Re: convention for documenting function parameters in doc strings

2010-02-09 Thread danielx
On Feb 8, 2:49 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant
 danielx wrote:
  Is there aconventionfor how to document function (or method)
  parameters in doc strings? Recently, I've been doing alot of PHP
  programming, and in PHPdoc, you'd do it like this:

   * @param type $foo Description.
   * @return type Description.
  function bar($foo) {

  Is there an equivalentconventionI (c|sh)ould be using in my Python
  docstrings? I saw that Python 3 has function annotations, which could
  be used for this purpose, but function annotations have no particular
  purpose within the language itself (which seems like a mistake to me),
  and they don't exist in the Python 2.x series (at least not the older

 Different strategies here:

 1/ most doc builders propose their own format. You can stick to it if
 you don't want to use another builder (e.g. epydoc has a specific syntax
 to document signatures)
 2/ Use a 'standard' format, usually these formats are a bit more formal
 but they gain in portability, most builders support these formats.
 reStructuredText is one of them and supported by all python doc builders.


Thanks for the link, Jean-Michel. I was hoping to find out more about
how this is don in reStructuredText, since that seems to be what's
used to document Python at There is a section in the
page that you linked to which describes how documenting function
parameters in reST works, which seems to be what I was looking for.

convention for documenting function parameters in doc strings

2010-02-07 Thread danielx
Is there a convention for how to document function (or method)
parameters in doc strings? Recently, I've been doing alot of PHP
programming, and in PHPdoc, you'd do it like this:

 * @param type $foo Description.
 * @return type Description.
function bar($foo) {

Is there an equivalent convention I (c|sh)ould be using in my Python
docstrings? I saw that Python 3 has function annotations, which could
be used for this purpose, but function annotations have no particular
purpose within the language itself (which seems like a mistake to me),
and they don't exist in the Python 2.x series (at least not the older

Re: Pythonic way for handling file errors

2007-10-10 Thread danielx
On Oct 10, 12:28 pm, Paul Hankin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 10, 7:41 pm, wink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I would like to know what would be considered the most
  Pythonic way of handling errors when dealing with files,
  solutions that seem reasonable using 2.5:

 The best way to handle errors is to catch the exceptions that are
 raised by the code that handles the error. Your examples push the
 problem elsewhere: you're setting an error code which has to be tested
 for. But perhaps your application needs to do this for some reason
 (judging from your error codes, this is some sort of web script).

 with open('afile', 'r') as f:
 content =
 error = 200
  except Exception:
 error = 404

 Of all your examples, this is the best. But the catch-all exception
 handler is bad: it's better to catch just file io exceptions. Also, I
 think it's better to put the OK case (error 200) in an else clause to
 make it clearer that it's only set when no error occurs. It's also
 better to use constants in place of magic numbers.

 import httplib

 with open('afile', 'r') as f:
 content =
 except IOError:
 error = httplib.NOT_FOUND
 error = httplib.OK

 Paul Hankin


One of the problems your facing is knowing whether you managed to open
the file before reaching the finally block where you close your file.
To avoid this, I open my files right before try/finally. For me, the
only purpose in having the try/finally is to make sure my files are
properly closed, although when I'm lazy, I just let the file close it
self during garbage collection. This is what it looks like:

file = open('filename')
  # read and/or process file

Of course, this example does not handle any exceptions. In many cases,
you want these errors to propogate upward so the users of your
functions/methods can decide what needs to be done. On the other hand,
you could wrap this code with try/except/else if you wanted to handle
the exception at the source.


Re: Defining constant strings

2006-08-27 Thread danielx
I would really like to highlight something Tal has already said: Python
strings are immutable. That means if you construct a string object, you
don't have to worry about someone else going in and changing that
object. What might happen, however, is that someone might reassign a
variable you have which points to that object. You can tell people not
to do this (although you can't force them) using a mechanism Tal has
also described. You give your variable a name which is all caps.

Hans wrote:

 I want to define a couple of constant strings, like in C:
 #define mystring This is my string
 or using a const char construction.

 Is this really not possible in Python?

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Re: Optimizing Inner Loop Copy

2006-08-19 Thread danielx
Mark E. Fenner wrote:
 Paul McGuire wrote:

  Mark E. Fenner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello all,
  Here's my class of the objects being copied:
  class Rule(list):
  def __init__(self, lhs=None, rhs=None, nClasses=0, nCases=0):
  self.nClasses = nClasses
  self.nCases = nCases
  Ok, so here are some bigger picture kind of questions.
  1. Do you need to construct all these Rule objects in the first place?

 Sorry, I had a nice response written out ... and I lost it.  Here's the
 summary.  Unfortunately, yes, the algorithm this code implements goes to
 great lengths to ensure that each possible Rule is generated only once.

  2. More of an OO question than a performance question, but why does Rule
  inherit from list in the first place?  Is Rule *really* a list, or is it
  just implemented using a list?

 It is the later.  And it is a moderate abuse to say that the Rule _isa_
 list.  Aside from the two integer statistics (nClasses, nCounts), the RHS
 and LHS can be merged and we can say that the rule is [(tuple1), ...,
 (tupleN), (tupleRHS)] with the RHS being Rule[-1].  However, in that case,
 I went for OO principles and kept the two logical parts separate.

 B/c of the frequency of list operations, it's better to be able to use
 thisRule.append() or thisRule[i] then thisRule.lhs.append() or
 thisRule.lhs[i].  Where speed doesn't matter, I have the more appropriate

 Yes, I could do dot removal (i.e., localize the attribute lookups), but
 when we iterate over a whole set of Rules, this still leave the
 localization assignment inside an inner loop.

Then maybe you can assign an unbound method (eg, append =
list.append), then pass in your instance as the first argument (eg
append( myList, newElement )). Even if you localize a bound method,
it should save some time, no?

  If the latter, then you might look at
  moving Rule's list contents into an instance variable, maybe something
  self.contents.  Then you can be more explicit about appending to
  self.contents when you want to add lhs to the contents of the Rule.  For
  example, why are you calling extend, instead of just using slice notation
  copy lhs?  Ah, because then you would have to write something like self =
  lhs[:], which doesn't look like it will work very well.  On the other
  hand, if you use containment/delegation instead of inheritance, you can
  use the
  more explicit self.contents = lhs[:].  In fact now you have much more
  control over the assemblage of rules from other rules.

 Fortunately, the Rules are only assembled in one way ... appending to that
 copy that started the thread.  Incidentally, by speeding up Rule.__init__
 and inlining it (instead of calling Rule.copy which called Rule.__init__),
 that is no longer my bottleneck *phew*.

  In the original post, you state: the left hand side of a rule (e.g., a
  rule is a  b  c - d) is self and three other pieces of information are
  kept around, two ints and a right hand side
  What other aspects of list are you using in Rule?  Are you iterating over
  its contents somewhere?  Then implement __iter__ and return
  iter(self.contents).  Are you using if rule1: and implicitly testing if
  its length is nonzero?  Then implement __nonzero__ and return
  operator.truth(self.contents).  Do you want to build up rules
  using += operator?  Then implement __iadd__ and do
  self.contents.extend(other.contents), or self.contents +=
  other.contents[:] (no need to test for None-ness of other.contents, we
  ensure in our constructor that self.contents is always a list, even if its
  an empty one).

 Well, I do several of these things ... many of them inside inner loops
 (there's a sequence of inner loops ... the algorithms choice, not mine).
 Each of these that are implemented (and not left to Python's builtin list
 methods), is an extra level of function call overhead.  This has been a
 secondary project for me over a number of years ... so I have to look at my
 early revisions, but I think my original architecture was an explicit
 self.lhs = [] attribute.  And it was REALLY slow.  When Python allowed
 inheritence from builtin objects, I tried it and got a nice win (I think!).

  Save inheritance for the true is-a relationships among your problem
  classes.  For instance, define a base Rule class, and then you can extend
  it with things like DeterministicRule, ProbabilisticRule, ArbitraryRule,
  etc. But don't confuse is-implemented-using-a with is-a.

 Well, I know the difference and choose to break the rule intentionally
 *chuckle*.  After the initial prototype, speed trumped OO.
  -- Paul
 Thanks for your comments, Paul.


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-17 Thread danielx
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 13:39:10 -0700, danielx wrote:

  Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:00:16 -0700, Ben Sizer wrote:
   Yes, in much the same way that there is no point ever locking your
   doors or installing burglar alarms, as a determined thief will
   eventually steal your belongings.
  That's an utterly pointless and foolish analogy.
  (1) If a thief breaks into your house and steals your TV, you no longer
  have a TV. If a developer sees your code, you still have your code, *even
  if they subsequently copy it*. You haven't lost your code, it is just no
  longer secret. Since secrecy is rarely valuable in and of itself, you've
  lost nothing.
  But haven't you lost your control over the code? If you were trying to
  sell a program (regardless of whether this is a good way to make money
  from it), hasn't your ability to do so been undercut? This is the loss.

 Maybe so. And if a competitor creates a better product than yours, hasn't
 your ability to sell your program been undercut too?

Creating a better product is a legitimate activity (that's what the
market system is trying to promot after all (not saying the market
system is right, but it is relevant since many people believe in it)).
The whole question is whether copying your code is legitimate. Drawing
an analogy from art and clearly patent-able products, it seems software
might fall into the same category of protectable products. Again, this
is the question at hand.

 Either scenario has NOTHING to do with thieves breaking into your house
 and locks on doors. The analogy is bogus. Undercutting your ability to
 sell a product is not theft, and compiling source code to machine code is
 not analogous to a lock on the door.

  Yes, I've heard all the stories about valuable algorithms and the like.
  Some of them might even be true. But for 99+% of code, spending even one
  cent to keep it secret is just wasting money.
  That may be true, but for someone who has determined that the hiding
  the code would be best, it would seem to be quite a good investment.

 Whether it seems to be a good investment is quite different from whether
 it *is* a good investment.

