Python COM automation - Controlling Microsoft Agent

2008-02-29 Thread Kamilche
Here's a snippet of code for pythoners to enjoy.
Make the Microsoft genie speak text and dance about!

comtypes from:

MS Agent from:

To do:
1. List available animations using self.char.AnimationNames above
2. Get a RequestComplete event when the animation is done playing.
3. Change the voice to something else.

If you can do any of that, please send me a copy at

import comtypes
import comtypes.client
import time

class Genie:
CLSID_AgentServer   = "{D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F}"
IID_IAgentEx= "{48D12BA0-5B77-11d1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F}"
char= None
agent   = None
animlist= ['Acknowledge', 'Alert', 'Announce',
'Blink', 'Confused', 'Congratulate',
   'Congratulate_2', 'Decline', 'DoMagic1',
'DoMagic2', 'DontRecognize',
   'Explain', 'GestureDown', 'GestureLeft',
'GestureRight', 'GestureUp',
   'GetAttention', 'GetAttentionContinued',
   'Greet', 'Hearing_1', 'Hearing_2',
'Hearing_3', 'Hearing_4',
   'Idle1_1', 'Idle1_2', 'Idle1_3', 'Idle1_4',
'Idle1_5', 'Idle1_6',
   'Idle2_1', 'Idle2_2', 'Idle2_3', 'Idle3_1',
   'LookDown', 'LookDownBlink',
'LookDownReturn', 'LookLeft',
   'LookLeftBlink', 'LookLeftReturn',
'LookRight', 'LookRightBlink',
   'LookRightReturn', 'LookUp', 'LookUpBlink',
   'LookUpLeft', 'LookUpLeftBlink',
   'LookUpRight', 'LookUpRightBlink',
   'MoveDown', 'MoveLeft', 'MoveRight',
'MoveUp', 'Pleased',
   'Process', 'Processing', 'Read',
'ReadContinued', 'ReadReturn',
   'Reading', 'RestPose', 'Sad', 'Search',
   'StartListening', 'StopListening',
   'Surprised', 'Think', 'Thinking',
'Uncertain', 'Wave', 'Write',
   'WriteContinued', 'WriteReturn', 'Writing',
'Hide', 'Show']
class Curry:
def __init__(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): = fun
self.args = args[:]
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs and self.kwargs:
kw = self.kwargs.copy()
kw = kwargs or self.kwargs
return*(self.args + args), **kw)

def __init__(self):
self.agent =
self.CLSCTX_SERVER, self.IID_IAgentEx)
self.agent.Connected = True
except comtypes.COMError, args:
if args[0] == -2147418094:
self.agent =
self.CLSCTX_SERVER, self.IID_IAgentEx)
self.agent.Connected = True
self.char = self.agent.Characters("mychar")

# How do I get the list of names from this?
print 'List of animations:'
anims = self.char.AnimationNames
print anims

def __getattr__(self, attrname):
if attrname in self.animlist:
return self.Curry(self.char.Play, attrname)
return object.__getattr__(self, attrname)
def Move(self, x, y):
self.char.MoveTo(x, y)
def Play(self, anim):
retval = self.char.Play(anim)
print 'animation %s not found' % anim
def GestureAt(self, x, y):
self.char.GestureAt(x, y)
def Speak(self, text):
retval = self.char.Speak(text)
def Think(self, text):
def ChooseAgent(self):
def GetAnimations(self):
return self.animlist
def Stop(self):

def main2():
genie = Genie()
genie.Move(400, 300)
genie.GestureAt(400, 600)
genie.Speak("You killed my father, prepare to die.")
genie.Think('Using Python to command me is cool!')
anims = genie.GetAnimations()
for i in range(len(anims)):
genie.Think('%d - %s' % (i, anims[i]))


Quad Perspective Transformation

2007-02-01 Thread Kamilche
I have a need to tile a bitmap across an arbitrary quadrilateral, and
apply perspective to it.
The Python Imaging Library (PIL) has an undocumented function that
might work, but I can't figure out how to make it work. You're
supposed to pass it 8 parameters, a b c d e f g h .

What I want is to take a rectangular texture map and 'flop it down on
the floor' - pinch in the left and right with perspective, and squash
down the top with perspective. I've modified those 8 parameters and
examined the results, but that hasn't brought me any closer to my

The PIL function is this:

im2 = im.transform(im.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -100,
0, .001), Image.BILINEAR)

Here's hoping someone can shed some light on this function!


Re: Detect Unused Modules

2006-10-21 Thread Kamilche
> Nice as it is, but why not use pylint to check this and many other
> coding style issues?

I made this the first time I mangled some code because pychecker said
some modules were not used when they really were. The module wasn't
that complex, only 302 lines, but it got it wrong.


