[ANNOUNCE] PySide 1.0.7 - Beatriz: Python for Qt released!

2011-09-22 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
The PySide team is proud to announce the new release version 1.0.7
of PySide project.

Major changes

. Memory consumption optimization;
. Bug Fixes;

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
Bugzilla [2] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [3]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

996 Missing dependencies for QtWebKit in buildscripts for Fedora
986 Documentation links
985 Provide versioned pyside-docs zip file to help packagers
981 QSettings docs should empathize the behavior changes of value() on
different platforms
902 Expose Shiboken functionality through a Python module
997 QDeclarativePropertyMap doesn't work.
994 QIODevice.readData must use qmemcpy instead of qstrncpy
989 Pickling QColor fails
987 Disconnecting a signal that has not been connected
973 shouldInterruptJavaScript slot override is never called
966 QX11Info.display() missing
959 can't pass QVariant to the QtWebkit bridge
1006 Segfault in QLabel init
1002 Segmentation fault on PySide/Spyder exit
998 Segfault with Spyder after switching to another app
995 QDeclarativeView.itemAt returns faulty reference. (leading to SEGFAULT)
990 Segfault when trying to disconnect a signal that is not connected
975 Possible memory leak
991 The __repr__ of various types is broken
988 The type supplied with  currentChanged signal in QTabWidget has
changed in 1.0.6


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[4]


[1] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[2] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[3] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[4] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANNOUNCE] PySide - Minor Release

2011-08-26 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
Hi All,

Due some problems with PySide + Qt 4.6 compilation we are releasing this minor
update, which contains the fix for this problem.

Since this version only contains the fix for Qt. 4.6 bug, the update is not
required for those who are using Qt. 4.7.

You can get the latest PySide version from the download page[1].


Thanks All,
PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANNOUNCE] PySide 1.0.6 - Isolino: Python for Qt released!

2011-08-23 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
The PySide team is proud to announce the monthly release version 1.0.6
of PySide project.

Major changes

. New documentation layout;
. Fixed some regressions from the last release (1.0.5);
. Optimizations during anonymous connection;

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [2], an open
Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [4]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

972 anchorlayout.py of  graphicsview example  raised a unwriteable
memory exception when exits
953 Segfault when QObject is garbage collected after QTimer.singeShot
951 ComponentComplete not called on QDeclarativeItem subclass
965 Segfault in QtUiTools.QUiLoader.load
958 Segmentation fault with resource files
944 Segfault on QIcon(None).pixmap()
941 Signals with QtCore.Qt types as arguments has invalid signatures
964 QAbstractItemView.moveCursor() method is missing
963 What's This not displaying QTableWidget column header information
as in Qt Designer
961 QColor.__repr__/__str__ should be more pythonic
960 QColor.__reduce__ is incorrect for HSL colors
950 implement Q_INVOKABLE
940 setAttributeArray/setUniformValueArray do not take arrays
931 isinstance() fails with Signal instances
928 100's of QGraphicItems with signal connections causes slowdown
930 Documentation mixes signals and functions.
923 Make QScriptValue (or QScriptValueIterator) implement the Python
iterator protocol
922 QScriptValue's repr() should give some information about its data
900 QtCore.Property as decorator
895 jQuery version is outdated, distribution code de-duplication
breaks documentation search
731 Can't specify more than a single 'since' argument
983 copy.deepcopy raises SystemError with QColor
947 NETWORK_ERR during interaction QtWebKit window with server
873 Deprecated methods could emit DeprecationWarning
831 PySide docs would have a Inherited by list for each class


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[2]


[1] http://lists.pyside.org/pipermail/pyside/2011-July/002648.html
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[5] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANNOUNCE] PySide 1.0.5 - And no name was given that day: Python for Qt released!

2011-07-23 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
PySide 1.0.5 - And no name was given that day: Python for Qt released!

The PySide team is proud to announce the monthly release version 1.0.5
of PySide project.

