Python + Shoutpy + Twisted Locks

2007-10-05 Thread exhuma.twn
Unfortunately I don't have the code at hand on this box, but maybe
someone can give me a nudge in the right direction.

Some background: Last year I began to write a jukebox system that
provided a Telnet-like interface. I wrote this using socket. Later
along the path I discovered Twisted, and due to various other
problems, a re-write made sense. So I decided to use Twisted. The only
thing I adapted was the class providing the telnet interface. In the
background I use a few other threads. One for metadata-scanning, one
for assuring continuous playback (periodic checks the player status
and appends songs if necessary) and in the case the shoutcast backend
is activated, there is also a built-in player thread.

I remember having it running already, but I don't remember if it was
before I started to use Twisted or after.

Well, I beleive the problem lies withing the last named thread. This
one uses shoutpy to stream data to the shoutcast server. What I found
is that libshout is blocking, which should be fine as the whole
thing runs in it's separate thread. But the application hangs
nevertheless while streaming. This effectively blocks out the other
thread that checks the player status, which then fails to append new
songs to the queue. So only one song is played when streaming.

I saw that there is another package called python-shout. But neither
that nor shoutpy have any comprehensive documentation which might
tell me anything about the libshout blocking problem. The
documentation of libshout revealed a non-blocking mode, but even
though I made the necessary adjustments to the code, I still had the
same problem.

The other threads in my application run fine and don't block the rest
of the app. So I guess, that the main problem is that blocking occurs
outside the python world and inside the libshout world. Maybe the
combination of all this with Twisted is an unlucky marriage but I
would be disappointed to be told: Nope, won't be possible

Maybe Twisted's deferreds to the rescue? I don't know... I'm still
quite green with Twisted ;)


Re: Where's the Starship's crew?

2007-10-05 Thread exhuma.twn
On Oct 5, 10:31 am, Dick Moores [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I didn't check on all of them, but the only one I found was Mark

 Dick Moores

Doing 6 random clicks, revealed:

all the others are dead links. I realised this fact as well some time
ago already. I thought the page itself was still in development and
did not find a single one page. These two obviously eluded me ;)

Strange to see that the situation did not yet improve. But then again,
we all probably know how much of a hassle it is to keep 10 different
web-pages with personal info's up-to-date. I suppose that the starship
crew all have som homes elsewhere and don't find the time to update
yet another page. I myself don't even bother anymore at all. I have
about 2 hours of free time per day (given that I like to sleep a
lot!). What makes things worse, the network at work is completely cut
off from the rest of the world for security reasons. I am happy that I
at least can access usenet by using google-groups *sigh*.

An interesting task might be to find the homes of the starship crew,
and post them here? Maybe? If lucky, the right person picks this up
and updates the crew-quarter labels of the starship. Or would
Turbolift Buttons be a better analogy for hyperlinks? Args.
Supposing, that these turbolifts *do* have buttons. How retro! ;)

I'm babbling again... sorry for this long winded post.


Re: Clustering text-documents in bundles

2007-09-26 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 25, 7:52 pm, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Is it possible to calculate a distance between two chunks of text? I
  suppose one could simply do a simple word-count on the chunks
  (removing common noise words of course). And then go from there. Maybe
  even assigning different weighting to words. But maybe there is a well-
  tested and useful algorithm already available?

 There's a huge field of text mining that attempts to do things like
 this. some
 info about one approach.  Manning  Schutz's book Foundations of Statistical
 Natural Language Processing ( is
 a standard reference about text processing.  They also have a
 new one about information retrieval (downloadable as a pdf) that
 looks very good:

Thanks a lot. This gives me some bed-time reading.


Clustering text-documents in bundles

2007-09-25 Thread exhuma.twn

This *is* off-topic but with python being a language with a somewhat
scientific audience, I might get lucky ;)
I have a set of documents (helpdesk tickets in fact) and I would like
to automatically collect them in bundles so I can visualise some
statistics depending on content.

A while ago I wrote a very simple clustering library which can cluster
about everything where you can calculate some form of distance.
Meaning: You can supply a function that calculates numeric value given
two objects (helpdesk request text-body in this case). The closer the
two objects are related, the smaller the returned value with 0.0
meaning that the two objects are identical.

Is it possible to calculate a distance between two chunks of text? I
suppose one could simply do a simple word-count on the chunks
(removing common noise words of course). And then go from there. Maybe
even assigning different weighting to words. But maybe there is a well-
tested and useful algorithm already available?

Text processing is a very blurry area for me. I don't expect any
solutions for the problem right away. Maybe just some pointers as to
*what* I can google for. I'll pick the rest up from there.

Eventually I would like to have the possibility to say: This set of
texts contains 20 requests dealing with emails, 30 requests dealing
with Office Applications and 210 requests dealing with databases. I
am aware that labelling the different text-bundles will have to be
done manually I suppose.  But I will aim for no more than 10 bundles
anyway. So that's OK.


(pyqt) Parameters when connecting a signal to a method?

