Re: detect current timezone set by kde

2008-03-18 Thread Gerald Klix
I suggest to change /etc/timezone by invoking sudo tzselect.


Pradnyesh Sawant schrieb:
 can someone please tell me how can I programatically detect the timezone
 information that has been set through kde?
 basically, I have a small pyqt4 app which shows the current time. however
 it shows me my system time (dunno where that is stored; basically it shows
 me time in IST). however, I'm right now in hk and would like the app to
 show me time in my current timezone (hong kong). Any guidelines how may I
 go about doing this?
 thanks a lot in advance :-)


Re: Function Overloading and Python

2008-02-25 Thread Gerald Klix
Stefan Behnel schrieb:
 Allen Peloquin wrote:
 On Feb 24, 11:44 pm, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Allen Peloquin wrote:
 class B
 fun(A x, A y, A z)...
 fun(A1 x, A y, A z)...
 class B1
 fun(A1 x, A y, A z)...
 Such that any previous behavior is inherited, but behaves
 polymorphically because of the single function name.
 Try something like this:

 class B(object):
 def fun(x,y,z):
 if isinstance(x, A1):
 return self._fun(x,y,z)
 # ...

 def _fun(x,y,z):
 # ...

 class B1(B):
 def _fun(x,y,z):
 # ...

 The problem is that I want to reuse the code of the parent classes
 through inheritance, otherwise this would work fine.
 Ok, I didn't see you were going to add new subtypes, that makes it more tricky
 to dispatch in the superclass.
 An alternative would be a more generic dispatcher pattern then:
class B(object):
_func_implementations = {}
_dispatch = _func_implementations.get
def func(self, x,y,z):
self._dispatch(type(x), self._func)(self,x,y,z)
def _func(self, x,y,z):
# ...
 class B1(B):
def _func(self, x,y,z):
# ...
 B._func_implementations[B1] = B1._func
 Or, you could dispatch based on type /names/:
class B(object):
def func(self, x,y,z):
func = getattr(self, _%s_func % type(x).__name__, self._func)
def _A_func(self, x,y,z):
# ...
 class B1(B):
def _A1_func(self, x,y,z):
# ...

The BDFL came across that problem, too. You will find his thoughts here:
The reference implementation for his solution is here:


Re: Wanted: a python24 package for Python 2.3

2007-03-20 Thread Gerald Klix
You can't import subproces from future, only syntactic and semantic 
changes that will become standard feature in future python version can 
be activated that way.

You can copy the subprocess module from python 2.4 somewhere where it 
will be found from python 2.3. At least subporcess is importable after that:

--- snip ---
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ttt cp -av /usr/local/lib/python2.4/ .
»/usr/local/lib/python2.4/« - »./«
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ttt python2.3
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Jun 29 2004, 14:43:40)
[GCC 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import subprocess
--- snip ---


 On Mar 20, 10:33 am, Jonathan Fine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My problem is that I want a Python 2.4 module on
a server that is running Python 2.3.  I definitely
want to use the 2.4 module, and I don't want to
require the server to move to Python 2.4.

More exactly, I am using subprocess, which is
new in Python 2.4.  What I am writing is something
from subprocess import Popen

This will fail in Python 2.3, in which case I
would like to write something like
 from subprocess import Popen
else ImportError:
 from somewhere_else import Popen

Put this way, it is clear (to me) that somewhere_else
should be python24.

In other words, I'm asking for a python24 package that
contains all (or most) of the modules that are new to
Python 2.4.

I've looked around a bit, and it seems that this
formulation of the solution is new.  I wonder if
anyone else has encountered this problem, or has
comments on my solution.

 You might be able to use the from future import SomeModule syntax to
 accomplish this, but I am not sure. Other than that, I would just
 recommend using the os.popen calls that are native to 2.3


Re: What's going on here?

2006-11-22 Thread Gerald Klix
Perhaps this piece of code might explain the behaviour:

  class C( object ):
... __slots__ = ()
  o = C()
  o.a = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File input, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute 'a'

object behaves like having an implict __slots__ attribute.


Dale Strickland-Clark schrieb:
 Python 2.4.2 (#1, Oct 13 2006, 17:11:24)
 [GCC 4.1.0 (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
a = object()
 object object at 0xb7bbd438
a.spam = 1
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'spam'
class b(object):
a = b()
 __main__.b object at 0xb7b4dcac
a.spam = 1

 What is subclassing adding to the class here? Why can't I assign to
 attributes of an instance of object?


Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-09-26 Thread Gerald Klix
AOL^H^H^H, me too.
And it's paid better than C++ programming.


Gabriel Genellina schrieb:
 At Monday 25/9/2006 20:09, walterbyrd wrote:
 I do.
 If so, I doubt there are many.
 That's why they get well paid :)
 (uhm, not really... :( )
 Gabriel Genellina
 Softlab SRL

 Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
 Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
 está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
 ¡Probalo ya!


AW: Python Embedding Questions

2006-08-01 Thread Gerald Klix

Hi Sean,
perhaps it may help if you try Python 2.4.3 instead of 
2.4.2. The release notes (
mention a lot of fixed bugs, including a segfault, that 
is similar to yours. Also all defects, that the folks at coverty ( 
with their static analysis tools, were 

Some answers:
ad 1) I don't know, I did it twice and had similar 
problems as you.
ad 2) AFAIK some games embed python, perhaps someone 
with more experience can proviode more explanation.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
Sean RyanGesendet: Dienstag, 1. August 2006 15:47An: 
python-list@python.orgBetreff: Python Embedding 
Hi Guys,I have a couple of questions (and some concerns) 
about embedded python within my application.The application is a 
multi-threaded relatively complex c++ middleware Solaris 9 based 
application. A decision was made some time ago to provide some scripting 
capabilities and python was selected as the scripting language. As 
such, an interpreter was embedded within the application and threading was 
managed using PyEval_SaveThread, PyEval_RestoreThread and friends. 
The application switches between python and c++ many, many times during 
the execution of one business request - typically the flow will bec++ 
- python - c++ - python - c++ - python etc (roughly 60 - 40 
split in terms of coverage)Originally python2.2.1 was embedded within 
the application - we now have a business case (performance being a primary 
driver) to move to python2.4(.2). We are having some stability 
issues (random core dumps), and in an attempt to track down the root cause I 
executed some stress tests under a purify environment and noticed the following 
:Python2.4.2 trips quite a few ABR (array bounds read) and FMR (free 
memory read) violations - python2.2.1 less so. 
purify notes the following as the innermost frames for a 
FMR. frame_dealloc 
[frameobject.c:76] PyEval_EvalCodeEx 
[ceval.c:2596] fast_function 
[ceval.c:3161]Is this a known issue with embedded python?I can 
trigger a similar crash with python 2.2.1 in a stress test 
environment.At this stage, I am getting very concerned about our 
implementation of embedded python and wondered :1. Is our use of 
python as an embedded language commonplace? 2. Does anyone have 
names of commerical applications that use python in this way3. Are we 
switching between python and c++ code too frequently (as many as 40 times in the 
execution of 1 request)4. Are there any consultants / contractors that 
we could engage to aid debugging our application / implementation.5. 
Are the warnings that purify is raising related to loss of stability in the 
application 6. Is python the correct choice for an embedded 
application (I am aware of the GIL issue)We need to make a concise 
decision very quickly regarding our use of python, and as such would appreciate 
the community's honest opinion.Best 

AW: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

2006-01-10 Thread Gerald Klix
I read the whol email thread carefully and could not find any sentence by
Guido, which states that he does not accept ctypes for the standard library.
He just declined to rewrite winreg. Did I miss something? 


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
Thomas Heller
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Januar 2006 12:07
Betreff: Re: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

Delaney, Timothy (Tim) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thomas Heller wrote:

 As the author, I would be happy to see ctypes included with the 
 standard Python build.

 I'm sure you know the magical incantation to get that to happen ...

 1. Propose it on python-dev.

 2. Commit to maintain it in the python core (or alternatively, propose 
 to use the ElementTree maintenance method).

 3. Get it accepted by Guido.

 4. Do it.

 If a library isn't put forward for inclusion by the *author*, it won't 
 be included - even if it's obviously best-of-breed. This was the 
 sticking point for ElementTree (until the author found out what was 
 going on and happily put it forward).

I have done 1.  I commit myself to 2.  I promise to do 3., if someone
convinces Guido to accept it (or whoever has the power to accept it).

This is my response to Martin v. Löwis, who wrote:

 I don't have such a plan. To my knowledge, ctypes has never been 
 contributed to Python, either, so its author apparently has no plan, 

It has been proposed to include it in core Python, but Guido didn't accept
it.  The thread starts here:

And Guido's last word was this (see the end of the message):



Re: efficient 'tail' implementation

2005-12-08 Thread Gerald Klix
As long as memory mapped files are available, the fastest
method is to map the whole file into memory and use the
mappings rfind method to search for an end of line.

