Re: Why Python forbids multiple instances of one module?

2010-07-07 Thread CHEN Guang
 Why Python forbids multiple instances of one module?
 If only Python allows multiple instances of one module, module will
 be enough to replace class in most cases.
 After all, it is much easier to write a module than a class, at least we do
 not have to write self everywhere.

 If you really want to do that, it should be possible by deleting the
 entry from sys.modules and re-importing it.  You save yourself having
 to explicitly write self everywhere, but instead you have to declare
 all your instance variables as globals in each method that uses
 them, which isn't much less of a chore.  You also lose inheritance,
 properties (and descriptors in general), magic method support,
 metaclasses, and pretty much all the other nice features that
 new-style classes have to offer.
Wow, it works! Thanks a lot for the good idea. 
It is cool to write, test, debug and maintain POP codes, while realizing the 
OOP power.
I think inheritance might be simulated with:
from parentModule import *
I really expect for the day when operator overloading and new-style class 
features find their way into module.
Thans again.--

Why Python forbids multiple instances of one module?

2010-07-04 Thread CHEN Guang
Why Python forbids multiple instances of one module?
If only Python allows multiple instances of one module, module will be enough 
to replace class in most cases. 
After all, it is much easier to write a module than a class, at least we do not 
have to write self everywhere.

Re: help req debugging python and c together

2010-04-19 Thread CHEN Guang
I am working in gnuradio compiler. I need some help in debugging python and c 
By this i mean that i have written some blocks in c that are connected 
together using python. So i need to debug
( breakpoints ect ) python such that when a specific c block is called at the 
back end  (in python script ) the 
debugger takes me into the c code and after that switches back to python and 
so on.

Thanks in advance.
PythoidC ( or ) is a C 
language tool for Python, C code and Python code coexist in the same IDE or 
even the same file, thus avoids most of the switches in debugging python and c 

copy some files from IE temporary internet files

2010-04-19 Thread CHEN Guang
Hi friends,
I want to program Python to copy some video files (.flv) from the IE folder 
temporary internet files, but 
os.listdir('C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Local 
Settings\\Temporary Internet Files') 
seemed unable to find any video file (although they really exist and can be 
manually copied with Windows explorer).
I googled and found that temporary internet files is not a normal folder. 
Will any friend tell me how to do this?

Re: getting a string as the return value from a system command

2010-04-17 Thread CHEN Guang
 Catherine Moroney wrote:
 I want to call a system command (such as uname) that returns a string,
 and then store that output in a string variable in my python program.
 What is the recommended/most-concise way of doing this?
 I could always create a temporary file, call the subprocess.Popen
 module with the temporary file as the stdout argument, and then
 re-open that temporary file and read in its contents.  This seems
 to be awfully long way of doing this, and I was wondering about 
 alternate ways of accomplishing this task.
 In pseudocode, I would like to be able to do something like:
 hostinfo = subprocess.Popen(uname -srvi) and have hostinfo
 be a string containing the result of issuing the uname command.
 Thanks for any tips,
 import os
 txt = os.popen(uname -srvi)
 hostinfo = txt.readline()
 Or if the command outputs a number of lines (such as 'ls'),
 use txt.readlines() to put the result into a list of strings.
  -=- Larry -=-
os.popen3()  gives not only result but also error prompt (in case an error or 
warning happens)
stdin,stdout,stderr  =  os.popen3('uname -srvi')
resultText =
errorText =
For more examples of os.popen3() please look at source code of PythoidC 
( or )--

Re: finding objects in a piece of functional code ?

2010-04-11 Thread CHEN Guang
PythoidC ( or ) 
took the similar technique finding objects in a piece of functional C code 
with Python
In the thread Re: braceless and semicolonless, I discussed some details. May 
be of some help. 

- Original Message - 
From: Stef Mientki 
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: finding objects in a piece of functional code ?


I would like to translate some functional description into some standard class 
so it can be used as a basic building brick into a larger piece of code.

Suppose the functional description is:

Name = 'Test_Function'
Out = 3 * In

That's all I would like to write.
So it should be translated into something :

class Test_Function ( basic_buidling_brick ) :
Orginal_Description = 
Name = 'Test_Function'
Out = 3 * In

def Run ( self, Inputs ) :
Output = 3 * Input
return Output

One of the tasks is to find all objects in the functional code.,
so the translator can ask additional information for input/output/memory 
The best I can think of is something like this:

 exec('A=3; B=4; C=A*B; print A,B,C',my)
3 4 12
 for item in my :
...   if item not in my2 :
... print item

But this doesn't work, if I use a not yet definied variable (like In in the 
example above).

Are there better ways ?

Or even better are there programs or libraries that can perfom such a 
translation ?