2007-09-24 Thread exhuma.twn
Some code:


def foobar(w):
   print w

QtCore.QObject,connect( my_line_edit,
QtCore.SIGNAL(returnPressed()), foobar )


How can I get this to work so foobar prints out the sender of the
signal (i.e. my_line_edit)?


Re: (pyqt) Parameters when connecting a signal to a method?

2007-09-24 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 24, 4:47 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  Some code:


  def foobar(w):
 print w

  QtCore.QObject,connect( my_line_edit,
  QtCore.SIGNAL(returnPressed()), foobar )


  How can I get this to work so foobar prints out the sender of the
  signal (i.e. my_line_edit)?

 I _think_ there is a way to get the signals sender in Qt itself. But I'm
 unsure how to get that.

 Alternatively, you can use a closure to create a reference:

 def foobar(source, w):
print w

 def slotgen(source, slot):
 def _slot(*args):
 return slot(*((source,) + args))
 return _slot

 my_slot = slotgen(my_line_edit, foobar)

 QtCore.QObject,connect( my_line_edit,
 QtCore.SIGNAL(returnPressed()), my_slot )

 However, be careful to keep a reference to my_slot around! Otherwise, it
 will be garbage collected!


Thanks diez. This works :)
Although, I still have to digest *what* this closure does, but I will
leave this as an exercise to myself. ;)


Re: Using python to create windows apps that everyone can use?

2007-09-20 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 19, 9:46 pm, Simon Hibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 9/18/07, Thomas Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi guys, sorry to post another topic on this, as I am aware that it
   already been posted a few times, but not with specifically what I
 am looking
   for. I want an app that makes a gui interface for python (similar
   Microsoft visual studio or qt designer, not a code based one) and/
 or an app
   that can make this into a .exe that can be opened by any person on
   computer without python installed.

 For windows only, there's always Iron Python. This allows you to use
 Visual Studio, the commercial or the express version, to create the
 GUI in VB or C# and from that call Python code that does all the heavy

Any pointers to that. I might have to get started soon with Visual
Studio, as our company *might* move to an all-windows development
environment *sigh*

/me still hopes that I can convince them that 1) developing on Linux
is at all not too shabby, and that 2) Python is a great Language! ;)

So far I am making good progress on point 2. :)

 I'd second the recommendation for QtDesigner if you want cross-
 platform capability.

 Simon Hibbs


Re: Using python to create windows apps that everyone can use?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 18, 9:22 pm, Matt McCredie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/18/07, Thomas Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi guys, sorry to post another topic on this, as I am aware that it has
  already been posted a few times, but not with specifically what I am looking
  for. I want an app that makes a gui interface for python (similar to
  Microsoft visual studio or qt designer, not a code based one) and/or an app
  that can make this into a .exe that can be opened by any person on any
  computer without python installed.

 check out py2exe:


I am currently building an application with Python using Qt4.3 as
widget-toolkit. So I can use designer too ;)

Links that might be of interest to you:

This works quite well.


Re: Tutorial or Example (or Tutorial) of Using Canvas to Produce a Plot

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 18, 11:58 pm, Richard Townsend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 13:18:36 -0700, W. Watson

 Tk is it. I'm really not interested in the others at this point.

 John Grayson's book 'Python and Tkinter Programming' has a chapter on
 plotting Graphs and Charts. You can even download that chapter as a
 PDF file:

 See more info about the book.

Also, if the graph is really all you need, matplotlib might be a very
interesting choice:

It's got some user-interface facilities as well. But I never used
those so far.


Re: Using python to create windows apps that everyone can use?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 18, 9:22 pm, Matt McCredie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/18/07, Thomas Harding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi guys, sorry to post another topic on this, as I am aware that it has
  already been posted a few times, but not with specifically what I am looking
  for. I want an app that makes a gui interface for python (similar to
  Microsoft visual studio or qt designer, not a code based one) and/or an app
  that can make this into a .exe that can be opened by any person on any
  computer without python installed.

 check out py2exe:


Oh... I forgot. With newer versions of Qt, you have to adapt the setup
script a bit. Here's an example (even with an icon-resource ) ;)

setup(windows=[''], options={py2exe:{
   includes:[sip, PyQt4._qt],

The trick here, is to also add PyQt4._qt to the includes.


Keeping a database connection with a Singleton?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
I remember reading about the Singleton pattern in python and how it's
an unpythonic pattern and all. At the time I did not need the
Singleton anyways, so I just glanced over the document.

But, setting this aside: I have an application where I have a
connection to a database. At some point in the application I open up a
new window. The new windows resides in a different module. So I have a
directory structure like this:


So I import newwindow in mainapp  so I can instantiate and display
it. Meanwhile, the main-app has an open connection to the database.
What's the cleanest way to hand this connection to the new window? I
can see several possibilities:

1) Simply pass the connection as paramtere to the constructor of new-
2) Use the Singleton deisign pattern to keep a reference to the
3) Open up a completely new connection to the database in the new

Now, option 1) is clearly the easiest to implement, however, I somehow
tend to use option 2 (the singleton) as it's more flexible. Option 3
looks ugly to me.

