Re: Is there *any* real documentation to PyWin32?

2007-12-21 Thread Gerrit Muller
> Personally I consider Python-win32 to be docware -- software that is
> sufficiently difficult to use with the included free documentation
> that many people will just buy the $$$ documentation.  Numpy is
> another prominent example of docware.  A misappropriation of the good-
> will value of legitimate open source software.
As others have pointed out Python-Win32 provides access to an extremely 
wide range of services and programs. The main purpose is to do this in a 
Pythonic was: simplifying matters, where the original interfaces are 
very awkward and complicated.

Unfortunately many of these services and programs that can be accessed 
in this way are themselves very poorly documented, or require indeed 
expensive books. Blaming Python-Win32 is hitting the wrong group of 
people entirely! You cannot expect them to document huge monsters such 
as Windows XP or Vista, or the other monsters that can be automated 
through COM, such as Powerpoint, Word and Excel.

I am myself automating some trivial MS-office stuff, but I am 
flabbergasted by the fragmentary nature of on-line documentation in 
MS-office. The real problem is that these kinds of programs are not 
described at a reasonable conceptual level, making it difficult to 
automate trivial tasks. In your term MS-office is docware, certainly not 
Python-Win32. My experiences with Python-Win32 itself are very good.


Re: How can I know the name of "caller"

2007-06-19 Thread gerrit . holl
On Jun 19, 10:50 pm, Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens
> billiejoex schrieb:
> > ...(if it is possible) how can I get, from method "called", the name
> > of function/method that called it (in this case "caller")?

> inspect.stack is your friend ;-)

If you start doing such things on a regular basis, it will sooner or
later become your enemy.



Re: Replacement for HTMLGen?

2007-05-04 Thread Gerrit Muller
 > That said, can someone recommend a good replacement for
 > HTMLGen?
 >  Granted, I know HTML doesn't change (much) but it's at least
 > nice to know something you're going to be using is maintained.


I am happily using HTMLgen. I do think that maintenance has not been 
required, since HTML didn't change. It is pure Python, so it doesn't 
require any recompilation for Python updates.

If you need HTMLgen send me an e-mail and I will send you a zipfile.

kind regards, Gerrit Muller

Gaudi systems architecting:

> That said, can someone recommend a good replacement for HTMLGen?  I've found
> good words about it (, but every
> reference to it I find points to a non-existant page
> ( is 404,
> is not responding,
> is 404)
> Found, but
> that seems a bit old.
> I found, but it's not listed in
> Cheeseshop, and its latest release is over seven years ago.  Granted, I
> know HTML doesn't change (much) but it's at least nice to know something
> you're going to be using is maintained.
> Any suggestions or pointers?
> j

Re: Mocking OpenOffice in python?

2007-03-23 Thread Gerrit Muller
Méta-MCI schreef:
> Hi!
> Under windows, I drive OOo, from Python, via COM/OLE-automation.
> It's run OK, but some bugs, in the OOo-COM-Python, had stop my 
> devloppements...
> However, this way is usable (only on Win, ok?)
Do you have some (small) example program of using OOo from Python via 

Can you give any indication of the kind of bugs that you hit?

kind regards, Gerrit Muller

Gaudi Systems Architecting 

Re: Is there a way to get utf-8 out of a Unicode string?

2006-10-29 Thread Gerrit Holl

On 2006-10-30 08:25:41 +0100, thebjorn wrote:
>   def unfk(s):
>   return eval(repr(s)[1:]).decode('utf-8')
> i.e. chopping off the u in the repr of a unicode string, and relying on
> eval to interpret the \xHH sequences.
> Is there a less hack'ish way to do this?

Slightly lack hackish:

return ''.join(chr(ord(c)) for c in s)


Re: A Comparison Of Dynamic and Static Languiges

2006-10-21 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-21 20:41:42 +0200, Scott M. wrote:
> Also, widely posting your real (unaltered) email address in forums like this 
> is a sure way to get noticed by spammers.

This newsgroup is mirrored by a mailing-list, so many people use their real
address. The solution to spam is spamfiltering (spambayes), not hiding ones
address on the internet.


