Re: Can Parallel Python run on a muti-CPU server ?

2007-02-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 Hi all,

 I'm interested in Parallel Python and I learned from the website of 
 Parallel Python
 that it can run on SMP and clusters. But can it run on a our muti-CPU 
 server ?
 We are running an origin3800 server with 128 CPUs.

 I have tested that at least it could run on our server.
 But it seems Parallel Python just launch one python process for
 each job, and if I let it use 12 CPUs for 8 jobs, Parallel Python
 launches 12 python processes, 4 of which just sleep until all 8 jobs
 are done.

I've just downloaded it ,having a couple of M-CPU machines, it's quite 
interesting. At this moment I think that you should not see it as 
'magical distribution' of your processing pool but more like the way 
threads work. So every function will stay on it's CPU while executing 
and will not use the process power of another CPU if available.

So I guess you have to fine grain your program to take the advantage of 
multiple CPU's, just like you would do if you had 'real' threads.


Re: Can Parallel Python run on a muti-CPU server ?

2007-02-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
azrael wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm interested in Parallel Python and I learned from the website of
 Parallel Python
 that it can run on SMP and clusters. But can it run on a our muti-CPU
 server ?
 We are running an origin3800 server with 128 CPUs.

 I see you got a problem. me to. how can i get such a little toy for my
 own and how much do i have to spend on it.
 i also want sometjing like thi. 128 cpu-s, 64 GB rainbowtables, oh my
 god. i want this. i am very close to have an orgasm.

Rent it :-) Well you could do at Sara, just google for sara teras ;-)


Dictionary inserts and threads

2007-01-27 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I'm thinking to speed up a process, I like to use multiple threads to 
get data fractions from multiple servers and place those data fragments 
into a local dictionary for further processing, the dictionary will look 
like this:

self.dic = {'thread_a':dict(),

The fragments will not overlap each other, since they will be 
subdictionaries within the dictionary, though it would be possible that 
multiple threads do something like this at the same time:

self.dic['thread_a'] = data_from_a()
self.dic['thread_b'] = data_from_b()

I assume that this is not a problem, but since assuming something gives 
a lot of room for screw-ups I rather ask beforehand if I should except 
all kinds of troubles when multiple threads update 'at the same time' a 
dictionary or that I should lock the dictionary, for each update?

Thanks for your insights.



How to comment code?

2007-01-19 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I've been toying with python for about two years now. Not every day, 
just when I encounter something in my job (sysadmin) repetitively dull.
The amazing thing is that like any other language (natural or not) 
learning it more gives you power to express your thoughts better and 
create something from nothing, for me this is something I can only 
compare to freedom.

However since I'm learning more of python I've struggled with 
commenting, how should I've comment my code? I'm not talking about the 
style but more on the concept itself, things that where a couple of 
month ago a bunch of monkey poop is now as easy as reading a comic.

I always give a brief description on what the code is supposed to do and 
  I suppose that any serious coder knows way more then me about 
programming so I don't bother to comment that much since it mostly (in 
my eyes) just clutters up the code and makes it actually harder to read.

Though this makes me uncomfortably, commenting so little, I was thinking 
that perhaps something like doctest (I'm not so much into unit testing 
or the equivalents at this moment) has the side affect to make my code 
more understandable and readable. Any practical experience you'd like to 
share with me, any other comments are welcome too of course :-)



Re: Would a Dutch speaker please check this wiki page please?

2007-01-18 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Stef Mientki wrote:
 Got a note about a new page on the Python Wiki:

 Wade == Wade McDaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I suspect it's junk since it doesn't seem to mention Python and the 
 it mentions doesn't seem to exist.  Still, just in case...
 The only (incorrect) Dutch sentence on the whole site is:
   Welkom op me site,
 which should have been
   Welkom op mijn site
 but that could be explained, while his name Selcuk Altun is not 
 orginated from the Netherlands.
 I just expect that he is trying to setup a wiki,
 but that's too soon to give it a judgement.
 Stef Mientki



Could be Afrikaans too, but the page is gone now so I can't check.


Re: Would a Dutch speaker please check this wiki page please?

2007-01-18 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Stef Mientki wrote:
 Got a note about a new page on the Python Wiki:

 Wade == Wade McDaniel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I suspect it's junk since it doesn't seem to mention Python and the 
 it mentions doesn't seem to exist.  Still, just in case...
 The only (incorrect) Dutch sentence on the whole site is:
   Welkom op me site,
 which should have been
   Welkom op mijn site
Well actually in the next sentence De site is online als je vragen hebt 
lees eerst te F.A.Q. is incorrect too, te F.A.Q. is grammatical and 
logical incorrect, should be de F.A.Q..
Indeed it's not Afrikaans but just incorrect use of Dutch and not 
related to python.


Re: Adding a directory to the Python System Path - Edit the registry?

2007-01-05 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 I have been trying to find a way to add a directory to Python's sytem
 path on my MS Windows XP computer. I did some searching online, but the
 only solution I found involved editing the MS Windows Registry. That
 seemed a little to hard core. Is there another easier way to do this?
 Scott Huey

Take a look at:

Specifically 6.1.1 and 6.2, perhaps that might answer your question.



Re: find login name of user?

2006-12-30 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Uwe Hoffmann wrote:
 Is there a function/module to find the login name of the user under
 UNIX environment?

Speaking of that, is there any reason why there isn't any syntactic 
sugar that gives the illusion of platform neutral fetching of the user name?


Re: db access

2006-12-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
king kikapu wrote:
 Hi to all,
 is there a way to use an RDBMS (in my case, SQL Server) from Python by
 using some built-in module of the language (v. 2.5) and through ODBC ??
 I saw some samples that use statements like import dbi or import
 odbc but neither modules (dbi, odbc) are present on my system...
 Any hint(s) ??
 Thanks in advance
Hey there,

Take a look at this:



Re: db access

2006-12-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
king kikapu wrote:
 Hey Martin,
 thanks for the fast reply!
 I have already seen that link and i just downloaded the pyodbc module
 but isn't Python already containing a built-in odbc module so to
 allow for db communication ??
Not that I'm aware of, but it is possible to do odbc with the win32 
extensions which are commonly installed on windows machines, perhaps 
you've seen something like that?


your opinion about psycopg vs pygresql

2006-12-20 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I'm playing a bit with PostgreSQL, in which I've set me the target to 
create a python script which with user input creates a new user role and 
a database with that owner (connecting to template1 since I know that at 
least that db exists).

Ok so I installed PostGreSQL and pygresql since it looked like that this 
is endorsed by PG, I had some trouble with the DB-API2 (complains about 
there is already a connection to template1, even when I closed and 
deleted the connector) so I solved it by using the pg api.

But I was intrigued by this problem and started googling and by that 
time I've noticed that python projects like Django seem to favor the 
psycopg module.

So I installed that one (the 1.1 version, since Django uses that too) 
and it looked like it has the same problem of creating a user after a 
database, I'm sure that there is a user error in there somewhere :-)

However, given the choice, what in your opinion would be the reason why 
someone would chose one over the other? Now I know this could easily get 
into a flamewar, so if you comment (but please do so) I'll still 
investigate that, since at this moment I don't even have a clue how they 
differ and on what reason, why does PostgreSQL seem to favour pygresql 
and Pythoneers psycopg?

Thanks in advance.


Re: perl better than python for users with disabilities?

2006-12-20 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Dan Jacobson wrote:
 Can I feel even better about using perl vs. python, as apparently
 python's dependence of formatting, indentation, etc. vs. perl's
 (){}; etc. makes writing python programs perhaps very device
 dependent. Whereas perl can be written on a tiny tiny screen, and can
 withstand all kinds of users with various disabilities, etc.?
 Also perl is easier to squeeze into makefiles.
Quite punny title though I assume you are really serious and mean people 
with a physical disability, I won't comment any further on this subject 
:-), if I already offended anyone, please excuse me, since I'm original 
from Germany I'm not supposed to be funny.


Re: why would anyone use python when java is there?

2006-11-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Aahz wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 gavino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Because programming in Python makes me feel happy and contented, while
 programming in Java just makes me want to scream in agony.

Or in my case, Python made me code, Java made me brew java.


Re: Send to all clients using UDP in Twisted

2006-08-20 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Elliot Hughes wrote:
 Hi Everyone, I am trying to right a server that can receive a message
 and send it to all clients using UDP on twisted. I have got it so far
 that it can echo to the client that sent the message but not to the
 rest. I tried using multicast but that requires almost total rewrite,
 and the client which is not in python can't handle it. Are there any
 alternative methods or a workaround?
 Thanks alot for your time!
Depends on you network topology and infrastructure, one possible option 
is that if the clients are on the same subnet you could send it to the 
broadcast address, however that wouldn't make your netadmin happy, if he 
didn't filter broadcast in the first place (many switches default filter 


Re: python under earthlink hosting?

2006-08-02 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
mbstevens wrote:
 I keep chatting with the tech support people at Earthlink, asking where
 the location of the Python interpreter is.  They don't seem to know where
 it is.  They don't know if Python is running on my server, either.  I know
 Perl is at /usr/local/bin/perl ...but when I use a similar address for
 Python I get a 500 internal server error.
 Has anyone succeeded in getting Python CGI scripts running on an earthlink
 hosted site?
Maybe they didn't symlink it, try /usr/local/bin/python2.4


Re: sysadmin - python programmer

2006-07-19 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I've been a sysadmin for about 13 years, but I'm realizing that my
 favorite part of being a sysadmin are those moments where there's a reason
 to write some code - preferably in python.
 What might one do to make the transition from sysadmin to python
 programmer, aside from the basics like coming up with a python heavy
 resume and putting some python projects on the web?
Well not a programmer, but I learned that it works in every line of work:
'When you're capable to get from a cause and need to a solution, then 
whatever you do would be fruitful.'


Re: ctypes wrapping on FreeBSD 6.1 - Python Bus Error

2006-07-15 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Frederik  Ganesan,

Thanks for the explanation, it did me realize that I should learn some C 
first before I'm going to start wrapping something :-)

At least I got a reason now to do something with C, though it should 
take me some time.

