Python Memory Leak Detector

2006-10-19 Thread Stephen Kellett
Announcing Software Tools for Python

We are pleased to inform you that we have completed the port and beta 
test of our Memory Analysis software tool to support Python. The 
software tools run on the Windows NT/2000/XP (and above) platforms.

Python Memory Validator (a memory leak detection tool)

The website provides 30 day evaluation versions of the software as well 
as full product versions of the software. The evaluation versions are 
fully functional with only the 30 day limit on usage.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-10 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
No.  In that case Python makes it more readily apparent that your code is
too complex.

If only life and software engineering was that simple. Not every problem 
can be reduced to one screenful of code, not in the real world anyway.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-10 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gerhard Fiedler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I mean the code should be written so that as few as possible comments are
necessary to understand it. I don't mean that additional comments are a bad

Agreed. Concise code is always good.

Just found this on c.l.ruby. Seems kind of relevant.

My apologies if someone has posted this already -- I just received it:

The Semicolon Wars

Every programmer knows there is one true programming language.
A new  one every week
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-10 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Carl
Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
Stephen Kellett wrote:
I don't really understand how a closing brace helps here.  Care to
explain why it helps you?

(Deeply nested long functions are evil anyways.  If you have such a

I didn't write deeply nested. I wrote multiple levels of indentation.
They are not the same thing (they can be, but they don't have to be). A
lot of code gets to 3 or 4 levels of indentation quite easily. I
wouldn't call that deeply nested, not by a long shot.

To answer your first question: In C++/Ruby/Pascal you'd have something
like this






and in Python that gets to






I really dislike that the end of loop2  is implicit rather than
explicit. If its implicit you have to look for it. And if blah3 didn't
exist then both loop2 and loop3 would be ending implicitly. This problem
gets worse with longer functions and more indentation.  I'm sure some
people are thinking the above is elegant. To me, its clumsy, and here is

Now, the above Python version looks nice, I grant you, but that is
because it is short. I'm talking about long functions which take up some
space. When you come to add loop4, which for arguments sake is after
loop2 but before otherloop() and at the same indentation as loop2, thats
trivial in C/Ruby/etc but in Python I've got to scroll up the screen
find loop2, remembers its indentation go back down and carefully insert
it hoping I've got it right. I don't have do that with C/Ruby etc
because loop2() ends with a brace/end statement so I know its
indentation/end point without having to go and find the start of it
(which is off the screen).

Yes the above example is contrived - so that I could demonstrate what I
wanted to demonstrate. But I've run into these problems with Python code
I've written and when reading code written by others. Its a real
problem, not just one I've cooked up for an argument.

As part of my day job I get to look at a lot of code written by other
people, mainly people I've never met and often people I've never even
traded email with. Strangely, if people have traded email with me, code
that arrives is usually well formatted :-) The amount of code written in
horrible styles is amazing, but if you can't spot the start/end of
loops/conditionals easily and quickly without having to actually read
the code then scanning for the actual code of interest becomes a lot
harder. C/C++ have quite a number of horrible styles (K/R being one)
which can be fixed with a code formatter, but that implicit loop ending
thing with Python I demo above - thats a language feature and nothing I
can do will make that go away.

I'm always thinking maintenance and readability, some time after the
fact. I know that I'll have a reason to come back some time later. Maybe
for a bug fix, a feature improvement or just to lift some code. That is
why stuff like this is important to me. It needs to be as fast,
efficient and error free as possible. And the above doesn't do if for

Now I'm sure some of you will think I'm mad or whatever, but things like
this are important (to me, at least). I don't want to waste my time with
issues like the above. If I'm wasting my time on stuff like this it
can't be that readable can it? If you think the above isn't an issue
we'll just have to agree to disagree.

There some are people on the c.l.ruby newsgroup that love Ruby because
they don't have to type semicolons anymore. Not that its going to change
the world, but its important for them. I think that is one of the least
important things you can think of about Ruby, but there you go.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-10 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gerhard Fiedler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

 The Semicolon Wars

Good reading :) Thanks.

Found something else relevant to this thread. The Pliant language. 
Appears to use whitespace indentation for grouping.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-09 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
of the driving principles behind Python is that, because code will be
read more often than written, readability is more important.

In which case, for long functions with multiple levels of indentation 
Python fails compared to languages that use braces or END or end; etc.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-09 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gerhard Fiedler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
But there is well-written code that is as much as reasonably possible
self-documenting, meaning easy to read and understand, with a clear
structure, helpful names, appropriate types (where applicable) etc etc.

But that code is documenting what is does, not what it should do.
That is the fallacy of self-documenting. It is simply a bogus concept. 
If you have the two together then if they match, most likely the program 
is written correctly. If you have only the one you can't make the 

I don't think you should have a line of comment per line of code. I once 
worked in a place where they insisted on 1 comment per 5 lines of code. 
I was the #1 troublemaker there after they created that rule - I hated 
it. It resulted in a lot of bogus comments that added nothing. Its what 
you write and where. The problem with the self-documenting crowd is they 
don't write anything so you can't follow their assumptions in the 

It should be as sparse as you can get but enough so that each 
block/chunk of code can be validated by comparing it with the comment 
that describes what you are doing.