This is a stuation I run into many times. And I am always faced with
the same choice. And I never know which one to chose. And now that I
am getting more and more comfortable with the basics of python, I
would like to know if I am missing something more pythonic.

So, what would you recommend?


Re: Keeping a database connection with a Singleton?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 19, 3:45 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:

 By the way, there is a pythonic (near) singleton: the module. So if you go
 with option 2, just move the connection setup into a separate module that
 you can import into client code.


You say (near) singleton. What's the difference then?


Re: Keeping a database connection with a Singleton?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 19, 4:03 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  On Sep 19, 3:45 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  exhuma.twn wrote:

  By the way, there is a pythonic (near) singleton: the module. So if you go
  with option 2, just move the connection setup into a separate module that
  you can import into client code.


  You say (near) singleton. What's the difference then?

 I was thinking of the main script of an application. If you import
 that by its name

 import main # assuming the file is

 you end up with two instances sys.modules[main] and sys.modules[__main__].


I see. Thanks. I will give it a go.


psycopg2 or pygresql?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
Plain and simple. What would you use?

So far I have written everything with psycopg2. One thing that annoys
me is that I cannot easily access the column names from a query. I
know that this is not part of the DBAPI2  so I cannot expect the model
to suport it.

I quite like the mogrify method of psycopg2 very much. It's very
useful for debugging.

And before someone says: Use the DictCursor-factory to access column
names. Yes I can do that. But a dict does not guarantee the same
order of keys as the columns were specified in the query.

The reason: I wrote a very simple Qt-Widget (inherited from
QTableWidget) that takes a SQL query and displays the results. And I
would like to have the columns ordered the same way as I specified in
the query *with* a header-label. For now I hava a method on the widget
which takes a query, *and* a list of labels.

I can live with that though. Although it itches me.

Would pygresql solve my dilemma? Or would you rather say: Don't use
pygresql!  ;)


Re: psycopg2 or pygresql?

2007-09-19 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 19, 5:47 pm, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  Plain and simple. What would you use?

  So far I have written everything with psycopg2. One thing that annoys
  me is that I cannot easily access the column names from a query. I
  know that this is not part of the DBAPI2  so I cannot expect the model
  to suport it.

 Yes it is.

 Execute a SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE 1=0 and then examine
 cursor.description. This allows you to introspect on database structure.

  I quite like the mogrify method of psycopg2 very much. It's very
  useful for debugging.

  And before someone says: Use the DictCursor-factory to access column
  names. Yes I can do that. But a dict does not guarantee the same
  order of keys as the columns were specified in the query.

 See below.

  The reason: I wrote a very simple Qt-Widget (inherited from
  QTableWidget) that takes a SQL query and displays the results. And I
  would like to have the columns ordered the same way as I specified in
  the query *with* a header-label. For now I hava a method on the widget
  which takes a query, *and* a list of labels.

  I can live with that though. Although it itches me.

  Would pygresql solve my dilemma? Or would you rather say: Don't use
  pygresql!  ;)

 Here's a psycopg2-based session:

 cursor object at 0x00B823C8; closed: 0
   curs.execute(SELECT * FROM Person WHERE 1=0)
 (('psnid', 23, None, 4, None, None, None), ('psnfirstname', 1043, None,
 50, None, None, None), ('psnlastname', 1043, None, 50, None, None,
 None), ('psndear', 1043, None, 50, None, None, None), ('psntitle', 1043,
 None, 50, None, None, None), ('psnworkphone', 1043, None, 30, None,
 None, None), ('psnworkextension', 1043, None, 20, None, None, None),
 ('psnhomephone', 1043, None, 30, None, None, None), ('psnmobilephone',
 1043, None, 30, None, None, None), ('psnfaxnumber', 1043, None, 30,
 None, None, None), ('psnemailname', 1043, None, 50, None, None, None),
 ('psnreferredby', 1043, None, 50, None, None, None), ('psnlocid', 23,
 None, 4, None, None, None), ('psnnotes', 1043, None, -1, None, None, None))

 I believe if you use specific column names in your query they will
 appear in the order given in the query also.

 I use this technique in

 to print arbitrary query outputs.

 Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd
 Skype: holdenweb

 Sorry, the dog ate my .sigline

Apparently I am deaf dumb and blind :( Sorry. I grepped several
times through the PEP for various other reasons, and this little bit
escaped me.

Thanks for being nice guys and answering anyhow. Much appreciated.


super, apply, or __init__ when subclassing?

2007-09-18 Thread exhuma.twn
This is something that keeps confusing me. If you read examples of
code on the web, you keep on seeing these three calls (super, apply
and __init__) to reference the super-class. This looks to me as it is
somehow personal preference. But this would conflict with the There
one way to do it mind-set.

So, knowing that in python there is one thing to do something, these
three different calls must *do* domething different. But what exactly
*is* the difference?