 If they ask me for advice, I'll tell them that they're almost certainly
 wasting their time, that their algorithm almost certainly isn't as
 valuable as they think, and that if they disagree, well, Python supports

So it's your opinion against the author's, no? And the decision is up
to the author, and not you, no?

 .pyc files, there are tools like py2exe which will put their Python code
 inside an exe file, there is a Python obfuscator, and a few other tricks.
 If none of those things are good enough for them, then Python is not the
 language they want to be using.

That seems good, but you also seem to have something against the whole
idea of stronger protections for Python. I don't think loose
protections has to be an inherent feature of Python.

 As for the rest of your post, it is mostly irrelevant. However, I will
 answer one last point:


  Even if we don't take the twice figure literally, I imagine
  that most of us would agree that the amount that the bar can be raise
  is considerable and not insignificant.

 I dispute that most of us agree that the bar can be raised a
 considerable amount. It is my position that in the real world, as opposed
 to the fantasies of amateur programmers, compiling code is virtually NO
 BARRIER to your competitors understanding your algorithm.

Anyone willing to take a good survey? Until then, I think we can just
disagree over that point.

 Perhaps you would like to consider how it is that black-hat hackers and
 virus writers can analyse Microsoft Windows for vulnerabilities and
 security holes *without access to the source code*?

Yes, but wouldn't it be much easier for those vulnerabilities to be
discovered if the code were released? Black-hats also have to advantage
that MS announces vulnerabilities for them, which they take advantage
of during the period where people are patching their windows.

 (And by the way: your suggestion that Microsoft has very few workers is
 wrong. Microsoft has approximately 60,000 employees, and that almost
 certainly doesn't include the many sub-contractors they hire. )

I'd say that's not a large number (I was more or less aware that ms has
ten's of thousands of emploees), but obviously you'd disagree with

 Steven D'Aprano


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-17 Thread danielx

Paul Boddie wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  But we have only considered the economics of such a decision. Even if
  there is no market value to a work, a person has an understandable
  desire to exercise the rights of ownership over a work, given the
  amount of personal investment one makes in producing it.

 There are other motivations, too. An author might wish that their work
 convey a particular message and that others should not be able to make
 derived works which distort or contradict that message. However, there
 are various established principles of fair use which limit the author's
 control over such derived works.


  I think the above idea is frequently missed in discussions about
  copyrights/patents in the open source world. There, the focus seems to
  be on the marketability granted by protections (legal or physical). The
  post I am responding to illustrates this focus. Do we believe an author
  forfeits ownership of a work merely by sharing it? As a matter of
  conscience, I don't believe the answer can be imposed on anyone. Every
  person must answer this for him or herself.

 As we've mentioned above, one crucial issue is control over published
 works and over the potentially related works of others. With software,
 such control is mediated by the licence which is often prominent, even
 unavoidable when using proprietary software; thus, people using or
 distributing software should be aware of the licence which applies to
 the work. In contrast, works in areas such as popular music are not

While I agree with most of your post, I think the point should be made
that eula's don't hold up very well in US courts:

 prominently labelled with licensing information if you're listening
 to that music playing on the radio, television, in a public space, and
 so on. This apparent promiscuity with such works leads people to
 believe that they are freely exchangeable and that the author is not
 exercising control, even if that isn't really the case due to the
 framework established by the recording industry for broadcasters.

 So, people perceive an apparent lack of control as some kind of lack of
 ownership, that the work has, by being shared in an apparently

Extremely interesting point! This should really motivate people to
answer the question I posed earlier: Does an author of software forfeit
his rights to the code if he shares his program (ie, reliquishes
_complete_ protection over the code)?

Let's say this happens: I want to sell some software, but I'm affraid
people will just copy it. So I prototype it in Python (or whatever
programming language) and never release the program. Based on that, I
design a chip (I know this is nearly impossible, but we are doing a
mental experiment), which does exactly the same thing.

First of all, the chip can be reverse engineered (of course, with MUCH
greater difficulty than the equivalent code). Should I still be worried
that my invention will be copied?

A second point to consider: The chip is patentable (I think this is the
case legally, as well as in the court of public opinion), so what about
the equivalent code?

 unconditional way, become part of their common culture - a sentiment or
 an understanding that can presumably be traced back throughout the
 history of human culture itself. At the opposite end of the spectrum of
 control, when mechanisms of control are used to restrict the
 distribution of derived works or the production of coincidentally
 related works, is it unfair that people wish to disregard such
 apparently counter-intuitive mechanisms? An interesting example in
 popular culture was the legal argument about whether silence
 constitutes an original work
 (, but
 things like patents affect the ability of others to create works in a
 fashion that can be much harder to predict.


Re: Optimizing Inner Loop Copy

2006-08-17 Thread danielx

Mark E. Fenner wrote:
 Mark E. Fenner wrote:

  John Machin wrote:
  Mark E. Fenner wrote:
  Here's my class of the objects being copied:
  Here's a couple of things that might help speed up your __init__
  method, and hence your copy method:
  class Rule(list):
  def __init__(self, lhs=None, rhs=None, nClasses=0, nCases=0):
  def __init__(self, lhs=None, rhs=(), nClasses=0, nCases=0):
  self.nClasses = nClasses
  self.nCases = nCases
  if lhs is not None:
  what does the extend method do? If it is small, perhaps inline a copy
  of its code here.
  if rhs is None:
  Replace the above 4 lines by:
  self.rhs = rhs
  Thanks.  I thought of those at the same you did!  I also incorporated one
  other use of the default=() + no conditional:
  class Rule(list):
  def __init__(self, lhs=(), rhs=(), nClasses=0, nCases=0):
  self.nClasses = nClasses
  self.nCases = nCases
  self.extend(lhs) # note, self is a list so this is list.extend
  def copy(self):
  return Rule(self,

 Actually, I also removed the passthrough that copy was doing and just
 called the constructor directly.  So, at the top level code, we have:

 allNew = []
 for params in cases:
 # newobj = initialObject.copy()
 newObj = Rule(initialObject, initialObject.rhs,
 return allNew


I'm not sure how much this will help, but another thing you can do is
put this line before the for:

append = allNew.append

Then, replace the last line in the loop with


Check out this doc for more info on optimizing Python, and the section
which talks about eliminating dots:


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-16 Thread danielx
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:00:16 -0700, Ben Sizer wrote:

  Yes, in much the same way that there is no point ever locking your
  doors or installing burglar alarms, as a determined thief will
  eventually steal your belongings.

 That's an utterly pointless and foolish analogy.

 (1) If a thief breaks into your house and steals your TV, you no longer
 have a TV. If a developer sees your code, you still have your code, *even
 if they subsequently copy it*. You haven't lost your code, it is just no
 longer secret. Since secrecy is rarely valuable in and of itself, you've
 lost nothing.

But haven't you lost your control over the code? If you were trying to
sell a program (regardless of whether this is a good way to make money
from it), hasn't your ability to do so been undercut? This is the loss.

 Yes, I've heard all the stories about valuable algorithms and the like.
 Some of them might even be true. But for 99+% of code, spending even one
 cent to keep it secret is just wasting money.

That may be true, but for someone who has determined that the hiding
the code would be best, it would seem to be quite a good investment.
Besides, these kinds of decisions are made case by case. We would not
throw a dice to see whether some code should be released or not. Of
course, these kinds of statistics _should_ moderate any decision, but I
don't think you can expect that 99+% will make sense to most
(intelligent) people.

But we have only considered the economics of such a decision. Even if
there is no market value to a work, a person has an understandable
desire to exercise the rights of ownership over a work, given the
amount of personal investment one makes in producing it. It's reall
just a form of acknowledgement (you may consider an alternative form of
acknowledgement more rewarding, but we are talking about the author,
not you). Considering the investment justificiation, I find it
difficult to deny an author the right to his or her own work (the right
to a work, of course, implies the option to protect it).

I think the above idea is frequently missed in discussions about
copyrights/patents in the open source world. There, the focus seems to
be on the marketability granted by protections (legal or physical). The
post I am responding to illustrates this focus. Do we believe an author
forfeits ownership of a work merely by sharing it? As a matter of
conscience, I don't believe the answer can be imposed on anyone. Every
person must answer this for him or herself.

 (2) Compiling code to machine language isn't like locking your door.
 Compiling code doesn't prevent me from seeing your code or your algorithm,

If a house is locked, it can still be entered (without the key). The
point is not that it is impossible to break in, but that it is more

 it just means I see it written in machine language instead of C. If I know
 how to read machine code, or if I have a decompiler, then I can read it,
 no problems at all. Would you argue that Python source code hides your

I know how to read asm, but if you say anyone can read asm just as
easily as one can read Python or even C, then you must be referring to
a machine.

 algorithm because it is inscrutable to people who can't read and
 understand Python? Surely not. So why do you argue that compiled code is
 hidden merely because it is inscrutable to people who don't know how to
 download a decompiler off the Internet?

It's all a matter of degree. The question of plausibility is always

 (3) Compiling code is certainly not like installing a burglar alarm. When
 I decompile your code, no alarms ring and you are not notified.

That's pretty nit-picky...

  I find it strange that people (at least on often equate
  'imperfect protection' with 'pointless protection'.

 Nonsense. Can I remind you that the Original Poster *explicitly* rejected
 using Python's imperfect code-hiding technique (distribute only the
 compiled .pyc files) because they can be disassembled, but failed to
 realise that EXACTLY the same argument holds for compiled C code?

 Let me make it clear with a better analogy than your locked door one: the
 O.P. says I don't want people to look through the windows of my Python
 house. I thought about hanging curtains, but people with thermal imaging
 equipment can see right through the walls. Can I hang vertical blinds in
 Python like my C programmer friends?

 The answers are:

 (1) No, Python uses curtains. If you want vertical blinds, use another

 (2) Even if you hang vertical blinds, it isn't going to stop people with
 thermal imaging equipment from seeing into your house and copying your
 algorithm, just like they can with Python.

  The all-or-nothing
  attitude makes no sense. If you can halve the number of people who can
  deduce your algorithm, that helps. If you can double the time it takes
  for those people to deduce it, that also helps. If it took you months
  of RD, the value of even 

Re: include a python class in another python script.

