Re: indentation

2008-10-20 Thread GHUM
 I can't remember having seen any other standard so far.

there is this meme flowing around:

Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number
of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either
indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

I Allways thought that was some of the interpretations of the ZEN of
Python, so, who can enlighten me of the origin?


messages from pylint - need some reasoning

2008-10-17 Thread GHUM

I am pylinting some software of mine.

Now pylint throws messages, and I know of pylint --help-msg to get
some more text. What is missing out are explanation, WHY some things
are bad, so I am searching for explanations and ways to improve my

1st) to many local variables
I searched big G, and found: many local variables make it harder to
refactor, as all those variables will have to be passed to the
factored-out function. Even worse when the local variables are
mutable, and have to be passed back.

Similiar explanations I am searching for

2nd) to many statements (in function / method)
okay, shorter functions are easier to grasp. Is there any more

3rd) space before operators, space after operators, space after ,
that's just readability, or is there some deaper reasoning?

4th) maximum line length
yeah, more then 80 chars suck when outputting to punching cards; but
any 21century reason for this default? (can and have made it higer)

5th) Too many branches
Used when a function or method has too many branches, making it hard
to follow.

So what is the preferred way of repairng this?

Especially if the branches are something like:

if checkforcondition1():
# inlinecode
# to handlecondition1

if checkforcondition2():
# inlinecode
# to handlecondition1


and multiple conditions can be present at the same time.

Something like mytodolist=[ (tester1, handler1), (tester2,
handler2), ...] and

for tester, handler in mytodolist:
if tester(situation):

would get rid of the branches; BUT... I cannot see how that is really
easier to follow.

Who can give me some hints to improve my code or arguments to switch
of that warnings?

best wishes,



translating create Semaphore to Linux

2008-08-29 Thread GHUM

in my application I am using

hSem = win32event.CreateSemaphore (None, 1,
rt=win32event.WaitForSingleObject (hSem, 0)
if rt != win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
   print application allready running

to make sure that only ONE instance of the application is running at a
time. (as it implements a local webserver, that is necessary. Two
webservers listening on one port is bad)

Now I am going to make this application run on Linux. How can I get
similiar behaviour on Linux?

I know of the .pid files that get written by some server processes ...
BUT they do not get cleaned up on unclean shutdown of the application.

is there some better method?

Or some module which wraps the details of .pid-files quite nicely?
(like trying to remove to check if other instance is still
running, failing properly on missing write privs etc.)

best wishes,


Re: translating create Semaphore to Linux

2008-08-29 Thread GHUM

 ... why use a Semaphore rather than a Mutex?

as much as I understood the documentation at MSDN

a mutex seems to be nothing else than a special case of a semaphore?
That is, a semaphore can be created to allow  MAX_SEM_COUNT concurrent
runners, and MUTEX defaults to one and only one ...

The other api-spells are identical, like wait_for_...; so propably
I stumbled on the working Semaphore Code before, or in some ancient
win32 wrapper createMutex was not documented or something in that

 Or why notsimply use the bound socket as its own mutex? I know
 Windows won't allow you to rebind the same socket to the
 same addr/port in two different processes (unless perhaps
 you play some trickery with the socket options).

My experience was that this is correct for certain values of allow
and trickery. Sometimes the binding seems to get allowed but does
not work. Main reason is that the socket-bind happens somewhere in
medusa or someotherhttpsserverframeworkiuse; so to use it as a
semaphore I would have to dig there. I am not totally sure what
trickery on socket is played down there; and I prefer to stay as far
away as possible from that area.



Re: Corrupted images after attempting to store PNG images as BLOBs in MySQL?

2008-08-13 Thread GHUM

 still becoming familiar with python. Originally we were not using the
 database to store images,
 but we started testing out storing images there as well as meta-data.

just a remark: I am using PostgreSQL to store BLOB-Data as there are
Images, PDFs, Microsoft Office Files.

The system (application, network, database) is working quite okay up
to around 10 Megabytes per file. And that for around 7 years now.

The database itself comfortably works with up to 1Gig per object, just
the database drivers / network stack / bandwith / users patiance for
answers really gets... unreliable above 10 Meg per file.

Best wishes,



Re: is it possible to add a property to an instance?

2008-07-22 Thread GHUM
 Does anyone know if it is possible to add a property to an instance at
 runtime? I didn't see anything about it in the standard library's new
 module, google hasn't turned up much either.

yes. You need nothing special, just add it:

class fish(object):

print a.legs

(or print (a.legs) on Python 3.0 and above)

so you add a property to an instance and proove that Darwin was right
in one go.


Re: Instructions on how to build py2exe 0.6.8 (or an installer would be nice, too!)