Detect Unused Modules

2006-10-20 Thread Kamilche
''' - Detect modules that were imported but not used
in a file.
When run directly, this class will check all files in the current

import os
import tokenize

class PrintUnusedModules(object):
state = 0
importlist = None
linenumbers = None

def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.importlist = {}
self.linenumbers = {}
fd = open(filename, 'rU')
tokenize.tokenize(fd.readline, self.FindImports)
fd = open(filename, 'rU')
tokenize.tokenize(fd.readline, self.FindReferences)
for mod, ctr in self.importlist.items():
if ctr == 0:
print '   File "%s", line %d, "%s" is imported but not
referenced.' % (self.filename, self.linenumbers[mod], mod)

def FindImports(self, toktype, tokval, tokstart, tokend, tokline):
' Build a list of modules this module imports'
if self.state == 0:
if toktype == tokenize.NAME:
if tokval == 'import':
self.state = 1
self.mods = []
elif self.state == 1:
if toktype == tokenize.NAME:
if tokval == 'import':
elif tokval == 'as':
del self.mods[-1]
self.mods.append((tokval, tokstart[0]))
elif toktype == tokenize.OP:
elif toktype == tokenize.NEWLINE:
for mod, linenum in self.mods:
self.importlist[mod] = 0
self.linenumbers[mod] = linenum
self.state = 0

def FindReferences(self, toktype, tokval, tokstart, tokend,
' Find all references to the imported modules'
if self.state == 0:
if toktype == tokenize.NAME:
if tokval == 'import':
self.state = 1
elif tokval in self.importlist:
self.importlist[tokval] += 1
elif self.state == 1:
if toktype == tokenize.NEWLINE:
self.state = 0

def ProcessDir(pathname = None):
if pathname == None:
pathname = os.getcwd()
pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)
for shortname in os.listdir(pathname):
filename = os.path.join(pathname, shortname)
if filename[-3:] == '.py':
print 'Checking %s...' % filename

def main():
print 'Unused Module List'
print 'Done!'

if __name__ == '__main__':


Refactoring Dilemma

2006-09-10 Thread Kamilche
I'm in the middle of a refactoring dilemma.
I have several singletons that I'm turning into modules, for ease of
The usual method is noted as 'Module 1' below.
The new method is noted as 'Module 2'.
Is there any reason NOT to do this that I may be unaware of?
It's easier than remembering to declare global variables at the top of
the function.

# --- Module 
# Normal module processing
var = 0

def MyRoutine():
global var
var = 1

print var

# --- Module 
# 'Self' module processing
import sys
var = 0
self = sys.modules[__name__]

def MyRoutine():
self.var = 1

print var


Re: easy way to dump a class instance?

2006-05-05 Thread Kamilche

Mark Harrison wrote:
> Is there a way to automatically print all the instance
> data in a class?  

print self.__dict__


Re: image reduction script

2006-03-26 Thread Kamilche
Be sure and use mode = P instead of RGB, like you have in your other
code. P is for palettized images. Don't palettize if you're storing as
JPG, only if you're storing as PNG or some other format that can handle
256 color images.


Re: String To Dict Problem

2006-03-26 Thread Kamilche
Ah, finally, that's exactly what I need! Thanks bunches. I was
attempting to modify your first code to fit my needs, but mine was much
longer, and not yet working, a sure clue that yours is a better
solution. :-D


Re: String To Dict Problem

2006-03-26 Thread Kamilche
Thanks! It's interesting, and nearly what I want, but not quite there.

When I run my sample code through it, I get a syntax error because it's
not a valid expression. If I were to put a 'dict(' in front and a ')'
at the end, THEN it nearly works - but it gives me an
'Unsafe_Source_Error: Line 1.  Unsupported source construct:
compiler.ast.CallFunc' error.

How do I let one measly function in (dict), without letting them all in?


String To Dict Problem

2006-03-26 Thread Kamilche
Hi everyone. I'm trying to convert a string that looks like this:

gid = 'FPS', type = 'Label', pos = [0, 20], text = 'FPS', text2 = 'more
text without quotes', fmtline = "@VALUE @SIGNAL", signals = [('FPS',
None), ('FPS2', 'something')]

to a dict that looks like this:

{'signals': [('FPS', None), ('FPS2', 'something')], 'text': 'FPS',
'pos': [0, 20], 'text2': 'more text without quotes', 'gid': 'FPS',
'type': 'Label', 'fmtline': '@VALUE @SIGNAL'}

I've got a home-rolled routine that was 'good enough', until I added
the list of tuples in there. Now it's failing. I have a hack to
'special case' it, but you know that will come up to bite me in the

Does anyone have a thought on how I can turn what are basically
function keyword arguments in string form, to a dict, without using
exec or eval?