2006-08-15 Thread danielx

KraftDiner wrote:
 I have a class that is defined in a file called

 How do I use that class in another python script..
 import MyClass ?  (Does it need to be in a specific location?) has to be on your python path. Your python path is a list
of directories python will search (in order) when you do an import
statement. By default, your current working directory is the first
place Python will search. You can also customize your python path.
Check out this part of the docs for more info:


Re: hide python code !

2006-08-15 Thread danielx
Fuzzyman wrote:
 Bayazee wrote:
  can we hide a python code ?
  if i want to write a commercial software can i hide my source code from
  users access ?
  we can conver it to pyc but this file can decompiled ... so ...!!
  do you have any idea about this ...?
  First Iranian Open Source Community :

 You can distribute the compiled byte-code files (*.pyc) which are
 harder to turn back into source code.

 There was a product called decompyle which could do it, but although
 there is a version floating around which works for Python 2.4 I've
 never heard of anyone getting it to work.

 Import hooks and encrypted source are a good option.

 Py2exe embeds the byte-code file for your main script into the
 executable which is also pretty good.

 All of these make it hard enough to deter most people who will ever
 want to abuse your source code. Until you have *lots* of users this is
 probably enough.

 I never understand the knee-jerk reaction on this mailing list to
 answer people who ask this question by telling them they don't really
 want to do it...

I'm I've compained about this before, but I'd say people apply that
response to alot of other things too here on this mailing list.


Earlier in this thread, people were making alot of noise about Bayazee
trying to protect the code while it seemed he was part of an open
source group. He never mentioned that he intended to hide any code
produced for this open source group; indeed, he never mentioned any
code he wished to hide at all. People must have been inferring that if
one is part of an open source group, that all work one produces is for
the group and must therefore be open source. Otherwise, people might
have been thinking that being a member of an open source group makes
you an open source evangelist.

If the latter is true (and these cases are neither mutually exclusive
nor exhaustive), then those who were so vocal in pointing out the
appearant discrepency must have been projecting their own views on
Bayazee. I'm not sure if this needs to be said, but just because
someone posts on comp.lang.python does not mean he or she believe (or
even should believe) the same things as you!

My last statement applies to a few other things I've read around here,
but I'm going to be done for now...



Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread danielx
Jackson wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.

 danielx wrote the following on 2006-08-13 19:49:
  Is your declaration of ABC supposed to have some_super as one of the
  base classes? Your constructor has some_super as a parameter. What is
  this supposed to mean in light of the declaration for ABC?

 Indeed, my goal is to have the base class of ABC determined dynamically
 via a parameter passed into the constructor.
  If you are trying to customize the base class of ABC by passing an
  argument to the constructor of ABC, you should probably reconsider. If
  constructing one instance of ABC can change ABC (the class) itself,
  then the behavior of other instances will be affected as well. No
  programmer can stay sane if he creates instances of a class that could
  suddenly change its behavior (due to someone else's code).

 Fortunately, the ABC class is not very useful.  In fact, it was mostly
 just to be used to store particular examples of the user-specified base
 class.  So all method calls would be from the base class only.

  What you could do instead is to create a function which constructs
  classes based on the arguments it recieves. Then, you'll be able to
  create instances of the generated classes (all this meta-thinking is
  huring my brain ;). I am talking about something like this:
  def createClass(name, base):
exec class %s(%s): pass % (name, base)
return eval( name )

 In fact, this is exactly what I ended up doing.

 def example(base):
   if base == SomeClass:
 # call SomeClass.__init__(self)
 # build example as it would look in SomeClass

   elif base == SomeOtherClass:
 # call SomeOtherClass.__init__(self)
 # build example as it would in SomeOtherClass

  Can you please tell us why you are doing this? My curiosity is killing

 So here is a good example:

 I have 4 classes:


 which are all subclasses of some superclass called Animal.  Now I want
 to define an occupation. For example, Worker.  A worker can exist as any
 of the 4 classes above.  Their constructors are different and I might
 want to add certain features.

 My first thought was to create a class called Worker and have the base
 class determined by a variable which is passed into the constructor.

What you should keep in mind though, is the is-a relationship that
subclasses are supposed to have with their parents. worker is a lion
does not make sense. What you want instead is LionWorker. You'll end up
doing only a little more typing than if you had a general Worker class,
but I don't think it will be much more.

If your *Worker classes have really simple bodies, you might be able to
automate the creation of your *Worker classes by doing something like
the createClass function (ie, by creating the classes dynamically
instead of using the class statement).

I also discovered another way to dynamically create classes, described
in this article (the article talks about other things as well):

I'm not sure if this will help you, but it's definitely interesting.

 Most of the method calls will come from the Animal superclass anyway,
 but some method calls might come from the Lion class, for example.

 Now I realize this would drive a programmer crazy...because a Lion might
 have a roar() method whereas a Human might have a holler() method. But
 so long as the user knew which argument they passed in, it shouldn't be
 too difficult to keep track of it.

 So for example (again, I know what I am typing doesn't actually work)...

   def __init__(self,some_animal):
   # change the base class to some_animal

   if some_animal == Lion:
   # give the lion a big mane

   if some_animal == Ant:
   # make the ant dumb

   if some_animal == Bee:
   # make the bee know how to dance

   if some_animal == Human
   # give the human a hardhat

   def work(self, hours):
   # tell the animal to work for the specified number of hours
   if some_animal == Lion:
   if some_animal == Ant:
   if some_animal == Bee:
   if some_animal == Human:
   # notice, a Human does not have a cat_nap method

   def take_lunch(location):


 and so on. So the thought is that a Worker can exist in many different
 forms: as a lion, as an ant, as a bee, and as a human.  And I might want
 a single worker class that represents them all.

 Hopefully this makes sense.

  Another meta-thought: Hopefully I've beaten everyone else to the punch
  about that question. Is it just me, or will a reply with such a
  question always tell the original poster that what he wants to do MUST
  be flawed? I hope I have been gentler than

Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-14 Thread danielx

Jackson wrote:
 Maric Michaud wrote the following on 2006-08-14 01:26:
  In [28]: class Animal(object) :
 : _types = {}
  In [29]: class Worker(object) :
 : def work(self) : print 'hard'
  What you are trying to achieve is more commonly done by agregation and
  delegation :
  In [47]: class Lion(Animal) :
 : def __init__(self, *classes) :
 : self._objects = tuple(c() for c in classes)
 : def isA(self, class_) :
 : return class_ in (type(o) for o in self._objects)
 : def __getattr__(self, name) :
 : for obj in self._objects :
 : try: return getattr(obj, name)
 : except: pass
 : raise AttributeError('not defined or found in objects 
  %s' %
  In [48]: Lion().work()
  exceptions.AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent
  call last)
  /home/maric/ipython console
  /home/maric/ipython console in __getattr__(self, name)
  AttributeError: not defined or found in objects work
  In [49]: Lion().isA(Worker)
  Out[49]: False
  In [50]: Lion(Worker).isA(Worker)
  Out[50]: True
  In [51]: Lion(Worker).work()

 This is exactly what I am looking for.  However, I am not sure how to
 implement different Worker methods.  For example, a Lion might work
 differently than an Bee. In my example, the Lion would take a cat-nap
 while the Bee might do a dance.

 It seems that I would need to what kind of class called the work()
 method.  Is there a way to do that?

If all of your animals are supposed to be workers, maybe you should
declare your animal classes like this:

class Lion(Animal, Worker):
  def work(self): pass

Your Worker class might not have a work method (or it might have one
which does no work, pun intended), even though the methods it does have
depend on an instance being able to respond to a work call. Then, the
Worker class is like an abstract class in Java (cross yourselves).
This is an example of delegation which someone here has already
mentioned. In that case, users will most likely never instantiate
Worker, but none of the Worker code needs to be replicated, because
Lion (or whatever) is a subclass of Worker. This is one of the
benefits of OOP :P.

 Even if I could do that, it seems these various definitions of work
 should probably go into the class of the animal---so that Lion actions
 are all within the Lion class.  Thus, the Lion class should have its own
 work method, and the Bee class should have its own work method as well.
  The problem with this is that every Lion can use the work method, when
 I really only work Workers to use the work method.

 I can picture another way of achieving this...have a list of
 occupations...which are booleans for each instance of the class.  Then
 the work() method will call only if the Worker boolean is True.  This
 should be sufficient...and the differing work methods would be in their
 respective classes. However, now the actual method names are not
 uniform---that is, it becomes a bookkeeping exercise to remember that
 when Worker is True, then the method to create is work(), that when
 Student is True, then the method to create is study().  So this
 procedure has its own problems too.  It seems like I am trading off
 hardships now.

 So here is what I am looking for:

 A single Worker class with a standardized set of method names. The

In Java (cross-ing ritual), you would create an interface, which
requires a work method. But this is Python :P. We just don't do that.
Search the following page for easier to ask for forgiveness and look
before you leap on this page (the glossary of Guido's Python

 methods in the Worker class are dependent on the superclass (via
 aggregation and delegation, as shown above) of the worker.  That is, a
 Bee performs different actions when working than a Lion or a Human.  And
 finally, the occupations such that not every Bee is a worker and
 there are some Workers which are Bees.


Re: selecting base class from user input

2006-08-13 Thread danielx
Is your declaration of ABC supposed to have some_super as one of the
base classes? Your constructor has some_super as a parameter. What is
this supposed to mean in light of the declaration for ABC?

If you are trying to customize the base class of ABC by passing an
argument to the constructor of ABC, you should probably reconsider. If
constructing one instance of ABC can change ABC (the class) itself,
then the behavior of other instances will be affected as well. No
programmer can stay sane if he creates instances of a class that could
suddenly change its behavior (due to someone else's code).

