[issue34858] MappingProxy objects should JSON serialize just like a dictionary

2020-06-06 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

I would certainly reconsider it at this point, I think a bona fide ABC 
*specific to JSON encoding* would be a good way to do it. simplejson has two 
ways to do this, the `for_json` parameter which will use a `for_json()` method 
on any object as the JSON representation if present, and the 
`namedtuple_as_object` parameter which will do the same for objects with an 
`_asdict()` method. As part of the standard library it might make more sense to 
rename `for_json()` to `__json__()` or similar.

It is a bit unfortunate that you can't guarantee round-trip on deserialization, 
but that has always been the case. To get round-tripping (without tagging 
everything that has been encoded in some way like pickle does), you really 
should be working with a schema of some kind.


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[issue35111] Make Custom Object Classes JSON Serializable

2018-10-31 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

That's what the for_json method is in simplejson, it does not have widespread 

You can implement that when encoding:

def json_default(obj):
return obj.__json__()
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("{} can not be JSON encoded".format(type(obj)))

json.dumps(foo(), default=json_default)

This way, you can choose precisely how the output needs to work when encoding. 
It's not ideal for every use case, but nothing is. The point is that it doesn't 
get in your way, whatever you need to do can be done without any awful tricks, 
so long as you have control over the dumps call site.


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[issue35111] Make Custom Object Classes JSON Serializable

2018-10-31 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

The trouble with having such a hook is that it would take precedence over any 
customization you might want or need to do to satisfy the protocol you're 
implementing. Other than the limited set of types that are part of the JSON 
specification, there's essentially no standard for encoding of anything else. 
This is why customization is left to the call sites for encoding and decoding, 
and I would recommend using the `default` and `object_pairs_hook` keyword 
arguments to `dumps` and `loads` respectively for that, rather than any of the 
options that you've enumerated.

For what it's worth, simplejson has had a `for_json` method hook for several 
years to encourage some consolidation, but it's opt-in and there hasn't been a 
lot of demand to make it the default. The inverse `from_json` type operation is 
not supported. If you think about it, how *could* you even implement such a 
thing in the general case, in a way that wouldn't have lots of surprises and 
performance issues?


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[issue35005] argparse should accept json and yaml argument types

2018-10-18 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

I don't think that this has anything in particular to do with the json module, 
at least it certainly shouldn't need any additional functionality from there.

YAML parsing isn't available in the stdlib last I checked, so that is probably 
not really up for consideration for direct integration.

In any case, I think the best approach would be to first do some research 
(StackOverflow, GitHub, etc.) to see how other folks are doing this in the 
wild, to see if there's a common pattern that should be made available in the 


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[issue34529] add the option for json.dumps to return newline delimited json

2018-08-30 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

I suggested that each module would likely implement its own functions tailored 
to that project's IO and error handling requirements. The implementation may 
differ slightly depending on the protocol. This is consistent with how JSON is 
typically dealt with from a web framework, for example.


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[issue34529] add the option for json.dumps to return newline delimited json

2018-08-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito  added the comment:

I think the best start would be to add a bit of documentation with an example 
of how you could work with newline delimited json using the existing module 
as-is. On the encoding side you need to ensure that it's a compact 
representation without embedded newlines, e.g.:

for obj in objs:
yield json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':')) + '\n'

I don't think it would make sense to support this directly from dumps, as it's 
really multiple documents rather than the single document that every other form 
of dumps will output.

On the read side it would be something like:

for doc in lines:
yield json.loads(doc)

I'm not sure if this is common enough (and separable enough from I/O and error 
handling constraints) to be worth adding the functionality directly into json 
module. I think it would be more appropriate in the short to medium term that 
the each service (e.g. BigQuery) would have its own module with helper 
functions or framework that encapsulates the protocol that the particular 
service speaks.


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[issue29992] Expose parse_string in JSONDecoder

2018-01-11 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito <b...@redivi.com> added the comment:

Generally speaking, parsing some things as decimal or datetime are schema 
dependent. It's unlikely that you would want to parse every string that looks 
enough like a decimal as a decimal, or that you would want to pay the cost of 
checking every string in the whole document to see if it's a decimal. This use 
case is probably better served using something like object_pairs_hook where you 
have some context available.

Ultimate flexibility is not the goal of this interface. It's grown a bit too 
much of that over time. At this point I'm a lot more interested in proposals 
that remove options rather than add them.

