Re: Database intensive application

2007-08-12 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 05:08:26AM -, Rohit wrote:
 I am a novice. I want to know whether Python can be used to develop
 client/server database and web applications like .NET.

 Which is the best book/source to learn Python?



Re: Berkely Db. How to iterate over large number of keys quickly

2007-08-02 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 07:43:58PM -, lazy wrote:
 I have a berkely db and Im using the bsddb module to access it. The Db
 is quite huge (anywhere from 2-30GB). I want to iterate over the keys
 I tried using something basic like
 for key in db.keys()
 but this takes lot of time. I guess Python is trying to get the list
 of all keys first and probbaly keep it in memory. Is there a way to
 avoid this, since I just want to access keys serially.

Does db.iterkeys() work better?



Re: Why PHP is so much more popular for web-development

2007-07-25 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 12:34:08PM -0700, walterbyrd wrote:
 When I posted Python I meant the Python web-developement world. In
 particular, python frameworks, like CherryPy, have requirements that
 are not realistic for most shared hosting plans.

It's true that the requirements are higher than what the old-school
CGI/PHP web hosters offer. But with todays virtual root servers it's
really inexpensive to run such a server. And using frameworks allows you
to control all aspects of the web serving like URL dispatching, error
handling and is probably even faster than PHP because necessary
resources (like database connections) are initalized upon startup of the
web application. PHP and CGIs do this everytime they get called.

 Maybe I'm wrong, but I often get the idea that those  who develop
 python frameworks don't give a thought to the realities of shared
 hosting. They seem to think that everybody has complete control over
 the server. Things are very different in the PHP universe.

Without wanting to sound arrogant: it's my belief that web hosters just
offering htdocs/PHP will probably just be useful for the noob-customers
who have no idea of operating systems but just want their blinking
personal homepage online.

There are good PHP applications and I wouldn't want to give up
phpmyadmin or squirrelmail. But with today's demand for fully
controllable interactive (you will never hear me propagate that bullshit
buzzword Web x.0) web sites a framework seems to be a viable way.
For me PHP has a bitter taste of easy enough for every noob to use it
which makes it the language the most insecure applications are written

 The point is: PHP framework makers are very considerate of the
 realities of shared hosting. Python framework makers don't seem to
 give it a thought. Just maybe, that's something that Python could
 learn from PHP.

Perhaps. But the hosting market changes. And I believe that PHP suits
the simpler applications better. I would point a beginner in web
programming more likely to PHP than torture them with frameworks. It's
just too heavy. OTOH full-featured frameworks are way more complicated
and have eviler requirements but there are hardly any limitation on the
kinds of sites you can power with them.




Re: Lazy for line in f ?

2007-07-22 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sun, Jul 22, 2007 at 09:10:50AM -0700, Alexandre Ferrieux wrote:
 I'm a total newbie in Python, but did give quite a try to the
 documentation before coming here.
 Sorry if I missed the obvious.
 The Tutorial says about the for line in f idiom that it is space-
 Short of further explanation, I interpret this as doesn't read the
 whole file before spitting out lines.

Correct. It reads one line at a time (as an iterator) and returns it.

 In other words, I would say lazy. Which would be a Good Thing, a
 much nicer idiom than the usual while loop calling readline()...

The space-efficiency is similar. The faux pas would rather to read the
whole file with readlines().

 But when I use it on the standard input, be it the tty or a pipe, it
 seems to wait for EOF before yielding the first line.

Standard input is a weird thing in Python. Try sending two EOFs
(Ctrl-D). There is some internal magic with two loops checking for EOF.
It's submitted as a bug report bug the developers denied a solution.
Otherwise it's fine. In a pipe you shouldn't even notice.



Re: A Python newbie ask a simple question

2007-07-13 Thread Christoph Haas
On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 06:35:16PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what does the statement choice = raw_input(prompt)[0] mean? I don't
 know why there is a '[0]' in the statement.

It calls the raw_input function with the argument of prompt. That
function returns a list and you are getting the first ([0]) value from
that list.



Re: web development without using frameworks

2007-06-05 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 03:01:01PM -0400, Chris Stewart wrote:
 I'm interested in learning web based python without the use of fancy 
 that are out there.  I'm having a hard time coming up with resources and
 examples for this.  Does anyone have anything that could be helpful?

I'd say the only decent ways are either using a full-featured framework
(I favor Pylons) or write plain CGIs. Even for the later a look into might be useful (I wouldn't
say that is really a framework - and it's listed there). Or you
write plain-old CGIs with Python's cgi module. I have also started
like that but currently only use frameworks because the cgi module is
pretty limited (compared to what Perl offers) and for serious
applications not really the way to go.

My 2¢



Re: Real globals inside a module

2007-05-13 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 11:41:12AM +0200, Jorgen Bodde wrote:
 I am wrestling with some architecture inside my app. Let's say I have
 a tunings collection, which contains e.g. 23 types of guitar tunings.
 In my song object I want to restore a relation between one of the
 tuning objects inside the tunings module.
 I already figured out I need somethign like a global collection inside
 the tunings module,. but how global is it? When I am inside my app
 object, and import the tunings module, can I access the same global
 class as when I am inside my songs module and load the tunings module?

You are on the right way. If you import the same module a second time in
another place of your application you get access to the exact same data.
That is called a singleton. I often use such a singleton for global
configuration data.

 So basically I want to access the same global list in both modules,
 but not re-create the list in every module since it should be restored
 by the database layer once.

Import your global module and just run the initalisation once. That
should do it.

 Thanks for any advice, I do not want to make a global manager object
 that I need to pass around all the time, that would be silly..

Indeed. That would suck.



Re: N00b question on Py modules

2007-05-07 Thread Christoph Haas
On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 12:00:38AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi. Sorry to sound like a noob but that's what I am when it comes to
 Python. I just wrote the below module and it behaves funny.
 My python module:
 _exitcode = 0
 def setExitCode():
 _exitcode = 1
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 print _exitcode
 print _exitcode
 Actual O/P:
 I expected to see an output of 0 followed by 1. But it turns out that
 the _exitcode variable is not changed at all. It seems that
 setExitCode() might be editing a local copy of the _exitcode variable.
 But then, how do I tell it to change the value of the module variable
 and not its local variable.

_exitcode is a global variable in your program. In functions (def) you
can read global variables. But if you change or reassign them the change
will be only local to the function. If you want to change the global
variable your def needs to be:

def setExitCode():
global _exitcode
_exitcode = 1



Re: More newbie help required with dictionaries

2007-04-16 Thread Christoph Haas
On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 06:43:37AM -0700, loial wrote:
 The following code only returns the last row(22) added to the
 machines dictionary.
 presumably I need some additional syntax to add rows to the dictionary
 rather than overwrite.
 What do I need to add?
 machinekey = 11
 machines = { machinekey:[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] }
 machinekey = 22
 machines = { machinekey:[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] }

You redefine the machines dictionary here. So it just contains one
entry. What you mean:

machines.update({ machinekey:[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] })


machines[machinekey] = [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]



Re: Python editor/IDE on Linux?

2007-04-13 Thread Christoph Haas
On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 11:20:23AM -0700, Jack wrote:
 I wonder what everybody uses for Python editor/IDE on Linux?
 I use PyScripter on Windows, which is very good. Not sure if
 there's something handy like that on Linux. I need to do some
 development work on Linux and the distro I am using is Xubuntu. 

We should do a weekly poll. :) Seriously - this question is coming up
very frequently and everybody has their preference. 

Large list:

My (current) favorite:
pida (exists as a ready package on Debian as derivates like Xubuntu)

pida because it embeds the 'vim' editor which I love and adds useful
features without really getting in my way. And it's the only IDE I found
that supports bazaar-ng (bzr) repositories.



Re: Sharing Objects in Python

2007-03-16 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 16 March 2007 12:41, Clement wrote:
 Can a object sharable by two different python programs... If so can you
 please explain... because my project needs two programs to access nearly
 45GB file Symentaniously...

What kind of information is that? Can you put it into a database?


Re: Multiline code - trailing slash usage

2007-03-15 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 15 March 2007 15:57, abcd wrote:
 When do I need to use a trailing slash to separate code over multiple

 For example:

 x = hello world, this is my multiline  + \

Needed. Although you can omit the +.

 x = {'name' : \

Not needed because you are inside the curly brackets {} and it's clear 
where the statement ends.

