Re: Couldn't install numpy on Python 2.7

2024-06-12 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 13/06/24 4:31 am, wrote:

It seems Microsoft is having a problem where something lik 2/3 of Windows
users have not upgraded from Windows 10 after many years

At least Python 3 is a clear improvement over Python 2 in many ways.
Whereas the only thing Microsoft seems to have done with Windows in
recent times is change it in ways that nobody wants, so there is
understandable resistance to upgrading even if it's possible.

On 13/06/24 10:09 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
> So if anyone
> actually does need to use pip with Python 2.7, they probably need to
> set up a local server

You should also be able to download a .tar.gz from PyPI and use pip
to install that. Although you'll have to track down the dependencies
yourself in that case.


Re: Use of statement 'global' in scripts.

2024-05-08 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 8/05/24 1:32 pm, Popov, Dmitry Yu wrote:

The statement 'global', indicating variables living in the global scope, is 
very suitable to be used in modules. I'm wondering whether in scripts, running 
at the top-level invocation of the interpreter, statement 'global' is used 
exactly the same way as in modules?

The 'global' statement declares a name to be module-level, so there's no
reason to use it at the top level of either a script or a module, since
everything there is module-level anyway.

You only need it if you want to assign to a module-level name from
within a function, e.g.

spam = 17

def f():
  global spam
  spam = 42

# spam is now 42

A script is a module, so everything that applies to modules also
applies to scripts.


Re: ( Flying with Python )

2024-03-30 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 30/03/24 7:21 pm, HenHanna wrote:
  what does  SIGIL   mean?

I think its' a Perl term, referring to the $/@/# symbols in front of


Re: GIL-Removal Project Takes Another Step (Posting On Python-List Prohibited)

2024-03-20 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 20/03/24 4:14 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

not to
mention the latency when there isn’t quite enough memory for an allocation
and you have to wait until the next GC run to proceed. Run the GC a
thousand times a second, and the latency is still 1 millisecond.

That's not the way it usually works. If you run out of memory, you
run a GC there and then. You don't have to wait for GCs to occur on
a time schedule.

Also, as a previous poster pointed out, GCs are typically scheduled
by number of allocations, not by time.


Re: (Mastermind) puzzle (with 3 digits) -- Elegant (readable) code Sought

2024-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 26/02/24 12:45 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

def score(candidate, answer) :
 return \
 sum(a == b for a, b in zip(candidate, answer)),
 i != j and a == b
 for i, a in enumerate(candidate)
 for j, b in enumerate(answer)

This is not correct. score((1,1,1), (1,1,2)) gives (2,4). According to
the usual rules of Mastermind, it should be (2, 0).



Re: Await expressions (Posting On Python-List Prohibited)

2024-01-26 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 27/01/24 10:46 am, Stefan Ram wrote:

   But your explanation seems to have no mention of the "something" /
   "the awaitable object" part following the preposition "on". Shouldn't
   this awaitable object play a rôle in the explanation of what happens?

If it helps at all, you can think of an async function as being
very similar to a generator, and "await" as being very similar to
"yield from". In the current implementation they're almost exactly
the same thing underneath.



Re: Question about garbage collection

2024-01-16 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 17/01/24 1:01 am, Frank Millman wrote:
I sometimes need to keep a reference from a 
transient object to a more permanent structure in my app. To save myself 
the extra step of removing all these references when the transient 
object is deleted, I make them weak references.

I don't see how weak references help here at all. If the transient
object goes away, all references from it to the permanent objects also
go away.

A weak reference would only be of use if the reference went the other
way, i.e. from the permanent object to the transient object.


Re: Question about garbage collection

2024-01-16 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 17/01/24 4:00 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

class Form:
 def __init__(self):
 self.elements = []

class Element:
 def __init__(self, form):
 self.form = form

If you make the reference from Element to Form a weak reference,
it won't keep the Form alive after it's been closed.


Re: Python 3.12.1, Windows 11: shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3 doesn't work any more

2024-01-15 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 16/01/24 11:55 am, Mats Wichmann wrote:
natively has something called python.exe and python3.exe which is 
interfering here

I'm wondering whether py.exe should be taught to recognise these stubs
and ignore them. This sounds like something that could trip a lot of
people up.


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-15 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 15/01/24 9:07 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:

The grammar *can't* specify everything. If it did, it would have to
have rules for combining individual letters into a NAME and individual
characters into a string literal.

The lexical level of a grammar can be, and often is, described
formally using regular expressions.

Although some might consider that this doesn't contradict
your statement about readability. :-)


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-15 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 15/01/24 1:54 pm, dn wrote:
Soon after, Wirth simplified 
rather than expanded, and developed Pascal.

Before Pascal there was Algol-W, which Wirth invented as a rebellion
against how complicated Algol 68 was becoming.

When I first saw this I was 
stunned, then attracted to its simplicity, but then steered-away once 
realised that it needed 'more' to cope with 'the outside world'.

Pascal was intended as a teaching language, and as such it was lacking
in practicality in a few spots. But it didn't need much tweaking to
make it a very useful language. UCSD Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Delphi, etc.
enjoyed a lot of popularity. A variant of UCSD was the main language
for Macintosh application development for a number of years.


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-14 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 15/01/24 1:28 am, Left Right wrote:

Python isn't a context-free language, so the grammar that is used to
describe it doesn't actually describe the language

Very few languages have a formal grammar that *fully* describes
the set of strings that constitute valid programs, including all
the rules about things having to be declared, types matching up,
etc. The only one I know of which attempted that is Algol 68,
and it seems to be regarded as a technical success but a practical

... so, it's a "pretend grammar" that ignores indentation.

Indentation isn't ignored, it appears in the grammar by means of
INDENT and DEDENT lexical tokens.

It's true that the meaning of these tokens is described informally
elsewhere, but that's true of all the lexical features.


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-14 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 13/01/24 11:34 pm, Left Right wrote:

To make this
shorter, Python allows:

for  in ... : ...

Um, no, it doesn't. An assignment target is not, on its own, a

It's hard to make sense of what you're saying. You seem to be
surprised by the fact that Python doesn't require variables to
be declared separately from their use. But this is a very common
feature of dynamic languages generally. As language oddities go,
it hardly rates a mention.


