Re: win32clipboard writing to clipboard on Windows 11

2024-06-18 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 2:19 AM Eryk Sun  wrote:
> def set_clipboard_text(text):
> hMem = global_alloc_text(text)
> try:
> win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32clipboard.CF_UNICODETEXT,
> hMem)
> # Now the system owns the global memory.
> except:
> kernel32.GlobalFree(hMem)

Oops, that suppresses the exception. Fixed:

def set_clipboard_text(text):
hMem = global_alloc_from_text(text)
# Now the system owns the global memory.

Re: win32clipboard writing to clipboard on Windows 11

2024-06-18 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 8:36 PM MRAB via Python-list
> On 2024-06-17 20:27, Rob Cliffe via Python-list wrote:
> > SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, "0")
> > CloseClipboard()

win32clipboard.SetClipboardData() first tries to covert the second
argument as an integer handle to global memory, which gets passed to
WinAPI SetClipboardData(). The integer conversion is basically via
int(). With int("0"), it's passing a NULL handle value, which
instructs the window manager to query the data from the window that
was associated via OpenClipboard(), if any. Since no memory handle is
passed in this case, SetClipboardData() returns NULL.
win32clipboard.SetClipboardData() misinterprets this as failure and
raises an exception for whatever random error code is currently set in
the thread's last error value. On the other hand, for a numeric text
string with a nonzero value, such as "123",
win32clipboard.SetClipboardData() will raise an exception for the
error code ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE (6), unless the integer value happens
to be a valid global memory handle value.

I recommend just using win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(). Otherwise I
don't see an easy workaround given the peculiar design of
win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(). You'd have to manually allocate a
block of global memory, copy the numeric text string into it, and pass
the global memory handle to win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(). For

import ctypes
import win32clipboard
from ctypes import wintypes

kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True)


kernel32.GlobalAlloc.restype = wintypes.HGLOBAL
kernel32.GlobalFree.argtypes = (wintypes.HGLOBAL,)
kernel32.GlobalLock.restype = wintypes.LPVOID
kernel32.GlobalLock.argtypes = (wintypes.HGLOBAL,)
kernel32.GlobalUnlock.argtypes = (wintypes.HGLOBAL,)

def global_alloc_text(text):
array_t = ctypes.c_wchar * (len(text) + 1)
hMem = kernel32.GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, ctypes.sizeof(array_t))
if not hMem:
raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
pMem = kernel32.GlobalLock(hMem)
array_t.from_address(pMem).value = text
return hMem

def set_clipboard_text(text):
hMem = global_alloc_text(text)
# Now the system owns the global memory.

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-15 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/15/23, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list  wrote:
> No. This flag is not inherited. Someone has to set it for created
> directories. It is easy to confirm: take a directory not under MSYS or
> cygwin control (because it is mounted by MSYS or cygwin), set the flag,
> then create directories. They all will have caseSensitivInfo disabled.

That was how the attribute was implemented initially in Windows 10,
but subsequently it was made inheritable. For example:

C:\Temp\test>mkdir spam
C:\Temp\test>fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo spam enable
Error:  Access is denied.

Setting the case-sensitive attribute requires the right to add files
and directories (i.e. "WD" = "write data" / "add file"; "AD" = "append
data" / "add subdirectory") and the right to remove files and
directories (i.e. "DC" = "delete child"). The owner of a directory
doesn't necessarily inherit these rights from the parent directory
(which is my case here), but the owner of any object usually has the
implicit right to modify discretionary security. Let's simply grant
the owner (i.e. "OW" = "owner rights") full control of the directory
(i.e. "F"), inheritable to child directories (i.e. "CI" = "container

C:\Temp\test>icacls spam /grant *OW:(CI)(F)
processed file: spam
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

C:\Temp\test>fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo spam enable
Case sensitive attribute on directory C:\Temp\test\spam is enabled.

Now, create a child directory and confirm that it inherits the
case-sensitive flag.

C:\Temp\test>mkdir spam\eggs
C:\Temp\test>fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo spam\eggs
Case sensitive attribute on directory C:\Temp\test\spam\eggs is enabled.

> Python itself isn't the problem here. It is MSBuild.exe. For some reason
> this tool lowercases sometimes whole paths to files included. This does
> not matter if case sensitivity is disabled. It matters if case
> sensitivity is enabled! There is no reason MSBUild.exe does it. But it
> is done for some paths (as someone else pointed out).

