Re: How to apply the user's HTML environment in a Python programme?

2012-09-21 Thread David Smith

On 2012-09-21 08:57, BobAalsma wrote:

This text can be behind a username/password, but for several reasons, I don't 
want to know those.

So I would like to set up a situation where the user logs in (if/when 
appropriate), points out the URL to my programme and my programme would then be 
able to read that particular text.

I do this from a bat file that I will later translate to Python.
I tell my work wiki which file I want. I use chrome, so for every new 
session I'm asked for my credentials. However, that is all transparent 
to my bat file.

For that matter, when I download a new build from part of another bat 
file, I use Firefox and never see the credential exchange.

I wouldn't expect any different behavior using Python.


Re: Re: 'indent'ing Python in windows bat

2012-09-19 Thread David Smith

On 2012-09-19 05:22, Thomas Rachel wrote:

Am 18.09.2012 15:03 schrieb David Smith:

I COULD break down each batch file and write dozens of mini python
scripts to be called. I already have a few, too. Efficiency? Speed is
bad, but these are bat files, after all. The cost of trying to work with
a multitude of small files is high, though, and I realized I had better
go to a mix.

In order to achieve this, it might be very useful to either have a
module for each (bigger) part to be achieved which you can call with


Or you have one big interpreter which works this way:

class Cmd(object):
 Command collector


This is suitable for many small things and can be used this way:



Beautiful. Gotta love it. I'll see if I can get the interpreter going. 
I particularly like it because I will be able to copy and paste 
wholesale when I stitch the final product back together again. Many thanks.

Going back to the one-liner, I discovered the following individual lines 

if 1: print('hi')
if 1: print('hi');print('hi2')

but not:
print('hi');if 1: print('hi')

Chokes on the 'if'. On the surface, this is not consistent.

I'll drop the one-liners for now since I have something that I can work 
with as I learn to wrestle with Python.

thanks again.

Re: Re: 'indent'ing Python in windows bat

2012-09-19 Thread David Smith

On 2012-09-19 14:18, Terry Reedy wrote:

stating correctly that it works for exec().

My mistake. I fancied you were talking shell, not python. I now see that 
Python 3 has exec() as a built-in.

python -c exec('print(\hi\)\nif 0:\n print(\hi\)\nelif 1:\n 

worked right off the *.bat. Shades of sed!
Note I used a one space indentation. A tab works fine, too.

python -c exec('print(%1)\nif 1: print(2)')
and calling 'tem 3' prints
Thanks for the exhaustive study. :-) I'll keep it in mind. I hope I 
don't have to do this, though.

That said, if you have many multiline statements, putting them in a
separate file or files may be a good idea.

ASAP I'm hoping to have each bat swallowed completely by python. My 
current bathon or pytch file closes an old session then opens the 
session I select just like the bat mom used to bake.

Thank you again, Terry, and thanks to all -- even the *nix'ers. Might 
come in handy if I get back into that again.


Re: 'indent'ing Python in windows bat

2012-09-18 Thread David Smith
Thank you all. Roy Smith gets the most thanks, though he didn't answer 
my general question -- he showed me how to look at that specific 
structure differently. Terry Reedy might get thanks for her idea if I 
can ever figure the correct escape sequences that will make both windows 
and the Python interpreter happy. Bat makes bash/sed combos look like a 

I thought you guys wouldn't want a treatise about WHY I was doing it 
this way and left it at one sentence. For whatever record, this is the 
sentence most missed.

I'm converting windows bat files little by little to Python 3 as I find time 
and learn Python.

I COULD stop doing all my other work to learn Python and convert all the 
batch files in one fell swoop. Efficiency? Fast way to get fired. Better 
to fit this in during the many small breaks I have. That's how the bat 
files were built over time in the first place. Or this email.

I COULD break down each batch file and write dozens of mini python 
scripts to be called. I already have a few, too. Efficiency? Speed is 
bad, but these are bat files, after all. The cost of trying to work with 
a multitude of small files is high, though, and I realized I had better 
go to a mix.

