Play AVI files as cut-scene... in BGE - HOW?

2008-09-01 Thread jmdeschamps
Blender Game Engine does not seem able to just play an AVI clip

I want to play these files as cut-scenes in a game - subprocess it to
the OS, and continue on return seems a good solution - but so sorry,
it's been a while since I've delved in such places... I need a

Must be platform independent (or platform *adjustable* ;-) )
Continue script execution only after it's over (in due time or passed
over by user)
Must be configurable to adjust ourput screen and stuff like that...

Any hints out there :-)

Thanks in advance!


Re: Problem getting a file pathname with tkFileDialog

2006-11-09 Thread jmdeschamps

Tim Daneliuk wrote:
 Sefyroth wrote:
  but I get this error when I try this.
  UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe8' in
  position 12: ordinal not in range(128)
   I had encountered it with the askdirectory method as well. Is there an
  easy way to bypass this?
  Thanks again

 I believe you are running into a directory or file name that has
 non-ascii characters in it.  Python as shipped is set up to
 deal with ascii as its native encoding format.  You can change
 this by editing the file - look in the Lib directory
 in your python installation.  Look for this code:

 def setencoding():
  Set the string encoding used by the Unicode implementation.  The
  default is 'ascii', but if you're willing to experiment, you can
  change this.
  encoding = ascii # Default value set by _PyUnicode_Init()
  if 0:
  # Enable to support locale aware default string encodings.
  import locale
  loc = locale.getdefaultlocale()
  if loc[1]:
  encoding = loc[1]

 Change the if 0: to if 1: and see if that doesn't fix the problem.

 PGP Key:

you could also use encode(iso-8859-1) to nterpret just the printed
name such as:
print myfilename.encode(iso-8859-1)

and by the way if you wanted the file NAME you could have used
openfilename() instead of openfile();-)



Re: Tkinter--does anyone use it for sophisticated GUI development?

2006-10-20 Thread jmdeschamps

Kevin Walzer wrote:
 I'm a Tcl/Tk developer who has been working, slowly, at learning Python,
 in part because Python has better support for certain kinds of
 applications that I want to develop than Tcl/Tk does. Naturally, I
 thought that I would use Tkinter as the GUI for these programs. However,
 in doing research into GUI development techniques, sample code, and
 showcase applications, what has struck me is how little sophisticated
 GUI development seems to be done in Tkinter as compared to, say,
 wxPython. I've found plenty of tutorials on how to do basic GUI stuff
 with Tkinter, but that stuff pretty much ends with the core Tk widgets
 (buttons, entry fields, scrollbars, and menu items).

 Coming from Tcl/Tk, where there are a huge number of extension packages
 to enhance the Tk widgets and which allow you to make really polished
 GUI's, I'm struck mainly by how little of this stuff has made it over
 into Tkinter/Python. For instance, I've developed several Tcl
 applications that use the core Tk widgets, the Tile theming package, the
 Bwidget set (great tree widget and listbox, which allows you to embed
 images), and tablelist (an extremely flexible muti-column listbox
 display). I've found Python wrappers for some of this stuff, but almost
 no documentation on how to use them, and very little in the way of
 actual applications making use of them--which is itself a red flag. And
 most of the pure-Python extension stuff that I've found, such as Python
 megawidgets, is pretty dated/ugly and lags far behind the comparable
 stuff on the Tcl side.

 Am I better off biting the bullet and learning wxPython--a different GUI
 paradigm to go with the new language I'm trying to learn? I had hoped to
 reduce my learning curve, but I'm very concerned that I simply can't do
 what I want to do with Tkinter. What do other Tkinter developers think?

Tkinter is certainly dated (?), worst than PMW which is built upon it.

But what do you what/need?
I use , and am making my students use Tkinter for a web multiu-user
client-server  game. The Canvas is a great  object, but you have to
write the code yourself, if you want a special look.
Eye-candy, Tkinter ain't, and it doesn't have a lot of sophisticated
widgets (again ?) .  I wanted a tabbed pane last year and made myself
one (not the exact look of others, but functional if what you want is
multiple frames of widgets for each tab; the table widget took quite a
bit of doing, also and it's not an Excel spreadsheet)

I do know that people are impressed by glitz and glamour (And I don't
have a nice tree (with picture) widget)

But all of this does forget that Tkinter is still in the standard
library, while all others are third-party add-ons... so there is a
extra hassle with them...

So, what do You want? (widgets, criterias etc)



Re: Any idea how to do this in Python?

2006-10-17 Thread jmdeschamps

Lad wrote:
 Thank you for your reply
 You say:
 Pretend you are the computer/application/etc.  How would YOU
  perform such a ranking?
 That is what I do not know , how to perform such ranking.
 Do you have any idea?

take a piece of paper to *play* the use-case you wrote about.

Do things one step at a time, and figure what is needed,

1- a user is on a web page # ok I need a web page
2- a user sends info to the server # ok the web page needs a input
widget of sorts AND I need a server app
3- analyse (or decide ) what type of info the user may send (selected
choices, free text, etc)
4- the user must be identified in some way (so to discriminate him from
others), so the also must be that type of input...

etc, etc
At the end you will have a better picture of things required - then you
build them ;-)



Re: A friendlier, sugarier lambda -- a proposal for Ruby-like blocks in python

2006-10-16 Thread jmdeschamps

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  Just for the record : Ruby's code-blocks (closures, really) come from
  Smalltalk, which is still the OneTrueObjectLanguage(tm).


 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])




2006-10-13 Thread jmdeschamps

Jan Bakuwel wrote:
 John Purser wrote:
  On Fri, 2006-10-13 at 15:48 +, giuseppe wrote:
  What is the better IDE software for python programming?
  many thanks
  Find the best Python programmer and ask him/her.
  John Purser

 I may be the worst Python programmer (since Python is new for me)... but
 I have a lot of experience with IDEs and just looked into Python IDEs.

 My opinion: Eclipse is free but rather complex; WingIDE is commercial
 software but well worth the few $ - at least for someone like myself.


Actually, Eclipse is easy enough, if you don't want to use the whole
complexity available and Pydev (the python plugin) is really good - but
this is NOT a flame because wingware as a good reputation also SPE (but
I haven't tried it necause i don't have wxPython), also PythonScript or
Pyscripter as it is sometimes found, but that is windows only (I
think). And then, there is Komodo, from our friends at ActiveState...



Re: Dive Into Java?

2006-10-08 Thread jmdeschamps

erikcw wrote: was the first book I read on python, and I really
 got a lot out of it.  I need to start learning Java (to maintain a
 project I've inherited), and was wondering if anyone knew of any
 similar books for Java?

 Maybe once I know my way around the language, I can sneak Jython in...

Not exactly Dive into Java, but one amongst very great book on
programming (and the one that pointed me to Python :-)) , really! )
-  *Just Java* by Peter van der Linden, really great book! and fun to
read, and bright, and this (apocryphical) citation (i don't have the
book under hand just now, being on vacation ;-)): * the question
'Should I learn Java, C++, Perl?'  (the answer is) 'Yes!' ...*
and Python was included among several other OpenSource stuff on the CD.



Re: Raw beginner....

2006-10-08 Thread jmdeschamps

Fabio Zadrozny wrote:
 On 10/8/06, Colin Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am new to Python although I have been using Delphi since version one,
  I have been employed as a C and C++ programmer so when I went to Linux
  (Ubuntu 5.10) I thought Python looked pretty good.
  I downloaded and installed 'Eric Python IDE' which seems OK, any
  alternatives suggested will be looked at




Fabio, your reply is SO cool !
Pydev rocks (for those of us who accept Java-Eclipse gigantism)



Re: Tk: filling a frame with a widget

2006-10-04 Thread jmdeschamps

Paolo Pantaleo wrote:
 I have this code

 from Tkinter import *


 I would expect the button filling all the client draw area of the
 Frame, but when I resize the root window the button becomes wider, but
 not higher ( I get some empty space under the button). How could set
 the button to fill always all the space available?

 Well maybe some other solution exists, since my problem is this:

 I have a resizable window and i want to keep it filled with a Canvas
 displaying an image (PhotoImage). Can I get the in some way the size
 of the clien draw area of the window containig the canvas?


 if you have a minute to spend please visit my photogrphy site:

you also need to expand it as in
from Tkinter import *

Button(root).pack(expand=1,fill=BOTH)  #HERE use expand=1 as extra



Re: filling a frame with a widget

2006-10-04 Thread jmdeschamps

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Paolo Pantaleo wrote:

 I have this code
  from Tkinter import *
  I would expect the button filling all the client draw area of the
  Frame, but when I resize the root window the button becomes wider, but
  not higher ( I get some empty space under the button).

 pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) should do the trick.

 the pack geometry manager works by slicing off vertical or horizontal areas 
 the parent, one area per widget.  the fill option controls how to place the 
 inside that area, the expand option controls how to handle any extra space 
 in the parent.  if expand isn't set for any child widget, the extra space 
 is left un-

I'm not the OP, and I even replied about expand but *now* I know how it
works... Thanks, Fredrik!