In order to provide maximal flexibility it would be much nicer to have a 
streaming interface available (like SAX for XML parsing), but that is not what 
this is.


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[issue29992] Expose parse_string in JSONDecoder

2017-05-02 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

That's not a very convincing argument. Python 2 only returns byte strings if 
the input is a byte string and the contents of the string are all ASCII. 
Facilitating that sort of behavior in 3 would probably cause more issues than 
it solves.


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[issue30114] json module: it is not possible to override 'true', 'false' values during encoding bool

2017-04-20 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Agreed, this does seem unnecessary. The library has been in active use for over 
a decade, and this is the first time I've seen this request. I would recommend 
preprocessing the data that you're going to encode if you have a need for this.

stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue29992] Expose parse_string in JSONDecoder

2017-04-05 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I agree with that sentiment. If we were to want to support this use case I 
would rather put together a coherent way to augment the parsing/encoding of 
anything than bolt it on to what we have.


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[issue29863] Add a COMPACT constant to the json module

2017-03-21 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I suppose I'm +0. I don't think this is particularly useful, but this is closer 
to the ideal of just having a boolean option. We should probably also plan to 
remove the documentation for what the type of separators is to give the 
impression that COMPACT and the default are the only valid options.


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[issue29636] Specifying indent in the json.tool command

2017-03-16 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Probably the best thing we could do here is to mirror the options available in 
similar tools, such as jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/#Invokingjq

The relevant options here would be:


The default indent in jq is 2, which I tend to prefer these days, but maybe 4 
is still appropriate given PEP 8:

$ echo '[{}, {"a": "b"}, 2, 3, 4]' | jq
"a": "b"

This is how jq interprets --compact-output:

$ echo '[{}, {"a": "b"}, 2, 3, 4]' | jq --compact-output

I do not think that it's worth having the command-line tool cater to people 
that want to indent in other ways (e.g. using a string that isn't all spaces or 
a single tab).


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[issue29540] Add compact=True flag to json.dump/dumps

2017-02-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I would recommend a moratorium on new options until we have a plan to make the 
usage of the JSON APIs simpler overall. It's accumulated too many options over 
time. The real trouble is figuring out how to do this in a backwards compatible 
way that does not impact performance too much. Off-hand, I can't think of any 
obvious way aside from using new function names with a cleaner options list.


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[issue29540] Add compact=True flag to json.dump/dumps

2017-02-14 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I agree, in isolation it's a fine proposal, but the interface here is already a 
bit too complex and the benefit is pretty minimal. When the size really does 
matter, you can take care to set it correctly once and be done with it.


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[issue24641] Log type of unserializable value when raising JSON TypeError

2015-07-18 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

This seems like a very reasonable proposal. It would be great if we could also 
include a path in the error message (e.g. `obj[foo][1][bar]`) as well to 
provide enough context to track down the error quickly.


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[issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``

2015-06-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Seems like a good idea to me, I'll make sure this gets in simplejson as well.


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[issue24518] json.dumps should accept key function for ``sort_keys``

2015-06-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

On further investigation, simplejson has implemented this functionality under a 
different name since 2.5.0 (2012-03-29).

If item_sort_key is a callable (not the default), then the output of 
dictionaries will be sorted with it. The callable will be used like this: 
sorted(dct.items(), key=item_sort_key). This option takes precedence over 

Changed in version 2.5.0: item_sort_key is new in 2.5.0.


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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I don't think it's reasonable to expect Decimal to always output precisely the 
same string it was given. It's a waste of complexity and space and the only 
time you would want this behavior is when you really should've left it 
accessible as a string in the first place.

It sounds like the spec for that signature may be poorly designed (with regard 
to portability). Relying on the precise string output of a number is not going 
to work in any JSON parser I've ever seen. You'd need to work at the tokenizer 
level and not all of the parsers provide an interface at that layer (since many 
of them combine tokenization and parsing).


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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Yeah, that's the hack I was suggesting.

I suppose I don't see the point of having a protocol that normalizes *almost* 
everything. Normalization should be all or nothing. Other options would be to 
define the signature at the encoded byte level with no normalization (in which 
case you could use any off the shelf signing), or at the value level and 
prescribe a specific interpretation for data types. I would've done it at the 
value level and prescribed that dictionaries should be key sorted, strings 
dealt with as UTF-8, and numbers as IEEE 754. I would make sure not to depend 
on the decimal conversion of numbers, and just work with the serialized bit 
representation in a particular endian (which you can even do efficiently in 
modern browser JS with Float64Array, DataView and ArrayBuffer). For JS 
portability it'd probably treat *all* numbers as floats in the same way, 
whether they had a decimal to begin with or not.