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-13 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 13/01/24 3:14 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 13:11, Left Right via Python-list

  Very few
languages allow arbitrary complex expressions in the same place they
allow variable introduction.

What do you mean by this? Most languages I've worked with allow
variables to be initialized with arbitrary expressions, and a lot of
languages allow narrowly-scoped variables.

I think he means that in some languages the for-loop target serves as
the declaration of a new variable, and as such has to be a bare name.

Python isn't like that -- the target of a for-statement is treated
exactly the same way as the lhs of an assignment. It's not scoped to the

BTW, the equivalent thing is valid in C too, so anyone familiar with C
is unlikely to be surprised by this either.


int x[10];
int i;

int main() {
  i = 5;
  for (x[i] = 0; x[i] < 10; x[i]++)
printf("%d\n", x[i]);




Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-13 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 13/01/24 1:45 pm, Left Right wrote:

I use the term "destructuring" in the same way Hyperspec uses it.
It's not a Python term.  I don't know what you call the same thing in
Python.  I'm not sure what you understand from it.

I thought you meant what is usually called "unpacking" in Python. I
don't know anything about Hyperspec, so I don't know what it means

The fact that i was being printed inside the loop made me think
that some deeper level of surprise was being intended, such as
the value of i somehow getting changed by the assignment.


Re: Extract lines from file, add to new files

2024-01-12 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 13/01/24 12:11 am, Left Right wrote:

 x = [...]
 for x[i] in x: print(i)

I suspect you've misremembered something, because this doesn't
do anything surprising for me:

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for x[i] in x: print(i)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'i' is not defined

There's no destructuring going on here, just assignment to a
sequence item.


Re: mypy question

2023-12-30 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 31/12/23 10:06 am, Thomas Passin wrote:
my suggestion above does 
work, *except* that you cannot mix-and-match different DictTypex types

Have you tried declaring the argument as a Mapping instead of a dict?
Seeing as Thomas Passin's Sequence experiment worked, it seems like this
should work too.


Re: Aw: Re: mypy question

2023-12-30 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 31/12/23 8:05 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

Ah, I think you've hit on the problem there. Consider this:

def add_item(stuff: dict[str: str | int]):
 stuff["spam"] = "ham"
 stuff["vooom"] = 1_000_000

Yep, that's it exactly. It's not the union itself that's the problem,
but the fact that there's a *mutable container* containing that type.


Re: mypy question

2023-12-29 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 30/12/23 4:02 am, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

def run_rw_queries (
queries:list[dict[str, str | list | dict[str, Any]]]=None,

Given that I would have thought that passing in
list[dict[str, str]] for "queries" ought to be type safe.

dict[str, str] is not a subtype of dict[str, str | something_else]
because you can assign a value of type something_else to the latter
but not the former.

In this case it happens to be okay because the function is (presumably)
treating the dict passed in as immutable, but MyPy has no way to be sure
of that.

You could try declaring it as a collections.Mapping, which is immutable.


RE: Subject: Are there any easy-to-use Visual Studio C# WinForms-like GUI designers in the Python world for Tk?

2023-12-29 Thread Greg Walters via Python-list
> I'm used to C# WinForms, which has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop
GUI designer in Visual Studio. Is there anything similar for Tk? How
about Qt? What do you recommend as the easiest way to create GUI programs
in Python, similar to the ease of use of C# WinForms?

I can't say much for Qt other than there is a GUI designer for it, but I
don't know much about it.

As to the portion of your question about Python and Tkinter, YES!
The project is called PAGE and it is a drag and drop designer using the Tk
and ttk toolkits (basically Tkinter).

It's been around for many years, is completely FREE and open source, the
source code is included and works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

The current version is 7.6 and you can find it at and it has been downloaded over 2000
times just in December, and over 26,000 times in 2023.

There is a TONNE of examples, full documentation and a number of
tutorials.  The Sourceforge acts as the main help site, but there is also a
Discord site dedicated to help and support.

I sincerely hope this helps!

Greg Walters

*My memory check bounced*

Greg Walters

Re: How/where to store calibration values - written by program A, read by program B

2023-12-28 Thread Greg Walters via Python-list
First, one of the posters got it right.  Nothing is REALLY ever "written"
to the file.  Consider it a global variable that isn't a global variable.

Assume you have two modules, A and B.  Both modules import config.
Furthermore, let's assume that Module B 'writes' a variable called "font"...


That information is immediately available to Module A.  All Module A has to
do is (assuming that it has been initialized previously) do something like


Now, myFont has the value "TkDefaultFont" in both modules A and B.

Further, let's assume that we need to pass a ttk::Theme to Module B...
Module A does a
shared.currentTheme = "clam"

Anytime Module B wants to check the value of the shared variable, it can

MyCurrentTheme = shared.currentTheme.

You can also use a similar variable that will hold a flag boolean "saying"
something like

shared.UpdatedInfo = True

This can be tested at any time via any timer check, including a Tkinter
root.after type timer.  If the timer is true, simply go through your list
of shared variables (You should keep them in a list just to be sure) then
they can be checked on a timed basis.  Or just use ...

MyVariable=shared.VariableName anytime you need to make sure it's updated.
If the value is the same, it only wastes a few clock cycles.  However if it
has been updated, then you got the latest version.

This can work for any number of modules.  You aren't limited to just two.

I hope this helps.

*My memory check bounced*

Greg Walters

How/where to store calibration values - written by program A, read by program B

2023-12-27 Thread Greg Walters via Python-list
Many years ago, Fredrik Lundh provided an answer for this question
on his website  Unfortunately that site has gone, but luckily,
it has been preserved in the "wayback machine"...

In short, create an empty file named something like '' or
'' in a folder that both scripts can use.
Import the file in both scripts.

import shared

Then when you want to share a value, use...


The file can then be accessed by both scripts.

The biggest caveat is that the shared variable MUST exist before it can be
examined or used (not surprising).

I sincerely hope this helps.

*My memory check bounced*

Greg Walters

Re: Context without manager

2023-11-26 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 27/11/23 5:03 pm, Grant Edwards wrote:

I should probably have written "how to fool that  into
working when he's not using a 'with' statement"

It should be possible to run the context protocol yourself.
Something like (warning, untested):

class MyDeviceWrapper:

def __init__(self): = device_open()
self.device =

# Other methods here for doing things with
# self.device

def close(self):, None, None)



Re: Context without manager

2023-11-26 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 27/11/23 9:03 am, Stefan Ram wrote:

   Above, "have" is followed by another verb in "have been",
   so it should be eligible for a contraction there!