Re: does anybody earn a living programming in python?

2006-10-01 Thread jmdeschamps

Alex Martelli wrote:
 Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  stuff in the world, so my standard extrapolation technique would yield
  3 python programmers globally.

 I think this estimate is low, based on three piece of data I know (but,
 sorry, are all confidential;-) and thus one I can infer:
 -- I know how many copies of Python in a Nutshell Google buys;
 -- I know how many Python programmers work at Google;
 -- I know how many copies the Nutshell sells worldwide;

 Assuming the willingness to buy Python in a Nutshell is constant
 across the population of Python programmers (and I don't believe my
 working there influences anything -- Google had the Nutshell in the
 standard set of books engineers use, well before I got hired there), I
 can project a worldwide number of Python programmers that's several
 times higher than that.

 Or perhaps not, depending on the definition of Python programmer.
 Most of Google's software developers who know Python also know one or
 more (generally several) of C, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, Javascript, c,
 though they may or may not use any one or more of them often on the job;
 many Googlers who program only in Python do not _just_ program -- they
 are also working on other jobs besides software development (hardware
 design, testing, management, administrative assistance, system
 administration, network operations, whatever...).  Hey, by a
 sufficiently strict definition _I_ don't count as a Python programmer,
 since I also do substantial amounts of management, not to mention a
 little bit of C++, some C, SQL, HTML, and so forth...;-)

A few points:
Personnally, I've never heard_of a Python_only programmer...
When I chose Python for web dev programming class, no one knew why I
was using a (second_rate) handy-crafty language, instead of
ASP-PHP_whateverP language that was in the mainstream.
Because of academic freedom, I was allowed to show it as a *different*
type of language.
Most mainstream job boards here in Montreal had never posted ANY (not
that I could find) jobs (5 years ago) NONE so it went that it Python
would just be a *educational* add-on for the students.
Since then, feedback from students in industry is that it is being used
more and more, day in and day out by top world class shops (games,
effects, etc). BUT It's still Java, C++, PHP, SQL that have the
marketing demands...
Finally, also (personnal interpretation) because of the BUG2000 Scare,
shops had boosted the staff with just about anyone they could get there
hands on prior to this event, with the son, mom and great-grand uncle
who could do a database of contacts in MSAccess (and this is NOT
demeaning MSAccess), so now companies are NOT posting for the jobs in
this *language* oriented fashion outside the mainstream (Java,
Finally, most programmers and programmers-wannabe-students just don't
hope to be top-tier in their trade - They just want a job, so they can
marry, play, pay rent, go home - Sorry, most are not interested in
technology, and since most managers I have seen, in a 15 year career in
dev before taking a teaching job, don't CARE about technology, you have
a perfect match for Java, PHP advertisement...
My two cents, rooting for Python (and Ruby and Lua and OCaml, and ...
you get the point!)



Re: windev vs python SOS

2006-09-29 Thread jmdeschamps

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :
  I've never met a programmer that loved Windev.
  I have met some here (I'm the guy with a mustache-just kidding but
  actually I was there).
  WinDev is widely used in France

 widely used ? Widely marketed, for sure, but last time I had to find a
 job, there where not that much Windev positions (3 in one year in the
 fifth french city) - much less than Java or .NET or (whatever your
 mainstream language here) - or even PHP/Javascript FWIW. And it was not
 better in other major french locations...

 (and please avoid us the usual marketing crap - been here, done that)

  and that's a thing because a lot of
  french programmers think that english tools have to be better.

 I think that's one of the dumbiest thing I've ever read.

 Thread's over for me - keeping on polluting this group with anything
 related to this crap is a total waste of resources.

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Two things  (Well three things) : 1- thanks Tim Golden for translating
the financial thingy!
2- I'm just back from the pc-soft site, and what do you know, I saw a
download menu (for upgrades), went there and was told (Cut'nPaste here)

To download these modules, you must own a registered copy of WinDev 10
English or International version. Otherwise, you are not authorized
to download the modules below.
- Now I don't own a copy so it wouldn't be usaful since it's an
upgrade, but you know what? I hate this tone of voice (you are not
authorized to ...) but that's ok, it just my feelings. So I go to read
testimonials, and wow playmobil, cool stuff - lots of prfetty playmobil
pics too, even 2 screen shots, excepts that even at 300%, you can't
make out what they are about. OK, so I'm a kid at heart - let's go see
the John Deere testi - Nice pics of tractors and such, another
unreadable screen shot... Eh!, think I, this is promotional stuff, so
its *normal* promotional stuff, lets that a look at the beast since
there is a big red Download TRIAL VERSION button by the windev 10
paragraph -so I click and get a To download the WinDev trial version,
please fill the form below:  message, hummm but there is a download
button at the top of the form and then line annoncing optional
infromation, so I click again without filling the info, thank you, so
now I'm downloading windev 8 - that's before I cancel the job... hummm
again, with all the nice people here and elsewhere, at Microsoft, and
Oracle, and Sun ;-) that give out so much to to try and get there
technology known - and I'm NOT talking about the OpenSource region of
the world - It just makes me wonder, why can't you have an opinion and
disagree with your boss ... But then again, maybe your boss wrote those
testimonials on another life!
3-Re-reading some posts of this thread I'll permit myself an ultimate,
if third point:
...What is cool about WinDev is that the language is closely embedded
with the GUI.  makes for great MVC apps I'm sure.



Re: storing variable names in a list before they are used?

2006-09-29 Thread jmdeschamps

John Salerno wrote:
 If I want to have a list like this:

 [(first_name, 'First Name:'), (last_name, 'Last Name:').]

 where the first part of each tuple is a variable name and the second
 part is a label for the user to see, such as a form like this:

 First Name: 
 Last Name:  

 (the variables would store whatever information is entered in the text
 boxes to the right of each label. I'm doing it this way so I can write a
 loop to construct my GUI components).

 how would I go about putting these variable names in a list? I know I
 can't leave them as above, but if I put them in as a string, then how do
 I later transform them into an actual variable for assign, such as:

 first_name = widget.get_text()

 Is there some kind of idiom that does this sort of work?


Not sure but mmaybe this older post might help:



Re: windev vs python SOS

2006-09-28 Thread jmdeschamps

MC wrote:
 Bonjour !

 Comme tu es français, tu me coprendras.

 Alors :
   - windev est fermé, et protégé par des dongles. Résultat : dongle
 perdu, en panne, ou volé, il faut racheter une licence (c'est arrivé à
 un ami)
   - le langage de windev est beaucoup moins évolué que Python. Et,
 quand je dis beaucoup, c'est faible... Python a des possibilités
 énormes en programmation procédurale, en Orienté Objet, et, même, en
 programmation fonctionnelle.
   - la structure interne de Python est extraordinaire. Vraiment.
   - Python est très facile à apprendre. Il existe beaucoup de
 ressources, même en français, sur Internet, dans des livres, etc.
   - Python est un langage stable, avec très très peu de bugs/problèmes.
 Sur ce point, windev marque sérieusement le pas. Sur certains forums
 consacrés à windev, le nombre de bugs signalés était effarant.
   - les librairies disponibles pour Python couvrent un spectre beaucoup
 plus large que celles disponibles pour windev
   - les bases de données intégrées à windev sont issues du vieux moteur
 hyperfile, beaucoup trop limité. Avec Python, on peut choisir le SGBD
 que l'on veut, sans trop de soucis. Depuis SQL-lite, jusqu'à Oracle (XE
 ou autre), on peut assumer tous les niveaux de puissance nécessaire.
   - avec Python, on peut faire du multi-threading, du réparti, des
 applications web, consoles, invisibles (services), des serveurs COM,
 développer des interfaces, ou en utiliser de toutes prêtes, travailler
 sur du réseau, piloter des équipements industriels, etc. etc.
   - je n'utilise pas le libre comme argument, sauf pour un point : si
 pc-soft (éditeur de windev) a, un jour de grosses difficultés, le
 produit pourrait bien disparaitre soudainement, ce qui n'est pas le cas
 de Python, maintenu par une communauté. Or, il y a peu d'années, cette
 boîte a eu, justement, d'importants problèmes financiers.

 Le gros point fort de windev, c'est un marketing très agressif.
 D'ailleurs, si tu veux manger et boire à l'oeil, va suivre les

 Avant dernier point : tu aurais pu mettre ton message dans le newsgroup
 français sur Python.

 Dernier point : si quelqu'un veut traduire ce message, il a mon accord
 tout entier.


 Michel Claveau
OK, I'll try a very literal translation (if it seems to makes any sense
at all)

Since you're french, you'll understand this.