But again, thanks!


ctypes wrapping on FreeBSD 6.1 - Python Bus Error

2006-07-13 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hey all,

I'd like to wrap libpam so that I can use that for authentication and 
password management. I build ctypes ( on my platform via ports.

Now according to OpenPAM documentation all sessions start with pam_start().
According to the man page it should contain this:
pam_start(const char *service, const char *user,
 const struct pam_conv *pam_conv, pam_handle_t **pamh)

Where service in my case should be 'auth' and user 'martin' with 
pam_conv being 'PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON' for testing purposes (at least I 
assumed it works this way, but probably I'm doing something wrong, 
though I don't know what the correct way should be like).

When I tried it, python dumps the core with a Bus Error, I also tried 
other combinations but it all ends in a Bus Error, any suggestion how I 
should proceed? I don't know much about PAM or C so any help is much 

This (and other things) is what I've done:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/home/martin]$ su
xinag# python
Python 2.4.3 (#2, May 24 2006, 00:05:56)
[GCC 3.4.4 [FreeBSD] 20050518] on freebsd6
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  from ctypes import *
  libpam = cdll.LoadLibrary('/usr/lib/')
Bus error (core dumped)

Thanks in advance,


Re: Python 2.4 tutorial

2006-06-29 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
subramanian2003 wrote:
 Hello All,
From where I can get the detailed python 2.4 tutorial(other than
If you're willing to pay for it you can read many python books online at:

Although I like a paper version more (and most books are in my 
possession) but I still use it quite frequently.


Is there a python wrapper for OpenPAM?

2006-06-08 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I'm busy with a personal project that does password synchronization 
between NT and BSD.
By using a password hook/filter/notifier when password is changed (on NT 
PasswdHk and on BSD a modified version of pam_exec*) I can retrieve a 
changed password, however when I want to check the validation of the 
password or change it, I run into my limitations.

On NT I can use the win32 extension to check and change the password.
On BSD this is a bit of a problem, the PyPAM (a Linux package) is not 
compatible to OpenPAM (as used for example used in FreeBSD). At this 
moment I change the password by calling the passwd program and check the 
password by using my imaps service but I rather like to do it by 
accessing the pam libs itself.

I checked out the dl function and I understand the syntax but I have no 
clue how I could implement a password change or check module with it 
(due to my limited knowledge of OpenPAM and the C programming language).

Is there perhaps somebody who already created a wrapping for OpenPAM or 
has some pointers for me how I should proceed on this matter?

On a side note, wouldn't it be a great module for python to have a 
platform independent authentication module that wraps these types of 
operations (password fetching, checking and changing) of the local system?


* Yes I am well aware of the huge security risks on that matter ;-)

Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
cut ssl for xmlrpc
Have a look at:


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 cut ssl for xmlrpc
 Have a look at:
 C:\temp\cccpython install
 running install
 running build
 running build_py
 running build_ext
 error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building 
 extensions f
 or Python.

In the installers directory is exe for windows installation.

 Does it mean that .NET framework is required for tlslite on Windows?
 Also can you please provide an example for tlslite/xmlrpc integration? 
 The documentation of tlslite is very detailed, but it has many options 
 and I could not find an example.

SimpleXMLRPCServer uses SimpleHTTPServer for its transfer stuff, so you 
might want to look more in that direction.



Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
cut - no exe installers. - no file packages to download

Download the zip and unpack it:
Then there is an installers directory

 SimpleXMLRPCServer uses SimpleHTTPServer for its transfer stuff, so 
 you might want to look more in that direction.
 Yes, In fact I read the whole source code of SimpleXMLRPCServer and 
 other examples like
 but I cannot combine the two. I see that the request handler is a 
 customised HTTP request handler:
 class SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
 but I have no idea how to use it with https. Do you know a small example 
 (like the ones above)? That would help a lot.

Something like:

import SocketServer
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import tlslite.api

# Overriding with ThreadingMixIn and TLSSocketServerMixIN
# to create a secure async server.
class txrServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,

But the above is untested (been a while ago, since I experimented with 
it, for my case it was more functional to use VPN's instead of SSL/TLS).

For the rest you can follow the same principals as for the SimpleHTTPServer:


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-06 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Bill Atkins wrote:
 How do you define scalability?



Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-06 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Bill Atkins wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Bill Atkins wrote:
 How do you define scalability?


 OK, my real question is: what features of Python make it scalable?
Well I'm no expert, but I guess the ease of creating network services 
and clients make it quite scalable. For example, I'm creating a 
xmlrpcserver that returns a randomized cardlist, but I because of 
fail-over I needed some form of scalability , my solution was to first 
randomize the deck then marshal it and dump the file on a ZFS partition, 
giving back the client a ticket number, the client can then connect with 
the ticket number to receive the cardlist (read the file - unmarshal it).

While this is overkill for 1 server, I needed multiple because of 
fail-over and load-balancing, in this case I have 3 'crypto' boxes (with 
hardware crypto engines using OpenBSD) doing only the randomizing and 4 
solaris machines doing the zfs and distribution of the list.

By using xmlrpc and DNS round-robin, I can just add boxes and it scales 
without any problem, The ZFS boxes are the front-end listening to the 
name 'shuffle' and are connecting to a private network to my crypto 
boxes listening to the name 'crypto'.

So as long as I make DNS aliases (I have a little script that hearbeats 
the boxes and when not responding within 10 seconds removes it alias) 
and install the right scripts on the box I can scale till I'm round the 
earth. Of course when the machine amount gets over a certain degree I 
have to add some management functionality.

Now I don't say that I handle this situation well and that its the right 
solution, but it worked for me and it was easy and fun to do with 
python, but I guess that any language in this sence should be 'scalable' 
and perhaps other languages have even better built-in networking 
libraries but I'm not a professional programmer and until I learn other 
languages (and are comfortable enough to use it) I'll keep on using 
python for my projects.

For me python is easy, scalable, fun and by this the 'best' but that is 
personal and I simply don't know whether my opinion will change in the 
future or not.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-06 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 and clients make it quite scalable. For example, I'm creating a
 xmlrpcserver that returns a randomized cardlist, but I because of
 fail-over I needed some form of scalability , my solution was to first
 randomize the deck then marshal it and dump the file on a ZFS
 partition, giving back the client a ticket number, the client can then
 connect with the ticket number to receive the cardlist (read the file
 - unmarshal it).
 This is a weird approach.  Why not let the ticket by the (maybe
 encrypted) PRNG seed that generates the permutation?

Because the server that handles the generate request doesn't need to be 
the same as the one that handles the request to give the client that 
deck. Even more, the server that handles the request calls the crypto 
servers to actually do the shuffling. So when the server fails before it 
has given the client the ticket, it could be possible that a deck is 
already created but not used, no biggie there.
But if the ticket is given to the client, than any other server can 
serve back that ticket to give the shuffled deck, unless the ZFS dies of 
course but then again thats why I use ZFS so I can mirror them om 4 
different machines in 2 different locations.
 While this is overkill for 1 server, I needed multiple because of
 fail-over and load-balancing, in this case I have 3 'crypto' boxes
 (with hardware crypto engines using OpenBSD) doing only the
 randomizing and 4 solaris machines doing the zfs and distribution of
 the list.
 I don't know what good that hardware crypto is doing you, if you're
 then writing out the shuffled deck to disk in the clear.

It's not about access security it's more about the best possible 
randomness to shuffle the deck.


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-06 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This is a weird approach.  Why not let the ticket by the (maybe
 encrypted) PRNG seed that generates the permutation?
 Because the server that handles the generate request doesn't need to
 be the same as the one that handles the request to give the client
 that deck. 
 Wait a sec, are you giving the entire shuffled deck to the client?
 Can you describe the application?  I was imagining an online card game
 where clients are playing against each other.  Letting any client see
 the full shuffle is disastrous.

Nope I have a front end service that does the client bit, its about this 
(in this context, there are more services of course):

crypto - ZFS - table servers - mirror dispatching - client xmlrpc access 
- client ( last one has not been written yet )

 Depending on just what the server is for, access security may be a far
 more important issue.  If I'm playing cards online with someone, I'd
 be WAY more concerned about the idea of my opponent being able to see
 my cards by breaking into the server, than his being able to
 cryptanalyze a well-designed PRNG based solely on its previous

Only client xmlrpc access is (should be) accessible from the outside and 
since this server is user session based they only see their own card.
However this project is still in it's early development, I'm doing now 
initial alpha-tests (and stress testing) and after this I'm going to let 
some audit bureau's check for security (probably Madison-Ghurka, but I 
haven't asked them yet).


Re: This coding style bad practise?

2006-05-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
bruno at modulix wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Why not just use the call operator instead ? ie:

   id = IDGenerator(...)

 Because of:

 id = IDGenerator(01,99)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: 'IDGenerator' object is not callable

 Of course - you have to overload the call operator for this to work.
 Just rename IDGenerator.__repr__ to IDGenerator.__call__, and I garantee
 this will work - and will be *much* more cleaner than abusing __repr__.
Thanks! That was the thing I was looking for!


Re: This coding style bad practise?

2006-05-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

Thanks for the input folks!
I adapted my script to the given suggestions and it's now far more 
'logical', for reference I added it below.


- script -
 import string
 import time
 class IDGenerator(object):
 (leading_id, subversion_length, tz) # tz = 'local' or 'gm' (default)
 Create an ID from a given string, a current datetimestamp and version
 number which wraps around at given subversion_length.
 Example usage:
  id = IDGenerator('01',2)
  id = IDGenerator(0005,99) # Note that an int will be cast to a string!
 class '__main__.IDGenerator' previous ID is 5_20060504_112324_01 and
 current ID is 5_20060504_112327_02
 def __init__(self,leading_id, subversion_length, timezone='gm'): = str(leading_id)
 self.length = int(subversion_length)
 fill_length = len(str(self.length))
 self.current = None
 self.previous = None
 def fill(number):
 self.fill = fill
 if timezone == 'local':
 self.timeset = time.localtime
 self.timeset = time.gmtime
 def __call__(self):
 # If the subversion length has been reached or the generator has not
 # been defined, (re)define it, otherwise return the next value of the
 # subversion.
 return_value =
 self.range_gen = ( number for number in range(1,self.length+1) )
 return_value =
 # Create the version stamp.
 return_value = +\
 # Copy the current ID to the previous and assign a new one to current.
 self.previous = self.current
 self.current = return_value
 # And return it.
 def __repr__(self):
 return(str(self.__class__) +
' previous ID is ' +
str(self.previous) +
' and current ID is ' +
- script -

Re: Can I use python for this .. ??

2006-05-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
san wrote:
 I am using windows xp and have installed python and win32. I am
 familiar with basic Python. I wanted to control some of the
 applications via python script.
 I would like to write a python script to say:
 1. Open firefox and log on to gmail
 2. Another firefox window to visit slickdeals
 3. Open winamp and tune in to a shoutcast station
 4. Open groupwise ...
 etc ..
 These are the task I do every day whenever I log on my computer .. it
 just seems repetitive and hence probably can be coded in python.
 Can I do this in python? Where do I find the COM objects/interfaces for
 all these different programs? Are there any sample codes ?

What you want looks like a way to automate the windows gui using python.
Since I never done this myself I gave google a try with this query:

It looks like pywinauto seems to be a good candidate.



This coding style bad practise?

2006-05-03 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I created a class which creates a relative unique id string, now my 
program just works fine and as expected but somehow I get the feeling 
that I misused the __repr__ since I guess people expect to 'execute' a 
function in an instance instead of using it's representation string of 
the instance itself, could you elaborate whether you find this bad 
practice and if yes what would have been a better way to do it?


- script -
 import string
 import time
 class IDGenerator(object):
 Create an ID from the server name, datetimestamp and version number.
 Calling the instance returns the ID using the __repr__ class function
 Example usage:
  id = idgen('01',4)
  id = idgen(04,100)
 def __init__(self,serverID,subversion_length):
 self.ID = str(serverID)
 self.length = int(subversion_length)
 fill_length = len(str(self.length))
 def fill(number):
 self.fill = fill
 def __repr__(self):
 # If the subversion length has been reached or the generator has not
 # been defined, (re)define it, otherwise return the next value of the
 # subversion.
 return_value =
 self.range_gen = ( number for number in range(1,self.length+1) )
 return_value =
 # Create the version stamp.
 return_value = self.ID +\
 # And return it.
- script -


Re: This coding style bad practise?

2006-05-03 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Why not just use the call operator instead ? ie:
   id = IDGenerator(...)

Because of:
 id = IDGenerator(01,99)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: 'IDGenerator' object is not callable

But i do appreciate your comment, thanks!


Re: This coding style bad practise?

2006-05-03 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
keirr wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Hi all,

 I created a class which creates a relative unique id string, now my
 program just works fine and as expected but somehow I get the feeling
 that I misused the __repr__ since I guess people expect to 'execute' a
 function in an instance instead of using it's representation string of
 the instance itself, could you elaborate whether you find this bad
 practice and if yes what would have been a better way to do it?


 Rather than comment on the style of using a class, I'll just suggest an
 You can use a generator function, which yields the next id when called;
 at least that's 
 how I'd implement an IDgenerator.

Thanks for your comment, I do use a generator in my class because I 
wanted to wrap my subversion when its on its end I had a choice of 
looping in with an if check or using a generator with try except, this 
time I choose a generator, though mostly I directly use a generator for 
these type of functions.


Re: setting file permissions on a web server

2006-04-30 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
John Salerno wrote:

Most FTP servers do allow to use chmod in a ftp session, although you're 
client must support it. See for example a cli ftp client (and server) on 

 Connected to
 220 XS4ALL ftpd DCLXVI
 Name (
 331 Password required for mhellwig.
 230 User mhellwig logged in.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.
 ftp ls MHellwigCV_02_10_01.pdf
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
 --   1 mhellwig user   211102 May 19  2003 MHellwigCV_02_10_01.pdf
 226 Transfer complete.
 ftp chmod 400 MHellwigCV_02_10_01.pdf
 200 SITE CHMOD command successful
 ftp ls MHellwigCV_02_10_01.pdf
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
 -r   1 mhellwig user   211102 May 19  2003 MHellwigCV_02_10_01.pdf
 226 Transfer complete.



Re: UDP performance

2006-04-20 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Paul Sijben wrote:
 I am stumped by the following problem. I have a large multi-threaded
 server accepting communications on one UDP port (chosen for its supposed
 I have been profiling the code and found that the UDP communication is
 my biggest drain on performance! Communication where the client and the
 server are on the same machine still takes 300ms or sometimes much more
 per packet on an Athlon64 3000+ running Linux (Fedora Core 5 x64).
 I must be doing something wrong and would really appreciate feedback on
 my code below:
 I open the server port with
   self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
   self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
   self.s.bind((myaddress, myport))
 I then open a client port with
   self.s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
   self.s.connect((host, port))
 the client sends data with
 and the server with
 both receive with
 buf, address = socket.recvfrom(8192)
 The sender and receiver are in separate threads (threading.Thread).
 Does anyone know what is going wrong here, the socket communication, the
 thread scheduling?
 Paul Sijben

Is the connection 1:1 i.e. the receiving end receives data only from one 
sender at the time? And how do you handle lost packages in your application?


Re: XML-RPC server via xinetd

2006-04-16 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Jos Vos wrote:
 I'm trying to figure out how to implement a XML-RPC server that
 is called by xinetd i.s.o. listening on a TCP socket itself.
 I already have implemented a stand-alone XML-RPC server using
 SimpleXMLRPCServer, but I now want something similar, that is
 started via xinetd (i.e. reading/writing via stdin/stdout).
 Any hints or code examples?

Isn't this just a standard daemon functionality?
So if you could wrap up your program in a daemon like fashion (e.g. and then point the 
xinetd configuration to the right script, it should just work?

Beware that I didn't try this myself yet ;-) though should do in the 
near future so if you could give a head ups on your progress I would 
appreciate it.


Re: XML-RPC server via xinetd

2006-04-16 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Jos Vos wrote:
 The problem is that the server initialization *requires* a server
 address (host, port pair), but I don't see how to tell it to use
 the stdin socket (and I'm afraid this is not possible, but I'm not

If I understood it correctly you want the python server bind be 
depending on whatever is configured in xinetd.conf and not be defined in 
the your program itself?

I tested a bit around with my FreeBSD machine but indeed the OS 
environment gives me nothing interesting back, leaving that option out 
but I do can specify command line arguments so you could pick them up 
with sys.argv.

I looked up how you can specify arguments in xinetd and according to 
various resources I filtered out (gotta over these gnu type 
documentation...) that you can use server_args in the per service 
configuration to specify arguments.

Although not really elegant it is doable to do an on the fly port binding.

Now I just hope I understood your problem :-)


Re: Python 2.5 licensing: stop this change

2006-04-01 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Fuzzyman wrote:
 From the site:
Advanced Program for Research In Licensing, whose First Object-Oriented 

string = Advanced Program for Research In Licensing, whose First 
Object-Oriented License
for letter in string:
 if ord(letter) in range(65,91):


Re: To run a python script in all the machines from one server

2006-03-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 Hi Everyone
 I want to run a python script in all the machines that are connected
 through local network and collect the information about that machine
 such as HDD size, RAM capacity(with number of slots)  ,processer speed
 But i want to run a script from just the server, so that it should
 start scripts in all other machines, and get their local machines
 information and dump the same information in some FTP.
 Could you please let me know how can i do this??
You could create a xmlrpc server on all clients, that listens for such a 
request, then your server (which is an xmlrpc client) calls all the 
clients on the appropriate exposed function, then the client proceeds on 
gathering the required information and puts it using ftplib on the ftp 
share. It is also possible to return all info via the xmlrpc call and 
let the server do the ftp part, all depends on your requirements.

If your on a NT only network a better route would be to use WMI.


Re: in-place string reversal

2006-03-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Sathyaish wrote:
 And that the extra-memory operation I've given above is expensive, I
 believe. Is there an efficient way to do it?
If i recall correctly a string is an immutable list.
I would do it this way:
  strTXT = foo
  strREV = strTXT[::-1]


Re: don't understand popen2

2006-03-23 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Donn Cave wrote:
 Anyway, it seems unlikely he would get that INVARG error for this
 reason.  That's an error from the host operating system, not the
 interpreter, and it mostly likely refers to the file descriptor.
 Since it works for me, I guess his problem is basically this:
 | (python 2.4 + win32 extensions on XPProSP2)

Thank you for your suggestion.

I shuffled it a bit around and executed it on my BSD box and there 
indeed it works, if I use that exactly program (well not the path var of 
course) on NT it has no error but it still not gives the expected 
results. So I guess that pipes,std-in, std-out  std-err work that 
different on NT then on other POSIX systems.

The lucky thing is that the code where I am exercising for must run on a 
BSD system so my immediately problem is dealt with, but I'm still 
curious how to get this working on NT.

I posted my new code and the results under my sep.

#! /usr/local/bin/python
import popen2

std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2(F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\
#! /usr/local/bin/python
someline = raw_input(something:)

if someline == 'test':

results on NT:

results on BSD:

don't understand popen2

2006-03-22 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I was doing some popen2 tests so that I'm more comfortable using it.
I wrote a little python script to help me test that (

someline = raw_input(something:)

if someline == 'test':

And another little thing that does it's popen2 stuff:

import popen2

std_out, std_in = popen2.popen2(




Now what I expected was that I got the return one the first line: 
something: and on the second nope, but instead of that I got:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\, line 8, in ?
IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

I played around a bit with flush, write and the order of first writing 
and then reading, the best I can get is no error but still not the 
expected output. I googled a bit copied some examples that also worked 
on my machine, reread the manual and the only conclusion I have is that 
I don't even understand what I'm doing wrong.

Would you please be so kind to explain my wrong doing?
(python 2.4 + win32 extensions on XPProSP2)

Thanks in advance!


Re: don't understand popen2

2006-03-22 Thread Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 You gave it a single string, not a list(sequence) of strings.  Try
 something like:

I got this output then:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\, line 8, in ?
IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File F:\coding\pwSync\popen_test\, line 8, in ?
IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

It seems that it doesn't matter.


Re: How to recgonize an USB device in FreeBSD?

2006-03-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Geoffery wrote:
 I want to add some applications to Freevo.
 Let Freevo recgonize the USB device is the one.
 Thank u for your answer.