 Exampel 1: -

class B(A):
   def __init__(self, *args):
  A.__init__(self, args)

 Exampel 2: -

class B(A):
   def __init__(self, *args):
  apply( A.__init__, (self,) + args)

 Exampel 3: -

class B(A):
   def __init__(self, *args):


Re: super, apply, or __init__ when subclassing?

2007-09-18 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 18, 2:45 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 exhuma.twn a écrit :

  This is something that keeps confusing me. If you read examples of
  code on the web, you keep on seeing these three calls (super, apply
  and __init__) to reference the super-class. This looks to me as it is
  somehow personal preference. But this would conflict with the There
  one way to do it mind-set.

 apply is deprecated. Chances are that code using it is somewhat old.
 super came with the new object model in Python 2.2.1 (IIRC), and is only
 useful for some corner cases involving multiple inheritence . Directly
 calling the superclass's method (__init__ or whatever) is the canonical
 way in the most common cases.

 And BTW, the sentence is there *should* be one - and *preferably* only
 one - *obvious* way to do it (emphasis is mine). In this case, there's
 _at least_ one way do to do it, and only one (direct call) is really
 obvious IMHO !-)

  So, knowing that in python there is one thing to do something, these
  three different calls must *do* domething different.

 Indeed. But mostly because you managed to get 2 examples wrong !-)

  But what exactly
  *is* the difference?

   Exampel 1: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):
A.__init__(self, args)

 You want:

 class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):
A.__init__(self, *args)

Ah.. this was a typo in my original post. Oops ;)

   Exampel 2: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):
apply( A.__init__, (self,) + args)

 is the same as the previous, using the deprecated apply function.

   Exampel 3: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):

 You want:

 class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):

Hmmm... and suddenly it all makes sense! Great!

Thanks all for clarifying this to a Java-Convert ;)


Re: super, apply, or __init__ when subclassing?

2007-09-18 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 18, 2:50 pm, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Tue, 18 Sep 2007 04:33:11 -0300, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi?:

  This is something that keeps confusing me. If you read examples of
  code on the web, you keep on seeing these three calls (super, apply
  and __init__) to reference the super-class. This looks to me as it is
  somehow personal preference. But this would conflict with the There
  one way to do it mind-set.

  So, knowing that in python there is one thing to do something, these
  three different calls must *do* domething different. But what exactly
  *is* the difference?

 There are a few typos in your examples. If you write them this way:

Example 3 was not really a typo on my side. While I was browsing
around for python, I saw this in a code-fragment. So I thought this
was the way to do it. Even though I thought super(A... does not make
sense in a semantic way. Instead of just accepting this as a fact I
probably should have trusted my gut-feeling and investigate.

Nonetheless the posts (and explanations) here were really helpful for
me to understand what's happening under the hood. But seeing these
three variants of doing (nearly) the same was an itch I finally
decided to scratch. So far I blindly used Example 1 as it seemed to
work for me.

   Exampel 1: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):
A.__init__(self, *args)

   Exampel 2: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):
apply( A.__init__, (self,) + args)

   Exampel 3: -

  class B(A):
 def __init__(self, *args):

 then 2 is exactly the same as 1 but using a deprecated function. And 3 is  
 the same as 1 only when there is single inheritance involved (and you are  
 using new-style classes). But see the thread super() doesn't get  

 Gabriel Genellina


easy_install only stable packages

2007-09-10 Thread exhuma.twn
easy_install is great. But it always automatically installs the
*latest* version. Even if that is beta,alpha (or however else the
developers call it). Is there no switch or possibility to disable this
feature? So that it installs the latest *stable* version?

I know that you can specify a specific version of a package with (for

easy_install -U SQLAlchemy==0.3.10

This is undocumented on the web-page by the way ;)
But having to specify the version number for each package is quite


Re: Changing data in an QAbstractListModel

2007-09-07 Thread exhuma.twn
On Sep 7, 12:42 am, Jonathan Gardner
 On Sep 6, 9:12 am, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I defined a simple update method in the model which I call on
  certain events to fetch the new data in the DB. I tried to emit the
  dataChanged() signal of the Model without success. I don't know
  where I should get the two required index parameters from.

  Any hints?

 Shouldn't the index method give you the indexes you need?

Right... The update method now looks like this:

   def update(self):
  c = db_con.cursor()
  # SELECT only the most recent entry for each company
  c.execute(SELECT DISTINCT ON (unit_id) nom FROM unit ORDER BY
unit_id, year DESC)
  for unit in c.fetchall():
 self.__units.append( unit[0] )

  si = self.index(0)
  se = self.index(len(self.__units)-1)

  self.emit(Signal(dataChanged()), si, se)

Still, nothing is happening when I call this method. Do I still need
to handle the dataChanged signal somehow? Or does the ListView take
care of this?


Changing data in an QAbstractListModel

2007-09-06 Thread exhuma.twn
Hi, I want to create a very simple read-only ListView. As the same
data is used on various places in the UI, I decided to create a new
ListView with a new Model instead of using the QListWidget.