2008-06-10 Thread GHUM

 I hear this problem is fixed in 0.6.8, but unfortunately there's no
 standalone installer for py2exe 0.6.8 - the most recent version that

Maybe you can solve your problem via updating the after
installing py2exe 0.6.6

a) use the 0.6.6 installer
b) update the from 0.6.8


Best wishes,


Re: Python Success stories

2008-04-22 Thread GHUM
 Which big aplications are written in python. I see its development,

There are no big applications written in Python.

Big applications are written in JAVA or COBOL or C# or other legacy
programming systems.

If you programm in Python, your applications become quite small. Only
frameworks in Python are big.

best wishes


Join us @ EuroPython 2008 in Vilnius to have more fun with Python
Submit your talk NOW

Re: Python-by-example - new online guide to Python Standard Library

2008-04-02 Thread GHUM

I like this idea. Deducting from an example is really another way to

What struck me as most diffuclt to understand:

abs(-5.5) - 5.5

- you are using - as symbol for will give the result, which is
really, really hard to parse. Take something else, please. Unicode has
THAT many cool symbols. Or just - or -= or whatever.

Thanks for sharing that work!



how long do the different python-vm bytecodes take?

2008-03-17 Thread GHUM
I looked at the virtual machine bytecode of python programs:

def f(whatever):
return text

import dis
  2   0 LOAD_CONST   1 ('Hallo')
  3 LOAD_FAST0 (whatever)
  7 STORE_FAST   1 (text)

  3  10 LOAD_FAST1 (text)

and now I am curious: how long does one LOAD_FAST take? I am thinking
of something like back in the assembler-world, where there existed
tables like:

LDA  - 2 cycles
BNE  - 2 cycles, 3 on branch

of course, the real time is dependand on many factors, esp. the
speed of the processor.
But ... is there a relative scale somewhere?

Somehting like

LOAD_CONST  1 arbitraryUnit
LOAD_FAST 1.9 arbitraryUnits
RETURN_VALUE   8.0 arbitraryUnits


my Google queries did not reveal anything usefull so far. Any hints?


Re: app runs fine with interpreter, but not under py2exe

2008-03-16 Thread GHUM

 as I quickly noticed that does NOT contain ANY .pyd files.
 I'm guessing that they can't be in for a reason (i.e., they are
 DLL files, essentially, and thus must be readily available to be loaded
 into memory).

.dll and .pyd files CAN be within and even within the

There is some Hellermagic within _memimporter.pyd that loads the .dll
and .pyd from a zipfile. When you scan the, you will
explicitely find:

print *** finding dlls needed ***
dlls = self.find_dlls(extensions)
self.plat_finalize(mf.modules, py_files, extensions, dlls)
dlls = [item for item in dlls
if os.path.basename(item).lower() not in
# should we filter self.other_depends in the same way?

 Is there a work-around for this, then?
-rwxr-xr-x 1 morse None  26624 Nov 28  2006 dist/multiarray.pyd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 morse None 348160 Nov  8 16:16 dist/numpy/core/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 morse None 192512 Nov  8 16:16 dist/numpy/core/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 morse None  54272 Nov 28  2006 dist/umath.pyd

let's try: your mission is, should you chose to accept it, to make a
py2exed application to load two different multiarray.pyd, who are on
the visible level only different by their place in the file system.

So, please make a minimal script:

import multiarray
import numpy.core.multiarray as ncmultiarray

and, using Peters test
 from multiarray import zeros
assert zeros((1,), 1) == array([0], '1')

and check, if those multiarrays are the correct ones. If yes, you can
try to build upon this by making all imports explicit as described
above. (Yes, I know, that's not necessary in plain python ... but it
saved me in some weird import from .zip and import from database

 (a) tell py2exe how to *correctly* handle multiple multiarray.pyd and
 umath.pyd files

somewhere deep inside I have a BAAAD feeling about to files having the
same name but very very different content - but that's not your call
in this situation.
Are you able to build that libraries yourself? Then you could move
down and build the multiarray.pyd as ncmultiarray.pyd and adjust all
imports accordingly. (lots of work)

 manual create the stub-like .pyc files that py2exe creates to point to
 these alternate .pyd files and then place these stubs in  

As much as I know there is only one central loader stub, which
ensures that .dlls get imported from memory, see above. py2exe does
not create something like containing import multiarray.pyd

best luck, and please take your time to scan the wiki,
there are many similiar challanges with various packages, maybe you
get another workaround-idea (and, if we find one, PLEASE put it down
there for others to learn)

best wishes,



Re: app runs fine with interpreter, but not under py2exe

2008-03-13 Thread GHUM
Doug, is part of the Numeric package.  AFAIKT, the problem is during
 the module initialization.  The first lines of are:

 from multiarray import zeros
 import string

and your program is crashing on the

lst.append( (zeros( (1,), t ).itemsize()*8, t) )   -- Line 18

line... Please, try the following:

import multiarray
from multiarray import zeros
import string

(adding the line import multiarray before zeros are imported from

I used this workaround with various packages I py2exed - maybe it also
works for you?

please keep us updated,



Re: Py2exe and Multi Treading problem.