My first code was basic on a VIC-20, then assembly on a variety of 
different 6502/6510 based machines (C64, C16, Atari...). I didn't bother 
much with comments back then. I was writing games and once they are done 
you never revisit them so you didn't care too much as long as you got 
the job done. I thought it was reasonably obvious what each function did 
etc. Ding! I went back some years later and looked at some of my own 
code. I had little idea what a lot of it did. I started commenting my 
code after that. So when it came time to port a game written for the 
6510/6516/6502 to the 68000 (Atari ST) and IBM PC-AT (80286) the 
comments came in handy. Sadly the game never saw the light of day for 
legal reasons outside of my control. The game was a copy of the 
wonderful arcade game Dingo written by Ashbury Computers and Graphics 
(the team that later became Ultimate Play the Game who wrote for the 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum very successfully in the 1980s). A bit of history 
for you :-)

Since someone mentioned assemblers and significant whitespace and I'm 
rambling about assembly: I don't every remember whitespace being 
significant for any of the assemblers I used (650x, 630x, 680x, 8085, 
80286, 68000). There was a convention though - you indented to column 8 
to write the mnemonics and used the first 6 or 7 chars for labels for 
branch/jmp instructions.

Come on, if you have been in the business for 23 years you know what I

If you mean, should code be well written, thought about, well formatted, 
sensible class/variable names, redesigned if you find a better way, sure 
no problem with that.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-08 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Gerhard Fiedler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
conclusion for me: they must not like self-documenting code... :)

Oh dear. So if the code is wrong it is self documenting?

Comments document what the code should do.
The code shows what the code actually does.

Also from a maintenance perspective reading comments is a lot faster 
than reading the code. For a whitespace significant language this can be 
very helpful when the formatting gets mangled for some reason.

There is no such thing as self-documenting code.

People that say they don't need to document their code because its self 
documenting - no hire. I've been writing and selling software for 23 
years now and I still keep hearing this bull about self documenting 
code. Sigh.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Memory leak in Python

2006-05-12 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
The next step is to find out what type of objects contributes to the
growth most of all,

Shame you aren't on Windows, as Python Memory Validator does all of 

after that print several object of that type that
didn't exist on iteration N-1 but exist on iteration N

And this, but for garbage collection generations.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Memory visualization

2006-03-15 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tim
Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 I'd like to know if for Python there is a similar program to
 dynamically see the memory in a similar way.
 If such tool doesn't exist yet, I'd like to know if it may be diffifult
 to create it.

One already exists: Python Memory Validator.

Software Verification provide software tools for Python on the Windows
platform. Software Verification have two commercial products for
coverage and performance profiling and three beta products for flow
tracing, memory analysis and thread deadlock monitoring.

Software Verification run with Python 2.2 upwards - no need to modify
the python source or binary.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Some thoughts on garbage collection

2006-01-24 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Frank 
Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 You could then also categorize this by type, e.g.

If you want a nice GUI and no requirement to modify your code Python 
Memory Validator could be useful.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Possible memory leak?

2006-01-24 Thread Stephen Kellett
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
But the real killer is this one line:


Bad, bad BAD idea. Every time you add two strings together, Python has to
copy BOTH strings. As row gets huge, this takes longer and longer to do.

A rule of thumb I use is, never add more than two strings together. Maybe
three. Certainly not more than four. Or five.

But absolutely not millions of strings, which is what you are doing.

You would be able to visualize this process very well using Python
Memory Validator and Python Performance Validator.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Memory Profiler

2006-01-11 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave 
Is there any memory profiler for Python programs? I

Python Memory Validator

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: memory usage of a specific function

2006-01-05 Thread Stephen Kellett
Sverker Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 Python Memory Validator.

 Run your program to completion.
 Switch to the hotspots tab.
 Search for your function.
 All memory used in that function will be shown in the tree (with the
 effective callstack) underneath that function node in the tree.

I can't try it out easily since it doesn't seem to support Linux.

Correct. Windows NT and above only at this time.

looking at the home page I couldn't find any description of what it
was actually doing. The info links didn't work, they showed blank
pages with my browser (Netscape 3.01.)

IE 6, Opera and Firefox. No idea with NS 3.0

Maybe this more direct link helps.

So if you would like to explain here, it would be helpful.
Especially, it isn't clear to me what this means (requoting):

 All memory used in that function

Exactly that. In a GC language (Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript) each
object needs to memory to exist. PMV tracks the creation/destruction of
objects (and in the case of Python, the other special non-object
datatypes such as integers that have their own pool).

Consider the following psuedo code

Func 1
allocates A
calls Func 2
calls Func 3
calls Func 4

Func 2
allocates B
allocates C

Func 3
allocates B
calls Func 5
allocates C

Func 4
allocates D
allocates E

Func 5
loop 5 times
allocates F
allocates G

This gives you the following tree showing all memory allocations

Func 2
Func 3
Func 5
5 x F
5 x G
Func 4

The tree also includes stats so that you know which node has more (in %
terms) data in it (in bytes) that another node. From that tree we can
see that the following objects are created.
A   1
B   2
C   2
D   1
E   1
F   5
G   5

memory usage could be tested using heapy and the following function.

You cannot reliably use native GC language code to monitor the same
application's memory usage. You need to do this externally (from C or
what takes your fancy - something that won't create/destroy objects on
the native language).

On the other hand, test for memory usage according to alternative (1)
would be harder to add, and it is somewhat undefined what it
means. And it is perhaps not so useful as the 2nd alternative?

PMV provides both. If you want stats on the number of objects created,
no problem. If you want callstacks for all objects created and stats for
the memory allocated at these locations, no problem. If you want stats
for each generation of objects (a generation being the group allocated
between GC invocations), no problem. Plus a whole load of analysis and
query functions to allow you to find information on particular object
types etc, plus data export functions (HTML and XML).