So far, the data displays correctly after setting it with setModel
on the ListView. But how do I tell the views that the data is updated
in the model?

I defined a simple update method in the model which I call on
certain events to fetch the new data in the DB. I tried to emit the
dataChanged() signal of the Model without success. I don't know
where I should get the two required index parameters from.

Any hints?

Here's the model:
class UnitListModel(QtCore.QAbstractListModel):

   __units = []

   def update(self):
  c = db_con.cursor()
  # SELECT only the most recent entry for each company
  c.execute(SELECT DISTINCT ON (unit_id) nom FROM unit ORDER BY
unit_id, year DESC)
  for unit in c.fetchall():
 self.__units.append( unit[0] )

   def rowCount(self, parent = QtCore.QModelIndex()):
  return len(self.__units)

   def data(self, index, role):
  if not index.isValid():
 return QtCore.QVariant()

  if index.row() = len(self.__units):
 return QtCore.QVariant()

  if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole:
 return QtCore.QVariant(self.__units[index.row()])
 return QtCore.QVariant()


twisted.web's xmlrpc with digest authencitation

2007-08-16 Thread exhuma.twn
I recently found a link[1] which demonstrates how to secure a xml-rpc
service with basic HTTP-auth. But this get's send in clear-text over
the net. There's also the HTTP-Digest auth mechanism which is
apparently supported as well by twisted[2].

How do I secure an xml-rpc service using digest-auth then?
If this works, all my troubles are suddenly gon and I am sold for
twisted ;)



Re: Multiline lamba implementation in python.

2007-06-12 Thread exhuma.twn
On Jun 12, 5:57 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 En Tue, 12 Jun 2007 00:02:37 -0300, Josh Gilbert
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  I don't expect multiline lambdas to be added to Python. I'm not so sure
  that's a bad thing. Regardless, isn't it possible to write your own
  implementation of multiline lambdas as functions? Wouldn't that be a
  for everyone?

 If you want to implement multiline lambdas as functions... why don't you
 use a plain old function?

 Gabriel Genellina

I agree. lambdas are useful for simple things like lambda x: x^2 or
so. Once you need more than that, you should consider refactoring
things into a plain old function ;)

In general I suppose that is a good idea anyhow to ensure future
compatibility. lambdas are to be removed in Py3k IIRC.


for ... else ?

2007-06-12 Thread exhuma.twn
On Jun 12, 6:57 am, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 for number in range(10,100):
  is_prime = True
  for divisor in range(2,number):
  if number % divisor == 0:
  is_prime = False
  if is_prime:
  print number,

 Next step: for loops have an optional else clause, that gets executed
 whenever the loop exits normally (in this case, when divisor goes up to
 number, and the break statement is never executed). So you don't need

 for number in range(10,100):
  for divisor in range(2,number):
  if number % divisor == 0:
  print number,

Oh my. Would it not be an idea to rename this else into a finally?
As Gabriel points out, the else-block gets executed after the for loop
exits *normally*. In that case, is the else not semantically
misleading? I would surely misunderstand it if I saw it the first time.


Re: Pasting an image from clipboard in Tkinter?

2007-06-12 Thread exhuma.twn
On Jun 12, 11:24 am, Eric Brunel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 14:23:48 +0200,exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As many might know, windows allows to copy an image into the clipboard
  by pressing the Print Screen button on the keyboard. Is it possible
  to paste such an image from the clipboard into a Text widget in
  Tkinter? Here is my first attempt with just trying to print out the
  image data:

  def pasteImg(tgt):
 global clipboardEnabled
 if not clipboardEnabled: return

 print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()

  This works fine with selecting text, but comes up with the following
  error when trying to paste an image:

  Exception in Tkinter callback
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
  return self.func(*args)
File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 52, in lambda
  Button( root, command=lambda: pasteImg(txt) ).pack()
File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 38, in pasteImg
  print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
  TypeError: Specified clipboard format is not available

  Obviously the clipboard does not know about that format. Does that
  mean I have to wait until it's implemented or are there other ways to
  access the image data?

 According to, there
 is format that you should pass to GetClipboardData telling the data type
 you expect to get. The format you should specify to get a bitmap image is
 named CF_BITMAP in the Windows API. AFAIK, this constant is not exposed in
 the Python world, so you have to pass directly the numeric value, which is

 But even if you do get the clipboard contents, you'll get it in BMP
 format, that tk/Tkinter does not understand by default. So you'll need a
 means to convert it to the only format known to tk/Tkinter by default,
 which is GIF. PIL is certainly able to do that (I don't use it myself);
 you may also rely on an external conversion utility.

 python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in

Well, by inspecting the clipboard contents, I already suspected it
might be 2. So I did a getData with the format set to 2.
So, when I try to paste simple text, it does complain that the
requested format is not on the clipboard. So far, correct. So I press
the print screen button, which loads an image into th clipboard. When
pasting I get this:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 55, in lambda
Button( root, command=lambda: pasteImg(txt) ).pack()
  File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 39, in pasteImg
print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData(2)
error: (6, 'GetClipboardData:GlobalLock', 'The handle is invalid.')

