Re: Is there any python lib for calling CVS api?

2006-11-06 Thread Kevien Lee
Paul :

Thanks ,but the viewvc lib so simple useable for python:(

Paul Boddie wrote:
  Hi everyone, this should be a quick question.  I'm writing some scripts
  to take some file and move them into a CVS repository, but it's pretty
  slow, because it uses system calls to execute the CVS commands.


  anyway, if anyone knows of a useful module, I'd love to hear about it.

 You might get some ideas from ViewVC if you're accessing the repository

 There may be scripts out there which import data from various other
 revision control systems into CVS, although the focus these days seems
 to be on *exporting* data from CVS and putting it into things like
 Subversion, Bazaar, Mercurial and so on, but I believe the scripts for
 the latter two are Python programs and may also provide some


How to paras such echo string effection?

2006-10-17 Thread Kevien Lee
Hi everyone,

When i decide to paras a string,which return from running a CVS command,it's amaze that i want to get some file of the echo string ,how to make paras process more effect?

the problem detail as follow that:

run command:cvs status -r it will return all the file list in as follow?

===File: file01.xlsStatus: Up-to-date
 Working revision:1.1 Repository revision:1.1/msg/file01.xls,v Sticky Tag:(none) Sticky Date:(none) Sticky Options:-kb
cvs status: Examining 20060815===File: file02.xlsStatus: Up-to-date
 Working revision:1.1 Repository revision:/msg/file02.xls ,v Sticky Tag:(none) Sticky Date:(none) Sticky Options:-kb
cvs status: Examining 20060816===
Now ,i just what to know the file of Status,if paras all should be
coast expenses,is there any effect way?
PS:is there any python lib for CVS ?

Best regards
Kevin Lee

How to print the CDATA of .xml file?

2006-10-13 Thread Kevien Lee
 Recently ,I just turn to Python from C#.However ,as a dynamic language .
Python and C# was so different.

Now ,I want to get some record from an XML file,The format of the XML file as follow:
Doc rID=T1  DName![CDATA[Release Truck]]/DName Res![CDATA[Res18]]/Res

 DT rID=T2 NodeArgs eType=Table icon=2 nRep=5 filter=False  Disp![CDATA[Run-Time Data]]/Disp
 BtmPane vType=Table Path![CDATA[Default.xls]]/Path /BtmPane /NodeArgs /DT

 NodeArgs eType=StartTest icon=1 nRep=4 status=Failed  Disp![CDATA[Test Release Truck Summary]]/Disp


when iuse the minidom to parase the XML file,it would ignored the section of ![CDATA[...]
the code is:

for _argNode in _documnetList: 
 print _argNode.nodeValue,_argNode.localName

when it run. The nodeValue of the CDATA Sectionis always None,Is my code error?
and how should i do when i want to get the value of the in the CDATA section?



A question about call Wincvs

2006-10-13 Thread Kevien Lee
In the Wincvs,if want to get commitable file list in local file list,it could click flat mode-show commitable 
But ,if i want to through command line ,how show it do?
Is there any CVS lib?

Kevin Lee

Re: How to print the CDATA of .xml file?

2006-10-13 Thread Kevien Lee

-- Forwarded message --From:Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:03:45 +0200Subject:Re: How to print the CDATA of .xml file?Kevien Lee wrote: when i use the minidom to parase the XML file,it would ignored the section of ![CDATA[...]
 the code is: _document=minidom.parse(filePath) _documnetList=_document.getElementsByTagName(NodeArgs) for _argNode in _documnetList:  print _argNode.nodeValue,_argNode.localName
 when it run. The nodeValue of the CDATA Section is always None,Is my code error?here's one way to do it, under Python 2.5: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.parse
(filename) for elem in tree.findall(.//NodeArgs):   print elem.findtext(Disp)   print elem.findtext(BtmPane/Path)/F

use Python 2.5 is easy and good, but is there any others way under version 2.4?

Re: A problem about File path encode

2006-10-10 Thread Kevien Lee
Hi ,
I agree with the problem caue of the the escape character,but when i folllow
these meth,it still didn't work.
It is so strang that the code work on another computer (OS is WinXP),but throw
error on mine.Why?plese help me
On 10/10/06, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At Monday 9/10/2006 22:14, Kevien Lee wrote: There is a problem about File path encode ,when i want to parse
 an xml file. xmldoc=minidom.parse(D:\Downloads\1.xml)IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\Downloads\x01.xml'See the red line.the
 file pathD:\Downloads\1.xml autochanged'D:\\Downloads\x01.xml'I think may be the version cause the problem (version2.4) at thebeginning,but when i changed the 
version2.5 ,\ is a escape character. Use D:\\Downloads\\1.xml orrD:\Downloads\1.xml or D:/Downloads/1.xml(I wrote this same message a few hours ago...!)
--Gabriel GenellinaSoftlab SRL__Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
¡Probalo ya!

A problem about File path encode

2006-10-09 Thread Kevien Lee
Hi everyone,
 There is a problem about File path encode ,when i want to parse an xml file.
 The code as follow:
from xml.dom import minidomdef ReadXml():xmldoc=minidom.parse(D:\Downloads\1.xml) print xmldoc.toxml()

if __name__ == __main__: ReadXml()
there throw an error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File D:/Downloads/test, line 8, in module ReadXml() File D:/Downloads/test, line 4, in ReadXml xmldoc=minidom.parse(D:\Downloads\1.xml) 
 File D:\Program Files\Python25\lib\xml\dom\, line 1913, in parse return expatbuilder.parse(file) File D:\Program Files\Python25\lib\xml\dom\, line 922, in parse 
 fp = open(file, 'rb')IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\\Downloads\x01.xml'
See the red line.the file pathD:\Downloads\1.xml auto changed 'D:\\Downloads\x01.xml'
I think may be the version cause the problem (version2.4) at the beginning,but when i changed the version2.5 ,
the error still exist.and the code run on another PC is OK.Why this error happen?how could i fix that?