For the specific problem you had when building 3.10 and 3.11, it's
actually a bug in Python's source code, which is no longer present in
3.12+. It can be fixed in 3.11, but 3.10 no longer gets bug fixes.
Here's the link to the issue on GitHub:

I encountered a different bug when building the main branch. Building
the _decimal extension module includes an .asm file. The relative path
in the project file has the correct case, but the build system
resolved the fully-qualified path as all lower case. This problem only
occurred for this single file, out of hundreds of relative paths in
the project files, so it's not like the build system is completely
broken when working in case-sensitive directories.

There are probably a few such bugs that need to be fixed in msbuild,
the compiler, and linker. After all, these tools have been developed
and tested for decades on only case-insensitive filesystems. But you
don't have to be on the bleeding edge. There's no reason to make
directories case-sensitive for repositories that are intended for use
on Windows, such as CPython.

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-15 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/15/23, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list  wrote:
> In this case: not sure what is going on.

Possibly you have a setting configured that affects the behavior of
Git via the MinGW-w64 runtime, such that calling mkdir() ends up
calling NtSetInformationFile() to set the FileCaseSensitiveInformation
for the directory.

Does the mkdir command in Git bash create a case-sensitive directory?
It doesn't for me. I have to manually enable case sensitivity via
`chattr +C`.

What do you get for `which git` and `git --version`?

$ which git

$ git --version
git version

> $ fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo .

The MSYS2 environment includes lsattr and chattr commands, with the
case-sensitive flag mapped to "C". It's probably more convenient than
typing `fsutil file queryCaseSensitiveInfo` or `fsutil file

$ lsattr -d test
$ chattr +C test
$ lsattr -d test
---C test

> core.ignorecase is not regarded in any way. It does not mater if it is
> set or not.

Git tests the case-sensitivity of the target directory to configure
core.ignorecase when cloning a repo. If it's case insensitive, then
core.ignorecase is enabled. This overrides the global value. AFAIK,
the ignorecase setting is unrelated to actually setting the case
sensitivity of created directories; it just affects how Git behaves on
a case-insensitive filesystem.

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-14 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/14/23, Inada Naoki via Python-list  wrote:
>> Since Git enables Windows NTFS case sensitivity while checking out sources
> I didn't know that. Would you give us a link to this feature?
> As far as I know, `git config core.ignorecase` doesn't mean NTFS case
> sensitive.

If a repo is cloned into a case-insensitive directory, then
core.ignorecase should be enabled automatically. If a repo is cloned
into a case-sensitive directory, then core.ignorecase should not be
enabled automatically.

I searched through relevant issues on the Git for Windows repo on
GitHub, and I found nothing to indicate that a capability to
automatically enable NTFS case sensitivity has been added. I searched
through the source of Git and Git for Windows, and I didn't find any
references to WinAPI SetFileInformationByHandle: FileCaseSensitiveInfo
or NTAPI NtSetInformationFile: FileCaseSensitiveInformation, nor the
use of fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo.

Re: Compiling python on windows with vs

2023-06-13 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/13/23, Thomas Schweikle via Python-list  wrote:
> Since Git enables Windows NTFS case sensitivity while checking out
> sources ... is it a bug or a "feature"? And: is there a simple

AFAIK the Windows version of Git (you're not using the Linux version
of Git via WSL, right?) does not automatically enable NTFS case
sensitivity. But a newly created directory does inherit the case
sensitivity of its parent directory. Make sure to clone the CPython
repo in a directory that has case sensitivity disabled.

> C:\Users\sct-muc\Documents\Projekte\cpython\PC\_testconsole.c(13,10):
> fatal  error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht geöffnet werde
> n: "..\modules\_io\_iomodule.h": No such file or directory
> [C:\Users\sct-muc\Documents\Projekte\cpython\PCbuild\_testconsole.vcxpro
> j]

I just built the main branch in a case sensitive tree. I had no
problem building "_testconsole.c". However, building the _decimal
extension module raised a couple of serious warnings. In
"PCbuild/_decimal.vcxproj", there's an include for
"..\Modules\_decimal\libmpdec\vcdiv64.asm". However, MSBuild resolved
this relative path with all lower-case names, i.e. "modules" instead
of the correct name "Modules", and it incorrectly tried to output
"vcdiv64.obj" in a subdirectory of "pcbuild" instead of the correct
name "PCbuild". This appears to be a bug in MSBuild. A lot of Windows
programs don't handle case-sensitive directories well, including
Python's standard library. It's understandable when comparing paths,
but the behavior in this case is inexcusably bad.

Re: Assistance Request - Issue with Installing 'pip' despite Python 3.10 Installation

2023-06-10 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/10/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list  wrote:
> Yes; I didn't want to get too esoteric with commands that are hard to
> figure out and remember, because then why not use Powershell, whose
> commands are hard to figure out and remember?

Using `dir /s [/ad] [/b] "[path\]pattern"` with a wildcard pattern is
a simple way to recursively search for a filename or directory,
without needing to pipe the output to a findstr/grep/awk command. It's
also fast. Of course, CMD's wildcards aren't nearly as powerful as
regular expressions.

The examples I included with `for` loops in CMD were for completeness
to show how to get the results in a loop variable for further
processing in a batch script. Personally, I use `for` loops a lot even
when working at the command prompt, but I'm a dinosaur in that regard.
Using PowerShell really should be preferred nowadays.

Re: Assistance Request - Issue with Installing 'pip' despite Python 3.10 Installation

2023-06-10 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/10/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list  wrote:
> We can find pip.exe using good old-fashioned dir (we don't need any
> new-fangled Powershell):
> C:\Users\tom>dir AppData\Local\Programs\Python /Aa /S /W /B |find
> "pip"|find "Scripts"

CMD's `dir` and `for` commands support simple wildcard matching. For
example, the following recursively searches for a file named
"pip*.exe" under "%ProgramFiles%\Python311":

C:\>dir /b /s "%ProgramFiles%\Python311\pip*.exe"
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip.exe
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip3.11.exe
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip3.exe

C:\>for /r "%ProgramFiles%\Python311" %f in (pip*.exe) do @(echo %f)
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip.exe
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip3.11.exe
C:\Program Files\Python311\Scripts\pip3.exe

The following recursively searches for a directory named "pip" under

C:\>dir /ad /b /s "%ProgramFiles%\Python311\pip"
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip

Or search for a directory name that starts with "pip":

C:\>dir /ad /b /s "%ProgramFiles%\Python311\pip*"
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip-22.3.1.dist-info
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\win32\Demos\pipes

With a recursive `for /r path [/d]` loop, the strings in the set have
to include wildcard characters to actually check for an existing file
or directory, else each string in the set simply gets appended to the
directory names in the recursive walk. For example, the following
recursively searches for a directory (i.e. /d) named "pip*" under

C:\>for /r "%ProgramFiles%\Python311" /d %d in (pip*) do @(echo %d)
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip-22.3.1.dist-info
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\win32\Demos\pipes

To match a specific name, you can filter the matches using an `if`
statement to compare the base filename of the loop variable (i.e.
[n]ame + e[x]tension) with the required name. For example:

C:\>for /r "%ProgramFiles%\Python311" /d %d in (pip*) do @(
More? if "%~nxd"=="pip" echo %d)
C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pip

Re: Assistance Request - Issue with Installing 'pip' despite Python 3.10 Installation

2023-06-08 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/8/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list  wrote:
> It always gets installed, though.

By default, the option to install pip is enabled. It's implemented by
executing ensurepip after the interpreter is installed. However,
ensurepip may silently fail during installation. As a CPython triager
I've come across this problem a couple of times, but it should be
rare. It can possibly be resolved by manually executing ensurepip via
the following command:

py [-3[.X]] -m ensurepip --default-pip --upgrade --verbose

If Python is installed for all users, the latter should be executed
from a shell that has administrator access. Even if this command also
fails, the verbose output in the console may be helpful to further
diagnose the problem.

Re: Assistance Request - Issue with Installing 'pip' despite Python 3.10 Installation

2023-06-08 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/7/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list  wrote:
> On 6/7/2023 6:28 PM, Eryk Sun wrote:
>> That won't be of any help if pip isn't installed. By default, Python's
>> installer attempts to install pip by running the ensurepip package,
>> but sometimes it fails. It can help to try to manually run ensurepip
>> in the shell. For example:
>>  py -m ensurepip --default-pip --upgrade --verbose
> Yes, but why should anyone besides the OP think pip isn't installed? Let
> him try py -m pip.  If pip isn't installed he will see something like

I didn't mean to imply that the OP shouldn't first try to run `py -m
pip` or `py -3.10 -m pip`.

Re: Assistance Request - Issue with Installing 'pip' despite Python 3.10 Installation

2023-06-07 Thread Eryk Sun via Python-list
On 6/7/23, Thomas Passin via Python-list  wrote:
> You have by now seen several responses, and the one most likely to be
> helpful is to run pip with
> py -m pip

That won't be of any help if pip isn't installed. By default, Python's
installer attempts to install pip by running the ensurepip package,
but sometimes it fails. It can help to try to manually run ensurepip
in the shell. For example:

py -m ensurepip --default-pip --upgrade --verbose