I'm not sure what this means.

... Ah... bugger. It won't work (yet):


Pasting an image from clipboard in Tkinter?

2007-06-11 Thread exhuma.twn
As many might know, windows allows to copy an image into the clipboard
by pressing the Print Screen button on the keyboard. Is it possible
to paste such an image from the clipboard into a Text widget in
Tkinter? Here is my first attempt with just trying to print out the
image data:

def pasteImg(tgt):
   global clipboardEnabled
   if not clipboardEnabled: return

   print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()

This works fine with selecting text, but comes up with the following
error when trying to paste an image:

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 52, in lambda
Button( root, command=lambda: pasteImg(txt) ).pack()
  File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 38, in pasteImg
print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
TypeError: Specified clipboard format is not available

Obviously the clipboard does not know about that format. Does that
mean I have to wait until it's implemented or are there other ways to
access the image data?


Re: Pasting an image from clipboard in Tkinter?

2007-06-11 Thread exhuma.twn
On Jun 11, 3:47 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 11, 7:23 am, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  As many might know, windows allows to copy an image into the clipboard
  by pressing the Print Screen button on the keyboard. Is it possible
  to paste such an image from the clipboard into a Text widget in
  Tkinter? Here is my first attempt with just trying to print out the
  image data:

  def pasteImg(tgt):
 global clipboardEnabled
 if not clipboardEnabled: return

 print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()

  This works fine with selecting text, but comes up with the following
  error when trying to paste an image:

  Exception in Tkinter callback
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1403, in __call__
  return self.func(*args)
File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 52, in lambda
  Button( root, command=lambda: pasteImg(txt) ).pack()
File X:\development\testing\tkwiki\, line 38, in pasteImg
  print win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
  TypeError: Specified clipboard format is not available

  Obviously the clipboard does not know about that format. Does that
  mean I have to wait until it's implemented or are there other ways to
  access the image data?

 I don't think you can paste to a text widget, but I could be mistaken.
 This link talks about pasting an image into a window, but I don't
 think it's really what you want...however, it might give you some
 ideas: (see the Drawing Images section)

 This link also talks about some of the same 

 If I understand them correctly, it sounds like you could possibly
 catch the the paste operation and convert the image to a TkImage and
 then paste it. I think that since it is in the clipboard, then it is a
 file object and this may work. I just don't know how you intercept a


Unfortunately, when they talk about pasting they talk about a PIL
method called paste, which (if I understood correctly) deals with
blitting one image onto another. Not pasting as in copy/paste from


Approaches of interprocess communication

2007-02-16 Thread exhuma.twn
Hi all,

Supposing you have two separate processes running on the same box,
what approach would you suggest to communicate between those two

Let me list the ones I know of:

* Sockets
   Advantage: Supported per se in nearly every programming language
without even the need to install additional packages
   Disadvantage: Lot's of code to write, and it's kind of silly to
communicate via TCP/IP if the processes run on the same machine.

* Webservices
   Advantage: Relatively easy to use, can work across different
   Disadvantage: Even more overhead on the TCP/IP side that simple
sockets, as really bulky SOAP messages need to be passed around.

* CORBA -- similar to webservices but more complicated to code.

* Shared memory
  I don't know much about this subject.

Supposing both processes are written in Python, is there any other way
to achieve this? To me, shared memory sound the most suited approach.
But as said, I am still fuzzy in this area. Where can I find more
information on this subject?


Re: Approaches of interprocess communication

2007-02-16 Thread exhuma.twn
On Feb 16, 1:33 pm, Duncan Grisby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],

 exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Supposing you have two separate processes running on the same box,
 what approach would you suggest to communicate between those two


 * Webservices
Advantage: Relatively easy to use, can work across different
Disadvantage: Even more overhead on the TCP/IP side that simple
 sockets, as really bulky SOAP messages need to be passed around.

 * CORBA -- similar to webservices but more complicated to code.

 Lots of people say that, but I don't think it's true. Obviously as the
 maintainer of a CORBA implementation I'm biased, but take a look at
 some examples of code that implement SOAP clients and servers and
 compare it to similar CORBA code. Especially in Python, the SOAP code
 tends to be incredibly verbose and complex, and the CORBA code really
 small and simple.

 My recommendation would be that for simple communications where
 performance isn't important use XML-RPC; for more complex cases where
 performance is a bit more important but you don't need anything except
 Python, use Pyro; for cases where performance is particularly
 important and/or you need cross-language communications, use CORBA.

Maybe this line of mine was a bit too condensed ;) I fully agree with
you on what you say about CORBA. It's just that for most people IDL
looks a bit out of place. Especially because it resembles C. But once
you actually wrote a few projects using CORBA, you actually begin to
see it's elegance ;)

I find Webservices easier as you can (although it's not
recommendable) leave out the WSDL part. And some implementations
actually generate the WSDL for you. But it's true, comparing WSDL and
IDL I'd rather write some IDL than WSDL ;)

But, returning back to topic, I first want to thank you all for your
input. I appreciate all the ideas. Especially the idea of using the
cmd module for sockets. That sound's very intriguing and I will very
likely play around with that. But also PYRO seems quite useful.

About Linda: Am I right that it looks very similar to JavaSpaces?
If yes, are there any funcdamental differences between those two?


ZSI + mod_python

2007-02-15 Thread exhuma.twn

I tried for the last 2 hours now to somehow grasp how to use ZSI over
mod_python. It's nice that they have a code-example in the ZSI docs,
but it's incomplete and you are left guessing.

The ZSI docs I used as reference can be found on http://

Here is where I am at so far:

First I created the two files as described in the ZSI docs. Namely and The first name is obvious to someone who
has coded at least a little bit of python, but it could be explicitly
stated in the docs, so the beginners don't get stumped by a silly
filename to start with ;)
The second filename is my own concoction. I suppose it does not matter
how it's named as you specify it in the apache conf anyhow.

So. Now to the apache conf. I put the scripts into the document-root
of my server. In this case: /var/www/localhost. So this is what I
get (ommitting the unnecessary cruft -- marked it with [...]):

VirtualHost *
DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost
AddHandler mod_python .py
Directory /var/www/localhost/
PythonHandler ws
PythonDebug On

This is as far as I got. Now how do I call a service from this
setting? What's the URI I need to specify in the client?

I was trying http://server/; in the browser, and it was
obviously doing *something* with the file. But I have no clue
what. Here's the output:

 Browser output for http://server/
Mod_python error: PythonHandler ws

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
299, in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)

  File /var/www/localhost/, line 9, in handler
dispatch.AsHandler(modules=(MyHandler,), request=req)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZSI-2.0_rc3-py2.4.egg/ZSI/, line 263, in AsHandler

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ZSI-2.0_rc3-py2.4.egg/ZSI/, line 61, in __init__

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/PyXML-0.8.4-py2.4-linux-
i686.egg/_xmlplus/dom/ext/reader/, line 65, in fromStream
success = self.parser.ParseFile(stream)

ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 0

No matter what I append to the URI, it does not make a difference in
the output. And *why* am I forced to add a to the
URI? Could I not set Apache up in a way that it would use the ZSI
handler for everything that calls -- let's say -- http://
webservices.server.tld/  instead of http://webservices.server.tld/ ?

I'm off to a little bit more of testing. But any hints/input would be
kindly appreciated ;)


Survey environment for Python?

2006-12-14 Thread exhuma.twn

Just recently I had to take over support for legacy software written in
Blaise ( As I did not know of this Programming Language
until one year ago I started to learn it. Well more like read it
as it's very very easy/simple.

However, I don't feel comfortable in that language. As far not as comfy
as in python ;) So I wanted to see if anyone knows of any surveying
system written in or usable with python.

For those that do not know Blaise:
First of all, it's a simplified syntax of Pascal so the syntax is quite
readable. And here is what you do with it: You define variables, then
define routes. Those routes are simply definitions in which order
those variables should be processed, and if some variables should be
skipped. In addition to that it can perform a series of data-validation
tests and some simple computations.

It then uses these fields and routes to automatically generate a
user-interface to fill in those fields.

And that's about it.

I am aware that something like this should be doable in python. Also, I
think that a solid User Interface is very important for this task. Qt
would be nice, but I still have trouble getting it to run properly with
python. But that's a different story. And to avoid installing
third-party libraries (on windows),  Tk or a HTML-Interface seem to be
the only choices.

Is there anything like that around? If no, would anyone be interested
in giving me a hand for this sort of project? Somebody that understands
Tk would be useful, as I am mostly fluent in HTMLco.


Re: Survey environment for Python?

2006-12-14 Thread exhuma.twn
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 exhuma.twn schrieb:

  Just recently I had to take over support for legacy software written in
  Blaise (

 I don't understand the meaning of the link. Do you mean this language?

Not quite ;)

Sorry for being too vague. This is the correct link:


Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  Hi all,

  yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
 RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
  Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
  So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

  I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
  So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
  be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
 page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
 there. Try this command:

 easy_install -f

 That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
 not always compatible with the latest version of the components.


Hmmm... this is wat I get:

Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
Processing dependencies for TurboGears
Searching for RuleDispatch
Best match: RuleDispatch
error: Can't download
502 Bad Gateway

Could this be a local issue?


Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 19, 3:44 pm, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  exhuma.twn wrote:
   Hi all,

   yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
  RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
   Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
   So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

   I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
   So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
   be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
  page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
  there. Try this command:

  easy_install -f

  That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
  not always compatible with the latest version of the components.

  -AdamHmmm... this is wat I get:

 Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
 Processing dependencies for TurboGears
 Searching forRuleDispatch
 error: Can't 
 502 Bad Gateway

 Could this be a local issue?

Forgot to say I also tried to download it via the web-browser. This
gave me the following error (generated by the proxy I have to use):

Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned by
This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.


Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 19, 5:32 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  On Oct 19, 3:44 pm, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

exhuma.twn wrote:
 Hi all,

 yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
 Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
 So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

 I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
 So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
 be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
there. Try this command:

easy_install -f

That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
not always compatible with the latest version of the components.

-AdamHmmm... this is wat I get:

   Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
   Processing dependencies for TurboGears
   Searching forRuleDispatch
   error: Can't 
   502 Bad Gateway

   Could this be a local issue?

  Forgot to say I also tried to download it via the web-browser. This
  gave me the following error (generated by the proxy I have to use):

  Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned by
  This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
  header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.I just tried it 
  for myself (with my workplace's proxy) and had no
 problems. You might want to check on the TurboGears mailing list 
 ( to see if someone there can
 help you figure out what is going on. Downloading the eggs at another
 location and installing locally is also an option.

I'll do that. Thanks anyway.


What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-18 Thread exhuma.twn
Hi all,

yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
So if someone knows where I can find a mirror of RuleDispatch I would
be very grateful.




combining mod_python handlers publisher and psp problem

2006-03-20 Thread exhuma.twn
Simple problem:

When I define a funtion the way you would with the publisher handler
(without using psp), all works as expected. However when I define a
publisher-like function and instantiate a PSP object in it ( as
suggested on
) mod_python seems to fail to tell the browser which content-type the
document has. The output is what I expect it to be, but instead of
rendering the page I see the source code, so I suppose the browser sees
it as text/python or text/plain.

I tried to do a

   print Content-Type: text/html

as first statement, but then it only outputs that as normal text too.

Any ideas?


Re: combining mod_python handlers publisher and psp problem

2006-03-20 Thread exhuma.twn
exhuma.twn wrote:
 Simple problem:

 When I define a funtion the way you would with the publisher handler
 (without using psp), all works as expected. However when I define a
 publisher-like function and instantiate a PSP object in it ( as
 suggested on
 ) mod_python seems to fail to tell the browser which content-type the
 document has. The output is what I expect it to be, but instead of
 rendering the page I see the source code, so I suppose the browser sees
 it as text/python or text/plain.

 I tried to do a

print Content-Type: text/html

 as first statement, but then it only outputs that as normal text too.

 Any ideas?

I got it working. My old code was as follows:

   def index(req, name='John'):
  s = 'Hello, there!'
  if name:
 names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
 s = 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
 tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='index.psp') = { 'greet': s, 'names': names })

Now I did this:

   def index(req, name='John'):
  s = 'Hello, there!'
  if name:
 names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
 s = 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
 tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='index.psp',
vars = { 'greet': s, 'names': names })
  return tmpl

So basically I assigned the variables on instantiation of the PSP
object and returned the resulting reference. This is different to what
is noted at


mod_python + publisher + psp + session problems

2006-03-20 Thread exhuma.twn
Hi again,

as soon as I try to make use of the session object inside a
psp-template file, I get the following error:

Mod_python error: PythonHandler mod_python.publisher

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
299, in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
143, in handler
result = str(result)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 228,
in __str__

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 191,
in run
session = Session.Session(req)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
389, in Session
timeout=timeout, lock=lock)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
294, in __init__
timeout=timeout, lock=lock)

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
132, in __init__
Cookie.add_cookie(self._req, self.make_cookie())

  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
160, in make_cookie
c.path = dirpath[len(docroot):]

TypeError: unsubscriptable object

Any ideas?


Re: combining mod_python handlers publisher and psp problem

2006-03-20 Thread exhuma.twn

 You could also have done:

def index(req, name='John'):
   s = 'Hello, there!'
   if name:
  names = ['a', 'b', 'c']
  s = 'Hello, %s!' % name.capitalize()
  tmpl = psp.PSP(req, filename='index.psp')
  req.content_type = 'text/html' = { 'greet': s, 'names': names })

 Try the mod_python mailing list if you want an explaination of why.

Thanks, that worked.


Re: mod_python + publisher + psp + session problems

2006-03-20 Thread exhuma.twn

 exhuma.twn wrote:
  Hi again,
  as soon as I try to make use of the session object inside a
  psp-template file, I get the following error:
  Mod_python error: PythonHandler mod_python.publisher
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  299, in HandlerDispatch
  result = object(req)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  143, in handler
  result = str(result)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 228,
  in __str__
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line 191,
  in run
  session = Session.Session(req)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  389, in Session
  timeout=timeout, lock=lock)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  294, in __init__
  timeout=timeout, lock=lock)
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  132, in __init__
  Cookie.add_cookie(self._req, self.make_cookie())
File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/, line
  160, in make_cookie
  c.path = dirpath[len(docroot):]
  TypeError: unsubscriptable object
  Any ideas?

 Upgrade to mod_python 3.2.8 and your problem will go away.


 I suggest that in future you use the mod_python mailing list for
 as that is where most knowledgeable people on mod_python hang out.

Thanks a lot Graham. This solved the problem.