What you could do instead is to create a function which constructs
classes based on the arguments it recieves. Then, you'll be able to
create instances of the generated classes (all this meta-thinking is
huring my brain ;). I am talking about something like this:

def createClass(name, base):
  exec class %s(%s): pass % (name, base)
  return eval( name )


Can you please tell us why you are doing this? My curiosity is killing

Another meta-thought: Hopefully I've beaten everyone else to the punch
about that question. Is it just me, or will a reply with such a
question always tell the original poster that what he wants to do MUST
be flawed? I hope I have been gentler than this.

Jackson wrote:
 I want a class that will determine its base class by the argument passed
 in.  What I am about to write _does_not_work_, but it shows what I am
 trying to do.

 class ABC(some_super):
   def __init__(self,some_super):

 if some_super == list:

 elif some_super == dict:
self['ABC'] = None

 Then, the user can call this function:

  example = ABC(list)
  print example

  example = ABC(dict)
  print example
 {'ABC': None}

 Clearly, this is a bad example, but the central idea is what I am trying
 to do.  ABC is a particular example which can be represented in various
 forms.  I want an ABC class that will create the example in the form
 specified by the user.
 So how can I achieve this? Thanks.


Re: semi-Newbie question

2006-08-10 Thread danielx
len wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a file that I receive from another party which is basicly a csv
 file containing the following type of information;

Python has a csv module. I'm not sure if you're already using that or
if it would be useful to you:

 Tagname Scope  Value

 I need to convert this file info into my file format used in my

 I have been given a file from the other company that gives me all of
 the tagname that could be used and their scope.  I want to build a

So, a tag name is like a field name, right? What's a scope?

 table which would have all of the various tagnames, scope, and put a
 fieldname equivalent in the fieldname in my file structure in my
 application.  Then read through the vendors csv file index into my
 table file and get the field name of where to move the data into my
 data structure.

 Here is my question?  basicly I need to get the data referenced by
 fieldname variable in my table and then use that data as a variable
 name in a python assignment statement. Thus changing the actual python
 code at each iteration through the lines in the csv file.

I'm not sure that you need to have a different statement execute during
each loop. Why not have something like this:

for line in tagfile:
  foreignTag, scope, value = parse(line)
  currentRow[ myEqvTag(foreignTag) ] = value
  ## do you want to do something with the scope information?

If you really wanted to, you could use exec/eval and construct a string
you want to execute/evaluate, but people tend to look down on that. At
least one of the reasons is that it would be slower. Just for
completeness, maybe this is what you want:

for line in tagfile:
  ft, sc, v = parse(line)
  exec %s = %s % ( myEqvTag( ft ), v )

Is this something like what you wanted? I'm not quite sure what you're
asking... More code might help.

Good Luck!

 for i in tagfile
   find tagname in tagtable

 *** the following line of code would change through each iteration ***
   myfirst = value

 *** next iteration
   mylast = value

 *** next iteration
   mybirth = value


 I hope this make sense.  I remember seeing something like this
 Any help appreciated.
 Len Sumnler
 Unique Insurance


Re: Open file handles?

2006-08-09 Thread danielx
Is there an equivalent in windows?

Jon wrote:
 Perhaps using os you could work with lsof


 Thomas Bartkus wrote:
  This may be more of a Linux question, but I'm doing this from Python. .
  How can I know if anything (I don't care who or what!) is in the middle of
  using a particular file?
  This comes in context of needing to copy a file BUT only if I can verify
  that something else doesn't have an open write handle to that file.  IOW - I
  need to decline the operation if something else hasn't finished writing to
  the file.
  How can I know?
  Thomas Bartkus


Re: Why do I require an elif statement here?

2006-08-06 Thread danielx
I'm surprised no one has mentioned neat-er, more pythonic ways of doing
this. I'm also surprised no one mentioned regular expressions. Regular
expressions are really powerful for searching and manipulating text.
Here is where I learned most of the stuff I know about regular

I think this howto does a pretty good job, and doesn't take too long to

Anyway, here's my solution, which does Not use regular expressions:

def reindent(line):
## we use slicing, because we don't know how long line is
head = line[:OLD_INDENT]
tail = line[OLD_INDENT:]
## if line starts with Exactly so many spaces...
if head == whitespace*OLD_INDENT and not tail.startswith(' '):
return whitespace*NEW_INDENT + tail
else: return line# our default

emptyString = 
lines = input.readlines()
reindented = [reindent(ln) for ln in lines]
output.write( emptyString.join(reindented) )

I'll bet you could put that all on one line using lambda instead of a
def, but this is Python, and we like clarity ;).

A regular expression could have taken the place of our reindent
function, but I'll leave that up to you to explore ;).

Jim wrote:
 Good stuff!
 Since I'm only interested in spaces being my only whitespace it makes
 sense for me to use line.lstrip(whitespace) in my script, thus
 eliminating the elif char == '\n': statement.

 Tim Chase wrote:
   Hard to believe that lstrip() produces an empty string on lines with
   just spaces and doesn't remove the '\n'  with lines that have
  It's easy to understand that lstrip() is doing exactly what it's
  supposed to.  It evaluates from the left of your string,
  discarding whitespace (spaces, tabs, and cr/lf characters) until
  it hits a non-whitespace character or the end of the string.
  When there's no non-whitespace, it returns an empty string.
  If you wanted to remove the \n from the right of lines, there was
  an earlier discussion on the list where someone (Bruno?) and I
  went back and forth and I think we finally decided that the
  best solution was
  which had the fewest side-effects.
  However, when you use the output.write() method, you'd then have
  to add the \n back in to make sure it ended up in the output stream.
  If you wanted to continue to use lstrip(), you could also just
  ensure that you're only stripping spaces (chr(0x20)) by using
  s.lstrip(' ')
  This would leave \t and \n characters unmolested.
  More info can be found at
  Hope this helps,


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-08-06 Thread danielx
Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
 On 2006-08-05 09:30:59, Antoon Pardon wrote:

  But this means that C variables are not analog to Python variables,
  Yes they are.

 Nobody so far has been able to create a simple table with analog operations
 Python vs C that operates on C /variables/ (not dereferenced pointers) and
 makes any sense. (Similar to the one Dennis just posted.)

At least for me, the point is that Python variables are precisely
analogous to C pointers (single star-ed); furthermore, there is nothing
analogous to C primitives (ie, C int, float, etc.); and the are no
references to references, only references to heap data.

I have two ways of explaining this. The first uses alot of word
chopping, making it rather long winded. The second relies on the notion
of a homomorphism used in abstract algebra. You may be able to follow
along even if you don't already know what a homomorphism is, but that
explanation will most likely benefit people who already do.

explanation attempt 1:

When I say things like num1 is 'holding' a long, I am being quite
loose with the word holding. Literally, I would say the variable is
holding a reference. But references are the only thing Python
variables can hold; therefore, our loosely worded phrase can
unambiguously taken to mean that the reference held by num1 points to
a some long struct.

This loose way of saying things tends to imply that the reference IS
the long itself (even though we have to follow the reference to reach
the actual data). From this, we can easily derive a notion of
identity in Python: two things are identical if they are the same
address (remember, all things are references). This make sense
because if we have list1 is list2, then changes to list1 are also
seen in list2

comment: Unfortunately, I had to switch examples in the second
paragraph, since long is an immutable type. On the plus side, this
illustrates the deep consequences of immutable data types in Python.

explanation attempt 2 (me being a pretentioius ass):

I claim that there is some structure preserving function, a
homomorphism, which goes from Python variables to C variables when we
are working with the '+' operator in Python and the
AllocateAndConsInteger( *dot + *dot ) operator in C.

To illustrate what the AllocateAndConsInteger function does, the
following are supposed to be analogous:

## initialize aPy and bPy
aPy = 1; bPy =2
xPy = aPy+bPy  #  --OPERATE


/* declarations: annoying, but necessary */
int * aC, *bC, *xC;
/* initialize a and b */
aC = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
bC = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
*aC = 1; *bC = 2;
xC = AllocateAndConsInteger( *a + *b )  /* -- OPERATE */

I think you can imagine a function f where the following (always)

f(aPy) == aC and f(bPy) == bC and f(xPy) = xC

Then f is a homomorphism...

Earlier, I described the above as reasoning. Don't take that too
literally ;).


All of what I have been saying has been an attempt at getting across
what I had hoped to acomplish with my remote-in-cup analogy.
Unfortunately, it's very hard to do the analogy real justice without
good illustrations, which you will find in Head First Java. It's
really a fun book...

 Just do it (I mean state a few operations on/with variables in either
 language, and what the analog operation in the other language is), and I
 may be a convert :)

  [...] C dereferenced pointers are.
  No they are not. a = b in Python translates to: a = b in C. It doesn't
  translate to *a = *b in C.

 Hold this thought for a little while...

  It is true that a = b + c in Python doesn't translate to a = b + c in
  C, but since this really is a shortcut of a = b.__add__(c) there
  is nothing wrong with tranlating it into something like:
  a = IntPlus(b, c) for C, where the IntPlus will provide a new pointer
  that points to the sum [...]

 Did you hold that thought? Now IntPlus() returns a new pointer, which
 means that c is a pointer variable, not a value variable. Didn't you write
 above that it wasn't a pointer?

  or we could provide the necessary structures so that we could translate
  is as: a = b-__add__(c)

 Which of course again requires b to be a pointer. You seem not to be clear
 whether you want to create a C analogy (to Python variables) of C variables
 (as you stated above) or of C dereferenced pointers (as your code examples

  [...] then there is something in C deserving the term variable which
  behaves like variables do in Python.

 ?? There /is/ something in C called a variable. And there is something in
 Python (at least commonly) called variable. But IMO they don't behave in a
 similar way. (It is obviously possible to create something in C that
 behaves like a Python variable, but that's then not a C variable. It's a
 more complex C construct.)


Re: Why do I require an elif statement here?

2006-08-06 Thread danielx
No offense. I didn't mean there was anything wrong with your way, just
that it wasn't neat. By that, I meant, you were still using lots of
for loops and if blocks.

Justin  Azoff wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  I'm surprised no one has mentioned neat-er, more pythonic ways of doing
  this. I'm also surprised no one mentioned regular expressions. Regular
  expressions are really powerful for searching and manipulating text.