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: memory usage of a specific function

2006-01-04 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Sverker Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
 i need to find out the memory usage of a specific function that i use in
 my program. this function does some recursive calculations and i want my
 program to display the amount of memory the function used to calculate a
 specific value.

Python Memory Validator.

Run your program to completion.
Switch to the hotspots tab.
Search for your function.
All memory used in that function will be shown in the tree (with the 
effective callstack) underneath that function node in the tree.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Weird memory consumption problem.

2005-12-20 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bo Peng [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
The problem is not that difficult to find, but it was 2am in the morning and
I was misled by the different behavior of pyFun1 and pyFun2.

Don't know if you were using Windows, but if you were then Python Memory
Validator would have helped you identify that bug. Its in beta at the
moment if you want to try it.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Web-based client code execution

2005-11-18 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve 
AJAX works because browsers can execute javascript.  I don't know of a
browser that can execute python.  Basically your stuck with java or
javascript because everything else really isn't cross platform.

ActiveState do a version of Python that can run in a script tag like 
JavaScript and VBScript. This requires Windows Scripting Host. They also 
do a similar thing for Perl, not sure about TCL.

The syntax is along the lines of

SCRIPT language=PythonScript
Python goes here

I remember reading this about PerlScript and I'm pretty sure I'm correct 
in remembering there is a PythonScript. Anyway you are limited to 
ActiveState and Windows Scripting Host.

For pragmatic reasons I think you would be better concentrating on 
JavaScript for the Client and your language of choice 
Python/Ruby/Lua/whatever for the server part of AJAX.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: python gc performance in large apps

2005-11-05 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Robby 
Dermody [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
An update (along with a request for paid help at the end): Over the 
past week and a half I've improved the memory usage situation by quite 
a bit. Going to python 2.4, linux kernel 2.6, twisted 2.0 and altering 
some code

I don't know if you have a Windows version of this software but if you 
do you may find Python Memory Validator useful.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Need advice on finding memory leak

2005-10-16 Thread Stephen Kellett
I am having trouble identifying the source of a memory leak in a
Windows Python program. The basic gist is as follows:

Perhaps Python Memory Validator can help you?

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Python profiler

2005-09-30 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Celine
 Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I am trying to find a profiler that can measure the
memory usage in a Python program.
I would like to
gather some statistics about object usages. For

Python Memory Validator.
Apply for beta here:

example, I would like to be able to see how much time
it takes to search for an item in a dict object,

That is something for a performance profiler, not a memory profiler.
Python Performance Validator will help you there.

many times it has to access the symbol table to
retrieve a specific item, and things like that.

Python Coverage Validator will help you there.
Python Performance Validator will help you there.

Windows NT/2000/XP/and above(vista, etc)

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Memory stats

2005-09-27 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tarek
Ziadé [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I am trying to find a general memory profiler that can measure the
memory usage in Python program
and gather some stats about object usages, and things like that.

Not a Python module, but Python Memory Validator may fit the bill. No
data on the website, just go straight to the beta page and select the
product. Windows NT/W2K/XP/etc..

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Would you pls tell me a tool to step debug python program?

2005-09-21 Thread Stephen Kellett
Johnny Lee wrote:
I've met a problem to understand the code at hand. And I wonder
 whether there is any useful tools to provide me a way of step debug?
 Just like the F10 in VC...

Not single stepping, but flow tracing, complete with variables,
parameters and return values. Python Bug Validator.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: python profiling, hotspot and strange execution time

2005-09-06 Thread Stephen Kellett
Hi there,

   I have some scientific application written in python. There is a
good deal of list processing, but also some simple computation such
as basic linear algebra involved. I would like to speed things up
implementing some of the functions in C. So I need profiling.

You haven't said which platform you are on. If you are on Windows you
may want to try Python Performance Validator.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: wanna stop by my homemade glory hole?

2005-08-19 Thread Stephen Kellett
 wanna stop by my homemade glory hole?

I don't think anyone on this group will be interested in trying their 
Python with that. Take it somewhere else.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: When someone from Britain speaks, Americans hear a British accent...

2005-07-02 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
T can be silent in England too ..


Both of those words (fruit and cricket) have the letter T sounded.

Stephen (Nationality: English).
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Thoughts on Guido's ITC audio interview

2005-06-30 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Markus Wankus 
just think it is silly not to benefit from them.

In which case you misunderstood me - I never said people should not use 
them, just that they should not be relied on for productivity 
improvements. They must factor in at a fraction of 1% of productivity. I 
don't really class improvements at that level as much to be shouted 
about :-)

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Thoughts on Guido's ITC audio interview

2005-06-29 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Markus Wankus 
Have you ever tried anything that provides real, usable refactoring 
like Eclipse does with Java?  I guarantee if you used it more than a 
few times your view would most likely change.

I was forced to use Eclipse recently. Dreadful. I really disliked it. I 
never got as far as wanting to refactor things. I couldn't wait to stop 
using it.

The fact is, code evolves.  You simply cannot write high-quality 
software in one pass.

Total agreement. My point is that productivity gains from refactoring 
tools are the least of your worries. Hiring good staff that know how to 
write, test and debug software is very much more important than the 
amount of time a refactoring tool will save.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Thoughts on Guido's ITC audio interview

2005-06-28 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon 
Brunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
Eclipse's refactorings are a great boon, I find. Refectoring is never
*fully* automatic, of course, but the ability to, for example, select
a chunk of code and have it extracted into a separate method with all
needed arguments and the return value worked out for you is very
helpful. All you have to do is give the new method a name. And this
sort of thing can certainly improve readability.