 Do I need to use the \ in the above examples?  When do i need to use


Re: Simple question on indexing

2006-12-01 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 01 December 2006 17:21, Tartifola wrote:
 I would like to obtain the position index in a tuple when an IF
 statement is true. Something like

 [ ??? for name in a if name == 'bbb']

What about:

  [ x for x,y in enumerate(a) if y == 'bbb' ]

Or if there is only one element 'bbb':



Pimping the 'cgi' module (was: Re: python gaining popularity according to a study)

2006-11-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 23 November 2006 21:29, robert wrote:
 When a LAMP programmer comes to Python, there are so many different
 confusing things. It starts with a 'non-documented' cgi module - a
 'High-Level-Interface', that cannot even iterate over the form items. A
 name ZOPE in focus which reveals to be a monster system with 2-year
 learning-curve, ready for running an article editorial system for TOP-10
 newspaper companies, but unable to make simple things simple. A handful
 of different Djangos - choose one for each weekday and programmer ...
 And Ruby made it with this single-known simple URL-to-method-router (And
 possibly when coming from PHP  Perl one recognizes ::@$_$%§§%/... and
 the old namespace dirt) If there would have been a good cgi-system and a
 somewhat comfortable advanced URL-to-OO-router (beyond the socket
 wrapper HTTPServer) well exposed in the Python standard lib, the numbers
 would be probably very different today ...

I can fully second that. Coming from Perl and being used to the CGI module 
that is de-facto standard and already doing things much better than 
Python's equivalent my first thought was: Does Python really expect me to 
re-invent the wheel to write basic CGIs? So I started creating 
cookie-based session handlers, form field handling etc.

The reason of my posting it not only to complain though. My Python skills 
are average but I would really like to help contribute some code on this 
topic. I don't know Ruby-on-Rails myself but I have worked with CGIs for 
ten years both in C (yuk) and Perl (Perl=semi-yuk / Perl-CGI=yum) and 
think I know what people coming from Perl expect. And I'm not speaking of 
Zope or Django or huge frameworks. I try to avoid frameworks wherever I 
can (I want to write Python - not Zope or Django). I rather rely on the 
standard library unless it's really saving me time and worth learning 
another language. Are frameworks perhaps even telling that the standard 
library is still lacking in some way?

I'm thinking of features like:
- cookie handling
- cookie-session handling (similar to PHP or Perl's CGI::Session; combined
  with database backends or simple text files)
- handling of form fields (Perl's CGI class can easily redisplay what
  has been entered in the fields when they got submitted through a FORM)
- accessing parameters (honestly I haven't yet understood why I need to use
  .value on FielStorage dictionaries - why isn't it just a plain
- state keeping (storing the contents of all form fields on disk
  to retrieve it later)
- creating form elements easily (option lists for example from
  dictionaries and lists like in Perl)
- creating standard HTML elements (or do you remember how DOCTYPE
  looks without looking it up?)
- handling of file uploads (which is just a recipe on ActivePython
  at the moment)
- controlling HTTP headers (expires, redirections, charset)
- convenience functions e.g. for getting the client IP address without
  needing to read ENV['REMOTE_ADDR']

Well, of course there are modules like 'cgi' or 'cookielib' and others may 
argue that everything is already there. And there is a '' already (I 
assume every CGI programmer has written their own already). But 
can't we come closer to what other scripting languages provide? Something 
common? Can't a simple form-based CGI just be a matter of a dozen lines? 
When it comes to CGIs Python loses its elegance for no reason.

I'm ready to invest work and ideas if anyone else is interested. Perhaps 
some day it makes it into the standard library or at least gives us 
something between the features of the standard library and huge framework 
monsters - something people can be pointed at when starting with Python 
and CGIs. I'll probably do that anyway because my web projects all use 
their own reinvented wheel and I'm losing the overview. And even Perl has 
come that route - it started with a which later became 
the 'CGI' standard module.

Is it just a matter of lacking resources or interest? Even if there is no 
interest I'll probably read man CGI and man CGI::Session again and 
start implementing something nifty for ex-perlies like myself. Hmmm, 
batteries included even for CGI programmers, a man can dream. :)


Re: Email headers and non-ASCII characters

2006-11-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 23 November 2006 16:31, Max M wrote:
 Christoph Haas skrev:
  Hello, everyone...
  I'm trying to send an email to people with non-ASCII characters in
  their names. A recpient's address may look like:
  Jörg Nørgens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My example code:
  def sendmail(sender, recipient, body, subject):
 message = MIMEText(body)
 message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'iso-8859-1')
 message['From'] = Header(sender, 'iso-8859-1')
 message['To'] = Header(recipient, 'iso-8859-1')
 s = smtplib.SMTP()
 s.sendmail(sender, recipient, message.as_string())
  However the Header() method encodes the whole expression in
  However I had expected something like:
  =?utf-8?q?J=C3=B6rg?= =?utf-8?q?_N=C3=B8rgens?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Of course my mail transfer agent is not happy with the first string

 Why offcourse?

Because my MTA doesn't care about MIME. It just transports the email. And 
it expects an email address in ... but doesn't decode =?iso...? strings.

 But it seems that you are passing the Header object a 
 utf-8 encoded string, not a latin-1 encoded.
 You are telling the header the encoding. Not asking it to encode.

Uhm, okay. Let's see:

u'Jörg Nørgens [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.encode('latin-1')

= 'J\xc3\xb6rg N\xc3\xb8rgens [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

So far so good. Now run Header() on it:

= '=?utf-8?b?IkrDtnJnIE7DuHJnZW5zIiA8am9lcmdAbm93aGVyZT4=?='

Still nothing like ... in it and my MTA is unhappy again. What am I 
missing? Doesn't anyone know how mail clients handle that encoding?


Re: Pimping the 'cgi' module

2006-11-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 24 November 2006 13:08, robert wrote:
 well, note, for that they have named it Ruby-On-Rails, so its still the
 language - leveraged. While it is Zope/Django/Ego-on-Python ... ?

If by that you mean that neither Zope nor Django are exactly pythonic I 
think I concur.

 Unless a Guido'ed version of such thing is not _selected_ into the
 stdlib or at least promoted single-mindedly and prominently by far
 before high-tech-but-low-number names like Zope and Django, Python will
 continue to bleed out heavily on numbers vs. Ruby.

Guido seems to have been confused about the rank growth of web based 
frameworks himself. So it's even less likely one of them gets included as 
part of the standard library in finite time.

 First need of course: an update of that cgi module.

Oh, yeah. I just joined the Web SIG and found out that WSGI seems the way 
to go. At a first look it seems horrible if you just want to provide a CGI 
module. But there must be some reason for its existence. :) Looking 
further through my head starts 
to spin. Somehow I sadly feel I would just add another incomplete 
framework to that pile.

I'm especially unsure whether it's good or bad to create another I'm sick 
of the standard library-style module. I've just become a bit less 
confident to actually contribute something useful there. Overwhelming.

 python-dev is fully occupied with top-notch inner life. Of course that
 is the basis. But key issues in libtools were simply forgotten - left
 to a random community.

Which doesn't match the batteries included fuss at all. Of course the 
basis has to be good, too. And there are so many paradigms today that no 
core-python developer can really be expected to provide good standard 
modules for everyone.

 Go for a start. In order to realize that essential batteries in good
 quality within time - even after 10 years now - it is necessary, to hook
 python-dev for even requesting it actively. Just adding to and is not the task. It requires
 some organization and somewhat a selection process in addition to good
 (probably existing) code v0.1xxx material. I think it would not be
 overly complex. Both, a new cgi and possibly included snake rails (vs

Oil is deprecated anyway. :) I'll see if I can find my way into the SIG. 
And - yes - adding another framework will surely not help us out of the 
divergence. The more frameworks there are the more people seem to feel 
urged to say heck, it will be easier to write my own framework than 
evaluate all 30 packages on that page.


Email headers and non-ASCII characters

2006-11-23 Thread Christoph Haas
Hello, everyone...

I'm trying to send an email to people with non-ASCII characters in their 
names. A recpient's address may look like:


My example code:

def sendmail(sender, recipient, body, subject):
   message = MIMEText(body)
   message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'iso-8859-1')
   message['From'] = Header(sender, 'iso-8859-1')
   message['To'] = Header(recipient, 'iso-8859-1')

   s = smtplib.SMTP()
   s.sendmail(sender, recipient, message.as_string())

However the Header() method encodes the whole expression in ISO-8859-1:


However I had expected something like:

=?utf-8?q?J=C3=B6rg?= =?utf-8?q?_N=C3=B8rgens?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Of course my mail transfer agent is not happy with the first string 
although I see that Header() is just doing its job. I'm looking for a way 
though to encode just the non-ASCII parts like any mail client does. Does 
anyone have a recipe on how to do that? Or is there a method in 
the email module of the standard library that does what I need? Or 
should I split by regular expression to extract the email address 
beforehand? Or a list comprehension to just look for non-ASCII character 
and Header() them? Sounds dirty.

Hints welcome.


Re: Email headers and non-ASCII characters

2006-11-23 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 23 November 2006 15:12, I wrote:
 My example code:

 def sendmail(sender, recipient, body, subject):
message = MIMEText(body)
message['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'iso-8859-1')
message['From'] = Header(sender, 'iso-8859-1')
message['To'] = Header(recipient, 'iso-8859-1')

s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(sender, recipient, message.as_string())

Just for completeness - of course I imported the Header methods from here:

from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.Header import Header


Re: web-based SSH

2006-10-25 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wednesday 25 October 2006 11:59, Astan Chee wrote:
 I was looking for a web-based SSH client (something like for some reason it doesnt work..can anyone verify
 this)..does anyone know any other alternative to other websites that
 offer this? If you're gonna scream 'security!security!' well, its for
 testing purposes and the box im ssh-ing into is expandable and
 disposeable Cheers

Perhaps Ajaxterm helps. But how is that connected to Python?