Major changes

. Widgets present on ui files are exported in the root widget, check
PySide ML thread for more information[1];
. pyside-uic generate menubars without parent on MacOS plataform;
. Signal connection optimizations;

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [2], an open
Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [4]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

892 Segfault when destructing QWidget and QApplication has event
filter installed
407 Crash while multiple inheriting with QObject and native python class
939 Shiboken::importModule must verify if PyImport_ImportModule succeeds
937 missing pid method in QProcess
927 Segfault on QThread code.
925 Segfault when passing a QScriptValue as QObject or when using
.toVariant() on a QScriptValue
905 QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setMargin function call is created by
pyside-uic, but this is not available in the pyside bindings
904 Repeatedly opening a QDialog with Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose set crashes PySide
899 Segfault with 'QVariantList' Property.
893 Shiboken leak reference in the parent control
878 Shiboken may generate incompatible modules if a new class is added.
938 QTemporaryFile JPEG problem
934 A __getitem__ of QByteArray behaves strange
929 pkg-config files do not know about Python version tags
926 qmlRegisterType does not work with QObject
924 Allow QScriptValue to be accessed via []
921 Signals not automatically disconnected on object destruction
920 Cannot use same slot for two signals
919 Default arguments on QStyle methods not working
915 QDeclarativeView.scene().addItem(x) make the x object invalid
913 Widgets inside QTabWidget are not exported as members of the
containing widget
910 installEventFilter() increments reference count on target object
907 pyside-uic adds MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) to the
generated code under OS X
903 eventFilter in ItemDelegate
897 QObject.property() and QObject.setProperty() methods fails for
user-defined properties
896 QObject.staticMetaObject() is missing
916 Missing info about when is possible to use keyword arguments in
docs [was: QListWidgetItem's constructor ignores text parameter]
890 Add signal connection example for valueChanged(int) on QSpinBox to the 
821 Mapping interface for QPixmapCache
909 Deletion of QMainWindow/QApplication leads to segmentation fault


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[2]


[1] http://lists.pyside.org/pipermail/pyside/2011-July/002648.html
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[5] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PySide 1.0.4 - The winter is coming: Python for Qt released!

2011-06-23 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
PySide 1.0.4 - The winter is coming: Python for Qt released!

The PySide team is proud to announce our monthly release of PySide project.

Major changes

PySide now is 100% compatible with squish[1]

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [2], an open
Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [4]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

882 Can't use QApplication without X
881 pyside-lupdate generates incorrect context when a class contains
another class
879 QDoubleSpinBox: Can't call the parent validate() method from a subclass
877 Fatal Python error on application quit
875 Missing underscore.js in uploaded files
874 QApplication.winEventFilter(msg)  not implemented but in docs
872 Squish GUI Tests work with QT  PyQt but not Pyside.
871 Shiboken should prevent custom code on virtual methods to cause
infinite recursion.
870 QStylePainter.drawControl doesn't draw anything
869 QDateTimeEdit initial time problem
868 Returning color value from styleHint() hangs application
865 Apparent reference counting problem with event filters
863 QAbstractFileEngine::beginEntryList isn't exported to Python
862 Problems when printing objects
860 Problems with slot overloads
858 pyside-rcc produces bigger files than pyrcc4
853 MeeGo packages don't contain PySide.QtOpenGL module
827 Anchor sign for headers to copy links for sections
631 QSocketNotifier: Accept file-like object (with .fileno() method)
in constructor
501 Shiboken generator doesn't use full qualified name (with ::
prefix) on all places.
464 Can't create target lang package and namespace with the same name
424 QDockWidget.setTitleBarWidget does not accept 0
292 Rich comparison overload order issues


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[2]


[1] http://www.froglogic.com/
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[5] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANNOUNCE] PySide 1.0.3 - comigo: Python for Qt released!

2011-05-27 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
PySide 1.0.3 - comigo: Python for Qt released!

The PySide team is proud to announce another minor release of PySide project.