2008-03-12 Thread GHUM
Farsheed Ashouri ,

 Here is my script
 import threading
 import socket
 def openSocket(portNum):
 mySocket = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
 mySocket.bind ( ( '', portNum ) )
 mySocket.listen ( 1 )
 channel, details = mySocket.accept()
 msg = channel.recv(4096)

 class CmdPortThread( threading.Thread ):
 def run( self ):

 def fakeCommandPort():

 If works perfect with python 2.5.2. Now I want to convert it to
 standalone program.
 but the .exe file fails to run without any error.

are you sure that it fails to run? I expect it to run, and exit
immediately after fakeCommandPort(). That is: there is nothing more to
do in the main thread, so the application exits.

To learn more, add prints and use the usual if __name__=='__main__'

class CmdPortThread( threading.Thread ):
 def run( self ):
 print Thread CmdPortThread running

if __name__=='__main__':
print Mese running
print Mese done starting Thread



Re: app runs fine with interpreter, but not under py2exe

2008-03-12 Thread GHUM
   File, line 49, in module
   File SessionController.pyc, line 53, in module
   File VisionEgg\__init__.pyc, line 42, in module
   File VisionEgg\ParameterTypes.pyc, line 28, in module
   File Numeric.pyc, line 93, in module
   File Precision.pyc, line 26, in module
   File Precision.pyc, line 23, in _fill_table
   File Precision.pyc, line 18, in _get_precisions
 TypeError: data type not understood

to my knowledge, data type not understood is a message not from core
Python, but rather thrown from your code. What is happening around, line 18?

What does trigger that exception?

My guess is, you are dealing with some custom imported modules which
define data types.
(PIL does something similiar for supported images)... that is, some
module is trying to import all definitions from a specific directory.

That dynamic importing fails within py2exe --- all the importing has
to be definit at py2exing-time. Please ready
and the other receipe on and try to adapt that knowledge to
your application.



Re: translating Python to Assembler...sorry if this is's unintentional

2008-01-23 Thread GHUM
 My expertise, if any, is in assembler. I'm trying to understand Python
 scripts and modules by examining them after they have been
 disassembled in a Windows environment.

Maybe you could also profit from diassembling Pythons bytecode into
MNEmonics of the Python Virtual Machine ?

Because disassembling python scripts with any other disassembler
will not likely lead to something usefull:

 a) the .pyc and pyo files are in Python Bytecode, that is assembler
for the Python Virtual Machine Processor, disassemble with the
mentioned module

 b) python2x.dll is in i386-Assembler, but contains the virtual
machine. Understanding that will you will learn a lot of great
programming concepts from some of the most brilliant minds on this
planet; but will give you no hint to understand Python scripts, as
they are running on top of that VM. Like disassembling the Hybrid
Power Drive of a Lexus GS450h will teach you nothing about navigating
from Berlin to Paris.

Best wishes,


Re: building psycopg2 on windows using mingw, cannot find -lpq

2008-01-22 Thread GHUM
  The compile works, BUT linking fails:

  2.5\Release\psycopg\_psycopg.def -Lc:\python25\libs -Lc:
  \python25\PCBuild -Lc:/p
  ostgres/83RC2/lib -lpython25 -lpq -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 -o build


 Are you sure using forward slashes in the path works here?

Not at all. But that commandline is generated by, not by me :
and extracts the paths from pg_config

so: I have no idea how to make it use backslash :(

Thanks for the idea,


Re: building psycopg2 on windows using mingw, cannot find -lpq

2008-01-22 Thread GHUM
 I use psycopg2 all the time on windows. I use the binary installer
 instead of source. Works great for me.

Me2. Just in 7 out of 200 it does not work with the currently
available binary installer, on some startups, so I decided to follow a
recommendation out of the psycopg2 list to compile it from trunk :(


building psycopg2 on windows using mingw, cannot find -lpq

2008-01-21 Thread GHUM
The compile works, BUT linking fails:

2.5\Release\psycopg\_psycopg.def -Lc:\python25\libs -Lc:
\python25\PCBuild -Lc:/p
ostgres/83RC2/lib -lpython25 -lpq -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 -o build
cannot find -lpq
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

if I google for the error

ld.exe: cannot find -lpq

there is allways the information that the lib-dir of libpq is missing;
but :


is clearly in the commandline, and within c:/postgres/83RC2/lib
there is one libqp.lib

What am I missing? any hints?

