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 18 Jun 2005 00:26:04 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>Your position reminds me of this:

Yeah, but as I said I didn't use a TRS-80, but an
Apple ][. But the years were those ;-)


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 17 Jun 2005 21:10:37 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>Andrea Griffini wrote:
>> Why hinder ?
>To be able to content himself with a shallow knowledge
>is a useful skill ;)

Ah! ... I agree. Currently for example my knowledge
of Zope is pretty close to 0.00%, but I'm using it
and I'm happy with it. I did what I was asked to do
and took way less time than hand-writing the cgi stuff
required. Every single time I've to touch those scripts
I've to open the Zope book to get the correct method
names. But I'd never dare to call myself a zope
developer... with it I'm just at the "hello world"
stage even if I accomplished what would require a
lot of CGI expertise.
But once I remember running in a problem; there was
a file of about 80Mb uploaded in the Zope database
that I wasn't able to extract. I was simply helpless:
download always stopped arount 40Mb without any error
message. I wandered on IRC for a day finding only
other people that were better than me (that's easy)
but not good enough to help me.
In the end someone gave me the right suggestion, I
just installed a local zope on my pc, copied the
database file, extracted the file from the local
instance and, don't ask me why, it worked.
This very kind of problem solution (just try doing
stupid things without understanding until you get
something that looks like working) is what I hate
*MOST*. That's one reason for which I hate windows
installation/maintenance; it's not an exact science,
it's more like try and see what happens.
With programming that is something that IMO doesn't
pay in the long run.
I'm sure that someone that really knows Zope would
have been able to get that file out in a minute,
and may be doing exactly what I did.
But knowing why! And this is a big difference.

Indeed when talking about if learning "C" can hinder
or help learning "C++" I remember thinking that to
learn "C++" *superficially* learning "C" first is
surely pointless or can even hinder.
But to learn "C++" deeply (with all its quirks) I
think that learning "C" first helps.

So may be this better explain my position; if you wanna
become a "real" programmer, one that really has things
under control, then learning a simple assembler first
is the main path (ok, may be even a language like C
can be a reasonable start, but even in such a low-level
language there are already so many things that are
easier to understand if you really started from bytes).

However, to be able to do just useful stuff with a
computer you don't need to start that low; you can
start from python (or, why not, even dreamweaver).


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 17 Jun 2005 06:35:58 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>Claudio Grondi:
>>From my
>>overall experience I infer, that it is not only possible
>>but has sometimes even better chances for success,
>>because one is not overloaded with the ballast of deep
>>understanding which can not only be useful but also
>>hinder from fast progress.
>FWIW, this is also my experience.

Why hinder ?


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:40:47 -0400, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>And the fact that he's teaching C++ instead of just C seems to go 
>against your own theories anyway... (though I realize you weren't 
>necessarily putting him forth as a support for your position).

He's strongly advocating of a starting from high-level;
comp.lang.c++.moderated is where I first posted on this issue.

While I think that python is not a good first language, C++
is probably the *worst* first language I can think to.

C++ has so many traps, asymmetries and ugly parts (many for
backward compatibility) that I would say that one should try
put aside logic when learning it and just read the facts; in
many aspect C++ is the way it is for historical reasons or
unexplicable incidents: IMO there's simply no way someone can
deduce those using logic no matter how smart s/he is.
C++ IMO must be learned by reading... thinking is pointless
and in a few places even dangerous.

Also, given the C/C++ philosophy of "the programmer always
knows perfectly what is doing", experimenting is basically
impossible; trial and error doesn't work because in C++
there is no error; you have undefined behaviour daemons
instead of runtime error angels. Add to the picture the
quality of compile time error messages from the primitive
template technology and even compile time errors often look
like riddles; if you forget a "const" you don't get "const
expected"... you get two screens full of insults pointing
you in the middle of a system header.

Thinking to some of the bad parts of it it's quite shocking
that C++ is good for anything, but indeed it does work; and
can be better than C. I think C++ can be a great tool
(if you understand how it works; i.e. if it has no magic
at all for you) or your worst nightmare (if you do not
understand how it works).

I think that using C++ as the first language for someone
learning programming is absurd. Francis thinks otherwise.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 17 Jun 2005 05:30:25 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>I fail to see the relationship between your reply and my original
>I was complaining about the illusion that in the old time people were
>interested in programming than now. Instead your reply is about low
>languages being more suitable for beginners than high level languages.
>I don't see the connection.

I've been told in the past that one reason for which is
good to start from high-level languages is that you
can do more with less. In other words I've been told
that showing a nice image and may be some music is
more interesting than just making a led blinking.
But if this is not the case (because just 1% is
interested in those things no matter what) then
why starting from high level first then ?

I would say (indeed I would *hope*) that 1% is a low
estimate, but probably I'm wrong as others with more
experience than me in teaching agree with you.
Having more experience than me in teaching programming
is a very easy shot... I never taught anyone excluding
myself. About the 1%, I've two brothers, and one of
them got hooked to programming before me... the other
never got interested in computers and now he's just a
basic (no macros) ms office user.

So in my case it was about 66%, and all started with
a programmable pocket RPN calculator ... but there were
no teachers involved; may be this is a big difference.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 17 Jun 2005 01:25:29 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>I don't think anything significant changed in the percentages.

Then why starting from

print "Hello world"

that can't be explained (to say better it can't be
*really* understood) without introducing a huge
amount of magic and not from a simple 8 bit CPU
instead ? What are the pluses of the start-from-high-level
approach ? If one is to avoid bordeom I don't agree
as assembler is all but boring (when you start),
or at least this was what *I* experienced.

If it's about the time it will take to get a rotating
3d torus with live video on it I know for sure that most
of the programmers I know that started from high level
will probably *never* reach that point. Surely if
you start say from pull-down menus they'll be able to
do pull down menus. And IMO there are good chances
they'll stay there lifetime.