Major changes

* PySide official supported on MeeGo 1.2 DE (continuous update);
* Several bug fixes (list below);
* New Class 'ClassInfo': used to replace Q_CLASSINFO macro;
* Now the number of signals and slots are limitless;
* Support for Qt 4.5 is back;
* Bugzilla theme fix (Lovely bug is back);

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
Bugzilla [2] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [3]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

798 Doc generator could show since attribute.
844 Crash in QGraphicsItem::toGraphicsObject when printing obj reference
857 64bit Windows build broken
840 Shiboken prints Can't find type resolver for 9QMacStyle
826 Segmentation fault when geting custom event type
829 Segfault in Shiboken::ConverterQVariant::toCpp(_object*) when
converting dict with non-string keys to QVariant
834 Segfault on childEvent
835 pyside breaks descriptor protocol
839 QTest::touchEvent causes Python crash.
841 QStandardItem::clone and QStandardItemModel::setItemPrototype
854 implementing __getitem__ in QAbstractItemModel leads to endless loop.
786 There's no __eq__ for all classes inherited from
ObjectDescriptionT due to an Apiextractor bug.
797 error on ui file load
813 Can not override connect method when subclassing QObject
825 Can't register a class using that uses metaclasses in QML using
849 Support for Qt4.5
634 It is not possible mock any Qt functions with PySide. Always
raises TypeError...
716 QPersistentModelIndex isn't convertible to QModelIndex
847 Slots on QDeclarativeView subclass can't be called from QML/JavaScript
381 apiextractor segfaults when building on MeeGo (Gcc-4.5.0-3.8)
606 add function to convert QPoint/QPointF/QSize/... to (and from) tuple
615 QTransform.quadToQuad should have a 2-argument version
654 __repr__ of enums should be more Pythonic
722 float vs. qreal conflict in new-style-signals
785 QItemSelection operators inherited from QListQItemSelectionRange 
809 QtCore.QSysInfo empty
820 Slots cannot receive signal when another decorator is present
828 Multiple QDirModel/QFileSystemModel bugs
417 Support nested naming of flags
686 Request to make Q[Mutex|Read|Write]Locker context managers
803 QWebElementCollection.operator[] is not implemented
807 Bugzilla theme doesn't link back to website
851 Shiboken recognizes dereference operator overload as times
operator overload.
312 Limit of 50 on dynamic slots
505 CppObject was destroyed before __del__ be called
629 Certain types of QObject properties cannot be accessed from QML
without being wrapped in a QVariant
680 QDateTimeEdit.setDate() doesn't accept Python datetime instances
705 PySide should provide an equivalent to Q_CLASSINFO macro.
725 Is not possible to set custom curve function in QEasingCurve
808 Bugzilla theme is different from the original web site
810 QtOpenGL Ubuntu package for ARM
830 QAbstractItemModel is not linked from QTreeView page
806 Lovely bug is missing


All tarball files are available on PySide Download page[4].


[1] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[2] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[3] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html
[4] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads

PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PySide 1.0.2 - 80710a06: Python for Qt released!

2011-04-30 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
PySide 1.0.2 - 80710a06: Python for Qt released!

The PySide team is proud to announce another minor release of PySide project.

Major changes

This release essentially includes a lot of bug fixes (most of then missing

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [4]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