This is not an attach on you Simon, but if people are relying on that 
type of thing for increases in software productivity they are hiring the 
wrong people.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Tracing down segfault

2005-06-25 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tony
Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I have (unfortunately) a Python program that I can consistently (in a
reproducible way) segfault.  However, I've got somewhat used to Python's
very nice habit of protecting me from segfaults and raising exceptions
instead, and am having trouble tracking down the problem.

Python Bug Validator, a flow tracer, is in beta. Should show you the
program execution history, line by line, with variables, params and
return codes and exceptions right up until the point the application

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Dealing with marketing types...

2005-06-11 Thread Stephen Kellett
 that means) and are going crazy throwing around the Java buzzwords (not to
 mention XML).

Sounds like someone has read about AJAX and decided that is what is 
next. They probably put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5 thinking the 
J stands for Java rather than Javascript and that your sever end must be 
Java. Well if they really want performance play the C++ (or assembler!) 
trump card and watch them squirm :-)

I think you best approach is some serious education of upper management 
on the benefits and pitfalls of each language, and of switching 
languages. Also point out the huge costs:

o Total write-off of all development costs of V1.0.

o Total write off of all intellectual property assets of V1.0 (well if 
you are building V2.0 on something else, you've put V1.0 in the bin with 
zero re-use)

o Total slap in the face and moral-crusher to the development team and 
support staff for V1.0. You will most likely see an exodus of talented 
staff after the change, if it happens.

o Effectively starting from ground-zero, making the cost for 
implementing V2.0 the entire development cost, rather than the 
incremental cost for the jump to V2.0 from V1.0 using the existing 

The costs in human, timescale and financial terms for what these people 
are proposing are huge. This company may not survive the change. If they 
change you may want to consider the abandon ship approach and find a 
more reliable place to devote you skills to.

Finally, read The Peter Principle and realise there are people like 
these with their sights set on getting to the top of the greasy pole 
without any consideration for the damage they cause to others. You need 
to identify such people and steer clear of them (they generally do not 
infect all companies).

All the best.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Problem calling Python methods from C

2005-06-03 Thread Stephen Kellett
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to do something in C calling Python and its failing. I'd be
grateful if you could take a look and hopefully you have an answer.

What I'm trying to do is determine the address of the collect function
in the gc module. I want to do this so that we can determine when a
garbage collection happens, regardless of how it is triggered
(explicitly by a user call, or implicitly by the behaviour of the
program allocating lots of data).

As far as I can tell, the gc.collect function is not exposed as a C API,
so I cannot hook that to do the monitoring I want. Therefore the only
way to get the address to hook is to inspect the Python module function
dictionaries, well I think its the only way :-)

The approach is to get the module that holds gc. You can do this by
calling PyImport_AddModule for an existing module - it will return it.
Then you get the dictionary of methods from the module and lookup the
method in there. Well, that was my theory after looking at the Python
source code.
I've shown the source code below.

// get collect method from GC module
// this module should always be present
// as it is a fundamental part of Python

DWORD   funcAddress = NULL;

module = PyImport_AddModule(gc);
if (module != NULL)
// get dictionary of methods for this module


dict = PyModule_GetDict(module);
if (dict != NULL)
// lookup collect in the dictionary

int numItems;

// check we have some elements,
// strangely there are only 2

numItems = PyDict_Size(dict);

// this works, good, that is expected

func = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, __name__);

// this fails, why? collect is a method in gc
// I would expect it to work

func = PyDict_GetItemString(dict, collect);

Hopefully someone can shed some light on why this doesn't work, or
explain what the correct method should be if I am doing the wrong thing.

Answers as descriptions, Python or C most welcome.


Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Problem calling Python methods from C

2005-06-03 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Kellett

Following my posting with the solution for anyone else that wants to
know the answer.

The solution appears to be not to use:

module = PyImport_AddModule(gc);

But to use

module = PyImport_ImportModule(gc);

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Running PythonNN.DLL as debug or release?

2005-05-24 Thread Stephen Kellett
Hi Folks,

We've been using Python embedded in an application for a while now, 
where the Python dll is PythonNN.dll, NN being the version number, such 
as Python24.dll.

Recently it was pointed out to me that Python can run in a debug or 
release configuration and that you can specify this on the command line 
using -O and -OO.

My question is how do I specify this to the Python DLL I have embedded 
in my application? Is it as straightforward as:
o Use PythonNN.dll for release mode Python
o Use PythonNN_d.dll for debug mode Python

and if so, how do I specify I want -O or -OO with release mode?

I've tried looking at the C API documentation but couldn't find anything 
useful there.

We are using versions of Python from 2.2 upwards.


Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Supercomputer and encryption and compression @ rate of 96%

2005-04-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Will McGugan 
Please implement this as a Python module. I would like to compress my 
mp3 collection to single bits.
Just think you could have better than broadband download speeds, on your 
old 300bps modem!
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: NSInstaller Vs. Inno Setup

2005-04-12 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin v. Löwis 
dcrespo wrote:
Any comments?
MSI fails on every NT 4 system I've seen. Even with all the patches from 
Microsoft. Inno Setup wins every time in this situation. Its also a lot 
less hassle than MSI for what I need.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-23 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], George Sakkis 
Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
Grant Edwards wrote:
 Um, you realize that nobody in this thread takes you the least
 bit seriously and people are just poking you with a stick to
 watch you jump?
[EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Lol, this guy is hopeless :-)
Who's Guido?
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-23 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
Stephen Kellett wrote:
Who's Guido?
Guido is the one, who should care by time about the status of the 
Who is care by time?
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:


2005-02-18 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], David Fraser 
Actually I suspect Ilias is trying to carry out his own sort of 
'survey' on how various communities respond to questions asked in the 
kind of way he asked them ... See his web site.
Its as unreadable as his network news postings. One of the first things 
I did was check out his website. I didn't gain a lot as it is written in 
his typical automaton style. It actively discourages you from engaging. 
Thats quite an achievement for a static piece of text.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:


2005-02-18 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Maas 
Perhaps we will soon see a triumphant publication with the title
Ilias Lazaridis - the ELIZA of the 21st century. A milestone towards
the perfect Turing test ;)
I've got to admit that for a large proportion of the time interacting 
(if that is the word) with him I thought I was the butt of a clever AI 
joke. I've finally come to the conclusion that there is a real, if 
seriously dysfunctional, person behind the communications.

If I knew more about the AI subject arena AND had more time on my hands 
I'd try to write an IlliasBot to see how far I got before I was found 
out. But I'm way too busy, so someone else will have to do it. I just 
hope they do it in Python or Ruby so that these languages get more 

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:


2005-02-17 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
This thread proofs simply the inability of this community [1] to focus 
on a simple essence.
Incorrect analysis. This thread proves that you have no concept of how 
to interact with the community. If you had done what many people asked 
you to do, which is do some work yourself, then ask questions about the 
few answers you didn't discover yourself, you would have got lots of 
helpful answers. You were told this many times by many people. Also on 
the odd occasion someone did proffer some on-topic advice, sometimes in 
long articles that must have taken some time to produce you'd dismiss 
the article with It is not on topic, I have not read it. How could you 
know if it is not on topic if you don't read it? Apart from the gross 
rudeness in such an attitude it demonstrates your arrogance, selfishness 
and utter contempt for those replying to you.

And then you have the gall to blame your failure on others...
Next you'll be telling me the world is flat and held up by an infinite 
array of tortoises.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-15 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
The community is everyone around python (including me at this moment).
Based on the communities response to you (and the similar response you 
are getting in c.l.ruby) you are not a member of either community as you 
continue to deliberately ignore the accepted norms of interaction with 
the community. I'll list them here for you (again).

1) Do some research yourself (i.e try to answer your own questions)
2) When you have problems tell the group what you did, what the results 
were and what the problem was.
3) If the community thinks you have done 1 and 2 you will most likely 
get a helpful response. Some people will be generous and help you 
After a while people will realise you have no interest in doing any work 
yourself and give you a hard time (the c.l.ruby group appear to have hit 
this threshold today) until you mend your ways. Do 1 and 2 and you'll 
get your questions answered much faster than your current approach.

The most amazing thing is the number of times you've been told this by 
so many different people and so many different newsgroups and yet you 
*still don't get it*.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-15 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
MinGW compatibility is not [only] my need.
It is an community need [at least partially]
Clearly not. If it was, using your logic, it would already exist.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
Hi Robert,
Note that this reaction is pretty specific to you and not to other 
I couldn't agree more. This guy is amazing, I think he is an AI or 
nowhere near as bright as he thinks he is. Seems to get the same 
reaction regardless of newsgroup or language. His reaction to the Ruby 
crowd almost seemed incendiary - pretty much accused them of having a 
lame language.

Most newcomers do not carry around a sense of entitlement that could 
flatten a small village.
That has to rate as one of the funniest things I've read on usenet in 

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
 And yet there is not one company that has someone devoted full-time 
to  developing Python. Not even Guido.
Who's Guido?
LOL Falling off my chair!!
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
the community do not care about essential needs and requirements.
Wrong. They do. They just don't care about *your* essential needs and 
requirements which *you* want *others* to fulfill at *their* cost. As 
others have said, do some work yourself.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon
Brunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:12:57 +0100, bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why do you hate Perl and Ruby community that much ?

Oh, I don't. But fair's fair - we've carried our share of the burden, surely?

He is already badgering the Ruby guys. Without about as much success as
this newsgroup. When he doesn't get what he wants a post along the lines

 lang is only suited to small projects and not real world
industrial projects
the community doesn't care
will appear.

Its quite incredible - in the time he has spent complaining he could
have done his own research and written some useful tools. I know how
long it took me to write my first major C++ app that interfaced with
Python and Ruby. It was less time than he has spent complaining - and
that included rebuilding Python/Ruby, inspecting the source for what I
needed and performing many experiments before I succeeded.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Kellett 
Hi Robert,
Weird, you hit reply and the newsreader does a post. C'est la vie.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
Wow!  I must say, I'm less than impressed with the responses so far.  I
know Ilias can give the impression that he is just trolling, but I can
assure you he is not.  At least, not in this case.  ;-)
He deserves what he gets. He appears to put no effort in, other than to
o Write his own document for his own needs that no one else is 
interested in
o Answer people's comments to him in a way that does not demonstrate he 
has put any effort in.
o Based on his answers it seems pretty clear to me (and it seems many 
others) that he has not put any effort in and has no intention of doing 

In addition, there are some unresolved licensing questions concerning
the .NET runtime file for extensions (msvcr71.dll):
To quote that URL;
The 2.4 installer installs msvcr71.dll on the target system.
If someone uses py2exe or a similar tool to create a frozen application,
is he allowed to redistribute this msvcr71.dll to other users together
with his application or not, even if he doesn't own MSVC?
msvcr71.dll is a redistributable for applications written using their 
compiler. You can redistribute that. If that answer is not good enough 
for you there is now a free version of Microsofts Visual Studio called 
Visual Studio Express (downloadable from the Microsoft's website). This 
DLL is (to my understanding) part of Visual Studio 7.1 and Visual Studio 

No licensing problem exists. Microsoft will not get upset about 
msvcr71.dll being distributed. They will if you distribute msvcr71d.dll 
though - don't do that!

