(beginner) logging config not working

2011-04-29 Thread Unknown Moss

This is a beginner question. Thanks for the hand.

I've been asked to maintain some poorly constructed python code.
Logging is weak. Getting it to work with python logging
programmatically was easy.

However, I'd like to refactor all the logging code into configuration
since I see the need for other handlers in the future (syslog and
possibly email).

For now I just want to get console and log file working, but I'm
having problems with the log file. I'm trying some test code. Here's
my test script (logging_example.py):

import logging
import logging.config

def main():
logging.debug("debug check")
logging.info("info check")
logging.warn("warn check")
logging.error("err check")
logging.critical("crit check")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here's my config (logging.conf):






format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s

format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s


args=('logging_example.log', 'w')


$ python logging_example.py
2011-04-29 17:07:01,923 - root [DEBUG] - debug check
2011-04-29 17:07:01,986 - root [INFO] - info check
2011-04-29 17:07:01,986 - root [WARNING] - warn check
2011-04-29 17:07:01,986 - root [ERROR] - err check
2011-04-29 17:07:02,000 - root [CRITICAL] - crit check

The logging_example.log is created, but no entries are written to it.
Based on this configuration I'd expect all the logging entries to be
written to the file as well.

Any ideas where I'm going awry?

Re: (beginner) logging config not working

2011-04-30 Thread Unknown Moss
On Apr 29, 10:09 pm, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> Unknown Moss wrote:
> > Hi
> > This is a beginner question. Thanks for the hand.
> > I've been asked to maintain some poorly constructed python code.
> > Logging is weak. Getting it to work with python logging
> > programmatically was easy.
> > However, I'd like to refactor all the logging code into configuration
> > since I see the need for other handlers in the future (syslog and
> > possibly email).
> > For now I just want to get console and log file working, but I'm
> > having problems with the log file. I'm trying some test code. Here's
> > my test script (logging_example.py):
> > import logging
> > import logging.config
> > def main():
> >     logging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf")
> >     logging.debug("debug check")
> The above is a shortcut for
> root = logging.getLogger("")
> root.debug("debug check")
> i. e. you are logging to the root logger. According to your config file
> messages sent to the root logger are only handled by the console handler:
> > [logger_root]
> > level=NOTSET
> > handlers=console
> You can either change that by adding the file handler to the list of
> handlers for the root logger
> handlers=console,file
> in the config file or by directing your logging messages to "mylogger" with
> mylogger = logging.getLogger("mylogger")
> mylogger.debug("debug check")
> Note that loggers are organized in a tree; messages sent to mylogger will be
> propagated upwords to the root logger by default.

Thanks you Peter. That worked perfectly. It points out that I'm not
really understanding the python logging concepts yet. I'll search for
more details. I need pictures.  :-)

Thanks again.

Re: (beginner) logging config not working

2011-04-30 Thread Unknown Moss
On Apr 29, 10:09 pm, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> Unknown Moss wrote:
> > Hi
> > This is a beginner question. Thanks for the hand.
> > I've been asked to maintain some poorly constructed python code.
> > Logging is weak. Getting it to work with python logging
> > programmatically was easy.
> > However, I'd like to refactor all the logging code into configuration
> > since I see the need for other handlers in the future (syslog and
> > possibly email).
> > For now I just want to get console and log file working, but I'm
> > having problems with the log file. I'm trying some test code. Here's
> > my test script (logging_example.py):
> > import logging
> > import logging.config
> > def main():
> >     logging.config.fileConfig("logging.conf")
> >     logging.debug("debug check")
> The above is a shortcut for
> root = logging.getLogger("")
> root.debug("debug check")
> i. e. you are logging to the root logger. According to your config file
> messages sent to the root logger are only handled by the console handler:
> > [logger_root]
> > level=NOTSET
> > handlers=console
> You can either change that by adding the file handler to the list of
> handlers for the root logger
> handlers=console,file
> in the config file or by directing your logging messages to "mylogger" with
> mylogger = logging.getLogger("mylogger")
> mylogger.debug("debug check")
> Note that loggers are organized in a tree; messages sent to mylogger will be
> propagated upwords to the root logger by default.

Thanks you Peter. That worked perfectly. It points out that I'm not
really understanding the python logging concepts yet. I'll search for
more details. I need pictures.  :-)

Thanks again.

(beginner question) ConfigParser nuances

2011-05-02 Thread Unknown Moss
Hi - Beginner question here. I'm working with ConfigParser. I'd like
to take a multiline variable and convert it directly to an array.
Seems like a common  problem, but I don't see how I can do it without
doing a little parsing in my own code. Here's what I'm doing ...

>>> import ConfigParser
>>> import io
>>> sample = """
... [Example]
... fruit = apple
... orange
... pear
... """
>>> config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
>>> config.readfp(io.BytesIO(sample))
>>> config.get("Example", "fruit")
>>> temp = config.get("Example", "fruit")
>>> temp.split()
['apple', 'orange', 'pear']

I'm thinking there's a way to avoid this intermediate temp.split()
step. Is there not a way to move a multiline value straight into an
array using ConfigParser?

Thanks for the help.

Re: (beginner question) ConfigParser nuances

2011-05-02 Thread Unknown Moss
On May 2, 3:25 pm, Chris Rebert  wrote:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Unknown Moss  wrote:
> > Hi -Beginnerquestionhere. I'm working with ConfigParser. I'd like
> > to take a multiline variable and convert it directly to an array.
> > Seems like a common  problem, but I don't see how I can do it without
> > doing a little parsing in my own code. Here's what I'm doing ...
> >>>> import ConfigParser
> >>>> import io
> >>>> sample = """
> > ... [Example]
> > ... fruit = apple
> > ...     orange
> > ...     pear
> > ... """
> >>>> config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
> >>>> config.readfp(io.BytesIO(sample))
> >>>> config.get("Example", "fruit")
> > 'apple\norange\npear'
> >>>> temp = config.get("Example", "fruit")
> >>>> temp.split()
> > ['apple', 'orange', 'pear']
> > I'm thinking there's a way to avoid this intermediate temp.split()
> > step. Is there not a way to move a multiline value straight into an
> > array using ConfigParser?
> Nope, there is not. I think some might instead use several numbered
> options to similar effect:
> # config file
> [Example]
> fruit1: apple
> fruit2: orange
> fruit3: pear
> # Python
> from itertools import count
> fruits = []
> names = ("fruit" + str(i) for i in count(1))
> for name in names:
>     if not config.has_option("Example", name):
>         break
>     fruits.append(config.get("Example", name))
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --http://rebertia.com

Ok, thanks Chris. Maybe I'm getting too lazy in my old age.  :-)