781 Method QPainter::drawPoints(const QPoint*, int) missing
782 Method QPainter::drawPolygon(const QPointF*, int, Qt::FillRule) 
783 Method QPainter::drawPolyline(const QPoint*, int) missing
784 Method QPainter::drawRects(const QRect*, int) missing
823 Shiboken doesn't support function call overloads
741 Method qreal QTextLine::cursorToX(int *cursorPos, Edge edge =
Leading) const missing
742 Method void QPrinter::getPageMargins(qreal*, qreal*, qreal*,
qreal*, Unit) const missing
753 Methods void QTextDocument::undo(QTextCursor*) missing
754 Methods void QTextDocument::redo(QTextCursor*) missing
755 Methods void QInputContext::setFocusWidget(QWidget*) missing
757 Constructor QPixmap(const char* const[] xpm) missing
688 The __iadd__ and __isub__ method is missing in QTextFrame.iterator
720 QByteArray prints itself wrong, on tp_print and tp_repr
722 float vs. qreal conflict in new-style-signals
739 Method QTransform::map(qreal x, qreal y, qreal* tx, qreal*
ty) const missing
740 Method QBitmap::fromData(QSize,const uchar*,QImage::Format) 
743 The removed method QMatrix4x4::operator()(int, int) should
be replaced by an implementation of the sequence protocol
744 Method void QGraphicsLayout::getContentsMargins(qreal*,
qreal*, qreal*, qreal*) const missing
745 Method void QGraphicsLayoutItem::getContentsMargins(qreal*,
qreal*, qreal*, qreal*) const missing
746 Method 
747 Method 
748 Method 
750 Method QFontInfo QPainter::fontInfo() const missing
751 Method void QSplashScreen::repaint() missing
752 Method void QSplitter::getRange(int index, int* min, int*
max) const missing
756 Method void QWidget::getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)
const missing
758 Method void
QTextCursor::selectedTableCells(int*,int*,int*,int*)const missing
759 Method virtual void QPicture::setData(const char* data, uint
size) missing
764 Method void QLayout::getContentsMargins(int*,int*,int*,int*)
const missing
773 Method QWebFrame.metaData is missing
774 Operator QKeySequence::operator[](uint)const missing
775 Operator QKeySequence::operator QVariant() const missing
778 Iterator protocol methods missing for QTreeWidgetItemIterator
787 ObjectDescription.fromIndex(int) is missing.
788 QIPv6Address.__getitem__ is missing.
819 QFileDialog.getSaveFileName does not accept a 'selectedFilter' 
843 Provide constants for Qt and PySide version (documentation)


[1] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[2] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html

PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PySide: Python for Qt 1.0 released!

2011-03-04 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
Hi all,

For those of you interested in writing Qt and QML software on Python:

The PySide project has released PySide: Python for Qt version 1.0.0
after a long stabilization period. In addition to the source code
release, project community packagers have already released binary
packages for all major Linux distributions, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
X, and Nokia’s Maemo 5 platform. With this release, the team regards
PySide to be production quality and they will restart feature
development in parallel to the continued bugfixing effort.

PySide is a Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
bindings to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework (including Qt
Quick/QML) but also Qt Mobility, as well as to generator tools for
rapidly generating new bindings for any C++ libraries. Due to the
LGPL-licensing of the bindings, PySide can be used both for
Free/Open-source and commercial software development.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities one
would expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git
repository, an open Bugzilla for reporting bugs, and an open design
process. PySide welcomes any contribution without requiring a transfer
of copyright.

See the PySide website for download links and more information:


PySide Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python for Qt version 1.0.0~beta5 color blind released

2011-02-02 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
The PySide team is happy to announce the fifth beta release of PySide:
Python for Qt. New versions of the PySide toolchain components
have been released as well.

This is a source code release only; we hope our community packagers will
be providing provide binary packages shortly. To acquire the source code
packages, refer to our download wiki page [1] or pull the relevant
tagged versions from our git repositories [2].

Major changes since 1.0.0~beta4

This is a bugfix release. Since beta4, a total of 23 bugs have been
fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.

Path towards 1.0 release

The list of bugs in our Bugzilla [3] having P3 or higher priority is
getting short enough that we are beginning to feel confident for to do
the 1.0 release soon. The next release, in two weeks, will be our first
release candidate (rc1): it will incorporate all or most of the
currently open P2/P3 bugs, but after that, only clear regressions
(features which have worked in previous PySide versions but not in rc1)
will be fixed before 1.0. Then, the 1.0 release will happen two weeks
from rc1.