Yes, "been" is the past participle of 'to be", so "I've been" is



Re: on a tail-recursive square-and-multiply

2023-11-07 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 8/11/23 2:26 pm, Julieta Shem wrote:

For the first time I'm trying to write a tail-recursive
square-and-multiply and, even though it /seems/ to work, I'm not happy
with what I wrote and I don't seem to understand it so well.

Stepping back a bit, why do you feel the need to write this
tail-recursively? Is it just an exercise?

Note that Python doesn't optimise tail calls, so anything that
can be done tail-recursively is probably better done iteratively.

--8<---cut here---start->8---
def sam(b, e, m, acc = 1):
   if e == 0:
 return acc
   if is_even(e):
 return sam(remainder(b * b, m), e//2, m, acc)
 return sam(b, e - 1, m, remainder(b * acc, m))
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

You see, I tried to use an accumulator, but I'm only accumulating when
the exponent is odd.  When it's even, I feel I'm forced to change the
base into b * b mod m and leave the accumulator alone.  This feels so
unnatural to me.  I feel I broke some symmetry there.  I'm having to
think of two cases --- when I change the accumulator and when I change
the base.  That seems too much for my small head.  Can you help?

Well, there are inherently two cases, and they're different, so
I don't think you're doing anything wrong here. It was asymmetrical
to begin with. If you were doing it iteratively you would also be
leaving the accumulator alone when the exponent is even.


Re: fCONV_AUSRICHTG is not defined - Why?

2023-11-07 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 8/11/23 8:10 am, MRAB wrote:

Something to do with how scoping is implemented in comprehensions?

Yes, together with the way class scopes work during class construction.

Behind the scenes, the body of a listcomp happens to be implemented
as a nested function.

Usually you don't notice this, but while a class is being built,
its scope doesn't count as an enlosing scope for functions defined
within the class.

This is necessary, otherwise all of a class's attributes would be 
visible inside its methods, which isn't what we want. However, it

leads to some odd corner cases, such as this one.

There are various ways you could work around this. I would suggest
moving the offending code outside the class and qualifying the
constants it uses with the class name.


Re: Checking if email is valid

2023-11-06 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 6/11/23 6:34 pm, rbowman wrote:

We've found even if you directly ask the user often the answer is 'I
dunno' or some mythology they have constructed to explain the problem.

This seems to apply to hardware issues as well. Louis Rossmann has
a philosophy of "Never believe what the customer tells you."


Re: Checking if email is valid

2023-11-06 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 7/11/23 7:45 am, Mats Wichmann wrote:
Continuing with the example, if you have a single phone number field, or 
let a mobile number be entered in a field marked for landline, you will 
probably assume you can text to that number.

But if the site can detect that you've entered a mobile number into
the landline field or vice versa and reject it, then it can figure out
whether it can text to a given numner or not without you having
to tell it!


Re: Question(s)

2023-10-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 25/10/23 2:32 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:

Error correcting memory, redundant systems, and human
monitoring, plus the ability to rewrite the guidance software on the
fly if they needed to.

Although the latter couldn't actually be done with the AGC,
as the software was in ROM. They could poke values into RAM
to change its behaviour to some extent, and that got them out
of trouble a few times, but they couldn't patch the code.

It might have been possible with the Gemini computer, since
it loaded its code from tape. I don't know if it was ever
done, though.



Re: type annotation vs working code

2023-10-04 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 4/10/23 5:25 pm, dn wrote:
The first question when dealing with the Singleton Pattern is what to do 
when more than one instantiation is attempted

My preferred way of handling singletons is not to expose the class
itself, but a function that creates an instance the first time it's
called, and returns that instance subsequently. The problem then
doesn't arise.



Re: Dynamically modifying "__setattr__"

2023-09-29 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 28/09/23 10:44 pm, Stefan Ram wrote:

class A:
 def __init__( self ):
 self.__setattr__ = self.setattr
 def setattr( self, key, value ):
 print( 'setattr called.' )

   Any idea how to achieve something like this?

class A:

def __init__(self):
self.x = 17
self.setattr = self.custom_setattr

def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self.setattr(key, value)

def setattr(self, key, value):
object.__setattr__(self, key, value)

def custom_setattr(self, key, value):
print('custom_setattr:', key, '=', value)

a = A()
a.x = 1
print('a.x =', a.x)



Re: error of opening Python

2023-09-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 27/09/23 3:30 pm, Chris Roy-Smith wrote:
surely running a 64 bit version of python in a 23mbit version of windows 
will cause significant problems!

23 millibits? I don't think you'd be able to run much at all
with that few bits! :-)


Re: []=[]

2023-09-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/09/23 4:51 am, Stefan Ram wrote:


   (Executes with no error.)

( 1 )

(Executes with no error.)


Re: Getty fully qualified class name from class object

2023-08-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/08/23 2:45 am, Ian Pilcher wrote:

How can I programmatically get 'logging.Handler' from the class object?

Classes have a __module__ attribute:

>>> logging.Handler.__module__



Re: GNU gettext: Print string translated and untranslated at the same time

2023-08-18 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 17/08/23 7:10 pm, wrote:

def foobar(translate):
     if not translate:
     # I try to mask the global _() builtins-function
     def _(txt):
     return txt

     return _('Hello')

This causes _ to become a local that is left undefined on one
branch of the if. You need to ensure it's always defined. Here's
one way that should work:

gttran = _

def foobar(translate):
def _(txt):
if translate:
return gttran(txt)
return txt
return _('Hello')


Re: Multiple inheritance and a broken super() chain

2023-07-04 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 5/07/23 10:33 am, Alan Gauld wrote:

(*) C++ is the odd one out because it doesn't have GC, but then
neither does it have an Object superclass so very often MI in C++
does not involve creating diamonds! And especially if the MI
style is mixin based.

Even if all your mixins have empty constructors, in C++ there
is still a diamond problem if they have any data members, because
you end up with multiple copies of them.