Best wishes,


(complete output:
c:\mingw\bin\gcc.exe -mno-cygwin -shared -s build
\psycopgmodule.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\pqpath.o build
2.5\Release\psycopg\typecast.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg
ls.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\microprotocols_proto.o build
2-2.5\Release\psycopg\connection_type.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release
nection_int.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\cursor_type.o build
2-2.5\Release\psycopg\cursor_int.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg
type.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\lobject_int.o build
elease\psycopg\adapter_qstring.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg
oolean.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\adapter_binary.o build
2.5\Release\psycopg\adapter_asis.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg
list.o build\temp.win32-2.5\Release\psycopg\adapter_datetime.o build
2.5\Release\psycopg\_psycopg.def -Lc:\python25\libs -Lc:
\python25\PCBuild -Lc:/p
ostgres/83RC2/lib -lpython25 -lpq -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 -o build
cannot find -lpq
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

Re: Intranet Project - Rad Or Waterfall

2008-01-08 Thread GHUM
 Option 1 - Waterfall

I recommend to google waterfall. First hit after those beatifull
pictures will be:

Within the first paragraph there is:

   Ironically, Royce was actually presenting this model as an
example of a flawed, non-working model.(Royce 1970)

So I cannot fight the feeling of seeing the realisation of a xkcd-
strip when reading about waterfall models...


create pywintypes.CreateGuid() compatible guids on Linux ?

2007-11-27 Thread GHUM

I created lots of guids via  pywintypes.CreateGuid()  on windows.

Now I would like to run the same software on Linux / Solaris /

So I should produce compatible GUIDS on that systems. compatible
having the meaining: Providing similiar likelehood of collisions.

of course google python guid leads directly to,
but ... will it blend?

any ideas what could help me to research?


Re: OPLC purchase period extended

2007-11-25 Thread GHUM

 I'm sure that some people would be willing to serve as middleware...

So, which US-Pythoneer is willing to serve as middleware for my buying
of the XO?

Please contact me.


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
fx 01212-5-13695179
EuroPython 2008 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania - Stay tuned!

Re: Yet another comparison of Python Web Frameworks

2007-10-10 Thread GHUM

 At work we are shopping for a Web framework, so I have been looking at
 the available options on the current market.

just because you were involved in creating an own version of Python
does NOT free you from the social obligation to create your own Python
web framework. So stop shopping and start announcing your own pwf like
all other Python programmers do.



Re: import using massive amounts of memory

2007-06-27 Thread GHUM

 Note that once it has made the .pyc file the subsequent runs take even
 less memory than the cpickle import.

Could that be the compiler compiling?

Without knowing to much details about that process, but from 2.4 to
2.5 the compiler was totally exchanged, whatever to AST.
That would explain the drop from 8Meg - 2.2 Meg.



EuroPython: Draft program posted, today last day of early registration

2007-06-08 Thread GHUM
Dear Pythonistas!

On the draft program and timetable has been

Do a click and check out the fabulous talks. Then check in, best
today, the 8th of June, the last day of early bird registration.

EuroPython 2007 will take place at the Reval Hotel Lietuva in Vilnius,
Lithuania from Monday 9th July to Wednesday 11th July. See you there!

Best wishes,



EUROPYTHON: Talk submission deadline extended up to Friday, 25th of May

2007-05-20 Thread GHUM
We took longer then planned to open the registration.

Some potential speakers came in late.

To make it even, we extended talk submission deadline for ONE WEEK.

New deadline is Friday, 25th of May 2007.

So, if you made a fortune with Python: tell others about it at
If you have a great distributed revision control system, which has
been stable on 9.3 for months,
submit a talk to EuroPython and announce 1.0 there!
If you have a fantastic new keyword, graphic library or web framework
for Python: submit your talk to EuroPython.
If you are doing something interesting with Python - grab the chance
to visit Lithuania and tell Europe about it.

And if you do not wanna give a talk: block 9-11 July 2007 in your
adjust your budget, tell your customers that you will be in Vilnius.

