Re: Grouping pairs - suggested tools

2010-09-21 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 21.09.2010 01:09:

* Astley Le Jasper, on 20.09.2010 23:42:

I have a list of tuples that indicate a relationship, ie a is related
to b, b is related to c etc etc. What I want to do is cluster these
relationships into groups. An item will only be associated with a
single cluster.

Before I started, I wondered if there was any particular tool within
Python I should be looking at. I don't expect anyone to code this for
me, just say ... you need to look at using x. I was going to use
populate a dictionary and

Sorry for being so vague.

Example Data:

Output (grouping id, item ref)

It seems to be the same problem as equivalence sets.

This problem was solved early on because e.g. Fortran compilers had to construct
such sets (equivalence partitions of a set).

I though I'd just say Google it!, because I know there's a standard algorithm
but I can't recall the name. However, googling it I found no mention of that
algorithm. Not even in the Wikipedia articles on equivalence sets.

A number of approaches spring to mind:

Approach 1:
Multi-pass. Originally you assign a distinct set number to each symbol.
In each pass through the symbols you replace one number with another as
per one of the equivalence specs. Stop when no replacements are done.

Approach 2:
Merging. For each new equivalence A=B you check whether A has been assigned
to a set, if not you create a new one, call that S1, and ditto for B, S2.
Merge S1 and S2, e.g. move all elements of S2 to S1.

Approach 3:
In a first pass convert the data to more explicit form, linking each symbol
to the symbols it's directly equivalent to. Then in second pass simply drag
out each equivalence group (recurse on each symbol's list of equivalences).

Approaches 1 and 2 seem to be pretty inefficient for a large number of symbols,
but I think approach 1 may be a practical option for a small number of symbols.

Uhm, thinking about it (it must have been my unconscious mind doing the work, it 
just popped into my head), if you first sort each individual equivalence 
relation so that you never have e.g. C=A but only A=C and so on, and then sort 
the list of equivalences, then it should reduce to walking the list and just 
starting a new set whenever a symbol is encountered that isn't yet in a set.

code language=Py3
class Attributes: pass

sym = Attributes()
for name in (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i):
setattr( sym, name, name )

eq_specs = [
(sym.a, sym.d),
(sym.b, sym.a),
(sym.b, sym.c),
(sym.b, sym.d),
(sym.c, sym.d),
(sym.c, sym.a),
(sym.e, sym.f),
(sym.e, sym.g),
(sym.f, sym.g),
(sym.h, sym.i),

equalities = []
for eq in eq_specs:
sorted_eq = eq if eq[0] = eq[1] else (eq[1], eq[0])
equalities.append( sorted_eq )

eq_sets = {}
eq_set_ids = {}
current_eq_set_id = 0
for eq in equalities:
if eq_set_ids.get( eq[0] ) is None:
current_eq_set_id += 1
eq_set_ids[eq[0]] = current_eq_set_id
eq_sets[current_eq_set_id] = set( eq[0] )
eq_set_id = eq_set_ids[eq[0]]
eq_set_ids[eq[1]] = eq_set_id
eq_sets[eq_set_id].add( eq[1] )

for eq_set_id in eq_sets.keys():
for sym_name in eq_sets[eq_set_id]:
print( {}, {}.format( eq_set_id, sym_name ) )

1, a
1, c
1, b
1, d
2, e
2, g
2, f
3, i
3, h

Disclaimer: for me it's pretty late in day/night.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Grouping pairs - suggested tools

2010-09-21 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Arnaud Delobelle, on 21.09.2010 11:13:

On Sep 21, 7:19 am, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 21.09.2010 01:09:

* Astley Le Jasper, on 20.09.2010 23:42:

I have a list of tuples that indicate a relationship, ie a is related
to b, b is related to c etc etc. What I want to do is cluster these
relationships into groups. An item will only be associated with a
single cluster.

Before I started, I wondered if there was any particular tool within
Python I should be looking at. I don't expect anyone to code this for
me, just say ... you need to look at using x. I was going to use
populate a dictionary and

Sorry for being so vague.

Example Data:

Output (grouping id, item ref)

It seems to be the same problem as equivalence sets.

This problem was solved early on because e.g. Fortran compilers had to construct
such sets (equivalence partitions of a set).

I though I'd just say Google it!, because I know there's a standard algorithm
but I can't recall the name. However, googling it I found no mention of that
algorithm. Not even in the Wikipedia articles on equivalence sets.

A number of approaches spring to mind:

Approach 1:
Multi-pass. Originally you assign a distinct set number to each symbol.
In each pass through the symbols you replace one number with another as
per one of the equivalence specs. Stop when no replacements are done.

Approach 2:
Merging. For each new equivalence A=B you check whether A has been assigned
to a set, if not you create a new one, call that S1, and ditto for B, S2.
Merge S1 and S2, e.g. move all elements of S2 to S1.

Approach 3:
In a first pass convert the data to more explicit form, linking each symbol
to the symbols it's directly equivalent to. Then in second pass simply drag
out each equivalence group (recurse on each symbol's list of equivalences).

Approaches 1 and 2 seem to be pretty inefficient for a large number of symbols,
but I think approach 1 may be a practical option for a small number of symbols.

Uhm, thinking about it (it must have been my unconscious mind doing the work, it
just popped into my head), if you first sort each individual equivalence
relation so that you never have e.g. C=A but only A=C and so on, and then sort
the list of equivalences, then it should reduce to walking the list and just
starting a new set whenever a symbol is encountered that isn't yet in a set.

code language=Py3
class Attributes: pass

sym = Attributes()
for name in (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i):
  setattr( sym, name, name )

eq_specs = [
  (sym.a, sym.d),
  (sym.b, sym.a),
  (sym.b, sym.c),
  (sym.b, sym.d),
  (sym.c, sym.d),
  (sym.c, sym.a),
  (sym.e, sym.f),
  (sym.e, sym.g),
  (sym.f, sym.g),
  (sym.h, sym.i),

equalities = []
for eq in eq_specs:
  sorted_eq = eq if eq[0]= eq[1] else (eq[1], eq[0])
  equalities.append( sorted_eq )

eq_sets = {}
eq_set_ids = {}
current_eq_set_id = 0
for eq in equalities:

This would make the body of the loop easier to read:

   for x, y in equalities:

  if eq_set_ids.get( eq[0] ) is None:

Why not simply:

if eq[0] in eq_set_ids:

  current_eq_set_id += 1
  eq_set_ids[eq[0]] = current_eq_set_id
  eq_sets[current_eq_set_id] = set( eq[0] )
  eq_set_id = eq_set_ids[eq[0]]
  eq_set_ids[eq[1]] = eq_set_id
  eq_sets[eq_set_id].add( eq[1] )

for eq_set_id in eq_sets.keys():
  for sym_name in eq_sets[eq_set_id]:
  print( {}, {}.format( eq_set_id, sym_name ) )

1, a
1, c
1, b
1, d
2, e
2, g
2, f
3, i
3, h

Disclaimer: for me it's pretty late in day/night.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog aturl:

I think this won't work with the following graph:

eq_specs = [('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'd')]

Note that it is already sorted according to your sorting method.  I
don't have a Python machine to check this but I believe it will

1, a
1, c
1, d
2, b

The flaw is that you fail to consider that the two vertices in the
current pair may already be part of a (partial) connected component.

Yeah, thanks.

I think the three general methods I listed will nicely work, though.

Moral: don't post insights from dream-world... ;-)


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Grouping pairs - suggested tools

2010-09-20 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Astley Le Jasper, on 20.09.2010 23:42:

I have a list of tuples that indicate a relationship, ie a is related
to b, b is related to c etc etc. What I want to do is cluster these
relationships into groups.  An item will only be associated with a
single cluster.

Before I started, I wondered if there was any particular tool within
Python I should be looking at. I don't expect anyone to code this for
me, just say ... you need to look at using x. I was going to use
populate a dictionary and

Sorry for being so vague.

Example Data:

Output (grouping id, item ref)

It seems to be the same problem as equivalence sets.

This problem was solved early on because e.g. Fortran compilers had to construct 
such sets (equivalence partitions of a set).

I though I'd just say Google it!, because I know there's a standard algorithm 
but I can't recall the name. However, googling it I found no mention of that 
algorithm. Not even in the Wikipedia articles on equivalence sets.

A number of approaches spring to mind:

  Approach 1:
  Multi-pass. Originally you assign a distinct set number to each symbol.
  In each pass through the symbols you replace one number with another as
  per one of the equivalence specs. Stop when no replacements are done.

  Approach 2:
  Merging. For each new equivalence A=B you check whether A has been assigned
  to a set, if not you create a new one, call that S1, and ditto for B, S2.
  Merge S1 and S2, e.g. move all elements of S2 to S1.

  Approach 3:
  In a first pass convert the data to more explicit form, linking each symbol
  to the symbols it's directly equivalent to. Then in second pass simply drag
  out each equivalence group (recurse on each symbol's list of equivalences).

Approaches 1 and 2 seem to be pretty inefficient for a large number of symbols, 
but I think approach 1 may be a practical option for a small number of symbols.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Static typing, Python, D, DbC

2010-09-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Paul Rubin, on 13.09.2010 04:50:

Ed  writes:

I think DbC as envisioned by the Eiffel guy...
the term is that it's a static verification technique,

Eiffel throws an exception when a contract is violated. That is run
time behavior, not static verification.

The runtime checks are for when static analysis hasn't been supplied
(that is usually a partly manual process).  DBC is always intended to be
statically verified as I understand it.  Doing it at runtime is just a
hackish fallback.

DBC can't in generally be statically checked. E.g. a precondition of a routine 
might be that its argument is a sorted array. So regarding the nature of the 
checks it's not hopelessly incompatible with Python.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: [Q] How far can stack [LIFO] solve do automatic garbage collection and prevent memory leak ?

2010-08-16 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Standish P, on 16.08.2010 09:20:

[garble garble]

Nonsense article We look for an exogenous stack cross-posted to


Please refrain from following up on Standish' article.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Sharing: member type deduction for member pointers (Alf's device?)

2010-07-19 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Vladimir Jovic, on 19.07.2010 09:41:

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

#include progrock/cppy/PyClass.h  // PyWeakPtr, PyPtr, PyModule,
using namespace progrock;

namespace {
using namespace cppy;

struct Noddy
PyPtr   first;
PyPtr   last;
int number;

Noddy( PyWeakPtr pySelf, PyPtr args, PyPtr kwArgs )
: number( 0 )
devsupport::suppressUnusedWarning( pySelf );

PyWeakPtr   pFirstName  = 0;
PyWeakPtr   pLastName   = 0;

static char*kwlist[] = { first, last, number, 0 };

args.rawPtr(), kwArgs.rawPtr(), |OOi, kwlist,
pointerTo( pFirstName ), pointerTo( pLastName ), number
 Accept IsNonZero ()
|| throwX( Invalid args );

if( pFirstName != 0 )   { first = pFirstName; }
if( pLastName != 0 ){ last = pLastName; }

Why not initiallize all member variables in the initializer list?

'PyPtr' is a smart pointer with default constructor, so 'first' and 'last' are 
initialized to zero implicitly.

My goal was to emulate the Python 3.1.1 docs' Noddy2 example as closely as 
possible. And that code's assignment of zero to 'first' and 'last' here 
corresponds to default initialization to zero. :-)

Anyway, parsing the Python arguments in the constructor initializer list is 
possible, but would be inefficient to do directly since it would then involve 
parsing the Python arguments three times (once for each data member).

There is at least one way around that problem, namely outfitting a derived class 
with knowledge of the Noddy class' Python-side __init__ arguments.

But I haven't implemented such support, and I don't know if it would do any 
good. As it is Noddy above is self-contained, except for exporting names to the 
Python side. With a derived class doing the argument parsing it would be less 
self-contained, and the machinery for that would add complexity, I think.

So, I strive to make things simple and explicit (KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid!).

And I strive to not go into orgies of smart templates doing things implicitly...


PyPtr name()
(first != 0)
|| throwX( ::PyExc_AttributeError, first );
(last != 0)
|| throwX( ::PyExc_AttributeError, last );

Nice trick. I would still find this more readable :

if ( first != 0 )
   throwX( ::PyExc_AttributeError, first );

Ah, well. :-)

You can read about the rationale here: url: 
 --  posted yesterday.

Of course the only reason that those member variables /can/ be 0 is because I'm 
following the doc's progression of examples. The next version in the docs avoid 
the 0 possibility, as I recall. And the simple way of achieving that in cppy 
would be to declare 'first' and 'last' as PyString instead of generic PyPtr...

return (PyString( first ) + L  + PyString( last )).pyPtr();

struct NoddyPyClass: PyClass Noddy 
NoddyPyClass( PyModule m, PyString const name, PyString
const doc )
: PyClass Noddy ( m, name, doc, Exposition()
Lname,CPPY_GLUE( name ),
LReturn the name, combining the first and last name
Lfirst,   CPPY_GLUE( first ), Lfirst name
Llast,CPPY_GLUE( last ),  Llast name
Lnumber,  CPPY_GLUE( number ),Lnoddy number

class NoddyModule: public PyModule

: PyModule(
Lnoddy2, LExample module that creates an extension
type. )
, noddyPyClass_( *this,
LNoddy, LA Noddy object has a name and a noddy
number )

hmmm what is L ?

It's standard C and C++ notation for a wide character literal, where each 
character is of type 'wchar_t' instead of plain 'char'.

Essentially the intent is to hold Unicode UTF16 or UTF32 code points, which is 
how it is in practice, although for political correctness the C and C++ 
standards allow for other wide character encodings (not necessarily Unicode).

It is the only way to /portably/ use national character literals in C++, because 
otherwise the result depends on the source code encoding. E.g.

  sizeof( æ )

yields 2 (the character 'æ' plus a zero byte at the end) with source code in 
Windows ANSI Western, and 3 with source code in UTF8, while

  sizeof( Læ )/sizeof( wchar_t )

should in practice

CPython 3.1.1 docs error in noddy3 example?

2010-07-19 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter §2.1.2, the noddy3 extension 
module example, uses S as format character for string arguments in its call to 

This causes Noddy to only accept bytes as arguments, instead of strings (format 

I suspect this is a leftover from Python 2.x, where strings were bytes, and that 
this is a bug?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Different python versions confusion under Windows Vista x64

2010-07-19 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Edward Diener, on 19.07.2010 14:53:

In Windows Vista x64 I have installed python 2.6 64-bit version and
python 3.1 64-bit version to separate folders. Within the command
interpreter I add python 2.6 to the PATH.

In the command interpreter, When I type python with an

import sys
print (sys.version)

in the script, it shows:

3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 20 2010, 22:55:39) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]

In the command interpreter if I type 'python' I see:

Python 2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 18:02:59) [MSC v.1500 64 bit
(AMD64)] on win32

Does anybody have any ideas why this is happening ?

At a guess your description of what's happening is not entirely accurate.

Although it could be, since Windows moves in mysterious ways.

Please try the following commands in sequence, with no other commands:

  python -V
  echo %path%
  ftype python.file

Then right-click the command interpreter's title bar to get edit menu. /Mark/ 
the text of your commands and results. Then /copy/ it to the clipboard (note: 
you can't use [Ctrl C] here, use the edit menu or just press Enter). Then post 
the commands and results here, /paste/ them into your message (e.g. [Ctrl V]).

And then, if you haven't already figured it out, somebody probably will. :-)

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: why is this group being spammed?

2010-07-18 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* be.krul, on 18.07.2010 07:01:

why is this group being spammed?

It depends a little on what you're asking, e.g. technical versus motivation.

But I'll answer about something you probably didn't mean to ask, namely what 
human trait enables and almost forces that kind of behavior.

And I believe it is the same trait that let hypnotists do funny TV-shows with 
quite normal folks behaving in ridiculous ways, the same trait that causes wars, 
the same trait that causes religion, the same trait that holds back science so 
that paradigm shifts only occur when new generations take over, a trait that 
/makes/ your feet start moving to the rhythm when you hear the right kind of 
music, and so on. Namely the instinctual drive to fit in in a social group by 
sharing that group's behavior and values. This instinct is possibly stronger 
than the sex drive, e.g., wars are seldom fought over sex (surrender, and give 
us sex!, no, that's not it, it's surrender, and become part of us!).

Consider, there would be almost no spam if spamming didn't pay.

And the only way that spam can pay is if there are at least some suckers with 
good money.

And the only way that there can be a reasonable number of suckers of such 
monumental stupidity, who also have good money, is, as I see it, if intelligence 
and good sense is not a requirement for succeeding in society.

But what is required, then, for succeeding in society?

Some of it is no doubt blind chance, but I believe that the main requirement is 
simply one of fitting in, conformance. Thus, if my hypothesis is right, almost 
any idiot can rise to any level of responsibility and social standing simply by 
fitting in, conforming. This idiot then has good money and might be one of the 
suckers responding to spam.


- Alf

blog at url:

Sharing: member type deduction for member pointers (Alf's device?)

2010-07-17 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

[Cross-posted comp.lang.c++ and comp.lang.python]

Consider the following code, from an example usage of some C++ support for 
Python I'm working on, cppy:

struct Noddy
PyPtr   first;
PyPtr   last;
int number;

Noddy( PyWeakPtr pySelf, PyPtr args, PyPtr kwArgs )
: number( 0 )
// ... some initialization here

PyPtr name()
return (PyString( first ) + L  + PyString( last )).pyPtr();

struct NoddyPyClass: PyClass Noddy 
typedef PyClass Noddy Base;

NoddyPyClass( PyModule m, PyString const name, PyString const doc )
: Base( m, name, doc,
LReturn the name, combining the first and last name
Lfirst,   CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( first ),
Lfirst name
Llast name
Lnumber,  CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( number ),
Lnoddy number

Originally e.g.


had to be written as


because in order to use a compile time member pointer as template actual 
argument, one needs to supply the member type as a separate template argument.

E.g. the template might look like

template class Class, class MemberType, MemberType Class::*pMember 
struct ForwardersForGetAndSet
// Some definitions here, hardwiring that compile time member pointer!

Apparently there was no way around the user repeating explicitly the member type 
that the compiler already knew about... It seemed akin to deducing the return 
type of a function. Difficult in C++98 (although Boost does a fair job).

But then it seemed that I'm not totally senile yet, for this occurred to me:

#define CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( name )  \
::progrock::cppy::forwardersGetSet( \
CppClass::name \
).themForwarders CppClass::name ()

Here forwardersGetSet is a templated function that via argument type deduction 
produces an instance of a templated struct, thereby knowing the member type, 
which struct in turn has a member function templated on the member pointer, 
which the macro supplies *twice*, once as run-time arg and once as compile-time.

He he.

Perhaps this trick is well-known already, but it was new to me, so! :-)


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Sharing: member type deduction for member pointers (Alf's device?)

2010-07-17 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 17.07.2010 11:50:

[Cross-posted comp.lang.c++ and comp.lang.python]

this occurred to me:

 #define CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( name )  \
 ::progrock::cppy::forwardersGetSet( \
 CppClass::name \
 ).themForwarders CppClass::name ()

Here forwardersGetSet is a templated function that via argument type
deduction produces an instance of a templated struct, thereby knowing
the member type, which struct in turn has a member function templated on
the member pointer, which the macro supplies *twice*, once as run-time
arg and once as compile-time.

That trick allowed uniform treatment of data and function member pointers. :-)

So, with cppy the complete noddy2 example from the docs (I'm sort of working my 
way through the Python doc examples) now looks as shown below.

The typelessness of the 'first' and 'last' members is in order to recreate as 
close as possible the noddy2 functionality, or, lack of it. Also, I haven't got 
around to sort of backporting the 'Exposition' scheme to modules. So, exposure 
of module functionality looks a little different from same for types, for now.

// The Python 3.1.1 docs' Noddy 2 example rewritten using cppy.
// Docs: Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter §2.1.1

#include progrock/cppy/PyClass.h  // PyWeakPtr, PyPtr, PyModule, PyClass
using namespace progrock;

namespace {
using namespace cppy;

struct Noddy
PyPtr   first;
PyPtr   last;
int number;

Noddy( PyWeakPtr pySelf, PyPtr args, PyPtr kwArgs )
: number( 0 )
devsupport::suppressUnusedWarning( pySelf );

PyWeakPtr   pFirstName  = 0;
PyWeakPtr   pLastName   = 0;

static char*kwlist[] = { first, last, number, 0 };

args.rawPtr(), kwArgs.rawPtr(), |OOi, kwlist,
pointerTo( pFirstName ), pointerTo( pLastName ), number
 Accept IsNonZero ()
|| throwX( Invalid args );

if( pFirstName != 0 )   { first = pFirstName; }
if( pLastName != 0 ){ last = pLastName; }

PyPtr name()
(first != 0)
|| throwX( ::PyExc_AttributeError, first );
(last != 0)
|| throwX( ::PyExc_AttributeError, last );
return (PyString( first ) + L  + PyString( last )).pyPtr();

struct NoddyPyClass: PyClass Noddy 
NoddyPyClass( PyModule m, PyString const name, PyString const doc )
: PyClass Noddy ( m, name, doc, Exposition()
Lname,CPPY_GLUE( name ),
LReturn the name, combining the first and last name
Lfirst,   CPPY_GLUE( first ), Lfirst name
Llast,CPPY_GLUE( last ),  Llast name
Lnumber,  CPPY_GLUE( number ),Lnoddy number

class NoddyModule: public PyModule

: PyModule(
Lnoddy2, LExample module that creates an extension type. )
, noddyPyClass_( *this,
LNoddy, LA Noddy object has a name and a noddy number )
}// namespace anon

return cppy::safeInit NoddyModule ();

I wonder if this is readable / self-documenting, or not?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Nested loop not working

2010-07-16 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Johann Spies, on 16.07.2010 16:34:

I am overlooking something stupid.

I have two files: one with keywords and another with data (one record per line).

I want to determine for each keyword which lines in the second file
contains that keyword.

The following code is not working.  It loops through the second file
but only uses the first keyword in the first file.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re

keywords = open(sleutelwoorde,'r')
data = open(sarua_marine_sleutelwoorde.csv,'r')

remove_quotes = re.compile('')

for sw in keywords:
 for r in data:
 swc = remove_quotes('',sw)[:-1]
 if swc in r.lower():
 print swc + ' ---  ' + r
 print swc

What am I missing?

For the inner loop, 'data' is an object that represents a file and keeps track 
of a current read position of the file. The first execution of the loop moves 
that read position all the way to the End Of the File, EOF. The second time this 
loop is attempted, which would be for the second keyword, the 'data' object's 
read position is already at end of file, and thus nothing's done.

One way to just make it work is to open and close the data file within the outer 
loop. Actually with CPython it's automatically closed, as far as I can recall, 
so you only need to reopen it, but this (if true) is less than completely 
documented. This way is inefficient for small data set, but works.

In order to get a better handle on the general problem -- not the Python 
technicalitities -- google up KWIC, KeyWord In Context. It's a common exercise 
problem given to first or second-year students. So I think there should be an 
abundance of answers and discussion, although I haven't googled.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-14 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Hrvoje Niksic, on 14.07.2010 10:17:

Alf P. Steinbach /  writes:

Also, things like the 'owned' option is just asking for trouble.

Isn't owned=true (or equivalent) a necessity when initializing from a
PyObject* returned by a function declared to return a new reference?

No, not quite.

Consider this signature (PyCXX):

   String( PyObject* pyob, bool owned = false )

versus this (cppy):

   PyString( PyPtr object )

With the first signature, every time you construct a String you have to remember 
to (explicitly or implicitly) set the bool flag correctly depending on where the 
actual argument value comes from.

With the second signature the /type/ of the actual argument decides, 
automatically, so there's much less room for messing things up.

With the second signature, if the actual argument is a raw PyObject* pointer 
then it's not owned, and the PyPtr formal argument doesn't increment the 
reference count but just takes ownership. If the actual argument, on the other 
hand, is a PyPtr, then the object is owned by the collection of PyPtr instances 
that refer to the object, and the new formal argument PyPtr instance then 
increments the reference count. In passing, if it should happen that the Python 
community uses the word 'owned' in the opposite sense of what's conventional in 
C++, then I guess  hope you'll figure out what I mean from this description.

PyPtr currently looks like this (complete code):

code file=PyPtr.h
// progrock.cppy  --  C++ plus Python
// A simple C++ framework for writing Python 3.x extensions.
// Copyright (c) Alf P. Steinbach, 2010.

#ifndef CPPY_PYPTR_H
#define CPPY_PYPTR_H
#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h

//- Dependencies:

#include Python.h
#include assert.h
#include algorithm

//- Interface:

namespace progrock{ namespace cppy {
using namespace cppx;

enum DoAddRef {};

class PyPtr
PyObject*   p_;

typedef cppy::DoAddRef  DoAddRef;

PyPtr( PyObject* p = 0 ): p_( p ) {}

PyPtr( PyObject* p, DoAddRef ): p_( p )
assert( p != 0 );  Py_INCREF( p_ );

PyPtr( PyPtr const other ): p_( other.p_ ) { Py_XINCREF( p_ ); }

~PyPtr() { Py_XDECREF( p_ ); }

void swapWith( PyPtr other )   { std::swap( p_, other.p_ ); }
PyPtr operator=( PyPtr other ) { swapWith( other ); return *this; }

PyObject* get() const   { return p_; }

PyObject* release()
PyObject* const result  = p_;
p_ = 0;
return result;

inline PyObject* withAddedRef( PyObject* p )
Py_INCREF( p );
return p;

inline PyObject* pyNoneRef()
return withAddedRef( Py_None );
} }  // namespace progrock::cppy


As you can see at the end there, there is 'withAddedRef' and 'pyNoneRef', and 
for that matter the 'DoAddRef' and the 'release()' method, for the cases where 
PyPtr default handling doesn't quite cut it... :-)

How does your API deal with the distinction between new and borrowed

See above.

There are some cases where it must be dealt with, but the main idea is to encode 
that into /types/, instead of as context-dependent figure-it-out.

That's also the main idea of C++ as compared to C, to encode much more into 
types, which helps both for compile time error detection and for automating 
things (like above), which is Very Nice, but which also can make for enormous 
waste of time trying to make the darned language do what you want it to do! :-)

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Disclaimer: it's late in the day/night for me, so the above explanation may have 
big logic holes, mispelings and so on, but I hope it gives the idea.

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* geremy condra, on 09.07.2010 23:43:

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Ian  wrote:

On 07/10/10 03:52 AM, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

[Cross-posted comp.lang.python and comp.lang.c++]

I lack experience with shared libraries in *nix and so I need to ask...

This is about cppy, some support for writing Python extensions in C++
that I just started on (some days ago almost known as pynis (not funny
after all)).

For an extension module it seems that Python requires each routine to be
defined as 'extern C'. And although e.g. MSVC is happy to mix 'extern
C' and C++ linkage, using a routine declared as 'static' in a class as
a C callback, formally they're two different kinds, and I seem to recall
that /some/ C++ compiler balks at that kind of mixing unless specially
instructed to allow it. Perhaps it was the Sun compiler?

Yes, it will (correctly) issue a warning.

As the is a bit OT, contact me directly and we can work through it.  I have
had similar fun and games adding PHP modules!

I'd appreciate it if you'd either leave this on-list or cc me in on this, as
I'm working through a similar issue.

Well, we got no further, but I know of three solutions:

  A) Punting: just say that the compiler has to support C++/C function type
 - Perhaps the practical solution, but formally unsafe.

  B) On the script side of things, delegate all calls to single Mother Of All
 C func downcaller that supplies as extra arg an id of the C++ function.
 - Micro-level inefficient but easy to use and formally correct.

  C) Let the user define the C linkage function wrappers via macros.
 - Efficient and formally correct but exposes ugly macro names.

I chose (C).

I believe Boost's Python binding uses (A), or perhaps (B).


- Alf

PS: You (the reader) may be wondering, why why why Yet Another Python/C++ 
binding? Well, because I had this great name for it, pyni, unfortunately 
already in use. But cppy is very different from Boost: Boost is large, cppy is 
tiny; Boost has as main goal to expose arbitrary C++ code to Python, automating 
argument conversion etc., while with cppy your Python design is exposed to C++ 
with no enforced arg conversions and such; Boost relies on canned magic, 
difficult to subvert when it doesn't do what you want, while with cppy you are 
(or, so far, I am) in control; and I suspect that the Boost Python binding, 
relying on dynamic registries and stuff, is not all that efficient, while cppy 
is as efficient as using the Python C API to create an extension. And besides, 
cppy supports national characters in doc strings etc. And I'm Norwegian. So. :-)

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Robert Kern, on 13.07.2010 17:16:

On 7/13/10 2:34 AM, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

PS: You (the reader) may be wondering, why why why Yet Another Python/C++
binding? Well, because I had this great name for it, pyni, unfortunately
already in use. But cppy is very different from Boost: Boost is large,  cppy is
tiny; Boost has as main goal to expose arbitrary C++ code to Python, automating
argument conversion etc., while with cppy your Python design is exposed to C++
with no enforced arg conversions and such; Boost relies on canned magic,
difficult to subvert when it doesn't do what you want, while with cppy you are
(or, so far, I am) in control; and I suspect that the Boost Python binding,
relying on dynamic registries and stuff, is not all that efficient, while cppy
is as efficient as using the Python C API to create an extension. And besides,
cppy supports national characters in doc strings etc. And I'm Norwegian. So. :-)

Note that Boost is not the only C++ binding out there. You may want to
take a look at the old SCXX library, which appears to be similar in intent:

matplotlib uses it heavily, and their included copy may include some
more recent bugfixes and enhancements:

Thanks! It seems that SCXX does those things that I've been planning to do but 
haven't got around to (wrapping standard Python types), while what it doesn't do 
(abstracting away all those tables etc. and mapping Python calls to C++ calls) 
is what I've been working on. Which could be a Very Nice combination except that 
I'm assuming Py3, while SCXX seems to be Py2 only. :-(


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Jonathan Lee, on 13.07.2010 16:41:

Problem (C) is outside the realm of the C++ standard, since the C++ standard
doesn't support shared libraries, and I've never actually used *nix shared
libraries so I don't /know/...

Is such dynamic initialization guaranteed?

Not guaranteed, though I think there's a combination of dlopen options
and gcc command line parameters that invoke this behavior. See the
second page of

about auto-registration.

Personally, though, it never worked for me :/

Ah, well. :-(  Thanks for the info! OK, I'll just have to replace the 
auto-registration with some C++ magic. For which I think I'll simply /require/ 
that the compiler supports mixing of C and C++ linkage, that is, that ...

code language=Not quite standard C++!
#include iostream

extern C
typedef int (*Callback)( int );

void foo( Callback f ) { std::cout  foo!  f( 42 )  std::endl; }

int a( int ) { return 1; }
extern C int b( int ) { return 2; }

int main()
foo( a );   // Unholy Mix of C++ and C linkage, formally not OK.
foo( b );   // Should be OK with any compiler.

... compiles, and works.

Cheers,  thanks,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 13.07.2010 22:03:

On 9 Jul, 17:52, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

For an extension module it seems that Python requires each routine to be defined
as 'extern C'.

That is strange. PyMethodDef is just a jump table. So why should
'extern C' matter?

Formally because they're incompatible function pointer types.

C++98 standard §7.5/1: Two function types with different language linkages are 
distinct types even if they are otherwise identical. Add to that §7.5/4 A 
linkage-specification shall occur only in namespace scope. And add to that 
§14-4 A template, a template explicit specialization, or a class-template 
partial specialization shall not have C linkage. This means that formally 
correct code that generates callbacks by templating, is ruled out.

In practice, 'extern C' matters for the jump tables because for those few 
compilers if any where it really matters (not just the compiler emitting a 
warning like reportedly Sun CC does), different linkage can imply different 
machine code level calling convention. For example, who's responsible for 
cleaning up the stack, the order in which arguments are pushed or which 
registers they're passed in, and so forth. Ignoring such matters your code gets 
into la-la land pretty fast, but, it's a different matter when one /understands/ 
this and places a requirement on the compiler.

Good luck on re-inventing the wheel (you've probably heared about
Swig, SIP, Boost.Python, PyCXX, scipy.weave and Cython...)

Yes, I know Boost.Python in more detail and I've heard of all the rest except 
SIP, but then regarding SIP I really don't like QT (QT makes eminent sense in 
the context of Python, they're both essentially dynamically typed, but that 
means QT is not very nice as C++, plus there is the ugly preprocessor).

And as you'd guess if you were not in silly ignoramus assertion-mode, I'm not 
reinventing the wheel.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 13.07.2010 22:06:

On 13 Jul, 21:39, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

Thanks! It seems that SCXX does those things that I've been planning to do but
haven't got around to (wrapping standard Python types), while what it doesn't do
(abstracting away all those tables etc. and mapping Python calls to C++ calls)
is what I've been working on. Which could be a Very Nice combination except that
I'm assuming Py3, while SCXX seems to be Py2 only. :-(

I'd suggest PyCXX instead.

SCXX is a tiny wrapper mostly used in scipy.weave to inline C++ in

Thanks. I looked up your URL, and PyCXX design goals seem to be much like what 
I'm doing, but different in some crucial ways. It's probably great, but it's not 
to my taste.

E.g. the PyCXX String class interface:

explicitString( PyObject *pyob, bool owned = false )
String( const Object ob )
String( const char *latin1 )
String( const char *latin1, Py_ssize_t size )
String( const std::string latin1 )
String( const std::string v, const char *encoding, const char 
*error=NULL )
String( const char *s, const char *encoding, const char *error=NULL )
	String( const char *s, Py_ssize_t len, const char *encoding, const char 
*error=NULL )

String operator=( const Object o )
String operator=( PyObject *p )
String operator=( const unicodestring v )
size_type   size() const
size_type   capacity() const
unicodestring   as_unicodestring() const
std::string operator std::string() const
String  encode( const char *encoding, const char *error=strict )
std::string 	as_std_string( const char *encoding=NULL, const char 
*error=strict ) const

In C++ the only way to portably specify a string literal with national 
characters, is as a wide string literal. Otherwise the result depends on the 
source code encoding. Yet PyCXX's String does not support wchar_t.

Also, things like the 'owned' option is just asking for trouble.

I chose this example because a Python string wrapper is the only object wrapper 
(apart from a general PyPtr) that I've implemented so far. The PyCXX string 
wrapper fails the design criterions of general usability (including in 
particular lack of wide char support) and safety (in particular the 'owned' 
option). And it's underdocumented, like, what encoding does the operator 
std::string() produce?

The details don't matter though. I'm sure that PyCXX is Very Nice for its 
purpose, as is e.g. Boost.Python (which is Very Very Nice for its purpose). :-)

Cheers,  thanks for the link,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: floatref

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Gary Herron, on 14.07.2010 01:26:

On 07/13/2010 03:02 PM, Roald de Vries wrote:

Hi Gary,

On Jul 13, 2010, at 8:54 PM, Gary Herron wrote:

On 07/13/2010 10:26 AM, Roald de Vries wrote:

Hi all,

I have two objects that should both be able to alter a shared float.
So i need something like a mutable float object, or a float reference
object. Does anybody know if something like that exists? I know it's
not hard to build, but I have a feeling that there should be a
standard solution to it.


Huh? I must be missing something here. Isn't this what you use a
variable for:

Maybe I didn't explain well:

 shared_var = 1.0
 x.var = shared_var
 y.var = shared_var
 x.var = 2.0

I wanted y.var and x.var to point to the same value, so that always
x.var == y.var. So that the last line becomes:


Cheers, Roald

Please keep responses and further discussions on
instead of using private emails.

Seconded. I didn't see that posting.

Python does not have pointers, so if I take your wordingy.var and x.var
to point to the same value literally, then the answer is NO Python does
not do that.

This is just a terminological issue. Saying Python does not have pointers is 
highly misleading in response to the OP's statement. It's easy enough to 
understand what he means. E.g., in the Java language specification pointer has 
a suitable meaning. And in general, the term pointer encompasses far more than 
the concept of a C or Pascal pointer, e.g., in C++ it includes offset-like 
things called member pointers. You can't represent or usefully think of a C++ 
member pointer as a C or Pascal pointer. It isn't useful on its own. So, 
considering C++ and Java, the general pointer notion is something that refers, 
however obliquely. You chose a specific meaning of pointer where the OP's 
statement does not make sense, but presumably the OP is explaining his needs in 
terms of a more general meaning of pointer; assuming anything else is silly.

However, Python does have references all over the place, so you can
achieve something similar in many ways.

If x and y in your example code are instances of a class, than look into
using a property for x.var and y.var. A property is a thing that looks
like an attribute, (that would be var in x.var and y.var), but which
really executes getter/setter code when accessed. That getter/setter
code would then access/set the value in shared_var:

shared_var = 123

class Thing(object):
def get_var(self):
return shared_var
def set_var(self, v):
global shared_var
shared_var = v

var = property(get_var, set_var)

x = Thing()
y = Thing()

print x.var, y.var # prints: 123 123
x.var = 99
print x.var, y.var # prints: 99 99

This code goes through hoops to /hide/ the fact of the sharing.

Rather, I'd make that as explicit as possible.


  x = {sharedVar: 123}
  y = x

The one won't be surprised when changing x[sharedVar] also changes 

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: floatref

2010-07-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Steven D'Aprano, on 14.07.2010 06:31:

Gary did the right thing by pointing out that the simple-sounding term
points to is anything but simple, it depends on what you mean by
pointing and pointers.

Possibly you have a point here.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 12.07.2010 06:52:

On 11 Jul, 21:37, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

Oh, I wouldn't give that advice. It's meaningless mumbo-jumbo. Python works like
Java in this respect, that's all; neither Java nor Python support 'swap'.

x,y = y,x

We're talking about defining a 'swap' routine that works on variables.

Since Java/Python doesn't support pass by reference of variables it's not 
possible in these languages, i.e., you missed the point, or made a joke. :-)

However, C# is very similar to Java, nearly all the way, except that in C# you 
can pass by reference. Remove that from C# and you have Java. Add that to Java 
and you have C#, roughly. No change in other aspects is needed. E.g. (ignore 
this if you've never heard about it, but it's a subtle point that you might be 
wondering about now) both Java and C# implement the definite assignment rule.

I.e., there's nothing in the core semantics that prevents accessing/passing the 
variables by reference, although for Python and Java it could be a 
terminological nightmare, and for Python compounded to the n'th degree by the 
general confusion of a subset of the Python community about basic concepts.

I don't know how C#'ers resolve the terminology...

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Design questions for C++ support for Python extensions (cppy)

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet


With the current cppy code the Python 3.1.1 doc's spam example extension module 
looks like this (actual working code):

#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h
#include progrock/cppy/Module.h
using namespace progrock;

namespace {

class Spam: public cppy::Module
Spam(): cppy::Module( Lspam, Lblåbærsyltetøy er blått )

PyObject* system( PyObject* args )
const char *command;
if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, s, command ) )
return NULL;
int const sts = ::system( command );
return Py_BuildValue( i, sts );

}// namespace anon

CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE( Spam, system, LExecute a shell command )

PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_spam()
return cppy::safeInit Spam ();


  1. Wide string literals OK?
 The basic Python API often requires UTF-8 encoded byte strings. With C++
 source code encoded using e.g. Windows ANSI Western, string literals with
 national characters such as Norwegian ÆØÅ then become gobbledegook or cause
 outright failure. I balanced the hypothetical need for string literals with
 national characters, versus perceived unnaturalness of wide string literals
 for *nix developers, in favor of the former, i.e. Lwide string literals.

 Related issue here: in Windows MinGW g++ can not compile utf-8 encoded
 source with BOM, while MSVC requires a BOM in order to detect the encoding.

 Is Lthis an acceptable decision if you were to use something like cppy?

  2. Exception translation OK?
 The code within the 'system' member routine could conceivably be reduced to
 a single short line by adding some C++ support, but that would require use
 of exceptions to report errors. Translating C++ exceptions to Python
 exceptions does however add some overhead to every Python - C++ call.
 Currently I do this only for the module initialization code, but should it
 be done for every exported method? Or perhaps as user choice? Benefit of
 translation e.g. reducing 'system' above to sweet single line. Cost is
 setup of try-block (negligible) and exception translation (inefficient).

  3. Some unsafety OK?
 In 'PyInit_spam' there may be a window of opportunity for client code to
 Mess Things Up. Within the cppy::safeInit the C++ module object is created
 and creates a Python module object, and if anything fails then the C++ side
 frees the Python object. And after PyInit_spam has returned to Python the
 cleanup responsibility resides with the Python interpreter: freeing the
 Python module object causes the C++ object to be destroyed. But if say the
 client code's equivalent of 'PyInit_spam' calls cppy::safeInit and just
 discards the result and returns 0 (say) to Python, then it seems to not be
 documented whether Python will free the Python module, i.e. possible leak.

  4. Threading?
 Is it necessary to make singletons/statics thread safe? Or does Python
 ensure that no other threads execute while PyInit_spam is called? Can it
 be called simultaneously by two or more threads?

  5. Reload of interpreter?
 My impression from the documentation is that finalization and reinit of the
 interpreter is something that an application shouldn't really do, and that
 an extension developer need not worry about that happening. Is it so?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 12.07.2010 16:59:

On 12 Jul, 07:51, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

We're talking about defining a 'swap' routine that works on variables.

I did not miss the point. One cannot make a swap function that rebinds
its arguments in the calling stack frame. But a swap function can swap
values, given that the type is not immutable:

def swap(a,b):
a[0],b[0] = b[0],a[0]

a,b = [1],[2]
print a,b

[2] [1]

OK, that's missing the point.

I thought you were joking.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Steven D'Aprano, on 12.07.2010 04:39:

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 03:12:10 +0200, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

* MRAB, on 12.07.2010 00:37:


In Java a variable is declared and exists even before the first
assignment to it. In Python a 'variable' isn't declared and won't exist
until the first 'assignment' to it.

That is a misconception.

In Python a variable is declared by having an assignment to it, which
for a local variable may be anywhere within a routine.

Oh, I'm going to regret being sucked into this...

In *CPython*, but not necessarily other implementations, variables which
are local to a function are not kept in a dictionary-based namespace, but
in slots in the code object (not to be confused with __slots__ used for
classes). Python has STORE_FAST and LOAD_FAST byte-codes for accessing

This is intended as a speed, and possibly memory, optimization. I don't
believe this is a requirement though, so implementations may not do this.

It is true that the slot is created at compile time, and in *that sense*,
local variables exist before they are bound. I'm not entirely convinced
that this is the only sense that matters, but never mind. The error
message given exposes this to the user:

def f():

... print x
... x = 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
   File stdin, line 2, in f
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

If you try this with a global, you get this:

def f():

... global x
... print x


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
   File stdin, line 3, in f
NameError: global name 'x' is not defined

In this case, there's no doubt that global variable x doesn't exist at
all -- there is no key x in the global namespace.


What I disproved was the statement that every Python variable is created by the 
execution of an assignment.

Some (the global ones) are. :-)

It seems to me that a slot to hold the variable is created for local
variables is an implementation detail, not a language feature.


However, any Python implementation has to implement the same user level 
semantics in some way (note: use level semantics do not include space reserved 
for an unassigned variable, or even for all assigned variables since with single 
assignment a sufficiently smart compiler can optimize away the space, but user 
level semantics do include existence and resultant effect).

As I see it it doesn't matter whether the implementation is CPython call frame 
slots or that mechanism called something else or a different mechanism called 
the same or a different mechanism called something different; what IMO matters 
is same semantics, that any assignment to a variable within a routine serves as 
a compile time declaration, creating that local variable in advance, unless, 
with Python 3.x., that name has been declared as a 'global' or 'nonlocal'.

So, this is a possible point of disagreement.

I say the semantics of local variable creation are part of the language 
definition, but I get the /impression/ that maybe you think it's 
CPython-specific, that e.g.

  def foo():
  x = 0

might not raise an unassigned variable exception with some conforming Python 
implementation, i.e. different effect for same code with different 
implementations, that this is at least /unspecified behavior/ in Python?

could easily hide the difference by changing the exception from
UnboundLocalError to:

NameError: local name 'x' does not exist

and nobody would be any wiser. (Well, perhaps people who catch
UnboundLocalError, but why would you do that?)

I also note that UnboundLocalError is a subclass of NameError, so
variable exists but is not bound is considered to be a special case of
variable doesn't exist rather than a completely independent case. In
that sense, I think I'm on solid ground to say that in Python variables
don't exist until they are bound to a value, and leave it to pedants like
you and I to mention that for CPython local variables have space reserved
for them by the compiler before they are bound.

He he. I wouldn't say space reserved. That is an implementation detail.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Rhodri James, on 12.07.2010 22:19:

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 13:56:38 +0100, bart.c wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote in
message news:4c3aedd5$0$28647$

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 09:48:04 +0100, bart.c wrote:

That's interesting. So in Python, you can't tell what local variables a
function has just by looking at it's code:

def foo(day):
if day==Tuesday:
print (Locals:,locals())


Does foo() have 1 or 2 locals?

That's easy for CPython: it prepares two slots for variables, but only
creates one:


('Locals:', {'day': 'Monday'})


('day', 'x')



So, the question is, is x a local variable or not? It's not in locals,
but the function clearly knows that it could be.

So Alf P.S. could be right; x exists, but Python pretends it doesn't
until it's assigned to.

CPython, not Python. And as Steven said, x *doesn't* exist. Allowance is
made by that specific implementation of the interpreter because x
*might* exist, but in this particular case it doesn't and a more dynamic
implementation might choose not to reserve a slot just in case. x is
created until it's actually used.

You are conflating existence with space allocation.

It's up to the implementation whether to allocate memory for the variable's 
reference in any particular case where that memory isn't strictly required. This 
is known as optimization. Optimization depends on the implementation.

Existence of a variable means, among other things, that

  * You can use the value, with guaranteed effect (either unassigned exception
or you get a proper value): in particular, you won't be accessing a global
if you're using the name of a local declared by a later assignment.

  * You can assign to it.

How the Python implementation implements that is an implementation detail.

In short, how CPython does things is completely irrelevant to the language's 
semantics, so you're conflating things here.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Standard distutils package problems with MSVC / lacking functionality?

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

I let the script talk:

# 03_1__noddy

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import distutils.ccompiler

compilerName = distutils.ccompiler.get_default_compiler()
options = []
if compilerName == msvc:
# * distutils sets warning level 3:
#   Overriding with warning level 4 generates command line warning D9025...
#   There's no good away around that, it needs fix/extension of distutils
#   or the config file(s) that distutil uses (perhaps that's a makefile?).
options.append( /W4 ) # Must be done in this script.
# * distutils forgets to enable exception handling:
options.append( /EHsc )   # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable RTTI:
options.append( /GR ) # Could be done via CL env. var.
# * distutils forgets to enable standard 'for' loop and 'wchar_t' type:
options.append( /Zc:forScope,wchar_t )# Could be done via CL env. var.

module1 = Extension(
name = noddy,
sources = [ noddy.cpp ],
extra_compile_args = options

name= noddy,
version = '1.0',
description = 'This is a demo package',
ext_modules = [module1]


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Rami Chowdhury, on 13.07.2010 00:14:

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but ...

On Jul 12, 2010, at 13:57 , Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

Existence of a variable means, among other things, that

  * You can use the value, with guaranteed effect (either unassigned exception
or you get a proper value)

Surely by that definition any variable in any Python program exists -- you
are guaranteed to get one of NameError, UnboundLocalError, or a value. That
seems to argue away the meaning of the word entirely, and renders it not
particularly useful.

No, you're conflating non-existence (NameError) with accessing the value of an 
existing but unassigned variable (UnboundLocalError). It is like arguing that 
vacuum is the same as cement because sticking your head into it for ten minutes 
or so yields an effect  --  you're dead  --  that in many ways is just about the 
same. However, the tangible existence of cement means that one can pour it over 
your head, /adding/ the cement, while it's difficult to pour vacuum over your 
head; rather, for the latter effect one would need to /remove/ the air around 
your head. OK, the analogy halts a little. But I think you'll get it.

Similarly, you can add a variable and thereby cause am UnboundLocalError, and 
you can remove a variable and thereby cause a NameError.

How the Python implementation implements that is an implementation detail.

In short, how CPython does things is completely irrelevant to the language's

semantics, so you're conflating things here.

As I'd understood the previous discussion, it is the CPython implementation
that reserves local names and produces UnboundLocalErrors. The language
semantics don't call for it, and another implementation might choose to handle
function locals the same way as globals, through a namespace dictionary -- in
which case the variable *wouldn't* exist in any way, shape, or form until it
was assigned to.

What am I getting wrong here?

The bit about the language semantics not specifying the effect.

From the 3.1.1 language reference §4.1:

When a name is not found at all, a NameError exception is raised. If the name 
refers to a local variable that has not been bound, a UnboundLocalError 
exception is raised. UnboundLocalError is a subclass of NameError.

And it goes on to elaborate on that, a little later:

If a name binding operation occurs anywhere within a code block, all uses of 
the name within the block are treated as references to the current block. This 
can lead to errors when a name is used within a block before it is bound. This 
rule is subtle. Python lacks declarations and allows name binding operations to 
occur anywhere within a code block. The local variables of a code block can be 
determined by scanning the entire text of the block for name binding operations.

In short, Stephen D'Aprano's remarks were technically on the spot, while Rhodri 
James's follow up, that it seems influenced your response, was meaningless 
mumbo-jumbo with strong emphasis added repeatedly to denials of reality.

This is the usual reaction of the religious when exposed to reality.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Steven D'Aprano, on 13.07.2010 01:50:

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 22:57:10 +0200, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

Existence of a variable means, among other things, that

* You can use the value, with guaranteed effect (either unassigned
  or you get a proper value): in particular, you won't be accessing a
  global if you're using the name of a local declared by a later

That is too strong. Given the global code:


(where x doesn't exist in the global namespace, and therefore does not
exist, as you agreed earlier) Python promises to raise NameError. By the
above definition, this counts as variable x exists.

But surely that is undesirable -- that implies that *all* variables
exist. Even $...@*@( is a variable that exists, as that is guaranteed to
raise SyntaxError.

Hm, I already answered someone else here committing that logic error.

In one case an exception is generated by removing a variable.

In the other case an exception is generated by adding a variable.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Steven D'Aprano, on 13.07.2010 01:34:

On Mon, 12 Jul 2010 20:28:49 +0200, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

As I see it it doesn't matter whether the implementation is CPython call
frame slots or that mechanism called something else or a different
mechanism called the same or a different mechanism called something
different; what IMO matters is same semantics, that any assignment to a
variable within a routine serves as a compile time declaration, creating
that local variable in advance, unless, with Python 3.x., that name has
been declared as a 'global' or 'nonlocal'.

So, this is a possible point of disagreement.

I say the semantics of local variable creation are part of the language
definition, but I get the /impression/ that maybe you think it's
CPython-specific, that e.g.

def foo():
x = 0

might not raise an unassigned variable exception with some conforming
Python implementation, i.e. different effect for same code with
different implementations, that this is at least /unspecified behavior/
in Python?


I believe that any assignment to a variable within a routine serves as a
compile time declaration is a promise of the language, but what an
implementation does in response to that declaration is unspecified. So
long as foo() raises NameError, or a subclass of it, it will be a
conforming Python implementation.

That's what Python 1.5 does, and I think if some competing implementation
targeted 1.5 we'd still be happy to call it Python. (Although we might
wonder about the author's sanity...) Implementations are free to subclass
NameError, as CPython does with UnboundLocalError, but mustn't raise a
completely unrelated error, or no error at all. E.g. I don't think it
would be acceptable to implicitly create new names and bind them to some
arbitrary default value.

E.g. an implementation might do something like this:

* when parsing the function, prior to compiling the byte-code, tag
   every name with a sigil representing whether it is local or non-local;
* compile a single byte-code for name lookup;
* when executing that instruction, if the name is tagged as a local,
   search only the local namespace, otherwise search the nonlocal,
   global and builtin namespaces;
* when displaying names to the user (say, in tracebacks) suppress
   the sigil.

Under this implementation, no variable actually exists until it is
assigned to.

This is equivalent to shifting the decision to use LOAD_FAST or
LOAD_GLOBAL to runtime rather than compile time, so it would probably
hurt performance rather than increase it, but it would still be a
conforming implementation.

But of course I'm not Guido, and he has the final word on what counts as
acceptable behaviour.

The 3.1.1 docs explicitly require UnboundLocalError (I just checked).

So, at least for 3.x it is not an implementation detail.

Anyway, your phrase actually exist presumably refers to storage allocation. 
That is an implementation detail. As a similar implementation scheme, a compiler 
can in certain cases detect that a variable is only assigned once, and 
substitute the value whereever that variable is used, not allocating any storage 
for it. This is the case in Python, in C++ and in almost any language. We don't 
start doubting the existence of variables in general (as some in the Python 
community do) on such grounds. More to the point of this sub-thread, it would be 
impossible to reason about things if one had to take into account the particular 
implementation's details at all times. Doing that renders most terms, including 
exist, pretty meaningless and useless, since you would have to check whether 
each particular variable was optimized away or not: for the purpose of 
discussing existence in Python, what matters is portable effect.

Summing up, how CPython implements the required semantics, is irrelevant.


Cheers from Norway,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: integer = 1 == True and integer.0 == False is bad, bad, bad!!!

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* rantingrick, on 11.07.2010 08:50:

On Jul 11, 1:22 am, Stephen Hansenme+list/  wrote:

Utter nonsense. No one does that unless they are coming from C or some
other language without a True/False and don't know about it, or if they
are using a codebase which is supporting a very old version of Python
before True or False were introduced.

Ah yes, when nothing else seems to work fall back to you default
programming... FUD and ad hominem

I agree with Stephen, but for a different reason: that given desirability of 
implicit conversion to bool for some elementary types, then for uniformity there 
should be such conversion for all of them (and AFAIK there is), and given that, 
the rule should be the same, namely that default value of each type bool's to 
False, and other values to True, and so it is.

The OP should simply represent not found as e.g. integer -1 instead of as a 
value of a different type.

And write e.g.

  not_found = -1


  if choiceIdx1 == choiceIdx2 == not_found:
  bah, none of them
  elif choice2Idx == not_found:
  use choice 1
  elif choice1Idx == not_found:
  use choice 2
  determine bestest choice

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: integer = 1 == True and integer.0 == False is bad, bad, bad!!!

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Stephen Hansen, on 11.07.2010 09:19:

On 7/10/10 11:50 PM, rantingrick wrote:

It was a typo not an on purpose misspelling

If this had been the first time, perhaps. If you had not in *numerous*
previous times spelled my name correctly, perhaps. If it were at all
possible for f to be a typo of ph, perhaps.

It is a natural mistake to make in some languages. E.g. in Norwegian the Devil 
can be spelled Faen or Fanden (modern) or Phanden (old-fashioned, no longer in 
dictionaries but still used to sort of tone down the expression). It's even 
there in English, like file and philosophy. So it's an error committed not 
by the limbic system but by a slightly higher level sound-to-text translator 
brain circuit. The text is generated from how the word sounds in one's head.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Naming Conventions, Where's the Convention Waldo?

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* rantingrick, on 11.07.2010 09:26:

Another source of asininity seems to be the naming conventions of the
Python language proper! True/False start with an upper case and i
applaud this. However str, list, tuple, int, float --need i go
on...?-- start with lowercase.

Q: Well what the hell is your problem Rick. Who cares right?

WRONG, I tell you what my problem is. Now i cannot wisely use
variables like...

str=this is a string
list = [1,2,3]
def make_random_objs(range=10)
def show_message(str)
int = 12

If we would have adopted proper naming conventions from dios numero
uno all this nonsense would be rectified! Str, Float, List, Range,
etc, etc. You think Python 3000 was a hump to climb over just wait for
Python 4000.

Just thoughts.

Just do

  Str = str
  List = list
  Float = float

and so on in module myBasicTypes, and import that.


Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Stephen Hansen, on 11.07.2010 21:00:

On 7/11/10 11:45 AM, wheres pythonmonks wrote:

Is there a way to define compile-time constants in python and have the
bytecode compiler optimize away expressions like:

if is_my_extra_debugging_on: print ...

when is_my_extra_debugging is set to false?  I'd like to pay no
run-time penalty for such code when extra_debugging is disabled.

Any code wrapped in a __debug__ guard is utterly ommitted if you run
Python with the -O option. That, and asserts go away.

On #2:  My point regarding the impossibility of writing the swap
function for ints is to explicitly understand that this isn't
possible, so as not to look for solutions along those lines when
trying to write python code.

Its impossible because Python's calling and namespace semantics simply
don't work like that. There's no references in the traditional sense,
because there's no variables-- boxes that you put values in. There's
just concrete objects. Objects are passed into the function and given
new names; that those objects have names in the enclosing scope is
something you don't know, can't access, and can't manipulate.. even the
objects don't know what names they happen to be called.

Check out

Oh, I wouldn't give that advice. It's meaningless mumbo-jumbo. Python works like 
Java in this respect, that's all; neither Java nor Python support 'swap'.

Of course there are variables, that's why the docs call them variables.

We've had this discussion before and I know from that that it is a religious 
issue with a small subset of the Python community, where reason, facts, logic 
does not apply and is not even recognized as such. So be it. So I'm not out to 
convince you or other of that sub-community, or trying to reason with you folks 
on this issue (futile, and generates flames pretty fast), but I do not want 
newbies brainwashed into that non-reasoning nonsense pure faith religion.

For what it's worth, I'm sure that the author, whose pages are 
otherwise quite technically meaningful  useful, in this case, after the flame 
war with some Java folks, decided that technical accuracy just wasn't worth it.

So, I believe, he punted, which is an eminently rational choice when one's goals 
require acceptance in a society dominated by a religious clique. And just as I'm 
not out to engage you in any debate on this issue (futile), neither am I calling 
you irrational. Perhaps your choice is the same as that author's.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* MRAB, on 12.07.2010 00:37:

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

* Stephen Hansen, on 11.07.2010 21:00:

On 7/11/10 11:45 AM, wheres pythonmonks wrote:

Is there a way to define compile-time constants in python and have the
bytecode compiler optimize away expressions like:

if is_my_extra_debugging_on: print ...

when is_my_extra_debugging is set to false? I'd like to pay no
run-time penalty for such code when extra_debugging is disabled.

Any code wrapped in a __debug__ guard is utterly ommitted if you run
Python with the -O option. That, and asserts go away.

On #2: My point regarding the impossibility of writing the swap
function for ints is to explicitly understand that this isn't
possible, so as not to look for solutions along those lines when
trying to write python code.

Its impossible because Python's calling and namespace semantics simply
don't work like that. There's no references in the traditional sense,
because there's no variables-- boxes that you put values in. There's
just concrete objects. Objects are passed into the function and given
new names; that those objects have names in the enclosing scope is
something you don't know, can't access, and can't manipulate.. even the
objects don't know what names they happen to be called.

Check out

Oh, I wouldn't give that advice. It's meaningless mumbo-jumbo. Python
works like Java in this respect, that's all; neither Java nor Python
support 'swap'.

Of course there are variables, that's why the docs call them variables.

In Java a variable is declared and exists even before the first
assignment to it. In Python a 'variable' isn't declared and won't exist
until the first 'assignment' to it.

That is a misconception.

In Python a variable is declared by having an assignment to it, which for a 
local variable may be anywhere within a routine.

If such a variable is used before it's been assigned to, then you get an 
uninitialized variable exception. Clearly the variable must exist in order for 
the exception to refer to it (not to mention the exception occurring at all).

  def foo():
  print( blah )
  blah = this is both an assignment and a declaration causing it to exist


Clearly when the exception is raised, referring to the variable, the variable 

Contrary to your statement that is before the assignment.

However, as stated up-thread, I do not expect facts, logic or general reasoning 
to have any effect whatsoever on such hard-core religious beliefs. And I do not 
care whether I convince you or not. But I *do not* want the religious subset of 
the community to succeed too much in propagating nonsense idiot beliefs to 
newbies  --  hence the concrete example that any newbie can try.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Stephen Hansen, on 12.07.2010 04:02:

On 7/11/10 6:12 PM, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

However, as stated up-thread, I do not expect facts, logic or general
reasoning to have any effect whatsoever on such hard-core religious

Grow up, and/or get a grip, and/or get over yourself.

Everyone who disagreed with you, disagreed with you with arguments,
logic, facts, and reasoning. You disputed those facts, disagreed with
the conclusions, but for you to then just dismiss people who don't agree
with you as merely religious, is childish.

Exactly why I think you're wrong -- you're free to go re-read, I stand
by my statements in this thread, and the others. The same arguments
apply. Its not a religion, dear; my conclusions are not a matter of faith.

That's all I have to say on this subject; the conversation has been had,
at length (repeatedly).

I swear, I'm just going to filter you and Rick out to /dev/null today
and leave it at that at this rate. I'm getting worn out of these kinds
of responses.

Well, the above is flaming, which I predicted.

The alleged facts etc. you're referring are just that, alleged, by you.

In contrast, in debates among non-religious folks facts are /presented/, like 
I've done in this thread, e.g. concrete code, instead of like you alleging that 
facts have been presented, hinting about things, and so on  --  it's pathetic.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Easy questions from a python beginner

2010-07-11 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* MRAB, on 12.07.2010 04:09:

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

* MRAB, on 12.07.2010 00:37:

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

* Stephen Hansen, on 11.07.2010 21:00:

On 7/11/10 11:45 AM, wheres pythonmonks wrote:

Is there a way to define compile-time constants in python and have
bytecode compiler optimize away expressions like:

if is_my_extra_debugging_on: print ...

when is_my_extra_debugging is set to false? I'd like to pay no
run-time penalty for such code when extra_debugging is disabled.

Any code wrapped in a __debug__ guard is utterly ommitted if you run
Python with the -O option. That, and asserts go away.

On #2: My point regarding the impossibility of writing the swap
function for ints is to explicitly understand that this isn't
possible, so as not to look for solutions along those lines when
trying to write python code.

Its impossible because Python's calling and namespace semantics simply
don't work like that. There's no references in the traditional sense,
because there's no variables-- boxes that you put values in. There's
just concrete objects. Objects are passed into the function and given
new names; that those objects have names in the enclosing scope is
something you don't know, can't access, and can't manipulate.. even
objects don't know what names they happen to be called.

Check out

Oh, I wouldn't give that advice. It's meaningless mumbo-jumbo. Python
works like Java in this respect, that's all; neither Java nor Python
support 'swap'.

Of course there are variables, that's why the docs call them variables.

In Java a variable is declared and exists even before the first
assignment to it. In Python a 'variable' isn't declared and won't exist
until the first 'assignment' to it.

That is a misconception.

In Python a variable is declared by having an assignment to it, which
for a local variable may be anywhere within a routine.

If such a variable is used before it's been assigned to, then you get
an uninitialized variable exception. Clearly the variable must exist
in order for the exception to refer to it (not to mention the
exception occurring at all).

def foo():
print( blah )
blah = this is both an assignment and a declaration causing it to exist


Clearly when the exception is raised, referring to the variable, the
variable exists.

Contrary to your statement that is before the assignment.

However, as stated up-thread, I do not expect facts, logic or general
reasoning to have any effect whatsoever on such hard-core religious
beliefs. And I do not care whether I convince you or not. But I *do
not* want the religious subset of the community to succeed too much in
propagating nonsense idiot beliefs to newbies -- hence the concrete
example that any newbie can try.

How about this:

  def foo():
print(Before:, locals())
x = 0
print(After:, locals())

Before: {}
After: {'x': 0}

How about it?

Note that you get the same result if you do

x = blah
def foo():
# print( x )  # Causes uninitialized variable exception here
print( Before:, locals() )
x = 0
print( After:, locals() )

However, if you remove the local assignment to x, then the out-commented print 
statement will no longer cause an exception, it will then refer to the global.

The reason that it does throw an exception when you do have the local 
assignment, is that the local x exists at that point. If it didn't exist it 
could not have any effect. Things that don't exist generally have no effect, 
except in the minds of the religious, like angels and so on.

On the basis of what locals() reports it should be OK to refer to the global x 
as above. Judging by locals(), there's no local x that could get in the way. But 
since it is not OK to refer to the global x, the result of locals() has nothing 
to do with that: it doesn't tell you about the local x  --  and no, the Python 
interpreter does not look forward in time to see that it will appear.

In passing, I should perhaps have told you up front, your argument has nothing 
substantial to do with the article you originally responded to, about the 
semantics of variables. Your argument is the assertion that different languages 
can't have similar or identical semantics for some feature. That's nonsense in 
itself, plus, as you've seen, the difference that you focused on is not there, 
and, third, what you do maintain is not there, doesn't exist, has a real effect.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Not-quite-the-module-name qualified names in extension modules? What?

2010-07-10 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet


I built the [xxmodule.c] from the source distribution, as suggested by the 
Python 3.1.1 docs. I named this [xx.pyd], as I believed the module name was just 
xx. Indeed importing xx works fine, but when I do help(xx) I get ...

 help( xx )
Help on module xx:

xx - This is a template module just for instruction.




class Null(builtins.object)
 |  Methods defined here:

... with the name xxmodule somehow in there as qualification.

Checking the standard csv module I similarly get ...


... with the name _csv in there.

And I'm pretty sure that these not-quite-the-module-name names stem from the 
literal specification of names in the C code in the extension module, assuming 
that the csv module is indeed a C extension module.

Is it really necessary to qualify names in the C code?

And can it do harm when such name qualification is not using the final module 
name but instead something like xxmodule or _csv?

More to the point, what's the point?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: any issues with long running python apps?

2010-07-10 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* John Nagle, on 10.07.2010 20:54:

On 7/9/2010 12:13 PM, Les Schaffer wrote:

i have been asked to guarantee that a proposed Python application will
run continuously under MS Windows for two months time. And i am looking
to know what i don't know.

The app would read instrument data from a serial port,

If the device you're listening to is read-only, and you're just
listening, make a cable to feed the serial data into two machines,
and have them both log it. Put them on separate UPSs and in
a place where nobody can knock them over or mess with them.

The Ramans do everything in triplicate - Old jungle proverb


- Alf

blog at url:

Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-09 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

[Cross-posted comp.lang.python and comp.lang.c++]

I lack experience with shared libraries in *nix and so I need to ask...

This is about cppy, some support for writing Python extensions in C++ that I 
just started on (some days ago almost known as pynis (not funny after all)).

For an extension module it seems that Python requires each routine to be defined 
as 'extern C'. And although e.g. MSVC is happy to mix 'extern C' and C++ 
linkage, using a routine declared as 'static' in a class as a C callback, 
formally they're two different kinds, and I seem to recall that /some/ C++ 
compiler balks at that kind of mixing unless specially instructed to allow it. 
Perhaps it was the Sun compiler?

Anyway, to be formally correct I cannot generate the required C routines via 
templating, and I ended up using macros that the user must explicitly invoke, 
like, here the Py doc's first extension module example recoded using cppy,

code file=spam.cpp
#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h
#include progrock/cppy/Module.h
using namespace progrock;

class Spam: public cppy::Module
Spam(): cppy::Module( spam )
setDocString( Lblåbærsyltetøy er blått );

PyObject* system( PyObject* args )
const char *command;
int sts;

if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, s, command ) )
return NULL;
sts = ::system( command );
return Py_BuildValue( i, sts );

CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE( Spam, system, Execute a shell command )

PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_spam()
return cppy::init Spam ();

It works in Windows.

But here CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE does three things:

  A Defining the 'extern C' routine.
I cannot think of any problem here.

  B Defining installation data for that routine.
Possible problem: initializing a static with address of routine?

  C - Adding that install data record into a linked list!
Possible problem: are dynamic initialization actions guaranteed
to be performed in *nix shared library?

Problem (C) is outside the realm of the C++ standard, since the C++ standard 
doesn't support shared libraries, and I've never actually used *nix shared 
libraries so I don't /know/...

Is such dynamic initialization guaranteed?

For completeness, the macro definition (the 0 in there is a list next-pointer):

#define CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE_DEF( cppClassName, name )  \
extern C  \
static PyObject* cppClassName##_##name( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{   \
return ::progrock::cppy::modulecppClassName().name( args );   \

#define CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE_INSTALLDATA( cppClassName, name, docString )   \
static ::progrock::cppy::detail::ModuleRoutineDescriptor\
cppClassName##_##name##_descriptor = {  \
0,  \
#name,  \
docString,  \
cppClassName##_##name  \
};  \
static bool cppClassName##_##name##_descriptor_installed =  \
::progrock::cppy::detail::addToList cppClassName (\
cppClassName##_##name##_descriptor  \

#define CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE( cppClassName, name, docString )   \
CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE_DEF( cppClassName, name )  \
CPPY_MODULE_CROUTINE_INSTALLDATA( cppClassName, name, docString )


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Hello

2010-07-09 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Dani Valverde, on 09.07.2010 18:31:

I am new to python and pretty new to programming (I have some expertise
wit R statistical programming language). I am just starting, so my
questions may be a little bit stupid. Can anyone suggest a good editor
for python?

If you're working in Windows the Notepad++ and PSPad and old Crimson Editor (all 
free) all work nicely and are reasonably light-weight.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Cpp + Python: static data dynamic initialization in *nix shared lib?

2010-07-09 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Ian Collins, on 09.07.2010 23:22:

On 07/10/10 03:52 AM, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet wrote:

[Cross-posted comp.lang.python and comp.lang.c++]

I lack experience with shared libraries in *nix and so I need to ask...

This is about cppy, some support for writing Python extensions in C++
that I just started on (some days ago almost known as pynis (not funny
after all)).

For an extension module it seems that Python requires each routine to be
defined as 'extern C'. And although e.g. MSVC is happy to mix 'extern
C' and C++ linkage, using a routine declared as 'static' in a class as
a C callback, formally they're two different kinds, and I seem to recall
that /some/ C++ compiler balks at that kind of mixing unless specially
instructed to allow it. Perhaps it was the Sun compiler?

Yes, it will (correctly) issue a warning.

As the is a bit OT, contact me directly and we can work through it. I
have had similar fun and games adding PHP modules!

Thanks. I'm mailing you a zip with the code... g

The question, of course, whether it works in *nix.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: How do I add method dynamically to module using C API?

2010-07-08 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Martin v. Loewis, on 08.07.2010 07:23:

And since things work for a single method when I declare 'def' as
'static', I suspect that means that the function object created by
PyCFunction_NewEx holds on to a pointer to the PyMethodDef structure?

Correct; it doesn't make a copy of the struct. So when you want the
function object to outlive the setRoutine call, you need to allocate
the PyMethodDef on the heap.


That's the direction I tentatively had started to investigate.

But second problem now is cleanup: I'd like to deallocate when the module is 
freed. I tried (1) adding a __del__, but no dice, I guess because it wasn't 
really an object method but just a free function in a module; and (2) the m_free 
callback in the module definition structure, but it was not called.

Perhaps I don't need to to clean up?

Anyway, current looks like this:

// progrock.cppy  --  C++ plus Python
// A simple C++ framework for writing Python 3.x extensions.
// Copyright (C) Alf P. Steinbach, 2010.

#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h

//- Dependencies:

#include Ptr.h
#include progrock/cppx/exception/throwing.h
#include list

//- Interface:

namespace progrock{ namespace cppy {

namespace detail {
inline PyModuleDef* moduleDefPtr()
static PyMethodDef methodDefs[] = {
//{ system, pyni_system, METH_VARARGS, Execute a shell 
command. },

//{ __del__, onModuleDestroy, METH_NOARGS, Destructor },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } // Sentinel

static PyModuleDef moduleDef = {
cppy, // name of module
NULL,   // m_doc,   // module documentation in UTF-8
sizeof(void*), // size of per-interpreter state of the 
//or -1 if the module keeps state in global 

NULL,   // m_reload
NULL,   // m_traverse
NULL,   // m_clear
NULL// m_free

return moduleDef;

class Module
struct InstanceData
std::list PyMethodDef methodDefs;

void* instanceMemory() const
void* const result = PyModule_GetState( p_.get() );
assert( result != 0 );
return result;

InstanceData* instanceDataPtr() const
return *reinterpret_cast InstanceData** ( instanceMemory() );

Ptr p_;
InstanceData*   data_;

: p_( ::PyModule_Create( detail::moduleDefPtr() ) )
assert( def.m_size == sizeof( void* ) );
(p_.get() != 0) || cppx::throwX( Module::init: failed );
instanceDataPtr() = data_ = new InstanceData();

PyObject* rawPtr() const{ return p_.get(); }
PyObject* release() { return p_.release(); }

void setDocString( wchar_t const s[] )
Ptr const v = ::PyUnicode_FromWideChar( s, -1 );
(v.get() != 0)
|| cppx::throwX( Module::setDocString: PyUnicode_FromWideChar 
failed );

::PyObject_SetAttrString( p_.get(), __doc__, v.get() )
 cppx::is( cppx::notMinusOne )
|| cppx::throwX( Module::setDocString: PyObject_SetAttrString 
failed );


void addRoutine( char const name[], PyCFunction f, char const doc[] = 
PyMethodDef const defData = { name, f, METH_VARARGS, doc };

data_-methodDefs.push_back( defData );
PyMethodDef*pDef= data_-methodDefs.back();

Ptr const   pyName  = ::PyUnicode_FromString( name );
Ptr r   = ::PyCFunction_NewEx( pDef, p_.get(), 

::PyModule_AddObject( p_.get(), name, r.release() )
 cppx::is( cppx::notMinusOne )
|| cppx::throwX( Module::addRoutine: PyModule_AddObject 
failed );

catch( ... )

} }  // namespace progrock::cppy


I changed the module name from pyni* to cppy... ;-)

Cheers  thanks!, but how to clean up, or must I?

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: How do I add method dynamically to module using C API?

2010-07-08 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Martin v. Loewis, on 08.07.2010 09:13:

I tried (1) adding a __del__, but no dice, I guess
because it wasn't really an object method but just a free function in a
module; and (2) the m_free callback in the module definition structure,
but it was not called.

m_free will be called if the module object gets deallocated. So if
m_free really isn't called, the module got never deallocated.

Thanks again. I don't know what I did wrong. Now it's called. :-)

But I wasted much time googling to try to find out the /responsibilities/ of the 
m_free callback, and what its void* argument was. E.g., should it deallocate the 
module object, and if so, via what deallocation routine? I found some info, but 
even your PEP, otherwise clear, was silent about this fine point.

Finally I looked at the source code that invokes it and found that it has no 
responsibilities whatsoever, just a use-as-you-wish finalization callback. Nice!

But I think that could be more clear in the docs...

Code, for those who might be interested:

// progrock.cppy  --  C++ plus Python
// A simple C++ framework for writing Python 3.x extensions.
// Copyright (C) Alf P. Steinbach, 2010.

#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h

//- Dependencies:

#include Ptr.h
#include progrock/cppx/exception/throwing.h
#include list

//- Interface:

namespace progrock{ namespace cppy {

namespace detail {
struct InstanceData
std::list PyMethodDef methodDefs;

inline void* instanceMemoryOf( PyObject* pObject )
void* const result = PyModule_GetState( pObject );
assert( result != 0 );
return result;

inline InstanceData* instanceDataPtrOf( PyObject* pObject )
return *reinterpret_cast InstanceData** (
instanceMemoryOf( pObject )

inline void on_freeModule( void* p )
PyObject* const pModule = reinterpret_cast PyObject* ( p );
InstanceData* const pData   = instanceDataPtrOf( pModule );

delete pData;
printf( Deallocated!\n ); // TODO: Remove.

inline PyModuleDef* moduleDefPtr()
static PyMethodDef methodDefs[] = {
//{ system, pyni_system, METH_VARARGS, Execute a shell 
command. },

//{ __del__, onModuleDestroy, METH_NOARGS, Destructor },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } // Sentinel

static PyModuleDef moduleDef = {
cppy, // name of module
NULL,   // m_doc,   // module documentation in UTF-8
sizeof(void*), // size of per-interpreter state of the 
//or -1 if the module keeps state in global 

NULL,   // m_reload
NULL,   // m_traverse
NULL,   // m_clear
on_freeModule  // m_free

return moduleDef;

class Module
Ptr p_;
detail::InstanceData*   data_;

detail::InstanceData* instanceDataPtr() const
return detail::instanceDataPtrOf( p_.get() );

: p_( ::PyModule_Create( detail::moduleDefPtr() ) )
, data_( 0 )
assert( detail::moduleDefPtr()-m_size == sizeof( void* ) );
(p_.get() != 0) || cppx::throwX( Module::init: failed );
instanceDataPtr() = data_ = new detail::InstanceData();

PyObject* rawPtr() const{ return p_.get(); }
PyObject* release() { return p_.release(); }

void setDocString( wchar_t const s[] )
Ptr const v = ::PyUnicode_FromWideChar( s, -1 );
(v.get() != 0)
|| cppx::throwX( Module::setDocString: PyUnicode_FromWideChar 
failed );

::PyObject_SetAttrString( p_.get(), __doc__, v.get() )
 cppx::is( cppx::notMinusOne )
|| cppx::throwX( Module::setDocString: PyObject_SetAttrString 
failed );


void addRoutine( char const name[], PyCFunction f, char const doc[] = 
PyMethodDef const defData = { name, f, METH_VARARGS, doc };

data_-methodDefs.push_back( defData );
PyMethodDef* const  pDef= data_-methodDefs.back();

Ptr const   pyName  = ::PyUnicode_FromString( name );
(pyName.get() != 0)
|| cppx::throwX

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Martin v. Loewis, on 07.07.2010 21:10:

Python 3.1.1, file [pymem.h]:

PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t);

#define PyMem_MALLOC(n)(((n)  0 || (n)  PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) ? NULL \
 : malloc((n) ? (n) : 1))

The problem with the latter that it seems that it's intended for safety
but does the opposite...

Why do you say that? It certainly *does* achieve safety, wrt. to certain
errors, specifically:
- passing sizes that are out-of-range
- supporting malloc(0) on all systems

It uses malloc instead of PyMem_Malloc. malloc may well be different and use a 
different heap in an extension DLL than in the Python interpreter and other 
extensions. That's one thing that the docs (rightly) warn you about.

Perhaps (if it isn't intentional) this is a bug of the oversight type,
that nobody remembered to update the macro?

Update in what way?

I was guessing that at one time there was no PyMem_Malloc. And that it was 
introduced to fix Windows-specific problems, but inadvertently without updating 
the macro. It's just a guess as to reasons why the macro uses malloc directly.

Except for the problems with file descriptors I think a practical
interim solution for extensions implemented in C could be to just link
the runtime lib statically. For a minimal extension this increased the
size from 8 KiB to 49 KiB. And generally with MS tools the size is
acceptably small.

If you think that's fine for your extension module (which may well be
the case), go ahead.

I have no comment on that except pointing it out as a somewhat stupid, somewhat 
evil social inclusion/exclusion argument, talking to the audience. Argh. You're 
wasting my time. But anyway, 49 KiB is small by today's standards. For example, 
you get 20 of those in a single MiB, and about 20.000 in a single GiB.

But then, you could also just link with a different
DLL version of the CRT instead.

When I wrote link the runtime lib statically that was an alternative to the 
usual link-as-DLL.

It wouldn't make sense to link the runtime lib statically as an alternative to 
linking it statically.

As for linking to a different /version/ of the CRT, if you really mean that, I 
think that's difficult. It's not necessarily impossible, after all there's 
STLPort. But I think that it must at the very least be rather difficult to do 
with Microsoft's tools, for otherwise people would have employed that solution 
before, and so I wouldn't trust the result, and wouldn't waste the time trying.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 07.07.2010 21:12:

On 7 Jul, 06:54, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t);

#define PyMem_MALLOC(n) (((n)  0 || (n)  PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) ? NULL \
 : malloc((n) ? (n) : 1))

I was afraid of that :(

Except for the problems with file descriptors I think a practical interim
solution for extensions implemented in C could be to just link the runtime lib

You still have two CRTs linked into the same process.



- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 07.07.2010 21:46:

On 7 Jul, 21:41, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

You still have two CRTs linked into the same process.


CRT resources cannot be shared across CRT borders. That is the
problem. Multiple CRTs are not a problem if CRT resources are never

Yeah, but then we're down to file descriptors, C library locales and such as the 
remaining problems.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Martin v. Loewis, on 07.07.2010 21:56:

Perhaps (if it isn't intentional) this is a bug of the oversight type,
that nobody remembered to update the macro?

Update in what way?

I was guessing that at one time there was no PyMem_Malloc. And that it
was introduced to fix Windows-specific problems, but inadvertently
without updating the macro. It's just a guess as to reasons why the
macro uses malloc directly.

It might indeed be that the function version was introduced specifically
for Windows. However, the macro was left intentionally: both for
backwards compatibility, and for use inside Python itself.

Except for the problems with file descriptors I think a practical
interim solution for extensions implemented in C could be to just link
the runtime lib statically.


When I wrote link the runtime lib statically that was an alternative
to the usual link-as-DLL.

Ok, I lost the thread. When you said a practical interim solution
you were talking about what problem? I thought the discussion was
about the need to link with the same DLL version as Python.

The main problem that the required MSVC redistributables are not necessarily 
present on the end user's system.

It wouldn't make sense to link the runtime lib statically as an
alternative to linking it statically.

However, it would surely make sense to link with a different DLL than
the one that Python links with, assuming that would actually work.

As for linking to a different /version/ of the CRT, if you really mean
that, I think that's difficult. It's not necessarily impossible, after
all there's STLPort. But I think that it must at the very least be
rather difficult to do with Microsoft's tools, for otherwise people
would have employed that solution before, and so I wouldn't trust the
result, and wouldn't waste the time trying.

It's actually straight-forward (or used to be, until they came up with
the SxS madness). It was actually the case that people did so
unexpectingly, and it seemed to work fine, except that it crashed when
passing FILE*. Then we started explaining that mixing CRTs is risky.


Well then. :-)


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Christian Heimes, on 07.07.2010 22:47:

The main problem that the required MSVC redistributables are not necessarily
present on the end user's system.

It's not a problem for Python anymore. It took a while to sort all
problems out. Martin and other developers have successfully figured out
how to install the CRT for system wide and local user installations. A
system wide installation installs the CRT in the side by side cache
(WinSxS). A local installation keeps the msvcrt90.dll and the
Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest next to the python.exe. Python extensions no
longer embed a manifest so they share the CRT from the python.exe process.

In order to ship a standalone exe you have to keep the CRT next to your
exe. This should work for py2exe binaries as well. At our company we
install our application stack entirely from subversion including Python
2.6.5, Sun JRE and lots of other stuff. This works perfectly fine for us
even for servers without the MSVCRT redistributable.

I think you're talking about a different problem. The CRT installed along with 
CPython works for extensions using the MSVC 9.0 CRT.

However developing an extension with MSVC 10 the extension will use the 10.0 
CRT, which is not necessarily present on the end user's system.

As I see it there are five solutions with different trade-offs:

  A Already having Visual Studio 2008 (MSVC 9.0), or coughing up the
money for an MSDN subscription, or visiting trade shows, so as to
obtain that compiler version.
- Not an option for everybody.

  B Linking the CRT statically.
- Increased size, problems with CRT state such as file descriptors.

  C Linking the CRT dynamically and bundling the MSVC redistributables
with the extension.
- Even more increased size for the download, but smaller total
   footprint for extensions in sum; same CRT state problems.

  D Linking the CRT dynamically and providing an optional download and
install of the redistributables if they're not present. This would
best be done with some support from the Python installation machinery.
- Small nice size for extensions, still same CRT state problems.

  E As D + a new compiler-independent native code interface that
does not carry dependencies on CRT state such as file descriptors, like JNI.
- Really huge effort, and cannot be applied until some new Python version.

And I think the clue here is that the CRT state problems can be avoided by 
careful coding.

Hence, for those who cannot do A I think B is a realistic practical option, and 
D would be nice...


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 07.07.2010 23:19:

However developing an extension with MSVC 10 the extension will use the
10.0 CRT, which is not necessarily present on the end user's system.

As I see it there are five solutions with different trade-offs:

A Already having Visual Studio 2008 (MSVC 9.0), or coughing up the
money for an MSDN subscription, or visiting trade shows, so as to
obtain that compiler version.
- Not an option for everybody.

B Linking the CRT statically.
- Increased size, problems with CRT state such as file descriptors.

C Linking the CRT dynamically and bundling the MSVC redistributables
with the extension.
- Even more increased size for the download, but smaller total
footprint for extensions in sum; same CRT state problems.

D Linking the CRT dynamically and providing an optional download and
install of the redistributables if they're not present. This would
best be done with some support from the Python installation machinery.
- Small nice size for extensions, still same CRT state problems.

E As D + a new compiler-independent native code interface that
does not carry dependencies on CRT state such as file descriptors, like
- Really huge effort, and cannot be applied until some new Python version.

And I think the clue here is that the CRT state problems can be avoided
by careful coding.

Hence, for those who cannot do A I think B is a realistic practical
option, and D would be nice...


  F Possibly, as the docs say,

Developer Studio will throw in a lot of import libraries that you do not really 
need, adding about 100K to your executable. To get rid of them, use the Project 
Settings dialog, Link tab, to specify ignore default libraries. Add the correct 
msvcrtxx.lib to the list of libraries.

Can anyone confirm whether this works in practice with MSVC 10?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Argh! Name collision!

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* rantingrick, on 07.07.2010 07:42:

On Jul 6, 9:11 pm, Alf P. Steinbach /Usenetalf.p.steinbach  wrote:

pyni! Pronounced like tiny! Yay!

hmm, how's about an alternate spelling... pyknee, or pynee, or
pynie ... considering those are not taken either?

Hm, for pure shock value I think I'll use the acronym PYthon Native Interface 

pynis! :-)

A set of C++ classes to ease the writing of extensions.


code file=Ptr.h
// progrock.pynis  --  Python Native Interface Support
// A simple C++ framework for writing Python 3.x extensions.
// Copyright (C) Alf P. Steinbach, 2010.

#ifndef PYNIS_PTR_H
#define PYNIS_PTR_H
#include progrock/cppx/devsupport/better_experience.h

//- Dependencies:

#include Python.h
#include assert.h
#include algorithm

//- Interface:

namespace progrock{ namespace pynis {

enum DoAddRef { doAddRef };

class Ptr
PyObject*   p_;

Ptr( PyObject* p = 0 ): p_( p )

Ptr( PyObject* p, DoAddRef ): p_( p )
assert( p != 0 );
Py_INCREF( p_ );

Ptr( Ptr const other ): p_( other.p_ )
Py_XINCREF( p_ );

Py_XDECREF( p_ );

void swapWith( Ptr other ) { std::swap( p_, other.p_ ); }
Ptr operator=( Ptr other ) { swapWith( other ); return *this; }

PyObject* get() const   { return p_; }

PyObject* release()
PyObject* const result  = p_;
Py_XDECREF( p_ );
p_ = 0;
return result;

} }  // namespace progrock::pynis



- Alf (shocked)

PS: Darn, forgot to google it. But I think it's unlikely the name's already in 

blog at url:

Re: Argh! Name collision!

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet, on 08.07.2010 01:47:

 enum DoAddRef { doAddRef };

 class Ptr
 PyObject*   p_;

 Ptr( PyObject* p = 0 ): p_( p )

 Ptr( PyObject* p, DoAddRef ): p_( p )
 assert( p != 0 );
 Py_INCREF( p_ );

 Ptr( Ptr const other ): p_( other.p_ )
 Py_XINCREF( p_ );

 Py_XDECREF( p_ );

 void swapWith( Ptr other ) { std::swap( p_, other.p_ ); }
 Ptr operator=( Ptr other ) { swapWith( other ); return *this; }

 PyObject* get() const   { return p_; }

 PyObject* release()
 PyObject* const result  = p_;
 Py_XDECREF( p_ );

Hark. This Py_XDECREF shouldn't be there, I don't know how it got there. The 
whole point of 'release', with conventional semantics, is to /not/ decrement the 
reference count.

 p_ = 0;
 return result;

Sorry for posting unfinished code,

- Alf

PS: pyni was a good name. But in use! When I thought about adding the s as 
disambiguation I thought the pure shock value of that was funny in a way, but 
now it doesn't seem funny. Is pytes (Python Extension Support) a good name?

blog at url:

How do I add method dynamically to module using C API?

2010-07-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

The code below, very much work in progress, just trying things, is C++.

Sorry about the formatting, I had to reformat manually for this posting:

class Module
Ptr p_;

Module( PyModuleDef const def )
: p_( ::PyModule_Create( const_cast PyModuleDef* ( def ) ) )
(p_.get() != 0) || cppx::throwX( Module::init: failed );

PyObject* rawPtr() const{ return p_.get(); }
PyObject* release() { return p_.release(); }

void setDocString( wchar_t const s[] )
Ptr const v = ::PyUnicode_FromWideChar( s, -1 );
(v.get() != 0)
|| cppx::throwX( PyUnicode_FromWideChar failed );
int const _ = ::PyObject_SetAttrString(
p_.get(), __doc__, v.get()
(_ != -1 )
|| cppx::throwX( PyObject_SetAttrString failed );

void setRoutine(
char const name[], PyCFunction f, char const doc[] = 
PyMethodDef def = { name, f, METH_VARARGS, doc };

Ptr const   pyName  = ::PyUnicode_FromString( name );
Ptr r   = ::PyCFunction_NewEx(
def, p_.get(), pyName.get()

int const _ = ::PyModule_AddObject( p_.get(), name, r.release() );
(_ != -1 )
|| cppx::throwX( PyModule_AddObject failed );

Problem: when a routine installed by 'setRoutine' above is called from Python, 
then it fails with e.g. SystemError: Bad call flags in PyCFunction_Call. 
METH_OLDARGS is no longer supported!

And since things work for a single method when I declare 'def' as 'static', I 
suspect that means that the function object created by PyCFunction_NewEx holds 
on to a pointer to the PyMethodDef structure?

I'm unable to find documentation of PyCFunction_NewEx, and more criticially, I'm 
unable to find any documented way to turn a C or C++ function into a Python 
function object?


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-06 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 06.07.2010 17:50:

Just a little reminder:

Microsoft has withdrawn VS2008 in favor of VS2010. The express version
is also unavailable for download.:((

We can still get a VC++ 2008 compiler required to build extensions for
the official Python 2.6 and 2.7 binary installers here (Windows 7 SDK
for .NET 3.5 SP1):

Download today, before it goes away!

Microsoft has now published a download for Windows 7 SDK for .NET 4.
It has the VC++ 2010 compiler. It can be a matter of days before the VC
++ 2008 compiler is totally unavailable.

It is possible to build C and Fortran extensions for official Python
2.6/2.7 binaries on x86 using mingw. AFAIK, Microsoft's compiler is
required for C++ or amd64 though. (Intel's compiler requires VS2008,
which has now perished.)

Remember Python on Windows will still require VS2008 for a long time.
Just take a look at the recent Python 3 loath threads.

Perhaps this all for the good.

There is no *technical* problem creating a compiler-independent C/C++ language 
binding. I believe that Java's JNI works fine no matter what compiler you use, 
although it's many many years since I've done JNI things. Similarly, Python 
should IMHO just have a well defined compiler independent native code interface, 
e.g. PNI, or pynacoin, the PYthon NAtive COde INterface :-)


- Alf

blog at url:

Argh! Name collision!

2010-07-06 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
Donald Knuth once remarked (I think it was him) that what matters for a program 
is the name, and that he'd come up with a really good name, now all he'd had to 
do was figure out what it should be all about.

And so considering Sturla Molden's recent posting about unavailability of MSVC 
9.0 (aka Visual C++ 2008) for creating Python extensions in Windows, and my 
unimaginative reply proposing names like pni and pynacoin for a compiler 
independent Python native code interface, suddenly, as if out of thin air, or 
perhaps out of fish pudding, the name pyni occurred to me.

pyni! Pronounced like tiny! Yay!

I sat down and made my first Python extension module, following the tutorial in 
the docs. It worked!

But, wait, perhaps some other extension is already named piny?


url:, PyNI is [a] config file reader/writer.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Download Microsoft C/C++ compiler for use with Python 2.6/2.7 ASAP

2010-07-06 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* sturlamolden, on 06.07.2010 19:35:

On 6 Jul, 19:09, Thomas  wrote:

Okay, you need to be careful with FILE*s. But malloc and free? You'd
normally only alloc  free something within the same module, using the
same functions (ie not mixing PyMem_Malloc and malloc), would you not?

You have to be sure PyMem_Malloc is not an preprocessor alias for
malloc (I haven't chaecked).

Python 3.1.1, file [pymem.h]:

PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_Malloc(size_t);

#define PyMem_MALLOC(n) (((n)  0 || (n)  PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) ? NULL \
: malloc((n) ? (n) : 1))

The problem with the latter that it seems that it's intended for safety but does 
the opposite...

Perhaps (if it isn't intentional) this is a bug of the oversight type, that 
nobody remembered to update the macro?


Except for the problems with file descriptors I think a practical interim 
solution for extensions implemented in C could be to just link the runtime lib 
statically. For a minimal extension this increased the size from 8 KiB to 49 
KiB. And generally with MS tools the size is acceptably small.

I think that this would be safe because since the C API has to access things in 
the interpreter I think it's a given that all the relevant functions delegate to 
shared library (DLL) implementations, but I have not checked the source code.

As a more longterm solution, perhaps could make available the 
redistributables for various MSVC versions, and then one could introduce some 
scheme for indicating the runtime lib dependencies of any given extension. Then 
when installing an extension the installer (distutils package functionality) 
could just check whether the required runtime is present, and if not give the 
user the choice of automatically downloading from, or perhaps direct 
from Microsoft. This scheme would support dependencies on new runtime lib 
versions not yet conceived when the user's version of Python was installed.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: The real problem with Python 3 - no business case for conversion

2010-07-03 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Steven D'Aprano, on 03.07.2010 16:24:

On Sat, 03 Jul 2010 08:46:57 -0400, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 22:40:34 -0700
John  wrote:

  Not according to Vex's published package list:

Hold on.  That *is* the generated list and Python 3.1 is on it.  We have
both 2.6 and 3.1.  The 3.1 version is listed right below the 2.6 one.
The page is generated from pkg_info(1) and includes everything we have
installed from FreeBSD ports.

Pfft! Facts! You can prove anything you like with facts!


blog at url:

Re: Decorators, with optional arguments

2010-07-02 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Stephen Hansen, on 02.07.2010 19:41:

Okay, so!

I actually never quite got around to learning to do deep and useful
magic with decorators. I've only ever done the most basic things with
them. Its all been a little fuzzy in my head: things like what order
decorators end up being called in if there's more then one, etc.

But in my current situation, what I'm wanting to do is have a decorator
that wraps a function but which takes an *optional* argument, and sets
that argument as an attribute on said function if its there.

Here's what some tweaking and playing around has gotten me, as a recipe:

 import functools

 def my_decorator(arg):
 if callable(arg): # Stuck on 2.5. Leavemealone. :)
 protocol = None
 protocol = arg

 def wrap(fn):
 print Wrapping.
 fn.protocol = protocol

 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
 print Calling.
 result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
 print Called.
 return result

 return wrapper

 if not protocol: # argument-less decorator
 print Calling wrap.
 return wrap(arg)
 print Returning wrap.
 return wrap

To be used as:

 class Thing(object):
 def test1(self, arg1):
 return arg1

 def test2(self, arg2):
 return arg2

So, my question: am I doing this right? :) Some play-through testing
appears to work. But, the dizzying array of nested def's up there leaves
me a bit dazed, so I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to accomplish
what I'm trying to do.

If you're willing to have slightly more explicit usage code, consider e.g.


import functools

class expose:
def __init__( self, protocol = None ):
self._protocol = protocol

def __call__( self, f ):
print( Wrapping. )
f.protocol = self._protocol

@functools.wraps( f )
def wrapper( *args, **kwargs ):
print( Calling. )
result = f( *args, **kwargs )
print( Called. )
return result

return wrapper

class Thing(object):
def test1(self, arg1):
return arg1

@expose( testing )
def test2(self, arg2):
return arg2

o = Thing()
print( o.test1( 1.11 ) )
print( o.test2( 2.22 ) )

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Using Classes

2010-06-24 Thread Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet

* Mag Gam, on 24.06.2010 13:58:

I have been using python for about 1 year now and I really like the
language. Obviously there was a learning curve but I have a programing
background which made it an easy transition. I picked up some good
habits such as automatic code indenting :-), and making my programs
more modular by having functions.

I know that Python is very OOP friendly, but I could not figure out
why and when to use Classes in it. I mostly use it for simple text
parsing  I suppose when a program gets complicated I should start
using Classes. Are there any tips or tricks people use to force them
into the OOP mentality? I would like to force myself to learn the
Python way but so far I could not figure out WHY I would need a class
for this...

Use whatever paradigm that yields code that you easily understand. g

Having said that, the main use of a class is to model some data with an 
associated set of operations.

For this a class is merely a convenience, but sometimes the convenience can be 
so great that any other approach would be impractical in comparision.

In some cases a non-class approach ends up with a number of routines foo, bar, 
zlopf etc. that all take some argument of a general type and all internally 
has some if it's really a BRACHYKLURB, do A, assuming that it has 
BRACHYKLURB-specific data, but if it's really a KNETCHOFICHUS, then do B, 
assuming that it has KNETCHOFICHUS-specific data, and as default, if it's none 
of those, do C.

This is a maintainance nightmare. You have to be sure that every such routine 
discriminates correctly on type, checking all possibilities and doing the right 
thing for each possibility. And you have to be sure of that in the face of 
possible additions of new subtypes, or removal of a subtype (maintainance).

Then the answer is to introduce some classes and OOP stuff.

In essence, instead of letting general routines awkwardly and error-prone choose 
the right type-specific routines depending on the object, let the object specify 
the right type-specific routines directly. :-)

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: using subprocess.Popen does not suppress terminal window on Windows

2010-06-18 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven, on 18.06.2010 18:23:

I am calling a ruby program from a python gui and using
subprocess.Popen in Windows XP using python 2.6.  Unfortunately,
whenever the ruby program is called a blank command window appears on
screen, annoying my users.  Is there a way to suppress this behaviour?

Yes, launch the GUI subsystem Ruby interpreter.

example of=finding that beast
C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples set pathe

C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples assoc .rb

C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples ftype rbfile
rbfile=C:\progra...@utilities\ruby\bin\ruby.exe %1 %*

C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples assoc .rbw

C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples ftype rbwfile
rbwfile=C:\progra...@utilities\ruby\bin\rubyw.exe %1 %*

C:\projects\blog\cppx\exception_translation\examples _

OK, it's called 'rubyw.exe'.

You can read about console and GUI subsystem for the complete beginner 
programmer at url:, ch. 1 (hope I got the 
URL right).

Below is a minimal program that demonstrates the problem.  The problem
does not manifest if the python program is launched via the command
line.  To duplicate launch from Windows Explorer by double-clicking on
the python file.

--- call_double.pyw ---
from subprocess import *
import time

time.sleep(3) # to show that command window is result of call to Popen
p = Popen(['ruby.exe', 'double.rb'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,

Change this to 'rubyw.exe' when running in Windows.

Note that that it's perfectly OK to pipe to or from a GUI subsystem program.

results = open('results.txt', 'w')
for n in range(10):
 p.stdin.write(%d\n % n)
 result = p.stdout.readline().strip()
 results.write('double(%s) =  %2s\n' % (n, result))

--- end of call_double.pyw ---

--- double.rb ---
while true
 puts $stdin.gets().strip!.to_i * 2

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Overriding __setattr__ of a module - possible?

2010-06-17 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Gabriel Genellina, on 17.06.2010 09:25:

En Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:56:39 -0300, Ian Kelly

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:38 PM, John Nagle wrote:

That just leaves things in a state where even sys and import
are undefined.

Say what? It works fine for me.

import proxy_mod


proxy_mod.a = 2

setting a=2




module 'sys' (built-in)

It *mostly* works, but not always. Try this function:

def g(x):
global a
print 'global a - ', x
a = x

py import fake # ModuleProxy stuff
py fake.f()
py fake.a = 3
setting a=3
py fake.f()
py fake.g(8)
global a - 8
py fake.f()
py fake.a

Note the fake.g(8) call: __setattr__ wasn't called.
If the OP wants to trace assignments to global variables, this becomes a

A function defined in a module holds a reference to the module's
__dict__ in its func_globals attribute. Getting and setting global
variables goes directly to this dictionary, and does not use the module
object at all.

Even worse, the LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL opcodes (which implement
getting and setting global variables) assume func_globals is a true
dictionary and bypass any overriden __getitem__/__setitem__ methods (an
optimization, surely). I'm afraid it will be hard to intercept global
variable usage in these circumstances.

Great exposition.

But who would have thunk that Python *isn't dynamic enough*? :-)


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Archiving emails in Gmail

2010-06-15 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* teja, on 15.06.2010 09:03:


I have a requirement that I want to log-in into a gmail account read
all unread mails, mark them as read and then archive them.
I am using libgmail (version 0.1.11) library to do so, using which I
am able to log-in into a gmail account fetch all unread message and
then read them one by one.
Now my problem is that I am not able to mark the unread mail as read
and archive it.

Below is sample code that I am using.

from libgmail import *

ARCHIVE_ACTION='rc_^i'  #the action string to archive a message
UNREAD_MAILS = is:unread

def ArchiveAll():
 ga = GmailAccount(name='username', pw='password')
 print 'logging in...',
 print 'successful'

 def _getAllUnreadMails():
 return ga.getMessagesByQuery(UNREAD_MAILS, True)

 def _readMail(email):
 emailData = ga.getRawMessage(email)

 def _archiveAndMarkRead(email):
 ga._doThreadAction(ARCHIVE_ACTION, email)
 ga._doThreadAction(U_MARKREAD_ACTION, email)

 emails = _getAllUnreadMails()
 for email in emails:
 eData = _readMail(email)
 #Process email data

 print 'done'

if __name__ == '__main__':

after executing this code I am getting following error

HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 30, inmodule
   File, line 26, in ArchiveAll
 [_archiveAndMarkRead(t) for t in sr[1]]

In the code you show above there is no line

  [_archiveAndMarkRead(t) for t in sr[1]]

Instead you have


I tentatively conclude from this that the error is in your real code, as opposed 
to the code you've shown.

   File, line 21, in _archiveAndMarkRead
 ga._doThreadAction(ARCHIVE_ACTION, thread)
   File /home/3rdparty/libgmail/, line 669, in
 items = self._parsePage(_buildURL(**params))
   File /home/3rdparty/libgmail/, line 383, in _parsePage
 items = _parsePage(self._retrievePage(urlOrRequest))
   File /home/3rdparty/libgmail/, line 99, in _parsePage
 lines = pageContent.splitlines()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'splitlines'

Can anyone help me in figuring out what's going wrong here?

You're passing a None value.

It originates somewhere in your real code, which it appears that you have not 

I guess google has deprecated this way of marking emails, correct me
if I am wrong here.
But if its true, is there any other way or library in Python to meet
my requirements?

You can access GMail via an ordinary e-mail client. What's that called, POP 
protocol? I think the protocol for sending is SMTP. Any library handling those 
two protocols can be used.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf, who, unfortunately, wrt. to your real code, is not a telepath :-)

blog at url:

Re: Community (A Modest Proposal)

2010-06-13 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven D'Aprano, on 13.06.2010 19:57:

On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 08:42:57 -0700, rantingrick wrote:

i will start a fork.

That is the most sensible thing you have said yet. Please do so, it will
be a great thing for the Python community.

Not nice to quote out of context, there was an if and a then earlier in 
Rick's sentence.

I don't think he'll do it, or if he does, I don't think it will fly.

There are two reasons why I think it won't fly if attempted. One is the 
technical aspect: it's just too much, and maintaining compatibility with 
libraries is in direct conflict with the goal of improvement. The other is 
social: I don't think it would be possible to establish a sufficiently large 
supportive community for something in direct competition with CPython.

What I think will happen regarding the future of Python is the same as currently 
is happening with C++. The language evolved or rather perhaps devolved into 
higher complexity than its users, and even the compiler vendors, felt 
comfortable with. And then a number of similar but simpler languages (e.g. 
Objective C and Walter Bright's D, not to mentioned C++ as a better C and 
various formalizations of that subset idea) started to fill some of the niche 
that C++ earlier had all of; this is still an ongoing process.

Comparing C++ and Python evolution may seem far fetched, but e.g. the C++ 
standardization working groups adopted the idea of PEPs from Python. In C++ 
they're called proposals or papers but it's much the same thing. Python has 
Guido, C++ has Bjarne. In both cases the original language was designed 
single-handedly by the god. And in both cases it's now essentially 


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Tkinter Toplevel sizing issue (using a grid)

2010-06-12 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* random joe, on 12.06.2010 01:40:

Hello all,

Hi this i my first post here. I would like to create a tkinter
toplevel window with a custom resize action based on a grid. From the
Tk docs it say you can do this but for the life of me i cannot figure
out how? In my app i wish for the main window to only resize in 20
pixel jumps (if you will). I have tried using the toplevel.grid()
and setgrid option and no luck!

## here is the tk doc page about setGrid

## here is the Tkinter method from wm class
 def wm_grid(self,
  baseWidth=None, baseHeight=None,
  widthInc=None, heightInc=None):
 Instruct the window manager that this widget shall only be
 resized on grid boundaries. WIDTHINC and HEIGHTINC are the
width and
 height of a grid unit in pixels. BASEWIDTH and BASEHEIGHT are
 number of grid units requested in Tk_GeometryRequest.
 return self._getints(
 'wm', 'grid', self._w,
 baseWidth, baseHeight, widthInc, heightInc))
 grid = wm_grid

## Here is my code.

from Tkinter import *

class TopWin(Tk):
 def __init__(self):
 Tk.__init__(self)#, setgrid=1)
 #self.maxsize(width=50, height=50)
 #self.minsize(width=1, height=1)
 self.grid(10, 10, 20, 20)

topwin = TopWin()

Please help. I am going nuts trying to make this work for three hours
already :(

It seems that the 'grid' call only affects programmatic resizing, not user 


from tkinter import *

class TopWin(Tk):
def __init__(self):
Tk.__init__( self )
self.geometry( 40x30 )
self.grid( 10, 10, 20, 20 )

topwin = TopWin()

Here the effective presentation area size is (seems to be) 400x300 pixels.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Tkinter help - Why this behavior ? (py3)

2010-06-07 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Dodo, on 07.06.2010 12:38:

Le 05/06/2010 19:07, Alf P. Steinbach a écrit :

* Dodo, on 05.06.2010 15:46:


let's consider this exemple :

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

class First:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
B = Button(self.root, command=self.op)


def op(self):

class Second:
def __init__(self, parent):
root = Toplevel(parent.root)



when I close the second window, the print is NOT executed. It's done
when I close the first window.
Why do it freeze my function?

First, sorry about Thunderbird 3.x messing up the quoting of the code.

Don't know what they did to introduce all those bugs, but anyway,
Thunderbird 3.x is an example that even seasoned programmers introduce
an unbelievable number of bugs, I think mostly just by repeating code
patterns blindly.

In your code above you're doing as the TB programmers presumably did,
repeating a code pattern that you've seen has worked, without fully
grokking it. The call to 'mainloop' enters a loop. A button press causes
your callback to be invoked from within that loop, but your code then
enters a new 'mainloop'.


Except for modal dialogs the single top level 'mainloop' suffices (all
it does is to dispatch messages to handlers, such as your button
press callback). So, just place a single call to 'mainloop' at the end
of your program. Remove the calls in 'First' and 'Second'.

How do I create custom modal dialogs then?

I typed

  tkinter modal dialog

in the Firefox address bar, and it landed me on

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-06 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

*, on 06.06.2010 17:17:

Why not a GUI based on HTML, CSS and Javascript?

To paraphrase another poster and to borrow from SQLite:

Pick any *THREE*:
- Simple
- Beautiful
- Cross-platform

I'm not sure what this discussion is about, but anyway, modern GUI frameworks 
/are/ based on XML, CSS and some code behind, which may be JavaScript or other 

In particular Mozilla's XUL is based on XML, CSS and JavaScript, and Microsoft's 
whatever-its-name is based on XML, CSS and, as I understand it, your choice of 
programming language for the code behind.

I have done some XUL programming (a few Thunderbird extensions) but I haven't 
tried the Microsoft stuff since even their XML text editor, when I first looked 
at it, required minimum 512 MiB of RAM, and that was years ago; presumably the 
modern version of that MS XML text editor now requires 16 GiB or more RAM...


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Tkinter help - Why this behavior ? (py3)

2010-06-05 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Dodo, on 05.06.2010 15:46:


let's consider this exemple :

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

class First:
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
B = Button(self.root, command=self.op)


def op(self):

class Second:
def __init__(self, parent):
root = Toplevel(parent.root)



when I close the second window, the print is NOT executed. It's done
when I close the first window.
Why do it freeze my function?

First, sorry about Thunderbird 3.x messing up the quoting of the code.

Don't know what they did to introduce all those bugs, but anyway, Thunderbird 
3.x is an example that even seasoned programmers introduce an unbelievable 
number of bugs, I think mostly just by repeating code patterns blindly.

In your code above you're doing as the TB programmers presumably did, repeating 
a code pattern that you've seen has worked, without fully grokking it. The call 
to 'mainloop' enters a loop. A button press causes your callback to be invoked 
from within that loop, but your code then enters a new 'mainloop'.


Except for modal dialogs the single top level 'mainloop' suffices (all it does 
is to dispatch messages to handlers, such as your button press callback). 
So, just place a single call to 'mainloop' at the end of your program. Remove 
the calls in 'First' and 'Second'.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: one more exception newbie query

2010-06-04 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Payal, on 04.06.2010 12:10:

Hi all,
In it

|  try:
| ...raise Exception('spam', 'eggs')

Why would I want to use a class for exception? I could simply use raise
w/o it?
Also the help() says,
class Exception(BaseException)
But we have used 'spam' and 'eggs'. Why?

| ... except Exception as inst:

Now what does as inst do here? (Is it making an instance, but how?
Aren't instances made with this, inst = Klass() ?)

These questions are like why is the door rectangular when sheep are known to 
dance in the moonlight only on dates divisible by cinnamon?.

It's rather difficult to answer.

I guess it's back to basics: read up on classes, instances, constructors. 
Experiment, create a lot of small programs. Don't think about exceptions just 
yet: you lack the fundamentals.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Python Forum

2010-06-04 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Andreas Waldenburger, on 04.06.2010 20:21:

On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 00:57:15 +1000 Ben Finney  wrote:

Andreas Waldenburgeruse...@geekmail.invalid  writes:

But consolidation is the *only* way to go, really. The parallelism
between c.l.p. and python-list is great already. Now throw some sort
of Forum in the mix

This already *is* a forum. Whatever it is you think is needed, it's
already a forum. Can you be more specific about what you would add?

I meant a web forum.

You can access [comp.lang.python] via Google Groups and other web based 

So it already is a web forum.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Python Forum

2010-06-04 Thread Alf P. Steinbach
, and it will in general not be archived.

As I see it, those who have made and continue to make the decisions to make it 
that way, want it that way.


- Alf

blog at url:

Re: An empty object with dynamic attributes (expando)

2010-06-04 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Terry Reedy, on 05.06.2010 03:01:

On 6/4/2010 8:01 PM, dmtr wrote:

Why does it have to be a one-liner? Is the Enter key on your keyboard

Nah. I was simply looking for something natural and intuitive, like: m
= object(); m.a = 1;
Usually python is pretty good providing these natural and intuitive

As far as I can think of now, one cannot add attributes to *any*
builtin-class instance, but can add attributes to any user class which
does not have them disabled.

  [].a = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File pyshell#15, line 1, in module
[].a = 3
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'a'
  class L(list): pass

  i = L(); i; i.a = 3; i.a

Terry Jan Reedy

You can add attributes to functions.

I'm not sure, but I think it was you who once provided me with a reference to 
the relevant PEP (thanks!), so I guess it just slipped your mind on a late 
Friday night. :-)

See my earlier reply in this thread regarding that.

Regarding user defined classes, I gather that by have them [attributes] 
disabled you're including the case of a class with slots?

There was an article recently in DDJ where the author seemed to be unaware of 
this, but I'm not going to pay for the privilege of commenting on articles.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

PS: How come that when I post a blog entry proving mathematically that the 
reader is really really smart, the number of views dropped like a stone? Huh. 
But OK, it was just a late-night posting, I couldn't sleep so I posted a bit of 
what I, late at night, thought was some funny or at least amusing philosophy...

blog at url:

Re: An empty object with dynamic attributes (expando)

2010-06-03 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* dmtr, on 03.06.2010 23:00:

How can I create an empty object with dynamic attributes? It should be
something like:

m = object()
m.myattr = 1

But this doesn't work. And I have to resort to:

class expando(object): pass
m = expando()
m.myattr = 1

Is there a one-liner that would do the thing?

   m = lambda:0
   m.myattr = 1

But I feel that that is an abuse of the language, and that an Expando class like 
you show is far better.

Thanks for the class name suggestion, by the way  --  I've wondered what to call 
such a class, and now it's clear. :-)

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: GUI programs

2010-05-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

*, on 30.05.2010 03:13:

Just curious if anyone would be willing to share their thoughts
about different Python GUI programming modules.  I've been
doing a bit of research and am trying to find something that:

1.  Is portable.  Would like to be able to send the module along
with the main python file that would be able to run a GUI
window.  Would be sending this to multiple machines.
Currently I'd like it to work on OS X machines, but it'd be nice
if it worked on Windows machines, etc.  Probably be using
Python 2.5 or 2.6.

2.  Can show an image (that is zoomable) as well as add GUI
controls like text fields, popup menues, etc. as well as send
information back to the program from the text fields, etc.
For now, I'm really looking for something that can display
EPS (postscript) and PDF images.

A GUI library may contain such functionality, but it's more properly the domain 
of a special purpose library.

The question then boils down to which GUI libraries your image/rich text library 
is compatible with.

Perhaps if someone else has handled that combination they'll chime in.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

PS: Tkinter on its own does not provide image resizing and does not on its own 
support common image formats like JPEG or PNG (it does support GIF). For Tkinter 
I think you can do that by adding the PIL library, if I remember the name 
correctly. But as far as I know PIL doesn't yet support Python 3.x, and doesn't 
support EPS or PDF, which are not image formats but rich text formats.

blog at url:

Re: Address of an immutable object

2010-05-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* candide, on 30.05.2010 19:38:

Suppose a Python program defines an integer object with value 42. The
object has an address we can capture with the built-in function id() :


Now I was wondering if any integer object with value 42 will be refered
at the same adress with the above id.

Some experiments tend to show that it may be the case, for instance :

  d={foo:42, bar:foo}
  del a

Even you can't make a deep copy :

  from copy import deepcopy
  from copy import deepcopy
  id(a), id(z)
(152263540, 152263540)

So is the following true :

Two non mutable objects with the same value shall be allocated at a
constant and unique address ?


First, id() doesn't generally provide an address. It does that in CPython, but 
more generally it just provides a unique integer identifying the reference. You 
can think of it as the reference value if you want; it's what's copied by an 
assignment to a variable.

Second, the reason that you get the same id for various 42 objects is that 
CPython uses a cache of small integer objects. As I recall the cache ranges 
from -5 to some 127 or so (or perhaps it was double that). Any value outside 
that cached range you'll see different id's for the same value.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: tkinter function outout to text widget

2010-05-29 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Johan Lans, on 29.05.2010 22:51:

I'm totally new on python and I'm doing an assignement where I'm doing
a class that manipulates a text. The program is also supposed to have
a GUI, for which I have used tkinter.
So far I have entry widgets for file names and buttons, its all
working like I want it to.
What is missing is a way to output the changes to the text. I was
thinking that a text-widget would be suitable. Is there a reasonably
easy way to do this?
I tried inserting a string to the textwidget and letting the class
method change this string, but the inserted string isn't updated in
the text-widget.

If that is a direct Python string, then you're not changing the string. Python 
strings are immutable. So, then you're at most changing which string a variable 
or attribute is referring to.

However, if it is some Tkinter thing (I seem to recall that Tkinter offers some 
automatic update magic via something-something), then I don't know.

Would be very happy for any hints.

Just update the widget whenever you change the text.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: confusing error with nntplib

2010-05-27 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Eduardo Alvarez, on 27.05.2010 03:01:

When trying to use nntplib to connect to the news server,
a bizarre sequence of events occurs:

1) I import the module, and create an instance, as follows:

s = nntplib.NNTP('')

I get no errors, which leads me to believe all went well. The I try
fetching info on a newsgroup (in this case, comp.lang.python):'comp.lang.python')

I then get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 345, in group
 resp = self.shortcmd('GROUP ' + name)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 259, in shortcmd
 return self.getresp()
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 214, in getresp
 resp = self.getline()
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 206, in getline
 if not line: raise EOFError

This sounds like a time-out.

Running this a *second* time, gives me the following, different error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 345, in group
 resp = self.shortcmd('GROUP ' + name)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 258, in shortcmd
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 198, in putcmd
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 193, in putline
   File string, line 1, in sendall
socket.error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

When you say running this, do you mean running a Python program a second time, 
or issuing the same command in the interpreter a second time?

For the latter the result would be more or less expected.

After all, you've had an End of File on the connection.

As this is a broken pipe, I reconnect to the server, the same way as
before. When I *then* retrieving the newsgroup's info, I get no errors.

I'm pretty baffled by this. It might be an issue with the server itself,
but still, any input would be very appreciated.

Check if there's any way to specify time-outs.

Check if there's any way to trace the actual commands and responses.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: Local variables persist across function calls

2010-05-15 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 15.05.2010 19:18, * Dave:

I've been writing Python for a few years now, and tonight I ran into
something that I didn't understand. I'm hoping someone can explain
this to me. I'm writing a recursive function for generating
dictionaries with keys that consist of all permutations of a certain
set. Here's the function:

def make_perm(levels, result = {}, key = ''):
local = key
if levels == 1:
for i in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']:
result [local + i] = ''
for i in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']:
make_perm(levels - 1, result, local + i)
return result

I bet this is a FAQ, but I don't know where the FAQ is (probably at

The defaults for formal parameters are evaluated /once/, namely at function 
definition time, when the execution first passes through the definition.

And what you're doing is to update that original default 'result' dictionary.

To achieve the effect that you apparently want you can do

  def make_perm( levels, result = None, key = '' )
  if result is None: result = {}  # Evaluated for each call.
  # Blah blah, the rest

There are also other ways.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

blog at url:

Re: design question

2010-05-03 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Tim Arnold:

This is a question about system design I guess. I have a django
website that allows users to change/view configuration details for
documentation builds. The database is very small. The reason I'm using
a database in the first place is to make it easy for users to change
the configuration of their builds. Django makes that easy and I can go
on to other problems, like actually building the documentation.

During a build, I query the configuration database at different times
to get the configuration I need, which results in several calls to the
database at different points of the build process.

It doesn't feel right that I'm making these calls at different times.
I *could* make a single big call at the beginning of the build,
basically serializing all the config data I could need into a
dictionary or maybe a json structure. And just pass that structure
around as needed during the build, with no more database calls needed.

These builds take from a few minutes to an hour or so, with the time
spent making db calls almost insignificant. So if time isn't a
problem, am I wringing my hands over something that really doesn't
matter much? I guess it just doesn't feel like the right thing to me.

Re efficiency it seems to be a complete non-issue, but correctness is much more 
important: is there any way that the config details can be (inadvertently) 
changed while the build is going on?

If so then it might be a good idea to read all relevant info up front (holding a 
lock for hours seems ungood to me).

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: Python dot-equals (syntax proposal)

2010-05-02 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Terry Reedy:

* Alf P. Steinbach:

* Aahz:

and sometimes
they rebind the original target to the same object.

At the Python level that seems to be an undetectable null-operation.

If you try t=(1,2,3); t[1]+=3, if very much matters that a rebind occurs.


test lang=py3
 t = ([], [], [])
([], [], [])
 t[0] += [blah]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
(['blah'], [], [])

Yep, it matters.

Is this change-but-raise-exception a bug?

I seem to have a knack for running into bugs. :-)

Granted one could see something going on in a machine code or byte code
debugger. But making that distinction (doing nothing versus
self-assignment) at the Python level seems, to me, to be meaningless.

Please do not confuse things. Augmented *assignment* must be understood
as assignment. Failure to do so leads (and has lead) newbies into
confusion, and puzzled posts on this list.


But I think it would be less confusing, less breaking of expectations, if, for 
the example above, += reduced to the functionality of extend(), with no x.

Cheers,  thanks,

- Alf

Re: Python dot-equals (syntax proposal)

2010-05-01 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 01.05.2010 14:13, * Tim Chase:

On 05/01/2010 12:08 AM, Patrick Maupin wrote:

+=, -=, /=, *=, etc. conceptually (and, if lhs object supports in-
place operator methods, actually) *modify* the lhs object.

Your proposed .= syntax conceptually *replaces* the lhs object
(actually, rebinds the lhs symbol to the new object).

The += family of operators really do rebind the symbol, not modify the

  from decimal import Decimal
  d = Decimal(42)
  e = Decimal(18)
  orig = d
  d += e
  d is orig

If your suggestion that += *modifies* the object, then orig would now
unintuitively contain 60 and d is orig would return True.

In some cases += modifies the object. For CPython this is an optimization for 
the 'str' type, reducing to O(n) time the common newbie O(n^2) loops. The 
criterion for doing it is that there is exactly 1 reference (as is the case 
after a first append, subsequent appends can just modify).

This doesn't preclude you from implementing a self-mutating += style
__add__ method and returning self, but it's usually a bad idea unless
it's dire for performance (and even then, think it over a couple times).

Agreed, at the Python level one doesn't in general have the necessary 
information to do it safely. Nothwithstanding the current CPython and Jython 
documentation error of sys.getrefcount (or whatever the name was) that indicates 
that it's available in any implementation.


- Alf

Re: Python dot-equals (syntax proposal)

2010-05-01 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 02.05.2010 06:06, * Aahz:

In article4bdcd631$0$27782$,
Steven D'  wrote:

On Sat, 01 May 2010 07:13:42 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

The += family of operators really do rebind the symbol, not modify the

They potentially do both, depending on the object, even for built-ins.

No, they always rebind; sometimes they modify the object

If they always rebind and sometimes modify object then they potentially do 
both, and so the No at the start of the sentence contradicts this later part.

and sometimes
they rebind the original target to the same object.

At the Python level that seems to be an undetectable null-operation. Granted one 
could see something going on in a machine code or byte code debugger. But making 
that distinction (doing nothing versus self-assignment) at the Python level 
seems, to me, to be meaningless.


- Alf

Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 12:51, * Lie Ryan:

On 04/30/10 12:07, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

On 30.04.2010 01:29, * Carl Banks:

On Apr 28, 11:16 am, Alf P.   wrote:

On 28.04.2010 18:54, * Lie Ryan:

Python have triple-quoted string when you want to include large amount
of text;

Yes, that's been mentioned umpteen times in this thread, including
the *very
first* quoted sentence above.

It's IMHO sort of needless to repeat that after quoting it, and
providing yet
another example right after quoting an example.

Probably you didn't notice?

I think he repeated it just to let people know that they can get what
they want without following your adsurd advice.

Perhaps you could quote the advice that you find absurd, and explain how
you interpret the quoted text?

My previous experience with you is that you immediately called me
insane (and worse) for suggesting a solution that could work in
principle and did work in practice for the problem posed in that thread;
I think you resorted to such characterizations because you had stated
that it was impossible.

I don't know about your feud with Carl, but for this particular thread,
the problem is that your solution involves much more manual work than is
necessary. Even worse, you suggested to write a Python script to format
it for you. That is the worse piece of advice I've ever heard.

If you have a 5K string without line breaks, say, then it's entirely reasonable 
to write a script to split it up, depending on your fav editor's lack of 
functionality for that. Perhaps you'd like to do it manually. I don't.

Yes, your advices works perfectly if you follow it; except that it adds
something to my worklist instead of lifting it.

No, you simply haven't thought it through.

I suspect that you have formed some silly idea in your mind about what I wrote 
meant, and that that in-your-mind silly idea is what you're arguing against, for 
otherwise your comments do not make sense (like, you state that saving work adds 

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf


Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 19:31, * Lie Ryan:

On 05/01/10 00:01, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

On 30.04.2010 12:51, * Lie Ryan:

On 04/30/10 12:07, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

On 30.04.2010 01:29, * Carl Banks:

On Apr 28, 11:16 am, Alf P. Steinbachal...@start.nowrote:

On 28.04.2010 18:54, * Lie Ryan:

Python have triple-quoted string when you want to include large
of text;

Yes, that's been mentioned umpteen times in this thread, including
the *very
first* quoted sentence above.

It's IMHO sort of needless to repeat that after quoting it, and
providing yet
another example right after quoting an example.

Probably you didn't notice?

I think he repeated it just to let people know that they can get what
they want without following your adsurd advice.

Perhaps you could quote the advice that you find absurd, and explain how
you interpret the quoted text?

My previous experience with you is that you immediately called me
insane (and worse) for suggesting a solution that could work in
principle and did work in practice for the problem posed in that thread;
I think you resorted to such characterizations because you had stated
that it was impossible.

I don't know about your feud with Carl, but for this particular thread,
the problem is that your solution involves much more manual work than is
necessary. Even worse, you suggested to write a Python script to format
it for you. That is the worse piece of advice I've ever heard.

If you have a 5K string without line breaks, say, then it's entirely
reasonable to write a script to split it up, depending on your fav
editor's lack of functionality for that. Perhaps you'd like to do it
manually. I don't.

Use triple-quoted, let them flow, done. I've never heard of any text
editor in current use without text wrapping capability, even Notepad has
it. And if I've got 5k of text in  source code without line breaks I
wouldn't want that silly string to disturb my view of the code. You
argument aren't even convincing.

You'd put a 5K line in your source code, + you're working with text wrapping in 
your editor.


Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 21:46, * Lie Ryan:

On 05/01/10 05:43, Lie Ryan wrote:

On 05/01/10 03:56, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

Use triple-quoted, let them flow, done. I've never heard of any text
editor in current use without text wrapping capability, even Notepad has
it. And if I've got 5k of text in  source code without line breaks I
wouldn't want that silly string to disturb my view of the code. You
argument aren't even convincing.

You'd put a 5K line in your source code, + you're working with text
wrapping in your editor.

In the other hand, you'd put a 5K line in your source code, + you're
writing, debugging, and running a script to wrap and put various escapes
for quotes and newlines, + you need to figure out how to force that
script to accept your 5k string.

+ now your chunk is in obfuscated form with various quote noise,
unnecessary escape characters and the like.

Personally, for Python I'd put such text in a separate text file, as I 
recommended first of all in the posting you've reacted so negatively to.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-30 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 21:40, * Lie Ryan:

On 05/01/10 04:08, Neil Cerutti wrote:

On 2010-04-30, Lie  wrote:

Use triple-quoted, let them flow, done. I've never heard of any
text editor in current use without text wrapping capability,
even Notepad has it. And if I've got 5k of text in  source code
without line breaks I wouldn't want that silly string to
disturb my view of the code. You argument aren't even

Perhaps you like to do it the hard way, I don't.

Arguing about how to write 5k of text into your code is about as
sensible as arguing about how to stuff a potato into the tailpipe
of your Chevrolet.

The point is, what you're suggesting doesn't save work at all
as you've shown it. There are other ways to do the same thing,
for virtually no work at all.

Don't put big text dumps in your program. Problem solved!

Alf suggested it, not me.

On the contrary, I responded to you on the 30th, using a concrete example of 
your triple-quote literals rationale posted on the 29th, that ...

  quote author=Lie Ryan
  Yes, apparently my statement that implicit concatenation is an artifact
  is erroneous but it doesn't make the important points less true, that
  implicit concatenation is not suitable for integrating large chunk of
  text into source code.

... but I may have misunderstood what you meant by large.

Anyway, if you read my first posting in this thread you'll see that the first 
thing I suggested is to put the text in a separate text file.

I didn't discuss rationales for choosing this or that method because where it 
isn't personal preference it's rather obvious. ;-)

Cheers  hth,

- Alf

Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-29 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 01:29, * Carl Banks:

On Apr 28, 11:16 am, Alf P.  wrote:

On 28.04.2010 18:54, * Lie Ryan:

Python have triple-quoted string when you want to include large amount
of text;

Yes, that's been mentioned umpteen times in this thread, including the *very
first* quoted sentence above.

It's IMHO sort of needless to repeat that after quoting it, and providing yet
another example right after quoting an example.

Probably you didn't notice?

I think he repeated it just to let people know that they can get what
they want without following your adsurd advice.

Perhaps you could quote the advice that you find absurd, and explain how you 
interpret the quoted text?

My previous experience with you is that you immediately called me insane (and 
worse) for suggesting a solution that could work in principle and did work in 
practice for the problem posed in that thread; I think you resorted to such 
characterizations because you had stated that it was impossible.

So until you get a bit more concrete I'm interpreting your characterization 
(about what?) as just confirming  uphelding the impression you made back then.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: find integers in f.readline()

2010-04-29 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 30.04.2010 04:22, * elsa:

Hi people,

I'm having a problem getting the info I need out of a file.

I've opened the file with f=open('myFile','r').

Next, I take out the first line with line=f.readline()

line looks like this:

'83927 300023_25_5_09_FL 9086 9134 F3LQ2BE01AQLXF 1 49 + 80

I then split it into parts with parts = line.split()

['83927', '300023_25_5_09_FL', '9086', '9134', 'F3LQ2BE01AQLXF', '1',
'49', '+', '80', 'ZA8Z89HIB7M']

Now, I need to test whether I can call int(parts[0]) or not. Some of
the lines in my file start with a value which represents and integer
(as above), while others are just strings of characters. I want to
extract just the lines like the one above, that start with an integer.
Any suggestions?


lines = (
83927 300023_25_5_09_FL 9086 9134 F3LQ2BE01AQLXF 1 49 + 80 ZA8Z89HIB7M,
blah blah,
2 small tortoises

for line in lines:
parts = line.split()
if len( parts )  0:
v = int( parts[0] )
print( OK  + line )
except ValueError:
print( !   + line )

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf


Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-28 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 28.04.2010 18:54, * Lie Ryan:

On 04/28/10 15:34, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

On 28.04.2010 07:11, * Sagar K:

Use triple quote:
d =  this is
a sample text
which does
not mean
anything   wrote in message
On Apr 27, 7:31 pm, Brendan   wrote:

On Apr 27, 7:20 pm,   wrote:


This is undoubtedly a newbie question. How doI assign variables
multiline strings? If I try this i get what's cited below. Thanks.




Traceback (most recent call last):
File interactive input, line 1, inmodule
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

d = d\


d = dd\

You don't need the trailing slash in the first example if you are
writing this in a script, python assumes it.

Thanks but what if the string is 500 lines. Seems it would be hard to
put a \ manually at the end of every line. How could i do that?

That depends. You can put the string in a separate text file and read
the file, or you can have it as a literal. For the latter your editor
should provide you with the tools to format the string any which way you
want, and if not, then just a write a Python script to format it for you.

Consider this little example[1]:


Python have triple-quoted string when you want to include large amount
of text;

Yes, that's been mentioned umpteen times in this thread, including the *very 
first* quoted sentence above.

It's IMHO sort of needless to repeat that after quoting it, and providing yet 
another example right after quoting an example.

Probably you didn't notice?

there is no need to split the string up manually or even

Consider that the concatenation language feature probably is there because it's 
useful (e.g. it preserves indentation and allows per line comments).

d = 
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Here you have introduced an unintentional linebreak, oops.

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.

’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

I copied that in less then 10 seconds.

Doesn't matter how fast it is when it's not correct (or, from another point of 
view, if it doesn't need to be done correctly then it can be arbitrarily fast).

Of course you can fix it, but since you posted it with errors I think you were 
not aware.

In the end there are drawbacks to any way of doing it, so it's to a large degree 
a matter of personal preference, as I see it. I just mentioned two additional 
ways not yet discussed in the thread. Exemplifying one of them.


- Alf

Re: function name

2010-04-28 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Richard Lamboj:

is there any way to get the name from the actual called function, so that the
function knows its own name?

There was an earlier thread about this not very long ago.

General consensus, as I recall, to replace function with an object of a class 
(possibly with __call__ method if it is to be function-like, functor).

An alternative is to treat the function itself as an object. I posted code for a 
decorator to help do that. Of course today I deleted that code (I just use a 
single '' file for various examples), but you may find it by Googling; 
however, I recommend the consensus view of real object.

A third way, even less desirable IMVHO, might be to use introinspection.

Let's see, ... reusing that '' file again ...


import inspect

def foo():
frame = inspect.currentframe()
info = inspect.getframeinfo( frame )
print( info )


Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\encodings\, line 31, 
in module

import codecs
  File C:\Program Files\cpython\python31\lib\, line 8, in module

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Oh my, I crashed the Python interpreter! This is my third time stumbling upon a 
crash-the-interpreter bug in CPython 3.x. I think I'm good at crashing things.

But OK, let's see. Well. Hm.


import inspect

def foo():
frame = None; info = None; s = None;
frame = inspect.currentframe()
info = inspect.getframeinfo( frame )
s = Pleased to meet you, I was originally called '{}'!.format( 
info.function )

print( s )

bar = foo
del foo


Pleased to meet you, I was originally called 'foo'!

But as mentioned, I'd personally choose a real object instead of a bare 

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: assigning multi-line strings to variables

2010-04-27 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 28.04.2010 07:11, * Sagar K:

Use triple quote:
d =  this is
a sample text
which does
not mean
anything  wrote in message
On Apr 27, 7:31 pm, Brendan  wrote:

On Apr 27, 7:20 pm,  wrote:


This is undoubtedly a newbie question. How doI assign variables
multiline strings? If I try this i get what's cited below. Thanks.




Traceback (most recent call last):
File interactive input, line 1, inmodule
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

d = d\


d = dd\

You don't need the trailing slash in the first example if you are
writing this in a script, python assumes it.

Thanks but what if the string is 500 lines. Seems it would be hard to
put a \ manually at the end of every line. How could i do that?

That depends. You can put the string in a separate text file and read the file, 
or you can have it as a literal. For the latter your editor should provide you 
with the tools to format the string any which way you want, and if not, then 
just a write a Python script to format it for you.

Consider this little example[1]:

The Jabberwocky poem, by Lewis Carrol

text = (
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\n
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;\n
  All mimsy were the borogoves,\n
And the mome raths outgrabe.\n
\Beware the jabberwock, my son!\n
  The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!\n
Beware the jubjub bird, and shun\n
  The frumious bandersnatch!\\n
He took his vorpal sword in hand:\n
  Long time the manxome foe he sought--\n
So rested he by the tumtum tree,\n
  And stood awhile in thought.\n
And as in uffish thought he stood,\n
  The jabberwock, with eyes of flame,\n
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,\n
  And burbled as it came!\n
One, two! one, two! and through and through\n
  The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!\n
He left it dead, and with its head\n
  He went galumphing back.\n
\And hast thou slain the jabberwock?\n
  Come to my arms, my beamish boy!\n
O frabjous day! callooh! callay!\\n
  He chortled in his joy.\n
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves\n
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;\n
  All mimsy were the borogoves,\n
And the mome raths outgrabe.

This defines /one/ string value, using compile time concatenation (any adjacent 
string literals are concatenated at compile time, in Python[2] and in C++).

The text was just copied and pasted from Wikipedia, and subjected to a few well 
chosen keystrokes in an editor.

As a hopefully illuminating exercise, consider a Python program that uses this 
string (just import the above module and use its 'text') and generates the above 
source code as output.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

[1] From an example at the end of chapter 2 at url:

[2] I'm not sure how well that plays with Python doc strings; haven't tried.

Re: chr(i) ASCII under Python 3

2010-04-26 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 26.04.2010 22:12, * Dodo:

Hi all,
Under python 2.6, chr() Return a string of one character whose ASCII
code is the integer i. (quoted from
Under python 3.1, chr() Return the string of one character whose
Unicode codepoint is the integer i.

I want to convert a ASCII code back to a character under python 3, not

How can I do that?

Just use chr().

ASCII (7-bit) is a subset of ISO Latin-1 (7-bit), which is a subset of Unicode's 
Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP, original Unicode, 16-bit) which is a subset of 
Unicode (21-bit).

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: chr(i) ASCII under Python 3

2010-04-26 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

On 26.04.2010 22:26, * Dodo:

Le 26/04/2010 22:26, Alf P. Steinbach a écrit :

On 26.04.2010 22:12, * Dodo:

Hi all,
Under python 2.6, chr() Return a string of one character whose ASCII
code is the integer i. (quoted from
Under python 3.1, chr() Return the string of one character whose
Unicode codepoint is the integer i.

I want to convert a ASCII code back to a character under python 3, not

How can I do that?

Just use chr().

ASCII (7-bit) is a subset of ISO Latin-1 (7-bit), which is a subset of
Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP, original Unicode, 16-bit) which
is a subset of Unicode (21-bit).

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Oh, I see... thanks

* just realize the problem doesn't come from here *

Uhm, I meant to write that ISO Latin-1 is 8-bit. Sorry. Keyboard gremlin.


- Alf


Re: [ANN] pyjamas 0.7 released

2010-04-25 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton:

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Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: when should I explicitly close a file?

2010-04-24 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Steven D'Aprano:

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 13:19:41 +0200, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

But for a literal context-free interpretation e.g. the 'sys.getrefcount'
function is not documented as CPython only and thus an implementation
that didn't do reference counting would not be a conforming Python

Since Jython and IronPython are conforming Python implementations, and 
Guido has started making policy decisions specifically to support these 
other implementations (e.g. the language feature moratorium, PEP 3003), I 
think we can assume that this is a documentation bug.

The documentation for Jython specifies the same for 'sys.getrefcount'.

However, testing:

*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program Files\jython2.5.1\jython.jar'
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 

*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar'
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jsse.jar'
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\jce.jar'
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 
*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar, 'C:\Program 

A created
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File c:\test\, line 17, in module
writeln( str( sys.getrefcount( a ) - 1 ) )
AttributeError: 'systemstate' object has no attribute 'getrefcount'

However, a Python implementation that always returned 0 for 
sys.getrefcount would technically satisfy the word of the documentation, 
if not the spirit.


OK, learned something new: I though Jython actually implemented getrefcount.

The Jython docs says it does...


- Alf


Re: when should I explicitly close a file?

2010-04-23 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Adam Tauno Williams:

On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 16:29 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
In message, Chris 
Rebert wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 5:53 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message, Lie Ryan wrote:

Since in python nothing is guaranteed about implicit file close ...

It is guaranteed that objects with a reference count of zero will be
In my experiments, this happens immediately.

Experiment with an implementation other than CPython and prepare to be

Any implementation that doesn’t do reference-counting is brain-damaged.


Depends on what the statement was meant to mean.

But for a literal context-free interpretation e.g. the 'sys.getrefcount' 
function is not documented as CPython only and thus an implementation that 
didn't do reference counting would not be a conforming Python implementation.

Whether it uses reference counting to destroy objects at earliest opportunity is 
another matter.

 There are much better ways to do memory management / garbage
collection;  especially when dealing with large applications.

Depends on whether you're talking about Python implementations or as a matter of 
general principle, and depends on how you define better, large and so on.

On its own it's a pretty meaningless statement.

But although a small flame war erupted the last time I mentioned this, I think a 
case can be made that Python is not designed for programming-in-the-large. And 
that the current CPython scheme is eminently suitable for small scripts. But it 
has its drawbacks, especially considering the various ways that stack frames can 
be retained, and considering the documentation of 'gc.garbage', ...

  Objects that have __del__() methods and are part of a reference cycle cause
  the entire reference cycle to be uncollectable, including objects not
  necessarily in the cycle but reachable only from it.

... which means that a programming style assuming current CPython semantics and 
employing RAII can be detrimental in a sufficiently large system.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: a.extend(b) better than a+=b ?

2010-04-22 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* candide:

Suppose a and b are lists.

What is more efficient in order to extend the list a by appending all 
the items in the list b ?

I imagine a.extend(b)to be more efficient for only appendinding the 
items from b while a+=b creates a copy of a before appending, right ?


But in general, if you're concerned about efficiency, *measure*.

And keep in mind that measurement results may only be applicable to a given 
Python implementation, for given data, in a given environment...

In most cases you'll do better by focusing on algorithmic efficiency rather than 
low level operational efficiency.

Also keep in mind that when or if operational efficiency becomes an issue, then 
for Python the answer is in general to use functionality (modules) implemented 
in other languages. Python is not designed with operational efficiency as a 
goal. It's designed as an easy language.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: string caracters:

2010-04-22 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* luca72:

i get a string from a web server and i save it in to a file, that i
open the file and i read the string:
the string looks like :
after the read i use webbrowser open (sting), but i get the error
because at the end of the string are added '%0D%0A', and if i ask for
the len of the sting it include also the'%0D%0A.
My question is how i can cut the last part of the string if it is
every time different?

Try rtrim.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Re: rfind bug ?

2010-04-21 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Chris Rebert:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:59 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

On 21-04-2010 10:56, Chris Rebert wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:51 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

With the following code, I would expect a result of 5 !!

a= 'word1 word2 word3'
a.rfind(' ',7)


Is this a bug ?

No. Don't you think someone would have found such an obvious bug by now?

if it's not a bug,
then the start index has no meaning ...
... and some would call that a bug.

Ah, I neglected to take your use of .rfind()'s second parameter into account!

As can be interpolated from the part of the docs James quotes:
s.rfind(' ', 7) === s[7:].rfind(' ') + 7 # overlooking the 'not present' case

That is, the second parameter to .rfind(), namely `start`, is relative
to the *left* end of the string, not the right end. I can see how this
might be unintuitive, but it does make the API more uniform.

It seems that the OP also thought it was relative to the left end of the string.

The difference is what it signifies: start of search, or end of search.

With rfind the start parameter signifies the end of the search, and 
conversely, the third parameter end signifies where the search starts. :-)


- Alf

Re: when should I explicitly close a file?

2010-04-21 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

* Lawrence D'Oliveiro:

In message, Lie Ryan wrote:

Since in python nothing is guaranteed about implicit file close ...

It is guaranteed that objects with a reference count of zero will be 

Only in current CPython.

In my experiments, this happens immediately.

Depends what you mean, but even in current CPython destruction of a local can be 
postponed indefinitely if a reference to the stack frame is kept somewhere.

And that happens, for example, when an exception is raised (until the handler 
completes, but it doesn't necessarily complete for a Very Long Time).

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf

Req. for feedback -- writings on error handling cleanup (Py3)

2010-04-19 Thread Alf P. Steinbach
After at least 3 false starts on my programming introduction's chapter 3, and 
some good and bad feedback from this group[1], I finally think the present 
chapter 3 approach is Good (enough).

So no, I haven't given up in this book project, even though 4 months to produce 
these chapter 3's first 30 pages or so might seem excessive!

This is a PDF document [03 - asd.pdf] at Google Docs, available via


I've tried to take earlier feedback to heart. E.g. verbosity: earlier attempt's 
1+ page intro reduced to 1 line. And example selection: no scary math here.

Contents so far:

3 [chapter title, undecided].
3.1 Error handling.
3.1.1 Error, failure, success (terminology).
3.1.2 The concept of exceptions.
3.1.3 Routine call hierarchies, call stack unwinding and stack traces.
3.1.4 Raising an exception / exception types / exception objects.
3.1.5 Handling an exception by using a try statement.
3.1.6 Interlude I: numerical input in a console program.
3.1.7 Exception translation and chained exceptions.
3.2 Cleanup handling.
3.2.1 Why automatic cleanup via object destruction (RAII) is ungood in Python.
3.2.2 Performing cleanup by using a finally clause (low level technique).
3.2.3 Performing cleanup by using a with statement.

Comments welcome!


- Alf

[1] I'm posting this only to [comp.lang.python], for now seeking feedback mainly 
on the language aspects and general approach. Partially that's because, 
empirically, there is some risk of a flame war erupting in this group, and I 
don't want that spilling over into some other group. If/when the chapter's draft 
is complete I'll cross-post a request for feedback to [comp.programming], or 
perhaps post only to that group for the more pedagogical aspects.


Can anyone reproduce this crash?

2010-04-16 Thread Alf P. Steinbach

Python 3.1.1 in Windows XP Prof:

code language=Py3
def number_from_user( prompt ):
while True:
spec = input( prompt )
return float( spec )
except ValueError:
s = Sorry, '{}' is not a valid number spec. Try e.g. '3.14'.
print( s.format( spec ) )

print( This program computes the sum of two numbers A and B. )
a = number_from_user( Number A, please:  )
b = number_from_user( Number B, please:  )
sum = a + b
print( {} + {} = {}.format( a, b, sum ) )

To be thorough I tested the reaction to typing [Ctrl C] at the first prompt. It 
then displayed the first part of traceback output,

output part=1
C:\Documents and Settings\Alf
This program computes the sum of two numbers A and B.

Number A, please: Traceback (most recent call last):

and seemingly hung for, I don't know, 20 seconds?, whereupon Microsoft's Please 
tell Bill Gates about it box popped up; the interpreter had crashed.

Regretfully declining the offer to tell Bill Gates, and this I don't quite 
understand, possibly buffer thing?, one more line of output then appeared:

output part=2
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Alf\, line 13, in module

C:\Documents and Settings\Alf _

In a normal traceback there are four more lines.

I thought I'd report this so I tried it several times more but unable to 
reproduce: instead of above hang + crash + truncated traceback the complete 
expected traceback appeared and the program terminated properly.

Can anyone reproduce?


- Alf

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