But C++ has the concept of virtual base classes, which avoids the
diamond problem, albeit at the expense of making you explicitly
call all the base class constructors in your ancestry.



Re: Should NoneType be iterable?

2023-06-20 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 20/06/23 7:36 pm, Barry wrote:

I have some APIs that do return None or a list.
The None says that a list is not available and that the caller is
responsible with dealing in a application-domain specific with
with that situation.

In that case, the caller should probably be checking for
None rather than blindly trying to iterate over the result.


Re: Should NoneType be iterable?

2023-06-19 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

I would question the wisdom of designing an API that
can return either a sequence or None. If it normally
returns a sequence, and there are no items to return,
it should return an empty sequence.



Re: Match statement with literal strings

2023-06-07 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 8/06/23 10:18 am, Jason Friedman wrote:

SyntaxError: name capture 'RANGE' makes remaining patterns unreachable

The bytecode compiler doesn't know that you intend RANGE
to be a constant -- it thinks it's a variable to bind a
value to.

To make this work you need to find a way to refer to the
value that isn't just a bare name. One way would be to
define your constants using an enum:

class Options(Enum):

match stuff:
   case Options.RANGE:
   case Options.MANDATORY:



Re: Why does IDLE use a subprocess?

2023-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 29/05/23 8:10 am, James Schaffler wrote:

However, some minimal testing of InteractiveInterpreter leads me to believe 
that the Interpreter object has its own view of local/global variables and 
therefore shouldn't be able to affect the calling interpreter

Globals you create by executing code in the REPL have their own
namespace. But everything else is shared -- builtins, imported
Python modules, imported C extension modules, etc. etc.

There's a long-running project to make it possible to have
multiple fully-isolated Python interpreters in one process, but
the way CPython is structured makes that very difficult to achieve,
and as far as I know it's not there yet.

In the case of IDLE, there's really no reason not to use a
subprocess[1]. It's easy and guarantees 100% isolation.

[1] Well, mostly. There used to be a small hitch on Windows with
the default firewall settings not letting you connect to a local
socket (nice one, Microsoft). I don't know whether that's still
an issue.


Re: What to use instead of nntplib?

2023-05-30 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 31/05/23 8:44 am, aapost wrote:
Even if I did partake in the modern github style of code distribution, 
how many packages have issues where the "maintainers" inherited the 
package and really haven't dug deep enough in to the code to see how it 
really works. They have issues that sit around for YEARS, and when 
someone says "this sucks, this is broken and could be better", and the 
githubian response is typically a dismissive "Nothing is stopping you 
from making a PR".

Also, "nothing is stopping you from making a fork." Which is what
you would have to do in the face of inactive maintainers regardless
of where or how the project was hosted. This is not a github problem
or a big-corporation problem, it's a people problem.


Re: Does os.path relpath produce an incorrect relative path?

2023-05-25 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 25/05/23 7:49 pm, BlindAnagram wrote:
The first of these three results produces an incorrect relative path 
because relpath does not strip off any non-directory tails before 
comparing paths.

It has no way of knowing whether a pathname component is a directory
or not. It's purely an operation on strings, it doesn't look in the
file system.


Re: Addition of a .= operator

2023-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 21/05/23 9:18 am, Richard Damon wrote:
This just can't happen (as far as I can figure) for .= unless the object 
is defining something weird for the inplace version of the operation, 

Indeed. There are clear use cases for overriding +=, but it's hard to
think of one for this. So it would just be syntactic sugar, which is
harder to justify.


Re: Addition of a .= operator

2023-05-20 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 21/05/23 5:54 am, Alex Jando wrote:


That would be a very strange and unprecedented syntax that
munges together an attribute lookup and a call.

Keep in mind that a method call in Python is actually two
separate things:

y = x.m()

is equivalent to

f = x.m
y = f()

But it would not be possible to break down your .= syntax
in that way.

Another oddity is that these are equivalent:

x += y
x += (y)

i.e. the RHS is evaluated as usual before doing the +=.

But these would not be equivalent:

hash .= hexdigest()
hash .= (hexdigest())

In fact the latter would probably have to be disallowed, as it's
not at all clear what it should mean.



Re: An "adapter", superset of an iterator

2023-05-03 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 4/05/23 9:29 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

you're asking for map to be able to return an iterator if given an
iterator, or an adapter if given an adapter. That makes it quite
complicated to use and reason about.

Also a bit slower, since it would need to inspect its argument
and decide what to do with it. Currently it can just get on
with its job and rely on duck typing to do the right thing.

Maybe there could be a parallel set of functions "enumerated",
"mapped", etc. that take sequences and return sequence views.

Although that naming convention would suggest that reversed()
itself should return a sequence view rather than an iterator.
That would require restricting it to working on sequences,
which would be an incompatible change.


Re: How to 'ignore' an error in Python?

2023-04-29 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 30/04/23 2:43 am, jak wrote:

Maybe I expressed myself badly but I didn't mean to propose alternatives
to the EAFP way but just to evaluate the possibility that it is not a

If it's not a folder, you'll find out when the next thing you
try to do to it fails.

You could check for it earlier, but there's still the possibility
of a race condition -- someone could delete the folder and replace
it with a file in the meantime. Or just delete it and not replace
it with anything. So you need to be prepared to deal with failures
at any point.


Re: Incomplete sys.path with embeddable python (Windows)!?

2023-04-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/04/23 10:04 am, Ralf M. wrote:
I thought about that, but for that to work all local modules across all 
script locations must have unique names, otherwise import might get hold 
of a module from the wrong directory.

You could put all the local modules belonging to a particular
script into a package named after the script, e.g. put the local
modules used by into a package called foolib.


Re: Incomplete sys.path with embeddable python (Windows)!?

2023-04-21 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

How are you invoking your script? Presumably you have some code
in your embedding application that takes a script path and runs
it. Instead of putting the code to update sys.path into every
script, the embedding application could do it before running
the script.


Re: Weak Type Ability for Python

2023-04-13 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 14/04/23 4:55 am, wrote:

While we are at it, why stop with imaginary numbers when you can imagine
extensions thereof? Unfortunately, it has been proven there are and can only
be two additional such constructs.

You can go beyond that if you broaden your horizons enough.
There are Clifford algebras, Lie algebras, ...