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility,
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any
Qt-based libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd
expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository
[2], an open Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design
process [4]. We welcome any contribution without requiring a transfer of

List of bugs fixed

640 Crash in example elasticnodes.py
627 Compile error in generatorrunner - missing abstractmetalang.h, etc
632 QLineEdit.getTextMargins() segmentation fault
647 QGLWidget.bindTexture(QPixmap) causes program crash
650 Missing bindings for QNetworkProxyFactory
651 Calling disconnect() with no arguments causes segfault
562 pyside-uic does not generate some layers properties
565 QImage missing *data constructors
590 Error QFileDialog.getSaveFileName with DontConfirmOverwrite option
593 __repr__ should be more Pythonic
605 Using metaclasses with the PySide classes doesn't work
612 QColor.__reduce__ is not accurate
613 QSvgRenderer chooses QByteArray overload when given a file path
616 error compiling when public and private methods differ by the const-ness
617 conversion from C++ enum to PySide does not set repr() properly
618 QAbstractItemModel.createIndex only creates a weak reference to ptr
633 bool of null QDate (possibly other empty QString/null QObj types?)
returns True for empty instance; probably should be False
641 some errors in diagramscene.py
655 bad re-implementations of QApplication.notify result in a SystemError
656 cannot inherit from QCoreApplication
659 removeParent() performs very poorly when a parent has 1 items
566 'PySide.QtGui.QImage' object has no attribute 'scanLine'
636 Unable to navigate back to the main site from the generated 


[1] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python for Qt version 1.0.0~beta4 I have altered the deal released

2011-01-21 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
The PySide team is happy to announce the fourth beta release of PySide:
Python for Qt. New versions of some of the PySide toolchain components
apiextractor, generatorrunner, shiboken, libpyside, pyside-tools have been
released as well.

Like the others, this is a source code release only; we hope our community
packagers will be providing provide binary packages shortly. To acquire the
source code packages, refer to our download wiki page [1] or pull the relevant
tagged versions from our git repositories [2].

Major changes since 1.0.0~beta3

This is a bug fix release. Since beta3, a total of 47 high-priority
bugs have been fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.

Path towards 1.0 release

There are still some outstanding bugs in our Bugzilla [3]. To have these
fixed, we plan to do other beta in two weeks. The beta cycle will continue
until we have all P2 bugs fixed.

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility,
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any
Qt-based libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd
expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository
[2], an open Bugzilla [5] for reporting bugs, and an open design
process [4]. We welcome any contribution without requiring a transfer of

List of bugs fixed

624 button click emit doesn't work
484 Error compiling QtContacts 1.1 (problems with const QListQVariant)
498 powerStateChanged-SIGNAL not emitted!
509 Can't use Shiboken when both Debug and Released are installed.
528 Connecting to SIGNAL positionUpdated fails
552 Segmentation fault when using QUiLoader and QTabWidget
553 A warning against using QUILoader is needed in the documentation
560 Lack of QtCore.Signal documentation
582 Python slots don't get called when they have a custom decorator
589 Crash related to QGraphicsProxyWidget and QVariant
592 shiboken.dll produces a segmentation fault when reloading a PySide 
608 Photoviewer example missing license boilerplates and shebang lines
609 Python site-packages path cannot be customized
610 QWidgetItemV2 not exposed to Python
626 Problem building PySide on OS X (qabstractfileengine_wrapper.cpp:
No such file or directory)
406 Unable to send instant messages using QMessageService
458 Doesn't build with QtMobility 1.1.0~beta2
487 Support QContactDetailFieldDefinition.setAllowableTypes
497 Miising __lt__ operators in QtMobility::QGeoMapObject
499 QFeedbackHapticsInterface and QFeedbackFileInterface are broken
511 QPainter doesn't respect Qt.NoPen
522 example/threads/mandelbrot.py crashes on exit
523 QWidget.winId() returns PyCObject (expected unsigned long)
530 Importing division from future breaks QPoint division
531 sessionProperty ConnectInBackground does not work
539 MCC and MNC interchanged
541 QTableWidget.itemAt(row, col) always returns item at 0, 0.
550 Can't call PySide slot from QtScript when the args are a list of 
556 QGraphicsScene.addItem performs very poorly when the scene has 1 
562 pyside-uic does not generate some layers properties
568 List insertion time grows with list size
574 In docs of QUuid there's documentation for a function called
operator QString
575 Strange behaviour of QTextEdit.ExtraSelection().cursor
584 python pickle module can't treat QByteArray object of PySide
591 QtCore.QRect has no attribute getRect() in Windows binary
611 enum values lack a tp_print implementation
614 FAil to register 2 objects in the same address
619 never automatically delete a QWidget that has no parent widget and
is visible
620 QAbstractItemModel.createIndex(int,int,PyObject*) does not
increment refcount
621 QGLWidget.bindTexture(QString) does not bind the texture correctly
622 PPA pyside is broken on Ubuntu 10.10
623 QGLWidget.bindTexture(QPixmap, GLenum, GLenum) is missing
625 QFileDialog return a tuple instead of a unicode
628 pyside-uic can't effect headerVisible attribute for QTreeView
and QTreeWidget
232 [FTBFS] Fails to build on hurd-i386 (Test lock hangs for more
than 191 minutes)
255 Test qtscripttools_debugger segfaults on ia64
298 Contact subtype not correctly set