Some sections can be broken down to one liners. Efficiency? Speed is 
terrible, but it's far faster than typing commands. OTOH, I have the 
organization I need on the original bat file, which is slowly being 
rem'ed out. As I learn and have the time, the one-liners will melt 
together into a py file to be called from the bat file. Eventually, the 
bat will disappear back into the broken Window from whence it came.

Ugly, eh? I have under my belt scads of different languages from Fortran 
(using JCL!), Pascal, C++ to bash, sed, awk to Forth, assembly and a 
large cast of others. No big deal. My brain and Python, however, do NOT 
mix. I have been trying to learn the thing for over a decade and figure 
this will either force my brain into seeing the heart of the beast, or 
be swallowed in the attempt.

Bat files are ugly cripples, but even on Windows a two-legged quick and 
dirty dog is better than mistake-prone typing and button clicking. After 
conversion, I'm aiming to make these erstwhile ugly cripples fly when I 
find the time and as I stuff more Python down my gullet.

I agree. For those who have the unbroken time and understanding of 
Python, this is idiotic.

back to work,

'indent'ing Python in windows bat

2012-09-17 Thread David Smith

Hello, I'm essentially a newbie in Python.
My problem in searching the archives is not knowing what words to use to 

I'm converting windows bat files little by little to Python 3 as I find 
time and learn Python.

The most efficient method for some lines is to call Python like:
python -c import sys; sys.exit(3)

How do I indent if I have something like:
if (sR=='Cope'): sys.exit(1) elif (sR=='Perform') sys.exit(2) else 

My sole result in many attempts is Syntax Error.

Thank you for any help.


Re: SAX: Short tag's ...

2009-10-07 Thread David Smith
Thomas Lehmann wrote:
 Is there a way to recognize short tags in a XML?
 I'm implementing a SAX handler...
 Problem: storing the XML code I would need this information
 in the startElement ...
 How can I handle this?
 element id=abc /
 element id=xyz any text/element

So ... are you writing as you read?  If so, I'm not sure you can know
which form to write out immediately.  Best bet would be to delay write
until the next SAX event.  The next SAX event will tell if the element
should be written as element / or element.


Re: IDE for python similar to visual basic

2009-09-11 Thread David Smith
r wrote:
 On Sep 11, 7:08 am, Nobody wrote:
 I'm saying that the user understands their workflow and environment better
 than the application's programmers. The user should be able to decide
 which menu items are shown and where, which buttons are shown and where,
 etc. The code doesn't need to know this level of detail, let alone dictate
 I completely disagree with this idea of user customization of the
 GUI. Sounds more like adolescent accessorizing to me. How is changing
 the location of a button, or entry, or whatever, actually going to
 make workflow more easier? Sounds like somebody failed to get input
 from their users at design time. Or somebody has the inability to
 relate to their end users. However i know some out there like the
 styles and skins crap, which is a different animal altogether than
 what you speak of.
 Would a mechanic give you a screw driver so you could adjust the fuel/
 air ratio yourself? If he did i would never take my car back again!
 Just reeks of incompetence!!
 Only qualified persons should fix cars, same for software!

Speaking for backyard mechanics everywhere, I sometimes want the
screwdriver. :-)


Re: Running Sum script

2009-09-04 Thread David Smith
Jul wrote:
 I have a .txt file that is in this format --
 ...and so on...
 i need to create a python script that will open this file and have a
 running sum until the end of file.
 it sounds really simple its just for some reason i am having problem
 with it.
 i would really appreciate your help

It is really simple.  Can you post the code you've written so far?