Have a look at 'man 5 usbd.conf'


Re: PEP 8 example of 'Function and method arguments'

2006-03-14 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Steven, Bruno, Terry  Duncon, thank you for your insights, it really 
helped me a great deal.


PEP 8 example of 'Function and method arguments'

2006-03-13 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
While I was reading PEP 8 I came across this part:

Function and method arguments
Always use 'self' for the first argument to instance methods.
Always use 'cls' for the first argument to class methods.

Now I'm rather new to programming and unfamiliar to some basic concepts 
of OOP. However I wrote most of my classes in the new style way and by 
this I have always used 'self' for the first argument of an Instance 
method, but now I'm unsure what actually the difference is between an 
instance and a class method is and when to use it in which case.

Could somebody please enlighten me (a rtfm/wrong newsgroup is just as 
welcome of course), preferably in a short code example?



Re: Basic coin flipper program - logical error help

2006-02-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
DannyB wrote:
  I'm just learning Python.

So am I :-)

  I've created a simple coin flipper program -
  here is the code:
  #Coin flipper
  import random
  heads = 0
  tails = 0
  counter = 0
  coin = random.randrange(2)
  while (counter  100):
  if (coin == 0):
  heads += 1
  counter += 1
  tails += 1
  counter += 1
  coin = random.randrange(2)

This line is you logic error because it's not part of your while loop 
the coin variables get the result of random.randrange(2) assigned only 
one time (before the loop).

  print \nThe coin landed on heads, heads, times.
  print \nThe coin landed on tails, tails, times.
  I'm sure the [source] tags don't work - I through them in there
  The program runs - however - it will give me 100 heads OR 100 tails.
  Can someone spot the logic error?

You could changed the program to this it works too and is just as 
readable (IMHO):

#Coin flipper
import random

heads = 0
tails = 0
counter = 0
# removed random line
while (counter  100):
 if random.randrange(2):# put random here
 heads += 1
 counter += 1
 tails += 1
 counter += 1
# removed random line
print \nThe coin landed on heads, heads, times.
print \nThe coin landed on tails, tails, times.

Take my advice with caution I'm also new to this :-)

Btw, it is possible that the coins lands on it side if not catched with 
the hand (yes I have seen it happen) ;-)


Re: Question about xmlrpc and threading

2006-02-17 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
David Hirschfield wrote:
 My question was whether this is allowed? Can two calls be made via the 
 same ServerProxy instance while a request is already underway?

Much, and my preliminary answer is, I have no clue :-)
But knowing that python will throw an exceptions when something is not 
allowed and that we can analyze if the logic of the program breaks we do 
can build a test case!

I've taken the opportunity, but I might be as wrong was I am right (and 
still won't know which one it was):

So, I expect that when something un-allowed happens it will throw an 
exception and otherwise that the workflow on the server should resemble 
the work flow on the client:

So i created an async server with only one function (which is even worse 
  then your question):
def doSomething(self,threadID):
randomWait= random.randrange(0,10)
print(Thread %s has slept for %s seconds % threadID,randomWait))
returnValue = Thread %s has slept for %s seconds % 
return returnValue

and a threaded client:
class testThread(threading.Thread):
 def run(self):
 xmlrpclib.server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(http://localhost:8080;)

for i in range(100):

So when I run that I except that the output on the server is the same as 
the one on the client with an error margin within the second range 
(which would indicate that a certain thread has been scheduled a little 
earlier then the other), guess what the output of the two was?

Well I say this much, most of them where in sync (within the error 
margin) so I conclude that your question is answered with , yes you can 
have a call when another one is processed without intervening with each 
other( if you want that).


Re: Open Relay Test

2006-02-17 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
D wrote:
 Nope, quite the contrary..I'm looking to write a simple program for a
 client of mine that will, among other things, verify that their
 clients' email servers do not have open relays.
I usually test it like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ telnet smtp
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.11/8.12.11; Fri, 17 Feb 
2006 10:03:46 +0100 (CET)
~ helo
250 Hello [], pleased to meet you
~ mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
250 2.1.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sender ok
~ rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
550 5.7.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Relaying denied. IP name lookup 
failed []

To get a more verbose explanation, google for smtp + telnet.



Re: Question about xmlrpc and threading

2006-02-15 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
David Hirschfield wrote:
 An xmlrpc client/server app I'm writing used to be super-simple, but now 
 threading has gotten into the mix.
 On the server side, threads are used to process requests from a queue as 
 they come in.
 On the client side, threads are used to wait on the results of requests 
 to the server.
 So the question is: how thread-safe is python xmlrpc? If the client 
 makes a request of the server by calling:
 result = server.doSomething()
 and while that is waiting in the background thread to complete, the 
 client calls another:
 result = server.doSomethingElse()
 will they interfere with each other? Right now I'm avoiding this problem 
 by queueing up calls to the server to be processed sequentially in the 
 background. But I'd prefer to allow requests to go in parallel. Should I 
 just make a new connection to the server for each request?
 Any advice appreciated,

I'm not sure if I quite understand what you mean by interfere with each 
other but namespaces also apply to xmlrpc servers.
But let's give a coding example say I have this async server created:

from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from time import sleep

# Overriding with ThreadingMixIn to create a async server
class txrServer(ThreadingMixIn,SimpleXMLRPCServer): pass

# the Test classs
class Test(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self.returnValue = Something 1

 def doSomething(self):
 return self.returnValue

 def doSomethingElse(self,value):
 return self.returnValue

# setup server and bind to the specified port
server = txrServer(('localhost', 8080))

# register test class

# start the serving

And I call the function
and while it's waiting I call
  doSomethingElse(Else What!),
doSomething() will return me:Else What! instead of Something 1 
because it's a shared namespace of self.

Now if I modify my example to this:

from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
from time import sleep

# Overriding with ThreadingMixIn to create a async server
class txrServer(ThreadingMixIn,SimpleXMLRPCServer): pass

# the Test classs
class Test(object):
 def __init__(self):

 def doSomething(self):
 returnValue = Something 1
 return returnValue

 def doSomethingElse(self,value):
 return returnValue

# setup server and bind to the specified port
server = txrServer(('localhost', 8080))

# register test class

# start the serving

  doSomethingElse(Now what?)
Will have no effect on returnValue of doSomething() because they are not 

But say that I add the sleep part to doSomethingElse() and call
and immediately after that on a other window
What do you think will happen? Will the 2nd call overwrite the firsts 
calls variable?

I'm not going to spoil it any further ;-), please try the snippets out 
for yourself (I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised).



Re: how do you pronounce 'tuple'?

2006-02-14 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Roy Smith wrote:
 Erik Max Francis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (A 2-tuple is an ordered pair in mathematics.)  If a 2-tuple is a 
 pair, then it would seem to follow that a 1-tuple is a single.
 Yeah, but an *ordered* single :-)
 A more interesting question is what do you call ()?  A none-tuple?


Re: by reference

2006-02-13 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
dirvine wrote:
 Yes I did
 I was trying to do something like (pseudo code)
 get files in path
 for each filename get size, type
 create dic called filename assign size:xx,type:y
 pickle to file
 open pickled file
 read dict name and contents (hoping unpickling file gives me the dict
 name as it was saved, which may not be true)
 do stuff with file
 and thats it. My prog is a bit more complex than this but this is the
 general idea basically read files - create dicts of files one at a
 time, very similar to bittorrent in that take a file smash to bits and
 store links to bits in a big file.
 Many thanls

Well, although I still think you should use nested dicts doesn't say 
that what you want isn't possible, take a look at this snippet:
It looks quite ugly too me but that is probably in the eye of the 
beholder. However even the faq has some info on that:


Re: hard disk activity

2006-02-13 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Paul Rubin wrote:
 VSmirk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I am needing to synchronize the file on a remote folder, and my current
 solution, which simply copies the file if a date comparison or a
 content comparison, becomes a bit unmanageable for very large files.
 Some of the files I'm working with are hundreds of MB in size, or
 Why don't you look at the rsync program:
 but for that much data, just plopping it all in a huge file is not
 a great approach if you can help it.  Maybe you can use a database instead.

Perhaps a cvs developer could also give some insight, you could check 
subversion's mailinglist (check their website for more info:


Re: by reference

2006-02-09 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 I would like to create a dictionary based on a variable [...]
 And what seems to be the problem?
I think that this is his problem:

SyntaxError: can't assign to literal

But I'm puzzled why he wants that route, while I'm still pretty new to 
programming, I usually smell a design fault when I want to try to 
squeeze a literal name into a object variable (am I'm saying this 
correct?). Most of the time nesting dictionaries will do the trick for me:

{'somename': {}, 'someothername': {}}


Re: How to get Windows system information?

2006-01-14 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 thank you!
 from what I can see from the second website you listed, there is a way
 to get harddisk space information, but is there any way to get CPU load
 and RAM usage?

Have a look at the snippet:

# import wmi
# t = wmi.WMI()
# for i in t.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory():
#   print(i)
#instance of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory
#   AvailableBytes = 1683038208;
#   AvailableKBytes = 1643592;
#   AvailableMBytes = 1605;
#   CacheBytes = 89645056;
#   CacheBytesPeak = 358023168;
#   CacheFaultsPersec = 0;
#   CommitLimit = 4131782656;
#   CommittedBytes = 274153472;
#   DemandZeroFaultsPersec = 91522;
#   FreeSystemPageTableEntries = 150702;
#   PageFaultsPersec = 91522;
#   PageReadsPersec = 0;
#   PagesInputPersec = 0;
#   PagesOutputPersec = 0;
#   PagesPersec = 0;
#   PageWritesPersec = 0;
#   PercentCommittedBytesInUse = 6;
#   PoolNonpagedAllocs = 34580;
#   PoolNonpagedBytes = 19292160;
#   PoolPagedAllocs = 45037;
#   PoolPagedBytes = 28307456;
#   PoolPagedResidentBytes = 28053504;
#   SystemCacheResidentBytes = 59023360;
#   SystemCodeResidentBytes = 2568192;
#   SystemCodeTotalBytes = 942080;
#   SystemDriverResidentBytes = 0;
#   SystemDriverTotalBytes = 6234112;
#   TransitionFaultsPersec = 0;
#   WriteCopiesPersec = 0;
# for i in t.Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor():
#   print(i)
#instance of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor
#   C1TransitionsPersec = 0;
#   C2TransitionsPersec = 0;
#   C3TransitionsPersec = 65;
#   DPCRate = 0;
#   DPCsQueuedPersec = 0;
#   InterruptsPersec = 65;
#   Name = 0;
#   PercentC1Time = 0;
#   PercentC2Time = 0;
#   PercentC3Time = 95;
#   PercentDPCTime = 0;
#   PercentIdleTime = 100;
#   PercentInterruptTime = 0;
#   PercentPrivilegedTime = 0;
#   PercentProcessorTime = 0;
#   PercentUserTime = 0;
#instance of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor
#   C1TransitionsPersec = 0;
#   C2TransitionsPersec = 0;
#   C3TransitionsPersec = 0;
#   DPCRate = 0;
#   DPCsQueuedPersec = 0;
#   InterruptsPersec = 65;
#   Name = _Total;
#   PercentC1Time = 0;
#   PercentC2Time = 0;
#   PercentC3Time = 0;
#   PercentDPCTime = 0;
#   PercentIdleTime = 0;
#   PercentInterruptTime = 0;
#   PercentPrivilegedTime = 0;
#   PercentProcessorTime = 0;
#   PercentUserTime = 0;


Re: How to get Windows system information?