Talk submission deadline of EuroPython 2007 extended to Friday,
25th of May 2007
Submit your talk @

For the EuroPython 2007 organizers

Harald Armin Massa


Re: While we're talking about annoyances

2007-04-29 Thread GHUM

 def index(sequence):
 decorated = zip(sequence, xrange(len(sequence)))
 return [idx for (value, idx) in decorated]

would'nt that be equivalent code?

def index(sequence):
return [c for _,c  in sorted((b,a) for a, b in

tested, gave same results. But worsens your doc2code ratio :)

Harald Armin Massa


Re: cx_Oracle and unicode data

2007-03-15 Thread GHUM
loo ping,

 But it's not what I call a 'clean' solution and I suppose that it must
 exist another way to force the client DB to use UTF8, or another
 solution to get my data.

I share your feeling. I asked a similiar question ~1 year ago; and:
your solution is the only one.

The oracle-libs get their encoding from the environment. I also
learned that it often is helpfull to first set the environment and
THEN import cx_Oracle (which loads the oci.dll)

 import os
 os.environ[NLS_LANG] = .UTF8
 import cx_Oracle

 cur.execute(select DESCRIPTION from DEC_DESCRIPTION where

Additionally: UTF8 has different numbers of bytes per character. Your
select will only succeed for the time that DESCRIPTION encoded in UTF8
is shorter or equal to length(DESCRIPTION)

I got into the habbit to cast those fields to
NVARCHAR2(as big as I think it may get)



Re: Questions about app design - OOP with python classes

2007-03-02 Thread GHUM

 if hmmCurrentHeight = hinCriticalHeight:
 then you should instantly recognise that there's a problem.

all civilized nations but one use metric systems. Of course there is a
problem if you spot inches somewhere.



Re: New Pythin user looking foe some good examples to study

2007-02-12 Thread GHUM

look no further than your harddrive.

The Python Standard Lib is full of code examples of Python programming
for various uses.

Just find where your packagemanager has installed them; within windows
it is usually


I suspect them to be below usr/lib on linux.

best wishes,



Re: win32com.client

2007-02-02 Thread GHUM

 1) In your browser, enter this URL:

 Try those steps, then try importing win32com again.

man, you are SO 2005. Could'nt you please make a screen cap video,
upload it to youtube and give a pointer to it on your blog?



Re: win32com.client

2007-02-02 Thread GHUM
btw... the statement with youtube was a joke.

I really applaud rzed you for giving this detailed descriptions,
people like him make the spirit of c.l.p.: People get help here WAY
over what commercial support usually gets you.

Thanks for doing that, rzed!

best wishes,



sheeps be carefull of Python

2007-01-06 Thread GHUM
sometimes Python is more dangerous than documented:



Re: Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

2006-12-18 Thread GHUM
 One side effect of this being third party code is that hosting
 services may not have it available, even when they have both Python
 and MySQL up.  This is never a problem with Perl or PHP, so that's
 a negative for Python.

I for one think it is a good thing to not have MySQL adapters
integrated into Python core. Neither the philopsophie, nor the licence
of the two products fit together.

But maybe that's because I am a PostgreSQL zealot - and PostgreSQL and
Python is really a match made in heaven.



Re: codecs - where are those on windows?

2006-11-04 Thread GHUM

Fredrik Lundh schrieb:

  If your installation directory is C:\Python25, then look in

 that's only the glue code.  the actual data sets are provided by a bunch
 of built-in modules:
   import sys
 ('__builtin__', '__main__', '_ast', '_bisect', '_codecs',
 '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp',
 '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', ...

So, it should be possible to do a custom build of python24.dll /
python25.dll without some of those codecs, resulting in a smaller
python24.dll ?

It will be some time untill my apps must support Chinese and



Re: Exploiting Dual Core's with Py_NewInterpreter's separated GIL ?

2006-11-04 Thread GHUM

 Interprocess communication is tedious and out of questio
 I expect to be able to directly push around Python Object-Trees between the 2 
 (or more) interpreters by doing some careful locking.

Please do yourself a favour and have a look at pyro. pyro makes
InterComputer and InterProcess Communication a snap. And it allows you
to push around Python Objects not only between processes, but

Maybe it solves your problem much easier and even more than you want to
solve it now by being able to use more then one computer.



codecs - where are those on windows?

2006-10-30 Thread GHUM
I stumbled apon a paragraph in python-dev about reducing the size of
Python for an embedded device:

In my experience, the biggest gain can be obtained by dropping the
CJK codecs (for Asian languages). That should sum up to almost 800K
(uncompressed), IIRC.

So, my question is: on Windows. where are those CJK codecs? Are they by
any chance included in the 1.867.776 bytes of python24.dll ?

Best wishes,



Re: Best way to handle large lists?