Stef Mientki

Re: braceless and semicolonless

2010-04-10 Thread CHEN Guang
Hi Peter,
In PythoidC, I handled C header files (and other C files for INCLUDE) with 
Python regular expression (RE).
First, I use the following RE to break C header files or C files into pieces
sepRE=_re.compile(r'\; | \{ | \} | // | /\* | \*/ | \r?\n',_re.VERBOSE)
Then, I carefully designed a loop testing each of the seperaters between 
adjacent pieces
for sep in sepRE.finditer(f0c):
if sg==';':
span0 = ss1
to reassemble several (may be one) consequent pieces into items (a function, a 
struct, a constant ...)
At last I classify the items with some REs like
and arranged the items into Python objects with setattr(...)
You can download and read the source code of PythoidC at 
If you feel PHP not good enough, I'd like to suggest Python ( ). 
Python is really an excellent language, with Python you can program softwares 
for almost any porpose (except for hardware drivers and some software with very 
high requirement of speed, now PythoidC is just the extension for Python in 
such areas ).
Welcome to join the Python mailing list to discuss Python 
techniques, there are many warm-hearted friends willingly to answer almost any 
By the way, I work in China Medical University, Shenyang, northeast China. Will 
you tell me something about youself?
Best Regards,

2010-04-09 22:24:27,Peter West :

Hi Chen, 

My project uses a tree structured linked list to break down PHP into chunks, It 
was necessary because PHP has a lot of syntaxes for strings. Some parts of the 
language like one line comments and heredocs were quite a lot of trouble. How 
have you handled the pre-processor? I briefly considered modifying my project 
for C but the pre-processor's features would be difficult to handle. I'll try 
to find you an example.

What other features would you like to add? In PHP I'm trying to add some useful 
syntaxes such as calling an index of an array without assigning the array to a 
variable e.g. $object-getArray()[0]. Another is instantiating an object and 
using it in the same statement e.g. ($object new Class)-method(). 
Unfortunately PHP is not a very good language and there are only a few things I 
can change about it.


2010/4/9 CHEN Guang

Dear Peter,
I am the developer of PythoidC (braceless and semicolonless C language). I am 
so glad to see your message, just like a message from Voyager 2 spacecraft, 
telling me that I am nolonger alone in the universe! 
My plan is to release new versions of PythoidC from time to time, adding new 
applications and more examples. 
My hope is that our ideal (braceless and semicolonless) will be shared by more 
people in the world, thus lead to the simplification of all computer languages 
(Java, Perl ...)
Let's talk often.



2010-04-09 Thread CHEN Guang
PythoidC ( ) provides some examples and templates for 
writing and importing C modules (.c or .exe) into Python environment, may be of 
some help. 
- Original Message - 
From: omnia neo
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: SIP

On Apr 9, 10:42 am, omnia neo wrote:
 On Apr 9, 10:30 am, Stefan Behnel wrote:

  omnia neo, 09.04.2010 07:01:

   import siptest

   I get following error :
   import error : no module named siptest

  Is the directory where your siptest.dll lies in your PYTHONPATH (sys.path)?

  Otherwise, Python can't find it.


 thanks for reply Stefan..
 well I added PYTHONPATH = my dll path in my environment variables
 (windows XP).

well I just tried this too.
I added the path using sys.path on the fly in my python script as

import sys
sys.path.append(dll path)
print sys.path
import siptest

again same error:
ImportError: No module named siptest.

Re: Loading an imported module (C API)

2010-04-08 Thread CHEN Guang
PythoidC ( provides an easy way for developing 
and importing C modules into Python environment. There are some examples, may 
be of some help to you. 
With PythoidC, Python programmers can write, debug, commpile, C codes all in 
Python IDE, and do not have to tackel the boring braces {} and line-end 
semicolons ; 
PythoidC automatically parses C header files, make corresponding Python 
objects, thus Python programmer can essily introspect into C ... ...
CHEN Guang
- Original Message - 
From: booncw
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 9:58 PM
Subject: Loading an imported module (C API)

 I am running a simulation where the python module has already been
 imported.   Could you please tell me how to load it?
 I've been doing this (importing everytime), but it is too slow:
 pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);

Re:Re: C++ code generation

2010-03-19 Thread CHEN Guang
Plug? Any evidence to say that? As long as this thread concerned, is there any 
answer more closed to the topic C++ code generation than mine? 

I think Stefan was telling you, in a nice way, to stop spamming every thread 
about code generation with a plug for your project. 

2010/3/17 CHEN Guang

 - Original Message -
 From: Dan

 I'm doing some C++ code generation using Python, and would be interested
 in any comments on the approach I'm taking.

 PythoidC ( ) is a C code generator (not C++)
 It would be nice if you could start reading the posts before you answer, 
 and then try to give an answer that fits the question.
I have read the post, may be I lost some words and made you misunderstand. I 
PythoidC ( ) is a C code generator (but not 
C++), if you find it useful, 
welcome to take a look.


Re: C++ code generation

2010-03-18 Thread CHEN Guang
 - Original Message -
 From: Dan

 I'm doing some C++ code generation using Python, and would be interested
 in any comments on the approach I'm taking.

 PythoidC ( ) is a C code generator (not C++)
 It would be nice if you could start reading the posts before you answer, 
 and then try to give an answer that fits the question.
I have read the post, may be I lost some words and made you misunderstand. I 
PythoidC ( ) is a C code generator (but not 
C++), if you find it useful, 
welcome to take a look.--

Re: Python bindings tutorial

2010-03-16 Thread CHEN Guang

 Is there any tutorial how to write a bindings for a exe ( dos)
 I would like to run it from a Python directly
 ( using import command and a particular function from the binding)
 not using os.system command.
An example: PythoidC ( ), look at

Re: C++ code generation

2010-03-16 Thread CHEN Guang
PythoidC ( ) is a C code generator (not C++)
- Original Message - 
From: Dan Goodman
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:00 AM
Subject: C++ code generation

 Hi all,
 I'm doing some C++ code generation using Python, and would be interested 
 in any comments on the approach I'm taking.
 Basically, the problem involves doing some nested loops and executing 
 relatively simple arithmetic code snippets, like:
 for i in xrange(len(X)):
   X[i] += 5
 Actually they're considerably more complicated than this, but this gives 
 the basic idea. One way to get C++ code from this would be to use 
 Cython, but there are two problems with doing that. The first problem is 
 that the arithmetic code snippets are user-specified. What I want to do 
 is generate code, and then compile and run it using Scipy's weave 
 package. The second problem is that I have various different data 
 structures and the C++ code generated needs to be different for the 
 different structures (e.g. sparse or dense matrices).
 So far what I've been doing is writing Python code that writes the C++ 
 code, but in a very non-transparent way. I like the idea of specifying 
 the C++ code using Python syntax, like in Cython. So the idea I came up 
 with was basically to abuse generators and iterators so that when you 
 write something like:
 for x in X:
 it actually outputs some C++ code that looks like:
 for(int i=0; iX_len; i++){
 double x = X[i];
 The ... in the Python code is only executed once because when X is 
 iterated over it only returns one value.
 Here's the example I've written so far (complete code given below):
 # initialisation code
 code = OutputCode()
 evaluate = Evaluator(code)
 X = Array(code, 'values')
 # specification of the C++ loop
 for x in X:
 evaluate('x += 5; x *= 2')
 # and show the output
 print code.code
 It generates the following C++ code:
 for(int values_index=0; values_indexvalues_len; values_index++){
 double values = values_array[values_index];
 values += 5;
 values *= 2;
 OK, so that's an overview of the idea that I have of how to do it. Any 
 comments or suggestions on either the approach or the implementation?
 Below is the complete code I've written for the example above (linewraps 
 aren't perfect but there's only a couple of lines to correct).
 Thanks for any feedback,
 import re, inspect
 # We just use this class to identify certain variables
 class Symbol(str): pass
 # This class is basically just a mutable string
 class OutputCode(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self.code = ''
 def __iadd__(self, code):
 self.code = self.code+code
 return self
 # Iterating over instances of this class generates code
 # for iterating over a C++ array, it yields a single
 # Symbol object, the variable name of the value in the
 # array
 class Array(object):
 def __init__(self, code, name, dtype='double'): = name
 self.dtype = dtype
 self.code = code
 def __iter__(self):
 def f():
 self.code += 'for(int {name}_index=0; 
 {name}_index{name}_len; {name}_index++){{\n'.format(
 self.code += '{dtype} {name} = 
 yield Symbol(
 self.code += '}\n'
 return f()
 # Instances of this class generate C++ code from Python syntax
 # code snippets, replacing variable names that are a Symbol in the
 # namespace with the value of that Symbol.
 class Evaluator(object):
 def __init__(self, code):
 self.code = code
 def __call__(self, code):
 # The set of variables in the code snippet
 vars = re.findall(r'\b(\w+)\b', code)
 # Extract any names from the namespace of the calling frame
 frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
 globals, locals = frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals
 values = {}
 for var in vars:
 if var in locals:
 values[var] = locals[var]
 elif var in globals:
 values[var] = globals[var]
 # Replace any variables whose values are Symbols with their values
 for var, value in values.iteritems():
 if isinstance(value, Symbol):
 code = re.sub(r'\b{var}\b'.format(var=var), str(value), 
 # Turn Python snippets into C++ (just a simplified version for now)
 code = code.replace(';', '\n')
 lines = [line.strip() for line in code.split('\n')]
 code = ''.join(line+';\n' for line in lines)
 self.code += code
 if __name__=='__main__':
 code = OutputCode()
 evaluate = Evaluator(code)
 X = Array(code, 'values')
 for x in X:
 evaluate('x += 5; x *= 2')
 print code.code

RE: python to exe

2010-03-13 Thread CHEN Guang
Does anyone know of a good python to stand alone exe compiler?