Re: question: script to input data into a webpage and then retrieve the result?

2006-10-22 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 22 October 2006 08:06, mxywp wrote:
 Could someone help me with this or share an example script with me?

 Here is what I want to accomplish:
 (1) input 3 values into 3 boxes on a web page
 (2) there is an authentication code each time you access this page and I
 have to write this code into the fourth box on the same page (3) click
 submit button
 (4) this web page will turn into a page with a table having a value
 calculated from my inputs (5) extract this value into a local file
 (6) repeat the above for 12000 times.

 I would really appreciate it if someone can tell me how to do it using
 python script. I am new to python web programming.

Dark side way:


P.S.: One posting is usually sufficient to get a reply.

Re: Best IDE?

2006-10-17 Thread Christoph Haas
On Saturday 14 October 2006 00:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ahmer wrote:
  What do you guys use?



 Built-in python interpreter so you can do any editor customizations in
 Good multilanguage support (Python, but also C, C++, Java, HTML, XML,
 SQL, and dozens of others)
 Good code navigation via smart tags
 Does intelligent completion of module members, methods, etc
 Python syntax checking on the fly (e.g. typing if a=1: and hitting
 enter flags the error immediately)
 Class browsing support (whatever I'm editing, there's a class menu to
 either pop up to the parent(s), down to children, or jump around
 various methods within the class)
 Automatically show function/method docstrings/leading comments (and
 documentation for standard functions), synopsis in the status bar or
 full text in a popup window if you hit F1
 Configurable project support so for large projects it is smart about
 which parts of the source tree might be relevant to what I'm working on
 right now
 Runs in text-mode or GUI, so I can use the same editor making quick
 edits over ssh that I use in my on-desktop development

 Required a lot of customization to get all of the above

I have browsed many vim plugins. Still I couldn't find everything you gush 
about. I would love to have the comfort of vim with the smartness of 
ipython. Could you give a few pointers to a curious geek with too much 
spare time on how you did all this? I couldn't even get ctags working 


Re: Linting python code...

2006-10-10 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 14:06, Andrew Markebo wrote:
 Are there any python-code linter out there

PyLint (
PyChecker (


Re: Newbie - Stuck

2006-10-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 08 October 2006 14:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The perl version of this code works but not the python version. What am
 I doing wrong?

 message = abc
 password = z12

 scrambled = message ^ password

abc XOR z12? Strings don't have an __xor__ method.

 I also wondered why this errored as well...


 Is it not meant to convert a string to a number?

If you were Python how would you convert abc to a number? :)

Yes, I know Perl makes 0 from anything that doesn't look like a number 
but Python's principle is to never hide errors while Perl makes certain 
assumptions. So Python prefers to complain.


Re: Looping over a list question

2006-10-03 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 03 October 2006 19:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found myself writing:

 for f in [i for i in datafiles if '.txt' in i]:
 print 'Processing datafile %s' % f

 but I was wishing that I could have instead written:

 for f in in datafiles if '.txt' in f:
 print 'Processing datafile %s' % f

What about:

import glob
for filename in glob.glob('*.txt'):
print Processing file, filename


Re: Global module variables as default parameters

2006-09-23 Thread Christoph Haas
Thanks to all who answered.

On Friday 22 September 2006 17:28, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 Christoph Haas wrote:
  globalvar = 0
  def def1():
print globalvar
  def def2(foo=globalvar):
print foo
  Running the script prints 123 and 0. So accessing the
  globalvar in def1() works. But if I try to use the global variable as
  a default parameter in def2() it uses the default 0. What is the
  difference between these two? Are there contexts of default

 Default parameters are evaluated *once* when the ``def`` is executed. 
 So in `def2` the value of `foo` won't be looked up when calling the
 function as it is already bound to the value 0.

Now that you point me to it it's pretty obvious indeed. I always forget 
that the 'def's are executed at load time, too.

Peter/John: in fact I already used a sentinel like you proposed as 
a workaround. So there is just one sensible way to do it. Again.


Global module variables as default parameters

2006-09-22 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, list...

I wondered if it's possible to use global (module) variables as default 
parameters. A simple working example:


globalvar = 123

def test(foo=globalvar):
  print foo


Running this script prints 123. That's what I expected.

Now I'm trying the same thing in a module context. A non-working example:


import TestModule

TestModule.globalvar = 123

globalvar = 0

def def1():
  print globalvar

def def2(foo=globalvar):
  print foo

Running the script prints 123 and 0. So accessing the globalvar 
in def1() works. But if I try to use the global variable as a default 
parameter in def2() it uses the default 0. What is the difference 
between these two? Are there contexts of default parameters?

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Re: : collaborative Python documentation project

2006-09-17 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 17 September 2006 04:31, Brad Allen wrote:
 Here is an idea for improving Python official documentation:

 Provide a tab-based interface for each entry, with the overview/summary
 at the top-level, with a row of tabs underneath:
 1. Official documentation, with commentary posted at the bottom
 (ala Django documentation)
 2. Examples wiki
 3. Source code browser with a folding/docstring mode
 4. Bugs/To-Do

I like your idea. The MySQL documentation site just came up to my mind. 
Users can write comments to articles there. And the documentation team can 
pick them up and include them in the official documentation. What annoys 
me most about the Python documentation is that it may be technically 
complete but a human being will never figure out how to solve the puzzle 
of 50 class methods without getting a proper example. It's like showing 
some non computer scientists a syntax diagram to get them started with 

For today I plan to check out the SVN repository containing the official 
Python documentation and see how well I can contribute. But since many 
people are probably good Python programmers but less good in maintaining 
complex documentation structures (especially in LaTeX) it might help to 
allow more direct contributions. Ubuntu's Launchpad for example contains a 
component where anyone can help translate docstrings for Debian/Ubuntu 
packages. No more knowledge needed.

At least it doesn't appeal to me if Python's documentation team says just 
open up a bug report on sourceforge - we will deal with the rest. Perhaps 
this is a decent approach considering the quality of contributions. I 
can't tell.


Re: : collaborative Python documentation project

2006-09-16 Thread Christoph Haas
On Saturday 16 September 2006 19:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a bit disapointed with the current Python online documentation. I
 have read many messages of people complaining about the documentation,
 it's lack of examples and the use of complicated sentences that you
 need to read 10 times before understanding what it means.

 That's why I have started a collaborative project to make a user
 contributed Python documentation. The wiki is online here:

 This is a fresh new website, so there's not much on it, but I hope to
 make it grow quickly. Help and contributions are welcome; Please
 register and start posting your own documentation on it.

I like your enthusiasm but it appears that what you plan is similar to the 
Python Quick Reference at

I second that the Python documentation is lacking. There is no software 
that is adequately documented anyway. Show me a man page of a Perl module 
and it takes me minutes to use it. The same in Python often means Google 
to find some examples on how to use a module. Many parts of the standard 
library are badly documented IMHO. There is often no way to know how to 
use a certain module without looking at its source. But why don't you and 
I rather provide patches to the current documentation rather than writing 
yet another incomplete resource. IMHO should be completed. And 
at least you motivated me to look for ways to contribute to :)


Re: newbie question about import tools

2006-08-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 20 August 2006 21:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have just downloas python and trying to import tools module

 C:\Documents and Settings\totopython
 Python 2.4.3 (#69, Mar 29 2006, 17:35:34) [MSC v
 Type help, copyright, credits or license

  import tools

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ImportError: No module named tools

  import os
  print os

 module 'os' from 'C:\Python24\lib\os.pyc'

  import code
  print code

 module 'code' from 'C:\Python24\lib\'

 do i need to download tools.pyc ?

There is no such thing as tools in the standard library 
( Why do you expect 
something like that?


Re: CGI script running not completely in HTML

2006-08-17 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 17 August 2006 21:50, Yong Wang wrote:
 I have written a python CGI script to run in html web page. When I
 access to the html page, it only runs part of the script, then abort
 because the late part of the script is involved in database access, it
 is slow. I wonder whether there is a way to control html running speed
 so that it can wait for CGI script to complete execution, then write the
 results to html page ?

You could use

 output = ''
 output += 'Something else to print'

instead of

 print 'Something else to print'

And finally use

 print output

Or to use that more efficiently use a list of strings and append to that 
list. That's probably faster than creating another immutable string time 
and again. And finally you just ' '.join(outputlist) and print that.


Re: Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-04 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 04 August 2006 15:23, Amit Khemka wrote:
 Though some sugggested maintaining data in some XML structures, I was
 wondering that
 if you considered using some native XML database like BDB XML.