2006-10-04 Thread GHUM
  Maybe the application should use sets instead of lists for these
 What would sets do for me over lists?

searching for an element in a list is O(n)
searching for an element in a set is O(1)   (for reasonable distributed



Re: python html rendering

2006-10-04 Thread GHUM

 Hi, Im looking for a way to display some python code
 in html: with correct indentation, possibly syntax hiliting, dealing
 correctly with multi-line comment,

tongue - in - cheek - mode
the usual way is to create your own web-framework
/tongue - in - cheek - mode

If it is just some Python code and you have to do it once, just
look at scite. Scite can colour your code, and you can export it as



Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-27 Thread GHUM

Answer: Yes. Definitely. And, to be correct, there are some who earn a
rather comfortable living programming in Python.

 If so, I doubt there are many.

depending on your definition of many. if many is something around
1% of population of earth, you are right.

If many is more than 1000, than you are wrong.

I formyself earn the major part of my income doing Python - combined
with database knowledge, of course.

 I wonder why that is?
There seems to be a challenge to have more people programm Python: to
hire people with Python knowledge. Maybe the recruiters of Google can
enlighten you on the prospects of Python programmers on the market :)

Java is educated in a kind of vocational training in universities; but
at the moment only the elite gets in touch with Python.



Re: Talking to marketing people about Python

2006-09-25 Thread GHUM
Roy Smith schrieb:

 Can anybody suggest some good material I can give to him which will help
 explain what Python is and why it's a good thing, in a way that a
 marketing/product management person will understand?

please also look for the Python success stories

There is also a aviation control system running with Python / using
Python bindings.

Google offers Python bindings and has employed the BDFL and at least
one ~bot. I think nobody would doubt that Google has the most knowledge
about online services - maybe there is something about Python?

You can also point out that Python is especially suited for secure
online applications, with more web frameworks than keywords it offers a
very high security through diversity, as no single vulnerabilitie can
be exploited across a big enough ecosphere.



Re: When is it a pointer (aka reference) - when is it a copy?

2006-09-19 Thread GHUM

Magnus Lycka schrieb:
  may be useful for those who haven't already seen it.

Shouldn't it be incorporated into the standard tutorial?
I think it's very helpful for people who are used
 to the way C etc handles variables.

That would also be a good headline. information for those coming from
C, and it should be possible to grow similiar sections for those
comming from Java or PERL.

At least it belongs into the FAQ :)



Re: Python programs always open source?

2006-09-18 Thread GHUM
Guy Fawkes schrieb:

 I don't want my program to
 be open-source and so far all the Python programs I've seen included the
 source code.

That's one of the great freedoms of Python and its licence: You are
free to chose the licence for your product. No GPLish you must be as
free as we, more BSDish: Do what you want, do not come crying

 Is it possible to make an executable with only bytecode?
I use py2exe with its new (~1 year) single file feature with great
success. I even succeeded in including a virtual static directory for a
webserver within that file.

To be exact, it is not really 1 file, but 2, as you often have to
distribute msvcr71.dll with it  - except for those computers having
i.e. MS Office 11 installed, there it is allready present.

Combining py2exe's single file distributable and upx compression I
achieve fairly compact just drop and use applications without a real
need for installation. I do not care about people decompiling
(customers get the source code on request, if they are interested).
It would be possible - but those who have the time and knowledge to
dissect and decompile those upxed py2exed files and still make a profit
would probably not see a reason to buy my software anyway :)



PIL 2.5 win32 binaries?

2006-09-18 Thread GHUM
On the PIL website I read:

The current free version is PIL 1.1.5, which has been tested with
Python 1.5.2 and newer, including 2.3 and 2.5.

but in downloads I cannot see any binaries for windows and Python 2.5

Are they somewhere available?

Best wishes,



Re: PostgreSQL, psycopg2 and OID-less tables

2006-09-15 Thread GHUM

 Now that OIDs have been deprecated in PostgreSQL, how do you find the key of
 a newly inserted record?

using OIDs as primary key was no good idea for some PostgreSQL versions
allready ... i.e. they really make dump  restore much more

So usually us have something along:

  id_user serial NOT NULL,
  name text,
  CONSTRAINT feuser_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_user),
  CONSTRAINT feuser_name_key UNIQUE (name)

which automatically creates a sequence for you and rewrites the serial
id_user with a default of


So, to get the key of a record inserted, basically there are two
methods. (from now on cs is a DB-API 2.0 compliant cursor object,
i.e. from psycopg2


a) get id first, then insert
cs.execute(select nextval('feuser_id_user_seq'::regclass))

cs.execute(insert into feuser (id_user, name) values (%(id_user)s,
 dict(id_user=newid, name=Karl Napf)

- now newid contains your new id.

b) create a serverside function on PostgreSQL:
  RETURNS integer AS
result int4;

   select nextval('feuser_id_user_seq'::regclass) into result;
   insert into feuser (id_user, name) values (result, $1);

 RETURN result;


within python:
cs.execute(select insfeuser(%(name)s),  dict(name=Karl Napf))

Hope that helps,


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart


accessing the DHCP Server Management API

2006-09-06 Thread GHUM

I need to get a list of active leases on a windows dhcp server.