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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-28 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

simplejson has had a use_decimal flag for output since 2.1.0 and has been 
enabled by default since 2.2.0. simplejson 3.2.0 introduced a for_json argument 
that checks objects for a method of that name for serialization. 



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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-28 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I'm sure there's some hack that would allow you to preserve the input. I would 
try using parse_float and have it return some object that preserves the string 
and will be output in precisely the same way. It may need to be a Decimal 
subclass. I'm traveling for the next few weeks so I won't have much of a chance 
to investigate myself.


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[issue23123] Only READ support for Decimal in json

2014-12-28 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Subclass Decimal and implement __str__ to return your own representation. Use 
parse_float to use your Decimal subclass. Should work with simplejson, a 
similar hack may be possible with the json module.


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[issue21514] update json module docs in light of RFC 7159 ECMA-404

2014-07-14 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

This patch looks reasonable to me as-is.

With regard to Infinite and NaN number values are accepted and output; 
there's an option for that (allow_nan=False in encoding, 
parse_constant=some_function_that_raises in decoding). Since an exception can't 
be raised in a lambda there's no simple one-liner to ensure compliant decode.


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[issue21514] update json module docs in light of RFC 7159 ECMA-404

2014-07-14 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Good call, I was just doing a quick review of the patch in isolation. Now I 
don't have anything at all to comment on :)


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[issue21514] update json module docs in light of RFC 7159 ECMA-404

2014-07-14 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:

assignee: bob.ippolito - rhettinger

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[issue13212] json library is decoding/encoding when it should not

2014-05-26 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

As Chris Rebert mentioned, the JSON standards have adopted this (unsurprising) 
behavior. Ruby hasn't, and I doubt Crockford has, but I think they're in the 
minority at this point. JavaScript's own JSON implementation works the same way 
json/simplejson does.


At best, I think it's probably worth a mention in the documentation, but not 
worth changing any code over.


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[issue13212] json library is decoding/encoding when it should not

2014-05-26 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

In other words, I would consider this to be fixed by the documentation change 
made elsewhere.


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[issue19361] Specialize exceptions thrown by JSON parser

2014-05-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

simplejson v3.5.1 is probably a good target, let me know if there's anything 
that you'd like me to merge back in from stdlib to make maintenance easier. I 
haven't been tracking stdlib except when I've been added to issues.


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[issue21213] Memory bomb by incorrect custom serializer to json.dumps

2014-05-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I agree with ebfe. It's a case that only comes up if you're writing your own 
default handlers, and there's not a reasonable solution to avoid this issue. 
You would've gotten a RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded if it 
wasn't for the behavior of repr here.


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[issue18726] json functions have too many positional parameters

2013-09-02 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

Other than when subclassing (which is actively discouraged), I haven't seen 
anyone try and use positional args for these APIs. I simply don't think this is 
an issue in practice. If you go far enough back in simplejson history, these 
module-global functions were actually keyword-only.


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[issue18726] json functions have too many positional parameters

2013-09-02 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

My evidence is only anecdotal. I haven't actively searched for code that uses 
json/simplejson to try and find cases that are using positional arguments.

One way to test this assumption would be to release a version of simplejson 
that deprecates using positional arguments and see if anyone notices. If you 
feel strongly about it, submit a pull request, and I'll review it (although my 
availability is spotty for the next two months due to travel).


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[issue18726] json functions have too many positional parameters

2013-09-01 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I tend to agree with Raymond here. While I also don't like the positional 
arguments, I don't think the benefit of API churn them is high enough to remove 
them. Other than this issue, I have not seen any requests for this change.

I have seen problems because there are positional arguments, but only when 
people are subclassing these classes. Allowing for subclasses was never a good 
idea, and is actively discouraged in current simplejson documentation. The 
dumps default/loads object_hook functionality is sufficient and doesn't have 
the fragile base class problem. This functionality is is fully compatible with 
all versions of the library that are in use, back to v1.8 in March 2008, 
including Python 2.6's json library which IIRC is based on v1.9.

assignee: bob.ippolito - rhettinger

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[issue17906] JSON should accept lone surrogates

2013-05-10 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

The patch that I wrote for simplejson is here (it differs a bit from serhiy's 

I discovered another bug along the way in the pure-Python scanstring, int(s, 
16) will parse '0xNN' when json expects only strings of the form '' to 
work. I fixed that along with this issue by explicitly checking for x or X.