2006-01-13 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 Does anybody know how to get the:
  Free hard disk space
  Amount of CPU load
  and Amount of RAM used
 on windows? I am making an artificial intelligence program that has
 moods based on how much stress the system is under, based on these
 parameters. I think it could possibly be done via COM. I am not looking
 for a cross-platform solution- just something that will work on
 Windows. Thank you for your help!

Have a look at WMI* , it's specifically designed to getthat kind of 
stuff, there is also a python layer for WMI**.




Re: Why it doesn't work?

2006-01-09 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Lad wrote:
 I have a list
 Now I can assign the value
 and I have
 L={'a': 1}
 but I would like to have a dictionary like this
 L={'a': {'b':2}}
 so I would expect I can do
 but it does not work. Why?
 Thank you for reply


Perhaps what you try to do is something different than what I did here 
but it works for me:

{'a': {'b': 2}}


Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2006-01-02 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
cut description of modern western society
 Most people can survive (without damaging their souls so to speak) when
 working for corruption themselves in this way, but sooner or later one
 is asked to corrupt others (defending one's title during a promotion,
 leading a community and so on). This is the crucial point where
 corruption definitively occurs: where silence is not enough anymore to
 keep one employed.
 The human brain can withstand extreme amounts of conficting sensory
 data and still maintain a sense of continuity and order while from all
 sides things seem to fall apart. Such continuity is highly valuable
 because it is the only thing that keeps chaos at arms length. The same
 thing can be applied to whole societies (see for example the state
 American politics is in now). So that is the reason these kind of
 things normally are swept under the carpet.
 However for *me* personally, because I am deserted by my government,
 the university community, friends and family, and left to fend for
 myself, there is no pressing need to keep up the facade so I can
 finally see it for what it is.
Modern life has modern problem, well that isn't quite true, the problems 
are actually the same since the moment organisms began to group to 
enlarge their chance of survival.
The funny thing is that the problem, in its essentials, is still the 
same, how to enlarge the chance of survival, this time within the group.
En zie daar (pardon my dutch) we have created hierarchy and within 
that the problem of the individuals identity versus the groups identity, 
mix it with diplomacy and unreal friendship (the ones that are based 
on a persons status) and you got enough material to create Hollywood and 
everything that comes from it. If you add take one for the group you 
got yourself an action movie.

Now theory is all fine and dandy especially if its common sense but 
where does it leave us? Well most of the time, screwed, for the lack of 
a better word. But is it fair to negatively mark people because their 
personal identity for whatever reason fitted better to the common group 
identity? Sure it's bitter but don't be bitter about it, you know 
probably more then anybody else where that bitterness leads to.

What we can do about it? I have no clue, I'll just use that frustration 
to work on a personal project or making a song on my guitar, but YMMV 
;-). Perhaps being happy for somebody's else's luck is the key to ones 
own happiness, at least it works for me.

Now luckily where on the Internet where anybody can be anybody or not if 
they like to, at least everybody got a chance (not an equal one but 
still) to show what they are worth of. Perhaps you could too?

I wish you the best of wisdom and luck and I mean that most sincerely.
cut rest


Re: Application architecture (long post - sorry)

2006-01-01 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mike Meyer wrote:
 I have looked at the options for developing the client for these
 electronic job sheets and have decided upon Microsoft Pocket PC and
 the .net compact framework.  It seems the easiest environment for
 developing and the PDA's can be obtained very cheaply as a package from
 a GSM/GPRS data carrier.
 That seems like overkill for this application.
 Problem 1 - Physical connectivity
 how would I make the actual network connection in to the server from
 the client
 Running a VPN connection over GPRS ?
 Connecting to the web on the client then using web services ?
 The physical connectivity isn't your worry. How you access it from
 software depends on your chosen platform.
 The above decisions probably depend on the answer to problem 2...
 How to connect to the data
 Or even simpler I could just export data for the engineers into XML or
 .csv files and expose them using a web server the client then just
 connects to the server and then downloads the job data , and uploads
 completed job information
 I've gone this route before, and this is why I say your .net solution
 looks like overkill. The phones that GSM providers *give away* have
 web browsers built into them, and it's been that way for years. No
 need for .net or Pocket PC or whatever on the mobile device - just get
 a web-enabled phone. This makes half the development trivial - you
 don't have to do *any* development on the mobile side of things.
Somehow I immediately thought of the s60 platform, it even runs some 
form of python if you really need it to ;-)


Re: [EVALUATION] - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-29 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
I'm suspecting that we have different definitions (or at least the 
implications of that) of used terms.
I think it's important to first define these definition in a form 
acceptable to both of us.

In the link you gave, the title was Efficiency Management.
Now I believe that in _most_ implementations the words in the titles are 
mutual exclusive. So my first question is, please define Efficiency my 
second one is, please define Management.



Re: [EVALUATION] - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-29 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 I'm suspecting that we have different definitions (or at least the 
 implications of that) of used terms.
 I think it's important to first define these definition in a form 
 acceptable to both of us.

 In the link you gave, the title was Efficiency Management.
 Now I believe that in _most_ implementations the words in the titles 
 are mutual exclusive. So my first question is, please define 
 Efficiency my second one is, please define Management.
 *  The terminology is not yet aligned to commonly used business or 
 standards organisation terminology [like e.g. ISO].
 * This will happen after the process definition has finalized.
 source: (V 0.8c - alpha)
 I am a few steps from having the final diagramms ready, then I can align 
 the terminology (e.g. asking for feedback, thus people can detect 
 existent constructs and suggest terminology changes)
 I'll send you an email with some details (thus we don't discuss this 
 off-topic in public).
  Ilias Lazaridis wrote in email:
  just point me to a website you are related to (your personal one, 
your business one, ...) and I'll initialize the process, as defined in 
the draft-document:
  What I need at this point:
  - Website adress
  - your requirements  constraints for my processing


I respond on your private mail and list in one and to both, I don't 
regard this as off-topic because it is still in regard of your OP, 
although that post can be seen as a bait to go OT.

I didn't ask you for making an analyze, I asked you for your definitions 
because I think they are not the same as used in my contexts.

Now definitions like the ones in the dictionary are all fine and such 
but it still doesn't say what the strings are, for example communication 
is a word used to describe the process of information transfer (by 
whatever means, could be smoke signals or drum sounds for my part).
Information transfer is a broad term raising immediately the question: 
Transfer? . In what direction?
The answer depends on the situation, if both parties are equal in terms 
of information authority, the transfer will resemble a dialog i.e. two way.
If both parties are not on par in terms of information authority, the 
transfer will resemble a monolog i.e. one way.
Now this is taken in the extremes, in reality there are usual more than 
2 parties and the information authority can vary on the subject while 
the subjects are still related with each other (no wonder why there is 
so much miscommunication).

An interesting note is that to describe the relation of communication I 
have to use another term, information authority, this term is IMHO 
very important and very difficult because you can not define this term 
in such a way that it's  acceptable for all involving parties without 
being authoritative on that specific information piece. Unfortunately 
these kind of situations are all but rare just take a look at .

Which leads to the interesting question, when is someone authoritative 
on information without the use of ipsedixitism.
The answer is IMO actually quite simple: Never, your only authoritative 
if others accept you as being authoritative, of course this can be 
enforced by various means, like the use of hierarchy or religion.
However more modern organization revert to the use of democracy 
(everybody has an equal vote) or play along (if you don't like, you are 
not enforced to stay, so accept it or beat it)  because  if you let 
people decide for them self who is authoritative for them it's easier 
for that authority to be accepted as such.

Now I don't say that I'm right here and you are not, actually I'm still 
puzzled about what your intention of your original post was anyway.
Thus what I said above should also apply to myself, so I do not have the 
authority by myself to say that I'm authoritative to say that I'm right 
and you are not, but what are your reasons to assume that you are 
authoritative over me? (This is a genuine question and not intended as 

So the sum it up my unanswered question to you so far are:
- What is your definition of Efficiency
- What is your definition of Management
- What is you definition of Communication (to compare it with mine above)
- What are your reasons that I should accept you as authoritative on the 
subject of Efficiency Management?
- What has all that to do with Python except for that Guido is related 
to Google and Python?


Re: [EVALUATION] - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 So I guess you volunteer ?
 I volunteer and contribute already (with a general validity and python 
 specific analysis)
 A mediator should communicate the findings and suggestion (after 
 verifying them) to the responsibles / community:
 This would include to pass the relevant ones to the list you've mentioned:

Last time I checked a mediator otherwise known to me as a 
communication manager, is only effective when he/she is recognized as 
authoritative by the participating group _and_ him/herself.

As from other posts I read that the last part is the issue, well since 
this is a voluntary bunch of people with a slightly social democratic 
architecture you fall back on spokesman and that can be anybody, 
including or perhaps even especially you.