Experts from Microsoft statet:

A: Go to the Address leases of each scope in the DHCP snap-in and dump
the leases to a text file from the DHCP server snap-in. The text file
gives you all the information for every active lease. You might also
want to query the DHCP server management API:


Option A is not really an option for programmatic access :)

So my question: Has anyone accessed the DHCP Server Management API from
Python before? I googled my browser smoking with hopes that that API
might be accessible via WMI, but to no avail for me.

Any recommendation how to access this information via Python? pyDHCPSMA



Re: programming with Python 3000 in mind

2006-08-24 Thread GHUM

you ask good questions!

 (2) Will there be automated tools for converting source code from Python 2
 to Python 3000?

If you would have been to the EuroPythom 2006, you may have heard the
plans for PyPy 2.0; which may have per-module-switchable syntax
compatibility for Py 2.2-3000. So by trusting the PyPy team, you can
stay very very relaxed concerning Python 3000.



Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-23 Thread GHUM
Mc Osten schrieb:

 Yes it is. But of course you can't sat that Python is faster than C++.

Of course not. Python is faster then assembler. Proofed @ EuroPython
2006 in CERN, near the LHC Beta, in the same room many Nobel laurates
gave their presentations before.



Re: Compiling wxPython app for Windows; Single EXE

2006-08-15 Thread GHUM

I am using py2exe since more then 4 years, so I am rather biased.

I read PyInstaller page and was positively impressed by the manual and
all the good words.
There is one major difference which will keep me with py2exe:

with PyInstaller and single file there is:
When first started, it finds that it needs to extract these files
before it can run for real.

and with py2exe:
Changes in 0.6.1:

* py2exe can now bundle binary extensions and dlls into the
  library-archive or the executable itself.  This allows to
  finally build real single-file executables.

  The bundled dlls and pyds are loaded at runtime by some special
  code that emulates the Windows LoadLibrary function - they are
  never unpacked to the file system.

this they are never unpacked to the file system is the USP of py2exe
to me at the moment.

What is less then optimal with both packages, is that MSVCR71.DLL needs
to be distributed separately :(



win32 load icon not from file, but from something

2006-08-10 Thread GHUM
I have found a make a icon in traybar skript, and it loads its Icon
from a file

hinst =  win32gui.GetModuleHandle(None)
iconPathName= c:/myapp/myapp.ico
icon_flags = win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE | win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE
hicon = win32gui.LoadImage(hinst, str(iconPathName),
win32con.IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, icon_flags)

that works great.

But now I have to distribute that icon together with the application -
that is one file more to take track. I would like to load this image
from something
with something being a string / a cStringIO / something pickled

The obvious

cPickle.dumps(hicon) leads to nothing, cause it only gets the ID of the
hicon :(

Any ideas / recommendations / tipps?



need hint for refactoring

2006-08-09 Thread GHUM
I have a bunch of function like:

def p2neufrage(_):
 create new element
if ergebnis.get(status,ok) == ok:
# do something
# unique here

ergebnis[innerHTML]=. something 

return simplejson.dumps(ergebnis, skipkeys=False,
ensure_ascii=False, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True)

so, everywhere there is the same beginning:


I analyze some transmitted jason-document; check for errors

then I take the values out of the request, process it and fill the
slots of a result (ergebnis) dictionary, which is returned.

So the beginning and the end of the function is allways repeated. It
would be great to factor it out ... i startet with that ...getanfrage()

Is there anything more possible?

Thanks for any hint



Re: need help of regular expression genius

2006-08-03 Thread GHUM

 text =  ... input source text ... 
 from pyparsing import SkipTo,Literal,replaceWith
 ign1 = $$ + SkipTo($$) + $$
 ign2 = $_$ + SkipTo($_$) + $_$
 semi = Literal(;).setParseAction( replaceWith(; ***) )
 print (ign1 | ign2 | semi).transformString(text)

Thank you very much! this really looks beautifull and short! How could
I forget about pyparsing? Old loves are often better then adventures
with RE. :)

Two questions remain:
1) I did not succeed in finding a documentation for pyparsing. Is there
something like a full list of Classes and their methods ?

2) as of missing 1) :)): something like
setParseAction(splithereandreturnalistofelementssplittedhere) ?

 Thanks again!