I suppose I put those things too close together. I meant I was
surprised for each of the two Separate (non)occurances.


 I'm surprised you don't count my post as a neat and pythonic way of
 doing this.  I'm also surprised that you mention regular expressions
 after neat and pythonic.  While regular expressions often serve a
 purpose, they are rarely neat.

  Anyway, here's my solution, which does Not use regular expressions:
  def reindent(line):
  ## we use slicing, because we don't know how long line is
  head = line[:OLD_INDENT]
  tail = line[OLD_INDENT:]
  ## if line starts with Exactly so many spaces...
  if head == whitespace*OLD_INDENT and not tail.startswith(' '):
  return whitespace*NEW_INDENT + tail
  else: return line# our default

 This function is broken.  Not only does it still rely on global
 variables to work, it does not actually reindent lines correctly.  Your

It's just an illustration.

 function only changes lines that start with exactly OLD_INDENT spaces,
 ignoring any lines that start with a multiple of OLD_INDENT.

Maybe I misread, but that's what I thought he wanted. Did you not see
my code comments expressing that very intent? Anyway, it wouldn't be
that hard to modify what I gave to do multiple replacement: just add a
recursive call.

 - Justin


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-31 Thread danielx
Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
 On 2006-07-30 09:54:14, Antoon Pardon wrote:

  Aren't you looking too much at implementation details now?

 Possibly, but at this point I'm still trying to understand how Python does
 these things, and what the useful abstraction level is for me. I also still
 have very little experience how I'll put the things we've been discussing

Sorry I've been away from this sub-thread for a while (even though I
kinda started it :P). Yes, I'm also wondering what difference this big
huge argument makes on how I logically follow Python.

Personally, I find this metaphor in Head First Java from O'Reilly
Press really helpful for both Python and Java. Before anyone sends me a
letter bomb that says Python != Java, let me say this: have phun :P.

Anyway, the metaphor goes something like this: variables (for objects,
not primitives) are like cups (just wait, it gets better). You can put
a remote control IN a cup. The remote control controls a real object
on the heap (ie, the data for the object is there).

Unfortunately, some of the effect of the metaphor is lost because I
cannot reporduce the very nice illustrations which came in the book :P.

Other than the fact that you declare variables in Java (going down
another letter-bomb-laden slippery slope), which means they stick
around even when they have no remote controls, I pretty much think of
Python variables the same way: each variable LOGICALLY contains a
reference (ie, without regard to what the mechanics are) to some
amorphous glob of data, sitting on the heap. Therefore, when I do an
assignment, I am simply replacing the reference my variable is holding.
According to the metaphor, we are replacing the remote control our cup
is holding.

If an object is no longer visible (because all the references have
disappeared), then it should get garbage collected eventually. But
until the magical garbage-collecting angle of death makes is way
through the heap, our orphaned objects are PHYSICALLY still there until
they are forcefully evicted from memory. Logically, however, they were
gone as soon as we lost sight of them.

Java aside, My question is this: how will using this metaphor break the
way I logically follow Python?

 here into (Python) practice. While not new to programming, I'm new to

  AFAIU, one can also build a C++ class hierarchy that with some small
  limitations in used operators, would have semantics very similar to
  Python. Would you argue that those using such a C++ class hierarchy would
  no longer be using variables in C++?

 Probably not. But for me it's mostly about useful terminology, not
 necessarily correct terminology. In order to talk about correct
 terminology, we'd have to use a common definition of variable. This is a
 term so widely used that I'm not sure there is a useful single definition
 of it; do you know one?

This is another thing I was thinking the entire time I was reading this
argument, but I didn't want someone to answer me in a condescending
tone on what exactly a variable IS. I guess I should attribute that
quote to Bill Clinton :P.

 In any case, the following doesn't seem to be implementation detail (and
 rather a part of the language), but it's not really understandable with a
 C++ concept of variable:


 You don't expect the identity of the variable b to change with a simple
 assignment from a C/C++ point of view. You also don't expect the identity
 of a and b to be the same after assigning one to the other. You can create
 C++ classes that behave like that (you can implement Python in C++ :), but
 that doesn't mean that you expect C++ language constructs to behave like

I'm really not comfortable with C, but I disagree. What would you say
about this program:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h
#define tf(bool) (bool) ? true : false

const char * greeting = hello world;

int main() {
  /* These mallocs don't really need to be hear for me to make my
 point, because as far as I know, what they return is garbage
 values anyway :P. I just put them there so my pointers are
 pointing to real objects.*/
  char * string = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
  char * letterBomb = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*100);

  strcpy(string, greeting);
  strcpy(letterBomb, greeting);

  printf(are we equal? %s\n, tf(strcmp(string, letterBomb) == 0));
  printf(are we IDENTICAL? %s\n, tf(string == letterBomb));

  letterBomb = string;
  printf(are we identical NOW? %s\n, tf(string==letterBomb));




2006-07-31 Thread danielx
OriginalBrownster wrote:
 I am using a class called UploadedFile.
 I want to create a for loop to itterate through the objects within file

 class UploadedFile(SQLObject):
   filename = StringCol(alternateID=True)
   abspath = StringCol()
   uniqueid = IntCol()

 I'll show you a snippit of the code I am trying to use it in::

 zip= [zip.txt]
 file_path = [myfile.filename for myfile in]

 if kw:
 for filename in file_path:
 flash('Options selected'+ str(kw) + str(zip))

 When i run this the flash displays all the values for kw...however zip
 only shows up as zip.txt using the str function. Meaning that the FOR
 LOOP is not working correctly.

 Any ideas why this is happening?? perhaps someone could shoe me how to
 make a proper list for this if this is incorrect.

 Thank you

I'm not really familiar with SQLObject, but are you sure file_path is
not empty?

Also, a few small comments:

1. zip is a builtin function. I would choose a different name, even
though this is not strictly necessary.

2. You can accomplish what you seem to be intending with your loop
using list.extend.

3. That's an interesting thing to put in an else case. Why did you do
it that way instead of just leaving it out?


Re: Html character entity conversion

2006-07-30 Thread danielx
 Here is my script:

 from mechanize import *
 from BeautifulSoup import *
 import StringIO
 b = Browser()
 f =;)
 b[source] = hello python
 html = b.submit().get_data()
 soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
 print  soup.find(span, id = r_text).string

 In russian it looks like:
 привет питон

 How can I translate this using standard Python libraries??

 Pak Andrei,, icq://97449800

I'm having trouble understanding how your script works (what would a
BeautifulSoup function do?), but assuming your intent is to find
character reference objects in an html document, you might try using
the HTMLParser class in the HTMLParser module. This class delegates
several methods. One of them is handle_charref. It will be called with
one argument, the name of the reference, which includes only the number
part. HTMLParser is alot more powerful than that though. There may be
something more light-weight out there that will accomplish what you
want. Then again, you might be able to find a use for all that power :P.


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-26 Thread danielx

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
  On 2006-07-25 04:06:24, Steve Holden wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 17:35:50 -0300, Gerhard Fiedler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
 It is surprising in the sense that binding seems not to be necessary
 for read access.
 It does, I would agree, seem a little counter-intuitive that assignment
 (or binding) forces the name to be considered local. That's just one of
 Python's features.
  Ok... I can live with that, and thanks for the confirmation that it's not
  only me to feel that this is somewhat surprising :)

 Since Python has no local variable declaration, there must be a rule
 to distinguish local names from names living in the enclosing
 namespaces. The rule is: unless previously declared 'global' (ie
 module-level) with the appropriate statement, any name bound in the
 local namespace is local. If declared 'global', it has to exist in the
 global namespace.

 This was much more simple to understand when we didn't have nested
 functions - we mostly had global and local scope. Fact is that we now
 have nested functions, but still no statement equivalent to 'global' for
 parent namespaces - with the result that we cannot actually rebind
 parent's namespace names from within a nested function. But we are still
 free to modify any mutable object we can access, so the usual workaround
   for immutable objects is to wrap them in a mutable container (list,
 dict, etc):

 def outer():
   def _inner():
  outer_var[0] = 'dead'

   outer_var = ['parrot']
   print before, outer_var = %s % outer_var
   print after, outer_var = %s % outer_var

 and before you say it: yes, it's a dirty hack.

  Surprising for me are actually two things: 1- the fact itself, and 2- that
  term binding, and that whatever it means  (I'll have to read more on 
  now that I know the term)

 a binding is the association of a name and a reference to an object in
 a given namespace. It's different from the common notion of variable,
 which is usually a symbolic name for a memory address storing a value
 (like a pointer to an object's address).

Wait, I'm not sure I see the difference. Isn't reference ~ C
pointer. Are you saying Python variables don't hold references to
actual Python objects? That idea has been working well for me so far.

 is different for read-only and read/write access.

 What makes the difference is that binding a name to an object in a
 namespace creates the name in this namespace (unless the name as been
 declared global, cf above). With the result that, the name existing in
 the local namespace, it won't be looked up in enclosing namespaces.

  Neither the Post-It note metaphor nor the pointer explanation address that.
  Using the Post-It note metaphor, I'm asking myself why the label doesn't
  get attached to a different box when reading,

 The normal lookup rule for names is local namespace then enclosing
 namespaces until top-level (module, aka 'global'), then builtins. Else,
 you would have to declare as global any module / function / whatever
 name in each and every function.

  but only when writing.

 cf above and below.

  one of Python's features, I know :)  Same thing with the pointer
  explanation: AFAIK, no language that uses pointers explicitly does
  something similar (that is, the storage the pointer points to is different
  depending on whether the pointer gets used for writing and reading, or only
  for reading).

 In most languages, you have to explicitly declare local names one way or
 another. Python takes the opposite route : you have to explicitly
 declare global names. Since you don't declare local names, binding
 creates the name if it doesn't already exists in the local namespace.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-24 Thread danielx
Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
 On 2006-07-23 14:53:33, danielx wrote:

  I can't figure out why Josiah's breakLine function won't work either. I
  know Josiah has had his problem resolved, but I'd still like to know
  why his func won't work. I'd like to redirect this discussion in that
  direction, if I may.