Re: Running Sum script

2009-09-04 Thread David Smith
Jul wrote:
 On Sep 4, 2:21 pm, Stephen Fairchild wrote:
 Jul wrote:
 I have a .txt file that is in this format --
 ...and so on...
 i need to create a python script that will open this file and have a
 running sum until the end of file.

 with open(numbers.txt, r) as f:
print sum(int(x) for x in f)
 Stephen Fairchild
 thats what i have so far --
 import os.path
 #open up the file
 formisanoOpen = open(formisano_num.txt, r)
 #read in all the data into a list
 readData = formisanoOpen.readLines()
 #set up a sum
 sum = 0;
 #begin a loop
 for trial in readData:
 #the next line is indented (YA doesn't indent)
 sum += int(trial)
 #loop is over, so unindent
 #report the sum
 print sum
 but it doesnt want to run for some reason

... ok ... what do you get.  If it's an error, please post the stack
trace.  Please help us help you -- provide details.


Re: obscure problem using elementtree to make xhtml website

2009-09-03 Thread David Smith
Lee wrote:
 Elementtree (python xml parser) will transform markup like
 tag boo=baa/tag
 tag boo=baa /
 which is a reasonable thing to do for xml (called minimization, I
 But this caused an obscure problem when I used it to create the xhtml
 parts of my website,
 causing Internet Explorer to display nearly blank pages. I explain the
 details at
 and am writing here as a heads-up to anyone who might be using a
 workflow similar to mine: writing documents in xml and using python
 and elementtree to transform those into xhtml webpages, and using the
 standard kludge of serving them as text/html to IE, to get around the
 latter's inability to handle xml. I can't be the only one (and I doubt
 this problem is confined to elementtree).
 Lee Phillips

It's not just Elementtree that does this .. I've seen others libraries
(admittedly in other languages I won't mention here) transform empty
tags to the self-terminating form.  A whitespace text node or comment
node in between *should* prevent that from happening.  AFAIK, the only
tag in IE xhtml that really doesn't like to be reduced like that is the
script  tag.  Firefox seems to be fine w/ self-terminating script /
tags.  At any rate, I tend to put a comment node in between the begin
and end to prevent the reduction:

script src= ...  type=text/javascript!-- --/script


Re: python daemon - compress data and load data into MySQL by pyodbc

2009-09-03 Thread David Smith
MacRules wrote:
 Sean DiZazzo wrote:
 On Sep 2, 8:36 pm, MacRules wrote:

 I installed Python daemon, pyodbc module to access the back-end DB

 My setup is like this

 load data job - Python Daemon A, port 6000 - Python Daemon B, port
 7000 - MySQL

 Daemon A will perform data compression, such as GZIP, and send over data
 to Daemon B.
 Daemon B will perform data uncompression, GUNZIP, and insert records to
 MySQL or MSSQL or Oracle.

 Where should I start this to code this?
 Can someone give me a hint, as detail as possible here?

 I am a python newbie.

 Thanks for all the help I can get,

 Start by reading the tutorial.

 Are you a Python expert?
 Can you show me the basic coding to get a Daemon (pass through insert
 data) up and insert to the backend MySQL?

You've asked a rather large and non-specific question.  What avenues
have you explored so far?  Can you describe the problem this is designed
to solve?


Re: Question on the csv library

2009-08-28 Thread David Smith
vsoler wrote:
 Thank you very much for all your comments. After reading them I can
 conclude that:
 1- the CSV format is not standardized; each piece of software uses it

True, but there are commonalities.  See

 2- the C in CSV does not mean comma for Microsoft Excel; the ;
 comes from my regional Spanish settings

The C really does stand for comma.  I've never seen MS spit out
semi-colon separated text on a CSV format.

 3- Excel does not even put quotes around litteral texts, not even when
 the text contains a blank

There is no need to quote text literals with whitespace in them.  There
is a need when a newline exists or when the separator character is
embedded in the field.


Re: Questions on XML

2009-08-21 Thread David Smith
joy99 wrote:
 Dear Group,
 I like to convert some simple strings of natural language to XML. May
 I use Python to do this? If any one can help me, on this.
 I am using primarily UTF-8 based strings, like Hindi or Bengali. Can I
 use Python to help me in this regard?
 How can I learn good XML aspects of Python. If any one can kindly name
 me a book or URL.
 I am using Python2.6 on Windows XP with IDLE as GUI.
 Best Regards,

Take a look at xml.etree.ElementTree package and it's contents.  It's
included in the binary distributions of Python 2.6.  There are lot's of
books out covering XML and UTF-8 is exactly where you want to be w/ XML.