The only thing that holds you theoretically back is acknowledged 
authority by the participating group _and_ yourself and of course the 
resource for restricted information.
For the first part you got my vote, for second, well that should grow in 


Re: [EVALUATION] - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-28 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 The only thing that holds you theoretically back is acknowledged 
 authority by the participating group _and_ yourself and of course the 
 resource for restricted information.
 what do you mean by resource for restricted information?

Well, I mean that you should know before the others that Guido is 
working for google otherwise such a publication is a bit late :-), 
nevertheless better late then never.

 For the first part you got my vote, for second, well that should grow 
 in time.
 second part = resource for restricted information ?


Re: [EVALUATION] - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2005-12-27 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
So I guess you volunteer ?

Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
rbt wrote:
 Alex Martelli wrote:
 I don't think there was any official announcement, but it's true -- he
 sits about 15 meters away from me;-).
 For Americans: 15 meters is roughly 50 feet.

Well they could have used google for that ;-)


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Responsible Software Licensing

2005-12-18 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Xah Lee wrote:
Nice rant, btw in most EU countries the software creator can not 
withdraw the responsibility of his/her/it creation, regardless of what 
the disclaimer says. The law is the leading authority and not some 
Disclaimer/EULA, that's why most US EULA's are unauthoritative in the EU.


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Responsible Software Licensing

2005-12-18 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Ulrich Hobelmann wrote:
 The piece that a European programmer can never withdraw responsibility 
 could be a big problem to open-source software, though.  I'm not sure 
 I'd want to freely publish anything that could result in liability for me.
Not that big of a problem, in EU a user is still primary liable for his 
own action unless he's deliberately been mislead without any possibility 
to know that, think in terms of trojans and viruses.
So no suing over spilling hot coffee here unless the container it's 
carried in is faulty


Re: Detect character encoding

2005-12-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Michal wrote:
 is there any way how to detect string encoding in Python?
 I need to proccess several files. Each of them could be encoded in
 different charset (iso-8859-2, cp1250, etc). I want to detect it,
 and encode it to utf-8 (with string function encode).
 But there is _no_ way to be absolutely sure. 8bit are 8bit, so each
 file is legal in all encodings.
 Not quite. Some encodings don't use all the valid 8-bit characters, so
 if you encounter a character not in an encoding, you can eliminate it
 from the list of possible encodings. This doesn't really help much by
 itself, though.

I read or heard (can't remember the origin) that MS IE has a quite good 
implementation of guessing the language en character encoding of web 
pages when there not or falsely specified.
 From what I can remember is that they used an algorithm to create some 
statistics of the specific page and compared that with statistic about 
all kinds of languages and encodings and just mapped the most likely.

Please be aware that I don't know if the above has even the slightest 
amount of truth in it, however it didn't prevent me from posting anyway ;-)


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-27 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 21:39:13 +0100, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 The software was sold in 3 separates modules requiring a yearly renewal, 
 The software is hardly sold if you have to renew that sale every year.
 That's more like a lease. I'd call it revenue from licencing, not revenue
 from sales.
 Of course you're welcome to describe it as sales. It is an arbitrary
 choice one way or another -- the main thing is to not talk at
 cross-purposes, as we obviously have been doing.
I agree


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-26 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 17:43:22 +0100, Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 if I owned a company 
 making profit on software sales (sale =! support) you sign a death wish 
 for using GPL
 Apart from Microsoft, and possibly Quark (makers of Quark Express desktop
 packaging software), and perhaps a few console game developers, is there
 any company making a profit on software sales?

Eehm, about hundreds of thousands customized software manufactures 
around the whole globe?
Where not talking about off the shell software then of course, but for 
software used in a particular corner of a sector.
Most prominent types are administration software, although most of them 
have a common base, implementation differs on your type of: products, 
customers, location, law, quality and quantity . Say about everything it 
can differ, ie you don't want to use your high-school student 
administration program for a pet shop or a cheese manufacture.


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-26 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I think you are over-estimating both the numbers and profitability of such
 niche software distributors, and misunderstanding the business models of

Coincidently, I worked at a software company making a standard 
administration software for primary schools. Which concentrate on the 
national market. Because this in the Netherlands, not such a big 
country, the customer base is not that big.
So on a population of 17 million people there are about 7.500 thousands 
primary schools, our market share was quit big we had 4.500 thousands 
customers, there where only about 7 other competitive 
products/companies in that market.

The software was sold in 3 separates modules requiring a yearly renewal, 
the base module was required for all customers the other modules where 
add on packages, the base module cost about 500 EUR, then there where 
2000 clients for 350 EUR module and about 500 clients for the third 250 

They also sold administration software for the academic market with 
about the same annual income as that of the primary schools.

So for a niche market on a small user base using non-consulting 
software, they had a quite profitable steady income.

Perhaps not the billions of dollars you expect from a software company 
but for me and the 40 other employees it was enough to say that we 
didn't over-estimated both the numbers and profitability of such a niche 
software distributor and we sure didn't misunderstood the business model 
of that. Unfortunately the profitable company was merged by the VC's 
with 8 non-profitables companies because they had that this would make 
them all profitable.


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-24 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I'm FREE to use the software, FREE to redistribute it, FREE to give it 
 away, FREE to make derivative works, FREE to transfer the licence, *and* 
 I got it FREE of cost as well, but that doesn't make it free.

Indeed, when I explain GPL to non-techies and what their (RMS) 
interpretation of free software is I usually ask first if they know what 
  IP (Intellectual Property not Internet Protocol) is and what the 
difference is between that and other legals stuff like Copyright and 

Then I make sure we have the same definition about Software and what I 
mean with the word Public in the context of software.

After that I define GPL as:
Obligatory Public Intellectual Property Software

If the non-techie is still interested, I'll rave on about that I 
understand why GPL is a good way to ensure availability of IP especially 
if the software is a collaborated effort in the academic scene.
And that I probably use that if I made software for my employer (a 
Foundation founded by multiple High-Schools) but that deeply personal 
I'll stick to the beerware license, because I fully agree on PHK license 


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-24 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If the non-techie is still interested, I'll rave on about that I
 understand why GPL is a good way to ensure availability of IP
 especially if the software is a collaborated effort in the academic
 Your comment about the GPL ensuring availability would imply that
 other-licensed software has a tendency to become unavailable. Do you
 know of any examples of such?

Yes, it happens on a regular bases that *BSD's are ported to a 
particular platform or devices and that the necessary changes to make it 
work that way are not released back (eg Ironport mail systems). Other 
examples are extensions of other software to fill a particular need that 
are kept close for a binary only sale (eg Mammoth PostgreSQL + 

There are numerous other examples, most of them are company secrets.

Note that I do not have any objections to it, if I owned a company 
making profit on software sales (sale =! support) you sign a death wish 
for using GPL, if it's coupled with a device then things are different.
If you sell support, GPL is a wonderful way to maximize your income.


Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-24 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Is that software really unavailable, or just unavailable for free? If
 the latter, then it's not unavailabe. If the former, the it didn't
 become unavailable, as it was never available in the first place.
 In the latter case, you could also use those examples to similarly
 prove that non-GPL'ed software is a good way to ensure the
 availability of IP, as the developers of those IPs obviously felt
 that the ability to restrict distribution in some way was needed to
 make the effort of developing and distributing the software in the
 first place worthwhile.

I agree that your opinions are based on a valid points, however, not 
available for free means it has a price tag, which means that a normal 
'small' price tag for western society excludes +75% of the world 
population for that product (sure most of them don't want/need it 
anyway, what good is software without hardware).

Those who can not afford the software are excluded for that end product 
even though they may have worked on the source where 99,99% of the 
restricted licensed software is based on.

However I make a poor defender for the GPL because, as you can read in 
my previous posts, I don't really believe in it.



Re: wxPython Licence vs GPL

2005-11-24 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Well, they chose to make it available to others for reuse. But
 software unavailable to those who can't afford it is better than no
 software at all

That I do not agree with, I think it depends on which your side of the 
fence you are.

For instance I have a specific problem, there are currently 2 product 
available that come close to solving it, one costs $24,999 and the other 
is above that. That is about $23,999 above what I can afford to solve my 
problem, so I have the option to leave the problem as it is or try to 
tackle it myself.

Stubborn that I am, I am currently creating my own solution, knowing 
well that other solutions exist and I can only make a poor copy of those 
already existing effort

 However I make a poor defender for the GPL because, as you can read in
 my previous posts, I don't really believe in it.
 The question is wether or not it believes in you :-)
 I believe in GPL'ed software - I use it regularly. On the other hand,
 I don't believe that it represents the best license to release
 software if the goal is to improve the lot of humanity. The
 restrictions are on distribution, not on use, so it doesn't really
 keep people from using said software commercially. For instance, one
 or more of your examples may have been worth developing for internal
 use. They then decided there was a profit to be made in distributing
 it commercially, and proceeded to do so because they could. Without
 the profit motive, they may not have done the extra work involved in
 preparing the IP for distribution and doing the distribution.

Yeah well, GPL works reasonable well but perhaps not for what it was 

 Personally, I release stuff under a BSD-like license, historically
 having included requirements that I be notified of bug fixes, and/or
 that I be given copies of commercial software that included my code. I
 eventually gave up on them as unenforceable.

Thats the trouble with restrictions, how do you enforce them, with 
license I don't found it worth the hazzle. BSD/MIT style license is a 
good substitute of no license at all.


Re: I need Motivation

2005-11-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 I m not a python Expert or anythin
 i need help, i m losin my motivation to continue with python
 can anyone inspire me again.???
 Ooh that is easy, start learning other programming languages, you'll go
 back continuing with python very soon after that! ;-)
 It seems that many people switch to Ruby and never look back, some
 other go to haskell as well.
Yes that is also a possibility, however then the OP wouldn't wish to be 
motivated to continue pyhton :-)


Re: I need Motivation

2005-11-03 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 I m not a python Expert or anythin
 i need help, i m losin my motivation to continue with python
 can anyone inspire me again.???

Ooh that is easy, start learning other programming languages, you'll go 
back continuing with python very soon after that! ;-)


Re: Microsoft Hatred FAQ

2005-10-25 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Not Bill Gates wrote:
 On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:35:47 +, Not Bill Gates wrote:

 Heck, I dunno.  Like you, I don't even really care all that much.  
 You don't care that innovation in desktop software has been crippled by
 the actions of the monopoly player Microsoft?
 You need to first prove innovation in desktop software has been 
 crippled, don't you?

How about their java implementation between 1998 and 2004?
Sure killed the _easier_ write once run everywhere mantra, of course 
they where not alone in the killing, SUN helped a great deal.


Re: Microsoft Hatred FAQ

2005-10-25 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
David Schwartz wrote:
 It's easy to point to things you think are mistakes and claim that if 
 you had been in charge of the world, those mistakes would not have been 
 made. If you are trying to balance completely different possible paths the 
 universe might have taken, you need to make sure to include everything on 
 both sides, and that's really really hard to do.
 Perhaps the desktop software is good enough that how much better it 
 would have been wouldn't make much difference. And perhaps the lack of 
 competition steered the innovators into other fields where their innovations 
 made huge differences. Perhaps not -- perhaps the desktop software we would 
 have had in a more competitive market would have made other people's lives 
 majorly better. Who knows?
 I don't think it's possible or sensible to try to have a reckoning of 
 this type. There are so many variables and unpredictable possibilities.

I agree that it is hard, nearly impossible, to make the _one_ best 
decision in a situation.
However it is quit possible to not make the very obvious wrong decision.

Just that it is very hard to hit a specific tree with a small handgun 
from a 2 mile distant, that is nearly impossible.
However, just avoiding your feet should be doable.

BTW, I think you are management material...



pyHook brakes windows dead keys mechanisme

2005-10-22 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Hi all,

I noticed that the dead keys* mechanism (XPSP2 NL, keyboard map US, 
input language Dutch) doesn't work when running the pyHooks (python 241) 
Instead of ö (o) I immediately get o.
If I close the pyHooks example the expected behavior returns.

Is there a way how I can get both working at the same time?


* typing  prints nothing the dead key, when continuing with o the 
character ö is printed, the same mechanimse applies for ' ~ ` in 
combination with most of the letters e.g. e(éëè), n(ñ), o(óõö) and c(ç).

Re: Microsoft Hatred FAQ

2005-10-15 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Jeroen Wenting wrote:
 Without Microsoft 90% of us would never have seen a computer more powerful 
 than a ZX-81 and 90% of the rest of us would never have used only dumb 
 mainframe terminals.
At the time you PC guys where hacking around monochrome green and a 
bit lighter green screens I was doing multi-media editing on my Amiga 600.
So perhaps we should state that we would have been a lot further if not 
an incredible amount of cool technologies where bought by MS and then 
simply put in the freezer to protect their future market share.
Although Commodore where never serious competitors, they had some 
intern difficulties, too bad but life goes on.
To go on, stable version of truly free unix likes where released around 
1994 that was in the same time MS was working on their super stable 
released windows 95 and a slightly better NT 3.5 and let me not forget 
OS/2 warp 3.0 .

I'm not a MS basher, hey I make money of them administrating them, 
however to state that if we didn't had MS we would been in the IT stone 
ages is blatantly wrong, I think we would have been a lot further then 
where we are now. Perhaps we even had a other mainstream architecture 
like sparcs and powerpc's.


Re: Microsoft Hatred FAQ

2005-10-15 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
John Bokma wrote:
 You mean like the lamp that keeps burning forever, like Philips has?

No more like all the hydrogen technologies that shell has in their 
possession for the last decades and only recently has begun to restart 
those projects.

 Although Commodore where never serious competitors,
 Because there programming skills were as worse as MS? I mean, their 
 BASIC had only 2 instuctions: PEEK and POKE?

eehm Amiga?

 Yet you call NT slightly better compared to Windows 95. So you have no 
 clue what you're talking about.

So I see you never worked serious with 3.5 .

 hey I make money of them administrating them, 
 however to state that if we didn't had MS we would been in the IT
 stone ages is blatantly wrong,
 Now there is truth.
 I think we would have been a lot
 No, since companies are just companies, not little gods like some want 
 them to be.
 then where we are now. Perhaps we even had a other mainstream
 architecture like sparcs and powerpc's.
 But crippled like Intel.

Yeah right sparc is crippled...


Re: Daisy Daisy, give me your answer do

2005-10-09 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Michael Goettsche wrote:
 You're asking tech geekers and morons to do this job? Isn't that a task 
 for somebody more professional like you? 

I think he's doing a shot to the position of open-source leader, judging 
on the replies he has got till so far, that shot was not really 
effective. In dutch we have a saying for these kind of people, it goes 
like this: 12 ambachten, 13 ongelukken.



Re: Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

2005-09-10 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Stefano Masini wrote:
cut reinventing wheel example

Although I'm not experienced enough to comment on python stuff itself I 
do know that in general there are 2 reasons that  people reinvent the wheel:
- They didn't know of the existence of the first wheel
- They have different roads
Those reasons can even be combined.

The more difficult it is to create a new wheel the bigger the chance is 
that you:
- Search longer for fitting technologies
- Adapt your road


Re: determine if os.system() is done

2005-09-08 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 The only thing I am disappointed at his writing style, most likely he 
 has a disrupted view on social acceptable behavior and communication.
 These skills might be still in development, so perhaps it is 
 reasonable to give him a chance and wait until he is out of his puberty.
 He's 37 years old!  How long should one be given to mature?
Yeah well, eeh I guess that rules out the development part.
Although puberty can take a long time (according to my SO) :-)



Re: determine if os.system() is done

2005-09-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Lars Gustäbel wrote:
 [Fredrik Lundh]
han har försökt, men hans tourette tog överhanden:
 IMHO it's more likely an Asperger's syndrome.

I disagree, in his writings I found no evidence of autisme.
Actually most of it can be classified as being stubborn against better 
knowledge, what actually a common thing is.

But he does ask the question and by this does admits he is not 
knowledged in that topic.

The only thing I am disappointed at his writing style, most likely he 
has a disrupted view on social acceptable behavior and communication.
These skills might be still in development, so perhaps it is reasonable 
to give him a chance and wait until he is out of his puberty.


Re: Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-26 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig enlightened us with:
Personal transportation sucks in the Netherlands, if you live in the
Randstad (the area of the above mentioned cities) and you have to
travel across the Randstad, you go with the bike and/or
bus/tram/metro/train because that is the fastest way of
 And a bike isn't personal transportation?

Yes it is, and it sucks too, or do you find it amusing to ride 15 clicks 
through rain and wind to get to your clients?
Of course you go by car but then it will take you longer.
Byt the way did you notice the travel across the Randstad part?

By the way, the big cities are notorious for losing your bike fast.
 True. Unless you have two proper locks. In that case your bike will
 last a very long time.

Yes that reminds me that I had 2 quite expensive abus locks on my rather 
cheap bike, the day after a hack was published on the Internet how to 
open this lock without damaging, the locks where stolen but my bike was 
further untouched, that pretty badly hurt my bikes ego I guess.

That doesn't mean that public transportation is good, no actual
since the public transportation is commercialized it sucks too.
 It's quite good actually. The Dutch Railways (Nationale Spoorwegen, NS
 for short) have a reputation of being late, but it isn't that bad.
 Trains run frequently, and if you have a serious delay, you even get
 part of your money back.

They don't do it because they like the customer they do it because it's 
a law.

 My GF and I just got back from a holiday in Croatia. There, there is
 only a train every four hours, and then you're lucky. The track is so

Croatia is hardley comparible to western europe.

 bad, going by bus is just as fast, except you can buy a ticket on the
 bus instead of having to buy a ticket + reservation in advance.
 On the way back, we used the ICE (intercity express) through Germany.
 It got delayed, so we missed our train to Amsterdam by 15 minutes. The

Aah yes, ICE, always put in a extra half hour if you need to change 
trains, you don't wat to miss reserved trains, no realy you don't want 
to. It is just the same as with airplanes.

 delay was in Köln, because the pope paid a visit - well known to the
 Deutsche Bahn, but still they didn't do anything about it. We had to
 use another train which left two hours later. And we didn't get any
 compensation for this - not even for the reservation for the train we

Same as with airplanes.

 We had a delay of two hours. In The Netherlands you would at least get
 a significant percentage of your money back. Not in Germany.

Strange, I very frequently go with rail like transportation across 
western europe and the only place where it sucks more then in the 
Netherlands is the UK or France when they doing another strike. I do not 
account major accidents like flooding, storm or earthquakes.

 After all, I think with the frequent trains (compared to Croatia) and
 reasonable refunds (compared to Germany), the NS isn't that bad after

Comparing it to Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, Norway, 
Swizz etc.etc. okay, but comparing it with a former Communistic country?
They still have about 45 years of catching up to do and to there credits 
they develop much faster then the old western countries.

I heard that in Swizz public transportation tend to leave on time and 
even arrive on time! Compare that with 12% delayed leaving and 27% 
delayed arrivals of trains in the Netherlands.

A rule of thumb is that as soon as the weathere changes (it doesn't 
matter what from what and where too) you have at least a 15 minute delay 
between the major stations.

Just don't plan to get anywhere special with public transportation
after 2300h.
 There are night trains between the big cities in the Randstad. At
 least in Amsterdam busses go through the city all the night, every
 night. I don't know about other cities - I live in Amsterdam.

There still alot of people living in cities like Gouda or surrounding 
villages in Het Groene Hart, and most of them can only get home after 
23.00h when they go by car (or motorbike).

Most people in here are non-believers or so lightly believers that
you won't know the difference between them and the non-believers.
The biggest part of the remaining believers are realistic and value
life, moral and norms without compromising public safety, of course
fanatics are every where in the world including the Netherlands.
 Here in Amsterdam, things are getting more nasty. A
 writer/critic/actor was killed in the name of Allah, just because he
 excercised his freedom of speech.
 Another man was seriously messed up while standing in his own front
 door opening, just because he's homosexual. In his street, sometimes
 people are shouting Go away you homo, you're not welcome here. This
 is a Macoccan street!. I'm not discriminating, but Maroccans telling
 Dutch people they aren't welcome in their own captial

Re: Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-24 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Wade wrote:
 Nice little series by Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about
 emigration. Somewhere, anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam?
 I've never been to the Netherlands myself, but it sounds very
 Extra Python connection, besides the obvious one: Is gezellig related
 to the Zen of Python? (
 -- Wade Leftwich
 Ithaca, NY

Well I dunno, I was born in Germany moved to the Netherlands and been 
quit around in the country.
Personally I don't like city life, however from where I live I am within 
  the hour in the center of Rotterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht, if you add 
half an hour I'm at the heart of Amsterdam. While coming back at home at 
a small but flourishing village.