The following code snippets may be usefull:
 reportFile = open( filename )
 length = os.fstat( reportFile.fileno() ).st_size
 if length == 0:
 # Don't map zero length files, windows will barf
 mapping = mmap.mmap( reportFile.fileno(), length,
 except AttributeError:
 mapping = mmap.mmap(
 0, None,

Then you can use
mapping.rfind( os.linesep )
to find the end of the but last line and so on.

This is very fast, because nearly all work is done by are rfind, which
is implemented in C and the OS' paging logic.


 Mike Meyer wrote:
It would probably be more efficient to read blocks backwards and paste
them together, but I'm not going to get into that.

 That actually is a pretty good idea. just reverse the buffer and do a
 split, the last line becomes the first line and so on. The logic then
 would be no different than reading from beginning of file. Just need to
 keep the last half line of the reversed buffer if the wanted one
 happens to be across buffer boundary.

Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Examples of Quality Technical Writing

2005-12-07 Thread Gerald Klix
That's the most accurate description of Xah's behaviour I've read so far.

Jon Perez schrieb:
 Sherm Pendley wrote:
Xah's a pretty well-known troll in these parts. I suppose he thinks someone
is going to take the bait and rush to defend the other languages or some
such nonsense.
 Actually, I think Xah often has a point, except he can't
 seem to express it without resorting to profanity and
 a controlled manner, thus giving the impression he's a
 Also, he seems to be blissfully unaware of the concept
 of netiquette. ;-)

Re: Is there no compression support for large sized strings in Python?

2005-12-01 Thread Gerald Klix
Did you consider the mmap library?
Perhaps it is possible to avoid to hold these big stings in memory.
BTW: AFAIK it is not possible in 32bit windows for an ordinary programm 
to allocate more than 2 GB. That restriction comes from the jurrasic 
MIPS-Processors, that reserved the upper 2 GB for the OS.


Claudio Grondi schrieb:
 Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Claudio Grondi wrote:

What started as a simple test if it is better to load uncompressed data
directly from the harddisk or
load compressed data and uncompress it (Windows XP SP 2, Pentium4  3.0
system with 3 GByte RAM)
seems to show that none of the in Python available compression libraries
really works for large sized
(i.e. 500 MByte) strings.

Test the provided code and see yourself.

At least on my system:
 zlib fails to decompress raising a memory error
 pylzma fails to decompress running endlessly consuming 99% of CPU time
 bz2 fails to compress running endlessly consuming 99% of CPU time

The same works with a 10 MByte string without any problem.

So what? Is there no compression support for large sized strings in
you're probably measuring windows' memory managment rather than the com-
pression libraries themselves (Python delegates all memory allocations
256 bytes
to the system).

I suggest using incremental (streaming) processing instead; from what I
 can tell,
all three libraries support that.

 Have solved the problem with bz2 compression the way Frederic suggested:
 fObj = file(r'd:\strSize500MBCompressed.bz2', 'wb')
 import bz2
 objBZ2Compressor = bz2.BZ2Compressor()
 lstCompressBz2 = []
 for indx in range(0, len(strSize500MB), 1048576):
   lowerIndx = indx
   upperIndx = indx+1048576
   if(upperIndx  len(strSize500MB)): upperIndx = len(strSize500MB)
 strSize500MBCompressed = ''.join(lstCompressBz2)
 so I suppose, that the decompression problems can also be solved that way,
 but  :
 This still doesn't for me answer the question what the core of the problem
 was, how to avoid it and what are the memory request limits which should be
 considered when working with large strings?
 Is it actually so, that on other systems than Windows 2000/XP there is no
 problem with the original code I have provided?
 Maybe a good reason to go for Linux instead of Windows? Does e.g. Suse or
 Mandriva Linux have also a memory limit a single Python process can use?
 Please let me know about your experience.

Re: Listen in promiscuous mode (Sniffer) on UDP port 162 and copy packetsto another port

2005-10-26 Thread Gerald Klix
Hi Henko,
the proper solution to this problem ist to use on libpcap's python bindings,
like for example Billy The Kid.

Here are some pointers: (libpcap)

HTH Gerald

- Original Message -
From: Henko Gouws (H)
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:26 AM
Subject: Listen in promiscuous mode (Sniffer) on UDP port 162 and copy
packetsto another port

Dear reader

An application A opens UDP port 162 and listens for incoming packets.  We
have another application B that wants to receive the same information from
UDP port 162 but this application cannot open the port 162 because it is
already opened by application A.  We want both A and B to receive
information from port 162.