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-27 Thread David Smith
Aahz wrote:
 In article,
 Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 On Sunday 26 July 2009 21:26:46 David Robinow wrote:
  I'm a mediocre programmer. Does this mean I should switch to PHP?
 I have searched, but I can find nothing about this mediocre language.

 Could you tell us more?
 (For anyone who is confused by Hendrik's humor, he is saying that David
 was referring to a programming language named mediocre.  English
 grammar is confusing!)

LOL ... I'm an American and that wasn't all that clear :-)

Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread David Smith
Piet van Oostrum wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen (HvR) wrote:
 HvR On Monday 20 July 2009 21:26:07 Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 On Jul 20, 6:08 pm, Duncan Booth wrote:
 The main reason why you need both lists and tuples is that because a
 tuple of immutable objects is itself immutable you can use it as a
 dictionary key.
 Really? That sounds interesting, although I can't think of any real-
 world cases where you'd use something like that.
 HvR simplest is something like a point in the cartesian plane with
 HvR an associated attribute like colour.
 There are numerous other examples. Anytime you need a key that is not a
 single object but composed of more than one:
 Name + birthday
 Street + number + City
 Student + Course

Compound keys (like what's listed above) can also be used for sorting
lists of dictionaries using DSU style sorting.  Something I believe (and
 I could be wrong) won't work with mutable types like lists.


Re: Python code for testing well parenthesized expression

2009-07-14 Thread David Smith
Jeremy Sanders wrote:
 candide wrote:
 I'm trying to implement in Python a function testing if an expression is
 well parenthesized. For instance the expression zx4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik
 is correctly parenthesized but this one zx(4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik is not.

 My code follows at the end.

 If you have a better algorithm or a better Python code (I'm a beginner in
 the Python world), don't hesitate ...
 Don't you want to just test that the number of (s equals the number of 
 )s or am I missing the point?
 a.count('(') == a.count(')')

Using straight counting, )z))ab(c(ew( would be well parenthesized.  I
suspect a better way would be to iterate over the string using a balance
counter that increases 1 for every open, decreases 1 for every close.  A
negative balance at any moment would indicate an error as well as an
ending balance greater than 0.


Re: tkinter problem

2009-07-09 Thread David Smith
Paul Simon wrote:
 Peter Otten wrote in message 
 Paul Simon wrote:

 Chris Rebert wrote in message
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Paul wrote:
 I have the tkinter problem and need some assistance to straighten it
 From the web page; I tested as in
 1 and cannot import _tkinter. I do not have that file on my computer,
 do have in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/lib-tk. as well as the
 directories /usr/lib/tk8.5 and /usr/lib/tcl8.5.
 This python stuff is great, but the documentation frequently
 feels like it is just a bit out of my grasp. I realize that all of this
 is free but I understand the instructions on the web page to repair only
 to the
 point of confusion. I'm not an expert. How do I modify my python
 configuration? Is there a file that needs to be edited? Which
 do I use? Make? or python build and python install?
 Thanks. I appreciate your help.
 - How did you install Python?
 - What Linux distro are you using?

 Im using Mandriva 2008.1.  I have to tell you honestly that I'm not sure
 exactly how I installed Python.  Originally I had installed 2.5 from RPM
 but 2.6 was not available for my distro (2008.1) in RPM.  I downloaded
 something from and installed.  Not sure if it was tarball or
 zip file.
 Zip or tar doesn't matter, you are installing from source.

 Python has to find the necessary include files for tcl/tk. These are in
 separate packages that you have to install before you invoke Python's
 configure script.

 I don't know what they are called on your system -- look for tk-dev.rpm,
 tcl-dev.rpm or similar.

 You may run into the same problem with other modules like readline.


 Thank you Peter.  I understand what you are saying but don't know how to do 
 it.  Although I installed from source, I followed a cookbook recipe. 
 Could you tell me what files to execute, where they might be, and file 
 arguments?  I'm just ignorant, not stupid. ;-).

