Using python to extend a python app

2005-03-24 Thread dataangel
I'm writing a python app that works as a replacement for the menu that 
comes with most minimalist wms when you right click the root window. 
It's prettier and written completely in python.

I'd like to provide hooks or some system so that people can write their 
own extensions to the app, for example adding fluxbox options, and then 
fluxbox users can choose to use that extension. But I'm not sure how to 
implement it.

Right now the best idea I have is to have all desired extensions in a 
folder, import each .py file in that folder as a module using 
__import__, and then call some predetermined method, say "start", and 
pass it the menu as it exists so far so they can add to it, start(menu). 
This seems kind of hackish.

I looked at how gdesklets handles this, but its solution looks way more 
complex than I'd prefer to have to dive into for this tiny app.

What's the most pythonic way to do this? How do apps that extend 
themselves with python usually do this?

PyGTK Popup menu?

2005-03-18 Thread dataangel
I want to make a pygtk app that consists completely of a window. When I 
run it, a menu should appear where the mouse cursor is. I've been 
looking at the official pygtk tutorial and documentation, but everything 
seems to assume that I'm either creating a window to put the menu in (I 
just want it to be the menu floating by itself) or that I want a button 
press to trigger the menu appearing (it should just pop into existence 
when I run it).

I've tried just creating some menu items, appending them to a menu and 
then calling menu.popup(None,None,None,0,0) but nothing happens :/

Python, Matlab and AI question

2005-02-17 Thread dataangel
I'm a student who's considering doing a project for a Machine Learning 
class on pathing (bots learning to run through a maze). The language 
primarily used by the class has been Matlab. I would prefer to do the 
bulk of the project in python because I'm familiar with pygame (for the 
visuals) but I already have a lot of AI code written in Matlab.

I'd like to be able to call Matlab code from within python. I'm not sure 
this is possible. My code runs in Octave just fine. I've heard about 
numerical python and scipy, but I'm not sure what tool is going to mean 
the least amount of recoding for me. At the very least I need to find a 
really fast package for matrix operations.

Anyone have any input on what the best tool for the job would be? I've 
googled, but I figure it's best to ask experience ;)

Re: deriving from str

2004-12-27 Thread dataangel
Paolo Veronelli wrote:
I want to add some methods to str class ,but when I change the 
__init__ methods I break into problems

class Uri(str):
def __init__(self,*inputs):
print inputs
if len(inputs)>1:
print inputs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in ?
TypeError: str() takes at most 1 argument (2 given)
where is the  str() wrong call.I suppose It's the __new__ method which 
is wrong or me .Thanks for help

I think the problem is that you're not callinig the init method for str 
by hand, so it's caling it automatically and passing to it the same 
paramters you gave Uri's init. str just expects self to be passed, not 
also *inputs, so you get that error.

Re: Python IDE

2004-12-15 Thread dataangel
fuzzylollipop wrote:
TruStudio for Eclipse is nice for those everything must be free
ActiveState Komodo is probably the best commerical Python IDE
and the ActiveState Python plugin for Visual Studio is great for those
that do VS.

It's also great for those college students looking to save money. It 
feels nice to not fit into somebody's ill constructed stereotype =)

Cool object trick

2004-12-12 Thread dataangel
I read some discussion on this list before about how sometimes it's 
useful to create a generic object class that you can just stick 
attributes to. I was reading the PyPanel source (not written by me) and 
I came across this:


class Obj(object):

   """ Multi-purpose class """
   def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Normally I'd just use class Obj(object): pass, but the advantage to this 
method is you can create an Obj like this:

Obj(id="desktop", last=0, color=self.getColor(DESKTOP_COLOR))
You can pass all the attributes you want the object to have this way. 
Nifty :)

Sorry if this has been posted before, but I haven't seen it.