Re: image reduction script

2006-03-25 Thread Kamilche

To reduce the color depth of an image in PIL:
im = im.convert(mode="P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE)


Re: Is there no end to Python?

2006-03-18 Thread Kamilche
Heheh, that sounds about right. :-D

I personally haven't used the new stuff yet.  Maybe I'm not experienced
enough in Python yet to have encountered the need for them. I've played
with them some, but every time I consider using them, something stops
me. What stops me from using 'setattr' (an old feature), is that it
doesn't fire when a person changes an element of a list... not very
intuitive. What stops me from using properties, is seeing how
populating a dict using the update method wipes them out... again, not
intuitive to me. List comprehensions - REALLY unnecessary. Only handy
if you belong to the 'Likes to impress people with small amounts of
arcane code' crowd. Sets - when I played with them, they were slower
than doing the equivalent code with dicts. It's got to be a reliable,
compelling feature, before I'll add it to my arsenal.


Re: Is there no end to Python?

2006-03-17 Thread Kamilche
Because Python doesn't take as many CPU cycles in your brain, it spares
more time for 'big picture' ideas, such as the event handling framework
I'm working on.


Is there no end to Python?

2006-03-17 Thread Kamilche
I have been programming in Python for years, and I'm STILL learning new
features about the language.

I'm looking for the best way to handle events with my own UI developed
in PyGame, and I've programmed up 4 ways to do it so far, and have a
couple more waiting to be done! Python is so amazingly flexible, it
will happily accommodate whatever I manage to spew forth as my event
handling system.

It really fires the imagination. In other languages, I was lucky if I
could think of 2 ways... most of the time, there was only one. The
languages were so rigid, they blinkered your thinking.


Re: grayscale pixel based graphics with pygame

2006-03-08 Thread Kamilche
import pygame

def main():
SIZE = (300, 200)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

# Create a new grayscale surface
pic = pygame.Surface(SIZE, 0, 8)
palette = tuple([(i, i, i) for i in range(256)])

# Fill it with a gradient
array = pygame.surfarray.pixels2d(pic)
factor = 256.0/SIZE[1]
for i in range(SIZE[1]):
array[:, i] = int(factor * i)

# Draw a star on it
data = (144, 18), (199,166), (63,73), (221, 71), (79,159)
pygame.draw.lines(pic, WHITE, 1, data)

# Save the image and quit, 'temp.bmp')



Re: how to get function names from the file

2006-02-15 Thread Kamilche
The following will return a dictionary containing the names and
functions of all the public functions in the current module. If a
function starts with an underscore _, it is considered private and not

def _ListFunctions():
import sys
import types
d = {}
module = sys.modules[__name__]
for key, value in module.__dict__.items():
if type(value) is types.FunctionType:
fnname = value.__name__
if fnname[0] != '_':
d[value.__name__] = value
return d


Publish/subscribe event manager using weakrefs

2006-02-15 Thread Kamilche

An event manager using publish/subscribe, and weakrefs.
Any function can publish any event without registering it first, and
object can register interest in any event, even if it doesn't exist
The event manager uses weakrefs, so lists of listeners won't stop them
from being garbage collected when they're deleted.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

Sample output:


EVENT init (0 listeners, possibly dead) ('No one is interested in this
EVENT ball (0 listeners, possibly dead) ('Look! A ball, but no one is
*** Fido is interested in Bone
*** Fido is interested in Ball
EVENT ball (1 listeners, possibly dead) ('Another ball! Watch, Fido!',)
*** Fido noses the ball forward
*** Fido is dead.
EVENT ball (1 listeners, possibly dead) ('No one is watching because
Fido is dead.',)
Removing  from ball
*** Snowball is interested in Ball
*** Snowball is interested in Yarn
*** Snowball is interested in Fluffy chick
*** Spot is interested in Bone
*** Spot is interested in Ball
EVENT bone (2 listeners, possibly dead) ('Only dogs eat bones.',)
Removing  from bone
*** Spot slobbers on the bone
EVENT ball (2 listeners, possibly dead) ('Cats and dogs both love this
*** Snowball chases the ball
*** Spot noses the ball forward
EVENT yarn (1 listeners, possibly dead) ('ball of pink yarn',)
*** Snowball bats at the yarn.
EVENT raking (0 listeners, possibly dead) ('Humans working in the
EVENT fluffychick (1 listeners, possibly dead) ('Ooh, how cute! An
Easter leftover walking in the yard.',)
*** Snowball eats the fluffy chick.
Removing listener {'name': 'Snowball'} from event fluffychick
EVENT fluffychick (0 listeners, possibly dead) ('The cat is full and no
longer interested in chicks.',)
*** Snowball is dead.
*** Spot is dead.
EVENT ball (2 listeners, possibly dead) ('Ball anyone? Fluffy? Spot?
Removing  from ball
Removing  from ball