So is python the good first programming language ?
IMO not at all if you wanna become a programmer; it
hides too much and that hidden stuff will bite back
badly. Unless you know what is behind python it will
be almost impossible for you to remember and avoid
all the traps. Buf if you need to know what is behind
it then it's better to learn that stuff first, because
it's more concrete and simpler from a logical point
of view; the constructions are complex but (because)
the bricks are simpler.

But it probably all boils down to what is a programmer.

Is C++ a good first programming language ?


But apparently some guru I greatly respect thinks so
(I'm not kidding,


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-17 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 07:36:18 -0400, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Andrea Griffini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That strings in python are immutable it's surely
>> just a detail, and it's implementation specific,
>> but this doesn't means it's not something you can
>> ignore for a while.
>I disagree.  It is indeed something you can ignore for a while.  The first 
>program you teach somebody to write is going to be:
>print "Hello, world"

I mean that the fact that strings are immutable is
one key aspect that cannot be worked around.
Python is this way and in this very fact is different
from e.g. C++. The ripple effect that this very little
"detail" can have is not local. There are design
based on strings that just do not make sense in python
for this fact. It's not something you can "fix" later...
if you need mutability you must simply not use strings
for that (and this can have a serious impact on the
source code).

Of course there are programs in which that strings
are immutable or not is irrelevant. But if you don't
know what are the implications (e.g. how "is" works
for strings in python) and you still don't run into
problems it's just pure luck.
The normal reaction I observed is that when they find
a problem the result is a "python is buggy" idea.

>It would be a mistake to mention now that "Hello, world" is an immutable 
>object.  That's just not important at this point in the learning process.  
>Eventually, you're going to have to introduce the concept of immutability.  
>That point may not be much beyond lesson 2 or so, but it doesn't have to be 
>lesson 1.

I must agree *if* you're teaching python first.
I also *completely* agree if you're doing this just to
get the appetite.

What I don't agree is that starting from this level
and going up is a good approach (with lously placed
bricks you'll just not be able to hold the construction).
To be able to build you'll need to memorize without a
rationalization too many "details" that just do not
make sense if you start from an ideal python world.

I also must note that I, as a fourteen, found terribly
interesting the idea of programming a computer even
if the only things I could do were for example turning
on and off pixels (blocks?) on a screen with resolution
40x50. Probably nowdays unless you show them an antialiased
texture mapped 3D floating torus with their name and
face on it in live video they'll prefer exchanging
stupid messages with the mobile phone instead.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-16 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:30:04 -0400, "Jeffrey Maitland"

>Also I think the fact that you think your were diteriating just goes to show 
>how dedicated you are to detail, and making sure you give the right advice 
>or ask the right question. 


Not really, unfortunately. I found not long ago that I used the
very same word eight times in two consecutive sentences, plus
similar words and words with similar endings. Re-reading that
phrase the day later it seemed like something got stuck in my
brain while I was writing that. Sure more or less the idea was
there, and IMO clear enough to be understood, but the form and
the choice of words seemed incredibly poor.
I was curious of this strange fact and I checked out other text
I was writing in that period. What really scared me is that
this word repeating seemed a quite evident problem. This *both*
in italian (my native language) and in english.

Googling for old posts I however found that years ago my
english was even worse than it is now... but this repetition
was not present (not that evident, that is).
Needless to say I spent some hours googling for informations
about this kind of word repetition problem :D

Anyway after some time things got better.

I always thought about our intellect being something "superior"
to this world made of fragile bones and stinking flesh.
However I realized that there's probably no real magic in
it... knowing there are pills to make you happy is sort of
shocking from a philosophical point of view :-)

If you'll see me walking around with an esoskeleton and an
happy face it will mean I tried the chemical approach ;)
(don't try to understand this phrase, either you know what I
mean - and you like dilbert strips - or it can't make sense).


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-15 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 12:49:27 +0200, Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Depends if you wanna build or investigate.
>Learning is investigating.

Yeah, after thinking to this phrase I've to agree.
Sometimes learning is investigating, sometimes it's
building. Since I discovered programming I've spent
most time just building, but I started on a quite
concrete floor (assembler).
Sometimes, for example when I recently dedicated some
time to functional languages, it's more investigating.
Functional languages is not something I've used extensively,
I've no real experience with them... and at least at
the application level for me is pure magic.
I mean that I can understand how the language is
implemented itself, what is just amazing for me is how
can you build a program for a computer - an incredibly
complex state based machine - with a language where
state is not your guide but your enemy.

>Don't nail me down on that stupid string, I know it's immutable but
>didn't think about it when answering your post. Take replacement> instead.

Forgive me, I didn't resist :-)... it was such a juicy hit.

But this very fact shows that when programming
you cannot just skim over the details. You can only
avoid using the conscious mind to check the details
if you are so confident with them to leave important
checks (like actual praticality of a solution) to
your subconscius mind.

That strings in python are immutable it's surely
just a detail, and it's implementation specific,
but this doesn't means it's not something you can
ignore for a while. If you use python this is a
*fundamental* property.

That deleting the first element of a list in python
is a slow operation is also a detail and very
implementation specific, but ignore it and your
programs will be just horrible.

Often when I think to a problem I find myself saying
"oh... and for that I know I'll find a good solution"
without actually thinking one. I *know* I can solve
that problem decently because I've been around there.
I do not need to check because my experience tells me
I can first check where I want to go from there first
because getting in that direction is not going to be
a problem. Without this experience and conscious or
subconscious attention to details you'll find yourself
saying "oh... and we could go over there" pointing at
the sun and then blaming your "technicians" because
there are a few little "details" that you didn't


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-15 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:27:19 +0100, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If you're thinking of things like superstrings, loop quantum gravity
>and other "theories of everything" then your friend has gotten
>confused somewhere.

More likely I was the one that didn't understand. Reading
what wikipedia tells about it i understood better what is
the situation. From a philosophical point of view I think
however looks like there is indeed a problem. Is just a
theorical - but infeasible - experiment for confutation
sufficient ?