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[issue17225] JSON decoder reports wrong column number on first line

2013-02-21 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

I've applied a very similar patch to simplejson and released 3.0.9 


nosy: +bob.ippolito

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[issue11844] Update json to upstream simplejson latest release

2013-01-11 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito added the comment:

To try and make this as painless as possible I have done both things. 
simplejson is now explicitly dual-licensed MIT or AFL v2.1 and there is also an 
explicit sentence in LICENSE.txt that states This code is also licensed to the 
Python Software Foundation (PSF) under a Contributor Agreement.

simplejson v3.0.7 (tag v3.0.7 in the repo) is this version. If there's anything 
more I can do to help, please let me know.

status: pending - open

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[issue15252] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2012-07-05 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I doubt it, it's more likely that this email came from somewhere else with
my address.

On Thursday, July 5, 2012, Larry Hastings wrote:

 Larry Hastings la...@hastings.org javascript:; added the comment:

 What fresh hell is this?  Bob, do you have a virus or something?

 nosy: +larry

 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org javascript:;


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[issue5723] Incomplete json tests

2011-04-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I did this some time ago in simplejson by defining a TestSuite subclass and 
instrumenting simplejson so that speedups can be enabled and disabled easily 
with a private API.



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[issue11844] Update json to upstream simplejson latest release

2011-04-15 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

That's not a problem, I'm more than happy to give permission for any patch. If 
it's easier I can consider dual-licensing in the simplejson source.


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[issue9233] json.load failure when C optimizations aren't built

2011-01-26 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

For what it's worth, I don't think any of the failures mentioned here are in 
the current version of simplejson. There aren't any tests that check the 
speedup module name, the speedup tests are skipped when speedups are not 
detected, and the empty json object bug was fixed in June 2009.



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[issue5729] Allows tabs for indenting JSON output

2010-10-16 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Sorry but I don't think I will be able to. I'd be happy to accept patches into 
simplejson that make it easier to merge with Python 3 in the future, but I 
simply do not have the time to maintain the Python 3 branch of the code that we 
don't use.


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[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

The test in the patch assumes a specific iteration order for the dict h, 
changing the dict to have only one key would fix this problem with the test.


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[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

The test also repeats an equivalent dict to h in the check function.


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[issue10019] json.dumps with indent = 0 not adding newlines

2010-10-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I just applied a version of this patch with corrections to the tests here:


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[issue5729] Allows tabs for indenting JSON output

2010-07-10 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Well this feature is already in simplejson 2.1.0, it would probably make more 
sense to simply merge the latest simplejson back with Python 3.


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[issue7451] improve json decoding performance

2009-12-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I applied most of this patch to r206 of simplejson trunk


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[issue7444] Allow for a default method in the JSON decoder

2009-12-05 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

If it had JavaScript style Date objects in it, it wasn't a JSON document.

While it may be easy enough to do this in the version that happens to be 
included with Python, the optimizations in later versions of simplejson 
make this no longer possible. You'd have to change a bunch of C and Python 
code to parse that. There are fewer function calls and regular expressions 
for efficiency reasons. It's not simplejson's goal to be able to parse 
non-JSON documents.

resolution:  - wont fix

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[issue7444] Allow for a default method in the JSON decoder

2009-12-05 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:

status: open - closed

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[issue6594] json C serializer performance tied to structure depth on some systems

2009-11-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Did you try the trunk of simplejson? It doesn't work quite the same way as 
the current json module in Python 2.6+.

Without the data or a tool to produce data that causes the problem, there 
isn't much I can do to help.


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[issue6566] json.dumps converts None to null (not null)

2009-07-25 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

JP is correct, this is how JSON works. The behavior of coercing keys to 
strings is often desirable, although I agree it could be confusing if you 
aren't familiar with the JSON spec.

components: +Documentation -Library (Lib)

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[issue1496032] test_float segfaults with SIGFPE on FreeBSD 6.0 / Alpha

2009-04-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I don't even recall where I had access to a FreeBSD 6.0 Alpha machine, 


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[issue1530559] struct.pack raises TypeError where it used to convert

2009-04-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I believe that struct.error is just how it worked before 2.5


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[issue5723] Incomplete json tests

2009-04-09 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I don't think the decorator approach would work for the doctests, it looks 
like it could be an interesting approach though. I have a feeling that 
it's going to have to be done in some kind of ugly subclass though, I'll 
dig into unittest deeper this weekend to see how that might be done.


