Re: CGI templating with python

2010-04-01 Thread KB

 Django will probably get you where you want to go the fastest:

 In particular, its admin interface will probably automatically generate a 
 UI for you without your having to write many templates at all.


Thank you very very much. I had a brief peruse of django last night
and it does indeed look like what I am after! Will take me some
time :) to delve into it deeper but I wanted to thank you!

Re: Developement Question?

2010-04-01 Thread KB
On Apr 1, 3:34 am, Wayne wrote:
 My town office uses Microsoft operating system. They have a proprietary
 accounting system that uses excel for their accounting reports.
 I would like to read these report and reproduce the report so that
 the report can be seen on the web. I was thinking about using xlrd and
 xlwt along with some sort of software for building the web pages. I
 use linux only and do not use Microsoft.
 Q. Does python have to be installed on there computer to run the script?

 Q. Am I approaching this the wrong way? If so, what would be a better

Wayne, check out google group python-excel.

They are very helpful there, and I believe there are threads on how to
compile what you are looking for into a .exe for just such a situation
(Disclaimer: I am far from an expert, so I may have misunderstood from
the python-excel thread if python is/isn't required on the target
machine once the .exe is built, but try that group - John Machin is
very responsive)

CGI templating with python

2010-03-31 Thread KB
Hi there,

Years ago I wrote a LAMP app using python. I find I need a simple web
data entry tool to store records (stock research) and when I enter a
stock ticker, to pull up all the past research I have done. I am
imagining fields like ticker, date, pulldown menus for various
options, long text for comments etc..

It's a very light weight application, so I was wondering if using
something like Cheetah is the best way to do this?

Or should I research Zope further or are there any other suggestions?

- Python 2.5 (w/ MySQLdb)
- MySQL 5.1
- Windows Vista

Many thanks in advance!

Re: pythoncom.CoInitialize() not recognised in Eclipse

2010-03-29 Thread KB
On Mar 28, 8:16 pm, Jason Scheirer wrote:
 On Mar 28, 7:14 pm, KB wrote:

  Hi there,

  I have in the past used PythonWin to write python for COM, and
  switched to Eclipse.

  I am getting an error from the IDE saying it does not recognise

  import pythoncom


  (red X next to the two bottom lines saying: Undefined variable from
  import: CoInitialize)

  If I open a PyDev/Python Console window in Eclipse, I can type the
  above, no errors, no problem.

  I tried removing my Python Interpreter and re-adding/re-building but
  no change.

  python 2.5.2
  eclipse 3.5.1
  pydev 1.5.0


 PyDev is probably only looking at functions/classes defined in Python
 source files and not ones defined in C extensions.

 To confirm, try typing this in the window:

 import _ctypes

 If it says that _ctypes._Pointer doesn't exist, then that's obviously
 the problem.

No problems at all with the editor recognising the above. Also note
that I tried the pythoncom snippet in my OP from the IDE's python
console without issue... weird.

Re: pythoncom.CoInitialize() not recognised in Eclipse

2010-03-29 Thread KB
On Mar 28, 10:59 pm, Dieter Verfaillie
 Quoting KB

  I am getting an error from the IDE saying it does not recognise

  import pythoncom


 It works out of the box with PyDev on Eclipse 3.5.2  
 on Windows XP. If nothing seems to work for you, you could try adding  
 pythoncom to the
 Forced Builtins tab of your Python interpreter configuration to see if it
 helps (restart eclipse after you've done that, sometimes changes to  
 the symbols
 database don't get picked up without restarting eclipse...)

Dieter, Thanks, I tried updating my PyDev and Eclipse to your

Still same issue. How exactly would I add pythoncom to the Forced
Builtins ? I tried simply adding pythoncom to the Forced Builtin's
tab but no change.

Any suggestions?

pythoncom.CoInitialize() not recognised in Eclipse

2010-03-28 Thread KB
Hi there,

I have in the past used PythonWin to write python for COM, and
switched to Eclipse.

I am getting an error from the IDE saying it does not recognise

import pythoncom


(red X next to the two bottom lines saying: Undefined variable from
import: CoInitialize)

If I open a PyDev/Python Console window in Eclipse, I can type the
above, no errors, no problem.

I tried removing my Python Interpreter and re-adding/re-building but
no change.

python 2.5.2
eclipse 3.5.1
pydev 1.5.0



Utility to screenscrape sites using javascript ?

2010-01-30 Thread KB
Hi there,

I have a service I subscribe to that uses javascript to stream news.
Ideally I would like to use python to parse the information for me.
Note there is an option to take a static snapshot of the current
stream but that is still done via Javascript. (I can reference the
snapshot with a unique URL though, so I can pass that to a parser as
long as it can resolve the javascript and get at the content)

I had a quick look at Windmill but it doesn't appear to be what I am
looking for. Does anyone else have any experience in screenscraping
sites that utilise javascript? Can you share how you did it and
perhaps some sample code if possible?

Thanks a bunch!

Re: Utility to screenscrape sites using javascript ?

2010-01-30 Thread KB

 On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 06:21:01 -0800, KB wrote:
  I have a service I subscribe to that uses javascript to stream news.

 There's a Python interface to SpiderMonkey (Mozilla's JavaScript

Thanks! I don't see a documentation page, but how would one use this?
Would you download the HTML using urllib2/mechanize, then parse for
the .js script and use spider-monkey to execute the script and the
output is passed back to python?


Using jython to call python procedures/methods

2010-01-20 Thread KB
Hi there,

I have an application that only publishes a Java API. I can use jython
to access java classes, but jython currently (to the best of my
knowledge) does not support numpy/scipy.

Ideally I would like to have jython call a native python routine
where I have the numpy/scipy procedures already written.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it possible?

I had toyed with the idea of having jython/java write the data to a
file/database and then manually kick off the python process, but
ideally I would like this as automated as possible.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Using jython to call python procedures/methods

2010-01-20 Thread KB
Hmmm, XML is an interesting angle... I'll noodle it...

Re: jython and java application

2009-11-30 Thread KB

I already have a first born, else I would name her after you.

You are brilliant. That's what it was. Kudos.

For future ref for fellow boneheads like me, in Eclipse, under Project
properties, Jython Class Path, Add External JAR...

Thanks a million!

jython and java application

2009-11-25 Thread KB
Hi there,

Apologies if this is on the wrong group, this is a jython question.
Please redirect me to the correct group if this is in error.

I have a java application that takes no arguements. When I run it, it
spits out output, and finishes.

I am trying to run this java application from jython 2.5.1, JRE6.

I have made simple Hello World java classes be callable from a
simple jython script, yet I am stumbling on the java main construct in
the application.

print krbtest.SimpleHistoricTutorial().main() obviously gives me an
args error (expected 1, got 0) as the definition in the java
application is:

public static void main(String[] args)

The jython code is as follows:
import krbtest

# was messing with this to pass a java formatted string but to no

from java.lang import String

print krbtest.SimpleHistoricTutorial().main()


Any advice greatly appreciated! Especially with how to call main()
with arguments from jython.

Apologies in advance again if this is the wrong group.

Re: jython and java application

2009-11-25 Thread KB

Hmmm, for some reason my follow up post didn't make it.

Modified jython script to:

# Eclipse package name for java application
import krbtest

import java.lang as lang
from java.lang import String
from jarray import array



Now I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 15, in module

at krbtest.SimpleHistoricTutorial.main(

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/

I would post the java app but its quite large, but the main defn:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
SimpleHistoricTutorial example = new SimpleHistoricTutorial();;

Is pretty vanilla. I have tried making the run() a public method and
call it, all to no avail.

Note, the Java app works fine standalone, I just need to call it from

Again, any help appreciated.

Parsing a large number of parms to a print statement.

2009-10-22 Thread KB

I have to pass over 150 parameters to a print statement ala:

print %s text %s other text %s 150'th unique text %s % (v
[0], v[1], ... v[150])

I can't use a for loop like I normally would over the list v due to
the different text fragments between each var.

Is there a lambda function I can use in place of '% (v[0],v[1]...v
[150])' ???

Thanks in advance.

Re: Parsing a large number of parms to a print statement.

2009-10-22 Thread KB
Excuse the top-post, but thanks to all, the tuple was the way to go.

On Oct 22, 2:16 pm, KB wrote:

 I have to pass over 150 parameters to a print statement ala:

 print %s text %s other text %s 150'th unique text %s % (v
 [0], v[1], ... v[150])

 I can't use a for loop like I normally would over the list v due to
 the different text fragments between each var.

 Is there a lambda function I can use in place of '% (v[0],v[1]...v
 [150])' ???

 Thanks in advance.


Problem with reading CSV file from URL, last record truncated.

2009-08-03 Thread KB

I am trying to download from a URL, a CSV using the following:

import re
import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
import mechanize
import csv
import numpy
import os

def return_ranking():

cj = mechanize.MSIECookieJar(delayload=True)
cj.load_from_registry()  # finds cookie index file from registry

# set things up for cookies

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))


reply ='


table = csv.reader(fin)

for row in table:
print row


I need to use cookies etc (mechanize/urllib2) for a different, more
complex URL but since it wasn't working, I went back to a simple Yahoo
example (above) which I have working with urllib (not urllib2).

The behaviour I am seeing is that the last record is being truncated:

(sample output)
['2009-04-08', '17.29', '17.33', '16.94', '17.13', '45389100',
['2009-04-07', '17.20', '17.25', '16.58', '16.85', '59902600',

A friend said I should do the above writing out to a file and have
csvreader read in the file, but as you can see, to no avail!

Any help greatly appreciated! Note that urllib.urlretrieve works
perfectly but I give up the ability to import cookies from my registry
which is all important (AFAIK anyway mechanize requires urllib2).

Any help greatly appreciated.

Re: Problem with reading CSV file from URL, last record truncated.

2009-08-03 Thread KB
On Aug 3, 3:54 pm, KB wrote:

 I am trying to download from a URL, a CSV using the following:

 import re
 import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
 import mechanize
 import csv
 import numpy
 import os

 def return_ranking():

         cj = mechanize.MSIECookieJar(delayload=True)
         cj.load_from_registry()  # finds cookie index file from registry

         # set things up for cookies

         opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))


         reply ='



 I need to use cookies etc (mechanize/urllib2) for a different, more
 complex URL but since it wasn't working, I went back to a simple Yahoo
 example (above) which I have working with urllib (not urllib2).

 The behaviour I am seeing is that the last record is being truncated:

 (sample output)
 ['2009-04-08', '17.29', '17.33', '16.94', '17.13', '45389100',
 ['2009-04-07', '17.20', '17.25', '16.58', '16.85', '59902600',

 A friend said I should do the above writing out to a file and have
 csvreader read in the file, but as you can see, to no avail!

 Any help greatly appreciated! Note that urllib.urlretrieve works
 perfectly but I give up the ability to import cookies from my registry
 which is all important (AFAIK anyway mechanize requires urllib2).

 Any help greatly appreciated.

By moving:
 table = csv.reader(fin)

 for row in table:
 print row

outside of the routine and into the mainline, it works like a charm.

Would like to know why though, so would love to hear any clues!


Re: Use existing IE cookie

2009-07-31 Thread KB
Winner, winner, chicken dinner... resolved.

import mechanize
cj = mechanize.MSIECookieJar(delayload=True)
cj.load_from_registry()  # finds cookie index file from registry

Thanks Mr Lee!

Use existing IE cookie

2009-07-30 Thread KB
Hi there,

Relevant versions: Python 2.5, Vista Home, IE7

I am trying to scrape a website I have browsed manually in the past,
and also manually selected my options, and now want python to use my
existing cookie from the manual browse when downloading data.

Using: I have found the
name of the relevant cookie, just after reading urllib2 docs, I
can't see how to send or have my python instance use MY existing

Using the following:

import re
import urllib2, cookielib

# set things up for cookies

opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor())

reply = urllib2.urlopen('foo.html').read()

print reply


This does return data, just default data, not the data from the
options I set up when manually browsing.

My sense is that I need something in the () part of
HTTPCookieProcessor() but I have no idea as to what... the docs say
cookiejar but the only code examples I have found are to create a
cookiejar for the existing Python session, not to use the cookies from
my prior manual meanderings.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Re: Use existing IE cookie

2009-07-30 Thread KB


Thanks for the prompt reply, Diez! Using the above I have found the
name of the cookie (I did google how to use IE cookies in python and
that was the best match) but it only tells me the name of the cookie,
not how to use it.

Any clues?


Re: Use existing IE cookie

2009-07-30 Thread KB

 What does you full example look like, including the


I ran them seperately, hoping for a clue as to what my cookiejar

The cookie-acquisition stuff returns screener.ashx?v=151 when I
search with my domain I am interested in. I have tried
urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor('screener.ashx?v=151') but that failed
with attr has no cookie header.

From the HTTPCookieProcessor doco, it appears that non-IE browsers
have a cookie file (and example code) but from what I can tell IE uses
a hidden folder. (you can set your location in IE but it appends a
folder \Temporary Internet Files  -


This example illustrates how to open a URL using your Netscape,
Mozilla, or Lynx cookies (assumes Unix/Netscape convention for
location of the cookies file):

import os, cookielib, urllib2
cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
cj.load(os.path.join(os.environ[HOME], .netscape/cookies.txt))
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
r =;)

Not sure how to adapt this for IE.

Re: Use existing IE cookie

2009-07-30 Thread KB
On Jul 30, 9:23 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 KB wrote:

  What does you full example look like, including the


  I ran them seperately, hoping for a clue as to what my cookiejar

  The cookie-acquisition stuff returns screener.ashx?v=151 when I
  search with my domain I am interested in. I have tried
  urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor('screener.ashx?v=151') but that failed
  with attr has no cookie header.

  From the HTTPCookieProcessor doco, it appears that non-IE browsers
  have a cookie file (and example code) but from what I can tell IE uses
  a hidden folder. (you can set your location in IE but it appends a
  folder \Temporary Internet Files  -


  This example illustrates how to open a URL using your Netscape,
  Mozilla, or Lynx cookies (assumes Unix/Netscape convention for
  location of the cookies file):

  import os, cookielib, urllib2
  cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
  cj.load(os.path.join(os.environ[HOME], .netscape/cookies.txt))
  opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
  r =;)

  Not sure how to adapt this for IE.

 You could create a file that resembles the cookies.txt - no idea how that
 looks, but I guess it's pretty simple.

 Diez- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Yeah unfortunately I just tried Firefox and it uses cookies.sqlite
now... more dead ends :)

Re: How to quit a Windows GUI program gracefully with Python under Cygwin?

2005-08-12 Thread KB

After I confirmed 'Alt-F4' would terminate and close a win32
application running independently,
I installed 'SendKeys' module and tested with the following code under
both Cygwin and Python Windows

import os, SendKeys
os.system('program datafile')
{PAUSE 0.25}

What happened was that the 'program' ran correctly, but it stayed, not
closing the window
under Cygwin and Python Windows.  So it seems to me that this does not

One more thing: How do I control the pause time if I do not know the
time of an application?

Thanks in advance.



Re: How to quit a Windows GUI program gracefully with Python under Cygwin?

2005-08-12 Thread KB
Of course, I downloaded the source of 'SendKeys' and installed it under
both Cygwin and Python Windows with

$ python install

although this did not help me.



How to quit a Windows GUI program gracefully with Python under Cygwin?

2005-08-11 Thread KB

I want to write a Python script that controls and automates a Windows
GUI computation program.

My problem is that I do not know how to quit the Windows GUI program
gracefully with a command (program's or Python) in Cygwin.  'kill' or
CTRL-C command in Cygwin does not finish it gracefully, meaning that
some outputs do not come out normally.  The only thing I know is to
click 'File-Exit' menu, but
this requires a manual intervention that prevents scripting.

Is there a way to quit a Windows GUI program gracefully with Python
under Cygwin, of course, after the program finishes
normal execution?




Re: How to convert a string like '777' to an octal integer like 0777?

2005-07-31 Thread KB
Thanks, John.

But my point is how to keep the leading zero in 0777,
in order to be used in os.chmod('myfile', 0777)?


How to convert a string like '777' to an octal integer like 0777?

2005-07-30 Thread KB

This may be a rudimentary question:

How to convert a string like '777' to an octal integer like 0777,
so that it can be used in os.chmod('myfile',0777)?

I know the leading zero is important in os.chmod.