Re: matrix Multiplication

2006-10-18 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-18 14:15:17 +0200, Sssasss wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > "Sssasss" wrote:
> >
> > > I wan't to multiply two square matrixes, and i don't understand why it
> > > doesn't work.
> > >
> > > def multmat(A,B):
> > >"A*B"
> > >if len(A)!=len(B): return "error"
> > >D=[]
> > >C=[]
> > >for i in range(len(A)): D.append(0)
> > >for i in range(len(A)): C.append(D)
> >
> > append doesn't copy data, so you're basically adding len(A) references to
> > the same D list to C.  for more on this, see:
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> Ok!! Tank you very much, i understand now.

You might also want to look at numpy/numarray.


Re: Best IDE?

2006-10-13 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-13 16:31:37 +0200, Ahmer wrote:
> Subject: Best IDE?

cat >

> How much does it cost?


Re: Motions.

2006-10-11 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-11 00:26:38 +0200, Dr. Pastor wrote:
> I would like to track the motions of
> small birds in short (20-30sec) .avi films.
> What tool-set/programs would be wise to use?
> Thanks for any guidance.

I'd use PIL with numpy and subtract a birdless background picture
from each picture. Make that binary (choose a suitable treshhold,
100 or so) and you'll get a matrix for each frame with value 1 for the
position of the bird. Been there, done that, though my problem was
slightly easier: I had a few dozen of equal balls flying around and all
I needed was the average total position, not tracking each individually.
How to do that if birds pass each other (projecting 3D on 2D) I don't
know, but I'm sure it's been done before (not necessarily in Python


Re: Using Gnutar to remove a list of files

2006-10-10 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-10 14:35:30 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi folks, I've got a question for yas.  I'm trying to write code that
> will open up a gzipped tar file using gnutar, and copy the list of
> files(including their directories) to a list variable in python.  From
> there, I want to go through the list and delete those files from my
> system.  That part is easy, but what I'm stuck on is getting the list
> of files in an archive into a list variable.  If I use the -t parameter
> in gnutar, it prints a list of the files in a seperate cmd screen, but
> only returns 0.  Is there any way to make it return a list, or to copy
> the information over?  Thanks in advance!

Use the commands module.
Or tarfile of course.


Re: file system iteration

2006-10-09 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-09 14:45:35 +0200, rick wrote:
> import os.path
> paths = []
> if os.path.isdir('A:/'):
> paths.append('A:/')
> if os.path.isdir('B:/'):
> paths.append('B:/')
> ...
> That's a kludge, but it works OK. I'm sure WMI may have a function that 
> returns mounted volumes, but under the circumstances currently, I can 
> only use the standard Python library. Any ideas on how to do this better?

The very least you can try:

import string

for c in string.ascii_uppercase:
    if os.path.isdir('%s:/' % c):

But I suppose there should be a better way.


Re: printing variables

2006-10-06 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-06 04:50:33 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> say i have variables like these
> var1 = "blah"
> var2 = "blahblah"
> var3 = "blahblahblah"
> var4 = ""
> var5 = "..."..
> bcos all the variable names start with "var", is there a way to
> conveniently print those variables out...
> eg print var* ??
> i don't want to do :
> print var1, var2, var3, var4 ..etc...

Don't do this:

>>> import fnmatch
>>> var1, var2, var3 = "foo", "bar", "baz"
>>> for k in fnmatch.filter(locals(), "var*"):
...  print locals()[k]

This is evil.
It's unpythonic.
This is yet another way to do it - QED.


Re: PEP 358 and operations on bytes

2006-10-04 Thread Gerrit Holl
On 2006-10-04 05:10:32 +0200, John Machin wrote:
> > - str methods endswith, find, partition, replace, split(lines),
> >   startswith,
> > - Regular expressions
> >
> > I think those can be useful on a bytes type. Perhaps bytes and str could
> > share a common parent class? They certainly share a lot of properties
> > and possible operations one might want to perform.
> >
> I look at it this way::
> Processing text? Use unicode.
> Binary structures and file I/O, interfacing to 8-bit-wide channels? Use
> bytes.

But can I use regular expressions on bytes?
Regular expressions are not limited to text.