I think I triggered my friend telling him that I found on
the web a discussion about a certain book of theorical
physics was considered just a joke made up by piling
physics buzzwords by some, and a real theory by others.
Finding that even this was a non-obvious problem amused
me, and he told me that advanced physics now has this kind
of problems with current theories that are so complex
and so impossible to check that it's even questionable
they're not breaking logic and the scientific method
and are instead a question of faith and opinions.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-15 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 16:40:42 -0500, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Um, you didn't do the translation right.


So you know assembler, no other possibility as it's such
a complex language that unless someone already knows it
(and in the specific architecture) what i wrote is pure
line noise.

You studied it after python, I suppose.

>> or, even more concrete and like what I learned first
>>  lda $300
>>  clc
>>  adc $301
>>  sta $302
>> is simpler to understand.
>No, it isn't - because you have to worry about more details.

In assembler details are simply more explicit. Unfortunately
with computers you just cannot avoid details, otherwise your
programs will suck bad. When I wrote in an high level language
or even a very high level one the details are understood even
if I'm not writing down them. After a while a programmer will
even be able to put them at a subconscius level and e.g. by
just looking at O(N^2) code that could be easily rewritten as
O(N) or O(1) a little bell will ring in you brain telling you
"this is ugly". But you cannot know if something is O(1) or
O(N) or O(N^2) unless you know some detail. If you don't like
details then programming is just not the correct field.

In math when I write down the derivative of a complex function
it doesn't mean I don't know what is the definition of
derivative in terms of limits, or what are the conditions
that must be met to be able to write down it. Yet I'm not
writing them every time (some times I'll write them when they're
not obvious, but when they're obvious it doesn't mean I'm not
considering them or, worse, I don't know or understand them).
If you don't really understand what a derivative is and when
it makes sense and when it doesn't, your equations risk
to be good just for after dinner pub jokes.

>In particular, when programming in an HLL the compiler will take care of
>allocating storage for the variables. In assembler, the programmer has
>to deal with it. These extra details make the code more complicated.

Just more explicit. So explicit that it can become boring.
After a while certain operations are so clearly understood
that you are able to write a program to do them to save us
some time (and to preventing us to get bored).
That's what HLL are for... to save you from doing, not to
save you from understanding. What the HLL is doing for you
is something that you don't do in the details, but that you
better not taking without any critic or even comphrension,
because, and this is anoter very important point, *YOU*
will be responsible of the final result, and the final
result will depend a lot (almost totally, actually) on
what you call details.
Just to make another example programming without the faintes
idea of what's happening is not really different from using
those "wizards" to generate a plethora of code you do not
understand. When the wizard will also take the *responsability*
for that code we may discuss it again, but until then if
you don't understand what the wizard does and you just
accept its code then you're not going to go very far.
Just resaying it if you don't understand why it works
there is just no possibility at all you'll understand
why it doesn't work.

Think that "a = b + c" in computes the sum of two real
numbers and your program will fail (expecting, how fool,
that adding ten times 0.1 you get 1.0) and you'll spend
some time wondering why the plane crashed... your code
was "correct" after all.

>For instance, whitesmith had a z80 assembler that let you write:
>  a = b + c
>and it would generate the proper instructions via direct

To use that I've to understand what registers will be
affected and how ugly (i.e. inefficient) the code could
get. Programmin in assembler using such an high level
feature without knowing those little details woul be
just suicidal.

>Also, you can only claim that being closer to the chip is "simpler"
>because you haven't dealt with a sufficiently complicated chip yet.

True that one should start with something reasonable.
I started with 6502 and just love its semplicity. Now
at work we've boards based on DSP TMSC320 and, believe
me, that assembler gives new meanings to the word ugly.

>> But saying for example that
>>  del v[0]
>> just "removes the first element from v" you will end up
>> with programs that do that in a stupid way, actually you
>> can easily get unusable programs, and programmers that
>> go around saying "python is slow" for that reason.
>That's an implementation detail. It's true in Python, but isn't
>necessarily true in other languages.

Yeah. And you must know which is which. Otherwise you'll
write programs that just do not give the expected result
(because the user killed them earlier).

>Yes, good programmers need to know that information - or,
>as I said before, they need to know that they need to know
>that information, and where to get it.

I think that a *decent* programmer must understand if the

Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-14 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 14 Jun 2005 00:37:00 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>It looks like you do not have a background in Physics research.
>We *do* build the world! ;)
>   Michele Simionato

Wow... I always get surprises from physics. For example I
thought that no one could drop confutability requirement
for a theory in an experimental science... I mean that I
always agreed with the logic principle that unless you
tell me an experiment whose result could be a confutation
of your theory or otherwise you're not saying anything
really interesting.
In other words if there is no means by which the theory
could be proved wrong by an experiment then that theory
is just babbling without any added content.
A friend of mine however told me that this principle that
I thought was fundamental for talking about science has
indeed been sacrified to get unification. I was told that
in physics there are current theories for which there
is no hypotetical experiment that could prove them wrong...
(superstrings may be ? it was a name like that but I
don't really remember).
To me looks like e.g. saying that objects are moved around
by invisible beings with long beards and tennis shoes
and that those spirits like to move them under apparent
laws we know because they're having a lot of fun fooling
us. However every now and then they move things a bit
differently just to watch at our surprised faces while we
try to see where is the problem in our measuring instrument.

My temptation is to react for this dropping of such a logical
requirement with a good laugh... what could be the result
of a theory that refuses basic logic ? On a second thought
however laughing at strange physics theories is not a good
idea. Especially if you live in Hiroshima.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-14 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 04:18:06 GMT, Andrew Dalke

>In programming you're often given a result ("an inventory
>management system") and you're looking for a solution which
>combines models of how people, computers, and the given domain work.

Yes, at this higher level I agree. But not on how
a computer works. One thing is applied math, another
thing is math itself. When you're trying to find a solution
of a problem it's often the fine art of compromise.

>Science also has its purely observational domains.