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[issue5723] Incomplete json tests

2009-04-08 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Is this high priority? The pure-Python code paths don't even run in 
cpython. I test them manually with simplejson by just deleting the 
extension and then running the tests again. There doesn't seem to be a 
very good way to do this sort of thing


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[issue5584] json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)

2009-03-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:

resolution:  - accepted

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[issue5584] json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)

2009-03-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

trunk fix for 2.7 is in r70702 -- unsure about how to port this to 3.1


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[issue5381] json needs object_pairs_hook

2009-03-29 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I fixed two problems with this that didn't show up in the test suite, this 
feature didn't work in load() and there was a problem with the pure python 
code path because the Python scanner needed a small change. Unfortunately 
I'm not sure how to best test the pure python code path with Python's test 
suite, but I ran across it when backporting to simplejson.



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[issue5584] json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)

2009-03-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

New submission from Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:


Need a = where there's a  in the unicode float scanner. problem only 
exists when decoding a unicode float that is not in any sort of container 
(e.g. array or object).

assignee: bob.ippolito
keywords: easy
messages: 84299
nosy: bob.ippolito
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5584] json.loads(u'3.14') fails unexpectedly (minor scanner bug)

2009-03-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:

components: +Library (Lib)

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5535] json custom encoder not fully functionnal

2009-03-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

It is common to specify a default function but it would be terrible for 
performance if this function was called for every single object passed 
through to the decoder.

If you want a serialization different from a primitive type you'll have to  
choose a different base class.

resolution:  - wont fix

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5535] json custom encoder not fully functionnal

2009-03-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

The documentation says If specified, default is a function that gets 
called for objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. It should return a 
JSON encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.

*can't otherwise be serialized* means that the object must not be a 
subtype of something that is serializable. The implementation is correct 
and this behavior is documented. Documentation patches to make this more 
obvious are acceptable, but it's not a bug so it can't be fixed as such.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-03-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

All of the comments are addressed. I am not going to go through the 
trouble of creating a new patch to remove the remaining backwards 
compatibility cruft in the C code and struct function. That is easier to 
remove later.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-03-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

r70443 in trunk

status: open - closed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5381] json need object_pairs_hook

2009-03-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Unfortunately this is a patch for the old json lib... the new one has a C 
API and an entirely different method of parsing documents (for performance 

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5381] json need object_pairs_hook

2009-03-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Whenever someone applies the patch for http://bugs.python.org/issue4136 -- 
I don't know when that will happen.

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5067] Error msg from using wrong quotes in JSON is unhelpful

2009-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

I don't really want to see looser input requirements, making a JSON 
parser that is compatible with a subset of Python repr output isn't a 
design goal of mine.

This is absolutely false:
Because single quotes are the only way (AFAIK) in which
Python's repr() produces invalid JSON (from JSONable combinations of 

type 'object'

If you don't know JSON, I'm not sure throwing random input at the JSON 
parser is going to help you. Is that how you learned XML? There's plenty 
of info in the JSON documentation and a link to json.org if you need 

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5067] Error msg from using wrong quotes in JSON is unhelpful

2009-03-01 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Er, sorry, missed (from JSONable combinations of types). It's early.

Anyway, I can change the error message, but I will not make it special-
case single quotes for its own error message. I will have to think about 
what the message could say instead. Note that the same sort of person who 
throws random input at parsers might even expect {test: 'test'} to work 
since that is valid JavaScript but not valid JSON.

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5381] json need object_pairs_hook

2009-02-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Why? According to RFC (emphasis mine):

An object is an *unordered* collection of zero or more name/value
   pairs, where a name is a string and a value is a string, number,
   boolean, null, object, or array.

resolution:  - invalid

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5381] json need object_pairs_hook

2009-02-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Fair enough, but the patch isn't usable because the decoder was rewritten 
in a later version of simplejson. There's another issue with patch to 
backport those back into Python http://bugs.python.org/issue4136 or you 
could just use the simplejson source here http://code.google.com/p/simplejson/

resolution: invalid - 

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-02-27 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Honestly I'm not sure when I'm going to find the time and motivation to 
reformat the C source and tests to fit  80 char lines. I don't think this 
should hold up the patch, someone who is more obsessive compulsive than 
myself can fix that once it hits trunk :)

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-02-22 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

New patch implementing cyclic GC, new-style relative imports, no lines 80 
characters in non-test Python code

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13152/json_issue4136_r69885.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-02-16 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Old-style relative imports and the way that it does join are there because 
it's Python 2.4 compatible code that I'm porting. I'll add those to the 
list of things that need to be changed when backporting, implement cyclic 
GC on the types, and I'll take a look at lines  80 chars and fix any that 
occur in Python code (though for some of the tests it may be a bit more 
effort than its worth).

It will probably take another week or two for me to implement those things 
and then do another backport.

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-02-15 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

patch to r69662 is attached as json_issue4136_r69662.diff -- note that 
simplejson 2.0.9 isn't released, as of r169 it's just simplejson 2.0.8 
with some trivial changes to make this backport easier for me

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with latest simplejson 2.0.x

2009-02-15 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file13106/json_issue4136_r69662.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2009-01-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

By next patch I'm referring to a currently nonexistent patch that 
would merge the json library with simplejson 2.0.7 (svn trunk at the 
moment). I may have time to create it next weekend.


File Lib/json/decoder.py (right):

Line 55: def py_scanstring(s, end, encoding=None, strict=True,
Commented in the next patch.

Line 71: _append(content)
Commented in the next patch

Line 76: msg = Invalid control character {0!r} at.format(esc)
This is a bug in the exception handling code, fixed in the next patch.

Line 104: raise ValueError
Exception is caught at the except block and re-raised with a message.
Next patch unrolls this so it's not confusing.

Line 107: raise ValueError
Exception is caught at the except block and re-raised with a message.
Next patch unrolls this so it's not confusing.

Line 111: m = unichr(uni)
Renamed m to char in the next patch.

Line 127: nextchar = s[end:end + 1]
commented in next patch (only once). s[end] can raise an IndexError with
bad input, s[end:end+1] returns an empty string on underflow, which is
caught later with a more helpful error message.

Line 132: nextchar = s[end:end + 1]
commented in next patch (only once). s[end] can raise an IndexError with
bad input, s[end:end+1] returns an empty string on underflow, which is
caught later with a more helpful error message.

Line 290: following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN.
Not practically speaking. The documented purpose of this callback is
This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers are
encountered.. I've never seen it used to handle None, True, False in a
different manner. That was more of an implementation detail than
anything else, and that is fixed by this patch. Existing implementations
of this callback will simply have dead code since they will never be
called with null, true or false anymore.

Line 317: def raw_decode(self, s, idx=0):
It is a compatible change.

File Modules/_json.c (right):

Line 196: output_size *= 2;
_PyString_Resize checks for integer overflow, so it would explode there
just fine. The next patch changes this slightly to avoid unnecessary
calls to _PyString_Resize when the size didn't actually change, but
doesn't do any explicit integer overflow checking

Line 215: ascii_escape_str(PyObject *pystr)
Done in the next patch

Line 733: ...
Done in the next patch.

Line 1320: if ((idx + 3  length)  str[idx + 1] == 'u'  str[idx + 2]
== 'l'  str[idx + 3] == 'l') {
Probably not, but strncmp doesn't work for PyUnicode and the same code
is repeated there.

Line 1528: PyTypeObject PyScannerType = {
I don't think it's possible to cause a cycle using the documented APIs,
since the encoder is created and thrown away behind the scenes and never
passed to user code. Someone else can write that patch if it's

Line 2025: make_encoder,   /* tp_name */
It's not a type that's ever exposed to user code, make_encoder is
somewhat less confusing because that's the name it's exposed as. I'll
change it anyway though, it doesn't really matter since this is all
private API.

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4783] json documentation needs a BAWM (Big A** Warning Message)

2008-12-30 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

You're the first person to ever raise any of these issues in the slightly 
more than 3 years that the package has been around (by other names), so 
I'm not sure such a warning needs to be that big.

JSON doesn't really have any framing, so serializing more than one 
document to or from the same place doesn't work so well. It's not even 
talked about in the spec, and I've never seen someone try it before.

priority:  - low

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4783] json documentation needs a BAWM (Big A** Warning Message)

2008-12-30 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

Ok, I've added some notes to the trunk of simplejson's documentation. Not 
sure when/if that'll hit the Python trunks, I've been having a hard time 
getting my other patches to sync up with simplejson through: 

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4782] json documentation missing load(), loads()

2008-12-30 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito b...@redivi.com added the comment:

There are some missing colons in the documentation apparently, which 
causes reStructuredText to ignore the documentation for those two 

nosy: +bob.ippolito

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2008-10-24 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Attached is a new diff, one byte fix to the float parser when parsing JSON 
documents that are just a float (also a test and a version bump).

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file11870/json_issue4136_r67009.diff

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.4

2008-10-24 Thread Bob Ippolito

Changes by Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

title: merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3 - merge json library with 
simplejson 2.0.4

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2008-10-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

You're probably right, I don't remember what code I was using as a 
template for that.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2008-10-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I don't recall exactly why they aren't in the struct itself, it may not 
have worked with some compiler on some platform.

It's not really a complete rewrite, the encoding path is largely the 
same and the tests haven't changed.

Anyway, there is no further work planned for simplejson. It's done 
except for the potential for bug fixes. The only enhancements were 
performance related and this is about as fast as it's going to get. The 
majority of this work was ready before Python 2.6 was released but it 
was frozen so I couldn't get this in.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2008-10-17 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:


Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue4136] merge json library with simplejson 2.0.3

2008-10-16 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Sure, but that doesn't port it to Python 3.0 :)

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3623] _json: fix raise_errmsg(), py_encode_basestring_ascii() and linecol()

2008-09-30 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I applied the changes proposed in _json26.patch to simplejson and they 
worked perfectly fine. Again I'm not the best judge of python 3.0 code 
because I have not made myself familiar with the API changes so someone 
else should review it (but it's probably fine).

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3623] _json: fix raise_errmsg(), py_encode_basestring_ascii() and linecol()

2008-08-20 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

That patch looks ok to me, but I'm not at all familiar with the changes in 
python 3.0 yet. Is this something that needs to be backported to 2.6?

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3322] bugs in scanstring_str() and scanstring_unicode() of _json module

2008-07-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Am I to understand that the bug here is that the C extension doesn't
validate input properly if you call into it directly? Without a test I'm
not entirely sure exactly how you could possibly get negative values
into those functions using the json module as-is.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3322] bugs in scanstring_str() and scanstring_unicode() of _json module

2008-07-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I've audited the patch, while it does fix the input range it looks like
it regresses other things (at least the error messages). begin was
intentionally used. The patch is not suitable for use, I'll create a
minimal patch that just fixes input validation.

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue3322] bugs in scanstring_str() and scanstring_unicode() of _json module

2008-07-19 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I just committed a fix to trunk in r65147, needs port to py3k?

assignee: bob.ippolito - georg.brandl

Python tracker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-06 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

loads will take unicode or str. if it's str then it assumes utf-8,
otherwise the explicitly specified encoding. All of the string instances
generated by loads will be unicode objects (some of them may be str
objects if they're all ASCII as an optimization, I'm not sure if I
implemented that or not).

dumps produces an ASCII str, but if you explicitly specify
ensure_ascii=False then it will return a unicode object.

obviously load and dump will be working on a file-like object so should
be dealing with bytes...

I'm not entirely sure whether semantically dumps should produce bytes or
str in py3k, I guess whatever the other text-based encodings do is
appropriate (e.g. base64, mime).

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

It doesn't work on alternate implementations right now anyway, because
it (ab)uses some sre APIs that aren't widely implemented outside of cpython.

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

it's isolated to json.scanner, if that was re-implemented in more
general terms then it wouldn't be dependent on sre anymore.

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

Well, that's unfortunate. I found it very useful

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

They look good, but is there an easy way to look at them post-formatting
or do I have to install the sphinx toolchain myself?

I moved the command-line stuff to json.tool to get around the package

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-04 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

I don't think that makes sense, tool makes it pretty clear that it's
something you use from the command-line rather than a module to import
and call functions from where pp does not.

I'd also rather call it pprint than pp if that were the decision.. EIBTI.

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-03 Thread Bob Ippolito

New submission from Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Attached is the tarball for simplejson 1.9, the proposed version to be
included in the stdlib.

Estimated work remaining:

 * Rename simplejson to json
 * Build simplejson/_speedups.c from Modules/Setup and Windows projects
 * Convert documentation to Python docs
 * Port to Python 3.0

components: Library (Lib)
files: simplejson-1.9.tar.gz
messages: 66176
nosy: bob.ippolito
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.6, Python 3.0
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file10185/simplejson-1.9.tar.gz

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue2750] Add simplejson to Python 2.6/3.0 standard library

2008-05-03 Thread Bob Ippolito

Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

The json package is in brett's branch, integrates with the test suite,
builds the C extension and passes all tests (at least on OS X and Linux
UCS2 and UCS4).