PEP 358 and operations on bytes

2006-10-03 Thread Gerrit Holl

In Python 3, reading from a file gives bytes rather than characters.
Some operations currently performed on strings also make sense when
performed on bytes, either if it's binary data or if it's text of
unknown or mixed encoding. Those include of course slicing and other
operators that exist in lists, but also other operations that aren't
currently defined in PEP 358, like:

- str methods endswith, find, partition, replace, split(lines),
- Regular expressions

I think those can be useful on a bytes type. Perhaps bytes and str could
share a common parent class? They certainly share a lot of properties
and possible operations one might want to perform.

kind regards,
Gerrit Holl.

My first English-language post ever was made to this newsgroup: :)

Re: Get CPU usage of a single process in Windows

2006-09-12 Thread Gerrit Muller
[Tim Golden]

now I only have to find some time to play around...

thanks, Gerrit

Gaudi systems architecting:

Re: Get CPU usage of a single process in Windows

2006-09-12 Thread Gerrit Muller
Tim Golden wrote:
>>This should be possible as Taskmanager tracks CPU usage for every
>>process... Anyone know how this can be done?
> WMI can probably do the trick. If you can find something on Google
> for wmi cpu usage (or something similar) then translation to Python's
> usually quite easy. I'm fairly sure I've got an example somewhere, but
> I can't lay my hands on it at the mo.
Tim Golden's general documentation/examples about WMI are at: 

If you have a working example of CPU usage could you post the result? I 
would be interested.

kind regards, Gerrit Muller

Gaudi systems architecting:

Re: hello, I want to change n bytes of a binary file

2005-11-01 Thread Gerrit Holl
could ildg wrote:
>  b = encrypt(a)
> Thank you~~,but where is the encrypt defined?

I suppose it's left as an exercise for the reader.


Temperature in Kiruna, Lappland, Sweden:
Tue Nov 1 15:35:25 2005 [UT] 2.6°C

Re: your mail

2005-10-17 Thread Gerrit Holl
Finn Waldrip wrote:
> X-Spambayes-Classification: unsure; 0.242

> 404 Not Found
> Not Found
> The requested URL was not found on this server.
> Apache/1.3.31

How can my poor Spambayes ever make sense of this?


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-10-17 22:29:599.6 degrees Celsius ( 49.2F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: Problems with properties

2005-10-14 Thread Gerrit Holl
Michael Schneider wrote:
> Could someone please point out my error, I have dents in my forehead
> for this one.

> --
> from unittest import TestCase
> import unittest

Here you need to add:

__metaclass__ = type

this will make your classes new-style.


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-10-14 17:59:487.9 degrees Celsius ( 46.3F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: Well written open source Python apps

2005-10-14 Thread Gerrit Holl
Ben wrote:
> Could anyone suggest an open source project that has particularly well
> written Python?  I am especially looking for code that people would
> describe as "very Python-ic".  (Not trying to start any kind of war -
> just wanted some good examples of a well written Python app to read.)

Mailman -
Spambayes -

Those are written by experienced Python programmers, some of them Python
developers. It looks like well written code to me.


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-10-14 10:19:498.3 degrees Celsius ( 47.0F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: Class methods

2005-10-05 Thread Gerrit Holl
Laszlo Zsolt Nagy wrote:
> >Oh man, it has been a long time I have read such an disturbing question.
> >
> >RTMF here:
> >  
> >
> I feel I was a bit harsh.

Of course, those posts do keep the Google count for the famous
four-letter-abbreviation down (-;


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-10-05 21:59:48   10.7 degrees Celsius ( 51.3F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: A Moronicity of Guido van Rossum

2005-10-01 Thread Gerrit Holl
Tony Meyer wrote:
> X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.008
> On 30/09/2005, at 10:56 PM, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> > Tony Meyer wrote:
> >> X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.048
> Unless I'm misreading things, that's *my* message that scored 0.048  
> (the "", "from:name:tony meyer", and "spambayes"  
> tokens make it seem that way)...

It is, and that's very surprising, but apparantly it was not really
hammy enough. But don't worry, by ham_cutoff is 0.2, and out of the 10
'unsure' messages per week, 2 are spam, 2 are ham, and 6 are, well,
unsure. Note that with all my mailinglists, the number of messages
handled is more than 2500 per week, so I'm very, very happy with


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-10-01 09:49:529.7 degrees Celsius ( 49.5F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: A Moronicity of Guido van Rossum

2005-09-30 Thread Gerrit Holl
Tony Meyer wrote:
> X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.048
> X-Spambayes-Evidence: '*H*': 0.90; '*S*': 0.00; 'bug.': 0.07; 'flagged': 
> 0.07; 
>   "i'd": 0.08; 'bayes': 0.09; '': 0.09;
>   'really,': 0.09; 'cc:no real name:2**0': 0.14;
>   'from:addr:t-meyer': 0.16; 'from:name:tony meyer': 0.16;
>   'obvious,': 0.16; 'spambayes': 0.16; 'subject:Guido': 0.16;
>   'trolling,': 0.16; 'regret': 0.82; 'lee,': 0.91; 'viagra': 0.91;
>   'mailings': 0.93; 'probability': 0.93

> This is a feature, not a bug.  It's the same feature that means that  
> messages talking about spam on the spambayes mailing list, or the  
> legitimate mail I get about viagra , get through to me.

True. However, most mail to this mailinglist has less than 0.001 spam
probability. As you can see, this one had 0.048 - a vast score, almost
enough to put it in my unsure box. It seems to be just not hammy enough.
It's interesting to see that no none of the foul language words used by
Xah Lee ever occurs in any spam I receive - spam is not that stupid.


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-30 12:49:54   11.1 degrees Celsius ( 51.9F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: A Moronicity of Guido van Rossum

2005-09-29 Thread Gerrit Holl
Xah Lee wrote:
> ...What the fuck is the former?
> ...What the fuck would anyone to
> ...]”, is rather inane, as you can now see.
> ...What the fuck does it mean...
> begin to write things like Java...

Can you please alter the tone of your voice?


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-29 18:19:556.8 degrees Celsius ( 44.3F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: Documenting properties

2005-09-27 Thread Gerrit Holl
Paul McNett wrote:
> > Whatever is preferred, what's the upside/downsides of the two beyond
> > what I just explained?
> Nothing really, but something handy to keep in mind is that the string
> literal ("""x""") can be used to block out huge sections of code during
> testing, where you'd have to put a # in front of every line otherwise.

Except, of course, code that contains string literals with triple
quotes. And with a good editor, it's not too difficult to insert a # in
front of hundreds of lines (:%s/^/#/g).


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-27 20:19:549.8 degrees Celsius ( 49.7F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: New-style classes questions

2005-09-25 Thread Gerrit Holl
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> > What is the reason for allowing both styles? (backwards compatibility??) 
> yes.

Note that there is another way to create new-style classes:

__metaclass__ = type

before the first class definition:

>>> class Foo: pass
>>> type(Foo)

>>> __metaclass__ = type
>>> class Bar: pass
>>> type(Bar)

I like this. However, perhaps other people reading my source code won't
like it, because when they see 'class Foo:', they might expect an
old-style class. But it's so much better to type and to read, that I
prefer this.

Does the Python style guide have any severe penalty for using this?


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-25 15:19:47   11.0 degrees Celsius ( 51.9F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Programming languages "national brotherhood week"

2005-09-24 Thread Gerrit Holl

I have once seen a variant of "national brotherhood week" with
programming languages; 'all the python folk hate alle the perl folk and
all the ... hate all the ... and everybody hates Java', or something
like that, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone remember it and is
anyone able to find it? It was quite funny, I think it was more than
five years ago though.


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-24 15:59:53   12.1 degrees Celsius ( 53.9F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: Free seminar on domain-specific modeling

2005-09-19 Thread Gerrit Holl
Martijn Iseger wrote:
> Domain-specific modeling makes software development 5-10 times faster than 
> approaches based on UML or MDA. 
> It accelerates development and reduces complexity by automatically generating 
> full code from higher-abstraction design models.
> Learn from speakers Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, Jack Greenfield, Steven Kelly and 
> Krzysztof Czarnecki about DSM and how to implement it.
> Time: Friday, October 21, 2005. 8:00am - 12:00noon. Right after 
> Place:Town & Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego.

Will the trip there be free as well?


(sorry, couldn't resist)

Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-19 19:09:599.5 degrees Celsius ( 49.0F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: defining __repr__

2005-09-15 Thread Gerrit Holl
sven wrote:
> i'd like to define __repr__ in a class to return the standardrepr
> a la "<__main__.A instance at 0x015B3DA0>"
> plus additional information.
> how would i have to do that?
> how to get the standardrepr after i've defined __repr__?

>>> object.__repr__(4)


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-09-15 19:19:587.8 degrees Celsius ( 46.0F) |
Det finns inte dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder.

Re: pre-PEP: Object-oriented file module

2005-08-27 Thread Gerrit Holl
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> Subject: pre-PEP: Object-oriented file module

Please have a look at
if you haven't done so already.


Temperature in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden:
| Current temperature   05-08-27 22:20:00   11.8 degrees Celsius ( 53.3F) |
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: whois like functionality on Windows?

2005-07-01 Thread Gerrit Muller
Peter Hansen wrote:

> If the address doesn't get mapped to a name by a DNS server, I strongly 
> suspect you will get nowhere with whois, or much else.  Not all IP 
> addresses have corresponding domain names: many are dynamic addresses 
> assigned on the fly to arbitrary customers of (for example) cable modem 
> service providers, and they're often not interested in providing any 
> reverse mapping for them.  Some do (for example, mine is 
> right now), but many don't...
> I'm sure there's a way to identify the domain of the owner of a block of 
> addresses in which a given IP resides.  I don't know what it is.
> -Peter
In 5 years of logging I did get about 23000 different domains that 
accessed my site. For about 1000 IP address ranges I obtained the domain 
name manually via whois, mostly via Geektools. Sometimes via more 
specific whois servers, such as krnic. These 1000 domain names are a mix 
of "real" domain names, for instance from companies, universities or 
government, and service providers. It would be nice to automate this 
action, although the manual approach is workable.

regards, Gerrit

Gaudi systems architecting:

ANN: PyGaim released - Gaim Python plugin

2005-06-29 Thread Gerrit van Dyk
PyGaim has been released.

Summary: Gaim Python plug-in. The product provides developers with the 
capability to develop python plugins for Gaim

This release is just a get it out there release and a lot of polishing 
still needs to be done.

However, it does enable a python developer to develop gaim plugins using 
python as the programming language.

The current packages is available from


Web page
Instructions on installing and using
More examples
A interface to the gaim gui using pygtk
Lots of other stuff.

The mailing list should be up in the next 24 hours

Re: whois like functionality on Windows?

2005-06-28 Thread Gerrit Muller
Peter, Thomas,

thanks for your suggestion. I did indeed look broader than whois, and 
reverse DNS maybe a better description. Unfortunately I did try the 
socket.gethostbyaddr(""), but the result was a 
disappointing "host not found", both at home on an XP machine as well as 
at work on a NT machine. Your comments stimulated me too experiment with 
this apporach, and I discovered that unresolved IP addresses in my old 
logfiles return "host not found". However many IP addresses in my new 
logfile can be translated successfully! Apparantly there are IP 
addresses that cannot be reversely resolved by the DNS servers. I did 
translate these addresses manually so far via the whois service. So you 
definitely helped me a lot, but I keep interested in a complementary 
whois solution.

kind regards, Gerrit

> Gerrit Muller wrote:
>> I am migrating a website from a UNIX based machine to an Windows 
>> machine. In the logfiles I got from the old machine I mostly got 
>> domain names and sometimes only IP addresses. The Windows machine 
>> seems to produce only IP addresses.
>> Somehow I cannot find a windows solution to translate an IP address 
>> back into a domain-name. Searching with Google shows that more people 
>> have been wrestling with this problem.
>> I did find working whois scripts, but unfortunately:
> [snip]
> Part of your problem is looking for the wrong thing.  You are looking 
> for the capability provided by "domain name servers" (DNSes), not 
> "whois" servers.  But Thomas has just given you the solution...
> -Peter

Gaudi systems architecting:

whois like functionality on Windows?

2005-06-28 Thread Gerrit Muller
I am migrating a website from a UNIX based machine to an Windows 
machine. In the logfiles I got from the old machine I mostly got domain 
names and sometimes only IP addresses. The Windows machine seems to 
produce only IP addresses.

Somehow I cannot find a windows solution to translate an IP address back 
into a domain-name. Searching with Google shows that more people have 
been wrestling with this problem.

I did find working whois scripts, but unfortunately:
- the verbose whois registrar information often forbids automated access
- the information is rather distributed, so you have to somehow access 
sufficient servers
- you still have to find the domain name in the sea of details returned

I also found socket based solutions, but these solutions crash with the 
message "host not found" :-(

Anyone suggestions?

kind regards, Gerrit

Gaudi systems architecting:

Re: eric3 question

2005-05-30 Thread Gerrit van Dyk
Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:
> Hello All!
> I'am using eric3 IDE under win32 (snapshot 2005-04-10), and have a trouble. I
> use this code:
> print "enter q to quit, or smthing else to continue"
> while not sys.stdin.readline()=="q":
> smthing(else)

Try using raw_input() instead of the sys.stdin.readline(). raw_input() 
is the preferred way of getting console input.

Like this:
print "enter q to quit, or smthing else to continue"
while not raw_input() == 'q':

Or you can do it this way:
while not raw_input("enter q to quit, or smthing else to continue: ")

Gerrit van Dyk

Re: python-dev Summary for 2005-04-01 through 2005-04-15

2005-04-21 Thread Gerrit Muller
Tim Lesher wrote:
New python-dev summary team
This summary marks the first by the team of Steve Bethard, Tim Lesher,
and Tony Meyer.  We're trying a collaborative approach to the
summaries: each fortnight, we'll be getting together in a virtual
smoke-filled back room to divide up the interesting threads.  Then
we'll stitch together the summaries in roughly the same form as you've
seen in the past. We'll mark each editor's entries with his initials.
This first summary is a good start! Thanks.
Thanks to Brett Cannon for sixty-one excellent python-dev summaries.
Also, thanks for providing scripts to help get the new summaries off
the ground! We're looking forward to the contributions you'll make to
the Python core, now that the summaries aren't taking up all your
Brett, thanks a lot!
regards, Gerrit
Praktijk voor Psychosociale therapie Lia Charité

ANN: Python Training In South Africa

2005-04-18 Thread Gerrit van Dyk
AgileWorks (Pty) Ltd will be presenting an "Introduction to Python" 
training course at "The Innovation Hub" from the 4-6th of May 2005.

For more detail visit our website: 

Re: [perl-python] Python documentation moronicities (continued)

2005-04-12 Thread Gerrit Holl
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Richie Hindle wrote:
> > 
> > [Xah]
> > > motherfucking ... fucking ... fucking ... fucking ... fuck ... fucking
> > > fucking ... fucking ... mother fucking ... fucking ... piece of shit ...
> > > motherfucking ... fucking ... fucking ... big asshole ... masturbation ...
> > > Fucking morons ... fucking stupid ... fuckhead coders ... fuckheads ...
> > > you fucking asses.
> > 
> > > paypal me a hundred dollars and i'll rewrite the whole re doc in a few
> > > hours.
> > 
> > Can we paypal you a hundred dollars to leave us alone?  I'll pledge $10.
> > Are there another nine people here who'll do the same?
> Why don't we pay him $100 to re-write the PERL docs?

Interestingly, Richard Hindle's message was classified as ham by my
spambayes, whereas your message was unsure. Could it be the
second-to-last word doing it? (-;


Weather in Twenthe, Netherlands 12/04 19:55:
13.0ÂC   wind 2.2 m/s NNW (57 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: help with getting selection from wxChoice with out after it has changed

2005-03-29 Thread Gerrit Holl
'@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])]) wrote:
> From: "'@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])" 

This is a SyntaxError.
You want to enclose the dots with '' marks as well, like this:

'@'.join(['.'.join(['fred', 'dixon']), '.'.join(['gmail', 'com'])])

Gerrit Holl.

Weather in Twenthe, Netherlands 29/03 10:55:
10.0ÂC mist overcast wind 0.9 m/s None (57 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: ANN: 2005 International Obfuscated Ruby Code Contest (IORCC)

2005-03-20 Thread Gerrit Holl
> IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fri Mar 18 16:34:52 CST 2005
> ANNOUNCEMENT:  International Obfuscated Ruby Code Contest (IORCC)
>Entry Deadline, Midnight on March 31st, 2005
> Dear Rubyists, Perlists, Shellists, Cists and Hackers,

What is this doing on comp.lang.python?

Gerrit Holl.

Weather in Twenthe, Netherlands 20/03 16:55:
9.0ÂC   wind 4.0 m/s ENE (57 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: [OT] Re: Hi Guys. First Time Poster

2005-03-20 Thread Gerrit Holl
Jeff Schwab wrote:
> sheldon279 wrote:

> Wow, you sold me.
> Does this kinda scam really still work?

This kind of replies works to confuse spambayes.


Weather in Twenthe, Netherlands 20/03 16:55:
9.0ÂC   wind 4.0 m/s ENE (57 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: Possible to import a module whose name is contained in a variable?

2005-03-07 Thread Gerrit Holl
Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Mar 7, 2005, at 5:23 AM, Michael Hoffman wrote:
> >Avoiding exec (which is a statement, not a function) is much more
> >important. Since it executes arbitrary code, you can get unpredictable
> >results from it.
>   Is there any way to use __import__ to replace the following:
> exec("from %s import *" % modulename)



Weather in Twenthe, Netherlands 07/03 13:25:
4.0ÂC Few clouds mostly cloudy wind 5.4 m/s NW (57 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: python-dev Summary for 2005-01-16 through 2005-01-31

2005-03-01 Thread Gerrit Muller
New format
I have done a thorough restructuring of the boilerplate and the Summary 
Announcements section for the Summaries.  The purpose of this is to make 
finding information in the boilerplate much easier.  It also keeps 
consistency by sectioning off everything as in the Summary section.

The other reason is for the ``contents`` directive in reST_.  This will 
provide a more thorough table of contents for the web version of the 
summary at the very top of the summaries.  This will allow people to 
jump directly to the section of the Summary they care about the most.  
Obviously this perk only exists in the HTML version.

Lastly, the typical boilerplate for each Summary has now been moved to 
the bottom.  This was at the request of a regular reader who I would 
like to keep happy.  =)  It also seems reasonable since once you have 
read through it once chances are you are not going to read it again so 
might as well move it out of the way.

Then again I could be totally wrong about all of this and manage to 
alienate every person who reads the summaries regularly.  =)

as always I do appreciate your summaries. This new format, with the 
boilerplate at the end certainly is an improvement. However, I always 
use your news announcement as a trigger to read the version at 
<>. I used to do this by 
clicking on the "archive" link at the beginning of your message and then 
clicking on the latest summary. For my type of reading I would strongly 
prefer to have the link to the actual version at the top of the message, 
rather than at the end.

I hope you keep summarizing as long as no other volunteer takes over.
thanks, Gerrit
Gaudi systems architecting:

"Architecture of Python" restored! [was Re: "Architecture of Python" was removed ?]

2005-02-16 Thread Gerrit Muller

Jim Jackson's UIUC email address is/was [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Jim, if
you're out there, is it okay to reconstruct your old C427 assignment
somewhere else?
The original pages at <> appear to 
be restored completely, including the nice visualizations!

thanks, Gerrit
Gaudi systems architecting:

Re: Memory Allocation?

2005-02-07 Thread Gerrit Holl
Chris S. wrote:
> Is it possible to determine how much memory is allocated by an arbitrary 
> Python object? There doesn't seem to be anything in the docs about this, 
> but considering that Python manages memory allocation, why would such a 
> module be more difficult to design than say, the GC?

Why do you want it?


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: "Architecture of Python" was removed ?

2005-01-12 Thread Gerrit Muller
Nick Coghlan wrote:
cr999 wrote:
I found the "Architecture of Python" ( By Jim Jackson, Kar-Han Tan
)is very useful for my understanding of the Python's architecture.
But I found the link is not link to that document today. It seems
that the document was removed. Who knows what happened?
Does anyone here have a copy of that document? Or who can tell me
what is the email address of Jim Jackson or Kar-Han Tan.
Cheers, Nick.
This is again a nice document, and an example of a document that 
presumably has been removed because of maintenance reasons. Shouldn't we 
have a collection (archive) of these documents at

kind regards, Gerrit
Gaudi systems architecting:

Re: tuples vs lists

2005-01-10 Thread Gerrit
Steve Holden wrote:
> worzel wrote:
> >'Two-Pull' it is then, thanks.
> >
> Well, it might be "Two-Pull" in American, but in English it's "tyoopl" 
> -- NOT "choopl" (blearch!). I've also heard people say "tuppl".
> So, basically, say whatever you want. Language is about communication :-)

Or just write it down and don't say the word at all (-:

Gerrit, who actually says tÃpel.

Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 10/01 10:20:
-12.0ÂC   wind 0.0 m/s None (34 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: type method-wrapper?

2004-12-20 Thread Gerrit
Alan Kennedy wrote:
> Python 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on 
> win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> l = []
> >>> type(l.__delattr__)
> >>> import types
> >>> for t in dir(types):
> ...  if t[-4:] == 'Type' and isinstance(l.__delattr__, getattr(types, t)):
> ...   print "It's a '%s'" % str(t)
> ...
> It's a 'ObjectType'
> >>>

Everything is:
>>> for d in dir(types):
...  print getattr(types, d), isinstance(getattr(types, d),

you get the general idea.


Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 20/12 16:50:
-3.0ÂC Scattered clouds partly cloudy wind 8.0 m/s NW (34 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: lies about OOP

2004-12-15 Thread Gerrit

Description: application/pgp-encrypted

Description: Binary data

Re: Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-14 Thread Gerrit
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> > I could imagine that anything accepting numerical values for __getitem__
> > (foo[0], foo[1], ...) or that is iterable (, could
> > be sensibly used as a formatting rhs. Of course, it is not compatible
> > because "foo %s" % [2, 4] is correct and "foo %s" % (2, 4) is not, but
> > are there other reasons that it has been chosen like this?
> so what should
> "foo %s bar %s" % "24"
> do?

Hmm. Good question (-:

Not possible before Python 3.0, but could __rmod__ play a role here?
str.__mod__ would be something like:
# use other.__rmod__(...) result
except AttributeError:
# use it as an array
except TypeError:
# use string representation

Hm, something else I don't understand in current behaviour:
>>> "foo".__rmod__("testing %s")
'testing foo'
>>> (55).__rmod__("testing %s")
>>> print (55).__rmod__.__doc__
x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x

...apparantly not? How should I interpret this?

To answer your question:

"foo %s bar %s" % "24" would do "24".__rmod__("foo %s bar %s") resulting in:

>>> "24".__rmod__("foo %s bar %s")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

Would it be possible to use something like this?


Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 14/12 16:20:
2.0ÂC Broken clouds mostly cloudy wind 7.6 m/s S (34 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: Why are tuples immutable?

2004-12-14 Thread Gerrit
Another tuple/list question.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Apart from historical, compatibility reasons, why is

"foo %s bar %s" % [2, 4]


I could imagine that anything accepting numerical values for __getitem__
(foo[0], foo[1], ...) or that is iterable (, could
be sensibly used as a formatting rhs. Of course, it is not compatible
because "foo %s" % [2, 4] is correct and "foo %s" % (2, 4) is not, but
are there other reasons that it has been chosen like this? Or is it
possible that this behaviour will change in Python 3000?

let's-do-Duck-Typing!-ly - y'rs - Gerrit

Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 14/12 12:50:
2.0ÂC mist mostly cloudy wind 8.9 m/s S (34 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: what module can do html encoder??

2004-12-13 Thread Gerrit
richard wrote:
> Leon wrote:
> > example:
> > s = ' ' --->  
> That's technically not HTML encoding, that's replacing a perfectly valid
> space character with a *non-breaking* space character.

How can you tell?

s = 'Â' # non-breaking space
s = ' ' # normal space
s = 'á' # em-space

But you might want to do something like:

def escapechar(s):
import htmlentitydefs
n = ord(s)
if n < 128:
return s.encode('ascii')
elif n in htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name:
return '&%s;' % htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name[n]
return '&#%d;' % ord(s)

This requires unicode strings, because unicode encodings have multi-byte
characters. Demonstration:

>>> f(u'Ã')
>>> f(u'Å')
>>> f(u's')

Gerrit Holl.

Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 13/12 10:20:
-15.0ÂC   wind 0.9 m/s NNW (34 m above NAP)
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

Re: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec 2)

2004-12-02 Thread Gerrit
Cameron Laird wrote:
> Subject: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Dec  2)

What is the frequency of the weekly Python-URL? (-;

Gerrit Holl.

Weather in Lulea / Kallax, Sweden 02/12 19:20:
-8.0ÂC Scattered clouds mostly cloudy wind 0.9 m/s None (34 m above 
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.
-Dwight David Eisenhower, January 17, 1961