[issue46614] Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`

2022-04-03 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

> My main hesitation with this name is that I suspect users may think that 
> `use_utc_designator` means that they *unconditionally* want to use `Z` — 
> without reading the documentation (which we can assume 99% of users won't do)

I was thinking along similar lines when I used `use_utc_designator` in the PR, 
but I drew a different conclusion. I was thinking that the name 
`use_utc_designator` is sufficiently abstruse that no one would even be able to 
guess that it's referring to "Z" without actually reading the documentation for 
the parameter. In particular, I worry that `zulu=True` or `allow_Z=True` might 
lead people to make the mistake of thinking that they'll always get "Z" instead 
of "+00:00".

> A name like `utc_as_z` is definitely less... elegant, but conveys the concept 
> a bit more clearly.

This would definitely be more memorable and more approachable. If we stick with 
making it conditional on `tzname() == "UTC"`, I definitely think we want to 
have "utc" in the name of the parameter, and `utc_as_z` satisfies that.

`utc_as_z` seems reasonable to me. Let me know if you'd like me to update the 


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[issue46614] Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`

2022-03-21 Thread Matt Wozniski

Change by Matt Wozniski :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +30131
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/32041

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[issue39829] __len__ called twice in the list() constructor

2022-03-07 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

Pardon me for necroing an old issue, but someone pointed out the surprising 
behavior of `__len__` being called twice by `list(iterable)`, and it caught my 

 made it so that `list.__init__(iterable)` calls `iterable.__len__()` before 
calling `list.extend()`, to preallocate exactly the right amount of space, 
rather than allowing `list.extend()` to grow the array. That's because 
`list.extend()` can over-allocate.

What if instead, we made it so that `list.extend(iterable)` doesn't 
over-allocate when called on an empty list? In the two places where 
`list_extend` calls `list_resize` to grow the array, we'd check if 
`self->ob_item == NULL` and if so call `list_preallocate_exact` instead, and 
we'd remove the call to `list_preallocate_exact` from `list___init___impl`.

It seems like that ought to achieve the same goal as making `__init__` call 
preallocate exactly, without requiring the extra call to `__len__`.

nosy: +godlygeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46614] Add option to output UTC datetimes as "Z" in `.isoformat()`

2022-02-11 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

> I feel like "If the offset is 00:00, use Z" is the wrong rule to use 
> conceptually

This is a really good point that I hadn't considered: `+00:00` and `Z` are 
semantically different, and just because a datetime has a UTC offset of 0 
doesn't mean it should get a `Z`; `Z` is reserved specifically for UTC.

It seems like the most semantically correct thing would be to only use `Z` if 
`tzname()` returns exactly "UTC". That would do the right thing for your London 
example for every major timezone library I'm aware of:

>>> datetime.datetime.now(zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("Europe/London")).tzname()
>>> datetime.datetime.now(zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("UTC")).tzname()
>>> datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).tzname()

>>> datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.gettz("Europe/London")).tzname()
>>> datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.UTC).tzname()

>>> datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone("Europe/London")).tzname()
>>> datetime.datetime.now(pytz.UTC).tzname()

I think the right rule to use conceptually is "if `use_utc_designator` is true 
and the timezone name is 'UTC' then use Z". We could also check the offset, but 
I'm not convinced we need to.

nosy: +godlygeek

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[issue35829] datetime: parse "Z" timezone suffix in fromisoformat()

2022-01-26 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

I agree with Brett. Adding `allow_z` (or perhaps `compact` or 
`use_utc_designator` if we're bikeshedding) as an optional keyword only 
argument to `.isoformat()` would allow us to keep the explanation that what 
`.fromisoformat()` can parse is exactly what `.isoformat()` can produce, while 
giving a feature to `.fromisoformat()` that many have asked for and that would 
have minimal overhead in terms of code complexity or runtime performance.

Would you accept a PR that implements that, Paul?

nosy: +godlygeek

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[issue45982] Bug in Error messages

2021-12-04 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

> Syntactically, this could be many possible errors: missing comma, missing 
> period, missing parens, missing brackets, etc.

Syntactically, it cannot be a missing comma. Adding the comma is a syntax error.

$ python3 -c 'if datetime.now(),strftime(...) != "19:50:00": pass'
  File "", line 1
if datetime.now(),strftime(...) != "19:50:00": pass
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Granted this is a heuristic, but it would be nice if it was able to not suggest 
a change that it would reject as syntactically incorrect.

nosy: +godlygeek

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[issue45675] pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to parent packages when importing

2021-11-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

I wondered if it would be backwards compatible to make `pkgutil.get_data()` 
delegate to `importlib.resources.read_binary()`. It isn't, because 
`pkgutil.get_data()` accepts a relative path for the resource, and 
`importlib.resources.read_binary()` accepts only a filename. That is, you can 

pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "subdir/some_file")

but not:

importlib.resources.read_binary(__name__, "subdir/some_file")

The latter fails with:

  File "/opt/bb/lib/python3.10/importlib/_common.py", line 34, in 
raise ValueError(f'{path!r} must be only a file name')


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[issue45675] pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to parent packages when importing

2021-10-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

The original case where I encountered this was with a namespace package, but 
the behavior appears to be the same for a subpackage of a regular package.

title: pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to namespaces when importing 
-> pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to parent packages when importing

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[issue45675] pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to namespaces when importing

2021-10-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

New submission from Matt Wozniski :

If a module hasn't yet been imported, `pkgutil.get_data(pkg_name, data_file)` 
will import it, but when it does, it doesn't add the submodule to its parent 
package when the parent package is a PEP 420 implicit namespace package.