Not sure what any of those should do to strings, though. :-)


Re: [Python-Dev] Small lament...

2023-04-04 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 4/04/23 2:09 pm, wrote:

Sadly, between Daylight Savings time and a  newer irrational PI π Day, I am 
afraid some April Foolers got thrown off albeit some may shower us with 
nonsense  in May I.

Pi day isn't responsible, but it is because of changes to daylight
saving. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures announced
that, in order to gain a few more days of summer weather, all clocks
would be put back by 96 hours at midnight on 31 March 2023. So April 1
is now occurring on what would have been April 4. Expect the usual
torrent of silliness to arrive shortly.


Re: How to add clickable url links to 3D Matplotlib chart ?

2023-03-29 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 30/03/23 8:39 am, a a wrote:

How to add clickable url links to the following 3D Matplotlib chart to make it 
knowledge representation 3D chart, make of 1,000+ open Tabs in Firefox ?

It seems that matplotlib can be made to generate SVG images with
hyperlinks in them:


Re: What kind of "thread safe" are deque's actually?

2023-03-29 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 30/03/23 6:13 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

I'm not sure what would happen in
a GIL-free world but most likely the lock on the input object would
still ensure thread safety.

In a GIL-free world, I would not expect deque to hold a lock
the entire time that something was iterating over it. That
would require holding the lock as long as an iterator object
existed referencing it, which could be a long time, even
longer than the caller expects (no reference counting,

So for future-proofing I would recommend using deque's
copy() method to copy it before doing anything that iterates
over it. Hopefully that would be implemented in a thread-safe
way (although the docs don't currently promise that).


Re: What kind of "thread safe" are deque's actually?

2023-03-28 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 28/03/23 2:25 pm, Travis Griggs wrote:

Interestingly the error also only started showing up when I switched from 
running a statistics.mean() on one of these, instead of what I had been using, 
a statistics.median(). Apparently the kind of iteration done in a mean, is more 
conflict prone than a median?

It may be a matter of whether the GIL is held or not. I had a look
at the source for deque, and it doesn't seem to explicitly do
anything about locking, it just relies on the GIL.

So maybe statistics.median() is implemented in C and statistics.mean()
in Python, or something like that?


Re: How to get get_body() to work? (about email)

2023-03-19 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 20/03/23 7:07 am, Jon Ribbens wrote:

Ah, apparently it got removed in Python 3, which is a bit odd as the
last I heard it was added in Python 2.2 in order to achieve consistency
with other types.

As far as I remember, the file type came into existence
with type/class unification, and "open" became an alias
for the file type, so you could use open() and file()

With the Unicode revolution in Python 3, file handling got
a lot more complicated. Rather than a single file type,
there are now a bunch of classes that handle low-level I/O,
encoding/decoding, etc, and open() is a function again
that builds the appropriate combination of underlying



Re: We can call methods of parenet class without initliaze it?

2023-03-15 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 15/03/23 10:57 pm, scruel tao wrote:

How can I understand this? Will it be a problem?

I can't remember any details offhand, but I know I've occasionally
made use of the ability to do this. It's fine as long as the method
you're calling doesn't rely on anything you haven't initialised yet.



Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 4:00 pm, wrote:

My ~/.pythonrc contains the following:

 import readline
 import rlcompleter
 readline.parse_and_bind( 'tab: complete' )

I don't have a ~/.pythonrc, so that's not what's doing it
for me.


Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 2:57 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:

import sys; "readline" in sys.modules

Is it?

Yes, it is -- but only when using the repl!
If I put that in a script, I get False.

My current theory is that it gets pre-imported when using
Python interactively because the repl itself uses it.


Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 1:46 pm, Grant Edwards wrote:

That's not how it acts for me. I have to "import readline" to get
command line recall and editing.

Maybe this has changed? Or is platform dependent?

With Python 3.8 on MacOSX I can use up arrow with input()
to recall stuff I've typed before, without having to
import anything.


Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 12:43 pm, Grant Edwards wrote:

When a computer dies, I
generally just cp -a (or rsync -a) $HOME to a new one.

Same here, more or less. My current machine has multiple
archaeological layers going back about 5 generations of


Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 11:43 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

import readline
print("Pseudo-prompt: ", end="")
msg1 = input()
msg2 = input("Actual prompt: ")

At each of the prompts, type a bit of text, then backspace it all the
way. The actual prompt will remain, but the pseudo-prompt will get
cleared off. There'll be other small differences too.

Hmmm, so it seems that merely importing readline does change
things a little bit.

This is rather nasty. I'd go so far as to call it a bug in
gnu readline -- it shouldn't be erasing something that the
user didn't type in.


Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 10:59 am, Cameron Simpson wrote:
I think this might be the common case of a module which wraps another 

It's not quite the same thing, though -- the library it wraps
is already hooked into things behind the scenes in ways that
may not be obvious. (Unless you're Dutch?)



Re: Baffled by readline module

2023-03-09 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 10/03/23 10:08 am, Grant Edwards wrote:

It finally dawned on me after seeing an example I found elsewhere that
you don't call some module method to fetch the next user-entered line.

You call the input() built-in.

Having a module modify the behavior of a built-in makes me cringe.

Importing the module is not modifying the built-in.

If your Python has been compiled with gnu readline support,
input() *already* provides recall and editing facilities.

You only need to import the readline module if you want to
change the configuration.

Yes, it would be helpful if the docs for the readline module
explained this. At present they seem to assume that you already
know what the readline module is for and just want a summary
of the API.

It *is* mentioned briefly in the docs for input(), but again
somebody wanting line editing functionality wouldn't necessarily
think of looking there.


Re: Feature migration

2023-03-08 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 9/03/23 8:29 am, wrote:

They seem to be partially copying from python a
feature that now appears everywhere but yet strive for some backwards
compatibility. They simplified the heck out of all kinds of expressions by

It's possible this was at least parttly inspired by functional languages
such as Haskell. Haskell has always allowed indentation as one way of
expressing structure. Python wasn't the first language to use
indentation semantically.


Re: Fast full-text searching in Python (job for Whoosh?)

2023-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 7/03/23 6:49 am, wrote:

But the example given wanted to match something like "V6" in middle of the text 
and I do not see how that would work as you would now need to search 26 dictionaries 

It might even make things worse, as there is likely to be a lot of
overlap between entries containing "V" and entries containing "6",
so you end up searching the same data multiple times.



Re: Fast full-text searching in Python (job for Whoosh?)

2023-03-06 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 7/03/23 4:35 am, Weatherby,Gerard wrote:

If mailing space is a consideration, we could all help by keeping our replies 
short and to the point.

Indeed. A thread or two of untrimmed quoted messages is probably
more data than Dino posted!



Re: Cutting slices

2023-03-05 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 6/03/23 11:43 am, Stefan Ram wrote:

   A user tries to chop of sections from a string,
   but does not use "split" because the separator might become
   more complicated so that a regular expression will be required
   to find it.

What's wrong with re.split() in that case?


Re: Bug 3.11.x behavioral, open file buffers not flushed til file closed.

2023-03-05 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 6/03/23 1:02 pm, Cameron Simpson wrote:
Also, fsync() need not expedite the data getting to disc. It is equally 
valid that it just blocks your programme _until_ the data have gone to 

Or until it *thinks* the data has gone to the disk. Some drives
do buffering of their own, which may impose additional delays
before the data actually gets written.


Re: Fast full-text searching in Python (job for Whoosh?)

2023-03-04 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 5/03/23 5:12 pm, Dino wrote:
I can do a substring search in a list of 30k elements in less than 2ms 
with Python. Is my reasoning sound?

I just did a similar test with your actual data and got
about the same result. If that's fast enough for you,
then you don't need to do anything fancy.


Re: Which more Pythonic - self.__class__ or type(self)?

2023-03-03 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 4/03/23 7:51 am, wrote:

I leave you with the question of the day. Was Voldemort pythonic?

Well, he was fluent in Parseltongue, which is not a good sign.

I hope not, otherwise we'll have to rename Python to "The Language
That Shall Not Be Named" and watch out for horcruxes during code

I'll note that he was fluent in Parseltongue, which is not a good


Re: Which more Pythonic - self.__class__ or type(self)?

2023-03-02 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 3/03/23 9:54 am, Ian Pilcher wrote:

I haven't found
anything that talks about which form is considered to be more Pythonic
in those situations where there's no functional difference.

In such cases I'd probably go for type(x), because it looks less

x.__class__ *might* be slightly more efficient, as it avoids a
global lookup and a function call. But as always, measurement
would be required to be sure.


Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-03-01 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 2/03/23 10:59 am, gene heskett wrote:

Human skin always has the same color

Um... no?


Re: one Liner: Lisprint(x) --> (a, b, c) instead of ['a', 'b', 'c']

2023-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 28/02/23 4:24 pm, Hen Hanna wrote:

   is it poss. to peek at the Python-list's  messages 
without joining ?

It's mirrored to the comp.lang.python usenet group, or
you can read it through gmane with a news client.


Re: Python 3.10 Fizzbuzz

2023-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 28/02/23 5:08 am, Thomas Passin wrote:

On 2/27/2023 11:01 AM, Mats Wichmann wrote:
If you intend to run Black on your code to ensure consistent 
formatting, you may as well learn to prefer double quotes, because 
it's going to convert single to double

I prefer single quotes because they are easier to type.

I tend to use the convention of double quotes for strings seen
by the outside world, and single quotes for internal constants
(such as enumerated types that happen to be represented by

I guess this means I can't use Black. :-(



Re: it seems like a few weeks ago... but actually it was more like 30 years ago that i was programming in C, and

2023-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 28/02/23 7:40 am, wrote:

inhahe  made the point that this may not have been the 
original intent for python and may be a sort of bug that it is too late to fix.

Guido has publically stated that it was a deliberate design choice.
The merits of that design choice can be debated, but it wasn't a
bug or an accident.


Re: it seems like a few weeks ago... but actually it was more like 30 years ago that i was programming in C, and

2023-02-27 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 27/02/23 10:07 pm, Roel Schroeven wrote:
I'm guessing you're thinking about variables leaking out of list 
comprehensions. I seem to remember (but I could be wrong) it was a 
design mistake rather than a bug in the code, but in any case it's been 
fixed now (in the 2 to 3 transition, I think).

The semantics of list comprehensions was originally defined
in terms of nested for loops. A consequence was that the loop
variables ended up in the local scope just as with ordinary for
loops. Later it was decided to change that.


Re: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

2023-02-25 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 26/02/23 10:53 am, Paul Rubin wrote:

I'm not on either list but the purpose of the tutor list is to shunt
beginner questions away from the main list.

There's a fundamental problem with tutor lists. They rely on
experienced people, the ones capable of answering the questions,
to go out of their way to read the tutor list -- something that
is not of personal benefit to them.

Also, pointing people towards tutor lists, if not done carefully,
can give the impression of saying "newcomers are not welcome here".
That's not a message we want to send to Python newcomers at all.


Re: semi colonic

2023-02-23 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 24/02/23 9:26 am, wrote:

Python One-Liners: Write Concise, Eloquent Python Like a Professional 
Illustrated Edition
by Christian Mayer (Author)

I didn't know there were any Professional Illustrated Editions
writing Pythom. You learn something every day! :-)


Re: it seems like a few weeks ago... but actually it was more like 30 years ago that i was programming in C, and

2023-02-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/02/23 9:37 am, Hen Hanna wrote:

 for the first  several weeks... whenever i used Python...  all 
i could think ofwas     this is really Lisp (inside) with  a thin 
veil of   Java/Pascal syntax..

-  that  everything is  first converted  (macro-expanded)  
into (intermediated) Lisp code, and then.

I once toyed with the idea of implementing a Python compiler
by translating it into Scheme and then feeding it to a Scheme

But I quickly realised that, although Scheme and Python are
both dynamically-typed languages, Python is way *more* dynamic
than Scheme.

So without doing some very serious static analysis, the best
I could do would be just putting together calls to runtime
support routines that implement all the dynamic dispatching
that Python does for its operators, etc., and the result
wouldn't be much better than an interpreter.

There are some similarities between Python and Lisp-family
languages, but really Python is its own thing.