 1. It allows you to retain hierarchical structure of data.
 2. It also has support for precompiled queries.
 3. You can open a persistent connection.

Also an interesting approach. Unfortunately my XML knowledge is limited to 
some basic DocBook/XML. And actually I don't understand why XML is such a 
hype. Parsing and handling of XML files is slow and IMHO ugly. At least 
when compared to DBMSs. The only drawback of DBMSs is the relational 
design. Otherwise it's simple and lightning fast.

But I have bookmarked an XQuery tutorial already and will see whether I 
enjoy playing with it. Thanks for the pointer.


Re: Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wednesday 02 August 2006 22:24, Christoph Haas wrote:
 I have written an application in Perl some time ago (I was young and
 needed the money) that parses multiple large text files containing
 nested data structures and allows the user to run quick queries on the
 data. [...]

I suppose my former posting was too long and concrete. So allow me to try 
it in a different way. :)

The situation is that I have input data that take ~1 minute to parse while 
the users need to run queries on that within seconds. I can think of two 

(1) Database
(very quick, but the input data is deeply nested and it would be
 ugly to convert it into some relational shape for the database)
(2) cPickle
(Read the data every now and then, parse it, write the nested Python
 data structure into a pickled file. The let the other application
 that does the queries unpickle the variable and use it time and

So the question is: would you rather force the data into a relational 
database and write object-relational wrappers around it? Or would you 
pickle it and load it later and work on the data? The latter application 
is currently a CGI. I'm open to whatever. :)

Thanks for any enlightenment.


Re: Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 03 August 2006 17:40, jay graves wrote:
 Christoph Haas wrote:
  The situation is that I have input data that take ~1 minute to parse
  while the users need to run queries on that within seconds. I can
  think of two ways:

 What is the raw data size?

The file containing the objects is 2.3 MB. The rules that I parse are 3.8 
MB. Both files contain different objects and properties/settings of each 
objects one per line.

 Are there any effciencies to be gained in the parsing code?

The currently working application is still Perl. I have started to rewrite 
the parser in Python. However an import of the objects alone takes ~5 
seconds. The rules probably take at least as long. I'm already using 
regular expressions very rarely and try to make it as efficient as 
possible (without implementing parts in C).

  (1) Database
  (very quick, but the input data is deeply nested and it would be
   ugly to convert it into some relational shape for the database)

 Depending on your tolerance for this ugliness.  You could use a SQLite
 'memory' database.  _Might_ be faster than the PostgreSQL but you can't
 tell until you profile it.

The current application uses PostgreSQL and parsing all the data and moving 
them into the database takes ~30 seconds at the moment. Since that's done 
every 5 minutes in the background nobody has to wait for it.

  (2) cPickle
  (Read the data every now and then, parse it, write the nested
  Python data structure into a pickled file. The let the other
  application that does the queries unpickle the variable and use it
  time and again.)

 How hard would it be to create this nested structure?

Not hard. Instead of doing INSERT INTO I would add values to a dictionary 
or list. That's even simpler.

 I've found 
 pickling really large data structures doesn't really save a huge amount
 of time when reloading them from disk but YMMV and you would have to
 profile it to know for sure.

Okay, that takes a bit of pickle's magic away. :)

  So the question is: would you rather force the data into a relational
  database and write object-relational wrappers around it? Or would you
  pickle it and load it later and work on the data? The latter
  application is currently a CGI. I'm open to whatever. :)

 Convert your CGI to a persistant python webserver  (I use CherryPy but
 you can pick whatever works for you.) and store the nested data
 structure globally.  Reload/Reparse as necessary.  It saves the
 pickle/unpickle step.

Up to now I have just used CGI. But that doesn't stop me from looking at 
other web frameworks. However the reparsing as necessary makes a quick 
query take 10-30 seconds. And my users usually query the database just 
once every now and then and expect to have little delay. That time is not 
very user-friendly.

It makes me feel bad to (ab)use PostgreSQL for just throw-away data. The 
database would just be needed for the persistance. It's not even needed 
for querying the data because it shows that SQL is not mighty enough for 
the kind of queries I need. That's where I thought that some other 
persistant storage would come handy. Up to now my mind just knew the 
equation persistence==database.


Re: Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 03 August 2006 17:45, hiaips wrote:

 Several possibilities come to mind...

 From your description, maybe something like Postgres, MySql, or sqlite
 would not be the best option. (However, I'm wondering what your query
 requirements are

Imagine this example firewall rule:

| Source  | Destination  | Service  | Action  |
|| | tcp/22   | allow   |
| group_internal  |  | tcp/23   | |
| |  |  | |
| |  |  | |

Where e.g. group_internal is a group consisting of several IPs. And
'' is a range of IP addresses. SQL doesn't really know 
such criteria (although a network match is possible with 
PostgreSQL's inet data type). So I would probably need to read the rule 
from the database and for each type (IP, network, group, IP range) run 
some subroutine to determine whether a searched for IP address is part of 

 -- for example, if you really need the power of SQL, 
 maybe you should just bite the bullet and map to an RDBMS schema, as
 painful as that may be.

That's how I do it now (in the old Perl program). I don't allow IP ranges 
and expand the groups (like group_internal) to all the members contained 
within. Here the optimization lies in the database but it's just doing the 
easy parts and not supporting the hard parts (e.g. IP ranges).

 A couple of other possibilities:
 1. What about storing your data in XML and using XQuery to facilitate
 queries? If your data is deeply nested, as you say, this may be a good

I assume that XQuery can't to weird queries like IP ranges, or can it?

  2. What about storing your data in the same syntax as a Python
 dictionary? Is that possibile? (If it is, then your data *is* your
 code, and you don't have to worry about parsing it.)

Oh, yes, that's perfect. Perhaps a bit slower because I do the query code 
myself. But I would like that. Just how do I keep the dictionary somewhere 
on disk so that another process can use it?

Thanks for the ideas.


Re: Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 03 August 2006 19:54, hiaips wrote:
 Well, if you format the data as a Python dictionary and give the data
 file a .py extension, it becomes a Python module that you can load and
 reload dynamically. That's sort of what I was thinking.

Ah, okay. You mean like just using expr() on the object and writing that to 
a file. I had expected pickling to be more efficient in that case.


Running queries on large data structure

2006-08-02 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, list...

I have written an application in Perl some time ago (I was young and needed 
the money) that parses multiple large text files containing nested data 
structures and allows the user to run quick queries on the data.
(For the firewall admins among you: it's a parser and web-based query tool 
for CheckPoint firewall rulebases. The user can search for source and 
destination IPs and get the matching rules.)

The current application consists of two parts:

(1) An importing process that reads and parses the large text files and
writes the data in different PostgreSQL tables.
(2) A web (CGI) interface that allows the user to query the collected
data from the PostgreSQL database by different criteria.
(I don't like PostgreSQL much due to the lack of decent tools like
phpmyadmin. Pgadmin3 and Phppgadmin don't give me the feeling that
I control the database. More the other way round. But PostgreSQL
has a nice 'inet' data type that allows for quick matches in tables
of IP addresses and networks.)

However the information in the (relational) database was stored in a 
horribily artificial way. The SQL query is a 20-line monster with UNIONs 
and LEFT JOINs and negations. It's lightning fast (0.5 seconds to search 
over a 500 set consisting of complex rules) but neither the source code 
nor the database is easy to handle any more. And I'd like to have more 
flexibility in the kind of queries I run. So I'd like to trade the good 
speed by some readability and a simpler - more object-oriented - data 

I'm currently thinking of different ways to handle that but would like to 
get some opinions about that:

(a) See what sqlalchemy can do for me to handle the object-relational
transformation and basically stay with PostgreSQL.
(b) Parse the input files into one large nested Python data structure.
Then write this structure to a file using marshal or repr.
Then I have a very clean source code like
for rule in rules:
   for src in sources:
   if searched_for_src == src...
(c) ...?

What makes PostgreSQL less suited is the fact that CheckPoint rule bases 
can contain several complex objects:
- Hosts (easy, they are just one IP address and can easily be compared)
- Networks (nearly as easy - just see if the IP is part of the network)
- Groups (slightly harder; can even be nested and contain other groups
  and hosts or networks)
- IP ranges (; not easy to parse either)

I would even like to allow the users more complex queries like multiple 
search conditions. The query would be something like show me all matching
firewall rules where matches the source column and
matches the destination column OR any rule where the group 'internal hosts' 
is mentioned in the destination column. It sounds like a database is the 
right job. But somehow a database is also not flexible enough. And the 
data is small enough (1 MB probably) that it can be read into memory.

What do you think would be the right tool for the job? Thanks for sharing 
your thoughts.


Re: Python to log into web site

2006-07-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 18 July 2006 17:46, david brochu jr wrote:
 I have been browsing around the net looking for a way (hopefully an
 easily implemented module) to log into a web site using python. The site
 I wish to log into is an internal site which requires email address and
 password for authentication. Does anyone have any suggestions or links
 that might point me in the right direction?

Is perhaps something for you?

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Re: MySQLdb and dictcursor

2006-07-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 24 July 2006 14:06, borris wrote:
 doesn anyone know a good reference, tute or examples of
 MySQLdb's dictCursor
 I want to pass dictionaries into the sql exec statements.
 I could only succeed with text as values

A german linux magazin has an article about passing a *list* of items at

For those who don't understand german here comes an example on how to pass 

cursor.execute(INSERT INTO Adressen (Name, Strasse, PLZ, Ort)
  VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s),
   [ ('Dr. Hans Mustermann', 'Musterstraße 13', 50823, 'Köln'),
 ('Peter Lustig', 'Im Bauwagen 2', 50827, 'Porz'),
 ('Edmund Stoiber', 'Spendensumpf 1', 47011, 'Bimbesdorf'),
 ('Onkel Hotte', 'Im Siff 42', 57072, 'Siegen'),
 ('Gerhard Schröder', 'Großmaulweg 2', 11901, 'Worthülsen') ]

However the DictCursor is helpful for *returning* dictionaries of values 
instead of just tuples. I always use DictCursor because it makes it 
clearer which rows I want to access in the result. But DictCursor can't 
pass dictionaries in a cursor.execute AFAIKT.

But with dict.iteritems that shouldn't be hard to send dictionary items to 
the SQL database in a loop either.

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sys.stdin and two CTRL-Ds

2006-07-01 Thread Christoph Haas

I encountered a problem that - according to my google search - other
people have found, too. Example code:

import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
   print line

Running this code in Python 2.3 or 2.4 has the problem that I need to
send two EOFs (Ctrl-D) to break out of that loop.

Use case is a piped Python script that I run as a CustomLog pipe for
an Apache web server. I want to run all the log output through that pipe
but haven't had much luck. First it takes ages until the script
processes the input (even though I ran Python with -u to make it
unbuffered) and then the script needs one EOF to do something with the
input and a second EOF to break out of the loop.

Is this a bug? I'm close to write a Perl script for this case. :(


Re: Correctly reading stdout/stderr from subprocess

2006-06-15 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 10:37:18AM +0200, Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Mercredi 14 Juin 2006 19:56, Christoph Haas a écrit :
  Quite interesting. I dived into /usr/lib/python2.4/ and
  found out that the communicate() method actually works similarly. I
  might even prefer your version 
 You should'nt IMO, the former 'run2' was quite short compared to this one. 
 Also Popen.communicate is maintained by experienced folks, your function 
 (mine in this case :) ) is not. This is just more job.

Indeed. Still it's interesting to see that your solution was similar.

  because I get the returncode from 
  run.wait() what communicate() does not.
 What the problem with getting it from an attribute (returncode) ?

communicate() does not return it.


Re: Logging to a file and closing it again properly (logging module)

2006-06-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 12:29:22PM +0530, Amit Khemka wrote:
 On 6/13/06, Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an application that is running in an endless loop processing an
 incoming queue. Every run is supposed to write a log file about the run
 and then close it again. While the 'logging' module is generally working
 well (even though the documentation makes me miss some proper examples
 how everything works together) I can't seem to close the log file again
 to open a new one.
 This is basically what I'm doing:
 log = logging.getLogger(myapplication)
 Now I'm missing a way to tell this handler to go away. Through 'ipython'
 I found out there is a log.handlers array that contains all the
 handlers. Perhaps I could delete all of them but I'm sure there is a
 more proper way to close files again.
 Googling found me:
  . logging._handlers.clear()
  . logging.root.handlers = []
  . for l in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.values():
  . l.handlers = []
 You can close the logger by just removing the handler from the logging 
 # first creater a logger and file handler
 fooLogger = logging.getLogger('FOO')
 fl = logging.FileHandler('foo.txt)
 # remove the handler once you are done

Thanks. That works great. I was looking for a way to close the log file
using logging.basicConfig but it appears that it's too much magic.
logging.getLogger() isn't really much more work but gives better


Re: Correctly reading stdout/stderr from subprocess

2006-06-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 03:56:16PM +0200, Maric Michaud wrote:
 I did it just to validate my point and because i don't use threads very often 
 in python, some exercises can't hurt :)
Since you are familiar with threads I believe that my excercises are a
tad bit more low-level compared to yours. :)

 def run(command):
import subprocess
run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
# Wait for the process to return
import thread, threading
out, err = [], []
out_ended, err_ended = threading.Event(), threading.Event()
def getOutput(output, lines, ended_event) :
for i in output.readlines() : lines.append(i.rstrip('\n'))
out_thread = thread.start_new_thread(getOutput, (run.stdout, out, 
err_thread = thread.start_new_thread(getOutput, (run.stderr, err, 
returncode = run.wait()
return returncode, out, err

Quite interesting. I dived into /usr/lib/python2.4/ and
found out that the communicate() method actually works similarly. I
might even prefer your version because I get the returncode from
run.wait() what communicate() does not.

Great work. Thanks for your time.



Correctly reading stdout/stderr from subprocess

2006-06-13 Thread Christoph Haas

I'm having trouble with running a process through Python 2.4's
subprocess module. Example code:

def run(command):
   run = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 

   # Wait for the process to return
   returncode = run.wait()
   stdout = run.stdout.readlines()
   stderr = run.stderr.readlines()

   # Strip newlines at the end of each line
   stdout = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in stdout]
   stderr = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in stderr]

   return returncode,stdout,stderr

Unfortunately this def fails when it runs programs that do a lot of
output. I believe this problem has also been described in Bug #1162428.
It says: You must read away the data before wait() on the process.
Easier said than done. If I put the readlines() call before the
run.wait() then the process hangs, too, waiting for further lines.

Then I read about the communicate() call which handles both
stdout/stderr reading and also waiting for the process to end.
Unfortunately it returned the output char-wise instead of line-wise. I
could certainly re-join the lines. But somehow I feel I'm missing
something simple.

Any ideas?



Logging to a file and closing it again properly (logging module)

2006-06-12 Thread Christoph Haas

I have an application that is running in an endless loop processing an
incoming queue. Every run is supposed to write a log file about the run
and then close it again. While the 'logging' module is generally working
well (even though the documentation makes me miss some proper examples
how everything works together) I can't seem to close the log file again
to open a new one.

This is basically what I'm doing:

log = logging.getLogger(myapplication)

Now I'm missing a way to tell this handler to go away. Through 'ipython'
I found out there is a log.handlers array that contains all the
handlers. Perhaps I could delete all of them but I'm sure there is a
more proper way to close files again.

Googling found me:

 . logging._handlers.clear()
 . logging.root.handlers = []
 . for l in logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict.values():
 . l.handlers = [] 

But this looks really really ugly. I don't like to mess with the gears
in the 'logging' module.



Re: Save data to a file thru a http connection

2006-05-31 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 11:37:47AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to python. I read an example here about how to fetch data thru
 a HTTP connection:,
 My question is how can i save the data to a file after reading it from
 a http connection.

Usually HTTP is read-only. There are extensions like WebDAV though that
may do what you need. Google for python webdav and see how far you get.


Re: Save data to a file thru a http connection

2006-05-31 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 08:58:53PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
 On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 11:37:47AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am new to python. I read an example here about how to fetch data thru
  a HTTP connection:,
  My question is how can i save the data to a file after reading it from
  a http connection.
 Usually HTTP is read-only. There are extensions like WebDAV though that
 may do what you need. Google for python webdav and see how far you get.

Misunderstanding on my side. Ignore me. :)



Re: Sorting of list containing tuples

2006-05-18 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 12:38:55PM -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:
 Ronny Mandal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  And now I want to sort l reverse by the second element in the tuple,
  i.e the result should ideally be:
   l = [(6,5),(2,3),(3,2)]
 sorted(l, key = lambda a: -a[1])

Or in Python 2.4:

l.sort(lambda x,y: x[1]-y[1])

(Although that's not technically perfect. Sort expect a function that
returns -1, 0 or 1. Here we get positive integers and negative
integers. YMMV.)


Re: Sorting of list containing tuples

2006-05-18 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 09:52:39PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
 On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 12:38:55PM -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:
  Ronny Mandal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   And now I want to sort l reverse by the second element in the tuple,
   i.e the result should ideally be:
l = [(6,5),(2,3),(3,2)]
  sorted(l, key = lambda a: -a[1])
 Or in Python 2.4:
 l.sort(lambda x,y: x[1]-y[1])
 (Although that's not technically perfect. Sort expect a function that
 returns -1, 0 or 1. Here we get positive integers and negative
 integers. YMMV.)

Crap... why do I always forget about cmp()? :)

This should be it:

l.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))



Re: installing numpy

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 09:03:31PM +1000, Gary Wessle wrote:
 I am trying to install NumPy in my debian/testing linux
 with no numpy for debian/testing, I am left alone, since the
 experimental version available by debian will result in a dependency

What about python-numeric? Found through apt-cache search numpy.

Please reply to the list - not to me personally. Personal replies are ignored.

Re: installing numpy

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 09:43:50PM +1000, Gary Wessle wrote:
 Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 09:03:31PM +1000, Gary Wessle wrote:
   I am trying to install NumPy in my debian/testing linux
   with no numpy for debian/testing, I am left alone, since the
   experimental version available by debian will result in a dependency
  What about python-numeric? Found through apt-cache search numpy.
 is no longer maintained, notice my previous post titled Numerical
 Python Tutorial errors

Are you sure? The last update of the Debian package was slightly over a
month ago (

And the description text reads:

Description: Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python
 The Numeric Extensions to Python (NumPy) ...

And finally the /usr/share/doc/python-numeric/copyright.Debian reads:
It was downloaded from;


P.S.: Your mail client seems break the references. Your reply doesn't show
  up as a proper followup to my posting.
Please reply to the list - not to me personally. Personal replies are ignored.

Re: installing numpy

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
(Replying to my own posting... how I hate that...)

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 02:07:15PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
 On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 09:43:50PM +1000, Gary Wessle wrote:
  Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 09:03:31PM +1000, Gary Wessle wrote:
I am trying to install NumPy in my debian/testing linux

with no numpy for debian/testing, I am left alone, since the
experimental version available by debian will result in a dependency
   What about python-numeric? Found through apt-cache search numpy.
  is no longer maintained, notice my previous post titled Numerical
  Python Tutorial errors
 Are you sure? The last update of the Debian package was slightly over a
 month ago (

Yes, you are right. python-numeric refers to NumPy but contains the
Numeric version of it (24-2). It's pretty misleading.

I'll ask the package maintainer about the status of python-numpy in Debian
and hopefully come back with news.

Please reply to the list - not to me personally. Personal replies are ignored.

Re: multiline strings and proper indentation/alignment

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 05:38:52PM +, John Salerno wrote:
 How do you make a single string span multiple lines, but also allow 
 yourself to indent the second (third, etc.) lines so that it lines up 
 where you want it, without causing the newlines and tabs or spaces to be 
 added to the string as well?
 Example (pretend this is all on one line):
 self.DTD = '!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 
 I want it to read:
 self.DTD = '''!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\n;\n\n'''
 Or anything like that, but I don't want the extra newline or tabs to be 
 a part of the string when it's printed.

My favorite way:

self.DTD = '''!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN '''


Re: How to recast integer to a string

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 12:17:34PM -0700, James wrote:
 How to recast an integer to a string?
 something like
 n = 5
 str = str + char(n)



Re: How to recast integer to a string

2006-05-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 12:34:05PM -0700, James wrote:
 Christoph Haas wrote:
  On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 12:17:34PM -0700, James wrote:
   How to recast an integer to a string?
   something like
   n = 5
   str = str + char(n)
 In python2,4, I 've got
 TypeError: 'str' object is not callable 

What I meant was:

string_from_number = str(n)


Global utility module/package

2006-05-08 Thread Christoph Haas

I'm currently working on a larger Python project that consists of multiple
programs and packages. As I need a few utility functions time and again I
moved them all into a Utility package and created a class there. Like this:

class Util:
   def __init__(self, debugFlag=False, vibranceLevel='good'):
  self.debugFlag = debugFlag
  self.vibranceLevel = vibranceLevel

   def function1(self):
  do this
  do that

import Util
util = Util.Util()

def some_function():
   global util

However this feels like I'm abusing classes because I don't really need
several instances of an object. I just need one instance. Even worse is
that I'm starting to use global util to get access to the alibi
instance I created. (I'm not sure whether I could even omit it due to
scoping rules.)

As I know that importing packages from multiple modules always keeps it a
singleton I thought of something like this:

debugFlag = False
vibranceLevel = 'good'

def function1():
   global debugFlag
   print debugFlag

import Util
Util.debugFlag = True

def doThis():

Here I don't use classes any longer. Good. But to access the package
variables I probably need to use global again which just moved the
ugliness to another position.

What would be a good practice here? All I want is a utility package that I
can import from everywhere (as a singleton) and that I can use even in
subroutines (def) without needing to write global here. (The global
could probably even be omitted because unless I define a variable in a
def scope the global variable should be visible.)

Please enlighten me. :)


P.S.: Code parts untested. More a schema than something that would actually run.
Please reply to the list - not to me personally.

Re: Python for Perl programmers

2006-05-05 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 12:02:52PM -0400, A.M wrote:
 Is there any efficient online resource or book that help experienced Perl 
 programmers to Python?

I've been using Perl for a decade and had a hard start into Python. Mainly
because I used those phrasebooks and tried to convert my Perl syntax
statement-by-statement. However Python doesn't just have another syntax but
also other concepts. It's worth working yourself through the diveintopython
tutorial. Or if you want to spend money I strongly recommend the book
Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional (ISBN 159059519X) because
you learn a lot about daily problems and gotchas, too.

Besides from the I'm cool because I'm the only one who can read my code
factor that Perl delivers Python has everything you need. :)


Re: Active Directory Authentication

2006-05-05 Thread Christoph Haas
On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 05:39:08AM -0700, D wrote:
 Is it possible to have Python authenticate with Active Directory?
 Specifically what I'd like to do is have a user enter a
 username/password, then have Python check the credentials with AD - if
 what they entered is valid, for example, it returns a 1, otherwise a
 0..  Thanks!

Can't you query the AD through LDAP? Then might help.


Re: Best IDE for Python?

2006-05-05 Thread Christoph Haas
On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 04:50:11PM +0100, Doug Bromley wrote:
 I have a Python IDE review I did a few months back you may want to view:

Sounds interesting. Could you fix the screenshots? I just get a 404 here.


P.S.: [Rant about TOFU posting suppressed.]

Re: Writing files on server through CGI

2006-04-09 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 12:35:21AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a CGI script on server which process a form and writes its
 content on a file like
 fp = open(fname, 'w')
 Its working fine, but will it work if the script recieves thousands of
 request simultaneously.

I assume that's a question. No, it won't. If you open a file for writing no
other program can write to it.

 Can this script writes files simultaneusly or will all the request
 queued and processed one by one.

Sorry, no. What is your intent? Usually you either have CGIs that output
HTML directly or scripts that update an HTML file. But CGIs that write to a
HTML file... that looks pretty uncommon.

Don't worry about updating a static HTML file though. If you are using
a decent web server like Apache it will have the file cached and try to
read it once you are done changing it. But don't use CGIs for that.

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Re: a somewhat off-topic question about linux

2006-03-25 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 03:09:53PM -0500, John Salerno wrote:
 I'm interested in trying out Linux, probably Ubuntu, but I was wondering 
 which distribution you guys like to use (because it's a pain trying to 
 decide!) and you guys are smart.

We had this discussion a couple of time during the last months already. :)
I believe the most frequently recommended distribution was Ubuntu (or
Debian which Ubuntu is based upon).

 And to keep it Python related, I'll also ask, is there anything special 
 I need to know about using Python on Linux? Do any things change, or can 
 it be used just as I use it on Windows?

Some issues are platform-dependant. You will not be able to read the
registry or start a Microdoze-based program of course. Otherwise most parts
of Python are working the same way unless the documentation tells otherwise
in certain details.

 (Hoping to prevent a huge thread discussing pros/cons of distributions)
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Re: nested for loops

2006-03-21 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 09:54:21PM +, John Salerno wrote:
 Can someone tell me why 'n' in this example isn't 2?
   for n in range(2, 10):
   for x in range(2, n):
   print 'x =', x, 'n =', n
 x = 2 n = 3

Assume n=2. Then the first inner loop will run in a range(2,2) which is an
empty list. So nothing will happen.

Next outer loop: n=3...

Actually n becomes 2. But you don't do anything with it. :)

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Re: No more then 1 Instance of Application..

2006-03-13 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 13 March 2006 18:31, Math wrote:
 Does anybody know what I have to do to run only 1 instance of my Python
 How do I check if I'm running more instances of a Application?

I would use lockfiles for that purpose. Like this:

I'm surprised that this is not in the standard library.

If you are not familiar with lockfiles:

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Re: Class attributes newbie question (before I join a cargocult)

2006-03-12 Thread Christoph Haas
Am Sonntag, 12. März 2006 19:36 schrieb EP:
 This is likely a stupid question, but I am confused about what is going
 on with class attributes as far as whether they stick.  I ran across
 this in a program I am writing, but have reproduced the behavoir below
 - can someone point me in the right direction (thanks):

 class AttStickiness(object):
 def __init__(self, myname=, mysex=):

   ^--- sex

 def changeSex(self, newsex=):

   ^--- mysex

You are not altering the same attribute.

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Re: inserting into a list

2006-03-07 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 07 March 2006 16:18, John Salerno wrote:
 Let me apologize in advance for what I'm sure is an achingly simple
 question, but I just can't find the answer in either of my Python books.
 I've tried a few tests with the interactive prompt, but they don't work

 All I'm trying to do is insert an item into a list, like so:

 L = [1, 2, 4]

 and I want to insert the integer 3 into the position L[2], so that the
 list reads [1, 2, 3, 4]





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Re: python newbie question

2006-02-26 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 26 February 2006 22:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to python, can you please tell me how can I convert my python
 script into an executable on linux?
 i.e. instead of typing 'python abc', I just need to do
 ' abc'?

Use the shebang syntax. Use this as a first line in your script:


Some people rather prefer an env approach.

Remember to make your script executable (chmod +x scriptname).

 and how can I get the input argument from my script , in my example,
 how can I read 'abc'?

import sys
print sys.argv[1]

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Re: Open Relay Test

2006-02-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 17 February 2006 05:31, D wrote:
 Hi all .. how could one test to see if an open relay exists on a
 specific email server?

My simple favorite... run:


from the mail server in question (and be patient).

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Re: preserving POST data

2006-02-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 16 February 2006 22:35, Steve Young wrote:
 Lets say that I'm filling out a form and the information gets sent to 
 another server first for some processing(before the one that it 
 should go to). But from there, I want that intermediate server to be 
 able to preserve this POST data using python so it can still retrieve 
 the page that was originally requested (with some modifications from 
 the intermediate server). Is there a way to do this with python?

That's less a python-specific question. The general solution is to store 
the information on your server and remember who the user was. Many web 
programmers use a cookie based authentication/identification with a 
database backend. Which means:

- User comes to your website
- You send the user a cookie
- You create an entry in your database with that cookie
- User enters data
- You add the data to the database (referring to the cookie)
- User comes back later
- You can look up the data in your database according to the user's cookie

I use that scheme in a more complex way for cookie based authentication 

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Re: simple perl program in python gives errors

2006-01-30 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 30 January 2006 17:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a little annoyed at why such a simple program in Perl  is causing
 so much difficulty for python, i.e:

 $a += 20 * 14;

 print $a;

a = 0
a += 20 * 14
print a

Seems to be more a problem for you than for Python.


P.S.: Xah, is that you?
P.P.S.: You should have told what's going wrong.
P.P.P.S.: Variables are not automatically initialised in Python.
  And you shouldn't even rely on that in Perl.
Never trust a system administrator who wears a tie and suit.

Re: Dynamic website content

2006-01-21 Thread Christoph Haas
On Saturday 21 January 2006 20:42, sophie_newbie wrote:
 To give you a better explaination of what I want, you could visit

 Type in 123456 as the patent number, you see what it does? It tells the
 user that it is requesting the various TIFF images and then displays
 the link to the PDF file that it has created.

Ah, so you are trying to get the page displayed while your CGI is still 
running? Try flushing stdout after you print something. Otherwise the 
output will only be sent when the CGI ends or the buffer is full.

Never trust a system administrator who wears a tie and suit.

Re: Filling out forms with python

2006-01-01 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 30 December 2005 06:30, Steve Young wrote:
 Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to fill out forms online using
 python. Say for example if you wanted to make a search on some search
 engine without having to actually open a browser or something like that.

Try twill:

Never trust a system administrator who wears a tie and suit.

Re: Favorite flavor of Linux? (for python or anything else)

2005-12-04 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 04 December 2005 15:01, Ivan Shevanski wrote:
 Looking to replace my older flavor of linux with something new. . .What
 are some of your favorites for python programming and anything else?

The operating system/distribution is not connected to the application 
(Python). It will probably run everywhere. But we recently had this topic 
and a majority seemed to vote for Ubuntu. I personally prefer Debian.

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Re: Favorite flavor of Linux? (for python or anything else)

2005-12-04 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 04 December 2005 19:56, Aahz wrote:
 Christoph Haas  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The operating system/distribution is not connected to the application
 (Python). It will probably run everywhere. But we recently had this
 topic and a majority seemed to vote for Ubuntu. I personally prefer

 Ubuntu *is* Debian, just repackaged.

I know. :) (Would be bad if I wouldn't.)

 I used to prefer Debian until stable wouldn't work with my newest
 machine because it was two years out of date (this was *not* a
 machine with bleeding-edge components). 

The delay until Sarge was very long. But the release schedule has been 
tightened. Etch will be released next year. So if you prefer having a 
stable environment and can live with a (at max) two year old distribution 
then it should be okay. (Besides: the hardware support is done by the 
Linux kernel - not the GNU distribution. So that's likely not Debian's 

 Of course, one can use Debian-testing, but that isn't packaged, and
 I want a packaged OS.

You probably mean that Testing (the upcoming Etch stable release) is not 
yet available as a stable release. But actually that doesn't make much 
difference. From my personal experience most of the time 'testing' is 
hardly less stable than any Ubuntu stable release. Ubuntu is just easier 
to install and maintain because it has less bells and whistles and 
provides a ready environment without needing much knowledge.

However the same packages that are currently in 'testing' will be 'stable' 
later. You are just dealing with brand-new packages that may be buggier. 
And you don't get reliable security support yet.

(I even run 'unstable' on my desktop. Not just because I need it for 
development but also because it's mostly stable enough to work with.
I wouldn't run critical public services on it though. Python development 
has never been a problem here.)

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Re: Pythonising the vim (e.g. syntax popups) - vimpst

2005-11-10 Thread Christoph Haas
Hi, Roman et al...

On Thursday 10 November 2005 00:52, Roman Roelofsen wrote:
 The last 5 days I´ve been working on a code-completion/calltips plugin
 for vim. It´s working pretty good but not finished yet. I will anounce
 the first beta version on this mailling list. I hope during the next

 I recorded a swf-video so that you can take a look at the current
 status. Link:

That is very impressive. I saw a similar plugin which had a big drawback: 
it didn't know the object type you need context help for. E.g. it offers 
you help for the .split method even though you are dealing with an object 
which does not have this method assigned. The great advantage of the IDLE 
is that it really understands Python. So it knows about object types you 
work with. I'm curious how you handle that. Perhaps the python features in 
Vim have that built-in. But Vim scripting looked even evil for me... and 
I've been working with Perl for a decade. :)

Thanks for your contribution.

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Pythonising the vim (e.g. syntax popups)

2005-11-09 Thread Christoph Haas

I'm an addicted vim user and don't really use the IDLE for anything more 
than calculations where I'm too lazy to start KCalc. But one feature is 
very pretty: the built-in help for function calls while you type. Like you 

...and the IDLE shows me a popup saying...
S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) - list of strings

Is there a decent way to get that help into vim? Or like showing docstrings 
or help that I get through pydoc on request? I've been working myself 
through a pile of vim macros/plugins but couldn't find even one which 
simplifies programming in Python. Further issues would be handling the 
indentation - maybe a plugin which syntax colors different levels of 
indentation so I don't have to use my plastic ruler on the screen. ;) 
Perhaps some more experienced Python/Vim users have a tip which macro sets 
help most here.

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Re: Regular Expressions and Dividing Strings

2005-11-08 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 08 November 2005 23:59, James Colannino wrote:
 Hey everyone, I have a file containing the following type of data (only
 an example):


 What I want to do is take this line and divide it into two separate
 strings (the ':' character would divide the two strings, so the result
 of the example above would be root and root.)  The names will vary
 in length (this refers to username/group ownerships.)  I'm probably
 missing something extremely basic.  I found the module re to do the
 regular expression matching I need, but I'm not quite sure how I can
 actually split this line up into two separate variables.

You probably mean:

b,c = a.split(:)

b and c contain both sides of the colon.

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Re: So, Which Version is Suitable for Beginners

2005-11-06 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 06 November 2005 13:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I m actually a Novice in Python as well as Linux, When i look up
 things on the internet about Linux Flavours, They are written so
 complex that it is difficult for me to understand, i am asking if
 anyone here know of a Linux Distribution that is for beginners (I am a
 new user of linux, therefore, i dont know what linux will do.) also
 the flavour must have python so i can work on it too. I will use
 Vmware Workstation, because Linux and Windows on a Dual-boot Dont work
 well, Linux works fine, but Windows Shows Problems, So, i will
 summarize it as:

 A) Linux Distribution which is intended for beginners, and contains

Ubuntu (see below).

 B) I need it to work on VMware Workstation 5

Most do.

 C) Do not Recommend Fedora ,Debian (the Original).

Debian is clean and powerful but perhaps not suited well for complete 
novices. So I would recommend a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu to 
you. It will not bother you with all the gears and give you a working 
desktop environment which - of course - includes Python. If you like KDE 
over Gnome (I do) you can use Kubuntu. If you haven't heard of Gnome or 
KDE yet... just try Ubuntu.

|\  _,,,---,,_Famous last words of a sysadmin:
/,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_We'll do the backup tomorrow.
  |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

Re: simple send only command line jabber client in python?

2005-10-25 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tuesday 25 October 2005 23:32, fuzzylollipop wrote:
 I want to be able to send jabber messages from an subversion
 post-commit hook script. All I need is a simple library to connect to a
 server and send a message.

 I looked at all the half-finished and overly complex projects and can't
 find anything that fits the bill. What I did find I can't get to work
 correctly, probably because everything is 2 years old and out of date.


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Re: testing '' is in '' ?

2005-10-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 24 October 2005 10:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks, that is basically what I am doing and since it is a recipe, I
 would assume there is no standard library module for it.

Well, lists a few.
I had used IPy in the past. But somehow nothing so far was a decent
substitute for Perl's Net::IP.

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Re: New User

2005-10-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sunday 23 October 2005 03:46, thatchmatic wrote:
 I just downloaded and I think installed python.  I am not sure if I
 did cause it does'nt respond to the commands that the read me file
 told me to use.  Also can someone suggest a trial program I can maybe
 write for fun?


Otherwise please provide more information so we can help.

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Re: difference after remove

2005-10-24 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 24 October 2005 15:02, Shi Mu wrote:
 Is there any difference if I remove the '/'
 from the following statement?

You probably mean '\' instead of '/'.

 intMatrix2 = [[1,1,2,4,1,7,1,7,6,9],\
 print intMatrix2
 I removed one '\' and it still works.
 So what is the use of '\'?

It's a line continuation character. But you can omit it if it's clear to
the interpreter that the line must continue - like when using brackets.

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Re: get a copy of a string leaving original intact

2005-10-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thursday 20 October 2005 22:43, Bell, Kevin wrote:
 I need to copy a file, say abc-1.tif to another directory, but if it's
 in there already, I need to transfer it named abc-2.tif but I'm going
 about it all wrong.

What a coincidence... I stepped about this today:

Looks close to what you are trying.

Kind Regards
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Re: Looking for a Python mentor

2005-10-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 14 October 2005 21:35, billie wrote:
 Nir Aides  wrote

  Hello Len,
  You should try the #python IRC room.
  It is always very active and helpful.

 Do you mean efnet #Python chan?
 It's not too much active...

I believe he meant :)

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Re: Best way to handle cgi sessions

2005-10-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 14 October 2005 21:22, Derek Perriero wrote:
 What would be the best way to create a cgi session that contains the
 basic elements of a cookie and can also hold secure data, such as a
 username/password. I've explored the possibilities of using SmartCookie,
 but that doesn't encrypt my parameters.

Encrypting the parameters is probably not the best way. Usually you store
the information you need in your own database and just pass the client
(web browser/user) a handle (session ID). That way you temporarily identify
the user through the session ID but can store data in your database that 
user cannot even see.

There are a few things you need to take care of like:
- only pass a new session cookie if necessary
  (otherwise the user may be prompted to accept the same cookie time and
- expire the session if the user hasn't been using it
- check if the session ID fits the IP address you recorded
- create unique session IDs

A link from my list of bookmarks about session handling:

We have recently developed such a session handler for a Debian-related web
site which uses a MySQL table to store session information. If there is
interest I'll tidy it up a bit and make it publicly available.

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Re: Best way to handle cgi sessions

2005-10-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Friday 14 October 2005 21:22, Derek Perriero wrote:
 What would be the best way to create a cgi session that contains the
 basic elements of a cookie and can also hold secure data, such as a
 username/password. [...]

Said. Done. I just tidied up a module we will be using for a web site
here. It uses the promised session-cookie handling (with a lot of security
checks) and a MySQL database backend. I tried to document as well as 
so I hope it will even help you if you use it or not. To try it out just
grab the two files from and copy them 
into a
cgi-bin/ directory. Create a database and the two tables following the
scheme described on top of the module. Then access the
/cgi-bin/mypage CGI. Hope to have helped.

This is my first bigger Python script. I would really like to hear 
on it. If it's deemed to be decent I could use some help making it a 
that can be used by others as well. There is probably a bit of perlishness
that I'd like to get rid of to make it look more snake-like.

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Printing and prompting adds a mysterious extra space

2005-10-01 Thread Christoph Haas

I'm writing a simple interactive program to maintain a database.
The goal was to print   at the beginning of the line, wait for
user input and then deal with it. Minimal test program:

import sys; print , ; print sys.stdin.readline()

However when I run the program and enter foobar it looks like this:

^--- where does this space come from?

I wonder where the space comes from in the line where I print what the
user typed. Does it have to do with the , after the print which I use
to suppress the newline? Any ideas?

I'm still confused - just on a higher level now.
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Re: Printing and prompting adds a mysterious extra space

2005-10-01 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 01:17:41PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christoph Haas wrote:
  I'm writing a simple interactive program to maintain a database.
  The goal was to print   at the beginning of the line, wait for
  user input and then deal with it. Minimal test program:
  import sys; print , ; print sys.stdin.readline()
  However when I run the program and enter foobar it looks like this:
  ^--- where does this space come from?
 Another question you could ask is: why is there NO space after
 the ''? Have a look at this.
 So it looks like the space was sitting in the output buffer.

Yes, probably. But how do I get that buffer flushed? I tried
sys.stdout.flush() after the print statement but it wasn't printed,
either. I probabl need something like...

print  +

instead of

print ,

How could I solve that decently?

I'm still confused - just on a higher level now.
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Re: Printing and prompting adds a mysterious extra space

2005-10-01 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 05:09:48PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use sys.stdout.write instead of print.  It will solve these problems you are
 If you really want to know what's going on, read the language manual, It explains the behavior of this extra
 space, which is output by a successive 'print' statement.  The implementation
 uses an attribute called 'softspace', which is described in 

Thank you for the technical explanation. print a,b is nice to read
in simple Python programs. But when you need to get more control of
I/O it's better to know what's really happening inside.

So the softspace is always added after a print a, statement but only
printed if Python thinks it is not at the beginning of a terminal line.

Again, thanks. I'll rest my case.

I'm still confused - just on a higher level now.
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Re: Best practices for dynamically loading plugins at startup

2005-09-26 Thread Christoph Haas
On Sun, Sep 25, 2005 at 11:33:03PM -0400, Jeff Schwab wrote:
 I recently came up against this exact problem.  My preference is to have 
 the plugin writer call a method to register the plugins, as this allows 
 him the most control.  Something along these lines:
   class A_plugin(Plugin):
   class Another_plugin(Plugin):
   register( A_plugin )
   register( Another_plugin, optional_custom_registration_parameters )

I like the idea. And supybot seems to do just that. What would the
def register: do? Maintain a global list of registered plugins?
I didn't like the idea of having global variables. Or would register
be a method of some main class? How would I access that?

Thanks to everybody else who posted ideas on my problem. I'm trying
all the proposals to get an idea of which approach works best.

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Best practices for dynamically loading plugins at startup

2005-09-25 Thread Christoph Haas
Dear coders...

I'm working on an application that is supposed to support plugins.
The idea is to use the plugins as packages like this:


When the application starts up I want to have these modules loaded
dynamically. Users can put their own plugin modules into the
Plugins/ directory and the application should know about it.

Since I don't know which plugins have been put into that directory
I cannot just import Plugin1, Plugin2, Plugin3 in the
So I need to find out the *.py there and load them during startup.
I could do that with a walk over that directory.

Each plugin is supposed to be a class derived from a general
Plugin superclass. I just don't know how to 'register' every
plugin. The main application needs to know which plugin classes
there are. On IRC I was recommended walking through all objects
and finding out if the class is a subclass of Plugin. Another
person recommended using metaclasses to automatically register
the plugin in a global list.

Since I have only little real-life Python knowledge I wonder what the
best practice for this kind of problem is.

I looked at the supybot IRC bot to get an idea how plugins are handled
there. Unfortunately it was still a bit over my (python) head.

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Re: services on linux

2005-09-20 Thread Christoph Haas
On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 02:57:26AM -0500, pt python wrote:
 im moving from the windows world to the linux world and i need to make
 a python script to see if a service is instaled (ex: apache), if it is
 running or stoped and to start/stop a service like apache or mysql.
 Theres an API on windows to manage services and i need to know how to
 do that on linux. Can anyone help me with the module and API to work
 with services on linux?

Unless you really want to do that in Python. It's just a matter of ps
and grep. Simple shell stuff.

Example: ps ax | grep apache

 by the way, im developing a app, maybe multi-plataform, to install and
 manage several open source packages like apache, mySQL, phpwebadmin,
 phpnuke, etc... if anyone have nice ideais i apreciate that..

That's usually the Linux distribution's job to handle the installed
packages. Some distributions do that better than others
(coughDebiancough). ;) Or what did you mean when you said install
and manage?

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Re: Looking for a database. Sugestions?

2005-09-16 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 11:00:46PM +0200, ionel wrote:
 I'm looking for a thread-safe database.
 Preferably an embedded, sql database.
 What are the best choices in terms of speed ?

Sqlite may be a good choice. It doesn't have network overhead, operates
on simple files on the disk (nothing to configure) and is often faster
than MySQL  Co.

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