 - windev is closed, and protected by dongles. Result: lost dongle,
or broke, or stolen, you have to get another licence (It happened to a
- the windev language isn't close to have evolved like Python has.
And by isn't close, I'm putting it weakly Python has great
possibilities for procedural programming, Object-Oriented Programming,
and even funxctional programming
-  The internal structure of Python is extraordinary. Really.
- Python is very easy to learn. There are a lot of ressources, even
in french, on Internet, in books, etc.
- Python is a stable language, with very, very few bugs/problems
- On that point, windev really hits the mark. On some fora
pertaining to windev, the number of bugs brough up is appalling.
- The available librairies for Python cover a much wider range than
that available for windev.
- the integrated database of windev comes from the very old
hyperfile engine, much too limited. With Python, you can choose the
DB you want, without a lot of worry. From SQL-Lite to Oracle (XE or
other), you can assume any level of capacity required.
- With Python, you can do multi-threading, RPCs, web apps, console
apps, invisible (services), COM servers, build interfaces or use
pre-existing ones, work on networking, drive industrial equipment, etc,
- I'm not using that it's open as an argument, except for one
point: if pc-soft (producer of windev) has , one day, some sort of big
problem, the product might suddenly disappear, which is not the case of
Python, maintained by a community. And a few years ago, it just
happened to have some important financial problems

The strong suit of windev lies in its agressive marketing.
And so speaking, if you want free food and drink, attend the

Before last point: you could have posted your message to the french
python newsgroup.

And last,  if someone wishes to translate this message, he has might
entire agreement

And I hope I did an okay job , michel.



Re: AN Intorduction to Tkinter

2006-09-27 Thread jmdeschamps

 If anybody has some really good sites with examples of Tkinter programs
 and stuff, please share :)

You should really pay attention to people's reply to your questions if
you want help ;-)

In this case meaning, that you should show what type of problem you are

Since the examples out of An Introduction to Tkinter work, what else
could be useful to you is hard to guess.



Re: tkinter btn visual state with tkMessageBox

2006-08-20 Thread jmdeschamps

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 | Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 |  To:
 |  | why is the button sunken when called through a bind method, and not
 |  | with the command attribute?
 |  | Thank you!
 |  |
 |  |
 |  | ## Cut'nPaste example
 |  | from Tkinter import *
 |  and the Button leaves it sunken - because when you release, the
 control is
 |  no longer there
 |  - Hendrik
 | Thanks Hendrik - is the command attribute connected to the bindable
 | events?
 | jm

 I don't have a clue - you are either asking about advanced magic here,
 or I don't understand your question - I believe the lower level routines
 are common, but I don't *Know* this - so its a pity that some people
 who shall be nameless have beaten their brains out in a thread about
 a directory name here..

 You may have noticed that there is another subtle bug with what I have
 suggested to you - when you press the offending button, then move the
 mouse to move the cursor off the screen button, - the button
 springs back as expected - but then when you release the mouse
 button, off the screen button, the call back is done anyway, instead of
 being cancelled when the cursor moves off the screen button.

 - for the command case, the sequence is different, and the call back is done
 only if the release is done on the screen button...

   - But this may just be my setup - does yours do the same?

 I don't know how to fix that - you could look at sequences of events - button
 push followed by release - But I doubt whether this will help, as its doing
 something like that anyway (haven't tried it)

 - Hendrik

Same behavior here - Also, I added a bind to Button event and another
to ButtonRelease, and also had the command attribute. All three
*events* are processed, in similar fashion that you describe above.
Finally, the command attribute seems to works like a ButtonRelease  BUT
still permits a binding to another function on a ButtonRelease event
(and only one) so if the lower level functions might be the same the
path to them seem different.
I found this article that pertains to the question:
but I'll postpone my own investigation at this time to return to my
program ;-)
Thanks again,



tkinter btn visual state with tkMessageBox

2006-08-19 Thread jmdeschamps
why is the button sunken when called through a bind method, and not
with the command attribute?
Thank you!

## Cut'nPaste example
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox

class Vue(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root.title(test button visual state)
self.b1=Button(self.root,text=tkMessageBox.showinfo with bind
:-() #,command=self.showMsg)
self.b2=Button(self.root,text=tkMessageBox.showinfo with
command :-),command=self.showMsg)
def showMsg(self,evt=1):
if evt==1:
txt=From button with command
txt=From button with bind
tkMessageBox.showinfo(Test of button, txt)

if __name__==__main__:


Re: tkinter btn visual state with tkMessageBox

2006-08-19 Thread jmdeschamps

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:


 | why is the button sunken when called through a bind method, and not
 | with the command attribute?
 | Thank you!
 | ## Cut'nPaste example
 | from Tkinter import *
 | import tkMessageBox
 | class Vue(object):
 | def __init__(self):
 | self.root=Tk()
 | self.root.title(test button visual state)
 | self.b1=Button(self.root,text=tkMessageBox.showinfo with bind
 | :-() #,command=self.showMsg)
 | self.b1.bind(Button,self.showMsg)


 change this to :


 Problem is that a button sinks in when you press it and springs back when
 you release it...

 and the Button leaves it sunken - because when you release, the control 
 no longer there

 - Hendrik
Thanks Hendrik - is the command attribute connected to the bindable


Re: Newbie doing lengthy initialization with Tkinter gui

2006-08-13 Thread jmdeschamps
Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le dimanche 13 août 2006 12:39, Pasi Oja-Nisula a écrit :

  The question is how (or where) can I call my loadImages function right
  after the mainloop starts? Or is there a better way to do this?
 Seems a good use case for multi-thread, try something like this :

 In [28]: import Tix

 In [29]: main=Tix.Tk()

 In [30]: p=Tix.Meter(main)

 In [31]: p.pack()

 In [32]: def process(progress) :
: from time import sleep
: for i in range(10) :
: sleep(1)
: p.configure(value=float(p.cget('value'))+0.1)

 In [33]: import thread

 In [34]: thread.start_new_thread(process, (p,)) and main.mainloop()

 Of course the last line is tricky, the thread should be started by the
 App(Tix.Tk) mainloop.



 Maric Michaud

 Aristote -
 3 place des tapis
 69004 Lyon
 Tel: +33 426 880 097

Tkinter also has a timer-type function called *after*. Use this to call
your init function just befrore the mainloop call. You gui wil show up
and you can then update it to show progress as you wish
No neep for thread or Tix modules...!

Here's a working example:
from Tkinter import *
# Your progress showing function
def showProgress(i):
# Tell the gui to show some progress here
c.itemconfig(obj,text=Ok from job is up to +str(i))

# Your app init function
def doInitOne():
#Do some init work here
for i in range(100):
for j in range(100):
for k in range(100):
for m in range(100):
# Once in a while update the gui

# your main app
monobj=c.create_text(100,200,text=Some ,tags=job)
# this will *sleep* one millisec before calling
# your doInitOne function and continue
# with the rest of the code during that sleep time
# in this case just the mainloop
root.after(1, doInitOne)


Re: Trouble displaying image with tkinter

2006-08-06 Thread jmdeschamps

sj wrote:
 I am just learning to use Tkinter and am having problems displaying image
 files. I am able to display an image using tutorials (such as But when I try my own code all
 I get is an empty widget. What is wrong with the following program?

 from Tkinter import *

 class Foo(Frame):

 def __init__(self,master=None):

 def createWidgets(self):

 self.qbutton = Button(self)
 self.qbutton[text] = Quit
 self.qbutton[command] = self.quit
 self.qbutton.pack(side = top)

 idata =

 canvas = Canvas(width=300,height=200)

 ## lab = Label(self,image=idata)
 ## lab.pack(side=TOP)

 root = Tk()
 app = Foo(root)

If you keep a reference of the photoImage object then it will work!
By making the PhotoImage an attribute of your object, you keep a
reference that the garbage collector will NOT collect, So you're image
will continue to exist and thus be rendered by the canvas.



tkinter cursors namedisplay reference

2006-07-11 Thread jmdeschamps
I made a document on Tkinter cursors (mouse pointers?), pairing the
cursor image with its name...
Not a great deal of magic here since anyone can program something to
see the different cursors on screen rather easily... BUT to have a
printable reference can be nice :-)

Would this be useful to anyone else?
Could it be an addendum to Tkinter documentation?
Should I propose it to someone or post it somewhere?
Is pdf better than html ?
Thanks for your advice,




2006-06-28 Thread jmdeschamps

Gabriel wrote:
 ¿Alguien conoce algún módulo para python con el que se pueda tener
 acceso a los puertos USB y que sea multiplataforma?


Hola Gabriel,
Voy... (multiplataforma sin Windows) mas


Esperando ;-))



Re: Active Python versions

2006-06-19 Thread jmdeschamps

Trent Mick wrote:
 Tom Del Rosso wrote:
  Can I ask you about alternative environments?  How do Active Python and IDLE
  from compare?

 Both ActivePython and the Python installers from install
 IDLE. They should not differ at all (AFAIK).


 Trent Mick

Maybe the OP is refering to PythonWin editor (as compared to IDLE)
which is in ActiveState's release but not in the release...
makes for a very different subject, and hopefully for very different
answer direction.