I'm not a lawyer, so take this as you would any other free advice and 
download Visual Studio Express and read the redistribution sections in 
the license/help file to verify. Alternatively search 
for redistributable.

Look at this from Microsoft's perspective - Python is a language that 
can be used on Windows operating systems. msvcr71.dll is required to 
make some versions of Python work. Microsoft are not stupid - they know 
that to encourage uptake of their OS they shouldn't put needless 
restrictions on certain technology - the C runtime being on of those 
technologies. It is in Microsoft's own best interests to allow 
msvcr71.dll to be used for Python.

users.  I can't expect them to purchase a .NET compiler or go through a
See above.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Kellett 
Studio Express (downloadable from the Microsoft's website). This DLL is 
(to my understanding) part of Visual Studio 7.1 and Visual Studio 
My mistake. Visual Studio Express is going to be part of Version 8 
(2005) and thus the DLLs there will be msvcr80.dll

That said, I still stand by my licensing comments.
Distributable files overview.
V7.0/V7.1 specific redistribution instructions.;en-us;326922
Title: INFO: Redistribution of the Shared C Runtime Component in Visual
C++ .NET
Article ID  :   326922
Last Review :   March 25, 2004
Revision:   1.0
Keywords:   kbinfo KB326922
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
now it feels like I'm in the company of a bunch of hell-bent school
From my experience of bully behaviour that isn't what is happening here. 
Bullying usually involves abusive behaviour and language and isn't much 
to do with the topic as the person. The responses he has got are to do 
with how he is behaving, not who he is. I haven't seen any abusive 
language. As for behaviour, people are being as blunt with him as he is 
with them. Many have also told him what he should do in order to get a 
better response. He has ignored them.

Many societies around the world shun people that won't fit the norm. The 
norm in the newsgroups he is causing trouble in is that You look for 
yourself first, do some research, then ask. He isn't even willing to 
use a search engine, let alone read the documentation or heaven forbid, 
read the source code himself. Sooner or later he'll give up, or realise 
that if he does a bit of the work himself he'll get much more back. Its 
up to him.

You'll notice that I've answered your question in another reply as its 
obvious you have put some effort in before making your comments. In 
other words I am not behaving in a contradictory way to what I specified 

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
Actually, no.  We ran into some issues with Python 2.4 that caused us
to return to Python 2.3.5.  But I would really like to upgrade to
Python 2.4.  So I started researching the subject before I did
Pat, could you include some context in your replies? I have no idea if 
you are replying to my comments about Visual Studio Express or someone 
else? The only text I see in your replies is what you write, no text 
from the posting you are replying to. As it is I've ignored all your 
replies so far as I'm not sure I'm the person you are addressing (until 
I saw the above, now I'm confused).

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
That answers the cost question (assuming that your interpretation of
the licensing is correct, since I'm not a lawyer nor qualified to
render much of an opinion on that).  But there is still the issue of
going through a bunch of configuration hassle that scares me away from
What configuration hassle? Can't be any harder than specifying a 
different CRT surely?

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stephen Kellett 
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
if I have both versions of Python installed - 2.3.5 and 2.4?  Is there
an easy way to detect this and switch between the two dlls?
Easy? Depends what you call easy.
a) You just need to detect if pythonNN.dll is implicitly linked to 
msvcrt.dll or msvcrXX.dll (where XX indicates a VS studio number, 
currently XX can only be 71, but if Python is done for Visual Studio 
2005 (8.0) then XX may also have a value of 80).
I should have also mentioned that if you don't know how to do get the 
list of imported DLLs you can grab the source code for the PE Explorer 
DLL from:
If you want to see how to use this DLL you can also grab:
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pat 
What configuration hassle? Can't be any harder than specifying a
different CRT surely?
I don't want to have to ask users of my code to have to go through
OK. I misunderstood your original intent. I thought the original 
question was can we redistribute this DLL? I answered this bit. I wasn't 
attempting to answer the larger question about building extensions etc. 
My development environment has all the things in that article by default 
- I wouldn't even start work without them, so I had them taken for 
granted in my thoughts. I can see your problem :-) but I have no easy 
answer. Sorry.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tony 
Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
There are also other conditions, to do with what you are redistributing it
with (it can't be alone), and including a particular type of license with
your redistribution.  (It appears that Python 2.4 doesn't correctly follow
this at the moment, IIRC).
Lots of points from Tony stating a different point of view. I'll assume 
you are correct. However, surely if you Python 2.4 installed they'll 
have this DLL anyway, so the point is moot, unless of course, Python 2.4 
is in breach as well.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
I like to synchronize any efforts with the existing ones.
I assume the reason for doing that would be to avoid duplicating effort? 
If that is the case why do you want lots of people all to answer your 
questionnaire. Thats a huge duplication of effort.

A much more effective use of effort would be for you to do the research 
and when you are done to ask people to comment on the *results* of the 
research, not the questions.