import weakref

_events = {}

def Subscribe(eventname, self):
" Subscribe to an event, even if it doesn't exist yet."
eventname = eventname.lower()
eventname = eventname.replace(' ', '')
if not eventname in _events:
_events[eventname] = []
listeners = _events[eventname]
obj = weakref.ref(self)
if not obj in listeners:

def Unsubscribe(eventname, self):
" Unsubscribe from an event, even if it never existed."
eventname = eventname.lower()
eventname = eventname.replace(' ', '')
if not eventname in _events:
listeners = _events[eventname]
obj = weakref.ref(self)
if obj in listeners:
print "Removing listener %s from event %s" % (str(self),

def Raise(eventname, *args, **kwargs):
" Publish an event, no need to register it first."
eventname = eventname.lower()
eventname = eventname.replace(' ', '')
if not eventname in _events:
_events[eventname] = []
listeners = _events[eventname]
print "EVENT %s (%d listeners, possibly dead) %s" % (eventname,
len(listeners), str(args))
i = 0
while i < len(listeners):
obj = listeners[i]
listener = obj()
if listener:
fnname = 'On' + eventname[0].upper() +
fn = getattr(listener, fnname, None)
if fn == None:
fn = getattr(listener, 'OnEvent')
fn(eventname, *args, **kwargs)
i += 1
print "Removing %s from %s" % (str(obj), eventname)

class Listener:
Objects that want to be notified of events.
They should have an 'OnEventname' function for
every event they're interested in, or a single
function called 'OnEvent' to receive all events.
_listen = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for eventname in self._listen:
Subscribe(eventname, self)
print "*** %s is interested in %s" % (, eventname)
def OnEvent(self, eventname, *args, **kwargs):
print "*** %s(%s, %s)" % (eventname, str(args), str(kwargs))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def __del__(self):
print "*** %s is dead." %

def main():

class Dog(Listener):
name = 'Dog'
_listen = ['Bone', 'Ball']
def OnEvent(self, eventname, *args, **kwargs):
if eventname == 'bone':
print "*** %s slobbers on the bone" %
elif eventname == 'ball':
print "*** %s noses the ball forward" %

class Cat(Listener):
name = 'Cat'
_listen = ['Ball', 'Yarn', 'Fluffy chick']
def OnBall(self, *args, **kwargs):
print "*** %s chases the ball" %
def OnYarn(self, *args, **kwargs):
print "*** %s bats at the yarn." %
def OnFluffychick(self, *args, **kw

Re: Legality of using Fonts

2006-02-10 Thread Kamilche
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, as well. Showing all the text on an
image is one thing... using that image as the basis of a font engine is
something different.

Luckily, someone has sent me a link to a set of free TrueType fonts - , the 'Vera' family. I guess I'll turn those
into bitmaps to stay out of the gray area.

I have other reasons I want to use a bitmap font, other than licensing


Legality of using Fonts

2006-02-10 Thread Kamilche
I have a question for all you Pythoneers out there. I'm making a game
with Python, and have a need for fonts. I am currently using a free
TrueType font, but am considering switching to a bitmap font instead.

Let's say I own a font, and use it in a paint program to 'draw some
text' on a picture that I slap up on the Internet. Everything's
probably fine, right? But what if I draw some text on a bitmap on the
hard drive, add drop shadows and decorations, and use it to 'blit' text
in a game? The answer is less obvious to me then.

Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated!



Re: PIL and transparent GIFs

2006-02-01 Thread Kamilche
It can only read transparency, it can't write it. I went looking and
found that out a couple weeks ago.


Print dict in sorted order

2006-01-29 Thread Kamilche
I have a code snippet here that prints a dict in an arbitrary order.
(Certain keys first, with rest appearing in sorted order). I didn't
want to subclass dict, that's error-prone, and overkill for my needs. I
just need something that returns a value like dict.__str__, with a key
ordering I specify.

If you have any opinions on how it could be made better, I'm all ears!

def DictToString(d, preferred_order = ['gid', 'type',
   'parent', 'name']):
' Return a string containing the sorted dict'
keys = d.keys()
sortmax = len(preferred_order)
for i in range(sortmax-1, -1, -1):
sortkey = preferred_order[i]
index = keys.index(sortkey)
except ValueError:
temp = keys[index]
del keys[index]
keys.insert(0, temp)
s = []
max = len(keys)
for i in range(max):
key = keys[i]
val = d[key]
s.append(': ')
if i < max-1:
s.append(', ')
return ''.join(s)

def main():
d = {'whatever': 145,
 'gid': 12345678901234567890,
 'name': 'Name',
 'type': 'an egg',
 32: 'Thirty-two (32)'}

# Convert dicts to strings
s1 = str(d)
s2 = DictToString(d)
print "Python str:", s1
print "Custom str:", s2

# Verify the strings are different
assert(s1 != s2)

# Convert the strings back to dicts
d1 = eval(s1)
d2 = eval(s2)

# Verify the dicts are equivalent
assert(d1 == d2)

print "\nSuccess!\n"



Zooming Idle window

2006-01-19 Thread Kamilche
Does anyone know how to automatically zoom the Idle window when you
start it up? I've tried passing command line parameters, adding code to
PyShell, and more, to no effect.

I suspect the following will be necessary, but I don't know where to
put it:

import ZoomHeight

Thanks for any advice you can offer!


Re: Another method of lazy, cached evaluation.

2006-01-18 Thread Kamilche
If you wanted to avoid the __getattr__ __setattr__ speed hit, something
like this would work. However, you have to not mind calling a function
to get the data, instead of only getting the attribute:

class Cache(object):
_cache = {}
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
def Get(self):
obj = self._cache.get(self.filename, None)
if not obj:
obj = self._cache[self.filename] = Load(self.filename)
return obj
def Clear():
print "\nClearing cache\n"
Cache._cache = {}

class Sprite(Cache):
def Draw(self):
print self.Get()

class Sound(Cache):
def Play(self):
print self.Get()

def Load(filename):
print "** Open '%s' here" % filename
suffix = filename.lower()[-3:]
if suffix in ['png', 'bmp', 'jpg', 'tif']:
tag = 'Image'
elif suffix in ['wav', 'mp3']:
tag = 'Sound'
return "%s data from %s" % (tag, filename)

def main():
sprite1 = Sprite('data/pic_1.png')
sprite2 = Sprite('data/pic_2.png')
sound1 = Sound('data/sound_22.wav')






Re: Another method of lazy, cached evaluation.

2006-01-18 Thread Kamilche


> Now, when the pic_1 and pic_2 attributes are accessed, they will return
> an Image instance, which is something different to which they were
> initially assigned. Is this kind of behavior bad form?

That's pretty good, I like it.

> Likewise, what
> do people think about raising an exception during an assignment
> operation?

I prefer to use the 'if key in dict' idiom, but I know some others
prefer your method.

I foresee 2 difficulties, neither earth shattering:

1. Speed might be an issue - on prior projects, my speed tests showed
that overriding getattr and setattr slowed the program down by quite a

2. I see you are caching the loaded picture, but I would choose a
different bag than __dict__. I would create a dict called cache in the
class to store it in, to avoid possible name conflicts where the stat
name has the same name as the png (which is unlikely, I realize.)

A potential enhancement would be to have some sort of cleanup, to where
if a picture is not being used by any assignment statement, it would
drop off. Or perhaps a 'force cleanup' where it clears out all the
cache, which would force the 'loadimage' routine to run again the next
time the picture is referenced.

Good job!



Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-21 Thread Kamilche
Well, congrats to Google! I think they're the lucky ones, to get him,
and you, both. :-)


Re: Still Loving Python

2005-12-13 Thread Kamilche
Yeah, I have a system like that on my product. It's a data file loaded
at code startup time, which results in a UI - no need to cut code to
change the interface. It's saved me a lot of time.

I also have a problem with 'designers'. If the GUI designer is as easy
as making an interface was in VB6, I would like it and use it. If it's
complicated morass of sticky goo that I have to wade through at the
start of the program, like tKinter, I'd rather use pure code, or data


Still Loving Python

2005-12-13 Thread Kamilche
I switched to Python a couple years ago, and haven't looked back. I've
used Python for many applications, including several commercial plugins
for Poser. I don't post on here much, because I don't need to; working
in Python is so obvious and easy, it's rare that I get stumped by the
limitations and need help from others. I sometimes read the group to
help others, but not very often. I just wanted to let you all know that
I'm still here, and even though I'm not vocal, I DO still use Python on
a daily basis.

Python still suffers from the lack of a good GUI, which I believe is
slowing its acceptance by the programming community at large. (I know
about tKinter, no need to post links to it, thanks.)



Printing Docstrings Without Importing

2005-07-30 Thread Kamilche
I have a large project that is getting complex, and I would like to
print the docstrings without importing the modules. The only Python
utility I could find references is apparently defunct and hasn't been
updated in 4 years.

I don't care how spartan the output is - it could look exactly like
python's internal docstrings, for all I care.  It would be a nice added
bonus if it printed to HTML, but not if it greatly increased the
interface complexity.  But I don't want to have to import the module to
run it! I want to just have a function that I pass a list of filenames

Does anyone know of such a utility?


Re: OO refactoring trial ??

2005-06-28 Thread Kamilche
You might find this interesting. Note that the object creation in
main() below could easily be read in from a text file instead,
thus meeting your requirement of not knowing an item's class
until runtime.

Sample output:

{'password': 'Your Password Here', 'type': 'A', 'logonid': 'Your
Logonid Here'}
# did A #
{'ssn': 5, 'type': 'B'}
# did B #
{'type': 'BASE', 'address': '501 south street'}
# did BASE #

def Create(type = 'BASE', **kwargs):
if type not in _CLASSES:
return None # Or return a default object
obj = _CLASSES[type](type = type, **kwargs)
return obj

class BASE(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __str__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
def doit(self):
print "# did BASE #"

class A(BASE):
def doit(self):
print '# did A #'

class B(BASE):
def doit(self):
print '# did B #'

_CLASSES = {'BASE': BASE, 'A': A, 'B': B}

def main():
obj1 = Create(type = 'A', logonid = 'Your Logonid Here', password =
'Your Password Here')
print obj1
obj2 = Create(type = 'B', ssn = 5)
print obj2
obj3 = Create(address = '501 south street')
print obj3
obj4 = Create(type = 'Missing')
print obj4



Re: web status display for long running program

2005-02-24 Thread Kamilche
Cute! Thanks for posting that. I too like the 'web interface' concept,
it has made SmoothWall a pleasure to use, even on older machines.

I was inspired to enhance your code, and perform a critical bug-fix.
Your code would not have sent large files out to dialup users, because
it assumed all data was sent on the 'send' command. I added code to
check for the number of bytes sent, and loop until it's all gone. I
also turned it into a class, and made it 'command' based.

Have fun with it, Brian!

miniweb: microscopic web server by Peter Hansen

This is a simple web server that handles one request at
a time. Therefore, it's useful mainly for administrative
tasks that have one person connected at a time.

It doesn't actually serve pages, it executes commands
based on the web page you request. The commands it
currently includes are:

time  -  Send the time
header-  Echo back the original header
largefile -  Test sending a large file back to the person
quit  -  Shut down the web server

To add more commands, add new functions prefixed with
'request_' similar to the sample functions below.
As you add functions, the menu choices displayed to
the user are automatically updated.

I fixed the 'send' feature so it could send large files.
Before, it would send the first X bytes, then stop
without checking to make sure all bytes were went.
I also made it a class, created the 'command based'
feature, and added the auto-updating menu choices.

Have fun with it!



import socket
import select
import datetime

_HEADER = '\r\n'.join([
'HTTP/1.0 %s',
'Server: Miniweb-0.1',
'Content-Type: text/html',
'Connection: close',
'Content-Length: %d',

_BODY = '\r\n'.join([

_QUIT = False

class WebServer(object):

def __init__(self, port):
' Start listening on the specified port'
self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.bind(('', port))

' Build the list of menu choices' = '\n'
for key, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
if key[:8] == 'request_': += "%-10s- %s\r\n" % (key[8:], value.__doc__) += '\n'

def Timer(self):
' Process new requests'
r, w, e =[self.socket], [], [], 0.0)
if not r:
cs = self.socket.accept()[0]
header = ''
while not '\r\n\r\n' in header:
r, w, e =[cs], [], [cs], 2.0)
if not r or e:
header += cs.recv(1024)
status = '200 OK'
title = "Miniweb!"
if not '\r\n\r\n' in header:
status = '408 Request Timeout'
body = ['Your request was not received in time.']
lines = header.split('\r\n')
words = lines[0].split(' ')
request = ' '.join(words[1:-1])
request = request[1:]
if request == '':
fn = self.default
fn = getattr(self, 'request_' + request, None)
if not fn:
status = '404 Not Found'
fn = self.notfound
body = fn(header, request)

body = _BODY % (title, title,
   ''.join([str(arg) for arg in body]))
header = _HEADER % (status, len(body))
data = header + body
while len(data) > 0:
cc = cs.send(data)
data = data[cc:]

def default(self, header, request):
' Print the available choices'
return ('Welcome to Miniweb!',
'Available commands are:',

def notfound(self, header, request):
' Handle unknown requests'
return ('Unknown request ', request, '',
'Your header was:', header, '',
'Available commands are:',

def request_time(self, header, request):
' Send the time'
return ('The time is ',, '')

def request_header(self, header, request):
' Echo back the original header'
return ('Your header was:', header, '')

def request_largefile(self, header, request):
' Test sending a large file back to the person'
temp = ['\r\n']
for i in range(1):
temp.append("This is line %d of the result.\r\n" % i)
return temp

def request_quit(self, header, request):
' Shut down the web server'
global _QUIT
_QUIT = True
return ('Web server shut down at ',

def main():
' Main loop'
server = WebServer(80)
while not _QUIT:
print "Done!"



Re: Shift Confusion

2005-02-24 Thread Kamilche
> Quite. Although you can sort of see how one might naively arrive at
> conclusion: one 7-bit char takes 0...127, which when you put it into
> 8-bit byte leaves 128...255 unused for a second char
> James

Yep, that's what I was doing. Guess I was too tired to program usefully
last night. 

Thanks for clearing that up, guys!


Shift Confusion

2005-02-23 Thread Kamilche
I'm trying to pack two characters into a single byte, and the shifting
in Python has me confused.

Essentially, it should be possible to use a 'packed string' format in
Python, where as long as the characters you're sending are in the ASCII
range 0 to 127, two will fit in a byte.

Here's the code. Can you tell what I'm doing wrong?

|import types
|def PackString(s):
|if type(s) != types.StringType:
|raise Exception("This routine only packs strings!")
|l = len(s)
|if l % 2 != 0:
|s = s + '\0'
|l += 1
|chars = []
|for i in range(0, l, 2):
|x = ord(s[i])
|y = ord(s[i+1])
|chars.append(chr((y << 1) | x))
|return ''.join(chars)
|def UnpackString(s):
|if type(s) != types.StringType:
|raise Exception("This routine only unpacks strings!")
|l = len(s)
|chars = []
|for i in range(l):
|temp = ord(s[i])
|c = 0xf0 & temp
|c = 0x0f & temp
|return ''.join(chars)
|def main():
|s = "Test string"
|print s
|packed = PackString(s)
|print "This is the string packed:"
|print packed
|print "This is the string unpacked:"
|print UnpackString(packed)


Re: Help with embedding fully qualified script name

2005-02-14 Thread Kamilche
To avoid pathname headaches, I've taken to including the following 3
lines at the top of every script that will be double-clicked:

import os, sys
pathname, scriptname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])
pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)


Re: PyGame not working(?) (was: trouble installing numeric)

2005-01-31 Thread Kamilche
Are you using Python 2.3? Pygame doesn't work with 2.4, unfortunately.
It's the reason I removed 2.4 from my machine. I'll upgrade once PyGame


Re: Dynamic class methods misunderstanding

2005-01-28 Thread Kamilche
I see what you're attempting to do. However, your code, if it DID run,
would result in a method being added to the object, not the object's
class! Modify the class itself, not the object, as follows:

|class Test:
|def __init__(self):
|def m(self):
|print self
|setattr(Test, 'method', m)


Re: script to search ebay?

2005-01-25 Thread Kamilche
This script works. But why not make a 'Favorite Search' in ebay, and
have it send you daily email for a year?


|import urllib
|import smtplib
|def main():
|# Perform the search
|results = SearchEbay(['So long and thanks for all the fish',
| 'Python Programming'])
|# Email the results
|  'eBay Search Results',
|  results)
|def SearchEbay(searchstrings):
|' Search eBay for the desired items'
|searchURL = "";
|results = ""
|s = "eBay Search Results:\n"
|print s,
|results += s
|for i in range(len(searchstrings)):
|# Build the search URL
|search = searchstrings[i].replace(' ', '-')
|s = searchURL % search + " : "
|print s,
|results += s
|# Download the URL
|url = urllib.urlopen(searchURL % search)
|data =
|# Write the URL to a file for debugging
|fd = open('ebay %d.html' % i, 'w')
|# Search for the number of items found
|c = data.find('items found for')
|if c >= 0:
|start = data.rfind('', 0, c) + 3
|stop  = data.find('', start + 1)
|cnt   = data[start:stop]
|cnt = '0'
|s = "%s items found.\n" % cnt
|print s,
|results += s
|return results
|def Email(fromaddr, toaddr, subject, msg):
|' Send email'
|msg = ("From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s" % \
|   (fromaddr, toaddr, subject, msg))
|server = smtplib.SMTP('')
|server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg)


Re: Open Folder in Desktop

2005-01-25 Thread Kamilche
Thanks, startfile worked great for me!


Open Folder in Desktop

2005-01-24 Thread Kamilche
Is there a command you can execute in Python that will open a window on
the desktop, such as 'My Documents'? Kind of like 'system', but for
folder names, not just programs. I'm running on Windows 2000.


Re: Reload Tricks

2005-01-23 Thread Kamilche
Well, I look forward to seeing the new version. I have the old version
of the Python cookbook, it was very useful!


Re: Reload Tricks

2005-01-21 Thread Kamilche
Would it be possible to just not copy any attribute that starts and
ends with '__'? Or are there some important attributes being copied?


Re: Reload Tricks

2005-01-21 Thread Kamilche
That's a powerful advantage - not having to track class instances.
Thanks for the tip! I just got done doing it 'my way' though, now I'll
have to change it.  It took me all day! :-D


Reload Tricks

2005-01-21 Thread Kamilche
I want my program to be able to reload its code dynamically. I have a
large hierarchy of objects in memory. The inheritance hierarchy of
these objects are scattered over several files.

I find that after reloading the appropriate files, and overwriting the
__class__ of object instances, one more thing is necessary: reloading
the __bases__ of each reloaded class. If I don't do this, the modules
reloaded first point to old versions of the classes from later modules,
and when the later module is reloaded, it doesn't update the
inheritance hierarchy of classes already loaded.

This appears to be working... but now I'm wondering, what else did it
not change? Can I expect more toes to be blown off?



Re: Tkinter in thread hangs on windows but not on Linux

2005-01-18 Thread Kamilche
This example worked for me on Windows 2000, after inserting

import threading
from Tkinter import *
import ScrolledText

at the top.


Re: Calling Function Without Parentheses!

2005-01-07 Thread Kamilche
Uh, you're right! I wouldn't want to bog Python down with even more
checking at run time.  I guess I'm asking for syntax checks that are
typically done only with compiled languages.

It doesn't stop me from using Python, though! Since I don't have syntax
checking, I find I have to test supporting routines thoroughly, to make
sure it errs when it should err and runs when it should run. That's
something that's always good to do, but it's especially useful in
Python, which has no syntax checking before runtime.


Re: Calling Function Without Parentheses!

2005-01-07 Thread Kamilche
Yeah, but still. If they even had the most basic check, like 'an object
is being referred to on this line, but you're not doing anything with
it' would be handy in catching that. When you use an object like that,
usually you're doing something with it, like assigning it to a variable.


Re: Calling Function Without Parentheses!

2005-01-02 Thread Kamilche
Yep. Definitely time download PyChecker. Thanks for the tip!


Calling Function Without Parentheses!

2005-01-02 Thread Kamilche
What a debug nightmare! I just spent HOURS running my script through
the debugger, sprinkling in log statements, and the like, tracking down
my problem.

I called a function without the ending parentheses. I sure do WISH
Python would trap it when I try to do the following:

instead of:




Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!

2005-01-02 Thread Kamilche
Erik Bethke wrote:
Anyways, I am now a super gushing fan-boy.  I have worked my way up
from a scripter working in crappy proprietary languages to a c++
programmer, to now biz guy.  But when I walked away from programming I
gave it a grim farewell, c++ work is good, but so much mind goes into
it to make progree compared to other creative uses of the mind.  But
Python rocks, it makes programming very fun again and now I finding
myself coming home earlier so I can get to work on Python and I have an
entire heap of new projects I wanted to get done.
Yeah, it is really a great language. For me, it matches my internal idea 
of 'pseudocode' to a T. Executable shorthand - does it get any better 
than that?


Re: getattr() woes

2004-12-30 Thread Kamilche
Thomas Rast wrote:
I've found out about a fundamental problem of attribute lookup, the
hard way...  Is there anything that can be done about this?
It seems to me that the main problem is you're raising an AttributeError 
when an attribute is private. AttributeError is only raised when an 
attribute is not found. If you found it, but it's private, that's a 
different problem. Try raising a custom exception instead of an 
AttributeError, if you can.


Re: More elegant way to cwd?

2004-12-28 Thread Kamilche
For "library" modules there are already other and more elegant means.
Well, I want to make a script execute without error regardless of where 
the current working directory is, and without having to make the user 
modify their PYTHONPATH variable or install something in site-packages.

Is there a way to let the user just 'drag the folder' anywhere on their 
hard drive, and have it work, without having to modify any special 
system variables?

Re: More elegant way to cwd?

2004-12-28 Thread Kamilche
Other than using os.pardir instead of '..', and possibly adding
an "os.path.abspath()" call to the last bit (or does realpath
already do that?  It's unclear from the docs), I can't see
anything fundamental I'd do differently... except package these
functions up as nice clean subroutines, possibly in a library
package, that I could then use in code that would magically
become "elegant" (IMHO) by avoiding the repetition of all
that non-elegant stuff above...
Well... but to call it from the shared directory, I'd have to first 
switch to the shared directory! Which would defeat the purpose.

I wish there was a way to store this in a single file and call it from 
any script, but I'm unwilling to keep all my scripts in one folder to 
accomodate it. If only Python would let you import modules from 
different directories. :-/


More elegant way to cwd?

2004-12-24 Thread Kamilche
Is there a more elegant way to change the working directory of Python
to the directory of the currently executing script, and add a folder
called 'Shared' to the Python search path?

This is what I have. It seems like it could be shorter, somehow.

# Switch Python to the current directory
import os, sys
pathname, scriptname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])
pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)
s = os.path.realpath('..')
s = os.path.join(s, 'Shared')

Thanks for any enhancements you can suggest!