Just install the tkinter package from the Mandriva Linux Control
Center's Software Management system.  I just did it, doing a search for
tkinter brought it right up.  All done.


Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-05 Thread David Smith
kj wrote:
 In Paul Rubin 
 http://phr...@nospam.invalid writes:
 kj writes:
 sense = cmp(func(hi), func(lo))
 assert sense != 0, func is not strictly monotonic in [lo, hi]
 bisection search usually just requires the function to be continuous
 and to have its value cross the target somewhere between the endpoints,
 not be monotonic.
 Try the algorithm I posted with lo = -pi/4, hi = 2*pi, func = cos,
 target = -1, and see what you get...
 I regard the very special case of func(hi)==func(lo)==target as
 pathological (analogous to the fact that a stopped watch is exactly
 right twice a day), and not one I care to support.
 I do think you should support that case, under the do 'nothing'
 gracefully principle.
 You keep missing the point that this is an *internal* *helper*
 *convenience* function, meant to abstract away common logic from
 a handful of places and thus eliminate some code repetition within
 a module.  It is *not* a library function intended to be called
 from elsewhere.  So talk of supporting anything is besides the
 point.  Any internal use of this function that applies it to a
 non-strictly-monotonic function is, by assumption, an error.

First, let me say *I got the point*.  I use asserts, but only in unit
testing where I want to test the result of some action for correctness.
 In the course of programming product code, I personally don't think
they should ever be used exactly for the reasons everyone else is
pointing out.  They can be disabled with the -O option and that changes
the program's behavior in ways that could break in production.

If you insist on teaching the assert statement, teach it in the context
of writing unit testing code.  Its an extremely valuable skill.


Re: logging of strings with broken encoding

2009-07-02 Thread David Smith
Thomas Guettler wrote:
 I have bug in my code, which results in the same error has this one:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/logging/, line 765, in emit % msg.encode(UTF-8))
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 8: 
 ordinal not in range(128)
 I run Python 2.6. In SVN the code is the same (StreamHandler ... def emit...):
 I think msg.encode(UTF-8, 'backslashreplace') would be better here.
 What do you think?
 Should I fill a bugreport?

I think you have to decode it first using the strings original encoding
whether that be cp1252 or mac-roman or any of the other 8-bit encodings.
 Once that's done, you can encode in UTF-8


Re: What text editor is everyone using for Python

2009-05-26 Thread David Smith
Lacrima wrote:
 I am new to python.
 And now I am using trial version of Wing IDE.
 But nobody mentioned it as a favourite editor.
 So should I buy it when trial is expired or there are better choices?

I use Wing IDE and like it.  It very nicely enforces consistent space
indentations and other Python basics that might fall through the cracks
when writing.  I'm not too hot on the auto-suggest, but I haven't seen
any other IDE do better.


Re: How to walk up parent directories?

2009-05-04 Thread David Smith
Matthew Wilson wrote:
 Is there already a tool in the standard library to let me walk up from a
 subdirectory to the top of my file system?
 In other words, I'm looking for something like:
  for x in walkup('/home/matt/projects'):
 ... print(x)
 I know I could build something like this with various os.path
 components, but I'm hoping I don't have to.

You should take a look at the os.path module.  Seems like you might find
something in that toolbox for this.


Re: Python Noob - a couple questions involving a web app

2009-04-29 Thread David Smith
Kyle T. Jones wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers, my dear, dear friend, there was this time, oh,
 4/29/2009 3:02 AM or thereabouts, when you let the following craziness
 loose on Usenet:
 Kyle T. Jones a écrit :
 Been programming for a long time, but just starting out with Python.
 Not a professional programmer, just that guy in one of those
 organizations that won't hire a pro, instead saying Hey, Kyle knows
 computer stuff - let's have him do this (and that, and the other, etc).

 So, the higher ups want a web app that'll let them enter (from an
 intranet page) a rather simple, but quite lengthy, list - details to
 be stored in a MySQL database... just normal stuff here, entering,
 editing, and deleting entries, sorting, etc.

 On the internet side of things, folks get the info served up to them,
 can sort it in a few ways, etc - it's pretty basic stuff.


 I can only second Arnaud and Emile : Django is very probably what
 you're looking for, and by all means better than any PHP thingie -
 wrt/ both development time and security.

 You'll indeed first have to learn the framework (and Python of
 course), and learn how to deploy your app in production (which can be
 a bit tricky if you're not familiar with server admin), but there's a
 good documentation and a very helpful community around both the Django
 framework and the Python language.

 Thanks everyone!  Wow, pretty much a consensus - a rarity with these
 types of questions, at least in my experience.
 Ok, sounds like I need to be looking at Django.  Thanks for the advice!

Consensus?! ... that just won't do. :-)

I've started with Pylons and have found it very nice.  Loose enough to
tinker with the inner workings but complete and working right out of the
box (or paster in Pylons case).


Re: How to locate the bit in bits string?

2009-04-28 Thread David Smith
Li Wang wrote:
 2009/4/29 Tim Chase
 Li Wang wrote:

 If I use an integer to represent bits:
 e.g. 99 represents '1100011'

 How can I locate, say the second bit of 99(i.e. '1')?

 Although bin(99)[4] could be used to locate it, this transform cost
 too much memory (99 only needs 2Bytes, while string '1100011' needs

 Anyone knows how to locate  the second bit without using bin() function?
 You mean

  def get_bit(number, bit):
return (number  bit)  1


 Hummm, I have tried this method too, the problem is its time
 complexity. If the length of my bits is n, then the time complexity is
 O(n). When I tried to implement this in practice, it did consume a lot
 of time.
 So do you know how could I locate the bit in O(1) time? Transform it
 into a string is a method, but takes too much space (when I try to
 process a 2M file, it used more than 100M memory.).
 Thank you very much.

So... I can only conclude you are looking for bit x in the entirety of a
file.  First you'll have to figure out what byte to look at w/ a little
integer division, then read to that point and test for the specific bit
-- I'm thinking a bitwise and operation with a bit mask.  Should be
really fast.


Re: Modifying the value of a float-like object

2009-04-14 Thread David Smith wrote:
 It looks like what is needed here are a kind of mutable float.  Is
 there a simple way of creating such a type?  I don't mind changing the
 value through x.value = 1.23 instead of x = 1.23... :)
 On Apr 14, 3:03 pm, wrote:

 Is there a way to easily build an object that behaves exactly like a
 float, but whose value can be changed?  The goal is to maintain a list
 [x, y,…] of these float-like objects, and to modify their value on the
 fly (with something like x.value = 3.14) so that any expression like x
 +y uses the new value.

 I thought of two solutions, both of which I can't make to work:

 1) Use a class that inherits from float.  This takes care of the
 behave like float part.  But is it possible to change the value of
 the float associated with an instance?  That is, is it possible to
 do:  x = MyFloat(1.23); x.change_value(3.14) so that x's float value
 becomes 3.14?

 2) The other possibility I thought of was: use a class that defines a
 'value' member (x.value).  This takes care of the value can be
 changed part.  But is it possible/easy to make it fully behave like a
 float (including when passed to functions like math.sin)?

 Alternatively, I'd be happy with a way of handling numerical
 uncertainties in Python calculations (such as in calculate the value
 and uncertainty of a*sin(b) knowing that a=3.0 +/- 0.1 and b=1.00 +/-

 Any idea would be much appreciated!

I think you'll have to describe your use case a little better.  I don't
see why you'd need a mutable float.  As long as the reference x is
visible to the other parts of your code, when that code uses x, it'll
always get the right instance of a float object.


Re: Floor value in math operators

2009-04-09 Thread David Smith
AggieDan04 wrote:
 On Apr 8, 12:08 pm, David Smith wrote:
 Avi wrote:
 This will be a very simple question to ask all the awesome programmers
 How can I get answer in in decimals for such a math operator:
 I get 1. I want to get 1.5
 Thanks in advance,
 I'm going to assume your operands are variables instead of numeric
 literals.  Why not consider doing a type conversion to float or Decimal
 and then perform the division?
 Because float(x) and Decimal(x) fail for complex numbers and lose
 precision if x is a rational or a multi-precision float.

The OP didn't ask for anything complicated or high precision -- just
wanted to divide two integer values and get a float/Decimal output.


Re: Floor value in math operators

2009-04-08 Thread David Smith
Avi wrote:
 This will be a very simple question to ask all the awesome programmers
 How can I get answer in in decimals for such a math operator:
 I get 1. I want to get 1.5
 Thanks in advance,

I'm going to assume your operands are variables instead of numeric
literals.  Why not consider doing a type conversion to float or Decimal
and then perform the division?


Re: Python Goes Mercurial

2009-04-02 Thread David Smith
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 On 1 Apr., 07:56, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
 central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message 35d429fa-5d13-4703-, John Yeung wrote:
 Here's one that clearly expresses strong antipathy:
 There are lots of GUI- and Web-based front ends to Git. And look at on-line
 services like GitHub and Gitorious. The level of support for it is huge.
 Ironically Mercurials most popular UI frontend Tortoise is going to
 crash Python tools ( like Wing-IDE ) on Windows. That's a known issue
 for about a year and more and the developers are not inclined to fix
 it. This doesn't really increase my trust that Mercurials UI tools are
 of a higher quality than Git's no matter which platform is used.

The conflict between TortoiseHg and Wing IDE can be fixed by simply
uninstalling the Tortoise Overlays.  You loose the graphic overlay on
folders, but otherwise everything works.


Re: cross platform accessing paths (windows, linux ...)

2009-03-13 Thread David Smith
Vlastimil Brom wrote:
 2009/3/13 hendra kusuma
 you may want to use os.sep to replace manually written / \ : for each
 I heard that unix/linux use / as directory separator while windows use \
 and mac os use :

 Thanks for the notice about the : path separator on mac;
 windows uses \ but normally also accepts /.
 Now I see, the diversity is yet greater, than I thought (cf.

The ':' separator is for old Mac systems using Mac OS prior to version
10.0.  As of 10.0, they've moved to a unix based environment where the
path separator is now a '/' character.  There's been enough time passed
you'll have a very hard time finding one of the old systems.


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread David Smith
W. eWatson wrote:
 Matimus wrote:
 On Feb 19, 8:06 pm, W. eWatson wrote:
 I'm using IDLE for editing, but execute programs directly. If there are
 execution or compile errors, the console closes before I can see
 what it
 contains. How do I prevent that?
 W. eWatson

   (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site:  39° 15' 7 N, 121° 2' 32 W, 2700 feet

  Web Page:

 Open a console window and type in the name of the script rather than
 just double clicking on it. Or, you can terminate your script with a
 'raw_input(press enter to quit)'.

 I can open the Python command line from Start, but how do I navigate to
 the folder where the program is?

I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
command prompt

Assuming a Windows system:

2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
the single quote characters)
3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
prompt window
4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
5. Type python to execute


Re: Keeping the Console Open with IDLE

2009-02-20 Thread David Smith
W. eWatson wrote:

 I'm not sure whether I should feel old or write a smart alec comment --
 I suppose there are people in the world who don't know what to do with a
 command prompt

 Assuming a Windows system:

 2. Type 'cd ' (as in Change Directory) in the command prompt window (w/o
 the single quote characters)
 3. Drag/drop the folder containing your python script to your command
 prompt window
 4. Hit enter in your command prompt window.
 5. Type python to execute

 If I enter just cd, then it tells me cd is not defined. If I enter
 c:/python25, it tells me I have a syntax error at c in c:. The title of
 the black background window I have up with a  prompt shown in it is
 Python(command line). Maybe this isn't the real Python console window?
 What I want is that if I execute the program by double clicking on its
 name to display the console window with the program or syntax errors
 shown without it closing in a split second. Putting read_raw in it
 doesn't work, since some error prevents it from ever being seen.

What I meant was open open the command prompt, type cd, space, DO NOT
hit enter yet.  Drag the folder with your script into the command prompt
window.  Then go to the command prompt window and hit enter.  This
should compose a command similar to the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\user cd C:\Documents and Settings\user\My
Documents\My Project

C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\My Project _


Re: Newbie question: Explain this behavior - a followup

2005-07-20 Thread David Smith
max wrote:
 David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
range statements, the example doesn't work.

Given that the beginning and ending values for the inner range
statement are the same, the inner range statement will never be
 Is your question about the semantics of for else blocks or about the 
 suitability of the algorithm given in the example? The for else block 
 is behaving exactly as expected...

Good question.  The question was directed at the latter, the suitability 
of algorithm for determining prime numbers.

 for a good explanation of when the else part of the loop is executed. 
 Basically, whenever the loop is exited normally, which is what happens 
 when you iterate over an empty list like the one returned by 

Re: Newbie question: Explain this behavior - a followup

2005-07-15 Thread David Smith
First, thanks to those who offered answers.  They didn't really answer
my question, only because I had not worked through the example
sufficiently well.  Doing this, I believe I understand what is
happening, and, if my understanding is correct, have discovered that for
other beginning and ending values for the two range statements, the
example doesn't work.

Given that the beginning and ending values for the inner range statement
are the same, the inner range statement will never be executed for its
first iternation; the else will be.  This is not correct.  Simply make
the beginning value a non-prime number, and the program still prints out
that that number is prime.  Changing both beginning and ending values on
the two statements, the ouput is differentially buggy.


Newbie question: Explain this behavior

2005-07-14 Thread David Smith
Why does code snippet one work correctly, but not two.  The only
difference is the placement of the else.  I know that indentation
affects execution, but how does it change behavior in the following
examples?  Thank you.

1. for n in range(2, 10):
   for x in range(2, n):
  if n % x == 0:
 print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
  # loop fell through without finding a factor
 print n, 'is a prime number'


2 is a prime number
3 is a prime number
4 equals 2 * 2
5 is a prime number
6 equals 2 * 3
7 is a prime number
8 equals 2 * 4
9 equals 3 * 3

2.  for n in range(2, 10):
for x in range(2, n):
   if n % x == 0:
  print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
# loop fell through without finding a factor
  print n, 'is a prime number'


3 is a prime number
4 equals 2 * 2
5 is a prime number
5 is a prime number
5 is a prime number
6 equals 2 * 3
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
7 is a prime number
8 equals 2 * 4
9 is a prime number
9 equals 3 * 3


Installing new version, erasing previous versions of Python

2004-12-21 Thread David Smith
I currently have Python 2.2 and 2.3.4 installed.  I want to install Python 2.4,
and erase 2.3.4, but retain 2.2, for I need it for my connectivity program.

According to the the documentation:

If you have a previous installation of Python that you don't want to replace
yet, use

make altinstall

the same set of files as make install except it doesn't create the hard link
to pythonversion named python and it doesn't install the manual page at

And prior to this, it says:

All subdirectories created will have Python's version number in their
name, e.g. the library modules are installed in
/usr/local/lib/pythonversion/ by default, where version is the
major.minor release number (e.g. 2.1).  The Python binary is
installed as pythonversion and a hard link named python is
created.  The only file not installed with a version number in its
name is the manual page, installed as /usr/local/man/man1/python.1
by default.

If I understand the above correctly, 1) make install and make altinstall use
the same process, the only difference being the man page update, and the hard
link, and 2) that previous versions of python are not deleted.  Therefore I
should be able to install 2.4 without deleting 2.2.2.  If I wish to delete
2.3.4, I have to rm -r the appropriate directories.  Any caveats?  Is there any
crosstalk between 2.2.2 and 2.4 modules?  Thank you.
David Smith
1845 Purdue Ave #3
Los Angeles Calif 90025-5592
(310) 478-8050