Re: Newbie Question

2006-06-19 Thread jmdeschamps
placid wrote:
 BartlebyScrivener wrote:
  Saint Malo wrote:
   If the program searches for blue, i just want it to print blue
  Huh? Tell it to print whatever you want.
  for line in file:
  if 'blue' in line:
  print 'blue'
  for line in file:
  if 'brown' in line:
  print 'brown'
  for line in file:
  if 'red' in line:
  print 'weasels rip my flesh'

A little rewrite of the precedent code to make it just a bit closer to
a program (since the OP is a so-called newbie)

myWords=['blue','red','brown'] # you might use a list
for line in myFile:
for word in myWords:
if word in line:
if word != red:
print 'weasels rip my flesh'
print i found,word

 wow Dude, this is not efficient at all! You only need to read the file
 once not as many times as there are words in your looking for in the
 lines of the file
FWIW, I'm pretty sure the example of BartleByScrivener didn't entail a
new read each time but that it was written for readabilityt purposes
only of the print what you want idea... ;-)



Re: Active Python versions

2006-06-19 Thread jmdeschamps

Tom Del Rosso wrote:
 in news://[EMAIL PROTECTED],

  Maybe the OP is refering to PythonWin editor (as compared to IDLE)
  which is in ActiveState's release but not in the release...
  makes for a very different subject, and hopefully for very different
  answer direction.

 Yes.  I just wanted to know which programming environment is prefered by
 regular users, maybe even one that I haven't heard of yet.

... try reading this very recent (still active) thread:

My two-grain of salt:
PythonWin is simple and nice BUT breaks if you do Tkinter Gui (and try
to run a program while the previous run isn't finished)
Python Scripter - light, nice, some nice features but missing code
folding, if you like that...
Pydev + Eclipse (Eclipse is Java based plugin type environment) lots of
stuff (to much for some) and heavy [t's Java after all ;-) ]  But
nowadays with RAM, and processor speed - it's nice to do almost every
task in the same basic environment (plugins for almost anything)

BTW Kudos to all the people behind these apps (mark hammond of pywin
fame, kiriakos vlahos for python scripter , and fabio zadrozny for



Re: Newbie Question

2006-06-19 Thread jmdeschamps

Saint Malo wrote:
 BTW my program isn't about red blue yellow etc.  I'm just using it as
 an example.  I guess i didn't asked the question correctly or am not
 expressing myself correctly.   Let me try one more.


 Contents of text file follow:

 red blue purble
 yellow blue green

 Now lets imagine i wrote some code to look for the word red.  Once the
 program has found red i want it to print something like the following

 If you add red and blue you obtain the color purple...

 How do i turn each color in the line into a separate string? Now is
 that possible?

... Ok myself!

Let's start at the beginning
1- a text string is text, not colors, right?
2- how does a computer know that you are looking for a color? Because
you give it a label say 'red' (which is a text string) and it looks for
that pattern of caracters in the string you are giving it as a target.
3- so you already HAVE the string you want, no?

So, what I guess you question really is might look like the following:
if I find colors words in a line,
find what color is produced by the combination of all those I found in
the line

IF this is the case then what you may want is something like this:
mycolors=[red, green]
for line in file:
listofwords = line.split( ) # is a space is seperating the words
in the actual line
activecolors=[] # an empty list to use as local container
for word in listofwords:
if word in mycolors:
activecolor.append(word) # keep a note of what color was
found in this line

Before I continue with that line of answer, does this seem closer to
what you care to do?



billionlaughs, on me :-(( - on winXP help!

2006-06-15 Thread jmdeschamps
Looking up different blogs etc on xml parsers I wind up on the site of
Computer stuff,
And in the browser torture section, the billionlaughs.xml link (that
you shouldn't use if you don't know what your doing, as was my case
(mea culpa))
Thinking I was about to crash the browser, I look up the web for
assorted advice and find nothing except a post about the *killer xml
So hereb goes nothing... click, hang, reboot, hangs, (mouse pointer
moves, that's it folks) the disk spins occasionally, the vents go up
mad, I guess the CPU is working - have know idea on what.
I'm able to boot in safe mode but don't know what to do next?

Any ideas ?

Further details?

Thanks in advance
(I know this is not directly related to python, but regulars here are
my only source of knowledge to this point, on this Billion Laughs DoS



Re: billionlaughs, on me :-(( - on winXP help!

2006-06-15 Thread jmdeschamps

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

  Looking up different blogs etc on xml parsers I wind up on the site of
  Computer stuff,
  And in the browser torture section, the billionlaughs.xml link (that
  you shouldn't use if you don't know what your doing, as was my case
  (mea culpa))

 reboot as usual, and the next time you see a link that says do NOT
 click if you don't know what you're doing, don't click on it.

Right ;-) 
and thanks for your very fast reply !


found a swftools for 2.4 - Docs anyone?

2006-06-14 Thread jmdeschamps
New to swf - interesting technology for dynamic web graphic effects
stemming from user input.

I found a working windows pre-compiled binary (0.6.2) for Python 2.4 of
rfxswf library  from swftools to generate swf files.  (flash compiled

No source of documentation of that api.  There are a few python
examples that I managed to make work, from swftools site but only
covers partly the api.

help(SWF) only tells of the main classes - nothings on arguments

I tried reading the C source, but I'm not very fluent in C so that
didn't amount to much.

Any help appreciated in finding help on this API.

Thanks in advance

python binary :
(Thanks to Daichi .)


Re: GUI Program Error

2006-06-07 Thread jmdeschamps

Byte wrote:
 Thanks, this works. Now, since the tutorial I was using is clearly
 rubbish, any better ones? For a (relative) newbie please. Also, how do
 I code a GUI Hello World program?

  -- /usr/bin/byte

How does John Salerno previous code NOT fit the bill?

 John Salerno wrote:
 import Tkinter as tk

 root = tk.Tk()
 label = tk.Label(root, text='Hello world!')

I think you should get a copy of an-introduction-to-tkinter from
Fredrik Lundh and try out the different usage examples and experiment,
then post more specific questions (after searching this newsgroup since
many questions lie here already answered).


Re: Best Python Editor

2006-05-31 Thread jmdeschamps
bruno at modulix wrote:
 Manoj Kumar P wrote:
  Can anyone tell me a good python editor/IDE?
  It would be great if you can provide the download link also.

 I hate to be the one answering this, but this is *really* a FAQ - as you
 would have known if you had google'd this group for this.

... and/or consider this page from
since there are many possibilities of *good editors*, and advocacy
generally stems from personal preferences ;-)



Re: dynamic drawing in web page

2006-05-23 Thread jmdeschamps
barbaros wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 I need to put some dynamic drawings on my web page. More precisely, I
 need to draw a number of geometric figures (circles, rectangles) which
 evolve into a graphics windows according to some law (a little bit like
 the solar system). I need also to have several fields aside the window,
 where the visitor can change values for several significant parameters
 (like the mass of each body).

 Could you please suggest a solution (preferably not involving hundreds
 of lines of code) ? The computations should be performed on the client

 Thank you. Cristian Barbarosie

with this you can.
It's javascript and it's not the fastest thing on earth, but it works
and its client-side...



still don't get unicode and xml - help!

2006-05-16 Thread jmdeschamps
I have to work with XML data containing accented characters (ISO-8859-1
Using ElementTree, the only way i found to get the text attribute of a
node was to encode it individually, if you want. It doubles the amount
of time to process :-(
i surely doing this wrong...
What is the good way to do it? I didn't see an obvious way to do it
this time...

## My XML Encoding Program
#! c:/python24/python -u
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import elementtree.ElementTree as ET
import time

def getMyXML(accentedTest):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
elem = tree.getroot()
if accentedTest:
for i in elem:
f= i.text.encode(iso-8859-1) #encode pour lire les
for i in elem:
f= i.text
print f

def writeMyXML(myrange,accentedTest):
root = ET.Element(mondoc)
if accentedTest:
for i in range(myrange):
ch=ET.SubElement(root, monchapitre)
ch.text=bel été et je serai la prêmière de la classe
for i in range(myrange):
ch=ET.SubElement(root, monchapitre)
ch.text=bel ete et je serai la premiere de la classe
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

if __name__ ==__main__:
accentedTest=int(raw_input(set 1 for accented test, 0 for ascii))
print First, writing
print Now, reading
print accents
s=raw_input(END XML TEST)
# End XML Encoding Program


Re: Newbie Help!

2006-02-05 Thread jmdeschamps

Alex Martelli wrote:
 Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi All,
  im new to python i just have a few questions and was wondering if
  you could help me??
  1. what programming langaugue does python use? or which is most popular?

 Python _is_ a programming language, so your question is not clear.  If
 you're asking what languages are used to implement Python, that's C (for
 the mainstream version), Java (for Jython), C# (for IronPython), and
 Python itself (for PyPy).

  2. Does anyone know where i could get hold of practice code -- but much of it may
 be a bit advanced for a beginner.

  3. Any good ebooks or links to start with. (according to the web this is the
  best place to start.) lists many.

  i know you probally get asked these questions all the time! but im trying to
  mirgrate for windows to linux.

 Python runs on Windows, Linux, Mac (where it comes with the OS, but then
 that's also true of many Linux distros), and elsewhere.


Just so you can grasp what this means (because C++ also has Windows,
Linux and Mac implementation...), the SAME Python source code,
including GUI parts (Tkinter*, in my case) run directly in all of them.

*it's plain jane GUI, it doesn't do Aqua!



Re: Find directory name of file?

2006-01-29 Thread jmdeschamps

veracon wrote:
 I'm pretty new at Python, so I have no idea how to do this: How do I
 find the name of the directory that contains the application currently
 being executed (e.g. if the file is /home/user/, I want to get
 the /home/user part)?

look into os.path module for help


Re: Find directory name of file?

2006-01-29 Thread jmdeschamps
also the function os.cwd() 


Re: An app without GUI

2006-01-10 Thread jmdeschamps

Daniel Crespo wrote:
 Hello to all,

 I have to build a server app without GUI. This app must be an xml-rpc
 server, so it has to be up all the time. I would control it through the
 xml-rpc port from a web interface using php, sending parameters to
 defined xml-rpc functions for running certain processes, like viewing
 current connections, restart it or shutting it down, for example.

 Actually, I have it implemented with wxPython. The GUI controls when
 the xml-rpc server is running, so when I close the GUI, so does the
 server and all the dependent threads.

 I want to do something like the MainLoop(), but without GUI. I can sit
 down and build all this stuff, but I would like to know if someone had
 passed through this. Any tips?


here is complete example - some words in french
note: this will open a dos box for std IO
# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import os
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib

class mainServeur(object):
 going to be the servicing object
def __init__(self):

def testServeur(self):
return i am a server

monPort = 4089 # whatever
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer((, monPort))

def kill():
global quit
quit = 1
return i am a dying server

# Globales
quit = 0
activeController= mainServeur()


#Go into the main listener loop
print llistening on port ,monPort
while not quit :


Re: PythonWin: logging module not showing messages from imported modules

2006-01-06 Thread jmdeschamps

 Having the following code: 
 import logging
 def X():

 If I import it into PythonWin console and call X(), the error message
 is not printed. If I do the same in Python console the message is
 printed. Do I need to configure the logging module or it's a problem
 with PythonWin?

 If I call logging.error() in the PythonWin console it works like a
 charm. The problem is just regarding imported modules.

 Rodrigo Strauss

Do you *run* module1 before attempting to call X() from the interactive


Re: Quickest way to make py script Web accessible

2006-01-05 Thread jmdeschamps

 What is the quickiest and easiest way to make a py script run on a Web
 server? I have access to an Apache Web server running on Linux.

 I'm often asked to run some of my scripts on behalf of others. My hope
 is to make a simple Web-based interface where people could run the
 scripts themselves whenever they like... instead of asking me.

 I'd rather not rewrite the scripts with PHP. Any tips on a fast, easy
 way of doing this?


If it's just using the web to *run* a python script on the server, then
a simple cgi-script which will spawn a process for other scripts.

You need a web form that permit the user to choose the script he/she
wants executed.

That form will point (action='') to the script who's
job will be to spawn the other script, submitting the user choice.

One HTML page for the script choices and one extra python script to
receive the cgi call, seems easy!

If it doesn't look that way to you, don't hesitate to let it be known,
and on which part...



Re: Quickest way to make py script Web accessible

2006-01-05 Thread jmdeschamps

 I apologize for my inital ambiguity.

 Say I have a .py script that gets email addresses from a database and
 then sends messages to customers (this is not spam, these guys _want_
 to get the emails). Historically, IT has executed the script when
 someone in Marketing makes a request. I want to make it so that
 Marketing can run the script themselves by executing the script through
 a Web-based interface. I don't want to have to alter the script a great
 deal in order to do this.

I think my previous suggestion was just on the nose - none of your
scripts need be modified EXCEPT if they entail user input, for which
you would have to a web form to get such info from your user. and have
your cgi call your mail program with the parameters submitted from the
web form (such group of customers, such message, etc).

An alternative to spawning a process, is importing the mail script
within the cgi script itself (conditionnaly if need be).


Re: Tkinter Scrollbar not working

2006-01-03 Thread jmdeschamps

Dustan a écrit :

 I'm trying to get a scrollbar bound with a Frame, and I keep on getting
 a scrollbar, but it doesn't actually scroll. Some help, please?

Frames are NOT scrollable objects for scrollbars in Tkinter: Listbox,
Canvas and Text widget are.

I f you want/need to scroll something else, I think you are going to
have to do it yourself, meaning you can use the scrollbars to get user
input by binding an event to it, and then moving things around your
Frame to give the scrolling appearance.

OR you can take a look at a third-party such as PythonMegaWidgets (PMW)
who have them I believe...

Happy New Year anyhow...



Re: oop in python

2005-12-30 Thread jmdeschamps

Larry Bates wrote:
 novice wrote:
  hello over there!
  I have the following question:
  Suppose I created a class:   class Point:
  then instanciated an instance:  new = Point()
  So now how to get the instance new as a string: like ' new '   ; Is
  there any built in function or method
   for eg:
  class Point:
 def _func_that_we_want_(self):
return ...
  new._func_that_we_want_()  ---  ' new '

 Just a wild guess, but I think he wants to refer to it by a
 name.  The best way to do this is to put the class instance
 in a dictionary and make the key  'new'


 then you can call methods by:


 -Larry Bates

Maybe it's more in the way of the builtin function *eval*...
example (you decide if this is what you mean ;-)  )
 class toto(object):
... def max(self):
... return 12
bound method toto.max of __main__.toto object at 0x00D4BB90


Re: oop in python

2005-12-30 Thread jmdeschamps
(addendum) ... And even ...



Bad people management (Was Herds of cats)

2005-12-23 Thread jmdeschamps

Alex Martelli wrote:
 Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Alex Martelli wrote:
   Not a bad point at all, although perhaps not entirely congruent to
   source: hiring key developers has always been a possibility (net of
   non-compete agreements, but I'm told California doesn't like those).
  California places pretty strict limits on non-compete agreements. I

 Yep, this is roughly what I'd heard, and what I meant above.

  was at Ingres when their parent company - ASK - got bought by CA. CA
  required people choosing to leave the company to sign an agreement
  that included *their* standard non-compete clause before getting the
  separation cash. Enough people left that found this clause irritating
  that it got take to multiple lawyers. Every last one of them declared
  it unenforceable in CA.

 Tx for the anecdote, which does appear to reinforce the point.  I assume
 CA's non-compete clause was fine in NY (I'm guessing that's where their
 lawyers would be) and they didn't consider the state differences...

   The essential difference, it seems to me, is that buying the company
   gets you control over the company's proprietary technologies, whereas
   hiring the developer only gets you access to the development skills of
   the people who've been involved open source developments.
  But it's not at all clear which of these is the more desirable

 Good point.  I guess the only real answer is, it depends.  But because
 of this SH's point should be rephrased as, buying the company ONLY gets
 you control, etc, to emphasize the paralellism.  Even where non-compete
 agreements ARE enforced, by buying a company you're still not assured of
 getting *access to the development skills* -- even if those developers
 are forced to keep working for you, if they feel they're doing it under
 duress because you're legally twisting their arm, it seems very unlikely
 that you'll get much of anything USEFUL out of them (and I would be
 astonished if strict non-compete agreements still applied if you FIRED a
 developer, rather than the developer choosing to leave...).

  CA bought ASK to get control of Ingres, which their Unicenter
  product used as a database. The *entire* server software development
  group left, meaning CA had all the sources and technologies, but none
  of the talent that created them. We called this the $300 million
  source license.
  CA pretty clearly got screwed on this deal. They have since
  open-sourced the Ingres product.

 I'm not sure the two sentences in your last paragraphs are really as
 causally connected as one might think;-).  After all, didn't SAP also
 opensource their own DB (I believe they now have a partnership with
 MySQL to try to commercialize it), although in different circumstances?

 IOW, it seems to me that, apart from Oracle, nobody's making money on
 databases any more (I believe Microsoft is now giving away SQL Server
 for free, although maybe not the largest enterprise edition and surely
 not in open-source form -- of course, MS can afford a *lot* of money
 losing ventures, because Windows and Office bankroll the entire company
 to a highly ca-ching degree;-); so, companies whose money making
 depends on applications sitting on top of the DB (true to some extent of
 CA, to an even larger one of SAP) may opensource it both to (they hope)
 get some free support for it AND to minimally undermine Oracle (who uses
 its DB revenues to bankroll multipronged attacks and acquisitions into
 the field of enterprise applications).

 Still, I'm not disputing that CA got screwed... though it looks like
 they did it to themselves -- they didn't stop to consider the need to
 WOO developers to actually get them onboard as a part of the overall
 deal, just sort of assumed they came with the package!-)  Bad people
 management must be close to the #1 cause of failure of promising mergers
 and acquisitions (and I'm not sure the qualifying part of this sentence,
 after failure, is needed;)...

Not really in the same vein but  Bad people management must be close
to the #1 cause of failure of promising ... software projects.
Mind you, sometimes that just mean, minding one's self.


Re: Why and how there is only one way to do something?