This accomplishes several things:
o Reduction in duplication of effort.
o Demonstrates to everyone else that you are prepared to do some work 
before asking questions.
o When you find that the response is much more welcoming than you have 
had so far you will have learnt that you need to put some effort in to 
get some reward out (which is what most of us have been trying to tell 

Of course, based on your behaviour here (and currently in comp.lang.ruby 
where you are spinning a nice yarn in not bothering to read up on the 
answers people give you, even when their answers are detailed), I have 
not much hope of you taking the above approach.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-14 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Horsley 
Stephen Kellett wrote:
Who's Guido?
  LOL Falling off my chair!!
I think the expression you are looking for is ROFL!
:-) Yes, but with that I could've been standing up before ending up on 
the floor. I wrote it as I felt it!. Its a really good demonstration as 
to the depth of the research performed by Illias.

I'm waiting for the Who's Matz? comment in comp.lang.ruby
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E01: The Java Failure - May Python Helps?

2005-02-06 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
Can one please point me to a downloadable version of the 2 reference 
manuals (did not found them)?
Well, there is an obvious website address to visit and you can see the 
word documentation on that website without scrolling.

Use Google or a different search engine to find the obvious website.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: [EVALUATION] - E01: The Java Failure - May Python Helps?

2005-02-05 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ilias Lazaridis 
[I like to avoid interaction with google.]
Well, use a different search engine.
I've not evaluated Java.
That is strange - the title of this thread indicates that you have 
evaluated Java. You have posted similar threads in comp.lang.ruby and*.

You are a troll.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Profiling python 2.3

2005-01-28 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kenneth 
Johansson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I wonder what would be a good way to profile a python program where the 
main thread starts two worker threads that do all the work.

I get no infomation at all from the threads.
Python Performance Validator (beta)
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Profiling and speed up

2005-01-28 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Franz 
Steinhaeusler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
best if it would be graphical like performance analysis from DevPartner
for Visual C++?
Python Performance Validator
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: is there better 32 clock() timing?

2005-01-26 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bengt Richter
QueryPerformanceCounter is 47 times slower to call than clock() on my
1Ghz Athlon.
That really makes me wonder. Perhaps the Athlon handles RDTSC by way of
an illegal instruction trap and faking the pentium instruction?

No. Athlon implements it correctly- if it didn't you'd end up in the
debugger with an illegal instruction trap - you don't. Also my stats
below show that Athlon's RDTSC is faster than Pentium's which I doubt
you'd get if you were faking things. Taking it further - the test to see
if a processor supports RDTSC is to wrap it in an exception handler and
execute the instruction - if it doesn't you end up in the __except part
of the SEH handler.

QueryPerformanceCounter and RDTSC are not the same thing.
QueryPerformanceCounter talks to hardware to get its results. I imagine
that differences in performance for QueryPerformanceCounter are down to
how the HAL talks to the hardware and can't be blamed on the processor
or manufacturer.

clock() gets its info from the OS at (I imagine) the same granularity as
the NT scheduler. Some systems schedule at 10ms/11ms others at about 6ms
or 7ms. I think this is to do with single/dual processors - unsure as I
don't have a dual processor box. If you call GetThreadTimes() you will
find values returned that match the approx clock() values - which is why
I think they are related.

I've just run some tests using the same old program. QPC is
QueryPerformanceCounter. QPF is QueryPerformanceFrequency. I've included
the QPC/QPF column to show the timings in seconds.

1Ghz Athlon, Windows XP, SP2 1,000,000 iterations
QPC QPC/QPF (seconds)
QueryPerformanceCounter 7156984 5.998233
RDTSC 1034300.086684
clock()   1489090.124800

QPC QPC/QPF (seconds)
850Mhz Pentium III, W2K. 1,000,000 iterations
QueryPerformanceCounter 5652161 1.579017
GetThreadTimes  3608976 1.008222
RDTSC 8429500.235491
clock()   6998400.195511

The results surprise me - Pentium III clock() takes less time to execute
than Pentium III RDTSC!

It surprises me that the 850Mhz Pentium III QPC is faster than the 1Ghz
Athlon QPC, but whichever way you slice it, QPC is massively slower than
RDTSC or clock(). Also surprising is the W2K GetThreadTimes is so slow
compared to the Athlon GetThreadTimes().

of the timer chip that drives the old 55ms clock that came from IBM
using cheap TV crystal based oscillators instead of defining an
OS-implementer-friendly time base, I think. The frequency was nominally
1193182 hz I believe. Obviously the OS didn't get interrupted that often,
but if you divide by 2**16, you get the traditional OS tick of ~55ms:

I though that was the Windows 9x way of doing things. You get the 49 day
wrap around with this one I think.

you can't expect to control ignition of a racing engine reliably with
an ordinary windows based program ;-)

...and Schumacher is in the lead, oh look! The Ferrari has blue
screened. The new regulations to reduce speeds in F1 are working, that
has really slowed him down...

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: is there better 32 clock() timing?

2005-01-26 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Hansen 
(I've read the five or so following messages you and Bengt
have posted, but not in detail so I'm not sure where you're
going with all this, but... )
We've gone off at a tangent about Windows timing etc. Pretty much over 

According to the docs for time.clock(), On Windows, this function returns
wall-clock seconds elapsed since the first call to this function, as a floating
point number, based on the Win32 function QueryPerformanceCounter(). The
resolution is typically better than one microsecond.
Depending on whether you really meant accuracy above, and
on other things, this is either irrelevant, or contradicts
your first statement...
No contradiction. Python (from what you write above) implements 
time.clock() differently from the CRT clock() (which I had assumed 
Python would call for simplicity). Hence the differing results.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: is there better 32 clock() timing?

2005-01-25 Thread Stephen Kellett
that time.clock() is inaccurate.  The problem is that the time.clock()
statement takes several hundred microseconds to execute.
The statement is incorrect. clock() itself isn't slow, but it is 
accessing a resource, the accuracy of which is no better than 1ms.

