conditional running of code portion

2012-08-04 Thread JW Huang

How can I implement something like C++'s conditional compile.

if VERBOSE_MODE: print debug information
else: do nothing

But I don't want this condition to be checked during runtime as it
will slow down the code.

Thanks in advance.

Re: building extensions for Windows Python

2006-10-17 Thread JW
Thanks to Michael and Nick, I can now cross-compile my Pyrex extensions
for bog-standard Python 2.5.  As I stumbled around in the dark trying to
bump into a solution, I was bolstered by the belief that at least two
other people had found the light at the end of the tunnel.

I had been using a crufty old prebuilt MinGW that linked to MSVCRT.DLL but
didn't include support for the newer VC runtime DLLs.  I had to build the
current version which adds support for MVCR71 (used by Python 2.5) and
MSVCR80 (used by Microsoft's current ".NET" offering).

(Note: The build script proffered by fails really cryptically if
you don't have the scanner tool, "flex", installed.  But that's another
story.  After some hand-to-hand combat, I had a working MinGW, nee GCC

Microsoft advises that it's very bad mojo to mix calls to MSVCRT.DLL and
MSVCR71.DLL in one application, but (or a page
it references) advises how to avert such a disaster with a simple change
to MinGW's "spec" file (which I never knew existed).

The upshot is that I can now use Linux to cross-build my extension for
Windows, and my preliminary testing (under WINE -- See the original post.
I must adhere to my employment contract!) seems to show that it works. 

Had I not known someone else claimed success, I would have thrown up my
hands in frustration.

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL


building extensions for Windows Python

2006-10-13 Thread JW
I have a lousy little Python extension, generated with the generous help
of Pyrex.  In Linux, things are simple.  I compile the extension, link it
against some C stuff, and *poof*! everything works.

My employer wants me to create a Windows version of my extension that
works with the vanilla Python 2.5 from

My employment contract states that I won't be required to run Windows, and
I desperately want to honor that clause. Ideally,  I'd somehow MinGw cross
compile like I do with C/C++ and *poof*!, out would pop a file I could
hand out to someone who wanted to "import ".

In Windows, things aren't so simple.  I'm immediately bedazzled by a vast,
unfamiliar nomenclature: "VC6", "VC7.1", "msvcrt", "msvcr71", "msvcr80",
"VS2005", "VS2007", "MSVC2003", "MSVC2005", "Express Edition", ".NET SDK",

The "recommended compiler" is apparently no longer
available, but someone posted a link to an obscure Microsoft webpage
artifact where it could still be obtained.  Running it under WINE is less
than ideal, but I decided to try and make it work.  However, when I tried
installing the compiler, it failed because my "Internet Explorer [was] out
of date."  I'm not sure how IE comes into the picture, but I'm just a
programmer, after all.

I am further confused by the docs on using MinGw to build
extensions:  "These instructions only apply if you're using a version of
Python prior to 2.4.1 with a MinGW prior to 3.0.0", but further on:
"pcexports python25.dll >python25.def" seems to contradict that.  It
really makes no difference.  The referenced webpage where the "pcexports"
tool is found seems defunct.

My main problem is that I don't really grasp the big picture.  Can someone
give me an overview of the requirements to build extensions for Windows
Python, circa 2.5?  Or, can I tell my employer she'll just have to
hire/contract a Windows expert to do the mud wrestling?

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL

Re: 2Qs

2006-06-26 Thread JW
> > 2nd question:
> [snip]
> > if x>10 and y>10 and z>10 and summ(tritup(x,y,z)): print "OK"
> Others have already suggested you use the built-in sum() function.
> I'll suggest you don't need it at all, because it is redundant.
> If the sum is zero, either all three values are zero or at least one of
> the values is negative. In either case the first test will fail.
> There are no circumstances where each of x, y and z are greater than 10
> but the sum is zero; nor are there any circumstances where the sum is
> zero but x, y and z are still all greater than 10.

Unless, of course, the function tritup returns negative values.  My
guess is that the "> 10" tests are protecting the tritup function, and
possibly should be moved there.  Without the details of the function, I
can't tell, but it may be incorrect to remove those tests.

Which brings us to the other bit of advice - unit tests protect you
from yourself and from those who optimize too quickly.


Re: MS VC++ Toolkit 2003, where?

2006-04-24 Thread JW
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 21:15:23 -0700, Alex Martelli wrote:

> As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
> ... < huge URL snipped > ...

Alas, somehow this URL was split in two, and all the kings horses and all
the kings men can't seem to put it back together again (at least in my
browser).  Could someone post a tinyurl?

> And, as an aside...:
> [Those] not willing to shell out mucho $$$ to MS for a pro VS
> 2003) must go through such gyrations as these in order to be able to
> build Python extensions on Windows.  I'm sure my Windows-loving
> colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
> Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
> and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
> considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
> with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
> mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.

Well, so long as there's a way to get the requisite tools.  I'm sure
these Windows-loving colleagues confirmed these "free" tools worked under
WINE, else how would us cheap programmers with Windows-less boxes avoid
sending $$$ to the Great Satan?

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL

Re: just one more question about the python challenge

2006-04-13 Thread JW
You said:
> Sorry to post here about this again, but the hint forums are dead, and
> the hints that are already there are absolutely no help (mostly it's
> just people saying they are stuck, then responding to themselves saying
> the figured it out! not to mention that most of the hints require
> getting past a certain point in the puzzle before they make sense, and
> i'm just clueless).

I just went to the hint forums:

There are SEVEN pages of clues for level 12.  The most recent post (to
challenge 1) was on April 11, so the forums are most certainly not
dead.  Yes, the hints don't spell out what step they are refering to,
and a certain level of obfuscation is required to avoid giving away

Many can not be solved in a day - they require reading hints, thinking
hard, then doing something else (reading, working, sleeping) to let the
subconscious chew over the clues.  This is the fun of the challenge -
there is no secret knowledge gained, other than a list of URLs and
passwords.  If this isn't your definition of fun, then you can go on to
other things with a clear conscious.


Re: Multiplying all the values in a dictionary

2006-03-24 Thread JW
As long as you are optimizing, addition is slightly faster than

$ python2.4 -mtimeit 'h=1;h*=2'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.286 usec per loop

$ python2.4 -mtimeit 'h=1;h=h+h'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.23 usec per loop

Of course, that's only a 20% decrease, so it might not be worth the


Re: doctest-alike for a unix shell?

2006-03-13 Thread JW
1. Try os.popen:

>>> import os
>>> os.popen('echo Hello World').read()
'Hello World\n'

2. Try a test environment built for testing shell commands, such as


Re: Please, I Have A Question before I get started

2006-03-13 Thread JW
Skipper wrote:
> I can not believe that there isn't a GUI programing tool that will
> allow me to build GUI apps - just like I use Dreamweaver to build a
> web page ... a WYSIWYG builder that does a few simplet things and
> calls other programs ...
> Oh well  no silver bullet!

If you are interested in programming, the best way is to find a
motivating goal to learn.  It sounds like you have a very motivating
goal.  However, it will probably take quite a long time for you to get
to a point where you can make a useful tool for your son.  While your
problem description is straightforward, the implementation is not.

One route you might consider is contacting your local engineering
college for help.  My alumnus recently solicited funds for a "Life
Interaction Device" for Abigail, a 6 year old girl with Cerebral Palsy:

It sounds as if Abagail's needs are far greater than your son's, but
your project would make an interesting design project for CS students
at an undergraduate level.


Re: looking for help about python-sane

2006-03-02 Thread JW
Sorry, I can't help much with the issue.  You are getting a low-level
hardware fault, and
not much information is being propagated up throught the system.  It's
not a Python problem, but something with SANE, and the Python wrapper
is just propagating the SANE error to you.  I have a few suggestions:

- Use a try block, and see if you can recover:

except _sane.Error, se:
 print se
 # but continue

See if all you get is errors, or if it's just a once-in-a-while thing.
Maybe you should sleep longer when you get an error, to give the system
a chance to do something else.

- Try to figure out if SANE is printing any logging message.  Check the
kernel log (dmesg), the normal system log, read SANE man pages, etc.
- Read the sane-v4l man page.  The one I found on the Internet says it
is Alpha software, which means it is highly experimental, but maybe it
has improved.
- Try a similar task using the native sane tools (sane-find-scanner,
scanimage, etc.).  This may generate more useful error messages.
- Post a question to the SANE mailing lists:

Once you have a happy SANE setup, then it should be trivial modify the
Python code to do the same thing.  Hope this is some help,


Re: looking for help about python-sane

2006-03-01 Thread JW
Every time, or just this run?


Re: PEP 354: Enumerations in Python

2006-02-28 Thread JW
It seems the concensus is that empty enums should be allowed for
consistancy, and to support the loop that doesn't.  I thought I'd find
some data points in other languages as a guide:

* C - builtin, empty enumerations not allowed
* C++ - builtin, empty enumerations allowed.  C++ doesn't have
iteration over a enumeration, except as a side-effect of direct
translation from elements to integerts (and then, only for a
sequentially assigned enumeration).  An enumeration is a type, so it
can be thrown (raised) as an exception -
* Java - builtin, empty enumerations allowed previously to 1.5, but
maybe not after -
* OCaml - library, empty enumerations allowed as a consequence of being
able to add and remove enumeration elememts:

I realize this is a strange and short list, but it's all I can do with
5 min of Google and a little testing.


Re: general coding issues - coding style...

2006-02-20 Thread JW
About this line:
1585 if sys.path[0][-12:] == "\":  #for py2exe

pl... suggested:
if sys.path[0].endswith( "\\" ):

and said, "did you really mean one back-slash there?".  You responded
"yeah, one backslash", but I still don't believe you.  In this case, it
happens to work, but you should be aware that the back-slash is an
escape character, which causes the next character to be interpreted
differently.  Try this in your interpreter:

print "\a" # System bell - might cause your speaker to beep
print "\t"  # Tab character
print "\n" # Newline character / sequence

See for more details
on the escape sequences that Python recognizes.  Here's a summary: if
the backslash + character is a special escape code, then replace it
with that, otherwise assume the programmer meant a real backslash.
That's dangerous, and will break when the name changes from one that
starts with an L to one that starts with an A, B, F, N, etc.  The safe
way it to tell Python "Yes, I really want a backslash", which is
indicated with the double backslash:

print "\\"

If you don't use the double backslash, you'll eventually have a
problem, especially in Windows, which unfortunately uses the backslash
as a directory seperator.  You might also want to look at os.sep and
the os.path.* functions, if you are interested in making your code work
on different platforms.  



Re: Rethinking the Python tutorial

2006-02-14 Thread JW
Here's my two cents -

I started with the official tutorial.  It seemed up to date to me.
Things that changed from 2.4 to 2.5 changed in the tutorial as well.  I
still refer to it every few days, because it had been a useful
reference for the basic data types.  I like that it seemlessly links
into the other documents, both online and in the local MS Help format.
It took a couple of days to get through, and gave me enough of an
introduction to the library that I could get started on the Python
Challenge.  I don't think it's broken enough to throw away completely.
Bug reports filed at appear to be responded to quickly.

I haven't tried "A Byte of Python", so I can't comment.

I tried to learn from "Dive into Python", but I found that it went too
quickly.  I have a lot of C and C++ experience, but I needed the more
basic stuff, like dictionaries, tuples, etc. explained in more detail.
It was a very useful guide once I had the basics, but after my initial
experience with it I put Python away for a few months.

"Dive into Python" is not being kept up to date.  The last revision was
May 2004, and several things have changed since then.  For instance,
chapter 4, on introspection, creates a program called,
which uses introspection and doc strings to print the usage of an
object.  This is all great stuff, which would be part of my toolkit,
except that there is a built-in, help(), that does the same thing.  I
had to go to the downloaded source to find that out.  In other cases,
the tutorial still teaches to older versions of Python, sometimes with
notes for the newer styles, sometimes without.

Another downside is the use of internet sources for examples.  For
instance, his example for a web feed is, which replies with a "410 Gone".
As you might guess, this was the author's server, and might have been
removed because of all the people taking the tutorial.  This would have
to be fixed, to make chapters 11 and 12 make much sense.

As for a wiki version of the tutorial, I think the MoinMoin docs are a
good example.  MoinMoin is a wiki engine running Python, and the
documents are distributed with each engine.  These documents can be
seen on the project website,  There is a second wiki at , which contains the
"master" documents.  Those that want to help improve, correct, or
translate documents do their work on this wiki.  It lowers the number
of pages that maintainers have to review, so that a consistant quality
can be maintained.  It also is a (slight) barrier to entry, so that
casual users don't make random changes.

I think the most important thing for a tutorial is a consistant style
and a consistant idea of the user's capabilities.  This is easiest with
a single maintainer, but requires constant dilligence and a subdued ego
for a collaborative document.


Re: random playing soundfiles according to rating.

2006-02-09 Thread JW
I think of it this way: you randomly pick a entry out of a dictionary,
then roll a 100-side die to see if the pick is "good enough".  Repeat
until you find one, or give up.

import random

def rand_weighted_pick(weighted_picks):
for i in range(100):
name, prob = random.choice(weighted_picks)
if prob >= random.randint(0,100): return name
# Give up and return a random choice
return random.choice(weighted_picks)[0]

if __name__ == "__main__":
test_vals = [("A",50),("B",30),("C",20)]
dist = dict()
for name, prob in test_vals: dist[name] = 0
for x in xrange(1000): dist[rand_weighted_pick(test_vals)] += 1
print "Expected: A = 500, B = 300, C = 200"
print "Actual  : A = %d, B = %d, C = %d"%(dist['A'], dist['B'],


Re: New website ?

2006-01-18 Thread JW
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 20:51:03 +, Roel Schroeven wrote:

> I, Jim Wilson, schreef:
>> I'm assured that in print ads the only "content" anyone reads is in
>> picture captions, and you damn well better make sure your message is
>> conveyed there. Any other "content" only wastes space. I see no reason
>> to think that a web page should be designed using any other assumption.
> I don't agree. I read websites in search for information (content), not to
> find advertisements.

Yes, and I read Playboy for the interviews ;)

> I agree that the information shouldn't be presented in an overly dense
> way,

Agreed.  The main page should be like a slick book cover.  It should grab
you and leave you wanting more.  I think the beta page does that pretty

> but it should be there prominently and easily accessible.

All you should have to do is open the book. Or click a link.

> The site
> should invite users to read the content, the contrary of many corporate
> websites that seem to try to hide it, almost like the fineprint on a
> contract.

In another post, you mention which appears
to be some sort of blog (the current bane of the internet).  I immediately
noticed something when visiting Joel using Firefox.  **Scrollbars**.  The
page wouldn't even fit on the screen!  I started to read it, but my face
went numb before I needed to use the scrollbar.

OK for blogging -- not so cool for a book cover.

Of course, I'm a minimalist.  I understand techy types want the details,
but I don't doubt the details will be no more than two clicks away.



Re: New website ?

2006-01-18 Thread JW
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:33:06 -0800, Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:

> What I especially dislike about the new website are the flashy pictures
> on the front-page with no content and no purpose -- purely boasting but
> nothing to back up your claims.
> (I wouldn't mind some sleek pictures there if they weren't desperatly
> trying to advertise success-stories but instead would link to real
> content!)

Tim the Taller (I presume he's taller; he's Dutch) and the other critics
fail to realize is that no one reads "content".

I'm assured that in print ads the only "content" anyone reads is in
picture captions, and you damn well better make sure your message is
conveyed there. Any other "content" only wastes space. I see no reason to
think that a web page should be designed using any other assumption.

If anything, Tim the Shorter (I presume he's shorter; he's not Dutch) has
too much "content" and too few images.  The beta page is a great
improvement over the current "content-intensive" page.

I recommend David Ogilvy's "Ogilvy on Advertising" for a enthusiastic but
somewhat cynical view of the subject.  It is a very old book, but nothing
about human nature has changed since it was written.

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL


Re: New website ?

2006-01-15 Thread JW
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 22:19:37 +, Tim Parkin wrote:

> Feedback appreciated ... Many thanks

Again, with FF 1.0.7 (on FC4 Linux BTW), the left column no longer
violates the right.  However, "View>Page Style>large text" makes the
button annotation smaller than "View>Page Style>Basic Page Style".

Please understand, web programming is not my main axe.  I'm in no way
asserting my observations are meaningful ;).

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL

Re: New website ?

2006-01-13 Thread JW
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 11:00:05 -0600, Tim Chase wrote:


Very strange.  With FF 1.0.7, I can just get the buttons to violate the
next column if I "View>Page Style>Large Text", but I wouldn't have noticed
it unless Tim had pointed it out.  Tim's gifs are much worse than what
I see. WIth ""View>Page Style>Basic Page Style", it looks really good.

Jim Wilson
Gainesvlle, FL