Of course this is all done with public transport and/or bike, not 
without reason.
Personal transportation sucks in the Netherlands, if you live in the 
Randstad (the area of the above mentioned cities) and you have to travel 
across the Randstad, you go with the bike and/or bus/tram/metro/train 
because that is the fastest way of transportation.

By the way, the big cities are notorious for losing your bike fast.

That doesn't mean that public transportation is good, no actual since 
the public transportation is commercialized it sucks too. But it beats 
the hell out of being in the traffic jam every day for at least an hour 
wherever you want to go, not entirely true, between 11.00-15.00 and 
21.00-05.00 then it's clear enough to switch lanes.
Just don't plan to get anywhere special with public transportation 
after 2300h.

Still you might want to go earlier if you go by car, perhaps then you 
can find that one parking spot close enough to your destination that you 
don't need to take the bus/tram/metro after all to finish the last 5 miles.

Well politics, in the Netherlands is like politics in the rest of 
Western-Europe North-Atlantic-coast countries, excluding UK  Ireland.
Most of the time these politicians are social caring about everybody in 
the country including non-voters, non-payers and fanatic-believers 
of-whatever-you-can-imagine. Although that social caring is mostly out 
of a dark personal agenda or plain dumbness.
In the Netherlands even the most right-winged (of any mattering size) 
parties are still liberal socialist in the US viewpoint.

Somehow I think that if you want to become a politician you have to be 
able to shutdown at least 75% percent of you brain while making 
decisions and reactivate them when you have to find an excuse for the 
misstep, well at least the last part is true for the Netherlands, from 
what I see of US politics even that is not a requirement.

In the Netherlands we still have (but watering away) tradition that 
people are responsible for their own deeds and do not sue some unrelated 
company when spilling hot coffee or microwaving your puppy or washing 
you baby in the wash machine.

Most people in here are non-believers or so lightly believers that you 
won't know the difference between them and the non-believers. The 
biggest part of the remaining believers are realistic and value life, 
moral and norms without compromising public safety, of course fanatics 
are every where in the world including the Netherlands.

We had some very difficult years but the economics is picking up again 
and because we made some serious budget cuts in social security and 
public health it is on a more stable bases then that of Germany and France.

The only serious downsize is that in the Randstad the house prices are 
too high, the only way you can buy a reasonable row house house (3 
bedrooms, average room = 4x3 meters) in a not too bad side of the city 
is when you and you partner work full time and are not planning to raise 
your kid(s) all by your self.

Still I don't want to live anywhere else, Holland is big enough to find 
some country side with a slower pace of living (but still having adsl), 
if you prefer that like me. And with a bit of searching you can build up 
a social and work environment not filled with shallow and/or dumbed down 

All of the above is of course my viewpoint YMMV.


Re: What is Python?!

2005-08-12 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Magnus Lycka wrote:
 or what have you. How do you sell this without making it sound
 like snake oil? (Particularly with that name! :)
This *is* the languange you are looking for ...

Stops the argument every time, although afterwards they look kind a 
funny at me.


Re: Python -- (just) a successful experiment?

2005-08-07 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Eric Pederson wrote:
Raise your hand if you think the best technology wins!
 Who is interested in such a matter? Is this a forum dedicated to some
 programming language or a popularity contest?
 If Python dies in a few years / looses attention but the Python Zen
 survives in another language I have nothing to complain.
Although I think that the day that python is considerd dead is the same 
day that unix is truly dead.
Ooh yes and I have heard for over two decades that unix-like systems are 
obsolete, so why is the install base only growing and has never been bigger?


Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-05 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Kevin wrote:
cut, can't get as many python web hosters as I want

Well, for some strange reason I have never found that to be a problem.
But that is perhaps because I'm an administrator and I want full root 
access, install the OS as I see fit and don't want others on the same 
(virtual)box. So hosting doesn't work for me I need colo or dedicated.

Mostly I slap DragonFlyBSD( or NetBSD if the other doesn't run smoothly) 
with PostgreSQL, Mod_python/Apache and some other handy tools like 
tripwire. The advantage is that I am the administrator, the 
dis-advantage is that I am the administrator :-).

Here in the Netherlands I can get 1HE colo for 95EUR/month, a reasonable 
price IMO.

You can always rent space at different providers (for fail-over) install 
the machines just as your like it and rerent your own shared web 
hosting. Then you can have all the goodies you want and still be in the 
price range of comparible hosters.


Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-05 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Magnus Lycka wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
 cut, can't get as many python web hosters as I want

 Well, for some strange reason I have never found that to be a problem.
 If you develop software for an external customer, and they have
 an existing web site run by some ISP that you have no control over,
 this might well be a problem.

Yes indeed there are a *load of companies not interested in technology 
they just want a fancier web page then their rivals, for them this is 
definitely a problem well actually it's a problem for the developer.
Do you tell the client to do it your way or do you do it their way.
It all depends, I work in and for non-profit organization so I mostly I 
can do what I think is the best solution. I'll explain that and what the 
advantage or dis-advantage is of all different possibilities.

 Even if the customer is in control of their web servers, it might be
 difficult to convince them to install and maintain something like
 Python on them.
 I find it a bit surprising that so many people on comp.lang.python
 don't realize what kind of practical complications most commercial
 software developers have to struggle with if they don't just follow
 the mainstream and use PHP or Java for all web apps.

Yeah well, I remember that I had a hard time getting java support 
instead of cgi alone, then somewhat later I've had that with perl and 
PHP and whatever, it always feels like playing catch up.
I really had it with all that begging to get this or that supported.
I've been bitten so many times over support issues that it isn't even 
funny anymore, so in the end I realized that the only way to get it down 
in a acceptable way is to do it myself or source it to a small company 
that needs the customer.

 My ISP (FS Data in Sweden) has Python installed, and always upgraded
 it when I asked them (but only then, so I suspect I'm the only user--
 and this is one of the biggest ISPs in Sweden).

As I said above, I found it more likely to get support from smaller 
companies then the bigger ones.

 Even if I have access to Python, they don't allow me to have my own
 long running processes, so I'm stuck with CGI, which wouldn't work
 very well with a much higher load than my moin has. (Actually, I
 didn't really need more, so I haven't asked for mod_python support
 Colocation is certainly getting much cheaper, my ISP charges much less
 than 95EUR/month.(295 SEK). Still, it would certainly be great if
 mod_python, twisted and zope support etc would be as common as mod_perl
 or PHP support. We can only get that if we actively ask for it, and if
 we really favour vendors that provide this support when we can.

But overall I must say the I agree with you, and that this chicken/egg 
problem can only be resolved by further popularity of python.


Re: Secure email

2005-08-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
 I need to write a .cgi that will take the content of an https GET or 
 POST and send it securely as email to an Outlook client.
 I think that OpenSSL is somewhere in this, but I'm not even sure how to 
 create the right certificate, how to use it to encrypt mail and how to 
 install a certificate in Outlook (= 2000).
 Code snippets and pointers to tutorials greatly appreciated. I've got a 
 week to deploy this!

I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:

https CGI form -- mail wrapper -- PGP encryption/signing -- send

recieve mail -- pgp decryption/verification -- read

All parts are trivial except for pgp but you could get more information 



Re: pain

2005-08-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Mage wrote:

 Thank you, I will check this out. My company will switch to a jsp site. 
Well I don't know your company and how many developers there are but I 
know this; a manager telling me what tools to use to do my job is a bad 
manager by definition because he should realize that the people who best 
know what tools to use are the peope who use the tools*. If by any 
chance a manager believes that his employees aren't qualified to make 
that decision for them self then he hired the wrong people, which makes 
him bad manager too.

But perhaps there are other compelling reasons to switch to a jsp site, 
but since this is webbased, there are *tons* of ways to mix your 
favourite language with it, even as abstracted as having a jsp (proxy) 
page do nothing more then fetch its page from a python powered internal 


* Did you know that most good chef cooks have their own knive set?
And what do you think is the reason a restaurant manager don't tell them 
to use the company in-house Amefa blades instead of his global knives?

Re: Secure email

2005-08-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Michael Ströder wrote:
 Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
I think you want this more common approach for mail encryption:

https CGI form -- mail wrapper -- PGP encryption/signing -- send

recieve mail -- pgp decryption/verification -- read
 This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outlook. Outlook can
 decrypt S/MIME messages out-of-the-box.
 Ciao, Michael.

Yes indeed, although I personaly find pgp a bit more elegant your 
solution would be the best for the OP.


Re: Secure email

2005-08-04 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Michael Ströder wrote:
This would require an additional PGP-plugin for Outlook. Outlook can
decrypt S/MIME messages out-of-the-box.

Yes indeed, although I personaly find pgp a bit more elegant your
solution would be the best for the OP.
 Whether S/MIME or PGP is used depends very much on the security policy
 the application has to comply with and the rest of the system
 environment we both know very little about. Therefore I can't see what's
 more elegant with PGP in general and how you can tell what the best
 solution is for the original poster.
Not general, personal in the sence of my own opinion just like I have it 
wrote it.
Best for the OP because as you pointed out there was a written (although 
older) howto for s/mime which the OP could follow (as he requested), 
howto's for PGP icw Python is a bit rare, although I haven't googled for 


Re: Friend wants to learn python

2005-07-23 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
EnderLocke wrote:
 I have a friend who wants to learn python programming. I learned off
 the internet and have never used a book to learn it. What books do you
 Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I recommend Learning Python 2nd Edition by Mark Lutz  David Ascher 
(O'Reilly) its reasonable easy to read no heavy language, but clear 
concept and examples.
It does not require any previous programming experience, although being 
comfortable with computer terms and knowing some basic concepts of 
programming does make you read faster through the book.
My overall conclusion was that the authors know what they are talking 
about and are honest in what they want to achieve.

When done with that the reader has enough experience to at least know 
where to go further to learn more about python.



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