2005-12-15 Thread jmdeschamps

Tolga wrote:
 As far as I know, Perl is known as there are many ways to do
 something and Python is known as there is only one way. Could you
 please explain this? How is this possible and is it *really* a good

if you 'import this', you get a bit of Python Zen... from which I have
taken this line:
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
If this is what you are referring to then here is an explanation.

So there is not 'only one way', but rather there should be a way to do
something that is obvious, re easy to find, evident, 'given'...
The quality(ies) looked for here that makes this *really* good is
1- that you don't spend an inordinate amount of time looking for it -
you just go along and use it so your mind can be focussed of what you
need to achieve instead of how you can achieve it.
2- If it's 'obvious', then chances are others will see it and use it
also, so that their code is more understandable by others. For anyone
who has taken care of code of others this can be *really really good*



Re: Why and how there is only one way to do something?

2005-12-15 Thread jmdeschamps
Yes, a shared preferred way.
And the same is true of many... Think Haskell, OCaml, Lua, Ruby, Lisp,
Smalltalk, Java, C... They all have qualities of some sort, that appeal
to some of us. Not all the same, nor to all of us. It's really a
question of perspective.

In this Python community, one shared preferred way is obviousness, that
we agree or disagree upon, that we argue or ignore as best suits us. It
is not 'the law', it is a wish. For clarity, for communication, for
exchange and for certainly many more reasons.

As a personal experience, I've often been able to use the language
structures, and functions for that matter, out of thin air, because it
seemed *obvious* in the context. But the Help files remain close-by...



Re: calculate system disk space

2005-12-09 Thread jmdeschamps

PyPK wrote:
 how can we compute the current system disk space using a python
 any ideas or have anyone tried this..

Google, on Python disk size, returned this link:

Thanks for the reply recipe, Steve ;-)



Re: Eclipse best/good or bad IDE for Python?

2005-12-07 Thread jmdeschamps

malv wrote:
 This is probably a fair answer.
 My experience: Two years ago I started with Boa till I discovered eric.
 I have been with eric ever since. Eric uses Qt as GUI. I think both Qt
 and wx enable you to do pretty much the same thing. I like the work
 F.Lundh did on Tkinter, but every time I try, I get bogged down in the
 tcl mess that it builds on. Take the example of the indispensible
 datagrid: a piece of cake in both Qt and wxWidgets, a nightmare

 Since a couple of weeks I made the tour of wing-ide, komodo and PyDev.
 PyDev appears really to be a top heavy kludge. Perhaps OK for java
 lovers but very laborious to set up and work with, this in spite of the
 abundant hype  spam on this board. Wing-ide's debugger stops on
 imagined errors where eric and komodo do allright. I could not get the
 designer to run on komodo. So I'm back at eric. On eric you use the
 superb Qt designer. If you run linux, you get Qt and PyQt with KDE. You
 can keep on running gnome if you want. For windows, Qt4 is supposed to
 be free. Further, very extensive and attractive extensions exist: qwt
 and qwt3d for graphics.

 This is my experience. If I find better, I'll change.

Eclipse with Pydev is great with Tkinter apps.
I try to stick with Tkinter so Boa, Eric are not my cup of tea.

Some mainstream free IDE have problems with Tkinter's mainloop:
PythonWin IDLE, that I know of, may be others.

Eclipse with Pydev has been behaving excellently with Tkinter apps,
never freezing up, giving me the debugger, etc. Great stuff!

PS  Yes, a Tkinter datagrid would be nice (sigh)


Re: CGI and long running job

2005-12-03 Thread jmdeschamps

 I am using python and CGI to initiate a long running simulation (up to
 5h long) on a remote machine. The main idea is that I use a form, enter
 the parameters and a CGI scripts start the simulation using these
 parameters. The structure of the script is:

 1. Read paremeters
 2. Display some information
 3. Start the simulation

 For step 3 I use either os.system or os.popen(2). The problem is that
 the web server does not send the information of step 2 back to the
 browser, unless step 3 is completed. The browser simply waits for a
 response, without displaying anything. How can I just read the params,
 display the info I want, start the simulation and then terminate either
 the script or at least the connection to the browser without having to
 wait for the simulation to finish?

 I am using activestate python 2.4, Apache and WinXP.

 Thanks a lot for your help.

Maybe you could use 'os.spawn' variants with the P_NOWAIT parameter...
(not sure of the syntax here, it's in the doc)
Good luck!


Re: How to get started in GUI Programming?

2005-11-25 Thread jmdeschamps
It all really depends on what you wish to achieve. Results are
generally in proportion to the effort involved.
I don't think a Python for Nulls exists !
the following thread deals with documentation for beginners (and others
as well)

For Tkinter the basic document is Fredrik Lundh's 'Introduction to
Tkinter' (you can google to easily find this)
and also one from New Mexico Tech at

If you're intent on doing image manipulation, I would advise that you
consider the Python Imaging Library (known as PIL).

Pain is a very personal concept - what can be a painful endeavor for
some might be a enticing challenge for another ;-)

Good luck.


Re: Draw a triangle...

2005-11-24 Thread jmdeschamps

JustSomeGuy wrote:
 Hi I'm writing a python application on my windows box and I want to draw
 a simple triangle on the screen... How can I do this.
 Am I going to have to use tcl/tk?

Take a look at Tkinter, Python's wrapper around Tk - you'll find many
things if you Google this!
It's hard to tell yu more not knowing what you really want, since
you're *not telling*   ;-)


Re: moving mouse?

2005-11-23 Thread jmdeschamps

dado wrote:
 dado wrote:
  I'm implementing a self-tutorial into my app,
  and wondering if there's a way of moving a mouse
  cursor on command? probably using sys,os modules?

 I also figured this would be useful for making
 'remote desktop' kinda thing...

Naturally, you can always implement a simulation of this yourself in
most GUI tools you would be using. I guess the complexity, thoroughness
of your tutorial may mean that its unfeasable, business wise, but
technologically it doesn't seem like rocket science...


Re: Tkinter from Vis. BASIC

2005-11-19 Thread jmdeschamps

Terrance N. Phillip wrote:
 In VB, an easy way I indicate progress is something like
   do while some process is not met
   lblNotify.foreground = randomcolor
  lblNotify.refresh   ---

 I want to do the same thing in Python/Tkinter:

  # Wait for network to recognize the workstation:
  while os.system(slist) != 0:
  self.notify[fg] = randcolor()
  # how do I refresh label l3 at this point?

 I've tried self.notify.grid() (I'm using the grid geometry manager
 throughout), but that didn't work, and there is no redraw() or refresh()
 method that I can see.

I know of an update_idletask() method, look it up in the tkinter doc to
see if that's what you need!


Re: How to write an API for a Python application?

2005-11-16 Thread jmdeschamps
While not sure of the behavior you are trying to achieve, XML-RPC comes
to mind.  But it's based on HTTP protocol in which the client puts
request to the server which has to respond. The server cannot initiate
XML-RPC is both widely avalaible, and very easy to implement.

NOTE: in order for the server to raise events in the client, the client
needs only raise periodically a *need-anything-from-me* type of request
which permits the server to return its request in response to the
client. Naturally this solution makes superfluous calls takes some
bandwidth, so it might not be appropriate in every circumstance.


Re: Is Python worth it??

2005-11-15 Thread jmdeschamps

Simon Brunning wrote:
 On 14/11/05, john boy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have started out trying to learn Python for my first programming language.
   I am starting off with the book how to think like a computer scientist.
  I spend about 4-5 hrs a day trying to learn this stuff.  It is certainly no
  easy task.  I've been at it for about 1-2 weeks now and have a very
  elementary picture of how Python works.  I am teaching myself from home and
  only recieve help from this forum.  Can anybody give me a timeframe as to
  how long it usually takes to pick something like this up, so I can maybe
  figure out a way to pace myself?  I can dedicate a good amount of time to it
  everyday.  Any advice on what is the best way to learn Python?  I am a
  fairly educated individual with a natural sciences degree (forestry), so I
  also have a decent math background.  Are there any constraints
  mathematically or logic wise that would prevent me from building a firm
  grasp of this language?

 Keep at it.

 Everyone is different, so don't worry about how long it takes you vs.
 how long others might take. If you have no programming background,
 there's a lot to learn. Using Python is a good choice, I think, 'cos
 it gets a lot of extranious crud that many other languages insist on
 out of your way, but there's still a lot to learn.

 The best way to learn? Go through the tutorials - but if you get an
 idea for a mini-project of your own, don't be afraid to dive off and
 give it a go. Try to solve you own problems for a while, 'cos that's a
 valuable skill, but don't get to the point of frustration. Ask for
 help here or on the tutor mailing list[1].

 And have fun.


 Simon B,

Here's another reference:
Tutorials are sorted by type, and the first type is 'beginners' but it
really depends on the level of hand-holding you wish. Your background
suggest that you should look at something like Richard Baldwin's Learn
to Program Using Python (no programming experience required)...

Good luck.


Re: Recommendation please: forming an XML toolkit

2005-11-11 Thread jmdeschamps
I guess you're right... I think its just cold feet from the possibility
of getting involved and discovering specific gotchas later.