$ mkdir -p namespace/package
$ touch namespace/package/__init__.py
$ echo data >namespace/package/data_file
$ python3.10 -c 'import namespace.package, pkgutil; 
print(pkgutil.get_data("namespace.package", "data_file")); import namespace; 

$ python3.10 -c 'import pkgutil; print(pkgutil.get_data("namespace.package", 
"data_file")); import namespace.package; import namespace; 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
AttributeError: module 'namespace' has no attribute 'package'

In this reproducer, we've got an implicit namespace package called "namespace" 
and a regular package inside it called "namespace.package". The regular package 
has a data file called "data_file".

If we import the regular package and then call pkgutil.get_data() to access the 
data file, it successfully retrieves the data file, and the module object for 
the namespace package winds up with an attribute referencing the module object 
for the regular package.

If we call pkgutil.get_data() to access the data file before importing the 
regular package, it successfully retrieves the data file, but the module object 
for the namespace package doesn't have an attribute referencing the module 
object for the regular package, even if we later do a normal import for the 
regular package.

It looks like pkgutil is importing the module when it hasn't already been 
imported (which I would expect) and adding it and any parent packages to 
sys.modules (which I would also expect), but then not adding submodules as 
attributes to their parent modules like `import` would (which seems like a bug).

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 405331
nosy: godlygeek, pablogsal
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pkgutil.get_data() doesn't add subpackages to namespaces when importing
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue45325] Allow "p" in Py_BuildValue

2021-09-30 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

> "!value" or "!!value" also has the issue if I understood correctly.

No, just as "value != 0" is an int, so is "!value".


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45325] Allow "p" in Py_BuildValue

2021-09-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

The leftmost argument of the ternary is an int for every example that Victor 
and I found in the stdlib, so no casting would be required in any of these 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45325] Allow "p" in Py_BuildValue

2021-09-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

I spotted three other uses in the stdlib:


raw = PyObject_CallFunction(RawIO_class, "OsOO",
path_or_fd, rawmode,
closefd ? Py_True : Py_False,

wrapper = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)_Type,
encoding, errors, newline,
line_buffering ? Py_True : Py_False);


if (PySys_Audit("sqlite3.enable_load_extension",
"OO", self, onoff ? Py_True : Py_False) < 0) {
return NULL;


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue45325] Allow "p" in Py_BuildValue

2021-09-29 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

> but there is a catch -- the arguments should be a C int

Or a type that promotes to int. If you pass a C short or char, or a C++ bool, 
it is implicitly promoted to int.

> so you will need to write "expr ? 1 : 0"

Or alternatively "!!expr"

> which is not much better than "expr ? Py_True : Py_False"

I had to write that recently after reading through the Py_BuildValue docs twice 
to make sure I wasn't missing a format code I could use. It's a strange 
omission, especially because 'p' exists for PyArg_Parse. I'd very much like to 
see this change.

nosy: +godlygeek

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[issue17140] Document multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool

2020-12-16 Thread Matt Wozniski

Change by Matt Wozniski :

keywords: +patch
nosy: +godlygeek
nosy_count: 7.0 -> 8.0
pull_requests: +22673
stage: needs patch -> patch review
pull_request: https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/23812

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38894] Path.glob() sometimes misses files that match

2020-03-06 Thread Matt Wozniski

Matt Wozniski  added the comment:

A simple test case for this issue:

~>mkdir tmp
~>cd tmp
tmp>touch 1.txt
tmp>ln -s subdir/file 2.txt
tmp>touch 3.txt
tmp>ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mwoznisk general  0 Mar  6 14:52 1.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mwoznisk general 11 Mar  6 14:52 2.txt -> subdir/file
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mwoznisk general  0 Mar  6 14:52 3.txt
tmp>python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))"
[PosixPath('1.txt'), PosixPath('2.txt'), PosixPath('3.txt')]
tmp>mkdir subdir
tmp>python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))"
[PosixPath('1.txt'), PosixPath('2.txt'), PosixPath('3.txt'), 

So far so good, but if the subdirectory isn't readable, things fall apart:

tmp>chmod 000 subdir
tmp>python3.8 -c "import pathlib; print(list(pathlib.Path('.').glob('*')))"

Looks like this is caused by entry.is_dir() in pathlib._WildcardSelector 
raising a PermissionError when trying to check if a symlink pointing into an 
unreadable directory is or isn't a directory.  EACCESS isn't in IGNORED_ERROS 
(sic) and so the loop over directory entries is broken out of, and the "except 
PermissionError:" block in _select_from swallows the exception so that the 
failure is silent.

nosy: +Matt Wozniski
versions: +Python 3.8 -Python 3.7

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