I tried several such tools and found the easiest one: Pyinstaller ( )
but it does not make your script faster, if you want it as fast as C language, 
please try PythoidC ( )

Re: file seek is slow

2010-03-12 Thread CHEN Guang
 Metalone wrote:
 I just tried the seek test with Cython.
 Cython fseek() : 1.059 seconds.  30% slower than 'C'
 Python  : 1.458 secondds. 80% slower than 'C'.

 It is amazing to me that Cython generates a 'C' file that is 1478

 PythoidC ( ) generates the shortest 'C' file.
 PythoidC is the C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python.

Except that it's not a language but rather a syntax converter, i.e. it 
doesn't really add any features to the C language but rather restricts 
Python syntax to C language features (plus a bit of header file 
introspection, it seems, but C's preprocessor has a bit of that, too).

PythoidC is a familar language to Python and C programmers, I do not like
waste my time to create unfamilar things to waste users' time studying. 
In fact PythoidC removed some boring features from C language:
1. no semicolon ; at line ends
2. no braces {} , take Pythonic indent region to express code block
PythoidC restricts C syntax to Python language feature, so that 
C language bacomes friendly to Python programmers and Python IDE. 
PythoidC realized introspection not only on header files but also any C files.
The PythoidC introspection will be as good as Python introspection, 
if only the C header file wirters adds more detailed annotation. 
PythoidC is a familar and convenient C language tool for Python programmers and 
mixed programming.
plus, PythoidC is realizable only with Python, it's too far beyond C's 
preprocessor, believe it, or show us. 
CHEN Guang
Convenient C Python mixed programming --- PythoidC ( )

Re: file seek is slow

2010-03-11 Thread CHEN Guang
Metalone wrote:
 I just tried the seek test with Cython.
 Cython fseek() : 1.059 seconds.  30% slower than 'C'
 Python  : 1.458 secondds. 80% slower than 'C'.
 It is amazing to me that Cython generates a 'C' file that is 1478
PythoidC ( ) generates the shortest 'C' file.
PythoidC is the C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python.
CHEN Guang--

RE: How to detect C Function block using python

2010-03-09 Thread CHEN Guang
In the source code of PythoidC ( ), I wrote a 
Parser for C header files with Python regular expression, not only functions 
but also structs macros. May be of some help. 

Hey All, 

I'm new in this community. I am writing a static analyzer for validating C Code 
using python and for that I'm looking for a python module/API that will detect 
Function block of a given C-File. I know simple function can be detected using 
push { and poping it if character } is found. This solution is actually 
done already, I want a robust API that can do more then that like detecting 
Function name parameters its return types etc.


Re: Six Minutes and fourty two seconds

2010-03-09 Thread CHEN Guang
Tobiah wrote:
 Now that I use python, this is the amount of time 
 per day that I spend adding forgotten semicolons while
 debugging other languages.
What compels you to write Python code without semicolons?
Try the C language without semicolons and braces

Re: The C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python--- PythoidC

2010-03-08 Thread CHEN Guang
Dear Stefan, 
Thanks a lot for your interest in PythoidC.
Yes, PythoidC takes regular expression to parse C header files, 
but there is no danger at all, because, the parsed result is only used for 
introspecting and auto-completion, has noting to do with syntax converting and 
I just improved PythoidC to a satisfying version for me, up to now, all the 
with PythoidC are experimental or educational.
PythoidC is mainly used to deal with simple but time consuming tasks in Python 
as you see, PythoidC file can be imported the same any Python files.
Oliver ( ChenGuang )
CHEN Guang, 08.03.2010 06:08:
 Hi, if you are interested in C-Python mixed programming, please take a look 
 PythoidC is the C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python

It looks a bit dangerous to me to parse C header files only with regular 
expressions. For Cython, some people seem to be using gcc-xml instead, and 
some have reported that clang is really nice to play with. However, none of 
those has made its way into Cython yet, mostly due to the dependency it 
would add. I don't know if tcc (which you seem to depend on) has anything 
comparable, but I doubt it.

Just out of curiosity, is this syntax converter actually used for any real 


The C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python --- PythoidC

2010-03-07 Thread CHEN Guang
Hi, if you are interested in C-Python mixed programming, please take a look at:
PythoidC is the C language like the Python, by the Python and for the Python
import c
'''Annotation is free!''' 
int fib(int n): 
return fib(n-1)+ fib(n-2) 
int main(int argc,char**argv): 
int n //C style annotation 
c.stdio.printf('fibonacci(%d)=%d\n', n, fib(n))--