 I think what happens is this (and this may not be expressed in the proper
 terms for Python): It is possible to read variables from the outer function
 in the inner function. But when trying to write to them, this causes that
 same name to be re-defined in the inner function's scope, making it a
 different variable. Now, in the OP's code, that caused that new variable
 (with scope of the inner function) to be accessed before anything was
 assigned to it.

 One obvious way is to not write to the variables from the outer scope, but
 rather return a value from the inner function and assign it in the outer
 function. But it seems there should be a way to be able to write in the
 inner function to variables that are defined in the outer function.

  First point: the nested function only have access to names that exists
  in the enclosing namespace at the time it's defined.
  Coming from lisp, that doesn't make very much sense, and I'm not sure
  that's true. If you move the def for addTok bellow the lines that
  initialize the locals of breakLines, you still get the same problem.

 The problem there is only secondarily a scope problem. At first it is
 reading a variable (the inner function scope variable tok) before anything
 has been assigned to it. Of course, the real problem is the secondary one:
 that this variable tok is a variable of scope addTok and not of scope

  Second point: a nested function cannot rebind names from the enclosing
  namespace. Note that in Python, rebinding a name and modifying the
  object bound to a name are very distinct operations.
  I'm not sure that's the problem, because when I ran the debugger, the
  problem is with the line that says if len(tok), not the one bellow it
  which says tok = . Regardless, my above issue seems to be overriding
  this one.

 Yes, but it is the line tok = '' that seems to cause tok to be now a
 variable of the inner function's scope (rather than the variable tok of

OHH! Yes, that sounds like it could be it. Wow, to me, that behavior is
eXtremely unexpected (there's lisp popping up its ugly head again :P).
So you're saying that because an assignment to tok appears later within
the def for addTok, that the line if len(tok) won't try to look in
enclosing local scopes? (If such things even exist...)

Gerhard's reply sounded not so confident. Can we have someone who
really knows weigh in on this? Thanks!

  After some experimentation, I am completely baffeled as to why
  breakLine won't work. Here is an example of one of the things I did,
  which I believe exactly mimics what breakLine does:
  def outer():
  ... def inner():
  ... if outerLocal:
  ... return I hear you, 'hello world'.
  ... else:
  ... return Come again?
  ... outerLocal = hello world
  ... return inner()
  I hear you, 'hello world'.
  As I said, I believe the line which sets tok should break (quietly),
  but not the line which tests tok. My experiment seems to confirm

 The line that sets tok causes tok to be a different tok from the outer tok
 -- in the whole scope of the assignment.


Re: Which Pyton Book For Newbies?

2006-07-23 Thread danielx
W. D. Allen wrote:
 I want to write a retirement financial estimating program. Python was
 suggested as the easiest language to use on Linux. I have some experience
 programming in Basic but not in Python.

 I have two questions:
  1. What do I need to be able to make user GUIs for the program, and
  2. Which book would be easiest to use to learn Python programming?




I'm sure you will hear this many times, but that's a great choice ;). I
really think you'll like Learning Python from O'Reilly Press. The
authors claim you can read the book even with no prior programming
experience, which seems plausible having read it. Of course, you
already have some programming experience, so it should go much more
smoothly with you. Good luck finding the right book!


Re: Nested function scope problem

2006-07-23 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Josiah Manson a écrit :
  I found that I was repeating the same couple of lines over and over in
  a function and decided to split those lines into a nested function
  after copying one too many minor changes all over. The only problem is
  that my little helper function doesn't work! It claims that a variable
  doesn't exist. If I move the variable declaration, it finds the
  variable, but can't change it. Declaring the variable global in the
  nested function doesn't work either.
  But, changing the variable in the containing scope is the whole purpose
  of this helper function.
  I'm new to python, so there is probably some solution I haven't
  encountered yet. Could you please suggest a nice clean solution? The
  offending code is below. Thanks.
  def breakLine(s):
  Break a string into a list of words and symbols.
  def addTok():
  if len(tok)  0:

  if tok:

 An empty sequence evals to False in a boolean context.

  tok = ''

I can't figure out why Josiah's breakLine function won't work either. I
know Josiah has had his problem resolved, but I'd still like to know
why his func won't work. I'd like to redirect this discussion in that
direction, if I may.

 First point: the nested function only have access to names that exists
 in the enclosing namespace at the time it's defined.

Coming from lisp, that doesn't make very much sense, and I'm not sure
that's true. If you move the def for addTok bellow the lines that
initialize the locals of breakLines, you still get the same problem.

 Second point: a nested function cannot rebind names from the enclosing
 namespace. Note that in Python, rebinding a name and modifying the
 object bound to a name are very distinct operations.

I'm not sure that's the problem, because when I ran the debugger, the
problem is with the line that says if len(tok), not the one bellow it
which says tok = . Regardless, my above issue seems to be overriding
this one.

 Third point : functions modifying their environment this way are usually
 considered bad form.

Again, this is coming from lisp, but I don't see anything wrong with
that :P.


After some experimentation, I am completely baffeled as to why
breakLine won't work. Here is an example of one of the things I did,
which I believe exactly mimics what breakLine does:

 def outer():
... def inner():
... if outerLocal:
... return I hear you, 'hello world'.
... else:
... return Come again?
... outerLocal = hello world
... return inner()
I hear you, 'hello world'.

As I said, I believe the line which sets tok should break (quietly),
but not the line which tests tok. My experiment seems to confirm

One thing I can understand is why the line tok =  in addTok won't
work. This is because when Python sees that line, it should create a
new local variable in the scope of addTok. Once addTok returns, that
variable is lost. That's pretty deep, now that I've thought about it...

 Here's a possible solution - but note that there are probably much
 better ways to get the same result...

 def breakline(line):
Break a string into a list of words and symbols.
class TokenList(list):
  def append(self, token):
if token:
  list.append(self, token)
return ''

tokens = TokenList()
token = ''
splitters = '?()|:~,'
whitespace = ' \t\n\r'
specials = splitters + whitespace

for char in line:
  if char in specials:
   token = tokens.append(token)
  if char in splitters:
token += char
return list(tokens)


Re: random shuffles

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
Boris Borcic wrote:

 x.sort(cmp = lambda x,y : cmp(random.random(),0.5))

 pick a random shuffle of x with uniform distribution ?

 Intuitively, assuming list.sort() does a minimal number of comparisons to
 achieve the sort, I'd say the answer is yes. But I don't feel quite 
 with the intuition... can anyone think of a more solid argumentation ?

 - BB
 On naît tous les mètres du même monde

Someone has already said this, but I'm not sure we can ignore exactly
what algorithm we are using. With that in mind, I'll just arbitrarily
choose an algorithm to use for analysis. I know you want something that
works in N*log(N) where N is the length of the list, but I'm going to
ignore that and consider selection sort for the sake of a more solid

In that case, you would NOT achieve a uniform distribution. I quote
that because I'm going to make up a definition, which I hope
corresponds to the official one ;). To me, uniform will mean if we look
at any position in the list, element e has 1/N chance of being there.

Let e be the element which was in the first position to begin with.
What are its chances of being there after being sorted? Well, in
order for it to still be there, it would have to survive N rounds of
selection. In each selection, it has 1/2 chance of surviving. That
means its total chance of survival is 1/(2**N), which is much less than
1/N. QED!


After writting that down, I thought of an argument for an N*log(N)
algorithm, which would cause the resulting list to be uniformly random:
tournament sort (I think this is also called binary tree sort). How
many rounds does an element have to win in order to come out on top? A
number which approaches log2(N). This is like before, except this
element doesn't have to survive as many rounds; therefore, it's total
chance of coming out on top is 1/(2**log2(N)) ==  1/N. Hoorah!


After considering that, I realized that even if your idea to shuffle a
list did work (can't tell because I don't know how Python's sort
works), it would not be an optimal way to shuffle a list even though
Python uses an N*log(N) sort (at least I hope so :P). This is because
you can shuffle in time proportional the the length of the list.

You can accomplish this by doing what I will call random selection.
It would be like linear selection, except you wouldn't bother checking
the head against every other element. When you want to figure out what
to put at the head, just pick at random! I suspect this is what Python
does in random.shuffle, since it is rather an easy to see it would
result in something uniform (I swear I haven't looked at the source
code for random.shuffle :P).


Re: random shuffles

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
David G. Wonnacott wrote:
 From: danielx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 22 Jul 2006 01:43:30 -0700

Boris Borcic wrote:

 x.sort(cmp = lambda x,y : cmp(random.random(),0.5))

 pick a random shuffle of x with uniform distribution ?


Let e be the element which was in the first position to begin with.
What are its chances of being there after being sorted? Well, in
order for it to still be there, it would have to survive N rounds of
selection. In each selection, it has 1/2 chance of surviving. That
means its total chance of survival is 1/(2**N), which is much less than
1/N. QED!

 This proof makes sense to me if the sorting algorithm makes a random
 decision every time it swaps.

 Couldn't we easily get an n*log(n) shuffle by performing a _single_
 mapping of each element in the collection to a pair made up of a
 random key and its value, and then sorting based on the keys and
 stripping them out? i.e., in O(n) time, turn

2 clubs, 2 diamonds, 2 hearts, 2 spades, 3 clubs

 into something like

[0.395, 2 clubs], [0.158, 2 diamonds], [0.432, 2 hearts], [0.192, 2 
 spades], [0.266, 3 clubs]

 and then in O(n*log(n)) time, sort it into

[0.158, 2 diamonds], [0.192, 2 spades], [0.266, 3 clubs], [0.395, 2 
 clubs], [0.432, 2 hearts]

 and then strip out the keys again in O(n) time?

 Or perhaps this has been discussed already and I missed that part? I
 just joined the list... apologies if this is a repeat.

Yes, that would work beautifully. You could use the key argument of
list.sort. What we are talking about though, is using the cmp argument.
I.e. will list.sort(cmp=lambda:???) be able to give you a shuffle? I
think most of us think this depends on what sort algorithm Python uses.

You can accomplish this by doing what I will call random selection.
It would be like linear selection, except you wouldn't bother checking
the head against every other element. When you want to figure out what
to put at the head, just pick at random! I suspect this is what Python
does in random.shuffle, since it is rather an easy to see it would
result in something uniform (I swear I haven't looked at the source
code for random.shuffle :P).

 But, after making the linear selection, don't you still need to use
 O(log(n)) time to find and remove the item from the collection? I
 don't know much about Python's internal data structures, but if
 there's an array in there, you need O(n) time to move up everything
 after the deleted item; if there's a list, you need O(n) time to find
 the element you picked at random; if there's a balanced tree, you
 could find it and delete it in O(log(n)) time...

I'm almost sure there's a C array back there as well (well, not
techinically an array, but something from malloc), because indexing a
Python list is supposed to be fast. It would take constant time to
put something at the head. Just swap with the thing that's already
there. Since you have to do this swap for each position, it takes time
proportional to N.

When I originally came up with this idea, I was thinking you would not
choose a new head among previously chosen heads. But if you do allow
that, I think it will still be uniform. So my original idea was
something like this:

  1  2  3  4
# ^ head pos
stage 0: we need to choose something to put in pos 0. We can choose
anything to go there.

  3  2  1  4
#^ head pos
stage 1: we need to choose something to put in pos 1. We can choose
among things in positions greater than or equal to 1 ie, we may choose
among 2 1 4.


This is what I meant when I said this would be like linear selection,
because once something is in its correct position, it doesn't get
moved. But you might also be able to achieve a uniform sort if in
stages 1 and up, you are still allowed to choose anything you want to
be the head. I'll let someone else figure it out :P.

 Help me review my undergraduate data structures here -- is there some
 way to pick each item _exactly_once_ in O(n) time?

I think I answered this in the first segment of this post. Let me know
if I don't seem clear.

 Dave Wonnacott


Re: function v. method

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
 Obviously, such things would be omitted from your docs, but users also
 learn by interacting with Python, which is really one of Python's great
 virtues. When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api
 (I'm sure this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
 interactive Python.
 ...and source code...
  *shudders* What happened to all the goodness of abstraction?

 Compared to machine language, Python source code is really abstration.

And machine language is an abstraction of pushing electrons around
circuits. I'm not sure I see your point, unless it is simply that
Python is easier than asm.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: function v. method

2006-07-22 Thread danielx

Gerhard Fiedler wrote:
 On 2006-07-20 18:10:21, danielx wrote:

  When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api (I'm sure
  this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
  interactive Python.
  ...and source code...
  *shudders* What happened to all the goodness of abstraction?

 Abstraction as you seem to use it requires complete docs of the interface.
 Which is what you said you don't have... So the original abstractor broke
 the abstraction when publishing insufficient docs, not the one who looks
 into the sources to find out what actually happens.

Absolutely. I didn't mean the user was breaking abstraction (let's not
blame the victim). I was saying that we should really have more
sympathy for him.

 (This independently of the merits of abstraction.)


Re: function v. method

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
fuzzylollipop wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
   danielx wrote:
At first I was going to post the following:
!-- beginning of my original post --
!-- end of my original post, with ending censored --
but then I tried this:
   res = Foo.__dict__['func']
   res is dan
And it all started to make sense. The surprising thing turned out to be
not so surprising: When the expression Foo.func gets evaluated, we get
a method which is just a wrapper around dan. Therefore, f is not dan!
This is still a little bit of magic,
   FWIW, the function class implements the descriptor protocol... Here's
   the magic.
which gets me thinking again about
the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
and unexpected in my case,
   unexpected ? Did you ever wondered how the instance or class was
   passed as first arg when doing method calls ?
  Not knowing what's going on during method calls is exactly what
  motivated me to post.
why not use some more dot-magic to implement
   What for ? What makes you think we need language-inforced access
   restriction ?
  I knew someone would bring this up. The motivation would not be to
  provide restriction, but to help maintain clean api's. If you intended
  for users to use only a subset of the methods in your class, why not
  help them learn your api by presenting the stuff they can use not along
  side the stuff they should not?
  Obviously, such things would be omitted from your docs, but users also
  learn by interacting with Python, which is really one of Python's great
  virtues. When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api
  (I'm sure this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
  interactive Python. This is exactly what it's there for. If nothing is
  hidden, a user could be easily mislead to believe he can use a method
  when he really shouldn't.

 if you prefix with a single underscore, that tells the user, DON'T MESS

 and it gets ommited from all the doc generation

 if you prefix with a double underscore, then they have to go even
 FARTHER out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot.

 Python takes the stance of personal responsiblity when it comes to
 access control. Which in NO WAY dimishes its robustness or anything

 just read the, incompentent people will abuse any language
 features in any language, and will figure out how to break programatic
 access control no matter how it is implemented. Matter of fact, Java
 which in another thread someone was ADAMANT that did not expose private
 anything from reflection ( and was wrong ) specifically allows you to
 access all the private members, functions, everything. You just need to
 tell it to turn all the safeties off.

 From the api:

 public void setAccessible(boolean flag)
 throws SecurityException

 Set the accessible flag for this object to the indicated boolean value.
 A value of true indicates that the reflected object should suppress
 Java language access checking when it is used. A value of false
 indicates that the reflected object should enforce Java language access

 Setting the accessible flag in a reflected object permits sophisticated
 applications with sufficient privilege, such as Java Object
 Serialization or other persistence mechanisms, to manipulate objects in
 a manner that would normally be prohibited.

 so anything added to Python to enforce access control would
 immediately be forced to provide some means to over-ride the checks for
 pickle and the like. Not to even mention the argument that it would
 break crap loads of existing code base.

Sigh. I TOTALLY realize that Python works by politeness and not
enforcement. I think you are misinterpreting why I think this would be
a good idea. My concern is not with control, but with convenience. My
suggestion was that privates would only be invisible if you use the dot
syntax (ie if you are an external user); they would not be invisible
altogether (they would still be in __dict__ with no name games).

One problem which was brought up about this was that self.meth and
outsider.meth would have to be interpretted differently. I suspect (but
I haven't finished my reading assignment :P) that you could find a good
way around this.

With respect to breaking stuff. I'm not sure why that would be
necessary. If current code does not say any member is private,
everything that was visible before (ie everything) would still be
visible after.

Last thing. You mentioned that auto doc generation omits
underscore-prefixed and name mangled members. dir on the other hand
does not. Maybe this suggests only a minor future improvement.


Re: function v. method

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx a écrit :
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
 Obviously, such things would be omitted from your docs, but users also
 learn by interacting with Python, which is really one of Python's great
 virtues. When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api
 (I'm sure this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
 interactive Python.
 ...and source code...
 *shudders* What happened to all the goodness of abstraction?
 Compared to machine language, Python source code is really abstration.
  And machine language is an abstraction of pushing electrons around
  circuits. I'm not sure I see your point, unless it is simply that
  Python is easier than asm.

 Python is very hi-level, and very often well-written Python code is it's
 own better documentation.

Yes, Python is very easy to read, but who's supposed to be reading it?
Maintainers or users? I'm really against code acting as its own
documentation. Of course the code is authoritative, but should we
really EXPECT it to serve as a reference to users??

Appearantly, this view puts me in the minority...


Re: function v. method

2006-07-22 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
  On 2006-07-21, fuzzylollipop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 danielx wrote:
 if you prefix with a single underscore, that tells the user, DON'T MESS
  Personnaly I don't like this convention.

 To bad for you.

  It isn't clear enough.

 Oh yes ?

  Suppose I am writing my own module, I use an underscore, to
  mark variables which are an implementation detail for my
  Now I need to import an other module in my module and need access
  to an implementation variable from that module.
  So now I have
  variables with an underscore which have two different meanings:
1) This is an implemantation detail of this module, It is the
   users of my module who have to be extra carefull using it.
2) This is an implemantation detail of the other module,
   I should be extra carefull using it.

 Either you imported with the from othermodule import * form (which you
 shouldn't do), and you *don't* have the implementation of othermodule,
 or your used the import othermodule form, in which case it's pretty
 obvious which names belongs to othermodule.

 Have any other, possibly valid, reason ?

  And I find variable starting or ending with an underscore ugly. :-)

 Too bad for you. Choose another language then... PHP, Perl, Ruby ?-)

Too bad for you: While you have a valid point that this contention is
really just arbitrary (just like all conventions), could we be a little

Personally, I don't think it looks very good either, but you just have
to deal with it if you're going to use the language properly.


Re: question about what lamda does

2006-07-20 Thread danielx

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:

  Python's lambda really can't be as powerful as Lisp's because Python
  does not have expressions that do case analysis (this is not lambda's
  fault, of course ;). The reason is that you really want to put each
  case on its own set of lines. This enhances readability at the expense
  of terseness. Since Python's statements are terminated by a newline, it
  would be rather awkward to have a kind of expression where good style
  calls for it to be spread out accross multiple lines.
  You can try to simulate these kinds expressions using into a list or
  dictionary, but this becomes rather messy. I think the only way to get
  this done properly is to use eval. For example:
  def recursiveFunction(args):
...  # do stuff...
choices = { True:0, False:recurisveFunction(newArgs) }
return eval( choices[predicate] )

 Why do you want to use eval here ?

  The reason that you need eval is that you want to prevent any cases
  from being executed until you decide which one you want.

 What about:

 def recursiveFunction(args):
 ... # do stuff...
 ... # that defines 'newArgs' and 'predicate' of course ...
 return (recursiveFunction, lambda x: 0)[predicate](newArgs)

Sure, that works, but don't take things so literally. For instance, if
you have a bunch of cases, you might not way to apply the same set of
arguments to all of them.

Also, let's not get distracted from the main point about how doing case
analysis in an expression is ugly, making lambda's weaker in Python
than in the language which inspired them.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: function v. method

2006-07-20 Thread danielx

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:

 which gets me thinking again about
 the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
 and unexpected in my case,
 unexpected ? Did you ever wondered how the instance or class was
 passed as first arg when doing method calls ?
  Not knowing what's going on during method calls is exactly what
  motivated me to post.


 Ok, so now you have to read about descriptors, __getattribute__ and

 why not use some more dot-magic to implement
 What for ? What makes you think we need language-inforced access
 restriction ?
  I knew someone would bring this up.


  The motivation would not be to
  provide restriction, but to help maintain clean api's. If you intended
  for users to use only a subset of the methods in your class, why not
  help them learn your api by presenting the stuff they can use not along
  side the stuff they should not?
  Obviously, such things would be omitted from your docs, but users also
  learn by interacting with Python, which is really one of Python's great
  virtues. When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api
  (I'm sure this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
  interactive Python.

 ...and source code...

*shudders* What happened to all the goodness of abstraction?

  This is exactly what it's there for. If nothing is
  hidden, a user could be easily mislead to believe he can use a method
  when he really shouldn't.

 Single leading underscore means implementation, don't touch or you're
 on your own.

I'll remember that. I had forgotten what the convention was for
labeling things do not touch.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: question about what lamda does

2006-07-19 Thread danielx
 Hey there,
 i have been learning python for the past few months, but i can seem to
 get what exactly a lamda is for. What would i use a lamda for that i
 could not or would not use a def for ? Is there a notable difference ?
 I only ask because i see it in code samples on the internet and in

 thanks for any clarity


hehe. Lambda's are kind of a sensative subject for pythoners who come
from Lisp. Guido being more of a C guy doesn't really like them, and
thought they should be removed in py3k. Last time I checked, he was
reconsidering because of public outcry, presumably from the Lisp crowd.

The standard reason for getting rid of it is anywhere you need a
lambda, you can use a def. In addition to what has been said here,
there is another one small difference between lambda's and functions,
which is that when you use def, the object gets a name:

 def foo(): pass
function foo at 0x009D8230
# ^ foo knows its own name
function foo at 0x009D8230
# ^ see ;)

Whereas, a lambda has no name; it's anonymous:

 spam = lambda: 1
function lambda at 0x009D80F0
# ^ spam has an identity crisis ;)

Many people who do not come from Lisp do not understand what the use of
a lambda is (and I have no idea what the purpose of having a name is).
Even people who do question whether it belongs in Python. In Lisp,
lambda's are the way things get done, because you can calculate
anything using just defines and expressions. This style does not fit
Python very well, since we do things using statements.

Python's lambda really can't be as powerful as Lisp's because Python
does not have expressions that do case analysis (this is not lambda's
fault, of course ;). The reason is that you really want to put each
case on its own set of lines. This enhances readability at the expense
of terseness. Since Python's statements are terminated by a newline, it
would be rather awkward to have a kind of expression where good style
calls for it to be spread out accross multiple lines.

You can try to simulate these kinds expressions using into a list or
dictionary, but this becomes rather messy. I think the only way to get
this done properly is to use eval. For example:

def recursiveFunction(args):
  ...  # do stuff...
  choices = { True:0, False:recurisveFunction(newArgs) }
  return eval( choices[predicate] )

The reason that you need eval is that you want to prevent any cases
from being executed until you decide which one you want. This stay of
execution is accomplished by wrapping quotes around our expressions.
This example illustrates why we really need this kind of behavior,
because without it, we would fall into an infinite loop. Even if it
were safe to evaluate all cases, it's a big waste of time to do so.

Lastly, I think there is also a performance concern for certain uses of
lambda (correct me if I'm wrong). Say you have an expression with a
lambda in it where you could have used a def. Every time you evaluate
that expression, you have to construct a new lambda object, which takes
time. If you had used a def instead, you could hav avoided having to
construct multiple times.


Re: function v. method

2006-07-19 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  At first I was going to post the following:
  !-- beginning of my original post --
  !-- end of my original post, with ending censored --
  but then I tried this:
 res = Foo.__dict__['func']
 res is dan
  And it all started to make sense. The surprising thing turned out to be
  not so surprising: When the expression Foo.func gets evaluated, we get
  a method which is just a wrapper around dan. Therefore, f is not dan!
  This is still a little bit of magic,

 FWIW, the function class implements the descriptor protocol... Here's
 the magic.

  which gets me thinking again about
  the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
  and unexpected in my case,

 unexpected ? Did you ever wondered how the instance or class was
 passed as first arg when doing method calls ?

Not knowing what's going on during method calls is exactly what
motivated me to post.

  why not use some more dot-magic to implement

 What for ? What makes you think we need language-inforced access
 restriction ?

I knew someone would bring this up. The motivation would not be to
provide restriction, but to help maintain clean api's. If you intended
for users to use only a subset of the methods in your class, why not
help them learn your api by presenting the stuff they can use not along
side the stuff they should not?

Obviously, such things would be omitted from your docs, but users also
learn by interacting with Python, which is really one of Python's great
virtues. When supporting documents aren't sufficient to learn an api
(I'm sure this never happens, so just humor me), you can always turn to
interactive Python. This is exactly what it's there for. If nothing is
hidden, a user could be easily mislead to believe he can use a method
when he really shouldn't.


  BTW, I am aware of Python's name mangling feature.

 Name mangling is mainly here to protect from accidental overridding. The
  convention for implementation attributes is single-leading-underscore.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: function v. method

2006-07-19 Thread danielx

Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 danielx wrote:
  This is still a little bit of magic, which gets me thinking again about
  the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
  and unexpected in my case, why not use some more dot-magic to implement
  privates? Privates don't have to be entirely absent from Klass.__dict__
  (which would make Python not introspective); they can just be invisible
  when using the dot-syntax.

 You can do this now, kind of:

   class Foo(object):
 ...  x = property()
 ...  def doStuffWithX(self):
 ...   self.__dict__['x'] = 123
 ...   print self.__dict__['x']
   bar = Foo()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: unreadable attribute

 If you're proposing that self.x and bar.x should give different results,
 then that's quite a bit more magic than property() and methods use. They

Yes, I had not considered that very carefully...

 both use the descriptor API; for more information on that, read

Let me finish reading that before I get back to your point.


Re: function v. method

2006-07-19 Thread danielx

Duncan Booth wrote:
 danielx wrote:

  Foo.func = dan# -- Appearantly, something magical happens here,
 unbound method Foo.dan
  f = Foo.func
  f is dan   # -- things begins to look suprising here.
  Imagine my surprise. Why would Python do this?

 Nothing magical happens at the point you said. The assignment is just an
 assignment and you saw that the function was stored unchanged when you
 looked in the class's dictionary.

 The magic happens when you access a member of a class or an instance. If
 the value is a descriptor then its __get__ method is called. Roughly
 speaking, Foo.func is equivalent to:

  Foo.__dict__['func'].__get__(None, Foo)
 unbound method Foo.dan

 Python does this so that it can support other descriptor types such as
 property, classmethod, staticmethod.

 You can see this happening if you define your own descriptor:

  class MyDesc(object):
 def __get__(self, *args):
 print __get__ called, args
 return None

  d = MyDesc()
  Foo.oops = d
 __get__ called (None, class __main__.Foo at 0x00B3F930) has a description of
 this. Although it claims Note that descriptors are only invoked for new
 style objects or classes (ones that subclass object() or type()). the
 descriptor mechanism is partially implemented for old style classes.
 Several aspects of descriptors don't work properly though in old-style
 classes which is one reason why you should always use new-style classes.

  Privates don't have to be entirely absent from Klass.__dict__
  (which would make Python not introspective); they can just be invisible
  when using the dot-syntax.

 You could implement that using a data descriptor, but if you are going to
 prevent access to your private variables using the dot operator, then your
 code is going to look pretty silly with a lot of references to
 self.__dict__['theprivate'] which doesn't gain anything in readability over

I believe you are talking about the same thing as Leif, but I can't
quite tell. I'll need to read your paper as well :P.


Re: Accessors in Python (getters and setters)

2006-07-19 Thread danielx
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 ZeD wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 I decided to change the name of an attribute. Problem is I've used the
 attribute in several places spanning thousands of lines of code. If I
 had encapsulated the attribute via an accessor, I wouldn't need to do
 an unreliable and tedious search and replace
 find and grep are usually mostly reliable for this kind of tasks.
  you mean sed :)

 No, I meant find and grep.

  sed 's/oldName/newName/g' oldFile  newFile
 Yeah, fine - as long as your pretty sure the same name is not used in
 other contexts in any of the source files...

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

I think that was the original point about find/replace: it can be
really hard to automate a name change, because changes might occur that
you didn't intend; whereas, doing things by hand lacks consistency.

My solution is to use emacs' query-replace (which you can invoke with
M-%). It will find quicly and accurately, but I ultimately hold the key
to whether something gets replaced or not.


function v. method

2006-07-17 Thread danielx
At first I was going to post the following:

!-- beginning of my original post --

I just discovered the inspect module, which contains the isfunction and
ismethod functions. For some reason, I used to be under the impression
that Python methods are no different from Python functions. Naturally,
I wondered why both of these needed to exist (I also later discovered
the isroutine function). So I started to experiment at prompt. Here's
what I did:

 from inspect import *
 def dan(): pass
 class Foo:
... def meth(self): pass
 m = Foo.meth
unbound method Foo.meth
 Foo.func = dan# -- Appearantly, something magical happens here, 
unbound method Foo.dan
 f = Foo.func
 f is dan   # -- things begins to look suprising here.

Imagine my surprise. Why would Python do this?

!-- end of my original post, with ending censored --

but then I tried this:

 res = Foo.__dict__['func']
 res is dan

And it all started to make sense. The surprising thing turned out to be
not so surprising: When the expression Foo.func gets evaluated, we get
a method which is just a wrapper around dan. Therefore, f is not dan!

This is still a little bit of magic, which gets me thinking again about
the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
and unexpected in my case, why not use some more dot-magic to implement
privates? Privates don't have to be entirely absent from Klass.__dict__
(which would make Python not introspective); they can just be invisible
when using the dot-syntax.

BTW, I am aware of Python's name mangling feature.