(of course, I can .split(***) the transformedString :)


Re: need help of regular expression genius

2006-08-03 Thread GHUM

 Pyparsing ships with JPG and PNG files containing class diagrams, plus an
 htmldoc directory containing epydoc-generated help files.
 There are also about 20 example programs included (also accessible in the

Yes. That's what I have been missing. Maybe you could add: please also
download the .zip file if you use the windows installer to find the
documentation :)))

You could also look into using scanString instead of transformString
thats what I found:
from pyparsing import SkipTo,Literal,replaceWith
ign1 = $$ + SkipTo($$) + $$
ign2 = $_$ + SkipTo($_$) + $_$
semi = Literal(;)

for row in (ign1 | ign2 | semi).scanString(txt):
if row[0][0]==;:
token, bis, von2=row
befehle.append(txt[von: von2])

I knew that for this common kind of problem there MUST be better
solution then my homebrewn tokenizer (skimming through text char by
char and remembering the switch to escape mode ... brr, looked like

Thanks for the reminder of pyparsing, maybe I should put in a reminder
in my calender ... something along the lines if you think of using a
RE, you propably have forgotton pyparsing every 3 months :)

Best wishes and thank you very much for pyparsing and the hint



need help of regular expression genius

2006-08-02 Thread GHUM
I need to split a text at every ; (Semikolon), but not at semikolons
which are escaped within a pair of $$ or $_$ signs.

My guess was that something along this should happen withing;
but ... it is done within _csv.c :(

Example: the SQL text should be splitted at split here (of course,
those split heres are not there yet :)

set interval 2;
split here
CREATE FUNCTION uoibcachebetrkd(bigint, text, text, text, text, text,
timestamp without time zone, text, text) RETURNS integer
AS $_$
result int4;
update bcachebetrkd set
name=$2, wieoftjds=$3, letztejds=$4, njds=$5,
konzern=$6, letztespeicherung=$7, betreuera=$8, jdsueberkonzern=$9
where id_p=$1;
   insert into bcachebetrkd (
   id_p, name, wieoftjds, letztejds, njds, konzern,
letztespeicherung, betreuera, jdsueberkonzern
values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
split here
CREATE FUNCTION set_quarant(mylvlquarant integer) RETURNS integer
AS $$
perform relname from pg_class
where relname = 'quara_tmp'
  and case when has_schema_privilege(relnamespace, 'USAGE')
then pg_table_is_visible(oid) else false end;
if not found then
create temporary table quara_tmp (
lvlquara integer
   delete from quara_tmp;
end if;

insert into quara_tmp values (mylvlquarant);
  return 0;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
split here

Can anybody hint me in the right direction, how a RE looks for all ;
but not those ; within $$ ?



Last Call - proposals for talks in the business and application track at EP 2006

2006-05-29 Thread GHUM
In 2006, EuroPython will be from the 3rd to the 5th of July at CERN,
near Geneva in Switzerland.

In business  applications we want to hear about how you made your
fortune with Python. Show us YOUR interesting released Python
applications. Describe your fabulous business models with Open Source
Software. Report about your pub cashier solution in Python and how you
solved the challenges of longer opening hours. Narrate the background
stories about your next generation search engine which has just gone

Explain us the technique, tell us the story, paint your business model!
Show us how YOU got affluent, opulent, pecunious, proliferative,
prosperous and wealthy - all using Python!

Do you use Python to make big business in the lumber sawing or porn
industrie? Let us know how!

Move up to

and submit your proposal. DEADLINE is 2006-05-31 - so do not hesitate
any further!

All who still need to know how to get rich and improve their love life
using Python:
you are heartly invited to register for EuroPython 2006 via the website

The normal fee is 190€ for three days of seminars and a fine
conference dinner.

In addition to our great conference, you have the possibility to visit
CERN! Maybe you read about it in Angel  Demons (Illuminati in
from Dan Brown; maybe you know that Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the
World Wide Web there.

You will have the chance to eat in canteens with the highest
anywhere in the world to stand in queue with a future or past Nobel
Prize Winner. You can learn about the technologies that will power Web
2.5 and above at the place where Web 0.1 up to Web 1.0 were developed.

CERN says about itself:  The world's largest particle physics
laboratory ... where the web was born!. As a German you are
culturally obligued to go the place where they try to find out was
die Welt / in ihrem innersten zusammenhält. (So that I may perceive
whatever holds / The world together in its inmost folds (Faust I)) -
learn about that place at

Harald Armin Massa
persuadere et programmare


propose extension of mimetypes

2006-05-28 Thread GHUM

mimetypes lacks the guessing of .svg as image/svg+xml

mimetypes.add_type(image/svg+xml,.svg, True)

maybe this can be added to python 2.5 standard library