I agree that "applied CS" is one of them (I mean the
art of helping people by using computers). But not
about the language or explaining how computers work.
I know that looking at the art of installing (or
uninstalling!) windows applications seems that
this is a completely irrational world where no rule
indeed exists... but this is just an illusion; there
are clear rules behind it and, believe it or not, we
know *all* of them.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-14 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:19:19 -0500, D H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The best race driver doesn't necessarily know the most about their car's 
>engine.  The best baseball pitcher isn't the one who should be teaching 
>a class in physics and aerodynamics.  Yes, both can improve their 
>abilities by learning about the fundamentals of engines, aerodynamics, 
>etc., but they aren't "bad" at what they do if they do not know the 
>underlying principles operating.

And when you've a problem writing your software who is
your mechanic ? Who are you calling on the phone for help ?


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-14 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 21:33:50 -0500, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>But this same logic applies to why you want to teach abstract things
>before concrete things. Since you like concrete examples, let's look
>at a simple one:
>   a = b + c
>In a very
>few languages (BCPL being one), this means exactly one thing. But
>until you know the underlying architecture, you still can't say how
>many operations it is.

That's exactly why

 mov eax, a
 add eax, b
 mov c, eax

or, even more concrete and like what I learned first

 lda $300
 adc $301
 sta $302

is simpler to understand. Yes... for some time I even
worked with the computer in machine language without
using a symbolic assembler; I unfortunately paid a
price to it and now I've a few neurons burnt for
memorizing irrelevant details like that the above
code is (IIRC) AD 00 03 18 6D 01 03 8D 02 03... but
I think it wasn't a complete waste of energy.

Writing programs in assembler takes longer exactly beacuse
the language is *simpler*. Assembler has less implicit
semantic because it's closer to the limited brain of our
stupid silicon friend.
Programming in assembler also really teaches (deeply
to your soul) who is the terrible "undefined behaviour"
monster you'll meet when programming in C.

>Anything beyond the abstract statement "a gets the result
>of adding b to c" is wasted on them.

But saying for example that

 del v[0]

just "removes the first element from v" you will end up
with programs that do that in a stupid way, actually you
can easily get unusable programs, and programmers that
go around saying "python is slow" for that reason.

>It's true that in some cases, it's easier to remember the
>implementation details and work out the cost than to
>remember the cost directly.

I'm saying something different i.e. that unless you
understand (you have a least a rough picture, you
don't really need all the details... but there must
be no "magic" in it) how the standard C++ library is
implemented there is no way at all you have any
chance to remember all the quite important implications
for your program. It's just IMO impossible to memorize
such a big quantity of unrelated quirks.
Things like for example big O, but also undefined
behaviours risks like having iterators invalidated
when you add an element to a vector.

>> Are you genuinely saying that abelian groups are
>> easier to understand than relative integers ?
>Yup. Then again, my formal training is as a mathematician. I *like*
>working in the problem space - with the abstact. I tend to design

The problem with designing top down is that when
building (for example applications) there is no top.
I found this very simple and very powerful rationalization
about my gut feeling on building complex systems in
Meyer's "Object Oriented Software Construction" and
it's one to which I completely agree. Top down is a
nice way for *explaining* what you already know, or
for *RE*-writing, not for creating or for learning.

IMO no one can really think that teaching abelian
groups to kids first and only later introducing
them to relative numbers is the correct path.
Human brain simply doesn't work like that.

You are saying this, but I think here it's more your
love for discussion than really what you think.

>The same is true of programmers who started with concrete details on a
>different platform - unless they relearn those details for that

No. This is another very important key point.
Humans are quite smart at finding general rules
from details, you don't have to burn your hand on
every possible fire. Unfortunately sometimes there
is the OPPOSITE problem... we infer general rules
that do not apply from just too few observations.

>The critical things a good programmer knows about those
>concrete details is which ones are platform specific and which aren't,
>and how to go about learning those details when they go to a new

I never observed this problem. You really did ?

That is such not a problem that Knuth for example
decided to use an assembler language for a processor
that doesn't even exist (!).

>If you confuse the issue by teaching the concrete details at the same
>time as you're teaching programming, you get people who can't make
>that distinction. Such people regularly show up with horrid Python
>code because they were used to the details for C, or Java, or

Writing C code with python is indeed a problem that
is present. But I think this is a minor price to pay.
Also it's something that with time and experience
it will be fixed.

>> I suppose that over there who is caught reading
>> TAOCP is slammed in jail ...
>Those taught the concrete method would never have been exposed to
>anything so abstract.

Hmmm; TACOP is The Art Of Computer Programming, what
is the abstract part of it ? The code presented is
only MIX assembler. There are math prerequisites for
a few parts, but I think no one could call it "abstract"

Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-13 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:23:39 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers

>Being familiar with 
>fondamental *programming* concepts like vars, branching, looping and 
>functions proved to be helpful when learning C, since I only had then to 
>focus on pointers and memory management.

If you're a good programmer (no idea, I don't know
you and you avoided the issue) then I think you
wasted a lot of energy and neurons learning that way.
Even high-level scripting languages are quite far
from a perfect virtualization, and either the code
you wrote in them was terrible *OR* you were able
to memorize an impressive quantity of black magic
details (or you were just incredibly lucky ;-) ).


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-13 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 01:54:53 -0500, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Andrea Griffini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>In short, you're going to start in the middle.
>> I've got "bad" news for you. You're always in the
>> middle :-D.
>That's what I just said.

Yeah. I should stop replying before breakfast.

>I disagree. If you're going to make competent programmers of them,
>they need to know the *cost* of those details, but not necessarily the
>actual details themselves. It's enough to know that malloc may lead to
>a context switch; you don't need to know how malloc actually works.

Unless those words have a real meaning for you then
you'll forget them... I've seen this a jillion times
with C++. Unless you really understand how an
std::vector is implemented you'll end up doing stupid
things like looping erasing the first element.