Re: semi colonic

2023-02-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/02/23 1:58 pm, wrote:

Would anything serious break if it was deprecated for use as a statement

Well, it would break all the code of people who like to
write code that way. They might get a bit miffed if we
decide that their code is not serious. :-)

On the other hand, if they really want to, they will still
be able to abuse semicolons by doing this sort of thing:

a = 5; pass
b = 7; pass
c = a * b; pass

Then everyone will know it's some really serious code!


Re: Introspecting the variable bound to a function argument

2023-02-22 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 23/02/23 9:12 am, Hen Hanna wrote:

On Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 2:32:57 AM UTC-8, Anton Shepelev wrote:

 def f(a):
print(black_magic(a))# or black_magic('a')

 f(v1)# prints: v1
 f(v2)# prints: v2

the term  [call by name]  suggests  this should be possible.

But Python doesn't use call-by-name or anything remotely like it.

(Even if it did, the word "name" in that context doesn't mean
what it sounds like it means. The Algol docs used some words in
weird ways.)


Re: Precision Tail-off?

2023-02-17 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 18/02/23 7:42 am, Richard Damon wrote:

On 2/17/23 5:27 AM, Stephen Tucker wrote:

None of the digits in RootNZZZ's string should be different from the
corresponding digits in RootN.

Only if the storage format was DECIMAL.

Note that using decimal wouldn't eliminate this particular problem,
since 1/3 isn't exactly representable in decimal either.

To avoid it you would need to use an algorithm that computes nth
roots directly rather than raising to the power 1/n.


Re: ChatGPT Generated news poster code

2023-02-10 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

For a moment I thought this was going to be a script that
uses ChatGPT to generate a random news post and post it
to Usenet...

Which would also have been kind of cool, as long as it wasn't


Re: Organizing modules and their code

2023-02-05 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 6/02/23 4:23 am, Weatherby,Gerard wrote:

Well, first of all, while there is no doubt as to Dijkstra’s contribution to 
computer science, I don’t think his description of scientific thought is 
correct. The acceptance of Einstein’s theory of relativity has nothing to do 
with internal consistency or how easy or difficult to explain but rather 
repeatedly experimental results validating it.

I don't think Dijkstra was claiming that what he was talking about
was a *complete* description of scientific thought, only that the
ability to separate out independent concerns is an important part
of it, and that was something he saw his colleagues failing to do.


Re: Organizing modules and their code

2023-02-04 Thread Greg Ewing via Python-list

On 5/02/23 11:18 am, transreductionist wrote:

This analogy came to me the other day. For me, I would rather walk into a 
grocery store where the bananas, apples, and oranges are separated in to their 
own bins, instead of one common crate.

On the other hand, if the store has an entire aisle devoted to each
fruit, but only ever one crate of fruit in each aisle, one would think
they could make better use of their shelf space.


Re: evaluation question

2023-02-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 3/02/23 5:09 am, wrote:

What if its 10s of thousands of lines of
core production code? If the company it belongs to wants to add new Python 3
features it can't just plug them into the code because it won't run under
Python 3, they have to do a full overhaul or even complete rewrite and that
costs a lot of time and money.

A possible strategy in that case would have been to incrementally
rewrite it in such a way that the code would run in both 2.7 and 3.x
(various features were added to 2.7 to make that possible).

When that point is reached, you can then switch to running it with
Python 3 and start using the new features.

Also, if you're a company whose business is totally reliant on some
piece of code, it would be prudent to plan ahead and budget for
rewriting or replacing it at some point.

People seem to think that because code doesn't wear out like
hardware, you don't have to budget for replacing it. But you can't
expect third party software to be maintained forever -- particularly
when, as with Python, the maintenance is mainly being done by


Re: Licensing?

2023-02-02 Thread Greg Ewing

On 3/02/23 6:38 am, Jon Ribbens wrote:

If you change someone else's code then you have created a derived
work, which requires permission from both the original author and you
to copy. (Unless you change it so much that nothing remains of the
original author's code, of course.)

"Nothing" is probably a bit extreme; somewhere between "exactly the
same" and "completely different" there will be a borderline case,
although exactly where the border lies would require a court case
to determine.

When in doubt, the sensible and courteous thing would be to include
the original copyright notice as requested, maybe with a "based on
work by..." attribution.


Re: evaluation question

2023-01-31 Thread Greg Ewing

On 1/02/23 1:17 pm, dn wrote:
1 nothing "ceased to execute" and Python 2 was maintained and developed 
for quite some time and in-parallel to many Python 3 releases.

And a lot of effort was put into making the transition as easy
as possible, e.g. 2to3, and the features added to 2.7 to make
it easier to write code that would work in both versions.


Re: evaluation question

2023-01-31 Thread Greg Ewing

On 1/02/23 7:33 am, Stefan Ram wrote:

Thomas Passin  writes:

   Some people say it is a function now so that you can redefine it.

Well, that's one benefit, but I wouldn't say it's the main one.

The point is really that you can do *anything* with it now that
you can do with a regular function -- pass it as an argument,
wrap it with another function, define your own function with a
similar signature for duck-typing purposes, etc.

   It would still be possible to have a special syntax for the outermost
   expression of an expression statement that would allow one to omit
   the parentheses,

That's only one of the syntactic oddities of the old print
statement, thogh. There was also the >> thing, special treatment
of trailing commas, etc.

Also, introducing a paren-less call syntax would be a very big
and controversial change that would be way out of proportion to
the problem.


Re: evaluation question

2023-01-31 Thread Greg Ewing

On 31/01/23 10:24 pm, wrote:

All languages have their ugly corners due to initial design mistakes and/or
constraints. Eg: java with the special behaviour of its string class, C++
with "=0" pure virtual declaration. But they don't dump them and make all old
code suddenly cease to execute.

No, but it was decided that Python 3 would have to be backwards
incompatible, mainly to sort out the Unicode mess. Given that,
the opportunity was taken to clean up some other mistakes as well.


Re: evaluation question

2023-01-30 Thread Greg Ewing

On 30/01/23 10:41 pm, wrote:

What was the point of the upheaval of converting
the print command in python 2 into a function in python 3 if as a function
print() doesn't return anything useful?

It was made a function because there's no good reason for it
to have special syntax in the language.

Functions don't need to return things to justify their existence,
and in fact the usual convention is that functions whose purpose
is to have an effect just return None.


Re: bool and int

2023-01-27 Thread Greg Ewing

On 26/01/23 6:10 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

And that's a consequence of a system wherein there is only one concept
of "success", but many concepts of "failure". Whoever devised that
system was clearly a pessimist :)

Murphy's Law for Unix: If something can go wrong, it will go
wrong 255 times out of 256.


Re: How to make argparse accept "-4^2+5.3*abs(-2-1)/2" string argument?

2023-01-23 Thread Greg Ewing

On 2023-01-22 at 18:19:13 -0800,
Jach Feng  wrote:

1) Modify the sys.argv by inserting an item '--' before parsing it, ie.
sys.argv.insert(1, '--')
args = parser.parse_args()

If you do that, you'll never be able to have any actual options, so
using argparse seems like overkill. Just pull the argument out of
argv directly.


Re: Improvement to imports, what is a better way ?

2023-01-18 Thread Greg Ewing

On 19/01/23 10:40 am, Dan Kolis wrote:

I guess I don't full understand what bothers me about the repetition of the 
imports so much.

It's doubtful that every module uses every one of those imports.
It looks like someone had a standard block of imports that they
blindly pasted at the top of every file, to avoid having to think
about which ones were actually needed.

If you're looking for advice, I would suggest:

* Only import what you use in a particular file (this doesn't
have much effect on efficiency, but there's less clutter for
the reader.)

* Only use short names for modules that are *very* frequently
referenced. Use full unabbreviated names for everything else.

* Don't 'import foo as foo', just 'import foo'.

* Don't try to line the code up in columns, it doesn't really
help readability IMO.


Re: Fast lookup of bulky "table"

2023-01-15 Thread Greg Ewing

On 16/01/23 2:27 am, Dino wrote:
Do you have any idea about the speed of a SELECT query against a 100k 
rows / 300 Mb Sqlite db?

That depends entirely on the nature of the query and how the
data is indexed. If it's indexed in a way that allows sqlite to
home in directly on the wanted data, it will be very fast. If
it has to fall back on a linear search, it probably won't be
significantly faster than your existing Python implementation.



Re: To clarify how Python handles two equal objects

2023-01-10 Thread Greg Ewing

On 11/01/23 11:21 am, Jen Kris wrote:

where one object derives from another object (a = b[0], for example), any 
operation that would alter one will alter the other.

I think you're still confused. In C terms, after a = b[0], a and b[0]
are pointers to the same block of memory. If you change that block of
memory, then of course you will see the change through either pointer.

Here's a rough C translation of some of your Python code:

/* mx1 = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] */
int **mx1 = (int **)malloc(3 * sizeof(int *));
mx1[0] = (int *)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
mx1[0][0] = 1;
mx1[0][1] = 2;
mx1[0][2] = 3;
mx1[1] = (int *)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
mx1[1][0] = 4;
mx1[1][1] = 5;
mx1[1][2] = 6;
mx1[2] = (int *)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
mx1[2][0] = 7;
mx1[2][1] = 8;
mx1[2][2] = 9;

/* arr1 = mx1[2] */
int *arr1 = mx[2];

/* arr1 = [ 10, 11, 12 ] */
arr1 = (int *)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
arr1[0] = 10;
arr1[1] = 11;
arr1[2] = 12;

Does that help your understanding?


Re: NoneType List

2022-12-31 Thread Greg Ewing

On 1/01/23 11:36 am, wrote:

And, of course, we had the philosophical question of why the feature was
designed to not return anything ... rather than return the changed

My understanding is that Guido designed it that way to keep a
clear separation between mutating and non-mutating methods, and
to help catch mistakes resulting from mixing them up.


Re: String to Float, without introducing errors

2022-12-19 Thread Greg Ewing

On 19/12/22 9:24 am, Stefan Ram wrote:

 So what's the time until a mass of one gram
 arrives at the ground versus a mass of ten grams? I think
 one needs "Decimal" to calculate this!

Or you can be smarter about how you calculate it.

Differentiating t with respect to m gives

dt/dm = -0.5 * sqrt(2 * s * r**2 / (G * (M + m)**3))

which, since m is much smaller than M, is approximately

   -0.5 * sqrt(2 * s * r**2 / (G * M**3))


>>> G = 6.6743015E-11
>>> r = 6.371E6
>>> M = 5.9722E24
>>> dtdm = -0.5 * sqrt(2*s*(r**2) / (G * M**3))
>>> dtdm * (1/1000 - 10/1000)

which agrees with your Decimal calculation to 3 digits,
and should be as precise as the input numbers (about
4 digits in this case).

This is a good example of why it's important to choose
an appropriate numerical algorithm!


Re: String to Float, without introducing errors

2022-12-18 Thread Greg Ewing

On 19/12/22 6:35 am, Paul St George wrote:

So I am working on a physics paper with a colleague. We have a theory about 
Newtons Cradle.

We want to illustrate the paper with animations.

Because there is a problem, I am investigating in all areas. ... I would like 
to be in control of or fully aware of what goes on under the bonnet.

When you convert a string to a float, you're already getting the closest
possible value in binary floating point.

For things like physics simulations, you need to design your algorithms
so that they're tolerant of small inaccuracies in the representation of
your numbers. If those are causing you problems, it sounds like there
is some kind of numerical instability in your algorithm that needs to
be addressed.

It's also possible that there is just a bug somewhere in your code, and
the problem really has nothing to do with floating point inaccuracies.

If you can post some code we might be able to help you further.


Re: In code, list.clear doesn't throw error - it's just ignored

2022-11-13 Thread Greg Ewing

On 14/11/22 3:13 pm, MRAB wrote:
But if it's an expression where it's expecting a statement and it's not 
a call, then it's probably a bug.

The key word there is "probably". If there's any chance it
could be not a bug, it can't be an error. At most it should
be a warning, and that's what linters are for. I wouldn't
like the core interpreter to be producing a bunch of warnings
for things like this.


Re: In code, list.clear doesn't throw error - it's just ignored

2022-11-13 Thread Greg Ewing

On 14/11/22 1:31 pm, Jon Ribbens wrote:

On 2022-11-13, DFS  wrote:

But why is it allowed in the first place?

Because it's an expression, and you're allowed to execute expressions.

To put it a bit more clearly, you're allowed to evaluate
an expression and ignore the result.



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