There are various timers available, documented and undocumented, all of 
which end up at 1ms or 1.1ms, give or take. For anything shorter you 
need QueryPerformanceCounter() (but that *is* a slow call), or use the 
RDTSC instruction which is fast but gives a count of instruction cycles 
executed and is thus not totally accurate (multiple execution pipelines, 
plus multithreading considerations).

You have to choose the system that works best for you. In many cases 
RDTSC works OK.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: is there better 32 clock() timing?

2005-01-25 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bengt Richter 
I believe that is quite wrong as a general statement.
Actually my initial statement should have been written
accessing a resource, the accuracy of which is no better than 10ms.. I 
was thinking of the 1ms multimedia timer but wrote about clock() 

10ms, coincidentally is the approx minimum scheduling granularity for 
threads unless you are in a multimedia thread (or real time thread - not 
sure about real time threads in NT).

If the resource only had ~1ms granularity,
the minimum would be zero, as it is if you call time.time() in a tight loop,
Correct. Write your app in C and call clock(). Thats what you get. You 
can call clock 2 times and still get a delta of zero. The next delta 
(on my system) is 10ms at about 22000 calls.

There are various timers available, documented and undocumented, all of
which end up at 1ms or 1.1ms, give or take. For anything shorter you
Whoops here we go, same typo - should have been 10ms or 11ms. There is a 
1ms timer in the multimedia timing group.

need QueryPerformanceCounter() (but that *is* a slow call), or use the
Have you timed it, to make that claim?
What do you mean by slow?
Slower than any other Win32, CRT or Undocumented NT function you can use 
to get timer information. Yes, I have timed them all, a few years ago.

QueryPerformanceCounter is 47 times slower to call than clock() on my 
1Ghz Athlon.

QueryPerformanceCounter may have finer granularity, but called in a 
tight loop it'll crush your program.

RDTSC instruction which is fast but gives a count of instruction cycles
executed and is thus not totally accurate (multiple execution pipelines,
plus multithreading considerations).
Accurate for what.
See below - you haven't taken things into account, despite my comment in 
brackets above which gives a big hint.

A single clock AFAIK drives RDTSC
The main problem with a CPU clock based reading is that it's very stable unless
there's variable clock rate due to power management.
Try running multiple apps at the same time you are doing your 
measurement, each of which has a variable loading. Each of these apps is 
contributing to the count returned by RDTSC. That is what I was 
referring to.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Memory Usage

2005-01-24 Thread Stephen Kellett
That's right. I look at that column. Should I measue mem usage in some
other way?

Try VM Validator, a free memory visualization tool from Software

It shows paged memory usage and also Virtual Memory manager usage on
separate tabs. Colour coded visual representation of each 4K page of

Probably more use on more memory intensive applications than yours, but
may still shed some light all the same. Either launch Python from VM
Validator, or inject VM Validator into your running Python.exe process.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-07 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Christopher 
Koppler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
Still, Java feels like C++ done right, while being more wrong :-[
Couldn't disagree more. Just about anything you want to do that is 
low-level, is impossible in Java. Anyway this is off-topic.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-07 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Arich 
Chanachai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
think).  Or what about D?
Digital Mars have a D compiler.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Garbage collector strategy

2004-12-22 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin Drautzburg 
Just for curiosity: does python use a mark-and-sweep garbage collector
or simple reference counting? In the latter case it would not garbage
collect circular references, right ?
gcmodule.c in the python sources shows the implementation, plus the code 
for this is well documented.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: memory leak

2004-12-21 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel 
Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
However, I would like to understand first if pure python can leak 
without the reference count increasing?
How are you determining that used memory is increasing?
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: memory leak

2004-12-21 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel 
Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
I'm on a linux platform and looking in proc/pid/status. Using top shows 
the same problem.
OK, If you were on Windows I could give you some detailed advice - but 
for Linux, better that somebody else does it. Linux is not my main thing 
these days (it was in '94 :-).

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

[ANNOUNCE] Python Thread Validator software tool

2004-12-19 Thread Stephen Kellett
Python Thread Validator.
A thread analysis, lock analysis and deadlock detection tool for Python.
Tool is now in beta.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-16 Thread Stephen Kellett
Well, the snake mascot as drawn is, of course, very flexible, appears 
to be friendly, and is, well, just how fast is a big snake, esp. a 
I don't know about Pythons but there is a black snake in Africa (a black 
mamba?) that when it stands up is taller than a man. This snake can out 
run a man in straight line or over rough ground. I saw a TV program 
where they'd attached a camera to its head. Absolutely incredible 
watching this thing whizzing through the undergrowth in search of a 
mate. Don't think all snakes are slow - they aren't.

BTW. The suggestions - I like them, for what little that is worth.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Deadlock detection

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Kellett
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Duncan 
Grisby [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes
understood, and there are plenty of systems that do it. I just haven't
been able to find one for Python.
There is one at as I mentioned in a 
previous posting.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information:

Re: Deadlock detection

2004-12-06 Thread Stephen Kellett
Does anyone know of a deadlock detector for Python?  I don't think it
would be too hard to hook into the threading module and instrument
mutexes so they can be tested for deadlocks. I've googled around but I
haven't found anything.

Software Verification have Python Thread Validator. Its not publicly
advertised on the beta part of the website, but it is available.

Take a look at Thread Validator or Java Thread Validator to see what the
tool looks like (the Python tool is similar). If you are interested send
an email to support asking about the Python port.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
RSI Information: