Re: Can't do a multiline assignment!

2008-04-17 Thread colas . francis
On 17 avr, 18:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Apr 17, 10:54 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On 17 avr, 17:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Out of sheer curiosity, why do you need thirty (hand-specified and
> > dutifully commented) names to the same constant object if you know
> > there will always be only one object?
> I'm building a web server. The many variables are names of header
> fields. One part of the code looks like this (or at least I'd like it
> to):
> class RequestHeadersManager:
> # General header fields
> Cache_Control   = \
> Connection  = \
> Date= \
> Pragma  = \
> Trailer = \
> Transfer_Encoding   = \
> Upgrade = \
> Via = \
> Warning = \
> # Request header fields
> Accept  = \
> Accept_Charset  = \
> Accept_Encoding = \
> Accept_Language = \
> Authorization   = \
> ...
> Etc etc etc. At the end they'll all be assign to None. Then, when
> initialized, __init__() will the the string of headers, parse them,
> and use those variables shown above to assign to the header values. Of
> course a normal request won't include all of those headers, so the
> others will remain None. That's what I want.

Ah, so they are not constant, I was mislead by the name 'CONSTANTn' in
your OP.

But why would you insist on:
# helpful comment
# there too
rather than:
# helpful comment
# there too
or even:
# helpful comment
# there too

(hopefully you don't consider those names in your code. ^ ^)

Re: Can't do a multiline assignment!

2008-04-17 Thread colas . francis
On 17 avr, 17:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Yuck!  No way!!  If you *want* to make your code that hard to read, I'm
> > sure you can find lots of ways to do so, even in Python, but don't
> > expect Python to change to help you toward such a dubious goal.
> Well, my actual code doesn't look like that. Trust me, I like clean
> code.
> > Seriously, examine your motivations for wanting such a syntax.   Does it
> > make the code more readable?  (Absolutely not.)  Does it make it more
> > maintainable.  (Certainly not -- consider it you needed to change
> > CONSTANT2 to a different value some time in the future.)
> Yes, it makes it more readable. And yes, it does make it (a lot) more
> maintainable. Mainly because I don't have those four variables, I have
> about thirty. And I think I won't need to one or two of them, but
> maybe all of them at once.

Out of sheer curiosity, why do you need thirty (hand-specified and
dutifully commented) names to the same constant object if you know
there will always be only one object?

Re: Python and stale file handles

2008-04-17 Thread colas . francis
On 17 avr, 14:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On 17 Apr, 04:22, tgiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, All!
> > I started back programming Python again after a hiatus of several
> > years and run into a sticky problem that I can't seem to fix,
> > regardless of how hard I try- it it starts with tailing a log file.
> > Basically, I'm trying to tail a log file and send the contents
> > elsewhere in the script (here, I call it processor()). My first
> > iteration below works perfectly fine- as long as the log file itself
> > (logfile.log) keeps getting written to.
> > I have a shell script constantly writes to the logfile.log... If I
> > happen to kill it off and restart it (overwriting the log file with
> > more entries) then the python script will stop sending anything at all
> > out.
> > import time, os
> > def processor(message,address):
> > #do something clever here
> > #Set the filename and open the file
> > filename = 'logfile.log'
> > file = open(filename,'r')
> > #Find the size of the file and move to the end
> > st_results = os.stat(filename)
> > st_size = st_results[6]
> >
> > while 1:
> > where = file.tell()
> > line = file.readline()
> > if not line:
> > time.sleep(1)
> >
> > else:
> > print line, # already has newline
> > data = line
> > if not data:
> > break
> > else:
> > processor(data,addr)
> > print "Sending message '",data,"'."
> > someotherstuffhere()
> > ===
> > This is perfectly normal behavior since the same thing happens when I
> > do a tail -f on the log file. However, I was hoping to build in a bit
> > of cleverness in the python script- that it would note that there was
> > a change in the log file and could compensate for it.
> > So, I wrote up a new script that opens the file to begin with,
> > attempts to do a quick file measurement of the file (to see if it's
> > suddenly stuck) and then reopen the log file if there's something
> > dodgy going on.
> > However, it's not quite working the way that I really intended it to.
> > It will either start reading the file from the beginning (instead of
> > tailing from the end) or just sit there confuzzled until I kill it
> > off.
> > ===
> > import time, os
> > filename = logfile.log
> > def processor(message):
> > # do something clever here
> > def checkfile(filename):
> > file = open(filename,'r')
> > print "checking file, first pass"
> > pass1 = os.stat(filename)
> > pass1_size = pass1[6]
> > time.sleep(5)
> > print "file check, 2nd pass"
> > pass2 = os.stat(filename)
> > pass2_size = pass2[6]
> > if pass1_size == pass2_size:
> > print "reopening file"
> > file.close()
> > file = open(filename,'r')
> > else:
> > print "file is OK"
> > pass
> > while 1:
> > checkfile(filename)
> > where = file.tell()
> > line = file.readline()
> > print "reading file", where
> > if not line:
> > print "sleeping here"
> > time.sleep(5)
> > print "seeking file here"
> >
> > else:
> > # print line, # already has newline
> > data = line
> > print "readying line"
> > if not data:
> > print "no data, breaking here"
> > break
> > else:
> > print "sending line"
> > processor(data)
> > So, have any thoughts on how to keep a Python script from bugging out
> > after a tailed file has been refreshed? I'd love to hear any thoughts
> > you my have on the matter, even if it's of the 'that's the way things
> > work' variety.
> > Cheers, and thanks in advance for any ideas on how to get around the
> > issue.
> > tom
> Possibly, restarting the program that writes the log file creates a
> new file rather than
> appending to the old one??

It seems at least the op should definitely reopen the file:

# create a file
In [322]: f1 = open("test.txt", 'w')
In [323]: f1.write("test\n")
In [324]: f1.close()

# check content of file
In [325]: f_test1 = open("test.txt")
In [326]: f_test1.readline()
Out[326]: 'test\n'
# check twice, we never know
In [327]:
In [328]: f_test1.readline()
Out[328]: 'test\n'

# rewrite over the same file
In [329]: f1 = open("test.txt", 'w')
In [330]: f1.write("new test\n")
In [331]: f1.close()

# check if ok
In [332]: f_test2 = open("test.txt")
In [333]: f_test2.readline()
Out[333]: 'new test\n'

# first file object has not seen the change
In [334]:
In [335]: f_test1.readline()
Out[335]: 'test\n'

Re: def power, problem when raising power to decimals

2008-04-17 Thread colas . francis
On 17 avr, 00:49, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> En Wed, 16 Apr 2008 19:21:18 -0300, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> escribió:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> also i found a link which states 0^0 isnt 1 even though every
> >> calculator ive tried says it is.
> >> it doesnt say what it is but i presume 0 then.
> >> but it seems the dude is wrong and it is 1?
> > Of the possible results of 0 ** 0 (i.e. 1, 0, and NaN), 1 seems to be
> > the least implausible. It allows X ** 0 to be 1 for all X.
> But a result of 0 would allow 0 ** X to be 0 for all X. (btw, this is the
> reason lim(x**x) for x->0 does not exist)

lim(x**x) for x->0+ is well defined, exists and equals 1. [1]
As x**x is continuous in 0+, it is widely customary to have: 0**0:=1

[1] Recall that x**x := exp(x*log(x))
The limit of x*log(x) for x->0 is 0 [2] therefore lim(x**x) for x->0
is 1.

[2] Let y = 1/x; x*log(x)= -log(y)/y and the limit of log(y)/y for y->
+inf is 0.

Re: vary number of loops

2008-04-16 Thread colas . francis
On 16 avr, 15:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to Python and the notion of lambda, and I'm trying to write a
> function that would have a varying number of nested for loops
> depending on parameter n. This just smells like a job for lambda for
> me, but I can't figure out how to do it. Any hint?
> For example, for n=2, I want the function to look something like:
> def foo(2)
>generate 2 sets of elements A, B
># mix elements by:
>for a_elt in A
>   for b_elt in B
>  form all combinations of them
> If n=3, I want to have 3 sets of elements and mix them up using 3 for
> loops.
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> nullgraph

You can try recursion in a more classic manner:

In [283]: def foo(n):
   .: def bar(n):
   .: my_elts = xrange(2)
   .: if n<=0:
   .: raise StopIteration
   .: elif n<=1:
   .: for elt in my_elts:
   .: yield (elt,)
   .: else:
   .: for elt in my_elts:
   .: for o_elt in bar(n-1):
   .: yield (elt,)+o_elt
   .: for elt in bar(n):
   .: print elt

In [284]: foo(2)
(0, 0)
(0, 1)
(1, 0)
(1, 1)

In [285]: foo(3)
(0, 0, 0)
(0, 0, 1)
(0, 1, 0)
(0, 1, 1)
(1, 0, 0)
(1, 0, 1)
(1, 1, 0)
(1, 1, 1)

In this case, I have an inner function to generate the whole set of
elements and then an outer loop to process them.
Note that you can have the generation of my_elts depend on rank n of
recursion (that is the index of the set in your list).

Re: insert python script in current script

2008-04-16 Thread colas . francis
On 16 avr, 09:42, "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering is there any way to do this:
> I have written a class in python and __init__ goes like this:
> def __init__(self):
> = 'jack'
> self.age = 50
> import data
> now here there is in the same directory and contents are like:
> self.address = 'your address'
> self.status = 'single'
> The problem is 'self' is giving some error here. I need to know if
> somehow I can do this. It's like inserting the script as it's part of
> the file itself.

The purpose of import is to build a module object, which implies
executing the module file but in a new context.
If you simply want to execute some code in a file, you can try

In [243]: class A(object):
   .: def __init__(self):
   .: execfile("")

In [244]: a=A()

In [245]: a.a
Out[245]: 1

In [246]: open("").read()
Out[246]: 'self.a = 1\n'

But do you really want to execute some arbitrary code or to initialize
values with some kind of configuration file?

> Cheers


Re: use object method without initializing object

2008-04-15 Thread colas . francis
On 15 avr, 17:43, Robert Bossy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reckoner wrote:
> > would it be possible to use one of an object's methods without
> > initializing the object?
> > In other words, if I have:
> > class Test:
> >   def __init__(self):
> >   print 'init'
> >   def foo(self):
> >   print 'foo'
> > and I want to use the foo function without hitting the
> > initialize constructor function.
> > Is this possible?
> Hi,
> Yes. It is possible and it is called "class method". That is to say, it
> is a method bound to the class, and not to the class instances.
> In pragmatic terms, class methods have three differences from instance
> methods:
>1) You have to declare a classmethod as a classmethod with the
> classmethod() function, or the @classmethod decorator.
>2) The first argument is not the instance but the class: to mark this
> clearly, it is usually named cls, instead of self.
>3) Classmethods are called with class objects, which looks like this:
> ClassName.class_method_name(...).
> In your example, this becomes:
> class Test(object):
> def __init__(self):
> print 'init'
> @classmethod
> def foo(cls):
> print 'foo'
> Now call foo without instantiating a Test:

To be complete, you can also define a static method that will not even
be passed the class as argument:

In [217]: class Test(object):
   .: def __init__(self):
   .: print 'init'
   .: @staticmethod
   .: def foo():
   .: print 'foo'

In [218]:


Re: use object method without initializing object

2008-04-15 Thread colas . francis
On 15 avr, 17:27, Reckoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> would it be possible to use one of an object's methods without
> initializing the object?
> In other words, if I have:
> class Test:
>   def __init__(self):
>   print 'init'
>   def foo(self):
>   print 'foo'
> and I want to use the foo function without hitting the
> initialize constructor function.
> Is this possible?


In [214]: class Test:
   .: def foo(self):
   .: print 'foo'

In [215]: t = Test()

In [216]:


Re: Rounding a number to nearest even

2008-04-15 Thread colas . francis
On 14 avr, 20:02, Thomas Dybdahl Ahle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 03:14 -0700, bdsatish wrote:
> > The built-in function round( ) will always "round up", that is 1.5 is
> > rounded to 2.0 and 2.5 is rounded to 3.0.
> > If I want to round to the nearest even, that is
> > my_round(1.5) = 2# As expected
> > my_round(2.5) = 2# Not 3, which is an odd num
> > I'm interested in rounding numbers of the form "x.5" depending upon
> > whether x is odd or even. Any idea about how to implement it ?
> This seams to work fine:
> evenRound = lambda f: round(f/2.)*2

That was the solution I proposed first but it is inadequate since the
op does not want 3 to be rounded to 4.
If you're interested in this discussion, I kindly suggest you read the
whole thread: many interesting proposals and discussions have ensued.


Re: eval modifies passed dict

2008-04-14 Thread colas . francis
On 14 avr, 18:05, Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Janto Dreijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It seems eval is modifying the passed in locals/globals. This is
> > behaviour I did not expect and is really messing up my app.
> > Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar  7 2008, 04:10:12)
> > [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>  d = dict(a=1)
>  d.keys()
> > ['a']
>  eval("a", d)
> > 1
>  d.keys()
> > ['a', '__builtins__']
> > That can't be right.
> That can exactly be right.
> The current document is (I think) wrong or at the least misleading. It
> says:
> > If the globals dictionary is present and lacks '__builtins__', the
> > current globals are copied into globals before expression is parsed.
> I think it should say:
> > If the globals dictionary is present and lacks '__builtins__', the
> > current value of __builtins__ is added to globals before expression
> > is parsed.
> i.e. only a single variable is assigned, other globals aren't copied.


Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar  7 2008, 03:39:23)
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> globals().keys()
['__builtins__', '__name__', '__doc__']
>>> b = 2
>>> d = {'a': 1}
>>> eval('a', d)
>>> d.keys()
['a', '__builtins__']


Re: eval modifies passed dict

2008-04-14 Thread colas . francis
On 14 avr, 17:23, Janto Dreijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems eval is modifying the passed in locals/globals. This is
> behaviour I did not expect and is really messing up my app.
> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar  7 2008, 04:10:12)
> [GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> d = 
> dict(a=1)
> >>> d.keys()
> ['a']
> >>> eval("a", d)
> 1
> >>> d.keys()
> ['a', '__builtins__']
> That can't be right.

>From the documentation of eval[1]
"If the globals dictionary is present and lacks '__builtins__', the
current globals are copied into globals before expression is parsed."


Re: Rounding a number to nearest even

2008-04-11 Thread colas . francis
On 11 avr, 14:14, Gerard Flanagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 11, 2:05 pm, Gerard Flanagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 11, 12:14 pm, bdsatish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The built-in function round( ) will always "round up", that is 1.5 is
> > > rounded to 2.0 and 2.5 is rounded to 3.0.
> > > If I want to round to the nearest even, that is
> > > my_round(1.5) = 2# As expected
> > > my_round(2.5) = 2# Not 3, which is an odd num
> > > I'm interested in rounding numbers of the form "x.5" depending upon
> > > whether x is odd or even. Any idea about how to implement it ?

> In fact you can avoid the call to the builtin round:

Alternatively, you can avoid the test using both divmod and round:

In [55]: def myround(x):
   .: d, m = divmod(x, 2)
   .: return 2*d + 1 + round(m-1)

In [58]: assert myround(3.2) == 3

In [59]: assert myround(3.6) == 4

In [60]: assert myround(3.5) == 4

In [61]: assert myround(2.5) == 2

In [62]: assert myround(-0.5) == 0.0

In [63]: assert myround(-1.5) == -2.0

In [64]: assert myround(-1.3) == -1.0

In [65]: assert myround(-1.8) == -2

In [66]: assert myround(-2.5) ==  -2.0

Re: Rounding a number to nearest even

2008-04-11 Thread colas . francis
On 11 avr, 12:14, bdsatish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The built-in function round( ) will always "round up", that is 1.5 is
> rounded to 2.0 and 2.5 is rounded to 3.0.
> If I want to round to the nearest even, that is
> my_round(1.5) = 2# As expected
> my_round(2.5) = 2# Not 3, which is an odd num
> I'm interested in rounding numbers of the form "x.5" depending upon
> whether x is odd or even. Any idea about how to implement it ?

When you say "round to the nearest even", you mean new_round(3) <> 3?

Is so, you can try:

In [37]: def new_round(x):
   : return round(x/2.)*2

In [38]: new_round(1.5)
Out[38]: 2.0

In [39]: new_round(2.5)
Out[39]: 2.0

In [40]: new_round(3)
Out[40]: 4.0