Re: I keep getting this error message when i try to run a program in Python

2018-03-22 Thread Damjan Stojanovski
i am sorry but i can not find a way to attach an image here so you can see what 
i mean. Please someone tell me how to add an image here.


I keep getting this error message when i try to run a program in Python

2018-03-22 Thread Damjan Stojanovski
Dear all

I am totally new in learning Python and i am learning from a beginner's book 
called automate the boring stuff with Python and i downloaded the Python 64 bit 
version for Windows and i started writing some examples from the book. At the 
end whenever i try to run the program i keep getting an error message and it 
shows that the error is in the beginning in the version of Python.
(See a pic bellow)

Can someone help me and tell me what to do and why is this error showing up???


Re: Confusing datetime.datetime

2012-07-08 Thread Damjan

Because x1 and x2 have different time zones.

The tzinfo field in x2 is equal to TZ and has a UTC offset of 1 hour.
The tzinfo field in x1 contains the DST version of that timezone,
with a UTC offset of 2 hours, because Skopje is currently on DST.

I think you want:

x2 = TZ.localize(datetime(x1.year, x1.month,

That produces a datetime with the year, month and day set as indicated
and tzinfo set to the correct UTC offset for that date, at 00:00 hours.

Or maybe you need:

x2 = TZ.localize(datetime(x1.year, x1.month,, 12))
x2 = x2.replace(hour=0)

That determines whether DST should be on at noon, and then resets the
hour field to zero.  This produces the same outcome as the one liner,
except on days when DST is switched on or off.

Thanks, I think this will help me.

Although these issues seem very much underdocumented in the datetime 
documentation. Are there any good references of using good times in Python?



Re: why greenlet, gevent or the stackless are needed?

2012-07-07 Thread Damjan

On 07.07.2012 09:09, self.python wrote:

(I'm very new to this coroutine part
so It's not supposed to attack these modules,
just I don't know the differences)

atfer version 2.5, python officially support coroutine with yield.
and then, why greenlet, gevent, Stackless python are still useful?

it there somthing that yield can't do
or just it is easier or powerful?

The greenlet site has some very simple examples what it can provide.
For example jumping from one function in another, and back

Gevent then uses greenlet to do lightweight processes (greenlets) that 
are I/O scheduled. This allows for a simple model of programming that 
scales to a large number of concurrent connections. You could do that 
with threads but you can't start as many threads as greenlets, since 
they have a much larger memory address space footprint.

There's one function, called the gevent hub, that waits for any I/O 
event and then switches to the function that blocked on that I/O.



Confusing datetime.datetime

2012-07-05 Thread Damjan
I've been struggling with an app that uses 
Postgresql/Psycopg2/SQLAlchemy  and I've come to this confusing 
behaviour of datetime.datetime.

First of all, the Seconds since Epoch timestamps are always in UTC, so 
shouldn't change with timezones. So I'd expect that a round trip of a 
timestamp through datetime.datetime, shouldn't change it.

Now, all is good when I use a naive datetime.datetime

-- TZ=UTC python
 from datetime import datetime
 dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(1341446400)
datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 0, 0)

-- TZ=Asia/Tokyo python
 from datetime import datetime
 dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(1341446400)
datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 9, 0)

But when I use an timezone aware datetime.datetime objects, the 
timestamp roundtrip is destroyed. I get 2 different timestamps.
Am I missing something here, I've been reading the datetime 
documentation several times, but I can't understand what is the intended 

-- TZ=UTC python
 from datetime import datetime
 import pytz
 tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Skopje')
 dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(1341446400, tz)
datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 2, 0, tzinfo=DstTzInfo 'Europe/Skopje' 
CEST+2:00:00 DST)


-- TZ=Asia/Tokyo python
 from datetime import datetime
 import pytz
 tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Skopje')
 dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(1341446400, tz)
datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 2, 0, tzinfo=DstTzInfo 'Europe/Skopje' 
CEST+2:00:00 DST)


Python 2.7.3, pytz 2012c



Re: Confusing datetime.datetime

2012-07-05 Thread Damjan

On 05.07.2012 16:10, Damjan wrote:

I've been struggling with an app that uses
Postgresql/Psycopg2/SQLAlchemy  and I've come to this confusing
behaviour of datetime.datetime.

Also this:

#! /usr/bin/python2
# retardations in python's datetime

import pytz
TZ = pytz.timezone('Europe/Skopje')

from datetime import datetime

x1 =
x2 = datetime(x1.year, x1.month,, tzinfo=TZ)

assert x1.tzinfo == x2.tzinfo

WHY does the assert throw an error???


Re: Confusing datetime.datetime

2012-07-05 Thread Damjan

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
ZERO = timedelta(0)
HOUR = timedelta(hours=1)

class UTC(tzinfo):
 def utcoffset(self, dt):
 return ZERO
 def tzname(self, dt):
 return UTC
 def dst(self, dt):
 return ZERO

utc = UTC()
t1 =
t2 = datetime(t1.year, t1.month,, tzinfo=utc)
assert t1.tzinfo == t2.tzinfo

No assertion error at all.

This makes me think that the retardation as you put it is not in
Python's datetime module at all, but in pytz.

What does TZ == TZ give? If it returns False, I recommend you report it
as a bug against the pytz module.

It returns True, so it seems to be changed in the datetime object??

I tried both 2.7 and 3.2



Re: PEP 405 vs 370

2012-05-27 Thread Damjan Georgievski

I don't get what PEP 405 (Python Virtual Environments) brings vs what we
already had in PEP 370 since Python 2.6.

Obviously 405 has a tool to create virtual environments, but that's
trivial for PEP 370 [1], and has support for isolation from the
system-wide site patch which could've been added in addition to PEP 370.

So maybe I'm missing something?

 My PEP 370 is about installing additional packages as an unprivileged
 user and for the current user. It's a simplistic approach that just
 adds one more site-package directory in the user's home directory.

well you can have and activate several different directories (venvs) 
with PYTHONUSERBASE. I do use that very nicely, and haven't seen any 
problems with that.

 PEP 405 is a different beast. It adds support for isolated environment
 that don't share state with the site wide installation. A user can
 have multiple virtual envs and install different sets of packages in
 each env.

Wouldn't it be easier to just add isolation to 370?
Again, you can have multiple virtual envs with 370 too.

sorry for the late response, it seems my NNTP server doesn't relay all 
messages. I might need to switch.



PEP 405 vs 370

2012-05-25 Thread Damjan Georgievski

I don't get what PEP 405 (Python Virtual Environments) brings vs what we 
already had in PEP 370 since Python 2.6.

Obviously 405 has a tool to create virtual environments, but that's 
trivial for PEP 370 [1], and has support for isolation from the 
system-wide site patch which could've been added in addition to PEP 370.

So maybe I'm missing something?

PYTHONUSERBASE=~/my-py-venv pip install --user Whatever
will create ~/my-py-venv and everything under it as needed

PYTHONUSERBASE=~/my-py-venv python install --user
the same without pip


How can I read streaming output of a subprocess

2012-05-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
I want to read the stream of an external process that I start with 
Python. From what I've seen that's not possible with the subprocess module?

I want to read the output of ip monitor neigh which will show changes 
in the ARP table on my Linux computer. Each change is a new line printed 
by ip and the process continues to run forever.


Re: How can I read streaming output of a subprocess

2012-05-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski

I want to read the stream of an external process that I start with Python.
 From what I've seen that's not possible with the subprocess module?

I want to read the output of ip monitor neigh which will show changes in
the ARP table on my Linux computer. Each change is a new line printed by
ip and the process continues to run forever.

You can use subprocess for this.  If you don't call wait() or
communicate() on the Popen object, the process will happily continue
running.  You can call readline on the stdout pipe, which will block
until the command you are running outputs (and flushes) a line.

Something like this should work:

p = subprocess.Popen(['ip', 'monitor', 'neigh'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
first_line = p.stdout.readline()

Buffering done by ip can ruin your day.  It seems reasonable to
expect, though, that something that is printing state changes on
stdout will be careful to flush its output when appropriate.


With your confirmation, I've rechecked again and now I see that the 
problem I experienced before was with some strange ssh interaction.


Re: Async IO Server with Blocking DB

2012-04-06 Thread Damjan Georgievski

 We are thinking about building a webservice server and considering
 python event-driven servers i.e. Gevent/Tornado/ Twisted or some
 combination thereof etc.
 We are having doubts about the db io part. Even with connection
 pooling and cache, there is a strong chance that server will block on
 db. Blocking for even few ms is bad.

Libraries that support the event loop of your framework, be it Gevent,
Tornado or Twisted, should yield to other work when the database
connection (its socket) blocks.

Now, database drivers that use C libraries are ussually a problem,
unless designed to cooperate with event loops. One of those is psycopg2
which at least cooperates with Gevent. CouchDBkit (using restkit ie
http) also cooperates with Gevent fine.

MySQLdb does not cooperate with Gevent as far as I know, so one
sollution would be to run queries through a Thread Pool (built-in in
Gevent 1.0dev). Another is to use the pure python mysqlconn
(mysql-connector-repackaged on pypi) with gevents monkey patching.

Sqlite should be probably run in a ThreadPool too, since it depends on
disk I/O which is not async in Gevent.

You can readup on Gevent integration of Couchdbkit and Psycopg2 in their

 can someone suggest some solutions or is async-io is not at the prime-
 time yet.


[issue14247] in operator doesn't return boolean

2012-03-10 Thread Damjan Košir

New submission from Damjan Košir

In operator acts like it doesn't return a boolean value

 3 in [1,2,3] == True

and even

 3 in [1,2,3] == 3 in [1,2,3]

but somehow if you add ( ) it starts working

 (3 in [1,2,3]) == True

Tested on OSX 10.7 Python 2.7.1

components: None
messages: 155329
nosy: Damjan.Košir
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: in operator doesn't return boolean
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

The original command python line

2012-03-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski
How can I get the *really* original command line that started my python

Werkzeug has a WSGI server which reloads itself when files are changed
on disk. It uses `args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv` to kind of
recreate the command line, and the uses to run that
command line.

BUT that's problematic as, when you run::

python -m mypackage --config

sys.argv printed in mypackage/ will be::

['/full/path/to/mypackage/', '--config']

so you get::

python /full/path/to/mypackage/ --config

instead of::

python -m mypackage --config

the difference in the 2 cases is what the current package is, and
whether you can use relative imports.


Re: The original python command line

2012-03-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski
 How can I get the *really* original command line that started my python
 Werkzeug has a WSGI server which reloads itself when files are changed
 on disk. It uses `args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv` to kind of
 recreate the command line, and the uses to run that
 command line.
 BUT that's problematic as, when you run::
   python -m mypackage --config
 sys.argv printed in mypackage/ will be::
   ['/full/path/to/mypackage/', '--config']
 so you get::
   python /full/path/to/mypackage/ --config
 instead of::
   python -m mypackage --config
 the difference in the 2 cases is what the current package is, and
 whether you can use relative imports.

BTW, the same thing happens in Python 3.2.2. To reproduce::

mkdir /tmp/X
cd /tmp/X

mkdir mypackage
touch  mypackage/ mypackage/

cat EOF  mypackage/
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import os, sys, subprocess

def rerun():
new_environ = os.environ.copy()
new_environ['TEST_CHILD'] = 'true'
args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv, env=new_environ)

if os.environ.get('TEST_CHILD') != 'true':
Role = 'Parent'
Role = 'Child'

from . import dummy
print('Exception in %s' % Role)
print('Success in %s' % Role)


python2 -m mypackage


python3 -m mypackage

will print::

Exception in Child
Success in Parent

Re: The original command python line

2012-03-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski
 How can I get the *really* original command line that started my python
 On Linux, you can read from:
/proc/PID here/cmdline
 to get the null-delimited command line.
 After some further searching:
 psutil offers `Process.cmdline` cross-platform;

Indeed, changing for

args = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).cmdline

in the above example does solve the problem, at least in Linux.

 Sidenote: Consensus generally seems to be that relative imports are a
bad idea.

How come?
I'm using explicit relative imports, I thought they were the new thing?


[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-09-18 Thread Damjan Georgievski

Changes by Damjan Georgievski

nosy:  -gdamjan

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-06-15 Thread Damjan Georgievski

Damjan Georgievski added the comment:

AFAIK, what the stdlib needs is a high-level crypto module, analogous to hashlib

nosy: +gdamjan

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: py3k s***s

2008-04-16 Thread Damjan
 To be frank, no innovation. Just changes, no progress. And yes, I am

anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering

 Somebody compared it with MS stuff. Yes.

It's not similar at all. MS will first force all your customers/users to
upgrade to their newest software, at the same time suffocating the old
software, and denying anyone the oportunity to maintain that old software
(part because it's closed-source, part because MS will sue you if try
anything close to that).


Re: Pystemmer 1.0.1 installation problem in Linux

2008-03-27 Thread Damjan
mungkol wrote:

 Dear all,
 I am a newbie to Python community. For my project, I tried to install
 Pystemmer 1.0.1 (
 PyStemmer-1.0.1.tar.gz) on my linux ubuntu 7.10 machine but
 unsuccessful. It produced the following error:

you need to install the build-essential pacakge group on Ubuntu so that
you can compile programs.

apt-get install build-essential

 limits.h: No such file or directory

This is probably /usr/include/linux/limits.h part of the kernel headers.


Re: Beta testers needed for a high performance Python application server

2008-03-25 Thread Damjan
 I'm looking for beta testers for a high performance, event-driven Python
 application server I've developed.

 About the server: the front end and other speed-critical parts of the
 server are written in portable, multithreaded C++. 
 Why not just put it on the net somewhere and tell us where it is?
 People aren't generally going to want to help or even look at it if
 you treat it like a proprietary application. So, put the documentation
 and code up somewhere for all to see.

 BTW, multiprocess web servers such as Apache can quite happily make
 use of multiple cores. Even within a single Apache multithread process
 it can still use multiple cores quite happily because all the
 underlying network code and static file handling code is in C and not
 subject to the GIL. So, as much as people like to bash up on the GIL,
 within Apache it is not necessarily as big a deal as people make out.

BTW nginx now has a mod_wsgi too, if someone is looking for an Apache


Re: TheSchwartz in Python?

2008-02-06 Thread Damjan
 Cool, but sched saves job in memory...
 cron can't be an option. It's just a scheduler not a job queue.

You could probably make lpd do what you want to do.


Re: virtualpython / workingenv / virtualenv ... shouldn't this be part of python

2008-01-15 Thread Damjan
 My question is, shoudn't it be enough to set PYTHONPATH and everything
 automagically to work then? Is there some work done on this for python
 3.0 or 2.6 perhaps?
 I'm working on a PEP for a per user site dir for 2.6 and 3.0

great .. can't hardly wait.


virtualpython / workingenv / virtualenv ... shouldn't this be part of python

2008-01-11 Thread Damjan
There are several attempts to allow python to work with per user (or even
per session) 'site-packages' like virtualpython / workingenv / virtualenv.

But they all have their own shortcomings and quirks.

My question is, shoudn't it be enough to set PYTHONPATH and everything
automagically to work then? Is there some work done on this for python 3.0
or 2.6 perhaps?


Re: OPLC purchase period extended

2007-11-25 Thread Damjan
 It is fairly nice for that.  It's especially cool that the screen
 works outdoors (reflective).  I don't know why regular laptops don't
 do that any more.

I think because they can't reproduce colors correctly with reflective light.
The OLPC is blackwhite (and grey) when in the reflective outdoor mode.


[issue1427] Error in standard module calendar

2007-11-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski

New submission from Damjan Georgievski:

This is LocaleTextCalendar.__init__

def __init__(self, firstweekday=0, locale=None):
TextCalendar.__init__(self, firstweekday)
if locale is None:
locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
self.locale = locale

Which can not work, obviosly ... let me hilight the important part
if locale is None:
locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()

Attached is a patch that corrects this and keeps the signature of the
method with the locale=None keyword.

components: Extension Modules
files: calendar.diff
messages: 57384
nosy: gdamjan
severity: normal
status: open
title: Error in standard module calendar
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5
Added file:


Description: Binary data
Python-bugs-list mailing list 

Re: Low-overhead GUI toolkit for Linux w/o X11?

2007-11-06 Thread Damjan
 PyQt and PySDL are AFAIK not much less weight.
 They don't use X11.  That's a _lot_ less weight.

Do you mean the X11 server or the libraries? The kdrive server should be
fairly small (depending on features). I think it builds from the main xorg
source today?? Isn't that what maemo uses.

I don't know about the X11 libraries, but the xcb libraries are pretty much
small too (126kb on i386 here) - there are additional libraries depending
on which features you want: render, shape, screensaver, shm, randr, dri
etc.. Shame the toolkits still don't use it directly.


Re: annoying stdin/stdout + pipes problem

2007-09-23 Thread Damjan
 I want to create a program that reads input from stdio that can prompt
 a user for input while doing so without getting into problems.
 As you can see I have commented out what I'd like to do but do not
 know how to. Can I somehow halt the previous print to stdout (cat
 input.txt) - if so can I then start it again, and how?

The trick (which works on Linux for sure) is to open /dev/tty and ask
question/get input on/from it.

fp = open('/dev/tty', 'r+')
fp.write('Prompt: ')
answer = fp.readline().strip()

I'm not usre for other *nix-es, and on Windows this will surelly not work

Re: encoding problems

2007-08-29 Thread Damjan
 is there a way to sort this string properly (sorted()?)
 I mean first 'a' then 'à' then 'e' etc. (sorted puts accented letters at
 the end). Or should I have to provide a comparison function to sorted?

After setting the locale...



Python IMAP web-access

2007-08-01 Thread Damjan
Is there some project that implements web access to an IMAP store?

Maybe something AJAXy like


Re: Building a Python app with Mozilla

2007-07-10 Thread Damjan
 Last I looked (3.1-ish), Qt didn't use the Aqua widgets

Qt is now up to 4.3 and they use native Aqua


Re: About Trolltech QT OpenSource license.

2007-04-10 Thread Damjan
 @ Kevin and Jarek :
 thanks for the enlightening of that GPL thing. So, if i understand, i
 create my Python software using Qt as my GUI, i earn the money for it
 with the obligation to release my source code and somewhere in my
 files i explicilty write that this software is under the GPL lisence,
 is that correct ?? And i am legal all the way out ??

This is correct... but you should also understand the GPL license aswell.

 So why these people at Trolltech have the word Commercial at their
 mouth all the time ?? I can understand of course that money is all
 about but becauce they released Qt under GPL they simply cannot
 prevent anyone from gaining money using it.

That is a mistake, the oposite of libre software is non-libre or


Re: frame of Qt program

2007-04-02 Thread Damjan
 Look at the network examples included with PyQt4. Particularly and
 PyQt4 has its own network classes that are fully integrated with the event
 loop making it easy to write GUI/network applications. As threads also
 have an event loop its also easy to push the network handling out to
 separate threads. The next version of Qt will add support for SSL.

I've always wondered how PyQT4 compares to Twisted for writing network apps.
Qts signal/slot mechanisam is much easier to understand/work with than
deferreds. On the other hand Twisted probably supports more protocols right


Re: I18n issue with optik

2007-04-02 Thread Damjan

 Actually rxvt, Poderosa and console have the ability to display non-
 ASCII characters. I use the dejavu fonts that support non-ASCII, too.
 But the problem is even simpler: I can't even set the standard Windows
 console (cmd) to Windows 1252 in Python. Although directly executing
 chcp 1252 works.

Maybe try to use it's claimed to be
muc better than the sucky CDM (I don't have windows to try it).


Re: socket read timeout

2007-03-29 Thread Damjan
 So set a long timeout when you want to write and short timeout when you
 want to read.
 Are sockets full duplex?
 I know Ethernet isn't.

Both are full duplex.


PyPy for dummies

2007-03-29 Thread Damjan
.. like me.

Ok, this is what I understood why PyPy is important.

Writing programing languages and implementations (compilers, interpreters,
JITs, etc) is hard. Not many people can do it from scratch and create
something comparable to what's available today. But we need people with new
aproaches, exploring new ideas (to boldly go where no hacker has gone

Also, evolving the current Python language and implementation is not easy
either. As it becomes more complex, it's hard for newcomers to comprehend
it as a whole, and as it is still harder and harder to work on details
without understanding the whole.

What PyPy provides is, making this easier, thus allowing for:
*rapid turnaround* of language features and implementation details - this
enables easier experimentation and testing of wild ideas. Most of them will
fail of course, but some will succed and some will succed and suprise
(NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!).

So that's how I see PyPy ... at the same time an interesting - let's call
it - academic experiment, but also something very close to beeing usefull
at the level of the current CPython.


Re: Approaches of interprocess communication

2007-02-17 Thread Damjan
 |  If a programmer decides on behalf of the user that localhost should
 |  be treated specially, that programmer is making an error.
 | Inter-process TCP/IP communication between two processes on the same
 | host invariably uses the loopback interface (network
 | According to standards, all addresses in that network space refer to the
 | local host, though is conventionally used.
 | The transmit driver for the loopback interface receives a datagram from
 | the local network layer and immediately announces its reception back to
 | the local network layer.
 Are you saying, in that first paragraph, that if for example I telnet to
 my local host's external IP address, to a service that bound explicitly to
 the external interface -- I'll actually be going through the loopback
 interface anyway, invariably regardless of host network implementation?

On linux at least, this is true, yes.


Re: ANN: Wing IDE 2.1.4 Released

2007-02-09 Thread Damjan
 This is a bug fix release that among other things fixes handling of
 UTF-8 byte order marks, 

What are UTF-8 byte order marks ?!? 
There's only one order in the UTF-8 bytes!


Re: problems with pyzeroconf and linux

2007-01-27 Thread Damjan

 I am trying to get pyzeroconf (
 running on my machine but having trouble... Running the file
 seems to register the service, but is unable to find it.

You should be running avahi.. it also comes python support.

Here's an example that registers a CNAME that points to your hostname (that
avahi itself publishes)

#! /usr/bin/env python
import avahi, dbus
from encodings.idna import ToASCII

# Got these from /usr/include/avahi-common/defs.h
CLASS_IN = 0x01

TTL = 60

def publish_cname(cname):
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME,
group = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(avahi.DBUS_NAME,

rdata = createRR(server.GetHostNameFqdn())
cname = encode_dns(cname)

group.AddRecord(avahi.IF_UNSPEC, avahi.PROTO_UNSPEC, dbus.UInt32(0),
cname, CLASS_IN, TYPE_CNAME, TTL, rdata)

def encode_dns(name):
out = []
for part in name.split('.'):
if len(part) == 0: continue
return '.'.join(out)

def createRR(name):
out = []
for part in name.split('.'):
if len(part) == 0: continue
return ''.join(out)

if __name__ == '__main__':
import time, sys, locale
for each in sys.argv[1:]:
name = unicode(each, locale.getpreferredencoding())
while 1: time.sleep(60)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print Exiting


Re: Question about docutils

2007-01-25 Thread Damjan
 I'm using docutils 0.4.
 Is it possible to define special custom 'tags' (or something) that will
 invoke my own function? The function would then return the real content
 in the ReST document.
 I -think- this is what you're looking for:
 Hope it helps.

Thanks, it looks to be exactly what I need... I'm reading it now, and will
try to implement it.


Question about docutils

2007-01-24 Thread Damjan
I'm using docutils 0.4.
Is it possible to define special custom 'tags' (or something) that will
invoke my own function? The function would then return the real content in
the ReST document.


Re: The reliability of python threads

2007-01-24 Thread Damjan
  and the GIL is more than an artifact.  It is a central tenet of
 threaded python programming.
 If it's a central tenet of threaded python programming, why is it not
 mentioned at all in the language or library manual?  The threading
 module documentation describes the right way to handle thread
 synchronization in Python, and that module implements traditional
 locking approaches without reference to the GIL.

And we all hope the GIL will one day die it's natural death ... 
maybe... probably.. hopefully ;)


Re: Is there any python-twisted tutorial or texts?

2006-12-21 Thread Damjan
  I want to study twisted of python . But I donot know how to start.
  Any suggistions?

 There is a book about using Twisted. It's called 'Twisted Network
 Programming Essentials.' It is an entry-level book at best, but it does go
 over quite a lot of things that the Twisted library is capable of.

Well, the book is not that good. It completely fails to explain deferreds
which are a central concept in Twisted. I only understood deferreds when
watching Bob Ippolitos screencast about Mochikit which implements the same
API as Twisted... Then I got back to the Twisted book.

I think it needs more work.


Re: Mod_python vs. application server like CherryPy?

2006-12-08 Thread Damjan
 For example, consider an extreme case such as WSGI. Through a goal of
 WSGI being portability it effectively ignores practically everything
 that Apache has to offer. Thus although Apache offers support for
 authentication and authorisation, a WSGI user would have to implement
 this functionality themselves or use a third party WSGI component that
 does it for them. 

WSGI auth middleware already supports more auth methods than apache2 itself.

 Another example is Apache's support for enabling 
 compression of content returned to a client. The WSGI approach is again
 to duplicate that functionality. 

the gzip middleware is really just an example... nobody would use that in

 Similarly with other Apache features 
 such as URL rewriting, proxying, caching etc etc.

Well, not everybody can use Apache ... and again there's already WSGI
middleware that's more flexible than the Apache modules for most of the
features you mention.

It's not that I think mod_python doesn't have uses.. I just think it's not
practical to make python web applications targeted solely to mod_python.


Re: lxml/ElementTree and .tail

2006-11-19 Thread Damjan
 sure, the computing world is and has always been full of people who want
 the simplest thing to look a lot harder than it actually is.  after all,
 *they* spent lots of time reading all the specifications, they've bought
 all the books, and went to all the seminars, 

and have been sold all the expensive proprietary tools

 so it's simply not fair when others are cheating.


Re: WSGI - How Does It Affect Me?

2006-10-08 Thread Damjan
 So I keep hearing more and more about this WSGI stuff, and honestly I
 still don't understand what it is exactly and how it differs from CGI
 in the fundamentals (Trying to research this on the web now)
 What I'm most confused about is how it affects me.  I've been writing
 small CGI programs in Python for a while now whenever I have a need
 for a web program.  Is CGI now considered Bad?  

Well, mostly yes :)

 I've just always 
 found it easier to write something quickly with the CGI library than
 to learn a framework and fool with installing it and making sure my
 web host supports it.
 Should I switch from CGI to WSGI?  What does that even mean?  What is
 the equivalent of a quick CGI script in WSGI, or do I have to use a
 framework even for that?  What do I do if frameworks don't meet my
 needs and I don't have a desire to program my own?

def simple_app(environ, start_response):
Simplest possible application object 
status = '200 OK'
response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]
start_response(status, response_headers)
return ['Hello world!\n']

To serve it as a CGI just:
from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler

It's not that complicated isn't it... and later you might want to move to
mod_python, scgi or fastcgi or IIS... you will not have to modify
simple_app a bit.

OR... you might want to use the EvalException middleware... just wrap your
simple_app like this:
app = EvalException(simple_app)

(well, due to it's simplicity EvalException can only work in single-process,
long running WSGI servers like not in CGI) so:

s = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('',8080, app)

More info at

 3. Using IIS at all for that matter, does WSGI work on IIS, do any

There's an IIS server gateway (WSGI server) but you can always run WSGI
applications with CGI, as seen above.


RE: CGI - mod_python

2006-10-03 Thread Damjan
 I'm confused.
 is WSGI only a specification, or are there implementations, and if so
 which ones

WSGI is only a specification.
There are a lot of implementations: servers, middleware and almost all new
Python web apps and frameworks are WSGI applications.

Here is a list of WSGI servers (server gateways)

Start from here to learn more:

Then come back, we'll discuss


Re: Don't use regular expressions to validate email addresses (was: Ineed some help with a regexp please)

2006-09-22 Thread Damjan
 you'd create something to allow anyone to
 potentially spam the hell out of a system...
 I'm sorry, but I fail to see how validating (or not) an email address
 could prevent using a webmail form for spamming. Care to elaborate ?

The best way would be to implement some limiting features. Try two times
from the same IP address in less than 10 minutes and you are banned for the
day. Or some such.


Re: naming objects from string

2006-09-20 Thread Damjan
manstey wrote:

 But this doesn't work if I do:
  locals()[x] = a

 How can I do this?

sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[x] = a

But what's the point?


Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-19 Thread Damjan
 __metaclass__ = whatever
 at the top of each module whose classes are to get the new behavior.
 I think '__metaclass__ = whatever' affects only the creation of classes
 that would otherwise be old-style classes?
 If you set __metaclass__ = type, every class in that module will be

  from UserDict import UserDict
 type 'classobj'
  class A(UserDict):
 ...   pass
 type 'classobj'
  __metaclass__ = type
  class B(UserDict):
 ...   pass
 type 'classobj'

It seems that NOT every class in my module will be a new style class,
especially those that inherit from other old-style classes in other


Re: Is there a way to find IP address?

2006-09-17 Thread Damjan
 Normaly I can log user's IP address using os.environ[REMOTE_ADDR] .
 If a user  is behind a proxy, I will log  proxy's IP address only.
 Is there a way how to find a real IP user's address?
 (but that can easily be spoofed, and is mostly meaningless if the user
 uses local IP addresses at the other side of the proxy, so you should
 use it with care)

Yep, you should only use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if you trust the proxy and
you check that the request is indeed coming from it 
(if environ[REMOTE_ADDR] in proxy_list).


Re: Is there a way to find IP address?

2006-09-17 Thread Damjan

  Normaly I can log user's IP address using os.environ[REMOTE_ADDR] .
  If a user  is behind a proxy, I will log  proxy's IP address only.
  Is there a way how to find a real IP user's address?


 (but that can easily be spoofed, and is mostly meaningless if the user
 uses local IP addresses at the other side of the proxy, so you should
 use it with care)

 How can be HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR easily  spoofed? I thought that  IP
 address is not possible change.

I can setup my browser to always send you a fake HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR


Re: CONSTRUCT - Adding Functionality to the Overall System

2006-09-17 Thread Damjan

 I understand that I can use __metaclass__ to create a class which
 modifies the behaviour of another class.
 How can I add this metaclass to *all* classes in the system?
 (In ruby I would alter the Class class)
 You'd have to set
 __metaclass__ = whatever
 at the top of each module whose classes are to get the new behavior.

I think '__metaclass__ = whatever' affects only the creation of classes that
would otherwise be old-style classes?
 You can't alter classes which you don't control or create in your code.

I remeber I've seen an implementation of import_with_metaclass somewhere on
IBM's developerworks. I didn't quite undersntad it though.


Re: get the en of a program running in background

2006-09-11 Thread Damjan

 It works when a click on a button launches a program P.
 Now, I want that a click on another button launches another program P'
 In this case there is only one signal for two events : the end of P and
 the end of P'.
 How can distinct the two cases.

Remember the PIDs of the forked procesess and in your signal handler use
os.wait() to see which one has died. 
BTW os.wait() can work in non-blocking mode .


Re: egg and modpython

2006-09-11 Thread Damjan
 I applaud you for studying the traceback in more depth than I can find
 the motivation for, Bruno. ;-) However, this looks like a program using
 some package installed by setuptools/easy_install needs to unpack that
 package when running.



Re: BaseHTTPServer weirdness

2006-09-11 Thread Damjan
 But basically, you aren't providing a CGI environment, and that's why
 cgi.parse() isn't working.
 Clearly.  So what should I be doing? 

Probably you'll need to read the source of cgi.parse_qs (like Steve did) and
see what it needs from os.environ and then provide that (either in
os.environ or in a custom environ dictionary).

BUT why don't you use WSGI?


Re: Python newbie with a problem writing files

2006-09-04 Thread Damjan
 xml_output.write = (feed_title)

How did you come up with that = there??!
The correct line is:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:/My_Blogroll/JJ_Blogroll2, line 11, in ?
 xml_output.write = (feed_title)
 AttributeError: 'file' object attribute 'write' is read-only


Re: Broadcast server

2006-08-31 Thread Damjan

 I would like to write a server with the low level API of python (
 socket+select and/or socket+thread ) that allow me to register client
 and update them every X seconds ( could be the time, the temperature, a
 stock quote, a message , ... ).
 How to write the server that keep hot connections with clients and
 update them when events are trigerred. I don't know how to begin this ,
 i look at the python doc but the doc is more related to client updating
 the server and i am not sure of the right design that could be use

I'd suggest to find the Richard W. Stevens book Unix Network Programing.
You'll learn a lot about networking from that book. It's based on C, but
you'll see that the concepts can be easily used with Python too.

Find that book, and don't forget the stdlib docs:


Re: Persistent Session in CGI

2006-08-30 Thread Damjan

 I have started a new small web project, and was wondering if there are
 any good guides on how to do Persistent Sessions and Authentication
 using python and CGI. I don't really want too use Zope, because It's
 probably overkill for my tiny project.

Since you only mention Zope...
Why not use TurboGears or Pylons or CleverHarold ... or anything WSGI based.
Or if you want to make something minimal you could try Paste with
(optionally) RhubarbTart. 

But.. WSGI is the new CGI (the lowest common denominator) in Python web
development. So use it. 
The benefits:
You can run your app as CGI, in mod_python, as a standalone http server,
with SCGI/FastCGI.
You'll benefit from authentication and session middleware. Middleware is a
great WSGI concept, there are also caching middlewares etc..


Re: Persistent Session in CGI

2006-08-30 Thread Damjan
 But.. WSGI is the new CGI

Let me give you a minimal example using RhubarbTart (it depends on Paste)

from rhubarbtart import request, response, expose
from rhubarbtart import TartRootController

class Root(TartRootController):
def index(self, msg=Hello world!):
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/plain'
return msg

app = Root()

# Now to serve it as a CGI script, just:
from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler

# or to server it in a long running python-based HTTP server
from paste import httpserver

# END of example

Now this is just the begining to show you that it's not hard.
But when you see what EvalException can do for you, you'll beg for more :)

from paste.evalexception.middleware import EvalException
app = EvalException(app)
# then serve the app in the paste httpserver ... 
# but make some error in your python code to see it's results


Re: Egg problem (~/.python-eggs)

2006-08-30 Thread Damjan

 I'm trying to install a program that uses Durus on a server.  It
 appears that if a Python program uses eggs, it creates a
 ~/.python-eggs/ directory, so the home directory must be writeable.
 This conflicts with server environments where you want to run a daemon
 with minimum privileges.  Second, it appears to use the real user ID
 rather than the effective user ID to choose the home directory.  In
 this case I'm trying to use start-stop-daemon on Linux to start my
 Python program, switching from user 'root' to user 'apache'.
 I solved the immediate problem by reinstalling Durus as a directory egg
 rather than a compressed egg.  So is the answer just not to use
 compressed eggs?

If the .egg file contains binary modules, those must be unpacked out of
the .egg (a Zip file actually) so that the kernel/lib-loader can map them.
If your .egg package doesn't have any binary modules, then it doesn't need
to unpack anything.


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-14 Thread Damjan
 Imagine if you were the single-person developer of a small application
 that did something quite innovative, and charged a small fee for your
 product. Now imagine you were practically forced to make your algorithm
 obvious - a couple of months later, Microsoft bring out a freeware
 version and destroy your business in an instant. Sure, they and others
 can (and have) done that with closed-source products, but you increase
 your chances of survival 10-fold if the key algorithms are not obvious.

I think you increase your chances of Microsoft not even being in the same
room with your software 100-fold if you release it under.. say GPL.


Re: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

2006-08-08 Thread Damjan
 I have a similar question (importing cx_Oracle, but not related to
 cron).  I would like to use solution #2 below and it does not work.  If
 I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running python, it works.  If I try to set
 it via os.environ, it does not work.
 I have tried this in an interactive Python shell.  I can print the
 value of os.environ[LD_LIBRARY_PATH] and it is correct, but the
 import fails.  The file is found, but when it tries to
 load the necessary Oracle library (, I get the
   ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No
 such file or directory
 Is there something else I have to do when changing os.environ before
 trying the import?

Well, all the oracle stuff is installed in /usr/lib/oracle  on my computers
(or /usr/share/oracle ... depends when and how I installed it), 
but I also always make the symbolic links in /usr/lib too.

I guess once Python is started (and the C level library loader) you can't
change LD_LIBRARY_PATH anymore.

What I ussually set in os.environ is ORACLE_HOME because the oracle library
still needs to find some additional files too.

BTW cx_Oracle seems to only need  /usr/lib/
and /usr/lib/ but I also have these links in /usr/lib: - oracle/lib/* 
   (this is a link to the .so.10.1 file) - oracle/lib/* - oracle/lib/* - oracle/lib/* 
   (this is a links to the .so.10.1 file - oracle/lib/* - oracle/lib/*

This is with oracle instant client 10 libraries.

 These environment variables are important for running any programs that
 use the oracle client libraries. The problem you have is that when you
 run the script from cron these environment variables are not set.

 Now, there are several ways how to handle this:
 1. create a shell script that you call from cron, and it it set the
 environment variables and then call you python program

 2. modify the environment in your python program (via os.environ) and
 then import cx_Oracle

 3. modify your system so that no environment variables are neccesseary -
 actually this is not possible, but what I have is, symbolic links
 in /usr/lib to the libraries in $ORACLE_HOME/lib, thus I don't need the
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, and the only other variable I need is the
 ORACLE_HOME, which is /usr/share/oracle on my system and it contains
 bin/  install/  lib/  network/  ocommon/  oracore/  rdbms/  sqlplus/


Re: Need a compelling argument to use Django instead of Rails

2006-08-08 Thread Damjan
 Yes, but your mod_python programs still run with the privileges of the
 Apache process, as are all the other mod_python programs. This means that
 my mod_python program can (at least) read files belonging to you -
 including your config file holding your database password
 I think a standard solution to this is to
 associate each virtual host server to a
 different port and have the main apache
 redirect to the port.  Inetd makes sure
 that the vserver apache instance only
 stays alive while it's needed.  It might be
 complicated to set up, but it works.
 Again, something like this is probably
 advisable anyway to limit the ways one
 vserver can damage another generally

Starting a new Apache process with python included (trough mod_python) is
even worse than CGI.

But it seems AppArmor supports secureing mod_python (and mod_php and
mod_perl) with a special Apache module (and the AppArmor support in the
Linux kernel - yes this is Linux only).

Now that it's GPL AppArmor seems to get a lot of supporters.


Re: Need a compelling argument to use Django instead of Rails

2006-08-05 Thread Damjan
 I didn't realize you could do shared hosting with mod_python, because
 of the lack of security barriers between Python objects (i.e. someone
 else's application could reach into yours).  You really need a
 separate interpreter per user.
 mod_python uses sub-interpreters - can be per virtual server, per
 directory etc, cf
Yes, but your mod_python programs still run with the privileges of the
Apache process, as are all the other mod_python programs. This means that
my mod_python program can (at least) read files belonging to you -
including your config file holding your database password.

PHP solves this problem by using it's safe mode and basedir restrictions.
Mod_python nor Python itself don't have this feature.

There are sollutions for Apache that run each virtual host under a different
uid but they have quirks:

 Metux MPM -
 mod_suid  - for apache 1.3.x
 mod_suid2 - for apache 2.0.x
 mod_ruid  - seems to be an improvement of mod_suid2

But I see mod_python more as a way to extend Apache itself, than for running
Python applications. A lot of the Apache mod_auth_* modules could be
replaced with mod_python scripts.

OTOH SCGI or FastCGI seem better sutied for python web (WSGI) applications.


Re: Which Python API for PostgreSQL?

2006-08-05 Thread Damjan
 I also recommend psycopg.

But make sure you use psycopg2


Re: Windows vs. Linux

2006-07-30 Thread Damjan
 Right now I run Windows as my main operating system.  On my old
 laptop I ran Ubuntu, and liked it very much; however, my new laptop has
 a Broadcom wireless card, and it's not very Linux friendly.

of topic: that Broadcom wireless card has a driver included in the latest
kernel 2.6.17, and probably you could easily make it work if you make some
upgrades to Ubuntu.


Re: How to force a thread to stop

2006-07-29 Thread Damjan
 | A common recovery mechanism in embedded systems is a watchdog timer,
 | which is a hardware device that must be poked by the software every
 | so often (e.g. by writing to some register).  If too long an interval
 | goes by without a poke, the WDT hard-resets the cpu.  Normally the
 | software would poke the WDT from its normal periodic timing routine.
 | A loop like you describe would stop the timing routine from running,
 | eventually resulting in a reset.
 *grin* - Yes of course - if the WDT was enabled - its something that I
 have not seen on PC's yet...

The intel 810 chipset (and all after that) has a builtin watchdog timer -
unfortunetally on some motherboards it's disabled (I guess in the BIOS).

How do I know that?
Once I got Linux installed on a new machine and although the install
went without a problem, after the first boot the machine would reboot on
exactly 2 minutes. 
After a bit of poking around I found that hotplug detected the WDT support
and loaded the driver for it (i8xx_tco), and it seems the WDT chip was set
to start ticking right away after the driver poked it. 


Re: threading+ftp+import = block

2006-07-25 Thread Damjan
Panard wrote:

 I'm experiencing a strange problem while trying to manage a ftp connection
 into a separate thread.
 I'm on linux, python 2.4.3
 Here is a test :
 -- --
 import ftplib
 import threading
 import datetime
 class test( threading.Thread ) :
 ftp_conn = ftplib.FTP(localhost,user,pass)
 def run( self ) :
 print self.ftp_conn.pwd()
 def t() :
 t = test()
 If I do :
 $ python
 drwxrwsr-x   2 panard   ftp  4096 Jul 24 12:48 archives
 == Works perfectly
 But :
 $ python
 import ftp_thread
 program block

This has been documented in the blog posts titled How well you know Python
(find it on google)

The problem is that, once you run import ftp_thread a lock is set in the
Python interpreter, so then you can't start a new thread... (this from the
back of my mind).


Re: threading+ftp+import = block

2006-07-25 Thread Damjan
Damjan wrote:

 Panard wrote:
 I'm experiencing a strange problem while trying to manage a ftp
 connection into a separate thread.
 I'm on linux, python 2.4.3
 Here is a test :
 -- --
 import ftplib
 import threading
 import datetime
 class test( threading.Thread ) :
 ftp_conn = ftplib.FTP(localhost,user,pass)
 def run( self ) :
 print self.ftp_conn.pwd()
 def t() :
 t = test()
 If I do :
 $ python
 drwxrwsr-x   2 panard   ftp  4096 Jul 24 12:48 archives
 == Works perfectly
 But :
 $ python
 import ftp_thread
 program block
 This has been documented in the blog posts titled How well you know
 Python (find it on google)
 The problem is that, once you run import ftp_thread a lock is set in the
 Python interpreter, so then you can't start a new thread... (this from the
 back of my mind).

Actually, testing with
class test( threading.Thread ) :
def run( self ) :
print 'Hello'

instead of your test class, didn't show this anomally... actually the
problem is that import ftp_thread sets a lock on *importing* other
modules and I thing that the call to self.ftp_conn.dir(/) deep down in
the ftplib module tries to import re and that's where it hangs.

You could try to move the import re in ftplib to the top of the module,
and submit a patch to the Python bug system.

Here's a simpler test class that hangs:

import threading
class test(threading.Thread):
import string
print 'Step one'
def run(self):
import re
print 'Hangs before this when this file is imported'

def t() :
t = test()


Re: Need a compelling argument to use Django instead of Rails

2006-07-25 Thread Damjan
 A few months ago I had to choose between RoR and a Python framework
 (TurboGears in that case). I picked TurboGears because of the language
 maturity and all the third party libs. i.e. I can do PDF reporting with
 reportLab, control OpenOffice with Python..

This is a good argument, you should make a list of all the greatest python
libraries that you could use for your projects, for ex. reportlab, PIL,
doctools, elementtree, sqlalchemy etc etc and try to sell that.

BTW I'd choose TurboGears for it's flexibility, but I guess Django could be
nice when more rapid results are needed (and the problem doesn't fall too
far from the Django sweet spot).

 Nah, we're not interested in Python.

This is a hard attitude, but I have the same feeling about Ruby, I like
Python and just don't see a reason to invest any time in Ruby (Rails or
not).. and from that little I've seen from it.. I didn't like it. 
OTOH Ruby surelly is not that bad either.


Re: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

2006-07-20 Thread Damjan
 I am using RedHat Linux 4. and I developed an oracle 10g based
 application by using cx_Oracle (cx_Oracle-4.1-10g-py23-1.i386.rpm) and
 Python 2.3.4.
 When I run the application through direct console connection, It works
 But, when I schedule a crontab job to run the application, It logs this
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/nsm1/NSM1/, line 5, in ?
 import cx_Oracle
 ImportError: cannot open shared object file:
 Permission denied
 I have the following settings in my /etc/profile file:

These environment variables are important for running any programs that use
the oracle client libraries. The problem you have is that when you run the
script from cron these environment variables are not set.

Now, there are several ways how to handle this:
1. create a shell script that you call from cron, and it it set the
environment variables and then call you python program

2. modify the environment in your python program (via os.environ) and then
import cx_Oracle

3. modify your system so that no environment variables are neccesseary -
actually this is not possible, but what I have is, symbolic links
in /usr/lib to the libraries in $ORACLE_HOME/lib, thus I don't need the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, and the only other variable I need is the
ORACLE_HOME, which is /usr/share/oracle on my system and it contains 
bin/  install/  lib/  network/  ocommon/  oracore/  rdbms/  sqlplus/


Re: unicode html

2006-07-17 Thread Damjan
 Hi, I've found lots of material on the net about unicode html
 conversions, but still i'm having many problems converting unicode
 characters to html entities. Is there any available function to solve
 this issue?
 As an example I would like to do this kind of conversion:
 \uc3B4 = ocirc;

'#%d;' % ord(u'\u0430')


'#x%x;' % ord(u'\u0430')

 for all available html entities.


Re: Chapter 9 Tutorial for Classes Not Working

2006-06-30 Thread Damjan
 class MyClass:
 A simple example class
 i = 12345
 def f(self):
 return 'hello world'
  From here I run:
 x = MyClass

Did you mean x = MyClass()

 xf = x.f
 while True:
print xf()
 This gives the following error:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 2, in ?
 TypeError: unbound method f() must be called with MyClass instance as
 first argument (got nothing instead)
 Please help...this is killing me!

What you are really calling is MyClass.f without any arguments.


Re: Python database access

2006-06-27 Thread Damjan
 The odbc module is part of the Python Standard Library. 

Since when?


Re: ANN: PyQt v4.0 Released - Python Bindings for Qt v4

2006-06-12 Thread Damjan
 A set of classes to support TCP and UDP socket programming and higher
 level protocols (eg. HTTP).

Since QtNetwork is asynchronous how does it compare to twisted?
I find Qt's signals and slots easier to understand and work with than
twisted deferreds.


Re: is a wiki engine based on a cvs/svn a good idea?

2006-05-31 Thread Damjan
 I'm planning to wite a fully featured wiki in Python in one of
 frameworks. I've seen some notes about wiki/documentation management
 scripts that use SVN as a data storage/versioning.


 I've been using SVN a bit but I don't know if it's a good idea to use
 it in a wiki engine. Pro: versioning / diffs, Cons: you need your own
 svn/cvs repository, can pyLucene or Xapwrap index this?

You can certanly index the svn checkout if nothing else.


Re: how to clear up a List in python?

2006-05-25 Thread Damjan
 And, if a list have 801 values, I want to get its values index from 300
 to 400, could use list1[300:400],are right me?
 300 will be included in your slice whereas the 400th index will be
 excluded. you will ultimately have 99 items in your slice.

No, he'll have 100 items in the slice... 300, 301,... 399 that's 100 items.


Re: Dumb-as-rocks WSGI serving using standard library

2006-05-22 Thread Damjan
 What I can't find is a simple recipe to serve a WSGI application with
 a dumb-as-rocks HTTP server, just using the standard Python library.
 The standard library includes BaseHTTPServer, which as far as I can
 tell doesn't know anything about WSGI.

 Everything else that I can find leads to dependencies I don't want for
 flexibility I don't need: cherrypy, paste, et al.
 Any suggestions for how to serve up a simple WSGI application with
 just the standard library?

There's no WSGI http server in the std lib as of Python 2.4.

Paste[1] provides one, wsgiref[2] (probably will be included in Python 2.5)
provides a SimpleHTTPServer and CGI based WSGI servers.
There's also WSGIUtils[3] that provides that.



Re: enumerate() question

2006-05-22 Thread Damjan
 I have a question for the developer[s] of enumerate(). Consider the
 following code:
 for x,y in coords(dots):
 print x, y
 When I want to iterate over enumerated sequence I expect this to work:
 for i,x,y in enumerate(coords(dots)):
 print i, x, y

for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coords(dots)):
   print i, x, y


Re: MySQLdb - parameterised SQL - how to see resulting SQL ?

2006-05-17 Thread Damjan
 ... i would be interested in seeing what the actual SQL used by the
 .execute looks like after the replacements have been done. Is there a
 way of doing this ?

On my development machine I'm using the --log argument to MySQL so that it
logs all queries and connections. I wouldn't recommend that on a production
machine though.

The logfile is stored in /var/lib/mysql/hostname.log


Re: Python Eggs Just install in *ONE* place? Easy to uninstall?

2006-05-08 Thread Damjan
 But not matter where eggs are installed they
 are never spread across multiple places
 on hard drive right?  An egg is all under
 one node of tree right?

From what I've seen, no.
For example installing TurboGears will also install the tg-admin script
in /usr/bin/ and there are a lot of other projects that install custom


Re: converting to scgi

2006-05-08 Thread Damjan
 I'm looking for a scgi modules that make it easy to convert a CGI using
 the standard Python CGI module.  I'm hoping for something that will run
 my program either as scgi or cgi.
 I did find something called paste which purports to be some sort of CGI
 Bridge framework but from the documentation, it appears that the
 flexibility has eliminated the simplicity.

If you write web application for WSGI, then you could as easilly run them in
SCGI, CGI, mod_python, fast_cgi, in twisted or in a standalone HTTP server.

Some resources:

PythPaste of course provides a lot of tools to use with WSGI:

Flup provides scgi, fastcgi and AJP absed WSGI servers:

The WSGI specification:

It would be nice if others supplied some interesting WSGI resources too.


Re: Is there a Python MVC that works just as well with just CGI, or FCGI?

2006-04-10 Thread Damjan


Re: mod_python + apache + winxp = nogo

2006-04-08 Thread Damjan
 to apache's httpd.conf, apache refuses to start, saying:
 cannot load c:/path/ into server: the specified module
 could not be found

which probably means that is not in that directory?


Is there a WSGI sollutions repository somewhere

2006-03-04 Thread Damjan
It seems that WSGI support starts to flourish is there some document or
a web site that tracks what's out there, some place to pick and choose
WSGI components?


Re: PyQt issue

2006-03-04 Thread Damjan
 Because you wrote curentText - note the missing t.


You mean the missing 'r'



Python 2.4.2 and Berkeley DB 4.4.20 ?

2006-02-13 Thread Damjan
This is from the Slackware-current changelog:

d/python-2.4.2-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to python-2.4.2.
   The bsddb module didn't build against the new 4.4.x version of
   Berkeley DB. Does anyone care? Or perhaps have a patch? :-)

Does anyone have a suggestion?


Re: ANNOUNCE: Mod_python 3.2.7

2006-02-13 Thread Damjan
Just upgraded from 3.1.4 / Apache-2.0.55, and I can confirm that both
moin-1.5 and trac-0.9.3 continued to work without problems.


Re: Problem with curses and UTF-8

2006-02-08 Thread Damjan
I just recompiled my python to link to ncursesw, and tried your example
with a little modification:

import curses, locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
s = curses.initscr()
ABOVE\n'.encode('utf-8') )
s.addstr(u'\u00f5 U+00F5 LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH

And it works ok for me, Slackware-10.2, python-2.4.2, ncurses-5.4 all
in KDE's konsole.
My locale is mk_MK.UTF-8.

Now it would be great if python's curses module worked with unicode
strings directly.


Re: SMPP implementation in python

2006-01-17 Thread Damjan
You can see some code here but it's not
complete... it need much more work.


Re: quick unicode Q

2005-12-15 Thread Damjan
 Read it as a string, and then decode it with the .decode method.  You
 specify what encoding it's in.

 Most probably, the OP is asking what to do with an UTF-8 encoded string.

 To decode that, just use:


I prefer:

unicode(s, 'utf-8')

That way it's more clear that what you get is a unicode object.


Re: SVG rendering with Python

2005-12-15 Thread Damjan
Do you want to create a SVG file or display a SVG file?

SVG files are just XML so maybe you can create them easyly?


Re: OO in Python? ^^

2005-12-15 Thread Damjan
 sorry for my ignorance, but after reading the Python tutorial on, I'm sort of, well surprised about the lack of OOP
 capabilities in python. Honestly, I don't even see the point at all of
 how OO actually works in Python.

 For one, is there any good reason why I should ever inherit from a
 class? ^^ There is no functionality to check if a subclass correctly
 implements an inherited interface and polymorphism seems to be missing
 in Python as well. I kind of can't imagine in which circumstances
 inheritance in Python helps. For example:

Python IS Object Oriented, since everything is an object in Python,
even functions, strings, modules, classes and class instances.

But Python is also dynamically typed so inheritance and polymorphism,
ideas coming from other languages, are not that much important.

 Please give me hope that Python is still worth learning

Python is different than C/C++, Java and co.
If you can pass over it, you'll see for yourself if it's worth learning.


Re: small inconsistency in ElementTree (1.2.6)

2005-12-10 Thread Damjan
 ascii strings and unicode strings are perfectly interchangable, with
 some minor exceptions.

 It's not only translate, it's decode too...

 why would you use decode on the strings you get back from ET ?

Long story... some time ago when computers wouldn't support charsets
invented so called cyrillic fonts - ie a font that has cyrillic
mapped on the latin posstions. Since our cyrillic alphabet has 31
characters, some characters in said fonts were mapped to { or ~ etc..
course this ,,sollution is awful but it was the only one at the

So I'm making a python script that takes an OpenDocument file and
it to UTF-8...

ps. I use translate now, but I was making a general note that unicode
string objects are not 100% interchangeable. translate, encode, decode
especially problematic.

anyway, I wrap the output of ET in unicode() now... I don't see
another, better, sollution.


Re: small inconsistency in ElementTree (1.2.6)

2005-12-09 Thread Damjan
 Do I need to check the output of ElementTree everytime, or there's some
 hidden switch to change this behaviour?


 ascii strings and unicode strings are perfectly interchangable, with some
 minor exceptions.

It's not only translate, it's decode too... probably other methods and
behaviour differ too.
And the bigger picture, string objects are really only byte sequences,
text is consisted of characters and that's what unicode strings are

It seems to me more logical that an et.text to be a unicode object
It's text, right!

 if you find yourself using translate all the time
 (why?), add an explicit conversion to the translate code.

I'm using translate because I need it :)

I'm currently just wrapping anything from ElementTree in unicode(), but
seems like an ugly step.

 (fwiw, I'd say this is a bug in translate rather than in elementtree)

I wonder what the python devels will say? ;)


small inconsistency in ElementTree (1.2.6)

2005-12-08 Thread Damjan
Attached is the smallest test case, that shows that ElementTree returns
string object if the text in the tree is only ascii, but returns a
object otherwise.

This would make sense if the sting object and unicode object were
interchangeable... but they are not - one example, the translate method
completelly different.

I've tested with cElementTree (1.0.2) too, it has the same behaviour.

Any suggestions?
Do I need to check the output of ElementTree everytime, or there's some
hidden switch to change this behaviour?

from elementtree import ElementTree

xml = \
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  p1 ascii /p1
  p2 \xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb8\xd1\x86\xd0\xb0

tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
p1, p2 = tree.getchildren()
print type(p1.text):, type(p1.text)
print type(p2.text):, type(p2.text)


Re: Oracle 9i client for Linux

2005-11-30 Thread Damjan
This is a list of files I use to compile cx_Oracle, php-oci amd perl
DB::OCI on Linux.
I set ORACLE_HOME to /usr/lib/oracle and symlink the *.so files in
/usr/lib so that I don't need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
I guess this list can be reduced some more... but I got tired of

And the instant client 10.0 will work with a 9i database, but will not
work with some 8.0 and 8.1 databases.



Re: Unicode in MIMEText

2005-11-28 Thread Damjan
patch submitted... 

 Thanks for taking the time to improve the quality of the Python library.

Do you think it would be possible to do some kind of an automatic 
comprehensive test of compatibility of the standard library with unicode


Re: Unicode in MIMEText

2005-11-25 Thread Damjan
 ... and being concerned to improve the library you logged this patch in
 Sourceforge for consideration by the developers?
 That's the only way to guarantee proper consideration of your fix.

Ok I will, can you confirm that the patch is correct?
Maybe I got something wrong?


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