Does anyone know how to implement such a solution using Python or give
relevant advice?  Alternatively does anyone know about any postings that
involved Ethernet sniffers or Python programs listening to network traffic
in promiscuous mode?

Thank you

Henko Gouws (Pr. Eng.)
Senior Engineer: Technical Product Development
Telkom Development Lab
Tel:  +27 12 529 7385
Fax: +27 12 548 0065

This e-mail and its contents are subject to the Telkom SA Limited
e-mail legal notice available at



Re: Abstract Methods Abstract Class

2005-10-20 Thread Gerald Klix

class AbstractBase:
def method(self):
raise NotImplementedError( abstract method called )

the right thing to do?


- Original Message - 
From: Andreas Kostyrka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Iyer, Prasad C [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:56 AM
Subject: Re: Abstract Methods  Abstract Class

 On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 12:05:05PM +0530, Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
  Do we have something like abstract methods  Abstract class.
  So that my class would just define the method. And the implementation
  would be defined by somebody else.
 class AbstractBase:
 def method(self):
 raise TypeError(abstract method called)
 But basically, Python does not have abstract methods, and usually doesn't
 need them.

Re: Python GUIs

2005-09-21 Thread Gerald Klix
if you write
B = '\x12','\x32'
you get an immutable tuple.

To get a mutable list use:
B = [ '\x12','\x32' ]


Tuvas schrieb:
 As a bit more of an update, I have decided to create a list of strings,
 but am having a problem. To illistrate this in a simple manner.
 I cannot get this to work, and I need to get it to work somehow. How
 can I make it happen? Is there a function that I should use, a special
 trick, etc? Or is there just no way to make it work? Thanks!



Re: Do a Python beginners e-mail list exist?

2005-07-07 Thread Gerald Klix
Perhaps irc://
Note the double #

This channel is less crowed as the #python channels are.

Alessandro Brollo schrieb:
 Far from a professional programmer, I'm simply a
 newbie Python user. Two basic questions:
 1. I don't want to post banal questions about Python
 to main Python list. Does a banal Python questions
 list or a Python beginners list exist?
 2. There is somewhere a very patient fellow willing to
 be my free python tutor by personal e-mailing
 outside the mail list? . The ideal candidate would be
 someone, sharing with me some other fields of interest
 (I'm a middle-aged Italian pathologist, with some
 dBase III and dBase IV past programming experience,
 and I like nature and mainly horses). 
 Alessandro Brollo
 Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB



Re: strxfrm works with unicode string ?

2005-06-17 Thread Gerald Klix
How about:

import locale
print s

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

locale.strxfrm( s.encode( latin-1 ) )


 I am trying to use strxfm with unicode strings, but it does not work.
 This is what I did:
import locale
print s
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#20, line 1, in -toplevel-
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in
 position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
 Someone sees what I did wrong ?



Re: strxfrm works with unicode string ?

2005-06-17 Thread Gerald Klix
Sali Nicolas :)),
please see below for my answers.

 Gruzi, Gerald ;-)
 Well, ok, but I don't understand why I should first convert a pure
 unicode string into a byte string.
 The encoding ( here, latin-1) seems an arbitrary choice.
Well latin-1 is only encoding, about which I know that it works on
my xterm and which I can type without spelling errors :)
 Your solution works, but is it a workaround or the real way to use
 strxfrm ?
 It seems a little artificial to me, but perhaps I haven't understood
 something ...
In Python 2.3.4 I had some strange encounters with the locale module,
In the end I considered it broken, at least when it came to currency 
 Does this mean that you cannot pass a unicode string to strxfrm ?
This works here for my home-grown python 2.4 on Jurrasic Debian Woody:

import locale
print s

print locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
print repr( locale.strxfrm( s.encode( latin-1 ) ) )
print repr( locale.strxfrm( s.encode( utf-8 ) ) )

The output is rather strange:


Another (not so) weird thing happens when I unset LANG.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~  python2.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in ?
 print s
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in 
position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Acually it's more weird, that printing works with LANG=de_DE.

Back to your question. A quick glance at the C-sources of the
_localemodule.c reveals:

 if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, s:strxfrm, s))

So yes, strxfrm does not accept unicode!

I am inclined to consider this a bug.
A least it is not consistent with strcoll.
Strcoll accepts either 2 strings or 2 unicode strings,
at least when HAVE_WCSCOLL was defined when python
was compiled on your plattform.