What I'm hearing you tell me is *go and play it*.
Thanks for replying...


Recommendation please: forming an XML toolkit

2005-11-10 Thread jmdeschamps
I'm asking help on this topic of building a tools foundation for future
XML projects because of the sheer volume of possibilities I will not
have the time to check/try/test in detail.

This question is a bit like the ones pertaining to 'Which web framework
to use?', there is a lot of good stuff out there, and often it boils
down to personnal preference, mind-fitting interface and such BUT... to
make it more precise I will give more context on the future projects

I've done some homework trying out a few packages based on published
tutorial: Boddie's Python and XML: An Introduction (for minidom),
Lundh's elementTree examples, I read a bit about Amara, pyXML, others.
I've read a bit on ease-of-use, benchmarks, pythonesque versus
job-protection  perspectives,
I've even tried building my own xml2PythonObjects2xml tools
Finally, I've read-up a few threads pertaining to the question 'which
XML packages to use' !

Some considerations I have using XML :
1- representing inter-connected academic articles in text-based files
whitout a sopecific BD package
2- being 'easily' able to modify the structure of these documents as
search tools evolve
3- searching through these articles often, and with evolving
algortihmic complexity (from word base search to RDF-type meta data, to
OWL-type semantic information, etc)
4- In a context where I'm (in a practical form) evangelizing the use of
Python as a great tool from going from 'this could be a new approach'
to 'this piece of code realizes that approach'
 (managers need to be confident that they could choose to make this set
of articles evolve using other languages (other developpers not caring
for Python for example, but Java instead)  and the infobase would be
directly accessible and algorithms understandable from a 'popular'
xml-manipulation point-of-view (Using DOM, I guess a regular DOM-SAX
Java developper would understand Python code, but would they if the
code relied heavily on elementTree (for example)
5- relying as less as possible on complex third-party libs (to use A,
first get B from elsewhere, which itself requires C from still another
place...) I DON'T mind the simple package (PIL comes to mind here)
6- VERY IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION - That I can keep my focus on
developing algorithms, MINIMIZING XML clutter I don't want to become a
XML guru - I like the simple principle of XML as a tree of tagged
elements that have attributes and text data...

Thanks for any and all who read this, and those who have experience
ressembling what I'm about to embark on for your help !



Re: How to set program name in Python? ($0 in Perl)

2005-11-10 Thread jmdeschamps
This is not directly what the OP wanted in regards to Perl, but to see
what one could do if one needed to change the name of the running
program, I wrote this:
import sys
import os.path
import shutil
import os

def testChangingName(appname):
hopedfornameis = appname
mylongnameis = sys.argv[0]
mynameis = os.path.basename(mylongnameis)
basenameis  = os.path.dirname(mylongnameis)
if  mynameis != hopedfornameis:
shutil.copyfile(mynameis, basenameis+/+hopedfornameis)


if __name__ == __main__:
print sys.argv[0]
s=raw_input(All's well!)
s=raw_input(Now do something useful)


Since I don't know the circumstance in which the OP wanted to change
the name, I really don't know what caveats one should look out for
I would be curious to know when such a function could come in handy.



Re: Newb ??

2005-11-09 Thread jmdeschamps

## Here you always get 100...

This is false , sorry for the wrong comment on this part, it should
rather be:
 ## randrange is from start to end-1
the_number = random.randrange(1,101)
(But the rest of my comment seems OK)



2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps

Brendan wrote:
 py wrote:
  how about wxPython?  I am interested in something that will look native
  on various operating systems (win, mac, *nix).
  any good tutorial on using wxPython with XML?

 The wxPython distribution comes with  XRCed, which is a graphical
 gui-builder that serializes to XRC (wxWidgets XML syntax).

 (I'm assuming you just want to use XML to describe the gui.  If you
 want to define your own xml syntax, then you'll have to wait for
 someone more experienced than me for help.  There are several packages
 for using cusom XML. You can start here:


And you can check this effbot page, for a XML to GUI example.!
See more stupid element tricks: generating tkinter user interfaces
from xml, part 1  at

Good luck!


Re: which feature of python do you like most?

2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps

James wrote:
 Most of the responses are of the Why Python is more pleasant than C++
 variety, but the original poster specifically said he had experience
 with Perl.  As such, arguments like automatic memory management don't
 carry any weight.

 From my experience as both a Perl and Python user--and I do prefer Perl
 for many tasks--the big win for Python is when you have complex data
 structures: dictionaries containing arrays, arrays of arrays, array of
 dictionaries, and so on.  This kind of thing is awkward in Perl (you
 need to use references), but perfectly natural and obvious in Python.

Well, I didn't know Perl when I was asked to teach a Web development
class. I had heard that Perl was CGI standard... So I started to do
some Perl and was aghast at what I needed to learn (I don't like
special caracters that make code look like martian poetry). Then I read
some articles pertaining to Python and CGI and look up that language (I
had read a comment by a Java-C++ Guru, favorable to Python).

Wow, I understood everything I was reading, and I could think of how
other things might work, and by god, they did very often.  Like some
others have said elsewhere: Python fitted my brain! That's what made it
special for me! and it still feel like this to this day!

I hope it works for you, if not maybe some other one will (Ruby, Lua,
Haskell, O'Caml, C# ;-)  )

Never looked back since...


Re: Goto XY

2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps
WConio does this for Windows. See...
getkey() and gotoxy()


Re: Goto XY

2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps
Like David said below, you need to import WConio but then repemeber
when you  *import someLib* you have to use qualified names such as

import WConio


if s == right:



Re: Goto XY

2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps
Like David said above... ;-)


Re: Newb ??

2005-11-08 Thread jmdeschamps

 Chad Everett wrote:
  Hi all,  I am new to the group.  Trying to learn Python programming on my
  own.  I am working through Michael Dawson's Book Python Programming for the
  absolute beginner.
  I am tring to write a program that is a number guessing game.  I want to be
  able to give the user 5 tries to guess the number before the program ends.
  I get the result that I want when the user misses after the 5th try.  But it
  does not go down to my closing statement to end.  Rather is askes for
  another guess.

 Because even after 5 tries, guess != the_number. You won't get past
 the while loop until it does. When there have been 5 misses, try

  I appreciate any help you can give.  If  this is not the correct group for
  these types of questions, I apologize and hope that you can direct me to
  another NG.
  import random
  print \tWelcome to 'Guess my Number'!
  print \nI'm Thinking of a Number between 1 and 100.
  print \nTry to Guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n
  #Set the initial values
  the_number = random.randrange(100) + 1
  guess = int(raw_input(Take a guess:))
  tries = 1
  #Guessing Loop
  while (guess != the_number):
  if (guess the_number):
  print Lower...
  print Higher...
  guess = int(raw_input(Take another Guess:))
  tries +=1
  if tries == 5:
   print Sorry you lose.
   print The Correct Number was , the_number
  print You guess correctly!!
  print The number was:, the_number
  print You got it correct in, tries, tries
  raw_input(Press Enter to exit the program)

here is your corrected version:
##FROM here it's good
import random

print \tWelcome to 'Guess my Number'!
print \nI'm Thinking of a Number between 1 and 100.
print \nTry to Guess it in as few attempts as possible.\n

#Set the initial values
## Here you always get 100, randrange is from start to end+1
the_number = random.randrange(0,101)
##This is OK
guess = int(raw_input(Take a guess:))
tries = 1

#Guessing Loop

while (guess != the_number):
if (guess the_number):
print Lower...
print Higher...
guess = int(raw_input(Take another Guess:))
tries +=1
if tries == 5:
## Missing break to explicitly leave loop after 5
## Then test to see if  last guess equals the_number
if guess != the_number:
print Sorry you lose.
print The Correct Number was , the_number
print You guess correctly!!
print The number was:, the_number
print You got it correct in, tries, tries

raw_input(Press Enter to exit the program)



2005-11-07 Thread jmdeschamps
The raw_input('Who Goes there?') function writes out the arg and then
waits for *user input* , and that is considered terminated when you hit

Since you only hit return without typing 'Josh' first you get an empty
string  which is then printed to screen... ('You may pass,'+)

Type something and it will appear
NOTE: the string variable  (print you may pass, %s % s ) is uncalled

Good luck!


Re: Python doc problem example: gzip module (reprise)

2005-11-07 Thread jmdeschamps
(gulp! red-in-the-face) yes Steve, I meant gist,  sorry if I offended
anyone, specially Fredrik since I was referring to the 'substance' of
his post...certainly not as if it were a 'joke' .



Re: Tkinter- Building a message box

2005-11-07 Thread jmdeschamps
Maybe this can help:

Good luck!


Re: Python doc problem example: gzip module (reprise)

2005-11-06 Thread jmdeschamps
Sorry but I take exception on this subject.
I still think Fredrik's Intro to Tkinter is still more usable ...
Grayson's book uses PMW extensively, and a lot is about specific
widgets of that library.

This actually brings us back to the jest of F. previous post, that
documentation is question of multiple source reference, and yes that
you have to work the field (Google search, newgroups, cookbooks,
source-code, et al) a little bit to get some information.

In time, one goes from newbie to casual-user, to regular-user and
createds his own setof useful references ...

Simple ready-to-eat recipes are just that - fast-food for the mind!
(Ok some of it is delicious, even nourishing ;-)  )


Re: I need Motivation

2005-11-06 Thread jmdeschamps
And you know what? I almost sure most people on this newsgroup wouldn't
feel maligned if somebody told them that's what happened to them. I'd
put money that most pythonistas here would think 'Hey Great for you!
good luck, and make these machines ever more useful and/or enjoyable
for the rest of the universe and yourself!'
But that's only how I feel about this perticular newsgroup and
community! (But I've been knowned to be naïve ...)


Re: text widget example?

2005-11-06 Thread jmdeschamps
Well, in the 'give me a free example' type questions, I guess I'm a bit
blue tonight, so here goes: ( no personal pun intended, just look up
some recent post in this newsgroup...)

# Start the example Python code to show some text file in a text widget
from Tkinter import * # import Tkinter in __main__ namespace

root = Tk() # initialize Tkinter

myTextWidget= Text(root) # set up a text widget as a root (window)

myFile=file(myTextFile.txt) # get a file handle
myText= # read the file to variable
myFile.close() # close file handle

myTextWidget.insert(0.0,myText) # insert the file's text into the text

myTextWidget.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) # show the widget

root.mainloop() #run the events mainloop
# End the example here

You need a text file *myTextFile.txt* in your current working directory
for this to work.

Read-up on the different objects and properties for detail.

Good luck!

BTW, now that this is posted, I guess one could say that it's an
example on the Internet


Re: click event

2005-11-06 Thread jmdeschamps
I guess you mean draw lines from the laast coordinates to the new one?

then add a few global variables:


# and modify
def click(event):
   global lastX, lastY
   if lastX != :
   lastX = event.x
   lastY = event.y


Re: how to present Python's OO feature in design?

2005-11-06 Thread jmdeschamps
Do you mean code-generators for Python from UML?

If not, please give some hints in what OOP features you're interested
in, because I can't see how use-case, class, instance (objects),
package, sequence,( ... other ) diagram would differ in Python from
Java from an OOP perspective?


Re: Can Anyone Help me on this

2005-11-03 Thread jmdeschamps

 i m trying to reverse the order in which the
 strings are stored in list

 then pop it into another list

 what m i doin worng??

 here's the code:

 list1 = []
 list2 = []

 print list1

 for a in list1:
 list2 = list1.pop()

 print list2
  * Posted with NewsLeecher v3.0 Beta 7

well, mant things are happening, so many it's not clear to me what
you're trying to do...
BUT, considering your for statement, since you are poping elements out
of list you are shortening it, so you are only getting as far as
element '5'

If what you want is a reversed copy, you could just append list1
elements to list2, and use the reverse function such as
 for i in list1:
... list2.append(i)
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
['9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']


Re: Can Anyone Help me on this

2005-11-03 Thread jmdeschamps
Yes, naturally, where was my head  ?-))


Re: how to associate files with application

2005-10-27 Thread jmdeschamps

Ashok wrote:
 i want to know how to make a specific type of file open in an
 application i developed in python when the user clicks on the file.(in
 windows) for eg. a .txt file when clicked opens in notepad, a .doc file
 when clicked opens in MS-word. In the same way i want to make a .xyz
 file open in the application i developed when clicked.
 thanks in advance for any advice.

Not an expert in this (OS-related) field but in Windows I think that
would be a Registry thing...

Maybe this article could help you start somewhere...

Good Luck, and maybe you can reply-post your eventual success recipe!


Re: Newbie question

2005-10-25 Thread jmdeschamps

Geirr wrote:
 Hi, ive just started playing around with python and wondered if someone
 could poing me in the right way here.

 I have a xmlrpc server simple script:

 Server script:
 import SimpleXMLRPCServer
 class tpo:

   def retTPOXML():
   self.strXML =
   return self.strXML

 tpo_object = tpo()
 server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer((localhost,))

 print Listening on port 

 and im trying to print the return value with any luck

 Client Code:
 import xmlrpclib
 server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(http://localhost:;)
 current = server.retTPOXML
 print current

 Any comment would be appriciated

in python, class definitions require that you explicitly refer to the
instance, such as self.myMethod().
In *self.strXML* the word *self* is a variable, it should be part of
the method parameter list such as *def retTPOXML(self):*.
The first parameter of methods (functions in classes) refers to the
instance that is created. (BTW, it could be anything else than *self*,
which is pure convention)
In the client, your not using the method you're refering to it (methods
are yet another sort of objects), yu need the parenthesis such as
*current = server.retTPOXML()*
Notice that on calling the method the object is on the left side of the
dot, and that is the object instance that will be adequated to the
*self* in the class definition.

but you should also read the tutorial.

(others may propose things otherwise (better versed in the theory at
work behind the scene...  ;-))


Re: Simple server/client application

2005-10-24 Thread jmdeschamps

Simon Percivall wrote:
 You're calling the grid() method on the Entry object you're
 instanciating. Are you sure that the grid() method returns the Entry
 object so that you're actually binding it to self.myAddress?

The widget maker should do it in two steps instead of one.
So instead of:

Make it thus:
  self.myAddress = Entry(self.root,relief=SUNKEN) # make it and
keep it here
  self.address.grid(row=1,column=1,sticky=W)  # grid it here
in the create_widgets method.


Set operations for lists: pythonic hints please!

2005-10-20 Thread jmdeschamps
Working with several thousand tagged items on a Tkinter Canvas, I want
to change different configurations of objects having a certain group of

I've used the sets module, on the tuple returned by Tkinter.Canvas.
find_withtag() method.

Since this method takes only one tag at time, I use it for each tag
that is part of the look-up group, create a set object for each tuple
and intersect the resulting sets, that I tuple out again to feed a loop
to change the configuration of the items.

Anyone have a more pythonic way (or better performing ) way to suggest

Thanks in advance,


# My test code
# the code is not generic here
# my question only pertains to the intersection algorithm perse

from Tkinter import *
import random, sets


m1 = Canvas(root,width=410,height=410)
m1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
for i in range(10):

for i in range(10):


for i in range(10):





for i in myIntersection:



Re: Set operations for lists: pythonic hints please!

2005-10-20 Thread jmdeschamps
the title should have read:Set operation for tuples...


Re: Importing modules

2005-05-14 Thread jmdeschamps
Trying to modularize (is this english?) application development : MVC
style, team distributed so that a visual component can be in one module
imported and used  by the __main__, and connected (read packed) at
runtime to other components coming from the main or other modules.

After reading the above reference (and the Nutshell chapter) and trying
different importing variations I still have a very difficult time
understanding this situation.
1-importing Tkinter in main,
2-importing module that uses Tkinter, without importing Tkinter in that
module (DOES NOT WORK)
import Tkinter in module (but don't understand why it has to be this

MODEL (I taught would work):
## importTestMain module
from Tkinter import *
import testModule

tata = testModule.toto() ## this works
myWidget = tata.createNewFrame() ## this gets the exception (see below)

## testModule
class toto(object):
def __init__(self):
self.someAttribute= 2
def createNewFrame(self):
self.myFrame = Frame()## culprit line in exception
return f

if __main__=='__name__':  ## team member tests is work here (does
from Tkinter import *
myInstance = otherModule.toto()
myWidget = myInstance.createNewFrame()

The exception says :
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 310, in RunScript
exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
line 18, in ?
line 10, in __init__
self.myNewFrame =
line 8, in createNewFrame
self.myFrame = Frame()
NameError: global name 'Frame' is not defined

Imported testModule AFTER using Tkinter in main... same error :(


cx_Oracle failed to load DLL BUT versions correct

2005-02-09 Thread jmdeschamps

Having cx_Oracle (an Oracle database connector for Python) used it
here where I teach for the last couple of years, and finding it so
easy to use (and install) I was taken aback when I got an error
message telling me it could not load the DLL (complete message below)

Third, I've read (on activeState site) about someone else having this
problem which seemed to be resolved by correctly installing the
appropriate versions  of different software piece.

BUT no 1 : I works on my portable (that has the same configuration for
OS, Python and cx)

BUT no 2:  The same configuration gets the error message from our
classroom workstations -
after multiple testing, (uninstalling everything, python, Oracle,
cx_Oracle,etc) ,  cleaning the registry, re-installing from fresh
binaries ( Oracle works (SQL+) ) , the error stays...

HELP - Any hints, helps, things to look for, whatnot,

Many thanks in advance,

Cegep du Vieux-Montreal

windows XP professionnal, sp2 (firewall stopped)
installation in administrator mode
Oracle 10g
Python 2.3.4

NOTE: all files seem in the right places (cx_Oracle.pyd in

ERROR (taken from PythonWin interactive window)
PythonWin 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32.
Portions Copyright 1994-2004 Mark Hammond ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
see 'Help/About PythonWin' for further copyright information.
 import cx_Oracle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
ImportError: DLL load failed: La procédure spécifiée est introuvable.