Actually I cannot blame someone for forgetting that
insert at the beginning is O(n) and at the end is
amortized O(1) if s/he never understood how a vector
is implemented and was told to just learn those two
little facts. Those little facts are obvious and
can easily be remembered only if you've a conceptual
model where they fit. If they're just random notions
then the very day after the C++ exam you'll forget

>That's the way *your* brain works. I'd not agree that mine works that
>way. Then again, proving either statement is an interesting

Are you genuinely saying that abelian groups are
easier to understand than relative integers ?

>The explanation has been stated a number of times: because you're
>letting them worry about learning how to program, before they worry
>about learning how to evaluate the cost of a particular
>construct. Especially since the latter depends on implementation
>details, which are liable to have to be relearned for every different

You'll get programmers that do not understand how
their programs work. This unavoidably will be a show
stopper when their programs will not work (and it's
when, not if...).

>I don't normally ask how people learned to program, but I will observe
>that most of the CS courses I've been involved with put aside concrete
>issues - like memory management - until later in the course, when it
>was taught as part of an OS internals course. The exception would be
>those who were learning programming as part of an engineering (but not
>software engineering) curriculum. The least readable code examples
>almost uniformly came from the latter group.

I suppose that over there who is caught reading
TAOCP is slammed in jail ...

Placing memory allocation in the "OS internals" course
is very funny. Let's hope you're just joking.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-13 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 13:35:00 +0200, Peter Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think Peter is right. Proceeding top-down is the natural way of

Depends if you wanna build or investigate.

To build top down is the wrong approach (basically because
there's no top). Top down is however great for *explaining*
what you already built or know.

>(first learn about plants, then proceed to cells, molecules,
>atoms and elementary particles).

This is investigating. Programming is more similar to building
instead (with a very few exceptions). CS is not like physics or
chemistry or biology where you're given a result (the world)
and you're looking for the unknown laws. In programming *we*
are building the world. This is a huge fundamental difference!

>If you learn a computer language you have to know about variables,
>of course.

There are no user defined variables in assembler.
Registers of a CPU or of a programmable calculator
are easier to understand because they're objectively
simpler concepts. Even things like locality of scope
will be appreciated and understood better once you
try to live with just a global scope for a while.

>The concepts of memory, data and addresses can easily be demonstrated
>in high level languages including python e.g. by using a large string
>as a memory model. Proceeding to bare metal will follow driven by

Hehehe... a large python string is a nice idea for modelling
memory. This shows clearly what I mean with that without firm
understanding of the basis you can do pretty huge and stupid
mistakes (hint: strings are immutable in python... ever
wondered what does that fancy word mean ?)


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-13 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:22:55 +0200, Andreas Kostyrka

>Yep. Probably. Without a basic understanding of hardware design, one cannot
>many of todays artifacts: Like longer pipelines and what does this
>mean to the relative performance of different solutions.

I think that pipeline stalls, CPU/FPU parallel computations
and cache access optimization is the lowest level I ever
had to swim in (it was when I was working in the videogame
industry, on software 3D rendering with early pentiums).
Something simpler but somewhat similar was writing on
floppy disks on the Apple ][ where there was no timer
at all in the computer excluding the CPU clock and the
code for writing was required to output a new nibble for
the writing latch exactly every 40 CPU cycles (on the
Apple ][ the CPU was doing everything, including
controlling the stepper motor for disk seek).

However I do not think that going this low (that's is still
IMO just a bit below assembler and still quite higher than
HW design) is very common for programmers.

>Or how does one explain that a "stupid and slow" algorithm can be in
>effect faster than a "clever and fast" algorithm, without explaining
>how a cache works. And what kinds of caches there are. (I've seen
>documented cases where a stupid search was faster because all hot data
>fit into the L1 cache of the CPU, while more clever algorithms where

Caching is indeed very important, and sometimes the difference
is huge. I think anyway that it's probably something confined
in a few cases (processing big quantity of data with simple
algorithms, e.g. pixel processing).
It's also a field where if you care about the details the
specific architecture plays an important role, and anything
you learned about say the Pentium III could be completely
pointless on the Pentium 4.

Except by general locality rules I would say that everything
else should be checked only if necessary and on a case-by-case
approach. I'm way a too timid investor to throw in neurons
on such a volatile knowledge.

>Or you get perfect abstract designs, that are horrible when

Current trend is that you don't even need to do a
clear design. Just draw some bubbles and arrows on
a white board with a marker, throw in some buzzword
and presto! you basically completed the new killing app.
Real design and implementation are minutiae for bozos.

Even the mighty python is incredibly less productive
than powerpoint ;-)

>Yes. But for example to understand the memory behaviour of Python
>understanding C + malloc + OS APIs involved is helpful.

This is a key issue. If you've the basis firmly placed
most of what follows will be obvious. If someone tells
you that inserting an element at the beginning of an array
is O(n) in the number of elements then you think "uh... ok,
sounds reasonable", if they say that it's amortized O(1)
instead then you say "wow..." and after some thinking
"ok, i think i understand how it could be done" and in
both cases you'll remember it. It's a clear *concrete* fact
that I think just cannot be forgot.

If O(1) and O(n) and how dynamic arrays could be possibly
be implemented is just black magic and a few words in a
text for you then IMO you'll never be able to remember
what that implies, and you'll do soon or late something
really really stupid about it in your programs.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 21:52:12 -0400, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm curious how you learned to program.

An HP RPN calculator, later TI-57. Later Apple ][.
With Apple ][ after about one afternoon spent typing
in a basic program from a magazine I gave up with
basic and started with 6502 assembler ("call -151"
was always how I started my computer sessions).

>What path worked for you, and do you think it was
>a wrong approach, or the right one?

I was a fourteen with no instructor, when home
computers in my city could be counted on the fingers
of one hand. Having an instructor I suppose would
have made me going incredibly faster. Knowing better
the english language at that time would have made
my life also a lot easier.
I think that anyway it was the right approach in
terms of "path", not the (minimal energy) approach
in terms of method. Surely a lower energy one in
the long run comparing to those that started with
basic and never looked at lower levels.

>In my case, I started with BASIC.  Good old BASIC, with no memory 
>management to worry about, no pointers, no "concrete" details, just FOR 
>loops and variables and lots of PRINT statements.

That's good as an appetizer.

>A while (some months) later I stumbled across some assembly language and 
>-- typing it into the computer like a monkey, with no idea what I was 
>dealing with -- began learning about some of the more concrete aspects 
>of computers.

That is IMO a very good starting point. Basically it
was the same I used.

>This worked very well in my case, and I strongly doubt I would have 
>stayed interested in an approach that started with talk of memory 
>addressing, bits and bytes, registers and opcodes and such.

I think that getting interested in *programming* is
important... it's like building with LEGOs, but at a
logical level. However that is just to get interest...
and a few months with basic is IMO probably too much.
But after you've a target (making computers do what
you want) then you've to start placing solid bricks,
and that is IMO assembler. Note that I think that any
simple assembler is OK... even if you'll end up using
a different processor when working in C it will be
roughly ok. But I see a difference between those that
never (really) saw assembler and those that did.

>I won't say that I'm certain about any of this, but I have a very strong 
>suspicion that the *best* first step in learning programming is a 
>program very much like the following, which I'm pretty sure was mine:
>10 FOR A=1 TO 10: PRINT"Peter is great!": END

Just as a motivation. After that *FORGETTING* that
(for and the "next" you missed) is IMO perfectly ok.

>More importantly by far, *I made the computer do something*.

Yes, I agree. But starting from basic and never looking
lower is quit a different idea.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 19:53:29 -0500, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Andrea Griffini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 21:52:57 -0400, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> Also concrete->abstract shows a clear path; starting
>> in the middle and looking both up (to higher
>> abstractions) and down (to the implementation
>> details) is IMO much more confusing.
>So you're arguing that a CS major should start by learning electronics
>fundamentals, how gates work, and how to design hardware(*)? Because
>that's what the concrete level *really* is. Start anywhere above that,
>and you wind up needing to look both ways.

Not really. Long ago I've drawn a line that starts at
software. I think you can be a reasonable programmer
even without the knowledge about how to design hardware.
I do not think you can be a reasonable programmer if
you never saw assembler.

>Admittedly, at some level the details simply stop mattering. But where
>that level is depends on what level you're working on. Writing Python,
>I really don't need to understand the behavior of hardware
>gates. Writing horizontal microcode, I'm totally f*cked if I don't
>understand the behavior of hardware gates.

But you better understand how, more or less, your
computer or language works, otherwise your code will
be needless thousand times slower and will require
thousand times more memory than is necessary.
Look a recent thread where someone was asking why
python was so slow (and the code contained stuff
like "if x in range(low, high):" in an inner loop
that was itself pointless).

>In short, you're going to start in the middle.

I've got "bad" news for you. You're always in the
middle :-D. Apparently it looks like this is a
constant in our universe. Even counting (i.e.
1, 2, 3, ...) is not the "start" of math (you
can go at "lower" levels).
Actually I think this is a "nice" property of our
universe, but discussing this would bring the
discussion a bit OT.

>Is it really justified to confuse them all
>by introducing what are really extraneous details early on?

I simply say that you will not able to avoid
introducing them. If they're going to write software
those are not "details" that you'll be able to hide
behind a nice and perfect virtual world (this is much
less true about bus cycles... at least for many

But if you need to introduce them, then IMO is
way better doing it *first*, because that is the
way that our brain works.

You cannot build on loosely placed bricks.

>You've stated your opinion. Personally, I agree with Abelson, Sussman
>and Sussman, whose text "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer
>Programs" was the standard text at one of the premiere engineering
>schools in the world, and is widely regarded as a classic in the
>field: they decided to start with the abstract, and deal with concrete
>issues - like assignment(!) later.

Sure. I know that many think that starting from
higher levels is better. However no explanation is
given about *why* this should work better, and I
didn't even see objective studies about how this
approach pays off. This is of course not a field
that I've investigated a lot.

What I know is that every single competent programmer
I know (not many... just *EVERY SINGLE ONE*) started
by placing firmly concrete concepts first, and then
moved on higher abstractions (for example like
structured programming, OOP, functional languages ...).


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 20:22:28 -0400, Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How far down do you have to go?  What makes bytes of memory, data busses, 
>and CPUs the right level of abstraction?

They're things that can be IMO genuinely accept
as "obvious". Even "counting" is not the lowest
level in mathematic... there is the mathematic
philosohy direction. From "counting" you can go
"up" in the construction direction (rationals,
reals, functions, continuity and the whole
analysis area) building on the counting concept
or you can go "down" asking yourself what it
does really mean counting, what do you mean
with a "proof", what really is a "set".
However the "counting" is naturally considered
obvious for our minds and you can build the
whole life without the need to look at lower
levels and without getting bitten too badly for
that simplification.

Also lower than memory and data bus there is
of course more stuff (in our universe looks
like there is *always* more stuff no mattere
where you look :-) ), but I would say it's
more about electronic than computer science.

>Why shouldn't first-year CS students study "how a computer works" at the 
>level of individual logic gates?  After all, if you don't know how gates 
>work, things like address bus decoders, ALUs, register files, and the like 
>are all just magic (which you claim there is no room for).

It's magic if I'm curious but you can't answer
my questions. It's magic if I've to memorize
because I'm not *allowed* to understand.
It's not magic if I can (and naturally do) just
ignore it because I can accept it. It's not
magic if I don't have questions because it's
for me "obvious" enough.

>> Also concrete->abstract shows a clear path; starting
>> in the middle and looking both up (to higher
>> abstractions) and down (to the implementation
>> details) is IMO much more confusing.
>At some point, you need to draw a line in the sand (so to speak) and say, 
>"I understand everything down to *here* and can do cool stuff with that 
>knowledge.  Below that, I'm willing to take on faith".  I suspect you would 
>agree that's true, even if we don't agree just where the line should be 
>drawn.  You seem to feel that the level of abstraction exposed by a 
>language like C is the right level.  I'm not convinced you need to go that 
>far down.  I'm certainly not convinced you need to start there.

I think that if you don't understand memory,
addresses and allocation and deallocation, or
(roughly) how an hard disk works and what's
the difference between hard disks and RAM then
you're going to be a horrible programmer.

There's no way you will remember what is O(n),
what O(1) and what is O(log(n)) among containers
unless you roughly understand how it works.
If those are magic formulas you'll just forget
them and you'll end up writing code that is
thousands times slower than necessary.

If you don't understand *why* "C" needs malloc
then you'll forget about allocating objects.


Re: What is different with Python ?

2005-06-12 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 21:52:57 -0400, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I think new CS students have more than enough to learn with their 
>*first* language without having to discover the trials and tribulations 
>of memory management (or those other things that Python hides so well).

I'm not sure that postponing learning what memory
is, what a pointer is and others "bare metal"
problems is a good idea. Those concept are not
"more complex" at all, they're just more *concrete*
than the abstract concept of "variable".
Human mind work best moving from the concrete to
the abstract, we first learn counting, and only
later we learn rings (or even set theory).
Unless you think a programmer may live happy
without understanding concrete issues then IMO
the best is to learn concrete facts first, and
only later abstractions.
I think that for a programmer skipping the
understanding of the implementation is just
impossible: if you don't understand how a
computer works you're going to write pretty
silly programs. Note that I'm not saying that
one should understand every possible implementation
down to the bit (that's of course nonsense), but
there should be no room for "magic" in a computer
for a professional programmer.

Also concrete->abstract shows a clear path; starting
in the middle and looking both up (to higher
abstractions) and down (to the implementation
details) is IMO much more confusing.


Re: Abstract and concrete syntax

2005-06-09 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 03:32:12 +0200, David Baelde

>I tried python, and do like it. Easy to learn and read

This is a key point. How easy is to *read* is considered
more important than how easy is to *write*.

Re-read the absence of a ternary operator or the limitations
of lambda in python under this light (about lambdas note
that you can define a named function in a local scope if
you need it; and those are full-blown functions and not
just a single expression).


Re: time consuming loops over lists

2005-06-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 23:38:29 +0200, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I don't see a "break" so why the "/2" ? also IIUC the
>That was the assumption of an equal distribution of the data. In 
>O-notationn this would be O(n) of course.

It was a joke ... the issue is that there was no break
statement :-) i.e. your code kept searching even after
finding the proper range!

Actually that break (with 10 bins) is not terribly
important because the cost of the comparision is
small compared to the cost of append. The timings
I got are..

your code 1.26 sec
adding break  0.98 sec
direct index computation  0.56 sec

10 bins are so few that with just low-level speedups
(i.e. precomputing a list of ranges and str(j)) the
code that does a linear scan requires just 0.60 seconds.

Hand optimizing the direct computation code the
execution time gets down to 0.3 seconds; the inner loop
i used is:

 for i, x in enumerate(data):
  j = int((x - dmin)/rng)
  tkns[i] = tks + js[j]

with data = range(20, 123120)


Re: programmnig advise needed

2005-06-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 7 Jun 2005 12:14:45 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I am writing a Python program that needs to read XML files and contruct
>a tree object from the XML file (using wxTree).

Supposing your XML file has a single top level node (so that it's a
legal XML file) then the following code should be able to read it...

from elementtree import ElementTree as ET

class Node:
def __init__(self, xmlnode):
self.xmlnode = xmlnode
self.children = []

def loadtree(f):
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
nodes = {}
for x in root:
if x.tag.startswith("element"):
nodes[x.tag] = Node(x)
for x in root.findall("association"):
name = x.find("Name").text
parent = x.find("Parent").text
assert len(nodes) == 1
return nodes.popitem()[1]

The idea is to create a node with an empty list of
logical children and then for every association
removing the child node from the global pool (a dict
indexed by node name) to place it in its parent.
I assumed that the nodes are in random order, but
that the associations are sorted bottom-up in
the tree. If this is not the case then you should
keep TWO dicts, removing from only one of them
the children when you process an association,
and looking up the parent in the *other* dict that
is not changed during processing of associations.
The dict from who you are removing the children
will allow you to detect logical errors in the file
(i.e. a node having two parents - you won't find
that node in the dict the second time - and absence
of a single root - you won't end up with a single
element in the dict after processing all
associations -).


Re: time consuming loops over lists

2005-06-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 18:13:01 +0200, "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Another optimization im too lazy now would be to do sort of a "tree 
>search" of data[i] in rngs - as the ranges are ordered, you could find 
>the proper one in log_2(len(rngs)) instead of len(rngs)/2.

I don't see a "break" so why the "/2" ? also IIUC the
ranges are more than just ordered... they're all equal
and computed by

 for i in xrange(no_of_bins+1):
  rngs[i] = dmin + (rng*i)

so my guess is that instead of searching with

  for j in xrange(len(rngs)-1):
   if rngs[j] <= data[i] < rngs[j+1]:

one could just do

j = int((data[i] - dmin)/rng)

The code with this change gets roughly about twice faster.


Re: What are OOP's Jargons and Complexities?

2005-06-05 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:30:18 +0200, Matthias Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Quite embarrassing, but it's a runtime bug and got nothing to do with
>the language per se.  And it certainly manifests itself after the
>hey-days of Turbo Pascal (when Borland seems to have lost interest in
>maintaining it.)

The point is not the bug, of course, but how borland handled
it. It appeared when the user community of borland pascal
was well alive and kicking, but borland didn't even invest
5 seconds for the issue. The users had to fix the library
themselves (possible because at that time with Borland Pascal
you were getting the whole source code of the library; but
note that it was a 100% genuine bug due to misprogramming,
fixing it even on a dead product would have been the a nice
move from borland). The user community went even further,
as so many executables were written witn borland pascal that
a special tool for binary patching executables was built
(actually a few of them, as being unofficial it wasn't
that simple to get to know that such a tool existed, so
different people independently resorted to the same solution).


Re: What are OOP's Jargons and Complexities?

2005-06-04 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 23:25:00 +0200, Matthias Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Of course it is a language, just not a standardized one (if you include
>Borland's extensions that make it practical).

The history of "runtime error 200" and its handling from
borland is a clear example of what I mean with a product.

You are of course free to call even Microsoft Access a
language (and make long term investment on it) if you want.


Re: What are OOP's Jargons and Complexities?

2005-06-01 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 16:07:58 +0200, Matthias Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>With a few relaxations and extensions, you can get a surprisingly useful
>language out of the rigid Pascal, as evidenced by Turbo Pascal, one of
>the most popular (and practical) programming languages in the late 80ies
>/ start of the 90ies.

It was not a language. It was a product in the hand of a single
company. The difference is that a product can die at the snaps
of a marketroid, no matter how nice or how diffuse it is.


Re: empty lists vs empty generators

2005-05-03 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 2 May 2005 21:49:33 -0700, "Michele Simionato"

>Starting from Python 2.4 we have tee in the itertools
>module, so you can define the following:
>from itertools import tee
>def is_empty(it):
>it_copy = tee(it)[1]
>except StopIteration:
>return True
>return False
>It works with generic iterables too.

Are you sure this is going to do the right thing ?
seems to me it would drop the first element of
"it"... (the yielded element entered the tee twins,
but already got out of "it").
I would say that unless you use the second twin
after calling is_empty that code wouldn't work...

Am I correct or instead "tee" uses black magic to
just peek at the yielded value without starting a
continuation ?


Re: Speed revisited

2005-01-10 Thread Andrea Griffini
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 17:52:42 +0100, Bulba! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I don't see why should deleting element from a list be O(n), while
>saying L[0]='spam' when L[0] previously were, say, 's', not have the
>O(n) cost, if a list in Python is just an array containing the 
>objects itself?
>Why should JUST deletion have an O(n) cost?

Because after deletion L[1] moved to L[0], L[2] moved to L[1],
L[3] moved to L[2] and so on. To delete the first element you
have to move n-1 pointers and this is where O(n) comes from.
When you reassign any element there is no need to move the
others around, so that's why you have O(1) complexity.

With a data structure slightly more complex than an array
you can have random access in O(1), deletion of elements
O(1) at *both ends* and insertion in amortized O(1) at
*both ends*. This data structure is called doubly-ended
queque (nickname "deque") and is available in python.

The decision was that for the basic list object the overhead
added by deques for element access (it's still O(1), but a
bit more complex that just bare pointer arithmetic) and, I
guess, the hassle of changing a lot of working code and
breaking compatibility with extensions manipulating directly
lists (no idea if such a thing exists) was not worth the gain.

The gain would have been that who doesn't know what O(n)
means and that uses lists for long FIFOs would get fast
programs anyway without understanding why. With current
solution they just have to use deques instead of lists.

After thinking to it for a while I agree that this is a
reasonable choice. The gain is anyway IMO very little
because if a programmer desn't understand what O(n) is
then the probability that any reasonably complex program
written is going to be fast is anyway zero... time would
just be wasted somewhere else for no reason.


Re: Speed revisited

2005-01-09 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 9 Jan 2005 16:03:34 -0800, "John Machin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>My wild guess: Not a common use case. Double-ended queue is a special
>purpose structure.
>Note that the OP could have implemented the 3-tape update simulation
>efficiently by reading backwards i.e. del alist[-1]

Note that I was just trying to say that it's not obvious
that list insertion at the first element is O(n); because
there are "less naive" implementation that can do better.
For a lower level language O(n) is probably what 99% of
programmers indeed would expect, but for a VHLL like
python this is IMO not the case.

I remember when a few years ago working with PowerBuilder
(a RAD environment for client-server applications) to my
great surprise I found that even adding at the end of a
list was O(n) in that language... where is the line ?
After all "smart" reallocation is still a tradeoff (extra
"wasted" space traded for diminshed copying) ...


Re: Speed revisited

2005-01-09 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 9 Jan 2005 12:39:32 -0800, "John Machin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Tip 1: Once you have data in memory, don't move it, move a pointer or
>index over the parts you are inspecting.
>Tip 2: Develop an abhorrence of deleting data.

I've to admit that I also found strange that deleting the
first element from a list is not O(1) in python. My wild
guess was that the extra addition and normalization required
to have insertion in amortized O(1) and deletion in O(1) at
both ends of a random access sequence was going to have
basically a negligible cost for normal access (given the
overhead that is already present in python).

But I'm sure this idea is too obvious for not having been
proposed, and so there must reasons for refusing it
(may be the cost to pay for random access once measured was
found being far from negligible, or that the extra memory
overhead per list - one int for remembering where the live
data starts - was also going to be a problem).


Re: mysterious buggy behavior

2005-01-09 Thread Andrea Griffini
On 8 Jan 2005 20:40:37 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sean McIlroy)

>def newGame():
>BOARD = [blank]*9
>for x in topButtons+midButtons+botButtons: x['text'] = ''

Do you know that "BOARD" here is a local variable and has nothing
to do with the global BOARD ? You can change that by doing either

 BOARD[:] = [blank]*9


 global BOARD
 BOARD = [blank]*9


Re: Help with generators outside of loops.

2004-12-08 Thread Andrea Griffini
David Eppstein wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Robert Brewer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But I'm guessing that you can't index into a generator as if 
it is a list.
row = obj.ExecSQLQuery(sql, args).next()

I've made it a policy in my own code to always surround explicit calls 
to next() with try ... except StopIteration ... guards.

Otherwise if you don't guard the call and you get an unexpected 
exception from the next(), within a call chain that includes a for-loop 
over another generator, then that other for-loop will terminate without 
any error messages and the cause of its termination can be very 
difficult to track down.
Isn't the handling of StopIteration confined in the very moment of
calling .next() ? This was what I expected... and from a simple test
looks also what is happening...
>>> for x in xrange(10):
if x == 8:
raise StopIteration()
print x

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in -toplevel-
raise StopIteration()
i.e. the loop didn't stop silently