BTW: Which platform do you use?


PS: If you have access to irc, you can also ask at 



Re: [OT ?] (Pythonic) detection word protected files

2005-06-13 Thread Gerald Klix
Perhaps you can use OpenOffice and it's python UNO Bindings?
I only know about their existence, but perhaps this will be a starting 


Gilles Lenfant schrieb:
 This is certainly off topic, but as my problem must have a pythonic answer.
 I'm building an utility that makes a catalog of M$ word files in a giant 
 directory tree. The password protected files must be marked, and I 
 didn't find how to guess which files are password protected and which 
 ones are not.
 I can't use the COM interface for this because the utility must run on a 
 Linux Samba server.
 I didn't find anything satisfying in M$ related sites (like msdn) or 
 forums or google.
 Any hint ?
 Many thanks by advance.



Re: Knowing the signature of a function

2005-06-08 Thread Gerald Klix
Use the inspect module like:

  def tf( a, b, c, *arguments, **keywordArguments ):
...  print tf
  import inspect
  inspect.getargspec( tf )
(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'arguments', 'keywordArguments', None)

Xavier Décoret schrieb:
 I have the following code:
 def foo(x,y):
 How can I query the function object foo to know the number of parameters 
 it expects.  I can find it is a function using callable(f), I can find 
 some information (listed by dir(foo)) such as the name of the 
 function,etc.. but nowhere I can find the number of arguments.
 I would like to know wether the function expects one or zero arguments.



Re: open file in dir independently of operating system

2005-05-25 Thread Gerald Klix

import os
f = open( os.path.join( dir , 'configuration.smo' ), 'r' )


Joerg Schuster schrieb:
 I want to open the file 'configuration.smo' that is in directory dir.
 Yet, I don't know on which os my program is being run. On Unix I would
 f = open(dir + '/configuration.smo', 'r')
 What is the os-independent version of this line?
 (I have read the manual of the module os, but I didn't see how to do
 Jörg Schuster



Re: regex over files

2005-04-25 Thread Gerald Klix
Map the file into RAM by using the mmap module.
The file's contents than is availabel as a seachable string.
Robin Becker schrieb:
Is there any way to get regexes to work on non-string/unicode objects. I 
would like to split large files by regex and it seems relatively hard to 
do so without having the whole file in memory. Even with buffers it 
seems hard to get regexes to indicate that they failed because of buffer 
termination and getting a partial match to be resumable seems out of the 

What interface does re actually need for its src objects?

Re: pythonic use of properties?

2005-04-15 Thread Gerald Klix
The python rationale is We are all consenting adults..
You shoukd change tens to _tens and ones to _ones, in order to
syntacticly mark these attributes as internal.
If someone not consenting, wants to mess with your internal
representation, it's his fault.

Marcus Goldfish schrieb:
I'd like advice/opinions on when it is appropriate to do
attribute/property validation in python.  I'm coming from a C#/Java
background, where of course tons of wasted code is devoted to
property validation.  Here is a toy example illustrating my question:
#   Example: mixing instance attributes with properties.  Is it pythonic to
#   validate property data in setters?  Since tens and ones are never
#   validated, the class can be broken by setting these directly
class SillyDecimal(object):
   A silly class to represent an integer from 0 - 99.
   def __init__(self, arg=17):
   if isinstance(arg, tuple):
   self.tens = arg[0]
   self.ones = arg[1]
   self.number = arg
   def getNumber(self):
   return self.tens*10 + self.ones
   def setNumber(self, value):
   if value  0 or value  99:
   raise ArgumentException(Must in [0, 99])
   self.tens = value // 10
   self.ones = value % 10
   number = property(getNumber, setNumber, None, Complete number, [0-99])
x = SillyDecimal()
x.number, x.tens, x.ones# returns (17, 7, 1)
Even though tens, ones and number all appear as attributes, only
number has its input validated.  Since the class is designed to only
hold numbers 0 - 99, one can 'break' it by setting self.tens=11, for
example.  Should tens and ones be made into full-fledged properties
and validated?  Should number have no validation?  Is it more pythonic
to encapsulate tightly, or rely on responsible use.