[1] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html

PySide team.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python for Qt version 1.0.0~beta3 salmiak released

2011-01-07 Thread Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
The PySide team is happy to announce the third beta release of PySide:
Python for Qt. New versions of some of the PySide toolchain components
apiextractor, shiboken, libpyside have been released as well.

This is a source code release only; we hope our community packagers will
be providing provide binary packages shortly. To acquire the source code
packages, refer to our download wiki page [1] or pull the relevant
tagged versions from our git repositories [2].

Major changes since 1.0.0~beta2

This is a bugfix release. Since beta2, a total of 35 high-priority
bugs have been fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.

Path towards 1.0 release

There are still some outstanding bugs in our Bugzilla [3]. To have these
fixed, we plan to do a new beta in two weeks. After that we will
check the possibility of a release candidate or other beta before 1.0.

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility,
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any
Qt-based libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd
expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository
[2], an open Bugzilla [5] for reporting bugs, and an open design
process [4]. We welcome any contribution without requiring a transfer of

List of bugs fixed

379 QGLWidget.bindTexture is missing
404 Tests fail both in pyside-qt.46+0.4.0 and pyside-qt.46+0.4.1
460 pyside-uic can't deal with QWizard
473 pyside tools lack manpages
474 Enums in non-generated namespaces aren't generated either.
481 mimeData() missing from QListWidget, QTreeWidget, QTableWidget
493 __eq__ and friends not implemented for QKeyEvent == QKeySequence
495 Broken rich compare operators if they use an object-type as parameter
502 Delegate generated editor widget is killed on C++ before its time
503 There's no bindings for QSslCertificate
506 Segmentation fault
514 Static method QByteArray.fromRawData is missing from QtCore
515 Global qAddPostRoutine function missing on QtCore
544 QtCore.QRect missing binding for method getCoords
546 Python crash on exit
547 QTreeWidget segmentation fault
549 [patch] QGraphicsWidget::getContentsMargins() and
QGraphicsWidget::getWindowFrameMargins() not available
554 Inner classes don't work and give us a segfault
557 Segmentation fault in QDeclarativeComponent.loadUrl()
558 print attribute of a QWebFrame cannot be accessed normally (syntax 
561 pyside-uic generates invalid code when tab name is not translatable
563 Unhandled signal emitting with invalid signature (which leads to
application crash)
567 Compilation error - PySide
569 QTableWidgetItem is missing binding of __lt__ to operator
570 Link to old wiki
572 Giving unicode value as 'body' argument to WebView's load method
crashes python
573 Problème avec fonction print() de QPrintPreviewWidget
576 QWidget.setParent( None ) producing orphaned Widgets which won't die
577 Reference to QString in docs
578 QtNetwork_basic_auth_test (Timeout)
580 lock (Timeout)
581 phonon_basic_playing_test (Timeout)
583 add a new QDatetime init function with 6 argument
585 QTreeWidgetItem disappear
587 Test: protected (Failed)


[1] http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/PySideDownloads
[2] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside
[3] http://bugs.openbossa.org/
[4] http://www.pyside.org/docs/pseps/psep-0001.html

PySide team.

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