Missing the docs and python 3.0 support still, otherwise things look good.

Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: [Py2exe-users] Re: Getting tired with py2exe

2005-09-20 Thread Bob Ippolito

On Sep 20, 2005, at 5:44 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

 Thomas Heller wrote:

 I'm slowly getting tired maintaining py2exe.  It is far from perfect,
 although it has interesting features (I would say).
 The problem, apart from the work, is that it is good enough for me  
 - I
 can do everything that I need with it.  But I assume I use far less
 libaries than other Python programmers, so a lot of bugs will  
 never bite
 It is also interesting that the recently introduced bundle-files  
 which allows to build single-file exes has gained a lot of interest -
 although the ONLY use case (so far) I have myself for it is to  
 inproc COM servers which will compatible with Python clients (and  
 Python inproc COM servers) because of the total isolation of the  
 Is anyone interested in taking over the maintainance,  
 documentation, and
 further development?
 Should py2exe be integrated into another, larger, package?  Pywin32
 comes to mind, but also Philip Eby's setuptools (that's why I post to
 distutils-sig as well)...

 Ignoring all the philosophical questions I'd like to thank you for  
 all your hard work on py2exe over the years, which has benefited  
 the Windows Python community immeasurably.

I'd like to thank you as well.  Although I'm primarily a Mac OS X  
(and various other *nix-ish things) user myself, I have used py2exe  
on several occasions to package a commercial product and to give  
various one-off applications to clients.

py2exe was also a large inspiration for py2app (which I have been  
neglecting lately).  py2exe (and py2app) currently do everything I  
need them do (albeit with a little prodding), so that's why I've done  
so little with it in the past few months.

I hope that the packager-future will be largely setuptools based and  
that the various platform-specific packagers will share a lot more  
code in the future (setuptools, modulegraph, etc.), making  
maintenance easier and more fun for everyone.  This was my primary  
use case when I was initially discussing the egg spec with PJE back  
around pycon-time (though I have been unfortunately useless  
implementing and evolving it).

Right now, I think the packagers and the packages are at odds,  
because the packagers need metadata that the packages don't provide  
(in a pre-setuptools universe)... so right now users (or the  
packagers) need to know a lot of magic incantations to make the  
various complicated Python packages work, where with setuptools based  
packages the magic incantations are built-in :)



Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: PPC OSX vs. x86 Linux

2005-04-11 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Apr 11, 2005, at 8:00 AM, Joshua Ginsberg wrote:
On Apr 10, 2005, at 4:14 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
On Apr 10, 2005, at 2:46 PM, Joshua Ginsberg wrote:
I writing some python code to do some analysis of my mail logs. I 
took a 10,000 line snippet from them (the files are about 5-6 
million usually) to test my code with. I'm developing it on a 
Powerbook G4 1.2GHz with 1.25GB of RAM and the Apple distributed 
Python* and I tested my code on the 10,000 line snippet. It took 2 
minutes and 10 seconds to process that snippet. Way too slow -- 
I'd be looking at about 20 hours to process a single daily log 

Just for fun, I copied the same code and the same log snippet to a 
dual-proc P3 500MHz machine running Fedora Core 2* with 1GB of RAM 
and tested it there. This machine provides web services and domain 
control for my network, so it's moderately utilized. The same code 
took six seconds to execute.

Granted I've got the GUI and all of that bogging down my Mac. 
However, I had nothing else fighting for CPU cycles and 700MB of 
RAM free when my testing was done. Even still, what would account 
for such a wide, wide, wide variation in the time required to 
process the data file? The code is 90% regular expressions and 
string finds.

* versions are:
Python 2.3 (#1, Sep 13 2003, 00:49:11)
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1495)] on darwin
Python 2.3.3 (#1, May  7 2004, 10:31:40)
[GCC 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)] on linux2
Try it with a newer version of Python on Mac OS X.  I had a similar 
problem, and it turned out to be Python 2.3.0's fault.  
Specifically, the implementation of the datetime module's parser was 
really, really, really stupid and slow in early versions of Python 

Well, I compiled a fresh version of Python 2.3.5 from python.org to 
test the datetime theory... and I'm still getting 150sec execution 
times. :-/ I'm gonna test the string vs. strop now...
Use Python's profiling tools and/or Apple's Shark to see what's slow.