Re: eval function not working how i want it dag namn

2005-04-15 Thread Gerald Klix
How about using the vars builtin?
Michael Hoffman schrieb:
robcarlton wrote:
I've written this function to make a list of all of an objects
attributes and methods (not for any reason, I'm just learning)
def list_members(obj)
l = dir(obj)
return map(lambda x : eval('obj.'+x), l)

That works fine for me with Python 2.4.
This is the best way to do it:
def list_members(obj):
return [getattr(obj, name) for name in dir(obj)]
Although personally I would prefer to have this information in dict 
form, so i'd use:

return dict((name, getattr(obj, name)) for name in dir(obj))
For objects defined in CPython, you can use obj.__dict__, but this is 
somewhat hacky, and I'd avoid it.

Re: Programming Language for Systems Administrator

2005-04-12 Thread Gerald Klix

Kanthi Kiran Narisetti schrieb:
Hi All,
Thank You for your suggestionsI request you all to eloborate the
Uses(In Practical) for systems administrator.Some of my questions
regarding the same follows.
1)Can i build web applications in Python ? If so how. I am planning to
build a web application for intranet use which deals with workflow of
Internal office communication.
Yes, you can.
There are far too many options, to be listed here:
Here are just 3 pointers:
2)Which is best opensource database to be used with Python ?
It's hard to say. It depends on our taste and the type of your application.
There is a python standard for a relation DB-API
and there are som object relational adapters, like:
And, of course, there is ZODB the object oriented DB below Zope:

3)When i write a remote execution script in python is it required that
python should be installed in remote system.
Using xmlrpc the server and may be written in any programming language.
xmlrpc is include din the standard libray.
Other remote execution systems use CORBA or do things upon their own:
It is also possible to package python applications in an executable using:
or the Freeze utility delivered with the python standard distribution.
4)I heard about Perl/CGI and that CGI application done by python
too.Is CGI still valid when PHP has taken over the WebApplication
Development, Dominating.
No it's rather slow, but widley used. There is a mod_python for Apache
which is used be some of the web application frameworks mentioned above.
Sorry if these questions are out of this group , but answers to these ?
will help me a lot.
The are perfectly valid.

Re: variables exist

2005-04-11 Thread Gerald Klix
except NameError:
 print Not bound
 print Bound
If you want to distinguish between the local an the global environment:
if globals().has_key( myVariable ):
if locals().has_key( .
fabian schrieb:
how testing if a variable exists in python as isset in php??

Re: Python backend binding to PAM, NSS or pppd

2005-04-07 Thread Gerald Klix
Hi Heiko, Hi all,
I have a PAM-library available that embedds Python.
Just tell me if you need it and I will publish it.
Heiko Wundram schrieb:
Hey all!
Before I start hacking away, I'm looking for a Python backend binding for 
libpam or libnss, or a python binding for the pppd plugin mechanism.

I'm trying to set up an SQL authentication scheme for virtual user accounts 
used for mail and PPTP-VPN-access, and I'd love to do the authentication bit 
in Python. And, yes, I know about pam-mysql and nss-mysql, but both projects 
are old and unmaintained, and I use Oracle as backend DB anyway.

If anybody knows of any project which has implemented a part of this, I'd love 
to hear about the effort...


Re: Python backend binding to PAM, NSS or pppd

2005-04-07 Thread Gerald Klix
Well, I am actually playing, right now. For I 
a module that
  * adds a user to passwd and
  * authenticates that user given a certificate and some other info on 
removable media
  * it creates an encrypted loopback file, that is mounted as the 
user's home directory utilising Loop-AES and the certficate on the floppy
  * and it opens an openvpn connection using the same certificate
  * and, of course, unmounts the loopback file and terminates the vpn 
on logout.

Perhaps this is somewhat more than playing :)
Diez B. Roggisch schrieb:
I've been using pyton-pam before. Works as expected - but pam frustrated
me a bit, and you gotta run as root for it to work - a thing I didn't want
to do.

Ok, I just found that you wanted to play from the other side of the fence -
never mind my answer. 

Re: Making a DLL with python?

2005-03-31 Thread Gerald Klix
I think you can, as long as you have a C-Compiler available.
I used pyrex to embedd python into a Linux PAM-Module and
i used C-Types to embbed Python into a Windows DLL. With hindsight, the 
pyrex solution was much fatser to develop and less complicated.

Pyrex provides an example.
Feel free to ask, if you need a more complex example,
than the one, that comes with pyrex.
Larry Bates schrieb:
I don't think you can make a .DLL (but someone else might).
Why can't you use a COM server?  MS seems to have written
some pretty sophisticated software using COM objects.
Almost all languages can dispatch a COM object easily.
Can I use python to make a regular Windows DLL that will be called from
other programs?
I know I can use the win32 extensions to make a COM server, but I need
a straight DLL.

Phillip Piper
A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions